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Basics of Finite Element Analysis

What is FEA (Finite Element Analysis)?

A complex problem is divided into a smaller and
simpler problems that can be solved by using the
existing knowledge of mechanics of materials and
mathematical tools

What is FEM (Finite Element Model)?

A 3D model prepared specifically for finite element

Why FEA ?
Modern mechanical design involves complicated shapes,
sometimes made of different materials that as a whole
cannot be solved by existing mathematical tools.
Engineers need the FEA to evaluate their designs
Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 1
Basics of Finite Element Analysis

The process of dividing the model into small pieces is called meshing. The
behavior of each element is well-known under all possible support and load
scenarios. The finite element method uses elements with different shapes.
Elements share common points called nodes.

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Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept., SJSU
History of Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was first developed in 1943 by R.
Courant, who utilized the Ritz method of numerical analysis and
minimization of variational calculus.
A paper published in 1956 by M. J. Turner, R. W. Clough, H. C.
Martin, and L. J. Topp established a broader definition of
numerical analysis. The paper centered on the "stiffness and
deflection of complex structures".
By the early 70's, FEA was limited to expensive mainframe
computers generally owned by the aeronautics, automotive,
defense, and nuclear industries. Since the rapid decline in the cost
of computers and the phenomenal increase in computing power,
FEA has been developed to an incredible precision.

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 4

Basics of Finite Element Analysis
FEA Applications
• Evaluate the stress or temperature
distribution in a mechanical component.
• Perform deflection (Stiffness) analysis.
• Analyze the kinematics or dynamic response
• Perform vibration analysis
• Perform fatigue analysis
• Check Buckling failure
• Perform drop test
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Size and shape optimization
Basics of Finite Element Analysis
Consider a cantilever beam shown.

Finite element analysis starts with an approximation of the region of

interest into a number of meshes (2D or 3D elements). Each mesh is
connected to associated nodes (black dots) and thus becomes a finite


Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 7
Basics of Finite Element Analysis
• After approximating the object by finite elements,
each node is associated with the unknowns to be
• For the cantilever beam the displacements in x and
y directions would be the unknowns (2D mesh).
• This implies that every node has two degrees of
freedom and the solution process has to solve 2n
degrees of freedom, n is the number of nodes.

Displacement Strain Stress

Partial derivatives Stress & Strain
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Example – a plate under load
Derive and solve the system of equations for a plate loaded as
shown. Plate thickness is 1 cm and the applied load Py is constant


using two triangular elements,

U1 thru U8,
Reaction displacements
forces in x and y

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Example – a plate under load
Displacement within the triangular element (2D) with three
nodes can be assumed to be linear.

u = α1 + α 2 x + α 3 y
v = β1 + β2 x + β3 y

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Example – a plate under load
Displacement for each node,
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3

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Example – a plate under load
Solve the equations simultaneously for α and β,

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Example – a plate under load
Substitute the location of the nodes: x1= 0, y1= 0 (node 1), x2=10, y2= 0
(node 2) and x3= 0, y3=4 (node 3) to obtain displacements u and v for
element 1
Evaluate the constants a, b, and c (3)

10 4 0 0
Element 1 (2)


2a = 40

a1 = 40, a2 = 0, a3 = 0

b1 = - 4, b2 = 4, b3 = 0

c1 = -10, c2 = 0, c3 = 10
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40 0 0
2a = 40
40 a1 = 40, a2 = 0, a3 = 0
b1 = - 4, b2 = 4, b3 = 0
c1 = -10, c2 = 0, c3 = 10 Change of notations
u 1 = U1, u2 = U3, u3 = U5,
v1 = U2, v2 = U4, v3 = U6
α1 = (1)U1
α2 = -(1/10)U1 + (1/10)U3
α3 = -(1/4) U1+ (1/4) U5
β1 = (1)U2
β2 = -(1/10)U2 + (1/10) U4
β3 = -(1/4) U2+ (1/4) U6
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Substitute α and β to obtain displacements u α1 = (1)U1
and v for element 1.
α2 = -(1/10)U1 + (1/10)U3
α3 = -(1/4) U1+ (1/4) U5
u = α1 + α2 x + α3 y
v = β1 + β2 x + β3 y β1 = (1)U2
β2 = -(1/10)U2 + (1/10) U4
β3 = -(1/4) U2+ (1/4) U6


u1 = U1 + [-1/10 (U1) + (1/10) U3] x + [-(1/4) U1+ (1/4) U5 ] y

v1 = U2 + [-1/10 (U2) + (1/10) U4] x + [-(1/4) U2+ (1/4) U6 ] y

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Rewriting the equations in the matrix form,

u1 = U1 + [-1/10 (U1) + (1/10) U3] x + [-(1/4) U1+ (1/4) U5 ] y

v1 = U2 + [-1/10 (U2) + (1/10) U4] x + [-(1/4) U2+ (1/4) U6 ] y

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Similarly the displacements within

element 2 can be expressed as,

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The next step is to determine the strains using 2D strain-
displacement relations,

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Differentiate the displacement equation to obtain the strain
u1 = U1 + [-1/10(U1) + (1/10) U3] x + [-(1/4) U1+ (1/4) U5 ] y

v1 = U2 + [-1/10(U2) + (1/10) U4] x + [-(1/4) U2+ (1/4) U6 ] y

1st element

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Element 2
2nd element

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Normal & Shear components of stress (3D)
Normal stress is perpendicular to the cross section,  (sigma).
Shear stress is parallel to the cross section,  (tau). First subscript indicates
y y the axis that is
perpendicular to the face

3D xy
Element yx
Second subscript
yz xy indicates the positive
direction of the shear

zy x
zx x
Due to equilibrium condition;

z xy = yx
zx = xz
z zy = yz
State of Stress
Three dimensional stress matrix

Two dimensional,
Plane Stress
Stress & Strain Relationship
Uniaxial state of stress σx ≠ 0 , σy = 0 , σz = 0 Poisson ratio

εx = (σx / E ), εy = - ν εx , εz = - ν εx
Using the three dimensional (triaxial state of stress) stress strain
relations for homogeneous, isotropic material and plane-stress,
εx = (σx / E ) - ν (εy) - ν (εz) = (σx / E ) - ν (σy / E ) - ν (σz / E )
ε y = (σ y / E ) - ν (ε x ) - ν (ε z ) = (σ y / E ) - ν (σ x / E ) - ν (σ z / E )
εz = (σz / E ) - ν (εx) - ν (εy) = (σz / E ) - ν (σx / E ) - ν (σy / E )

Stresses in
terms of strains

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Stress & Strain Relationship
There are many practical problems where the stress in the z-direction is zero,
this is referred to as the state of Plane Stress.

Shear stress
xy = xy G G=
2(1 + )

FEA Results - Principal Stresses

Normal stresses on planes with no

shear stresses are maximum and they
are called principal stresses 1, 2,
and 3, where 1 > 2 > 3

The three non-imaginary roots are the principal stresses

3 - (x + y + z) 2 + (x y + x z + y z - xy2 - xz2 - yz2)  -

(x y z - 2 xy xz yz - x yz2 - y xz2 - z xy2 ) = 0
Plane stress, two principal stresses, 3 = 0
3 - (x + y) 2 + (x y - xy)  = 0
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Displacement Strain Stress
Partial derivatives Stress & Strain


Ductile – Yield strength of the material is used in

designing components

Brittle – Ultimate strength in tension and

compression is used in designing components

Finite element software provides you with,

maximum normal stress (largest principle stress),
maximum shear stress and von Mises stress
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Failure Theories – Ductile Materials
Maximum Shear Stress
Yield strength of a material is used to design components made of
ductile material

• Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca 1886)

(max )component > ( )obtained from a tension test at the yield point Failure

 = Sy Sy
= 2
To avoid failure
(max )component <
 = Sy

max = 2n
n = Safety factor

Design equation
 =Sy
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Failure Theories – Ductile Material
von Mises Stress
• Distortion energy theory (von Mises-Hencky)

Simple tension test → (Sy)t

Hydrostatic state of stress → (Sy)h
(Sy)h >> (Sy)t

Distortion contributes to
failure much more than h
change in volume.

(total strain energy) – (strain energy due to hydrostatic stress) = strain energy
due to angular distortion > strain energy obtained from a tension test at the
yield point → failure
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von Mises Stress
3D case, to avoid failure
(1 – 2)2 + (1 – 3)2 + (2 – 3)2 ½
< Sy

2D case (plane stress), 3 = 0

 = (1 – 12 + 2 )
2 2
< Sy

′ = Design equation

Where  is von Mises stress

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Failure Theories – Brittle Materials
Maximum Principal Stress
Characteristics of brittle materials;
1. Sut ≈ Syt 2. Suc >> Sut 3. Percent elongation < 5%

Perform two tests, one in compression and one in tension,

draw the Mohr’s circles for both
 tests.

Suc 2 Stress state 1 Sut

Tension test
Compression test

Failure envelope
The component is safe if the state of stress falls inside the
failure envelope. 1 > 2 and 3 = 0
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Failure Theories – Brittle Materials
Modified Coulomb-Mohr theory

2 or 3 2 or 3
Sut Sut

Safe Safe Sut I Sut

1 1
-Sut -Sut

Suc Suc

Cast iron data Three design zones

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Failure Theories – Brittle Materials

Zone I 2
1 > 0 , 2 > 0 and 1 > 2
Sut I Sut
1 = n Design equation
1 > 0 , 2 < 0 and 2 < Sut

Sut -Suc
1 = n Design equation

Zone III
1 1 2 1
1 > 0 , 2 < 0 and 2 > Sut 1 ( Sut – Suc ) – Suc = n

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept., Design equation 32

Formulation of the Finite Element Method
• The classical finite element analysis code (h version)
The system equations for solid and structural
mechanics problems are derived using the principle of
virtual displacement and work (Bathe, 1982).
• The method of weighted residuals (Galerkin Method)
weighted residuals are used as one method of finite
element formulation starting from the governing
differential equation.
• Potential Energy and Equilibrium; The Rayleigh-Ritz
Involves the construction of assumed displacement field.
Uses the total potential energy for an elastic body

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method
Let’s denote the displacements of any point (x, y, z) of the object
from the unloaded configuration as UT
UT = [U(x, y, z) V(x, y, z) W(x, y,z)]

The displacement U causes the strains

 T = [x y z xy yz zx ]

and the corresponding stresses
 T = [x y z xy yz zx ]
The goal is to calculate displacement, strains, and stresses from
the given external forces.

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method

fxB fxS fxi

f B= fyB f S= fyS f i= fyi
fzB fzS fzi

f B – Body forces (forces distributed over the volume of the body:

(gravitational forces, inertia, or magnetic)
f S – surface forces (pressure of one body on another, or hydrostatic
f i – Concentrated external forces

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method
Equilibrium condition and principle of virtual displacements

∫V   dV = ∑U
∫ ∫
T T B S S i
U f dV + S
U f dS + F
Internal work Work done by Work done by Work done by
body forces surface forces external forces

The left side represents the internal virtual work done, and the
right side represents the external work done by the actual
forces as they go through the virtual displacement.
The above equation is used to generate finite element
equations. And by approximating the object as an assemblage
of discrete finite elements, these elements are interconnected
at nodal points
Us – denotes the displacement due to surface forces
Ken Youssefi
Ui – denotes the displacement due to point forces
Mechanical Engineering Dept 36
Formulation of the Finite Element Method

Displacement interpolation matrix

The displacement at any point measured with respect to a local

coordinate system for an element are assumed to be a function of the
displacement at the nodes.

Ken Youssefi
H (m) is the displacement interpolation matrix
Mechanical Engineering Dept 37
Formulation of the Finite Element Method

strain-displacement matrix

B (m) is the rows of the strain-displacement matrix

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method
Elasticity matrix


C (m) is the elasticity matrix of element m and  I(m) are the

element’s initial stresses. The elasticity matrix relates strains
to stress.
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Displacement at any element Displacement at any node

Displacement interpolation matrix

Strain-displacement matrix

Elasticity matrix Initial stress (residual stress)

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method
The formula for the principle of virtual displacements can be
rewritten as the sum of integration over the volume and areas
for each finite element,

Where m varies from 1 to the total number of elements

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method

 

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method
The equilibrium equation can be expressed using matrix
notations for m elements.

B(m) Represents the rows of the strain displacement matrix
C(m) Elasticity matrix of element m
H(m) Displacement interpolation matrix
U Vector of the three global displacement
components at all nodes
F Vector of the external concentrated forces
applied to the nodes

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Formulation of the Finite Element Method

The above equation can be rewritten as follows,

The above equation describes the static equilibrium problem.

K is the stiffness matrix.
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Continuing the example B(m) - Represents the rows of the strain
displacement matrix

C(m) - Elasticity matrix of element m

x dx

dA = y dx y=4- x
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Calculating the stiffness matrix for element 2.

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The stiffness of the structure as a whole is obtained by combing
the two matrices, K = K1 +K2

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KU = R The load vector R, equals Rc because only
concentrated loads act on the nodes.


where Py is the known external force and F1x, F1y, F3x, and F3y
are the unknown reaction forces at the supports.
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The following matrix equation can be solved for nodal point
KU = R

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The solution can be obtained by applying the boundary conditions

No deflection
at the supports

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The equation can be divided into two parts,

The first equation can be solved for the unknown nodal displacements,
U3, U4, U7, and U8. And substituting these values into the second
equation to obtain unknown reaction forces, F1x, F1y, F3x, and F3y

Once the nodal displacements have been obtained, the strains

and stresses can be calculated.
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Finite Element Analysis
FEA is a mathematical representation of a physical system
and the solution of that mathematical representation

FEA requires three steps

• Pre-Processing
• Solving Matrix (solver)
• Post-Processing

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FEA Pre-Processing
Mesh is your way of communicating geometry to
the solver, the accuracy of the solution is primarily
dependent on the quality of the mesh.
The better the mesh looks, the more accurate the
solution is.
A good-looking mesh should have well-shaped
elements (proportional), and the transition between
densities should be smooth and gradual without
skinny, distorted elements.

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FEA Pre-Processing
The mesh elements supported by most finite-element codes:

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FEA Pre-Processing – Elements
Beam Elements
Beam elements typically fall into two categories; able to
transmit moments or not able to transmit moments.

Rod (bar or truss) elements cannot carry moments.

Entire length of a modeled component can be captured with a

single element. This member can transmit axial loads only and
can be defined simply by a material and cross sectional area.
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FEA Pre-Processing – Elements
The most general line element is a beam.

(b) and (c) are higher order line elements.

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FEA Pre-Processing – Elements
Plate and Shell Modeling
Plate and shell are used interchangeably and refer to surface-
like elements used to represent thin-walled structures.

A quadrilateral mesh is usually more accurate than a mesh of

similar density based on triangles. Triangles are acceptable in
regions of gradual transitions.
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FEA Pre-Processing – Elements
Solid Element Modeling

Tetrahedral (tet) mesh is the only generally

accepted means to fill a volume, used as auto-
10-node Quadratic
mesh element by many FEA codes.
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FEA Pre-Processing - meshing
The mesh transition from .05 to .5 element size without control of transition (a)
creates irregular mesh around the hole which will yield disappointing results.

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Effect of Mesh Element

Model 1 produces Von Mises stress of 18,000 psi.

It uses a first-order solid tetrahedral element

One element is placed across the
thickness of the plate in bending, not able
to handle the positive and negative
The elements are highly distorted

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Effect of Mesh Element

Model 2 produces maximum Von Mises stress of 32,000 psi.

The mesh on model 2 is similar to that on

model 1 but uses second-order solid tetrahedral
the mesh is too coarse to model stress
distribution correctly or detect stress
concentrations. Some elements are still
highly distorted.

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Effect of Mesh Element
Model 3 produces maximum Von Mises stress of 49,000 psi
This model uses second-order solid tetrahedral elements and has
finer mesh to model stress distributions properly.
Stress will increase with each mesh
refinement. Thus, the process of
mesh refining and solving the
refined model must continue until
the increase in stress between two
consecutive iterations becomes
sufficiently small. Only then can
results be accepted as final.

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Max stress = 18,000 psi.

Max stress = 32,000 psi.

1st order
tetrahedral Max stress = 49,000 psi.
coarse mesh

2nd order
coarse mesh
2st order
fine mesh
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CAD Modeling for FEA
CAD and FEA activities should be coordinated at the early stages
of the design process to minimize the duplication of effort.
There are four situations

• CAD models prepared without consideration of

FEA needs.
• Analytical geometry developed by or for analyst
for sole purpose of FEA.
• CAD models prepared by the design group for
eventual FEA.
• CAD models unsuitable for use in analysis due to
the amount of rework required.
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CAD Modeling for FEA
• Solid chunky parts (thick-walled, low aspect ratio)
parts mesh cleanly directly off CAD models.

• Clean geometry
geometrical features must not prevent the mesh from
being created. The model should not include buried

• Parent-child relationships
parametric modeling allows defining features off other
CAD features.

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CAD Modeling for FEA
Short edges and Sliver surfaces
Short edges and sliver surfaces usually accompany each other and on
large faces can cause highly distorted elements or a failed mesh.

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CAD Modeling for FEA – Sliver Surfaces
The rounded rib on the
Flat surface
inside of the piston has a
thickness of .30 and a
radius of .145, as a result
a flat surface of .01 by 2.5
is created. A mesh size of
.05 is required to avoid
distorted elements. This
results in a 290,000
nodes. If the radius is
increased to .15, a mesh
size of .12 is sufficient
which results in 33,500

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CAD Modeling for FEA

Sliver surface caused by

misaligned features.

Fillet across shallow angle

Sliver surface caused by a slightly

undersized fillet
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CAD Modeling for FEA – Sliver edge

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CAD Modeling for FEA – Sliver Surfaces

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CAD Modeling for FEA – Sliver Surfaces

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Guidelines for Geometry Planning

• Delay inclusion of fillets and chamfers as long as

• Where possible, try to use permanent datum as a
reference to minimize dependencies.
• Avoid using fillet or draft edges as references for
other features (parent-child relationship)
• Never bury a feature in your model. Delete or
redefine unwanted or incorrect features.

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Guidelines for Part Simplification
In general, features listed below could be considered for
suppression. But, consider the impact before suppression.
• Outside corner breaks or rounds.
• Small inside fillets far from areas of interest.
• Screw threads or spline features unless they are
specifically being studied.
• Small holes and slots outside the load path.
• Decorative or identification features.
• Large sections of geometry that are essentially
decoupled from the behavior of interested section.

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Model with full detail Model with details suppressed
Elements = 66727 Elements = 2565

No. of equations = 311421 No. of equations = 14889

Guidelines for Part Simplification
Fillet added
to the rib

Holes removed


Ribs needed
for casting
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CAD Modeling for FEA
Model Conversion
• Try to use the same CAD system for all
components in design.
• When the above is not possible, translate geometry
through kernel based tools such as ACIS or
Parasolids. Using standards based (IGES, DXF, or
VDA) translations may lead to problem.
• Visually inspect the quality of imported geometry.
• Avoid modification of the imported geometry in a
second CAD system.
• Use the original geometry for analysis. If not
possible, use a translation directly from the
original model.

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Example of a solid model corrupted by
IGES transfer

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SW Simulation

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FEA Pre-Processing
Material Properties
The only material properties that are generally required by
an isotropic, linear static FEA are: Young’s modulus
(E), Poisson’s ratio (v), shear modulus (G), and yield
strength (or ultimate strength). Strength is needed if the
program provides safety factor or performance result.
G = E / 2(1+v)
Provide only two of the three properties.
Thermal expansion and simulation analysis require
coefficient of thermal expansion, conductivity and
specific heat values.

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FEA Pre-Processing
Nonlinear Material Properties
A multi-linear model requires the input of stress-strain
data pairs to essentially communicate the stress-strain
curve from testing to the FE model

Highly deformable, low stiffness, incompressible materials,

such as rubber and other synthetic elastomers require
distortional and volumetric constants or a more complete set
of tensile, compressive, and shear force versus stretch curve.

A creep analysis requires time and temperature dependent

creep properties. Plastic parts are extremely sensitive to this

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 83

FEA Pre-Processing
If you are selecting the property set from the code’s library,
be aware of the assumptions made with this selection.

• Their properties hold constant throughout the assigned entity.

• Average values are used (variation could be up to 15%).
• Localized changes due to heat or other processing effects are
not accounted for.
• Any impurities present in the parent material are neglected.
The assumption is that there are no defects in the material

If possible, obtain material property values specific to the

application under analysis.
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FEA Pre-Processing
Boundary Conditions (Loads and Constraints)
In FEA, the name of the game is “boundary condition”,
that is calculating the load and figuring out constraints
that each component experiences in its working

“garbage in, garbage out”

The results of FEA should include a complete

discussion of the boundary conditions.

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 85

Boundary Conditions
Loads are used to represent inputs to the system.
They can be in the forms of forces, moments (torque),
pressures, temperature, or accelerations.
Constraints are used as reactions to the applied
loads. Constraints can resist translational or
rotational deformation induced by applied loads.

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 86

Boundary Conditions
Linear Static Analysis
Boundary conditions are assumed constant from
application to final deformation of system and all loads
are applied gradually to their full magnitude.
Dynamic Analysis
The boundary conditions (Loads) vary with time.

Non-linear Analysis
The orientation and distribution of the boundary
conditions vary as displacement of the structure is

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 87

Boundary Conditions
Degrees of Freedom
Spatial DOFs refer to the three translational and three rotational
modes of displacement that are possible for any part in 3D
space. A constraint scheme must remove all six DOFs for the
analysis to run.
Elemental DOFs refer to the ability of each element to transmit
or react to a load. The boundary condition cannot load or
constrain a DOF that is not supported by the element to which it
is applied.

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Boundary Conditions
Constraints and their geometric equivalent in classic
beam calculation.

Fixed support

Pin support

Roller support

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 89

Boundary Conditions
A solid face should always have at least three points in
contact with the rest of the structure. A solid element
should never be constrained by less than three points and
only translational DOFs must be fixed.


The choice of boundary conditions has a direct impact

on the overall accuracy of the model.
Over-constrained model – an overly stiff model due
to poorly applied constraints.

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Boundary Conditions -Example
Excessive Constraints
Model of the chair seat with patches representing the tops of
the legs.

Patch 1

Patch 2
Patch 3 Patch 4

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Boundary Conditions -Example
It may appear to be acceptable to constrain each circular patch
in vertical translation while leaving the rotational DOFs
unconstraint. This causes the seat to behave as if the leg-to-
seat interfaces were completely fixed.
A more realistic constraint scheme would be to pin the
center point of each circular patch (translational), allowing
the patch to rotate. Each point should be fixed vertically,
and horizontal constraints should be selectively applied so
that in-plane spatial rotation and rigid body translation is
removed without causing excessive constraints.

Patch 1

Patch 2
Patch 3 Patch 4

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 92

Boundary Conditions -Example
• Constraining the center point of patch 1 in all 3
translational DOFs.
• Constraining x and y translations of the center point of
patch 2.
• Constraining z and y translation of the center point of
patch 3.
• Constraining just the y translation of the center point of
patch 4.
This scheme allows in-
Patch 1
plane translation induced
Patch 2
by bending of the seat Patch 3 Patch 4
without rigid body
translation or rotation.
Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 93
Legs are fixed to seat

2000 N applied force

distributed over the
Use On Flat Face restraint
Fixed legs In plane rotation is allowed

Stress Stress


One leg is restrained in
x,y,z, one in y, one in
x,y, one in y,z

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 97
All patches Displ. = .016 mm
(legs) fixed
All patches (legs) On
Flat Face constrains,
in plane rotation

Displ. = .06 mm

One leg is
restrained in x,y,z, Displ. = .02 mm
one in y, one in x,y,
one in y,z
Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 98
Stress=11.6x107 N/m2
Stress=5.8x107 N/m2

All patches (legs)

All patches Stress=10.4x107 N/m2 On Flat Face
(legs) fixed
constrains, in
plane rotation
One leg is
restrained in x,y,z,
one in y, one in x,y,
one in y,z
Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 99
Summary of Pre-Processing
• Build the geometry (CAD model for FEA)
• Prepare the model for meshing (simplify)
• Create the finite-element mesh
• Add boundary conditions; loads and
• Select material or provide properties
• Specify analysis type (static or dynamic,
linear or non-linear, thermal, etc.)
These activities are called finite element modeling.

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 100

Solving the Model - Solver
Once the mesh is complete, and the properties and
boundary conditions have been applied, it is time to solve
the model. In most cases, this will be the point where you
can take a deep breath, push a button and relax while the
computer does the work for a change.

Multiple Load and Constraint Cases

In most cases submitting a run with multiple load cases will
be faster than running sequential, complete solutions for
each load case.
Final Model Check

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 101

Post-Processing, Displacement Magnitude
Unexpectedly high or low displacements (by order of magnitude)
could be caused by an improper definition of load and/or elemental

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 102

Post-Processing, Displacement Animation
Animation of the model displacements serves as the best means of
visualizing the response of the model to its boundary conditions.

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 103

Post-Processing, FEA of a connecting rod

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 104

Post-Processing, Stress Results
The magnitude of the stresses should not be entirely unexpected.

Second Mode (Twisting)

First Mode (Bending)

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 105

Post-Processing, thermal analysis

Deformation of a duct under thermal load

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 106

Deploy Mechanism – Assembly Analysis


Can crusher stress
Use finer mesh size
Right click the
Mesh icon and
choose Failure
Add fillet to the slot
edges (.1 in.)
Apply 200 N Max stress (von Mises) = 43.9 MPa
(45 lb) Sy = 96.5 MPa (Al 2014)

Safety factor
n = 96.5/43.9 = 2.2 > 2.0
Max deflection 1.13 mm < 2 mm

Set gap to 5 in.

Fix the back plate

Design requirements
Safety factor between
2.0-2.5 and deflection
less than 2 mm
Mesh Quality

The ideal shape of a tetrahedral

element is a regular tetrahedron with
the aspect ratio of 1. Analogously, an
equilateral triangle is the ideal shape
for a shell element.

Sometimes, Irregular tetrahedral

are created by the program.
These distorted elements have
high aspect ratio. An aspect ratio
that is too high causes element
degeneration, which in turn affects
the quality of the results.
Aspect Ratio

6 Right click
the Mesh
icon and
select Create
Mesh Plot

Select Aspect

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept. 116

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 117
Automatic transition - the program
automatically applies mesh controls to small
features, holes, fillets, and other fine details of
your model. Uncheck Automatic transition
before meshing large models with many small
features and details to avoid generating a very
large number of elements.

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 118

View (animated) Post-Processing

No Review Boundary
Does the shape of deformations make sense?
Yes Conditions

View Displacement
Fringe Plot

Are magnitudes in line with your expectations? No Review Load Magnitudes

and Units
View Stress
Fringe Plot
Review Mesh Density
Is the quality and mag. of stresses acceptable? No
and Quality of Elements
View Results Specific
To the Analysis
Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 119
FEA - Flow Chart

Ken Youssefi Mechanical Engineering Dept 120

Last Comment
“ Finite Element Analysis makes a good
engineer great”

and a bad engineer dangerous !”

Robert D. Cook, Professor of Mechanical

University of Wisconsin, Madison

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