Astm d4719 PDF
Astm d4719 PDF
Astm d4719 PDF
D 4719
becomes disproportionately large. A conventional limit pres-
sure is estimated from the last few readings of the test and a
pressuremeter modulus is calculated from pressure-volume
changes read during the test. It is of basic importance that the
probe be inserted in a borehole with a diameter close to that of
the probe to ensure adequate volume change capability. If this
requirement is not met, the test could terminate without
reaching sufficient probe expansion in the soil to permit
evaluation of the limit pressure. The instrument may be either
of the type where the change in volume of the probe is directly
measured by an incompressible liquid or the type where feelers
are used to determine the change in diameter in the probe. The
volume measuring system must be well protected and cali-
brated against any volume losses throughout the system while
the feeler operated probe must be sensitive enough to measure
relatively small displacements. FIG. 1 a) Basic Principles of the Triple Cell Design Pressuremeter
NOTE 4—This test method is based on the type of apparatus where (Baguelin, Jézéquel and Shields, 1978,3 b) Slotted Tube with
volume changes are recorded during the test. For the system measuring Probe
probe diameters, alternate evaluation methods are given in the notes.
TABLE 1 Typical Probe and Borehole Dimensions
5. Significance and Use Probe
Hole Diameter Borehole Diameter
5.1 This test method provides a stress-strain response of the Diameter,
Designation Nominal, mm Max., mm
soil in situ. A pressuremeter modulus and a limit pressure is Ax 44 45 53
obtained for use in geotechnical analysis and foundation Bx 58 60 70
design. Nx 74 76 89
5.2 The results of this test method are dependent on the
degree of disturbance during drilling of the borehole and
insertion of the pressuremeter probe. Since disturbance cannot an inner rubber membrane fitted with an outer flexible sheath
be completely eliminated, the interpretation of the test results or cover (triple cell design) which will take up the shape of the
should include consideration of conditions during drilling. This borehole as pressure is applied. In a coarse-grained material
disturbance is particularly significant in very soft clays and like gravel, a steel sheath made of thin overlapping metal strips
very loose sands. Disturbance may not be eliminated com- is often used. The accuracy of the test will be impaired when
pletely but should be minimized for the prebored pressuremeter the probe cannot take up the shape of the borehole accurately.
design rules to be applicable.
NOTE 5—Various membrane and sheath, or cover, materials may be
6. Apparatus used to better accommodate soil types; identify the membrane and sheath,
or cover, used in the report.
6.1 Hydraulic or Electric Probe—The apparatus shall con-
sist of a probe to be lowered in the borehole and a measuring 6.1.2 Measuring Devices—Changes in volume of the mea-
or readout device to be located on the ground adjacent to the suring portion of the probe are measured in the hydraulic
boring. The probe may be either the hydraulic type or the apparatus, and alternatively, the probe diameter can be mea-
electric type. The hydraulic probe may be of a single cell or sured by the use of feelers in the electric apparatus. Provisions
triple cell design. In the latter case, the role of which is to to measure the diameter in directions at a 120° angle shall be
provide effective end restraint and ensure radial expansion of provided with the electric apparatus. The measuring cell shall
the central cell (Fig. 1a3 ). The combined height of the be prevented from expanding in the vertical direction by guard
measuring and guard cells, if any, shall be at least six cells or other effective restraints in the hydraulic apparatus. The
diameters. The design of the probe shall be such that the accuracy of the readout device shall be such that a change of
drilling liquid may flow freely past the probe without disturb- 0.1 % in the probe diameter is measurable.
ing the sides of the borehole during insertion or removal. For 6.2 Lines—Lines connecting the probe with the readout
both systems, the nominal hole diameter shall not be more than device consist of plastic tubing in the hydraulic apparatus. To
1.2 times the nominal probe diameter. Typical probe dimen- reduce measuring errors, a coaxial tubing is used, whereby the
sions and corresponding borehole diameters are indicated in inner tubing is prevented from expanding by a gas pressure at
Table 1. its perimeter. By applying the correct gas pressure, expansion
6.1.1 Probe Walls—The flexible walls of the probe may of the inner tubing is reduced to a minimum. Single tubing can
consist of a single rubber membrane (single cell design) or of also be used. In both cases, requirement for volume losses
given in 7.3 should apply. Electric lines need special protection
against groundwater.
3 6.3 Readout Device—The readout device includes a mecha-
Baguelin, F., Jézéquel, J.F., and Shields, D.H., “The Pressuremeter and
Foundation Engineering,” Trans Tech Publications, Series on Rock and Soil nism to apply pressure (Procedure A) or volume (Procedure B)
Mechanics, Vol 2, No. 4, 1978, p 617. in equal increments to the probe and readout of volume change
D 4719
(Procedure A) or pressure change (Procedure B). The equip-
ment using the hydraulic system and guard cells shall also
include a regulator whereby the pressure in the gas circuit is
kept below the fluid pressure in the measuring cell. The
magnitude of pressure difference between gas and fluid must be
adjustable to compensate for hydrostatic pressures developing
in the probe. In the electrical system the volume readings are
substituted by an electrical readout on the diameter of the
6.4 Slotted Tube—A steel tube, (Fig. 1b) that has a series of
longitudinal slots (usually six) cut through it to allow for lateral
expansion, sometimes is used as a protective housing when the
probe is driven, vibrodriven, or pushed into deposits that
cannot be prevented from caving by drilling mud alone. The
PBP test is performed within the slotted tube.
7. Calibration
7.1 The instrument shall be calibrated before each use to NOTE 1—The schematic graphs are not to scale; each calibration
compensate for pressure losses (Pc) and volume losses (Vc). requires different volumes and pressures.
7.2 Pressure Losses—Pressure losses (Pc) occur due to the FIG. 2 Calibration for Volume and Pressure Losses
rigidity of the probe walls. The pressure readings obtained
during the test on the readout device include the pressure volume (Vr) at the end of each pressure increment (Pr) is the
required to expand the probe walls; this membrane resistance volume calibration curve. The zero volume calibration is
must be deducted to obtain the actual pressure applied to the obtained by first fitting a straight line extension of the curve to
soil. Calibrations for membrane resistance shall be performed zero pressure, as shown in Fig. 2. The resulting intercept Vi can
by inflating the probe, completely exposed to the atmosphere, be used to estimate the deflated volume of the probe measuring
with the probe placed at the level of the pressure gage. cell (Vo) as follows:
NOTE 6—Warning: The performance of the pressuremeter test, and Vo 5 ~p/4! LDi2 – Vi (1)
particularly the calibration procedures, may present a safety hazard to the
operator and persons assisting in the test. The blowout of the probe if on where:
the ground or at shallow depth in the hole may cause injuries from flying Di 5 inside diameter of the heavy duty steel casing or pipe,
debris. Wearing protective devices over the eyes and face or other and
measures such as putting the probe in a protective cylinder during L 5 length of the measuring cell.
calibration are recommended.
The volume loss (Vc) of the instrument for a particular
7.2.1 Apply pressures in 10-kPa increments for Procedure A pressure is obtained by using the factor a corresponding to the
and hold for 1 min. Make volume readings after 1-min elapsed slope of the volume versus pressure calibration plot (Fig. 2) as
time. When Procedure B is used, increase the volume of the follows:
probe in increments equal to 5% of the nominal volume of the Vc 5 Vr – aPr (2)
measuring portion of the uninflated probe (V0). Apply the
volume increase in about 10 s and hold constant for 1 min. This volume loss correction (Vc) must be deducted from the
Continue steps in both procedures until the maximum probe measured volumes during the test. This correction is relatively
volume is reached. Plot results using a pressure versus volume small in soils and can be neglected if the correction is less than
plot. The obtained curve is the pressure calibration curve. The 0.1 % of the nominal volume of the measuring portion of the
pressure correction (Pc)is the pressure loss obtained from the uninflated probe (V0) per 100 kPa (1 tsf) of pressure. In very
calibration for the volume reading (Vr) (Fig. 2). hard soils or rock, the correction is significant and must be
7.2.2 The pressure correction (Pc) must be deducted from applied. In no case should this correction exceed 0.5 % of the
the pressure readings obtained during the test. The maximum nominal volume of the measuring portion of the deflated probe
value of Pc should be less than 50 % of the limit pressure as (V0) per 100 kPa (1 tsf) of pressure.
defined in 10.6. 7.4 Corrections for temperature changes and head losses
7.3 Volume Losses—Volume losses (Vc) occur due to expan- due to circulating liquid are usually small and may be
sion of tubing and compressibility of any part of the testing disregarded in routine tests for soils. For tests at depths greater
equipment, including the probe and the liquid. Calibration is than 50 m (150 ft), special procedures are required to account
made by pressurizing the equipment with the probe in heavy for head losses.
duty steel casing or pipe. A suggested procedure is to increase 7.5 The amount of hydrostatic pressure (Pd) exerted on the
the pressure in steps of 100 kPa or 500 kPa depending if the probe by the column of liquid in the testing equipment must be
probe is designed for a maximum expansion pressure of 2.5 determined as follows:
MPa or 5.0 MPa, respectively. Each pressure increment should Pd 5 H 3 d t (3)
be reached within 20 s and once in contact with the steel tube,
held constant for 1 minute. The resulting graph of injected
D 4719
H 5 depth of probe below the control unit, m, and TABLE 2 Pressure Compensation for Guard Cells Based on Test
dt 5 unit weight of test liquid in instrument, KN/m3.
Liquid Pressure Gas Pressure
The test depth (H) is the distance from the center of the Test Depth (H)
from Head of Reduction on
pressure gage to the center of the probe (Fig. 3). The obtained Test Liquid on Readout GagesA
m ft
pressure is exerted on the probe but is not registered by the Probe P, kPa Pd, 100 (kPa)
pressure gages. This pressure must accordingly be added to the 0 0 0 −100
pressure readings obtained on the readout device. 5 17 50 −50
10 33 100 0
7.6 For triple cell pressuremeters, the pressure of the guard 15 50 150 + 50
cells (PG) must be set below the actual pressure generated in 20 67 200 + 100
the probe to provide effective end restraint. This is obtained by A
To maintain guard cell pressure 100 kPa below the measuring cell pressure,
subtracting this pressure from the test pressures as follows: deduct (−) or add (+), these pressures to the guard cell circuit.
PG 5 P R 1 P d 2 P d (4)
PG 5 guard cells pressure, kPa,
PR 5 pressure reading on control unit, kPa,
Pd 5 hydrostatic pressure between control unit and probe,
kPa (see 7.5), and
Pd 5 pressure difference between guard cells and measur-
ing cell, kPa (usually twice the limit pressure of the
7.6.1 A tabulation of gas and liquid pressures for a pressure
difference of Pd 5 100 kPa for various test depths is shown by
Table 2.
8. Drilling
8.1 Whenever possible, place the pressuremeter probe by FIG. 4 Ideal Shape of the Pressuremeter Corrected Curve
lowering it into a prebored hole. Two conditions are necessary
to obtain a satisfactory test cavity: the diameter of the hole
should meet the specified tolerances, and the equipment and
method used to prepare the test cavity should cause the least
possible disturbance to the soil and the wall of the hole. When
testing soils, the pressuremeter tests must be performed imme-
diately after the hole is formed.
8.2 The preparation of a satisfactory borehole is the most
important step in obtaining an acceptable pressuremeter test.
An indication of the quality of the test hole is given by the
magnitude of scatter of the test points and by the shape of the
pressuremeter curve obtained. Fig. 4 shows the typical shape of
a pressuremeter curve obtained from a prebored test cavity.
Fig. 5 shows a pressuremeter curve obtained when the borehole
D 4719
is obtained with a single push. If the tube plugs or if full
recovery is not obtained, then another method of preparing the
test cavity should be considered. Withdraw the tube slowly to
limit inward yielding of the cavity wall due to suction. If thick
wall samplers are used, an inward bevel cutting edge must be
provided to minimize pre-testing stressing of the borehole wall. Continuous Flight Augering—Use a single 1.52-m
(5-ft) length of auger at the bottom of a drill string to advance
the borehole to the testing level. The cutting head must be
slightly greater in diameter than the auger flight to prevent
smearing the borehole wall. Rotate the auger during with-
drawal. The same rotation and penetration pressure parameters
as in apply to continuous flight augering. Hand Augering—Use an Iwan-Type auger with or
FIG. 6 Pressuremeter Corrected Curve When the Borehole is too without a hand pump for bottom discharge injection of mud.
NOTE 9—The use of hand auger is difficult below a depth of 6 m (20 ft),
and should accordingly be considered only for testing at shallow depths.
test cavity DH should satisfy the following condition derived
from experience: Driving or Vibrodriving a Sampler—Drive a split
barrel sampler into the soil. Driving or vibrodriving a flush
1.03D , DH ,1.2D (5)
sampling tube may also be used. The requirements of
8.3.2 Cutting Tool Diameter: apply. When determining the diameter of the necessary Core Drilling—This method is described in Practice
cutting tool for a bored hole, three factors must be considered: D 2113.
(a) the required diameter of the cavity, (b) the overcutting of Rotary Percussion—Use a pneumatic or hydraulic
the cavity resulting from the wobble of the cutting tool or the drifter working with a bottom discharge bit. The removal of
wall erosion by the mud circulation in medium to large-grained cuttings can be done by compressed air in dry formations, or by
soils, or both, and (c) the inward yielding that occurs between mud in wet soils.
the removal of the cutting tool and the probe placement. Pilot Hole Drilling and Subsequent Tube
Inward yielding can be reduced by the use of drilling mud. Sampling—Drill a pilot hole smaller in diameter than the When selecting equipment for the site, several bits pressuremeter probe. Trim the hole to the proper diameter by a
of various sizes should be available so as to adjust the size of pushed or driven sampler. The requirements of apply.
the bit depending on whether overcutting or inward yielding Pilot Hole Drilling and Simultaneous Shaving—
prevails. Drill a pilot hole smaller in diameter than the pressuremeter When selecting the tool consider also that the wall of probe. Immediately behind the drill bit, (Fig. 7) on the string of
the test cavity should be as smooth as possible and the diameter the drilling rods is a thin hollow cylinder that trims the cavity.
DH should be as constant as possible over the length of the Advance the drill bit and cylinder with high viscosity drilling
hole. fluid.
NOTE 8—If DH varies significantly over the length of the probe, Driving, Vibrodriving, or Pushing a Slotted
because of ravelling for example, or if the borehole is noncylindrical, the Tube—A slotted tube (see 6.4 and Fig. 1b) generally is used as
quality of the test will be impaired. a protective housing for the probe in formations that cannot be
8.4 Methods and Tools Used to Prepare the Test Cavity: prevented from caving by drilling mud alone or when testing is
8.4.1 Any method and tool that can satisfy the general
requirements of 8.1 through 8.3 may be used.
8.4.2 The following methods are used to prepare the test
cavity for the pressuremeter probe: Rotary Drilling—The drill bits used are usually drag
bits in clays and roller bits in sands and gravels. Advance the
rotating drill bit into the soil while satisfying the following
conditions: low vertical pressure on the drilling tool (200 kPa
(30 psi)), slow rotation (less than 60 rotations per minute) and
a regulated low drilling fluid flow (to less than 15 L/min (4
gal/min)). Inject the drilling fluid by axial bottom discharge to
cause the least damage to the borehole wall. The fluid must
have a viscosity high enough to remove the cuttings at low
pumping rates. Tube Sampling—Thin wall samplers similar to those
described in Practice D 1587 are used. The sampling tube must FIG. 7 Preparing the Test Cavity by the Pilot Hole Drilling and
be long enough to ensure that the length of cavity to be tested Simultaneous Shaving Technique
D 4719
done in larger particle size soils. Place the probe in the slotted increments, until the expansion of the probe during one load
tube and drive, vibrodrive, or push the whole assembly into the increment exceeds about 1⁄4 of V0 as defined in 9.3 (typically
soil to the testing depth. The test is performed within the slotted 200 cm3 for a 800-cm3 probe). Generally, 25, 50, 100, or
tube. This method is a full displacement method and should 200-kPa pressures are selected for testing soils. Too small steps
only be used when non-displacement methods cannot be will result in an excessively long test, too large steps may yield
employed. Calibrate the probe within the slotted tube prior to results with inadequate accuracy. The pressure steps should be
testing. determined in such a way that about 7 to 10 load increments are
8.5 Selecting Methods for Hole Preparation: obtained.
8.5.1 Make the proper choice from the previously men- 9.5 When using Procedure B, increase the volume of the
tioned or other acceptable methods. This choice depends on the probe in volume increments of 0.05 to 0.1 times the volume V0
type of soil to be tested. The major influencing factors are: (as defined in 9.3) until the limit of the equipment is reached. Particle size distribution. 9.6 For both procedures, take readings after 30 s and 1 min Plasticity. after the pressure or volume increments have been applied. Strength. Volume readings are recorded to an accuracy of 0.2% of V0 (as Degree of saturation. defined in 9.3) and pressure readings to an accuracy of 5% of
8.5.2 Table 3 gives guidelines for selecting methods for the limit pressure.
borehole preparation in typical soils classified according to the 9.7 Once the test has reached the maximum test step as
factors mentioned in Table 3 does not cover all determined in 9.4 and 9.5, terminate the test by deflating the
possible methods of borehole preparation or probe placement, probe to its original volume and removing the probe from the
or both, and is included as a guide for selecting drilling hole.
9.8 One or several load-unload cycles may also be per-
9. Procedure formed in this test within the elastic expansion range (see Fig.
8). These cycles, if a probe with guard cells is used, requires
9.1 Perform the drilling of the borehole in accordance with
the accurate control of gas pressure in the guard cells to obtain
Section 8.
a representative reading on decreased volumes. The perfor-
9.2 Advance the hole to the test level and clean any debris
mance of unload-reload cycle(s) is encouraged but not re-
or cuttings.
quired. Prebored pressuremeter design rules were established
9.3 Before the probe is positioned in the hole for testing,
historically based on testing without unload-reload loops.
make an accurate determination of the 0 volume reading (V0).
The volume V0 is the volume of the measuring portion of the 9.9 Spacing and Testing Sequence:
uninflated probe at atmospheric pressure. Accomplish this by 9.9.1 Minimum spacing between consecutive tests (center
deairing all circuits and adjusting all gages of the instrument to to center of probe) should not be less than 11⁄2 times the length
0 while the probe is at atmospheric pressure. Close the volume of the inflatable part of the probe. Common spacings vary from
circuit, preventing any further change in the volume of the 1 to 3 m (3 to 10 ft).
measuring circuit. Lower the probe to test depth in this 9.9.2 In soft, loose, and sensitive soils, the hole should be
condition. Determine the test depth as the depth of the predrilled ahead of the testing depth only far enough so that the
midpoint of the probe. cuttings settling at the bottom of the hole will not interfere with
9.4 When using Procedure A, place the probe in test position the test.
and apply the pressure on the control unit in about equal 9.9.3 In stiff soils and weathered rocks where degradation
D 4719
P 5 pressure exerted by the probe on the soil, kPa,
PR 5 pressure reading on control unit, kPa,
Pd 5 hydrostatic pressure between control unit and probe,
kPa (see 7.5), and
Pc 5 pressure correction due to stiffness of instrument at
corresponding volume, kPa, determined in accor-
dance with 7.2.
10.2 Calculate the corrected volume reading of the probe
from the volume readings as follows:
V 5 V R 2 Vc (7)
FIG. 9 Pressure Versus Relative Increase in Radius
D 4719
may be used, but the value must be reported. If the test was conducted to read sufficient plastic deformation,
the limit pressure can be determined by a 1/V to P plot, as
V0 5 volume of the measuring portion of the uninflated probe at shown by Fig. 11.
0 volume reading at ground surface, cm3, 10.6.1 Points from the plastic range of the test generally fall
V 5 corrected volume reading of the measuring portion of the in an approximate straight line. The extension of this line to
probe, twice the original probe volume will give the limit pressure (Pl)
DP 5 corrected pressure increase in the center part of the straight on the plot.
line portion of the pressure-volume curve (see Fig. 8).
DV 5 corrected volume increase in the center part of the straight NOTE 15—The theoretical limit pressure is defined as the pressure
line portion of the pressure-volume curve, corresponding where infinite expansion of the probe occurs. For practical purposes the
to DP pressure increase (see Fig. 8), and definition outlined in 10.6 is recommended. Several methods are used to
Vm 5 corrected volume reading in the center portion of the DV estimate the limit pressure from points measured during the test. These
volume increase. methods may also be used but should be properly reported.
V0 + V 5 current volume of inflated probe. NOTE 16—When the requirement of 8.3.1 about hole diameter toler-
NOTE 12—If a break in the straight line portion of the pressuremeter ances is not met, only part of the test curve may be suitable for
curve is observed, calculations shall include a pressuremeter modulus for interpretation. The limit pressure is less sensitive to borehole size.
each straight line section of the pressuremeter test curve.
11. Report
NOTE 13—A pressuremeter modulus can also be calculated from an
unload-reload cycle. This modulus should be identified as the unload- 11.1 For each pressuremeter test the following observations
reload pressuremeter modulus (Fig. 10). shall be recorded:
NOTE 14—For tests where the probe diameter (radius) is measured, the 11.1.1 Date.
pressuremeter modulus can be determined by converting the measure- 11.1.2 Boring number.
ments into volume changes of the probe, in which case the formula given
in this test method will apply (10.5). The pressuremeter modulus may also
11.1.3 Type of test (Procedure A or B).
be calculated from diameter measurements directly as follows: 11.1.4 Type of probe (single or triple cells, measuring
system for pressure, and volume or displacement, etc.).
Ep 5 ~1 1 g!~Rp 1 DRm!DP/dDR (9)
11.1.5 Outside diameter of expandable section of probe.
where: 11.1.6 Length of expandable probe section.
Rp 5 radius of probe in uninflated condition, mm, 11.1.7 Description of membrane and sheath on probe.
DRm 5 increase in radius of probe up to the point corresponding 11.1.8 Depth to center point of expanding portion of probe.
to the pressure where Ep is measured, mm, 11.1.9 Time elapsed between end of borehole preparation
dDR 5 increase of probe radius corresponding to DP pressure
increase, mm, and start of test.
DR 5 increase in probe radius, mm, and 11.1.10 Pressure or volume steps.
Rp + DR 5 current radius of inflated probe, mm. 11.1.11 Volume readings at 30 and 60-s elapsed time for
10.6 The conventional limit pressure is determined as fol- each load increment for Procedure A, pressure readings at 30
lows: the limit pressure (Pl) is defined as the pressure where the and 60-s elapsed time for each volume increment for Procedure
probe volume reaches twice the original soil cavity volume, B.
defined as the volume V0 + Vi, (Fig. 8) where Vi is the corrected 11.1.12 Notes on any deviation from standard test proce-
volume reading at the pressure where the probe made contact dure.
with the borehole. The volume reading at twice the original soil 11.1.13 Volume versus pressure graph, pressuremeter
cavity volume is (V0 + 2Vi). The limit pressure is usually not modulus, limit pressure.
obtained by direct measurements during the test due to 11.1.14 Description of calibrations and calibration curves.
limitation in the probe expansion or excessively high pressure. 11.2 In addition, the following observations shall be re-
corded for the boring:
D 4719
11.2.1 Boring number. completion of a preboring pressuremeter test is the preparation
11.2.2 Log of soil conditions. of a good hole. A good hole is very difficult to prepare in very
11.2.3 Reference elevation. soft clays and very loose sands. The pressuremeter limit
11.2.4 Depth of water in the hole at the time of test. pressure is less sensitive to the quality of the borehole;
11.2.5 Method of making the hole and method of preparing however, the pressuremeter modulus is much more sensitive to
the cavity. the quality of the borehole.
11.2.6 Type of testing equipment used. 12.2 The subcommittee is seeking pertinent data from users
11.2.7 Notes on driving resistance in the boring (SPT test N
of this test method to develop a precision statement.
11.2.8 Weather and temperature.
13. Keywords
11.2.9 Name of drilling foreman.
13.1 in situ test; modulus; limit pressure; stress-strain
12. Precision and Bias
12.1 The single most important factor in the successful
In accordance with Committee D 18 policy, this section identifies the location of the changes to this standard
since the last edition (D 4719–87(1994)e1) that may impact the use of this test method.
(1) Changed the title to prebored pressuremeter testing in soils (6) Modified 7.5 (formerly 6.5) and deleted former 9.1.1.
to reflect the method of probe installation. (7) Added a statement in 9.8 (formerly 8.8) encouraging the
(2) Added Section 3 on Terminology and renumbered all performance of unload-reload cycles.
subsequent sections. (8) Renamed the reload modulus to unload-reload modulus.
(3) Added a sentence in 5.2 (formerly 4.2) to clarify that (9) Renumbered Note 9 to Note 2.
disturbance during installation is not to be completely elimi- (10) Corrected the expression for limit pressure in 10.6
nated but simply minimized for the design rules to be directly (formerly 9.6).
applicable. (11) Fig. 11 was replaced to show the extrapolation to the limit
(4) Added a schematic of the pressuremeter probe on Fig. 1. pressure using an arithmetic scale rather than an inverse (l/V)
(5) Modified Fig. 2 and associated 7.2.1 and 7.3 (formerly 6.2.1 scale.
and 6.3) to clarify calibration procedures and corrections. (12) Modified and renumbered Section 11.
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and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
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