Starkville Dispatch Eedition 1-31-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Friday | January 31, 2020

Local police hone new strategies to return
for responding to active shooters to Wings Over
Columbus air
show in April
Virtual reality student
pilot programs will be
open to the public for
the first time at event
[email protected]

The United States

Air Force Thunder-
birds will again take
flight over Columbus
Air Force Base in the
spring air show, Lt.
Col. Armand Fon-
dren told Columbus
Exchange Club mem-
bers at the Lion Hills Club Thurs-
day afternoon.
The Thunderbirds, which are
considered among the most ex-
citing acts at the biennial Wings
Over Columbus air show, did not
perform in 2018 due to a fatal crash
that killed one of the pilots prior to
the event. This year, however, the
team has regrouped and is set to re-
turn, Fondren said.
But there are more things to look
forward to. This year’s show, which
will take place on both April 25 and
26, will include 15 performing acts
both in the air and on the ground,
Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff including a jet-powered fire truck
Columbus police officers Kevin McCrary, left, a defensive tactics instructor, and Lance Luckey, Columbus Police and the Para-Commandos para-
Department’s SWAT team leader, along with Sgt. Brian Jenkins, behind, simulate how officers would move through chute jump team, Fondren told The
a hallway trying to locate an active shooter at CPD’s headquarters on Thursday.
Dispatch. The base plans to have a
total of 23 planes, including the Air
As tactics change, law enforcement learn Force’s own T-1, T-6 and T-38 jets,
flying those two days.

to prioritize threats, communicate effectively The air show will also bring one
of the last two flying T-37s across
the country to Columbus, Fondren
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN changed, especially after major “He is a trained trainer, so he said. Most T-37s, which are “war
[email protected] mass shooting events have alerted can come back and train our depart- birds” used as aircraft trainers in
law enforcement to tactics that no ment and other departments,” he the Air Force from 1955 to 2005,
When Columbus police Sgt. Bri- longer work, he said. said. have now been “sent to the bone-
an Jenkins first became a law en- Jenkins became certified as a In 2006, Jenkins said, he was yard and retired permanently,” he
forcement officer in 2006, one of the Level 1 instructor in active shoot- taught to wait until four officers said.
first courses he took was how to re- er response. The training was paid were on the scene before going af- “I actually grew up flying the
spond in an active shooter situation. for by Mississippi Department of ter the shooter — a change that had T-37,” Fondren said, “so I’m excited
Since then, the way officers Homeland Security, said CPD Chief been in place since 1999 when of- to see it airborne again.”
have been trained to respond has Fred Shelton. See TRAINING, 6A The air show will also feature
ground displays, including a virtu-
al reality program that is used for

New Caledonia water manager focused on infrastructure

Auditor’s investigation ongoing into who was fired by the Caledonia
Board of Aldermen in Septem-
department’s practices under previous manager ber under a cloud of suspicion.
The state auditor’s office is cur-
BY SLIM SMITH as he goes in his new role. rently investigating the depart-
[email protected] “I love leaning stuff,” said ment’s practices under Barrett.
Box, 40, a Caledonia native. “It Mayor Mitch Wiggins said he
Three months into his role as had gotten to the point at the could not comment on the situa-
manager for the Caledonia Wa- gas district that after 19 years I tion, due to the investigation.
ter Department, Brad Box con- wasn’t leaning much anymore. In choosing Box, who has
fesses he still has some things to So when this job came open, I brought in his own staff of two
learn — which, he said, is one of said to myself, ‘Hey. Here’s a (with another hire pending), the
the biggest appeals of the job. challenge and I love a challenge.’ aldermen chose potential over
Box, who left his job as man- Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Every day, I’m learning some- experience.
Brad Box took over as manager for the Caledonia Water
ager at the Caledonia Gas Dis- thing and I think I’m getting to Box is currently preparing for Department in November and has been using that time to
trict after 19 years to take over the point where I have a pretty the licensing state for certifica- make repairs and upgrades on the town’s water infrastructure.
as the town’s water department good handle on things.” tion while serving a mandated Caledonia Water Department serves roughly 2,200 customers
manager, admitted he’s learning Box replaced Barrett Baggett, See BOX, 3A in the town and outlying areas.


1 What three animals are mentioned Saturday MEETINGS
in the song “Home on the Range”? Feb. 3: Oktibbe-
■ Change Your Mind, Change What Mat-
2 What make of vehicle is the red ha County Board
Enzo supercar that sold on eBay in ters: This “first Saturdays” lunch-n-learn se-
2004 for $1 million? ries about plant-based eating kicks off from of Supervisors
3 In taekwondo, what is a dobok—a 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the YMCA in downtown meeting, 9 a.m.,
punch, kick or uniform? Columbus, 602 Second Avenue N., present- Chancery Court-
Emiline Allgood 4 What Washington, D.C. building ed by Healing Springs Farmacy MS. Free to
boasts on its top floor a basketball house
Second grade, Heritage the community. For more information, email
court nicknamed “the highest court in [email protected].
Feb. 4:

57 Low 44
the land”? Starkville Board
High 5 Which mountains were home to
Mostly cloudy w/chance rain
Heidi’s grandfather? Saturday, Feb. 8 of Aldermen
meeting, 5:30
Full forecast on Answers, 6B ■ Natural Health Expo: From fitness and
page 3A. foods to integrative care, this expo orga- p.m., City Hall
nized by the Homestead Education Center Feb. 14:
takes place at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Starkville Board
INSIDE 607 Hospital Road, in Starkville from 10
of Aldermen
a.m.-2 p.m., connecting community resi-
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A work session,
Comics 4B Opinions 4A dents with local resources for establishing
Crossword 5B Religion 5B and maintaining long-term health. For more Sam Arango works at Star- 11 a.m., City
Dear Abby 4B information, go to bucks and loves her cats. Hall


2A FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump trial could end soon;

Alexander says no to witnesses
‘The most sensible way
to proceed would be Experts on Dershowitz’s
for the House Managers impeachment defense: Quid pro whoa
and the President’s BY MARK SHERMAN
The Associated Press
attorneys to attempt WASHINGTON — Alan Dershowitz delivered a stunning defense of
to agree on a limited President Donald Trump in the Senate that would essentially make it
impossible to impeach a president for anything he might do to boost
and equal number of his reelection prospects. It was a contention quickly and forcefully de-
nounced by a range of legal scholars and historians who said there were
witnesses for each side’ clear limits on presidential authority.
Republican Sen. Susan Collins Dershowitz said on Thursday that his remarks have been misin-
terpreted, but Democrats seized on them as they pressed their case
BY LISA MASCARO, ERIC TUCKER for Trump’s removal from office for tying the release of military aid to
AND ZEKE MILLER Ukraine to an investigation of his political rivals.
The Associated Press His starting point was the benign assertion that every politician be-
lieves his election is in the public interest, but he pivoted abruptly to
WA S H I N G T O N Ukraine, and began to frame an argument that would rewrite most con-
— Republican Sen. ventional understanding of the scope of presidential power.
Lamar Alexander of As novel as it was, his premise in many ways tracked the views of
Tennessee will op- Trump who has said he was not bound by some constitutional con-
pose calling more straints that other presidents have readily accepted. And several Re-
witnesses in Presi- publican senators seemed to find merit in what Dershowitz said.
dent Donald Trump’s The person in the chamber who in other settings might have a lot to
impeachment trial, say about the matter, Chief Justice John Roberts, was instead rendered
all but dashing Dem- Alexander essentially a spectator as he watched the arguments play out.
ocratic efforts to “If a president does something which he believes will help him get
hear more testimony elected, in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo
and boosting odds that results in impeachment,” Dershowitz said Wednesday as senators
the Senate will vote put questions to Democratic House lawmakers who are prosecuting the
imminently to acquit case against Trump in the Senate and to Trump’s defense team.
without new testi- Robert Dallek, a presidential historian who has written books about
mony, in a matter of five presidents, from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan, called
days. Dershowitz’s argument unique. “Frankly I’ve never seen that before,
Republican Sen. Collins that a president’s power extends to wherever his politics are,” Dallek
Susan Collins of Maine said late said.
Thursday she would vote to allow
witnesses in the impeachment trial, A vote on the witness question, they can’t agree, then the Senate
building momentum for the Demo- expected Friday, could lead to an could choose the number of wit-
crats’ effort. abrupt end of the trial with Trump’s nesses.”
But Alexander then said in a expected acquittal. Or it could bring But Alexander said that “there is
statement there was “no need for days, if not weeks more argument no need for more evidence to prove
more evidence,” giving the Trump as Democrats press to hear testi- something that has already been
team the likelihood of a Senate vote mony from former national security proven and that does not meet the
in its direction. adviser John Bolton and others. U.S. Constitution’s high bar for an
Collins, a centrist senator an- It would take four GOP senators impeachable offense.”
nounced her decision after the to break with the majority and join Collins, Aexander and Lisa Mur-
Senate concluded a long ques- with Democrats to tip the outcome. kowski of Alaska were playing an
tion-and-answer session with the Collins said in a statement, “The over-sized role in the final hours
House Democrats prosecuting the most sensible way to proceed would of debate with pointed questions
charges and Trump’s lawyers de- be for the House Managers and the ahead of crucial votes. Another Re-
fending him. President’s attorneys to attempt to publican senator, Mitt Romney of
Alexander released his state- agree on a limited and equal num- Utah, has made clear he will vote
ment moments later. ber of witnesses for each side. If for witnesses.

Commerce secretary: China virus could bring jobs back to US

China has reported more than 7,700 malignant disease.’’
He added, though, that
country purely over the
virus. For one thing, no
cases, 170 deaths from viral outbreak “the fact is, it does give
businesses yet another
one knows how long the
viral outbreak will last or
BY PAUL WISEMAN paralyzed business in Chi- thing to consider when how much damage it may
AP Economics Writer na. The industrial hub of they go through their inflict. And it takes signif-
Wuhan and other Chinese review of their supply icant time for companies
WA S H - cities are on lockdown. Chi- chain.’’ to choose suppliers or lo-
INGTON — na has reported more than Even before the viral cations for their factories.
C om me rc e
7,700 cases and 170 deaths. outbreak, many U.S. and Rosemary Coates,
Secretar y
The crisis has also be- other foreign companies whose Blue Silk Consult-
Wilbur Ross
gun to ripple through U.S. had been rethinking their ing firm helps companies
companies with opera- presence in China and make such decisions,
T hursday
that the viral tions in China. Apple CEO considering their options said it was “ridiculous’’ to
outbreak in Ross Tim Cook has said that for relocating elsewhere, think the viral outbreak
China might offer an unex- the company’s suppliers in possibly elsewhere in would result in a signifi-
pected benefit for the U.S. China have been forced to Asia. That is partly be- cant return of business to
economy: It could encour- delay reopening factories cause President Donald the United States.
age American manufactur- that closed for the Lunar Trump has imposed tar- “You can’t snap your
ers in China to return to New Year holiday. More iffs on $360 billion in Chi- fingers,’’ she said. “It can
the United States. than half of Starbucks’ nese imports in a war over take 18 months or two
“I think it will help to ac- stores in China are now Beijing’s economic poli- years to find another sup-
celerate the return of jobs closed. McDonald’s has cies and partly because plier. It isn’t easy. It’s com-
to North America. Some closed several hundred Chinese labor and other plicated.’’
to U.S., probably some to restaurants in China. costs have been rising. Wuhan, a center of Chi-
Mexico as well,’’ Ross told Ross emphasized that But skeptics doubt that na’s steel industry, has
Fox Business Network. he didn’t “want to talk many American compa- attracted General Motors
The new virus, from about a victory lap over nies with deep roots in and many other foreign
the coronavirus family, has a very unfortunate, very China might abandon the manufacturing giants.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 3A

Mississippi mulls ‘1st step’ to increase pay for teachers

SB 2001 passed the Senate Education mittee next week. It must pass
there before it can move to the
$1,500 teacher pay raise that
took effect for the current
“This is a really important
step in public education,” Jones
Committee on Thursday and could go to the full Senate.
Teachers in the first two
school year. Hosemann and
several other candidates said
said. “For years, we have felt
that we were neglected and we
Senate Appropriations Committee next week years of their careers would
receive raises of $1,100. That’s
while campaigning that further
increasing teacher pay would
weren’t listened to.”
Pearl High School principal
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS going to take in a hopefully an effort to boost the beginning be a priority this year. Chris Chism said a longterm
The Associated Press very quick journey to bring salaries. Republican Gov. Tate Reeves plan to increase teacher pay
teachers’ compensation up The National Education said during his State of the could persuade current or in-
JACKSON — in which they do not have to Association says the average State speech Monday that he
Mississippi law- coming college students to
make an economic decision on teacher salary in the U.S. was wants to increase teachers’ pay,
makers are work- consider careers as educators.
whether to teach or not,” said $60,477 for the 2017-18 school but he did not offer a specific
ing to give most He said it is especially difficult
Hosemann, a Republican who year. Mississippi had the lowest plan.
teachers at least a became lieutenant governor in average that year, at $44,926. “My priority is simple,” to find people to teach special
$1,000 pay raise, mid-January. The average teacher salary Reeves said. “Let’s pay our education and high-level math
and Lt. Gov. Del- Senate Bill 2001 would give in Mississippi for the 2018-19 teachers as much as we can classes.
bert Hosemann $1,000 across-the-board rais- school year was $45,105, ac- possibly afford.” “The struggle is real, finding
said Thursday Hosemann es to most teachers and to all cording to the state Depart- Mississippi Association teachers,” Chism said. “It is dif-
that he wants it to be part of teachers’ assistants. ment of Education. That is the of Educators president Erica ficult across the state.”
a multiyear plan to increase The bill passed the Sen- most recent figure available. Jones appeared with Hosemann Teachers’ assistants in Mis-
some of the lowest salaries in ate Education Committee on During Mississippi’s elec- and others during a Capitol sissippi are currently paid
the nation. Thursday and could go to the tion-year legislative session news conference Thursday, and $14,000 a year. The bill would
“It is the first step that we’re Senate Appropriations Com- in 2019, the state approved a she praised the pay proposal. increase that to $15,000.

New southwest electric New rep resigns, saying

substation will be complete by fall she had to choose
Kemp: Latest $8.5M bond issue began last year, and some
power equipment will
industrial park, but the
city is now building North
service or pension
should finish project be delivered this spring.
Starkville Utilities will
Star Industrial Park north
of Highway 82. Rep. Ramona Blackledge was
BY TESS VRBIN livery point from the Ten- coordinate the substation 4-County will provide
[email protected] nessee Valley Authority. into the rest of the net- electricity to both North among the four retired public
C o n -
“Part of the upgrade
is additional capacity, but
work in 2021, Kemp said.
The board has ap-
Star and the sports fields
at Cornerstone, Turner
employees who were elected to
struction of
a new and
also it’s built in such a way
to give us a lot more flexi-
proved bond issues for
the substation in the past,
The 4-County substa-
the House in November
bility from an operational including almost $12 mil- tion on Bluefield Road in BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS
standpoint,” Kemp said. lion in September 2018. the same part of the city The Associated Press
s ub s t a t i o n
The board of alder- Kemp said the latest bond provides for the area’s res-
planned JACKSON — A new Mississippi lawmaker is
men approved on Jan. 21 issue was planned for idential growth, he said.
for the past resigning because she says Republican House
eight years Kemp the sale of $8.5 million in when Starkville Utilities The company has also
bonds to cover the cost would need additional built a substation in Oktoc Speaker Philip Gunn is blocking her and other
in southwest Starkville is
of the final stages of con- funds. that covers the southern retired public employees from collecting state
“well underway” and will
struction and integrat- Meanwhile, 4-County part of Oktibbeha County government pensions while serving in the House.
be completed in Septem-
ber or October, Starkville ing the new substation Electric Power Associa- and is building another on Republican Rep. Ramona Blackledge of Laurel
Utilities general manager into the existing electric tion has been expanding Blackjack Road thanks to said Gunn’s interpretation of a state law creates
Terry Kemp said. system. Neither city tax- its capacity in Starkville the growth of apartment an unfair financial burden. Her resignation takes
The existing substa- es nor utility rates will over the past few years, complexes near Missis- effect Friday, less than a month after she and all
tion is on Industrial Park increase to pay for the said Jon Turner, head of sippi State University, he other lawmakers were inaugurated for a four-year
Road and the oldest one bonds, Kemp said. 4-County marketing and said. term.
in the city. The new one The city will receive public relations. “There’s been so much “I worked for over 40 years in county govern-
will be about 500 yards bids by mid-February, 4-County had plans to growth around Starkville ment and earned my retirement,” Blackledge
to the east, at the end of and the board will most build a substation at Cor- that we had to accelerate wrote in a letter to Gunn and other officials.
Azalea Lane and near the likely vote to accept bids nerstone Park in south- and build one we weren’t Blackledge is a retired Jones County tax assessor
water tower behind the at its Feb. 18 meeting. west Starkville a few planning on with the and collector.
Starkville Sportsplex. It Construction at the years ago when the area Blackjack substation,” “Now I am being forced to either relinquish my
will come with a new de- site of the new substation was still planned as an Turner said. right to my retirement income, or give up my right
to continue legislative service because one man
has the power and influence to prevent the will
and vote of my district to prevail,” she added.
Blackledge is among the 25 new members

elected in November to the 122-member Missis-
sippi House of Representatives. All legislators
were inaugurated Jan. 7.
Continued from Page 1A
The Mississippi Public Employees Retire-
apprenticeship period un- to that work ethic as he “It was supposed to “I was talking to Grant ment System had a longstanding rule that said
der the direction of Grant sat in his office Thursday. produce 250 gallons per Mitchell and he said he state elected officials could not receive salaries
Mitchell, manager of the “I think the board minute, but it was only do- was very impressed with and pension benefits simultaneously. In Novem-
East Lowndes Water As- knows I’m not just going ing 130 gallons,” he said. how fast Brad is learn- ber 2018, then-Mississippi Attorney General Jim
sociation. to sit here and push a pen- “So that was one of the ing everything,” Wiggins Hood, a Democrat, issued a nonbinding legal
Box’s wage is $31 an cil,” Box said. “I’m get- first things we did. It took said. “We really owe a lot opinion contradicting that rule.
hour, which translates ting out in the field and about two months, but it’s to Grant and his water de- In late 2019, the pension board finalized a rule
into roughly $64,000 a working every day. That’s back to full capacity now.”
partment because their that went along with Hood’s legal opinion. It said
year. the best way to learn. I’m The city’s water sys-
help really made hiring said Mississippi government retirees can contin-
What Box lacked in really fortunate to have tem produced about
credentials, he made up Grant Mitchell guide me. 360,000 gallons per day Brad an option for us. As ue collecting pension benefits while also being
for in reputation. That’s really helped.” for its 2,200 customers, for Brad, we just couldn’t paid to serve in the Legislature.
“Since he was at Cale- Box said he and his Box said. be happier with how Blackledge was among the four retired public
donia Gas, a lot of our two field technicians Aside from keeping things are working out. I employees — all Republican — who were elected
board mem- have been concentrating the water running, the can’t brag enough about to the House in November. Another is Rep. Billy
bers knew heavily on repairs to the biggest goal for the de- the job he’s doing. ” Andrews of Purvis.
Brad,” Wig- water system and upgrad- partment is water quality.
gins said. ing outdated equipment. “That’s my No. 1 goal,”
“What ev- “Everything we do, he said. “The water in
erybody in the long run, is going Lowndes County has a
knew about to save money,” he said. lot of iron in it. The iron
him was “When we go out to re- is what causes brown wa-
what a hard Wiggins pair to a leak, we take ter. So we do a lot of back-
worker he a look at everything. If washing to remove the
was. It was almost like he there’s a valve that’s old iron and we test the water
was from that older gen- or outdated, we’ll replace twice a day. We’re mak-
eration, a guy who just it then and there. Our ing sure we get that iron
works his tail off and gets goal is to make sure our out of the water because
the job done. We felt that water system is efficient.” that’s the biggest issue
was the kind of person we Upon his arrival, Box for the water here.”
needed to get everything discovered one of the Wiggins said he’s
back on track.” city’s water plants was been impressed with how
His mud-flecked jeans operating at about half its quickly Box has taken to
and work boots testified capacity. the job.


Lee County leaders an independent consul- The Coahoma County
tant who is familiar with Sheriff’s Office executed
consider renovating architecture to advise a search warrant at the
county jail county politicians about home shortly after 6:30
TUPELO — Leaders the jail. a.m., the sheriff’s office
in a northeast Mississippi Another question to said in a news release SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

County are considering posted on its Facebook

peak-feeding times for fish and game.
be addressed is whether Fri. Sat.
Major 5:58a
their options to upgrade to renovate the current page. Minor 12:20p 11:56a
the county jail. facility or build a new jail. A suspect was shot Major 6:18p 6:28p
Minor 12:28a
Attempts to renovate and taken to a hospital by Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

the Lee County Jail in Authorities in ambulance. Sheriff’s offi-

The Dispatch
recent years have failed cials did not immediate-
to materialize, the North- Mississippi shoot ly release the suspect’s
east Mississippi Daily suspect during search condition or provide
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Journal reported. CLARKSDALE — Au- additional details about Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Board of Supervisors thorities shot a suspect the shooting. The Mis- Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
President Tommie Lee Monday while trying to sissippi Bureau of Inves- POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
Ivy recently toured the search a home in Clarks- tigation is handling the The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
jail. Ivy says he thinks dale, Mississippi, sher- probe, according to the Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
the board should hire iff’s officials said. release.
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Kobe Bryant: The man and the myth
’ve been think- So, instead of But there is another aspect come, both on and off the than a plot device in Bryant’s
ing a lot about coming to Biloxi to to the story. In 2003, Mike was court. redemption story. She’s a real
Kobe Bryant cover the New Or- one of hundreds of journalists Since his death, the out- human being. If Bryant’s life
since the tragic he- leans Saints, Mike to descend on the town of Ea- pouring of affection has been took a turn in 2003, so did
licopter crash that went to New York gle, Colorado, when the local non-stop. It’s often that way hers. Where is her story of re-
took his life and the to cover the Knicks district attorney announced with our heroes, especially demption? Where is her happy
life of eight oth- for the New York sexual assault charges against those who die young. Bryant ending? Does it exists? We do
ers, including his Times. Later, I Bryant. Ultimately, the was only 41. not know.
13-year-old daugh- used to tease Mike charges were dropped just But there’s still that dark Mike is heart-broken over
ter, on Sunday. about the tough days before the trial was to part of Bryant’s story that Bryant’s death. I understand
For me, that also decision the had to begin when the alleged victim haunts the conscience, or at that. I suspect many of us have
meant thinking make that day. decided not to testify. least it should. friends whose lives contain
about Mike. Slim Smith I’m not going to Later, as part of a civil suit So I reached out to Mike. dark chapters, maybe even the
Twenty-five reveal Mike’s full that would be settled for an Was he conflicted? darkest imaginable. Yet friend-
years ago, Mike sat identity, although undisclosed amount of money, It was as I suspected. Mike ship can endure even when
in my office at The Sun Herald it probably wouldn’t take Bryant issued a statement said he didn’t dismiss what conduct cannot be condoned.
in Biloxi and seemed ready to too much detective work to saying that he came to clearly happened in 2003. The truth That’s where Mike is at.
accept the job offer I had made figure it out. Mike covered the realize that while he consid- is, he said, he doesn’t know People everywhere are
him. He was already asking Knicks for a number of years, ered what happened between what happened, although he’s paying tribute to Kobe Bryant.
about the things you always then to The Washington Post, he and the 19-year-old woman pretty sure it was something That’s to be expected, given
asked about when you’ve made who offered him a job as a col- to be consensual, he now bad, maybe very, very bad. his undeniable talents and the
up your mind to move to a new umnist. In that role, he wrote understood that she did not That, too, is a part of Kobe joy he brought to millions of
place — apartments, restau- about a broad range of sub- believe it to be consensual. In Bryant’s life story and cannot fans. There’s nothing wrong
rants, things to do in town. jects, but he never strayed too her mind, she had been raped. be dismissed. with honoring those achieve-
As we were chatting, he got far from the NBA. As a result, That’s a pretty alarming What Mike said he did ments.
a call and stepped outside for a he got to know most of the admission and powerfully know for certain is that, since But there is something
moment. star players, including Kobe undermines any argument of 2003, Bryant became a differ- unsettling in efforts to go
When he returned a couple Bryant, which is why memo- innocence people often use ent person — a much better beyond that, to mythologize
of minutes later, I could tell by ries of Mike emerged when I to sanitize Bryant’s image. person in every possible way. the man.
the sheepish look on his face learned of Bryant’s death. Something bad happened that It was redemption. There’s For those with a con-
that something had changed. Over the years, Mike had night. value in that. science, what happened in Ea-
The person on the other gotten to know and admire Since 2003, Bryant has But stories of redemption gle, Colorado in 2002 simply
end of the phone was Neal Bryant for his rare talent, led an exemplary life, by all are often built from the ashes doesn’t allow it.
Amdur, sports editor of the unparalleled work ethic, accounts. He went from just a of destruction. I’m pretty sure Mike agrees
New York Times, who I had generosity and devotion to young, talented, self-absorbed There is a woman out there, with that.
known casually from running his family. Bryant is famously player to a legend. He also now 36 years old, who carries Slim Smith is a columnist
into him at national sports remembered for his delight in became known as a loving with her the wounds and scars and feature writer for The
editors meetings. He, too, had being “a girl dad,” to his four husband and father and role and shattered pieces of her Dispatch. His email address is
a job offer for Mike. daughters. model for NBA players to life. She deserves to be more [email protected].


Trump’s tax cuts
are exploding
the deficit
The nonpartisan Congressional
Budget Office issued yet another
warning Tuesday that the federal
government is heading down a dan-
gerous fiscal path, racking up debt at
an alarming rate. The CBO projects
that deficits will average $1.3 trillion
a year over the coming decade, with
the economy settling into steady but
sluggish growth. That’s the most
disturbing thing about the report: the
expectation that giant deficits will be
allowed to continue even when there’s
no recession driving up spending
on federal safety net programs and
causing tax revenue to plummet.
It’s not inherently bad for the
federal government to borrow money;
extra spending by the government
can help stimulate the economy
during a downturn. But sustained
and heavy deficit spending can have
the opposite effect, raising borrowing
costs and slowing GDP growth. The
CBO projects that the fastest grow-
ing part of the federal budget will be
interest payments on the rising debt
— spending that delivers no tangible
benefit for taxpayers while leaving
less money for programs that do.
Rising healthcare costs and an ag-
ing population are contributing to the
federal budget mess. But the problem
has been exacerbated by the large
and irresponsible tax cuts Republi-
cans pushed through in 2017. The
cuts were sold as a way to trigger a
sustained surge in economic growth;
instead, GDP bumped up only briefly,
held back in part by the tariffs Presi-
dent Trump slapped on a broad array
of imports.
We’ve seen this movie before.
Some supposed fiscal conservatives
will demand more tax cuts to try to
jump-start faster growth (in fact,
Trump and House Republicans float-
ed just such an idea before the 2018
election and again last year). Others
will blame the problem on federal
spending and demand cuts — not to
the military and security programs
that Trump has vastly expanded, not
to the vast tax giveaways and subsi-
dies, but to the safety net programs
the administration is already trying
to restrain.
Slashing programs such as Med-
icaid and food stamps to help pay for
the GOP tax cuts would be redistrib-
uting wealth in the worst way — from
the impoverished to the well-to-do.
The right answer starts with law-
makers rolling back the tax-cut and
spending excesses of the Trump ad-
ministration. They can then work on
a longer-term plan to bring spending
and revenue back into line.
Los Angeles Times
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Mrs. Pryor was born She was a member of West Point and Clayton Alabama. Jerry Parks-Mayberry
OBITUARY POLICY June 26, 1927, in Noxu- Full Gospel Ministries McCann of Memphis, Visitation
Obituaries with basic informa- BROOKSVILLE —
bee County, to the late of Columbus. Tennessee; seven is from Jerry Dean “Diane”
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Jake and Iona McDavid In addition to her grandchildren; and two noon-6 Parks-Mayberry, 61,
free of charge. Extended Thompson. parents, she was pre- great-grandchildren. p.m. today, died Jan. 20, 2020, at
obituaries with a photograph, In addition to her ceded in death by her at Carter’s North Mississippi Med-
detailed biographical informa- parents, she was pre- husband, T.C. Turner; James Roebuck Funeral ical Center of Tupelo.
tion and other details families ceded in death by her and siblings, Hattie ABERDEEN — Home of Moore
may wish to include, are avail- Services will be at
husband, Robert Pryor; Monroe, Emma Sims James Perry Roebuck, Colum-
able for a fee. Obituaries must 11 a.m. Saturday, at Mt.
son Robert Edward and Roosevelt Staples. 61, died Jan. 29, 2020, bus. Carter’s Funeral
be submitted through funeral
She is survived by Zion Baptist Church of
homes unless the deceased’s Pryor; and brother, at his residence. Home of Columbus is
Jake McDavid Jr. her children, Melissie Brooksville, with Mack
body has been donated to A memorial ser- in charge of arrange-
She is survived by Hibbler, Patricia Turn- Young officiating. Buri-
science. If the deceased’s vice will be at 11 a.m. ments.
her son Robert L. Pryor er, Marty Turner all of al will follow at Pilgrim
body was donated to science, Wednesday, at Tis- Mr. Moore was born
the family must provide official of Columbus; siblings, Columbus, Laura Bu- Rest Cemetery. Visi-
dale-Lann Memorial Jan. 15, 1967, in Alicev-
proof of death. Please submit
Lillie Ruth Skinner, chanan of Middleburg, ille, Alabama, to the tation is from 1-5 p.m.
Chapel, with Robert
all obituaries on the form pro-
Nallie Hopkins, both Florida, Douglas Turn- late Jim Willie Harp- today, at Lee-Sykes
vided by The Commercial Dis- Earl Fowlkes officiat-
of Columbus, Louise er and Tavares Turner er and Mary Louise Funeral Home Chapel
patch. Free notices must be ing. Visitation will be
McQueen of Rosevelt, Sr. both of Jacksonville, Moore. of Macon and one hour
submitted to the newspaper one hour prior to the
New York, Corolyn Floria and Lathan In addition to his prior to services at the
no later than 3 p.m. the day service at the funeral
prior for publication Tuesday O’neal of Chicago, Turner of Virgin Island; home. Tisdale-Lann parents, he was preced- church. Lee-Sykes Fu-
through Friday; no later than 4 Illinois, Edmond siblings, Willie Wil- Memorial Funeral ed in death by his son, neral Home of Macon is
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
McDavid of St. Lou- liams and Kennedy Home of Aberdeen is Jeremy Brock. in charges of arrange-
edition; and no later than 7:30
is, Missouri and L.V. Staples of Columbus; in charge of arrange- He is survived by ments.
a.m. for the Monday edition.
Incomplete notices must be re- McDavid of Freeport, 14 grandchildren; and ments. his children, Michael Mrs. Parks-May-
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. New York; 14 grandchil- nine great-grandchil- Mr. Roebuck was Harrison, India Ellis, berry was born May
for the Monday through Friday dren; 26 great-grand- dren. born Feb. 24, 1958, Sharnell Bonner all of 29, 1958, in Noxubee
editions. Paid notices must be children; and 15 Pallbearers will be in Aberdeen, to Ruby Columbus and Whitney County, to the late
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Jerry and Mary Parks.
great-great-grandchil- Tony Young, George Boyd Roebuck and the Braun of Atlanta, Geor-
the next day Monday through
Thursday; and on Friday by 3
dren. Turner Jr., TJ Monroe late James Roebuck. He gia; siblings, Evange- She was a 1977 gradu-
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Jr., Henry Miller, Rober was formerly employed line Haney of Bellville, ate of Noxubee County
publication. For more informa- Adell Williams Wilkins and Roosevelt as a security guard for Illinois, Predemp High School and was
tion, call 662-328-2471. MACON — Adell Dismuke. North Atlantic. William-Ramsey of Chi- formerly employed
Williams, 86, died Jan. In addition to his cago, Illinois, Albert with American Power
Lola Harris 20, 2020, at Elsie Ridgeway father, he was preceded Williams of Tuscaloosa, Source.
COLUMBUS — Lola her resi- VERNON Ala. in death by his daugh- Alabama, Larry Harp- In addition to her
Grace Harris, 71, died dence. — Elsie Alexandria ter, Crystal Roebuck; er, James Williams of parents, she was
Jan. 24, Services Ridgeway, 90, died Jan. and sister, Sandra Pickensville, Alabama, preceded in death by
2020, at will be 29, 2020. Sanderson. Mary Ann Shirley her son, LarCarllos
Baptist at noon Services will be at He is survived by and Elsie Collie both Mayberry; and sister,
Memorial Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday, at his wife, Caroline of Columbus; and 13 Juanita Wells.
Hospi- at Sunflow- Dowdle Funeral Home Mitchell Roebuck of grandchildren. She is survived by
tal-Golden er Baptist Williams of Milport, Alabama. Columbus; children, Pallbearers will be her husband, Albert
Triangle. Church in Burial will follow at Cynthia Little, Tiffa- Billy People, Alonzo Mayberry of Brooks-
Services Scooba, with the Rev. Ebenezer Cemetery. ny Roebuck, Rachel Jackson, Arthur Brew- ville; sisters, Callie
will be at Harris James Granger offici- Visitation will be two Rooker, Christoper er, Dwight Wilson, Mae Wells, Rosie Tate,
11 a.m. ating. Burial will follow hours prior to services and Daniel Roebuck; Johnny Swanigan, Ethel Jones, Geneva
Saturday, at Brick M.B. at the church cemetery. at the funeral home. stepchildren, Samuel Derell Moore. Parks, all of Brooksville
Church of Columbus, Visitation is from noon- Dowdle Funeral Home Rowzee, David Rowzee, and Dorothy Parks of
with the Rev. Everett 5 p.m. today, at Carter’s of Millport, Alabama is Charlie Rowzee, Fran- Richard Minor Eric, Pennsylvania; and
Little officiating. Burial Funeral Services of in charge of arrange- ces Buckner and Jean STARKVILLE — three grandchildren.
will follow at the church Macon. Carter’s Funer- ments. Michalis; mother, Ruby Richard Minor, 63, died
cemetery. Visitation is al Services of Macon is Mrs. Ridgeway was Boyd Roebuck; sib- Jan. 26, 2020.
from 1-7 p.m. today, at in charge of arrange- preceded in death lings, Patsy Little, June Services will be at 11
Carter’s Funeral Ser- ments. by her husband, L.C. Simmons, Dell Malone, a.m. Saturday, at Austin
vices Chapel. Carter’s Mrs. Williams was Ridgeway; daughter, Ruth Hartman and Lin- C.O.C.H. of Starkville.
Funeral Services of born Aug. 28, 1933, in Dollie; and siblings, da Faye Walker; eight Burial will follow at
Columbus is in charge Noxubee County, to Dora Rodriguez, Joe grandchildren; and one Sessums Community
of arrangements. the late Lee Williams Salinas, George Salinas great-grandchild. Cemetery. Visitation is
Mrs. Harris was Sr. and Maggie Nev- and Earnest Salinas. from 1-6 p.m. today, at
born March 10, 1948, els. She was formerly She is survived by Dorothy Rivers West Memorial Funeral
to the late Isaac and employed as a certified her children, Eddie COLUMBUS — Home of Starkville.
Beatrice Harris. She nursing assistant with Ridgeway and Dennis Dorothy Rivers, 87, West Memorial Funeral
was a graduate of R.E. Alabama State Hospital Ridgeway; brother Bob- died Jan. Home of Starkville is Christine Edwards
Hunt High School. She and a member of Sun- by Salinas; four grand- 22, 2020, in charge of arrange- Visitation:
flower Baptist Church. children; and three Friday, Jan. 31 • 1-2 PM
was formerly employed at Baptist ments. 2nd Ave. North Location
with Microtek Medical In addition to her great-grandchildren. Memori- He is survived by Services:
and a member of Brick parents, she was al-Golden his children, Drinnita
Friday, Jan. 31 • 2 PM
2nd Ave. North Chapel
M.B. Church. preceded in death by Daniel McCann Jr. Triangle. Skinner, Antrinnita Burial
In addition to her husband, Robert Ash- WEST POINT — Services Skinner, Litasha Tate Double Springs Cemetery
parents, she was pre- ford; and son, Walter L. Daniel McCann Jr., 76, will be at 2 and Maxicine Mi-
ceded in death by her Ashford. died Jan 22, 2020. p.m. Satur- Rivers Royce Ann Butler
nor, Derrick Minor Visitation:
siblings, Joe Cunning- She is survived by Services will be at day, at Car- and Darren Minor; Friday, Jan. 31 • 10-11 AM
ham and Eddie Harris. her son, James Lee 11 a.m. Saturday, at St. ter’s Funeral Services stepmother, Eva Mae 2nd Ave. North Location
She is survived by Ashford of Macon; Paul M.B. Church of of Columbus. Burial Services:
Minor; and siblings, Friday, Jan. 31 • 11 AM
her children, Tracy siblings, Willie Lee West Point, with David will follow at Union Mary Gant, Marie Gant 2nd Ave. North Chapel
Harris of Oxford, Tony Williams of Scooba, Reid officiating. Burial Cemetery. Visitation Woods, Mary Elmore, Burial
Vaughn’s Cemetery
Harris of Streetsboro, Jane Poe and Mag- will follow at Cedar is from noon-6 p.m. Cathy M. Powers,
Ohio and Joe Reco gie Norman both of Bluff Cemetery in today, at the funeral Janice Simmons, Lula
Harris of Columbus; Fort Dodge, Iowa; Cedar Bluff. Visitation home. Carter’s Funeral B. Colyer, Lodene
siblings, Eartha Jami- two grandchildren; is from 3-6 p.m. today, Home of Columbus is
Johnson, Annie Mays,
son, Lonzo Martin, seven great-grand- at Carter’s Mortuary in charge of arrange- brothers, Robert Gant
Leon Harris, Eveyln children; and four Services Chapel of ments. and Melvis Minor.
Walters, Jeanette Har- great-great-grandchil- West Point. Carter’s Mrs. Rivers was
ris and Earline Stinson, dren. Mortuary Services of born April 11, 1932, in
all of Columbus; four West Point is in charge East Chicago, Indiana,
grandchildren; and two Emma Turner of arrangements. to the late Leroy and
great-grandchildren. COLUMBUS — Mr. McCann was Mattie Mae Mitchell.
Pallbearers will be Emma Lou Turner, 80, born March 31, 1943, in In addition to her
Isaac Harris, Patrick died Jan. West Point, to the late parents, she was pre-
Harris, Deangelo Har- 19, 2020, Daniel McCann Sr. and ceded in death by her
ris, Sean Graham, Kent at Baptist Ola Mae McCann. He daughter, Roni Rivers;
Alexander and Greg Memorial was formerly employed siblings, Lillie Morris
Harris. Hospi- as a custodian. and Lorriane Kindred;
tal-Golden In addition to his and one grandson.
Willie Pryor Triangle. parents, he was preced- She is survived by
NOXUBEE — Willie Services ed in death by his sib- her daughter, Toni Ew-
“Nan-Nan” Pryor, 92, will be Turner lings, Johnny McCann, ing of Columbus; sister,
died Jan. at 2 p.m. Jason McCann and Hazel Wilson of India-
21, 2020, at Saturday, at Full Gospel Mable McCann. napolis, Indiana; four
her resi- Ministries of Colum- He is survived by grandchildren; four
dence. bus, with Maxine Hall his wife, Geraldine great-grandchildren;
Services officiating. Burial will McCann; children, and one great-great-
will be at follow at St. James M.B. Christoper McCann, grandchild.
11 a.m. Church cemetery of Karen McCann both
Crawford. Visitation is of Nashville, Tennes- Jimmy Moore
at New from noon-6 p.m. today, see, Mario McCann COLUMBUS — Jim-
Hope Unit- at Carter’s Funeral of Philadelphia, Penn- my “Bob” Lee Moore ,
ed Methodist Church. Services of Colum- sylvania and Ashley 53, died Jan. 20, 2020,
Burial will follow at bus. Carter’s Funeral McCann of Atlanta, at his residence.
the church cemetery. Services of Columbus Georgia; siblings, Joe Services will be at 11
Visitation is from 1-5 is in charge of arrange- Willie McCann of Ox- a.m. Saturday, at Gen-
p.m. today, at Lee- ments. ford, Charles McCann, esis Church of Colum-
Sykes Funeral Home of Mrs. Turner was Albert McCann both of bus, with Ray Charles
Macon. Lee-Sykes Fu- born Nov. 11, 1939, in Nashville, Tennessee, Jones officiating. Burial
neral Home of Macon Crawford, to the late William McCann, Lola will follow at BB Chapel
is in charge of arrange- Lum Williams and Ward, Elease Reeves, CME Church ceme-
ments. Laura Lash Williams. Cathy McCann all of tery of Pickensville,

Send in your church event!

Email [email protected]
Subject: Religious brief
6A FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
ficers, wait-
ing for a
SWAT team,
C olu mbi ne
High School
45 minutes
after two
s h o o t e r s Shelton
began attacking students
and teachers. Officers
had been told since the
1960s to wait on SWAT
teams before attempting
to neutralize mass shoot-
Now, Jenkins said,
instructors teach a solo
approach, meaning if the
first officer on scene can
pinpoint where the threat
is coming from, he or she
should go after it.
“We’re going in and
we’re stopping the bad
guy,” Jenkins said.

‘Stop the killing, stop Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff

the dying’ Columbus police officers Lance Luckey, Kevin McCrary and Sgt. Brian Jenkins pre-
Jenkins, who has previ- tend to clear a room off the hallway of Columbus Police Department Thursday, the
ously taught active shoot- same way they would in an active shooter simulation or real scenario. Jenkins was
er response for civilians recently certified to teach officers how to respond to active shooter threats and will
and has taught hand-to- teach eight courses over the next six months.
hand combat courses for
goal is to stop the shoot- communicate with those “(Officers think), ‘OK,
officers, will serve as an
er,” Ballard said. commands and other re- yeah, I know that I’m
instructor at eight active
That’s sometimes hard sponders quickly and ef- going,’ but ... when the
shooter training events
for new officers to swal- fectively. adrenaline gets to going
for officers throughout
low, said Jenkins, because “Time matters,” Bal- and things like that, a lot
the state through July,
in many cases they’re lard said. “The faster the of times we have to slow
including a course at
tempted to aid the injured response, the more effec- them down,” he said.
the police academy in
and dying before they’ve tive the response.” “‘OK, now what do you
Moorhead and another
located the attacker. How- Other things to em- need?’ Make them start
in Starkville next month,
ever, once the shooter has phasize are to avoid a thinking (that) they’re
which is hosted by the
been taken into custody “herd mentality” — if not just going after the
Mississippi Department
or otherwise neutralized, the next officers to ar- bad guy.”
of Public Safety and in
officers’ new priority is to rive parks right behind Jenkins said while he
which area law enforce-
aid the injured. Part of the the first officers, Jenkins hopes the officers never
ment will participate.
two-day course Jenkins said, then how is an am- have to use the training in
Starkville Police De-
teaches involves training bulance going to get as an actual active shooter
partment has six officers
officers to provide first close as it needs to? — situation, the tactics are
certified to train other
aid such like triages or and reminding officers still helpful for anyone on
officers in active shooter
tourniquets. that just because some- an everyday patrol. But it
response, said SPD Chief
“Stop the killing, stop one is uncooperative does also allows them to make
Mark Ballard, but partic-
the dying,” he said. not mean they’re a threat. mistakes in a simulation
ipating in the upcoming
Instructors emphasize The civilians in the shoot- and training scenario,
training will allow them
communication, especial- ing are often in shock and rather than a real situa-
to work with other law
ly as more agencies arrive are always scared and tion.
enforcement agencies —
at an active scene. confused. “When you can move
something that would be
“If I go in one side of It’s especially im- confidently into a situa-
extremely important in
a building and neutralize portant for officers to be tion, you’re more effec-
an actual ac-
a threat, there could be careful how they commu- tive,” Ballard said. “When
tive shooter
another officer coming nicate with children in lives are at stake, there’s
event, when
through that sees me with these situations, Jenkins nothing more important.”
ers have to a gun in my hand and not said. Officers can’t yell
work quick- recognize the uniform at small children when
ly and com- and there could be blue- the last armed man who
municate on-blue incident where yelled at them was try-
e f f e c t i ve l y Ballard one officer has shot an- ing to shoot them or shot
at chaotic other officer, and that’s their friends.
scenes. what we don’t want,” he “These are things that
“What the training said. we have to think of as offi-
does is teach all depart- Columbus Fire and cers,” he said.
ments common move- Rescue is particularly Jenkins said it’s “al-
ments, common tactics,” good at setting up inci- ways interesting” to see
he said. dent command, said Jen- how officers handle the
One thing instructors kins, which helps with reality-based simulation,
must emphasize for offi- communication and co- involving a pretend of-
cers is where their prior- ordination at large events fender and often pretend
ities should be. with lots of injuries. He victims, so they can try
“When your first re- and Ballard both said their hands at what they
sponders show up, their officers have to learn to just learned.

Air show
Continued from Page 1A
the base’s student pilot
training in T-1s, T-6s and
“Think of the super
gamer-geek setup,” Fon-
dren said. “You’ve got
two big screens in front
of them so the instructor
can sit and watch what
they are doing and cri-
tique them.”
The VR program al-
lows student pilots to
repeatedly go over their
weak spots in the train-
ing instead of completing
countless cycles in the air,
Fondren said.
“He can take a 15-sec-
ond segment of that flight Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff
and replay it over and over Lt. Col. Armand Fondren tells Columbus Exchange Club
again and make sure the at the Lion Hills Center Thursday afternoon about the
biennial Wings Over Columbus air show in the spring.
student knows how to do The show will feature 15 performing acts in the air and
it,” he said. on the ground, including Thunderbirds, parachute jump
For safety concerns, team and a jet-powered fire truck, among other things.
food, water and coolers
are not allowed in the also hopes to raise money open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
air show, Fondren said, from local sponsors to pay on April 25 and 26. The
but people can bring in for the rest of the show. performance will begin
wagons and camp chairs. The show would not be around 10 a.m. and will
Signs will be set up at possible without collabo- last until 4 p.m., with a
each gate to remind peo- rating with local commu- potential lunch break de-
ple of what is and is not nities, he said. signed during the day,
allowed, he said. “Our past is rooted in Fondren said.
Fondren said he ex- the Columbus communi- “Maybe we’ll put a half-
pects roughly 20,000 par- ty,” Fondren said, “and it’s hour or an hour break
ticipants at the air show dependent on all of you there in the middle, peo-
each day. To improve the for success in the future. ple can take a breath, go
traffic on the base during Our mission there to train see the ground events and
the air show, he said the pilots, to prepare them for the static displays with-
base will open up two battle is super critical, and out missing the air show,”
lanes for the public to exit we can’t do that piece and Fondren said.
through the north gates. we can’t showcase them For more information,
The Air Force will here in the air show with- check out the air show’s
cover most of the event’s out y’all’s partnership.” website at www.columbu-
cost, Fondren said, but he The doors will be


Jim Lytle/Special to The Dispatch

Freshman Rickea Jackson scored 22 points on 10-of-14 shooting in Thursday’s game against Auburn. “Rickea Jackson was over there playing like she was in a video game
or something,” Auburn coach Terri Williams-Flournoy said. “When she shot it, I didn’t even have to look — it looked like it was going in. She really helped them a lot.”

BY BEN PORTNOY press — notching 11 of work on and take respon- while finding soft spots While Jackson an- dogs have been groggy
[email protected] their 18 turnovers in the sibility for that and how in the corners against a chored the MSU offense, at best in wins over Van-
game’s opening 20 min- we started and the turn- 1-2-2 Tiger press as she it was a taxing test for derbilt, Ole Miss and,
STARKVILLE — As utes. overs and things like that. finished 10 of 14 from the the Bulldogs’ paper-thin now, Auburn. And while
the chorus of “Let’s go Sophomore point I just have to be better.” floor for her third 20-point frontcourt. For the third the hangover has persist-
Dawgs!” chants envel- guard Myah Taylor was Freshman guard scoring output of the year. time in four games, Car- ed longer than Schaefer
oped Humphrey Coli- noticeably out of sorts. JaMya Mingo-Young — “Rickea Jackson ter — who Schaefer said would hope, the eighth-
seum, it was freshman Fighting through the who’d shown flashes of was over there playing postgame is dealing with year head coach is re-
guard Rickea Jackson physical Auburn pres- promise and could end like she was in a video a spur on the bottom of maining patient with his
notching 10 of her game- sure, Taylor struggled to the season as the No. 1 game or something,” her foot — picked up youthful contingent.
high 22 points to close find open teammates as point guard in Starkville Auburn coach Terri Wil- two fouls before the half-
the third quarter as Mis- “I just thought we
she pushed toward mid- — was similarly thwart- liams-Flournoy said. time buzzer sounded and played uninspired tonight
sissippi State (19-3, 7-1 court — lofting balls over ed, earning a plus-minus “When she shot it, I didn’t fouled out of the contest
SEC) labored to a 78-73 and it’s been that way
the end line, out the side- rating of minus-4 in her even have to look — it with 3 minutes, 47 sec-
win over Auburn (7-12, 1-7 since the South Carolina
line and into traffic. 17 minutes played. looked like it was going onds remaining in the
SEC) on Thursday. game to be honest with
“As a point guard I got With the MSU back- in. She really helped them fourth quarter.
“I just thought we you,” he said. “We’ve just
frustrated, and I can’t do court playing at a break- a lot.” With Carter sidelined,
played uninspired to- that, because it starts neck pace, it was Jackson “I’m the type of per- junior college transfer kind of been that way —
night, and I think it’s kind with me,” she said post- who proved a calming son that likes to go to the Yemiyah Morris handled I wasn’t that impressed
of been that way since the game, noticeably shaken presence in a game she hole rather than shoot a center duties, finishing with Sunday’s game
South Carolina game,” from the performance. started on the bench in 3 — I will only shoot a 3 with eight points in 12 (against Ole Miss). But
Schaefer said. “If my teammates see me favor of sophomore Xaria if I’m wide open,” Jackson minutes of action. one thing I’ve learned in
Battling through a first frustrated, it just trickles Wiggins. added. “I just know that “I do need (Jessika) to this business is you take
half in which perhaps the down, so I have to be bet- Playing at the 4 along- I’m tall and I can elevate stay out of foul trouble for a conference win and you
only positive was a stu- ter as a point guard.” side sophomore center over people, so it’s kind sure, but I’m really proud run with it, especially
dent hitting a half-court “It’s definitely some- Jessika Carter in an effort of easier and I have more of Yemiyah and how she with this young group.
shot for $5,000 from Can- thing that’s eye opening to get her in a comfortable confidence in the paint — came in and played,” Every night isn’t going
non Motors, the Bulldogs for me,” Taylor contin- spot along the baseline, that’s something I work Schaefer said. to be peaches and cream.
struggled to deal with a ued. “It’s something that Jackson glided through on, so I just feel like that’s Now sitting at 7-1 in We’re going to take the
persistent Tiger full-court I’m going to have to go to traffic to finish at the rim my shot.” conference play, the Bull- win and go on.”


Davidson, Leilua leading team in Ricketts’ first year

BY THEO DEROSA was insane. They hit that their names in the Bull- Davidson has high ex- year of college. also likely to see immedi-
[email protected] onto the highway.’” dogs’ record books, they pectations for her junior “She’s a true leader,” ate playing time.
It’s nothing new for know it’s not about them. year — something the se- Davidson said. “It’s like St. Clair, who hit a cool
STARKVILLE — Davidson and Leilua, who “They want to do it for nior half of the Bulldogs’ she’s not even a fresh- .604 for Sand Rock High
There are a lot of softballs combined to hit 48 home the team,” Ricketts said. man.”
star duo loves to see. School in Alabama her
piling up on Highway 182
runs, leading all South- “They’re about, ‘I want “We push each other, Kennedy, a graduate of junior year, “has a cannon
these days.
eastern Conference duos to do whatever I can for and it’s pretty cool just to Macon East Academy in in the outfield,” Davidson
At least, that’s what it
last year. Fully aware of the team to win.’ If that have someone like that Montgomery, Alabama, is said — and she’s an ex-
looks like to Mississippi
their leadership role in means putting down a making you want to be playing beyond her years tremely talented slap hit-
State softball coach Sa-
mantha Ricketts when presiding over the Bull- bunt, that’s what they better,” Leilua said. with a smooth glove and a ter, too.
she watches her star duo, dogs this season, they’ve want to do — even though Here are some other commanding presence. Houston, Mississippi,
junior catcher Mia David- embraced it. I’m not going to let them.” storylines to follow before “She looks like a junior product Aquana Brown-
son and senior utility play- “I think for them it’s Knowing they might the Bulldogs’ season be- or senior out there,” Rick- lee is locked in a “battle”
er Fa Leilua, take their just trying to teach and not see as many hittable gins Feb. 7 at the NFCA etts said. “It’s been really for the starting spot at
swings. share, because they do pitches as most players, Leadoff Classic in Clear- fun to watch.” second base with senior
“Mia and Fa are spe- realize that they can’t do Davidson and Leilua will water, Florida. Kennedy has im- Lindsey Williams, Rick-
cial, and especially hav- it themselves and that have to keep calm and pressed so much that etts said. Both she and
ing two of them, it’s really they’re going to need sev- rely on their teammates. Kennedy, St. Clair Ricketts has penciled her Habersham Central High
fun to watch,” Ricketts en other hitters around “We’ve just gotta keep in as the team’s starting School (Cornelia, Geor-
said Thursday during the them,” Ricketts said. our heads cool and just among freshmen shortstop, though she will gia) product Paige Cook
team’s preseason media “They’re going to need take what they give us making an impact hit near the bottom of the will play multiple posi-
availability. “It’s impres- the pitchers. They’re go- and trust the team, be- Neither Ricketts nor order for now. tions.
sive even when you see it ing to need the defense.” cause we know the team Davidson can believe that Brylie St. Clair, whom Freshmen pitchers
every day. You just kind of And while Davidson can do it just as well as we shortstop Madisyn Ken- Ricketts described as a Aspen Wesley (Nesho-
stop and go, ‘Wow. That and Leilua keep etching can,” Davidson said. nedy is really in her first “smooth lefty infielder,” is See SOFTBALL, 2B
2B FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B

ba Central High School) er Carter Spexarth is an- said. cool.’ blessing it is to step into “If we want to move on
and Kenley Hawk (Pal- other likely starter and Now a sophomore, That’s what it’s like this role, especially in a and take this program to
estine-Wheatley High possible middle-of the or- lefty Grace Fagan has playing in the SEC, a con- program that I helped levels that it hasn’t been
School, Arkansas) are der-hitter. She hit .227 in similarly added to her ar- ference in which every build and I know the team to before, we want to
likely to see time out of 47 games last season and senal. She posted a 3.40 weekend series has the and the players and the perform like that Wash-
the bullpen and may start has seen her game take a ERA in 80.1 innings her atmosphere of a super re- recruits and everything,” ington team,” she said. “I
midweek games, Ricketts step up in the past month. freshman season, strik- gional — that’s how Rick- she said. “For me, I look think they kind of got to
said. “Her power and her ing out 64 batters. etts sees it, anyhow. at it definitely more as a see that next level of what
confidence level are real- Fagan will play a big “The SEC’s tough blessing: just doing what I we’re working for.”
Filling out the lineup ly starting to skyrocket,” role, and so will Troy every year,” she said. can to continue us on the That starts with ac-
Plenty is set in stone Ricketts said. transfer Annie Willis, a “Looking at it, you never path that we’ve built and countability up and down
about the Bulldogs’ 2020 Malau’ulu or Mia’s sis- junior right-hander who know who’s gonna be at continuing to keep us as the line — from freshmen
starting lineup. ter Montana Davidson struck out 104 batters to the top and who’s gonna a strong presence in the to seniors; from coach-
Senior outfielder Can- are other candidates to just 38 walks last season be mixed in at the middle postseason and beyond es to players. Only with
dace Denis will lead off, offer protection for the at the Alabama school. and the bottom, because and take the next step.” that can Mississippi State
setting the table for Da- Bulldogs’ star duo. Senior “You’re gonna see a lot it changes. It can change The Bulldogs’ season reach the next level it
vidson and Leilua. Christian Quinn is chal- of her,” Ricketts said. based on one player, one ended in the Seattle Re- wants to attain.
“I think she’s kind of lenging Segars and Ma- Senior right-hander pitcher, one team. I think gional of the NCAA tour- “For us it’s, ‘How do
an X-factor for our of- lau’ulu for a starting out- Alyssa Loza — the you never really know nament, as they beat Se- we build? How do we get
fense,” Ricketts said of field spot, Ricketts said. hardest thrower on the what to expect.” attle University twice but better? How do we bring
Denis. “Opposing teams team — will hold down a Alabama is a presump- lost twice to host Wash- in the next group that are
tive favorite, but the Bull-
don’t know how to play
her. She can do a little bit
Williams leads pitching high-leverage relief role,
dogs, who went 9-15 in
ington. In the opposing better than the ones who
and the freshman Hawk Huskies, Ricketts saw a are here?’ Ricketts said.
of everything.” staff again and Wesley will see time conference play last sea- model she wants her pro- “I think that’s always our
Behind that powerful After starting 26 son, can’t afford to over-
there. Denis will also gram to emulate. mindset moving forward.”
top three, there’s a lot still games on the mound for look any SEC squad.
command some innings
up in the air. With the de- Mississippi State last sea- “Every year, top to bot-
on the mound, Ricketts
parture of outfielder Kat son, junior right-hander tom, you can never have
Moore, who hit behind Emily Williams is back an off week in our confer-
the Bulldogs’ “Big Two” as the Bulldogs’ primary ence,” she said.
last season, Mississippi starter. Ricketts ready for In her first year as head
State is in search of pro- Despite serious con- tough SEC coach, Ricketts already
tection. trol issues — Williams Even transfers were has that lesson down. For-
“That’s gonna be a big walked 148 batters to 156 transfixed when Missis- merly an assistant focus-
hole for us to fill there,” strikeouts in 171.2 in- sippi State played in the ing on hitting and recruit-
Ricketts said. nings pitched last season SEC tournament last May ing, she was promoted to
Anna Kate Segars — she posted a solid 2.90 in College Station, Texas. associate head coach in
could help plug that hole. ERA in 2019. This season, “The tournament’s fun the summer of 2018. One
The sophomore from East she’s trying to better that because ESPN uses it as year later, after Mississip-
Lawrence High School in mark. a tune-up for the College pi State announced that
Moulton, Alabama, hit “Leading the staff for World Series,” Ricketts head coach Vann Stuede-
.171 in just 35 at-bats in us, she’s really done a said. man would not return, the
2019, but Ricketts likes good job of homing in on She said the Bulldogs’ head job went to Ricketts.
the contrast she provides the strike zone, working newcomers, not used to “I think I just look at it
as a left-handed hitter. on her pitches and add- playing in the SEC, real- as (an) opportunity, and
Now a junior, outfield- ing a few more,” Ricketts ized, ‘Okay, this is pretty for me, I know what a


Young has 39 points, 18 assists as Hawks upend 76ers

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Raptors after the Cava- lected to his first All-Star 37 points for the Jazz on a
liers cut the lead to 105- Game, returned to the night when leading scor-
ATLANTA — All-Star 104. Powell hit a 3-pointer, lineup after missing three er Donovan Mitchell was
guard Trae Young had 39 scored on a layup after games with a right groin held to four on 1-for-12
points and a career-high making a steal and sank strain. He finished with shooting. He didn’t score
18 assists to lead the At- three foul shots to seal 20 points in 24 minutes. his first basket until there
lanta Hawks past Ben the win. D’Angelo Russell led was 4:05 left in the game.
Simmons and Philadel- Cleveland trimmed its the Warriors, who lost This marked the first
phia 127-117 on Thurs- deficit to one on three oc- their fifth straight, with of four meetings between
day night, extending the
76ers’ road woes.
casions and had a chance 22 points. Alec Burks
scored 18.
the Northwest Division ri- Are You Ready
to tie the game, but Dar- vals. The Nuggets (33-15)
Simmons scored 31
points to lead Philadel-
ius Garland missed the
second of two free throws Nuggets 106, Jazz 100
moved a game clear of the
Jazz (32-16).
to Discuss Your
phia. Shake Milton had
a career-high 27 points
with 1:18 to play, leaving
Toronto’s lead at 105-104.
DENVER — Nikola
Jokic scored 28 points, Wizards 121,
Long Term
— 14 more than his pre-
vious high — but it wasn’t
Lowry was selected as
an All-Star reserve ear-
including six in the fi-
nal two minutes, and
Hornets 107
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and Boston earned its
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Kings 124, Clippers 103 half on a night when the
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De’Aaron Fox scored 34 team to offer a tribute to hit a pair of free throws, a fifth 3 came in the mid- Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
points, Buddy Hield add- Kobe Bryant following long jumper and a floater dle of a 13-0 run that gave *Background information available upon request.
© The Dispatch

ed 19 and Cory Joseph his death in a helicopter to restore some breathing the Wizards an 82-74 lead Providing Our Clients Expertise With
16 as Sacramento used a crash. room. with 1:41 to play in the Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
strong second quarter to Jayson Tatum, just se- Jordan Clarkson had third quarter.
defeat Los Angeles.
It was the first basket-
ball game at Staples Cen-
ter since Kobe Bryant,
his 13-year-old daughter
Gianna and seven oth-
ers were killed in Sun-
day’s helicopter crash in
Calabasas. Paul George
narrated a 2-minute vid-
eo tribute shown before
the game while Bryant’s
retired No. 8 and No. 24
Lakers jerseys were left
uncovered in the upper
left corner of the arena.
The Kings made a sea-
son-high 21 3-pointers.
Lou Williams scored
22 points and Montrezl
Harrell had 21 for the
Clippers, who were with-
out Kawhi Leonard. The
All-Star forward was
scratched after pregame
warmups due to a lower
back strain.

Raptors 115,
Cavaliers 109
Serge Ibaka scored 26
points, Kyle Lowry had
23 and Toronto held off
Cleveland for its ninth
straight win.
Norman Powell scored
eight consecutive points
in the final minute for the
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 3B

Men’s College Basketball
Southern Miss falls at home to Old Dominion
Paul, Lowry among the All-Star reserves
New Hope graduate Tyler Stevenson had a
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS make the All-Star team, Clippers’ Paul George and are at the bottom of Irving — are all among
double-double with 18 points and 10 rebounds, but it is a surreal feeling. and Indiana’s Malcolm their conference. those not playing in this
the Southern Miss men’s basketball team lost to Old The All-Star Game is I’m just very excited, Brogdon. Beal is sixth Stephen Curry and year’s game.
Dominion 68-58 on Thursday in Hattiesburg. going to have plenty of and it is a dream come in the NBA in scoring Klay Thompson were in In addition to the
Malik Curry scored 18 points and A.J. Oliver II 17 new faces. true.” entering Thursday and the game for the War-
for Old Dominion (9-13, 5-4 Conference USA), which
new faces, there’s a new
The NBA released Those six — com- Booker is eighth, while riors last season; both format. The NBA an-
broke its six-game road losing streak. Kalu Ezikpe
added 10 points. Xavier Green had eight points, seven the list of the players bined with starters Drummond leads the have been hurt this nounced earlier Thurs-
rebounds and six assists. Thursday voted by the Pascal Siakam, Luka league in rebounds per season. Kevin Durant day that the first three
LaDavius Draine had 22 points to lead the Golden league’s head coaches Doncic and Trae Young, game. also was an All-Star for
Eagles (6-16, 2-7). Leonard Harper-Baker had 10 quarters of the All-Star
as reserves for the Feb. whose spots were re- “I’ve played with Golden State a year ago; Game would essentially
points, nine rebounds and six assists.
Southern Miss battled through the first 10 minutes 16 game in Chicago, in- vealed last week — and against multiple he’s also injured, and is be turned into a mini-
of the second half to grab a 47-46 lead after Draine cluding six who will be mean nine first-time All-Stars in this league now with the Brooklyn game for charity before
made three straight free throws and Stevenson hit a pair All-Stars for the first All-Stars will be at the and Devin Booker is Nets.
of jump shots. The lead was brief as Oliver scored the an untimed final quar-
time. game. undoubtedly an NBA Curry, Thompson
next five points, and Old Dominion never trailed again. ter with a target score
Southern Miss takes on Charlotte at home Kyle Lowry of the That’s the highest All Star,” Suns general and Durant aren’t the that will decide which
Saturday. NBA champion Toron- number of first-time manager James Jones only faces from 2019 team wins. Scores will
to Raptors is headed All-Stars in a decade. said. not playing in Chicago. be reset — back to 0-0
EMCC picks up home win over Delta back to the game, as “I don’t get there More notable omis- George, Beal, Kyrie — at the start of the sec-
The East Mississippi Community College men’s are Miami’s Jimmy But- without my team- sions: Everyone from Irving, Karl-Anthony
basketball team beat Mississippi Delta Community ond and third quarters,
ler, Philadelphia’s Ben mates,” said Adebayo, the San Antonio Spurs. Towns, Blake Griffin,
College 77-66 on Thursday night in Scooba.
Simmons, Milwaukee’s then restored to begin
The Lions are 13-5 and 6-1 in MACJC North who went to last year’s Barring an injury re- D’Angelo Russell, La-
Khris Middleton, Port- the fourth quarter.
division play. game in Charlotte as a placement, the Spurs Marcus Aldridge and
Jakorie Smith had his sixth double-double with 19 land’s Damian Lillard, From there, a tribute
fan, sitting in the seats won’t have an All-Star Nikola Vucevic were
points and 11 rebounds, KJ Riley scored a career-high Denver’s Nikola Jokic, to Kobe Bryant and the
and eating dinner from for the first time since All-Stars last year and
16 points, Traemond Pittman scored 11 points and
Houston’s Russell West- No. 24 jersey he wore
grabbed eight rebounds, and Donte Powers scored Bojangles — a popular 1997 ending what had weren’t picked this
brook and — for the fast food restaurant in been the longest such year. Victor Oladipo, an for the last decade of
11 points.
EMCC will play at Holmes Community College on first time since 2016 — that region. “They’ve active streak in the All-Star last season, un- his NBA career comes
Monday in Goodman. Oklahoma City’s Chris been behind me this NBA. DeMar DeRozan, derstandably isn’t one into play.
Paul. whole time.” who entered Thursday this year after having The team that wins
Women’s College Basketball The other reserves Paul is now a 10-time averaging 23.0 points, just made his season the All-Star Game will
Ole Miss struggles against South Carolina are all first-time selec- All-Star selection, the 5.7 rebounds and 5.2 debut Wednesday after be the first to reach
The Ole Miss women’s basketball team scored just tions: Miami’s Bam 41st such player with assists per game this a lengthy recovery from a target score, deter-
two points in the first half in Thursday’s 87-32 home loss Adebayo, Boston’s that distinction. West- season for the Spurs, a knee injury. mined by the total
to No. 1 South Carolina at the Pavilion in Oxford. points the team in the
The Rebels didn’t score until their 31st possession Jayson Tatum, Indiana’s brook has made it nine seemed like a legiti- Captains LeBron
of the game, late in the second quarter. Their offense Domantas Sabonis, times in the last 10 sea- mate All-Star candi- James of the Los Ange- lead scored in the first
improved a bit in the second half, but by then, the New Orleans’ Brandon sons. date. les Lakers and Giannis three quarters com-
damage was done: The Gamecocks had a 32-2 Ingram and the Utah Among the nota- No members of the Antetokounmpo of the bined — plus 24, the
halftime lead.
duo of Donovan Mitch- ble omissions from Golden State Warriors Milwaukee Bucks will obvious nod to Bryant,
Mimi Reid finished with 12 points for the Rebels,
and Deja Cage had six. ell and Rudy Gobert. the reserve list: Phoe- made it, which was to pick their teams on the 18-time All-Star
Ole Miss fell to 7-14 on the season and 0-8 in “Definitely it is an nix’s Devin Booker, be expected after the Feb. 6, just as they did who died along with his
the Southeastern Conference. The Rebels will host honor,” Tatum said in Detroit’s Derrick Rose five-time defending when they held the jobs 13-year-old daughter
Alabama at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Pavilion in Oxford.
a statement. “I am ex- and Andre Drummond, Western Conference last year. The top three and seven others in a
Southern Miss falls at Old Dominion tremely blessed and Washington’s Bradley champions have been picks from last season helicopter crash earlier
The Southern Miss women’s basketball team lost to grateful. Third year, to Beal, the Los Angeles battered by injuries — Durant, Curry and this week.
Old Dominion 67-50 on Thursday in Norfolk, Virginia.
The Golden Eagles fell to 11-8 overall with the loss.
They have a 9-4 record in Conference USA play.
Alarie Mayze and Shonte Hailes tied for the team PREP BASKETBALL ROUNDUP
lead with 14 points Thursday, and Respect Leaphart

Long leads Heritage Academy boys over Bayou Academy

had 11.
The Eagles will play at Charlotte at 3 p.m. Saturday.

EMCC women beat Delta for 11th straight

The EMCC women’s basketball team notched its
11th consecutive win Thursday by beating Delta 93-67 Heritage Academy 62, will begin play in its and Lucy Sharp had in Thursday’s road at Kemper Academy in
in Scooba. varsity district tourna- nine. game. De Kalb.
Bayou Academy 49 ment Monday at Lamar The Patriots will be
The Lions improved to 16-2 on the season and 7-0 The victory gave
in MACJC North play.
Taylor Lattimore had 28 points on 10-of-16 shooting
BY THEO DEROSA School in Meridian. the No. 3 seed in their the Rams a 6 -0 record CCA girls 55,
The Patriots are the No. district tournament in in district play.
and made 6 of 10 3-pointers. Topazia Hawkins had 17
points, Ja’Mia Hollings had 12 points and six rebounds,
[email protected]
1 seed. Meridian. Lawson Studdard
Hebron Christian 40
PHEBA — The Co-
and Tye Metcalf had 11 points and five assists. CLEVELAND — scored 23 points, Will lumbus Christian girls
EMCC will play at Holmes Community College on
Monday in Goodman.
The Heritage Academy Bayou Aca. girls 60, CCA boys 72, Teague had 21, and beat Hebron Christian 55-
boys basketball team
beat Bayou Academy
Heritage Aca. 39 Hebron Christian 55 Jonathan Peal had 11. 40 on Thursday in Pheba.
College Sports CLEVELAND — PHEBA — The For Hebron Chris- Like the boys team,
62-49 in Thursday’s The Heritage Academy Columbus Christian tian, Adrian Borst had the Rams finished with a
SEC announces average payout of $44.6M road game. girls lost to Bayou Acad- Academy boys team 25 points, and Dash 6-0 district record.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The Southeastern
Conference schools each received more than $44.6 Jared Long scored emy 60-39 on Thursday closed out its regu- Turman had 18. CC DeVos scored 18
million in total revenue distributed by the league, a 26 points to lead the Pa- in Cleveland. lar season with a 72- Both teams will points, Kylie Emerson
seven-figure increase from the previous fiscal year. triots. Bailey Harris had 17 55 win over Hebron play in the district had 11, and Cayden Hard-
SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey said Thursday
the league handed out just over $651.0 million of total Heritage Academy points for the Patriots, Christian School tournament next week ing had eight.
revenue among the 14 members for the 2018-19 fiscal
year, which ended August 31, 2019.
That’s up from $627.1 million total and $43.1 million
per school in 2017-18. NFL
It includes $624.2 million distributed from the
conference office, as well as $26.8 million schools kept
to offset travel and other related bowl expenses
The total distributed comes from television
History and excitement: a nice mix for the Super Bowl
agreements, postseason bowl games and the College THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said. “Winning this said. “You can see that ference. postseason, how it goes
Football Playoff and the SEC football championship thing for him is.” on the tape. We both So is San Francis- Sunday very possibly
game, as well as the league’s men’s basketball tourna- MIAMI — Few Su-
ment, the NCAA Championships and a supplemental San Francisco is just enjoy being out co’s defense, and it will will depend on how
surplus distribution. per Bowls in recent seeking its sixth Vince there with our team- need to be at optimal successful Mahomes
memory have appeared Lombardi Trophy, mates. We both make precision to deal with is. The 49ers don’t
SOURCE: From Special Reports as competitive as the which would equal the plays when we’re asked perhaps the most elec- need their QB, Jimmy
San Francisco 49ers record held by Pitts- to, and I think we both trifying player of them Garoppolo, to be extra
CALENDAR against the Kansas City burgh and New En- make plays when we’re all in this Super Bowl: special; he’s been more
Chiefs. gland. The 49ers also not asked to.” Chiefs quarterback Pat- of a caretaker behind
Today No wonder there’s a are looking to be only Both teams have rick Mahomes. that monstrous running
Prep Girls Basketball little more buzz about the second team to go wideouts capable of The 49ers have a game and defense in
New Hope at Columbus, 6 p.m. this one.
Caledonia at Pontotoc, 6 p.m. from 4-12 the previous swinging momentum in powerful pass rush the two postseason vic-
History and excite- season to the top of the their team’s favor. For sparked by a deep front tories.
West Point at Grenada, 6 p.m. ment are a nice combi-
Starkville at Germantown, 6 p.m. heap. the Chiefs it’s perhaps four that includes a sack Make no mistake
nation for any champi- “It’s been quite a the speediest group the threat at every spot — about Mahomes: Kan-
Starkville Christian at Tuscaloosa Home
onship game. journey,” said half- NFL has seen. Tyreek including one rookie, sas City needs him to
Educators, 6 p.m.
The history stems back Raheem Mostert, Hill is sure of it. Nick Bosa. A year ago, be, well, vintage Ma-
Hebron Christian at Calhoun Academy,
from the Chiefs seek- who himself has had “If I’m healthy and the Niners were so bad homes.
6 p.m.
ing their first title since
Madison-Ridgeland Academy at quite the sojourn in the my mind is in the right they had the second Which means big
1970, when they won
Starkville Academy, 6:30 p.m. NFL. He was cut by place, I’d go try out overall draft pick. They plays with his arm,
the fourth Super Bowl
Prep Boys Basketball seven teams and was a for the Olympics, put took edge rusher Bosa, thrown from angles
New Hope at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. in the final matchup
special-teamer for the together a relay,” Hill and look where they are we didn’t know exist-
Caledonia at Pontotoc, 7:30 p.m. of AFL-NFL. The full
49ers before getting said. “We’d show these now. ed. Howitzer throws as
West Point at Grenada, 7:30 p.m. merger took place the
a chance — and tak- track guys, ‘Hey, we The Niners have he rolls out — even to
Starkville at Germantown, 7:30 p.m. next season — and
ing off running with it. football players can do 57 sacks including the his left — and doesn’t
Starkville Christian at Tuscaloosa Home Kansas City hasn’t been
Mostert rushed for 220 that, too.’” playoffs, with veteran bother fully planting
Educators, 7:30 p.m. back to the Super Bowl
yards and four touch- He’s put fellow re- linebacker Dee Ford, his legs. Maybe even
Hebron Christian at Calhoun Academy, for which its founder,
downs in the NFC title ceivers Sammy Wat- Bosa, Arik Armstead the tightrope kind of
7:30 p.m. Lamar Hunt, provided
Madison-Ridgeland Academy at the name. game. kins and rookie Mecole and DeForest Buckner run down the sideline
Starkville Academy, 8 p.m. “I think he would be “This franchise has Hardman on that relay. all having at least 7 1/2. that still has NFL folks
amazed,” said his son, a lot of history and “It almost looks like Fred Warner has de- shaking their heads in
accomplishments. Of they got their roster veloped into a versatile wonder.
ON THE AIR Clark Hunt, who now
oversees the Chiefs. course we want to add from the Olympic relay linebacker and Richard “You have to accept
“He and my mother ac- to that.” team and threw them Sherman remains one the excitement that it
Saturday Mostert is one of all on the football field,” of the NFL’s great cor- is,” Mahomes said this
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) tually talked about that
at one of the last Super a field full of players 49ers defensive coordi- nerbacks — an action week as he stood on a
10 a.m. — Xavier at Seton Hall, FOX who will push the thrill nator Robert Saleh said. guy who will love tak- podium and spoke to
11 a.m. — Indiana at Ohio State, ESPN Bowls they attended
together about 15 years throttle to the floor “Not to say they can’t ing on Mahomes. reporters. “It’s amazing
11 a.m. — Ole Miss at LSU, ESPN2
ago. He said, ‘I always and keep it there. So is run routes and catch ei- “We believe in each to be here, to be in this
Noon — Michigan State at Wisconsin,
knew it was going to be Kelce. ther, because they can other,” Sherman said. atmosphere, to be at
big, but I didn’t know But Kelce might not do that. They’re a spe- “We believe in the this podium. It’s where
1 p.m. — Tennessee at Mississippi
it was going to be this be the best tight end in cial group and you can scheme. We believe you want to be when
State, ESPNU
big.” the game. It’s close, but see why they’re there.” in what we’ve done all you start training camp
3 p.m. — Texas Tech at Kansas, ESPN
Then there’s Andy 49ers All-Pro George Still, the 49ers have a year, and we plan on in St. Joe, Missouri. For
5 p.m. — Kentucky at Auburn, ESPN
Reid, whose NFL head Kittle is just as capable clutch receiver in veter- going out there and put- me, to be in this mo-
7 p.m. — Duke at Syracuse, ESPN
coaching resume goes of breaking open this an Emmanuel Sanders, ting a good product on ment, I’m just enjoying
9:30 p.m. — Colorado at Southern
back to 1999 in Phila- Super Bowl with some- a rookie with no fear of tape and seeing how it it as much as possible.”
California, FS1
delphia. He has a Super thing spectacular. going anywhere on the goes.” Chances are, Ma-
Bowl ring from work as And celebrate it al- field — or above it — to For Kansas City, homes and his team-
2 p.m. — PGA Tour: The Waste Man-
an assistant coach in most as adeptly as J-Lo make a catch in Deebo whose defense per- mates, along with the
agement Phoenix Open, Second Round,
Green Bay, but Reid is and Shakira will fill the Samuel, and an emerg- formed particularly 49ers, will produce
Scottsdale, Ariz., CBS
0-1 in the big game. halftime stage. ing talent in Kendrick well down the stretch one of those enjoyable,
“Just getting him “I think we both Bourne. Just like with of the regular season memorable, perhaps
7:30 p.m. — Philadelphia at Boston,
here isn’t the goal,” star have a really good time Kansas City, they’re but hasn’t been so stin- even classic Super
tight end Travis Kelce playing football,” Kittle capable of making a dif- gy in spots during the Bowls.
4B FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 The Dispatch •


Djokovic adds to Slam streak vs. Federer at Australian Open

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Casting aside a bit of to stop playing. “Once you Alexander Zverev. with the temperature in Grand Slam matches, nev-
a poor start during the can see it coming, that Djokovic also can the high 90s (high 30s er retired from any of his
MELBOURNE, Aus- rivals’ 50th meeting, it’s not going to work any- claim a 17th major trophy Celsius) and no breeze to more than 1,500 career
tralia — Novak Djokov- Djokovic stretched his more, it’s tough.” overall to move closer to offer respite. tour-level matches.
ic was wondering, right Grand Slam winning Djokovic now leads Federer’s record of 20. Almost from the mo- “I don’t think I would
along with everyone else, streak against Federer to their head-to-head series Rafael Nadal, beaten by ment his wild quarterfi- have gone on court if I
what sort of shape Roger six in a row with a 7-6 (1), 27-23, including 11-6 at Thiem in the quarterfi- nal ended Tuesday after had no chance to win,”
Federer would be in for 6-4, 6-3 victory Thurs- majors. Federer hasn’t nals, is at 19. he’d saved seven match Federer said. “We saw I
their Australian Open day night that earned the beaten him at one of the In the women’s final points and eked past Ten- was still able to make a
semifinal. defending champion a sport’s four most import- Saturday, it’ll be two- nys Sandgren in five sets, match out of it.”
At age 38, despite deal- record eighth trip to the ant tournaments since time major champion speculation swirled about Indeed, Federer ap-
ing with a painful groin final at Melbourne Park. 2012. Garbiñe Muguruza of how well Federer would peared to be managing
muscle and coming off a “Today was horrible, “I just want to say, re- Spain against 21-year-old recover. just fine at the outset.
draining five-setter, Fed- to go through what I did. spect to Roger for com- Sofia Kenin of the Unit- Might the muscle issue The proceedings be-
erer came out just fine, it Nice entrance. Nice send- ing out tonight. He was ed States. It’s Kenin’s de- force him to pull out of the gan with a jolt of a 14-point
seemed, and soon was up off. And in between, it’s obviously hurt,” Djokovic but in a Grand Slam title tournament? Why didn’t game as a fugue of “Let’s
4-1 and love-40, holding a one to forget, because said. “Wasn’t at his best.” match. he practice Wednesday? go, Roger!” and “No-
trio of break chances as you know you have a 3% The No. 2-seeded Clearly, for Djokovic As it happens, Federer le! No-le!” provided the
Djokovic served. chance to win,” Federer Djokovic will try to col- vs. Federer, everything gave what he could until soundtrack, prompting
Didn’t last. Federer said, adding that he dis- lect a record-extending hinged on the first hour the end. chair umpire Nico Helw-
couldn’t sustain that lev- cussed beforehand with eighth Australian Open ti- or so. He’s never handed erth to passively aggres-
el. Neither his body nor his team how bad things tle on Sunday against No. They played on a mug- an opponent a walkover sively admonish specta-
Djokovic would let him. would need to get for him 5 Dominic Thiem or No. 7 gy, sweltering evening, across more than 400 tors: “Please. Thank you.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I diet, picking at He says he “will not walk on
have multi- their food might eggshells in his own home.”
ple chronic be interpreted Our son is our only child.
health condi- as rude and What can or should we do? —
tions. Because you don’t wish HEARTBROKEN IN OHIO
my symptoms are to come across DEAR HEARTBROKEN: No-
worsened by a lot that way. Ask if body should have to walk on
of foods, I’m on a you can bring eggshells. If ever I heard of a
highly restricted your own food family that could benefit from
diet. If I stay on with you. I’m family counseling, you three
it, I feel as well sure your hosts are it. Your doctor or insur-
as possible. (I will understand ance company can refer you
ZITS never feel entirely and tell you to to someone who is licensed
well.) enjoy their hospi- and competent. Please don’t
When I go to tality (if not their wait.
friends’ homes food) because DEAR ABBY: My biological
for dinner or they welcome mother gave me up at birth.
parties, would it
Dear Abby your company. Her reason for doing it chang-
be rude for me to DEAR ABBY: es every time I ask. I joined
bring along something for my- My husband and I received the Navy right out of high
self that I can eat that won’t a worrisome email from our school and left the service at
make me sick? I can have no 20-something-year-old son, 25. Less than a month later,
grains, no dairy, no eggs, no a graduate student some she contacted me. It turns
sugar, the list goes on and on, distance away. He wrote that out that I have three half-sib-
but I could always bring extra he is recovering from wounds lings, but I have no desire to
food to share if you think that of his childhood. (We thought connect with them.
would be appropriate. we were loving, supportive She waited 25 years to
GARFIELD I have been eating before parents.) He indicated he will contact me, and I was the
I go and then claiming not to come home for visits only if only one of my siblings she
be hungry, but I feel it would we comply with his demands gave up. Does it make me
be rude to do this at dinner — about 10 were listed — a bad person that I have no
parties. What do you suggest and accused us of some emotional connection to my
I do? I prefer that my health things we never did. biological family? — NO FEEL-
not be a topic of conversation. On the advice of my INGS IN THE EAST
— CAN’T EAT JACK counselor — I have a history DEAR NO FEELINGS: No,
DEAR CAN’T: Your health of depression, which is in re- it does not. Whatever her rea-
won’t be a topic of conversa- mission — I wrote agreeing to son for surrendering you, you
tion at these gatherings if you his demands in order to keep have built a good life. Please
discuss this with your host(s) the lines of communication stop feeling guilty for moving
at the time you are invited to open. My husband refuses to forward and living it. Doing
the party. Explain that you do this. He is overwhelmingly so does not make you a bad
are on a severely restricted hurt, angry and frustrated. person, only a healthy one.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Jan. do, which is to grow. it’s essential to have a trusted
31). Your intuition is so strong, TAURUS (April 20-May 20). and knowledgeable leader.
and psychic powers will assist To give up on a relationship LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
you in making something beau- just because it’s problematic There are few things in life more
tiful out of your time. Share your would be a missed opportunity. useful than a fun outlook. No
visions. Speak out about what No connection is ideal. What one can be fun all of the time,
will happen next. Prophesies makes a bond great is people but being fun when it matters
begin to fulfill themselves the willing to find a way to make it brings all kinds of good luck.
moment the words leave your work. Today, it mostly comes from
lips. Your work for the good of GEMINI (May 21-June 21). relaxing, staying playful and
many will succeed. Capricorn The hardest people to read are sticking with the moment.
and Sagittarius adore you. Your the ones who offer you nothing VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
lucky numbers are: 49, 21, 29, to read. They aren’t talking or You know how to take care of
BABY BLUES 40 and 15. emoting. They may be distant yourself, but you don’t always
ARIES (March 21-April or not there at all. This won’t be do it. Well, that’s going to have
19). When you feel like the a problem for you. You’ll intuit to change. It’s not just about
world is yours, it is. The reason the way. you, you know. Your loved ones
you don’t feel this way all of CANCER (June 22-July 22). are also better off when you’re
the time is that you have a You’re willing to do whatever operating at the top of your
conscience that disallows you work it takes to get the job game.
from missing out on the most done, but you’re not willing to LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
important thing a human can toil indiscriminately. This is why Honesty goes really well with
charm. Without charm, the truth
can be too painful to do any
good. Also, note that there are
those who think they are being
honest, but instead they are
being thuggishly opinionated.
21). Just because you are a
certain age, race and socioeco-
nomic standing doesn’t mean
your appeal stops with that
same demographic. Diversity is
the magic of the human race;
never forget that.
21). Because you are genuinely
interested in others, where they
are coming from, their stories
and what they know, you don’t
worry about how it all applies to
you until much much later. First,
MALLARD FILLMORE you just listen.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Do you get the sense that
there’s a culture of caring build-
ing all around you? Yes, this
comes from you, as you notice
the needs and contributions of
others and mention what you
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). In art — all art, including
the art of relationships and
the art of life -- the choice of
material matters but not nearly
as much as the way you put it
FAMILY CIRCUS all together. It’s the how not the
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Some jobs take but
seconds to complete, and yet
they’re still a bother when you’re
this focused on what really
matters to you. Rough edges?
That’s life. You can clean them
up later.

Melting point
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 2020 5B

Church, 2221 14th Ave. N., hosts free
Black History Program Gospel Book Club coffee and a prayer community outreach
New Bell Zion United Methodist Friendship M.B. Church, 1102 12th
Church, 3743 Highway 25 South, invites Ave. S., invites the public to join its Com- service from 8-9 a.m. every 5th Saturday.
the public to attend its Black History munity Gospel Book Club from 6-7 p.m., on For information, contact Jesse Slater,
Program at 6 p.m. Feb. 8. The guest the fourth Friday of each month, to study 662-328-4979.
speaker will be State Representative and share views of the Holy Bible. Open to
Cheikh Taylor. For more information, call
Lena Smith, 662-617-3892.
all ages and ethnicities. For more informa-
tion, call Lillian Murray, 662-570-1974.
Radio Program
Apostles Patrick Perkins invites the
public to tune in to WTWG, radio 1050
Anniversary Celebration Grief Support Group AM for Perfecting the Saints Broadcast,
Mt. Zion M.B. Church, 2221 14th The Oil of Joy for Grief and Mourning
Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.
Ave. N., hosts its 12th Anniversary offers a grief support group at 6 p.m.
Celebration for Pastor Jesse J. Slater every 2nd Thursday of the month at United
and First Lady Olivia Slater at 10 a.m. Christian Baptist Church, 232 Yorkville Women Prayer, Worship Service
Road East. “Making your grieving journey Church of the Eternal Word, 106
Feb. 9, with guest speaker Minister Ta-
easier.” For more information, call 662- 22nd St. S., holds a prayer and worship
varis Williams, and at 3 p.m. with guest
speaker Pastor Tommy Cox of Cluster
M.B. Church.
327-0604 or e-mail unitedchristian@
service every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. Call
Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322 or 662- Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

Sudoku Yesterday’s answer

329-1234, for prayer requests. Sudoku is a number-
Deacon Ordination Celebrate Recovery placing puzzle based on
7 9 5 2 1 4 8 6 3
Mt. Olive M.B. Church, 2020 Atkins The Assembly Church, 2201 Military Prayer Ministry Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
Road, and Meadowview Church, 300 New Beginning Everlasting Outreach ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 1 4 2 3 6 8 7 5 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Road in Millport, Alabama, hosts its Dea-
Linden Circle in Starkville, host Celebrate Ministry invites the public to call in with based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 6 8 3 9 5 7 1 2 4
con Ordination Service, for Bro. Roderick
Recovery at 6 p.m. every Sunday at The their prayer requests at 662-327-9843. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 2 5 7 4 3 6 9 1 8
Smith, at 5 p.m. Feb. 9. The public is
Assembly Church (next to Lowe’s) and given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 4 1 8 7 2 9 5 3 6
invited attend.
column and each 3x3 the
is to place
at 6 p.m. every Tuesday at Meadowview Prayer Service numbers
box 9 3 6 5 8 1 4 7 2
Church. Get help, healing and support contains the1same to 9 number
School of Ministry Enrollment for any habit, hurt or hang-up using the
Church of the Eternal Word, 106
22nd. St. S., Columbus, holds prayer
the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty
3 7 1 8 4 2 6 9 5
Mississippi State School of Ministry Christ-centered 12 steps. that each row, each 8 2 9 6 7 5 3 4 1
service Thursday nights 5-6 p.m. Contact level increases from
is now taking applications for enroll- column and each 5 6 4 1 9 3 2 8 7
ment. Earn a certification, associates, Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322. Church Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Divorce Recovery
Difficulty Level 1/30

bachelor, master or doctoral degree in service times: Sunday school 10 a.m.; the same number only once. The difficulty level
The DivorceCare Recovery support Sunday worship 11:15 a.m.; Tuesday
divinity. For more information, call Dr. increases from Monday to Sunday.
Michael T. Boyd, 662-425-8443. group meets from 4:30-6 p.m. each Bible study 7 p.m. For information, call
Sunday beginning Jan. 12-April 5 at Pastor District Elder Lou Nabors, 662-
Meadowood Baptist Church, 1512 Hatley 329-1234.
Forgive and Live Road in Amory. Child care provided through
Forgive and Live meets from 6-7
p.m. every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each
5th grade. Standalone seminar sessions
topics are “Facing My Anger”, “Facing My
Fitness Transformations
month in the downtown YMCA Board The Transformational Church, 2301
Loneliness”, “New Relationships”, and
Room. Inquire and seek information Jess Lyons Road, hosts boxing lessons
“Forgiveness”. For more information, call
to succeed spiritually, physically and Mondays and Wednesday from 5-7 p.m.,
Meadowood Baptist Church, 662-256-
financially and be eager to be a blessing weight-loss boot camp Tuesdays and
5616, or email meadowoodamory@gmail.
to the community, churches and families Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and both on Satur-
through the Word of God. The public is days 9-11 a.m.
invited to attend. For more information,
call Pat Fisher Douglas, 662-251-5899. Prayer for Youth Youth Fellowship
Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday, Pleasant
The Transformational Church, 2301
Fellowship Dinner, Youth Service Ridge Faith Center hosts a prayer for the
youth from 2-3 p.m.
Jess Lyons Road, hosts Youth Fellowship
Pleasant Ridge Faith Center, 923 from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tuesday. Games,
Ridge Road, Columbus, hosts a fellow- prayer, service, food, & more. Transpor-
ship dinner and youth service every 3rd Prayer, Free Coffee tation available. For information, call Iris
Sunday. Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Roberson, 662-295-7456.

NFL’s Saints accused of helping

shape clergy sex abuse list
‘This goes beyond public relations. The Saints appear to crimes,” and one email
from late 2018 referred to
have had a hand in determining which names should or Saints Senior Vice Presi-
dent of Communications
should not have been included on the pedophile list.’ Greg Bensel joining un-
named “third parties” in
BY JIM MUSTIAN attorneys wrote, accus- had actual involvement in a discussion about “re-
The Associated Press ing the Saints of issuing the creation of the pedo- moving priests from the
misleading statements phile list.” pedophile list.” It was not
NEW ORLEANS — saying their work for the That list, the Saints’ clear which other Saints
The New Orleans Saints archdiocese involved only role in it and how accu- officials may have been
say they only did “mini- “messaging” and han- rate it was have become involved.
mal” public relations work 1 Plague
dling media inquiries as key questions in a con- The Saints, whose
on the area’s Roman Cath- 6 Some stingers
part of the 2018 release of troversy that has swirled devoutly Catholic own-
olic sexual abuse crisis, 11 Superfluous
the clergy names. around the team since er Gayle Benson is close
but attorneys suing the 12 Kick out
Instead, they wrote, news of the emails broke friends with the local
church allege hundreds of 13 Rose feature
“The Saints appear to last week. archbishop, have disput-
confidential Saints emails 14 Téa of “Mad-
have had a hand in de- Victims’ advocates ed as “outrageous” any
show the team’s involve- am Secretary”
termining which names have long argued that suggestion that the team 15 Road sealer
ment went much further, should or should not have the New Orleans Arch- helped cover up crimes.
helping to shape a list of 16 Young fox
been included on the pe- diocese’s list of 57 credi- They have accused plain- 18 Little rascal
credibly accused clergy dophile list.” bly accused clergy, since tiffs’ attorneys of mis-
that appears to be under-
19 Avenue tree
“In order to fulfill this expanded by six more characterizing what is in 20 Some amount
counted. role ... the Saints must names, minimizes the the emails. of
New court papers filed have known the specif- problem. An Associated Even as the team’s at- 21 Summer sign
this week by lawyers for ic allegations of sexual Press analysis of the list torneys went to court to 22 Bounty
about two dozen men abuse against a priest ... suggests it underestimat- keep the 276 documents 24 Ivy League
making sexual abuse and made a judgment call ed the actual number of from being released to the school
claims against the Arch- about whether those al- publicly accused clergy public, they said in a court
25 Books 44 Lab work 23 Penguin’s
diocese of New Orleans legations by a particular members in the region by filing this week, “Neither reviewer 45 Work breaks cousin
gave the most detailed de- victim against a named at least 20. the Saints nor any of their27 Bottle plug 24 “The Bells”
scription yet of the emails priest were, in its opin- Plaintiffs’ attorneys personnel have anything 29 Some choc- DOWN writer
that have rocked the NFL ion, legitimate enough to alleged in earlier court to hide.” The team says olates 1 Improve 26 Tiller puller
team and remain shielded warrant being included,” papers that Saints exec- it does not object to the 32 Writer Rad- 2 Sigh, say 27 Mark of
from the public. the attorneys wrote. They utives joined in the arch- emails becoming public cliffe 3 Sailors heed distinction
“This goes beyond added, “It cannot now be diocese’s “pattern and later if they are admitted 33 Yacht spot them 28 Like some
public relations,” the disputed that the Saints practice of concealing its into evidence in the case. 34 Bar concern 4 Slip kicks
35 Long-running 5 Beer holder 30 Rockies
CBS drama 6 Writer Eudora rodent
36 PC key 7 Woodsman’s 31 Wins every
37 Before, to tool game of
bards 8 Movie review 33 Future
Indictment, a plan and a pardon: Israeli PM has a wild week 38 Door part
40 Crooner Mel
42 Defeated, but
9 Some calligra-
39 Acquire
41 Early hour
BY ARON HELLER the Atlantic Ocean, the he fights for his political be the first sitting prime barely
The Associated Press 10 Like loafers
mood had taken a down- survival ahead of March 2 minister to face a crimi- 43 Leading
17 Book parts
turn, with Netanyahu’s elections. nal trial.
M O S - annexation plan suddenly It began Sunday, with Hours later, Trump an-
COW — in question and an em- grand proclamations nounced a plan to resolve
When Is- barrassing criminal trial upon departure about the the Israeli-Palestinian
raeli Prime casting a cloud over his great mission he was on, conflict that overwhelm-
Minister re-election hopes. and about “making histo- ingly favors Israel and ap-
Benjamin Netanyahu’s sojourn to ry” with Trump. On Mon- peared to pave the way for
Netanya- Moscow, to bring home an day, he beamed alongside immediate annexation of
hu left Israeli backpacker jailed Trump in the Oval Office, large swaths of the West
the White Netanyahu on drug charges that the flaunting their friendship Bank, including Israel’s
House after the unveil- prime minister had con- and lavishing praise upon many settlements and the
ing of President Donald vinced Russia to pardon, the American president. Jordan Valley.
Trump’s Mideast plan, capped a roller-coaster On Tuesday, Netanya- Before an adoring
which hugely favors Isra- five-day journey during hu withdrew a request for audience of evangelical
el, he and his entourage which he was also formal- immunity before parlia- Christians and other sup-
could barely contain their ly indicted on corruption ment could reject it, trig- porters, he called Trump
glee as they boasted of charges. gering the official launch the “greatest friend that
realizing their dream of It’s been quite a trip of his trial on charges of Israel has ever had in
swiftly annexing large for Israel’s longest-serv- bribery, fraud, and breach the White House,” and
swaths of the West Bank. ing prime minister, who of trust stemming from compared the moment’s
But by the time his has portrayed himself as three long-running cor- significance to that of the
plane had flown across a master statesman as ruption cases. He will now birth of Israel in 1948.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?




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leging it is in the best interest 2BR MOBILE HOME $400 Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
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222 Sara Sista Circle, Harvest, vided interest she owns in
IRENE COBB, ET AL. DEFEND- AL 35749, who is an adult non- such real estate on the terms
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Lease, Deposit
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REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN You are required to mail or entered for the relief reques- 662−329−2323 Plenty of private parking. High School. 662−352−
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Instruction & School
1 day $10
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ney for the Plaintiff, whose answer or any other pleading
SIPPI, post office address is Post
fice Box 524, Columbus, Mis-
Of- with the court, but you may do
so if you desire. REAL ESTATE
3 day $18
You have been made Defend- sissippi 39703-0524, and
ants in a lawsuit filed in this whose street address is The Issued under my hand and the
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6 day $34
development Authority to con- North, Suite 10, Columbus, 22nd day of January, 2020.
demn by eminent domain cer- Mississippi 39701. Your re-
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Mississippi. The property is ne- Summons and Complaint, or a 39703 St N. Fenced back yard w/ Price includes 4 lines of text;
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defend, a judgment will be 39703 TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Houses For Sale: Caledonia 662−722−3016 or visit
entered against you for the (SEAL) LOCAL LAW FIRM is seek-
money or other things deman- BY: s/ TINA FISHER D.C. ing Receptionist/Secretary. 1 BEDROOM FSBO: 3BR/2BA ON 2.5 ADS STARTING AT $12
ded in the complaint or peti-
tion. Publication dates: January 31,
Previous experience 2 BEDROOMS ACRES. 1600 sqft.
helpful but not necessary. Completely remodeled.
February 7 and 14, 2020
Computer skills a must. 3 BEDROOMS $178,000. 662−386− Bargain Column
You are hereby further given 7113. AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD
Email resume to:
notice that not less than ten IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF LEASE,
© The Dispatch

DAISY RED RIDER 70th PUPPIES. Exc. ped. Blk/

(10) days prior to the date of LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- [email protected] Anniversary Edition. BB gun
the trial on April 8, 2020, you SIPPI DEPOSIT Lots & Acreage in exc cond. $50. 662−
red. Vet checked, w/s,
are required to file the State- wormed. Ready to go! 662
ment of Values pursuant to IN RE: MATTER OF THE LAST
574−3377, leave msg. −213−4609.
Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, WILL AND TESTAMENT OF WIL- Education CREDIT CHECK acre lots. Good/bad credit. General Merchandise
which shall be treated as BERT THOMAS, SR., DE-
pleadings in this action. The CONSULTANTS NEEDED 10% down, as low as Pet Supplies / Accessories
date of the filing of the Com-
plaint herein is the 10th day of
Oktibbeha School District’s
662-329-2323 $299/mo. Eaton Land.
$300. Call 662−549− Happy Jack® LiquiVict 2x:
October, 2019, and the name recognized safe & effective
and address of the attorney for
CAUSE NO. 2019-0066 21st CCLC AMS STEAM 2411 HWY 45 N 4560 or 662−240−1507.
by U.S. CVM against hook
after school program is
seeking qualified and ex- & round worms in dogs.
Stegall, P. O. Box 7120, Tu- At Tractor Supply.
pelo, Mississippi 38802. Oth- perienced individuals for QUALITY COMPUTER
er than the Statement of Val- the following responsibilit- Commercial Property For Rent SERVICE & REPAIR. (
ues you are not required to file TO: SYLVIA THOMAS ROSS, ies: PCs & Laptops.
an Answer or other pleading 256 West Indian Creek Drive, FOR RENT LOCATED NEAR TWO FREE SIGNS Hardware & Software.
but you may do so if you de-
Mobile, Al 36607 who is an • To develop and lead
adult non-resident of the State hands-on, problem-based
DOWNTOWN. 3,000 sq. ft.
truck terminal, 9,500 sq. Estate Sales
Windows, MacOS, Linux.
Call Kevin @ 773−231− Five Questions:
of Mississippi, or not to be ft. shop & 3,200 sq. ft. 7349 and leave voicemail.
Issued under my hand and the found therein after diligent in- STEM (e.g. entomology,
Golden Triangle Area.
1 Buffalo, deer,
seal of said Court, this 13th herpetology, geology, ar- office/shop. Buildings can 2212 NEW HOPE RD.
quiry, and whose post office
day of January, 2020. address, except as set forth chaeology, astronomy, hor- be rented together or Indoor Garage Sale, All day
above, is unknown to the Peti-
tioners after diligent inquiry.
ticulture, agriculture anim- separately. All w/ excellent
als and crops, etc.) enrich- access & Hwy. 82 visibility.
Fri., Sat. & Sun. 6a−6p.
Lots of clothes, tables,
WANTED FREON R12. antelope
SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT 662−327−9559. We pay CA$H.
ment activities that incor- dishes, jewelry, etc. R12 R500 R11.
DOMAIN, You have been made a Re- porate the arts.
2 Ferrari — Capa-
901−293−7608. Convenient.
spondent to the Petition to Sell RESTAURANT SPACE
Real Estate filed in this Court Certified professionals.
ble of going 217
AVAILABLE. 1200 sq. ft.
BY: /s/Ann Marie Langford, by the Executrix, alleging it is in • Guest speakers to ad- Garage Sales: East
D.C. the best interest of the estate dress STEM career paths. $1100/mo. Serious 312−291−9169
mph, only 400
to sell such real estate on the inquiries only. 662−328−
Publish: 1/17, 1/24, & 8655 or 662−574−7879. 702 WARPATH RD. Sat,
terms and conditions set forth • Youth develop and fam-
were built.
1/31/2020 in the Petition, and seeking a
7a−11a. Womens clothing
ily support specialist to Houses For Rent: North (lg/xl), mens clothing (2x),
judgment for approval of same work with students and
womens shoes sz 8−9, kid
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF You are summoned to be and their families to promote 3BR/2BA BRICK Home, clothes/toys & hh.
3 Uniform
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- appear and defend, should you social and emotional ch/a, stove, dw, & fridge
SIPPI desire to do so, against the Pe- growth. furn. Fenced backyard. Garage Sales: North
tition at 9:00 o’clock A.M. on 1204 6th St. N. $785/mo
IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- the 10th day of February, 2020 For more information or to
4 U.S. Supreme
TATE OF MARYA EZELLE, DE- in the Courtroom of the Oktib- + dep. 662−352−4776. BIG YARD SALE!!!
CEASED submit a letter of intent in-
beha County Courthouse in cluding an expected hourly Saturday, February 1st,
Starkville, Mississippi, and in
case of your failure to appear rate and resume, contact
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
7am−1pm. Lots of Home
Decor, Toys, Kitchen, Small You’ll find the best deals Court
OR Amy Pitts at 1504 Louis-
and defend, a judgment may be
entered for the relief reques- ville Street, Starkville, MS,
bath townhouses. $625 to Appliances, etc... Rain or when you advertise
$675. 662−549−9555. Shine! 1922−A Old and shop here!
5 Swiss Alps
NO. 2020-0004-PDE ted in the Petition. 662-615-0033, Ask for Glenn or text. Aberdeen Rd, Columbus
[email protected] by
You are not required to file an
answer or any other pleading
Friday, February 14, 2020.

Letters Testamentary have with the court, but you may do
been granted and issued to so if you desire.
Mary Hughes Love, Executor of General Help Wanted
the Estate of Marya Ezelle, de- Issued under my hand and the
ceased, by the Chancery Court seal of said Court, this the
of Lowndes County, Missis- THE COMMERCIAL
24th day of January, 2020.
sippi, on the 16th day of Janu- DISPATCH is seeking a
ary, 2020. This is to give no-CINDY GOODE, LOWNDES mechanically-minded indi-
tice to all persons having
claims against the estate to
P.O. BOX 684, COLUMBUS, MS room. Applicants must be
Probate and Register same 39703 comfortable working around
with the Chancery Clerk of Automotive Services Carpet & Flooring General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
Lowndes County, Mississippi, heavy machinery, adhering
(SEAL) to tight deadlines and must
within ninety (90) days from the
date of first publication of this have an eye for detail & CARL HOGAN TOYOTA A & T TREE SERVICES
Bucket truck & stump
Notice. A failure to so Probate
Publication dates: January 31 quality. Flexible hours are a
and Register the claim will
forever bar the same.
and February 7, 2020 must. Must pass drug test. Robert W. removal. Free est.
Serving Columbus
Mowing, cleanup,
landscaping, sodding,
Email resume to
[email protected]
Jamerson since 1987. Senior
citizen disc. Call Alvin @
& tree cutting.
THIS the 22nd day of January, Sales/Leasing
2020. LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- or drop resumes off at 242−0324/241−4447
SIPPI 516 Main Street Professional "We’ll go out on a limb for Painting & Papering
Estate of Marya Ezelle Columbus, MS 39701.
By Mary Hughes Love, Executor IN RE: EBONY SHAKIRA No phone calls please. $200 for Every you!"
Buying Referral! DAVID’S CARPET & WORK WANTED: SERVICE. Special Prices.
EBONY SHAKIRA THOMAS AND 3907 Hwy. 45 N. • Columbus, MS UPHOLSTERY Licensed & Bonded. Interior and Exterior
John W. Crowell (MSB 7906) JENNIFER MCDAVID, NEXT CLEANING Carpentry, minor electrical, Painting. 662−435−6528
© The Dispatch

FRIEND PETITIONERS Office: 662-241-6000

Crowell Gillis & Cooper, PLLC 1 Room − $50 minor plumbing, insulation,
Post Office Box 1827 Cell: 708-955-3085 2 Rooms − $70 painting, demolition, Tree Services
Columbus, MS 39703 V. 3+ Rooms − $30 EA
PHONE: (662) 243-7308
[email protected] Rugs−Must Be Seen
gutters cleaned, pressure
[email protected]
ENT ADS STARTING AT $25 Car Upholstery cleanup work, moving help. Work from a bucket truck.
Cleaning Available 662−242−3608. Insured/bonded.
PUBLISH: 662−722−1758
1/24, 1/31, & 2/7/20 CAUSE NO. 2020-0035 Apts For Rent: South Call Jimmy Prescott for free
Read local. GRAVEL
$360 per load.
estimate, 662−386−6286. Shop Are you a painter? THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI located at 121 5th St. S. Local delivery, 14 yd truck.


$700/mo. 662−328−
8655. Classifieds Backhoe & Dozer work.
Advertise here!
an adult non-resident of the

Buy. Sell. Discover.

State of Mississippi, or not to
be found therein after diligent
inquiry, and whose post office
address, except as set forth
above, is unknown to the Peti-
tioners after diligent inquiry.

You have been made a Re-

spondent to the Petition for
Partial Removal of Disability of
Minority filed in this Court by
the minor and next friend, al-
leging it is in the best interest
of the minor to have her disab-
ility of minority removed par-

In the Classifieds section.

tially so as to sell such undi-
vided interest she owns in
such real estate on the terms
and conditions set forth in the
Petition, and seeking a judg-

On the web: • Or call: 662-328-2424

ment for such removal of disab-
ility as may be ordered by the

You are summoned to be and

appear and defend, should you
desire to do so, against the Pe-

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