Kosi Bridge Report
Kosi Bridge Report
Kosi Bridge Report
Sr. Description Page
No. Number
1 Main Objective & Scope of Work 2
2 General Description of the Project Site 2
3 Data Collection and Data Analysis 3
4 Hydrological and Hydraulic Studies for Minor 5
5 Scour Depth 12
6 Summary and Recommendations 12
7 References 13
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
1.1 Main Objective & Scope of Work
The main objective of the hydrological and hydraulic study is to determine the
required size of drainage structures to allow the estimated design flow of the
streams to cross the road safely, and to check whether waterways of existing
structures are sufficient to transmit the flow without risk so that appropriate
decisions could be taken concerning their rehabilitation.
The hydrological and hydraulic study for the project has been based on:
Topographic survey data of cross drainage structures
Topographic data and maps of streams, upstream and downstream
HFL from local enquiries and telltale marks and hydraulic conditions at the
existing drainage structures.
The scope of Work is to prepare the Detailed Hydrological Report for the
Major Bridge over Kosi River.
Data Collection
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
Topographic surveys have been done at river crossings with a view to obtain the
cross section of the rivers at the centre line of the road and up to a reasonable
distance at upstream and downstream. The High Flood Levels (HFL) have been
obtained from existing flood marks or ascertained from enquiry with local
knowledgeable persons.
The characteristics of the catchment areas have been ascertained from Survey of
India toposheets having a scale of 1:2,50,000 from which catchment area at the
proposed bridge site, length of the stream and fall in elevation from originating
point to the point of crossing, could be determined. Slope of the stream has been
determined from the contours on the toposheets.
For rivers/streams having catchment area more than 25 sq km, CWC Report on
Flood Estimation Report in which the project site lies has been obtained. This
Report has been referred for determining the characteristics of peak rainfall
regimes. The report has been jointly prepared by CWC, MOST, Ministry of
Railways and IMD and contains all the rainfall data required for estimation of
design discharge of 25, 50 and 100 year returns periods by applying the Synthetic
Unit Hydrograph approach, the parameters of which have been indicated in the
above report.
The streams having catchment area less than 25 sq km, IRC-SP-13 has been
1.3 Hydrological and Hydraulic Studies for Major Bridge
Design engineers essentially need the design flood of a specific return period for
fixing the waterway vis-a-vis the design HFL of bridges depending upon their size
and importance to ensure safety as well as economy. IRC: 5-1998, Section – I
General Features of Design specify that the waterway of a bridge is to be
designed for a maximum flood discharge of 50 years return period. But as per the
recent guidelines of IRC published in 2014, it is clearly mentioned that the bridges
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
have to be designed for a flood corresponding to 100 years return period. The
same guideline has been considered for bridge in this report.
1 13+534 8 X 64
The following methods have been used to estimate the peak discharge and HFL
for the major bridge sites:
Hanuman Nagar Barrage Dam Flood located upstream of Bridge
This method has been discussed in detail and Design discharge (peak run-off) is
estimated for three minor bridges as indicated below in subhead of Hydrological
Aspect and Hydraulic Aspect.
The Hanuman Nagar Barrage has been constructed upstream of the proposed RCC
bridge. The design flood at the Hanuman Nagar site corresponding to 100 years
return period is approximately 18783 cumecs. The bridge has been designed for the
discharge based on Catchment Area proportion method using Dicken’s Formula.
The catchment area of Hanuman Nagar site is about 61792 sq. km. whereas the
catchment of the Kosi River at the proposed bridge site is about 67996 sq. km.
Discharge at Proposed bridge site
= 18783 x (67996/61792)0.75
= 20180 cumecs
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
b. Rational Method
Q= 0.028 x P x f x A x IC
Q = Maximum runoff in cumecs
A = Catchment area in hectares
Ic = Critical intensity of rainfall in cm/ hr.
P = Coefficient of run-off for the given catchment characteristics.
f = Spread factor for converting point rainfall into area mean rainfall.
Ic = (F/T)*(T+1) / (Tc+1)
F = Total Rainfall of T hours duration (24 hrs.) in cm, corresponding to 100
yrs return period.
T = Duration of total rainfall (F) in hours= 24 hrs.
Tc = Time of concentration in hour.
Time of concentration
Times of concentrations (Tc) are determined on the basis of stream lengths (Lc)
and shape of catchment as well as from terrain slope and cover conditions from
the toposheets as well as hydrological survey data of stream. The values are found
both by Dicken’s (Empirical) formulae as well as from time of travel from furthest
point of catchment as follows:
Dicken’s formula
Tc = [0.87(L3/H)] 0.385
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
The value of runoff coefficient (P) depends on porosity of soil, area, size and shape
of the catchment, vegetation cover, surface storage viz. existence of lakes and
marshes and initial state of wetness of the soil. As per IRC: SP 13-2004, the value
of P may be taken from the formula given in following Table 3.
The value of ‘f’ depends on the catchment area and has been taken from the Figure
4.2 given in IRC: SP 13-2004.
Thus after calculating the above parameters, the 100-year return period peak
discharge has been calculated using the formula as given above and has been
presented under respective Minor bridge Annexures. The summary of the
discharge from rationale method has been given at Table 4.
Table 4: Discharge estimated using Rational Method
Discharge in cumecs
Sr. No Chainage (Km)
using Rational Method
1 --- -
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
sectional area (A) and wetted perimeter (P) have been computed. In the absence of
the flood slope of the stream, the bed slope of the river has been estimated along its
The velocity and Discharge have been calculated using the Manning's formula:
V = Velocity in m/sec;
R = Hydraulic mean depth in m
S = Flood slope/bed slope
n = Co-efficient of rugosity
Q = Peak Discharge
A = Area of cross section
The value of 'n' has been adopted as per soil criteria and river bed characteristics,
observed at site and are based on Table 3 in IRC SP-13 which has been tabulated
The area velocity method has been adopted for all the three minor bridges and the
summary of the discharge values has been presented under Table 5.
Table 5: Discharge Using Area Velocity Method
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
1 --- -
Q = Discharge in cumecs
L = Linear effective clear waterway in meter under the bridge normal to channel
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
Cw = Coefficient of discharge over weir, which may be taken as under as per IRC:
SP-13 as follows:
The above formula is valid when the weir flows freely depending on afflux (h) given
Where Du and Dd are the depths of flow upstream and d/s of the bridge measured
above a given datum usually taken as the bed level of the stream. Weir equation
is applicable only when h/Dd ≥ 0.25.
Orifice formula:
Q C o 2 gLDd h (1 e) (8)
Values of e and Co are taken from Fig 14 and Fig 15 of IRC-SP13, respectively.
In all the cases, energy head in terms of recovery has been neglected.
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
The summary of the afflux values has been presented under Table 7.
1 --- 0.156
Scour Depth
Lacey’s equation is adopted for estimating normal scour depth as per IRC: 5 2014.
Where R is the Lacey’s regime scour depth, measured below HFL, q is the design
discharge intensity under bridge in cumecs per meter and f is silt factor given by the
f= 1.76 (d50)1/2
Where d50 is the mean sediment size in mm. Normal scour depth based on Lacey’s
equation and the actual observed depth (equal to the difference between HFL and
LBL)/1.27 are compared as per code. Higher of the two values is adopted for design.
Silt factor ‘f’ is found from Lacey’s equation corresponding to d 50 size of bed
materials. Maximum scour level for pier and abutment are calculated using a factor
of safety of 2 and 1.27, respectively as per IRC: Code-5. For computing scour depth,
design discharge is enhanced by 30% to provide for adequate margin of safety as
per provision of IRC: 78 - 2000. The scour depth calculations based upon the silt
factor as per surface bed material, are given at the respective Major Bridge
Annexures (refer Annexure 1 to 2).
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
The design discharge has been calculated for 100-year return period flood by the
following methods:
Transposition Method using catchment area proportion using Dicken’s formula
The calculated High Flood Level has been adopted in estimating the Finished
Road Level at the Bridge. The cross sectional area of flow, Water spread at HFL
has also been calculated.
The linear waterway calculations have been calculated by Lacey’s Perimeter and as
per CWC guidelines.
Hydrology Report for Major Bridge over Kosi River on SH – 95 the State of Uttarakhand
1. IRC: SP -13, 2004, General Guidelines for Design of Small Culverts and
2. IRC: 005, 2014, Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges, Section 1, general features of Design
3. Google earth Pro
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (19) (20)
Discharge Velocity
Effective Design Design for Normal through
Chainag Name of D50 from (HFL- Froude's Water way Fluming Proposed
Sl. No. CD. No. Clear f, abutment HFL (m) Discharge(m foundation Scour depth existing MSL for abutment (m) L.B.L (m) Afflux (m)
e (Km) Stream (mm) LBL)/1.27 No. at HFL (m) Ratio FRL (m)
Span (m) U/S 3/s) design (m) bridge
in metre
(m3/s) (m/s)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
KOSI 15.56
1 - 13+534 492.7 0.43 1.15 38.551 20180 26234 18.10 4.17 6.84 33.257 0.51 640.00 0.77 0.156
Note: If the proposed FRL is lower than the existing one, it is recommended to adopt the existing FRL value.
Discharge Velocity
Effective Design Design for Normal through
Chainag Name of D50 from (HFL-
Sl. No. CD. No. Clear f, pier HFL (m) Discharge(m foundation Scour depth existing MSL for Pier (m) L.B.L (m)
e (Km) Stream (mm) LBL)/1.27
Span (m) U/S 3/s) design (m) bridge
in metre
(m3/s) (m/s)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (16)
KOSI 2.34
1 - 13+534 492.7 0.43 1.15 38.551 20180 26234 18.10 4.17 6.84 33.257
Refer Geotechnical Report for Silt factor Values:
Minimum Weighted Silt factor, f for abutment= 1.15
Weighted Silt factor, f for pier= 1.15
Catchment Area OF KOSI RIVER AT HANUMAN NAGAR in sq Km (A) = 61792 SQ. KM.
0 44.05 -5.499
77.55 33.257 5.294 4.726 64.000 302.43 -1.137 4096.00 1.29277 4097.29 64.01
141.55 33.414 5.137 5.216 64.000 333.79 0.157 4096.00 0.02465 4096.02 64.00
205.55 33.486 5.065 5.101 64.000 326.46 0.072 4096.00 0.00518 4096.01 64.00
269.55 34.632 3.919 4.492 64.000 287.49 1.146 4096.00 1.31332 4097.31 64.01
333.55 33.565 4.986 4.453 64.000 284.96 -1.067 4096.00 1.13849 4097.14 64.01
397.55 33.42 5.131 5.059 64.000 323.74 -0.145 4096.00 0.02102 4096.02 64.00
461.55 33.342 5.209 4.811 192.000 923.76 -1.290 36864.00 1.66410 36865.66 192.00
525.55 35.716 2.835 4.022 64.000 257.41 2.374 4096.00 5.63588 4101.64 64.04
HFL = 38.551 M
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Therefore, W = 681.88 m
Lacey's Equation shall not be taken into account as it only considers the discharge of the
river. The equation does not take into consideration the return period for which discharge
is calculated and also the type of river bed material.
Therefore, W = 243.67 m
C) Water spread at HFL between banks= 640.00 m As per IRC Handbook, a maximum reduction in span of
33% of the required span configuration is allowed.
D) Proposed Waterway, L = 512.00 m Reduction in span length in % 20.00% less
than 33% ---- OK
E) Clear Waterway = 492.65 m Obstructed area due to structure = 91.62 sq.m.
Number of piers proposed = 7 no. Unobstructed area= 3040.05 sq.m.
Width of pier proposed= 2.15 m Reduction in ratio = 3.01% <30%
Width of abutment in flow area = 2.15 m
h = afflux in meters
V = is the mean velocity of flow in the river prior to bridge construction i.e.
corresponding to normal HFL
A = Area of flow section at normal HFL in the approach river section.
a= Area of flow section under the bridge.
Afflux, h= 0.156 m
Design HFL= 38.71 m
Adopt HFL= 38.71 m
A MINIMUM free board of 1.50 m shall be sufficient between the road deck
Total span of the bridge (m) 512
Number of spans = 8
Number of piers = 7
Number of spans = 8
Number of piers = 7
Number of abutments = 2
Unobstructed cross sectional area of flow (sq. m.) = 3040.05
Average depth of flow (m) = 4.735