SAP Real Estate Management 101 PDF
SAP Real Estate Management 101 PDF
SAP Real Estate Management 101 PDF
Management 101
Heike Fiedler-Phelps
Platinum Consultant, SAP America
Functional Overview
Key Benefits of SAP Real Estate
A successful project
Heike Fiedler-Phelps
Platinum Consultant
M +1/206/370 1618
How much you’ve worked with SAP What your professional background is
What real estate area you’re in (commercial, public sector, residential, corporate)
Functional Overview
Key Benefits of SAP Real Estate
A successful project
SAP Real Estate Management
RE Classic
SAP NetWeaver SAP NetWeaver
SAP Basis SAP Basis SAP Web SAP Web SAP Web SAP Web
Application Application Application Application
Server Server Server Server
People People
Integration Integration
Information Information
Integration Integration
Process Process
Integration Integration
Portfolio Management Real Estate Analytics Master Data Management Partner Management Transaction Management
Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Lease Condition Third Party Legal
Percentage Rent Cost Recovery
Management Search Management Adjustment Management Compliance
Key Challenges*
Adapt technology
Improve workforce development
Face business competition
Optimize risk management
Market Trends
Augmented portfolio diversity through market globalization
Increased market consolidation
Higher dependency on capital markets
Higher awareness for legal compliance
* Source: IREM Institute of Real Estate Management: Transforming Real Estate Management: Four
Strategic Issues 2006
Energy Suppliers
Public Services
Oil & Gas
Manage plenty of percentage rent agreements
Repair & maintain highly-technical facilities
Financial Services
Manage headquarters and local affiliates
Public Services
Create portfolio transparency & complete master data
Optimize space utilization & reduce service costs
Retail Companies
Professionalize land development & transaction management
Increase level of process automation
Key Challenges *)
Provide optimized real estate services
Increase space utilization
Raise revenues with third parties
Decrease operative costs
Market Trends
Higher interest for real estate management at c-level
Increased need to integrated to other corporate departments
Demand for space changes more often
Increased cost pressure
* Source: Feedback from SAP customers
Market globalization
Expansion of subsidiary network to new markets
Manage more complex property portfolios and real estate activities
Mergers and/or redistribution of property portfolios according to
changes in company structure
User-specific views
User-dependent object list
Favorites list
Explorer functions
Display of the hierarchical dependencies
Direct call, context-sensitive direct link (forward, backward)
History of previously selected objects
Use contract as vendor and customer contract
Use contract for lease and non-lease real estate activities
Assignment of various rental objects to one contract
Generate rental objects when contract is created
Assignment of Central Business Partner
to Accounting and Controlling
Lease-in (vendor)
Contract -- cleaning
Building 1
Contract -- elevator
elevator maintenance
Building 1
Building 1
Rental object 1
Rental object 2
Rental object 3
Objects Internal
Scale1:75 Living
Bedroom Bedroom
z Term
z Conditions
2 1
z Notice/renewal
z Key dates and diary
Real estate object functions
z Distribution
Partners z Adjustment rules
z Service charges
Cost center/ z Document management
Signature Date
z Debit position
z Payment
z Open item management
z Dunning
z Real estate controlling
Automated processes
Periodic Posting of contract conditions
Adjustment of Conditions
Service Charge Settlement
Sales-Based Rent Settlement
Conditions can be dependent on existing conditions
Condition adjustment rules can be predefined and reused
Mass execution
Periodic postings and payments are generated and integrated in
Accounting and Controlling
Sales-based rent settlement and service charge settlement can be
executed for many contracts simultaneously
Processes can be simulated and executed step-by-step and reversed
Correspondence can be generated for all objects or contracts
© SAP America 2006, SAP Real Estate 101 / Heike Fiedler-Phelps
Reporting in SAP Real Estate Management
Information System
For operative purposes
Reporting for
– Master Data, Measurements, Conditions, Contracts, Business Partners
– Service Charge Settlement, Sales-Based Rent and Controlling
Flexible reporting
Easy to adapt
Easy access and exploration of information
Support on strategic, tactical and operational decisions
Reduction of costs through quicker decisions
CAD, CAFM and GIS systems
Building control systems
Functional Overview
Key Benefits of SAP Real Estate
A successful project
What is SAP Real Estate Management?
Portfolio Management Real Estate Analytics Master Data Management Partner Management Transaction Management
Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Lease Condition Third Party Legal
Percentage Rent Cost Recovery
Management Search Management Adjustment Management Compliance
Portfolio Management Real Estate Analytics Master Data Management Partner Management Transaction Management
Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Lease Condition Third Party Legal
Percentage Rent Cost Recovery
Management Search Management Adjustment Management Compliance
Contract Management and Land Use Management, BUSINESS INSIGHT
By determining key performance indicators you BUSINESS INSIGHT
Key indicators provide you with input for BUSINESS INSIGHT
The new Controlling reports were created using SAP Query. BUSINESS INSIGHT
SAP Netweaver
Marketplace Protection
Integration with CAD/GIS systems increases the ACT TODAY
A B tra ct 1 data for controlling
C on processes, reporting and
Contract 3 Our Solution
Management of
architectural and
cadastral data
Contract and area
Bidirectional interfaces
with open standard
Vacancy reports and the Real Estate Search FOR TOP LINE
Our Solution
Comprehensive Master Data Management
Real Estate Search
Contract Management
Central Business Partner Management
Cost Allocation in Controlling
Vacant space
Integration with CAD/GIS systems increases the ACT TODAY
A B tract 1 data for controlling
Con processes, reporting and
C D Our Solution
Contract 3
Management of
architectural and
cadastral data
Contract and area
Bidirectional interfaces
with open standard
(Business Application
Programming Interfaces)
Your advantages ACT TODAY
Our Solution
Easy adaptation of user interface to role-specific needs via Business
Data Toolset (BDT)
Modification-free implementation of specific methods such as for
calculation of conditions and other enhancements via Business Add In
Standardization of folder structures and management of various records
per folder via SAP Records Management
Easy management of all types of documents related to your property via
SAP Document Management System
High-performing mass print for all types of application data via Adobe
Comfortable creation of single print documents or CO-Planning via
Microsoft Office Integration
Key Challenge
Implement a flexible, internationally
usable software platform
Project Objectives
Replace central, homegrown legacy
Achieve global rollout
Key Benefits
Integrated business processes
Consistent data basis
Accelerated processes and data flows
Decentralized contract management
Ability to react more flexibly to future
market requirements
Key Challenges
“Having a complete end-to-
Consolidation of 2 parts of business – end solution is a significant
funds and corporate real estate
gain, which consequently
Outsourced property management
leads to reduced costs,
Allocation of occupancy expenses and advance data integrity and
management of external tenants
greater profits.”
Implementation Highlights
Expansion of software to manage Mr. B. Nicholls, Systems
consolidation of property expenses, Executive, Colonial First State
revenues and incomes of Australian Property - Australia
funds, the Commonwealth Bank, and
property and fund management of its
New Zealand business
Key Benefits
Increased improvements in business
efficiency and reporting
Deployment of system to external
partners and clients
Key Benefits
Increased awareness by business units of
expenses, resulting in cost reductions
Improved utilization of assets and
enhanced revenue opportunities
Greater visibility into corporate physical
© SAP America 2006, SAP Real Estate 101 / Heike Fiedler-Phelps
Customer Case: Toronto District School Board/Canada
Key Challenges
Create central support for external
leasing of unused space
Integrate leasing processes of the
seven regional boards
Key Benefits
Increased revenue from external
leasing of unused space
Streamlined property maintenance
Standardized real estate management
Integrated real estate processes with
other departments and systems
Improved support for long-term goals
Energy suppliers
Insurance companies
Postal services
Public sector
Facility Managers
Housing companies
Heike Fiedler-Phelps
Principal Consultant, SAP America
Current Situation (Corporate space)
Utilization of Space
– Inefficient utilization of office space due to lack of knowing vacant office space at any time -
need to easily locate/report/assign office/residential space as quick as possible. Space
capturing is done manually (via physical survey) rather than having a reliable database
– CB&OS does not manage/have total control of office spaces- office spaces is assigned
directly to the proponent organizations to manage. No true checks and balances.
– Charging back the usage of space to the proponent is impossible (there was never an
appropriate mechanism in place); as a result, the proponent subconsciously do not pay
attention of utilizing the office space efficiently.
Space Planning
– Manually collecting office space requirements in a annual basis – too many people from
various organizations involved, time consuming, often inaccurate.
– Buildings owned by different groups, no consolidated tracking across ownership borders.
This results in inaccurate space need communication.
– Lack of graphical planning tools based on architectural view model makes allocating and
assigning space a long, inefficient process
– Not being able to utilize the corporate strategic manpower planning software (SAP SEM) for
short/long term planning for space. No inclusion of space planning into corporate strategic
planning. Results in uncoordinated decision making, operational rather than strategic focus.
Multiple systems/applications
– Continued use of obsolete solutions
– Fragmented and not integrated systems and databases. They are not easy to maintain.
Many technologies (and skills) to support (current development environment conflicts with
IT strategic direction). Corporate direction: IT will provide, maintain, and support solutions.
– Lack of database integration to the CAD systems requires to load the architecture
information of new properties manually or develop new interfaces. Not accessible by other
departments, requires additional administrative effort, resulting in multiple databases and
disconnected processes.
– Only partial information of properties is maintained in each system.
– The current applications/systems do not automate the whole business processes of CB&OS
(no end to end process flow, disconnected and fragmented processes). Critical business
processes are still performed manually or using excel spreadsheet (violates auditing
– Only provide very simple/basic operational/management reports
– Do not provide reports to other groups/proponent organizations without involving CB&OS,
adding to administrative workload of CB&OS.
– Decommission of mainframe will threaten current operations (CB&OS still relies on EIS and
other legacy systems)
– Data redundancy such as employee address, location names
Residential Properties
What is your real estate strategy? How does it tie in with your corporate strategy?
Reporting is expensive as extensive interfaces are needed
Integrated reporting not available
Reports cannot be distributed automatically to other departments,
resulting in additional effort for CB&OS
Functional Overview
Key Benefits of SAP Real Estate
A successful project
Your project
Requirement analysis
Process description
Business Processes
Managing Contracts in SAP RE (ERP078)
Managing Sales-Based Leases (ERP079)
Service Charge Settlement (ERP080)
Adjustment of Conditions (ERP077)
SAP Solution Manager Version for mySAP ERP 2004 - ST ICO 140
Architecture vs Usage
Measurement types
Contract types
Usage types
Condition types
Best practices
The customer has to pay property tax for all owned
properties or buildings on a regular basis
The city fixes the property tax for each building / property
The fixed amount is valid until the city sends a new tax notification
Use the contract and the calculation of conditions (instead of recurring
documents) to calculate and post the property tax
Make the system handle the resulting periodical
Set up a contract type “Property Tax”. Main Partner Role Contract Partner is the
city (vendor)
Set up a measurement type “Tax Base” valid for property and/or buildings
Set up a condition type “Property tax” which is for vendor postings. Calculation
rule is “Measurement” with fixed measurement type “Tax Base”
Settings – offerer / user, internal / external / GL, partner, screen design, objects,
condition group, number range
Office Storage
Pooled space
General Admin RS RS
Meeting room Training Area
Service Marketplace
SAPspeak 101
Helpful transactions
Helpful notes
RE-FX Tables
Online and in-system access
All SAP terminology as created and maintained by SAP terminology
Use for your own project
What does it mean in which solution?
-> Additional Information
-> Terminology
-> Glossary
Transaction STERM
RE-FX Menus:
RECAMENUAPPL Application menu
RECAMENUDEV Technical menu
BAPIs: BAPI, then select filter "ALL" (also unreleased) for general list
Function Modules (-> APIs -> BAPIs): SE37
Roles: PFCG
BW data sources for RE-FX: RSA5, then go to REFX_ROOT
Consulting solutions:
739860 Data migration from legacy system
827025 Classic: Multiple vendor solution
Your advantages ACT TODAY
Our Solution
Easy adaptation of user interface to role-specific needs via Business
Data Toolset (BDT)
Modification-free implementation of specific methods such as for
calculation of conditions and other enhancements via Business Add In
Standardization of folder structures and management of various records
per folder via SAP Records Management
Easy management of all types of documents related to your property via
SAP Document Management System
High-performing mass print for all types of application data via Adobe
Comfortable creation of single print documents or CO-Planning via
Microsoft Office Integration
used to put the dialogs together, tying Function Modules, Field Groups together to form
views, screens, screen sequences etc. and is found under “dialog” in the RE Flex IMG for
each object. Create your own screen sequences, using the standard Field Groups to produce
your own displays.
Also associated with BDT are lower level code-building tools referenced as Events and
Tables in the IMG “Dialog” section. These are for custom routines and are technical in
used to build Substitutions and Validations and UDF Fields in the standard tables or append
structures to the standard tables, and is found under “Implementation Enhancements “ in the
IMG under each RE object. Changes using the BADI Builder (SE18) would be similar to User
Exits in that they are guaranteed to be upgrade compatible by SAP.
Interfaces to get data into the system, out of the system, and to exchange data. This can be
done with external systems, but you can also address the BAPIs via internal programs (SAP
programs, or customer specific ones).
Central transaction for all master data and most reporting: RE80
Use Sets
System implementers
/note , /message
Personal relationships
Condition adjustment
– “main rent statement” for residential contracts
– “fifteenths” for commercial contracts
Summarization of tax lines
Imposta Comunale sugli Immobili (county tax)
Imposta di Registro (registration tax)
Imposta di Bollo (stamp tax)
Summarization of tax lines
Correspondence based on Swiss tenancy law
External heating expenses settlement
Lease-in with ISR
Calculation of fuel consumption
Rent adjustment according to Swiss law
Withholding tax
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