The balance sheet of the firm of R, S, J just before liquidation shows the following:
Assets P120,000
Liabilities 50,000
R, loan 10,000
R, capital 22,000
S, capital 30,000
T, capital 8,000
Total P120,000
R, S, and T share profits 5:3:2 respectively. Certain assets are sold for P80,000. Cash of P10,000 is withheld
pending future developments.
The balance sheet of the firm of A, B, C, and D just prior to liquidation shows:
A, loan P1,000
A, capital 5,500
B, capital 5,150
C, capital 6,850
D, capital 4,500
A, B, C, and D share profits 4:3:2:1 respectively. Certain assets are sold for P6,000 and this distributed to partners.
Partners DD, EE, FF, and GG share profits 50%, 30%, 10%, and 10%. Accounts maintained with partners just prior to
liquidation follow:
The following balance sheet was prepared for the Tan, Lim and Wan Partnership on March 31, 2018.
Assets Liabilities
Cash P 25,000 Liabilities P 52,000
Other Assets 180,000 Tan, capital (40%) 40,000
Lim, capital (40%) 65,000
Wan, capital (20%) 48,000
Total Assets P 205,000 Total Liabilities & Capital P 205,000
The partnership is being liquidated by the sale of assets in installments. The first sale of non-cash assets having a
book value of P 90,000 realizes P 50,000.
Problem 5
D, E, and F share profits in 50%, 30%, and 20% respectively. Their capital accounts prior to liquidation (which is expected
to result in substantial gains) are as follows:
D P 18,000
E P 27,000
F P 3,000
The partners wish to distribute cash as it becomes available so that the capital accounts may be brought into the
profit and loss ratio as rapidly as possible.
1. Who is the partner to receive the first available cash and up to how much?
2. How much is the total payment to E?
3. How much is the total payment to D?
Capital and loan balances for A, B, and C who share profits 2:2:1, are as follows just before liquidation:
A, loan P 10,000
A, capital 15,000
B, loan 5,000
B, capital 30,000
C, loan 10,000
C, capital 10,000
1. Assuming that cash of P12,000 is available as a first distribution to partners, how much cash is to be distributed to C?
2. How much cash is to be distributed to B?
3. How much is the loss absorption balance of all partners?
Comprehensive Illustrative Problem
R, S, and T are partners who share profits and losses as follows: R, 50%; S, 30%; T, 20%. All partners are personally
insolvent. On December 31, 2018, they agree to liquidate their partnership. The firm’s balance sheet on this date is as
R, S and T
Balance Sheet
December 31, 2018
R, capital P 16,402
S, capital 5,469
T, capital 24,537 46,408
Total Assets P 67,300 Total Liabilities and Capital P 67,300
1. Statement of liquidation by installment
2. Computation of safe payments