Secrets of Astrology

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Secrets of Astrology

**If Venus is placed in the 12th House (Should not be in neecha Navamsa and is aspected by the Lord of the 9th house, the native meets with a treasure-
Deva Keralam.

(Secrets of Astrology)
**The 9th if aspected or occupied by its own Lord, then the native will make fortunes in his own Country. If others aspect or join this 9th house, then
the dawn of the natives fortunes would be elsewhere.
(This is especially for those who are abroad and unsuccessful or those who want to go abroad for acquiring fortunes. They must check their
(The above sutra can also be translated into another way by removing the word "country" and replacing it with your "Birth Place")

?????**What is the exact Rule which -

1) Will make the Native obtain progeny from some other of his family members, through his wife (Since he is unable to produce one).
2) Adopt a child or purchase a child from someone.
3) Adopt a Child without consent of the Childs own legal parents.

**(Secrets of Astrology)
Saturn when placed in Scorpio, the native may not like Music and be averse to playing of musical instruments.

(Secrets of Astrology)
The Sun- Mercury conjunction.
If this conjunction is in the 4th, the native will be equal to Kubera with regards to riches.
If in the 10th will make the native very famous in the entire world.
(These are exaggerated effects given in the Texts. We have to use our commonsense. The Planets must be well placed and not debilitated with the
conjunction taking place in a friendly sign).

(Secrets of Astrology)
Generally Saturn in the 8th is considered to be conducive for longevity.
BUT for Aries and Scorpio ascendants Saturn in the 8th will produce adverse effects on longevity - (Nataraj from Jatak Alankara)

(Secrets of Astrology)
One who has Jupiter in 10th is endowed with "Sidharambha" which means that any undertaking he undertakes(aarambh) he will get success (Siddhi)
in same. he will eat much, will be lean earlier in life, but will become fat later, will occupy top positions, be gifted with knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita
and be learned in many Shastras. The native will feed many people.

"Tatwa Pradeepa Jataka" in one verse gives a shloka which means - Jupiter destroys the house occupied by him, and improves the houses aspected by
him. Saturn gives good effects relating to his occupation, but very fearful (Param bhayankaari...) effects by aspects.
(This is the reason that Jupiter in the 2nd can cause harm to money, in the 5th can cause harm to progeny.

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