New Troubleshooting Guide
New Troubleshooting Guide
New Troubleshooting Guide
CT UV CT / Emerson Commander
CT OV CT / Emerson Commander
CT OI.AC** CT / Emerson Commander
CT** CT / Emerson Commander
CT O.SPd CT / Emerson Commander
CT tunE CT / Emerson Commander
CT CT / Emerson Commander
CT It.AC CT / Emerson Commander
KEB bbl
KEB bon
KEB dcb
KEB Fcon
KEB nO_pu
KEB rAcc
KEB rcon
KEB rdEc
KEB E. br
KEB E. buS
KEB E. Cdd
KEB E. co1
KEB E. co2
KEB E. dri
KEB E. Hyb
KEB E. Hybc
KEB E. iEd
KEB E. Prr
KEB E. Puci
KEB E.Puch
KEB A. buS
KEB A. Prr
Schneider AI2F
Schneider bOF
Schneider bUF
Schneider CrF1
Schneider CrF2
Schneider EEF1
Schneider EEF2
Schneider FCF1
Schneider HdF
Schneider InF1
Schneider InF2
Schneider InF3
Schneider InF4
Schneider InF6
Schneider InF7
Schneider InF8
Schneider InF9
Schneider InFA
Schneider InFb
Schneider InFC
Schneider InFE
Schneider OCF
Schneider PrF
Schneider SCF1
Schneider SCF2
Schneider SCF3
Schneider SOF
Schneider SPF
Schneider tnF
Schneider APF
Schneider CnF
Schneider COF
Schneider EPF 1
Schneider EPF 2
Schneider FCF2
Schneider LCF
Schneider LFF2
Schneider nFF
Schneider ObF
Schneider OHF
Schneider OLC
Schneider OLF
Schneider OPF1
Schneider OPF2
Schneider OSF
Schneider OtF1
Schneider OtF2
Schneider OtFL
Schneider PtF1
Schneider PtF2
Schneider PtFL
Schneider SCF4
Schneider SCF5
Schneider SLF1
Schneider SLF2
Schneider SLF3
Schneider SPIF
Schneider SSF
Schneider tJF
Schneider ULF
Schneider CFF
Schneider CFI
Schneider HCF
Schneider PHF
Schneider PrtF
Schneider USF
Mk IV Conv.FormatFail 30 Mk IV - II upgrade -
Simovert P - 6SE13 .
Mk IV Conv.FormatFail 49 Mk IV-II and VSD: MM4
Mk IV Conv.FormatFail 52 MkIV (FDP) new software
(and MkIII to MkIV
WEG CFW-11 FAQ - Too high or too low ZS+VSD, ZE/A VSD
Programmed stop
RAM error
Keyboard error
AC-Line Fault
External alarm 1
External alarm 2
Inverter temperature
Motor temperature
Motor movement
I2t inverter
I2t motor
Ls, Rr Dev
Stands. Meas
Motld: Dr.M
Contactor Checkback
DC link Overvoltage
DC link Undervoltage
DC link Overvoltage
I too low
Motor Stall
Motor I2t
Inverter Temperature
UCE ph. L1
There was an UCE shut down in phase L1
UCE ph. L2
There was an UCE shut down in phase L2
UCE ph. L3
There was an UCE shut down in phase L3
Supply phase
External fault 1
External fault 2
AS internal fault
EEPROM fault
Coupling int.
Opt. Board HW
GRND Phase
Ground fault
Motor Overload
Motor Pullout
Active Signal @ binector U061 is present.
Motor stall
PreCharge Error
Motor Temp.
Link Internal
UCE ph. L1
There was an UCE shut down in phase L1
Fault in EEPROM
UCE ph. L2
There was an UCE shut down in phase L2
UCE ph. L3
There was an UCE shut down in phase L3
Supply phase
One phase missing
External fault 1
External fault 2
AC-Line Fault
AS internal fault
EEPROM fault
Coupling int.
Motor Overtemp
RAM error
Keyboard error
EEprom not writable
Relays supply error
Wrong active display, V2.3:
EEprom checksum error
Relays supply error, V2.3:
Eprom checksum error
Wrong active display
Communication error
DC Voltage is excessive
Load imbalance
External fault
Communication error
Excessive heat
Measured motor temp has exceeded fault limit set
by parameter 35.03 (150deg C)
Loss of communication
Short circuited
Download failed
Communication fault
ID Run is on
Motor ID Run is selected
Not uploaded
Thermistor warning
Over Current
Over Voltage
Under voltage
DIR lock
I/O Comm
AI1 Loss
Device Overtemp
Motor Stall
Auto reset
Auto change
PFC interlock
PID sleep
ID run
Programmable fault:
42.12 Brake fault func
Programmable fault:
42.12 Brake fault func
Programmable fault:
31.01 Mot temp1 prot
Programmable fault:
50.02 Comm loss func
Programmable fault:
13.32 AI superv func
FAILURE (0x7301)
FAILURE (0x7381)
Programmable fault:
57.02 Comm loss func
Programmable fault:
57.02 Comm loss func
Programmable fault:
30.05 Earth fault
Programmable fault:
30.09 Stall function
Programmable fault:
34.01 Overload func /
34.02 Underload func
Programmable fault:
31.05 Mot temp2 prot
Programmable fault:
30.05 Earth fault
Programmable fault:
30.08 Wiring or earth
Programmable fault:
30.06 Suppl phs loss
Programmable fault:
30.04 Mot phase loss
Programmable fault:
42.12 Brake fault func
Programmable fault:
42.12 Brake fault func
Programmable fault:
50.02 Comm loss func
Programmable fault:
31.01 Mot temp1 prot
Programmable fault:
13.32 AI superv func
Programmable fault:
90.05 Enc cable fault
Programmable fault:
90.05 Enc cable fault
Programmable fault:
57.02 Comm loss func
Programmable fault:
30.09 Stall function
Programmable fault:
34.01 Overload func /
34.02 Underload func
Programmable fault:
31.05 Mot temp2 prot
current calibration
Earth Leakage
Short Circuit
IGBT overload
DC link overvoltage
DC link undervoltage
DC not charged
External temperature
Editable message text)
Several Meanings:
- Control Board Temperature
- (none)
IGBT overtemperature
excess temperature
Excess temperature
IGBT temperature
PU communication
Auxiliary fan missing
Safe torque of
Programmable warning:
31.22 STO indication
Measurement circuit
PU board powerfail
PU communication internal
Measurement circuit
Measurement circuit DFF
PU state feedback
Charging feedback
no motor data
Motor stall
Programmable warning:
31.24 Stall function
Motor fan
Programmable warning:
35.106 DOL starter event
FEN temperature
FEN temperature
Brake resistor
BR excess temperature
BR Data
BC short circuit
BC IGBT excess
Mechanical brake
opening failed
Programmable warning:
44.17 Brake fault function
Mechanical brake
opening not allowed
Programmable warning:
44.17 Brake fault function
Extension AI
Extension I/O
configuration failure
FBA A communication
Programmable warning:
50.02 FBA A comm loss
FBA B communication
Programmable warning:
50.32 FBA B comm loss
DDCS controller
comm loss
Programmable warning:
60.59 DDCS controller
comm loss function
Programmable warning:
90.45 Motor feedback fault
Motor bearing
Programmable warnings:
33.14 On-time 1 warn message
33.24 On-time 2 warn message
33.55 Value counter 1 warn message
33.65 Value counter 2 warn message
Output relay
Motor Starts
Power Ups
Main contactor
DC charge
On-time 1
On-time 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
33.24 On-time 2 warn
Edge counter 1
Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
33.35 Edge counter 1
warn message
Edge counter 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
33.45 Edge counter 2
warn message
Value counter 1
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
33.55 Value counter 1
warn message
Value counter 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
33.65 Value counter 2
warn message
Device clean
DC capactior
Cabinet fan
cooling fan
additional cooling
AI supervision
Programmable warning:
12.03 AI supervision
Signal supervision
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
32.06 Supervision 1 action
Signal supervision 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
32.16 Supervision 2 action
Signal supervision 3
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
32.26 Supervision 3 action
External warning 1
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
31.01 External event 1
31.02 External event 1
External warning 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
31.03 External event 2
31.04 External event 2
External warning 3
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
31.05 External event 3
31.06 External event 3
External warning 4
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
31.07 External event 4
31.08 External event 4
External warning 5
(Editable message text)
Programmable warning:
31.09 External event 5
31.10 External event 5
Idtenification run
STO event Programmable event:
31.22 STO indication
Earth leakage Programmable fault 31.20 Earth fault
Short circuit
IGBT overload
BU current diference
BU earth leakage
DC link undervoltage
Standby timeout
BU DC link diference
IGBT overtemperature
IGBT temperature
excess temperature
External temperature
(Editable message text)
Auxiliary fan broken
Safe torque of
Programmable fault: 31.22
STO indication run/stop
PU logic error
Rating ID mismatch
PU communication
PU communication
PU communication internal
Measuremnt cirucit ADC
PU board powerfail
Reduced run
Pu state feedback
Charging Feedback
Internal SW error
FPGA version
Task overload
Stack overflow
Licensing fault
Memory unit detached
Kernal overload
Parameter system
EFB invalid
Panel port
Programmable fault: 49.05
Communication loss
Motor stall
Programmable fault: 31.24
Stall function
Brake resistor
BR excess temperature
BC short circuit
BC IGBT excess
Mechanical brake
closing failed
Programmable fault: 44.17
Brake fault function
Mechanical brake
opening failed
Programmable fault: 44.17
Brake fault function
Mechanical brake
opening not allowed
Programmable fault: 44.17
Brake fault function
Mechanical brake
opening not allowed
Programmable fault: 44.17
Brake fault function
Motor fan
Programmable fault:
35.106 DOL starter event
Encoder internal
Programmable fault: 90.45
Motor feedback fault
Speed feedback
Load feedback
Programmable fault: 90.55
Load feedback fault
Emergency ramp
stop failed
FBA A communication
Programmable fault: 50.02
FBA A comm loss func
FBA B communication
Programmable fault: 50.32
FBA B comm loss func
DDCS controller
comm loss
Programmable fault: 60.59
DDCS controller comm
loss function
MF comm loss
Programmable fault: 60.09
M/F comm loss function
Line side unit faulted
AI supervision
Programmable fault:
12.03 AI supervision
Signal supervision
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault:
32.06 Supervision 1 action
Signal supervision 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault:
32.16 Supervision 2 action
Signal supervision 3
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault:
32.26 Supervision 3 action
External fault 1
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault: 31.01
External event 1 source
31.02 External event 1
External fault 2
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault: 31.03
External event 2 source
31.04 External event 2
External fault 3
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault: 31.05
External event 3 source
31.06 External event 3
External fault 4
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault: 31.07
External event 4 source
31.08 External event 4
External fault 5
(Editable message text)
Programmable fault: 31.09
External event 5 source
31.10 External event 5
Safe torque of 1
Safe torque of 2
FB A force trip
FB B force trip
FB C force trp
Hardware faults
RAM error
Keyboard error
(Online) 12V short circuit or FET to enable
V1.8: Division by zero
V2.3: EEprom not writable
V1.8: Wrong active display,
V2.3: EEprom checksum error
V1.8: Relays supply error,
V2.3: Eprom checksum error
Wrong activated display
Watch dog error
AC-Line Fault
Earth fault
Powerstack fault
EM brake overcurrent
Asic Timeout
External Fault
Watchdog Reset
Stack Overflow
Motor Stalled
Current Limit
Overvoltage limit
UnderVoltage Limit
Inverter OverTemperature
Inverter I2T
Output fault
Speed deviation
CB communication error
CB configuration error
EEPROM inconsistent
Switch-on is inhibited
Overheating of motor (monitoring with PTC)
Initialistion fault
Internal interface fault
External Trip
Programme fault
Flying Start Instability
Wrong Converter Status Word
Switch On Inhibit is active
Wrong Converter Status Word
The Elektronikon reads out the wrong bytes and
interprets them as the status word.
External Fault
: no operation, control release (terminal ST) is not
any other error code
Inverter I2t
Earth Fault
Powerstack Fault
Output fault
Wrong IO board
Asic Timeout
CB Setpoint Fault
External Fault
Stack Overflow
Current Limit
OverVoltage Limit
UnderVoltage Limit
Inverter Overtemperature
Inverter I2t
Motor Overtemperature
Output fault
Braking Resistor Hot
CB Warning 1
CB Warning 2
CB Warning 3
CB Warning 4
CB Warning 5
CB Warning 6
CB Warning 7
CB Warning 8
CB Warning 9
CB Warning 10
CB Communication Error
CB Configurator error
Motor Stalled
DC Link Overvoltage
DC Link Overvoltage
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Drive overtemperature
Emergency of (STO)
Emergency of (STO)
Emergency of (STO)
Emergency of (STO)
Emergency of (STO)
Emergency of (STO)
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
Motor overcurrent
24 V power missing
External alarm 1
External alarm 2
External alarm 3
Drive: Motor speed deviation
DC brake active
TM: Initialization
External fault 1
External fault 2
External fault 3
VSM: Initialization
VSM DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error
TM54F: 24 V overvoltage
RAM error
Keyboard error
EEprom not writable
Relays supply error
Wrong active display, V2.3:
EEprom checksum error
Relays supply error, V2.3:
Eprom checksum error
Wrong active display
Motor stalled
Motor Overtemperature
Motor Underload
Reference Warning
External warning
Drive undertemperature
Drive overtemperature
Motor stalled
Motor temperature
Motor underload
Analogue input polarity fault or analogue input
hardware fault
Option board identification
Microprocessor Watchdog
Thermistor Protection
Ground Fault
Inverter Fault
External Fault
Charging Switch
Control Fault
The torque limit was reached continuously for
three seconds or longer while ramping to stop in
Control Circuit Error
Hybrid IC Failure
- CPU error
- Speed Deviation (for Control Mode with PG)
-The deviation between the speed reference and
speed feedback is greater than the setting in F1-10
longer than the time set to F1-11.
- Z Pulse Fault
- The motor turned one full rotation without the Z
Pulse being detected.
- Z Pulse Noise Fault Detection
- The Z Pulse is out of phase by more than 5
degrees for the number of times specified in
parameter F1-17.
- Inversion Detection
- The torque reference and acceleration are in
opposite directions and the speed reference and
actual motor
speed difer by more than 30% for the number of
times set to F1-18.
DriveWorksEZ Fault
Drive sensors detected an output current greater
than the specified overcurrent level.
Heatsink Overheat
The heatsink temperature exceeded the overheat
pre-alarm level set to L8-02. The default value for
is determined by drive capacity (o2-04).
- Drive Overload
- The thermal sensor of the drive triggered
overload protection.
Overtorque Detection 1
The current has exceeded the value set for torque
detection (L6-02) for longer than the allowable
- Overtorque Detection 2
- The current has exceeded the value set for
Overtorque Detection 2 (L6-05) for longer than the
time (L6-06).
Thermistor Disconnect
Undertorque Detection 1
Undertorque Detection 2
DC Bus Undervoltage
base block
close brake
open brake
calculate drive
DC brake
Low speed/dc brake
forward acceleration
forward constant
forward deceleration
LA stop
Ld stop
power of function
positioning active
reverse acceleration
reverse constant
reverse deceleration
quick stop
Error! Brake
Error! Watchdog
no ERROR overload
Error! Overcurrent
Error! Overload 2
Error! Set
Warning! Watchdog
Warning! Overload
Warning! Overload 2
Warning! Prot.rot.for.
Warning! Prot.rot.rev
Warning ! Synchron
Warning! Set
AI2 Input
DBR overload
Control Eeprom
Power Eeprom
IGBT desaturation
Rating error
Incompatible PB
Internal-mains circuit
Internal-th sensor
Internal-time meas.
internal - CPU
Power Removal
over speed
Application fault
Com. Network
CAN com.
External flt-Ll/bit
External fault com.
Out contact open.
input contractor
Over braking
Drive overheat
Motor overload
Mains overvoltage
PTC1 overheat
PTC2 overheat
PTC=LI6 overheat
PTC1 probe
PTC2 probe
LI6 = PTC probe
IGBT short circuit
Modbus com.
PowerSuite com
HMI com
PI feedback
Torque/current lim
IGBT overheat
Incorrect config
invalid config
Card pairing
Power Ident
Under voltage
DC Link fluctuations
Short circuit
System Fault
Thermistor problem
DC Over Voltage
Short circuit
System Fault
Thermistor problem
DC Over Voltage
DC Link fluctuations
External alarm 1
External alarm 2
Inverter temperature
Motor temperature
Motor movement
I2t inverter
I2t motor
Motor stall/lock
Ls, Rr Dev
Stands. Meas
Motld: Dr.M
DC link Overvoltage
DC link Undervoltage
DC link Overvoltage
I too low
Motor Stall
Motor I2t
Inverter Temperature
UCE ph. L1
There was an UCE shut down in phase L1
UCE ph. L2
There was an UCE shut down in phase L2
UCE ph. L3
There was an UCE shut down in phase L3
Supply phase
External fault 1
External fault 2
AS internal fault
EEPROM fault
Coupling int.
Opt. Board HW
GRND Phase
Ground fault
Motor Overload
Motor Pullout
Active Signal @ binector U061 is present.
Motor stall
PreCharge Error
Motor Temp.
Link Internal
UCE ph. L1
There was an UCE shut down in phase L1
Fault in EEPROM
UCE ph. L2
There was an UCE shut down in phase L2
UCE ph. L3
There was an UCE shut down in phase L3
Supply phase
One phase missing
External fault 1
External fault 2
AC-Line Fault
AS internal fault
EEPROM fault
Coupling int.
Motor Overtemp
High Temperature on
IGBTs V. Alarm of high temperature measured
at thetemperature sensors (NTC) of the IGBTs.
It can be disabled by setting P0353 = 2 or 3.
Overtemperature on
IGBTs V. Fault of overtemperature measured at
the temperature sensors (NTC) of the IGBTs.
High Temperature on
IGBTs W. Alarm of high temperature measured
at the temperature sensors (NTC) of the
It can be disabled by setting P0353 = 2 or 3.
Overtemperature on
IGBTs W. Fault of overtemperature measured
at the temperature sensors (NTC) of the IGBTs.
Encoder/Motor Wiring is
Inverted. Fault related to the phase relation of
the encoder
signals if P0202 = 4 and P0408 = 0, 2, 3 or 4.
- It is not possible to reset this fault during the
- In this case, power down the inverter, solve
problem and then power up.
- When P0408 = 0, this fault can be
by means of parameter P0358. In this case, it
is not
possible to reset the fault.
Overcurrent/Short-circuit. Overcurrent or
short-circuit detected at the output, in the DC
bus, or at the braking resistor.
Motor Current
Imbalance. Fault of motor current unbalance.
It may be disabled by setting P0342 = 0.
Offline Profibus DP
Interface. It indicates an interruption in the
between the Profibus DP network master and
Profibus DP Module
Access Error. It indicates an error in the access
to the Profibus DP
communication module data.
IGBTs Overload +
Temperature. Overtemperature related to the
IGBTs overload
Pre-charge Contactor
Fault. It indicates fault at the pre-charge
Sensor 1 Temperature
Fault. It indicates a temperature fault at the
sensor 1.
Sensor 2 Temperature
Fault. It indicates a temperature fault at the
sensor 2.
Sensor 3 Temperature. It indicates a
temperature fault at the sensor 3.
Sensor 4 Temperature. It indicates a
temperature fault at the sensor 4.
Sensor 5 Temperature
Fault. It indicates a temperature fault at the
sensor 5.
Sensor 1 Temperature
Alarm. It indicates a temperature alarm at the
sensor 1.
Sensor 2Temperature
Alarm. It indicates a temperature alarm at the
sensor 2.
Sensor 3 Temperature
Alarm. It indicates a temperature alarm at the
sensor 3.
Sensor 4 Temperature
Alarm. It indicates a temperature alarm at the
sensor 4.
Sensor 5 Temperature
Alarm. It indicates a temperature alarm at the
sensor 5.
Sensor 1 Cable Alarm. Sensor 1 cable alarm.
Sensor 2 Cable Alarm.
Sensor 3 Cable Alarm.
Sensor 4 Cable Alarm.
Sensor 5 Cable Alarm.
Serial Communication
Anybus Offline
Anybus Access Error
CAN Bus Power Failure
Bus Of
Communication Error
Master Idle
DeviceNet Connect
Profibus DP Interface in
Clear Mode
Offline Profibus DP
Profibus DP Module
Access Error
IGBT Curr. Imb. Fault. Fault of current
imbalance on the IGBTs.
Thermal Imbalance. The temperature
diference between IGBT modules of
the same phase (U, V, W) was above 10 °C (50
° F).
Elektronikon try again and again to start, but system keeps on re-starting and
PROGRAMMED STOP is present repeatedly
Chances are FET, and or diodes had gone. Possible what happen here is when the
connector is put upside down, and when 24V
Relay possible damaged due to incorrect power input
- Elektronikon is not powered up. Only one contact (out of three) of the
Emergency stop button is activated. Power is restored to the Elektronikon. At this
moment the power supply to the internal relays
Most probably due to a short circuit of the 12V supply for the digital inputs
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Some external conditions were not met while system was checking for operation.
Recoverable failure.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Line Failute detected; in the "Ready" and "On" states, and alarm is output initially
for 120 S followed by converter shutdown with fault message; a line failure during
DC Link precharging causes immediate shutdown; onkly an alarm is output in
other operat
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
- Possibly due to faulty IGD. SS is also not able to perform properly. R012 (Active
BICO) does not change state when SS change position
- Also possible is power supply card is faulty, hence not able to give the converter
the correct signals to inhibit the
The parameterized limit value for the I2t monitoring of the motor has been
Bit 3 in r553 status word 2 of the setpoint channel. The speed actual value has
exceeded the value of maximum speed plus the set hysteresis.
Bit 8 in r552 status word 1 of the setpoint channel. The diference between
frequency setpoint/actual value is greater than the parameterized value and the
control monitoring time has elapsed.
Motor is stalled or blocked.
The standstill measurement is executed when the converter is powered up. The
motor can align itself several times in a certain direction with this measurement.
- This is an defined error code, meaning that there was not enough time to read
out the fault message from the converter.
- When pre-charging, the minimum DC link voltage (P071 Line volts x 1.34) of 80%
has not been reached .
- The lower limit value of 76% of the DC link voltage (P071 Lin Volts), or 61% when
kinetic bufering has benn enabled, has been fallen short of.
- Undervoltage in the DC link with active kinetic bufering and speed less than 10%
of the rated motor speed.
During excitation of the induction motor, the current did not rise above 12.5% of
the setpoint magnetising current for no-load operation
Parameterized limit value of the I2t monitoring for the motor has been exceeded.
The frequency and amplitude of the DC link ripple indicates a single phase supply
Similar to F8
- External fault 1 parameter is used for temperature sensor for the cabinet, and it
is parameterised trigger when temp reaches 51 deg. C
Internal coupling error. One of the two coupling partners does not respond
A fault has occur during the transfer of parameters to the gating unit processor
During the ground fault test, a current not equal to 0 was measured, or a UCE or
the overcurrent monitoring responded, although none of the valves were
During the ground fault test a UCE monitoring function responded in a phase in
which no valve was triggered
An earth fault or a fault in the power section is present. During the ground fault
test, a current flows from the phase in which a valve was triggered, the
overcurrent comparitor responded, or a UCE monitoring in a phase has responded
in which a valve wa
Short circuit, low-resistance ground fault
Motor overload (calculated): Motor current too high for too long a period.
Could be one phase missing, where consumption on all 3 phases arevery diferent.
Fault in internal linking. One of the two linked partners does not reply.
The frequency and amplitude of the DC link ripple indicates a single phase supply
Similar to F8
- External fault 1 parameter is used for temperature sensor for the cabinet, and it
is parameterised t trigger when temp reaches 51 deg. C
Line Failute detected; in the "Ready" and "On" states, and alarm is output initially
for 120 S followed by converter shutdown with fault message; a line failure during
DC Link precharging causes immediate shutdown; onkly an alarm is output in
other operat
Internal coupling error. One of the two coupling partners does not respond
A fault has occur during the transfer of parameters to the gating unit processor
Line voltage too high, extreme generator operation, ramp down rate too fast.
CU: DC voltage was too low, ie 76% x line voltage x 1.34 was not reached
Chances are FET, and or diodes had gone. Possible what happen here is when the
connector is put upside down, and when 24V
Most porbably due to a short circuit of the 12V supply for the digital inputs
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Some external conditions were not met while system was checking for operation.
Recoverable failure.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
Internal communication between master and a com. Module
The ACS 600 internal temperature is excessive. The trip level of inverter module
temperature is 125 deg. C
An analogue control signal is below minimum allowed value. This can be caused
by incorrect signal level or a failure in the control wiring.
DC undervoltage trip limit is 0.65 U1min, where U1min is the minimum value of
the mains voltage range. For 400 V and 5
The load on the incoming mains system is out of balance. This can be caused by a
fault in the motor, motor cable or an internal malfunction.
Electronmagnetic interference.
Possible causes:
- Faulty thermistor
- loose / broken connection of thermistor (PT100) cable
- Motor is hot
This can be caused by a fault in the motor, the motor cable, a thermal relay (if
used) or an internal fault.
Motor temperature is too high (or appears to be too high). This can be caused by
excessive load, insufficient motor power, inadequate cooling or incorrect start-up
Motor data is not given or motor data does not match with inverter data
Output current is excessive. The software overcurrent trip limit is 3.5 * I 2hd
Motor is turning faster than the highest allowed speed. This can be caused by an
incorrectly set minimum/maximum speed, insufficient braking torque or changes
in the load when using torque reference.
A Control Panel or Drives Window selected as active control location for the ACS
600 has ceased communicating.
NINT board fibre optic connection fault in inverter unit consisting of several
parallel inverter modules. Number refer
Short circuit in the inverter unit consisting of several parallel inverter modules.
Number refers to the faulty inverter module number.
NINT board fibre optic connection fault in inverter unit consisting of several
parallel inverter modules. Number refer
Short circuit in the inverter unit consisting of several parallel inverter modules.
Number refers to the faulty inverter module number.
NINT board fibre optic connection fault in inverter unit consisting of several
parallel inverter modules. Number refer
Short circuit in the inverter unit consisting of several parallel inverter modules.
Number refers to the faulty inverter module number.
NINT board fibre optic connection fault in inverter unit consisting of several
parallel inverter modules. Number refer
Motor load is too low. This can be caused by a release mechanism in the driven
Cyclical communication between ACS 600 and fieldbus/ACS 600 Master is lost.
Download function of the panel has failed. No data has been copied from the
Panel to the ACS 600.
Program versions in the Panel and in the ACS 600 do not match. It is not possible
to copy data from Panel to the ACS 600
Communication fault between the pulse encoder and the NTAC module or
between the NTAC module and the ACS 600
The ACS 600 has performed the Identification Run and is ready for operation. This
warning belongs to the ID Run procedure
The ACS 600 has performed the motor id magnetisation and is ready for
operation. This warning belongs to the normal start-up procedure.
The ID number of the drive has been changed from 1 in Drive Selection Mode (the
change is not shown on the display)
Motor Identification Run is on.
Motor ID Run is selected, and the drive is ready to start the ID Run. This warning
belongs to the ID Run procedure
Motor is operating in the stall region. This can be caused by excessive load or
insufficient motor power.
Motor Identification Run starts. This warning belongs to the IR Run procedure.
Motor temperature is too high (or appears to be too high). This can be caused by
excessive load, insufficient motor power, inadequate cooling or incorrect start-up
There is a cabling problem or hardware malfunction on the Panel Link.
(4) = Panel type is not compatible with the version of the drive application
program. CDP 312 Panel does not communicate with Standard Application
Program (ACS) version 3.x or earlier.
A Control panel selected as active control location for the ACS 600 has ceased
Motor load is too low. This can be caused by a release mechanism in the driven
Upload function of the panel has failed. No data has been copied from the Panel
to the ACS 600.
Not used.
Not used.
Internal fault. The thermistor measuring the internal temperature of the drive is
open or shorted.
Internal fault. A communication-related problem has been detected on the fiber
optic link between the control and OINT boards.
Motor speed is greater than 120% of the larger (in magnitude) of 2001
Not used.
Fault trip forced by the fieldbus. See the fieldbus User s Manual.
Fault code reserved for the embedded fieldbus (EFB) protocol application.
The meaning is protocol dependent.
Fault code reserved for the embedded fieldbus (EFB) protocol application.
The meaning is protocol dependent.
Fault code reserved for the embedded fieldbus (EFB) protocol application.
The meaning is protocol dependent.
Possible power wiring error detected. When the drive is not running it
monitors for an improper connection between the drive input power and the
drive output.
Condition defined by parameter 3701 USER LOAD C MODE has been valid longer
than the time defined by 3703 USER LOAD C TIME.
Error internal to the drive. Contact your local ABB representative and report the
error number.
Error in the system.
Wrong type of panel, i.e. panel that supports drive X but not the ACS550,
has been connected to the ACS550.
Not used.
Parameter values for the user load curve are inconsistent. Check that the
following conditions are met:
3704 LOAD FREQ 1 < 3707 LOAD FREQ 2 < 3710 LOAD FREQ 3 <
3713 LOAD FREQ 4 < 3716 LOAD FREQ 5.
Drive heat sink is hot. This alarm warns that a DEVICE OVERTEMP fault my be near
R1…R4 and R7/R8 100 degrees 212 Fahrenheit R5/R6 110 degrees 230 Fahrenheit
Motor is hot on either the drive's estimate or on temperature feedback. This
alarm wanrs hat a Motor Underload fault trip may be near
Motor load is lower than expected. This alamr wanrs that a mtor Underload fault
trip may be near
Motor is operating in the stall region. This alarm wanrs that a Motor Stall fault trip
may be near
This larm warns that the dive is about to perform an automatic fault reset which
may start the motor
This alarm warns that the PFC autochange function is active.
This larm warns tha the PFC interlocks are active, which means that the drive
cannot start the following
This alarm wanrs that the PID sleep function is active, which means that the
motor could accelerate when the PID sleep function ends
Performing ID Run
3.05 FW 1 bit 3
3.05 FW 1 bit 3 and
Analogue control signal is below minimum
allowed value due to incorrect signal level or
failure in control wiring.
3.06 FW 2 bit 10
Fault Function
3.17 FW 5 bit 4
3.17 FW 5 bit 2
3.15 FW 4 bit 3
3.17 FW 5 bit 0
3.17 FW 5 bit 1
Cyclical communication between drive and
master is lost.
3.06 FW 2 bit 12
Fault Function
3.06 FW 2 bit 7
3.06 FW 2 bit 5
Fault in external device. (This information is
configured through one of programmable
digital inputs.)
3.06 FW 2 bit 8
Fault Function
03.17 FW 5 bit 9
3.06 FW 2 bit 6
3.06 FW 2 bit 15
Fault Function
3.06 FW 2 bit 14
Fault Function
Motor temperature is too high (or appears to be
too high) due to excessive load, insufficient
motor power, inadequate cooling or incorrect
start-up data.
3.05 FW 1 bit 6
Fault Function
3.15 FW 4 bit 1
3.15 FW 4 bit 2
3.06 FW 2 bit 1
3.05 FW 1 bit 1 and
3.06 FW 2 bit 13
Fault Function
3.06 FW 2 bit 4
Short circuit in inverter unit of several parallel
connected inverter modules. xx (1...12) refers
to inverter module number and y refers to
phase (U, V, W).
3.05 FW 1 bit 0, 4.01
and 4.02
3.05 FW 1 bit 0 and
3.03 bit 8
3.06 FW 2 bit 0
Motor thermal protection mode is set to DTC
for high-power motor.
3.05 FW 1 bit 5
Fault Function
3.05 FW 1 bit 8
Fault Function
3.07 SFW bit 1
3.18 AW5 bit 9
Fault Function
3.08 AW 1 bit 14
Fault Function
3.05 FW 1 bit 3
Drive has detected load unbalance typically
due to earth fault in motor or motor cable.
3.08 AW 1 bit 14
Fault Function
3.18 AW5 bit 9
Fault Function
3.07 SFW bit 1
3.06 FW 2 bit 10
Fault Function
3.17 FW 5 bit 4
3.17 FW 5 bit 2
3.15 FW 4 bit 3
3.17 FW 5 bit 0
Brake resistor overload
3.17 FW 5 bit 3
3.17 FW 5 bit 1
3.06 FW 2 bit 12
Fault Function
3.06 FW 2 bit 7
Communication fault between pulse encoder
and pulse encoder interface module and
between module and drive
3.06 FW 2 bit 5
3.06 FW 2 bit 8
Fault Function
03.17 FW 5 bit 9
3.06 FW 2 bit 6
One of motor phases is lost due to fault in
motor, motor cable, thermal relay (if used) or
internal fault.
3.06 FW 2 bit 15
Fault Function
3.06 FW 2 bit 14
Fault Function
3.15 FW 4 bit 1
3.15 FW 4 bit 2
3.06 FW 2 bit 1
3.05 FW 1 bit 1 and
Output current exceeds trip limit.
3.05 FW 1 bit 1
3.06 FW 2 bit 13
Fault Function
3.17 FW 5 bit 8
3.06 FW 2 bit 11
3.17 FW 5 bit 5
3.05 FW 1 bit 0, 4.01
and 4.02
Short-circuit in motor cable(s) or motor
3.05 FW 1 bit 0 and
3.06 FW 2 bit 0
3.05 FW 1 bit 5
Fault Function
3.05 FW 1 bit 8
Fault Function
Incompatible firmware
Note: This fault cannot be
Restoration of backed-up
parameters failed.
Cyclical communication
between drive and fieldbus
adapter module or between
PLC and fieldbus adapter
module is lost.
Error in temperature
measurement when
temperature sensor (KTY or
PTC) connected to encoder
interface FEN-xx is used.
Error in temperature
measurement when KTY
sensor connected to encoder
interface FEN-01 is used.
Transmission of drive-to-drive
references failed because of
message bufer overflow.
Communication errors
detected between the JCU
Control Unit and the power unit
of the drive.
Restoration of backed-up
parameters failed.
Current measurement
calibration will occur at next
Autophasing will occur at next
Drive has detected load
unbalance typically due to
earth fault in motor or motor
A fault is to be autoreset.
Extension: 8 Short-ci
Intermediate circuit DC voltage
is not sufficient due to missing
mains phase, blown fuse or
rectifier bridge internal fault.
Communication errors
detected between the JCU
Control Unit and the power unit
of the drive.
Cyclical communication
between drive and fieldbus
adapter module or between
PLC and fieldbus adapter
module is lost.
Drive internal fault
Transmission of drive-to-drive
references failed because of
message bufer overflow.
No speed feedback is
Current ofset and again measuremtn calibration wil occur at next start
Output current has exceeded
internal fault limit.
The voltage of the intermediate DC circuit has not yet risen to operating level
Thermistor broken
Temperature diference
between ambient and drive
module PCB space is
Communication errors
detected between the drive
control unit and the power unit.
power fail saving is requested too frequently due to oscillating power supply to
the control unit. Some of the requests may have been discarded, potentially
causing data loss.
The motor parameters are set incorrectly
Error in temperature
measurement when
temperature sensor (KTY or
PTC) connected to encoder
interface FEN-xx is used.
Error in temperature
measurement when KTY
sensor connected to encoder
interface FEN-01 is used.
Cyclical communication
between drive and fieldbus
adapter module A or between
PLC and fieldbus adapter
module A is lost.
Cyclical communication
between drive and fieldbus
adapter module B or between
PLC and fieldbus adapter
module B is lost.
Communication break in
embedded fieldbus (EFB)
Encoder Error
Control panel or PC tool selected as active control location for drive has ceased
No acknowledgement received
from charge relay.
The drive hardware is supplied
from a common DC bus.
Internal error.
Internal fault
Internal fault
Communication break in
embedded fieldbus (EFB)
Internal fault
Internal fault
Internal fault.
Encoder feedback fault.
Cyclical communication
between drive and fieldbus
adapter module A or between
PLC and fieldbus adapter
module A is lost.
Cyclical communication
between drive and fieldbus
adapter module B or between
PLC and fieldbus adapter
module B is lost.
communication is lost.
Chances are FET, and or diodes had gone. Possible what happen here is when the
connector is put upside down, and when 24V
Most probably due to a short circuit of the 12V supply for the digital inputs
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Recoverable failure.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Line Failute detected; in the "Ready" and "On" states, and alarm is output initially
for 120 S followed by converter shutdown with fault message; a line failure during
DC Link precharging causes immediate shutdown; onkly an alarm is output in
other operat
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Motor overloaded
Fault occurs if one of the three input phases are missed and the pulses are
enabled and drive is loaded
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Fault occurs if the sum of the phase currents is higher than 5 % of the nominal
inverter current.
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Cause: Gate driver not enabled. Can be caused also by a synchronization error of
the safety state machines.
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2 (OFF 3)
Acknowledge: Power on
Cause: Auto restart attempts exceed value of p1211.
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Cause: Read failure for power stack information or invalid data.
Remedy: • Check connection between inverter power module and inverter control
• Powercycle inverter Control Unit.
• Change inverter P
Trying to initiate parameter cloning with BOP created on another type of drive.
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Cause: MMC-PS Cloning Failed.
• r0949 = 0: MMC-PS Not Connected or incorrect MMC-PS Type
• r0949 = 1: MMC-PS cannot write to MMC
• r0949 = 2: MMC-PS File not available
• r0949 = 3: MMC-PS cannot read the
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
File exists but the contents are not valid Control Word Corruption.
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
• Broken wire
• Signal out of limits
External fault triggered via command input via control word 2, bit 13
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Software Error
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
During startup the drive checks if the configuration vector (SZL vector) has been
programmed correctly and if hw
matches the programmed vector. If not the drive will trip.
• r0949 = 1: Internal Failure
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
This fault occurs after a Powermodul (PM) / Control Unit (CU) Swap or a Startup
Clone. It can also be caused by a
faulty read from the EEPROM, see F0051 for more details.
The parameterset after a CU swa
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
Reaction: OFF 2
Acknowledge: Quit fault eg. via DI2
• In SLVC or VC (p1300 greater than 20) and Ramp rate too fast
• In SLVC or VC (p1300 greater than 20) and done OFF2 and RUN onto a spinning
motor without Flying start
• In SLVC (p1300 = 20 or 2
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Overvoltage limit is reached. This warning can occur during ramp down, if the Vdc
controller is disabled (P1240 = 0).
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Warning level of inverter heat sink temperature, warning level of chip junction
temperature, or allowed change in temperature
on chip junction is exceeded, resulting in pulse frequency reduction and/or output
frequency re
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Overload warning. Diference between heat sink and IGBT junction temperature
exceeds warning limits.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
• Motor overloaded.
• Load cycles or load steps too high.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
The actual speed has exceeded the maximal speed (status bit r2197.12) or the
speed deviation is larger than specified
(status bit 2197.7).
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: MMC-PS Plugged During Operation and none was present at startup.
Therefore, possible corruption of current
dataset on next power cycle from Automatic Cloning at Startup.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Signal from Encoder lost; Inverter might have switched to sensorless vector
Check also alarm value r0947:
• r0949 = 0: Encoder signal lost.
• r0949 = 5: Encoder not configured in P0400, but required for sensored
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: Communication with CB (communication board) is lost.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
• if main supply voltage (P0210) is permanently too high.
• if motor is driven by an active load, causing motor to goes into regenerative
• at very high load inertias, when ramping down.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Vdc min controller will be activated if DC-link voltage (r0026) falls below minimum
level (P2172).
The kinetic energy of the motor is used to bufer the DC-link voltage, thus causing
deceleration of the drive! So short
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: AO parameters (P0777 and P0779) should not be set to identical values,
since this would produce illogical results.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: No Load is applied to the inverter.
As a result, some functions may not work as under normal load conditions.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Both JOG right and JOG left (P1055/P1056) have been requested. This freezes the
RFG output frequency at its current
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: PID Autotuning (P2350) selected or running
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
A passivated safe torque of (passivated STO) has been initiated by hardware due
to a drive fault:
• r0949 = 33: passivated STO acknowledge after a drive fault requires the OFF first
and then an
Reaction: OFF 2 (OFF 3)
Acknowledge: Power on
System startup error. Error during the startup initialisation after a PowerCycle or
This error is critical and cannot be acknowledged. A restart (hotswap or power
cycle) of the drive is required!
The warning indicates that at least one parameter has been changed in the safety
commissioning or safety reset.
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: Problem with the consistency of the safety input signals. The drive reduces
the frequency according to the settings
of the SS1.
When zero frequency is reached, the passivated STO is entered and a drive fault is
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
a) Output frequency when entering the SLS is higher than p9690 and p9692 is
configured to trigger a passivated
STO with a drive fault.
b) Output frequency exceeds the SLS tolerance p9691.
In both cases, the frequency is r
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Switching on of the drive not possible and the drive will therefore remain in the
READY state (see r0002).
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
The safety reset or the safety commissioning are currently active (selected via
p0010 = 95).
Reaction: NONE
Acknowledge: NONE
Cause: Dynamisation timer (see r9660) has expired. A new dynamisation test is
Run Enable is not closed
Bit0 = 1 (Ready to switch on) & Bit6=1(Switch on disabled. Ex: Status 0xFA71
The converter stops due to inverter overload and turns on the switch on inhibit
Converter fault
Run Enable is open
Converter fault
Converter fault
Converter is in state “switch on inhibited”
- When upgrading from Mk III to Mk IV / V, the baud rate and address are not
- When rep
Converter fault
Wrong checksum
Frame Errors
Service Switch = 1
fa31 is HEXADECIMAL value for the status word. Converting FA31(hex) gives
1111101000110001(binary) = STATUS WORD !
KEB bus terminator resistances on one or more intermediate nodes are mounted
CAN_H and CAN_L are exchange during CAN cable connector manufacturing
consult annex 1
Mechanical blocking on the load path, KEB delivers insufficient HOMING torque to
overcome the blockage
The hard stop is not present, the KEB-drive keeps searching for this hard stop
untill the homing timeout has elapsed
The Mk5 reset function was tried before the resolving the KEB related error
The connector of the CAN bus for the KEB drives is not fitted to the Mk5 CAN1
Mk5 was downloaded for a 4 to 20mA actuator
Mistake in diagnosis, CAN communication is not failing
440: - Motor power (P0307) does not correspond to the inverter power (r0206)
- Motor leads are too long (unlikely in Atlas Copco application)
- Motor leads short circuit
- Earth Faults
- The parameter P1755, which is the start frequency of minimum 0.1 Hz, however,
it does a "walkabout" and gives erratic F004. In most cases, P1755 = 7.3 ==> this
should be modified to 0.2 (H
Fault occurs if the sum of the phase currents is higher than 5% of the nominal
inverter current .
This fault only occurs on inverters that have 3 current sensors (Fram sizes D to F &
Fan malfunction
Broken wire
Fault value:
= 1: Some power section tests have failed
= 2: Some control board tests have failed
= 4: Some functional tests have failed (MM420 only)
= 16 Internal RAM failed on power-up check
- Motor power (P0307) does not correspond to the inverter power (P0206)
- Motor leads too long
- Earth fault
Warning level (P0294) exceeded, output frequency and/or pulse frequency will be
reduced if parameterised (P0290)
Motor overloaded warning
The cyclic access to the UCE Values and powerstack temperatures via I2C bus
Signal from Encoder lost and Inverter has switched to sensorless vector control
CB is lost
Vdc max controller has been de-activated, since controller is not capable of
keeping DC-Link voltage (r0026) within limits (P2172)
-> Occurs if main supply voltage (P0210) is permamently too high
-> Occurs if motor is driven by an active load, causing mot
Vdc max controller is active; rampl down times will be increased automatically to
keep DC-Link voltage (r0026) within limits (P2172)
Vdc min controller will be activated if DC-Link voltage (r0026) falls below minimum
level (P2172). The kinetic energy of the motor is used to bufer the DC-Link
voltage, thus causing deceleration of the drive ! So short mains failures do not
necessarily l
ADC parameters should not be set to identical values, since this would produce
illogical results.
Fault vaule:
= 0: Parameter settings for output identical
= 1: Parameter settings for input identical
= 2: Parameter settings input do not correspond to ADC
DAC parameters should not be set to identical values, since this would produce
illogical results.
Fault Value:
= 0: Parameter settings for output identical
= 1: Parameter settings for input identical
= 2: Parameter settings for output do not correspond to
Main Power supply voltage too low or missing links in the control panel.
Main Power supply voltage too low or missing links in the control panel.
Undervoltage detected
Undervoltage detected
Internal communication timeout
Internal checksum error detected
Overcurrent detected at motor side. **** from GA55-90VSD ==>, one problem
could be faulty sensor. But cannot change this sensor onsite, has to replace
convertor. See ECB WUXI0155 (P IV)
Overvoltage detected
Overvoltage detected
When the Control Unit ran-up no complete data set from the parameter
save files was found. The last time that the parameterization was saved, it
was not completely carried-out. Instead, a backup data set or file is
downloaded. Alarm value (r2124, hexadeci
Error when reading the read-write data of the EEPROM in the Control Unit.
Alarm value (r2124, decimal): Only for internal Siemens Troubleshooting
Error when reading the read-only data of the EEPROM in the option
Fault Value (r0949, decimal): Internal Siemens troubleshooting
The memory card contains a more recent firmware version than the one in
the connected DRIVE-CLiQ component.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Component number of the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved.
For a component, "de-activate and not present" is set but this component
is still in the topology.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
Byte 1: Component number
Byte 2: Component class of the component
Byte 3: Connection number
Note: Component clas
For the active drive object involved, at least one activated component is
All other active and operational drive objects can be in the "RUN" state.
For the active drive object involved, at least one activated component is
All other active and operational drive objects can be in the "RUN" state.
The inserted component has still not been initiated, as the pulses are
A drive object number is missing in p0978
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Index of p0101 under which the missing drive object number can be
Partial lists are available more than twice in p0978. After the second 0, all
must be 0.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Index of p0978 under which the illegal value is located.
In p0978, dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first
partial list.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Index of p0978 under which the illegal value is located.
The topology comparison has detected a power unit in the actual topology
that has been shifted with respect to the
target topology.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
ddccbbaa hex:
dd = connection number
cc = component number
bb = component class
The topology comparison has detected diferences in the actual and target
topologies in relation to one component.
There are diferences in the electronic rating plate.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
ddccbbaa hex: aa = component number of the
The topology comparison has detected diferences in the actual and target
topologies in relation to one component.
The component class, the component type or the number of connections
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
ddccbbaa hex: aa =
The topology comparison has detected diferences in the actual and target
topologies in relation to one component.
The serial number is diferent.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
ddccbbaa hex:
cc = number of diferences
bb = component class
The topology comparison has detected diferences in the actual and target
topologies in relation to one component.
A component was connected to another connection.
The diferent connections of a component are described in the alarm
Alarm value (r21
A topology comparison has found diferences between the actual and
target topology for several components. A
component was connected to another connection.
The diferent connections of a component are described in the alarm
Alarm value (r2124, inte
The topology comparison has detected a power unit in the target topology
that is not available in the actual topology.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Component number of the additional target components.
There are BICO interconnections as signal sink from a drive object that is
either inactive/not operational.
The BI/CI parameters involved are listed in r9498.
The associated BO/CO parameters are listed in r9499.
The list of the BICO interconnections to ot
The test of the motion monitoring functions was already illegally active
when booting.
This is the reason that the test is only carried out again after selecting the
forced checking procedure parameterized
in p9705.
This message does not result in a
The time set in p9559 for the forced checking procedure of the safety
motion monitoring functions has been
exceeded. A new test is required.
After next selecting the forced checking procedure parameterized in
p9705, the message is withdrawn and the monito
The time set in p9659 for the forced checking procedure of the safety
shutdown paths has been exceeded. The
safety shutdown paths must be re-tested.
After the next time the "STO" function is de-selected, the message is
withdrawn and the monitoring time is
The drive unit did not accept the receive configuration data.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Return value of the receive configuration data check.
0: Configuration accepted.
1: Connection established to more drive objects than configured in the d
The current controller clock cycle of all drives must be set the same for the
clock cycle synchronous operation.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object with diferent current controller clock cycle.
The speed controller clock cycle of all drives must be set the same for the
clock cycle synchronous operation.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object with the diferent speed controller clock cycle.
The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has
been selected using the parameterizing
telegram. It was not possible to synchronize to the clock cycle specified by
the master.
- the master does not send a clock synchronous global
The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has
been selected using the parameterizing
telegram. The global control telegram for synchronization is not being
The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has
been selected using the parameterizing
telegram. The global control telegram for synchronization is being
irregularly received.
-.the master is sending an irregular global control t
The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has
been selected using the parameterizing
telegram. Synchronization with the master sign-of-life (STW2.12 ...
STW2.15) could not be completed because the
sign-of-life is changing dife
After the drive system is powered up, the synchronization between the
basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle
and application clock cycle was started but was not completed within the
selected time tolerance.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
After the drive system is powered up, the synchronization between the
basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle
and application clock cycle was started but was not completed within the
selected time tolerance.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
The set operating mode (p1300) of the drive object is not permissible
when using the function generator.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object involved.
The speed setpoint of a drive selected for connection is greater than the
value for the standstill detection set using
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object involved.
The speed actual value of a drive selected for connection is greater than
the value for the standstill detection set
using p1226.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object involved.
Cause: The master control and/or enable signals are missing to connect to
the specified drive.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object involved.
See also: p4815 (Function generator drive number)
Magnetizing has not yet been completed on a drive object specified for
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the drive object involved.
See also: p4815 (Function generator drive number)
This parameter setting cannot be changed when the function generator is
active (p4800 = 1).
See also: p4810, p4812, p4813, p4815, p4820, p4821, p4822, p4823,
p4824, p4825, p4826, p4827, p4828, p4829
The value for the ofset is higher than the value for the upper limit or lower
than the value for the lower limit.
See also: p4826 (Function generator ofset)
The bandwidth referred to the time slice clock cycle of the function
generator has either been set too low or too high.
Depending on the time slice clock cycle, the bandwidth is defined as
Bandwidth_max = 1 / (2 * time slice clock cycle)
Bandwidth_min = Bandwidth_max / 100000
Assumption: p4830 = 125 μs
--> Bandwidth_max = 1 / (2 * 125 μs) = 4000 Hz
--> Bandwidth_min = 4000 Hz / 100000 = 0.04 Hz
p4823: Function generator bandwidth
p4830: Function generator time slice clock cycle
See also: p4823 (Function generator bandwidth), p4830 (Function
generator time slice cycle)
The time slice clock cycle selected does not match any of the existing time
See also: p4830 (Function generator time slice cycle)
The selected time slice clock cycle cannot be used for the setting p4702 = 1
(2 x 8 recording channels).
See also: p4723 (Time slice cycle for trace)
The trace parameter settings cannot be changed when the trace is active.
See also: p4700, p4710, p4711, p4712, p4713, p4714, p4715, p4716,
p4720, p4721, p4722, p4730, p4731, p4732,
p4733, p4780, p4781, p4782, p4783, p4789, p4795
The selected pretrigger time must be shorter than the trace time.
See also: p4721 (Trace recording time), p4722 (Trace trigger delay)
The memory space still available on the Control Unit is no longer sufficient
for the trace function.
The value in p0118 produces a dead time of one clock cycle because it is
prior to setpoint availability. A possible
cause could be, for example, that the system characteristics no longer
match those parameterized after a component
has been replaced.
Alarm value (r2134, floating point):
The minimum value for p0118 where a dead time no longer occurs.
The natural filter frequency of the speed setpoint filter (P1417) is greater
than the Shannon frequency. The Shannon frequency is calculated
according to the following formula: 0.5 / P0155[0]
The alarm threshold for overtemperature at the inverter heatsink has been
reached. The response is set using P0290.
If the temperature of the heatsink increases by an additional 5K, then fault
F30004 is initiated.
The alarm threshold for the air intake overtemperature has been reached.
The response is set using P0290.
If the air intake temperature increases by an additional 5 K, then fault
F30035 is initiated.
The alarm threshold for the overtemperature of the rectifier has been
reached. The response is set using P0290.
If the temperature of the electronics module increases by an additional 5
K, then fault F30037 is initiated.
Cooling system: alarm - flow rate has fallen below the alarm value
The temperature diference between the chip and heat sink has exceeded
the permissible limit value (for blocksize
power units only). Depending on p0290, a suitable overload response is
See also: r0037
The deviation of the individaul currents of the power modules exceeds the
alarm threshold specified in P7010.
Alarm value (r2124, decimal)5/01/2007
1: Phase U
2: Phase V
3: Phase W
The deviation of the DC link voltage measured values exceeds the alarm
threshold specified in p7011.
For the drive object involved, fewer power unit components connected in
parallel are active than exist in the target
topology. Operation is only possible at reduced power (power de-rating).
The thermal I2t motor model identified that the temperature alarm
threshold was exceeded.
See also: r0034 (Motor utilization), p0605 (Motor overtemperature fault
threshold), p0611 (I2t motor model thermal
time constant)
The ON/OFF1 command is not 0, either via binector input p0840 (current
CDS) or in control word p3982 bit 0.
The automatic restart (AR) is active. When the line supply returns and/or
the causes of the existing faults are
removed the drive is automatically restarted. The pulses are enabled and
the motor starts to rotate.
The Vdc_max controller can no longer maintain the DC link voltage (r0026)
below the limit value (r1242) and was
therefore switched out (disabled).
- the line supply voltage is permanently higher than specified for the
power unit.
- the motor is permanently in the regenerative mode as a result of a load
that is driving the motor.
The DC link voltage controller has been activated as the lower switch-in
threshold has been undershot (r1246).
The kinetic energy of the motor is used in order to bufer the DC link. This
brakes the drive.
See also: p1240 (Vdc controller or Vdc monitoring configuration)
The current limiting controller of the V/f control was activated because the
current limit was exceeded.
The Vdc_max controller can no longer maintain the DC link voltage (r0026)
below the limit value (r1242) and was
therefore switched out (disabled).
- the line supply voltage is permanently higher than specified for the
power unit.
- the motor is permanently in the regenerative mode as a result of a load
that is driving the motor.
The configuration of the flux control (p1401) is contradictory.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
ccbbaaaa hex
aaaa = parameter
bb = index
cc = fault cause
cc = 01 hex = 1 dec:
Quick magnetizing (p1401.6) for soft start (p1401.0).
cc = 02 hex = 2 dec:
Quick magnetizing (p1401.6) for flux build-up control (p1401.2).
cc = 03 hex = 3 dec:
Quick magnetizing (p1401.6) for Rs identification after restart (p0621 = 2).
One of the following problems has occurred with the position actual value
- an encoder is not assigned for the position actual value preprocessing
(p2502 = 0).
- an encoder is assigned, but no encoder data set (p0187 = 99 or p0188 =
99 or p0189 = 99).
- an encoder an an encoder data set have been assigned, however, the
encoder data set does not contain any
encoder data (p0400 = 0) or invalid data (e.g. p0408 = 0).
In the traversing block the specified absolute target position lies outside
the range limited by the software limit switch
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the traversing block with illegal target position.
In the traversing block the specified absolute target position lies outside
the range limited by the software limit switch
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the traversing block with illegal target position.
In the traversing block the target position lies outside the modulo range.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the traversing block with illegal target position.
When traversing, the axis has moved to the traversing range limit.
When traversing, the axis has moved to the traversing range limit.
In the current traversing operation, the target position is less than the
software limit switch minus.
In the current traversing operation, the target position is greater than the
software limit switch plus.
The axis is at the position of the software limit switch minus. An active
traversing block was interrupted.
The axis is at the position of the software limit switch plus. An active
traversing block was interrupted.
The fixed stop in the traversing block was reached without the clamping
torque/clamping force having been achieved.
In the modes "traversing blocks" or "direct setpoint input/MDI" at the start
of motion, the binector input "no intermediate
stop/intermediate stop" (BI: p2640) did not have a 1 signal.
For the function "flying referencing" the diference between the measured
position at the measuring probe and the
reference point coordinate lies outside the parameterized window.
It is not possible to enable the basic positioner because at least one signal
is missing.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
1: EPOS enable missing (BI: p2656).
2: Position actual value, valid feedback signal missing (BI: p2658).
The position actual value is set to the value received via CI: p2515while BI:
p2514 = 1 signal. A possible system
deviation cannot be corrected.
When evaluating the measuring probe, an error occurred.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
6: The input terminal for the measuring probe is not set.
4098: Error when initializing the measuring probe.
4100: The measuring pulse frequency is too high.
> 50000: The measuring clock cycle is not a multiple integer of the position
controller clock cycle.
The interface mode "SIMODRIVE 611 universal" was set (p2038 = 1) and
the data structure does not correspond to
this mode.
For the data structure, the following rule must be complied with.
Within the group of 8 drive data sets, the assignment to the motor data set
must be set the same:
p0186[0] = p0186[1] = ... = p0186[7]
p0186[8] = p0186[9] = ... = p0186[15]
p0186[16] = p0186[17] = ... = p0186[23]
p0186[24] = p0186[25] = ... = p0186[31]
See also: p0180 (Number of Drive Data Sets (DDS)), p0186 (Motor Data
Sets (MDS) number), p2038 (PROFIdrive
STW/ZSW interface mode)
The selected drive data set is not available (p0837 > p0180). The drive data
set was not changed over.
See also: p0180, p0820, p0821, p0822, p0823, p0824, r0837
The selected drive data set changeover and the assigned motor
changeover are not possible and are not carried out.
For synchronous motors, the motor contactor may only be switched for
actual speeds less than the speed at the start
of field weakening (r0063 < p0348).
See also: r0063 (Actual speed value)
When carrying out a factory setting (e.g. using p0970 = 1), it was not
possible to reset the encoder parameters. The
encoder parameters are directly read out of the encoder via DRIVE-CLiQ.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Component number of the encoder involved.
The reference point coordinate received when adjusting the encoder via
connector input CI:p2599 lies outside the
half of the encoder range and cannot be set as current axis position. The
maximum permissible value is displayed
in the supplementary information.
The reference point coordinate received when adjusting the encoder via
connector input CI:p2599 lies outside the
half of the encoder range and cannot be set as current axis position. The
maximum permissible value is displayed
in the supplementary information.
The reference point coordinate received when adjusting the encoder via
connector input CI:p2599 lies outside the
half of the encoder range and cannot be set as current axis position. The
maximum permissible value is displayed
in the supplementary information.
An encoder error was signaled for encoder 1 via the PROFIdrive encoder
interface (G1_ZSW.15).
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Error code from G1_XIST2, refer to the description regarding r0483.
This alarm is only output if p0480[0] is not equal to zero.
An encoder error was signaled for encoder 2 via the PROFIdrive encoder
interface (G2_ZSW.15).
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Error code from G2_XIST2, refer to the description regarding r0483.
This alarm is only output if p0480[1] is not equal to zero.
An encoder error was signaled for encoder 3 via the PROFIdrive encoder
interface (G3_ZSW.15).
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Error code from G3_XIST2, refer to the description regarding r0483.
This alarm is only output if p0480[2] is not equal to zero.
A Sensor Module with the component number specified in p0141 was not
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Encoder data set involved (index of p0141).
The position actual value is set to the value received via CI: p2515while BI:
p2514 = 1 signal. A possible system
deviation cannot be corrected.
The position actual value is set to the value received via CI: p2515while BI:
p2514 = 1 signal. A possible system
deviation cannot be corrected.
The position actual value is set to the value received via CI: p2515while BI:
p2514 = 1 signal. A possible system
deviation cannot be corrected.
The following problem has occurred during the position actual value
- an encoder data set has been assigned, however, the encoder data set
does not contain any encoder data (p0400
= 0) or invalid data (e.g. p0408 = 0).
The following problem has occurred during the position actual value
- an encoder data set has been assigned, however, the encoder data set
does not contain any encoder data (p0400
= 0) or invalid data (e.g. p0408 = 0).
The following problem has occurred during the position actual value
- an encoder data set has been assigned, however, the encoder data set
does not contain any encoder data (p0400
= 0) or invalid data (e.g. p0408 = 0).
The value range (-2147483648 ... 2147483647) for the position actual
value representation was exceeded.
When the overflow occurs, the "referenced" or "adjustment absolute
measuring system" status is reset.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: The position actual value (r2521) has exceeded the value range.
2: The encoder position actual value Gn_XIST2 (r0483) or the absolute
value after the load gear (r2723) has
exceeded the value range.
3: The maximum encoder value times the factor to convert the absolute
position (r0483 and/or r2723) from increments
to length units (LU) has exceeded the value range for displaying the
position actual value.
Alarm threshold for I2t overload (p0294) of the power unit exceeded.
The response parameterized in p0290 becomes active.
See also: p0290 (Power unit overload response)
When closing, the contactor feedback signal (p1235) did not issue the
signal "Closed" (r1239.1 = 1) within the monitoring
time (p1236).
The Motor Module signals that the motor is short-circuited through the
power semiconductors (r1239.5 = 1). The
pulses cannot be enabled. The internal armature short-circuit is selected
(p1231 = 4):
The motor temperature has exceeded the fault threshold (p0604 or
VECTOR: The response parameterized in p0610 becomes active.
The response threshold of 1650 Ohm was exceeded.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
SME not selected in p0601:
1: No output current reduction.
2: Output current reduction active.
SME selected in p0601 (p0601 = 10):
The number specifies the sensor channel that resulted in the alarm being
See also: p0604 (Motor overtemperature alarm threshold), p0610 (Motor
overtemperature response)
Only for separately excited synchronous motors (p0300 = 5):
The current open-loop/closed-loop control mode is I/f control (open-loop)
with a fixed current (p1300 = 18).
The speed is entered via the setpoint channel and the current setpoint is
given by the minimum current (p1620).
It must be ensured that in this mode, the control dynamic performance is
very limited. This is the reason that longer
ramp-up times should be set for the setpoint speed than for normal
See also: p1620 (Stator current, minimum)
The cyclic actual and/or setpoint values were not transferred within the
specified times.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
The drive unit did not accept the receive configuration data.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Return value of the receive configuration data check.
0: Configuration accepted.
1: Connection established to more drive objects than configured in the
device. The drive objects for process data
exchange and their sequence were defined using p0978.
2: Too many data words for input or output to a drive object. A max. of 16
words is permitted for SERVO and VECTOR;
a max. of 5 words for A_INF, TB30, TM31 and CU320.
3: Uneven number of bytes for input or output.
4: Setting data for synchronization not accepted.
5: Drive still not in cyclic operation.
6: Bufer system not accepted.
7: Cyclic channel length too short for this setting.
8: Cyclic channel address not initialized.
9: 3-bufer system not permitted.
10: DRIVE-CLiQ fault.
11: CU-Link fault.
12: CX32 not in cyclic operation.
The memory or the bufer status of the non-cyclic channel has an error.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
0: Error in the bufer status.
1: Error in the memory.
The memory or the bufer status of the message channel has an error.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
0: Error in the bufer status.
1: Error in the memory.
The assignment of the hardware to the PZD interface has been incorrectly
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
1: Only one of the two indices is not equal to 99 (automatic).
2: Both PZD interfaces are assigned to the same hardware.
3: Assigned COMM BOARD missing.
4: CBC10 is assigned to interface 1.
See also: p8839 (PZD interface hardware assignment)
The error counter for the send or receive telegrams has exceeded the
value 127.
The error counter for the send or receive telegrams has exceeded the
value 127.
The number of bytes of the mapped objects exceeds the telegram size for
net data. A max. of 8 bytes is permissible.
For online operation, the appropriate COB-ID must be set invalid before
Mapping for RPDO 1 should be changed (p8710[0]).
--> set p8700[0] = C00006E0 hex (invalid COB-ID)
--> set p8710[0] as required.
--> p8700[0] enter a valid COB-ID
The number of PDO channels in p8740 has either been set to 0 or too low.
See also: p8740 (CBC channel assignment)
When checking the checksum of the license key, an error was detected.
The temperature diference between the heat sink and chip has exceeded
the permissible limit value.
- the permissible load duty cycle was not maintained.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
- overload.
- ambient temperature too high.
- pulse frequency too high.
See also: r0037
Hardware current limit for phase U responded. The pulsing in this phase is
inhibited for one pulse period.
- closed-loop control is incorrectly parameterized.
- fault in the motor or in the power cables.
- the power cables exceed the maximum permissible length.
- motor load too high
- power unit defective.
Alarm A30031 is always output if the hardware current limit for phase U, V
or W on a Power Module responds.
Hardware current limit for phase V responded. The pulsing in this phase is
inhibited for one pulse period.
- closed-loop control is incorrectly parameterized.
- fault in the motor or in the power cables.
- the power cables exceed the maximum permissible length.
- motor load too high
- power unit defective.
Alarm A30031 is always output if the hardware current limit for phase U, V
or W on a Power Module responds.
Hardware current limit for phase W responded. The pulsing in this phase is
inhibited for one pulse period.
- closed-loop control is incorrectly parameterized.
- fault in the motor or in the power cables.
- the power cables exceed the maximum permissible length.
- motor load too high
- power unit defective.
Alarm A30031 is always output if the hardware current limit for phase U, V
or W on a Power Module responds.
The maximum operating time of the fan in the power unit is set in p0252.
This message indicates the following:
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
0: The maximum fan operating time is 500 hours.
1: The maximum fan operating time has been exceeded.
When booting it was detected that the cause of the previous reset was an
SAC watchdog timer overflow.
The error word of the EnDat encoder has alarm bits that have been set.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Frequency exceeded (speed too high).
Bit 1: Temperature exceeded.
Bit 2: Control reserve, lighting system exceeded.
Bit 3: Battery discharged.
Bit 4: Reference point passed.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
The encoder sends a set error bit via the serial protocol.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Fault bit in the position protocol.
Bit 1: Alarm bit in the position protocol.
The amplitude (C^2 + D^2) of track C or D of the encoder or from the Hall
signals, is not within the tolerance bandwidth.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track D (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track C (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 230 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 750 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
If the amplitude is not within the tolerance bandwidth, then it cannot be
used to initialize the start position.
The error for track C/D is greater than +/-15 ° mechanical or +/-60 °
electrical or the error for the Hall signals is greater
than +/-60 ° electrical.
One period of track C/D corresponds to 360 ° mechanical.
One period of the Hall signal corresponds to 360 ° electrical.
The monitoring responds if, for example, Hall sensors are connected as
equivalent for the C/D tracks with the incorrect
rotational sense or supply values that are not accurate enough.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
For track C/D, the following applies:
Measured deviation as mechanical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
For Hall signals, the following applies:
Measured deviation as electrical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
When the zero pulse is passed, a deviation in the incremental position was
For equidistant zero marks, the following applies:
- The first zero mark passed supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero marks must have
n times the distance referred to the first zero mark.
For distance-coded zero marks, the following applies:
- the first zero mark pair supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero mark pairs must have
the expected distance to the first zero mark pair.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Deviation in quadrants (1 pulse = 4 quadrants).
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
For track A/B, pulses have been lost or too many have been counted. These
pulses are presently being corrected.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Last measured deviation of the
zero mark distance in increments (4 increments
= 1 encoder pulse). The sign designates the direction of motion when
detecting the zero mark distance.
A alarm has occurred on the Sensor Module for encoder 1 that cannot be
interpreted by the Control Unit firmware.
This can occur if the firmware on this component is more recent than the
firmware on the Control Unit.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Alarm number.
If required, the significance of this new alarm can be read about in a more
recent description of the Control Unit.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
The measured zero mark distance does not correspond to the
parameterized zero mark distance.
For distance-coded encoders, the zero mark distance is determined from
zero marks detected pairs. This means that
if a zero mark is missing, depending on the pair generation, this cannot
result in a fault and also has no efect in the
The zero mark distance for the zero mark monitoring is set in p0425 (rotary
encoder) or p0424 (linear encoder).
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Last measured zero mark distance in increments (4 increments = 1 encoder
The sign designates the direction of motion when detecting the zero mark
The error word of the EnDat encoder has alarm bits that have been set.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Frequency exceeded (speed too high).
Bit 1: Temperature exceeded.
Bit 2: Control reserve, lighting system exceeded.
Bit 3: Battery discharged.
Bit 4: Reference point passed.
The encoder sends a set error bit via the serial protocol.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Fault bit in the position protocol.
Bit 1: Alarm bit in the position protocol.
The amplitude (C^2 + D^2) of track C or D of the encoder or from the Hall
signals, is not within the tolerance bandwidth.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track D (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track C (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 230 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 750 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
If the amplitude is not within the tolerance bandwidth, then it cannot be
used to initialize the start position.
The error for track C/D is greater than +/-15 ° mechanical or +/-60 °
electrical or the error for the Hall signals is greater
than +/-60 ° electrical.
One period of track C/D corresponds to 360 ° mechanical.
One period of the Hall signal corresponds to 360 ° electrical.
The monitoring responds if, for example, Hall sensors are connected as
equivalent for the C/D tracks with the incorrect
rotational sense or supply values that are not accurate enough.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
For track C/D, the following applies:
Measured deviation as mechanical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
For Hall signals, the following applies:
Measured deviation as electrical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
When the zero pulse is passed, a deviation in the incremental position was
For equidistant zero marks, the following applies:
- The first zero mark passed supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero marks must have
n times the distance referred to the first zero mark.
For distance-coded zero marks, the following applies:
- the first zero mark pair supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero mark pairs must have
the expected distance to the first zero mark pair.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Deviation in quadrants (1 pulse = 4 quadrants).
For track A/B, pulses have been lost or too many have been counted. These
pulses are presently being corrected.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Last measured deviation of the
zero mark distance in increments (4 increments
= 1 encoder pulse). The sign designates the direction of motion when
detecting the zero mark distance.
The unipolar level (CP/CN or DP/DN) for encoder 2 is outside the
permissible tolerance.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0 = 1: Either CP or CN outside the tolerance.
Bit 16 = 1: Either DP or DN outside the tolerance.
The unipolar nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 2500
mV +/- 500 mV.
The response thresholds are < 1700 mV and > 3300 mV.
The signal level is not evaluated unless the following conditions are
- Sensor Module properties available (r0459.31 = 1).
- Monitoring active (p0437.31 = 1).
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit x = 1: Efectivity test x unsuccessful.
A alarm has occurred on the Sensor Module for encoder 2 that cannot be
interpreted by the Control Unit firmware.
This can occur if the firmware on this component is more recent than the
firmware on the Control Unit.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Alarm number.
If required, the significance of this new alarm can be read about in a more
recent description of the Control Unit.
The measured zero mark distance does not correspond to the
parameterized zero mark distance.
For distance-coded encoders, the zero mark distance is determined from
zero marks detected pairs. This means that
if a zero mark is missing, depending on the pair generation, this cannot
result in a fault and also has no efect in the
The zero mark distance for the zero mark monitoring is set in p0425 (rotary
encoder) or p0424 (linear encoder).
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Last measured zero mark distance in increments (4 increments = 1 encoder
The sign designates the direction of motion when detecting the zero mark
The encoder sends a set error bit via the serial protocol.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Fault bit in the position protocol.
Bit 1: Alarm bit in the position protocol.
The amplitude (C^2 + D^2) of track C or D of the encoder or from the Hall
signals, is not within the tolerance bandwidth.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track D (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track C (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 230 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 750 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
If the amplitude is not within the tolerance bandwidth, then it cannot be
used to initialize the start position.
For the actual value sensing, an error was detected. As a result of this
error, it must be assumed that the actual value
sensing supplies an incorrect coarse position.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
3: The absolute position of the serial protocol and track A/B difer by half
an encoder pulse. The absolute position
must have its zero position in the quadrants in which both tracks are
negative. In the case of a fault, the position can
be incorrect by one encoder pulse.
The error for track C/D is greater than +/-15 ° mechanical or +/-60 °
electrical or the error for the Hall signals is greater
than +/-60 ° electrical.
One period of track C/D corresponds to 360 ° mechanical.
One period of the Hall signal corresponds to 360 ° electrical.
The monitoring responds if, for example, Hall sensors are connected as
equivalent for the C/D tracks with the incorrect
rotational sense or supply values that are not accurate enough.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
For track C/D, the following applies:
Measured deviation as mechanical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
For Hall signals, the following applies:
Measured deviation as electrical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
When the zero pulse is passed, a deviation in the incremental position was
For equidistant zero marks, the following applies:
- The first zero mark passed supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero marks must have
n times the distance referred to the first zero mark.
For distance-coded zero marks, the following applies:
- the first zero mark pair supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero mark pairs must have
the expected distance to the first zero mark pair.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Deviation in quadrants (1 pulse = 4 quadrants).
For track A/B, pulses have been lost or too many have been counted. These
pulses are presently being corrected.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Last measured deviation of the
zero mark distance in increments (4 increments
= 1 encoder pulse). The sign designates the direction of motion when
detecting the zero mark distance.
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit x = 1: Efectivity test x unsuccessful.
A alarm has occurred on the Sensor Module for encoder 3 that cannoy be
interpreted by the Control Unit Firmware. This can occur if the firmware on
this component is more recent than the firmware on the Control Unit.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Alarm number.
If required, the significance of this new alarm can be read about in a more
recent description of the Control Unit.
The test stop for the Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) is presently being
F35013 is output when a error occurs during the test stop.
- after powering up the drive, a test stop has still not been carried out.
- a new test stop is required after commissioning.
- the time to carry out the forced checking procedure (test stop) has
expired (p10003).E339
The encoder pulse number entered does not match the permissible pulse
number from a hardware perspective.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: Encoder pulse number is too high.
2: Encoder pulse number is too low.
4: Encoder pulse number is less than the zero mark ofset (p4426).
An error has occurred while accessing the internal I2C bus of the Terminal
An error has occurred accessing the non-volatile memory on the Terminal
The Control Unit attempted to write an illegal parameter value to the
Terminal Module.
The temperature in the module has exceeded the highest permissible limit.
The internal parameter data on the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module are incorrect.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
01: EEPROM access error.
02: Too many blocks in the EEPROM.
An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
First alarm that has occurred for this drive object.
An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
First alarm that has occurred for this drive object.
An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
First alarm that has occurred for this drive object.
An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X103.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
First alarm that has occurred for this drive object.
An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X104.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
First alarm that has occurred for this drive object.
An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X105.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
First alarm that has occurred for this drive object.
The conductivity monitoring of the cooling liquid is set (r0267 bit 7, from
p0266 index 7).
See also: p0261 (Cooling system, starting time 2), p0262 (Cooling system,
fault conductivity delay time), p0266
(Cooling system, feedback signals, signal source), r0267 (Cooling system
status word)
The cooling liquid intake temperature has exceeded the specified alarm
The "excitation group signal alarm" signal is present.
CBE20: A PROFINET controller attempts to establish a connection using an
incorrect configuring telegram. The
PROFINET version (V2.1/V2.2) of the project (HW Config) is not compatible
with the CBE20 firmware.
The axis configuration was changed (e.g. changeover between linear axis
and rotary axis).
Parameter p0108.13 is internally set to the correct value.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
The drive is stopped via a STOP A (pulses are suppressed via the safety
shutdown path of the Control Unit).
Possible causes:
- stop request from the higher-level control.
- pulses not suppressed after a parameterized time (p9557) after test stop
The drive is stopped via STOP B (braking along the OFF3 deceleration
As a result of this fault, after the time parameterized in p9556 has expired,
or the speed threshold parameterized in
p9560 has been undershot, message C01700 "STOP A initiated" i
After initiating STOP B or STOP C, the velocity has exceeded the selected
The drive is shut down by the message C01700 "SI Motion: STOP A
The actual position has distanced itself further from the target position
than the standstill tolerance.
The drive is shut down by the message C01701 "SI Motion: STOP B
The drive is stopped via STOP C (braking along the OFF3 deceleration
"Safe Operating Stop" (SOS) is activated after the parameterized timer has
Possible causes:
- stop request from the higher-level control.
- subsequent response to the mes
The normalization of the brake torque for the brake test can be changed
using parameter p2003.
An acceptance test must be carried out again for the braking test. This
determines whether the braking test is still
carried out with the correct braking torque
The acceptance test mode is active. The POWER ON signals of the safety-
relevant motion monitoring functions can
be acknowledged during the acceptance test using the RESET button of the
higher-level control.
The drive is stopped via a STOP B (braking along the OFF3 ramp).
As a result of this fault, after the time parameterized in p9356 has expired,
or the speed threshold parameterized in
p9360 has been undershot, message C30700 "SI Motion MM: STOP A
initiated" is output.
Possible causes:
- stop request from the Control Unit.
- subsequent response to the message C30714 "SI Motion MM: Safely
limited speed exceeded".
- subsequent response to the message C30711 "SI Motion MM: Defect in a
monitoring channel".
After initiating STOP B or STOP C, the velocity has exceeded the selected
The drive is shut down by the message C30700 "SI Motion MM: STOP A
The actual position has distanced itself further from the target position
than the standstill tolerance.
The drive is shut down by the message C30701 "SI Motion MM: STOP B
The drive is stopped via a STOP C (braking along the OFF3 ramp).
"Safe Operating Stop" (SOS) is activated after the parameterized timer has
Possible causes:
- stop request from the higher-level control.
- subsequent response to the message C30714 "SI Motion MM: Safely
limited speed exceeded".
See also: p9552 (SI Motion transition time STOP C to SOS (SBH) (Control
The acceptance test mode is active. The POWER ON signals of the safety-
relevant motion monitoring functions can
be acknowledged during the acceptance test using the acknowledgement
functions of the higher-level control.
The CompactFlash card and the device type do not match (eg. A
CompactFlash card for SINAMICS is inserted in SINAMICS G).
The drive object type in conjuction with the selected application-specific
perspective is not available. The required descriptive file (Pdxxxyyy.ACX)
does not exist on the CompactFlash card.
Fault valur (r0949, decimal):
Index of P0103 and P0107. See also
Two many functions, data sets or drives configured on this Control Unit.
Fault value (r0949, decimal): Only for Internal Siemens troubleshooting
More than one SINAMICS G pwer module type is being operated drom the
Control Unit.
Fault Value (r0949, decimal):
Number of the second drive with a SINAMICS G power module type
SINAMICS S and G drive units are being operated together on one Control
Fault Value (r0949, decimal):
Number of the first drive object with a diferent power module type.
The frequency of the pulses at the measuring probe input is too high.
Fault value (r0949, decimal):
1: DI/DO 9 (X122.8)
2: DI/DO 10 (X122.10)
4: DI/DO 11 (X122.11)
8: DI/DO 13 (X132.8)
16: DI/DO 14 (X132.10)
32: DI/DO 15 (X132.11)
1001: DI/DO 9 (X122.8) i
The parameter to select the basic clock cycle does not match the drive
topology. Drives connected to the same DRIVE-CLiQ port of the Control
Unit have been assigned diferent basic clock cycles.
Fault value (r0949, decimal):
The fault value speficies the
The parameter for the basic clock cycle is set too short for the number of
connected drives.
Fault value (r0949, decimal):
The fault specifies the parameter involved. See also P0110
The closed -loop control / monitoring cannot maintain the intended clock
The runtime of the closed-loop control/monitoring is too long for the
particular clock cycle or the computation time remaining in the system is
not sufficient for the closed-lo
Errror when reading the read-only data of the EEPROM in the Control Unit.
Fault value (r0949, decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting
Error when reading the read-only data of the EEPROM in the option
Fault Value (r0949, decimal): Internal Siemens troubleshooting
The component number from the topology was not parameterized (p0121
(for power module, refer to P0107), P0131. (for Servo / vector drives, refer
to p0107), p0141, p0151, p0161)
Fault value (r0949, decimal)
The fault value includes the particular data set
The device target topology (p0099) does not correspond to the device
actual topology (r0098).
The fault only occurs if the topology was commissioned using the
automatic internal device mechanism and not using
the commissioning software.
Fault value (r0949
There are BICO as signal drain from a drive object that is either
inactive/not operational.
The BI/CI parameters involved are listed in R9498. The associateed BO/CO
parameters in R9499.
The list of the BICO interconnections to other drive objects is displayed in
r9491 and r9492 of the de activated drive object.
r9499 are only written into if, p495 is not set to 0.
Alarm value (r2124 decimal):
Number of BICO interconnections found to be inactive drive objects.
See also : r9491, r9492, 9498, r9499
The requested connector output does not have the correct data type. This
interconnection is not established.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Parameter number to which an interconnection should be made
(connector output).
The requested interconnection was established. However, a conversion is
made between the BICO output and BICO
input using the reference values.
- the BICO output has diferent normalized units than the BICO input.
- message only for interconnections withi
While changing the number of CDS or when copying from CDS, the master
control was active.
The drive-based "Safety Integrated" function in the Control Unit (CU) has
detected a fault and initiated a STOP A
(pulse suppression via the safety shutdown path of the Control Unit).
- forced checking procedure of the safety shutdown path of the Control
The drive-based "Safety Integrated" function in the Control Unit (CU) has
detected a fault in the data cross-check
between the CU and Motor Module (MM) and initiated a STOP F.
As a result of this fault, after the parameterized transition has expired
The drive-based "Safety Integrated" function on the Control Unit (CU) has
identified diferent states of the AND'ed
STO inputs for power units connected in parallel and has initiated a STOP F.
As a result of this fault, after the parameterized transition
The drive-based "Safety Integrated" function in the Control Unit (CU) has
detected an error in the sign-of-life of the
safety data between the CU and Motor Module (MM) and initiated a STOP
- there is either a DRIVE-CLiQ communication error or communica
The drive-based "Safety Integrated" function in the Control Unit (CU) has
detected a brake control error and initiated
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
10, 11:
Fault in "open holding brake" operation.
- Parameter p1278 incorrectly set.
An internal error in the Safety Integrated software on the Control Unit has
This fault results in a STOP A that cannot be acknowledged.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
When accessing the Safety Integrated parameters for the Motor Module
(MM) on the CompactFlash card, an error
has occurred.
This fault results in a STOP A that can be acknowledged.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
129: Safety parameters for th
The write request for one or several Safety Integrated parameters on the
Control Unit (CU) was rejected.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: The Safety Integrated password is not set.
2: A
The Motor Module (MM) does not support the safety-related functions
(e.g. the Motor Module version is not the correct
one). Safety Integrated cannot be commissioned.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
One of the following values is stored in p9700 or has been entered offline:
87 or 208. This is the reason that the
system is attempting to copy the SI parameters from the Control Unit to
the Motor Module during booting. However,
no safety function is sele
When booting, parameter p7826 "automatic firmware update" did not
have the value "1" that is required for the automatic
firmware upgrade/downgrade. This means that when the safety functions
are enabled, an inadmissible combination
of versions can occur.
The existing Motor Module software does not support safe motion
monitoring or is not compatible to the software on
the Control Unit or there is a communications error between the Control
Unit and Motor Module.
This fault results in a STOP A that can
The existing Sensor Module software and/or hardware does not support
the safe motion monitoring function with the
higher-level control.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Only for internal S
The actual checksum calculated by the drive and entered in r9728 via the
safety-relevant parameters does not match
the reference checksum saved in p9729 at the last machine acceptance.
Safety-relevant parameters have been changed or a fault is present.
The parameter cannot be parameterized with this value.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Parameter number with the incorrect value.
The limit value for the function "Safely-Limited Speed" (SLS) is greater than
the speed that corresponds to an
encoder limit frequency of 500 kHz.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
The parameterized modulo value for the "Safe Cam" (SCA) function is not a
multiple of 360 000 mDegrees.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
The global control telegram to synchronize the clock cycles has failed - in
cyclic operation - for several DP clock
cycles or has violated the time grid specified in the parameterizing
telegram over several consecutive DP clock
cycles (refer to the bus cy
At this drive object, the connection to at least one Publisher for PROFIBUS
peer-to-peer data transfer in cyclic operation
has been aborted.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary):
Bit 0 = 1: Publisher with address in r2077[0], connection aborted.
After the drive system is powered up, the synchronization between the
basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle
and application clock cycle was started and was not able to be successfully
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting
The trace was deleted due to the fact that the units were changed over or
the reference parameters changed.
When initializaing the Terminal Modules, the terminal of the Control Unit
or the Terminal Board 30, an internal software error has occurred.
Fault Value (r0949, decimal):
The thousands location: 1 . . . 3:
The component number (P0151) of the module involv
The input currentn of the TM analog input has exceeded the threshold
value parameterized in P4061[x].
This fault can only occur, if P4056[x] = 3 (4 . . . 20 mA with monitoring) is
Index x = 0: Analog input 0 (X522.1 to .3)
Index x = 1: Analog input 1
The Terminal Module involved does not send a ready signal and no valid
cyclic data.
Fault value (r0949, decimal)
Drive object number
A power module signals that the pulses are enabled although the pulses
are inhibited.
Fault value (r0949, decimal): Number of the power module involved.
For one or several power modules, the pulses were not able to be enabled.
Fault value (r0949, decimal): Number of the power module involved
For AC/AC drive units, the measured DC voltage lies outside the tolerance
range after pre-charging has been completed:
1.16 * p0210 < r0070 < 1.6 * p0210.
The fault can only be acknowledged when the drive is powered down.
See also: p0210 (Drive unit line supply voltage)
The motor temperature has exceeded the fault threshold (p0605) or the
timer (p0606) after the alarm threshold was
exceeded (p0604) has expired.
The response parameterized in p0610 becomes active.
The response threshold of 1650 Ohm was exceeded and the timer (p0606)
has expired.
The response parameterized in p0610 becomes active.
Possible causes:
- motor is overloaded.
- motor ambient temperature too high.
- wire breakage or sensor not connected.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
For SME selected (p0601 = 10), number of the sensor channel leading to
the message.
For I2t motor model activated (p0612 bit 0 = yes, p0611 > 0), fault value =
200 refers to a fault that was initiated by
the I2t motor model.
See also: p0604 (Motor overtemperature alarm threshold), p0605 (Motor
overtemperature fault threshold), p0606
(Motor overtemperature timer), p0610 (Motor overtemperature response)
An error was detected when evaluating the temperature sensor set in
p0600 and p0601.
Possible causes:
- wire breakage or sensor not connected (KTY: R > 1630 Ohm).
- measured resistance too low (PTC: R < 20 Ohm, KTY: R < 50 Ohm).
If alarm A07015 is present, the time in p0607 is started. If the fault is still
present after this time has expired, then
fault F07016 is output; however, at the earliest, 1 s after alarm A07015.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
For SME selected (p0601 = 10), number of the sensor channel leading to
the message.
See also: p0607 (Temperature sensor fault timer)
The WaitUntil condition set in the macro was not fulfilled in a certain
number of attempts.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Parameter number for which the condition was set
A reference parameter was changed in the system. This resulted in the fact
that for the parameters involved, the
selected value was not able to be written in the per unit representation
(cause: e.g. the steady-state minimum/maximum
limit or that defined in the application was violated). The values of the
parameters were set to the corresponding
violated minimum/maximum limit or to the factory setting.
Fault value (r0949, parameter):
Diagnostics parameter r9450 to display the parameters that were not able
to be re-calculated.
See also: p0304, p0305, p0310, p0596, p2000, p2001, p2002, p2003, r2004
- the line contactor was not able to be closed within the time in p0861.
- the line contactor was not able to be opened within the time in p0861.
- the line contactor has dropped out in operation.
- the line contactor has closed although the drive converter is powered
During a flying restart, it was identified that the search current reached is
too low.
It is possible that the motor is not connected.
It is not possible to power up with the motor rotating (no flying restart). In
the following cases, the "flying restart" function
is not supported:
Permanent-magnet and separately-excited synchronous motors (PEM,
FEM): Operation with V/f characteristic.
Permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PEM): Encoderless operation
without a Voltage Sensing Module (VSM)
being connected.
During kinetic bufering the speed fell below minimum speed (p1257 or
p1297 for vector drives with V/f control) and
the line supply did not return.
The maximum bufer time (p1255 and p1295 for vector drives with V/f
control) has been exceeded without the line
supply having returned.
The natural filter frequency of the PT2 element for the reference model
(p1433) is greater than the Shannon frequency.
The Shannon frequency is calculated according to the following formula:
0.5 / p0115[1]
A drive data set was selected - with the pulses enabled - which has a
diferent parameterized direction of rotation
It is only possible to change the motor direction of rotation using p1821
when the pulses are inhibited.
The reference point coordinate received when adjusting the encoder via
connector input p2599 lies outside the half
of the encoder range and cannot be set as current axis position.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Maximum permissible value for the reference point coordinate.
When powered down, the currently efective motor encoder was moved
through a distance greater than was parameterized
in the tolerance window. It is possible that there is no longer any reference
between the mechanical system
and encoder.
Here, only the motor encoder in the currently efective drive data set is
monitored. The currently efective drive data
set is displayed in x = r0051 and the corresponding motor encoder is
specified in p0187[x].
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Deviation (diference) to the last encoder position in increments of the
absolute value after the measuring gear - if
one is being used. The sign designates the traversing direction.
The deviation (diference) found is also displayed in r2724.
See also: p2722 (Load gear, position tracking tolerance window), r2724
(Load gear position diference)
After the standstill monitoring time (p2543) expired, the drive left the
standstill window (p2542).
- position actual value inversion incorrectly set (p0410).
- standstill window set too small (p2542).
- standstill monitoring time set too low (p2543).
- position loop gain too low (p2538).
- position loop gain too high (instability/oscillation, p2538).
- mechanical overload.
- check the connecting cable, motor/drive converter (phase missing,
- when selecting motor identification, select tracking mode (BI: p2655[0] =
1 signal).
- when selecting function generator, select tracking mode (BI: p2655[0] = 1
signal) and de-activate position control
(BI:p2550 = 0 signal).
When the position monitoring time (p2545) expired, the drive had still not
reached the positioning window (p2544).
- positioning window parameterized too small (p2544).
- position monitoring time parameterized too short (p2545).
- position loop gain too low (p2538).
- position loop gain too high (instability/oscillation, p2538).
- drive mechanically locked.
After starting the search for reference, the axis moved through the
maximum permissible distance to search for the
reference cam without actually finding the reference cam.
After leaving the reference cam, the axis has traversed the maximum
permissible distance between the reference
cam and zero mark without finding the zero mark.
During the search for reference, when the axis reached the zero mark it
also reached the end of the traversing range
without detecting an edge at the binector input "reference cam" (BI:
Maximum traversing range: -2147483648 [LU] ... -2147483647 [LU]
The target position for relative traversing lies outside the traversing range.
The current position of the axis is less than the position of the software
limit switch minus.
The current position of the axis is greater than the position of the software
limit switch plus.
In the "fixed stop reached" state, the axis has moved outside the defined
monitoring window (p2635).
In a traversing block with the task FIXED STOP, the end position was
reached without detecting a fixed stop.
A zero signal was detected at binector input BI: p2569, i.e. the STOP cam
minus was reached.
For a positive traversing direction, the STOP cam minus was reached - i.e.
the wiring of the STOP cam is incorrect.
A zero signal was detected at binector input BI: p2570, i.e. the STOP cam
plus was reached.
For a negative traversing direction, the STOP cam plus was reached - i.e.
the wiring of the STOP cam is incorrect.
The value range (-2147483648 ... 2147483647) for the position actual
value representation was exceeded.
When the overflow occurs, the "referenced" or "adjustment absolute
measuring system" status is reset.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: The position actual value (r2521) has exceeded the value range.
2: The encoder position actual value Gn_XIST2 (r0483) or the absolute
value after the load gear (r2723) has
exceeded the value range.
3: The maximum encoder value times the factor to convert the absolute
position (r0483 and/or r2723) from increments
to length units (LU) has exceeded the value range for displaying the
position actual value.
Each encoder may only be assigned to one drive and within a drive must -
in each drive data set - either always be
encoder 1, always encoder 2 or always encoder 3. This unique assignment
has been violated.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
The two parameters in coded form, that refer to the same component
First parameter:
Index: First and second decimal place (99 for EDS, not assigned DDS)
Parameter number: Third decimal place (1 for p0187, 2 for p0188, 3 for
p0189, 4 for EDS not assigned DDS)
Drive number: Fourth and fifth decimal place
Second parameter:
Index: Sixth and seventh decimal place (99 for EDS, not assigned DDS)
Parameter number: Eighth decimal place (1 for p0187, 2 for p0188, 3 for
p0189, 4 for EDS, not assigned DDS)
Drive number: Ninth and tenth decimal place
See also: p0141 (Encoder interface (Sensor Module) component number)
Using p0141, a changeover of the encoder data set is prepared that is
illegal. In this firmware release, an encoder
data set changeover is only permitted for the components in the actual
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Incorrect EDS data set number.
See also: p0187 (Encoder 1 encoder data set number), p0188 (Encoder 2
encoder data set number), p0189
(Encoder 3 encoder data set number)
A power unit (via PDS) was assigned to a motor (via MDS) in a drive data
set that is not connected in the target
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Number of the incorrectly parameterized drive data set.
The assignment between the drive data set and motor data set (p0186) or
between the drive data set and the
encoder data set was modified (p0187). This is the reason that the drive
data set must re-commissioned.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Drive data set to be re-commissioned.
The system has identified that two motor data sets were incorrectly
Parameter r0313 (calculated from p0314, p0310, p0311), r0315 and p1982
may only have diferent values if the
motor data sets are assigned diferent motors. p0827 is used to assign the
motors and/contactors.
It is not possible to toggle between motor data sets.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal):
xxxx: First DDS with assigned MDS, yyyy: Second DDS with assigned MDS
The commutation angle information is missing. This means that
synchronous motors cannot be controlled (closedloop
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
yyyyxxxx dec: yyyy = fault cause, xxxx = drive data set
yyyy = 1 dec:
The motor encoder used does not supply an absolute commutation angle.
yyyy = 2 dec:
The selected ratio of the measuring gear does not match the motor pole
pair number.
For rotary absolute encoders, the pulse number in p0408 must be to the
power of two.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
The fault value includes the encoder data set number involved.
The maximum encoder value times the factor to convert the absolute
position (r0483 and/or r2723) from increments
to length units (LU) has exceeed the value range (-2147483648 ...
2147483647) for displaying the position actual
The maximum encoder value times the factor to convert the absolute
position (r0483 and/or r2723) from increments
to length units (LU) has exceeed the value range (-2147483648 ...
2147483647) for displaying the position actual
The maximum encoder value times the factor to convert the absolute
position (r0483 and/or r2723) from increments
to length units (LU) has exceeed the value range (-2147483648 ...
2147483647) for displaying the position actual
After an internal power-on command, the infeed or drive does not signal
- monitoring time is too short.
- DC link voltage is not present.
- associated infeed or drive of the signaling component is defective.
- supply voltage incorrectly set.
No rated data are stored in the power unit EEPROM.
See also: p0205 (Power unit application), r0206 (Rated power unit power),
r0207 (Rated power unit current), r0208
(Rated power unit line supply voltage), r0209 (Power unit, maximum
The code number of the current power unit does not match the saved
number. The fault only occurs if the comparator
in p9906 or p9908 is not at f 2 (low) or 3 (minimum).
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Number of the incorrect parameter.
See also: r0200 (Power unit current code number), p0201 (Power unit code
The simulation mode is activated and the DC link voltage is greater than
the permissible value of 40 V.
The signal "infeed operation" is not present although the enable signals for
the drive have been present for longer
than the parameterized monitoring time (p0857).
- infeed not operational.
- interconnection of the binector input for the ready signal is either
incorrect or missing (p0864).
- infeed is presently carrying out a line supply identification routine.
Motor has been operating at the torque limit longer than the time
specified in p2177 and below the speed threshold
set in p2175.
This signal can also be initiated if the speed actual value is oscillating and
the speed controller output repeatedly
goes to its limit.
If the simulation mode is enabled (p1272 = 1) and the closed-loop control
with speed encoder activated (p1300 =
21), then the inhibit signal is generated if the encoder signal is not received
from a motor that is driven with the torque
setpoint of the closed-loop control.
See also: p2175 (Motor locked speed threshold), p2177 (Motor locked
delay time)
When opening, the contactor feedback signal (p1235) did not issue the
signal "Open" (r1239.1 = 0) within the monitoring
time (p1236).
The armature short-circuit is incorrectly parameterized.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Low word: Motor data set number
High word: Cause:
1: A permanent-magnet synchronous motor has not been selected.
101: External armature short-circuit: Output (r1239.0) not connected up.
102: External armature short-circuit with contactor feedback signal: No
feedback signal connected (BI:p1235).
103: External armature short-circuit without contactor feedback signal:
Delay time when opening (p1237) is 0.
The function "Internal voltage protection" (p1231 = 3) was activated. The
following must be observed:
- when the internal voltage protection is active, after pulse suppression, all
of the motor terminals are at half of the
DC link voltage (without an internal voltage protection, the motor
terminals are at zero potential)!
- it is only permissible to use motors that are short-circuit proof (p0320 <
- the Motor Module must be able to continually conduct 180% short-circuit
current (r0331) of the motor (r0289).
- the internal voltage protection cannot be interrupted due to a fault
response. If an overcurrent condition occurs during
the active, internal voltage protection, then this can destroy the Motor
Module and/or the motor.
- if the Motor Module does not support the autonomous, internal voltage
protection (r0192.10 = 0), in order to ensure
safe, reliable functioning when the line supply fails, an external 24 V power
supply (UPS) must be used for the components.
- if the Motor Module does support the autonomous, internal voltage
protection (r0192.10 = 1), in order to ensure
safe, reliable functioning when the line supply fails, the 24 V power supply
for the components must be provided
through a Control Supply Module.
- if the internal voltage protection is active, it is not permissible that the
motor is driven by the load for a longer period
of time (e.g. as a result of loads that move the motor or another coupled
The diference between the excitation current actual value and setpoint
has exceeded the tolerance:
abs(r1641 - r1626) > p3201 + p3202
The cause of this fault is again reset for abs(r1641 - r1626) < p3201.
The diference between the flux actual value and setpoint has exceeded
the tolerance:
abs(r0084 - r1598) > p3204 + p3205
The cause of this fault is again reset for abs(r0084 - r1598) < p3204.
The fault is only issued after the delay time in p3206 has expired.
The Motor Module signals that the motor is short-circuited through the
power semiconductors (r1239.5 = 1). The
pulses cannot be enabled. The internal voltage protection is selected
(p1231 = 3).
A motor with integrated motor holding brake was detected where the
brake control has not been configured (p1215
= 0). The brake control configuration was then set to "motor holding brake
the same as sequence control" (p1215 =
After synchronization has been completed, the phase diference (r3808) is
greater than the threshold value, phase
synchronism (p3813).
OFF1 or OFF3 response, while the closed-loop phase control is active
(r3819.6 = 1) or synchronism reached
(r3819.2 = 1).
Enable signal withdrawn (p3802 = 0), while the closed-loop phase control
was active (r3819.6 = 1).
The code number of the current motor with DRIVE-CLiQ does not match
the saved number.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Number of the incorrect parameter.
See also: p0301 (Motor code number selection), r0302 (Motor code
number of motor with DRIVE-CLiQ)
The motor code of the current motor with DRIVE-CLiQ does not match the
possible list motor types (refer to the
selection, p0300).
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Motor code of the motor with DRIVE-CLiQ
The conditions to record the friction characteristic are not fulfilled.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
0046: Missing enable signals (r0046).
1082: The highest speed value to be approached (p3829) is greater than
the maximum speed (p1082).
1084: The highest speed value to be approached (p3829) is greater than
the maximum speed (r1084, p1083, p1085).
1087: The highest speed value to be approached (p3829) is greater than
the maximum speed (r1087, p1086, p1088).
1110: Friction characteristic record, negative direction selected (p3845)
and negative direction inhibited (p1110).
1111: Friction characteristic record, positive direction selected (p3845) and
positive direction inhibited (p1111).
1198: Friction characteristic record selected (p3845 > 0) and negative
(p1110) and positive directions (p1111) inhibited
1300: The control mode (p1300) has not been set to closed-loop speed
1755: For encoderless closed-loop control (p1300 = 20), the lowest speed
value to be approached (p3820) is less
than or equal to the changeover speed, open-loop controlled operation
1910: Motor data identification activated.
1960: Speed controller optimization activated.
3820 ... 3829: Speed (p382x) cannot be approached.
3840: Friction characteristic incorrect.
3845: Friction characteristic record de-selected.
A fault has occurred during the automatic encoder adjustment or the pole
position identification.
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
A fault has occurred during the Lq-Ld measurement.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
10: Stage 1: The ratio between the measured current and zero current is
too low.
12: Stage 1: The maximum current was exceeded.
15: Second harmonic too low.
16: Drive converter too small for the measuring technique.
17: Abort due to pulse inhibit.
A fault has occurred during the pole position identification routine.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: Current controller limited
2: Motor shaft locked.
4: Encoder speed signal not plausible.
10: Stage 1: The ratio between the measured current and zero current is
too low.
11: Stage 2: The ratio between the measured current and zero current is
too low.
12: Stage 1: The maximum current was exceeded.
13: Stage 2: The maximum current was exceeded.
14: Current diference to determine the +d axis too low.
15: Second harmonic too low.
16: Drive converter too small for the measuring technique.
17: Abort due to pulse inhibit.
18: First harmonic too low.
20: Pole position identification requested with the motor shaft rotating and
activated flying restart function.
A fault has occurred during the automatic encoder adjustment.
Fault value (r0949, decimal):
1: Current controller limited
2: Motor shaft locked.
4: Encoder speed signal not plausible.
10: Stage 1: The ratio between the measured current and zero current is
too low.
11: Stage 2: The ratio between the measured current and zero current is
too low.
12: Stage 1: The maximum current was exceeded.
13: Stage 2: The maximum current was exceeded.
14: Current diference to determine the +d axis too low.
15: Second harmonic too low.
16: Drive converter too small for the measuring technique.
17: Abort due to pulse inhibit.
A fault has occurred during the encoder test.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: The speed did not reach a steady-state condition.
2: The speed setpoint was not able to be approached as the minimum
limiting is active.
3: The speed setpoint was not able to be approached as the suppression
(skip) bandwidth is active.
4: The speed setpoint was not able to be approached as the maximum
limiting is active.
5: The encoder does not supply a signal.
6: Incorrect polarity.
7: Incorrect pulse number.
8: Noise in the encoder signal or speed controller unstable.
9: Voltage Sensing Module (VSM) incorrectly connected.
The set monitoring time expired while transferring process data via COMM
See also: p8840 (COMM BOARD monitoring time)
COMM BOARD did not accept the send-configuration data.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Return value of the send-configuration data check.
A CAN communications error has occurred.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: The error counter for the send telegrams has exceeded the BUS OFF
value 255. The bus disables the CAN controller.
- bus cable interrupted.
- bus cable not connected.
- incorrect baud rate.
- incorrect bit timing.
2: The master no longer interrogated the CAN node status longer than for
its "life time". The "life time" is obtained
from the "guard time" (p8604[0]) multiplied by the "life time factor"
- bus cable interrupted.
- bus cable not connected.
- incorrect baud rate.
- incorrect bit timing.
- master fault.
The fault response can be set as required using p8641.
See also: p8604 (CBC node guarding), p8641 (CBC abort connection option
The temperature of the power unit heat sink has exceeded the permissible
limit value.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
- overload.
- ambient temperature too high.
- pulse frequency too high.
Fault value (r0949):
Temperature [1 bit = 0.01 °C].
The Thyristor Control Board (TCB) of the Basic Line Module signals a fault.
- there is no line supply voltage.
- the line contactor is not closed.
- the line supply voltage is too low.
- line supply frequency outside the permissible range (45 ... 66 Hz).
- there is a DC link short-circuit.
- there is a DC link short-circuit (during the pre-charging phase).
- voltage supply for the Thyristor Control Board outside the nominal range
(5 ... 18 V) and line voltage >30 V.
- there is an internal fault in the Thyristor Control Board.
The power unit has detected that the cyclic setpoint telegrams of the
Control Unit were not punctually updated for at
least two clock cycles within a time interval of 20 ms.
The temperature diference between the heat sink and chip has exceeded
the permissible limit value.
- the permissible load duty cycle was not maintained.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
- overload.
- ambient temperature too high.
- pulse frequency too high.
See also: r0037
Chip temperature of the semiconductor has exceeded the permissible limit
- the permissible load duty cycle was not maintained.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
- overload.
- ambient temperature too high.
- pulse frequency too high.
Fault value (r0949):
Temperature diference between the heat sink and chip [1 Bit = 0.01 °C].
The power unit DC link was not able to be pre-charged within the expected
1) There is no line supply voltage connected.
2) The line contactor/line side switch has not been closed.
3) The line supply voltage is too low.
4) Line supply voltage incorrectly set (p0210).
5) The pre-charging resistors are overheated as there were too many pre-
charging operations per time unit.
6) The pre-charging resistors are overheated as the DC link capacitance is
too high.
7) The pre-charging resistors are overheated because when there is no
"ready for operation" (r0863.0) of the infeed
unit, power is taken from the DC link.
8) The pre-charging resistors are overheated as the line contactor was
closed during the DC link fast discharge
through the Braking Module.
9) The DC link has either a ground fault or a short-circuit.
10) The pre-charging circuit is possibly defective (only for chassis units).
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Missing internal enable signals, power unit (lower 16 bit):
(Inverted bit-coded representation FFFF hex -> all internal enable signals
Bit 0: Power supply of the IGBT gating shut down
Bit 1: Reserved
Bit 2: Reserved
Bit 3: Ground fault detected
Bit 4: Peak current intervention
Bit 5: I2t exceeded
Bit 6. Thermal model overtemperature calculated
Bit 7: (heat sink, gating module, power unit) overtemperature measured
Bit 8: Reserved
Bit 9: Overvoltage detected
Bit 10: Power unit has completed pre-charging, ready for pulse enable
Bit 11: STO terminal missing
Bit 12: Overcurrent detected
Bit 13: Armature short-circuit active
Bit 14: DRIVE-CLiQ fault active
The air intake in the power unit has exceeded the permissible temperature
For air-cooled power units, the temperature limit is at 55 °C.
- ambient temperature too high.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Temperature [1 bit = 0.01 °C].
The temperature in the module slot of the drive converter has exceeded
the permissible temperature limit.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
- overload.
- ambient temperature too high.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Temperature [1 bit = 0.1 °C].
The temperature in the rectifier of the power unit has exceeded the
permissible temperature limit.
- insufficient cooling, fan failure.
- overload.
- ambient temperature too high.
- line supply phase failure.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Temperature [1 bit = 0.01 °C].
At least one incorrect actual value channel was detected on the Power
Stack Adapter (PSA).
The incorrect actual value channels are displayed in the following
diagnostic parameters.
The power unit has detected overvoltage in the DC link with a pulse inhibit.
- device supply voltage too high.
- line reactor incorrectly dimensioned.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
DC link voltage [1 bit = 100 mV].
See also: r0070 (Actual DC link voltage)
The drive-based "Safety Integrated" function in the Motor Module (MM)
has detected a fault and initiated STOP A
(pulse suppression via the safety shutdown path of the Motor Module).
- forced checking procedure of the safety shutdown path of the Motor
Module unsuccessful.
- subsequent response to fault F30611 (defect in a monitoring channel).
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
0: Stop request from the Control Unit.
1005: Pulses suppressed although STO not selected and there is no internal
STOP A present.
1010: Pulses enabled although STO is selected or an internal STOP A is
1020: Internal software error in the "Internal voltage protection" function.
The "Internal voltage protection" function is
withdrawn. A STOP A that cannot be acknowledged is initiated.
9999: Subsequent response to fault F30611.
When accessing the Safety Integrated parameters for the Motor Module
(MM) on the CompactFlash card, an error
has occurred.
This fault results in a STOP A that can be acknowledged.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
129: Safety parameters for the Motor Module corrupted.
131: Internal software error on the Control Unit.
255: Internal Motor Module software error.
The write request for one or several Safety Integrated parameters on the
Motor Module (MM) was rejected.
This fault does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
10: An attempt was made to enable the STO function although this cannot
be supported.
11: An attempt was made to enable the SBC function although this cannot
be supported.
13: An attempt was made to enable the SS1 function although this cannot
be supported.
14: An attempt was made to enable the safe motion monitoring function
with the higher-level control, although this
cannot be supported.
15: An attempt was made to enable the motion monitoring functions
integrated in the drive although these cannot be
16: An attempt was made to enable the PROFIsafe communication -
although this cannot be supported or the version
of the PROFIsafe driver used on the CU and MM is diferent.
See also: r9771 (SI common functions (Control Unit)), r9871 (SI common
functions (Motor Module)
The existing Control Unit software does not support the safe drive-based
motion monitoring function.
This fault results in a STOP A that cannot be acknowledged.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
The limit value for the function "Safely-Limited Speed" (SLS) is greater than
the speed that corresponds to an
encoder limit frequency of 500 kHz.
This message does not result in a safety stop response.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Maximum permissible speed.
The encoder sends a set error bit via the serial protocol.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Fault bit in the position protocol.
The amplitude (root of A^2 + B^2) for encoder 1 exceeds the permissible
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track B (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track A (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 230 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 750 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value of
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
Note for sensors modules for resolvers (e. g. SMC10):
The nominal signal level is at 2900 mV (2.0 Vrms). The response thresholds
are < 1070 mV and > 3582 mV.
A signal level of 2900 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value of
6666 hex = 26214 dec.
The analog values of the amplitude error are not measured at the same
time with the hardware fault output by the
sensor module.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
The amplitude of the rectified encoder signals A and B and the amplitude
from the roots of A^2 + B^2 for encoder 1
are not within the tolerance bandwidth.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track B (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track A (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 176 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 955 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
The analog values of the amplitude error are not measured at the same
time with the hardware fault output by the
sensor module.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
For a square-wave signal encoder (TTL. bipolar. double ended) the A* and
B* and R* signals are not inverted with
respect to signals A and B and R.
For CU310, CUA32, D410, SMC30 (only Order No. 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA0
and 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA1), the following
A squarewave encoder without track R is used and the track monitoring
(p0405.2 = 1) is activated.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
For an HTL/TTL encoder, the speed diference has exceeded the value in
p0492 over several sampling cycles.
The change to the averaged speed actual value - if applicable - is
monitored in the current controller sampling time.
Encoder 1 is used as motor encoder and can be efective has fault
response to change over to encoderless operation.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER), p0492 (Square-
wave encoder, maximum speed diference
per sampling cycle)
For the actual value sensing, an error was detected on the module. As a
result of this error, it must be assumed that
the actual value sensing supplies an incorrect coarse position.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
Fault in internal reference voltage of ASICs for encoder 1.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
1: Reference voltage error.
2: Internal undervoltage.
3: Internal overvoltage.
The error for track C/D is greater than +/-15 ° mechanical or +/-60 °
electrical or the error for the Hall signals is greater
than +/-60 ° electrical.
One period of track C/D corresponds to 360 ° mechanical.
One period of the Hall signal corresponds to 360 ° electrical.
The monitoring responds if, for example, Hall sensors are connected as
equivalent for the C/D tracks with the incorrect
rotational sense or supply values that are not accurate enough.
After the fine synchronization using one reference mark or 2 reference
marks for distance-coded encoders, this fault
is no longer initiated, but instead, Alarm A31429.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
For track C/D, the following applies:
Measured deviation as mechanical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
For Hall signals, the following applies:
Measured deviation as electrical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
After initializing the pole position using track C/D, Hall signals or pole
position identification routine, the zero mark
was detected outside the permissible range. For distance-coded encoders,
the test is carried out after passing 2 zero
marks. Fine synchronization was not carried out.
When initializing via track C/D (p0404) then it is checked whether the zero
mark occurs in an angular range of +/-18
° mechanical.
When initializing via Hall sensors (p0404) or pole position identification
(p1982) it is checked whether the zero mark
occurs in an angular range of +/-60 ° electrical.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex
yyyy: Determined mechanical zero mark position (can only be used for
track C/D).
xxxx: Deviation of the zero mark from the expected position as electrical
Normalization: 32768 dec = 180 °
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
Absolute encoder:
When cyclically reading the absolute position, an excessively high
diference to the incremental position was
detected. The absolute position that was read is rejected.
Limit value for the deviation:
- EnDat encoder: Is supplied from the encoder and is a minimum of 2
quadrants (e.g. EQI 1325 > 2 quadrants, EQN
1325 > 50 quadrants).
- other encoders: 15 pulses = 60 quadrants.
Incremental encoder:
When the zero pulse is passed, a deviation in the incremental position was
For equidistant zero marks, the following applies:
- The first zero mark passed supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero marks must have
n times the distance referred to the first zero mark.
For distance-coded zero marks, the following applies:
- the first zero mark pair supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero mark pairs must have
the expected distance to the first zero mark pair.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Deviation in quadrants (1 pulse = 4 quadrants).
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder supplies status information via bits in an internal
status/fault word.
Some of these bits cause this fault to be triggered. Other bits are status
displays. The status/fault word is displayed
in the fault value.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: F1 (safety status display)
Bit 1: F2 (safety status display)
Bit 2: Lighting (reserved)
Bit 3: Signal amplitude (reserved)
Bit 4: Position value (reserved)
Bit 5: Overvoltage (reserved)
Bit 6: Undervoltage (reserved)
Bit 7: Overcurrent (reserved)
Bit 8: Battery (reserved)
Bit 16: Lighting (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 17: Signal amplitude (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 18: Singleturn position 1 (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 19: Overvoltage (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 20: Undervoltage (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 21: Overcurrent (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 22: Temperature exceeded (--> F3x405, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 23: Singleturn position 2 (safety status display)
Bit 24: Singleturn system (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 25: Singleturm power down (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 26: Multiturn position 1 (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 27: Multiturn position 2 (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 28: Multiturn system (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 29: Multiturn power down (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 30: Multiturn overflow/underflow (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 31: Multiturn battery (reserved)
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder supplies status information via bits in an internal
status/fault word.
Some of these bits cause this fault to be triggered. Other bits are status
displays. The status/fault word is displayed
in the fault value.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: F1 (safety status display)
Bit 1: F2 (safety status display)
Bit 2: Lighting (reserved)
Bit 3: Signal amplitude (reserved)
Bit 4: Position value (reserved)
Bit 5: Overvoltage (reserved)
Bit 6: Undervoltage (reserved)
Bit 7: Overcurrent (reserved)
Bit 8: Battery (reserved)
Bit 16: Lighting (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 17: Signal amplitude (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 18: Singleturn position 1 (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 19: Overvoltage (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 20: Undervoltage (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 21: Overcurrent (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 22: Temperature exceeded (--> F3x405, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 23: Singleturn position 2 (safety status display)
Bit 24: Singleturn system (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 25: Singleturm power down (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 26: Multiturn position 1 (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 27: Multiturn position 2 (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 28: Multiturn system (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 29: Multiturn power down (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 30: Multiturn overflow/underflow (--> F3x136, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 31: Multiturn battery (reserved)
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Only for internal SIEMENS use.
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Only for internal SIEMENS use.
The encoder speed is too high during while initializing the sensor.
The encoder evaluation for a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ has detected an
inadmissible temperature.
The fault threshold is 125 ° C.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
Measured board/module temperature in 0.1 °C.
The encoder with measuring gear no longer provides any valid signals.
A cycle requested from the Control Unit or RX/TX timing is not supported.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
0: Application cycle is not supported.
1: DQ cycle is not supported.
2: Distance between RX and TX instants in time too low.
3: TX instant in time too early.
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: ALU watchdog has responded.
Bit 1: ALU has detected a sign-of-life error.
A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Control Unit to
the encoder involved.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = fault cause
xx = 01 hex:
CRC error.
xx = 02 hex:
Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 03 hex:
Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 04 hex:
The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 05 hex:
The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 06 hex:
The address of the component in the telegram and in the receive list do
not match.
xx = 07 hex:
A SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is not a SYNC
xx = 08 hex:
No SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is one.
xx = 09 hex:
The error bit in the receive telegram is set.
xx = 10 hex:
The receive telegram is too early.
See also: p0491 (Motor encoder fault response ENCODER)
The encoder sends a set error bit via the serial protocol.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Fault bit in the position protocol.
The amplitude (root of A^2 + B^2) for encoder 2 exceeds the permissible
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track B (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track A (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 230 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 750 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value of
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
Note for sensors modules for resolvers (e. g. SMC10):
The nominal signal level is at 2900 mV (2.0 Vrms). The response thresholds
are < 1070 mV and > 3582 mV.
A signal level of 2900 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value of
6666 hex = 26214 dec.
The analog values of the amplitude error are not measured at the same
time with the hardware fault output by the
sensor module.
The amplitude of the rectified encoder signals A and B and the amplitude
from the roots of A^2 + B^2 for encoder 2
are not within the tolerance bandwidth.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track B (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track A (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 176 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 955 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
The analog values of the amplitude error are not measured at the same
time with the hardware fault output by the
sensor module.
For a square-wave signal encoder (TTL. bipolar. double ended) the A* and
B* and R* signals are not inverted with
respect to signals A and B and R.
For CU310, CUA32, D410, SMC30 (only Order No. 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA0
and 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA1), the following
A squarewave encoder without track R is used and the track monitoring
(p0405.2 = 1) is activated.
For an HTL/TTL encoder, the speed diference has exceeded the value in
p0492 over several sampling cycles.
The change to the averaged speed actual value - if applicable - is
monitored in the current controller sampling time.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
See also: p0492 (Square-wave encoder, maximum speed diference per
sampling cycle)
For the actual value sensing, an error was detected on the module. As a
result of this error, it must be assumed that
the actual value sensing supplies an incorrect coarse position.
The error for track C/D is greater than +/-15 ° mechanical or +/-60 °
electrical or the error for the Hall signals is greater
than +/-60 ° electrical.
One period of track C/D corresponds to 360 ° mechanical.
One period of the Hall signal corresponds to 360 ° electrical.
The monitoring responds if, for example, Hall sensors are connected as
equivalent for the C/D tracks with the incorrect
rotational sense or supply values that are not accurate enough.
After the fine synchronization using one reference mark or 2 reference
marks for distance-coded encoders, this fault
is no longer initiated, but instead, Alarm A32429.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
For track C/D, the following applies:
Measured deviation as mechanical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
For Hall signals, the following applies:
Measured deviation as electrical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
After initializing the pole position using track C/D, Hall signals or pole
position identification routine, the zero mark
was detected outside the permissible range. For distance-coded encoders,
the test is carried out after passing 2 zero
marks. Fine synchronization was not carried out.
When initializing via track C/D (p0404) then it is checked whether the zero
mark occurs in an angular range of +/-18
° mechanical.
When initializing via Hall sensors (p0404) or pole position identification
(p1982) it is checked whether the zero mark
occurs in an angular range of +/-60 ° electrical.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex
yyyy: Determined mechanical zero mark position (can only be used for
track C/D).
xxxx: Deviation of the zero mark from the expected position as electrical
Normalization: 32768 dec = 180 °
Absolute encoder:
When cyclically reading the absolute position, an excessively high
diference to the incremental position was
detected. The absolute position that was read is rejected.
Limit value for the deviation:
- EnDat encoder: Is supplied from the encoder and is a minimum of 2
quadrants (e.g. EQI 1325 > 2 quadrants, EQN
1325 > 50 quadrants).
- other encoders: 15 pulses = 60 quadrants.
Incremental encoder:
When the zero pulse is passed, a deviation in the incremental position was
For equidistant zero marks, the following applies:
- The first zero mark passed supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero marks must have
n times the distance referred to the first zero mark.
For distance-coded zero marks, the following applies:
- the first zero mark pair supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero mark pairs must have
the expected distance to the first zero mark pair.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Deviation in quadrants (1 pulse = 4 quadrants).
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder supplies status information via bits in an internal
status/fault word.
Some of these bits cause this fault to be triggered. Other bits are status
displays. The status/fault word is displayed
in the fault value.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: F1 (safety status display)
Bit 1: F2 (safety status display)
Bit 2: Lighting (reserved)
Bit 3: Signal amplitude (reserved)
Bit 4: Position value (reserved)
Bit 5: Overvoltage (reserved)
Bit 6: Undervoltage (reserved)
Bit 7: Overcurrent (reserved)
Bit 8: Battery (reserved)
Bit 16: Lighting (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 17: Signal amplitude (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 18: Singleturn position 1 (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Only for internal SIEMENS use.
The encoder speed is too high during while initializing the sensor.
The encoder with measuring gear no longer provides any valid signals.
A cycle requested from the Control Unit or RX/TX timing is not supported.
Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal):
0: Application cycle is not supported.
1: DQ cycle is not supported.
2: Distance between RX and TX instants in time too low.
3: TX instant in time too early.
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: ALU watchdog has responded.
Bit 1: ALU has detected a sign-of-life error.
A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Control Unit to
the encoder involved.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = fault cause
xx = 01 hex:
CRC error.
xx = 02 hex:
Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 03 hex:
Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 04 hex:
The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 05 hex:
The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 06 hex:
The address of the component in the telegram and in the receive list do
not match.
xx = 07 hex:
A SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is not a SYNC
xx = 08 hex:
No SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is one.
xx = 09 hex:
The error bit in the receive telegram is set.
xx = 10 hex:
The receive telegram is too early.
The encoder sends a set error bit via the serial protocol.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: Fault bit in the position protocol.
The amplitude (root of A^2 + B^2) for encoder 3 exceeds the permissible
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track B (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track A (16 bits with sign).
The amplitude of the rectified encoder signals A and B and the amplitude
from the roots of A^2 + B^2 for encoder 3
are not within the tolerance bandwidth.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex:
yyyy = Signal level, track B (16 bits with sign).
xxxx = Signal level, track A (16 bits with sign).
The nominal signal level of the encoder must lie in the range 375 mV to
600 mV (500 mV -25/+20 %).
The response thresholds are < 176 mV (observe the frequency response of
the encoder) and > 955 mV.
A signal level of 500 mV peak value corresponds to the numerical value
5333 hex = 21299 dec.
The analog values of the amplitude error are not measured at the same
time with the hardware fault output by the
sensor module.
For a square-wave signal encoder (TTL. bipolar. double ended) the A* and
B* and R* signals are not inverted with
respect to signals A and B and R.
For CU310, CUA32, D410, SMC30 (only Order No. 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA0
and 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA1), the following
A squarewave encoder without track R is used and the track monitoring
(p0405.2 = 1) is activated.
For an HTL/TTL encoder, the speed diference has exceeded the value in
p0492 over several sampling cycles.
The change to the averaged speed actual value - if applicable - is
monitored in the current controller sampling time.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.
See also: p0492 (Square-wave encoder, maximum speed diference per
sampling cycle)
The error for track C/D is greater than +/-15 ° mechanical or +/-60 °
electrical or the error for the Hall signals is greater
than +/-60 ° electrical.
One period of track C/D corresponds to 360 ° mechanical.
One period of the Hall signal corresponds to 360 ° electrical.
The monitoring responds if, for example, Hall sensors are connected as
equivalent for the C/D tracks with the incorrect
rotational sense or supply values that are not accurate enough.
After the fine synchronization using one reference mark or 2 reference
marks for distance-coded encoders, this fault
is no longer initiated, but instead, Alarm A33429.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
For track C/D, the following applies:
Measured deviation as mechanical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
For Hall signals, the following applies:
Measured deviation as electrical angle (16 bits with sign, 182 dec
corresponds to 1 °).
After initializing the pole position using track C/D, Hall signals or pole
position identification routine, the zero mark
was detected outside the permissible range. For distance-coded encoders,
the test is carried out after passing 2 zero
marks. Fine synchronization was not carried out.
When initializing via track C/D (p0404) then it is checked whether the zero
mark occurs in an angular range of +/-18
° mechanical.
When initializing via Hall sensors (p0404) or pole position identification
(p1982) it is checked whether the zero mark
occurs in an angular range of +/-60 ° electrical.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyyyxxxx hex
yyyy: Determined mechanical zero mark position (can only be used for
track C/D).
xxxx: Deviation of the zero mark from the expected position as electrical
Normalization: 32768 dec = 180 °
Absolute encoder:
When cyclically reading the absolute position, an excessively high
diference to the incremental position was
detected. The absolute position that was read is rejected.
Limit value for the deviation:
- EnDat encoder: Is supplied from the encoder and is a minimum of 2
quadrants (e.g. EQI 1325 > 2 quadrants, EQN
1325 > 50 quadrants).
- other encoders: 15 pulses = 60 quadrants.
Incremental encoder:
When the zero pulse is passed, a deviation in the incremental position was
For equidistant zero marks, the following applies:
- The first zero mark passed supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero marks must have
n times the distance referred to the first zero mark.
For distance-coded zero marks, the following applies:
- the first zero mark pair supplies the reference point for all subsequent
checks. The other zero mark pairs must have
the expected distance to the first zero mark pair.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
Deviation in quadrants (1 pulse = 4 quadrants).
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder supplies status information via bits in an internal
status/fault word.
Some of these bits cause this fault to be triggered. Other bits are status
displays. The status/fault word is displayed
in the fault value.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: F1 (safety status display)
Bit 1: F2 (safety status display)
Bit 2: Lighting (reserved)
Bit 3: Signal amplitude (reserved)
Bit 4: Position value (reserved)
Bit 5: Overvoltage (reserved)
Bit 6: Undervoltage (reserved)
Bit 7: Overcurrent (reserved)
Bit 8: Battery (reserved)
Bit 16: Lighting (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 17: Signal amplitude (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 18: Singleturn position 1 (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 19: Overvoltage (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
Bit 20: Undervoltage (--> F3x135, x = 1, 2, 3)
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Only for internal SIEMENS use.
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Only for internal SIEMENS use.
Encoder functionality selected in p0404 is not operating correctly.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
The fault value is a bit field. Every set bit indicates functionality that is
The bit assignment corresponds to that of p0404 (e.g. bit 5 set: Error track
The encoder speed is too high during while initializing the sensor.
The encoder with measuring gear no longer provides any valid signals.
The position tracking for the measuring gear cannot be reset.
The DRIVE-CLiQ encoder fault word supplies fault bits that have been set.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0: ALU watchdog has responded.
Bit 1: ALU has detected a sign-of-life error.
For the Voltage Sensing Module (VSM), a fault has occurred while
A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to
the Voltage Sensing Module.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = fault cause
xx = 01 hex:
CRC error.
xx = 02 hex:
Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 03 hex:
Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 04 hex:
The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 05 hex:
The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 06 hex:
The address of the component in the telegram and in the receive list do
not match.
xx = 07 hex:
A SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is not a SYNC
xx = 08 hex:
No SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is one.
xx = 09 hex:
The error bit in the receive telegram is set.
xx = 10 hex:
The receive telegram is too early.
A fault on the Terminal Module 54F (TM54) was acknowledged using the
safe acknowledgement (P10006).
An additional acknowledgement is also required at the Control Unit.
A drive object number was assigned twice. Each drive object number can
be assigned only once.
An error was detected when carrying out the test stop on the TM54F. As
fault response fail-safe input terminal signals
are transferred to the motion monitoring functions.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
0xaaaabbcc hex
aaaa: Specifies the DOs or F-DIs (dependent on test step cc) for which the
expected state was not assumed. The
number is bit-coded (bit 0 = F-DI 0 or F-DO 0; bit 3 = F-DI 3 or F-DO 3).
bb: Precise problem:
0x01 = Internal error (error state on the opposite side).
0x02 = Error when comparing the switching signals.
0x03 = Internal error (delay time in the new state has still not expired).
cc: Test step of the test stop in which the error has occurred.
Test stop step cc for slave (hexadecimal):
0x00: Action: L1+ switched out, L2+ switched in - error: Master not in initial
state 0x00 and 0x0A.
0x0A: Action: L1+ switched out, L2+ switched in - error: Master not in state
0x15: Action: L1+ switched out, L2+ switched out - error: F-DIs 0...4 of the
master do not correspond to those of the
slave (expected: level 0) or master not in state 0x20.
0x20: Action: L1+ switched out, L2+ switched out - error: Master not in
state 0x2B.
0x2B: Action: L1+ switched in, L2+ switched in - error: F-DIs 5...9 of the
master do not correspond to those of the
slave (expected: level 0) or master not in state 0x36.
0x36: Action: All slave DOs at OFF - error: Master not in state 0x41.
0x41: Action: All slave DOs at OFF - error: Master not in state 0x4C.
0x4C: Action: All slave-DOs at ON - error: State of DI 20...23 does not
correspond to the expected state (24V) or the
master not in state 0x57.
0x57: Action: All slave DOs at ON - error: Master not in state 0x62.
0x62: Action: All slave-DOs at OFF - error: State of DI 20...23 does not
correspond to the expected state (0V) or the
master not in state 0x6D.
0x6D: Action: All slave DOs at OFF - error: Master not in state 0x78.
0x78: Action: All slave-DOs at ON - error: State of DI 20...23 does not
correspond to the expected state (0V) or the
For the 24 V power supply for the Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) an
undervoltage condition was detected.
As fault response fail-safe input terminal signals are transferred to the
motion monitoring functions.
Fault value (r0949, interpret binary):
Bit 0 = 1: Power supply undervoltage at connection X524.
Bit 1 = 1: Power supply undervoltage at connection X514.
For the 24 V power supply for the Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) an
overvoltage condition was detected.
As fault response fail-safe input terminal signals are transferred to the
motion monitoring functions.
The Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) has identified an error in the data cross
check between the two control channels.
As fault response fail-safe input terminal signals are transferred to the
motion monitoring functions.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
aaaabbcc hex
aaaa: A value greater than zero indicates an internal software error.
bb: Data to be cross-checked that resulted in the error.
bb = 00 hex: p10000
bb = 01 hex: p10001
bb = 02 hex: p10002
bb = 03 hex: p10006
bb = 04 hex: p10008
bb = 05 hex: p10010
bb = 06 hex: p10011
bb = 07 hex: p10020
bb = 08 hex: p10021
bb = 09 hex: p10022
bb = 0A hex: p10023
bb = 0B hex: p10024
bb = 0C hex: p10025
bb = 0D hex: p10026
The signals output from the Terminal Module 41 (TM41) for tracks A/B
have reached the limit frequency. The output
signals are no longer in synchronism with the specified setpoint.
The deviation between the setpoint and the output signals (track A/B)
exceeds the tolerance of +/-3 %. Diference
between internal and external measured values is too high.
The terminal module used has signaled an internal error. Signals of this
module may not be evaluated and are potentially
A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
First fault that has occurred for this drive object.
A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
First fault that has occurred for this drive object.
A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
First fault that has occurred for this drive object.
A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X103.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
First fault that has occurred for this drive object.
A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X104.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
First fault that has occurred for this drive object.
A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X105.
Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal):
First fault that has occurred for this drive object.
The configured transfer end time when transferring the cyclic actual values
was exceeded.
A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to
the controller extension involved.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = fault cause
xx = 0A hex:
The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set.
A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to
the controller extension involved.
Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):
yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = fault cause
xx = 01 hex:
CRC error.
xx = 02 hex:
Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 03 hex:
Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list.
xx = 04 hex:
The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 05 hex:
The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list.
xx = 06 hex:
The address of the component in the telegram and in the receive list do
not match.
xx = 07 hex:
A SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is not a SYNC
xx = 08 hex:
No SYNC telegram is expected - but the receive telegram is one.
xx = 09 hex:
The error bit in the receive telegram is set.
xx = 10 hex:
The receive telegram is too early.
The conductivity of the cooling liquid has exceeded the selected fault
threshold (p0269[2]).
See also: p0261 (Cooling system, starting time 2), p0262 (Cooling system,
fault conductivity delay time), p0266
(Cooling system, feedback signals, signal source)
The firmware version in the Power Stack Adapter (PSA) is too old and does
not support the liquid cooling.
The cooling liquid intake temperature has exceeded the permanently set
fault threshold.
The excitation sequence control signals a fault.
Fault value (r0949, hexadecimal):
Bit 0:
When powered down or when powering down the excitation, the signal
"excitation ready to be powered up feedback
signal" was not received within the monitoring time.
Bit 1:
After an ON command, the signal "excitation ready feedback signal" was
not received within the monitoring time.
Bit 2:
After the pulses were enabled, the signal "excitation operational feedback
signal" was not received within the monitoring
Bit 3:
The "excitation group signal fault" signal is present.
The temperature diference between the chip and heat sink has exceeded
the permissible limit value (r0293) (for
chassis power units only). Depending on p0290, a suitable overload
response is initiated.
See also: r0037, r0293 (Power unit alarm threshold model temperature)
The "Safe Torque Of" function was selected on the Motor Module (MM)
via the input terminal and is active.
This message does not result in a safety stop response.
The "Safe Stop 1" function (SS1) was selected on the Motor Module (MM)
and is active.
This message does not result in a safety stop response.
Chances are FET, and or diodes had gone. Possible what happen here is when the
connector is put upside down, and when 24V
Most porbably due to a short circuit of the 12V supply for the digital inputs
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Some external conditions were not met while system was checking for operation.
Recoverable failure.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
Internal error
Unrecoverable failures generated by the regulator.
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
These failures are generated after the autoconfiguration start. They indicate that
one or more conditions, checked during the autoconfiguration phase, are not
The current of input Iin+ < 4 mA (Warning can be activated in Five in One
Warning can be activated in Five In One applications)
The frequency converter has measured too high a current (> 4* In) in the motor
- sudden heavy load increase
- short circuit in the motor cables
- unsuitable motor
The voltage of the internal DC-Link of the converter has exceeded the nominal
voltage by 35%
- deceleration time too fast
- high overvoltage spikes at utility
Thermistor input of the I/O expander board has detected increase of the motor
Current measurement detected that the sum of the motor phase current is not
- insulation failure in the motor or the cables
The current in the analog input Iin is below 4 mA
- signal source has failed
- control cable is broken
The converter has detected faulty operation in the gate drivers or IGBT bridge
- interference fault
- component failure
Control data was not received for the CE detection time set to H5-09.
Faulty communications wiring or an existing
short circuit
Communication data error occurred due to
Hardware is damaged
Hardware is damaged
Hardware is damaged
- Hardware problem
A Run command was issued while the node setup function was active.
- Overshoot is occurring
- Incorrect speed feedback scaling if terminal
RP is used as speed feedback input in V/f
- Incorrect number of PG pulses has been set
- Inappropriate parameter settings
- Decelerat
- Drive input power has an open phase or has a large imbalance of voltage
between phases. Detected when
L8-05 is set 1 (enabled).
- There is phase loss in the drive input power
- There is loose wiring in the drive input power
- There is excessiv
- PG cable is disconnected
- PG cable wiring is wrong
- PG has no power
- PG encoder brake is clamped shut
PG cable is disconnected
- The number of Speed Search restarts exceeded the value set to b3-19.
- Parameters related to Speed Search are set to
the wrong values
- The motor is coasting in the opposite direction
of the Run command
- Motor pull out or step out has occurred. Motor has exceeded its pull-out torque.
- The wrong motor code is set (Yaskawa motors
- Load is too heavy
- Load inertia is too heavy
- Acceleration and deceleration times are too
- Speed response is
- The current has fallen below the minimum value set for torque detection (L6-02)
for longer than the
allowable time (L6-03).
- Parameter settings are not appropriate for the
- There is a fault on the machine side
- The current has fallen below the minimum value set for torque detection (L6-05)
for longer than the
allowable time (L6-06).
- Problem detected with the voltage on the output side of the drive.
- Hardware is damaged
Error: Driver relay. Relay for driver voltage on power circuit has not picked
up even though control release was given.
After reset the operation is again possible (without storage in the EEPROM)
Occurs if the standstill constant current is exceeded (see technical data and
overload characteristics). The error can only be reset if the cooling time
has elapsed and E.nOL2 is displayed
Voltage in the DC-link circuit is too high. Occurs when the DC bus voltage
rises above the permissible value. Causes:
- poor controller adjustment (overshooting)
-input voltage too high
-interference voltages at the input
-deceleration ramp too short
-braking resistor defective or too small
Error: under voltage (DC-Link circuit) Occurs if DC-link voltage fails below
the permissible value causes:
-input voltage too low or instable
-inverter rating too small
-voltage losses through wrong cabling
-the supply voltage through generator/transformer breaks down at very
short ramps
-at F5-G housing B E.Up is also displayed if no communication takes place
between power circuit and control card
-jump factor (Pn.56) too small
-if a digital input was programmed as external error input with error
message E.Up (Pn.65)
The temperature in the interior of the inverter is again blow the warning
OL counter has reached 0% the warning "overload" can be reset
The cooling time after "warning! Overload during standstill" has elapsed.
The warning message can be reset.
A level between 0 and 100% of the load counter can be adjusted when it is
exceeded this warning is output. The response to this warning can be
The warning is output when the standstill continuous current is
exceeded( see technical data and overload characteristics) . The response
to this warning can be programmed. The warning message can only be
reset after the cooling time has elapsed and A.nOL2 is displayed
The drive has driven onto the right limit switch. The response to this can
be programmed.
The drive has driven onto the left limit switch. The response to this
warning can be programmed.
Synchronisation over sercos-bus not possible. The response to this can be
it has been attempted to select a locked parameter set. The response to
this warning can be programmed.
The target position ls outside of the limit defined with the right software
limit switch. The response to this warning can be programmed.
The target position lies outside of the limit defined with the left software
limit switch. The response to this warning can be programmed.
Overhauling load
Zero fluid
Drive overheated
Invalid configuration. The configuration loaded in the controller via the bus
or network is inconsistent
The [CARDS PAIRING] (PPI-) function has been configured and a drive card
has been changed
• Controller incorrectly supplied or a fuse blown
• Loss of one phase
• 3-phase ATV61 used on a single phase line supply
• Unbalanced load Monitors only with the drive on load.
- If ABB converter says "Supply Phase" but supply phase is ok, then
probably the rectifier circuit, ie NINP board is faulty
See F0022
Dummy plug for the keypad not (properly) engaged, or PMU controller
missing or faulty
The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in SERVICE MODE)
The reason is that the Elektronikon software has been updated with a new
functionality. The New Elektronikon software has the possibility to put a
holding torque after a stop to prevent backward rotation. This is with a new
stop command which is introduce
The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in SERVICE MODE)
- Cause / trigger by the converter condition
* Converter was set to LOCAL when it was suppose to be on REMOTE.
No idea
Output current is excessive. The software overcurrent trip limit is 3.5 * I 2hd
Motor temperature is too high (or appears to be too high). This can be
caused by excessive load, insufficient motor power, inadequate cooling or
incorrect start-up data.
The ACS 600 / 800 internal temperature is excessive. The trip level of
inverter module temperature is 125 deg. C
- Communication cable
- Elektronikon module
- Converter communication card
- Modbus adapter card
- Communication cable
- Elektronikon module
- Converter communication card
- Modbus adapter card
Converter problem
No idea
Output current is excessive. The software overcurrent trip limit is 3.5 * I 2hd
Motor temperature is too high (or appears to be too high). This can be
caused by excessive load, insufficient motor power, inadequate cooling or
incorrect start-up data.
The ACS 600 / 800 internal temperature is excessive. The trip level of
inverter module temperature is 125 deg. C
- Contact technical support
- If ABB converter says "Supply Phase" but supply phase is ok, then
probably the rectifier circuit, ie NINP board is faulty
The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in SERVICE MODE)
The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in SERVICE MODE)
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
The first expansion module from the Mk IV regulator has a problem. This
could be caused by:
- Expansion module not programmed
- Expansion module faulty, or no connection, or no power
- Possibly due to faulty IGD. SS is also not able to perform properly. R012 (Active
BICO) does not change state when SS change position
- Also possible is power supply card is faulty, hence not able to give the converter
the correct signals to inhibit the
Bit 3 in r553 status word 2 of the setpoint channel. The speed actual value has
exceeded the value of maximum speed plus the set hysteresis.
Bit 8 in r552 status word 1 of the setpoint channel. The diference between
frequency setpoint/actual value is greater than the parameterized value and the
control monitoring time has elapsed.
The standstill measurement is executed when the converter is powered up. The
motor can align itself several times in a certain direction with this measurement.
- This is an defined error code, meaning that there was not enough time to read
out the fault message from the converter.
- When pre-charging, the minimum DC link voltage (P071 Line volts x 1.34) of 80%
has not been reached .
- The lower limit value of 76% of the DC link voltage (P071 Lin Volts), or 61% when
kinetic bufering has benn enabled, has been fallen short of.
- Undervoltage in the DC link with active kinetic bufering and speed less than 10%
of the rated motor speed.
During excitation of the induction motor, the current did not rise above 12.5% of
the setpoint magnetising current for no-load operation
Parameterized limit value of the I2t monitoring for the motor has been exceeded.
The frequency and amplitude of the DC link ripple indicates a single phase supply
Similar to F8
- External fault 1 parameter is used for temperature sensor for the cabinet, and it
is parameterised trigger when temp reaches 51 deg. C
Internal coupling error. One of the two coupling partners does not respond
A fault has occur during the transfer of parameters to the gating unit processor
During the ground fault test, a current not equal to 0 was measured, or a UCE or
the overcurrent monitoring responded, although none of the valves were
During the ground fault test a UCE monitoring function responded in a phase in
which no valve was triggered
An earth fault or a fault in the power section is present. During the ground fault
test, a current flows from the phase in which a valve was triggered, the
overcurrent comparitor responded, or a UCE monitoring in a phase has responded
in which a valve wa
Short circuit, low-resistance ground fault
Motor overload (calculated): Motor current too high for too long a period.
Could be one phase missing, where consumption on all 3 phases arevery diferent.
Fault in internal linking. One of the two linked partners does not reply.
The frequency and amplitude of the DC link ripple indicates a single phase supply
Similar to F8
- External fault 1 parameter is used for temperature sensor for the cabinet, and it
is parameterised t trigger when temp reaches 51 deg. C
Line Failute detected; in the "Ready" and "On" states, and alarm is output initially
for 120 S followed by converter shutdown with fault message; a line failure during
DC Link precharging causes immediate shutdown; onkly an alarm is output in
other operat
Internal coupling error. One of the two coupling partners does not respond
A fault has occur during the transfer of parameters to the gating unit processor
Line voltage too high, extreme generator operation, ramp down rate too fast.
CU: DC voltage was too low, ie 76% x line voltage x 1.34 was not reached
Electrical noise.
DD: Fault
AA: Keypad connections 1. Check the inverter keypad connection
BB: Power supply voltage 1. Rated values must be within the limits
specified below:
- Minimum: 425 V
- Maximum: 759 V
CC: Mains supply fuses open 1. Replace the fuses
If no loose connection is found, chances are the diode that controls the power supply to
the display is gone. It is not recommended to repair them, because whilst repairing,
there is a chance of disturbing neighbour ICs, hence System 200 fault would come up
after power is back on.
In Masterdrive series, it is possible that the parameter P373 index 001 is set to 1, hence
the system is always re-starting. This come about, if there is only a "brief" failure, but
system has not got enough time to register a fault.
Hence, solution is set parameter P373 index 001 to 0 and try again. This will prompt a
fault in the converter, whatever it may be, eg. F008.
Please note that if the Compressor has ARAVF programmed, then it is necessary to have
parameter P373 index 001 back to 1 when finished with fault finding.
These failures are used to signal some dangerous situation caused by hardware or
software problems.
Check 2x1 connector. Possibly, the FET, inductor (the green resistor lookalike), or diode
is gone here, due to reverse biased of power.
Also, check other digital inputs at connector 2x4, and at 2x6 as well.
Depends on what the REGULATOR is used for, ie LOCAL only, or REMOTE only, as one of
these digital contacts is faulty, and by using the "wrong" option, the fault may come up.
For example, if the component that is controlling the LOCAL control for START/STOP, etc,
is faulty, hence when we operate the Elektronikon locally, the fault message would
probably turn up, howver, if we operate the Elektronikon remotely, chances are it will
be ok.
If module was "brand new but faulty", then replace the Elektronikon and send faulty
part back to head office.
Replace Elektronikon
- Power down the regulator.
- Check the Emergency stop button.
* Make sure all wires connected firmly and no bad contacts are existing.
* All the components of the Emergency stop button (base and contacts) should have
the same colour (black or brown)
* A mixture of colours could cause this problem to exist.
Check the wiring from the Emergency stop button to the regulator.
- Power up the regulator again.
For example, when this module being use for remote control. As two digital inputs
were closed, please check which one is causing the failure 11. Is it the CMS 2 as from
when it is closed or is it 30 & 34 contact.
This bad module, however maybe used for machine which remains in "local
Replace Elektronikon
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset. It is possible to clear this kind of failure
through the reset function key of the system failure display.
Check external parts for fault, loose connections, power missing of one phase, etc.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
Wifh power supply and contactors that switches the power supply.
Make sure that there is only ONE COM module for the VSD. Then restart
- 700X, where X = the com module no., for example, 7001 implies no. 1 module is not
communicating with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not co
- 700X, where X = the com module no., for example, 7001 implies no. 1 module is not
communicating with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not communicating
with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not communicating. This is more
relevant when there are more than one communication module is configured to the
Master / Compressor.
- Try to power OFF the compressor, then ON again a short time later.
Try to reprogram
Try to reprogram
- Check connections of converter / COM module
- Isolate converter from COM module, and use VSD simulation software to test whether
COM module or converter is at fault. A pc with RS232 cable or RS485 ( such as that use
for SDP4win) is required. The cable is to be connected in place of converter cable
- If converter at fault:
* If fault occurs all the times, it is more likely the GAX card need to be looked at.
Please take care when changing GAX card, and watch out for resistor bank jumpers. GAX
card = power supply card (for GA90VSD with Simovert P drive)
* If intermittently, then CU or CCU card fault is more likely. These cards are
normally arrive with no memory. Please see programming procedures if required.
- Siemens - This fault could occurs when the CUVC control card is freshly
(re)programmed. This is due to the fact one or more parameters have incorrect
communication baud rate. The correct settings should be:
P701.1 = 6 (baud rate = 9600 for communication between converter and PC (Simovis))
This parameter setting may be changed so that both the Simovis and the Converter
have the same values. For some machines, it is default at 9600, while others, default at
P701.2 = 7 (baud rate = 19200 for communication between converter and COM2 /
If this parameter has the wrong setting, F7301 will be displayed. This setting should be
identical to that of the VSD simulation program.
P701.3 = 7 (baud rate = 19200)
- Check connections of converter / COM module
- Isolate converter from COM module, and use VSD simulation software to test whether
COM module or converter is at fault. A PC and RS485 <-> RS232 converter box is
required as well as the DFM4win cable. The cable is to be connected in place of
converter cable connection.
- If converter at fault:
* If fault occurs all the times, it is more likely the GAX card need to be looked at.
Please take care when changing GAX card, and watch out for resistor bank jumpers. GAX
card = power supply card (for GA90VSD with Simovert P drive)
* If intermittently, then CU or CCU card fault is more likely. These cards are
normally arrive with no memory. Please see programming procedures if required.
- Siemens - This fault could occurs when the CUVC control card is freshly
(re)programmed. This is due to the fact one or more parameters have incorrect
communication baud rate. The correct settings should be:
P701.1 = 6 (baud rate = 9600 for communication between converter and PC (Simovis))
This parameter setting may be changed so that both the Simovis and the Converter
have the same values. For some machines, it is default at 9600, while others, default at
P701.2 = 7 (baud rate = 19200 for communication between converter and COM2 /
If this parameter has the wrong setting, F7301 will be displayed. This setting should be
identical to that of the VSD simulation program.
P701.3 = 7 (baud rate = 19200)
- Check connections of converter / COM module
- Isolate converter from COM module, and use VSD simulation software to test whether
COM module or converter is at fault. A PC and RS485 <-> RS232 converter box is
required as well as the DFM4win cable. The cable is to be connected in place of
converter cable connection.
- If converter at fault:
* If fault occurs all the times, it is more likely the GAX card need to be looked at.
Please take care when changing GAX card, and watch out for resistor bank jumpers. GAX
card = power supply card (for GA90VSD with Simovert P drive)
* If intermittently, then CU or CCU card fault is more likely. These cards are
normally arrive with no memory. Please see programming procedures if required.
- Siemens - This fault could occurs when the CUVC control card is freshly
(re)programmed. This is due to the fact one or more parameters have incorrect
communication baud rate. The correct settings should be:
P701.1 = 6 (baud rate = 9600 for communication between converter and PC (Simovis))
This parameter setting may be changed so that both the Simovis and the Converter
have the same values. For some machines, it is default at 9600, while others, default at
P701.2 = 7 (baud rate = 19200 for communication between converter and COM2 /
If this parameter has the wrong setting, F7301 will be displayed. This setting should be
identical to that of the VSD simulation program.
P701.3 = 7 (baud rate = 19200)
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Siemens MasterDrive: Check the DC Link voltage and r006 parameter, see if all agree
or within tolerance of each other. If not, then either the CUVC card or (and ??) PSU card
has a problem. If the PSU card has a problem, then the Start Inhibit may not be
possible, hence the converter cannot be started by the Elektronikon. This can also be
monitored by r012 parameter, (Service Switch parameter acknowledgement. r012 = 1
=> PMU controlled, r012 = 2 => Elektronikon Controlled)
Change the parameter P60 = 0 to P60 = 1. This can be done via the PMU
(ParaMeterizing Unit). And observe the new fault code (if any) on the HRR or PMU
- whether the cable to the corresponding digital input has been interrupted.
- parameter P588 Src No Ext Warn 1
- whether the cable to the corresponding digital input has been interrupted.
- parameter P588 Src No Ext Warn 2
- Remove the drive and perform visual inspection of IGD.
- IGD (and maybe PSU) may need replacement.
- Whether the fan -E1 is connected and is rotating in the correct direction.
- The air intake and discharge openings for blockage.
- The temperature sensor at -X30
- Check the motor (load, ventilation, etc.). The current temperature can be read in r009
motor tmp.
- Check the KTY84 input at connector - X103:29, 30 for short-circuit.
Lock the motor.
- P72 Rtd Drive Amps
- MLFB P70
- P128 Imax
- r010 Drive Utilizat
Increase the parameter for the maximum frequencies or reduce the regenerative load.
- whether an excessive torque requirement is present.
- whether the motor has been dimensioned too small.
Increase values P792 Perm Deviation Frq/set/actual DevSpeed and P794 Deviation
- Whether the drive is locked
- Whether the encoder cable is interrupted during speed control and whether the shield
is connected.
- Whether the drive has stalled
- For synchronous motors (P095 = 12): excitation current injection
Usually the leakage reactance P122 is the average value resulting from the measured
values in r546.1…12, and the rotor resistance r126 from the values in r542.1..3.
If individual measured values significantly deviate from the average values, they are
automatically not taken into account for the calculation (for RI) or the value of the
automatic parameterization remains (for Ls). It is only necessary to check the results for
their plausibility in the case of the drives with high requirements on torque or speed
- Pin 1 & 2: Use Vdc multimeter to check for 24 Vdc. If not, then the power supply card,
PSU1 is faulty.
Also, at X102, pin 13 should have 10 Vdc, and pin 14 = -10Vdc, with pin 2 common.
- Check voltage C and D. Should get high 500V's (dc). While having the multimeter on it,
please restart the machine (in converter local control mode). If the voltage deteriorate
in over a short period of time, then there is pre-charge problem, hence, change the pre-
charger PCB, or Siemens to change it if under warranty. For G85GA30VSD case, the
whole drive should be return to Siemens for evaluation, if under warranty.
- Check supply voltage or DC voltage
- Converter is working at upper tolerance limit and at full load.
- Can be caused by line phase failure
- Converter is operating in regenerative mode without feedback possibility
- Try:
- Increase P464 Decel Time
- Activate P515 DC Bus Volts Reg (check P071 beforehand)
- Reduce P526 Fly Search Speed
- Reduce P259 Max Regen Power (only for P100 = 3, 4 or 5)
The problem was traced to a break it a joint on the power supply control card that was
replaced by us.
The card was repaired onsite and the problem rectified.
* The fault display must be cleared first before the parameters can be accessed. If the
F011 cannot be cleared, then it is probably the CT (LEM) module is at fault.
But to clear the fault, the scroll UP / DOWN must be pressed at the same time.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and L1(u), then L2(v) and L3(w); D across L1(u), L2(v) and
If we get short in any of the combinations, eg, resistance between C and L1 then the
IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be OK, then some resistance is expected
on all combinations.
Try to start the converter with MOTOR DISCONNECTED and Service switch to manual
- To do this, please observe and adjust the following parameters:
- Could be one phase missing, where consumption on all 3 phases arevery diferent.E97
- One case in Switzerland, where the burned cables on RFI filters or bad contacts on the
inverter bridge.
CHECK: Input of CUVC (ie analog inputs at X103:29,30 and related software / hardware
If the card is ok, then r009 = r045 = settings of potentiometer / KTY84 thermistor.
CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
Make Parameter P380.1 = 0
Parameter P381.1 = 0
The compressor / drive will now run without thermal protection on the motor.
- This may happen when the KTY 84 motor temperature is not available at time of
service / breakdown, and a new standard motor thermistor is being fitted.
- If a standard motor thermistor is being fitted instead, the Masterdrive will not able to
display the actual motor temperature, HOWEVER, it will still the protects the system
and shutdown at and above temperature 180 deg. C.
Measure the air intake and ambient temperature. Please observe the reduction curves
at >40 deg. C
- Whether the fan E1 is connected and is rotating in the correct direction
- that the air entry and discharge openings are not restricted
- Temperature sensor at -X30
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.G98
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage E100will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check supply voltage
- Check the proper connection at the line reactor (L1)
- Check if one of the coils of line reactor L1 is short circuit.F106
- Possibly CU is faulty
- IGBT or IGD may be defective as it is conductive while signal command does not tell it
to do so.
- Defective phase section
CU2 - increase P308 sampling time, observe r725 - free comp time
CUVC - Increase P357 samping time, Calculate individual blocks in a slower sampling
time, observe r829 CalcTimeHdroom
- Replace CU (A10)
- Check connection of the board and optional boards.
- Power unit down and up again
- Replace CU (A10)
Replace CU (A10)
On PMU / Simovis - The fault cause can be read our of r358 (CU2) or r 376 (CUVC)
"ground fault test result"
- Check the converter output for short circuit of ground fault (-X2:U2, V2, W2 - including
- Check CU is inserted correctly
Check the power section valves for a short circuit, and for converters with fiber-optic
gating, the gating unit and the UCE checkback signals, for the correct assignment.
PMU / Simovis: r358 (CU2), r376 (CUVC) can be interrogated to indicate which UCE mo
PMU / Simovis: Read-out fault value from R949. The digit of the xth position indicates
the valve, where the fault occurred at power-up.
The digit of the xth position defines the pahse, in which i is 0 and thus a valve is
defective (always conductive)
PMU / Simovis: Read-out fault from r949. The digit of the xth position specifies the
valve, which, when triggered, manifested the fault.
Check the motor including feeder cable for ground faults. If there is no ground fault,
check the power section for defective valves which remain conductive.
The digit of the xth position defines the phase in which I is 0, and therefore a valve must
be defective (always conductive)
The motor speed should be less than 10% of the stated speed during the ground fault
test !
PLEASE NOTE: on former model GA90 VSD (SN < AII 492 000) Please observe ECB
AII0070 (Priority IV) with regards to OIL RESTRICTION AT LOW SPEED for GA90VSD with
Simovert P converter.
CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C E120higher in motor temperature.
- PLEASE NOTE: on former model GA90 VSD (SN < AII 492 000) Please observe ECB
AII0070 (Priority IV) with regards to OIL RESTRICTION AT LOW SPEED for GA90VSD with
Simovert P converter.
- Based on ECB 1397/C1, this fault is present if the terminal X101-7 of the CUVC card is
open contact.
- This happen if the motor temperature is too high, or the temperature switch is faulty,
or loose connections. Please check these conditions..
Supplementary Reading:
* See function diagram 710, where binector U061 = 0 was made to U061 = 19,
* Binector U952.i059 = 20 was made to U952.i059 = 4.
- Check motor
- One case in Switzerland, where the burned cables on RFI filters or bad contacts on the
inverter bridge.
May occur after a long period of standstill. In this case, restart the machine for up to 10
If fault persists, check:
- Supply voltage is within tolerance 400V +/- 10%
- PCC (PreCharging Circuit)
- One of the capacitors may be defective
- Check the motor (load, ventilation, etc). The actual motor temperature can be read in
r009 of Siemens PMU (panel display)
- Motor temperature.
- Check P381 Mot Temp settings.
- Fault - check the KTY84 input at connector - X103:29, 30 for shortcircuit.
KTY84 resistance at room temperature should be in the vicinity of 700 - 1000 Ohms
- Check with multimeter, Converter trips when infinite resistance registered.
CHECK: Input of CUVC (ie analog inputs at X103:29,30 and related software / hardware
If the card is ok, then r009 = r045 = settings of potentiometer / KTY84 thermistor.
CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
Make Parameter P380.1 = 0
Parameter P381.1 = 0
The compressor / drive will now run without thermal protection on the motor.
- This may happen when the KTY 84 motor temperature is not available at time of
service / breakdown, and a new standard motor thermistor is being fitted.
- If a standard motor thermistor is being fitted instead, the Masterdrive will not able to
display the E123actual motor temperature, HOWEVER, it will still the protects the
system and shuddown at and above temperature 180 deg. C.
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
Switch of the unit and switch it on again. If the fault re-occurs, replace the Cuxx
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check supply voltage
- Check the proper connection at the line reactor (L1)
- Check if one of the coils of line reactor L1 is short circuit.
- Possibly, CU is faulty
- IGBT or IGD may be defective as it is conductive while signal command does not tell it
to do so.
- Defective phase section
- GA180VSD and related compressors with VSD cooling fans. Check that the connection
between the masterdrive and the micromaster is located at pins 19 - 20 on the
masterdrive, and on pins 3 - 4 on the micromaster.
Also, very important to note that on a very HOT day, the micromaster also may
experience overtemperature problem, and therefore would malfunction, and the
Masterdrive converter will register fault F36 (or F036). There may be a fault message on
the micromaster itself, however, this fault message will only registered as an external
fault via the Masterdrive to the elektronikon.
- Therefore, should try to improve the air temperature within the cabinet to eliminate
this fault.
- ZT37VSD: (this may apply to others which have Micromasters drive as well) ARAVF,
everything else was re-started except the micromaster, hence giving F36. Solution was
to set Parameter P15 --- 0 to disabled, and 1 to enabled, and Parameter P18 --- 0 to
disabled and 1 to enabled. Take note when programming the Micromaster, the
parameters P7 = 1 and P9 = 3 for keypad accessibility.
- GA180VSD W (watercool): F36 indicates that the auxiallary drive has a fault. This
auxiallary drive is the positioner Y40 that regulates the By-Pass Oil Cooler solenoid
valve. Please check the status of this positioner. Pay attention to the connections, the
OPEN & CLOSE limit switches. If nothing is found, probably needs a new positioner. Atlas
Part No. 1089 0652 01.
In an EMERGENCY, this by-pass oil cooler solenoid valve may be overwritten to allow the
compressor to continue running. The valve has to be overwritten mechanically,
electrically and on Siemens converter.
Mechanically: By turning to hand knob
Electrically: By disconnecting the power to the positioner, please consult electrical
diagram for confirmation of wire number, typically it should be wire labelled No. 2.
Disconnect the active wire only is sufficient.
Siemens Converter: Before any programming is done, make sure that P053 = 0006 for
general access to parameter changes. Go to P586, and change P586.1 from 601 to 001.
P586.1 = Parameter P586, first index. To access to P586.1, please go to P586, then press
P, and .001 shows up, press P again to access first index and scroll up (or down) to get to
the right value. (This is much simpler, if you are using the Simovis Software.)
- There is a thermal switch at the CUVC card of Siemen's converter, at X101, pin 3-4. This
Wifh power supply and contactors that switches the power supply.
CU2 - increase P308 sampling time, observe r725 - free comp time
CUVC - Increase P357 samping time, Calculate individual blocks in a slower sampling
time, observe r829 CalcTimeHdroom
- Check operation of cooling fan, as well as power supply (380V) over K5 towards these
- Check for polluted heat sink
- Check resistance value of both sets of thermistors which should be < 500 ohm at 20
For Simovert P:
- Check proper engagement of connector at X13 of CCU
- Check cooling flow over the drive motor
- An externally clogged oilcooler reduces the cooling
CU:- Voltage dips might be the reason, Reprogram the MKIII with latest service software
and put ARAVF active.
- Check DC link voltage during operation through r006 on the Siemens PMU
- IGBT or IGD1 defective is possibility. Maybe loose or bad connection.
See F008
CCU: - Pulsed Resistor or electronics overheating, ambient temp too high. Cooling fan
may be defective
Check with FSP, or reprogram the module and make sure all necessary I/O are declared.
If no loose connection is found, chances are the diode that controls the power supply to
the display is gone. It is not recommended to repair them, because whilst repairing,
there is a chance of disturbing neighbour
These failures are used to signal some dangerous situation caused by hardware or
software problems.
Check 2x1 connector. Possibly, the FET, inductor (the green resistor lookalike), or diode
is gone here, due to reverse biased of power.
For example, when this module being use for remote control. As two digital inputs
were closed, please check which one is causing the failure 11. Is it the CMS 2 as from
when it is closed or is it 30 & 34 contact.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset. It is possible to clear this kind of failure
through the reset function key of the system failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
Try to power OFF and ON again. If cannot resolved, then try a new module.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
Replace Elektronikon Mk III, if all else fails
- 700X, where X = the com module no., for example, 7001 implies no. 1 module is not
communicating with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not co
- 700X, where X = the com module no., for example, 7001 implies no. 1 module is not
communicating with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not c
Try to reprogram
Try to reprogram
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Check connections of converter / COM module
- Isolate converter from COM module, and use VSD simulation software to test whether
COM module or co
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Check the current transformer connected to Main Circuit Interface Board, NINT.
- Check motor
- Check motor cable
- Check there are no power factor correction capacitors or surge absorbers in the motor
- Check the connections of the fibre optic cables on NAMC channel CH1
- Check all I/O modules (if present) connected to channel CH1
- Check for proper earthing of the equipment.
- Check for highly emissive components nearby.
- Replace the NIOC board.
- Check the maximum speed (Parameter 20.02). It should be at least 80% of the nominal
speed of the motor (Parameter 99.08)
- Stop drive and let it cool down. Check ambient temperature.
See the line side converter manual for the fault description
- Check the wiring of the temperature measurement (+ connections PT100)
- Check the value of the fault limit. Ensure proper motor cooling: check cooling fan,
clean cooling surfaces, etc.
- Check the PT100 resistance of-circuit. Ie, unplug from the NIOC-
- Motor overload
- Seized element
- Check fault function parameters for further details
- Faulty bearings
- Check power supply TO motor. May be a phase is missing
- Make sure all the parameters in the group 99 START-UP DATA are correct, and c
- Check the connection from the inverter module Main Circuit Interface Board, NINT to
the PPCC Branch
- Check the connection from the inverter module Main Circuit Interface Board, NINT to
the PPCC Branch
- Check the connection from the inverter module Main Circuit Interface Board, NINT to
the PPCC Branch
- Check the connection from the inverter module Main Circuit Interface Board, NINT to
the PPCC Branch
Contact ABB
- When the machine is running at various frequency, then all the sudden shutdown, but
the supply
Contact ABB
- Check the pulse encoder and its wiring, the NTAC module, Parameter Group 50
settings and the fibre optic connections on NAMC channel CH1
Continue drive operation.
To change the ID number back to 1 go to Drive Selection Mode by pressing DRIVE. Press
ENTER. Set the ID number to 1. Press ENTER.
Wait until the drive indicates that Identication Run is completed.
Press Start key to start the Identification Run
Please wait
- Check motor load and the ACS 600 ratings.
- Check MOTOR STALL Fault Function parameters.
- Check the Paenl type and the version of the drive application program. The Panel type
is printed on the cover of the Panel. The application program
* Use Multimeter and perform DIODE check....with MAINS POWER of and isolated.
Wait 10mins before perform this work
Check for and correct: Missing phase in the input power supply.
Blown fuse.
Undervoltage on mains.
Communication lines and connections.
Parameter 3002 PANEL COMM ERR.
Parameters in Group 10: START/STOP/DIR and Group 11:
REFERENCE SELECT (if drive operation is REM).
The drive
monitors for ground faults while the drive is running and while the drive is
not running. Detection is more sensitive when the drive is not running and
can produce false positives.
Possible corrections:
Check for/correct faults in the input
Contact your local ABB representative and report the error number.
-DO not attempted to change the direction of the motor rotation
- Change parameter 1003 DIRECTION to allow direction change (if reverse operating is
- Input sources and connections
- Parameter that sets the minimum (3021)
- Parameter that sets the Alarm/Fault operation (3001)
- Input sources and connections
- Parameter that sets the minimum (3022)
- Parameter that sets the Alarm/Fault operation (3001)
To correct check
-Communcation lines and connections
-Parameter 3002 PANEL LOSS
-Paramters in groups 10 COMMAND INPUTS AND 11 REFERNCE SELECT (if drive
operation is REM)
To control PFC use parameter group 81 PFC CONTROL and "Application macro:
PFC" on page 49.
Check connections.
Check that parameters are compatible with
Check motor.
Check motor cable.
Check that there are no power factor correction
or surge absorbers in motor cable.
* Use Multimeter and DIODE check for correct working condition of DIODES. MAY SURE
- By using your multimeter, perform diode check on the output (U,V, W) of the drive.
Informative alarm
Check Fault Function parameters.
Check motor.
Check motor cable.
Check there are no power factor correction
capacitors or surge absorbers in motor cable.
Informative alarm
Check Fault Function parameters.
Check motor.
Check motor cable.
Check that there are no power factor correction
or surge absorbers in motor cable.
* Please use REDUCED MOTOR ID RUN where possible, as element is still coupled to
Close DC switch.
Check AFSC-0x Fuse Switch Controller unit.
Check connections of fibre optic cables on
channel CH1.
Check all I/O modules (if present) connected to
channel CH1.
Check for proper earthing of equipment. Check
for highly emissive components nearby.
- By using your multimeter, perform diode check on the output (U,V, W) of the drive.
• selection of the parameter which
enables/disables EFB communication
(58.01 Protocol ena sel)
• EFB connection at terminal XD2D on
the JCON board
• status of the fieldbus master (online/
• settings of the communication
supervision functio
This fault code is 100% related to a firmware bug. This fault only occurs extremely
sporadic. So once you reset this fault, it will likely1 never come back.
Reload application.
If fault is still active, contact your local
ABB representative.
Check the fault logger for a fault code
extension. See appropriate actions for
each extension below.
*Refer to Application programming for
ACS850 and ACQ810 drives application
guide (3AUA0000078664 [English]).
This is normal: when the compressor stops and starts, it’s normal to see the alarms on
the BOP panel flashing. The drive nor the Elektronikon wi
This is normal: when the compressor stops and starts, it’s normal to see the alarms on
the BOP panel flashing. The drive nor the Elektronikon will not trip
Check the s
Informative alarm.
Informative alarm.
Informative alarm.
• selection of the parameter which
enables/disables EFB communication
(58.01 Protocol ena sel)
• EFB connection at terminal XD2D on
the JCU control unit
• status of the fieldbus master (online/
• settings of the communication
supervision f
First check the connections on the control unit. Then on the power unit.
If all this is checked, replace the control unit (1089 9549
Check the s
Of all cases (less than 10) worldwide, 100% was solved by downloading the parameters
(the .dsb-file) again to the drive with DriveStudio (instructions how to program your
drive you can find in printed matter 2946 1826 00 “ACS850 Beginner’s Guide”).
Check the auxiliary code (format XXYY ZZZZ). “XX” specifies the number of the encoder
interface module (01: 91.11/91.12, 02: 91.13/91.14), “YY” specifies the encoder (01: 92
Encoder 1 configuration, 02: 93 Encoder 2 configuration). “ZZZZ” indicates the problem
(see actions for each code below).
0001 - Adapter not found in specified slot - Check module location
0002 - Detected type of interface module does not match parameter setting - Check
module type against status
0003 - Logic version too old - Contact your local ABB representative
0004 - Software version too old - Contact your local ABB prepresentative
0006 - Encoder type incompatible with interface module type - Check module type
(91.11 or 91.13) against encoder type (92.01 or 93.01).
0007 - Adapter not configured - Check module location
0008 - Speed feedback configuation has changed - Use parameter 91.10 Encode
parameter refresh) to validate any changes in the settings.
0009 - No encorders to configure encoder module - Configure the encoder in group 92
Encoder 1 configuration or 93 Encoder 2 configuration.
000A - Non-existing emulation input - Check input selection
000B - Echo not supported by selected input (for example, resolver or aboluate
encoder) - Check input selection (91.31 or 91.41), interface module type, and encoder
000C - Emulation in continuous mode not supported - Check input selection (91.31 or
91.41) and serial link mode (92.30 or 93.30) settings.
Replace brake chopper if external. Drives with internal choppers will need to be
returned to ABB.
Ensure brake resistor is connected and not damaged.
Let chopper cool down.
Check for excessive ambient temperature.
Check for cooling fan failure.
Check for obstructions in the air flow.
Check the dimensioning and cooling of the cabinet.
Check resistor overload protection function settings (parameters 43.06…43.10).
Check minimum allowed resistor value for the chopper being used.
Check that braking cycle meets allowed limits.
Check that drive supply AC voltage is not excessive.
Check the auxiliary code (format XX00 00YY). “XX” specifies the number of the I/O
extension module (01: parameter group 14 I/O extension module 1, 02: 15 I/O
extension module 2, 03: 16 I/O extension module 3). “YY” specifies the analog input on
the module. For example, in case of I/O extension module 1, analog input AI1 (auxiliary
code 0000 0101), the hardware current/voltage setting on the module is shown by
parameter 14.29. The corresponding parameter setting is 14.30. Adjust either the
hardware setting on the module or the parameter to solve the mismatch.
Note: Control board reboot (either by cycling the power or through parameter 96.08
Control board boot) is required to validate any changes in the hardware settings.
Check the auxiliary code (format XXYY ZZZZ). “XX” specifies the number of the
encoder interface module (01: 91.11/91.12, 02: 91.13/91.14), “YY” specifies the
encoder (01: 92 Encoder 1 configuration, 02: 93 Encoder 2 configuration). “ZZZZ”
indicates the problem (see actions for each code below).
0001 - Motor gear definition invalid or outside limits - Check motor gear settings (90.43
and 90.44).
0002 - Encoder not configured - Check encoder settings (92 Encoder 1 configuration or
93 Encoder 2 configuration).
Use parameter 91.10 Encoder parameter refresh) to validate any changes in the
0003 - Encoder stopped working - Check encoder status
0004 - Encoder drift detected - Check for slippage between encoder and motor
Check the auxiliary code (format XXYY ZZZZ). “XX” specifies the number of the encoder
interface module (01: 91.11/91.12, 02: 91.13/91.14), “YY”n specifies the encoder (01:
92 Encoder 1 configuration, 02: 93 Encoder 2 configuration). “ZZZZ” indicates the
problem (see actions for each code below).
0001 - Load gear definition invalid or outside limits - check load gear settings 90.53 and
0002 - Feed constant definition invalid or outside limits - Check feed constant settings
(90.63 and
0003 - Encoder stopped working - check encoder status
Check the auxiliary code (format XXYY ZZZZ). “XX” specifies the number of encoder
interface module (01: 91.11/91.12, 02: 91.13/91.14), “YY” specifies the encoder (01: 92
Encoder configuration, 02: 93 Encoder 2 configuration). “ZZZZ” indicates the problem
(see actions for each code below).
0001 - Cable Fault - Check the conductor order at both ends of the encoder cable.
Check the groundings of the encoder cable.
If the encoder was working previously, check the encoder, encoder cable and
encoder interface module for damage.
See also parameter 92.21 Encoder cable fault mode.
0002 - No Encoder Signal - Check the condiiton of the encoder
0003 - Overspeed - Contact your local ABB representative.
0004 - Overfrequency - Contact your local ABB representative.
0005 - Resolver ID run failed - Contact your local ABB representative.
0006 - Resolver overcurrent fault - Contact your local ABB representative.
0007 - Speed scaling error - Contact your local ABB representative.
Check the auxiliary code. Check the source of the warning corresponding to the code:
0: 33.13 On-time 1 source
1: 33.23 On-time 2 source
4: 33.53 Value counter 1 source
5: 33.63 Value counter 2 source.
Check the auxiliary code. Check the source of the warning corresponding to the code:
2: 33.33 Edge counter 1 source
3: 33.43 Edge counter 2 source.
Check the auxiliary code. Check the source of the warning corresponding to the code:
2: 33.33 Edge counter 1 source
3: 33.43 Edge counter 2 source.
Check the auxiliary code. Check the source of the warning corresponding to the code:
2: 33.33 Edge counter 1 source
3: 33.43 Edge counter 2 source.
Check the auxiliary code. Check the source of the warning corresponding to the code:
2: 33.33 Edge counter 1 source
3: 33.43 Edge counter 2 source.
Check the auxiliary code. Check the source of the warning corresponding to the code:
2: 33.33 Edge counter 1 source
3: 33.43 Edge counter 2 source.
Informative warning
Informative warning
Check safety circuit connections. For
more information, see appropriate drive
hardware manual and description of
parameter 31.22 STO indication run/stop
(page 246).
Check the auxiliary code (format XXYY YYYY). “XX” specifies the number of the I/O
extension module (01: parameter group 14 I/O extension module 1, 02: 15 I/O
extension module 2, 03: 16 I/O extension module 3). “YY YYYY” indicates the problem
(see actions for each code below).
00 0001 - Communcation with module failed - Check that the module is properly seated
in its slot.
Check that the module and the slotconnector is not damaged.
Try installing the module into another slot.
00 0002 - Module not found. - Check the type and location settings of the modules
(parameters 14.01/14.02, 15.01/15.02 or 16.01/16.02).
Check that the module is properly seated in its slot.
Check that the module and the slot connector is not damaged.
Try installing the module into another slot.
00 0003 - 00 0004 - Configuration of module failed. - Check the type and location
settings of the modules (parameters 14.01/14.02, 15.01/15.02 or 16.01/16.02).
Check that the module is properly seated in its slot.
Check that the module and the slot connector is not damaged.
Try installing the module into another slot.
Check safety circuit connections. For more information, see appropriate drive hardware
manual and description of parameter 31.22 STO indication run/stop (page 246). Check
the auxiliary code, The code contains location information, especially with parallel-
connected inverter modules. When converted into a 32-bit binary number, the bits of
the code indicate the following: 31…28: Number of faulty inverter module (0…11
decimal). 1111: STO_ACT states of control unit and inverter modules in conflict
27: STO_ACT state of inverter modules
26: STO_ACT state of control unit
25: STO1 of control unit
24: STO2 of control unit
23…12: STO1 of inverter modules 12…1 (Bits of non-existing modules set to 1)
11…0: STO2 of inverter modules 12…1 (Bits of non-existing modules set to 1)
* The Enable/Reset terminal will not reset an O.Ld1 trip. Use the Stop/Reset key.
If no loose connection is found, chances are the diode that controls the power supply to
the display is gone. It is not recommended to repair them, because whilst repairing,
there is a chance of disturbing neighbour
- Power down the regulator.
- Check the Emergency stop button.
* Make sure all wires connected firmly and no bad contacts are existing.
* All the components of the Emergency stop button (base and contacts) should have
the same colour (black or brow
These failures are used to signal some dangerous situation caused by hardware or
software problems.
Check 2x1 connector. Possibly, the FET, inductor (the green resistor lookalike), or diode
is gone here, due to reverse biased of power.
For example, when this module being use for remote control. As two digital inputs
were closed, please check which one is causing the failure 11. Is it the CMS 2 as from
when it is closed or is it 30 & 34 contact.
Replace Elektronikon
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset. It is possible to clear this kind of failure
through the reset function key of the system failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
- ‘Watchdog’ error. Check for part number. If below 1900 0700 05, replace
with new version.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
Wifh power supply and contactors that switches the power supply.
Make sure that there is only ONE COM module for the VSD. Then restart
- 700X, where X = the com module no., for example, 7001 implies no. 1 module is not
communicating with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not co
- 700X, where X = the com module no., for example, 7001 implies no. 1 module is not
communicating with Master module. 7002 implies no. 2 module is not c
Try to reprogram
Try to reprogram
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
- Switch machine OFF then back ON again. Allow a few mins for all power inside
electronics to dissipate.
- Reprogam the converter.
Check with FSP, or reprogram the module and make sure all necessary I/O are declared.
Note: Framesizes D to F: this fault only occurs on inverters that have 3 current sensors.
• Must be Power Cycled to cancel this bug as some parameters may not be read
• Factory Reset and new parameterization, if power cycle does not remove fault
• Change inverter control unit
• Change some parameters back to default values if the
Check connection between inverter power module and inverter control unit
Fault appears sporadically:
• Communication failure due to EMC problems
• Check - and if necessary - improve EMC
• Use EMC filter
Fault appears immediately when mains voltage is a
• r0949 = 0: Use MMC-PS with FAT12 or FAT16 format or correct MMC-PS Type, or fit
an MMC-PS to Drive.
• r0949 = 1: Check MMC ( e.g is MMC full ) - Format MMC again to FAT16
• r0949 = 2: Put the correct named file in the correct directory /USER/SINAMICS
Remedy: Check and if necessary improve the monitoring time in the STARTER SW while
getting the command source.
Check USS master
Remedy: Note:
r0037 = 0: Heat sink temperature
r0037 = 1: Chip junction temperature (includes heat sink)
Check the following:
• Ambient temperature must lie within specified limits
• Load conditions and load steps must be appropriate
• Fan must turn wh
Remedy: Check that load steps and shock loads lie within specified limits.
• Reduce EMC.
• Perform a forced dynamisation
• r0949 = 100:
• Check supply voltage.
• Reduce EMC.
• r0949 = 101:
• Check ambient temperature.
• Run self-test again (set bit 1 in p9601 and p9801 and enter the STO mode, then leave
the STO mode again).
• Acknowledge safety fault.
• Restart inverter module or check EMC levels on accumulated faults.
• Check all PROFIsafe settings (including your higher level failsafe control system).
• Acknowledge PROFIsafe fault.
• Retrigger the safety reset (perform a hot swap of the inverter module).
• Acknowledge fault and enter safety commissioning again. If not possible, leave the
safety commissioning with
p3900 = 11 and operate the drive with the old safety settings.
• Make sure that checksums in p9798 and p9898 are identical. If not, ensure that
parametrisation is identical
(p96xx = p98xx).
• Set checksum in p9799 or p9899 correctly.
• If setting the checksums not successful, leave safety commissioning via p3900 =
Remedy: Finish safety commissioning by setting p3900 = 10 or p3900 = 11 or wait until
safety reset is complete.
Remedy: Check consistency of safety input signals and acknowledge the following safe
torque of due to a drive fault.
Remedy: ad a) Reduce speed before entering the SLS or change the setting in p9692.
ad b) increase the tolerance in p9691/p9891 compared to p9690/p9890.
In both cases the passivated STO will be entered once zero frequency is reached.
Acknowledge the passiv
Remedy: Check if a deactivated gate driver or the current safety mode (STO, SS1, SLS) is
inhibiting the start. Check the inhibit
bit (r0052.6).
Remedy: Restart drive (perform power cycle) to load correct safety data.
Remedy: Select and then de-select STO (p9601.bit1 and p9801.bit1 must be set).
- Check and make sure that the signal cable from the Masterdrive (X102:19 / 20) to the
Micromaster Eco (9/10) has good connection.
- X102: 19/20 provides 0 - 10 Vdc to the micromaster, verify this. If not, then maybe the
control card CUVC, of the Masterdr
Check whether supply voltage is within the limits indicated on the rating plate.
Check whether the required braking power is within the specified limits.
If the fault persists, set P088 = 0 and then enter the measured stator resistance of the
motor into P089 manually.
Check if the Run Enable contact on the converter is closed. Also check if the
Elektronikon closes this contact. (K09)
- Check for the status of the drive - check for overload of drive, motor health, etc
- The warning bit can be turned of again by the time the Elektronikon decides to do a
shutdown handling. So 16#F2F1 i
Check if the Run Enable contact on the converter is closed. Also check if the
Elektronikon closes this contact (K09).
Check if the Run Enable contact on the converter is closed. Also check if the
Elektronikon closes this contact (K09).
Check if the Run Enable contact on the converter is closed. Also check if the
Elektronikon closes this contact.
On extremely rare occasions, the elektronikon and / or converter got corrupted, due to
whatever reasons, this incorrect feedback may happens, so WRONG STATUS word is
- Check the drive for other messages, normally external faults are programmed to
monitor conditions around the drive, eg, status of fanmotor, etc
Check service switch, K0something relay (please check with your service diagram for
correct relay ..K05, K06, K09, etc). Could be I / O board faulty. Could be there is no 24V
feed to the digital inputs due to power supply card faulty. Please check these.
consult annex 1
Investigate and correct the problem along the mechanical load path
Power of and on the controller (or the entire compressor), note down the KEB-drive
error prior to attempting reset
Mount the terminating resistances
Remove the terminating resistances
440: - Check supply voltage (P0210) must lie within limits indicated on rating plate
- DC-Link voltage controller must be enabled and correctly parametised
- Ramp-down time (P1121) must match inertia of load
- Required braking power must lie within speci
440: Check - Supply voltage (P0210) must lie within indicated on rating plate
- Supply must not be susceptible to temporary failures or voltage reductions
- Enable kinetic bufering (P1240 = 2)
- Supply interruption:
If the supply is disconnected while t
- This fault is caused when the converter calculates that it is overloaded. This will occur
when the converter is operated above its continuous rated
If a temperature sensor is fitted to the motor, and connected to the inverter and
monitoring activated (P0601=1 or 2), then an F0015 will be indicated if the connection
or sensor is broken giving a short or open circuit.
Check the wiring to the sensor, an
Check the input wiring of the mains phases
A Report from the field:
Found that the compressor didn't have a "normal" noise , not mechanical noise but
strange noise.
One of our technican went on plant and found the problem. On this unit, there is
Check motor
Replaced fan
- Check data
- Change I/O
Check Data
Change IO board
Change inverter, if all else fail
- Check encoder fitted. If encoder not fitted, set P0400 = 0 and select SLVC mode
(*P1300 = 20 or 22)
- If encoder fitted, check correct encoder selected (Check encoder set-up in P0400_
- Check connections between encoder and inverter
- Check encoder not
440: Check: - Motor power (P0307) must correspond to inverter power (r0206) - most
likely programming fault after modification
- Check short circuits of motor / cable
- Check motor parameters -> should match motor in use
- Value of stator resistance (P035
440: - Check supply voltage (P0210) must lie within limits indicated on rating plate
- DC-Link voltage controller must be enabled and correctly parametised
- Ramp-down time (P1121) must match inertia of load
- Required braking power must lie within speci
440: Check - Supply voltage (P0210) must lie within indicated on rating plate
- Supply must not be susceptible to temporary failures or voltage reductions
- Enable kinetic bufering (P1240 = 2)
Check that fan must turn when inverter is running
- Pulse frequency (P1800) must be set to default value
- Ambient temperature could be higher than specified for the inverter
Load duty cycle must be within limits
- Motor power (P0307) must match inverter power (r0206)
Check nominal overtemperatures (P0628-P0628) must be correct
- Motor temperature warning level (P0604) must match
• Check for loose connectors at the control unit of the inverter and Elektronikon.
• Check for tripped fuses at the secondary of the transformer T1 in the electrical panel
• Check for loose connectors at the control unit of the inverter and Elektronikon.
• Check for tripped fuses at the secondary of the transformer T1 in the electrical panel
* Sometimes, if VSD is in operation, and power is lost, this msg comes up. But usually
with DC link undervoltage, it is self reset
* Sometimes, if VSD is in operation, and power is lost, this msg comes up. But usually
with DC link undervoltage, it is self reset
* Check for earth fault of motor. Usually this is the main cause of overvoltage.
* Check for earth fault of motor. Usually this is the main cause of overvoltage.
For the CompactFlash card, restore the status when originally supplied from the
The file involved can be read out using parameter r9925. See also, r9926
If you saved the project in STARTER, download your project again and save using
the function "Copy RAM to ROM" or with P0977 = 1. This means that all of the
parameter files are again completely written into the CompactFlash card.
Restore the factory setting using (p0976 = 1) and re-load thje project into the
drive unit. Operation without any restrictions is then possible,
After downloading the project, save the parameterisation in STARTER using the
function "Copy RAM to ROM" or P
Restore the factory setting using (p0976 = 1) and re-load thje project into the
drive unit. Operation without any restrictions is then possible,
After downloading the project, save the parameterisation in STARTER using the
function "Copy RAM to ROM" or P
Restore the factory setting using (p0976 =1) and re-load the project into the
drive unit. Operation without any restrictions is then possible.
After downloading the project, save the parameterization in STARTER using the
function "Copy RAM to ROM" or wit
Check whether the write-protected attribute has been set for the files on the
CompactFlash card under . . . /USER/SINAMICS/DATA/ . . . When required,
remove write protection and save again, (eg. Set P0971 to 1)
- Reduce the sampling time
- Only use one data set (CDS, DDS)
- de-activate the function module
- de-activate the drive object
- remove the drive object from the target topology
None necessary.
This alarm automatically disappears after the firmware has been updated.
Pulse inhibit
Re fault cause = 1:
Replace all NX10 or NX15 by a CX32.
Re fault cause = 2:
Replace all CX32 by an NX10 or NX15.
- delete the drive belonging to the power unit in the commissioning software
project and download the new configuration
to the drive unit.
- check that the actual topology matches the target topology and if required,
change over.
- check DRIVE-CLiQ cables
- delete the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in the commissioning software project and
download the new configuration to
the drive unit.
- check that the actual topology matches the target topology and if required,
change over.
- check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interru
- delete the CX32 / NX in the commissioning software project and download the
new configuration to the drive unit.
- check that the actual topology matches the target topology and if required,
change over.
- check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and co
- set all open BICO interconnections centrally to the factory setting with p9495 =
- make the non-operational drive object active/operational again (re-insert or
activate components).
None necessary.
Carry out the forced checking procedure of the safety motion monitoring
The signal source for initiation is parameterized in BI: p9705.
SI: Safety Integrated
See also: p9705 (SI Motion: Test stop signal source)
None necessary.
CU: Control Unit
SI: Safety Integrated
After a longer period of time, if the message is not automatically withdrawn, the
following checks should be made
dependent on the communication:
For communication with SINUMERIK, the following applies:
- check additional messages that are present regardi
Establish the PROFIBUS connection and activate the PROFIBUS master in the
cyclic mode.
- check parameters for clock cycle synchronization (ensure To > Tdx).
To: Time of setpoint acceptance
Tdx: Data exchange time
- ensure that the master correctly increments the sign-of-life in the master
application clock cycle Tmapc.
- correct the interconnection of the master sign-of-life (p2045).
IF1: Interface 1
Carry out a POWER ON (power of/on) for all components of the DO.
The alarm is reset as follows:
- remove the cause of this alarm.
- restart the function generator.
Change the operating mode for this drive object to p1300 = 20 (encoderless
speed control) or p1300 = 21 (speed
control with encoder).
The alarm is reset as follows:
- remove the cause of this alarm.
- restart the function generator.
For all of the drives specified for connection, set the speed setpoints to 0.
The alarm is reset as follows:
- remove the cause of this alarm.
- restart the function generator.
Set the relevant drives to zero speed before starting the function generator.
The alarm is reset as follows:
- remove the cause of this alarm.
- restart the function generator.
Fetch the master control to the specified drive object and set all enable signals.
The alarm is reset as follows:
- remove the cause of this alarm.
- restart the function generator.
Enter an existing time slice clock cycle. The existing time slices can be read out
via p7901.
See also: r7901 (Time slice cycle times)
Enter an existing time slice clock cycle. The existing time slices can be read out
via p7901.
See also: r7901 (Time slice cycle times)
Enter the clock cycle of an existing time slice with a cycle time >= 2 ms for up to
4 recording channels or >= 4 ms
from 5 recording channels per trace.
The existing time slices can be read out via p7901.
See also: r7901 (Time slice cycle times)
Enter the clock cycle of an existing time slice with a cycle time >= 4 ms or reduce
the number of recording channels
to 4 per trace.
The existing time slices can be read out via p7901.
See also: r7901 (Time slice cycle times)
Check the terminals for the power supply voltage (X124, L1+, M).
Reduce the the natural frequency of the speed setpoint filter (PT2 low pass)
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears when the limit value is undershot.
If the alarm does not disappear automatically and the temperature continues to
rise, this can trigger fault F30024.
- If DC brake is active: reduce braking current (see p1232).
See also: p0290 (Power unit overload response)
Restore units that have been changed over to the default value.
The signal at binector input p0840 (current CDS) as well as p3982 bit 0 must be
The alarm is automatically withdrawn when increasing the current limit (p0640),
reducing the load or using a slower
up ramp for the setpoint (reference) speed.
- check whether the input voltage is within the permissible range.
- check whether the load duty cycle and load limits are within the permissible
Re fault cause = 1:
- Shut down soft start (p1401.0 = 0).
- Shut down quick magnetizing (p1401.6 = 0).
Re fault cause = 2:
- De-energize flux build-up control (p1401.2 = 0).
- Shut down quick magnetizing (p1401.6 = 0).
Re fault cause = 3:
- Re-parameterize Rs identification (p0621 = 0, 1)
- Shut down quick magnetizing (p1401.6 = 0).
None necessary.
This alarm automatically disappears after the ofset has been saved.
Check the drive data sets, encoder data sets and encoder assignment.
See also: p0187 (Encoder 1 encoder data set number), p0188 (Encoder 2
encoder data set number), p0189
(Encoder 3 encoder data set number), p0400 (Encoder type selection)
Reference the system (search for reference, flying referencing, set reference
- correct the traversing program.
- select an available traversing block number.
Resolve the reason as to why the edge is missing at binector input (BI: p2632).
- parameterize this traversing block with the block change enable END.
- parameterize additional traversing blocks with a higher block number and for
the last block, using the block change
enable END.
Connect a 1 signal to the binector input "do not reject traversing task/reject
traversing task" (BI: p2641) and re-start
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears with BI: p2514 = 0 signal.
De-activate the measuring probe evaluation (BI: p2509 = 0 signal).
Re alarm value = 6:
Set the input terminal for the measuring probe (p0488, p0489 or p2517,
Re alarm value = 4098:
Check the Control Unit hardware.
Re alarm value = 4100:
Reduce the frequency of the measuring pulses at the measuring probe.
Re alarm value > 50000:
Set the clock cycle ratio of the measuring clock cycle to the position controller
clock cycle to an integer multiple.
To do this, the currently efective measuring clock cycle can be determined from
the alarm value as follows:
Tmeas[125μs] = alarm value - 50000.
With PROFIBUS, the measuring clock cycle corresponds to the PROFIBUS clock
cycle r2064[1].
Without PROFIBUS, the measuring clock cycle is an internal cycle time that
cannot be influenced.
In the drive data sets, assign the non-assigned motor data set using the MDS
number (p0186[0...n]).
- check whether all of the motor data sets are assigned to drive data sets.
- if required, delete superfluous motor data sets.
- if required, set up new drive data sets and assign to the corresponding motor
data sets.
See also: p0186 (Motor Data Sets (MDS) number)
- structure the data according to the rules of the "SIMODRIVE 611 universal"
interface mode.
- check the interface mode (p2038).C179
Reduce the speed below the speed at the start of field weakening.
Set the reference point coordinate less than the value from the supplementary
Set the reference point coordinate less than the value from the supplementary
Set the reference point coordinate less than the value from the supplementary
Acknowledge the encoder error using the encoder control word (G1_STW.15 =
Acknowledge the encoder error using the encoder control word (G2_STW.15 =
Acknowledge the encoder error using the encoder control word (G3_STW.15 =
Acknowledge the encoder error using the encoder control word (G3_STW.15 =
Acknowledge the encoder error using the encoder control word (G3_STW.15 =
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears with BI: p2514 = 0 signal.
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears with BI: p2514 = 0 signal.
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears with BI: p2514 = 0 signal.
Check the drive data sets, encoder data sets.
See also: p0187 (Encoder 1 encoder data set number), p0188 (Encoder 2
encoder data set number), p0189
(Encoder 3 encoder data set number), p0400 (Encoder type selection)
To changeover the drive data set, initially, exit the "operation" mode.
To changeover the drive data set, initially, exit the "operation" mode.
To changeover the drive data set, initially, exit the "operation" mode.
Set the parameters for the load monitoring according to the applicable rules.
The alarm automatically disappears after the diference that can be tolerated
between the setpoint and target frequencies
(p3806) is reached.
See also: p3806 (Sync-line-drive frequency diference threshold value)
None necessary.
The alarm disappears automatically after the friction characteristic record has
been successfully completed or the
record is de-activated (p3845 = 0).
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears after determination or for the setting p1990
= 0.
None necessary.
The alarm disappears automatically after the speed controller optimization has
been successfully completed or for
the setting p1900 = 0.
Drive: Enable signals for the rotating measurement missing
None necessary.
The alarm automatically disappears after the motor data identification routine
has been successfully completed or
for the setting p1900 = 0.
Establish the cyclic connection and activate the control with cyclic operation.
For PROFINET, check the parameters "Name of Station" and "IP of Station"
(r61000, r61001).
Check communication line.
The number of channels set in p8740 must be greater than or equal to the
number of PDOs.
There are 2 possibilities:
Increase the number of channels in p8740 and confirm the selection using
Reduce the number of PDOs by setting the COB-ID to invalid.
See also: p8740 (CBC channel assignment), p8741 (CBC PDO configuration
Compare the license key (p9920) entered with the license key on the certificate
of license.
Re-enter the license key and activate (p9920, p9921).
check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
Replace the fan in the power unit and reset the operating hours counter to 0
(p0251 = 0).
See also: p0251 (Operating hours counter power unit fan), p0252 (Maximum
operating time power unit fan)
- replace the firmware on the power unit by an older firmware version (r0128).
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0424, p0425).
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder.
Replace encoder.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- remove any dirt from the coding disk or strong magnetic fields.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check encoder limit frequency.
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0424, p0425).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- are the C/D tracks connected correctly (have the signal lines CP and CN or DP
and DN been interchanged)?
- replace the encoder cable.
Re causes 1, 2:
Carry out an automatic adjustment using the pole position identification
routine. First, accept the serial number with
p0440 = 1. Acknowledge the fault. Initiate the pole position identification
routine with p1990 = 1. Then check that the
pole position identification routine is correctly executed.
If a pole position identification technique is selected in p1980, and if p0301
does not contain a motor type with an
encoder adjusted in the factory, then p1990 is automatically activated.
Set the adjustment via p0431. In this case, the new serial number is
automatically accepted.
Mechanically adjust the encoder. Accept the new serial number with p0440 = 1.
Re causes 3, 4:
Accept the new serial number with p0440 = 1.
- replace the Sensor Module.
- if required, upgrade the firmware in the Sensor Module.
- contact the Hotline.
- replace the Sensor Module.
- if required, upgrade the firmware in the Sensor Module.
- contact the Hotline.
No re-parameterization between fault/alarm.
- check that the encoder cable is the correct type and is correctly connected.
- check the temperature sensor selection in p0600 to p0603.
- replace the Sensor Module (hardware defect or incorrect calibration data).
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder.
Replace encoder.
- carry out a POWER ON (power of/on) for all components.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the Sensor Module (e.g. contacts).
- check the Hall sensor box
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- remove any dirt from the coding disk or strong magnetic fields.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check encoder limit frequency.
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0424, p0425).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- are the C/D tracks connected correctly (have the signal lines CP and CN or DP
and DN been interchanged)?
- replace the encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cable is the correct type and is correctly connected.
- check the temperature sensor selection in p0600 to p0603.
- replace the Sensor Module (hardware defect or incorrect calibration data).
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.D313
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder.
Replace encoder.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the Sensor Module (e.g. contacts).
- check the Hall sensor box
Re alarm value = 3:
- for a standard encoder with cable, if required, contact the manufacturer.
- correct the assignment of the tracks to the position value that is serially
transferred. To do this, the two tracks must
be connected, inverted, at the Sensor Module (interchange A with A* and B
with B*) or, for a programmable encoder,
check the zero ofset of the position.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check encoder limit frequency.
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0424, p0425).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- are the C/D tracks connected correctly (have the signal lines CP and CN or DP
and DN been interchanged)?
- replace the encoder cable.
Error, timeout in the sequence control on the Voltage Sensing Module (VSM).
- check whether the firmware version of the VSM (r0158) matches the firmware
version of Control Unit (r0018).
- if required, replace the Voltage Sensing Module.
The firmware versions that match each other are in the readme.txt file on the
memory card.
For all drive objects specified in p10010, check whether the drive-based motion
monitoring functions with TM54F are
enabled (p9601).
When replacing a Motor Module, carry out the following steps:
- start the copy function for the node identifier on the TM54F (p9700 = 1D hex).
- acknowledge the hardware CRC on the TM54F (p9701 = EC hex).
- save all parameters (p0977 = 1).
- carry out a POWER ON (power of/on) for all components.
The following always applies:
- for all drive objects specified in p10010, check whether the drive-based
motion monitoring functions with TM54F
are enabled (p9601).
- check whether fault F35150 is present and if required, remove the cause of the
See also: r10055 (SI TM54F communication status drive-specific)
- check whether the firmware version of the Terminal Module (r0158) matches
the firmware version of Control Unit
- if required, replace the Terminal Module.
The firmware versions that match each other are in the readme.txt file on the
memory card.
Check the terminals for the power supply voltage (L1+, L2+, L3+, M).
- Replace the firmware on the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module with older firmware
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).
- check the wiring between the cooling system and the input terminal (Terminal
- check the external control device for the cooling system.
Check the device to de-ionize the cooling liquid.
- check the wiring between the cooling system and the Power Stack Adapter
- check the function of the sensor to measure the conductivity.
Check the cooling system and the ambient conditions.
- remove the fault cause in the control and carry out a POWER ON.
- carry out a diagnostics routine for message C01714.
- carry out a diagnostics routine for message C01711.
This message can only be acknowledged as follows in the acceptance test mode
Check the braking behavior, if required, adapt the tolerance for "Safe
Acceleration Monitor".
This message can only be acknowledged as follows in the acceptance test mode
without POWER ON:
- motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive: Via Termina
- check whether safety faults are present and if required carry out the
appropriate diagnostic routines for the particular
- check whether the standstill tolerance matches the accuracy and control
dynamic performance of the axis.
- carry out a POW
1: Status image of monitoring functions SOS, SLS or SLP (result list 1) (r9710[0],
2: Status image of monitoring function SCA or n < nx (result list 2) (r9711[0],
3: Pos. act. val. (r9712).
4: Error when synchronizing the crosswise d
- check the traversing/motion program in the control.
- check the limits for "Safely-Limited Speed (SLS) and if required, adapt (p9531).
This message can be acknowledged as follows:
- motion monitoring functions integrated in the drive: Via Terminal Modul
None necessary.
The message is withdrawn when the test stop is finished.
SI: Safety Integrated
None necessary.
The message is withdrawn when exiting the acceptance test mode.
SI: Safety Integrated
- remove the fault cause in the control and carry out a POWER ON.
- carry out a diagnostics routine for message C01714.
- carry out a diagnostics routine for message C01711.
This message can only be acknowledged in the acceptance test mode without
POWER ON via the Terminal Module
54F (TM54F) or PROFIsafe.
SI: Safety Integrated
Check the braking behavior, if required, adapt the tolerance for "Safe
Acceleration Monitor".
This message can only be acknowledged in the acceptance test mode without
POWER ON via the Terminal Module
54F (TM54F) or PROFIsafe.
SBR: Safe Acceleration Monitor
SI: Safety Integrated
See also: p9548 (SI Motion SBR actual velocity tolerance (Control Unit))
- check whether safety faults are present and if required carry out the
appropriate diagnostic routines for the particular
- check whether the standstill tolerance matches the accuracy and control
dynamic performance of the axis.
- carry out a POWER ON.
This message can only be acknowledged in the acceptance test mode without
POWER ON via the Terminal Module
54F (TM54F) or PROFIsafe.
SI: Safety Integrated
SOS: Safe Operating Stop / SBH: Safe operating stop
See also: p9530 (SI Motion standstill tolerance (Control Unit))
- remove the cause of the fault at the control.
- carry out a diagnostics routine for message C30714.
This message can only be acknowledged via the Terminal Module 54F (TM54F)
or PROFIsafe.
SI: Safety Integrated
SOS: Safe Operating Stop / SBH: Safe operating stop
None necessary.
The message is withdrawn when the test stop is finished.
SI: Safety Integrated
None necessary.
The message is withdrawn when exiting the acceptance test mode.
SI: Safety Integrated
If you have
Check whether one of the files to be overwritten has the attibute "read only"
and change this file attribute into "writable". Check all the files (Psxxxyyy.*,
Ccxxxyyy.*, Caxxxyyy.*) that belong to drive yyy designated in the fault value.
Replace the Comp
- Check the file attribute of the files (Psxxxyyy.*, Caxxxyyy.*, Ccxxxyyy.*) and, if
required, change from "read only" to "writeable"
- Replace the CompactFlash card.
Only power modules of one particular drive type may be operated with one CU
Only those drive objects may be connected to the same DRIVE-CLiQ socket of
the Control Unit that should run with the same basic clock cycle. For example,
Active Line Modules and Motor Modules shouldbe inserted at diferen DRIVE-
CLiQ ports as their basic c
Enter the missing component number or remove the component and restart
See also, P0121, P0131, P0141, P0142, P0151, P0161, P0186, P0187, P0188,
Re fault cause = 1:
Change the configuration. Connect less than 199 components to the Control
Re fault cause = 2:
Remove the component with unknown component type.
Re fault cause = 3, 4, 5:
Establish a valid combination.
Re fault cause = 6, 7:
Read out the fault value and remove one of the two specified connections.
Then download the target topology again using the commissioning software.
Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software ofers
improved diagnostics capability
- set all open BICO interconnections centrally to the factory setting with p9495 =
- make the non-operational drive object active/operational again (re-insert or
activate components).
Interconnect this connector input with a connector output having a float data
The BICO output has, as normalized unit, voltage and the BICO input has
This means that the factor p2002 (contains the reference value for current) /
p2001 (contains the reference value for
voltage) is calculated between the BICO output
None necessary.
None necessary.
- check the tolerance time SGE changeover and if required, increase the value
- check the wiring of the safety-relevant inputs (SGE) (contact problems).
CU: Control Unit
SGE: Safety-relevant input
SI: Safety Integrated
STO: Safe Torque Of
- select Safe Torque Of and de-select again.
- carry out a POWER ON (power of/on) for all components.
- check whether there is a DRIVE-CLiQ communication error between the
Control Unit and the Motor Module
involved and, if required, carry out a diagnost
Re fault value = 1:
- set the Safety Integrated password (p9761).
Re fault value = 2:
- inhibit Safety Integrated and again reset the drive parameters.
Re fault value = 3:
- end the simulation mode for the digital input (p0795).
Re fault value = 10, 11, 1
- set p9700 = 0.
- check p9501and p9601 and correct if necessary.
- start the copy function again by entering the appropriate value in p9700.
For enabled drive-based SI monitoring:
1. Set parameter p7826 to the value 1
2. Save the parameter (p0977 = 1) and carry out a power-on reset
When de-activating the drive-based SI monitoring (p9601 = 0), the alarm can be
acknowledged after exiting the
Re fault value = 1, 2:
- use and parameterize an encoder that Safety Integrated supports (encoder
with track A/B sine-wave, p0404.4 = 1).
Re fault value = 3:
- check whether the drive or drive commissioning function is active and if
required, exit this (p
Align the encoder parameterization between the safety encoder and the
standard encoder.
SI: Safety Integrated
- check whether there are faults in the safety function alignment between the
Control Unit and the Motor Module
(F01655, F30655) and if required, carry out the appropriate diagnostics routine
for the particular faults.
Re fault value = 1:
- use a
Enable the function "SOS/SLS" (p9501.0) and carry out a POWER ON.
SI: Safety Integrated
SLS: Safely-Limited Speed / SG: Safely reduced speed
SOS: Safe Operating Stop / SBH: Safe operating stop
See also: p9501 (SI Motion enable safety functions (Cont
Correct the limit values in p9534 and p9535 and carry out a POWER ON.
SI: Safety Integrated
SLP: Safely-Limited Position / SE: Safe software limit switches
Correct the limit values for SLS and carry out a POWER ON.
SI: Safety Integrated
SLS: Safely-Limited Speed / SG: Safely reduced speed
See also: p9531 (SI Motion SLS (SG) limit values (Control Unit))
Correct the modulo value for SCA and carry out a POWER ON.
SCA: Safe Cam / SN: Safe software cam
SI: Safety Integrated
See also: p9505 (SI Motion SCA (SN) modulo value (Control Unit))
Re 1.
- restore the factory setting.
- carry out the first commissioning.
Re 2.
- download the SMI data from the back-up (p4690, p4691).
- carry out a POWER ON (power of/on) for all components.
Restore the bus connection and set the PROFIBUS master to RUN.
See also: p2047 (PROFIBUS additional monitoring time)
- Power down the power supply for the Control Unit and power up again.
- Check the DRIVE-CLiQ connection
- If required, replace the Terminal Module.
The Terminal Module should be directly connected to a DRIVE-CLiQ socket of
the Control Unit.
If fault occu
For parallel circuit configurations, only power units with identical power unit
data may be used.
For parallel circuit configurations, only power units with identical EEPROM
versions may be used.
For parallel circuit configurations, only power units with identical firmware
versions may be used.
For parallel circuit configurations, only Voltage Sensing Modules (VSM) with
identical EEPROM versions may be
For parallel circuit configurations, only Voltage Sensing Modules (VSM) with
identical firmware versions may be
Modify the parameter indicated in the fault value (r0949) (e.g. p0640 = current
limit > 0).
See also: p0311, p0341, p0344, p0350, p0354, p0356, p0358, p0360, p0400,
p0404, p0408, p0640, p1082
It is not necessary to change the parameters as they have already been correctly
- check the interconnection of the binector input for "master control by PLC"
- check the "master control by PLC" signal and, if required, switch in.
- check the data transfer via the fieldbus (master/drive).
If the drive should continue to operate after withdrawing "master control by
PLC" then fault response must be parameterized
to NONE or the message type should be parameterized as alarm.
Check the speed threshold for the Vdc_min controller (kinetic bufering) (p1257,
See also: p1257 (Vdc_min controller speed threshold)
Check the time threshold for Vdc-min controller (kinetic bufering) (p1255,
See also: p1255 (Vdc_min controller time threshold)
- reduce the natural frequency of PT2 element for reference model (p1433).
- reduce the speed controller sampling time (p0115[1]).
- change over the drive data set with the pulses inhibited.
- ensure that the changeover to a drive data set does not result in the motor
direction of rotation being changed (i.e.
for these drive data sets, the same value must be in p1821).
See also: p1821 (Dir of rot)
Set the reference point coordinate to a lower value than specified in the fault
Check the traversing block and where relevant, take into consideration alarms
that are present.
set the enable signals or check the cause of the fault that first occurred and
then result (for a standard assignment).
check the assignment to enable the basic positioning function.
- leave the STOP cam minus in the positive traversing direction and return the
axis to the valid traversing range.
- check the wiring of the STOP cam.
- leave the STOP cam plus in the negative traversing direction and return the axis
to the valid traversing range.
- check the wiring of the STOP cam.
If required, reduce the traversing range or position resolution (p2506).
Increase the fine resolution of absolute position actual value (p0419).
Reference to fault value = 3:
If the value for the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is greater than
4294967296, an adjustment cannot be
made due to an overflow.
For rotary encoders, the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is calculated
as follows:
1. Motor encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 / (p0432 * p2504)
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 * p0421 / (p0432 * p2504) for multiturn encoders
2. Motor encoder with position tracking for measuring gear
p2506 * p0412 * p2505 / p2504
3. Motor encoder with position tracking for load gear:
p2506 * p2721 * p0433 / p0432
4. Motor encoder with position tracking for load and measuring gear:
p2506 * p2721
5. Direct encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 / p0432
p2506 * p0433 * p0421 / p0432 for multiturn encoders
6. Direct encoder with position tracking for measuring gear:
p2506 * p0412
To changeover the drive data set, initially, exit the "operation" mode.
The index of the encoder data set associated with the drive data set should be
entered into p0187 (1st encoder),
p0188 (2nd encoder) and p0189 (3rd encoder).
In the drive data sets, no longer assign MDS/EDS using p0186, p0187, p0188,
p0189 or set a valid component number.
See also: p0131, p0141, p0142, p0186, p0187, p0188, p0189
Correct the double use of a component number using the two parameters
coded in the fault value.
Every encoder data set must be assigned its own dedicated DRIVE-CLiQ socket.
The component numbers of the
encoder interfaces (p0141) must have diferent values within a drive object.
The following must apply:
p0141[0] not equal to p0141[1] not equal to ... not equal to p0141[n]
- assign the drive data set to a combination of motor and power unit permitted
by the target topology.
- adapt the target topology.
See also: p0121 (Power unit component number), p0131 (Motor component
number), p0186 (Motor Data Sets
(MDS) number)
Commission the drive data set specified in the fault value (r0949).
If you wish to operate a motor once with one motor encoder and then another
time with the other motor encoder,
then you must set up two diferent MDSs, in which the motor data are the
p0186[0] = 0, p0187[0] = 0
p0186[0] = 1, p0187[0] = 1
If the value for the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is greater than
4294967296, an adjustment cannot be
made due to an overflow.
For rotary encoders, the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is calculated
as follows:
1. Motor encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 / (p0432 * p2504)
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 * p0421 / (p0432 * p2504) for multiturn encoders
2. Motor encoder with position tracking for measuring gear
p2506 * p0412 * p2505 / p2504
3. Motor encoder with position tracking for load gear:
p2506 * p2721 * p0433 / p0432
4. Motor encoder with position tracking for load and measuring gear:
p2506 * p2721
5. Direct encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 / p0432
p2506 * p0433 * p0421 / p0432 for multiturn encoders
6. Direct encoder with position tracking for measuring gear:
p2506 * p0412
If the value for the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is greater than
4294967296, an adjustment cannot be
made due to an overflow.
For rotary encoders, the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is calculated
as follows:
1. Motor encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 / (p0432 * p2504)
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 * p0421 / (p0432 * p2504) for multiturn encoders
2. Motor encoder with position tracking for measuring gear
p2506 * p0412 * p2505 / p2504
3. Motor encoder with position tracking for load gear:
p2506 * p2721 * p0433 / p0432
4. Motor encoder with position tracking for load and measuring gear:
p2506 * p2721
5. Direct encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 / p0432
p2506 * p0433 * p0421 / p0432 for multiturn encoders
6. Direct encoder with position tracking for measuring gear:
p2506 * p0412
If the value for the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is greater than
4294967296, an adjustment cannot be
made due to an overflow.
For rotary encoders, the maximum possible absolute position (LU) is calculated
as follows:
1. Motor encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 / (p0432 * p2504)
p2506 * p0433 * p2505 * p0421 / (p0432 * p2504) for multiturn encoders
2. Motor encoder with position tracking for measuring gear
p2506 * p0412 * p2505 / p2504
3. Motor encoder with position tracking for load gear:
p2506 * p2721 * p0433 / p0432
4. Motor encoder with position tracking for load and measuring gear:
p2506 * p2721
5. Direct encoder without position tracking:
p2506 * p0433 / p0432
p2506 * p0433 * p0421 / p0432 for multiturn encoders
6. Direct encoder with position tracking for measuring gear:
p2506 * p0412
- connect the data line to power unit and restart the Control Unit (POWER ON).
- check or replace the Control Unit.
- check the cable between the Control Unit and Motor Module.
- after correcting the topology, the parameters must be again downloaded using
the commissioning software.
Connect the original power unit and power up the Control Unit again (POWER
ON) or set p0201 to r0200 and exit
commissioning with p0010 = 0.
For infeeds, the following applies:
Commutating reactors or line filters must be used that are specified for the new
power unit. A line supply and DC link
identification routine (p3410 = 5) must then be carried out. It is not possible to
change the power unit without re-commissioning
the system if the type of infeed (A_Infeed, B_Infeed, S_Infeed), the type of
construction/design (booksize,
chassis) or the voltage class difer between the old and new power units.
For inverters, the following applies:
If the new power unit is accepted, then if required, the current limit p0640 can
be reduced by a lower maximum current
of the power unit (r0209) (torque limits stay the same).
If not only the power unit is changed, but also the motor, then the motor must
be re-commissioning (e.g. using p0010
= 1). This is also necessary if motor data is still to be downloaded via DRIVE-
If the comparison stage in p9906 is set to 2, 3, then commissioning can be
exited (p0010 = 0) and the fault acknowledged.
See also: r0200 (Power unit current code number)
- switch out (disable) simulation mode (p1272 = 0) and acknowledge the fault.
- reduce the input voltage in order to reach a DC link voltage below 40 V.
- bring the infeed into an operational state.
- check the interconnection of the binector input for the signal "infeed
operation" (p0864).
- increase the monitoring time (p0857).
- wait until the infeed has completed the line supply identification routine.
See also: p0857 (Power unit monitoring time), p0864 (Infeed operation)
- check the interconnection of the binector input for the signal "infeed
operation" (p0864).
- check the enable signals of the infeed and if required, enable.
- remove and acknowledge an infeed fault.
If this drive is intended to back-up the DC link regeneratively, then the fault
response must be parameterized for
NONE, OFF1 or OFF3 so that the drive can continue to operate even after the
infeed fails.
None necessary.
This a note for the user.
None necessary.
If required increase the threshold value phase synchronism (p3813) for
synchronizing the line supply to the drive.
Before OFF1 or OFF3, complete synchronizing (r03819.0 = 0).
Before withdrawing the enable signal (p3802 = 0), reach synchronism (r3819.2 =
See also: p3813 (Sync-line-drive phase synchronism threshold value)
Compare the motor data with the rating plate data and if required, correct.
See also: p0300, p0301, p0304, p0305, p0307, p0310, p0311, p0314, p0316,
p0320, p0322, p0323
Connect the original motor, power up the Control Unit again (POWER ON) and
exit the quick commissioning by setting
p0010 to 0.
Or set p0300 = 10000 (load the motor parameter with DRIVE-CLiQ) and re-
Quick commissioning (p0010 = 1) is automatically exited with p3900 > 0.
If quick commissioning was exited by setting p0010 to 0, then an automatic
controller calculation (p0340 = 1) is not
carried out.
Re fault value = 1:
- the total drive moment of inertia is far higher than that of the motor (p0341,
De-select rotating measurement (p1960), enter the moment of inertia p0342,
re-calculate the speed controller p0340
= 4 and repeat the measurement.
Re fault value = 1 ... 2:
- increase the measuring speed (p1961) and repeat the measurement.
Re fault value = 1 ... 4:
- check the motor parameters (rating plate data). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
- check the moment of inertia (p0341, p0342). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
- carry out a motor data identification routine (p1910).
- if required, reduce the dynamic factor (p1967 < 25 %).
Re fault value = 5:
- the speed setpoint (p1961) is too high. Reduce the speed.
Re fault value = 1:
- check the motor parameters (rating plate data). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
- check the moment of inertia (p0341, p0342). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
- carry out a motor data identification routine (p1910).
- if required, reduce the dynamic factor (p1967 < 25 %).
Re fault value = 2, 5:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or adapt the minimum limit (p1080).
Re fault value = 3, 6:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or suppression (skip) bandwidths (p1091 ...
p1094, p1101).
Re fault value = 4, 7:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or maximum limit (p1082, p1083 and
Re fault value = 8:
- the total drive moment of inertia is far higher than that of the motor (refer to
p0341, p0342). De-select rotating measurement
(p1960), enter the moment of inertia p342, re-calculate the speed controller
p0340 = 4 and repeat the measurement.
Re fault value = 9:
- check the moment of inertia (p0341, p0342). After the change, re-calculate
(p0340 = 3 or 4)
Re fault value = 10:
- check the moment of inertia (p0341, p0342). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
The moment of inertia identification routine can be disabled using p1959.2.
See also: p1959 (Rotating measurement configuration)
Re fault value = 1:
- check the motor parameters (rating plate data). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
- check the moment of inertia (p0341, p0342). After the change: Calculate
p0340 = 3.
- carry out a motor data identification routine (p1910).
- if required, reduce the dynamic factor (p1967 < 25 %).
Re fault value = 2:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or adapt the minimum limit (p1080).
Re fault value = 3:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or suppression (skip) bandwidths (p1091 ...
p1094, p1101).
Re fault value = 4:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or maximum limit (p1082, p1083 and
Re fault value = 5:
- increase the torque limits (e.g. p1520, p1521).
Re fault value = 6:
- reduce the dynamic factor (p1967).
- disable the vibration test (p1959.4 = 0) and repeat the rotating measurement.
See also: p1959 (Rotating measurement configuration)
Re fault value = 1:
Enable the direction (p1110 or p1111).
Select at least one function for automatic optimization of the speed controller
See also: p1959 (Rotating measurement configuration)
Re fault value = 1:
- check the motor parameters.
- carry out a motor data identification routine (p1910).
- if required, reduce the dynamic factor (p1967 < 25 %).
Re fault value = 2:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or adapt the minimum limit (p1080).
Re fault value = 3:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or suppression (skip) bandwidths (p1091 ...
p1094, p1101).
Re fault value = 4:
- adapt the speed setpoint (p1965) or maximum limit (p1082, p1083 and
Re fault value = 5:
- flux setpoint p1570 = 100% and current setpoint p1610 = 0% kept during the
Lq measurement.
Re fault value = 6:
- reduce the regenerative load so that the drive does not reach field weakening
when accelerating.
- reduce p1965 so that the q leakage inductance is recorded at lower speeds.
Re fault value = 7:
- increase p1082 if this is technically permissible.
- reduce p1965 so that the q leakage inductance is recorded at lower speeds.
Re fault value = 8:
- reduce the load when motoring so that the drive is not braked.
- increase p1965 so that the measurement is possibly done at higher speeds.
The measurement of the q leakage inductance can be disabled using p1959.5. If
only p1959.5 is set, then only this
measurement is carried out if p1960 is set to 1, 2 and the drive is powered up.
See also: p1959 (Rotating measurement configuration)
Re fault value = 0:
- check whether the motor is correctly connected. Observe configuration
Re fault value = 1 ... 40:
- check whether motor data have been correctly entered in p0300, p0304 ...
- is there an appropriate relationship between the motor power rating and that
of the Motor Module? The ratio of the
Motor Module to the rated motor current should not be less than 0.5 and not
be greater than 4.
- check configuration (star/delta).
Re fault value = 2:
- for parallel circuits, check the motor winding system in p7003. If, for power
units connected in parallel, a motor is
specified with a single-winding system (p7003 = 0), although a multi-winding
system is being used, then a large proportion
of the stator resistance is interpreted as feeder cable resistance and entered in
Re fault value = 4, 7:
- check whether inductances are correctly entered in p0233 and p0353.
- check whether motor was correctly connected (star/delta).
Re fault value = 50:
- reduce the current controller sampling rate.
Re fault value = 101:
- increase current limit (p0640) or torque limit (p1520, p1521).
- check current controller gain (p1715).
- reduce current controller sampling time (p0115).
- it may be impossible to completely identify the L characteristic, as required
current amplitude is too high.
- suppress meas. (p1909, p1959).
None necessary.
Acknowledge the fault and continue operation.
- check the motor data - if required, carry out commissioning.
- check the motor circuit configuration (star-delta).
- V/f operation: Increase up ramp.
- V/f operation: Check the assignment of the rated currents of the motor and
Motor Module.
- infeed: Check the line supply quality.
- infeed: Reduce the load when motoring.
- infeed: Correct connection of the line commutating reactor.
- check the power cable connections.
- check the power cables for short-circuit or ground fault.
- check the length of the power cables.
- replace power unit.
For a parallel switching device (r0108.15 = 1) the following additionally applies:
- check the ground fault monitoring thresholds (p0287).
- check the setting of the closed-loop circulating current control (p7036, p7037).
The faults must be saved in the Thyristor Control Board and must be
acknowledged. To do this, the supply voltage
of the Thyristor Control Board must be switched out for at least 10 s!
- check the line supply voltage
- check or energize the line contactor.
- check the monitoring time and, if required, increase (p0857).
- if required, observe additional power unit messages/signals.
- check the DC link regarding short-circuit or ground fault.
- evaluate diagnostic LEDs for the Thyristor Control Board.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- for projects with the VECTOR drive object, check whether p0117 = 6 has been
set on the Control Unit.
See also: p0117 (Current controller computing dead time mode)
In general:
- check the line supply voltage at the input terminals.
- check the line supply voltage setting (p0210).
- the following applies to booksize units: Wait (approx. 8 min.) until the pre-
charging resistors have cooled down. For
this purpose, preferably disconnect the infeed unit from the line supply.
Re 5):
- carefully observe the permissible pre-charging frequency (refer to the
appropriate Equipment Manual).
Re 6):
- check the total capacitance of the DC link and if required, correspondingly
reduce the maximum permissible DC
link capacitance (refer to the appropriate Equipment Manual).
Re 7):
- interconnect the ready for operation signal of the infeed unit (r0863.0) in the
enable logic of the drives connected
to this DC link.
Re 8):
- check the connections of the external line contactor. The line contactor must
be open during the DC link fast discharge.
Re 9):
- check the DC link regarding ground fault or short-circuit.
See also: p0210 (Drive unit line supply voltage)
Check the 24 V DC power supply for the power unit and if required replace the
- check the voltage supply for the Control Unit (24 V).
- if required, replace the module.
Re fault value = 0:
Replace the power unit module or update the EEPROM data.
Re fault value = 1:
The following applies for CU31x and CUA31:
Update the firmware \SIEMENS\SINAMICS\CODE\SAC\cu31xi.ufw (cua31.ufw)
In order to avoid critically damaging the complete drive converter group, it is
urgently recommended to replace the
damaged infeed unit.
- check whether there are faults in the safety function alignment between the
Control Unit and the Motor Module
involved (F01655, F30655) and if required, carry out diagnostics for the faults
- use a Control Unit that supports the safe motion monitoring function.
- upgrade the Control Unit software.
SI: Safety Integrated
Correct the limit values for SLS and carry out a POWER ON.
SI: Safety Integrated
SLS: Safely-Limited Speed / SG: Safely reduced speed
See also: p9331 (SI Motion SLS limit values (Motor Module))
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- remove DRIVE-CLiQ components that are not required.
- de-select functions that are not required.
- if required, increase the sampling times (p0112, p0115).
- replace the component involved.
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
- replace the firmware on the power unit by an older firmware version (r0128).
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).C456
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
- when p0437.1 is active, check p4686.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the speed range, frequency characteristic (amplitude characteristic) of
the measuring equipment may not be
sufficient for the speed range.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- check whether the zero mark is connected and the signal cables RP and RN
connected correctly.
- replace the encoder cable.
- if the coding disk is soiled or the lighting worn, replace the encoder.
Re fault value, bit 0 = 1:
- encoder defective. F31111 may provide additional details.
Re fault value, bit 1 = 1:
- Incorrect encoder type / replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 2 = 1:
- Incorrect encoder type / replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 3 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 4 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 5 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 6 = 1:
- Update the firmware for the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 8 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.2).
Re fault value, bit 9 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 10 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.2, p0449).
Re fault value, bit 11 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0436).
Re fault value, bit 12 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.6).
Re fault value, bit 13 = 1:
- Check the data line.
Re fault value, bit 0 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 1 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 2 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 3 = 1:
5 V power supply voltage fault.
When using an SMC: Check the plug-in cable between the encoder and SMC or
replace the SMC.
When a motor encoder with a direct DRIVE-CLiQ connection is used: Replace
the motor.
Re fault value, bit 4 = 1:
5 V power supply voltage fault.
When using an SMC: Check the plug-in cable between the encoder and SMC or
replace the SMC.
When using a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ: Replace the motor.
Re fault value, bit 5 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 6 = 1:
The battery must be changed (only for encoders with battery back-up).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the Sensor Module (e.g. contacts).
- check the setting of p0405: p0405.2 = 1 is only possible if the encoder is
connected at X520.
- check the encoder/cable: Does the encoder supply TTL signals and the
associated inverted signals?
For a squarewave encoder without track R, the following jumpers must be set at
the encoder connection:
- pin 10 (reference signal R) <--> pin 7 (encoder power supply, ground)
- pin 11 (reference signal R inverted) <--> pin 4 (encoder power supply)
- make sure that the encoder cables and shielding are installed in an EMC-
compliant manner.
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- check the short-circuit of a signal cable with mass or the operating voltage.
- replace the encoder cable.A472
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check whether the coding disk is dirty or there are strong ambient magnetic
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
Replace DRIVE-CLiQ encoder.
Replace DRIVE-CLiQ encoder.
Replace encoder
Replace encoder
It must be ensured that all of the encoders, with mounted measuring gear,
provide valid actual values in operation.
The fault should be resolved as follows:
- select encoder commissioning (p0010 = 4).
- reset the position tracking as follows (p0411.2 = 1).
- de-select encoder commissioning (p0010 = 0).
The fault should then be acknowledged and the absolute encoder adjusted.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- replace the component involved.
See also: p9916 (DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold slave)
Reduce the current controller frequency.
Replace encoder
- carry out a POWER ON.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...).
See also: p9916 (DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold slave)
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
- replace the firmware on the Sensor Module by an older firmware version
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has
been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- re parameter number 314: Check the pole pair number and measuring gear
ratio. The quotient of the "pole pair
number" divided by the "measuring gear ratio" must be less than or equal to
1000 ((r0313 * p0433) / p0432 <= 1000).
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has
been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0424, p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
- when p0437.1 is active, check p4686.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the speed range, frequency characteristic (amplitude characteristic) of
the measuring equipment may not be
sufficient for the speed range.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- check whether the zero mark is connected and the signal cables RP and RN
connected correctly.
- replace the encoder cable.
- if the coding disk is soiled or the lighting worn, replace the encoder.
Re fault value, bit 0 = 1:
- encoder defective. F31111 may provide additional details.
Re fault value, bit 1 = 1:
- Incorrect encoder type / replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 2 = 1:
- Incorrect encoder type / replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 3 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 4 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 5 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 6 = 1:
- Update the firmware for the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 8 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.2).
Re fault value, bit 9 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 10 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.2, p0449).
Re fault value, bit 11 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0436).
Re fault value, bit 12 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.6).
Re fault value, bit 13 = 1:
- Check the data line.
Re fault value, bit 0 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 1 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 2 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 3 = 1:
5 V power supply voltage fault.
When using an SMC: Check the plug-in cable between the encoder and SMC or
replace the SMC.
When a motor encoder with a direct DRIVE-CLiQ connection is used: Replace
the motor.
Re fault value, bit 4 = 1:
5 V power supply voltage fault.
When using an SMC: Check the plug-in cable between the encoder and SMC or
replace the SMC.
When using a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ: Replace the motor.
Re fault value, bit 5 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 6 = 1:
The battery must be changed (only for encoders with battery back-up).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the Sensor Module (e.g. contacts).
- check the setting of p0405: p0405.2 = 1 is only possible if the encoder is
connected at X520.
- check the encoder/cable: Does the encoder supply TTL signals and the
associated inverted signals?
For a squarewave encoder without track R, the following jumpers must be set at
the encoder connection:
- pin 10 (reference signal R) <--> pin 7 (encoder power supply, ground)
- pin 11 (reference signal R inverted) <--> pin 4 (encoder power supply)
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check whether the coding disk is dirty or there are strong ambient magnetic
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
Replace DRIVE-CLiQ encoder.
Replace encoder
It must be ensured that all of the encoders, with mounted measuring gear,
provide valid actual values in operation.
The fault should be resolved as follows:
- select encoder commissioning (p0010 = 4).
- reset the position tracking as follows (p0411.2 = 1).
- de-select encoder commissioning (p0010 = 0).
The fault should then be acknowledged and the absolute encoder adjusted.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- replace the component involved.
See also: p9916 (DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold slave)
Replace encoder
- carry out a POWER ON.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...).
See also: p9916 (DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold slave)
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
- replace the firmware on the Sensor Module by an older firmware version
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has
been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- re parameter number 314: Check the pole pair number and measuring gear
ratio. The quotient of the "pole pair
number" divided by the "measuring gear ratio" must be less than or equal to
1000 ((r0313 * p0433) / p0432 <= 1000).
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has
been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0424, p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
. check the encoder type (encoder with equidistant zero marks).
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
- when p0437.1 is active, check p4686.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the speed range, frequency characteristic (amplitude characteristic) of
the measuring equipment may not be
sufficient for the speed range.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- check whether the zero mark is connected and the signal cables RP and RN
connected correctly.
'- replace the encoder cable.
- if the coding disk is soiled or the lighting worn, replace the encoder.
Re fault value, bit 0 = 1:
- encoder defective. F31111 may provide additional details.
Re fault value, bit 1 = 1:
- Incorrect encoder type / replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 2 = 1:
- Incorrect encoder type / replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 3 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable.
Re fault value, bit 4 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 5 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 6 = 1:
- Update the firmware for the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 8 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.2).
Re fault value, bit 9 = 1:
- EMC / connect the cable shield, replace the encoder or encoder cable, replace
the Sensor Module.
Re fault value, bit 10 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.2, p0449).
Re fault value, bit 11 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0436).
Re fault value, bit 12 = 1:
- Check the parameterization (p0429.6).
Re fault value, bit 13 = 1:
- Check the data line.
Re fault value, bit 0 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 1 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 2 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 3 = 1:
5 V power supply voltage fault.
When using an SMC: Check the plug-in cable between the encoder and SMC or
replace the SMC.
When a motor encoder with a direct DRIVE-CLiQ connection is used: Replace
the motor.
Re fault value, bit 4 = 1:
5 V power supply voltage fault.
When using an SMC: Check the plug-in cable between the encoder and SMC or
replace the SMC.
When using a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ: Replace the motor.
Re fault value, bit 5 = 1:
Encoder is defective. Replace the encoder, where the motor encoder has a
direct DRIVE-CLiQ socket: Replace the
Re fault value, bit 6 = 1:
The battery must be changed (only for encoders with battery back-up).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the Sensor Module (e.g. contacts).
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check the Sensor Module (e.g. contacts).
- make sure that the encoder cables and shielding are installed in an EMC-
compliant manner.
- check the plug connections and contacts.
- check the short-circuit of a signal cable with mass or the operating voltage.
- replace the encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables and shielding are routed in compliance with
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check that the encoder cables are routed in compliance with EMC.
- check the plug connections.
- replace the encoder or encoder cable.
- check whether the coding disk is dirty or there are strong ambient magnetic
- adapt the parameter for the distance between zero marks (p0425).
- if message output above speed threshold, reduce filter time if necessary
Replace DRIVE-CLiQ encoder.
Replace encoder
Replace encoder
- Check that p0404 is correctly set.
- check the encoder type used (incremental/absolute value) and for SMCxx, the
encoder cable.
- if relevant, note additional fault/error messages that describe the fault in
It must be ensured that all of the encoders, with mounted measuring gear,
provide valid actual values in operation.
The fault should be resolved as follows:
- select encoder commissioning (p0010 = 4).
- reset the position tracking as follows (p0411.2 = 1).
- de-select encoder commissioning (p0010 = 0).
The fault should then be acknowledged and the absolute encoder adjusted.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- replace the component involved.
See also: p9916 (DRIVE-CLiQ data transfer error shutdown threshold slave)
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
'- replace the firmware on the Sensor Module by an older firmware version
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has
been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- re parameter number 314: Check the pole pair number and measuring gear
ratio. The quotient of the "pole pair
number" divided by the "measuring gear ratio" must be less than or equal to
1000 ((r0313 * p0433) / p0432 <= 1000).
- check whether the connected encoder type matches the encoder that has
been parameterized.
- correct the parameter specified by the fault value (r0949) and p0187.
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
Adapt the sampling time (e.g. set the recommended valid sampling time).
See also: p10000 (SI sampling time)
Correct the parameter value.
Cancel the pulses for the drive specified in the fault value.
- check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance
- upgrade the software on the TM54F.
- contact the Hotline.
- replace the TM54F.
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
- replace the firmware on the Terminal Module by an older firmware version
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).
- when replacing cables, only use cables with the same length as the original
- when replacing components, use the same components and firmware
- carry out a POWER ON.
- Replace the firmware on the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module with older firmware
- upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018).C689
- check the wiring between the cooling system and the input terminal (Terminal
- check the external control device for the cooling system.
See also: p0266 (Cooling system, feedback signals, signal source)
- check the wiring between the cooling system and the input terminal (Terminal
- check the external control device for the cooling system.
- check the wiring between the cooling system and the input terminal (Terminal
- check the external control device for the cooling system.
None necessary. The alarm automatically disappears when the limit value is
See also: p0290 (Power unit overload response)
None necessary.
MM: Motor Module
SI: Safety Integrated
STO: Safe Torque Of / SH: Safe standstill
None necessary.
MM: Motor Module
SI: Safety Integrated
SS1: Safe Stop 1 (corresponds to Stop Category 1 acc. to EN60204)
If no loose connection is found, chances are the diode that controls the power supply to
the display is gone. It is not recommended to repair them, because whilst repairing,
there is a chance of disturbing neighbour
Check 2x1 connector. Possibly, the FET, inductor (the green resistor lookalike), or diode
is gone here, due to reverse biased of power.
For example, when this module being use for remote control. As two digital inputs
were closed, please check which one is causing the failure 11. Is it the CMS 2 as from
when it is closed or is it 30 & 34 contact.
These failures are used to signal some critical, but not disastrous situation. The
compressor can start after the failure reset. It is possible to clear this kind of failure
through the reset function key of the system failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
Try to power OFF and ON again. If cannot resolved, then try a new module.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
It is possible to clear this kind of failure through the reset function key of the system
failure display.
Check Motor
Decrease motor loading
Check motor loading
Reset the fault and restart again. If the fault occurs again contact Vacon.
In case of temporary supply voltage break, reset the fault and start again.
Check utility input.
If the utility supply is correct and internal failure has occurred, contact Vacon.
Check with FSP, or reprogram the module and make sure all necessary I/O are declared.
• Turn of the power and check the connection between the control board and the
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact
Yaskawa or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
• Turn of the power and check the connection between the control board and the
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact
Yaskawa or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
• Turn of the power and check the connection between the control board and the
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire
• Cycle power to the drive.
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact
Yaskawa or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
• Turn of the power and check the connection between the control board and the
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact
Yaskawa or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact Yaskawa
or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact Yaskawa
or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
- Reduce the load.
- Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
- Check the machine.
- Check the settings of parameters F1-10 and F1-11.
- • Set H6-02 to the same value as the speed feedback signal frequency when the motor
• Make sure the PG encoder is properly connected and all shielded lines are properly
• If the problem continues after cycling power, replace the PG option card or the PG
* Separate the PG cable lines from the source of the noise.
* Rewire the PG encoder and properly ground all shielded lines.
* If the problem continues after cycling power, replace the PG option card or the PG
- Set the value for Δθ to E5-11 as specified on the motor nameplate. Readjust the Z
Pulse ofset when
replacing the PG encoder or changing the application to rotate the motor in reverse.
- • Make sure the motor is rotating in the proper direction.
• Ident
• Measure the motor line-to-line resistance and replace the motor if the motor coil
winding is
• Check for loose terminals. Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to
fasten the terminals.
Refer to Wire Gauges and Tightening Tor
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- Remove the cause of the external fault and reset the fault.
- • Properly connect the signal lines to the terminals assigned for external fault
(H1-oo = 20 to 2F).
• Reconnect the signal line.
• Check for unused terminals set for H1-oo = 20 to
- EEPROM Write Error
- Data cannot be written to the EEPROM
- • Press “ENTER” on the digital operator.
• Correct the parameter setting.
• Cycle power to the drive.
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact
• Check for wiring errors and properly connect the output cable.
• Correct the wiring.
• Check the resistance between motor lines.
• Replace the motor if the winding is damaged.
• Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminal
- • Check for faulty wiring or poor connections on the output side of the drive.
• Correct the wiring.
Apply the tightening torque specified in this manual to fasten the terminals. Refer to
Wire Gauges and
Tightening Torque on page 89 for details.
If t
Cycle the power supply. Refer to Diagnosing and Resetting Faults on page 386 for
details. If the fault
continues to occur, replace the gate drive board or the entire drive. Contact Yaskawa or
a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the gate
- Check if the drive supports the option card to be installed. Contact Yaskawa for
- PG option cards are supported by option ports CN5-B and CN5-C only. Connect the PG
option card to
the correct option port.
- Make sure the drive supports the option card to be installed. Contact Yaskawa for
- Communication option cards are only supported by option port CN5-A. It is not
possible to install more
than one communication option.
- Except for PG options, only one of each option card type can only be installed
simultaneously. Make sure
only one type of option card is connected.
- Install a communication option, a digital input option, or an analog input option. More
than one of the
Confirm that the drive supports the option card to be installed. Contact Yaskawa for
Except for PG options, only one of each option card type can only be installed
simultaneously. Make sure
only one type of option card is connected.
Install a communication option, a digital input option, or an analog input option. More
than one of the
• Cycle power to the drive.
• If the problem continues, replace the control board or the entire drive. Contact
Yaskawa or a Yaskawa
representative for instructions on replacing the control board.
• Check the temperature surrounding the drive. Verify temperature is within drive
• Improve the air circulation within the enclosure panel.
• Install a fan or air conditioner to cool the surrounding area.
• Remove anything near the drive t
• Check the size of the load, the accel/decel times, and the cycle times.
• Decrease the load.
• Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10) by reducing E1-08 and E1-10.
• Check the size of the load, the accel/decel times, and the cycle times.
• Decrease the load.
• Increase the acceleration and deceleration times (C1-01 through C1-08).
• Adjust the preset V/f pattern (E1-04 through E1-10) by reducing E1-08 and E1-10.
• Reduce deceleration times in parameters C1-02, C1-04, C1-06, and C1-08 for
applications that do not
use High Slip Braking.
• Use a braking resistor to shorten deceleration time.
• Increase parameter n3-04 (High-slip Braking Overload Time).
• Install a t
• Increase the settings for C5-01 (Speed Control Proportional Gain 1) and reduce C5-02
(Speed Control
Integral Time 1).
• If using Closed Loop Vector mode, enable Feed Forward and perform Inertia Auto-
• Set H6-02 to the value of the speed feedback
• Check for wiring errors in the main circuit drive input power.
• Correct the wiring.
• Ensure the terminals are tightened properly.
• Apply the tightening torque as specified in this manual. Refer to Wire Gauges and
Torque on page 89 for deta
- Select a braking resistor option that it fits the drive braking transistor specification.
- Set L8-55 to 0 to disable the braking transistor protection selection.
• Check the load, deceleration time, and speed.
• Reduce the load inertia.
• Increase the deceleration times (C1-02, C1-04, C1-06, C1-08, C1-09).
• Replace the dynamic braking option with a larger device that can handle the power
that is discharged.
• Cycle power to the drive and check for reoccurrence of the fault.
• Replace either the control board or the entire drive. For instructions on replacing the
control board, contact Yaskawa or a Yaskawa representative.
• Check motor wiring.
• Turn of the power supply, then turn it on. If the problem continues, contact your
Yaskawa representative or the nearest Yaskawa sales office.
• Reduce the detection compensation gain during Speed Search (b3-10).
• Increase the current level when attempting Speed Search (b3-17).
• Increase the detection time during Speed Search (b3-18).
• Repeat Auto-Tuning.
• Enter the correct motor code for the PM being used into E5-01.
• For special-purpose motors, enter the correct data to all E5 parameters according to
the test report
provided for the motor.
• Increase the load inertia for PM motor (n8-55).
• Increase th
- Set the torque limit to an appropriate value using parameters L7-01 to L7-04.
- Reduce the amount of load torque.
- Check the PG signal for noise interference.
- Correct the setting to L2-02 or install an optional Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru
• Cycle power to the drive. Check if the fault reoccurs.
• If the problem continues, replace the control board, the entire drive, or the control
power supply. For
• Cycle power to the drive and see if the fault reoccurs. Refer to Diagnosing and
Resetting Faults on page 386 for details.
• If the problem continues, replace either the gate drive board or the entire drive. For
instructions on replacing the gate drive b
Replace the control board or the entire drive. For instructions on replacing the control
board, contact Yaskawa or a Yaskawa representative.
Check the wiring of analog input AI2 and the value of the signal
• Check the size of the resistor and wait for it to cool down.
• Check parameters [DB Resistor Power] (brP) and [DB Resistor value] (brU)
(consult the CD-ROM supplied with the drive).
• Check the wiring of the braking unit and the resistor.
• Check the braking resistor.
• Turn the drive of and then back on again.
• Check the internal connections.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Turn the drive of and then back on again.
• Check the internal connections.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Check the environment (electromagnetic compatibility).
• Turn of, reset, return to factory settings.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Check the environment (electromagnetic compatibility).
• Turn of, reset, return to factory settings.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Check the contactor and its wiring.
• Check the feedback circuit.
• Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the motor insulation.
• Perform the diagnostic tests via the
[1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu.
• Check the catalog number of the power card and ensure that it is compatible
with the drive.
• Check the catalog number of the power card and ensure that it is compatible
with the drive.
• Check the internal connections.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support to have the drive recalibrated.
• Check the catalog reference and compatibility of the option.
Turn of the drive and reset
Check the control section power supply
• Replace the current sensors or the power card.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Replace the temperature sensor.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
Turn of the drive and reset. Contact Schneider Electric Product Support
• Check the motor parameters.
• Check the size of the motor, controller, and load.
• Check the state of the mechanism.
Contact Schneider Electric Product Support
• Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the insulation of the
• Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu.
• Reduce the switching frequency.
• Connect chokes in series with the motor.
• Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the insulation of the
• Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu.
• Reduce the switching frequency.
• Connect chokes in series with the motor.
• Check the cables connecting the drive to the motor, and the insulation of the
• Perform the diagnostic tests via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu.
• Reduce the switching frequency.
• Connect chokes in series with the motor.
Check the motor load, the drive ventilation, and the ambient temperature. Wait
for the controller to cool down before restarting.
• Check the PTC probes and the wiring between them and the motor/controller.
• Check the PTC probes and the wiring between them and the motor/controller.
• Check the PTC probes and the wiring between them and the motor/controller.
• Perform a test via the [1.10
• Contact Schneider Electric Product
• Check the cables connecting the controller to the motor, and the motor
• Perform a test via the [1.10 DIAGNOSTICS] menu.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
• Enter the correct parameter (reserved for Schneider Electric product support).
• Check that there are no card errors.
• If the control card was changed deliberately, consult the Programming Manual
on the CD-ROM supplied with the drive.
• Check the voltage and the voltage parameter (consult the Programming
Manual on the CD-ROM supplied with the drive).
• Replace the pre-charge resistor.
• Contact Schneider Electric Product Support.
- Check the converter display panel for further messages, if there are messages,
please go to the relevant fault search list for further details.
* Replace NINP in ABB, if the DC link voltage fluctuated beyond 13%, also,
when ID motor run failed.
* One case in Germany where a CUVC board was replaced, and the Format
Failure 0 came up. This was due to the fact that the dip - switches of the new
CUVC is different to that of the ones we used. Dip switches adjusted to same
position. Compressor run ok.
- The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in service mode)
- Set the service switch back to normal position
- Run converter manually with service switch on, to see whether it is the drive or
the elektronikon
- See F0022
- Run converter manually with service switch on, to see whether it is the drive or
the elektronikon
- Check the fault message on the Siemens PMU (operator panel) if A017 is
displayed, then
- Check and make sure this plug is engage via dummy plug of the hand held
controller (PMU)
Change the following parameters on the Masterdrive by using the PMU or Drive
* Check the connection between the relevant relay and the corresponding
frequency converter.
* The K05 relay (as part of the service switch condition), under normal operation,
should be closed, however, due to unforseen circumstances, it was opened.
Bridge out this relay, and run the machine again. If the machine runs, then the
Elektronikon is probably has a bad relay, hence, replace the Elektronikon (or the
relay in case of emergency). This relay should only be bridged for fault finding,
under NO circumstances that this relay be remain bridged, as the converter will
run without the protection of the Elektronikon.
* If the K05 relay is bridged, but the converter still cannot, then it is the converter
fault. Check the converter fault message and follow the appropriate action
according to this fault code.
* NIOC card on the ABB converter could be faulty, please check this. This is
done by: on X2 of NIOC board, link DI1 and DI13. If this solve the problem, then
the problem is in the cable to the Service Switch or the K05 relay of the
elektronikon. Check the elektronikon if not done so.
* Check the connection between the relevant relay and the corresponding
frequency converter.
* The K05 relay (as part of the service switch condition), under normal operation,
should be closed, however, due to unforseen circumstances, it was opened.
Bridge out this relay, and run the machine again. If the machine runs, then the
Elektronikon is probably has a bad relay, hence, replace the Elektronikon (or the
relay in case of emergency). This relay should only be bridged for fault finding,
under NO circumstances that this relay be remain bridged, as the converter will
run without the protection of the Elektronikon.
* If the K05 relay is bridged, but the converter still cannot, then it is the converter
fault. Check the converter fault message and follow the appropriate action
according to this fault code.
- NIOC card on the ABB converter could be faulty, please check this. This is
done by: on X2 of NIOC board, link DI1 and DI13. If this solve the problem, then
the problem is in the cable to the Service Switch or the K05 relay of the
elektronikon. Check the elektronikon if not done so.
* The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in service mode)
* Set the service switch back to normal position
* One case in Germany where a CUVC board was replaced, and the Format
Failure 0 came up. This was due to the fact that the dip - switches of the new
CUVC is different to that of the ones we used. Dip switches adjusted to same
position. Compressor run ok.
Contact ABB
No idea
A PC and RS485 <-> RS232 converter box is required as well as the DFM4win
cable) is required.The cable is to be connected in place of converter cable
connection. If the RS485 port is faulty ==> new module is required.
- Replace modbus adapter card
- Check communication cable
- Isolate converter from module, and use the VSD simulation software to test
whether module or converter is at fault.
A PC and RS485 <-> RS232 converter box is required as well as the DFM4win
cable. The cable is to be connected in place of converter cable connection. If the
RS485 port is faulty ==> new module is required.
- Replace modbus adapter card
Check the frequency converter panel for fault messages and go to the relevant
VSD drive fault search list for further information.
Contact ABB
No idea
- Replace NINP in ABB, if the DC link voltage fluctuated beyond 13%, also, when
ID motor run failed.
In the control panel, push the "LOC / REM" to set the converter to REMOTE.
- Check the connection between the relevant relay and the corresponding
frequency converter.
- NIOC card on the ABB converter could be faulty, please check this. This is
done by: on X2 of NIOC board, link DI1 and DI13. If this solve the problem, then
- Check the connection between the relevant relay and the corresponding
frequency converter.
- The K05 relay (as part of the service switch condition), under normal operation,
should be closed, however, due to unforseen circumstances, it was opened.
Bridge out this relay, and run the machine again. If the machine runs, then the
Elektronikon is probably has a bad relay, hence, replace the Elektronikon (or the
relay in case of emergency). This relay should only be bridged for fault finding,
under NO circumstances that this relay be remain bridged, as the converter will
run without the protection of the Elektronikon.
- If the K05 relay is bridged, but the converter still cannot, then it is the converter
fault. Check the converter fault message and follow the appropriate action
according to this fault code.
- The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in service mode)
- Set the service switch back to normal position
- Check the fault message on the Siemens PMU (operator panel) and
- The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in service mode)
- Set the service switch back to normal position
- The service switch is in the wrong position (is set in service mode)
- Set the service switch back to normal position
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
the one with the problem flashes.
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
the one with the problem flashes.
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
the one with the problem flashes.
Check EXPANSION module no. 5 thoroughly. Reprogram module.
- Check connection cable between Master module (2X3) and the expansion
module (. X3)
- Power OFF and ON the compressor
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
the one with the problem flashes.
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
the one with the problem flashes.
The expansion module giving the problem can be found in the "EXTRA" display,
the one with the problem flashes.
- whether the cable to the corresponding digital input has been interrupted.
- parameter P588 Src No Ext Warn 1
- whether the cable to the corresponding digital input has been interrupted.
- parameter P588 Src No Ext Warn 2
- Remove the drive and perform visual inspection of IGD.
- IGD (and maybe PSU) may need replacement.
- Whether the fan -E1 is connected and is rotating in the correct direction.
- The air intake and discharge openings for blockage.
- The temperature sensor at -X30
- Check the motor (load, ventilation, etc.). The current temperature can be read in r009
motor tmp.
- Check the KTY84 input at connector - X103:29, 30 for short-circuit.
Lock the motor.
- P72 Rtd Drive Amps
- MLFB P70
- P128 Imax
- r010 Drive Utilizat
Motor load cycle is exceeded !!
Increase the parameter for the maximum frequencies or reduce the regenerative load.
- whether an excessive torque requirement is present.
- whether the motor has been dimensioned too small.
Increase values P792 Perm Deviation Frq/set/actual DevSpeed and P794 Deviation
- Whether the drive is locked
- Whether the encoder cable is interrupted during speed control and whether the shield
is connected.
- Whether the drive has stalled
- For synchronous motors (P095 = 12): excitation current injection
Usually the leakage reactance P122 is the average value resulting from the measured
values in r546.1…12, and the rotor resistance r126 from the values in r542.1..3.
If individual measured values significantly deviate from the average values, they are
automatically not taken into account for the calculation (for RI) or the value of the
automatic parameterization remains (for Ls). It is only necessary to check the results for
their plausibility in the case of the drives with high requirements on torque or speed
- Pin 1 & 2: Use Vdc multimeter to check for 24 Vdc. If not, then the power supply card,
PSU1 is faulty.
Also, at X102, pin 13 should have 10 Vdc, and pin 14 = -10Vdc, with pin 2 common.
- Check voltage C and D. Should get high 500V's (dc). While having the multimeter on it,
please restart the machine (in converter local control mode). If the voltage deteriorate
in over a short period of time, then there is pre-charge problem, hence, change the pre-
charger PCB, or Siemens to change it if under warranty. For G85GA30VSD case, the
whole drive should be return to Siemens for evaluation, if under warranty.
The problem was traced to a break it a joint on the power supply control card that was
replaced by us.
The card was repaired onsite and the problem rectified.
* The fault display must be cleared first before the parameters can be accessed. If the
F011 cannot be cleared, then it is probably the CT (LEM) module is at fault.
But to clear the fault, the scroll UP / DOWN must be pressed at the same time.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and L1(u), then L2(v) and L3(w); D across L1(u), L2(v) and
If we get short in any of the combinations, eg, resistance between C and L1 then the
IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be OK, then some resistance is expected
on all combinations.
Try to start the converter with MOTOR DISCONNECTED and Service switch to manual
- To do this, please observe and adjust the following parameters:
- Could be one phase missing, where consumption on all 3 phases arevery diferent.E97
- One case in Switzerland, where the burned cables on RFI filters or bad contacts on the
inverter bridge.
CHECK: Input of CUVC (ie analog inputs at X103:29,30 and related software / hardware
If the card is ok, then r009 = r045 = settings of potentiometer / KTY84 thermistor.
CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
Make Parameter P380.1 = 0
Parameter P381.1 = 0
The compressor / drive will now run without thermal protection on the motor.
- This may happen when the KTY 84 motor temperature is not available at time of
service / breakdown, and a new standard motor thermistor is being fitted.
- If a standard motor thermistor is being fitted instead, the Masterdrive will not able to
display the actual motor temperature, HOWEVER, it will still the protects the system
and shutdown at and above temperature 180 deg. C.
Measure the air intake and ambient temperature. Please observe the reduction curves
at >40 deg. C
- Whether the fan E1 is connected and is rotating in the correct direction
- that the air entry and discharge openings are not restricted
- Temperature sensor at -X30
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.G98
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage E100will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check supply voltage
- Check the proper connection at the line reactor (L1)
- Check if one of the coils of line reactor L1 is short circuit.F106
- Possibly CU is faulty
- IGBT or IGD may be defective as it is conductive while signal command does not tell it
to do so.
- Defective phase section
CU2 - increase P308 sampling time, observe r725 - free comp time
CUVC - Increase P357 samping time, Calculate individual blocks in a slower sampling
time, observe r829 CalcTimeHdroom
- Replace CU (A10)
- Check connection of the board and optional boards.
- Power unit down and up again
- Replace CU (A10)
Replace CU (A10)
On PMU / Simovis - The fault cause can be read our of r358 (CU2) or r 376 (CUVC)
"ground fault test result"
- Check the converter output for short circuit of ground fault (-X2:U2, V2, W2 - including
- Check CU is inserted correctly
Check the power section valves for a short circuit, and for converters with fiber-optic
gating, the gating unit and the UCE checkback signals, for the correct assignment.
PMU / Simovis: r358 (CU2), r376 (CUVC) can be interrogated to indicate which UCE mo
PMU / Simovis: Read-out fault value from R949. The digit of the xth position indicates
the valve, where the fault occurred at power-up.
The digit of the xth position defines the pahse, in which i is 0 and thus a valve is
defective (always conductive)
PMU / Simovis: Read-out fault from r949. The digit of the xth position specifies the
valve, which, when triggered, manifested the fault.
Check the motor including feeder cable for ground faults. If there is no ground fault,
check the power section for defective valves which remain conductive.
The digit of the xth position defines the phase in which I is 0, and therefore a valve must
be defective (always conductive)
The motor speed should be less than 10% of the stated speed during the ground fault
test !
PLEASE NOTE: on former model GA90 VSD (SN < AII 492 000) Please observe ECB
AII0070 (Priority IV) with regards to OIL RESTRICTION AT LOW SPEED for GA90VSD with
Simovert P converter.
CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C E120higher in motor temperature.
- PLEASE NOTE: on former model GA90 VSD (SN < AII 492 000) Please observe ECB
AII0070 (Priority IV) with regards to OIL RESTRICTION AT LOW SPEED for GA90VSD with
Simovert P converter.
- Based on ECB 1397/C1, this fault is present if the terminal X101-7 of the CUVC card is
open contact.
- This happen if the motor temperature is too high, or the temperature switch is faulty,
or loose connections. Please check these conditions..
Supplementary Reading:
* See function diagram 710, where binector U061 = 0 was made to U061 = 19,
* Binector U952.i059 = 20 was made to U952.i059 = 4.
- Check motor
- One case in Switzerland, where the burned cables on RFI filters or bad contacts on the
inverter bridge.
May occur after a long period of standstill. In this case, restart the machine for up to 10
If fault persists, check:
- Supply voltage is within tolerance 400V +/- 10%
- PCC (PreCharging Circuit)
- One of the capacitors may be defective
- Check the motor (load, ventilation, etc). The actual motor temperature can be read in
r009 of Siemens PMU (panel display)
- Motor temperature.
- Check P381 Mot Temp settings.
- Fault - check the KTY84 input at connector - X103:29, 30 for shortcircuit.
KTY84 resistance at room temperature should be in the vicinity of 700 - 1000 Ohms
- Check with multimeter, Converter trips when infinite resistance registered.
CHECK: Input of CUVC (ie analog inputs at X103:29,30 and related software / hardware
If the card is ok, then r009 = r045 = settings of potentiometer / KTY84 thermistor.
CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
Make Parameter P380.1 = 0
Parameter P381.1 = 0
The compressor / drive will now run without thermal protection on the motor.
- This may happen when the KTY 84 motor temperature is not available at time of
service / breakdown, and a new standard motor thermistor is being fitted.
- If a standard motor thermistor is being fitted instead, the Masterdrive will not able to
display the E123actual motor temperature, HOWEVER, it will still the protects the
system and shuddown at and above temperature 180 deg. C.
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
Switch of the unit and switch it on again. If the fault re-occurs, replace the Cuxx
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check the torque on all power connections
- Check voltage before and after the netfilter (A1)
- Check voltage before and after main switch
- Check voltage before and after the line reactor (L1)
- Check if IGBT or IGD1 is defective
If the IGD (IGBT driver card) is short circuited in on of the terminal supply to the IBGT,
when power is on, it probably would blow out the IGBT(s) on that particular line.
When power is completely down, ie dc voltage across C (+) and D (-) is zero V, then
check for resistance across C and u1, then v1 and w1; D across u1, v1 and w1; C and u2,
then v2 and w2; D across u2, v2 and w2.
If we get short (very low resistance, say 2 ohms) in any of the combinations, eg,
resistance between C and u1 then the IGBT (transistor) is damaged. For all IGBT's to be
OK, then some resistance in the vicinity of 100kOhms is expected on all combinations.
- Check individual IGBT if practicable. By using the multimeter and "DIODE CHECK"
function, measure across terminal 2 --> 1 of IGBT. This value should be around 0.2Vdc,
and 1 -- > 2 of IGBT. This value should be L Vdc. When, checking for IGBT, please ensure
that the cables are disconnected from the IGBT, otherwise, measurements maybe not
give true indication.
When a faulty IGBT is found, it is recommended to replace ALL IGBTs within that line
(phase). In general, as one IGBT is blown, chances are the other(s) in the same line
maybe on its way out as well.
- CHECK: Voltage unbalance leads to higher currents in the motor. Typical 1% unbalance
in supply voltage can lead to 10% extra current in one of the motor phases. 3.5%
unbalance in supply voltage will give 25 deg. C higher in motor temperature.
NOTE: There is a correlation between these faults, and the VSD being operated at
maximum for extended time, ie, if the VSD is running flat out for an extended period of
time, chance of IGBTs damage are high, this may be due to the fact that the IGBTs are
- Check supply voltage
- Check the proper connection at the line reactor (L1)
- Check if one of the coils of line reactor L1 is short circuit.
- Possibly, CU is faulty
- IGBT or IGD may be defective as it is conductive while signal command does not tell it
to do so.
- Defective phase section
- GA180VSD and related compressors with VSD cooling fans. Check that the connection
between the masterdrive and the micromaster is located at pins 19 - 20 on the
masterdrive, and on pins 3 - 4 on the micromaster.
Also, very important to note that on a very HOT day, the micromaster also may
experience overtemperature problem, and therefore would malfunction, and the
Masterdrive converter will register fault F36 (or F036). There may be a fault message on
the micromaster itself, however, this fault message will only registered as an external
fault via the Masterdrive to the elektronikon.
- Therefore, should try to improve the air temperature within the cabinet to eliminate
this fault.
- ZT37VSD: (this may apply to others which have Micromasters drive as well) ARAVF,
everything else was re-started except the micromaster, hence giving F36. Solution was
to set Parameter P15 --- 0 to disabled, and 1 to enabled, and Parameter P18 --- 0 to
disabled and 1 to enabled. Take note when programming the Micromaster, the
parameters P7 = 1 and P9 = 3 for keypad accessibility.
- GA180VSD W (watercool): F36 indicates that the auxiallary drive has a fault. This
auxiallary drive is the positioner Y40 that regulates the By-Pass Oil Cooler solenoid
valve. Please check the status of this positioner. Pay attention to the connections, the
OPEN & CLOSE limit switches. If nothing is found, probably needs a new positioner. Atlas
Part No. 1089 0652 01.
In an EMERGENCY, this by-pass oil cooler solenoid valve may be overwritten to allow the
compressor to continue running. The valve has to be overwritten mechanically,
electrically and on Siemens converter.
Mechanically: By turning to hand knob
Electrically: By disconnecting the power to the positioner, please consult electrical
diagram for confirmation of wire number, typically it should be wire labelled No. 2.
Disconnect the active wire only is sufficient.
Siemens Converter: Before any programming is done, make sure that P053 = 0006 for
general access to parameter changes. Go to P586, and change P586.1 from 601 to 001.
P586.1 = Parameter P586, first index. To access to P586.1, please go to P586, then press
P, and .001 shows up, press P again to access first index and scroll up (or down) to get to
the right value. (This is much simpler, if you are using the Simovis Software.)
- There is a thermal switch at the CUVC card of Siemen's converter, at X101, pin 3-4. This
Wifh power supply and contactors that switches the power supply.
CU2 - increase P308 sampling time, observe r725 - free comp time
CUVC - Increase P357 samping time, Calculate individual blocks in a slower sampling
time, observe r829 CalcTimeHdroom
- Check operation of cooling fan, as well as power supply (380V) over K5 towards these
- Check for polluted heat sink
- Check resistance value of both sets of thermistors which should be < 500 ohm at 20
For Simovert P:
- Check proper engagement of connector at X13 of CCU
- Check cooling flow over the drive motor
- An externally clogged oilcooler reduces the cooling
CU:- Voltage dips might be the reason, Reprogram the MKIII with latest service software
and put ARAVF active.
- Check DC link voltage during operation through r006 on the Siemens PMU
- IGBT or IGD1 defective is possibility. Maybe loose or bad connection.
See F008
CCU: - Pulsed Resistor or electronics overheating, ambient temp too high. Cooling fan
may be defective
**** Check input power supply. ***Using DIODE check on the INPUT line 1,2, and 3 and D/C link line.
Check motor for Earth fault. Usually, Overvoltage do not happen in most
countries, unless there is a major speak in power supply.
Please perform DIODE checks with respect to the DC Link terminals. Please see
VSD notes for more information on how to perform this task
Please perform DIODE checks with respect to the DC Link terminals. Please see
VSD notes for more information on how to perform this task
Please perform DIODE checks with respect to the DC Link terminals. Please see
VSD notes for more information on how to perform this task
*** Check element / bearing and make sure they are not seized. *** check Run
hours of motor / compressors since last had bearing change. Most bearings
have 25,000 - 30,000 run hours. So if compressors maintenance record they
within this run hours window, should consider change of bearings before further
*** Check element / bearing and make sure they are not seized. *** check Run
hours of motor / compressors since last had bearing change. Most bearings
have 25,000 - 30,000 run hours. So if compressors maintenance record they
within this run hours window, should consider change of bearings before further
***Check for IBGT failures. May use DIODE checks on output of convertors to
***Check for IBGT failures. May use DIODE checks on output of convertors to
***check for seized elements, bearings, check and confirm run hours since last
(if any) bearing changes. Typically, the motor bearings has 25,000 - 30,000
running hrs.
*** Check for ground faults of motor. *** Sometimes motor ground faults
present themselves as DC Link overvoltage
*** check actual temp of motor, and check thermistor for correct operations.
Refer to the RS-232 / RS-485 Serial communication manual.
***Check for IBGT failures. May use DIODE checks on output of convertors to
AA: Incorrect wiring 1. Check all power and control connections. For instance,
the digital inputs set to
Start/Stop, General Enable, or no external error must be connected to the 24
or to DGND* terminals (refer to Figure 3.36 on page 3-47)
BB: Analog reference (if used) 1. Check if the external signal is properly
2. Check the status of the control potentiometer (if used)
CC: Incorrect settings 1. Check if the parameter values are correct for the
DD: Fault 1. Check whether the inverter is disabled due to a fault condition
2. Make sure that the terminals XC1:13 and XC1:11 are not shorted (short-circuit
the 24 Vdc power supply)
EE: Stalled motor 1. Decrease the motor overload
2. Increase P0136, P0137 (V/f), or P0169/P0170 (vector control)
AA: Loose connections 1. Stop the inverter, turn of the power supply, check and
tighten all the power
2. Check all the internal connections of the inverter
BB: Defective speed reference
1. Replace the potentiometer
CC: Oscillation of the external
analog reference
1. Identify the cause of the oscillation. If it is caused by electrical noise, use
cables or separate them from the power and control wiring
Incorrect settings
DD: (vector control)
1. Check parameters P0410, P0412, P0161, P0162, P0175, and P0176
2. Refer to the programming manual
1. Decrease P0180
2. Check P0410
AA: Keypad connections 1. Check the inverter keypad connection
BB: Power supply voltage 1. Rated values must be within the limits specified
- Minimum: 425 V
- Maximum: 759 V
CC: Mains supply fuses open 1. Replace the fuses
1. Decrease P0180