Alexandra Lessons

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about devices in the classroom:

There are iPads available in the department enough for one student each. Although there are enough devices for each student, paired work and group work is essentials for building 21st century
learners and critical thinkers. Working in teams ensures students are collaborating their ideas and producing well rounded work. Students have prior knowledge from term one in terms of using ICT in
an appropriate manner and the consequences associated with behaviour that goes against these codes. The apps google docs, google earth, google maps, canva, padlet, iMovie and book
creator are all available on iPad with students fluent in how they work.

Notes about Australian
Each student will have their own one-on-oneOBJECTIVE
device. (what & how) EXPERIENCES other
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
The different types of • Identify and recall some iconic Formative • Before class commences, ensure overhead projector and speakers are on iPads
landscapes in Australia assessment: and ready for the class.
landscapes in Australia and the
and their distinctive world, and describing what makes Question student x, y
landform features (e.g. and z on ideas
them iconic Introduction/Hook: (10 Minutes)
coastal, riverine, arid, discussed in previous
• Greet and welcome students. Take attendance. Once students are sitting silently,
mountain, karst) lesson. Questioning
Week 1 Lesson 3

each group will be invited to get out their iPads. Recall student’s prior
(ACHGK048) • Define the meaning of the will indicate how knowledge on what ideas were covered in the previous two lessons. What do
geographical term ‘landscape’ much information you remember about landscapes? Do you remember what sorts of landscapes BBC Earth Documentary:
students can recall are found in Australia? Ask a student of a higher ability in the class to give an Seven Worlds, One Planet
and what needs to be example of a landscape found in Australia.
• In pairs, research and explain in
revisited. • Show students BBC Earth Documentary Trailer. Before showing students, the atch?v=9dOhAnaV4IE
detail one type of landscape in video ask them to think about what landscapes they see. Students will then be a
terms of its location, description Canva posters will be QR code that links to Answer Garden and must list as many landscapes they can Answer Garden
and use marked for formative see in the video. Class discussion on findings.
assessment and will QR Code
Body: (40 minutes)
• As a pair create a Canva guide next lesson.
• Students will be assigned pairs, where they must investigate a landscape given
poster/infographic based on to them. One partner will be the scribe on one iPad (information put on Goggle
research findings Docs) and the other student acting as the researcher on the other. In their Google Docs
investigation, students must include its location (must screenshot an image from
Google Earth), what makes the landscape unique and provide information on Google Earth
how it is used and why the landscape is different from the areas around it.
The different types of Canva poster will go • Students will place their information they researched on a Canva poster
landscapes in Australia on students Padlet and will be given extra tome in the following lesson to finish their task Canva
and their distinctive which will add to their if not completed. Once finished, students must save and export their
Week 1 Lesson 3
landform features (e.g. overall classwork work on Canva to Padlet. Notes from their Google Doc must also be Padlet
coastal, riverine, arid, grade. uploaded to Padlet
mountain, karst)
(ACHGK048) Conclusion (5 mins)
• Get student x to give a clear definition of a landscape. Can (student x)
please tell me what a landscape is?
• Get student y and z to give examples in Australia and the world. What
are some examples of landscapes in Australia? What are some
examples you can think of in the rest of the world?
• Ask a pair(s) to present some of their findings to the class. What did
you find interesting about the landscape that you researched? Did
anyone find an interesting fact about their chosen landscape?

K/ other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
ON LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

The spiritual, cultural and • Define the meaning of the Formative Þ Before students enter the classroom ensure all YouTube videos iPads
aesthetic value of geographical term ‘landform’ assessment: are loaded on the web and projector is turned on.
landscapes and landforms Students will answer
for people, including • Explain the names, meanings and key questions to Introduction: (5 Minutes)
Aboriginal and Torres significance of landform features activate prior • Welcome students and take the roll. Activate student’s prior
Strait Islander Peoples from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait knowledge. The knowledge from previous two lessons. What does the term landform
(ACHGK049) answers to these are mean? Do you remember any landforms we talked about yesterday
Week 2 Lesson 3

Islander perspective (Uluru)

essential in this that we have here in Australia? What about Perth? What is one of the
lesson as they main landforms we can see when driving towards the south of Perth?
provide the basis for (The Darling Scarp)
• Create an advertisement for the
understanding the
Australian tourism board • Ask students why a specific landform may be important for some
key concepts in the groups rather than others. Why might a landform, for example the
promoting a famous landform
geographical unit of Daintree Forest be important to people or groups? (ideas such as
found in Australia (e.g. Uluru,
work. tourism could be discussed here to introduce the idea of stakeholders
Great Sandy Desert, The Pinnacles,
Wave Rock. Cradle Mountain,
Daintree Rainforest) Body: 45 Minutes
• Show students Behind the News video: Uluru climbing ban. YouTube Video:
• Class discussion on the many intertwined aspects of Aboriginal Behind the News: Uluru
cultures, including law, Country and Dreaming. Ask students which climbing ban
Uluru might be important to Aboriginal people. How has the view of

Uluru changed from European settlement to current times? Ask watch?v=cqDnOEDUJcw

students to recall what ideas were presented in the video.
K/ other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
ON LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

• Formative • Show students Lonely Plant and BBC One Clips. YouTube Video:
Uluru: Australia's rock of ages
assessment: • Introduce task to students. Explain to students that they will be
- Lonely Planet
creating an advertisement for the Australian tourism board promoting
Students will be a famous landform found in Australia (e.g. Uluru, Great Sandy h?v=biuYA54nb7Y&t=94s
marked on how well Desert, The Pinnacles, Wave Rock. Cradle Mountain, Daintree
they work together in Rainforest). This task will be done in pairs. Teacher will be assigning YouTube Video:
a partnership and can pairs based on abilities and to ensure no one is left without a partner. What A Wonderful World
Cross curriculum (The collaborate on ideas. This will be done before the lesson. With David Attenborough --
Arts - Media) • Students must follow the following instructions: BBC One Clip
• 1. In your pairs, use the QR code to open up a storyboard h?v=auSo1MyWf8g
Representation of ideas, template on Google Docs. Very briefly spend 5 minutes
Week 2 Lesson 3

issues or people in the choosing a landform in Australia from the list. (Make sure QR Code for storyboard
media and the values they majority of students have chosen a different landform) template
represent (consideration
• 2. Using the iMovie app, you must create a video for the
of stereotypes)
Australian tourism board promoting your chosen landform. iMovie
You must include why the landform is so special, where it is
located and also a map. Your video must include images, pp/imovie/id377298193
Production process using
audio and video.
basic technical skills and
• 3. Be sure to research if there is any Aboriginal or Torres
processes, scripts,
Strait Islander history to do with the landform.
storyboards and layouts
(ACAMAM068) Students will create a • 4. Be sure to include a frame which has both your own
(maximum) two- name and your partners names.
Team skills and minute travel • 5. Once finished, export your video and save it. Upload it to
specific role advertisement which YouTube and share the link on your Padlet account.
Student storyboards and notes must also be included. Padlet
responsibilities (ACAMA will be marked by the
M068) end of the week.
Conclusion: (5 Minutes)
Sticky note • Ask for two volunteers to show their finished products to the class.

conclusion activity • Students will write on a sticky note a new fact they have learnt in
Sticky Notes
the lesson and this will be their exit ticket.
K/ other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
ON LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

The geographical • Recall and identify each of the four Þ Before students enter the classroom ensure all YouTube videos
processes that produce geomorphic processes at work that are loaded on the web and projector is turned on. iPads
landforms, including a create landforms (erosion,
case study of one type of deposition, weathering and tectonic Introduction: (5 Minutes)
landform, such as activity) • Take attendance and welcome students. Recall prior knowledge from
mountains, volcanoes, previous weeks, specifically landforms and landscapes – with
riverine or coastal • Identify the three types of examples. What are some examples of landscapes in Australia?
landforms (ACHGK050) mountains and describe the Where are they located? What processes are responsible for creating
processes at work landforms within these landscapes? Ask at least five students to
answer these questions. Answers should be given in explicit detail.
• Using a book creator, create a fact
file to share on a chosen mountain
Body: (45 minutes) QR Code link
in Asia.
• Show students video on Crash Course Kids: Landforms. Students
will already have prior knowledge of these key concepts, however, it
Week 3 Lesson 3

is a good prompt for the task. YouTube Video:

Landforms, Hey!: Crash
• Students are asked to get out their iPads, one group at a time. One all Course Kids #17.1
students are silent and facing the front, students will be asked to scan
the QR code on the whiteboard. Students will be given majority of atch?v=FN6QX43QB4g
the lesson to complete the following task:
• Instructions will read:
Formative • 1. Using Book Creator, in groups of three create a fact file to Book Creator
assessment: share on a chosen mountain in Asia.
Assessment based on • 2. You must include the following: name, location, age, Google maps (3-D View)
how each student elevation, mountain range, how it was formed, an interesting or Google Earth
worked in groups fact, image/photograph from Britannica online, a 3-D image
from Google Earth or Google Maps 3D view and a ps
A checklist will be
sketch/diagram of the processes responsible for the mountain
made, and three
students of varying formation (with labels) b/
ability will be marked • 3. The group must allocate a few pages each to work on and at
based on how well the end of the lesson put this information all together.
they completed the • 4. The final product must be exported and uploaded to Padlet.
task and achieved the
• Give students time to finalise their work and upload their work to
lesson objectives. Padlet
Padlet. Students reminded of their upcoming topic text at the end of
the week.

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