Adarsh Project
Adarsh Project
Adarsh Project
Sales Promotion is one of the elements of the promotional mix. (The primary elements in
the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and publicity/public
relations). Sales promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communications for
a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or
improve product availability.
Sales promotions can be directed at either the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel
members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are
called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesale
are called trade sales promotions.
Sales promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to provide added
value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers
to stimulate immediate sales. These efforts can attempt to stimulate product interest, trial,
or purchase. Examples of devices used in sales promotion include coupons, samples,
premiums, point-of-purchase (POP) displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes.
“Those activities that supplement both personal selling and advertisement, coordinate them
& help to make them more effective”-AMA(American marketing association).
“Sales promotion means any steps that are taken for purpose of obtaining or increasing
sales”.— A.H.R. Delens
1. It is a part of market promotion. It involves all the promotional efforts other than
advertising, personal selling, and publicity.
2. The primary purpose is to induce customer for immediate buying or dealer effectiveness
or both.
3. It is optional. Many companies do not practice it.
4. It is directed for multiple objectives, like to maintain sales during off season, to increase
sales, to face competition, to clear stocks, to improve image, to promote new products, etc.
6. Sales promotion efforts consist of special selling efforts for the specific time period in
forms of short-term incentives and schemes undertaken at consumer level, dealer level or at
salesmen level.
7. It involves the non-recurrent selling efforts. They are not a part of daily activities. They
are not undertaken repeatedly.
8. Sales promotion incentives are imitative. Competitors can easily imitate them.
10. Excessive use of sale promotion may affect sales and reputation of company adversely.
The importance of sales promotion has increased tremendously in the modern times. Lakhs
of rupees are being spent on sales promotional activities to attract the consumers in our
country and also in other countries of the world.
Some large companies have also begun to appoint sales promotion managers to handle
miscellaneous promotional tools. All these facts show that the importance of sales
promotion activities is increasing at a faster rate.
1. Competitions
Prize contests depend for success on the value or originality of the price and the number of
prize offered, including the consolation prizes. The entry requirement can be proof of
purchase such as a token or entry coupon detached from the pack, extra entries requiring
extra purchases. To be legal, contests require an element of skill. Contests should be
organized with adequate time for proper adjudication, and there should be publicized
announcement of results.
6. Picture cards
Picture cards encourage repeat buying in order to retain them. They may be inserted in
packs, or printed as cut-outs on cartons.
7. Gift coupons
Coupons, with a stated value is kept inside the packet. Again, these have to be collected in
order to qualify for gifts, and so require repeat purchasing. A catalogue of gifts must be
made available.
8. Cash premium vouchers or coupons
These can be redeemed at the retail shops as a price reduction. They may be printed in press
advertisements, delivered door-to-door, or printed on packs as money off for the next
13. Packing
Another important attempt of sales promotion is through attractive package. Now-a-days
customers are attracted by good and attractive packing of products. A good package is one
which is attractive and protective, tells the product story, builds confidence, convenient to
handle and above all economical.
The economy and attractiveness of packing are two important areas which the sales
promotion department should always keep in mind.
While drafting the sales letters and circulars, it should be kept in mind that a personal touch
and some kind of intimacy is maintained. By doing so the manufacturer is not only able to
attract old customers to renew their purchase but also able to attract new customers.
The main stages which is involved in sales promotion planning are: 1. Establishment of
objectives, 2. Selection of promotional tools, 3. Planning the sales-promotion program, 4.
Pre-testing, 5. Implementation and 6. Evaluation
As in the case of advertising, effective sales promotion involves an on-going process with a
number of stages.
1. Establishment of objectives:
Sales-promotion objectives vary according to the target market. If the target is the
customer, objectives could include the encouragement of increased usage or the building of
trial among non-users or other brand users. For intermediaries, objectives could be to
encourage off-season sales or offsetting competitive promotions. Sales-promotion activity
could also be aimed at internal personnel, making up part of the reward system
Promotional objectives form the basis for selecting the most appropriate sales-promotion
tools. The cost and effectiveness of each tool must be assessed with regard to achieving
these objectives in respect of each target market. The tools available to the service marketer
are described in more detail in the next section.
4. Pre-testing:
This needs to be undertaken to ensure that potentially expensive problems are discovered
before the full launch of a promotion. Testing in selected market segments can highlight
problems of ambiguity, response rates and give an indication of cost effectiveness.
5. Implementation:
The program for implementation must include two important time factors First, it must
indicate the ‘lead time’- the time necessary to bring the program up to the point where the
incentive is made available to the public. Second, the ‘sell in time’ which is the period of
time from the date of release to when approximately 90-95 per cent, of incentive material
has been received by potential customers.
6. Evaluation:
The performance of the promotion needs to be assessed against the objectives set. If
objectives are specific and quantifiable, measurement would seem to be easy. However,
extraneous factors could account for the apparent success of many sales-promotion
2.8 Methods/Techniques of Sales Promotion:
Sales promotion methods could be divided into the following two categories:
(a)Sales promotion devices for dealers
Following is a brief account of the sales promotion devices comprised in each of the above
two categories:
(a) Sales Promotion Devices for Dealers:
For promoting sales at the dealers’ level, the following techniques of sales promotion might
be used:
(i) Dealers’ Aids:
This method of sales promotion involves supplying advertising material to dealers by
manufacturers, like
1. Sign boards
2. Banners
Such contents infuse a sense of competition into dealers; each of whom would try to excel
others with a view to availing of incentives or prizes announced by the manufacturer.
(b) Sales Promotion Devices for Consumers:
Some of prevalent sales promotion devices, directed at consumers are the following:
(i) Coupons:
A coupon is a certificate that entitles its holder to a specified discount, on the purchase of a
specified product. As a method of sales promotion, coupons may be distributed among
prospects through mail, newspapers, magazines or retailers.
The manufacturer reimburses dealers for the value of coupons redeemed by them; also
paying some additional amount to them for .the trouble of handling coupons and
maintaining record about them.
One may recall to memory the instance of free distribution of ‘mini’ – Dalda packs’; when
Dalda vanaspati was manufactured, for the first time.
This technique of sales promotion reveals the good and genuine intensions of the
manufacture; and may lead to generation of sizable sales.
1.When compared with advertising and personal selling, sales promotional activities are
less expensive.
2. It enables both the dealers and the consumers to enjoy certain tangible benefits, e.g., free
samples, gifts, price reductions, etc.
3. Certain sales promotional activities also enable the consumers to gain knowledge. For
example, displays and demonstrations help them to, understand the product mechanism.
The customers can also raise their queries and get clarification immediately. Pamphlets
distributed to the consumers also provide useful information.
4. Advertising approaches the buyer indirectly and personal selling approaches the buyer
directly. Whereas sales promotional activities involve both direct and indirect approaches.
5. Sales promotion helps to supplement and support both advertising and personal selling.
No business can totally rely on advertising and personal selling alone.
7. The salesmen of a business cannot perform their work effectively without the use of sales
promotional tools like pamphlets, audiovisual aids, cell phones and pagers.
8. When compared with advertising, sales promotional activities can create better and
quicker impact. Free sample, gifts, demonstrations etc., can induce the consumers to act
fast. One can, therefore, say that sales promotion satisfies the ‘A I D A formula’ to a greater
9. The business can have better control over its sales promotional activities. The financial
aspects, in particular, pertaining to sales promotion can be effectively managed. This may
not be possible in the case of advertisement and personal selling.
10. Measuring the effectiveness of sales promotion can be easy when compared to
measuring the effectiveness of advertising and personal selling
1. The number of sales promotional activities to be performed are too many, distribution of
free samples and gifts, making such offers as price off and money refund, holding contests,
participating in trade fairs and exhibitions, display and demonstration of goods and so on.
2. Sales promotion, by itself, cannot produce results. It can only supplement advertising and
personal selling which are vital for a business.
4. It involves additional expenditure on the part of the business. Apart from the heavy
expenditure to be incurred on advertisement and personal selling, the business may have to
spend further on sales promotion. This leads to an overall increase in promotional costs.
5. The marketer cannot use any sales promotional tool at any time. Certain tools are to be
used only in the introduction stage of a product, while others will be used in the growth and
maturity stages. Indiscriminate use will not produce the expected results.
6. Another drawback of sales promotion is that there is a tendency on the part of all the
competitors to use the same method of sales promotion at the same time. Such an approach
may not benefit all. For example, if all the manufacturers of air-conditioners offer off
season discount (during winter), the consumer may only decide based on brand popularity.
7. Sales promotion is generally required to promote sales of those brands which are not so
very popular. Popular brands move fast in the market without much effort. Brand
popularity can be secured mainly by means of advertisement and personal selling.
8. Sales promotion offers such as price cut, discount, free gift etc., may sometimes create an
impression that these are being done to sell a poor quality product.
9. As far as the various types of discounts (cash discount, off-season discount and festival
discount etc.) are concerned, there is always a feeling that these are not real and the price
would have already been hiked.
10. As the sales promotional activities are short-lived, the results of such activities will also
be short-lived. The moment the various inducements offered by the marketer are
withdrawn, the demand is bound to fall.
BY: Dr. A. Ananda Kumar , Ms. S. Suganya & Mr. V. Imayavendan ; Christ College of
Engineering & Technology.
Vecchio, Del, Devon et al. (2006) report the results of the study, which examined the effect
of sales promotion on brand preference through Meta-analysis. Results of 51 studies were
integrated and analysed. As per the study sales promotions do not affect post promotion,
brand preferences in general. Ndubisi, Oly, Nelson and Me, Tung, Chiew (2005) in their
study evaluated the impact of sales promotional tools, namely coupon, price, discount, free
sample, bonus pack, and in-store display, on product trial and repurchase behavior of
consumers. Kumar, V. And Swaminathan, Srinivasan (2005) studied the impact on brand
sale and how that impact decays over the life of the coupon. The authors use an
econometric model to demonstrate the coupon effect about a price reduction, coupon effect
over time. Laroche, Michel et al. (2005) studied the effect of coupons on consumer's brand
categorization and choice process. He developed an approach that influences dynamic
loyalty program and more traditional short-term promotions. They argue that the loyalty
programs under examination successfully alter behavior and increase retention rates. Swat,
Jofie and Erden, Tallinn (2002) focused particularly on the marketing mix, purchased
packaged consumer goods, the impact on store promotions as well as the availability of the
product on the shelf. Seaman, Dilip and Gourville, T. John (2001) 'O investigated how and
why price bundling affects the consumption of a service based products. The study showed
that price bundling leads to sunk cost and pending benefits of a transaction.
BY: Ashish Mishra is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing area at IIM Bangalore.
Customer survey indicated that the customer group 1 who belong to 15-24 age group
prefer simple discounts like flat percentage offers which is a price discount whereas the
other group namely the 24-40 age group preferred complex deals like quantity discount
wherein the percentage savings is not obvious. They believe that more cost savings occur
in this type of deals. This customer groups predominantly consist of married couples
with children who shop having their family in mind. They have a notion that with
quantity discount more savings can be done as their shopping quantity increases than
normal in one purchase itself. On the other hand a young customer group of college
students and working professionals value money more than value. They see more savings
on a direct discount on the apparel and hence believe that there is more savings in money
in price discount. They don't analyze complex deals and the actual savings they derive
from it, thus preferring simple deals. One of the main reasons for this attitude is that they
are being supported by their family financially and they do not see a reason to save
This has huge implications to the store as the consumer surplus can be tapped by
targeting both the groups with different discounts and hence increases the top line.
Quantity discount should be directed towards 24-40 age group customers whereas simple
percentage sales should be offered to 15-24 age group customers. Advertisements of
these deals should be such that it appeals to the customer segment on which it is being
targeted. So, profit of the store will increase due to proper direction of the offer.
According to Ghafran Ashraf [15], their study confirmed that consumers buying behavior
and sales promotion can be motivated through various kinds of elements, including
promotion techniques such as free samples, price discounts, social surroundings and
physical surrounding.
In addition, according to Jin-Woo Park et al. [36], their study has empirically verified the
relationship between sales promotions, customer satisfaction, customer value and
behavioral intention, legitimizing the growth of sales promotions within the duty-free shop
sector. Their results indicate that there were significant relationships between cutting price,
cents off, customer satisfaction, customer value, image and behavioral intentions. From
their research, they found that Duty-free shops should realize that attractive sales promotion
strategies should enhance customer repurchase intention and recommendations to other
customers because they raise the level of customer satisfaction, value perception and duty-
free shop image formation.
REVIEW 4:Point-of-sales promotions and buying stimulation
in retail stores.
This article has discussed about how sales promotion strategy changed consumers’
cognitive thinking and purchasing behavior. Through the understanding of the relationship
between sales promotion and the consumers’ cognitive thinking and purchasing behaviors,
the marketers are more likely to produce a more effective sales promotion strategy to
increase their sales profit. Also, the marketers should work toward eliminating the negative
perception of sales promotion, specifically price reduction, towards the consumers. In this,
the marketers need to remember that the products have represented their brand. Thus, in
order to survive and receive good reputation in the market place, the marketers need to
maintain the good quality of their products while selling them at a lower price during sales
promotion period or provide extra gifts for the consumers, especially loyal-consumers. Not
only that, this research has helped the marketer to understand the potential effects of both
monetary and non-monetary sales promotion strategy on consumers’ purchasing behaviors.
In other words, the marketers need to pay extra attention in choosing the most suitable sales
promotion strategy for the specific products. For instance, monetary sales promotion
strategy is more effective for entertainment products while non-monetary sales promotion
strategy is more likely effective for functional products. Last but not least, this article has
also allowed the consumers to understand the relationship between their purchasing
behavior during sales promotion and their personal mental satisfaction and self-perception.
Most of the time consumers have perceived that sales promotion will only benefit
consumers in terms of their finance.. However, through the research reviewed in this
article, consumers’ mental well-being is more likely being improved through sales
promotion as well. Besides receiving financial benefits during sales promotion, consumers
have also received personal mental well-being..Moreover, the consumers tend to feel safe
to purchase the brand which receives good feedbacks from other consumers..Therefore,
consumers have become wiser to purchasing more during sales promotion periods, which in
turn assist the marketer to achieve the agenda of the sales promotion.
REVIEW 6:Online Sales Promotions and Advertising Methods
Sales Promotion and Advertising is one of the major activities of any Marketing Function
in any business. Sales promotion and advertising is always drawn up based on the sales
strategy combined with the nature and composition of the market. Audio, visual, print
media advertising besides sales promotional campaigns have been the normal set of
activities that go with marketing. When it comes to the E Marketing strategy, the need for
online advertising remains the same as it is for the conventional sales. What is different
from the traditional modes of sales promotion is that the methodology or the process
adapted in the e world is different.
When you engage an SEO company to build a website for your, the developers take care to
design the website, pages and the content, host, ensure it is listed as the top ranking page in
any search and do all things necessary to get the traffic into website. To be able to attract
the target audience and to connect with them, you will need to engage in online
promotional activities. There are several types of online promotional activities that you can
try out. One of the most popular ways of getting into online promotion is by using ‘Online
Ad Banners’.
When you surf on the net what strikes you and attracts your attention is the online banner.
There are many more promotional activities like Internet newsgroups, Email broadcasts,
Social Media Networking, Internet mailing list, sponsorship of online chats, electronic
press release distribution etc. You can opt for free advertising as well as for paid
advertising on the internet depending upon your choice of activity.
If internet has had far reaching impact on all walks of life, E trade has had similar impact
on all types of businesses. No Organisation big or small, whether a global organisation or
an individual owned enterprise can afford to ignore e commerce and e marketing scene.
Normally we see people using internet to make their travel bookings like booking airline
tickets online, make hotel reservations, look at the places of interest etc. People have also
begun to shop online and buy fashion stuff as well as books and other items of interest.
Online buying has not been restricted to these alone. You may be surprised to know that
cars are being bought online by customers. This new trend has had the car dealers as well as
manufacturers to sit up and take notice of the changes in the buyer’s behaviour. Internet is
one medium that transfers the power of information to the users.
In the case of buying a car, the process of buying is heavily dependent upon
information. The fact that internet is able to provide detailed information, comparison and
all details in the interactive and multimedia mode, customers find it very easy to surf the
net for information about the cars. Comparing specifications, models, and technical specs is
easier on the internet for retrieving all the information about various brands can be done by
the click of a button. It takes a few minutes to obtain all the information that one is looking
for. Normally this process would have taken several weeks for the interested individual to
compile information.