• To serve the public interest by acting as responsible advocates. To be a voice in the public.
• To adhere to the highest standard of accuracy and being truth in public responsibility.
• To acquire and responsibly use specialized knowledge and experience. To advance the
profession through continued professional development through using the values and ethics
in our society.
• To provide objective counsel the other and be accountable for your/our actions.
• To be faithful to your work as a public servant while honouring our obligations to serve
the public interest.
• To deal fairly with clients, employers, competitors, peers vendors, the media and the
general public and other people in our society not only people also the animals and
• To respect all things especially the opinions and support the right of free expression.
• To influence other people, to be god centred.
Public values are defined as those values that provides normative consensus about the
right, benefits and prerogative to which citizens to be entitled. These are the obligations of
citizen to society, the state and one another. Values are the principles upon which government
and policies must be based.
Provide a basis for the achievement of the organisational aims that cannot be achieve
by simply steering according to those objectives alone, and are worthy of further consideration
in the context of public service development.
It is essential component of organisational culture and instrumental in determining, guiding
and informing behaviour.
If the work of public service is not based on or driven by proper set of values, it may
lose the trust and respect of those who rely on it that is the public. Different stresses may be
placed on different values according to administrative and political priorities at the given time,
but adherence to as set of broadly coherent and accepted values is vital for stability and
consistency (Toonen 2003)
B. Administrative Ethics
What is Ethics?
An area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behaviour. Rules of
behaviour based on ideas about what is morally good and bad. Values, standards and ethics in
public life is major concern since earlier time in administrative system.
Ethical behaviour and decisions maintaining citizen's trust, guarantee effective use of
resources, and allow government to preserve individual rights while assisting those who benefit
the most.
Ethics is one of the most prime components that allow democracy to succeed in any
country. Ethics in government is critical to realizing the promises of democracy. The effective
operation of democratic government requires the public officials and employees be
independent, impartial and responsible to the people.
Administrative ethics is the product of several contextual structures and never ceases
to grow and change. Ethics guide human conduct and help people to lead good life by applying
moral principles. Ethics refers to well based standard of right or wrong that commend what
humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to the society, fairness of
specific virtues.
When analysing ethics and values with regard to public administration, it can be said
that ethics is about determining what is wrong, good, bad or right, and ethical choices are
informed by values which help actors decide on what option to take when faced with an ethical
dilemma. Whereas, the values of different bureaucracies may vary between states, similar
ethical challenges are regularly met, particularly in respects of issues of resource management.
It is because of conflicts between ethical and non-ethical behaviour that codes of conduct and
rules of procedures have emerged in importance. They provide an aide or bench mark against
which decision can be made or acted upon.
The concept of ethics has extended itself to involve all major areas of human existence. There are
certain prominent aspects of ethics in public administration. These are the summarized as
following maxims:
Maxim of Excellence
- A bureaucrat would ensure the highest standard of quality in administrative decision and
action and would not compromise with standard because of convenience or complacency.
Maxim of Fusion
- An administrator would reasonably bring out a combination of individual, organisational
and social goals to help evolve agreement of ideals and imbibe in behavior a commitment
to such a fusion. In situation of conflicting goals, a concern for ethics should govern the
choices made.
Maxim of Utilitarianism
- While devising and implementing policies and decisions, an administrator will certify that
these lead to the greatest good (happiness, benefits) of the greatest number.
Maxim of Compassion
- An administrator, without violating the prescribed laws and rules, would establish
compassion for the poor, the disabled and the weak while using his discretion in making
decisions. At least, he would not grant any benefits to the stronger section of society only
because they are strong and would not deny the due consideration to the weak, despite their
Maxim of Justice
- Executives who are responsible for formulation and execution of policies and decisions of
governance would ensure that respect is shown to the principles of equality, equity, fairness,
impartiality and objectivity and no special favours are given on the criteria of the statud,
position, power, gender, class, caste of wealth.
Maxim of Transparency
- An administrator will make decisions and implement them in a transparent manner so that
those affected by the decision and those who wish to evaluate their, rationale, will be able
to understand the reason behind such decisions and the sources of information on which
these decisions were made.
Maxim of Integrity
- An administrator would accept an administrative action on the basis of honesty and not use
of his power, position and discretion to serve his personal interest and the legitimate
interests of other individuals or group.
Public administration is a profession that offers and unusually array of opportunities to take
moral or immoral decisions, to make ethical or unethical choices, to do a good or evil thing on
people. Public servants are servants of the public, government, of their immediate organisations
and of the law. Their role is traditionally conceptualised as part of an interconnected structure
existing alongside but outside of the private sphere. In western society, the dominance of
democratic theory means that it is assumed public servants share values of wider society, whilst
also recognising the need to representative government. Though public servants perform a
numerous of task and undertake a multitude of responsibilities, there are common elements to their
Code of Ethics is a self-regulation manual among professionals. In civil service,
administrators and bureaucrats must show some ethical behaviour for smooth functioning of
government system. Service delivery at the cutting-edge level provide 'continuity and change' to
the administration. Public servants obligation to the community: public servants obligations to the
community because of three reasons. First, they are responsible for managing resources entrusted
to them by the community. Second, they provide and deliver services to the community. Third,
they take important decisions that affect all aspects of the community life. The community has the
right to expect that their public servants function honestly, efficiently, and open-mindedly. It is
essential for the community to be able to trust and assurance in the reliability of the public servant's
decision-making process. The decisions and action of public servant should reflect the policies of
the government of the day and the standard that the community expect from them as government
servants and they are expected to maintain the same standards of professionalism, openness, and
1. Have faith in Devine Providence that guides the destinies of men and nations.
2. Love your country for it is the home of your people, the seat of your affections, and the source
of your happiness and well-being. Its defence is your primary duty. Be ready at all times to sacrifice
and die for it if necessary.
3. Respect the constitution which is the expression of your sovereign will. The government is your
government. It has been established for your safety and welfare. Obey the laws and see that they
are observed by all in that public officials comply their duties.
4. Pay your taxed willingly and promptly. Citizenship implies not only rights but also obligations.
6. Love and respect your parents. It is your duty to serve them gratefully and well.
7. Value your honour as you value your life. Poverty with honour is preferable to wealth with
8. Lead a clean and frugal life. Do not indulge in frivolity or pretence. Be simple in your dress and
modest in your behaviour.
9. Live up to the noble traditions of your people. Venerate the memory of the heroes. Their lives
point the way to duty and honour.
10. Be industrious. Be not afraid or ashamed to do manual labour. Productive toil is conducive to
economic security and adds to wealth of the nation.
11. Rely on your efforts for your progress and happiness. Be not easily discourage. Persevere in
pursuit of your legitimate ambitions.
12. Do your work cheerfully, thoroughly and well. Work badly is worse than work undone. Do not
leave for tomorrow what you can do today.
13. Contribute to the welfare of your community and promote social justice. You do not leave for
yourself and your family alone. You are not part of society to which you owe definite
14. Cultivate the habit of using goods made in the Philippines. Patronize the product and trades of
15. Use and develop our natural resources and conserve them for posterity. They are inalienable
heritage of its people. For not traffic your citizenship.