Eme1911 Newsletter PDF
Eme1911 Newsletter PDF
Eme1911 Newsletter PDF
CONDITIONS: This month’s EME was dominated by the GHz! And at the same time the very 1st Africa-Africa EME
first weekend of ARRL’s 50 thru 1296 EME Contest and the QSO on 10 GHz! Of course, it was also nice to work WAC
A21EME dxpedition to Botswana. Although the weather on 1296. Although we called for hours CQ with no takers
(WX) was not the best in some places, and the overnight (we could have worked many more stations!), we are very
operating window discouraged participation, there was still happy with our result. The’re the best we achieved so far
plenty of contest activity, especial on 1296. SM6CKU with our portable station. By the end of Nov, we will have
reports working the most stations on 23 cm with a total 70 added the full story and many photos of the dxpedtion to
stations (43 on CW and 27 on JT65C) but does not indicate our webpage at https://hb9q.ch/2018/?page_id=1659. On
his multiplier (mults). G3LTF is not far behind QSO wise 23 cm we made a total of 107 QSOs with 10 using CW and
and has a score of 65x30. On 432 DL7APV is the leader 97 with JT65C for a total of 95 initials in 28 DXCC on 6
without question. Bernd reports 86 QSOs (16 CW and 70 continents. QSO’d on 1296 using JT65C unless noted
JT) and a score of 84x40! The final contest weekend is otherwise were OK2DL (1st A21-OK), OK1KIR (also on
coming up (16 and 17 Nov – you don’t want to miss it. CW), G4CCH (1st G-A21 and also on CW), ON4AOI (1st
The A21EME team lead by HB9Q and PA2CHR produced A21-ON), UA3PTW (1st A21-UA), OK1CA , RA3EC,
and absolutely spectacular dxpedition – see their reports RA3EME, PA3FXB (1.A21-PA), OK1DFC, ES6RQ (1.A21-
following in the newsletter (NL). The is also a report from ES), ES3RF, YL2GD (1st A21-YL), DF3RU (1st A21-DL),
KB7Q on his State dxpedition results. RA4HL, JA6AHB (1st A21-JA), ON4QQ, RD4D, LZ1DX
(1st A21-LZ), DF2VJ, DJ9YW, SP5GDM (1st A21-SP),
(1st A21-FR), DL1RPL, KA1GT (1st A21-W), PY2BS (1st
A21-PY), PA3CSG, HB9Q (1st A21-HB9 and also on CW),
DJ2DY, OZ4MM (1st A21-OZ), W2HRO, ZS1LS (1st A21-
ZS), OH2DG (1st A21-OH and also on CW), DL6SH, F1RJ
(1st A21-F), VE3KRP (1st A21-VE), G4FQI, SM4IVE (1st
A21-SM on CW), IK3COJ (1st A21-I), LZ4OC, PAØBAT,
OK1IL, K5DN, OK1YK, EA8DBM (1st A21-EA8), ES1RF,
PA2DW, SM4GGC, LA3EQ (1st A21-LA), PI9CM, W1PV,
A21-OE and also on CW), RA3AUB, G4RGK, F2CT (CW),
DC7YS (also on CW), ES6FX, I5YDI, G4YTL, DL7UDA,
SP6ITF, G4DML, LX1DB (1st A21-LX on CW), IØNAA,
ZS4TX, HB9CRQ & YL and PA2CMC K2UYH, K5DOG, GMØPJD (1st A21-GM) and N5BF. On
13 cm we made a total of 24 QSOs, 5 using CW and 19
A21EME: Dan (HB9CRQ) [email protected] sends his final with JT65C for a total of 20 initials in 13 DXCC on 4
summary for 23 cm up part of the Botswana dxpedition -- continents. Worked using JT65C unless noted otherwise
After arriving, we spent a week doing EME at temperatures were OK1KIR (1st A21-OK and also on CW), UA3PTW (1st
ranging from 35 to 42 degs C (at night, it was down to 25 A21-UA), OK1DFC, DL7YC (1st A21-DL), ON4AOI (1st
degs C). We are very happy that our station, especially the A21-ON), JA6AHB (1st A21-JA), HB9Q (A21-HB9 and also
PAs, did not have any problems with the very high on CW), UA3TCF, OH2DG (1st A21-OH and also on CW),
temperatures. We could always operate at full power. We PY2BS (1st A21-PY), OK1CA (and also on CW), PAØBAT
didn’t encounter any serious problems during the operation. (1st A21-PA), PE1LWT, PI9CM, G3LTF (1st A21-G on
We enjoyed very much operating again with all our friends CW), W5LUA (1st A21-W), K2UYH, IK3COJ (1st A21-I),
on 8 bands! There were 4 stations running simultaneously, VE6TA (1st A21-VE) and DF3RU. On 9 cm we made a total
with no problem at all! We are especially happy to have of 19 QSOs, 8 CW and 11 JT65C for a total of 12 initials in
worked the very 1st WAC from the continent of Africa on 10 8 DXCC on 3 continents. Worked using JT65C unless
noted otherwise were OK1CA (1st A21-OK and also on A21EME: Chris (PA2CHR) [email protected] reports on the
CW), OK1KIR (and also on CW), DF3RU (1st A21-DL and 432 part of the Botswana dxpedition -- We just returned
on CW), DL7YC (also on CW), PAØBAT (1st A21-PA and home from a very exiting dxpedition. The station was 2 x 28
also on CW), OH2DG (1st A21-OH and also on CW), el M2 yagis with a Rohde & Schwarz SSPA from ZS6JON
PY2BS (1st A21-PY), HB9Q (1st A21-HB9 and also on running about 500 W. We worked 53 initials, which is more
CW), G3LTF (1st A21-G on CW), OK1DFC, W5LUA (1st than ever before on one of my dxpedition. (3DA0MB: 47 /
A21-W) and K2UYH. On 6 cm we made a total of 29 QSOs, TD9CHR: 42 / E44CM: 40 / VP2EMB: 39 / Z21EME: 37). It
11 using CW and 18 with QRA64D/JT4F for a total of 18 was big fun running this dxpedition and our team was great.
initials in 14 DXCC on 4 continents. Worked using We QSO’d using JT65B unless noted otherwise on 22 Oct
QRA64D/JT4F unless noted otherwise were OK1KIR (1st DL7APV (17DB), UA3PTW (12DB), DL8FBD
A21-OK and also on CW), UA3PTW (1st A21-UA), (23DB), PA2V (23DB), UT6UG (21DB), LZ1DX (19DB),
JA1WQF (1st A21-JA), UR5LX (1st A21-UR), DL7YC (1st UT5DL (18DB), ES3RF (24DB), G4FUF (23DB), UX5UL
A21-DL and also on CW), HB9Q (1st A21-HB9 and also on (20DB), DK4RC (24DB), G4EZP (28DB), SM7THS (23DB),
CW), DF3RU (also on CW), OZ1LPR (1st A21-OZ), ES6RQ (25DB), ON4AOI (26DB), G4RGK (28DB), DL8GP
OH2DG (1st A21-OH and also on CW), PAØBAT (1st A21- (26DB), JE1TNL (27DB), OK1KIR (17DB), YL2GD (26DB),
PA and also on CW), OK1CA (also on CW), LX1DB (1st DL2HWA (21DB), HB9Q (10DB), PA3CSG (17DB),
A21-LX on CW), G3LTF (1st A21-G on CW), SM6CKU (1st SM4IVE (559) on CW, DK3WG (17DB), DF3RU (20DB),
A21-SM and also on CW), PY2BS (1st A21-PY), W5LUA DL5FN (18DB), OH2DG (14DB), OH6UW (30DB),
(1st A21-W), OK1DFC (also on CW) and K2UYH (also on UR7DWW (20DB), PA0BAT (20DB), DL9KR (O) on CW
CW). On 3 cm we made a total of 32 QSOs, 5 using CW and DL6SH (17DB); and on 23 Oct JA6AHB (22DB),
and 27 using QRA64D/JT4F for a total of 27 initials in 17 VK4EME (26DB), ZS4TX (26DB), DL1RPL (26DB),
DXCC on 6 continents. Worked using QRA64D/JT4F OK1TEH (28DB), 4Z5CP (25DB), DJ4TC (27DB), UX0FF
unless noted otherwise were OK1KIR (1st A21-OK and also (26DB), RN6MA (22DB), OK1DFC (24DB) – 38 el single
on CW), JA1WQF (1st A21-JA), OK1CA, VK7ZBX (75 cm yagi, PE1ITR (22DB), UA4AQL (27DB), PK100KLM
solid dish and 60 W, 1st A21-VK), OK2AQ, OK1DFC, (16DB), SM5EPO (27DB), G4YTL (23DB) and S57M
VK7MO, OZ1LPR (1st A21-OZ), UA3TCF (1st A21-UA), (24DB); on 24 Oct S56P (26DB) and S51ZO (26DB), and
OH2DG (1st A21-OH and also on CW), DF1OI (1st A21- on 25 Oct VK4CDI (26DB) and DL9DBJ (26DB). We were
DL), PAØBAT (1st A21-PA), DL7YC (also on CW), surprised to not work any station from NA. As usual for
SM6CKU (1st A21-SM), OZ1FF, HB9Q (1st A21-HB9 and operation from Africa, we had a lot of polarization issues
also on CW), LX1DB (1st A21-LX on CW), ZS1LS (1st A21- and had to try all possible polarities to copy stations (V, H,
ZS), DC7KY, W3SZ (1st A21-W), F5VKQ (1st A21-F), 45 left and 45 right) that were all changed by hand.
MØEYT (1st A21-G), PY2BS (1st A21-PY), UR5LX (1st
A21-UR), W5LUA, F4VTA and K2UYH. This gives us a BV3CE: Tom [email protected] writes that he
grand total for the 5 bands of 211 QSOs, 39 on CW and temporarily off 23 cm -- I took down my 1296 antenna to
172 digital for a total of 172 initials. QSLs for the microwave make space for 144 to use in summer tropo contests in
bands please send direct with SAE to HB9Q, P.O.Box 133, Asia. I am not sure when the 23 cm antenna will be back
CH-5737 Menziken. Many thanks to all our supporters, to up. I am planning to extend the master boom to allow me to
all who have worked us and those who were looking for us! set up for 2 bands, antennas for both 70 and 23 cm. I
After a dxpedition is before a dxpedition… Stay tuned for missed the Oct ARRL Contest weekend and not sure I will
more to come in 2020! be QRV in Nov.
K4EME: Cowles [email protected] was QRV on both K8ZR:Tony [email protected] writes about his
70 and 23 cm in the Oct ARRL Contest weekend -- activity during the ARRL Contest -- It was great to be back
Conditions the first night were ideal as far as WX, but not “on the Moon” on 23 cm during the EME Contest after a two
as far as local QRM! On 70 cm I had a lot of QRM from the year absence. The WX was perfect and conditions seemed
local 70 cm beacon. It continuously swept across the whole good. I worked using CW OZ4MM, G3LTF, OE5JFL,
70 cm EME band and generated birdies everywhere! I had SM6CKU, KL6M and OK1CA. SM6CKU was the only initial
to put up with this QRM both nights, making it much harder as I have worked the others under my old callsign WA8RJF.
and tiring to work stations. After the contest was over, I was CWNR were I1NDP, SM4IVE, RA3EME, OK2DL, SP6JLW,
able to contact the beacon's owner, and hopefully this won't W4OP and G4CCH. Heard in QSO with others were
be repeated on the second leg of the contest! I also had VE6TA, WA6PY, WK9P, N4PA, W5LUA, K6MG and
tree blockage on both 23 and 70 cm. On 70 cm the DL3EBJ. Working condx here are modest, just 150 W at the
blockage was very short lived and just at moonrise. On 23 feed and a 3 m TVRO dish. It is unlikely that I will be QRV
cm, it was much worst and completely blocking me for for the second weekend of the ARRL Contest as tentatively
hours on the moonrise, reducing signal strength far into the I will be with VE4MA and W5LUA in Arizona attempting to
night. The Moon was very far north, which allows the large break the 78 GHz North American DX record.
pine tree and one apple tree to block the signal until the
Moon's elevation is relative high. This has not been much KA1GT: Bob [email protected] worked digital and CW
of an issue in the past, but this year, I guess due to the over the Oct contest weekend – My most unusual contacts
Moon's more northern position, it was indeed an issue! were with JA6AHB; once at moonrise and then later in the
Time to trim some trees! On the second night, the WX was same day at Moonset! I also worked A21EME easily on 23
rainy, windy, and very overcast allowing no view of the cm. I also copied and decoded them on 10 GHz peaking at
Moon the entire pass. On 23 cm, I am using a 10’ polar (20DB) with my 85 cm dish. Average signal was around
mounted dish with no auto tracking, so I just set the polar (22DB) but still decodes without AP assistance.
mount with my cell phone inclinometer application to the
moon's zenith angle as a SWAG. It was close enough to KB7Q: Gene [email protected] brings us up to date
pick up the ON0EME beacon, but it was far from perfection. on his latest State dxpedition results -- Joyce and I took off
During the night, it was raining so hard I did not go out and in the camper to get some late fall camping in and active
tweak the alignment, which only allowed me to work a few three grid/States on 70 cm and 2 m. We hit DN74 in WY
of the very large stations on 23 cm. I worked on both 432 first and set the 70 cm yagi up for moonrise over a lake. On
and 1296; the first night KB7Q, DL9APV, K2UYH, ES6FX, 15 Oct conditions were not great, but I worked seven folks,
SM7THS, K6MG, OH2DG, DL3EBJ, PA2V, UA3PTW, and knocked another State off K4QE’s list. I worked
(21DB), DK3WG (26DB), DL8GP (25DB) and DL9KR on clumsy CW QSO with G4CCH and then did another one
CW (439). Next up was SD in DN83 the following evening. with K2UYH. These were QSO’s bring me to CW initial #36
Twelve folks went into the log on 70 cm including a second on 23 cm. My 70 cm results are down this year, but if the
CW contact with DL9KR. I logged UA3PTW (21DB), WX cooperates, I hope to be on 23 cm for both moon
OK1KIR (18DB), K5QE (23DB), DL9KR on CW (429), passes in Nov. I may pick up some folks that I missed this
DL7APV (26DB), SM7THS (18DB), DL8GP (25DB), time and I may try to put a bit more time into CW, if folks
YL2GD (22DB), PA2V (29DB), DF3RU (30DB), ZS4TX are loud and slow!
(23DB) and UT5DL (29DB). Finally, on 20 Oct I took
advantage of the ARRL EME Contest to work 20 70 cm
stations (and 16 mults) before the reflector on my yagi hit
the ground (at around 50 degs el), which is an all time best
result for my single 13 wl yagi/500 W pipsqueak station.
Again DL9KR was worked on CW, so Jan managed to go
3 of 3, part of his success is that he knows exactly where to
park his signal so I hear it as 600 Hz in my headphones.
ZS4TX worked me by accessing his station remotely while
driving north to the A21EME dxpedition at 75 mph – talk
about dedication! I logged DL1APV (22DB), OK1KIR
(24DB), UA3PTW (26DB), K4EME (18DB), SM7THS
(24DB), ZS4TX (21DB), OZ4MM (12DB), UT5DL (26DB),
HB9Q (10DB), DK3WG (26DB), DL9KR on CW (339),
PA0BAT (23DB), W7MEM (23DB), UT6UG (30DB), PA2V
(30DB), LZ1DX (20DB), G4RGK (28DB), UX5UL (21DB),
N0AKC (27DB) and YL2GD (26DB). We got caught in a
blizzard on the way home and I-25 closed; so we found a
motel and watched football.
PA0PLY: Jan [email protected] writes about EME in SM4GGC: Stig [email protected] was active on
during the Oct leg of the ARRL EME Contest -- I hooked up 23 cm in Oct -- In the Oct part of ARRL EME Contest I
worked 64 stations (in 33 mults), 35 on CW and 29 on F5KUG, F6ETI, OK2DL, DL3EBJ, SM4GGC, 9A5AA,
JT. Stations worked using CW were SP6JLW, F5KUG, UA3PTW, PA0PLY, OZ4MM, FR5DN, RA3EME, SP3XBO,
KL6M, VE6TA, SM4IVE, OK1CA, OH2DG, LZ2US, F6CGJ, JA4LJB, JH1KRC and PA3FXB and on 20 Oct
IW2FZR, F6CGJ and IK3COJ; and using JT65C were EA8DBM, SM6CKU, F5JWF, SM6PGP, IW2FZR, OH2DG,
PA3FXB, RA4HL, OH1LRY, YL2GD, K2UYH, F1RJ, LZ2US and K2UYH. Thank you all for great fun.
OZ9KY, G0LBK, WA3RGQ, DL7AIG, ON4BCV, LU1C, Unfortunately, in the second round I will not be able to be
4X1AJ, ON4QQ, PA0PLY, WA2FGK, K4EME, KA1GT, QRV. Have fun everyone.
VA7MM, LZ4OC, K5DOG, ES3RF and VK2FLR. The WX UA3PTW: Dmitry’s [email protected] Oct report follows --
here during the contest was not optimal with rain on On 70 cm I added using JT65B KB7Q in both grids DN83
Saturday morning, which increased noise level 2-3 dB and 82, KD2LGX, DL5RDI, OZ1SKY, SQ9CYD, A21EME
during the same hours that I was concentrating on CW, and and RG3R; on 23 cm using JT65C RA4HL, ON4BCV,
more JT on Sunday morning. Spent 9 hours on Saturday UA3RAW, UA6LCN, ES3RF, G0LBK and A21EME, on 13
on CW and 5 hours on Sunday mostly on JT. After the cm using CW OM1TF (559/559), A21EME (and also with
contest I added on 23 cm, on 21 Oct A21EME on JT65C, JT65C) and YO2BCT (559/559); on 6 cm using QRA64D
on 23 Oct PA2DW on JT65C and CW, on 26 Oct F5KUG A21EME, UR5LX and YO2BCT; and on 3 cm using
on CW, on 27 Oct ON5GS on JT65C, IW2FZR CW and QRA64D A21EME and with JT4F M0EYT. [TNX to DK3WG
SM6PGP CW. I am very pleased to worked 2 new rather for forwarding this report].
small stations such as PA2DW and SM6PGP on CW. My
station is a 3.9 m dish with 500 W at feed. UA3TCF: Alex [email protected] is QRV on 3 cm EME – I
QSO’d on 25 Oct on 10 GHz A21EME, OK1DFC
SM6CKU: Ben [email protected] reports on his operation (11DB/15DB), DF1OI (11DB/16DB), DL7YC (19DB/17DB),
during the Oct ARRL Contest weekend -- The WX was SM6CKU (18DB/18DB) and W3SZ (15DB/15DB), and on
pretty good; and I spent 5-6 hours both on Saturday and 26 Oct OZ1FF (11DB/17DB), OK2AQ (18DB/20DB),
Sunday on the Moon, but never before 0400. I am too old UR5LX (16DB/18DB), PAOBAT (16DB/5DB) All QSOs
for night shifts. I worked 70 stations, 43 on CW and 27 on were using QRA64d except SM6CKU which was on JT4F.
JT, and adding 12 initials. At the end, I found that my output
power was reduced by perhaps as much as 30%. I have no VE3KRP: Fast Eddie [email protected] reports on his Oct
idea why. Climbing the tower is not my best game, so I will EME – All my QSOs were using JT65C on 1296. I started
accept the loss for the time being. Most stations on JT can in the ARRL EME Contest and QSO’d on 19 Oct OK2DL,
also be worked on CW of course. All stations worked on JT VA7MM, K6MG (@ W6YX), N5BF, KA1GT, W8MQW,
were audible on loudspeaker. JA6AHB, JA8SZW and VK4CDI, on 20 Oct WA3GFZ,
K2UYH, KN0WS, WA3RGQ and WX4F, on 21 Oct 21
SP6JLW: Andy (SP6JLW) [email protected] (and SP6OPN A21EME for a new initial (#*) and new DXCC, 26 Oct ZS4A
and SQ6OPG) report on the Klodzka Grupa’s activity during (#*), on 27 Oct G4FQI, ON4GS, DJ2DY and I7FNW, 29 Oct
the ARRL Oct Contest weekend -- Traditionally, we have LU5EWR (#*), and 9 Nov VE2UG (#*) and new Canadian
operated the contest under the callsign SP6JLW in the Province. Before this last QSO at first, I couldn't figure out
multioperator CW only category. This year we were QRV why no echoes. I then realize that daylight savings time had
on 70 and 23 cm. Due to very low activity on 70 cm CW, ended - Hi! All was good after I made the necessary
we spent most of our time on 23 cm. The 70 cm band was changes to the tracking program.
monitored remotely from a 23 cm shack. The contact list for
70 cm includes only 4 QSOs with I2FHW, SM6FHZ, VA7MM: Mark’s (VE7CMK) and Toby’s (VE7CNF)
DL7APV and OZ4MM. On 23 cm we QSO’d 62 (and 31 [email protected] Oct contest report follows – We were
mults) with SK0UX, F6ETI, RA4HL, F1PYR, SM4GGC, active on 1296 in the ARRL EME Contest, multi-operator,
IK1FJI, SP7DCS, 9A5AA, PA0PLY, F5KUG, DL3EBJ, all mode. This was our seventeenth year of operation in the
OK2DL, FR5DN, UA3PTW, SP6ITF, OZ4MM, W4OP, event! We completed 57 QSOs of which 14 were CW and
SP3XBO, G3LTF, W5LUA, DL7YC, RN6MA, SM6CKU, 43 were digital. The weekend’s operation added nine initial
DF3RU, OH1LRY, I1NDP, DJ8FR, OK2ULQ, KL6M, contacts to our log, all digital: DF2GB, DJ2DY, DK0ZAB,
SM4IVE, OK1CA, IK3COJ, LZ2USC, ES3RF, PA3FXB, These additions bring our mixed initials count to #251*.
OH2DG, SM6PGP, OK1YK, F6KRK, IW2FZR, RA3EC, We’re running a vintage water cooled OZ9CR cavity
OE5JFL, G4BAO, K2UYH and G4CCH. See you in the amplifier that produces about 200 W at the feed of our 3 m
second round! dish. On RX we have 0.33 dB NF preamp with about 35 dB
total gain in three stages. We’re planning to operate the
SP7DCS: Chris [email protected] was QRV on CW during contest in Nov. We are available for scheduled contacts
the ARRL EME contest on 1296. I was active the whole first anytime, contact us by e-mail at [email protected].
window and about 3 hours in the second window. I scored
54. I worked on 19 Oct IK1FJI, SK0UX, SP6JLW, SP6ITF,
W5LUA: Al’s [email protected] report for Oct -- I badly bent from strong winds, and thus wasn't able to be
worked on 19 Oct [ARRL EME Contest] on 23 cm OZ4MM, used at high elevation; and one of the directors was broken.
SP6JLW, DL3EBJ, W4OP, SM4GGC, SP7DCS, F5KUG, Also, during the first night, there was terrible QRM, and 1-
DJ8FR, K6MG, SK0UX, SM6CKU, G3LTF, DL7YC, way Faraday conditions. The next day I spent 5 hours on
VE6TA, OE5JFL, KL6M, F5JWF, G4CCH, OK2DL and antenna repairs. I was very happy with the results during
OH1LRY - all on CW. From 21 to 25 Oct, I worked A21EME the 2nd window. I monitored LiveCQ and DL7APV spotted
on 23 cm, 13 cm, 9 cm, 6 cm and 3 cm. I also worked on me at (9DB) for a long time. I'm disappointed with low
23 Oct on 9 cm OK1DFC, on 25 Oct on 3 cm G4RFR, activity of many big guns from W/VE. Most of big guns
OK1DFC, F4VTA, PA0BAT00 and OK2AQ, and on 29 Oct seemed absent. The stations that were QRV were "small
LU8DNO (599) on 23 cm CW. pistols" with only 1 or 2 yagis. Hopefully this will change
during Nov part; I'll be QRV for sure. The highlight of
WA2FGK: Herb (K2LNS) [email protected] has his contest was my QSO with VK3NX - TNX Charlie! AndT NX
system running again – Before the contest I had 4 QSOs to all who tried to call me. After the contest I was very
on 1296 to check things out. I think I am optimized. During pleased to work A21EME on 70 cm (29DB/30DB). It was
the EME contest, I worked 40 stations between both nights, my 53rd DXCC and #133*. (30 min later I worked them on
which seemed pretty good for my small dish. I will be on in 2 m)!
Nov looking for more QSOs – especially on CW.
K2UYH: Al [email protected] reports on ARRL EME Contest
WD5AGO: Tommy [email protected] reports on his and A21EME dxpedition – This year 432 and 1296
microwave activity and operation during the ARRL MW operation was from my QTH and 144 from K2TXB’s QTH.
Contest in Sept – In the MW contest, I was on 13 cm. I Operators include K2QVF, W2ORH, W2TXB and K2YY.
QSO’d OK1KIR, OK1CA, G3LTF, K2UYH, and VE6TA for We worked on 19 Oct on 1296 at 0225 KA1GT JT65C
a total of 5x4. I believe this was my lowest scores for this (17DB/13DB), 0233 DL3EBJ JT65C (9DB/13DB), 0255
band. Activity was just plain poor; however, having SP5GDM JT65C (17DB/11DB), 0249 RA4HL JT65C
moonrise near 0200 LT and a neighbor’s tree 20’ in front of (13DB/14DB) for a mixed initial of #615*, 0333 YL2GD
my dish did not help the cause. It may be time to relocate JT65C (8DB/O), 0337 FR5DN JT65C (21DB/17DB) #616*,
the dish. I tried to work A21EME on 13 cm using CW, but 0352 OK2DL JT65C (6DB/O), 0358 PA3FXB JT65C
had no luck. I did QSO on 22 Oct DL7YC (559/559) XB for (17DB/O), 0410 SV1CAL JT65C (O/O), 0419 YO2LEL
initial #104. During Dec, I will switch to 6 cm for several JT65C (O/O) #617*, 0431 UA3PTW JT65C (1DB/O), and
months. 0449 RA3EME JT65C (O/O); then switched to 432 at 0445
LZ1DX JT65B (13DB/15DB), 0450 UT5DL JT65B
WK9P: Tim [email protected] made it on 1296 for the (14DB/O), 0458 SM7THS JT65B (6DB/9DB), 0502 OH2DG
ARRL Contest with a good success – [see his report in the JT65B (3DB/5DB), 0508 DF7KB JT65B (7DB/16DB) for
last NL] -- I was happy to be QRV Friday night and mixed initial #991*, 0514 LU8ENU JT65B (15DB/O), 0522
Saturday. I spent most of Friday trying to figure out what I RD3FD JT65B (18DB/O) #992*, 0528 K4EME JT65B
was doing, while being very excited to be finally QRV. On (6DB/O), 0532 YL2DG JT65B (O/O), 0537 4Z5CP JT65B
Saturday, I was somewhat more relaxed. During this (20DB/O) #993*, 0547 KN0WS JT65B (11DB/0), 0555
excitement, I contacted N4PZ, W4OP, G3LTF, OK1CA, EA6/HB (?) JT65B (11DB/O), 0603 KD2LDX JT65B
OE5JFL, F5KUG and SP6JLW. All QSOs were on CW. I (9DB/O) #994*, 0615 PA2Y JT65B (15DB/O), 0634 I2FHY
botched up a few calls. Looking back at my chicken (559/559), 0641 G0JLO (559/559), 0645 PA3CSG
scratched paper, I believe BD4SY and DL6SH were at least (559/559), 0713 KJ7OG JT65B (19DB/14DB) #995*, 0720
two such calls that I messed up; although both were good DL5FN JT65B (O/O), 0728 DK1KW JT65B (O/21DB), 0730
signals. My RX seems to be working well. I could easily OK1TEH JT65B (O/O), 0801 OZ4MM (579/569), 0827
hear my echoes. The dish also mechanically and tracking SM4IVE (589/579), 0834 SM5EPD JT65B (O/O) #996*,
wise performed well. I’m running a temporarily fashioned 0840 UA3PTW JT65B (O/O), 0852 G4RGK JT65B (O/O),
final PA in order to be QRV, which became more efficient 0901 DL7APV JT65B (1DB/6DB),
after hours of running. I enjoyed the activity and look 0920 SM6FHZ JT65B (O/O), 0950 YL2FZ JT65B (O/O)
forward to the second weekend in Nov. #997*, 0958 S57LF JT65B (O/O), 1030 F6HLC JT65B
(O/O), 1034 DL9LBH JT65B (O/O), 1101 DF2VJ JT65B
OK1TEH: I [Matej] [email protected] had a terrific (13DB/O), 1305 VK4EME JT65B (16DB/13DB) and 1513
month. I was QRV during whole Oct Contest weekend on BD9BU JT65B (O/O); and on 20 Oct back on 1296 at 0534
70 cm wi with my 1 x 23 el DK7ZB yagi. I made 23 contacts SM4GGC JT65C (3DB/7DB), 0554 ON4BCV JT65C
and 26 mults using JT65C unless noted otherwise with (19DB/0) #618*, 0602 SP5GDM JT65C (7DB/4DB) DUP,
PA2V, OH2DG, DF7KB for mixed initial #131*, VK4EME, 0619 YL2DG JT65C (7DB/7DB) DUP, 0624 UA9FA JT65C
VK3NX #132*, DL8FBD, F6HLC, SM7THS, DL9KR on CW, (12DB/11DB) #619*, 0630 OH2DG JT65C (1DB/4DB),
DK3WG, OZ4MM on CW, DL2HWA, UB4UAA, S51LF and 0634 PA0PLY JT65C (12DB/6DB), 0638 OH1LRY JT65C
YL2GD. I heard and called was SM4IVE but I got only (1DB/8DB), 0644 VA7MM JT65C (15DB/18DB), 0653
QRZs. I also decoded and called K4EME, LU8ENU (for the ZS4A JT65C (18DB/15DB) #620*, 0700 KN0WS JT65C
first time), R6CS, SM5EPO, N0AKC, K5QE, ES3RF, (16DB/17DB), 0710 ES6FX JT65C (3DB/9DB), 0716
W7MEM, N0AKC and DF3RU. During the first window, I IK8VLS JT65C (8DB/10DB), 0720 DF2GB JT65C
had a serious mechanical problem with my yagi. It was (7DB/9DB) #621*, 0726 DK0ZAB JT65C (8DB/12DB),
0731 K4EME JT65C (17DB/O), 0744 G4FQI JT65C winter. Rex is interest in CW and JT activity. WA6PY was
(2DB/7DB), 0748 WA2FGK JT65C (8DB/O), 0758 DL7AIG pleased to catch LU8DQ (30 m dish) on 1296 during his
(16DB/17DB) #622*, 0842 G4CCH (569/579), 0848 lunch hour.
SP6ITF (559/559), 0900 IW2FZR (559/559), 0907 KL6M
(579/579), 0911 OZ4MM (589/579), 0916 VE6TA FOR SALE: K4EME has 432 MHz ExtrEMEly Low Noise
(569/569), 0K1CA (589/579), 097 G3LTF (589/579), 0934 Preamp for sale. See http://cowlesradio.webs.com/drrf.html
SP6JLW (579/559), 0965 SM4IVE (559/589), 1017 IK3COJ
(559/579), 1021 LZ2US (579/569), 1026 9A5AA (569/579), FINAL: The ARI has announced that 9A9B is the 2019
1939 OK1DFC JT65C (6DB/10DB), 1050 EA8DBM JT65C EME Trophy winner. Congratulations to Branamir. TNX
(3DB/O), 1056 WA3GFZ JT65C (5DB/O), 1059 W1PV I5WBE for sending the info.
JT65C (6DB/15DB), 1108 SK0UX JT65C (4DB/6DB) and
1118 N5BF JT65C (2DB/12DB); then switched back to 432 ► K1DS - PLEASE submit your logs after the contest to
at 1136 G3LTF (559/569), 1150 OZ1SKY JT65B ARRL. The more logs submitted, the greater attention we
(22DB/24DB), 1252 F6APE JT65B (13DB/O) and 1254 get to this phase of a great hobby. If you have anything
K1DS JT65B (24DB/24DB); switched to 1296 at 1326 special that happened at your station, send me the detail
WA3RGQ JT65C (2DB/O), 1035 VE3KRP JT65C (O/O), so that I can include it in the QST and web-based contest
1347 WX4F JT65C (1DB/3DB) #623*, 1405 WA9FWD reports. TNX!
(569/589), 1411 KN0WS (559/O) DUP but CW initial #412,
1431 ► We very sadly, have news of another silent key (SK) to
W8MQW (O/O) on CW #413 and 1441 JH1KRC (569/579), report. UA4WP, 72, died on 22 Oct after battling cancer.
then on 432 at 1502 JE2UFF JT65B (O/O) and 1508 Stas was an active VHFer with big EME plans. He made a
N0AKC JT65B (O/O); and finally back to 1296 at 1537 6 m dish and was active via Moon on 1296. RIP Stas. [TNX
JA6AHB JT65C (13DB/O) and 1602 K5DOG JT65C (O/O) RA4SD for this info].
for a weekend total on 1296 of 55x27 and on 432 41x27.
Right after the contest I tried to work on the 21 Oct, but my ► We apologize, but we had to cut this issue short. We
friend Murphy visited and I blew my best 1296 LNA. It wanted to send it out before the ARRL Nov EME Contest
turned out that after more than 25 years of service a 28 volt weekend. Travel and QRL responsibilities limited out time.
transformer in my relay supplied had burnt up. By the time, We hope to be back to normal next time… And will be
I had the problem fixed, Dan had lost his Moon window. looking for you off the Moon during the contest. 73, Al –
However, we were able to work them on 26 Oct for a clean K2UYH and Matej – OK1TEH
sweep. A21EME was QSO’d on 22 Oct on 13 cm at 0801
JT65C (10DB/14DB) for mixed initial #117* and DXCC 33;
on 23 Oct on 9 cm at 0914 JT65C (17DB/20DB) for mixed
initial #62* and DXCC 33 along with at 0932 G4BAO JT65C
(O/O), on 24 Oct on 6 cm at 1010 JT65C (10DB/10DB) for
mixed initial #64* and DXCC 31, also on QRA64D
(10DB/13DB) along with at 1032 OK1DFC QRA64D
(10DB/13DB) #65* and 1041 G4BAO QRA64D
(20DB/13DB); on 25 Oct on 3 cm at 1304 A21EME
QRA64D (21DB/20DB) for mixed initial #45* and DXCC 24,
along with at 1242 G4RFR QRA64D (10DB/17DB) #44*;
and on 26 Oct on 23 cm a 1222 A21EME JT65C (19DB/O)
for mixed initial #625* and DXCC 118, along with at 1248
IK1FJI JT65C (4DB/7DB), 1317 OK1YK (7DB/7DB) and
1346 partial with DL1DWI (O/-). We will be on again in Nov,
if I am still awake after completing this NL.