Forcepoint DLP Help
Forcepoint DLP Help
Forcepoint DLP Help
Forcepoint DLP
v 8.6. x
© 2018 Forcepoint. Forcepoint and the FORCEPOINT logo are trademarks of Forcepoint. Raytheon is a registered trademark of Raytheon
Company. All other trademarks used in this document are the property of their respective owners.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, Forcepoint makes no warranties with respect to this
documentation and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Forcepoint shall not be liable
for any error or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the
examples herein. The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice.
Topic 1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Forcepoint DLP basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Forcepoint DLP appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Forcepoint DLP databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What can I protect?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Data classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Managing Forcepoint DLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
DLP in Forcepoint Web Security and Forcepoint Email Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Topic 2 Navigating the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Main options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Settings options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Deploy button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Global and status icons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Topic 3 Initial Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Entering a subscription key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Defining general system settings and notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Configuring system modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Configuring the protector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Topic 4 Viewing Status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Viewing the Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Monitoring system health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Viewing endpoint status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Changing table properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Viewing mobile device status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Applying column filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Viewing deployment status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Topic 5 Viewing Incidents and Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
The report catalog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Editing a report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Scheduling tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Viewing the incident list. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Previewing incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Managing incident workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Remediating incidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Escalating incidents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Managing incident reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Tuning policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Data Loss Prevention reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
DLP dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Top violated policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
User risk summary (all incidents) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
User risk summary (data theft risk indicators) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Incident risk ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
My cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Violations by severity and action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Top sources and destinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Incident trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Incident status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Incidents by geographical location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Mobile devices reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Top violated mobile policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Top synced messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Mobile PII violations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Mobile credit card violations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Discovery reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Discovery dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Sensitive data reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Topic 6 Policies Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
What’s in a policy?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Viewing policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Editing a policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Update rules of current policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Update exceptions of current rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Update rules of multiple policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Update exceptions of multiple rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Delete policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Policy levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Selecting items to include or exclude in a policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Topic 7 Configuring the Email DLP Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Configuring outbound and inbound email DLP attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Defining email DLP policy owners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Identifying email DLP trusted domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Topic 8 Configuring the Web DLP Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Configuring web DLP policy attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
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iv Forcepoint DLP
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x Forcepoint DLP
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Forcepoint DLP protects organizations from information leaks and data loss at the
perimeter and inside the organization, as well as in certain Infrastructure as a Service
● It includes an analytics engine that identifies and ranks high-risk incidents.
Incidents generated by DLP policies across all core Forcepoint DLP components
are evaluated to report on those with the highest data loss or data theft risk score.
● It can operate alone in the network, or be paired with Forcepoint Web Security or
Forcepoint Email Security to provide a well-rounded security solution.
Forcepoint DLP Network prevents data loss through email and over web channels
such as HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.
● Includes Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway, which is deployed in Microsoft Azure
to provide DLP policy enforcement for Microsoft Exchange Online
● Supports the scanning of content supplied by third-party solutions, such as Citrix
FileShare, via the ICAP protocol
Use Forcepoint Data Discovery to learn the location of sensitive data within on-
premises data centers and cloud hosted applications. It can scan data on file servers,
email servers, databases, and content collaboration applications, such as Microsoft
SharePoint and Box.
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint prevents data loss over endpoint channels, such as
removable storage devices, mobile devices, browser uploads, email clients, and
applications—for example, IM and file share clients.
● It can also discover and remediate sensitive data stored on laptop and desktop
● The endpoint agent lets administrators analyze content within a user’s working
environment and block or monitor policy breaches as defined by the endpoint
A mobile agent applies DLP policies to corporate email traffic that is synchronized to
mobile devices using Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.
Consult a Forcepoint sales representative for more information about the full range of
Forcepoint DLP options.
Administrator Help 1
Forcepoint DLP Network includes the option to use Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway,
Web Content Gateway, protector, or a mobile agent appliance.
● Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway is a virtual appliance for the Azure cloud
infrastructure that can be used to protect data being sent through Exchange Online
● Two kinds of Web Content Gateway appliances can be used to provide DLP over
the web channel.
■ One is included with Forcepoint DLP Network. It decrypts SSL content and
permits the use of custom policies and fingerprinting.
2 Forcepoint DLP
■ One requires Forcepoint Web Security. It decrypts SSL content and provides
URL categorization, content security, web policy enforcement, and more.
● The protector is a soft appliance that intercepts and analyzes traffic on a variety of
channels, such as email, HTTP, and FTP. (HTTP traffic is monitored but not
enforced.) Forcepoint DLP also supports DLP content scanning with third-party
proxies and data sharing solutions through the ICAP protocol.
● The mobile agent is a soft appliance that secures the type of email content
synchronized to users’ mobile devices via Exchange ActiveSync when they
connect to the network. This includes content in email messages, calendar events,
and tasks.
A combined cloud and on-premises deployment of email DLP can be achieved using
Forcepoint Email Security with the protector appliance. It is not possible, however, to
deploy Forcepoint Email Security with Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway.
Administrator Help 3
Related topics:
● Classifying Content, page 169
● Defining Resources, page 229
● Remediation, page 243
Forcepoint DLP can control or monitor the flow of data throughout an organization.
Administrators can define:
● Who can move and receive data
● What data can and cannot be moved
● Where the data can be sent
● How the data can be sent
● What action to take in case of a policy breach
Forcepoint DLP can be used with Forcepoint DLP Endpoint to secure all of the
following (channels that require Forcepoint DLP Endpoint are marked with an
asterisk [*]):
● Network and endpoint email* - Monitor or prevent sensitive information from
being emailed in or outside of a domain from both network and endpoint
● Mobile email - Define what content can and cannot be synchronized to mobile
devices—such as phones and i-pads—from network email systems. This protects
data in case an employee’s mobile devices is lost or stolen.
● Web channels
■ FTP - Monitor or prevent sensitive information from being uploaded to file
transfer protocol (FTP) sites.
■ Plain text - Monitor or prevent sensitive information from being sent via
plain text (unformatted textual content).
■ HTTP/HTTPS - Monitor or prevent sensitive information from being posted
to a website, blog, or forum via HTTP. SSL decryption is performed by the
Web Content Gateway module.
■ Endpoint HTTP/HTTPS* - Monitor or protect endpoint devices such as
laptops from posting data over the Web.
● Endpoint applications* - Monitor or prevent sensitive data from being copied
and pasted from one application to another on Windows endpoint clients. This is
desirable, because endpoint clients are often disconnected from the corporate
network and can pose a security risk.
● Endpoint application file access monitoring* - Monitor applications such as
IM, cloud storage, and FTP clients that access and share sensitive data.
4 Forcepoint DLP
Data classification
Related topics:
● File fingerprinting, page 188
● Database fingerprinting, page 205
● Scripts, page 186
● Classifying Content, page 169
With Forcepoint DLP, administrators can use several methods to classify data:
● Use predefined scripts, dictionaries, file-types, and regular expression (regex)
patterns to start classifying data right away.
■ Regex patterns are used to identify alphanumeric strings of a certain format,
such as 123-45-6789.
■ File properties classifiers identify data by file name, type, or size.
● Create customized scripts, dictionaries, file-types, regular expression patterns, and
key phrases for specific (described) data. As a shortcut, edit an predefine
classifier, then save it with a new name.
● Fingerprint (register) data. The power of fingerprinting is its ability to detect
sensitive information despite manipulation, reformatting, or other modification.
Fingerprints enable the protection of whole or partial documents, antecedents, and
Administrator Help 5
Related topics:
● Navigating the System, page 9
The web-based user interface used for Forcepoint DLP configuration, management,
and reporting is called the Forcepoint Security Manager. It has modules for web,
email, and data security.
The Security Manager consolidates all aspects of Forcepoint software setup and
configuration, incident management, system status reports, and role-based
This document describes how to use the Data Security module of the Forcepoint
Security Manager. The following options are available in the Security Manager
1. Click the Appliances icon ( ) on the Security Manager toolbar to open the
Manage Appliances page.
2. Click the User Details icon ( ) on the Security Manager to view the current user
name or to log off.
3. Click the Global Settings icon ( ) on the Security Manager toolbar to open the
Security Manager Global Settings page. These settings apply to all installed
Forcepoint modules (Web Security, Email Security, and Data Security).
6 Forcepoint DLP
4. Click the Help icon ( ) to display product Help options for either the Security
Manager or the active Forcepoint module (Web Security, Email Security, and Data
Security). Select Help Contents or Explain This Page to open the associated
embedded Help.
To access product modules, such as Web Security, Email Security, and Data Security,
use the following steps:
1. At the top left of the screen, hover over the Forcepoint logo.
A pull-down menu displays the available modules.
2. Click the name of the module.
The selected module displays.
For more information about the Security Manager toolbar, see Forcepoint Security
Manager Help.
Neither the Forcepoint Web Security DLP Module nor
Forcepoint Email Security includes all of the options
presented in this Help document. For access to other
options and channels, talk to your Forcepoint account
representative about purchasing a full Forcepoint DLP
Administrator Help 7
8 Forcepoint DLP
2 Navigating the System
Related topics:
● Deploy button, page 13
● Global and status icons, page 14
The Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager is displayed in two
● The left pane is called the navigation pane. Each item in the navigation pane
offers a menu of options.
The navigation pane is divided into two sections:
■ Main has options for creating and fine-tuning policies, performing discovery,
managing incidents, and viewing system status and logs. See Main options,
page 10.
■ Settings has options for administrating the system; performing system
maintenance; and configuring endpoint deployment, settings, modules, and
roles. See Settings options, page 12.
For Forcepoint Web Security or Forcepoint Email Security
administrators, the tabs look slightly different. Options that
require a full Forcepoint DLP subscription, such as
discovery and endpoint, are not shown.
● To the right of the navigation pane is the content pane. The content pane displays
the feature selected in the navigation pane.
■ The Dashboard is displayed in the content pane by default when an
administrator logs on to the Data Security module of the Security Manager. It
offers an overview of top Incident Risk Ranking cases, data loss prevention
incidents, and discovery incidents over a specified time period. For details
about the Dashboard and its contents, see Viewing the Dashboard, page 23.
■ Breadcrumb links are displayed at the top of the content pane, showing the
navigation path to the current page. Each item in the path is a link, which can
be used to navigate back to previous pages.
Administrator Help 9
Navigating the System
In the image below, Status is selected in the navigation pane, and the Status >
Dashboard page appears in the content pane.
Main options
Related topics:
● Viewing Incidents and Reports, page 35
● Creating Custom DLP Policies, page 143
● Creating Discovery Policies, page 261
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Classifying Content, page 169
● Defining Resources, page 229
● Viewing Status, page 23
● Viewing Forcepoint DLP Logs, page 319
The Main tab of the navigation pane offers access to the following features. (Items
marked with an asterisk (*) apply only to full deployments of Forcepoint DLP, and not
to the Forcepoint Web Security DLP Module or to Forcepoint Email Security.)
10 Forcepoint DLP
Navigating the System
● The Dashboard appears first when an administrator logs on to the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager. It provides an at-a-glance dashboard
of the enterprise data loss prevention status. See Viewing the Dashboard, page 23.
● System Health helps administrators to monitor Forcepoint DLP performance. See
Monitoring system health, page 26.
● Endpoint Status* shows a list of data endpoints that are registered with the
management server, including information regarding an endpoint’s discovery,
profile and policy, and the host’s system summary. See Viewing endpoint status,
page 29.
● Mobile Status* shows a list of mobile devices that are registered with the
management server, including information regarding the owner, device type, and
last sync time. See Viewing endpoint status, page 29.
● Data Loss Prevention lets each administrator view and manage relevant data loss
prevention incidents. Assign incidents to other administrators, view consolidated
reports on incidents and information leaks, and schedule reporting tasks. The
reports provide a complete picture of what’s going on inside the network.
View incidents representing the highest risk to the organization along with their
risk scores.
● Mobile Devices* shows information about mobile device incidents. Use this page
to assign, view, and monitor mobile device incidents.
● Discovery* shows information about incidents that were detected through
discovery scans. Use this page to assign, view, and monitor discovery incidents.
Policy Management
● Use DLP Policies to create or manage network or endpoint DLP policies. Create
policies from scratch or use predefined policies.
● Use Discovery Policies* to create or manage discovery policies. Create policies
from scratch or use a predefined regulatory template.
● Use Content Classifiers to describe the data to be protected. Classify data using
patterns and phrases, file properties, file fingerprints, database fingerprint, or
machine learning.
● Use Resources to define data sources and destinations to monitor and protect,
endpoint devices or applications that may be in use, and the remediations or
actions to take when a violation is discovered (such as block or notify).
● Traffic Log shows details of the traffic being monitored by Forcepoint DLP. See
The Forcepoint DLP traffic log, page 320.
● System Log offers a list of the events sent from system components, such as the
Forcepoint DLP servers, protectors, and policy engines. See The Forcepoint DLP
system log, page 323.
Administrator Help 11
Navigating the System
● Audit Log displays a list of actions that administrators have performed in the
system. See The Forcepoint DLP audit log, page 324.
Settings options
Related topics:
● General System Settings, page 327
● Configuring Authorization, page 377
● Archiving incident partitions, page 365
● Managing Forcepoint DLP System Modules, page 389
● Configuring Endpoint Deployment, page 425
● Main options, page 10
Following are the options available under Settings. Items marked with an asterisk (*)
do not apply to the DLP Module for Forcepoint Web Security or Forcepoint Email
● Reporting: Set reporting preferences, such as the number of incidents to include.
● Backup: Configure system backup settings, such as the path to the backup storage
location and the number of copies to keep.
● Incident Export: Configure settings for incident export, such as where to save
the export file.
● Endpoint*: Configure parameters for endpoints, such as how often to test
connectivity and check for updates, how much disk space to use for system files,
and the action to take when user confirmation is required but not attained.
● Mobile*: Define how the management server should manage the mobile devices
covered by policy.
● Remediation: Define the location of the syslog server and mail release gateway
used for remediation.
● Mail Servers: Set up the mail server that should be used to receive email requests
for workflow updates—the incoming mail server—as well as the mail server that
should be used for sending the notifications—the outgoing mail server.
● Alerts: Define when to trigger alerts and whether the alerts should be sent to the
syslog or emailed to an administrator.
● Archive Storage: Specify where to store the incident archives and how much disk
space to allow.
● Services: Configure services such as Linking Service, Microsoft RMS, CASB,
File Labeling, and Risk-Adaptive Protection.
12 Forcepoint DLP
Navigating the System
● User Directories: Define the user directories to use for Forcepoint DLP users and
other policy resources such as devices and networks.
● Archive Partitions: Archive, restore, or delete partitions.
● Policy Updates: Install updates to Forcepoint DLP predefined policies.
● Subscription: View and update product subscription information.
● Administrators: Set up and manage Forcepoint DLP administrators and assign
● Roles: Edit access privileges or add new roles.
● My Settings: Configure personal settings, such as whether to get want system
reminders about pending deployment.
● System Modules: Manage system components such as Forcepoint DLP servers,
fingerprint repositories, policy engines, and agents.
● Endpoint Profiles*: Configure endpoint profiles.
Deploy button
In the Data Security module of the Security Manager, policy and configuration
changes are saved to the management server as soon as an administrator clicks OK on
a page. The changes are not activated, however, until they are deployed.
Administrator Help 13
Navigating the System
network, the status column updates for each module change from Processing to either
Success or Failed.
Deploying changes can take time, and if a component is down or disconnected from
the network, deployment to that specific component fails.
● Once the component becomes available again, it receives all pending updates.
● Any deployment failures are shown in the table.
See Troubleshooting for tips on how to solve failed deployments.
The following icons are used throughout the Forcepoint Security Manager to reflect
status or offer assistance.
Medium In Process
Low Closed
14 Forcepoint DLP
Navigating the System
Administrator Help 15
Navigating the System
16 Forcepoint DLP
3 Initial Setup
For deployments that include the DLP Module for either Forcepoint Web Security or
Forcepoint Email Security:
1. Define the general system settings, such as user directories and alerts. See
Defining general system settings and notifications, page 19.
2. Select and define attributes for the web DLP or email DLP policy. See:
■ Configuring web DLP policy attributes, page 126
■ Configuring outbound and inbound email DLP attributes, page 119
3. To deploy all of the configured settings, click Deploy in the Data Security toolbar.
For Forcepoint DLP deployments:
1. Enter the Forcepoint DLP subscription key. See Entering a subscription key, page
2. Define the general system settings, such as user directories and alerts, as well as
notifications. See Defining general system settings and notifications, page 19.
3. Configure system modules (protector deployments only). See Configuring system
modules, page 19.
4. Configure predefined policies. See Adding a predefined DLP or discovery policy,
page 139.
5. To deploy all of the configured settings, click Deploy in the Data Security toolbar.
Administrator Help 17
Initial Setup
Related topics:
● Entering subscription settings, page 374
To enable Forcepoint DLP configuration, enter a subscription key in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager:
1. Log on to the Security Manager. If the Data Security module is not displayed by
default, hover over the Forcepoint logo at the top of the Forcepoint header and
select Data from the drop-down list.
■ If no subscription information has been provided, the subscription page
appears automatically.
■ To navigate to the subscription page, select Settings > General >
2. Browse to the subscription file, then click Submit. Current subscription
information is displayed, and the Forcepoint DLP application restarts.
Your subscription terms displayed on this page include the start and expiration
dates (or “n/a” if you have a perpetual subscription), the number of subscribed
users, and the modules and services to which you subscribe.
3. If the subscription is about to expire, a notice appears on this screen. Click
Update to update the subscription.
After an update, log off of the Security Manager and then log on again to see
accurate information on the subscription screen.
4. If the deployment includes the Web Content Gateway, log on to the Content
Gateway manager and:
a. Navigate to the Configure > My Proxy > Subscription > Subscription
Management tab.
b. Enter the Forcepoint DLP Network subscription key and click Apply.
c. Navigate to the Configure > My Proxy > Basic > General tab, then click
Restart button to restart Content Gateway.
With Forcepoint Web Security or Forcepoint Email
Security, subscription information is communicated to the
management server automatically.
18 Forcepoint DLP
Initial Setup
Before creating and managing DLP policies, use the Settings pages in the Data
Security module of the Security Manager to:
● Configure user directory server settings. This makes it possible for administrators
to resolve user details during analysis and enhance the details displayed with the
See User directory settings, page 359, and Adding or editing user directory server
information, page 360.
● Set up alerts. This determines when administrators receive alerts from the system,
such as when a subscription is about to expire or disk space is reaching its limit.
See Alerts, page 347, and Setting up email properties, page 347.
The same outgoing mail server is used for alerts,
notifications, scheduled tasks, and email workflow. If the
server is changed for one function, it is changed for all of
● (Forcepoint DLP only) Set up notifications. Notifications are email messages that
are sent when policy breaches are discovered.
Forcepoint DLP offers a built-in notification template, “Default notification,” that
can be edited as required. To ensure that a notification is sent when an action plan
is triggered, either edit the Default notification or create a new notification and
edit an action plan to use it.
See Notifications, page 257, and Adding a new message, page 257.
Related topics:
● Managing Forcepoint DLP System Modules, page 389
● Configuring the protector, page 21
When Forcepoint DLP is installed, each of its agents, components, and modules is
automatically registered with the management server.
Use the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page to view a list of all the
modules you installed.
Administrator Help 19
Initial Setup
See the Forcepoint DLP Installation Guide for
instructions on installing Forcepoint DLP modules.
20 Forcepoint DLP
Initial Setup
Refer to Configuring Forcepoint DLP system modules,
page 391, for information on the default settings of system
1. In the Forcepoint Security Manager, go to the Data > Settings > Deployment >
System Modules page.
2. Expand the tree in the content pane, if needed.
3. Click the protector module in the tree and provide the information requested on
the following tabs:
a. Edit Protector: General tab, page 401
b. Edit Protector: Networking tab, page 402
c. Edit Protector: Local Networks tab, page 403
d. Edit Protector: Services tab, page 404
Administrator Help 21
Initial Setup
22 Forcepoint DLP
4 Viewing Status
The Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager shows status
information for various system components. Use this information to:
● Assess system performance.
● Find the connection status of various endpoint and mobile devices.
● View traffic trends to determine whether to fine-tune policy configuration.
The following status options are available under Main > Status:
● Dashboard
● System Health
● Endpoint Status
● Mobile Status
On some status pages, the toolbar at the top of the content pane includes buttons on the
right-hand side of the page that can be used to print status information, or export it to
PDF or CSV file.
When information is exported to CSV, file contains all the rows in the main table,
without paging. If the list is filtered, only the filtered records are exported.
Some pages offer the option to click a down arrow next to Export to PDF or Print
Preview to define exactly what to export or print. Select the current item (such as the
current endpoint host), the selected item, or all items.
By default, the Dashboard opens every time an administrator accesses the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager. This page shows a
comprehensive view of top Incident Risk Ranking cases, data loss prevention
incidents, and discovery incidents over a specified time period.
Administrator Help 23
Viewing Status
From the Dashboard, administrators can see any system health alerts and act on them
quickly and easily. Administrators can also view incidents by hostname and policy
category to find out where the greatest risks lie.
The page displays only incidents that the current
administrator is authorized to view. Adobe Shockwave
Player is required.
Click on an alert to see further information or take action. For example, if the Health
Alert Summary is displaying missing essential configurations and actions, click the
link to see further details and direct links to the required fixes.
Business Value
Review the approximate amount of data collected over the last 24 hours:
● Inspected Web traffic shows the number of web transactions (including posts)
analyzed, and the cumulative volume of the traffic in megabytes.
● Inspected email messages shows the number of email messages analyzed, and
the cumulative size of the messages in megabytes.
● Inspected mobile device messages shows the number of email messages that
were analyzed when being sent to mobile devices from network Exchange
servers, and the cumulative size of the messages in megabytes.
24 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Status
● Discovery inspected items shows the number of files plus the number of database
chunks scanned using network discovery, and the cumulative size of these items
in megabytes. (A database chunk is approximately 5000 records.)
● Connected endpoints shows the number of endpoint clients connected to the
● Synchronized mobile devices shows the number of mobile devices that have
synchronized with the mobile agent in the last 24 hours (may be fewer than the
number of registered devices).
Field Description
High Number of incidents that have been set to the most severe setting and
should be handled immediately.
Medium Number of incidents that have been set to the medium severity setting
and should be handled soon.
Low Number of incidents that have been set to the most lenient severity
setting and should be handled.
● Top 5 Policies displays the policies that had the most incident violations, and the
number of incidents in each of these policy categories.
The Last data loss prevention incident field provides the exact date and time the last
incident was logged in Forcepoint DLP.
Administrator Help 25
Viewing Status
Click the My data loss prevention incidents link to open the incident summary page,
where administrators can view and manage their assigned incidents.
Discovery Incidents
See the total number of discovery incidents detected by a Forcepoint Data Discovery
scan, as well as the following graphs:
● Top 5 Hosts displays the top 5 violating hosts and the number of incidents
detected on these hosts broken into categories of urgency. (See above.)
● Top 5 Policies: displays the top 5 policy categories that were violated, and the
number of incidents discovered for these policy categories.
The Last discovery incident field provides the exact date and time the last incident
was logged in Forcepoint DLP.
Click the My discovery incidents link to open the incident summary page, where
administrators can view and manage their assigned incidents.
Use the Data > Main > Status > System Health page in the Forcepoint Security
Manager to monitor the performance of Forcepoint DLP modules.
The tree view displays the names of all system modules, including servers and agents.
Click a server or agent to ascertain its health.
For most components, the following information is displayed:
Chart Description
System Summary Information about the server, including operating system and
version, time zone, and free disk space.
CPU Usage The percentage of the CPU that is being used by the machine’s
processes over the specified time frame.
Memory Usage The percentage of memory that is being used by the machine’s
processes over the specified time frame.
Forcepoint DLP servers include the following modules in the tree view:
● Primary fingerprint repository
● Endpoint server
● Policy engine
● OCR server (secondary Forcepoint DLP servers only)
Protectors, gateways, and agents include the following modules:
26 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Status
● Policy engine
● Secondary fingerprint repository
When a module is selected, information about the system health and performance of
that module is shown. The right-hand part of the screen displays the statistics for
events flowing through the system, showing how the system behaves with regards to
traffic type (channels) and how busy the components are.
It also displays charts with information that can be used to help fine-tune the system
and optimize Forcepoint DLP performance. The charts displayed depend on the
module chosen:
● For protector:
Chart Description
Packet loss and dropped Indicates the levels of packet loss and dropped
transaction indication transaction rates.
Number of events sent to The number of events sent for analysis by this protector
analysis in the specified time frame.
Load average Average amount of work performed by the protector in
the specified time frame. For optimum performance, the
number on the chart should not exceed the number of
available processors in the System Summary: for
example, if the system load average is 3 and there are 2
available processors, the system might work slowly.
Memory usage The percentage of memory used by machine processes.
Total Throughput Total amount of traffic (in KB per second) monitored by
the protector. This includes both interesting and non-
interesting sessions.
Data sent to analysis Total amount of traffic (in KB per second) sent for
throughput analysis by this protector.
Chart Description
Analysis status Displays the request load on the policy engine for
analysis by time period.
DLP—number of Number of DLP events analyzed by this policy engine
analyzed events in the specified time frame.
DLP—number of Number of DLP incidents detected by this policy engine
incidents in the specified time frame.
Administrator Help 27
Viewing Status
Chart Description
Discovery—number of Number of discovery items analyzed by this policy
analyzed items engine in the specified time frame. This includes files,
email messages, and database tables. This chart is
available only for policy engines on Forcepoint DLP
servers. If the policy engine on this computer does not
handle discovery traffic, this report is empty.
Discovery—number of Number of discovery incidents detected by this policy
incidents engine in the specified time frame. This chart is
available only for policy engines on Forcepoint DLP
servers. If the policy engine on this computer does not
handle discovery traffic, this report is empty.
Chart Description
Database fingerprint repository Displayed only on the management server that
synchronization contains the synchronization data. Shows the status
of all fingerprint repositories, divided into time
periods. The status for each time period indicates if
a repository was fully synchronized with the main
repository, required a partial synchronization, or
required full synchronization.
Secondary database fingerprint Shows how much database data was synchronized
repository synchronization from the primary repository to this one over time, in
trend KB.
Number of fingerprinted files Displays the total number of files fingerprinted in
the specified time frame.
Number of fingerprinted Displays the total number of database cells
database cells fingerprinted in the specified time frame.
Chart Description
Queue load Shows the load of OCR server queue during the selected
time period.
Number of textual Shows the total number of OCR requests containing
requests textual data during the selected time period.
Number of requests Shows the total number of requests made to the OCR
server during the selected time period.
28 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Status
Chart Description
Average image size Shows the average size of images (in bytes) that were
handled by the OCR server during the selected time
Average processing time Shows the average processing time (in milliseconds) of
images that were handled by the OCR server during the
selected time period.
For each chart, use the Display drop-down list to select a time frame. View statistics
for the last 30 minutes, or the last 24 hours.
To view raw data for troubleshooting purposes, such as logs and system statistics,
click Download Diagnostics on the toolbar at the top of the content pane. A zip file
containing diagnostic information is downloaded to the specified location. This
operation can take several minutes.
For all modules, an Advanced section is also available. Expand this section to view
raw statistics supplied by the selected module.
Related topics:
● Configuring Endpoint Deployment, page 425
● Bypassing endpoint clients, page 439
Endpoint devices running Forcepoint DLP Endpoint test their connectivity and check
for configuration updates at time intervals specified in the endpoint system settings.
The Endpoint Status screen summarizes the results of these checks. Filter down to
locate servers that have not synchronized or run discovery for an extended period of
time, and also view detailed information for a particular server.
To view the status of all installed DLP endpoints:
1. In the Forcepoint Security Manager, go to the Data > Main > Status > Endpoint
Status page.
The resulting screen lists all Forcepoint data endpoints registered with the
management server. The list displays information for each endpoint, such as:
■ Hostname of the endpoint client machine
■ IP address of the endpoint client machine
■ Logged-in Users (users who are currently logged into the endpoint)
■ Last Update (last time that the endpoint checked for updates from the
management server)
■ Profile Name (name of the endpoint profile assigned to the endpoint)
Administrator Help 29
Viewing Status
■ Whether endpoint clients are Synchronized or not synchronized with the latest
management server updates. The sync status shows an “X” when the policy or
profile version is not synchronized with the management server or when the
endpoint’s profile name is out of sync.
■ Discovery Status (whether a discovery process is currently idle or running on
the endpoint)
The discovery status shows N/A for endpoints that are not used in discovery,
such as Linux endpoints.
■ Client Status (whether endpoint clients are enabled or disabled via the Bypass
There are many other options available than displayed in the table by default. To
customize the information shown in each column, or to view descriptions of the
available data, see Changing table properties, page 31.
There are also many options for filtering the data in the table. See Applying
column filters, page 33.
2. To drill down for further information about each endpoint, select an endpoint in
the list. The profile name, fingerprinting version, and more are displayed.
3. To remove an endpoint from the list (such as one that no longer exists), select the
endpoint and click Remove. If the endpoint is still active, it will automatically be
added back when it sends status to the endpoint server.
Also use this page to:
● Search for a specific endpoint in the list
Enter the hostname in the Find host field, then click Find.
● Temporarily disable the selected endpoint
Click Bypass Endpoint (see Bypassing endpoint clients, page 439).
● View and edit system settings for endpoint clients
Click Settings (see Configuring endpoint settings, page 337).
After an endpoint client receives an update and displays
the new updated time, it can still take up to a minute until
all policies are updated.
30 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Status
Column Description
Client Installation Version of the endpoint client software that is installed on the
Version endpoint machine.
Client Status Status of the endpoint client: enabled or disabled.
Discovery Status The status of the discovery service on the endpoint.
Endpoint Server Name of the server associated with this endpoint.
Files Scanned The number of files that were scanned on the endpoint in the most
recent scan.
Host Name Host name of the endpoint machine.
IP Address IP address of the endpoint machine.
Last Scan End The time that the latest endpoint scan ended.
Last Scan Start The time that the latest endpoint scan began.
Last Update Last time the endpoint received updates from the management server
(profiles, policies, etc.).
Logged-in Users Users who have logged into the endpoint.
MAC Address MAC address of the endpoint client machine.
Microsoft RMS Whether Microsoft Rights Management Service (RMS) decryption
and analysis is active or inactive.
Next Scan Time The time scheduled for the next endpoint scan.
Policy Engine Version of the policy engine machine that is associated with this
Version endpoint.
Profile Name The name of the endpoint profile on this machine.
Synced Indicates whether the endpoint is updated with the latest settings. The
sync status shows an “X” when the policy, fingerprint, or profile
version is not synchronized with the management server or when the
endpoint’s profile name is out of sync.
Administrator Help 31
Viewing Status
Related topics:
● Configuring the Mobile DLP Policy, page 133
● Configuring the mobile agent, page 409
● Mobile device settings, page 341
● Mobile Device filters, page 44
Use the Data > Main > Status > Mobile Status page in the Forcepoint Security
Manager to view the status of all mobile devices and users connected to the system.
Initially, the page lists all mobile devices registered with the management server. The
list displays information for each device, such as:
● owner
● device type (iPhone, Android phone)
● last sync time
To customize the information shown in each column:
1. Click the Table Properties ( ) button.
2. Select the properties to display and choose the column width for each.
Column Description
Device ID The Unique Device Identifier (UDID) associated with the
Device Type The type of mobile device, for example, iPad or iPhone.
Email The email address associated with this mobile device.
Last Sync Time The date and time this mobile device last synchronized with
the network email system.
User The mobile device owner.
User Agent The network protocol this mobile device uses to
communicate with the Forcepoint DLP system (Touchdown,
ActiveSync, etc.).
Some mobile devices do not use all of the available fields.
In this case, the field for that device is empty.
To filter the data shown in the table, see Applying column filters, page 33.
32 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Status
To drill down further, select a device in the list. The Details pane shows:
● Information about the device owner, such as phone number and email address. If
the owner’s full name is found in the user directory, this is also displayed.
● How many devices are registered to the owner
● Which device was last synchronized.
To remove a device from the list, select it and click Remove. To remove all devices at
once, click Remove All.
Status is sent from the mobile agent to the management server in intervals between 1
and 60 minutes. This is configurable by clicking Settings in the toolbar at the top of
the content pane.
Endpoint and mobile device status information can be sorted, grouped, and filtered by
column name (like Profile Name or Device Type). To sort a column, click the down
arrow next to the column name, then choose an option:
Field Description
Sort Ascending Sort the table by the active column in ascending alphabetical order.
Sort Descending Sort the table by the active column in descending alphabetical order.
Filter by (column) Filter the data in the table by the type of information in the active
column, such as by description or task name.
Clear filter Clear the filter currently applied to the column and display all data.
To view the current filters in use, click the information (“i”) icon next to Column
Filtering Activated.
Columns using a filter have a funnel icon next to the column name.
To clear a filter from a column, click the down arrow by any column name and select
Clear filter. Additionally, many screens have a Filter button: click this button to clear
a single filter or all filters.
If there are too many items to fit on the page, browse the list using the Next, Previous,
First, and Last buttons.
Administrator Help 33
Viewing Status
After making policy configuration or settings changes, click Deploy to deploy the
changes in the network.
Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Deploy button to display the Deployment
Process page, which shows the status of the deployment. On this page, the Status
column shows the deployment progress status, which can be:
● In progress
● Succeeded
● Failed
See Troubleshooting for tips on how to solve failed deployments.
34 Forcepoint DLP
5 Viewing Incidents and
Related topics:
● The report catalog, page 36
● Viewing the incident list, page 60
● Data Loss Prevention reports, page 81
● Mobile devices reports, page 94
● Discovery reports, page 96
Use the Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention, Mobile Devices, or Discovery
page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view and
report on incidents. Review the incident list and details for individual incidents, or
choose from a catalog of reports.
● Recent Reports shows the reports viewed most recently. The order of these
reports changes with use.
● Report Catalog provides a list of all the reports that are available for a given area,
both built-in and user-defined.
What administrators can see depends on their permissions.
See Setting reporting preferences, page 328, for
instructions on configuring settings for incidents and
To learn about a report, click its name. To generate the report, click Run.
To create a report:
1. Open an existing report. For example, Incidents (last 3 days).
2. Click Manage Report > Edit Filter to change the filters.
3. Click Manage Report > Save As.
Custom reports appear in the report catalog along with the built-in reports.
Administrator Help 35
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Related topics:
● Scheduling tasks, page 57
● Scheduling a new task, page 58
36 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Click a report to read its description. When a report is selected, a menu bar appears,
showing the following options:
Edit Edit or apply filters to the report. See Editing a report, page
Save As Save the report with a new name.
The operations administrators can perform on folders and
reports in the catalog depend on their privileges.
Superusers can perform these functions on all user-defined
reports and folders. Other users can perform these
functions only on reports and folders they created.
Editing a report
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Administrator Help 37
Viewing Incidents and Reports
General tab
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Filter tab, page 39
● Table Properties tab, page 52
Use the General tab of the Report Catalog > Edit Report page to configure basic
report information, like the name, description, and number of items shown.
For predefined trend reports, only the Show top field is
configurable. All fields can be edited for custom trend
Field Description
Name A unique name for the report.
Description A description to help administrators understand the purpose of the report.
Availability Which administrators can access the report:
● Only the Report owner
● All administrators with access to the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security ManagerForcepoint DLP
Show top (Summary reports only) The number of items to display in the Top Items
charts for this report (between 1 and 20). For example, display the top 5
policies in the Top Policies chart.
For custom trend reports, also specify the time period to cover. Select:
● Last to display trends for the last few days, then select the exact number of days.
● Time period to display trends for a set period, like “last month” or “current
quarter,” then select the period from the drop-down list.
● Exact dates to display trends for a precise period, then select the From and To
dates and times.
38 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter tab
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● General tab, page 38
● Table Properties tab, page 52
Use the Filter tab of the Report Catalog > Edit Report page to focus the report on the
data that is most relevant to you. For example, apply the Action filter and display only
incidents with the action Block. Apply as many filters as needed.
For each filter to apply:
1. Select the filters in the Filter by pane on the left.
2. Select Enable filter in the properties pane.
3. Apply properties to the filter in the properties pane.
The filters that are available vary depending on the type of report. Filters and their
properties are described below.
● Data Loss Prevention filters, page 39
● Mobile Device filters, page 44
● Discovery filters, page 49
Filter Description
Action Filter incidents by the action (including those on endpoints) that was
performed on the incident. Select the check box for each action to be
Incidents with the following actions can be displayed:
● Permitted
● Blocked
● Attachment(s) dropped
● Quarantined
● Encrypted with profile key
● Encrypted with user password
● Denied (confirmed)
● Continued (confirmed)
In addition to the default actions, DLP actions configured in the Forcepoint
Security Manager are listed (Forcepoint Email Security only).
Application Filter incidents by the name of applications found in the incidents. Select
Name the applications to include in the report.
Administrator Help 39
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Assigned to Filter incidents by the person to whom they are assigned. Unassigned
displays all incidents that have not been assigned to any administrator.
Because filters can be available for all administrators, checking the
Assigned to current administrator check box displays incidents assigned
to the administrator who is currently logged onto the Security Manager.
Assigned to selected administrators enables you to select specific
administrators whose assigned incidents you want to display.
Business Unit Filter to filter incidents by the business unit to which they’re assigned.
Channel Limit which channels’ incidents are displayed in the report. The list of
available channels depends on channels configured in the Security
If one or more email filters is selected, specify the email direction to
display: inbound, outbound, or internal. Email direction is available only
for those with the Forcepoint Email Security module, endpoint agent, or
For the endpoint application filter, select the operations to display in the
report. For example, choose Paste to display all endpoint incidents where
users pasted sensitive data into a document.
It is also possible to view incidents from the Discovery channel or CASB
Service channel.
Select CASB Service to view incidents detected when users synced or
shared files with cloud applications such as Microsoft OneDrive for
Business or Box. (Enable the CASB Service on the Settings > General >
Service page.)
Classifier Display specific classifiers whose thresholds have been exceeded. For
Matches example, select a dictionary classifier with profanity in it, and set its
threshold to 3. The report displays only incidents where more than 3 terms
from this dictionary were detected.
Click Edit to add or remove content classifiers to the filter, then select a
threshold for each.
Classifier Select which content classifier type should be displayed in the incident list
Type (key phrases, dictionaries, etc.).
Destination Set the incident list to display only incidents that were directed at specific
Select Enable filter to select destinations from your resource list or enter
them as free text. Choose which method you want to use from the drop-
down list. If your free text includes a comma, enclose the value in quotes.
For example: “Doe, John”.
If you have a role in which source and destination information is hidden
for privacy reasons, this filter is not available.
Note that the filter returns values from all columns describing the
destination, such as URL category, hostname, IP address, and domain.
Complex filters can affect performance.
See Selecting items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113 for more
details on using this selector.
Detected by Display only incidents intercepted that were detected by specific
Forcepoint DLP modules. Select each module to be displayed. The list of
available modules depends on which modules were configured on the
System Modules page.
40 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Endpoint Type Filter incidents according to the type of endpoint client, e.g., laptop or
static device (such as workstations). In the Filter Properties pane, select
the endpoint type.
Event Time Filter incidents by the date and time the policy engine first saw a
transaction. An event is any transaction being analyzed. (An incident is an
event that breaches policy.)
Select a date range, then select a time of day.
Date Range
● Last n days - Select this option to display incidents from the last n
days, then select the number of interest. For example, display incidents
from the last 30 days.
● Time period - Select this option to display incidents that transpired in
a set period of time, then select the period. Example: last 24 hours, this
week, or last month.
● Exact date and time - Select this option to display incidents that
transpired during a time period that you define, then select the From
and To dates and times from the drop-down lists.
For example, you can show incidents starting from 5:00 a.m. on April
1, 2009 to midnight April 30, 2009. Using the Time of Day options
below this, you can specify whether to show all incidents from this
period (Entire day) or just those from a time range, for example, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. If you choose this From/To option, the report would include
incidents from 8-5:00 on April 1, 8-5:00 on April 2, and 8-5:00 all
other days of April, up to and including April 30.
Time of Day
By default, incidents are displayed no matter what time of day they
occurred, as long as the date range matches. To display only those
incidents that occurred at certain times of day, select From and choose a
time range.
● Entire day - Select Entire day to show all incidents during the date
range, no matter what time of day they took place.
● From ... to ... - Select this option to show only incidents from a
specific period.
For example, if you select Last 60 days and From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
the report displays all incidents from the last 60 days that were
detected between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
If you prefer, you can view incidents that occurred during off-peak
hours, such as 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day. That way you know if
information is being leaked at night when no one is around.
File Name Filter in or out incidents involving certain files. Enter the file name
(wildcards can be used), and click Add. Continue until all required file
names have been added.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Administrator Help 41
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
History Filter incidents by the date, administrator, or details contained on the
incident History tab. For example, display all incidents that jdoe closed
during March 2017.
● Select Filter by date to specify the date and time of the actions that
were taken. Only actions during this period are included in the report.
Select a date range and time of day.
● Select Filter by administrator to specify the administrator who
performed the listed workflow action. Enter the administrator name or
names. Separate multiple names by commas. For example: Type “jdoe,
bsmith” to view incidents that jdoe and bsmith acted on.
● Select Filter by details to specify details shown on the incident’s
History tab. Details are automatically added when a workflow action is
taken, such as “incident assigned to jdoe.” If administrators add
comments to the incident (Workflow > Add Comments), those are
appended to the workflow details.
Enter the text for which to search. It is possible to search for all or part
of the detail text. For example, enter “closed” to search for incidents
that were closed during a certain period.
As always, this filter depends on the other filters that have been selected,
such as Incident Time and Ignored Incident. To filter only by history,
define a large range for Incident Time, then define the history filter.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Ignored Filter in or out ignored incidents. By default, ignored incidents are filtered
Incident out of all reports.
Incident Tag Filter incidents by a previously-defined tag. (See Tagging incidents, page
70). Select the tags by which to filter the report and click Add. Continue
until all required tags have been added.
These can be used to group incidents for external applications.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
42 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Incident Time Filter incidents by the date and time they were written to the database. An
incident is an event that breaches policy. (An event is any transaction being
Select a date range, then select a time of day.
Date Range
● Last n days - Select this option to display incidents from the last n
days, then select the number of interest. For example, display incidents
from the last 30 days.
● Time period - Select this option to display incidents that transpired in
a set period of time, then select the period. Example: last 24 hours, this
week, or last month.
● Exact date and time - Select this option to display incidents that
transpired during a time period that you define, then select the From
and To dates and times from the drop-down lists.
For example, you can show incidents starting from 5:00 a.m. on April
1, 2009 to midnight April 30, 2009. Using the Time of Day options
below this, you can specify whether to show all incidents from this
period (Entire day) or just those from a time range, for example, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. If you choose this From/To option, the report would include
incidents from 8-5:00 on April 1, 8-5:00 on April 2, and 8-5:00 all
other days of April, up to and including April 30.
Time of Day
By default, incidents are displayed no matter what time of day they
occurred, as long as the date range matches. To display only those
incidents that occurred at certain times of day, select From and choose a
time range.
● Entire day - Select Entire day to show all incidents during the date
range, no matter what time of day they took place.
● From ... to ... - Select this option to show only incidents from a
specific period.
For example, if you select Last 60 days and From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
the report displays all incidents from the last 60 days that were
detected between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
If you prefer, you can view incidents that occurred during off-peak
hours, such as 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day. That way you know if
information is being leaked at night when no one is around.
Policy Use the check boxes provided to set which policy’s incidents are displayed
in the incident list.
Released Filter in or out SMTP incidents that have been released by an administrator
Incident (a reports remediation option).
Rule Name Filter incidents by the rules they triggered.
Severity Select the severity of incidents to display. Select High if you want to
display incidents of high severity, and so on. Select as many severity levels
as desired.
Administrator Help 43
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Source View only incidents that were initiated by specific sources. Select sources
from the resource list or enter them as free text. Choose which method to
use from the drop-down list. If a free text entry includes a comma, enclose
the value in quotes. For example: “Doe, John”.
If there is a role in which source and destination information is hidden for
privacy reasons, optionally enter one or more source IDs.
Note that the filter returns values from all columns describing the source,
such as URL category, hostname, IP address, and domain.
Complex filters can affect performance.
See Selecting items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113 for more
details on using this selector.
Status Select which incidents to show by their status—for example, New, Closed,
In Process, False Positive, or Escalated. It is not possible to filter by
statuses that have been deleted from the system.
Top Matches Filter according to the rule that triggers the most matches. For example, if
rules A, B, and C trigger incidents in MyPolicy, the one that has the most
matches would be included.
Total Size Select the size of incidents to display. It is possible to display incidents
greater than a certain size (in KB), or between 2 sizes.
Violation Select which incident triggers to display in the incident list. In the field,
Triggers enter a violation trigger of interest and click Add. Continue until all
required triggers have been added.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Filter Description
Action Filter incidents by the action that was performed on the incident. Select the
check box for each action to be displayed.
Assigned to Filter incidents by the person to whom they are assigned. Unassigned
displays all incidents that have not been assigned to any administrator.
Because filters can be available for all administrators, checking the
Assigned to current administrator check box displays incidents assigned
to the administrator who is currently logged onto the Forcepoint Security
Manager. Assigned to selected administrators enables you to select
specific administrators whose assigned incidents you want to display.
Business Unit Filter incidents by the business unit to which they’re assigned.
Classifier Display specific classifiers whose thresholds have been exceeded. For
Matches example, select a dictionary classifier with profanity in it, and set its
threshold to 3. The report displays only incidents where more than 3 terms
from this dictionary were detected.
Click Edit to add or remove content classifiers to the filter, then select a
threshold for each.
Classifier Select which content classifier type should be displayed in the incident list
Type (key phrases, dictionaries, etc.)
44 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Destination Set the incident list to display only incidents intercepted that were directed
at specific destinations. You can select destinations from your resource list
or enter them as free text. Choose which method you want to use from the
drop-down list. If your free text includes a comma, enclose the value in
quotes. For example: “Doe, John”.
If you have a role in which source and destination information is hidden
for privacy reasons, this filter is not available.
Note that the filter returns values from all columns describing the
destination, such as URL category, hostname, IP address, and domain.
Complex filters can affect performance.
See Selecting items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113 for more
details on using this selector.
Detected by Set the incident list to display only incidents intercepted that were detected
by specific Forcepoint DLP modules. Select each module to be displayed.
The list of available modules depends on which modules were configured
on the Security Manager System Modules page.
Device Details Display incidents that match certain device criteria.
1. In the Field menu, indicate whether to filter by device name, ID, user
agent, model, operating system, or type.
2. Indicate whether the field should contain a certain value or be empty.
3. Enter a value in the blank text box.
4. Click Add.
Device User Display only incidents for specific mobile-device users. Select users from
the resource list or enter identifying information manually.
When using the resource list:
● Use the Display field to indicate whether to pick from directory
entries, business units, or custom users.
● Enter a search term in the Filter by field.
● Click the filter button.
● Select items from the available list. See Selecting items to include or
exclude in a policy, page 113.
For free text, type a name, email address, or other information in the text
box. Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Administrator Help 45
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Event Time Filter incidents by the date and time the policy engine first saw a
transaction. An event is any transaction being analyzed. (An incident is an
event that breaches policy.)
Select a date range, then select a time of day.
Date Range
● Last n days - Select this option to display incidents from the last n
days, then select the number of interest. For example, display incidents
from the last 30 days.
● Time period - Select this option to display incidents that transpired in
a set period of time, then select the period. Example: last 24 hours, this
week, or last month.
● Exact date and time - Select this option to display incidents that
transpired during a time period that you define, then select the From
and To dates and times from the drop-down lists.
For example, you can show incidents starting from 5:00 a.m. on April
1, 2009 to midnight April 30, 2009. Using the Time of Day options
below this, you can specify whether to show all incidents from this
period (Entire day) or just those from a time range, for example, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. If you choose this From/To option, the report would include
incidents from 8-5:00 on April 1, 8-5:00 on April 2, and 8-5:00 all
other days of April, up to and including April 30.
Time of Day
By default, incidents are displayed no matter what time of day they
occurred, as long as the date range matches. To display only those
incidents that occurred at certain times of day, select From and choose a
time range.
● Entire day - Select Entire day to show all incidents during the date
range, no matter what time of day they took place.
● From ... to ... - Select this option to show only incidents from a
specific period.
For example, if you select Last 60 days and From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
the report displays all incidents from the last 60 days that were
detected between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
If you prefer, you can view incidents that occurred during off-peak
hours, such as 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day. That way you know if
information is being leaked at night when no one is around.
File Name Filter in or out incidents involving certain files. Enter the file name
(wildcards can be used), and click Add. Continue until you’ve added all
you need.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
46 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
History Filter incidents by the date, administrator, or details contained on the
incident History tab. For example, display all incidents that jdoe closed
during March 2017.
● Select Filter by date to specify the date and time of the actions that
were taken. Only actions during this period are included in the report.
Select a date range and time of day.
● Select Filter by administrator to specify the administrator who
performed the listed workflow action. Enter the administrator name or
names. Separate multiple names by commas. For example: Type “jdoe,
bsmith” to view incidents that jdoe and bsmith acted on.
● Select Filter by details to specify details shown on the incident’s
History tab. Details are automatically added when a workflow action is
taken, such as “incident assigned to jdoe.” If administrators add
comments to the incident (Workflow > Add Comments), those are
appended to the workflow details.
Enter the text for which to search. It is possible to search for all or part
of the detail text. For example, enter “closed” to search for incidents
that were closed during a certain period.
As always, this filter depends on the other filters that have been selected,
such as Incident Time and Ignored Incident. To filter only by history,
define a large range for Incident Time, then define the history filter.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Ignored Filter in or out ignored incidents. By default, ignored incidents are filtered
Incident out of all reports.
Incident Tag Filter incidents by a previously-defined tag (see Tagging incidents, page
70). Select the tags by which to filter the report and click Add. Continue
until all required tags have been added.
Use these tags to group incidents for external applications.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Administrator Help 47
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Incident Time Filter incidents by the date and time they were written to the database. An
incident is an event that breaches policy. (An event is any transaction being
Select a date range, then select a time of day.
Date Range
● Last n days - Select this option to display incidents from the last n
days, then select the number of interest. For example, display incidents
from the last 30 days.
● Time period - Select this option to display incidents that transpired in
a set period of time, then select the period. Example: last 24 hours, this
week, or last month.
● Exact date and time - Select this option to display incidents that
transpired during a time period that you define, then select the From
and To dates and times from the drop-down lists.
For example, you can show incidents starting from 5:00 a.m. on April
1, 2009 to midnight April 30, 2009. Using the Time of Day options
below this, you can specify whether to show all incidents from this
period (Entire day) or just those from a time range, for example, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. If you choose this From/To option, the report would include
incidents from 8-5:00 on April 1, 8-5:00 on April 2, and 8-5:00 all
other days of April, up to and including April 30.
Time of Day
By default, incidents are displayed no matter what time of day they
occurred, as long as the date range matches. To display only those
incidents that occurred at certain times of day, select From and choose a
time range.
● Entire day - Select Entire day to show all incidents during the date
range, no matter what time of day they took place.
● From ... to ... - Select this option to show only incidents from a
specific period.
For example, if you select Last 60 days and From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
the report displays all incidents from the last 60 days that were
detected between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
If you prefer, you can view incidents that occurred during off-peak
hours, such as 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day. That way you know if
information is being leaked at night when no one is around.
Policy Use the check boxes provided to set which policy’s incidents are displayed
in the incident list.
Released Filter in or out SMTP incidents that have been released by an administrator
Incident (a reports remediation option).
Rule Name Filter incidents by the rules they triggered.
Severity Select the severity of incidents to display. Select High to display incidents
of high severity, and so on. Select as many severity levels as desired.
48 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Source View only incidents that were directed at specific sources. Select sources
from the resource list or enter them as free text. Choose which method to
use from the drop-down list. If the free text includes a comma, enclose the
value in quotes. For example: “Doe, John”.
If there is a role in which source and destination information is hidden for
privacy reasons, optionally enter one or more source IDs.
Note that the filter returns values from all columns describing the source,
such as URL category, hostname, IP address, and domain.
Complex filters can affect performance.
See Selecting items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113.
Status Select which incidents to show by their status—for example, New, Closed,
In Process, False Positive, or Escalated. It is not possible to filter by
statuses that have been deleted from the system.
Synced by Display incidents on messages that were synchronized by a certain number
of mobile-device users.
For example, you want to know when the same violating message was
synchronized by more than 10 users.
Top Matches Filter according to the rule that triggers the most matches. For example, if
rules A, B, and C trigger incidents in MyPolicy, the one that has the most
matches would be included.
Total Size Select the size of incidents to display. You can display incidents greater
than a certain size (in KB), or between 2 sizes.
Transaction Display only incidents of a certain type, then select the types: email,
Type calendar event, or tasks.
Violation Select which incident triggers to display in the incident list. In the field,
Triggers enter a violation trigger of interest and click Add. Continue until you’ve
added all you need.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Discovery filters
Filter Description
Assigned to Filter incidents by the person to whom they are assigned. Unassigned
displays all incidents that have not been assigned to any administrator.
Because filters can be available for all administrators, checking the
Assigned to current administrator check box displays incidents assigned
to the administrator who is currently logged onto the Forcepoint Security
Manager. Assigned to selected administrators enables you to select
specific administrators whose assigned incidents you want to display.
Channel Limit which channels’ incidents are displayed in the report.
The list of available channels depends on channels configured in the
Security Manager.
Email Direction is available only for those with the Forcepoint Email
Security module, endpoint agent, or protector.
Administrator Help 49
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Content Select which specific content classifiers should be displayed in the incident
Classifier list.
Content Select which content classifier type should be displayed in the incident list
Classifier (key phrases, dictionaries, etc.).
Date Accessed To see when data in violation of policy was accessed, use this filter, then
select dates and times.
Display incidents for data accessed within the last x days, within a date
range, or on exact dates. It is also possible to specify time periods.
Date Created To see when a file in violation of policy was created, use this filter, then
select dates and times.
Display incidents for data created within the last x days, within a date
range, or on exact dates. It is also possible to specify time periods.
Date Modified To see when a file in violation of policy was modified, use this filter, then
select dates and times.
Display incidents for data modified within the last x days, within a date
range, or on exact dates. It is also possible to specify time periods.
Detected by Set the incident list to display only incidents that were detected by specific
Forcepoint DLP modules. Select each module of interest. The list of
available modules depends on which modules configured on the System
Modules page.
Discovery Select the discovery tasks to display in the report.
Discovery Select the type of discovery to display in the report: File System, Endpoint,
Type SharePoint, SharePoint Online, Database, Exchange, Exchange Online,
Outlook PST, and/or Domino.
Endpoint Type Filter incidents according to the type of endpoint client, e.g., laptop or
static device.
Event Time Select incidents by the date and time the policy engine first saw the
For filter properties, select one of the following:
● Last nn days - Select the number of days from the spinner.
● Time period - Select the range from the drop-down list. Example: last
24 hours or this week.
● Exact dates - Select the From and To dates from the drop-down lists.
Folder View incidents from a certain folder or folders. Type a valid folder name
into the field box, then click Add.
File Name Filter in or out incidents involving certain files. Enter the file name
(wildcards can be used), and click Add. Continue until all required files
have been added.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
File Owner Filter incidents by file owner. Type a valid owner name into the field box,
then click Add.
50 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
File Filter incidents by file permissions. Type a standard Access Control List
Permissions (ACL) permission into the field box (such as USER name, password,
services, or roles), then click Add. The values apply to all file-system
scanning and Windows shares.
Split multiple rows by commas and single rows by colons. For example:
Unix user\ramon:rwx,Unix Group\developers:r-
File Size Filter incidents by file size, then choose the size of the file to include in the
Folder Owner Filter incidents by folder owner. Type a valid owner name into the field
box, then click Add.
History Filter incidents by the date, administrator, or details contained on the
incident History tab. For example, display all incidents that jdoe closed
during March 2017.
● Select Filter by date to specify the date and time of the actions that
were taken. Only actions during this period are included in the report.
Select a date range and time of day.
● Select Filter by administrator to specify the administrator who
performed the listed workflow action. Enter the administrator name or
names. Separate multiple names by commas. For example: Type “jdoe,
bsmith” to view incidents that jdoe and bsmith acted on.
● Select Filter by details to specify details shown on the incident’s
History tab. Details are automatically added when a workflow action is
taken, such as “incident assigned to jdoe.” If administrators add
comments to the incident (Workflow > Add Comments), those are
appended to the workflow details.
Enter the text for which to search. It is possible to search for all or part
of the detail text. For example, enter “closed” to search for incidents
that were closed during a certain period.
As always, this filter depends on the other filters that have been selected,
such as Incident Time and Ignored Incident. To filter only by history,
define a large range for Incident Time, then define the history filter.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Host Name Filter incidents by the host on which they were detected. Type a valid
hostname into the field box, then click Add.
Ignored Filter in or out ignored incidents. By default, ignored incidents are filtered
Incident out of all reports.
Incident Tag Filter incidents by a previously-defined tag (see Tagging incidents, page
70). Select the tags by which to filter the report and click Add. Continue
until all required tags have been added.
Use these tags to group incidents for external applications.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Incident Time Filter incidents by the date and time they were written to the database.
Select the time for the incidents to display.
IP Address Filter incidents by the host on which they were detected. Type a valid IP
address into the field box, then click Add.
Administrator Help 51
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Filter Description
Locked Use this filter to show incidents that are locked or unlocked. There are two
● Show only locked incidents (and not unlocked incidents)
● Exclude locked incidents (and show only unlocked incidents)
Disable the filter to display both locked and unlocked incidents.
Locking an incident prevents it from being overwritten with new data in
subsequent scans. (To lock an incident, choose Workflow > Lock in the
Discovery incident report.)
Mailbox Type This filter applies only to Exchange discovery.
● Select Private mailbox to display incidents from private mailboxes.
● Select Public mailbox to display incidents from public mailboxes.
Both can be selected at the same time.
Policy Use the check boxes provided to set which policy’s incidents are displayed
in the incident list.
Rule Name Filter incidents by the rules they triggered.
Severity Select the severity of incidents to display. Select High to display incidents
of high severity, and so on. Select as many severity levels as desired.
Status Select which incidents to show by their status—for example, New, Closed,
In Process, False Positive, or Escalated. It is not possible to filter by
statuses that have been deleted from the system.
Top Matches Filter according to the rule that triggers the most matches. For example, if
rules A, B, and C trigger incidents in MyPolicy, the one that has the most
matches would be included.
Total Size Select the size of incidents to display. Display incidents greater than a
certain number of KB, or between x KB and y KB.
Violation Select which incident triggers to display in the incident list. In the field,
Triggers enter the list of violation triggers to be displayed, separated by commas.
Note that complex filters can affect performance.
Related topics:
● General tab, page 38
● Filter tab, page 39
Use the Table Properties tab of the Report Catalog > Edit Report page to configure
which columns appear in the report, and assign a width to each.
1. Use the check boxes to the left of the page to select the columns to display in the
table for this report. The options vary depending on the type of table. See:
■ Data Loss Prevention properties
■ Mobile Device properties
52 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
■ Discovery properties
2. Use the arrows to the right of the page to adjust the order of the columns.
3. Use the fields in the Width column to adjust the width of each column as needed.
4. At the bottom of the page, specify the Maximum number of incidents to display
on any one page.
5. Select a column name from the Sort by drop-down list to define which column is
used to sort the table.
6. Indicate if you want to sort in ascending or descending order.
Column Description
Action The action taken on the incident, as determined by the action plan.
Analyzed by Displays the name of the server component that analyzed the incident.
Assigned to Either Unassigned or the name of the administrator assigned to handle this
incident. (See Assigning incidents, page 67.)
Channel The channel where the incident occurred. Possible channels include:
● Email
● Web
● Endpoint application
● Endpoint printing
● Network printing
Destination The intended destination or destinations of the content that violated
Details Details about the incident. Shows the subject in an SMTP incident, the
URL in a Web incident, etc.
Detected by Displays the name of the Forcepoint DLP device or component that
detected this incident.
Endpoint type The type of endpoint involved in the incident: PC, laptop, etc.
Email This column displays the direction of the email message that triggers an
direction incident:
● Inbound
● Outbound
● Internal
If you are using the Forcepoint Email Security module, endpoint agent, or
protector to monitor email, then all 3 directions are possible.
Event ID The ID number assigned to the event or transaction.
Event time The date and time the policy engine first saw a transaction.
File name The name and size of the attachment for this incident.
ID The incident’s unique ID number.
Administrator Help 53
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Column Description
Incident Tag Displays any incident tag set for the incident. (See Tagging incidents,
page 70.)
Incident Time The time and date the incident was written to the database.
Policy The policies that were violated by the content.
Severity The severity of the incident: High, Medium, or Low. You define severity
in the Severity & Action page of the Add rule wizard. For example: >0
matches = Low severity; >20 = Medium; >400 = High. You can also
change an incidents severity (see Changing incident severity, page 69).
Source The source of the incident. Could be a person, computer, or other.
Status The status of the incident. For example:
● New
● In process
● Closed
● False Positive
● Escalated
You can also add and filter by up to 17 custom statuses.
See Changing incident status, page 68.
Top Matches The maximum number of violations triggered by any given rule in the
Total size The total size of the file or attachment involved, if any, in megabytes.
Violation The information that created the breach.
Column Description
Action The action taken on the incident, as determined by the action plan.
Analyzed by Displays the name of the server component that analyzed the incident.
Assigned to Either Unassigned or the name of the administrator assigned to handle this
incident. (See Assigning incidents, page 67.)
Destination The intended destination or destinations of the content that violated
Details Details about the incident. Shows the subject in an SMTP incident, the
URL in a web incident, etc.
Detected by Displays the name of the Forcepoint DLP device or component that
detected this incident.
54 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Column Description
Email This column displays the direction of the email message that triggers an
direction incident:
● Inbound
● Outbound
● Internal
If you are using the Forcepoint Email Security module, endpoint agent, or
protector to monitor email, then all 3 directions are possible.
Event ID The ID number assigned to the event or transaction.
Event time The date and time the policy engine first saw a transaction.
File name The name and size of the attachment for this incident.
ID The incident’s unique ID number.
Incident Tag Displays any incident tag set for the incident. (See Tagging incidents,
page 70.)
Incident Time The time and date the incident was written to the database.
Top Matches The maximum number of violations triggered by any given rule in the
Policy The policies that were violated by the content.
Severity The severity of the incident: High, Medium, or Low. You define severity
in the Severity & Action page of the Add rule wizard. For example: >0
matches = Low severity; >20 = Medium; >400 = High. You can also
change an incidents severity (see Changing incident severity, page 69).
Source The source of the incident. Could be a person, computer, or other.
Status The status of the incident. For example:
● New
● In process
● Closed
You can also add and filter by up to 17 custom statuses.
See Changing incident status, page 68.
Synced by Use this filter to display incidents on messages that were synchronized by
a certain number of mobile device users.
For example, you want to know when the same violating message was
synchronized to more than 10 phones or iPads.
Total size The total size of the file or attachment involved, if any, in megabytes.
Violation The information that created the breach.
Administrator Help 55
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Discovery properties
Column Description
Analyzed by Displays the name of the server component that analyzed the incident.
Assigned to Either Unassigned or the name of the administrator assigned to handle this
incident. (See Assigning incidents, page 67.)
Channel The channel where the incident occurred. Possible channels include:
● Email
● Web
● Endpoint application
● Endpoint printing
● Network printing
Details The details listed in the forensics Properties tab. Shows the subject in an
SMTP incident, the URL in a Web incident, etc.
Detected by Displays the name of the Forcepoint DLP device or component that
detected this incident
Discovery task The discovery task that identified the incident.
Discovery The type of resource that was scanned: File System, Endpoint, SharePoint,
type SharePoint Online, Database, Exchange, Exchange Online, and/or
Outlook PST.
Endpoint type The type of endpoint involved in the incident: PC, laptop, etc.
Event ID The ID number assigned to the event or transaction.
Event time The date and time the policy engine first saw a transaction.
File extension The file extension of the file that violated policy. For example: docx or
File full path The full directory path of the file that violated policy.
Sharing status Indicates whether the file was shared internally or externally.
Shared with Indicates whether the file was shared with everyone or with a list of users.
File name The name of the file that violated policy.
File owner The owner of the file that violated.
File owner’s The email address of the owner of the file that violated policy.
email address
File type The type of the file that violated policy.
File size The size of the file that violated policy.
Folder The folder of the file that violated policy.
Hostname The name of the host on which the violation was detected.
ID The incident’s unique ID number.
Ignored The incidents marked as ignored.
56 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Column Description
Incident Tag Displays any incident tag set for the incident. (See Tagging incidents,
page 70.)
Incident Time The time and date the incident was written to the database.
IP address The IP address of the host on which the violation was detected.
Locked Indicates whether the incident is locked or unlocked. Locking an incident
prevents it from being overwritten with new data in subsequent scans. (To
lock an incident, choose Workflow > Lock in the Discovery incident
Top Matches The maximum number of violations triggered by any given rule in the
Policy The policies that were violated by the content.
Severity The severity of the incident: High, Medium, or Low. You define severity
in the Severity & Action page of the Add rule wizard. For example: >0
matches = Low severity; >20 = Medium; >400 = High. You can also
change an incidents severity (see Changing incident severity, page 69).
Status The status of the incident. For example:
● New
● In process
● Closed
● False Positive
● Escalated
You can also add and filter by up to 17 custom statuses.
See Changing incident status, page 68.
Violation The information that created the breach.
Scheduling tasks
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Use the Report Catalog > Scheduled Tasks page to view a list of scheduled tasks
you’ve created or to schedule a new task.
To open the Scheduled Tasks page, go to the data loss prevention, mobile devices, or
discovery report catalog page in the Forcepoint Security Manager and click
Scheduled Tasks in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
The task list shows the status of scheduled tasks, how often they recur, the last time
they were run, their owner, and a description. Click a task name to view details about
the task in the lower pane.
From this screen:
● Click New to create a new task. See Scheduling a new task, page 58.
● Click Delete to delete the selected task.
Administrator Help 57
Viewing Incidents and Reports
● Click Run to initiate the selected task now (regardless of its schedule), then
confirm that you want to run the report.
Use the Reporting > Data Loss Prevention / Mobile Devices / Discovery > Report
Catalog > Scheduled Tasks > Task Details page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to schedule a new task.
Use the 3 tabs to configure basic report information, mail settings for distributing the
report, and the schedule to use for running the report.
1. On the General tab, complete the fields as follows:
Field Description
Task name Enter a name for the task you are scheduling.
Enabled Select Enabled to enable the task for use.
Description Enter a description for the task.
Report type Indicate whether you want to email a data loss prevention, mobile
devices, or discovery report.
Report name Select a report from the drop-down list. This is the report that will be
emailed on the schedule you define.
Report format If you selected a details report, select whether you want the report
delivered in PDF or CSV format. Summary reports are graphical, so
they can be exported to PDF only.
Field Description
Sender name Enter the name of the person from whom the report should be sent.
This is the name that will appear in the email From field.
Sender email Enter the email address of the person from whom the report should be
address sent.
Outgoing mail The outgoing mail server that’s been configured appears on screen. If
server you want to change the server used, click Edit (the icon). Please
note that changing this setting changes the configuration for the entire
58 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Field Description
Subject Type the subject of the message containing the report. This appears
in the email Subject: line.
Recipients Define the recipient(s) for the notification.
Click Edit to select to select users or groups from a user directory.
Select Additional email addresses if you want to send the report to
someone not on your user directory list, then enter the email address.
Separate multiple addresses with commas.
Field Description
Start Select the date and time on which to start the schedule. This is the date
and time of the Forcepoint DLP Server.
Recurrence Select this check box to set up a recurrence pattern for the task, then
select the pattern:
● Daily - Select daily if you want the task performed every day at
the same time.
● Weekly - Select weekly if you want the task to recur every week
on a certain day, then select the day of the week.
● Monthly - Select monthly if you want the task to recur every
month, then enter the day or range of days on which it should
occur. For example, if you want the task to be performed on the
3rd of each month enter “3”. If you want it performed on the 3rd
and 15th, enter “3, 15”. And if you want it performed anytime
between the 27th and 31st of each month, enter “27-31”.
Select one of the following options if you specify a recurrence
● No end date - Select this option if there is no end date for the
recurrence. You want it to continue until you reconfigure the task.
● End by - Select this option if you want the task to end by a certain
date, then select the date from the drop-down list.
● End after - Select this option if you want the task to end after a
set number of occurrences, then select the number from the
Administrator Help 59
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Related topics:
● Previewing incidents, page 63
● Managing incident workflow, page 66
● Remediating incidents, page 72
● Escalating incidents, page 74
● Managing incident reports, page 75
● Tuning policies, page 80
To view a list of data loss prevention incidents from the last 3 or 7 days, and their
1. In the Forcepoint Security Manager, go to the Data > Main > Reporting > Data
Loss Prevention page.
2. From Recent Reports, select Incidents (last 3 days) or Incidents (last 7 days).
To view a list of mobile device incidents from the last 3, 7, or 30 days, and their
1. Select Main > Reporting > Mobile Devices.
2. From Recent Reports, select Mobile Incidents (last 3 days) or Mobile Incidents
(last 7 days) or Mobile Incidents (last 30 days).
To view a list of discovery incidents and their details:
1. Select Main > Reporting > Discovery.
2. From Recent Reports, select Incidents.
The top portion of the resulting screens lists incidents, their status, the action taken,
and many more details.
The incidents list is a table displaying all data loss prevention, mobile device, or
discovery incidents. By default, incidents are sorted by their incident time, but you can
sort them (ascending or descending) by any of the columns in the table. For each
incident, a quick preview of the data is provided. You can customize the types of
details shown. (See Editing table properties, page 76.)
Click the down arrow on column header to sort, filter, or group incidents by that
column. (See Applying a column filter, page 76, for more information.) Or click Table
Properties to change the columns that are displayed, their order, and their width.
See Table Properties tab, page 52, for a description of each property.
Use the table controls to jump to the first, last, previous, or next incident in the list.
Select an incident to view details about it in the bottom portion of the screen. (See
Previewing incidents, page 63, for more information about what is displayed.)
60 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Toolbar buttons
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Administrator Help 61
Viewing Incidents and Reports
62 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
To preview an incident and learn more about it, click on the table row of the incident
in the Incidents List. See Previewing incidents, page 63 for details on this portion of
the window.
Previewing incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Details of the selected incident appear at the bottom of the screen. In this preview, you
can see:
● Violations
● Forensics
● Properties
● History
To see more of the preview, select View > Incident Preview Only or View > Open
Preview in New Window.
In this section, you can display violation triggers or violated rules.
● Violated rules displays which rules were violated by the incident. Click the
information icon to view more details, such as the policy and action plan for the
rule. Only the first 500 rules or 500 MB for the incident are displayed.
Administrator Help 63
Viewing Incidents and Reports
● Violation triggers displays the precise values that triggered the violation and how
many of those triggers were found. Click the numeric link to view details about
the trigger. Only the first 500 triggers or 500 MB for the incident are displayed.
If there are more than 500 violation rules or triggers, go to
the Forensics tab. There you can see the complete
transaction, including violations.
Click Tune Policy to update your policy for this incident. You can select any of the
● Exclude Source from Rules - Select this option to exclude the incident source
from one or more of the rules. You cannot exclude an incident source from an
email or Web data loss prevention policy.
● Disable Policies - Select this option to disable a policy if it is not producing the
desired effect. You cannot disable an email or Web data loss prevention policy;
you can only disable attributes.
● Disable Rules - Select this option to disable a rule if it is not producing the
desired effect. To disable attributes in an email or Web data loss prevention policy,
highlight the policy, click Edit, then de-select Enabled for the desired attributes.
See Tuning policies, page 80 for more information.
The Forensics tab shows information about the original transaction.
For data loss prevention incidents that occurred on an email or a mobile channel, it
displays the message subject, from, to, attachments, and message body. You can click
links for details about the source or destination of the incident, such as email address,
manager, and manager’s manager. You can retrieve thumbnail photos, if configured.
You can also open attachments. The bottom portion of the incident screen displays the
message body.
For data loss prevention incidents that occurred on a Web channel, the forensics could
include the URL category property.
For discovery incidents, forensics includes the hostname and file name.
Use the Show as field to select how you want the text displayed: Marked HTML,
plain text, or HTML.
Marked HTML includes the HTML markup language. HTML does not.
Forensics are stored in the \forensics_repository\data directory on the management
Note that the extracted text may appear slightly different from channel to channel.
This is due to the way the policy engine works in different environments.
64 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
The Properties tab displays incident details, such as:
● Incident number
● Severity
● Status
● Action
● Channel
It also shows information about the source and destination of the incident.
For discovery incidents, this tab also displays:
● Detection information
● Discovery task name
● File permissions
● File details
The History tab displays the incident history, such as when it was received, released,
or assigned to someone. These are automatically generated when a workflow
operation is performed.
This tab also displays comments that were added by administrators using the
Workflow > Add Comments option.
Each event in the incident’s history is shown in a separate row. You can expand or
collapse events to view details.
Administrator Help 65
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Related topics:
● Assigning incidents, page 67
● Changing incident status, page 68
● Changing incident severity, page 69
● Ignoring incidents, page 69
● Tagging incidents, page 70
● Adding comments, page 70
● Downloading incidents, page 70
● Deleting incidents, page 71
Click this button to manage the workflow of the selected incident, then select one of
the following:
● Assign - Select this option to assign the incident to someone or mark it as
● Change Status - Select this option to change the incident status or change the
status labels.
● Change Severity - Select this option to change the incident severity assignment.
● Ignore Incident - Select this option to mark an incident as ignored or unmark and
ignored incident. Mark an incident as ignored when you’ve reviewed it and no
action is required.
● Tag Incident - Select this option to associate an incident with a custom tag that
you can later use in filters.
● Add Comments - Select this option to comment on the incident. Comments are
added to the incident history.
● Delete - Select this option to delete selected incidents (all types), all incidents in
the current report (network, endpoint, and mobile DLP incidents only), or all
incidents at once (mobile DLP and discovery only).
The following option is available only for data loss prevention and mobile incidents:
● Download Incident - Select this option to download a data loss prevention
The following options are available only for discovery incidents:
● Lock - Select this option to lock an incident, preventing the addition of any
information from subsequent scans.
66 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
If the system is configured properly, you can also manage
the workflow of incidents from the email notifications that
your receive. To set this up, navigate to Main >
Resources > Notifications, then on the Notification Body
tab, select Include links so that recipients can perform
operations on the incident. (Links work only in HTML
notifications, not plain text.)
Assigning incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
You can assign specific administrators to an incident. When you do, other
administrators—those to whom it has not been assigned—no longer have the ability to
perform actions on this incident, with the exception of Superusers. Administrators
with the proper role may still be able to view the incident, however.
To assign an incident to someone for action:
1. Select the incident.
2. From the toolbar, select Workflow > Assign.
3. Select the Assign to option.
4. From the drop-down list, select the person to whom to assign the incident.
5. Add comments if desired.
6. Click OK.
To mark an incident as unassigned after it’s been assigned:
1. Select the incident.
2. From the toolbar, select Workflow > Assign.
3. Select the Unassigned option.
4. Add comments if desired.
5. Click OK.
During discovery, a file may be scanned several times as a part of consecutive scans.
Each scan may detect different policy breaches, if either the file or the policy has
changed. If this happens, the incident for that file is overwritten with the most recent
If you want to keep the current stored information for a particular incident, you can
choose to lock it. Information logged from subsequent scans on this file is then
Administrator Help 67
Viewing Incidents and Reports
There is a column for status available in the incident list. In addition, when you select
an incident, its status is displayed in the incident details. To change the status of an
1. Select the incident.
2. From the toolbar, select Workflow > Change Status.
3. Select a new status from the menu.
There are 5 predefined statuses:
Although you cannot change these statuses, you can add and maintain up to 17 more.
To add a new status:
1. Select Workflow > Change Status > Edit Statuses.
2. Click New in the resulting window.
3. Enter a name for the status. It must be unique and fewer than 32 characters.
4. Enter a description for the status, up to 1024 characters.
5. Select from one of 12 available flags. If you add more than 12 statuses, you must
reuse a flag.
6. Click OK.
68 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
The new status is added to the top of the status list. Rearrange the order of the list by
selecting a status and clicking the up or down arrow. The order is reflected in reports
and in the incident list when it’s sorted by the status column.
Click a status name to edit its properties (predefined statuses are uneditable). If you
rename a status, all incidents with that status are updated with the new name.
If you delete a status, incidents with that status retain their designation; however, the
status is no longer available in report filters.
Icon Definition
High. This breach is significant and may have a broad impact on the
Medium. This breach is moderate and should be reviewed.
Low. This breach is insignificant.
Ignoring incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Forcepoint recommends you mark an incident as ignored when you’ve reviewed it and
no action is required. This makes it easier to see what requires your attention.
You can ignore files that are determined not to be violations and incidents (files or
attachments) that are not malicious. You can then filter ignored incidents in or out of a
By default, the Forcepoint Security Manager does not display ignored incidents.
To mark an incident as ignored:
1. Select the incident.
Administrator Help 69
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Tagging incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Administrators can optionally add a custom tag to an incident. The tag can be used to:
● Search and filter data.
For example, tag all incidents relating to Project ABC with the string “Project
ABC”, then later apply a filter with the string “Project ABC” to view all incidents
relating to the project.
● Tag incidents to group them together for external applications.
To tag an incident:
1. Select one or more incidents.
2. From the toolbar, select Workflow > Tag Incident.
3. Enter the desired text string into the Incident tag field.
4. Add comments if desired.
5. Click OK.
Adding comments
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Downloading incidents
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70 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Deleting incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
You cannot undo this action.
Administrator Help 71
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Incident deletions are also logged in the Audit Log, showing who deleted the
incidents, when, and why.
Remediating incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Releasing incidents, page 72
● Running remediation scripts on incidents, page 73
Releasing incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
This option is only available for blocked incidents sent from the mobile agent,
protector, or Forcepoint Email Security module—that is, for email transactions that
have been quarantined.
If an SMTP email transaction was quarantined, the administrator responsible for
handling this incident can release this incident to the recipients originally blocked
from receiving the content.
All messages are released through the configured release gateway. You configure the
release gateway at Settings > General > Remediation. By default, the release
gateway is the agent that delivered the message to the policy engine for analysis (the
mobile agent, protector MTA, or Forcepoint Email Security).
There are 2 ways to release an incident: From the Incident Details report or By
replying to the notification message.
72 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
sync it, or to selected users. If desired, you can release the message to everyone who
syncs this message in the future.
If the system is set up to do so, an email message is sent to all configured recipients
notifying them that incidents were released from the incident database.
The release status (success or failure) is also logged in the Audit Log.
Related topics:
● Remediation scripts, page 253
● Adding a new remediation script, page 255
If you have added incident management remediation scripts under Main > Policy
Management > Resources > Remediation Scripts, you can run those scripts on
incidents in the incident list.
For example, if administrators want to be notified via SMS messages each time a
critical incident is intercepted by Forcepoint DLP, then an external executable file that
sends SMS notifications can be applied as remediation script.
1. Select the incident or incidents on which you want to run the script.
2. From the toolbar, select Remediate > Run Remediate Script.
3. From the resulting dialog box, select the script to run. A description of the script
and the script parameters are shown. You cannot edit these here.
4. If you want to change the status of the incident once the script has run, select the
check box labeled Upon script execution change status to. Select the desired
status from the drop-down list.
5. Click OK.
Administrator Help 73
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Escalating incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Emailing incidents to the manager of the person who generated the
incident, page 74
● Email incidents to another, page 75
Click this button to escalate the selected incident to the manager of the person who
caused the incident or to another person.
For data loss prevention incidents, the following options are available:
● Email to Manager sends the incident to the manager of the person who violated
● Email to Other sends the incident to another person for action.
For discovery incidents, you have the following option:
● Email Incident sends the incident to the person of your choice.
74 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
If you want to send an incident to someone other than a predefined manager, you can
do so.
1. Select the incident or incidents you want to email.
2. Do one of the following:
■ For data loss prevention incidents, from the toolbar, select Escalate > Email
to Other.
■ For discovery incidents, from the toolbar, select Escalate > Email Incident.
A screen appears.
3. Enter the recipient’s email address in the To field. Enter additional email
addresses in the Cc and Bcc fields.
4. Enter a subject in the Subject field. Click the right arrow to choose variables to
include in the subject, such as “This is to notify you that an employee’s message
was %Action% because it breached corporate policy.” Maximum length: 4000
5. For data loss prevention incidents, select Include original message as an
attachment if you want to attach the message.
6. Select High importance if this is a priority message.
7. Edit the message body as desired. Click the right arrow to choose variables to
include, such as %Incident Time% or %Severity%.
8. Click OK.
The selected incidents are immediately emailed to the people you selected.
Related topics:
● Editing report filters, page 76
● Editing table properties, page 76
● Applying a column filter, page 76
● Saving reports, page 78
You can change the incident report by applying different filters or editing table
properties. You can then save the report with your changes or create a new report by
saving it as another file.
Click the Manage Report link and then select:
● Edit Filter to edit the filters applied to the report—for example, choosing a longer
time period or single channel.
Administrator Help 75
Viewing Incidents and Reports
You can also apply a filter by selecting the right arrow on a
column header in the incident table and selecting Filter by
[column]. (See Applying a column filter, page 76 for more
To change the filters that are applied to this report, select Manage Report > Edit
Filter. See Filter tab, page 39 for instructions on selecting filters and defining filter
To edit the properties of the incident table—the one displayed at the top of the
Incidents (last 3 days) report—select Manage Report > Table Properties.
Using the check boxes provided, select each column to be displayed and set the
maximum width in number of characters. See Table Properties tab, page 52 for a
description of the columns.
Set the maximum number of incidents to be displayed per page (20 to 200). By default
this is set to 100. This setting is saved for each administrator.
Use the up/down arrows to the right of the incident table to customize the order of
Click OK to apply these settings.
The column filter enables you to apply filters directly to the incident list without
accessing the Manage Report menu to build a custom screen.
Column filters further filter the data provided in the incident list. This means that the
column filter is applied on top of the main filter—the one created with the Manage
Report > Edit Filter option.
For example: If the main filter is set to display only SMTP channel incidents, and the
column filter is then set to display severity - high, only high severity SMTP incidents
76 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
are displayed. Column filters are not saved, so when a custom filter is applied, the
column filter that was applied before it is lost.
Selecting the Clear Column Filter option clears the applied column filter and applies
the selected main filter.
Arrow buttons on column headers enable users to quickly filter the displayed
information. Below are instructions of how to filter the information in the columns.
To filter columns:
1. Click the down arrow button in a column header. A drop menu with 5 options
appears. Different columns display different options.
2. Select from one of the following options:
Option Description
Sort Ascending Sorts the column’s entries by A-Z, from top to bottom.
Sort Descending Sorts the column’s entries by Z-A, from top to bottom.
Group by this Column... Incidents in the incident list screens can be grouped,
allowing an alternative filtered report.
Grouping incidents enables deep drill down into a
problem. For more information, refer to Grouping
Incidents (on page 212).
Filter by this Column... When this option is selected, a pop-up caption box
appears enabling you to filter the column according to
specific words or to filter the column to exclude specific
In most cases, you can select one of the following
options in the Must field:
● Contain - Select this option if you want only
incidents containing a specific word to appear in the
incident list. If an entry in this column contains the
word you enter, it appears in the incident list. Entries
that do not contain this word do not appear. For
example, entering “jon” displays incidents for Mary
Jones and Jonathan Smith. Entering “jon” in the
Contains field is equivalent to entering “*jon*”.
● Be equal to - Select this option if you want only
incidents that match the word you enter exactly to
appear in the incident list. For example, if you enter
“jon”, incidents for Jon Smith would appear, but
those for Jonathan Smith would not.
● Be empty - Select this option if you want to display
only incidents in which the specified field is empty
(contains no value).
The results are displayed in the column with or without
the specific words in the column.
Note: When a column is filtered, the header arrow turns
Clear Column’s Filter When this option is selected, all current and previous
filters set for the column are cleared.
Administrator Help 77
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Saving reports
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Once you’ve applied the filters and table properties you desire, click Manage
Report > Save or Save As to save your custom report. Save saves your changes to the
current report. Save As lets you specify a new report name.
When you select Save As, indicate whether you want the report saved in one of the
existing report folders or in a new folder.
The new report then appears in the report catalog for future use.
Grouping incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
In the active report, you can group incidents by the person they’re assigned to, by
source, by status, by channel, or a number of other headings in the incident table. Each
column header has a down arrow next to it.
Select the down arrow next to the column header of interest, then select Group by
Your report is now grouped by that function.
Grouping incidents is an effective way to drill-down into a problem.
For example, grouping can be used as follows:
An administrator who wants to take a look at the most problematic channel can group
by channel. This enables the administrator to quickly see that HTTP is by far the
problematic channel, and can then drill-down into HTTP. Now the administrator
groups by the policy category to learn that finance is the information that is most
frequently leaked and within that group, the administrator can group by IP addresses
to find the most problematic employee and drill down to that employee’s incidents.
See Applying a column filter, page 76, for additional information.
Deleting incidents
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78 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
To delete all discovery incidents, select Workflow > Delete > Delete ALL Discovery
Related topics:
● Setting general reporting preferences, page 329
Administrator Help 79
Viewing Incidents and Reports
To configure how incidents are grouped when exported to PDF, see Setting general
reporting preferences, page 329.
Tuning policies
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
At first, some of the incidents reported may not be useful. Use this information to fine-
tune policies and rules to better suit the needs of the organization.
To tune a policy based on an incident:
1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention or Discovery page.
2. From Recent Reports, select Incidents (last 3 days).
3. Select an incident. Its details are displayed in the bottom section of the page.
4. Click the Tune Policy button on the left side of the incident details toolbar.
5. Select one of the following options:
■ Excluding source from rules, page 80
■ Disabling policies, page 80
■ Disabling rules, page 81
This option is for custom data loss prevention policies only. You cannot exclude
source from an email or Web data loss prevention policy.
When you select this option, a dialog box lists the rules that were breached for the
selected incident. You can exclude the incident source from the rules if desired.
For example, if the source of the incident was John Doe, you can exclude John Doe
from the rule in the future.
Select the rule or rules from which you want to exclude the incident source. The
source is listed in the incident table in the Source column.
You can return the source to the rule later if necessary. Do this by selecting the rule in
the policy management tree view, clicking Edit, and navigating to the Source tab.
Disabling policies
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
When you select this option, a dialog box lists the policies that were involved in the
incident. If a policy is not producing the desired effect, you can temporarily disable it.
Select the policy or policies you want to disable and click OK.
80 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
You can enable the policies later if necessary. Do this by selecting the policy in the
policy management tree view, clicking Edit, and selecting Enabled.
You cannot disable an email or web data loss prevention
policy; you can only disable attributes.
Disabling rules
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
When you select this option, a dialog box lists the rules that were breached for the
selected incident. If a rule is not producing the desired effect, you can temporarily
disable it.
Select the rule or rules you want to disable and click OK.
You can enable the rules later if necessary. Do this by selecting the rule in the policy
management tree view, clicking Edit, and selecting Enabled.
To disable attributes in an email or web data loss prevention policy, highlight the
policy, click Edit, then deselect Enabled for the desired attributes.
A catalog of all available DLP reports can be found on the Main > Reporting > Data
Loss Prevention > Report Catalog page.
Click a folder to expand it and see a list of related reports. Click Run to generate the
The most common reports are described below.
Incident List
Incidents (last 3 days, last 7 View a list of all the incidents for the last 3 or 30 days. See
days, or last 30 days) detailed information on each incident. Investigate the
violated policies and the actions taken by Forcepoint
software. Evaluate whether policy changes are needed.
Select this report when to manage incident workflow,
remediation, and escalation.
It is also possible to view Incidents by Severity, which shows
detailed information about each incident, ranked in severity
Administrator Help 81
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Executive Dashboard
DLP Dashboard (last 7 This report provides an overview of information leaks in the
days, current quarter, system, what actions are being taken on them, which
previous quarter) channels are problematic, and what kind of violations are
being made.
Risk Assessment
Top Violated Policies Find out which policies were violated most frequently over
the last 7 days. Assess the security risk to your organization.
● Last 7 Days shows which policies were violated most
frequently over the last 7 days.
● Leaks to Removable Media Devices shows which
policies users are violating when they copy confidential
information to removable devices.
User Risk Summary (All Find out which users generated the most incidents across all
Incidents) active Data Loss Prevention policies.
User Risk Summary (Data Learn which users are behaving suspiciously and performing
Theft Risk Indicators) potentially unsafe computer practices.
Incident Risk Ranking - Shows up to 20 cases with the highest risk scores during the
Top Cases selected time period, along with details for those cases.
Requires the Forcepoint DLP analytics engine on a Linux
My Cases Shows the cases that you have flagged for later reference.
Requires the Forcepoint DLP analytics engine on a Linux
Violations by Severity & See incidents by the actions (permit, block, notify) and
Action severities applied to them. Compare the ways Forcepoint
software enforces policies, and gain insight into potential
policy changes.
● Last 7 Days shows incidents by the actions (permit,
block, notify) and severities from the last 7 days.
● Credit Card Violations shows credit card-related
incidents by the actions and severities applied to them.
● Violations of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
shows PII incidents by the actions and severities applied
to them.
82 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Top Sources & Find out who are the top violators involved in data leakage
Destinations and the top domains where sensitive data was posted.
● Last 7 Days shows the top violators involved in data
leakage and the top domains where sensitive data was
posted from the last 7 days.
● Leaks to Public EMail Web Sites shows the top
violators involved in leaking data to public email
websites and the top domains of those websites.
● Leaks to Malicious Web Sites shows the top violators
involved in leaking data to malicious websites and the top
domains of those websites.
● Credit Card Number Violations shows who attempted
to leak credit card information in plain text and the top
destinations to which this information was leaked.
● PII Violations shows who violated a PII policy and the
top destinations to which PII information was leaked.
● PCI Violations shows who violated a PCI policy and the
top destinations to which PCI information was leaked.
Incident Trends (current View incident statistics for this quarter. Find out if the
and previous quarter) number of violations in your organization reduces over time.
Incident Status (last 7 days) View the status of all DLP incidents from the last 7 days.
Geographical Location
Web DLP - Destinations by View the destinations of the most severe outbound web
Severity incidents, by geographical region.
DLP dashboard
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Administrator Help 83
Viewing Incidents and Reports
made. The report provides summaries per channel, severity, and action and provides
an overall picture of information leaks on in the network.
As with all Forcepoint DLP reports, you can view the dashboard any time or create a
scheduled task to receive it periodically via email.
To access the dashboard:
1. Select Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention or Discovery.
2. From the report catalog, select Executive Dashboard.
3. Remember that all reports represent only incidents from to which the
administrator has access.
4. Click Run to generate the report.
The dashboard includes the following sections:
● Incidents by Severity - This table displays incidents over the last 7 days by
● Incidents by Action - This table displays incidents by the action taken on them.
● Top 5 Channels - This table displays incidents by channel. The corresponding pie
chart displays the percentage of the total incidents represented by these channels.
● Top 5 Policies - This table displays incidents in the order of which policy was
violated, therefore generating the most incidents. Click Show All to show all
policies that were violated.
● Top 5 Destination URL Categories - This table displays URL categories with
the most violations.
● Top 5 Sources - This table displays the sources that violated policy the most and
their severity level. Click Show All to show all sources that violated policy.
● Top 5 Destinations - This table displays the destinations with the most violations
and their severity level. Click Show All to show all destinations that were
● Top Incidents - This table displays the top incidents as determined by severity,
the maximum number of matches, and incident time. This table lists the incident
ID, source, destination, severity, policy, and date/time for each incident. Click an
ID number for details on the incident. Click Show All to show all incidents.
You can export the dashboard report to a PDF file or view a Print Preview of it.
You can also customize the report by selecting Manage Report > Edit Filter. (See
Managing incident reports, page 75 for more details.)
To schedule this report to be delivered by email, see Scheduling tasks, page 57.
To assess risk to your organization’s security, you should review incidents in a few
key reports and consider making policy changes.
84 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
This report shows the users who generated the most incidents across all active DLP
It contains the user’s full name, login name, department, manager, title, and business
unit according to details imported from the user directory.
It also shows incident counts by severity.
To view this report:
1. Select Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention.
2. From the report catalog, expand the Risk Assessment folder and select User Risk
Summary (All Incidents).
3. Click Run to generate the report.
This report shows which users generated the most incidents across all active Data
Theft Risk Indicator policies, including suspicious user activity, indicators of
compromise, and employee discontent.
● Suspicious user activity policies include Data Sent During Unusual Hours, Deep
Web URLs, and Email to Competitors, among others.
● Indicators of compromise policies include Suspected Malware Communication,
Suspected Malicious Dissemination, and Password Files, among others.
● Employee discontent policies include Disgruntled Employee and CV and Resume
in English, among others.
For details about the policies used to populate the report, see Data Loss Prevention
Users who violate these policies could pose a security risk to the organization.
This report contains the user’s full name, login name, department, manager, title, and
business unit, if available.
It also shows incident counts by severity.
To view the report:
Administrator Help 85
Viewing Incidents and Reports
1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention > Report Catalog page.
2. Expand the Risk Assessment folder (if needed), then select User Risk Summary
(Data Theft Risk Indicators).
3. Click Run to generate the report.
Cases are groups of related incidents that combined, indicate a risk to the
organization—for example, incidents of data being sent to suspicious destinations or
incidents occurring outside normal office hours.
Cases are assigned risk scores by a sophisticated, Linux-based analytics engine.
● The analytics engine is required to enable Incident Risk Ranking reports.
● After processing incidents, the analytics engine groups incidents from the same
user that have the same classification to ensure that they are combined into the
same case (and card), reducing the number of cases for investigators to review.
● Incidents within cases are ranked according to their number of matches,
transaction size, content, breached policies and rules, date and time, and more.
For information on the analytical and statistical techniques used to rank and score
incidents, see Risk-Based DLP Incident Ranking.
The Incident Risk Ranking report shows the cases with the highest risk scores during
the specified time period, along with details for those cases. Specify the threshold for
displaying cases on the Settings > General > Reporting > Incident Risk Ranking page
in the Data Security module of the Security Manager. Up to 20 cases are shown. (See
Setting reporting preferences, page 328.)
Only administrators with Summary reports permissions can view Incident Risk
Ranking reports.
86 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Administrator Help 87
Viewing Incidents and Reports
incidents scoring above the selected threshold each day. The picture below shows
that there were 16 incidents above the threshold today (Monday).
The toolbar at the top of the report offers access to the following additional features
and functions:
● My Cases shows the cases that you (the currently logged-on administrator) have
88 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
● Settings opens the Settings > General > Reporting page, used to configure
reporting preferences such as risk score threshold—for example, show only cases
exceeding a score of 8.0.
● Export to PDF exports all of the cases that are currently displayed to PDF.
Many factors and indicators contribute to the risk score displayed in the incident risk
ranking reports. This section introduces some of the score’s main components.
The impact of a case represents the potential damage of the breach, and is evaluated
directly from the case’s breached classifiers. The impact is used as a multiplier to
increase the risk score. For example, a 20% increase in impact results in a 20%
increase in risk score.
Marking a source as a privileged account increases the impact value, as breaches from
privileged accounts may comprise highly sensitive information or evolve into a high-
profile breach.
Risk indicators
Various indicators are used to assess the case’s classification as active data theft,
broken business process, false positive, and so on. The indicators take into account
such factors as the user’s history, statistics, the reputation of the destination, and the
type of content, among others.
An active data theft case conveys the highest risk and requires urgent action.
High-risk users
Marking a source as a high-risk user affects the data-theft probability, but not the
Cases with a high-risk user as the source have a higher data-theft probability.
My cases
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
This report shows the cases that you have marked with a flag for later reference. This
is the same list that appears when you click My Cases on the Top Risks report toolbar.
Use My Cases as a temporal workbench area for tracking cases that you’re working
Administrator Help 89
Viewing Incidents and Reports
This report can show all cases that you have flagged or only those from a specific date.
Use the date filter in the filter pane to select which.
Your account must have a role with Summary reports permissions to view the My
Cases report.
This table lists all incidents according to their severity and the action taken. This is
useful for viewing incidents with a high severity that were blocked.
1. Select Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention.
2. From the report catalog, expand the Severity and Action folder and select All
Violations Severity & Action (last 7 days).
3. Click Run to generate the report.
These tables list the sources or destinations (users, addresses, email messages) that
most frequently violated policies, causing the incidents listed here. These are the users
whose transactions were most frequently blocked or quarantined by Forcepoint DLP
due to breach of policy or those who were most frequently meant to receive
unauthorized information.
1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention page.
2. From the report catalog, expand the Sources and Destinations folder and select
Top Sources & Destinations (last 7 days).
3. Click Run to generate the report.
Incident trends
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
After Forcepoint DLP has been running for a while, it may be useful to see what the
number of incidents was when the system was installed and if it declined over time.
You can also monitor trends for specific policies over time.
1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention page.
90 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
2. From the report catalog, expand the Trends folder and select Incident Trends
(this quarter).
3. Click Run to generate the report.
The trend report displays trends for new incidents and top policies over a defined
period of time, such as a quarter or year.
● New Incidents displays the number of new incidents that transpired during the
period, month by month.
● Top Policies lists the policies that triggered the greatest number of incidents over
the time period being displayed. The graph below charts the trend of the number
of incidents received over time per policy. Click Show All to view a list of all the
To change the time period, click Manage Report > Edit Filter. To specify how many
policies to include in the report’s Top Policies chart, select Manage Report > Show
Top Items. For example, do you want to see the top 5 violated policies? The top 10?
The trend report is based on aggregated data. The
aggregation is done every five minutes, so incidents added
in the last five minutes may not yet appear in the list.
Incident status
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
View the status of all DLP incidents from the last 7 days.
Administrator Help 91
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Forcepoint DLP can monitor or restrict data being sent via the Web to specific
countries. Geolocation reports display incidents by the geographical location to which
data was sent.
Use the Main > Reporting > Data Loss Prevention page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to access geolocation reports:
1. From the report catalog, expand the Geographical Location folder.
2. Select Web DLP - Destinations by Severity.
3. Click Run to generate the report.
A map of the world appears. (The report is schematic, not an accurate representation
of global regions.) This map shows outbound incidents that occurred over the Web
channel by severity and the geographical region where content was destined.
● Highlighted areas indicate the destinations for the most severe incidents.
For example, you might learn that users are trying to upload your most sensitive
data to a website or restricted domain in eastern Europe.
● Hover over a highlighted area to view more details about the incidents in that
● Click to drill down further.
92 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
The resulting screen shows the total number of incidents using the selected filter
for the region.
● Right-click and select Print to print a chart or right-click and select Save As to
save the report—with filters applied—under a new name.
To restrict data from being sent to specific countries:
● Add geographical locations to a policy’s Destination page:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Manage Policies page and open or
create a custom policy.
2. On the Destination page, under Web, click Edit.
3. Select Countries in the Display field.
● Add geographical locations to a business unit (Main > Policy Management >
Resources > Business Units), and then add the business unit to the rule.
Administrator Help 93
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Use the Main > Reporting > Mobile Devices > Report Catalog page to see a catalog
of all reports—both built-in and user-defined—that are available for mobile devices:
Report Description
Incident List
Mobile Incidents (last 3, 7, View a list of all the mobile email incidents for a certain
or 30 days) period of time—that is, incidents discovered when users
synchronize their mobile devices to their network email
See detailed information on each incident. Investigate the
violated policies and the actions taken by Forcepoint
software. Evaluate whether policy changes are needed.
Select this report when you want to manage incident
workflow, remediation, and escalation.
See Viewing the incident list, page 60, for an explanation of
how to read and customize reports like this one.
Risk Assessment
Top Violated Mobile Find out which mobile DLP policies were violated most
Policies frequently over the last 7 days, so you can assess the security
risk to your organization.
Top Synced Messages (last Find out the messages that were synchronized to mobile
7 days) devices most frequently.
View a list of incidents with details such as the time the
message was sent, the source and destination of the message,
the severity and more.
Severity & Action
Mobile PII Violations Find out when personally identifiable information was being
synchronized to mobile devices, the users performing the
sync, and the action taken.
Mobile Credit Card Find out when credit card information was being
Violations synchronized to mobile devices, the users performing the
sync, and the action taken.
Click a folder to expand it and see a list of related reports. Click Run to generate the
This report shows which mobile DLP policies were violated most frequently over the
last 7 days, so you can assess the security risk to your organization.
94 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
The bar chart shows how many times the policies were violated.
The table shows how many devices were involved in each breach—that is, how many
tried to synchronize email that violated those policies. It also shows whether each
violation was a high, medium, or low security breach. This setting is determined by
which attribute was matched.
Click a link to view details about each incident.
This report shows the messages that were synchronized to mobile devices most
View a list of incidents with details such as the time the message was sent, the source
and destination of the message, the severity and more. (These properties are
configurable.) View the message itself under incident forensics.
See Viewing the incident list, page 60, for an explanation of how to read and
customize incident reports like this one.
This report shows the severity of personally identifiable information incidents and the
action taken.
The top portion shows incidents by severity.
● The table shows how many high, medium, and low severity PII incidents occurred
during email sync. Click a link to view details about each incident, such as the
source and destination of the violating email message.
● The pie chart shows the percentage of PII violations that were of high, medium,
and low severity.
Severity is determined by which attribute was matched.
The bottom portion of the report shows the actions taken for each PII incident. The bar
chart and table both show how many PII incidents were quarantined or permitted.
Click a link in the table to view details about each incident.
This report shows when credit card information was being synchronized to mobile
devices, the users performing the sync, and the action taken.
The top portion shows incidents by severity.
Administrator Help 95
Viewing Incidents and Reports
● The table shows how many high, medium, and low severity credit card incidents
occurred during email sync. Click a link to view details about each incident, such
as the source and destination of the violating email message.
● The pie chart shows the percentage of credit card violations that were of high,
medium, and low severity.
Severity is determined by which attribute was matched.
The bottom portion of the report shows the actions taken for each credit card incident.
The bar chart and table both show how many credit card incidents were quarantined or
permitted. Click a link in the table to view details about each incident.
Discovery reports
Use the Main > Reporting > Discovery > Report Catalog page to see a catalog of
all available discovery reports—both built-in and user-defined. The built-in reports
are described below.
Click a folder to expand it and see a list of related reports. Click Run to generate the
Incident List
Discovered Hosts
Hosts with credit card data Find out which hosts contain credit card data, and assess any
violated policies on each host.
Hosts with personally Find out which hosts contain personally identifiable
identifiable information information, and assess any violated policies on each host.
Hosts with PCI data Find out which hosts contain PCI data, and assess any
violated policies on each host.
Hosts with sensitive data Find out which hosts contain sensitive information, and
assess any violated policies on each host.
Laptops with sensitive data Find out which laptops contain sensitive information, and
assess any violated policies on each host.
96 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Sensitive data on shared Find out was sensitive data was found in shared folders.
folders accessible by
Sensitive data on file Find out was sensitive data was found on file, SharePoint,
servers, SharePoint servers, and cloud servers (for example, SharePoint 365 and Box).
and cloud servers
Sensitive data on laptops Find out was sensitive data was found on laptops
Sensitive data in databases Find out was sensitive data was found in databases.
Sensitive data in private Find out was sensitive data was found in private mailboxes.
Sensitive data in public Find out was sensitive data was found in public mailboxes.
Discovered Databases
Databases with credit card Find out which databases contain credit card numbers, and
numbers assess any violated policies on each database.
Databases with personally Find out which databases contain personally identifiable
identifiable information information, and assess any violated policies on each
Databases with sensitive Find out which databases contain sensitive information, and
data assess any violated policies on each database.
Databases with PCI data Find out which databases contain PCI data, and assess any
violated policies on each database.
Discovered Mailboxes
Mailboxes with credit card View which mailboxes contain credit card numbers, and
numbers assess any violated policies in each mailbox.
Mailboxes with personally View which mailboxes contain personally identifiable
identifiable information information, and assess any violated policies in each
Mailboxes with sensitive View which mailboxes contain sensitive data, and assess any
data violated policies in each mailbox.
Mailboxes with PCI data View which mailboxes contain PCI data, and assess any
violated policies in each mailbox.
Administrator Help 97
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Executive Dashboard
Incident status View the status of all discovery incidents from the last 7 days.
Discovery dashboard
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Use the Main > Reporting > Discovery > Discovery Dashboard page to find:
● An overview of information leaks in the system
● What actions are being taken on the leaks
● Which channels are problematic
● What kinds of violations are being made
The report provides summaries per channel, severity, and action and provides an
overall picture of information leaks on in the network.
View the dashboard in the Security Manager at any time, or create a scheduled task to
receive it periodically via email.
To access the dashboard:
1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Discovery > Report Catalog page and expand the
Executive Dashboard section, if needed.
2. Click Discovery Dashboard.
Remember that all reports represent only incidents from to which the
administrator has access.
3. Click Run to generate the report.
The dashboard includes the following sections:
● Top Policies: the policies that were violated the most frequently and the number
of times each was violated.
● Top Items: the hosts, mailboxes, and tables with the most violations, depending
on the type of discovery performed.
● Export the dashboard report to a PDF file or view a Print Preview, using the
buttons at the top of the page.
98 Forcepoint DLP
Viewing Incidents and Reports
● Customize the report via the Manage Report > Edit Filter page (see Managing
incident reports, page 75).
● Schedule the report to be delivered by email (see Scheduling tasks, page 57).
The sensitive data reports enable you to see where potentially sensitive data is located
in your organization, and review any violated policies for those locations.
Note that for these reports to contain information, you must first run appropriate
discovery tasks. For hosts, run a discovery task for endpoints, network folders, or
SharePoint sites. For mailboxes or databases, run a network discovery task for
Exchange servers or databases respectively.
1. Go to the Main > Reporting > Discovery page.
2. From the report catalog, expand the Discovered Sensitive Data folder and select
one of the following reports:
Report Description
Sensitive data on file Find out what vulnerable data was most violated and
servers, SharePoint servers, where it is stored. Assess the security risk to your
and cloud servers organization.
Sensitive data in private Find out which policies were violated most, and in
mailboxes which mailboxes the violations occurred. Assess the
security risk to your organization.
Sensitive data in databases Find out which policies were violated most, and in
which databases the violations are located. Assess the
security risk to your organization.
Mailboxes with sensitive View which mailboxes contain sensitive data, and
data assess any violated policies in each mailbox.
Hosts with sensitive data Find out which hosts contain sensitive information, and
assess any violated policies on each host.
Databases with sensitive Find out which databases contain sensitive information,
data and assess any violated policies on each database.
Administrator Help 99
Viewing Incidents and Reports
Related topics:
● Viewing policies, page 104
● Creating Custom DLP Policies, page 143
● Creating Discovery Policies, page 261
After installing Forcepoint DLP software and configuring system settings, the next
step is to create a policy.
DLP policies enable monitoring and control of the flow of sensitive data throughout
an organization. Depending on the existing Forcepoint DLP configuration,
administrators can set up policies to monitor information sent via email and over
HTTP and HTTPS channels, and ensure all communications are in line with
applicable regulations and compliance laws. It is also possible to monitor email being
sent to users’ mobile devices.
There are 5 kinds of DLP policies. These include:
● A single email DLP policy that contains attributes to monitor in inbound and
outbound messages. For each attribute (for example, the appearance of a defined
key phrase), define whether to permit or quarantine the message, and whether a
notification should be sent.
For more information, see Configuring the Email DLP Policy, page 117.
● A single web DLP policy that contains attributes to monitor in HTTP, HTTP, and
FTP channels, as well as websites to which sensitive data cannot be sent.
For more information, see Configuring the Web DLP Policy, page 125.
● A single mobile DLP policy that contains attributes to monitor in email being
sent to users’ mobile devices. For each attribute (for example, the appearance of a
defined key phrase), define whether to permit or quarantine the message, and
whether a notification should be sent.
For more information, see Configuring the Mobile DLP Policy, page 133.
● A rich set of predefined policies that cover the data requirements for a wide
variety of organizations. They include:
Administrators cannot delete or rename the email, web, or
mobile DLP policy, but can enable or disable their
Administrators cannot update all rules or exceptions in
email or web policies using the batch operations on the
Manage Policies screen.
Before getting started with policy management and creation, see What’s in a policy?,
page 103.
What’s in a policy?
Related topics:
● Managing rules, page 162
● Managing exceptions, page 163
● Classifying Content, page 169
● Defining Resources, page 229
Element Description
Rules Provide the logic for the policy. They are the conditions that govern the
behavior of the policy. When should something be blocked? When should
managers be notified?
Rules can apply to a single breach or to the accumulation of breaches over
a period of time. Standard rules create incidents every time a rule is
matched. Cumulative rules accumulate matches over time and create
incidents when a threshold is met. This is known as drip DLP.
Exceptions Define the conditions that should be exempt from the rules. An exception
is part of a rule and checked only when its rule is triggered.
You cannot add exceptions to cumulative rules, and exceptions
themselves cannot be cumulative.
Content Describe the data to be governed. You can classify data by file properties,
classifiers key phrases, dictionaries, scripts, database fingerprints, directory
fingerprints, file fingerprints, regex patterns, or by providing positive
examples for machine learning.
Resources Describe the source and destination of the data you want to protect, the
endpoint device or application that may be in use, and the remediation or
action to take when a violation is discovered (such as block or notify).
These components are the building blocks of a policy. When you create a policy from
a policy template, it includes all rules, classifiers, sources, destinations, and actions.
When you create a policy from scratch, wizards prompt you for such information.
Discovery policies also contain discovery tasks. These describe where to perform the
discovery. On networks, this may include a file system, SharePoint directory, IBM
Domino server, Box directory, database, Exchange server, or Outlook PST files. If
you’re performing endpoint discovery, it includes the exact computers to scan.
Viewing policies
Related topics:
● Policy levels, page 112
From the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies page,
click Manage Policies to view a list of policies that have been defined for your
If you haven’t created a policy yet, the list is empty. To
create your first policy, select Add > Predefined Policy or
Add > Custom Policy from the toolbar.
The branches in the tree can be expanded to display the items relevant to that
component. Under levels, there are policies. Under policies, there are rules. And under
rules, there are exceptions. To expand a branch, click the plus sign (+) next to the
desired component. To collapse a branch, click the minus sign (-) next to the desired
Select a policy, rule, or exception to view descriptive information about it in the
Details pane. A policy description and a description of the rules that the policy
contains display. Scroll down to view all the information that is available. Click
Advanced to see what the sources and destinations are.
When you select a rule, the right pane displays a description, the condition, and
When you select an exception, it displays a description, the condition, and the action.
Button Description
Create a new policy, rule, or exception.
Button Description
Delete the selected policy, rule, or exception.
The administrators that were directly assigned to this policy see it
in their policy list as deleted. However, they continue to see old
incidents that relate to this policy.
If you do not want to see incidents for a deleted policy, clear the
check box for the policy in your Incident report list.
Show disabled rules in the policy tree.
The information icon (“i”), when present, provides additional details about a field.
Editing a policy
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Field Description
Policy name The name for this policy.
Enabled Select this box to enable the rule for this policy. If this box is unselected,
the rule is present, but disabled.
Policy Enter a description for this policy.
Policy owners If configured, policy owners receive notifications of breaches.
To define an owner or owners for this DLP policy:
1. Click Edit.
2. Select one or more owners from the resulting box. See Selecting items
to include or exclude in a policy, page 113, for instructions.
3. Click OK.
It is possible to change multiple rules in a policy at once. You can change as many
rules as you want. This overrides the settings in the policy and reduces time and effort
involved in updating multiple settings.
From the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies >
Manage Policies page:
1. Select the policy to modify.
2. From the toolbar at the top of the content pane, select More Actions > Batch
Operations > Update rules of current policy.
3. In the Selected Rules box, select the rules that you want to modify.
4. In the Fields to Update box, select the fields to update.
Field Properties
State Select whether to enable or disable all the selected rules. This
changes their state.
Severity & Specify the incident severity and action plan to apply to all of the
Action selected rules.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions
according to the source’s risk level, select an action plan for each
one of the risk levels (1-5). When the rule is triggered, the action
plan that will be executed will be the one that was defined for the
risk level of the user as determined by Forcepoint UEBA. Click
the Add button to create a new action plan and add it to all risk
level action plan lists. You can then select the new action plan for
each risk level. See Custom Policy Wizard - Severity and Action,
page 149, for more details.
Source Select the sources of data to analyze. These sources are applied to
all of the selected rules. See Custom Policy Wizard - Source, page
152, for more details. Any changes made here override all other
configurations of source in the rule.
Destination Select the data destinations to analyze. These destinations are
applied to all of the selected rules. See Custom Policy Wizard -
Destination, page 152, for more details. Any changes made here
override all other configurations of destination in the rule.
6. Click OK.
It is possible to change multiple exceptions in a rule at once. You can change as many
exceptions as you want. This overrides the settings in the rule and reduces time and
effort involved in updating multiple settings.
From the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies >
Manage Policies page:
1. Select the rule to modify.
2. From the toolbar, select More Actions > Batch Operations > Update exceptions
of current rule.
3. In the Selected Exceptions box, select the exceptions that you want to modify.
4. In the Fields to Update box, select the fields to update.
Field Properties
State Select whether you want to enable or disable all the selected
exceptions. This changes their state.
Severity & Specify the incident severity and action plan to apply to all of the
Action selected rules.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions
according to the source’s risk level, select an action plan for each
one of the risk levels (1-5). When the rule is triggered, the action
plan that will be executed will be the one that was defined for the
risk level of the user as determined by Forcepoint UEBA. Click
the Add button to create a new action plan and add it to all risk
level action plan lists. You can then select the new action plan for
each risk level. See Custom Policy Wizard - Severity and Action,
page 149, for more details.
Source Select the sources of data you’d like to analyze. These sources are
applied to all of the selected exceptions. See Custom Policy
Wizard - Source, page 152, for more details.
Destination Select the data destinations that you want to analyze. These
destinations are applied to all of the selected exceptions. See
Custom Policy Wizard - Destination, page 152, for more details.
6. Click OK.
It is possible make changes to selected rules or all rules across all policies.
From the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies >
Manage Policies page:
1. Select the policy to modify.
2. From the toolbar, select More Actions > Batch Operations > Update rules of
multiple policies.
3. Select either All rules if you want to update all rules with your changes, or
Selected rules if you want to update only a few.
4. In the Selected Rules box, select the rules that you want to modify. You can see
which policies contain the rule.
5. In the Fields to Update box, select the fields to update.
Field Properties
State Select whether you want to enable or disable all the rules
in the current policy. This changes their state.
Severity & Specify the incident severity and action plan to apply to
Action all of this rule’s exceptions.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine
actions according to the source’s risk level, select an
action plan for each one of the risk levels (1-5). When
the rule is triggered, the action plan that will be executed
will be the one that was defined for the risk level of the
user as determined by Forcepoint UEBA. Click the Add
button to create a new action plan and add it to all risk
level action plan lists. You can then select the new
action plan for each risk level. See Custom Policy
Wizard - Severity and Action, page 149, for more details.
Source Select the sources of data you’d like to analyze. These
sources are applied to all of the rules in the policy. See
Custom Policy Wizard - Source, page 152, for more
Destination Select the data destinations that you want to analyze.
These destinations are applied to all of the rules in the
policy. See Custom Policy Wizard - Destination, page
152, for more details.
7. Click OK.
Field Properties
State Select whether you want to enable or disable all the
exceptions to the current rule. This changes their state.
Severity & Specify the incident severity and action plan to apply to
Action all of this rule’s exceptions.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine
actions according to the source’s risk level, select an
action plan for each one of the risk levels (1-5). When
the rule is triggered, the action plan that will be executed
will be the one that was defined for the risk level of the
user as determined by Forcepoint UEBA. Click the Add
button to create a new action plan and add it to all risk
level action. See Custom Policy Wizard - Severity and
Action, page 149, for more details.
Source Select the sources of data you’d like to analyze. These
sources are applied to all of this rule’s exceptions. See
Custom Policy Wizard - Source, page 152, for more
Destination Select the data destinations that you want to analyze.
These destinations are applied to all of this rule’s
exceptions. See Custom Policy Wizard - Destination,
page 152, for more details.
7. Click OK.
Delete policies
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Policy levels
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Adding or editing policy level, page 112
● Deleting a policy level, page 113
● Rearranging policy levels, page 113
● Rearranging exceptions, page 164
When you create policies, you can assign them a level that indicates execution priority
order. The tree structure demonstrates the hierarchy that has been assigned. You can
have as many levels as you wish. When you create a policy level, you assign it a name
and an execution order.
For example, you may create 3 levels called High, Medium, and Low, where high-
level policies are executed first, medium-level policies second, and low-level policies
last. If there is a match when data is scanned according to the high-level policies, no
scanning is performed on other levels. (All policies on the high level are still
checked.) If there is no match, data is scanned according to medium-level policies,
and so on.
At first, after installation, Forcepoint DLP has just one priority level.
Use the Policy level details page to created or update policy level definitions.
1. On the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies >
Manage Policies page, select More Actions > Manage Policy Levels.
The Manage Policy Levels page appears.
2. Click New in the toolbar at the top of the content pane to add a policy level, or
click an existing policy level name in the table to edit the policy level.
3. Enter or update the level Name and Description. You can name the levels
anything you want. For example, the military might define top secret,
confidential, secret levels. If an incident matches a policy on the top-secret level,
Forcepoint DLP stops searching for matches on confidential policies.
4. Click Select from list on the lower-right corner of the dialog to select policies to
add to this level.
5. Select one or more policy names in the left pane and click Add>> to move each to
the right pane.
6. Click OK to confirm the action.
A selector tool is used to select the items to include in a DLP or discovery policy, such
as sources, destinations, channels, and actions, among others. For most operations—
selecting application names, content classifier names, or files, for example—the
selector looks like this:
Use the selector to specify which entities to include in the rule and which to exclude.
If, for example, you want users in the Finance group to be able to move, copy, and
print corporate financial data in the /finance directory, select the Finance group with
the Sources selector and the /finance directory with the Destinations selector.
When there is an exception, add it to the exclusions list. If, for example, user bsmith is
a member of the Finance group, but should not have access to the /finance directory, r,
you would add user bsmith to the exclusions list.
A rule can have multiple exclusions.
To use the selector, complete the fields as follows:
Field Description
Display Select the entity—such as computers or networks if you are selecting
a source—to display in the Available List box at the bottom of the
If you do not see what you want to display, in some cases you can
create a new resource by clicking the “new” icon to the right of the
See Defining Resources, page 229, for instructions.
Filter by Typically, too many entries are available to display on one page. Use
the Filter by field to specify criteria for filtering the list. If you enter
“jones”, the system searches for any entry that contains the string
“jones”. It is equivalent to searching “*jones*”.
You can use additional wildcards in your filter string if desired. For
example, “?” represents any single character, as in the example
Click the search icon to filter the data.
Available items Lists the items that are available for selection in the current display
category. Use the page forward/backward controls to navigate from
one page to the next, or to the first or last page.
In some cases, a folder icon or up arrow appears. Click the icon to
display the directory one level up in the directory tree. You can also
click the breadcrumbs above the list to navigate to another level.
If you chose Directory Entries in the Display field, hover over an item
in this list to see all the fields that will be searched—login, full name,
domain name, and email address.
Selected items Use the right and left arrows to move items into and out of the selected
list. If you want to include a computer named Bob_Computer, then
highlight it on the left. Make sure the Include tab is active, and then
click >. If you want to exclude Bob_Computer, make sure the
Exclude tab is active when you click >.
If you select more than 1500 items, you receive an error message.
Consider creating a business unit to add more items to the Selected
Tip: you can move a group of users, computers, networks, etc. into the
Include box, then remove one user, computer, or network by
highlighting it on the right and clicking Remove.
When you are selecting sources or destinations, you can either select items from
predefined lists, or enter free text to identify the items to include in the policy.
On the sources and destinations selector:
1. From the drop-down list box, select one of the following:
■ Use Predefined lists to select from lists.
■ Use Free text to type the name of an item to include.
2. If you choose Predefined lists, complete the fields described above.
If you choose Free text, use the space provided to specify the entity to include:
When selecting a source, for example, to select an owner, type the corresponding
email address. To select a computer, type the hostname or IP address.
■ Optionally enter multiple items in a comma-separated list. For example:
[email protected], [email protected]
■ By default, the system searches for all entities containing the word or words
you enter. For example, if you type “jones” for policy owner, it might return
[email protected], [email protected], and [email protected].
Entering “jones” is equivalent to searching “*jones*”. Additional wildcards
are allowed.
3. Click OK.
Related topics:
● Configuring outbound and inbound email DLP attributes, page
● Defining email DLP policy owners, page 122
● Identifying email DLP trusted domains, page 123
Forcepoint DLP can help administrators control how sensitive data moves through
their organization via email using the email DLP quick policy. (Note that the email
DLP policy applies to network channels only. To monitor email on endpoint machines,
such as laptops that are off-network, create a custom policy.)
● Depending on the deployment, Forcepoint DLP can protect outbound, inbound, or
internal email from data loss, or all three.
● Monitoring email for sensitive data requires either Forcepoint Email Security or
the Forcepoint DLP protector.
To get the full benefit of Forcepoint DLP email
capabilities, subscribe to Forcepoint Email Security.
The protector can monitor inbound and outbound email in
monitoring mode.
Click Deploy in the Forcepoint Security Manager to
complete the registration process.
To confirm that Forcepoint Email Security has successfully registered with Forcepoint
1. Log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager, hover over the Forcepoint logo at the
top of the Forcepoint header and then select Email from the drop-down list
2. Navigate to the Settings > General > Data Security page.
3. If the status is “unregistered”, enter the IP address of the management server in
the field provided, and click Register.
4. Hover over the Forcepoint logo at the top of the Forcepoint header and select
Data from the drop-down list to switch to the Data Security module.
5. Navigate to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies > Email DLP
Policy page to configure the quick-start email DLP policy.
6. On the Outbound tab, select and enable the attributes to monitor in outgoing email
messages—for example, attachment type—and configure properties for those
attributes. See Configuring outbound and inbound email DLP attributes, page
7. On the Inbound tab, select and enable the attributes to monitor inbound email
messages—for example, questionable images—and configure properties for those
The email DLP policy can be used to define only inbound
and outbound email attributes to monitor.
Monitoring of internal email attributes for network or
endpoint email is configured on the Destination tab of the
custom policy wizard.
8. Identify an owner or owners for the policy. See Defining email DLP policy
owners, page 122.
9. Identify trusted domains, if any. See Identifying email DLP trusted domains, page
10. Click OK.
The email DLP policy cannot be deleted or renamed, but
its attributes can be enabled or disabled.
Use the Outbound and Inbound tabs of the Policy Management > Manage DLP
Policies > Email DLP Policy page to select one or more email attributes to include in
the policy.
To include an attribute:
1. Select the attribute from the Attributes list.
2. Mark the Enabled check box in the right pane.
Properties that apply to the attribute are listed under the check box.
3. Modify the attribute properties as needed, including:
■ The default severity (low, medium, or high)
■ What action to take when a breach is detected (for example, quarantine).
Actions are described in Adding or editing an action plan, page 245.
The available properties for each attribute are described in the table below.
Repeat this procedure for each attribute that you want to include.
When the system detects a match for an attribute, it triggers the policy.
To send notifications when there is a violation of a particular attribute setting, mark
the Send the following notification check box.
● To configure who receives notifications, click the notification name (“Email
policy violation”), then define the mail server, email subject, and message body,
as well as other required properties.
● By default, for inbound messages, policy owners receive notifications. For
outbound messages, both policy owners and message senders receive them.
Field Description
Message size The size of email messages to monitor. Only messages of the specified
size or higher are monitored. The default size is 10 MB.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Field Description
Regulatory & Select the regulatory and compliance rules to enforce. These are
compliance applied to all selected regions. (If no regions are selected, an error is
displayed. Click Select regions to address the issue.)
● Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
● Protected Health Information (PHI)
● Payment Card Industry (PCI DSS)
After selecting a law, click its name to view or edit the specific
policies to enforce, then select a sensitivity for each policy.
● Wide is highly sensitive and errs on the restrictive side. It is more
likely to produce a false positive (unintended match) than a false
negative (content that is not detected).
● Default balances the number of false positives and false negatives.
● Narrow is the least restrictive. It is more likely to let content
through than to produce an unintended match.
Default severity: high.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Attachment name One by one, enter the names of the exact files that should be monitored
when they’re attached to an email message. Include the filename and
extension. Click Add after each entry.
For example, after adding a file named confidential.docx, when a user
attaches a file with that name to an email message, the system detects
it and takes the configured action.
Note that only Forcepoint Email Security can drop attachments. If the
drop attachments options is selected when the protector is monitoring
email, messages are quarantined when a policy is triggered.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine, permit, drop attachments (default)
Attachment type Click Add to specify the types of files that should be monitored when
attached to an email message, for example Microsoft Excel files.
Select the type or types of files to monitor. If there are more file types
than can appear on the page, enter search criteria to find the file type
you want. The system searches in the file type group, description, and
file type for the data you enter.
If the file type does not exist, specify exact files of this type using the
Attachment name attribute instead.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine, permit, drop attachments (default).
Note:Only Forcepoint Email Security can drop attachments. If the
drop attachments options is selected when the protector is
monitoring email, messages triggering a policy are quarantined.
Field Description
Patterns & phrases Click Add to define key phrases or regular expression (regex) patterns
that should be monitored. Regex patterns are used to identify
alphanumeric strings of a certain format.
Enter the precise phrase (for example “Internal Only”) or regex pattern
(for example ~ m/H.?e/) to include.
Select how many phrase matches must be made for the policy to
trigger. The default number of matches is 1.
Define whether to search for the phrase or regex pattern in all email
fields, or in one or more specific fields. For example, you may want to
search only in an attachment, or skip searching in To and CC fields.
Default severity: medium.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Note:Although you do not define whether to search only for unique
strings, the system uses the following defaults:
■ Key phrase searches are non-unique. All matches are reported.
■ For regular expression searches, only unique matches are
reported as triggered values.
Acceptable use Select the dictionaries that define unacceptable use in your
Forcepoint DLP includes dictionaries in several languages. Select the
languages to enforce. Only terms in these languages are considered a
match. For example, if you select the Adult dictionary in Hebrew, then
adult terms in English are not considered an incident.
Note that false positives (unintended matches) are more likely to occur
when you select multiple languages. For this reason, exercise caution
when selecting the languages to enforce.
You cannot add or delete terms from predefined dictionaries, but you
can exclude terms from detection, if needed. Do this on the Main >
Content Classifiers > Patterns & Phrases page. Select the
dictionary to edit, then enter the phrases to exclude.
By default, the policy is triggered by a single match from the
dictionary or dictionaries you select.
Default severity: medium.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Questionable Select this attribute to prevent pornographic images from entering
images your organization. Pornographic images pose a legal liability to
organizations in many countries.
The system judges images based on the amount of flesh tone they
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine, permit, drop attachments (default).
Number of Specify the number of attachments to detect. Email messages with this
attachments number of attachments (or more) trigger the policy.
The default number of attachments is 20.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit
Field Description
Number of This option is available for outbound messages only.
destination Sometimes you may want to block messages sent to multiple
domains destination domains, because this may indicate spam.
Specify the number of destination domains to detect. Email messages
sent to this number of domains (or more) trigger the policy. The
default number of domains is 25.
Also, select which email fields to monitor (To, Cc, Bcc). To and Cc
are selected by default.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Use the Policy Owners tab of the Policy Management > Manage DLP Policies >
Email DLP Policy page to identify who can view and modify the policy and, if
configured, receive notifications of breaches. Notifications are sent only if they are
enabled in one or more of the policy’s attributes.
To define an owner or owners for the email DLP policy on the Policy Owners tab:
1. Click Edit.
2. Select one or more owners in the Select an Element dialog box. See Selecting
items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113, for instructions.
3. Click OK.
To send notifications to policy owners:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Resources page.
2. Click Notifications in the Remediation section of the page.
3. Select an existing notification or click New to create a new one.
4. Under Recipients, select Additional email addresses.
5. Click the right arrow then select the variable, %Policy Owners%.
6. Click OK.
See Notifications, page 257, for more information.
Trusted domains are, simply, those that you trust, such as the domain of a company
acquired by your organization. Trusted domains do not need to be monitored, so they
do not get analyzed by the system.
Trusted domain definitions apply to outbound email traffic
Related topics:
● Configuring web DLP policy attributes, page 126
● Selecting web DLP policy destinations, page 129
● Defining web DLP policy owners, page 131
Forcepoint DLP lets organizations control how and where users upload or post
sensitive data over HTTP or HTTPS connections via the web DLP quick policy. (Note
that the web DLP policy applies to network channels only. To monitor HTTP/S on
endpoint machines, such as laptops that are off-network, create a custom policy.)
Monitoring HTTP and HTTPS channels for sensitive data requires one of the
● Integration with Forcepoint Web Security
● The Web Content Gateway module
● The Forcepoint DLP protector
To get the full benefit of Forcepoint DLP’s web
capabilities, subscribe to Forcepoint Web Security.
Forcepoint Web Security uses the Forcepoint Master
Database to categorize URLs, and includes a built-in
policy engine that speeds analysis.
When Forcepoint Web Security is deployed with the DLP Module, the product
registers with the management server during installation to connect to Forcepoint
Click Deploy in the Forcepoint Security Manager to
complete the registration process.
To confirm that the registration was successful, navigate to the Settings >
Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security module of the Security
Manager. A module named “Web Content Gateway” should appear.
The web DLP policy cannot be deleted or renamed, but its
attributes can be enabled or disabled.
Related topics:
● Configuring the Web DLP Policy, page 125
● Defining web DLP policy owners, page 131
Use the Attributes tab of the Policy Management > Web DLP Policy page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to select one or more web
attributes to include in the policy.
To include an attribute:
1. Select the attribute from the Attributes list.
2. Mark the Enabled check box in the right pane.
Properties that apply to the attribute are listed under the check box.
Field Description
Post size Disabled by default.
Select the minimum size of web posts to monitor. The default is 10 KB
(that is, posts 10 KB and above in size are monitored).
Default severity: low.
Available actions: block (default), permit.
Regulatory & Enabled by default.
Compliance Select the regulatory and compliance rules to enforce. These are
applied to all selected regions. (If no regions are selected, an error is
displayed. Click Select regions to address the issue.)
● Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
● Protected Health Information (PHI)
● Payment Card Industry (PCI DSS)
After selecting a category, click its name to view or edit the specific
policies to enforce.
Applying specific policies improves performance and reduces
resource consumption.
Select a sensitivity for each policy.
● Wide is highly sensitive and errs on the restrictive side; it detects
more data than the other levels. It is more likely to produce a false
positive (unintended match) than a false negative (content that is
not detected).
● Default balances the number of false positives and false negatives
and is recommended for most customers.
● Narrow is the least restrictive. It is more likely to let content
through than to produce an unintended match. For best practice,
use this level when you first start using the block action. You
might also use it if the system is detecting too many false
Default severity: high.
Available actions: block (default), permit.
Field Description
Data theft Disabled by default.
The system protects against content being posted to the Web after your
computer is infected. This complements Forcepoint Web Security,
which protects against infected content downloaded from the Web.
Select the type of data to search for in outbound transactions. When
sent outside your network, this data can indicate a serious
● Suspected malware communication identifies transactions that
are suspected to be malicious, based on analysis of traffic from
known infected machines. This includes phone home and data
theft traffic. This feature Forcepoint Web Security with Linking
Service enabled. Because Linking Service is required, malware is
not detected on endpoints.
● Encrypted files - unknown format searches for outbound files
that were encrypted using unknown encryption formats, based on
advanced pattern and statistical analysis of the data.
● Encrypted files - known format searches for outbound
transactions comprising common encrypted file formats, such as
password-protected Microsoft Word files.
● Password files searches for password files, such as a SAM
database and UNIX/Linux password files.
● Common password information searches for password
information in plain text by looking for common password
patterns and using various heuristics.
● IT asset information searches for electronic data containing
suspicious content, such as network data, software license keys,
and database files.
● Suspicious behavior over time searches for activity considered to
be potentially malicious, such as numerous posts in a designated
period or numerous transactions containing encrypted data.
Select a sensitivity for each policy. Sensitivity levels are described in
more detail in the Regulatory & Compliance section, above.
Note:The selected number of policies and their sensitivity levels
affect performance.
Default severity: high.
Available actions: block (default), permit.
Name of uploaded Disabled by default.
file One by one, enter the names of the exact files that should be monitored
when they’re posted or uploaded to the Web. Include the file name and
extension. Click Add after each entry.
For example, after adding a file named confidential.docx, when a user
attempts to post a file with that name, the system detects it and takes
the configured action.
The system can detect files even when they’ve been compressed into
an archive, such as a .zip file.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: block (default), permit.
Field Description
Type of uploaded Disabled by default.
file Click Add to specify the types of files that should be monitored when
posted or uploaded to the Web, for example Microsoft Excel files.
Next, select the type or types of files to monitor. If there are more file
types than can appear on the page, sort the columns or enter search
criteria for find file types.
If the file type does not exist, specify exact files of this type using the
Name of uploaded file attribute instead.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: block (default), permit.
Patterns & phrases Enabled by default.
Click Add to define key phrases or regular expression (regex) patterns
that should be monitored.
On the resulting dialog box, enter the precise phrase (for example
“Internal Only”) or regex pattern (for example ~ m/H.?e/) to include.
Select how many phrase matches must be made for the policy to
trigger. The default number of matches is 1.
Default severity: medium.
Available actions: block (default), permit.
Note:Although you do not define whether to search only for unique
strings, the system uses the following defaults:
■ Key phrase searches are non-unique. All matches are reported.
■ For regular expression searches, only unique matches are
reported as triggered values.
Related topics:
● Configuring the Web DLP Policy, page 125
● Defining web DLP policy owners, page 131
Use the Destinations tab of the Policy Management > Web DLP Policy page in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to select one or more
websites to include in the policy. When the system detects that someone is posting
sensitive data to those websites, it triggers the policy.
● Select Websites that belong to the selected categories to prevent sensitive data
from being posted or uploaded to known or potentially hazardous websites, but
not to all websites.
Linking Service must be installed, running, and enabled to monitor selected
categories, and the connection to the Linking Service machine must be working.
(Enable Linking Service on the Settings > General > Services page.)
Expand a category to select or deselect specific site categories.
■ Mark Identified malware sites to prevent sensitive data from being posted to
websites identified as containing malicious software, including Bot Networks,
Keyloggers, Phishing and Other Frauds, Spyware, and more.
■ Mark Suspected malware sites to prevent sensitive data from being posted to
websites that contain potentially malicious or undesired content, including
Potentially Unwanted Software, Potentially Damaging Content, Suspicious
Embedded Link, and more.
■ Mark Data misuse sites to prevent sensitive data from being posted to
websites that are prone to misuse, intentional or not, by users, including Peer-
to-Peer File Sharing, Message Boards and Forums, General Email, and more.
Related topics:
● Configuring the Web DLP Policy, page 125
● Configuring web DLP policy attributes, page 126
● Selecting web DLP policy destinations, page 129
Use the Policy Owners tab of the Policy Management > Web DLP Policy page in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to identify who can modify
a policy and, if configured, receive notifications of breaches. Notifications are sent
only if they are enabled in one or more of the policy’s attributes.
To define an owner or owners for this web DLP policy:
1. Click Edit.
2. Select one or more owners in the Select an Element dialog box. See Selecting
items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113, for instructions.
3. Click OK.
To send notifications to policy owners:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Resources page.
2. Click Notifications in the Remediation section of the page.
3. Select an existing notification or click New to create a new one.
4. Under Recipients, select Additional email addresses.
5. Click the right arrow then select the variable, %Policy Owners%.
6. Click OK.
See Notifications, page 257, for more information.
Related topics:
● Configuring mobile DLP attributes, page 134
● Defining policy owners, page 137
Use the Forcepoint DLP mobile DLP quick policy to define what content can and
cannot be sent to mobile devices—such as phones and iPads—from network email
systems. This can be used to protect data in case an employee’s mobile device is lost
or stolen.
The system analyzes content when users synchronize their mobile devices to their
organization’s Exchange server. If content being pushed to the device breaches the
mobile DLP policy, it is handled according to the policy, whether the content is part of
an email message, calendar item, or task.
Mobile policies are set for user directory entries (users and groups), business units, or
custom users, not individual mobile devices. In other words, sensitive data can be
blocked from being sent to John Doe’s mobile devices, but not to a particular device
The mobile DLP policy requires a subscription to Forcepoint DLP Endpoint. In
addition, the mobile agent must be installed in the DMZ and connected to both an
Exchange server and the Forcepoint management server. (See Configuring the mobile
agent, page 409, for more information.)
Note that the mobile DLP policy applies to mobile email only.
● To monitor network email, configure the email DLP policy.
● To monitor endpoint email, configure a custom policy.
Use the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies > Mobile DLP Policy page in
the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to configure the mobile
DLP policy.
The mobile DLP policy cannot be deleted or renamed, but
its attributes can be enabled or disabled.
Use the Attributes tab of the Policy Management > Mobile DLP Policy page in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to select one or more email
attributes to include in the policy.
To include an attribute:
1. Select the attribute from the Attributes list.
2. Mark the Enabled check box in the right pane.
Properties that apply to the attribute are listed under the check box.
3. Modify the attribute properties as needed, including:
■ The default severity (low, medium, or high)
■ What action to take when a breach is detected (for example, quarantine).
Actions are described in Adding or editing an action plan, page 245.
See Mobile DLP attribute properties, page 135, for details about the properties
available for each attribute.
Repeat this procedure for each attribute to include.
When the system detects a match for an attribute, it triggers the policy.
To send notifications when there is a violation of a particular attribute setting, mark
the Send the following notification check box.
● To configure who receives notifications, click the notification name (“Mobile
policy violation”), then define the mail server, email subject, and message body,
as well as other required properties.
● By default, policy owners receive notifications.
The table below lists the mobile DLP attributes and their configurable properties:
Field Description
Message size The size of email messages to monitor. Only messages of the specified
size or higher are monitored. The default size is 10 MB.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Regulatory & Select the regulatory and compliance rules to enforce. These are
Compliance applied to all selected regions. (If no regions are selected, an error is
displayed. Click Select regions to address the issue.)
● Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
● Protected Health Information (PHI)
● Payment Card Industry (PCI DSS)
After selecting a law, click its name to view or edit the specific
policies to enforce, then select a sensitivity for each policy.
● Wide is highly sensitive and errs on the restrictive side. To avoid
leaking sensitive data, it is more likely to produce a false positive
(unintended match) than a false negative (content that is not
● Default balances the number of false positives and false negatives.
● Narrow is the least restrictive. It is more likely to let content
through than to produce an unintended match.
Default severity: high.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Attachment name One by one, enter the names of the exact files that should be monitored
when they’re attached to an email message. Include the filename and
extension. Click Add after each entry.
For example, after adding a file named confidential.docx, when a user
attaches a file with that name to an email message, the system detects
it and takes the configured action.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit
Attachment type Click Add to specify the types of files that should be monitored when
attached to an email message, for example Microsoft Excel files.
Select the type or types of files to monitor. If there are more file types
than can appear on the page, enter search criteria to find the file type
you want. The system searches in the file type group, description, and
file type for the data you enter.
If the file type does not exist, specify exact files of this type using the
Attachment name attribute instead.
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Field Description
Patterns & phrases Click Add to define key phrases or regular expression (regex) patterns
that should be monitored. Regex patterns are used to identify
alphanumeric strings of a certain format.
On the resulting dialog box, enter the precise phrase (for example
“Internal Only”) or regex pattern (for example ~ m/H.?e/) to include.
Select how many phrase matches must be made for the policy to
trigger. The default number of matches is 1.
Define whether to search for the phrase or regex pattern in all email
fields, or in one or more specific fields. For example, you may want to
search only in an attachment, or skip searching in To and CC fields.
Default severity: medium.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Note:Although you do not define whether to search only for unique
strings, the system uses the following defaults:
■ Key phrase searches are non-unique. All matches are reported.
■ For regular expression searches, only unique matches are
reported as triggered values.
Acceptable use Select the dictionaries that define unacceptable use in your
Forcepoint DLP includes dictionaries in several languages. Select the
languages to enforce. Only terms in these languages are considered a
match. For example, if you select the Adult dictionary in Hebrew, then
adult terms in English are not considered an incident.
Note that false positives (unintended matches) are more likely to occur
when you select multiple languages. For this reason, exercise caution
when selecting the languages to enforce.
You cannot add or delete terms from predefined dictionaries, but you
can exclude terms from detection, if needed. Do this on the Main >
Content Classifiers > Patterns & Phrases page. Select the
dictionary to edit, then enter the phrases to exclude.
By default, the policy is triggered by a single match from the
dictionary or dictionaries you select.
Default severity: medium.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Questionable Select this attribute to prevent pornographic images from entering
images your organization. Pornographic images pose a legal liability to
organizations in many countries.
The system judges images based on the amount of flesh tone they
Default severity: low.
Available actions: quarantine (default), permit.
Trusted users are those that the organization does not want monitored. Forcepoint
DLP does not analyze email sent to mobile devices for trusted users.
If you have users that should not receive mobile DLP policy enforcement:
1. Select Enable trusted users.
2. Click Edit.
3. Browse to identify the trusted users, directory entries, and business units.
Use the Policy Owners tab of the Policy Management > Mobile DLP Policy page in
the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to identify who can
view and modify a policy and, if configured, receive notifications of breaches.
Notifications are sent only if they are enabled in one or more of the policy’s attributes.
To define an owner or owners for this mobile DLP policy:
1. Click Edit.
2. Select one or more owners in the Select an Element dialog box. See Selecting
items to include or exclude in a policy, page 113, for instructions.
3. Click OK.
To send notifications to policy owners:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Resources page.
2. Click Notifications in the Remediation section of the page.
3. Select an existing notification or click New to create a new one.
4. Under Recipients, select Additional email addresses.
5. Click the right arrow then select the variable, %Policy Owners%.
6. Click OK.
See Notifications, page 257, for more information.
Forcepoint DLP comes with a rich set of predefined policies that cover the data
requirements for a wide variety of organizations. Use the predefined policies as
applicable for your industry and region, or refine the policies to meet the
organization’s needs.
For more information about the predefined policies, see Predefined Policies and
Once a predefined policy has been customized and saved
under a new name, it is no longer maintained automatically
by Forcepoint DLP updates. Administrators must
manually keep the customized policy up to date.
Use the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to start using
predefined policies:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies
2. Click Add predefined policy.
3. For administrators using the policy templates for the first time, a wizard appears.
Complete the fields as follows:
■ Welcome
■ Regions
■ Industries
■ Finish
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
On the Regions page, indicate the region or regions for which policies will be created.
This helps the policy wizard focus on policies generally relevant to the selected
geographical location.
Expand the tree by clicking the plus signs.
Click Next to continue.
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
On the Industries page, select the industry or industries relevant to the policies that
will be created. This helps the policy wizard focus on policies generally relevant to an
If the policies are to be run at a public company, select the Public Company check
box to ensure all policies relevant to public companies are available.
Click Next to continue.
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
The Finish page appears, summarizing the selections made in the wizard.
Click Finish.
Refer to Policy list, page 140, for information about the resulting page.
Policy list
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Use the Policy Library page (Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery
Policies > Add predefined policy) to review the available predefined policies.
● Highlight a policy see the policy description in the right pane.
● Use the View button in the content pane to specify whether to show all applicable
policies or only commonly used policies.
To select and start using the predefined policies:
1. Mark the check box next to the name of each policy to apply.
2. After selecting policies, click Use Policies in the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
The Regions and Industries settings configured in this
section are applied to both DLP and discovery policies.
They do not need to be selected again. To change them in
the future, see Changing policy industry or region settings.
Once a predefined policy has been customized and saved
under a new name, it is no longer maintained automatically
by Forcepoint updates. Be sure to keep the customized
policy up to date.
Use the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to update the list of
predefined DLP or discovery policies being used:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies
2. Click Add predefined policies.
3. Select a policy category from the drop-down list, or select All categories.
4. Click View, then choose whether you want to see the most commonly used
policies or all policies, then confirm the selection.
5. Expand the tree in the left pane to view additional policy categories, as well as
policy names.
6. Highlight a policy name to view details about the policy in the right pane. The
details include a description, as well as a list of the rules and exceptions the policy
7. Select one or more policies, then click Use Policies.
Use the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to change the
selected industries and regions for DLP and discovery policies:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies
2. Click Add predefined policies.
3. Select a policy category from the drop-down list, or select All categories.
4. At the top of the screen, locate the following sentence:
Displaying policies from n industries in n regions.
5. To change industries, click the industries link.
6. To change regions, click the regions link.
Related topics:
● Managing rules, page 162
● Managing exceptions, page 163
● Defining Resources, page 229
DLP policies govern data in motion across the network or on endpoint machines.
To create a custom DLP policy in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies page.
2. Click Create custom policy.
The General page of the custom policy wizard opens. See Custom Policy Wizard -
General, page 144.
3. Complete each page in the wizard, then click Next.
For detailed instructions for any page, click Help > Explain This Page.
4. After reviewing the information on the final page of the wizard, click Finish.
As a best practice:
1. Initially configure policies to apply a permissive action to all sources and
destinations of data.
2. After monitoring the results, make updates to permit or block specific sources and
destinations and apply more restrictive actions.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources page to configure source and
destination resources for policies.
Use the General tab of the custom policy wizard to define a policy name and
description, select one or more policy owners, and determine whether to give the rule
based on the policy the same name as the policy itself:
1. Enter a unique Policy name.
2. Indicate whether the rule for this policy is Enabled. If this option is not selected,
the rule is present, but not used.
3. Enter a Description of the policy.
4. To define one or more owners for this policy:
a. Click Edit.
b. Select one or more owners as described in Selecting items to include or
exclude in a policy, page 113.
c. Click OK.
5. Every policy has one or more rules. When this policy is created, a rule will
automatically be added, based on properties set in the wizard. Indicate how to
name the rule associated with this policy:
■ Select Use the policy name for the rule name to give the rule for this policy
the same name as the policy.
■ Select Use a custom name for the rule to define a name for the rule, then
enter a name and description for the rule.
6. Click Next, then continue with Custom Policy Wizard - Condition, page 144.
Related topics:
● Classifying Content, page 169
● Custom Policy Wizard - Severity and Action, page 149
Use the Condition tab of the custom policy wizard to define the logic of the rule.
● Select one or more content classifier conditions.
● Generate logic between the conditions using and, or, not, and parentheses. This
logic should be based on the organization’s business rules. For example:
A bank uses a file fingerprinting classifier to identify a blank application form.
Administrators create a custom policy with the following rules:
■ Because the blank form is for marketing purposes, and the organization wants
people to fill it out to apply for loans, one rule that says if the fingerprinting
classifier for the blank form is matched, permit it to be sent from all sources to
all destination channels.
■ A second rule is constructed so that when the form contains a social security
number and the word “income,” it is a loan application is permitted to go to
one destination: the loan department. It is blocked from all other destinations.
The condition logic states: when the fingerprinting classifier is matched AND
a social security number pattern is matched AND the key phrase classifier
“income” is matched, it is a standard loan application: 1 AND 2 AND 3.
■ A third rule to the policy states that when content contains the social security
number and the word “income,” as well as the keywords “residential” or
“deed,” it is a mortgage application: 1 AND 2 AND 3 AND (4 OR 5). Permit
it to be distributed to the mortgage department and title insurance partners.
To define the rule logic:
1. Use the drop-down box next to This rule monitors to select one of the following
■ To trigger the rule on any content without analysis, select All activities. This
may lead to large numbers of incidents.
■ To monitor one or more specific classifiers, select Specific data, then use the
in drop-down list to indicate when to trigger incidents.
○ Select all parts of the transaction as a whole to trigger an incident if the
sum of all matches in the transaction exceeds the configured threshold. For
example, if the threshold is 3, then a transaction with 2 matches in the
message body and one match in the subject line triggers an incident.
○ Select each part of the transaction separately to trigger an incident
triggered only when the threshold is reached in any one part of the
transaction. For example, there would have to be 3 matches in the body or
3 in the subject line or other message part for an incident to be triggered.
2. Click Add, then use the drop-down list to:
■ Select Patterns & Phrases to add a regular expression, key phrase, script, or
dictionary classifier.
■ Select File Properties to add a file name, type, or size classifier to the
■ Select Fingerprint to add a file or database fingerprint classifier to the
■ Select Machine Learning to add a machine learning classifier to the condition.
Machine learning lets administrators provide examples of the data that to
protect, so the system can learn from them and identify items of a similar
■ Define a Transaction Size to detect transactions of the specified size or larger.
■ Define a Number of Email Attachments (email transactions only) to detect
email messages with a certain number of attachments or greater.
Click a hyperlink in the Properties column on the Condition tab of the custom policy
wizard to view and edit the properties of a condition line, including the name,
description, and a variety of other details.
See Fingerprint classifiers for information about
additional configurable properties that are unique to
fingerprint classifiers.
Field Description
File/attachment Search files or attachments for each chosen destination
File metadata Search the metadata of files or attachments.
Subject Search only the subject line of messages.
Body Search only the main body of a messages.
From Search only the From field of a message.
To Search only the To field of a message (email only).
Cc Search only the carbon copy field of a message (email only).
Field Description
Bcc Search only the blind carbon copy field of a message (email
Other header Search in headers that are not covered by the above options:
● Search in All headers not covered in the above options.
Includes all standard headers—Date, Message-ID, or
Importance—as well as non-standard headers (x-headers,
including x-mailer, x-spam-reason, and x-origin-ip)
added during the sending of an email.
● Search in User-defined header. Some organizations
define x-headers to add custom information to the email
message header. For example, they might create an x-
header such as “X-MyCompany: Copyright 2017
After selecting this option, enter the header name.
Fingerprint classifiers
The Properties link for a database classifier opens a page with two tabs: General and
Properties. Use the General tab for field selection and the Properties tab to define the
threshold and email fields described in above.
For database records classifiers, the page displays table field (or column) names.
Select the fields to scan (up to 32 per table).
For endpoints, the number of fields selected for a database fingerprinting classifier can
affect accuracy. For the most accurate results, scan 3 or more fields.
● If only one field is being scanned, set a minimum threshold of 5 to reduce the
likelihood of unintended matches. (When an administrator attempts to set a lower
threshold, the system changes it to 5.)
If a condition applies to both network and endpoint
resources, the threshold is changed for the endpoint only.
Network resources retain the threshold you define on the
Properties tab.
Related topics:
● Custom Policy Wizard - Source, page 152
● Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 356
● Configuring Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 357
● Action Plans, page 244
Use the Severity & Action tab of the custom policy wizard to define when to trigger
an incident:
● Select Trigger an incident for every matched condition to trigger an incident
every time a condition in the rule is matched. (For example, if a user sends an
email message containing sensitive content, then prints the message, 2 incidents
are generated.)
● Select Accumulate matches before creating an incident to have the system
collect matches for a particular source over time and create incidents when a
threshold is met (drip DLP). The system remembers user activity and generates
incidents for matches that occur within a defined period.
To configure either option, configure the first line in the Severity and Action Plan
1. Specify the incident severity:
■ Low - Incidents that match this rule are of low importance. The policy breach
is minor.
■ Medium - Incidents that match this rule are of medium importance. The
policy breach is moderate.
■ High - Incidents that match this rule are very important and warrant
immediate attention. The policy breach is severe.
2. Select an action plan. Action plans are customizable.
■ Select Audit Only to monitor and record (audit) incidents.
■ Select Audit and Notify (default) to monitor and record incidents. In
addition, if notifications are configured, generate notifications.
■ Select Block All to block and audit incidents. In addition, if notifications are
configured, generate notifications.
■ Select Drop Email Attachments to remove email attachments that violate
■ Select Audit Without Forensics to monitor and record incidents without
recording forensic data.
■ Select Block Without Forensics to block and audit incidents without
recording forensic data.
Define severity and action at a more granular level by selecting the second and
third lines of the Severity and Action Plan table and selecting a severity and
action plan for each line.
For example, when there are at least 10 matches (10 or more), select Medium as
severity and Audit & Notify as action plan. When there are at least 20 matches,
select High as severity and Block as action plan.
Start with an action plan of audit only. Once policies have
been tuned, send notifications or use block actions, as
Click the icon to edit the action plan. Change the action for each channel, as
needed. Editing an action plan changes it for all the rules that use it.
Click the icon to create a new action plan. See Action Plans, page 244, for
The action applies only to the match that exceeded the threshold—the one that
created the incident—and subsequent matches. Initial matches are permitted.
3. Under the Severity and Action section, select how matches should be calculated:
■ Select greatest number of matched conditions to have the number of matches
compared, and only the greatest number reported. For example, if there are 5
matches for the classifier “Confidential Pattern”, 3 for “SSN Pattern”, and 10
for “My Key Phrases”, the number of matches would be defined as 10.
■ Select sum of all matched conditions to have the number of matches added
together and the total reported. Given the same example as above, the number
of matches would be defined as 18.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions according to the
source’s risk level, select an action plan for each one of the risk levels (1-5). When the
rule is triggered the action plan that will be executed will be the one that was defined
for the risk level of the user as determined by Forcepoint UEBA.
Click the Add button ( ) to create a new action plan and add it to all risk-level
action-plan lists. You can then select the new action plan for each risk level.
See Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 356 and Configuring Risk-Adaptive Protection,
page 357.
The Risk-Adaptive Protection section only affects users
that were defined as risk-adaptive users (see Custom user
directory groups, page 232 and Custom users, page 234
pages on how to define such users.)
3. Use the Where there are at least field to define the threshold for triggering an
incident. For example, trigger an incident when there are at least 3 matches (3 or
If the threshold is not met, the match count is 0.
4. Use the The rate of matches should decline... field to specify how long the
system should continue counting matches once the rate begins to decline.
As long as the system continues to detect the configured number of matches over
the configured period, it continues to accumulate the matches in the same
Use the Source tab of the custom policy wizard to identify the sources of data—such
as computers, devices, domains, and networks—that apply to this rule. By default, all
sources of data are applied.
1. To define specific sources of data, click Edit, then see Selecting items to include
or exclude in a policy, page 113.
2. If endpoint machines are a possible source, select the Machine type: laptops,
static devices (such as desktops), or all machines (default).
3. Select the Network location of the endpoint machines to analyze: anywhere
(default), when connected to the corporate network, or when not connected to the
corporate network.
Continue with Custom Policy Wizard - Destination, page 152.
Related topics:
● Rule Wizard - Finish, page 156
● What can I protect?, page 4
Use the Destination page of the custom policy wizard to select possible destinations
for data protected by this rule.
The Destination page varies based on subscription. You may see:
● Standard Forcepoint DLP options
● Forcepoint Web Security mode
For help using the Select Items screen that appears when
you edit any policy option, see Selecting items to include
or exclude in a policy, page 113.
Note: The list you create here is overridden by trusted application settings you
configured under Resources > Endpoint Applications. Groups that are trusted on
that page are not enforced even if they are included in the policy.
9. Select Endpoint Removable Media to analyze media such as thumb drives,
external hard drives, and other USB devices on endpoint machines. By default, all
removable media is included.
■ To select the media to analyze, click Edit.
■ For a complete list of supported endpoint removable devices, see Selecting
endpoint destination channels to monitor, page 436.
■ Linux-based endpoints cannot share removable media devices through NFS.
10. Select Endpoint LAN to analyze endpoint file copy over LANs. By default,
outbound traffic for all networks is covered—that is, traffic going from the
endpoint to all LANs.
Endpoint LAN control is applicable to Windows file sharing only.
To select a network to analyze, click Edit.
■ Specify a list of allowed destination IP addresses or hostnames for LAN copy.
Users may connect to a destination machine using the hostname, IP address,
or mapped drive, for example. Forcepoint DLP does not resolve the multiple
names for a single destination. To block or allow access to a machine, specify
each of the identifiers a user might specify: for example, FQDN, hostname,
mapped drive, and so on. Alternatively, always block or allow access using
hostname and require users to use hostname.
■ Data from an endpoint client can be intercepted.
■ If access to the LAN requires user credentials, files larger than 10 MB are
handled as huge files which are only searched for file size, file name, and
binary fingerprint. Files smaller than 10 MB are fully analyzed. The huge file
limit for other channels is 100 MB.
The Conditions tab of the custom policy wizard is used to add content classifiers or
email attributes to the policy.
● Content classifiers are used to identify account numbers, credit card numbers,
industry terms, and similar items as sensitive data.
● Attributes are used to identify email components to monitor.
The available content classifiers and attributes are:
● Patterns & Phrases classify data by regular expression (regex) patterns, key
phrases, dictionaries, and scripts. Regex patterns are used to identify
alphanumeric strings of a certain format, such as 123-45-6789.
● File Properties classify data by file name, type, or size. File name identifies files
by their extension. File type identifies files by their “magic number” (an internal
● Fingerprint files or directories, including SharePoint directories, and database
records directly from a database table, Salesforce table, or CSV file.
● Use Machine Learning to provide examples of the data that you want to protect,
so the system can learn from them and identify items of a similar nature.
● Set a Transaction Size to monitor transactions that exceed a size limit, such as
email messages more than 10 MB.
● Set a Number of Email Attachments to monitor email messages containing
multiple attachments.
● Set a Number of Email Destinations to monitor email messages being sent to
multiple destination domains.
Related topics:
● General tab, page 157
● Properties tab, page 157
General tab
The General tab of the Select a Content Classifier window lists the available content
classifiers. Sort or filter columns to locate specific classifiers.
To search for a classifier, enter a key term (like “credit card”) and click the magnifying
glass to search for a pertinent content classifier. Optionally include wildcards, such as
Click New to add one or more new content classifiers to the rule. Administrators can
add as many as needed. Select from the following classifier types:
● A Regular Expression is a string used to describe or match a set of strings,
according to certain syntax rules. When the extracted text from a transaction is
scanned, the system uses regular expressions to find strings in the text that match
patterns for confidential information.
● A Key Phrase is an exact keyword or phrase (such as “top secret” or
“confidential”) that might be found in content intended for an external recipient,
and possibly indicate that classified information is being distributed. The system
can block the distribution of this information.
● A Dictionary is a container for words and expressions belonging to the same
language. Many dictionaries are built into Forcepoint DLP, including lists for
medical conditions, financial terms, legal terms, and credit card terms. You can
also create or customize a dictionary list, and then use this it in your policies. Each
term in a dictionary can be assigned a weight, so when one term is detected, more
points are given towards a threshold than when another term is detected.
While it is possible to select predefined script classifiers, it
is not possible to define new scripts on the selection
screen. For more information about scripts, how they are
used, and how they can be modified, see Scripts, page 186.
Properties tab
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Define the threshold for matches and the fields to search for the classifier.
1. Set the Threshold that determines the number of matches that trigger an incident:
■ Use At least to select the minimum number of matches that must be made
■ Use Between to select an exact range of matches (1-999).
■ Use No match exists to trigger the rule if there are no matches.
2. Define how the threshold numbers are calculated:
■ Count only unique matches. Note that case differences are counted separately
for word-related classifiers. For example, word, Word, and WORD would
return 3 matches when this option is selected.
■ Count all matches, even duplicates
3. Click Analyze Fields to view and select the fields to search for this classifier.
■ Select Search all available fields to search content fields that pose the
highest risk of a policy breach. The fields are searched for the key phrases,
regular expressions, dictionary terms, or fingerprints you specify. This is the
■ Select Search specific fields to identify one or more fields to search. The
fields apply mainly to the email destination channel.
Field Description
File/attachment Search files or attachments for each chosen destination
File metadata Search the metadata of files or attachments.
Subject Search only the subject line of messages.
Body Search only the main body of a messages.
From Search only the From field of a message.
To Search only the To field of a message (email only).
Cc Search only the carbon copy field of a message (email only).
Bcc Search only the blind carbon copy field of a message (email
Other header Search in headers that are not covered by the above options:
● Search in All headers not covered in the above options.
Includes all standard headers—Date, Message-ID, or
Importance—as well as non-standard headers (x-headers,
including x-mailer, x-spam-reason, and x-origin-ip)
added during the sending of an email.
● Search in User-defined header. Some organizations
define x-headers to add custom information to the email
message header. For example, they might create an x-
header such as “X-MyCompany: Copyright 2017
After selecting this option, enter the header name.
File Properties
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● General tab, page 159
● Properties tab, page 159
General tab
The General tab lists all file property classifiers.
● The Type column indicates whether the classifier is predefined or user-defined.
● The Classifier Type indicates whether this is a file name, file type, or file size
classifier (see File properties, page 184).
■ File-type classifiers identify a single kind of file (like Microsoft Word File) or
a group of similar kinds of files (like Various Archive Formats), based on the
file’s magic number (an internal identifier).
■ File-name classifiers identify files by file-name extension (such as *.docx) or
the file name itself (such as myfile*.doc).
■ File-size classifiers identify files by their size.
Select the classifier to add to the policy’s rule.
Sort or filter columns to help you locate a specific classifier.
Properties tab
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● General tab, page 160
● Properties tab, page 161
General tab
Two types of fingerprint classifiers can be added: files or database records. The
General tab displays all classifiers from both types. Sort or filter columns to locate a
specific classifier.
When a database records classifier is highlighted, the bottom of the screen displays the
field (or column) names of the selected table. Select the fields to scan (up to 32 per
For endpoints, the number of fields selected for a database fingerprinting classifier can
affect accuracy. For the most accurate results, scan 3 or more fields.
● If only one field is being scanned, set a minimum threshold of 5 to reduce the
likelihood of unintended matches. (When an administrator attempts to set a lower
threshold, the system changes it to 5.)
● If you 2 fields are scanned, set the minimum threshold to 3 or more. (Trigger an
incident when 3 or more field1/field2 combinations are detected.)
If a condition applies to both network and endpoint
resources, the threshold is changed for the endpoint only.
Network resources retain the threshold you define on the
Properties tab.
Properties tab
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Define the threshold and email fields in which the specific classifier will be searched.
Field Description
Threshold A condition’s threshold is the number of matches that trigger an
incident. Select one of the following:
● At least - select the minimum number of matches that must be
made. Valid values are 1-999.
● Between - select an exact range of matches that must be made.
Valid values are 1-999.
● No match exists - trigger the rule if there are no matches.
Email Fields Click Email Fields to view and select the email fields to search for
this condition.
Search in all the Select to search the entire email message for the key phrase, regular
email fields expression, or dictionary terms. This is the default.
Search only in Select to search only specific parts of the email message. Choose one
these fields or more of the following:
● Attachment - search only in email attachments
● Subject - search only in the subject line of the email message
● Body - search only in the main body of the email message
● From - search only in the From field of the email message
● To - search only in the To field of the email message
● Cc - search only in the carbon copy field of the email message
● Bcc - search only in the blind carbon copy field of the email
● Other header - search in any other headers that are not covered by
the above options. This includes all x-headers. You can either
search in all other headers, or define a specific header that you
want to search.
Machine Learning
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
The page lists all the machine learning classifiers that are ready for use (finished
processing). Select a classifier to use in this rule. To find a classifier, use the arrows in
the column headers to sort the table by name, description, or accuracy.
Accuracy denotes the accuracy expected for classifier matches, given the positive,
negative, and all-documents examples provided and the complexity of the data.
Transaction Size
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Managing rules
Related topics:
● Creating a rule from a content classifier, page 227
● Adding a new exception, page 164
Rules define the logic of the policy. They can be added to a policy, edited, or deleted
from a policy at any time, as well as enabled or disabled.
When a policy is created, a rule is created automatically as content classifiers are
When adding content classifiers to a policy, optionally select Create Rule from
Classifier to add the rule manually. (See Creating a rule from a content classifier,
page 227.)
On the Manage DLP Policies or Manage Discovery Policies page, you can expand a
policy in the tree view and click a rule, then select Edit, Add > Rule, or Delete to
make changes.
Predefined content classifiers cannot be edited in the rules of the Forcepoint-defined
policy templates. The Condition tab for these rules shows the name and type of
predefined classifier, but does not allow administrators to view the logic or change
Rules can have one or more exceptions. To add an exception to a rule, click a rule in
the tree view and select Add > Exception. For information on adding exceptions, see
Managing exceptions.
Managing exceptions
Related topics:
● Managing rules, page 162
● Adding a new exception, page 164
● Rearranging exceptions, page 164
Select a rule in the tree, the select Add > Exception from the toolbar at the top of the
content pane.
Like policies, exceptions have levels that define execution priority order. See
Rearranging exceptions, page 164, for information on ordering exceptions.
Rearranging exceptions
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Exceptions have execution priority order. The tree structure reflects the current order.
When a policy is applied, exception 1 is applied first, then exception 2, and so on. If
an exception is triggered, any exceptions below it in the list are not checked.
To manage the order of exceptions:
1. Select More Actions > Rearrange Exceptions in the toolbar at the top of the
Manage DLP Policies or Manage Discovery Policies page.
2. Highlight exceptions one by one and move them up or down in the priority
sequence using the up and down arrows.
Related topics:
● Exception Wizard - General, page 165
● Exception Wizard - Properties, page 165
● Exception Wizard - Severity & Action, page 166
● Exception Wizard - Finish, page 167
Add exceptions on the Manage DLP Policies or Manage Discovery Policies page in
the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager (Main > Policy
Management > DLP Policies or Discovery Policies > Manage Policies).
Select a rule in the tree, the select Add > Exception from the toolbar at the top of the
content pane. (You cannot add an exception to a cumulative rule.)
The exception wizard opens to the first of 4 pages. See Exception Wizard - General,
page 165.
Complete the information on each page and click Next to proceed through the wizard.
Related topics:
● Custom Policy Wizard - General, page 144
The General tab of the exception wizard displays the name of the policy and rule
affected by the exception being created.
1. Enter a unique Exception name.
2. Indicate whether or not the new exception is Enabled.
3. Enter a helpful Description for the exception.
4. Click Next to continue to the Properties page of the exception wizard (see
Exception Wizard - Properties, page 165).
Use the Properties tab of the exception wizard to specify conditions, sources, and
destinations that apply to the exception.
To start, highlight a property in the Exception Properties list, then configure the
property in the right pane. Mark the check box next to the property name to enable that
● Select Condition to change the condition parameters established for the rule, such
as the content classifier, threshold, or condition relations.
See Custom Policy Wizard - Condition, page 144, for explanations of the
condition properties.
● Select Source to change the source of data defined for the rule.
See Custom Policy Wizard - Source, page 152, for explanations of the source
● Select Destination to change the destination of data defined for the rule.
See Custom Policy Wizard - Destination, page 152, for explanations of the fields
on this screen.
When you are finished, click Next to continue to the Severity & Action page of the
exception wizard (see Exception Wizard - Severity & Action, page 166).
Related topics:
● Custom Policy Wizard - Severity and Action, page 149,
● Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 356
● Configuring Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 357
Use the Severity & Action tab of the exception wizard to configure a severity level
and an action plan for conditions that match the exception.
1. Select severity and action plans according to matches of incidents that match this
exception. This overrides the rule’s severity and action plan.
■ Low - Incidents that match this exception are of low importance. The policy
breach is minor.
■ Medium - Incidents that match this exception are of medium importance. The
policy breach is moderate.
■ High - Incidents that match this exception are very important and warrant
immediate attention. The policy breach is severe.
Action Plan:
■ Select Block all to use the strict actions defined under Main > Policy
Management > Resources > Action Plans.
■ Select Audit & notify manager (the default) to use the moderate actions
defined. These are a compromise between the blocking and auditing plans.
■ Select Audit only to use audit incidents and not block them.
New and edit icons are displayed to the right of the action plan drop-down list.
■ Click the edit icon to change the action for each channel if desired. Editing an
action plan changes it for all the rules and exceptions that use it.
■ Click the new icon to create a new action plan. See Action Plans, page 244.
2. Select how matches should be calculated for this exception:
■ Greatest number of matched conditions. Select this option if you want the
number of matches for each condition to be compared, and only the greatest
number reported. For example, if there are 5 matches for the condition,
ConfidentialPattern, 3 for SSN_Pattern, and 10 for MyKeyPhrases, the
number of matches would be defined as 10.
■ Sum of all matched conditions. Select this option if you want the number of
matches for each condition to be added together and the total to be reported.
Given the same example as above, the number of matches would be defined
as 18.
5. Click Next to continue to the Finish page of the exception wizard. See Exception
Wizard - Finish, page 167.
Use the Finish page of the exception wizard to review the exception, make any
required updates, and add the exception to the rule.
1. Click Next to display a summary of the exception that was just created.
2. If adjustments are needed, go back to previous steps to make changes.
3. When the exception is correct, click Finish.
The new exception is added to the selected rule.
Forcepoint DLP policies use content classifiers to describe the data that is being
protected. Content can be classified according to file properties, key phrases, scripts,
regular expression (regex) patterns, and dictionaries. Forcepoint DLP can also
fingerprint data using, or administrators can provide examples of the type of data to
protect so the system can learn from it and make decisions.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers page to start classifying
To start, select one of the listed content classifiers.
Classifier Description
Patterns & Phrases Classify data using regex patterns, key phrases,
dictionaries, and scripts. Regex patterns are used to
identify alphanumeric strings of a certain format, such as
File Labeling Classify data by using the labeling system(s).
File properties Classify data by file name, type, or size. File name
identifies files by their extension. File type identifies
files by their magic number (an internal identifier).
File fingerprinting Fingerprint files or directories, including Microsoft
SharePoint and IBM Domino directories.
Database fingerprinting Fingerprint database records directly from your database
table, Salesforce table, or CSV file.
Machine Learning
Machine learning Provide examples of the data to protect, so the system
can learn from them and identify data of a similar nature.
Forcepoint provides predefined classifiers for the most common use cases. These are
described in Predefined Policies and Classifiers.
To classify content, administrators can:
After classifying content, add the content classifier to a
rule and policy; otherwise, it has no effect. You are
prompted to do this when you create a new classifier.
After classifying data, create a rule containing the content classifier and the conditions
in which content should be considered a match. For example, if the content contains 3
keywords and an attachment over 2 MB, trigger an incident. In the rule, you define the
sources and destinations to analyze.
Note that the system does not analyze all types of data. For example, it does not
analyze the metadata of plain text files or the data inside Windows .cab files.
Before creating a database fingerprinting classifier, read Preparing for database
fingerprinting, page 207, and Creating a validation script, page 208.
Forcepoint DLP automatically runs validation scripts on your new database
fingerprinting classifiers if the scripts are set up properly.
When working with most content classifiers, the toolbar at the top of the content pane
offers the following options:
Button Description
New Opens a dialog so you can create a new classifier of the selected type.
Delete Deletes the selected classifier. Be sure to check where the classifier’s
used before deleting it. (See Where Used, below.)
Note:You can delete only one classifier at a time. If you’re deleting a
fingerprint classifier and the crawler is unresponsive, you’re
asked to delete the classifier manually. (See Manually deleting
fingerprinting classifiers, page 172 for instructions.)
Create Rule Creates a rule from the selected classifier and lets you mark it for use
from Classifier in an existing or new policy.
Note: You can create a rule from only one classifier at a time.
See Creating a rule from a content classifier for more details on this
Where Used Shows which policies, rules, and exceptions use this classifier.
The fingerprinting and machine learning classifiers have additional menu options.
Button Description
Start Begins the fingerprinting or machine learning scan. Alerts that the
task will be moved into manual mode.
Pause Fingerprinting only. Pauses the scan.
Stop Stops the fingerprinting or machine learning scan. Alerts that the task
will resume at the next scheduled time or the next time it is run
More Actions In addition to Create Rule from Classifier and Where Used,
fingerprinting and machine learning classifiers offer a reporting
option under More Actions:
Download Fingerprinting Report - Database fingerprinting only.
Downloads a detailed report on fingerprinting activities.
Download Machine Learning Report - Machine learning classifiers
only. Downloads a detailed report on machine learning processes.
Using this report, you can:
● Understand the expected accuracy of the classifier (percentage of
misclassified files). You can decide how to use the classifier or
adjust the sensitivity as needed in the Details pane.
● Discover documents that were found when processing the positive
examples folders but did not appear to belong there. Learn the
accuracy of the classifier with and without these documents. Use
the Details pane to indicate whether or not to ignore inconsistent
In addition, the fingerprinting and machine learning classifiers offer a Details pane on
the right to show statistics about the scan and scheduler. See Details pane, page 173.
Details pane
Fingerprinting and machine learning classifiers offer a details pane on the right to
show statistics about the scan and scheduler. Expand or collapse this pane to show
more or less detail. Click the links, if offered, to see additional information on a
particular statistic.
For information about the details shown, see Fingerprinting details (below) and
Machine learning details, page 175.
Fingerprinting details
For fingerprinting classifiers, the details pane shows the following Scan details:
Statistic Description
Last run time The time and date of the last scan
Next run time The next scheduled scan time
Last scheduled time The last time a scan was scheduled
Status The status of the scan. If the scan completed with errors, click
the link to learn more details.
Schedule Whether the schedule is enabled or disabled
Scan frequency How often the scan is run
Statistics are also displayed for fingerprinted and committed data. (After a file is
fingerprinted, it is inserted in the fingerprint repository, then committed to be used as
part of the classifier. Commit is done after stop, pause, each 2500 files, and the end of
a run.)
Statistic Description
Fingerprinted files/records The total number of analyzed items. Click the link to view a
list of all the files that were fingerprinted, along with details
such as fingerprint date, status, and version; folder and file
name; and file size. (File version refers to the number of times
a file has been fingerprinted. The first time a file is
fingerprinted, the fingerprint is version 1. The second time, it
is version 2, and so on.)
To delete a fingerprint, select the file and click Delete on the
Fingerprint size The total size of analyzed items
Endpoint package size The size of the endpoint package
Used space on endpoint The total amount of disk space used on the endpoint
In addition, statistics are displayed for the most recently run scan, or the scan in
progress (if any).
Statistic Description
Scanned files The total number of items detected in the last scan
Scanned size The size of items detected in the scan, all totaled. (Does not
apply to database scans.)
Scan/fingerprinting The progress of the scan, in percentage completed
Fingerprinted files/records The number of items sent to the policy engine’s fingerprint
Failed files The number of files that could not be fingerprinted for some
reason—such as access to the folder was denied or the file was
not found. Click the link to see why fingerprinting failed for
these files.
Filtered-out files The files that were not included in the scan because of the file
filters you specified when you defined the task. (These files
that were ignored by the crawler because they matched a
Click the link to see the precise file type, age, or size filter that
was matched.
Estimated total files/ An estimate of the total number of items
Estimated total size An estimate of the total size of items
For machine learning classifiers, the Active Classifier section of the details pane
shows the following information:
Statistic Description
Accuracy Expected rate of unintended and undetected matches (false
positives and false negatives).
Last successful scan time The time and date of the last successful scan
All documents folder Path to the all documents folder
Positive examples folder Path to the positive examples folder
Negative examples folder Path to the negative examples folder
Sensitivity How sensitive the classifier is when detecting matches—in
other words, how closely content has to match the positive
examples to be considered an incident.
● Wide is highly sensitive and errs on the restrictive side.
To avoid leaking sensitive data, it is more likely to
produce a false positive (unintended match) than a false
negative (content that is not detected).
● Default balances the number of false positives and false
● Narrow is the least restrictive. It is more likely to let
content through than to produce an unintended match.
Click the link to adjust the sensitivity level. Your choice
depends on how important it is to prevent sensitive data loss.
Ignore inconsistent Indicates whether to ignore documents that do not appear to
examples belong to the positive examples folder or to use them as
positive examples anyway.
To view a list of inconsistent example documents, download
the Machine Learning report.
To keep the machine learning classifier up to date, periodically rescan the examples
folders. The Current Scan Statistics section of the details pane shows information
about the latest scan. If the scan succeeds, it becomes the active classifier. If it fails,
the Active Classifier and Current Scan Statistics are different.
Statistic Description
Run time The time and date that the machine learning process last ran
Status The status of the current content scan. See Machine learning
current scan status options, page 176, for an explanation of each
status option.
The status shown in the details pane may be different from the
status shown in the Status column of the table if you click
Refresh in one area but not the other.
All documents folder Path to the all documents folder
Statistic Description
All my documents Number of documents in the all documents folder
Positive examples Path to the positive examples folder
Positive examples Number of documents in the positive examples folder
Negative examples Path to the negative examples folder
Negative examples Number of documents in the negative examples folder
Total scanned files Total number of documents that were scanned
Accuracy Expected rate of unintended and undetected matches (false
positives and false negatives).
Related topics:
● Adding or editing a regular expression classifier, page 179
● Adding a key phrase classifier, page 180
● Adding a dictionary classifier, page 181
● File properties, page 184
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > Patterns & Phrases
page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view or
manage a list of script, regular expression, dictionary, and key phrase content
● Use the Type column to tell whether a classifier is predefined (built-in) or user-
defined. The list can be sorted by this column.
● Refer to Predefined Classifiers for details about each predefined Patterns &
Phrases classifier.
On this page:
● Click New, then select the classifier type to add a new regular expression (regex),
key phrase, or dictionary.
● Select a classifier, then click Delete to remove the selected classifier.
● Refer to the Used in a Policy column to determine whether or not a classifier is
used. For classifiers that are in use, click Where Used to see which policies use
the classifier.
Pattern to exclude
Administrators can define a list of exceptions to a regular expression, script, or
dictionary classifier. This is a list of content that matches the classifier, but should not
be considered in the tally of matches. For each content item transmitted, the system
tallies the number of instances of the pattern, and subtracts any matches in the Exclude
The pattern is Social Security numbers, the number of matches is 2, and the list of
excluded patterns is: 111-11-1111, 222-22-2222, and 333 33 3333 (total of three in
the excluded list).
Use the Patterns & Phrases > Regular Expression Properties page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to create a pattern classifier
either from scratch, or based on an existing classifier.
To create a pattern from scratch:
1. Go to the Content Classifiers > Patterns & Phrases page.
2. Use the toolbar at the top of the content pane to select New > Regular
3. Enter a Name for the expression, such as Visa card.
4. Enter a Description for this pattern, such as Visa credit card patterns.
5. Use the Value field to enter a regular expression (regex), such as all 3-character
strings followed by the sequence “123”. The expression should be compatible
with Perl syntax.
■ The Forcepoint Security Manager does not validate your expression. Click the
information icon for a list of valid values.
■ To include Unicode characters in your pattern, use the format \x{hex-
6. Click Exclude to exclude certain values from the pattern, then select either
Pattern to exclude or List of phrases to exclude to define the pattern to exclude.
Exclude should list exceptions to the rule.
■ Define the regex Pattern to exclude. Click the information icon for a list of
valid values.
■ Define the List of phrases to exclude. Enter each phrase one by one, then
click Add to add it to the list. These phrases, when found in combination with
the pattern, affect whether the content is considered suspicious.
Select a phrase and click Remove to remove selected phrases from the list.
7. Click OK.
To base a classifier on an existing classifier:
1. Go to the Patterns & Phrases page.
2. Click the name of a classifier to use it as the basis for a new classifier.
■ Depending on whether the selected classifier is predefined or user-defined,
different classifier properties can be edited.
■ Refer to Regular Expression Patterns for details about each predefined
3. Change fields as needed.
If you are starting from a predefined classifier, add or remove exclude values. No
other fields can be edited.
4. Click Save As at the top of the pane, then save the classifier under a new name.
Forcepoint regularly updates classifiers with new
regulations, but cannot update a classifier that has been
saved under a new name. Be sure to keep customized
classifiers up to date.
Use the Patterns & Phrases > Key Phrase Properties page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to create or edit a key phrase classifier.
The presence of a keyword or phrase (such as “top secret” or “Project X”) in content
intended for an external recipient may indicate that classified information is being
leaked. Forcepoint DLP makes it possible to block distribution of this information by
defining a key phrase classifier. No other protection features, such as fingerprinting,
are required.
To access the Key Phrase Properties page:
● To create a new key phrase, New > Key Phrase in the toolbar for the Patterns &
Phrases page.
● To edit an existing key phrase, click the name of the key phrase in the list on the
Patterns & Phrases page.
Use the Patterns & Phrases > Dictionary Properties page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to create or edit a dictionary classifier
either from scratch.
A dictionary is a container for words and expressions belonging to the same language.
● Many dictionaries are built into Forcepoint DLP. There are lists for medical
conditions, financial terms, and more.
● Administrators can also create or customize a dictionary list, then use it in
policies, either as a classifier or an exception.
Policies can include a combination of classifier types. For example, a policy might
include a regex classifier that identifies alphanumerical sequences found in part
numbers, as well as a custom dictionary of part names to further identify risk. This
helps to reduce false positives.
To access the Dictionary Properties page:
● To create a dictionary classifier from scratch, select New > Dictionary in the
toolbar at the top of the Patterns & Phrases page.
● Do edit an existing dictionary classifier, select the classifier name in the Patterns
& Phrases list.
To define or update the dictionary:
1. Enter a Name for this pattern, such as Diseases.
2. Enter a Description for this dictionary, such as Disease terminology.
3. Under List of phrases to include, use the Phrase field to enter a word or phrase to
include, then click Add.
Do this for each phrase to include until your list is complete. These phrases, when
found in the content, affect whether the content is considered suspicious.
4. For each phrase, select a Weight, from -999 to 999. When matched with a
threshold, weight defines how many instances of a phrase can be present, in
relation to other phrases, before triggering a policy.
For example, if the threshold is 100 and a phrase’s weight is 10, an email
message, Web post, or other destination can have 9 instances of that phrase before
a policy is triggered, provided no other phrases are matched. If phrase A has a
weight of 10 and phrase B has a weight of 5, 5 instances of phrase A and 10
instances of phrase B will trigger the policy.
The system also deducts the weights of excluded terms. Matches that should be
excluded and are therefore not considered breaches are not accounted for in the
summation of weight.
By default, if no weight is assigned, each phrase is given a weight of 1.
Thresholds are defined on the policy’s Condition tab.
5. To create a dictionary containing many phrases more quickly, create a text file
listing the phrases, then click Import and navigate to the text file.
The text file must be of UTF8 format. In the text file:
■ List each phrase on a separate line. The phrase can be up to 256 characters.
■ Optionally, provide one weight per phrase on the same line. Valid weights are
from -999 to 999. If a phrase has no weight, it is assigned the default weight
of 1.
■ Separate the phrase and weight by a comma. Enclose the phrase in quotes (not
required if there is no weight). For example:
■ Each phrase must be distinct. (Repeated values are ignored.)
■ You can include up to 5000 unique phrases. If you include more, only the first
5000 will be added to the list.
■ Slashes, tabs, hyphens, underscores, and carriage returns are included in the
■ Common words are also included, unlike when fingerprint scans are
6. Indicate whether or not The phrases in this dictionary are case-sensitive.
7. If you are editing a predefined dictionary, click Exclude to exclude certain values
from the classifier, then:
■ Define the regex Pattern to exclude. Click the “i” icon for a list of valid
■ Enter a List of phrases to exclude, separated by commas. Click Add to add
them to the list. These phrases, when found in combination with the script,
affect whether the content is considered suspicious. Click Remove to remove
selected strings from the list.
8. Click OK.
File Labeling
Related topics:
● Adding or editing a file label, page 183
● Configuring File Labeling, page 354
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > File Labeling page in
the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view or edit file
labeling classifiers.
On this page:
● Click New to add a new file labeling classifier. See Adding or editing a file label,
page 183.
● Click a file labeling classifier name to view or edit its properties.
● Select a file labeling classifier, then click Delete to remove the selected classifier.
● When adding a classifier to a policy, optionally select Create Rule from
Classifier. See Creating a rule from a content classifier, page 227.
● Refer to the Used in a Policy column to determine whether or not a classifier is
used. For classifiers that are in use, click Where Used to view the policies, rules,
and exceptions that use the classifier.
If you have not imported labels for Boldon James Classifier or Microsoft Information
Protection, a message displays to indicate that you must first import labels before
selecting labels for detection. See Configuring File Labeling, page 354.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > File Labeling > File
Labeling Properties page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security
Manager to view or edit file labeling classifiers.
Use one of the following methods to access the File Labeling Properties page:
● To add a new file labeling classifier, click New in the toolbar at the top of the
content pane on the File Labeling page.
● To update an existing file labeling classifier, click an existing file labeling
classifier name in the list on the File labeling page.
A File Labeling Properties page appears.
To define or edit a file labeling classifier:
1. Enter or update the Name and Description for the classifier.
2. Use the Labeling system drop-down list to select the labeling system to use:
■ If you select Microsoft Information Protection or Boldon James Classifier,
the File Labels section displays.
Use the arrows to move labels between the All Labels and Detected Labels
In the All Labels list, mark the labels you want to detect and click the right
arrow to move labels into the Detected Labels list. The classifier is triggered
if at least one of the Detected Labels is found on the file.
All Labels tables display the label status in the Label Status column:
○ Active: Indicates the labels can be used for labeling by the labeling system.
○ Deleted: Indicates that labels were removed from the labeling system.
○ Obsolete: Indicates that Forcepoint DLP can apply labels for a legacy
system that still uses these labels. (Only for Boldon James Classifier).
■ If you choose Any Labeling System, the Detected Labels section is
○ In the Label field, enter the labels as free text, then click Add to add labels
to the classifier. You can add multiple labels to the field. The classifier is
triggered if at least one of the Detected Labels is found in the file.
Mark the check box The detected labels are case-sensitive to indicate
that labels are case-sensitive. By default, the labels are case-insensitive.
○ Mark labels and click Remove to remove selected labels from the list.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
File properties
Related topics:
● Adding a file-type classifier, page 185
● Adding a file-name classifier, page 185
● Adding a file-size classifier, page 186
For a list of supported file types, see Supported File
File-type classifiers group like files together (for example, documents or images). You
can create a new file type classifier or add files to the existing file type classifiers.
(Refer to File-type classifiers for details about each predefined file-type classifier.)
File-name classifiers identify files by file-name extension (such as “*.docx”) or the
file name itself (such as “myfile*.doc”). Because end users can change the extension
of files, this is a less secure means of identifying files.
File-size classifiers identify files by their size.
File properties classifiers do not work for the print
channels (network or endpoint), because file property
information cannot be extracted from printer drivers.
Use the File Properties > File Type by Type Properties page to add file-type
To access this page from the Content Classifiers > File Properties page, make sure the
By Type tab is selected, then select New from the toolbar at the top of the content
1. Enter a Name for this file type, such as “Picture Files.”
2. Enter a Description for this file type.
3. Use the Filter by field to enter criteria by which to filter the display, narrowing
down the results shown.
Optionally include wildcards.
■ “?” represents any single character, as in the example “file_?.txt”.
■ “*” represents zero or more of any character, such as “*.txt”.
Click the magnifying glass button to apply the filter.
4. Select one or more Available File Types in the left pane, then click > to add the
selection to this content classifier. The additions appear in the right pane. Scroll
through the list of supported file types by clicking the video player controls above
the list.
5. Click OK.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > File Properties > File
Type by Name Properties page to add file-type classifiers.
To access this page from the Content Classifiers > File Properties page, make sure the
By Name tab is selected, then select New from the toolbar at the top of the content
1. Enter a Name for this group of files, such as “Report Files”.
2. Enter a Description for these files.
3. Use the File names field to enter individual file names, then click Add.
Use the “?” and “*” wildcards as needed. For example: *Report*.*
4. To remove a file name from the list, select it and click Remove.
5. Click OK.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > File Properties > File
Type by Size Properties page to add file-type classifiers.
To access this page from the Content Classifiers > File Properties page, make sure the
By Size tab is selected, then select New from the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
1. Enter a Name for this group of files, such as “Medium Files” or “Large Files”.
2. Enter a Description for these files.
3. Use the File size options to define the size of the files.
■ Select At least if the file is always over a certain size, then specify the
minimum size in KB.
■ Select Between if the file is between 2 sizes, then specify the sizes in KB.
4. Click OK.
Some Forcepoint components do not analyze files larger
than certain threshold, for stability concerns. For
discovery, endpoint removable media, and endpoint LAN
control, the system performs file-size, file-name, and
binary-fingerprint checks for files of unlimited sizes.
Related topics:
● Editing a predefined script, page 188
Forcepoint DLP provides a list of built-in script classifiers. Many are written in
Python, a development language that mimics natural language, and some are written
in C++. (See NLP Scripts.)
Script classifiers are most often used to classify numeric data such as credit card
numbers and Social Security numbers. Because the scripts are optimized for this
purpose, script classifiers are more accurate than regular expression classifiers. Scripts
analyze both content and context using statistical analysis or decision trees.
Note that fingerprinting is better than scripts at detecting the exact credit card numbers
in your database—for example, your customers’ credit card numbers.
For catching credit card information in general, however, use the script classifier.
Scripts detect any valid credit card number.
Fingerprinting and a script classifier may be used in combination with different levels
of severity and different actions.
Scripts can also be used to classify software design documents, source code (C, C++,
C# and Java), SPICE, Verilog (Verilog hardware design source code), and VHDL
(VHDL and VHDL AMS hardware design source code).
To view a list of script content classifiers:
1. Click Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers.
2. Select Patterns & Phrases.
3. Filter the Classifier Type column to display only scripts.
Click Delete in the toolbar at the top of the content pane to delete a selected classifier,
or click Where Used to see where the classifier is used.
The Used in a Policy column in the table indicates whether the classifier is used in a
policy at all.
You cannot generate your own scripts, but you can edit an existing script, change its
parameters, and save it under a new name.
Click a classifier name to view or edit properties.
Add the classifier to a rule to activate it in a policy.
Forcepoint can create custom classifiers for a specific organization on request. Talk to
your Sales representative for more details.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > Patterns & Phrases >
Script properties page to customize a script classifier.
To access this page, click the name of a script on the Content Classifiers > Patterns &
Phrases page.
1. For user-defined scripts, optionally update the script Name.
2. For user-defined scripts, optionally update the script Description.
3. Mark Edit parameter values to change the values of the script’s parameters.
■ Refer to NLP Scripts for details about the selected script classifier.
■ Add a new value for each parameter as desired.
4. Mark Exclude to exclude certain values from the classifier, then select one of the
■ Select Pattern to exclude to define the regular expression pattern to exclude.
Click the “i” icon for a list of valid values.
■ Select List of phrases to exclude to enter a comma-separated list of phrases,
then click Add to add them to the list.
These phrases, when found in combination with the script, affect whether the
content is considered suspicious.
Click Remove to remove selected strings from the list.
5. Click OK to save the edited script, or click Save As to save the edited classifier
under a new name.
If you click Save As, you are prompted to enter a new classifier name.
File fingerprinting
Related topics:
● Managing Forcepoint DLP, page 6
● Classifying Content, page 169
To use this feature:
● Install IBM Notes before installing Forcepoint DLP.
Notes must be on the same machine as the crawler. Be
sure that the Notes installation is done for “Anyone
who uses this computer.”
● Provide your Notes user ID file and password when
prompted by the Forcepoint DLP installer. This
information is used to authenticate access to the
Domino server for fingerprinting and discovery.
● Log onto Notes, one time only, and supply a user name
and password. This user must have administrator
privileges for the Domino environment. (Read
permissions are not sufficient.)
● Connect to the Domino server from the Notes client.
See the Forcepoint DLP Deployment Guide for step-by-
step instructions.
1. Complete the information on each page and click Next to proceed through the
To import an existing fingerprinting classifier—one that
has been exported and copied to a network location—
select Import from the toolbar. See Imported
fingerprinting, page 221.
Use the General page of the file system fingerprinting wizard to name the classifier
and configure its high-level properties:
1. Enter a Name for the files you are fingerprinting, such as “finance documents.”
2. Enter a Description of this set of files.
3. Use the Crawler drop-down list to elect which crawler to use to perform this
■ The crawler is the agent that scans documents looking for sensitive data.
There may be several in a network if there are many documents to manage.
■ Typically, it is best to select the crawler closest in proximity to the file folder.
4. Under Fingerprinting Mode, select which type of fingerprinting to perform:
■ Select Sensitive content to identify the content files and documents to
■ Select Ignored section to identify parts of secured documents that the system
should not analyze. This might include disclaimers, copyrights, and logos.
Ignored sections are immediately enforced for every fingerprint. It is not
necessary to add Ignored Section classifiers to a rule or policy. The classifier
filters out files that are being fingerprinted before they’re fingerprinted.
5. Under Fingerprinting Method:
■ Select Content similarity to look for similarities between the scanned
content and the file. This method provides greater security, because it detects
sections of the document as well as exact file matches.
■ Select Exact match to find only exact matches (the scanned content matches
the binary signature for the entire file). This method is quicker, but will not
find a match if even 1 character in the file is changed.
For large directory structures with many files, Forcepoint recommends you
initially set up an exact match classifier for immediate protection, then go back
and change it to content similarity.
6. Click Next to continue. See File System Fingerprinting Wizard - Root Folder,
page 191.
Use the Root Folder page of the file system fingerprinting wizard to identify the
folders to scan:
1. Enter the Root folder or root directory of the files and folders you want to scan. A
root folder is the highest folder in the hierarchy.
For example, to scan \\Server\Public\shared \User1, \\Server\Public\shared \User2,
and \\Server\Public\shared \User3, enter:
■ The path cannot exceed 256 characters.
■ Select the specific files and folders to scan on the Scanned Files page (the
next page in the wizard).
2. Enter the User name for an account with administrative rights to the shared
folder. Read permissions are not sufficient.
3. Enter the Password for this account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Click Next to continue. See File System Fingerprinting Wizard - Scanned Files,
page 191.
When you click Next, Forcepoint DLP tries to connect to the root folder using the
given credentials. You are alerted if the attempt fails.
Use the Scanned Files page of the file system fingerprinting wizard to identify the
files to scan.
The files and folders included in the scan are listed in the box at the top of the page.
By default, all files and folders in the root folder are included.
● Click Edit to modify the list.
● Click the folder icon to display the directory one level up in the directory tree,
or click the breadcrumbs above the list to navigate to another level.
Click Next to continue. See File System Fingerprinting Wizard - Scheduler, page 191.
Use the Scheduler page of the file system fingerprinting wizard to determine when to
start the scan:
1. Mark Enabled to enable the fingerprint scan scheduler. If this is not selected,
fingerprint scans must be started manually.
2. Use the Run scan drop-down list to select how often you want to run the scan
process: once, daily, weekly, or continuously.
3. Use the options under Properties to configure the scan:
■ For daily or weekly scans, specify the hours during which to run the scan. as a
best practice, run fingerprint scans outside peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ For one-time or continuous scans, to run as soon as possible after a designated
time or date, mark But not before, then select a date from the drop-down box
and a time from the spinner.
■ For continuous scans, use Wait option to specify the number of minutes to
wait between consecutive scans.
4. Click Next to continue. See File System Fingerprinting Wizard - File Filtering,
page 192.
Use the File Filtering page of the file system fingerprinting wizard to use file type, file
age, file size, or a combination of properties to determine which files are
1. To filter based on file type or file name, mark Filter by Type, then list the types
of files to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
■ Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
■ Click File Types to select the type of files to include in the scan from
predefined categories such as Office Documents or Bitmaps.
2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
Click File Types to select the type of files to exclude in the scan from predefined
categories such as Office Documents or Bitmaps.
3. To filter based on file modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio
buttons to select a time period (24 months, by default).
4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
Files larger than 100 MB are fingerprinted for exact-
matching. Two binary fingerprints are created: one with
the first 100 MB, and another with the first and last 5 MB.
When a large file is received, the first and last 5 MB are
sent to analysis. They are compared to both of the
fingerprints above to search for a match.
When creating a new classifier, use the Export page of the file system fingerprinting
wizard to configure settings that allow use of this classifier in policies on a
disconnected network.
First, export the classifier to a network location. Later, copy it to the other network
and import it via the Import option on the File Fingerprinting toolbar. See Imported
fingerprinting, page 221, for details. (The disconnected network must also have a
management server.)
1. Mark Export fingerprints to export this fingerprint classifier for use in a
disconnected network.
2. Enter the User name for an account with write access to the export folder.
3. Enter the Password for the account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Use the Export to folder field to enter the hostname or IP address (in UNC
format; for example, \\ of the destination server, then browse to the
folder to use. The folder must already exist.
A new folder is created in that directory every time the fingerprinting task is run.
The folders are versioned, and they can grow indefinitely. You are responsible for
managing or deleting older versions as needed.
6. Click Next to continue. See File System Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish, page 194.
The Finish page of the file system fingerprinting wizard displays a summary of the
content classifier. It lists:
● The name of the classifier
● The crawler being used to perform the fingerprinting
● The type of fingerprinting done
● The shared directory
● Authentication information
● The files and folders included and excluded
● The scan filters chosen
● Schedule information
When you click Finish, you’re prompted to add the classifier to a rule and policy.
Continue with the wizard as prompted.
The fingerprint scan occurs according to its schedule.
Use the General page of the SharePoint fingerprinting wizard to name the classifier
and configure its high-level properties:
1. Enter a Name for the files you are fingerprinting, such as “finance documents.”
2. Enter a Description of this set of documents.
3. Use the Crawler drop-down list to elect which crawler to use to perform this
■ The crawler is the agent that scans documents looking for sensitive data.
There may be several in a network if there are many documents to manage.
■ Typically, it is best to select the crawler closest in proximity to the file folder.
4. Under Fingerprinting Mode, select which type of fingerprinting to perform:
■ Select Sensitive content to identify the content files and documents to
■ Select Ignored section to identify parts of secured documents that the system
should not analyze. This might include disclaimers, copyrights, and logos.
Ignored sections are immediately enforced for every fingerprint. It is not
necessary to add Ignored Section classifiers to a rule or policy. The classifier
filters out files that are being fingerprinted before they’re fingerprinted.
5. Under Fingerprinting Method:
Use the Site Root page of the SharePoint fingerprinting wizard to identify the folders
to scan:
1. Enter the SharePoint Site root hostname (for example,
(Note that a site is different than a folder in SharePoint. The system supports only
site-level URLs for this field.)
■ An IP address may be used, if the SharePoint administrator adds it to an
alternate access map.
(In SharePoint 2010, this is done under Central Administration > Alternate
Access Mapping > Add Internal URLs. In SharePoint 2013, go to Central
Administration > Configure Alternate Access Mappings > Add Internal
■ The SharePoint fingerprinter connects to site collections—such as http://
intranet/sites/HR:8080—and not web applications.
2. Enter the User name for an account with administrative rights to the shared
folder. As a best practice, enter the name of the SharePoint site owner with Full
Control permissions.
3. Enter the Password for this account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Click Next to continue. See SharePoint Fingerprinting Wizard - Scanned
Documents, page 195.
When you click Next on this screen, Forcepoint DLP attempts to connect to the root-
site using the given credentials. You are alerted if the attempt fails.
Use the Scanned Documents page of the SharePoint fingerprinting wizard to identify
the documents and folders to scan.
Use the Scheduler page of the SharePoint fingerprinting wizard to determine when to
start the scan:
1. Mark Enabled to enable the fingerprint scan scheduler. If this is not selected,
fingerprint scans must be started manually.
2. Use the Run scan drop-down list to select how often you want to run the scan
process: once, daily, weekly, or continuously.
3. Use the options under Properties to configure the scan:
■ For daily or weekly scans, specify the hours during which to run the scan. as a
best practice, run fingerprint scans outside peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ For one-time or continuous scans, to run as soon as possible after a designated
time or date, mark But not before, then select a date from the drop-down box
and a time from the spinner.
■ For continuous scans, use Wait option to specify the number of minutes to
wait between consecutive scans.
4. Click Next to continue. See SharePoint Fingerprinting Wizard - File Filtering,
page 196.
Use the File Filtering page of the SharePoint fingerprinting wizard to use file type, file
age, file size, or a combination of properties to determine which documents are
1. To filter based on file type or file name, mark Filter by Type/Document Name,
then list the types of files to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
■ Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
■ Click File Types to select the type of files to include in the scan from
predefined categories such as Office Documents or Bitmaps.
2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
Click File Types to select the type of files to exclude in the scan from predefined
categories such as Office Documents or Bitmaps.
3. To filter based on file modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio
buttons to select a time period (24 months, by default).
4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
Files larger than 100 MB are fingerprinted for exact-
matching. Two binary fingerprints are created: one with
the first 100 MB, and another with the first and last 5 MB.
When a large file is received, the first and last 5 MB are
sent to analysis. They are compared to both of the
fingerprints above to search for a match.
When creating a new classifier, use the Export page of the SharePoint fingerprinting
wizard to configure settings that allow use of this classifier in policies on a
disconnected network.
First, export the classifier to a network location. Later, copy it to the other network
and import it via the Import option on the File Fingerprinting toolbar. See Imported
fingerprinting, page 221, for details. (The disconnected network must also have a
management server.)
1. Mark Export fingerprints to export this fingerprint classifier for use in a
disconnected network.
2. Enter the User name for an account with write access to the export folder.
3. Enter the Password for the account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Use the Export to folder field to enter the hostname or IP address (in UNC
format; for example, \\ of the destination server, then browse to the
folder to use. The folder must already exist.
A new folder is created in that directory every time the fingerprinting task is run.
The folders are versioned, and they can grow indefinitely. You are responsible for
managing or deleting older versions as needed.
6. Click Next to continue. See SharePoint Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish, page 198
The Finish page of the SharePoint fingerprinting wizard displays a summary of the
content classifier. It lists:
● The name of the classifier
● The crawler being used to perform the fingerprinting
● The type of fingerprinting done
● The SharePoint site root
● Authentication information
● The documents and folders included and excluded
● The scan filters chosen
● Schedule information
When you click Finish, you’re prompted to add the classifier to a rule and policy.
Continue with the wizard as prompted.
The fingerprint scan occurs according to its schedule.
Use the General page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to name the classifier and
configure its high-level properties:
1. Enter a Name for the files you are fingerprinting, such as “finance documents.”
2. Enter a Description of this set of documents.
3. Use the Crawler drop-down list to elect which crawler to use to perform this
■ The crawler is the agent that scans documents looking for sensitive data.
There may be several in a network if there are many documents to manage.
■ Typically, it is best to select the crawler closest in proximity to the file folder
or Domino server.
4. Under Fingerprinting Mode, select which type of fingerprinting to perform:
■ Select Sensitive content to identify the content files and documents to
■ Select Ignored section to identify parts of secured documents that the system
should not analyze. This might include disclaimers, copyrights, and logos.
Ignored sections are immediately enforced for every fingerprint. It is not
necessary to add Ignored Section classifiers to a rule or policy. The classifier
filters out files that are being fingerprinted before they’re fingerprinted.
5. Under Fingerprinting Method:
■ Select Content similarity to look for similarities between the scanned
content and the file. This method provides greater security, because it detects
sections of the document as well as exact file matches.
■ Select Exact match to find only exact matches (the scanned content matches
the binary signature for the entire file). This method is quicker, but will not
find a match if even 1 character in the file is changed.
For large directory structures with many files, Forcepoint recommends you
initially set up an exact match classifier for immediate protection, then go back
and change it to content similarity.
6. Click Next to continue. See Domino Fingerprinting Wizard - Server, page 199.
Use the Server page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to specify which IBM
Domino server to scan.
1. Enter the hostname of the Domino server to scan—for example, “gumby”. Do
not include the HTTP prefix or leading slashes.
2. Click Next.
The crawler tries to connect to the Domino server using credentials for the
account shown. These connection settings were provided when Forcepoint DLP
was installed on the Notes machine.
If this user has insufficient privileges for certain folders or
NSF files on this server, those items will not be scanned.
To connect with different user credentials, run the
Forcepoint DLP installer on the Notes machine, select the
Modify option, and upload a different user ID file.
Use the Scanned Documents page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to define
which documents and folders to scan.
1. Enter the name of the field or fields that hold the Domino document names.
If you supply multiple field names, separate them with commas. For example:
subject, docname, filename.
By default, the “Subject” field is scanned.
2. Under Documents and folders to scan, define the documents and folders included
in and excluded from the scan. By default, nothing is included.
Click Edit to modify the list.
■ Only the latest version of the documents is scanned, not the entire document
■ Document libraries are represented by folder icons. Click the folder icon with
an arrow to display the library one level up in the document management
hierarchy, or use the click the breadcrumbs above the list to navigate to
another level.
■ Domino documents are represented by file icons. Click a document to show
its attachments.
■ NSF files are represented by an NSF icon. These can include one or many
documents. Drill down an NSF by clicking it, or move it to the Include list to
scan the entire NSF.
■ Attachments are represented by icons of a file with a paper clip.
You can also specify the Notes views to scan.
3. Under Fields to scan, if the document content is stored in more than one field,
enter the name of each field, separated by commas. For example, “body, content,
■ In Notes, just as document names are typically stored in the Subject field,
document content is typically stored in the Body field.
■ Attachments are the files that are attached to the document, such as graphic
files, compressed files, word processing files, spreadsheets, and more.
Indicate whether you want to scan the document content, file attachments, or both.
Both are selected by default.
4. Click Next to continue. See Domino Fingerprinting Wizard - Scheduler, page 201.
Use the Scheduler page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to determine when to
start the scan:
1. Mark Enabled to enable the fingerprint scan scheduler. If this is not selected,
fingerprint scans must be started manually.
2. Use the Run scan drop-down list to select how often you want to run the scan
process: once, daily, weekly, or continuously.
3. Use the options under Properties to configure the scan:
■ For daily or weekly scans, specify the hours during which to run the scan. As
a best practice, run fingerprint scans outside peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ For one-time or continuous scans, to run as soon as possible after a designated
time or date, mark But not before, then select a date from the drop-down box
and a time from the spinner.
■ For continuous scans, use Wait option to specify the number of minutes to
wait between consecutive scans.
4. Click Next to continue. See Domino Fingerprinting Wizard - Document Filtering,
page 201.
Use the Document Filtering page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to use the
document name, age, size, or a combination of properties to determine which
documents are fingerprinted.
1. To analyze content in document names, mark Filter by Document Name. The
file names and their paths are fingerprinted.
■ List the exact document names to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
■ The “*” or “?” wildcards are supported. For example, “top_secret*”.
2. Use the Except field to list the exact document names to exclude from the scan,
separated by semi-colons. The “*” or “?” wildcards are supported.
3. To filter based on document modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the
radio buttons to select a time period (24 months, by default).
The document age is determined by the most recent date of its body and all
4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
Documents larger than 100 MB are fingerprinted for exact-
matching. Two binary fingerprints are created: one with
the first 100 MB, and another with the first and last 5 MB.
When a large document is received, the first and last 5 MB
are sent to analysis. They are compared to both of the
fingerprints above to search for a match.
Use the Attachment Filtering page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard to use the
attachment type, size, or both to determine which attachments to scan.
1. To scan for specific attachments, mark Filter by Type, then list the types of files
to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt; *.pdf”.
2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
3. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner. By
default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
Files larger than 100 MB are fingerprinted for exact-
matching. Two binary fingerprints are created: one with
the first 100 MB, and another with the first and last 5 MB.
When a large file is received, the first and last 5 MB are
sent to analysis. They are compared to both of the
fingerprints above to search for a match.
When creating a new classifier, use the Export page of the Domino fingerprinting
wizard to configure settings that allow use of this classifier in policies on a
disconnected network.
First, export the classifier to a network location. Later, copy it to the other network
and import it via the Import option on the File Fingerprinting toolbar. See Imported
fingerprinting, page 221, for details. (The disconnected network must also have a
management server.)
1. Mark Export fingerprints to export this fingerprint classifier for use in a
disconnected network.
2. Enter the User name for an account with write access to the export folder.
3. Enter the Password for the account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Use the Export to folder field to enter the hostname or IP address (in UNC
format; for example, \\ of the destination server, then browse to the
folder to use. The folder must already exist.
A new folder is created in that directory every time the fingerprinting task is run.
The folders are versioned, and they can grow indefinitely. You are responsible for
managing or deleting older versions as needed.
6. Click Next to continue. See Domino Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish, page 204
The Finish page of the Domino fingerprinting wizard displays a summary of the
content classifier. It lists:
● The name of the classifier
● The crawler being used to perform the fingerprinting
● The type of fingerprinting done
● The Domino server
● Authentication information
● The documents included and excluded
● The scan filters chosen
● Schedule information
When you click Finish, you’re prompted to add the classifier to a rule and policy.
Continue with the wizard as prompted.
The fingerprint scan occurs according to its schedule.
Database fingerprinting
Related topics:
● Connecting to data sources, page 206
● Preparing for database fingerprinting, page 207
● Creating a validation script, page 208
● Selecting the data to fingerprint, page 211
● How matches are counted, page 213
● Data classification, page 5
● Creating a database fingerprint classifier, page 214
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - General, page 215
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Data Source/Site, page 215
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Field Selection, page 217
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Scheduler, page 219
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Fingerprinting Type, page 219
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish, page 220
Forcepoint DLP can quickly connect to a database, retrieve records, and fingerprint
exact fields from a protected database. For example, it can detect the first name, last
name, and Social Security number occurring together in a message and corresponding
to a specific record from the customer database.
Forcepoint DLP can also:
● Fingerprint a cloud-hosted database.
● Quickly import and fingerprint CSV files (UTF-8 encoded) that contain records.
You can also create a condition that combines record fingerprints and dictionary
matches. A dictionary typically contains unique words or codes that are of classified
nature, such as “Platinum,” “Gold,” “Silver,” and “Bronze.”
The presence of data and/or unique words or codes in content intended for external
recipients may indicate that classified information is being distributed via email and/
or attachments. Forcepoint DLP enables you to block the distribution of this
information by defining database record fingerprints.
To fingerprint a database, the Forcepoint DLP server must be able to connect to the
data source over a supported interface. Forcepoint DLP supports the following
database connection interfaces:
● Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)—Forcepoint has certified support for the
following ODBC-compliant databases:
■ Oracle 10g (ODBC driver
■ Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows
(32- and 64-bit)
■ Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016
■ Microsoft SQL Server Express (SQL Server Express ODBC driver)
■ IBM DB2 9.5 (ODBC driver 8.2.9)
■ IBM Informix Dynamic Server 11.50 (IBM Informix ODBC driver 3.50)
■ MySQL 5.1 (ODBC driver 5.1.5)
Due to MySQL limitations, you must define “string” columns with UTF-8
encoding to fingerprint them.
■ Sybase ASE 15.0 (Sybase ODBC driver
■ Teradata v13 and v14
● CSV files (UNC path needs to be specified. For example, \\server\share\
It is possible to define flexible content policies for each data source. In each policy,
configure detection rules by combining columns and indicating match thresholds. Be
sure to test database connectivity before configuring content policies.
Before creating a database fingerprinting classifier, there are several preparatory steps
to perform to streamline the process and optimize the results. See:
1. Creating a Data Source Name (DSN) in Windows
2. Creating a validation script
3. Selecting the data to fingerprint
To run fingerprinting or discovery tasks on Oracle,
Microsoft SQL Server, or MySQL databases, the password
for the account used to access the database cannot include
a semi-colon (;).
b. Open the Windows Services tool (Start > Administrative Tools > Services).
c. Right-click Forcepoint Data Task Scheduler and select Restart.
Fingerprinting cells with some values, such as multiple short values, can lead to
multiple false-positive incidents. Forcepoint DLP includes a mechanism that forwards
database data to an external script for processing before fingerprinting.
Pay attention not to leave more than one executable or
configuration file with the same name and different
extension in the validation scripts directory.
3. The script should receive 2 command-line parameters from Forcepoint DLP: the
full path of a source file the system creates, and the full path where the system
expects to find a destination file.
■ The first line of the source file includes the names of the columns that are
available for fingerprinting. The remaining lines contain the data in those
■ The script should read and perform validation on the source file.
■ The script should write the validated results to a destination file.
■ The destination file should be formatted in the same way as the source file—
with the names of the columns that were fingerprinted on the first line. Note
that the number of columns varies if your script adds or removes columns.
■ The destination file must use the name and path that received from Forcepoint
■ The script should return a return code of 0 if everything succeeded, and non-
zero if there was a problem.
4. To have the script use a configuration file, place the configuration file in the same
location as the script, and name it with the same name as the script file followed
by .xml or .ini. If this file is found, it is supplied as a third parameter to the script.
5. Create and run the fingerprinting classifier as described in Creating a database
fingerprint classifier, page 214. Name the classifier with the name given in step 2.
During the scan, if the crawler finds a script with the following name format, it runs
that script:
If it does not find a script with that naming format, it searches for a script named
default_validation.[bat|exe|py] and runs that.
If the crawler receives a non-zero return code from the script, the fingerprinting
process stops and an appropriate error is returned. In this case, you can either fix the
script or remove it then refingerprint.
When the system finds a validation script, the Sample Data screen in the database
fingerprinting wizard shows validated data, and not the raw data extracted from the
database/CSV. (This is on the Field Selection page of the wizard, where you click
View Sample Data.) You can use this to make sure that the validation script behaves
as expected, and to see the exact information that is protected.
To run the script on subsequent fingerprint classifiers, copy the script and rename it.
Additional configuration options are available. Contact
Forcepoint Technical Support for further assistance.
If you must fingerprint a numeric column and removing
numbers is not an option, please make sure that this
column is always combined with another in the policy rule.
For example, if it is an account number field, combine it
with the Name, Address, or SSN of the person owning the
For non-numeric fields, we recommend that you fingerprint values with 4 or more
characters. The reasoning is that:
● 3 letters are commonly used in abbreviations (TLA - Three Letters Abbreviation)
● 2 letters match U.S. states, country codes, etc.
● 1 letter has no real meaning
The validation script template removes non-numeric fields shorter than the configured
length in characters.
If you must fingerprint a non-numeric column and
removing values is not an option, please make sure that
this column is always combined with another in the policy
rule. For example, if it is last name field, combine it with
the first name, address or SSN of the person owning the
account. Regardless, do NOT fingerprint fields shorter
than 3 characters.
Column_A Column_B
1234 AAAA
5678 AAAA
1234 AAAA
Related topics:
● Data classification, page 5
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - General, page 215
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Data Source/Site, page 215
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Field Selection, page 217
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Scheduler, page 219
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Fingerprinting Type, page 219
● Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish, page 220
● Preparing for database fingerprinting, page 207
Use the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > Database
Fingerprinting page to classify your content by fingerprinting database records.
1. The Database Fingerprinting page displays a fingerprint list appears.
■ Expand the right pane to view more details, such as last run time and next run
time, or collapse it to show fewer details.
■ Click the links in the details pane to learn more about the fingerprinted
■ Start, stop, or pause a fingerprinting task using buttons in the toolbar at the top
of the content pane.
2. To create a new classifier, click New in the toolbar at the top of the content pane,
then select Database Table Fingerprinting, Salesforce Fingerprinting, or CSV
File Fingerprinting.
A wizard opens. See Database Fingerprinting Wizard - General, page 215.
The fingerprinting technology uses data source names
(DSNs) to perform database record fingerprinting. Before
beginning the wizard, create a DSN for the database
records that you intend to fingerprint. See Preparing for
database fingerprinting, page 207, for instructions.
3. Complete the information on each page and click Next to proceed through the
To import an existing fingerprinting classifier—one that
has been exported and copied to a network location—
select Import from the database fingerprinting toolbar.
See Imported fingerprinting, page 221, for more
Use the General page of the database fingerprinting wizard to name the classifier and
configure its high-level properties:
1. Enter a Name for the database records you are fingerprinting, such as “finance
2. Enter a Description of the database.
3. Use the Crawler drop-down list to elect which crawler to use to perform this
■ The crawler is the agent that scans records looking for sensitive data.
■ Typically, it is best to select the crawler closest in proximity to the database
4. Click Next to continue. See Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Data Source/Site,
page 215.
This screen varies depending on whether you are defining a fingerprint for a database
table, Salesforce site, or CSV file.
● Database table, page 216
● Salesforce site, page 216
● CSV file, page 216
When you click Next on this page, the crawler tries to connect to the data source and
notifies you of failure.
Continue with Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Field Selection, page 217.
Database table
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
1. Select the DSN for the database that you want to fingerprint.
■ If the database does not have a DSN, see Creating a Data Source Name (DSN)
in Windows, page 207.
The DSN must be defined with the same user as the crawler selected on the
previous page of the wizard.
■ For a list of supported databases and field types, see Connecting to data
sources, page 206.
2. Select Use data source credentials to use the name and password of the
Forcepoint DLP service account (the account defined during product installation)
to access the database. If you select this option, make sure the crawler is using
credentials with permission to access the database.
For Microsoft SQL Server databases that are configured to use SQL Server
authentication, select Use the following credentials instead, then enter
credentials defined in the database itself, such as the sa account. (Do not enter the
network credentials.)
a. Enter the User name for an account with “read” privileges to the database.
b. Enter the account Password.
c. Optionally, enter the Domain for the account.
Salesforce site
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
1. Enter the URL of the Salesforce site to fingerprint (for example, https://
2. Enter the User name for an account with access to the Salesforce site.
3. Enter the Password for the account.
4. Enter the Salesforce token for this site.
Applications, including Forcepoint DLP, must provide a security token when
connecting to Salesforce via its API.
To receive a security token for your organization, log on to, click
Setup, and click Reset your security token. A token is sent automatically.
CSV file
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
1. Enter the User name for a network account.
2. Enter the Password for the account.
3. Optionally, enter the Domain for this account.
4. In the CSV file name field, enter the UNC path of the server or shared folder
where the CSV file resides, then browse to the file itself. For example, \\\
This screen varies depending on whether you are defining a fingerprint for a database
table, Salesforce site, or CSV file.
● Database table or CSV file, page 217
● Salesforce site, page 218
After clicking Next on this page, see Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Scheduler,
page 219.
When selecting the fields to fingerprint, be sure to follow
the guidelines in Selecting the data to fingerprint, page
211. Avoid fingerprinting short values, columns with
repetitive values, and uninteresting or irrelevant values.
Salesforce site
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
1. Mark Select up to 32 fields from a table to select either the fields to fingerprint
or a predefined database query.
2. Use the drop-down list to select a table from the Salesforce database, or select a
predefined query that can span multiple (joined) tables, such as “Sales this year.”
■ If you select a predefined query, no other action is required.
■ If you select a table, select up to 32 fields to fingerprint. These correspond to
table columns.
Forcepoint supplies the 10 most common Salesforce tables. It is possible to
any of the tables used by via a public API from Salesforce.
3. Under Selection as SOQL Query, review the SOQL query generated for the
4. Click View Sample Data to make sure that the correct information is
5. Select Use the following SOQL query to select records to construct a custom
SOQL query.
■ Enter the query or click Copy Above Query, then modify the copied string.
■ Consult a database administrator when formatting the query, to make sure it
doesn’t create any functionality, performance, or stability issues.
Click View Sample Data to make sure that the correct information is
6. Click Next to continue. The system validates your SOQL query.
Use the Scheduler page of the database fingerprinting wizard to determine when to
start the scan:
1. Mark Enabled to enable the fingerprint scan scheduler. If this is not selected,
fingerprint scans must be started manually.
2. Use the Run scan drop-down list to select how often you want to run the scan
process: once, daily, weekly, or continuously.
3. Use the options under Properties to configure the scan:
■ For daily or weekly scans, specify the hours during which to run the scan. as a
best practice, run fingerprint scans outside peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ For one-time or continuous scans, to run as soon as possible after a designated
time or date, mark But not before, then select a date from the drop-down box
and a time from the spinner.
■ For continuous scans, use Wait option to specify the number of minutes to
wait between consecutive scans.
4. Click Next to continue. See Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Fingerprinting
Type, page 219.
Use the Fingerprinting Type page of the database fingerprinting wizard to determine
how scans are performed.
● Select Full fingerprinting to perform a full scan every time the data is
fingerprinted. (This could be a scheduled or on-demand fingerprinting task.)
■ The entire selected table is fingerprinted.
■ These settings are changed on deploy. Whenever such a setting changes, both
the changed repository and the primary repository become un-synchronized.
● Select Differential fingerprinting to scan only records that were added
incrementally since the last scan.
This option is much quicker.
a. Use the Field by which to compare scans drop-down list to select the field to
use for record comparisons. The crawler retrieves the rows in which the
selected field is larger than the previously fingerprinted values. If there are no
such rows, the crawler does not initiate a fingerprinting task.
b. Mark Full scan every... to periodically run a full scan. Because previously
fingerprinted rows can change, it is a best practice to run a full scan
When creating a new classifier, use the Export page of the database fingerprinting
wizard to configure settings that allow use of this classifier in policies on a
disconnected network.
First, export the classifier to a network location. Later, copy it to the other network
and import it via the Import option on the File Fingerprinting toolbar. See Imported
fingerprinting, page 221, for details. (The disconnected network must also have a
management server.)
1. Mark Export fingerprints to export this fingerprint classifier for use in a
disconnected network.
2. Enter the User name for an account with write access to the export folder.
3. Enter the Password for the account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Use the Export to folder field to enter the hostname or IP address (in UNC
format; for example, \\ of the destination server, then browse to the
folder to use. The folder must already exist.
A new folder is created in that directory every time the fingerprinting task is run.
The folders are versioned, and they can grow indefinitely. You are responsible for
managing or deleting older versions as needed.
6. Click Next to continue. See Database Fingerprinting Wizard - Finish, page 220.
The Finish page of the database fingerprinting wizard displays a summary of the
content classifier. It lists:
● The name of the data
● The crawler being used to perform the fingerprinting
● The data source type, file name, and credentials
● The SQL or SOQL query
● The fingerprinting type
● Schedule information
When you click Finish, you’re prompted to add the classifier to a rule and policy.
Continue with the wizard as prompted.
Imported fingerprinting
Use the Source page of the import fingerprint wizard to specify the classifier location
and select a crawler.
1. Enter the User name for an account with access to the network location
containing the classifier.
2. Enter the Password for this account.
3. Optionally, enter the account Domain name.
4. Select which Crawler to use to perform this fingerprinting. Typically, this is the
crawler closest in proximity to the file or database server.
5. Use the Import from folder field to enter the hostname or IP address of the server
where the classifier is stored, then browse to the folder to use.
6. Click Next to continue. See Import Fingerprint Wizard - Properties, page 222.
Use the Properties page of the import fingerprint wizard to optionally customize the
classifier name and description for this deployment. Also review fixed (non-
changeable) classifier properties.
1. Enter a Name for the new classifier. By default, this is the name of the original
2. Enter a Description of this classifier. By default, this is the description of the
original classifier.
3. Review the following classifier properties. None of these properties can be
■ The name of the classifier that was exported (uneditable)
■ A description of the classifier (uneditable)
■ (Database fingerprinting only) The database table defined in the original
■ (Database fingerprinting only) The database fields to be fingerprinted in the
original classifier
4. Click Next to continue. See Import Fingerprint Wizard - Scheduler, page 222.
Use the Scheduler page of the import fingerprint wizard to determine when to start the
1. Mark Enabled to enable the fingerprint scan scheduler. If this is not selected,
fingerprint scans must be started manually.
2. Use the Run scan drop-down list to select how often you want to run the scan
process: once, daily, weekly, or continuously.
3. Use the options under Properties to configure the scan:
■ For daily or weekly scans, specify the hours during which to run the scan. as a
best practice, run fingerprint scans outside peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ For one-time or continuous scans, to run as soon as possible after a designated
time or date, mark But not before, then select a date from the drop-down box
and a time from the spinner.
■ For continuous scans, use Wait option to specify the number of minutes to
wait between consecutive scans.
4. Click Next to continue. See Import Fingerprint Wizard - Finish, page 223.
The Finish page of the database fingerprinting wizard displays a summary of the
content classifier. The content of the list varies based on which type of classifier was
When you click Finish, you’re prompted to add the classifier to a rule and policy.
Continue with the wizard as prompted.
The fingerprint scan occurs according to its schedule.
Machine learning
Machine learning classifiers can be used for unstructured
file system data only. They cannot be used for database
data or unstructured SharePoint or IBM Domino data.
After creating a classifier, the system assesses the expected number of unintended
matches (false positives) and undetected content (false negatives) and provides an
accuracy level.
The system supports 3 levels of machine learning classifiers:
● Explicit negative examples, such as non-proprietary marketing plans as a negative
example to propriety marketing plans
Use the General tab of the machine learning wizard to set a name and description for
the classifier.
1. Enter a meaningful Name for the machine learning classifier, such as
“Engineering source code.”
2. Enter a Description of this set of classifier.
3. Click Next to continue. See Machine Learning Wizard - Credentials, page 224.
Use the Credentials tab of the machine learning wizard to identify which crawler to
use to scan documents, and where the documents are located.
1. Use the Crawler drop-down list to elect which crawler to use to scan the
■ The crawler is the agent that scans documents looking for sensitive data.
There may be several in a network if there are many documents to manage.
■ Typically, it is best to select the crawler closest in proximity to the root folder
containing the data.
2. Enter the User name for an account with read permissions for the root folder
containing the data.
3. Enter the Password for this account.
4. Optionally, enter the Domain name for the account.
5. Enter the Root folder or root directory containing the files and folders you want
to scan. A root folder is the highest folder in the hierarchy.
For example, to scan \\Server\Public\shared \User1, \\Server\Public\shared \User2,
and \\Server\Public\shared \User3, enter:
■ The path cannot exceed 256 characters.
■ Select the specific files and folders to scan on the Scanned Folders page (the
next page in the wizard).
6. Click Next to continue. See Machine Learning Wizard - Scanned Folders, page
Use the Scanned Folders page of the machine learning wizard to identify the
documents that will be scanned and used for finding similar documents or parts of
documents in the future.
1. Under Positive Examples, identify the Path to a folder that contains examples of
the type of textual data that you want to protect, so the system can learn from them
and identify similar data in traffic.
For example, to protect proprietary source code written in Java, supply the path to
the location of the proprietary source code.
■ The examples in the folder should look similar. In other words, don’t include
examples of all sensitive content in the same folder. Instead, create a new
classifier for other types of content.
■ For best results, there should be at least 50 examples in this folder.
2. Use the Content type drop-down list to select a type that best describes the
content to protect. This must match the type of content in the positive examples
For example, select Java and C Source code if the examples contain engineering
source code written in Java. This helps the system know how to interpret your
data. Possible types include:
■ Java and C source code
■ Perl source code
■ F# source code
■ Patents
If you selected “Other” in the Content Type field, you
must provide either negative or all-documents examples to
help the system better understand your needs.
If so, identify the Path that contains the files. For best results, there should be at
least 50 examples in this folder.
The folder:
■ Should contain examples of textual data that is similar to but does not
represent the data you want to protect
■ Must be dedicated to negative examples, and it cannot be a subdirectory of the
positive examples folder
For example, to protect proprietary source code, the negative examples might
reside in the location of publicly available source code. After learning, the system
will create a classifier that can tell the proprietary source code apart from the non-
4. Under All documents, select the check box if there is not a dedicated negative
documents folder. Then identify the Path to a folder containing all types of
documents in your network and endpoint traffic, and the system will determine
good negative examples for you.
■ The folder can contain both positive and negative examples.
■ The system compares the positive examples to the documents in this folder
and decides which files represent negative examples.
■ Select this option and provide negative examples to improve the speed and
accuracy of the classifier.
5. Click Next to continue. See Machine Learning Wizard - Scheduler, page 226.
By default, the machine learning process runs as soon as you complete this wizard.
Select But not before to run the scan later, then specify the earliest time to run the
Only one machine learning classifier can be run at a time. If multiple machine learning
classifiers are scheduled to run at the same time, they are run sequentially instead.
Machine learning classifiers can be run at the same time as other types of classifiers.
When you are finished, click Next to continue. See Machine Learning Wizard -
Finish, page 227.
Related topics:
● Classifying Content, page 169
Use the Create a Rule for the Content Classifier page to create a rule from a
selected classifier.
To access this page:
1. Go the Content Classifiers page.
2. Select a supported classifier type.
3. Select a classifier from the list.
4. Click Create Rule from Classifier in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
If this option is not visible, click More Actions, then select Create Rule from
On the Create a Rule for the Content Classifier page, the name of the selected content
classifier and the policy type (Pattern, Key Phrase, etc.) are displayed at the top of the
page. This information cannot be edited.
Complete the fields on the page as follows:
1. Enter the new Rule name.
2. Do one of the following:
■ Select Add this rule to an existing policy, then:
a. Select the Policy Type: data loss prevention or discovery.
b. Select the Policy Name.
■ Select Add this rule to a new policy, then:
a. Select the Policy Type to create: data loss prevention or discovery.
b. Enter a new Policy Name.
c. Enter a new Policy Description.
d. Select a Policy level from the drop-down list to set a priority for the
policy. (This option appears only if the system has more than one level
For more information, see Policy levels.
e. Click Edit to select one or more Policy Owners from a list.
3. Click OK to save your changes.
If no resources are defined, the policies and rules apply to
all users, computers, networks, devices, and so on in the
Select a resource type to define on the Main > Policy Management > Resources
page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager. Resources are
grouped into 3 general areas: General, Endpoint, and Remediation.
General resources
Endpoint resources
These resources are only available to accounts with a Forcepoint DLP Endpoint
● Endpoint Devices may be the source or destination of sensitive data.
● Endpoint Applications may be a source or destination of sensitive data on
endpoint machines.
● Endpoint Application Groups may be a source or destination of sensitive data on
endpoint machines.
● Endpoint Printers may be a source or destination of sensitive data.
Remediation resources
Related topics:
● Custom user directory groups, page 232
● Remediation, page 343
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > User Directory Entries page in
the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view a list of users,
groups, and computers that imported from a user directory such as Microsoft Active
Directory or IBM Domino. CSV files are also supported.
Because the page shows the results of a user directory
import, administrators can view the list but cannot make
These users, groups, and computers are possible sources or destinations of sensitive
information within the organization.
Each entry shows the name of the user or group, the type of entry (user or group), the
name of the directory server from which the entries were imported, and the
distinguished name (DN) of the entry. (A DN is the name that uniquely identifies the
entry in the directory. It is made up of attribute=value pairs, separated by commas.)
If there are too many users and groups to display on 1 page, use the Search for field to
filter the display to just users and groups that meet certain criteria. You can filter user
directory entry resources by entering free text, or enter an asterisk (*) to search all.
● Use the from type field to select the type of entry to search for: All, Computer,
Group, User, or OU.
■ For users, the system searches the Name, Login Name, Email, and DN fields.
■ For groups, it searches the Name, Email, and DN fields.
■ For other types of entries, it searches only the Name and DN.
● Use the in field to select the specific directory server to search, or all servers.
● Click Apply to apply the filter.
Use the radio controls to page through results.
Click Settings in the toolbar at the top of the content pane to add user directory
servers, set the server order, or initiate a directory import.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions permitted according to
the user’s risk level, you can see the Risk Level of each user in the list. A value of 1 to
5 is shown only for users that were assigned to Risk-Adaptive Protection. Level 1 is
set for users that are considered less risky for the organization; level 5 is for users that
are considered to be most risky. The values are determined by Forcepoint UEBA and
sent to Forcepoint DLP.
Related topics:
● User directory entries, page 230
● Business Units, page 237
● Remediation, page 343
● Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 356
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Custom User Directory
Groups page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to add
or manage custom groups derived from existing user directory entries.
Create groups by filtering the user directory with advanced LDAP queries. The group
is in effect a view into the user directory; it does not modify the user directory in any
This option is useful for targeting precise user directory attributes and compound
conditions. For example, you can define a group of all users whose manager’s name
starts with the letter A.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions permitted according to
the user’s risk level, you can see the Risk Level of each user in the list. A value of 1 to
5 is shown only for users that were assigned to Risk-Adaptive Protection. Level 1 is
set for users that are considered less risky for the organization; level 5 is for users that
are considered to be most risky. The values are determined by Forcepoint UEBA and
sent to Forcepoint DLP.
Administrators can also create groups of Forcepoint DLP
resources. These can contain both user directory entries
and non-user directory resources, such as URL categories,
geo-locations, custom users, and custom computers. These
groups are referred to as business units (see Business
Units, page 237, for more information).
To add a custom user directory group to a policy, first add it to a business unit. Then,
when configuring rules, select the business unit as a source or destination.
The group objects are recalculated every time the user directory is synchronized with
the system.
To create a custom user directory group:
1. Click New.
Not all user directory entries can be retrieved. Only the
following are supported: users, groups, and computers.
6. Click View Sample Data to view examples of the data in this group, such as entry
names, types, and distinguished names (DNs).
Use this sample to make sure that the correct information is being retrieved.
7. Click OK.
Custom users
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Custom Users page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to add or manage custom
users—that is, users that are not part of the user directory.
If you are using Risk-Adaptive Protection to determine actions permitted according to
the user’s risk level, you can see the Risk Level of each user in the list. A value of 1 to
5 is shown only for users that were assigned to Risk-Adaptive Protection. Level 1 is
set for users that are considered less risky for the organization; level 5 is for users that
are considered to be most risky. The values are determined by Forcepoint UEBA and
sent to Forcepoint DLP.
To add a custom user, click New, then:
1. Enter the Name of the custom user.
2. Enter the Email address for the user.
3. Enter a User name for the user.
4. Optionally, enter the Windows NT Domain for the user.
■ Leave this field empty for users who don’t belong to a domain and should be
considered a match when they log on to a computer using a local account.
■ Set this field to “*” if the user is part of a domain and should be considered a
match for all domains.
■ For users who should be considered a match only when they log on to a
specific domain, set this field to a precise domain name.
5. Optionally enter a Title for the person.
6. Optionally enter the name of the person’s Manager.
7. Optionally enter the Department to which this person belongs.
8. Optionally enter the person’s Phone number.
9. Click OK.
Custom computers
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Custom Computers page in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view and set up a list of
For custom computers that also have an endpoint profile,
include both the FQDN and an IP address.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Networks page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define the networks that are
possible sources or destinations of sensitive information in your organization.
To add a network to the system, click New, then:
1. Enter a Name for the network you are adding.
2. Enter a Description of this network.
3. Do one of the following:
■ Select Network address to enter a network address and subnet mask for the
network you are adding (for example, is the subnet mask for
the network).
■ Select IP address range to enter the IP address range for the network (for
example, to
4. Click OK.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Domains page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define the domains that are
sources or destinations of information in your organization, typically for HTTP or
FTP transactions.
You can either block or permit everything that goes to these domains.
For example, an organization that has just acquired another company, and has not yet
combined user directories, could add the domain of the new company as an authorized
To add a domain, click New, then:
1. Complete the fields as follows:
2. Enter a Domain name. Enter either:
■ A concrete domain name that is the name of a specific computer—like
■ A name using wildcards to indicate a group of computers—for example,
*, w*, www-?
3. Enter a Description for this domain.
4. Click OK.
For expedience, you can also import a list of domains:
1. Create a text or CSV file listing the domains of interest.
■ The file must be in UTF8 format.
■ The file must be of a .TXT or .CSV file type, not just include the .TXT or
.CSV extension.
■ List each domain name on a separate line.
■ Optionally, provide a description for each domain on the same line.
○ Separate the name and description by a comma.
○ If the description contains commas, place the description text in quotes.
For example:,"VendorA, translation vendor for manuals"
2. Click Import in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
3. Browse to the file you created.
4. Click OK.
If a domain in the .TXT or .CSV file is already in the domain list, the description from
the file is used.
By default, the system excludes predefined SaaS domains
from the destinations list for the Web DLP policy. The
domains are part of a business unit called Excluded
To add domains and other resources to the business unit, or
to remove them, click the business unit name to edit it.
See Business Units, page 237, for more information.
URL categories
Related topics:
● Configuring Linking Service, page 350
If you are using Forcepoint Web Security, use the Main > Policy Management >
Resources > URL Categories page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint
Security Manager to select the URL categories that may be the source or destination
of sensitive information.
Use these categories in policies to define rules for web channels. For example, define
a rule that credit card numbers cannot be posted to known fraud sites. (Note that the
system does not monitor URL categories on endpoint web channels.)
URL categories are imported from the Forcepoint Master Database, and can therefore
be viewed but not changed. Periodically click Update Now to reconnect with the
database and update your category list.
Forcepoint DLP supports predefined and custom categories.
Forcepoint Web Security may identify more than one category for a single URL. For
example, a blog might have a static category of Blogs and Personal Sites, but also be
classified in the Malicious Embedded Link category after having been hacked.
Forcepoint Web Security looks up static URL categories and Content Gateway
analyzes dynamic content. Both categories are reflected in your incident reports.
To take advantage of Forcepoint URL categorization, first
configure linking. See Configuring Linking Service, page
Business Units
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Business Units page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define or manage custom
groups that can be sources or destinations of information in your organization. For
example, a business unit could comprise all Marketing personnel in the domain
Unlike Custom user directory groups, business units can contain any Forcepoint DLP
resource. These can include both user directory entries, such as users and groups, and
● You can add domains and other resources to the business unit or remove them by
clicking the business unit name and editing it.
● This business unit is automatically added to the destination exclude list for every
new web policy or rule.
● When you create a policy or rule, you can exclude all resources in the business
unit, or add or remove resources from the exclude list as needed.
Endpoint Devices
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Business Units page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define the endpoint devices to
specify in policies. If you do not define devices, all devices are covered.
To add a device:
1. Click New.
2. Enter a Name for this device, such as “SanDisk Cruzer Blade on JohnDoe
3. Enter a Description for this device, such as “JohnDoe laptop device”.
4. Enter a Value for your selection.
For example, “SanDisk Cruzer Blade; 4C530103131102119495” where
“4C530103131102119495” is the device serial number.
■ Wildcards are supported. For example, to protect all SanDisk Cruzer Blade
devices in the company, use “SanDisk Cruzer Blade*”.
■ Use exact values when wildcards are not used.
■ Include a space after the semicolon when there is more than one value.
To filter reports by device serial number, use free text
under Filter by Destination.
5. Click OK.
Endpoint Applications
Forcepoint provides a long list of built-in applications that you can choose to monitor
on the endpoint when you set up your endpoint policy. These applications, including
web applications and SaaS applications, are included in Endpoint Applications.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Endpoint Applications page to
review the built-in applications and define custom applications.
To add an application, click New > Application or New > Cloud Application in the
toolbar at the top of the page, then:
1. Enter a Name for this application, such as Microsoft Word.
2. In the Initiated by field:
■ For Windows desktop applications, enter the name of the executable file (for
example, winword.exe).
■ For Mac or Windows Store apps, enter the app name (for example,
Microsoft.SkypeApp* for the Windows Store Camera app).
■ For cloud applications, enter the URL.
3. Enter a Description for this application.
4. To associate the application with an existing application group, mark Belongs to,
then select the group of interest.
5. If enforcement is not needed for an application, mark Trusted application.
Trusted applications are permitted to write any type of information to a removable
media device, such as a USB drive. They are also permitted to copy any type of
data to a remote shared drive on a network.
Specify up to 50 trusted endpoint applications. If necessary, a trusted application
can be configured to represent multiple applications. Contact Technical Support
for assistance.
There are no trusted cloud applications.
6. Under Screen Capture, use the Action drop-down list to select the action to take
when end users try to capture screens from this application.
Screen captures are not analyzed for content. They are blocked and audited,
permitted and audited, or permitted as specified here.
7. Click OK.
The predefined (built-in) applications are identified by the application metadata. This
is a very secure method of identifying application usage.
When you add applications, they are identified by their executable name.
Occasionally, users try to get around being monitored by changing the executable
name. For example, if you’re monitoring “winword.exe” on users’ endpoint devices,
they may change the executable name to “win-word.exe” to avoid being monitored.
To add an application so that it is identified according to the application metadata, use
an external utility program. For information about the utility and instructions for using
it, see Importing other applications.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Endpoint Application Groups
page to review a list of Forcepoint-defined application groups: categories used to
characterize similar applications.
The application groups are listed in a table. Click any column title to sort the table by
that column.
The default operations monitored on each application group in Windows
environments are shown below. Select other operations as needed.
CD Burners
Cloud Storage
Online medical
SaaS (online)
To define your own application group, click New > Application Group or New >
Cloud Application Group, then see Adding custom application groups, page 242, for
On the Endpoint Application Groups page, click the down arrow next to a column
heading to apply a column filter in the table. Filters help to narrow down the list of
application groups displayed in the table.
When you apply a filter to the Applications column, you’re prompted to select one or
more applications. If you select more than one (for example, Notepad and Firefox),
the system displays groups that have either of the applications. In other words, the OR
operation is applied to the filter: if Notepad OR Firefox is in the group, display the
The Endpoint Operations filter works the same way. When you apply a filter, you’re
prompted to select the operations to view. If you select more than one (for example,
Download and Paste), the system displays groups that have either of the operations.
If you combine column filters, the system displays only
groups that match both filters. For example, (Notepad or
Firefox) AND (Download or Paste).
Use the Policy Management > Resources > Endpoint Application Groups >
Application Group or Cloud Application Group page to define application groups
that are not in the Forcepoint-defined list. To access this page, click New in the toolbar
at the top of the content pane on the Endpoint Application Groups page.
● A custom application group can contain predefined and/or custom endpoint
● Applications include locally-installed software packages, like Microsoft Word
and Excel, as well as custom applications.
● Cloud applications are those accessed over the web.
To configure a custom application group:
1. Enter a Name for the application group, such as Desktop Publishing.
2. Enter a Description of the application group.
3. In the Members box, click Edit to select applications to include in this group.
4. Under Endpoint Operations, select the operations that should trigger content
analysis for the applications in this group.
Because screen captures are not analyzed for content, configure screen capture
settings for individual endpoint applications (not application groups).
5. Click OK.
Endpoint Printers
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Endpoint Printers page to
review the endpoint printers monitored by the system. Each printer is associated with
a name, a type (auto-detected or user-defined), and a print server (IP address or
Initially, only printers detected by the system are shown.
Optionally add printers to the list—local and network printers that may be connected
to endpoints.
To add a printer:
1. Click New in the toolbar.
2. Enter a Name for the printer or group of printers you’re adding. Example: HP-
6050 or All HP printers.
3. Enter a Description this printer or group of printers.
4. Enter a Value to specify exactly which printer or printers to include in this setting.
Wildcards are supported.
5. Indicate whether or not this is a Trusted endpoint printer.
When this option is selected, the endpoint printer is not monitored. All print jobs
directed to this printer by endpoint users are permitted.
6. Click OK.
Use policies to define whether to permit or block sensitive information from going to
these printer destinations.
For data endpoints, the system analyzes text in the endpoint application before it is
sent to the printer. The endpoint print solution is not print driver-dependent.
After defining which information can go where, identify the remediation steps or
actions to perform when a policy breach is discovered. This may include:
● Action Plans, page 244
● Remediation scripts, page 253
Action Plans
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Remediation scripts, page 253
● Adding or editing an action plan, page 245
● Notifications, page 257
Use the Policy Management > Resources > Action Plans page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define how the system responds when
various breaches are discovered.
The following action plans are provided by default.
Name Description
Audit and Notify Audit incidents from all channels, and if configured, generate
Audit Only (Default) Permit all activity on all channels, and log incidents in
the audit log. If configured, it also generates notifications.
This action plan is designed for mild breaches.
Audit Without Forensics Same as Audit Only, but does not store forensic data for the
Block All Block all incidents on all channels, audit them, and, if
configured, generate notifications.
This action plan is designed for severe breaches.
Block Without Forensics Same as Block All, but does not store forensic data for the
Drop Email Attachments Drop email attachments that breach policy.
The predefined action plans use the Default notification.
You can edit the action plans to use a different
notification—see Notifications, page 257, and Adding a
new message, page 257, for details.
Select an action plan each time rules or exceptions are added to a policy.
● To create a new action plan, click New.
● To edit an action plan, click its name in the Action Plans list.
See Adding or editing an action plan, page 245.
Use the Policy Management > Resources > Action Plans > Action Plan Details
page to create or edit an action plan.
There are two ways to access the Action Plan Details page:
● From the toolbar at the top of the content pane on the Action Plans page, click
● From the list on the Action Plans page, click the name of an action plan.
To create or edit an action plan:
1. Enter or update the Name and Description for the action plan.
2. The remaining options on the page vary based on subscription. See the
appropriate section for your subscription:
■ Standard Forcepoint DLP options, page 245
■ Forcepoint Data Discovery options, page 247
■ Forcepoint Web Security mode, page 248
■ Forcepoint Email Security mode, page 249
Action Description
Email Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on
network email channels.
Mobile email Select an action to take when a breach is discovered in content
being sent to a user’s mobile device.
FTP Select an action to take when a breach is discovered over FTP.
HTTP/HTTPS Select an action to take when a breach is discovered over
HTTP or secure HTTP.
Chat Select an action to take when a breach is discovered over chat.
Plain text Select an action to take when a breach is discovered via plain
Action Description
Email Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on
endpoint email. You cannot release endpoint email; therefore,
you can only block messages, not quarantine them.
Application control Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on an
endpoint application such as Word.
Removable media Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on an
endpoint device such as a thumb drive.
HTTP/HTTPS Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on an
endpoint device over HTTP or secure HTTP.
LAN Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on an
endpoint LAN, such as when a user copies sensitive data from
a workstation to a laptop.
Printing Select an action to take when a breach is discovered on a local
or network printer that is connected to an endpoint.
3. For Cloud Channels, use the CASB service drop-down list to select an action to
take when an incident involves files uploaded to, downloaded from, or used by a
cloud application.
■ Select Permit to allow files to be uploaded, synchronized, downloaded, or
■ Select Safe copy to keep a copy of the file in the cloud archive that is
accessible only to administrators.
■ Select Quarantine to save the file in a quarantine folder defined in the CASB
■ Select Quarantine with note to quarantine the file and leave a message in
place of the original file.
■ Select Unshare internal to remove sharing permissions for any internal
■ Select Unshare external to remove sharing permissions for any external
■ Select Unshare all to remove all sharing permissions from the file.
4. By default, all incidents are audited. Clear the Audit incident check box if you do
not want to audit incidents.
If you turn off this option, incidents are not logged, so you
will not know when a policy is breached.
When Audit incident is selected, select one or more of the following additional
There is a benefit to using the same template for each
action plan. The system gathers notifications for individual
users according to templates and combines them into a
single notification. Therefore, if an incident contains 10
different rules, each with a different action plan but the
same template, the user receives a single notification with
the details of all the breaches.
Remediation scripts can be added on the Main > Policy Management >
Resources > Remediation Scripts page. Select New > Endpoint Script.
4. Under Cloud Discovery, select the CASB service supported action from the drop-
down list:
■ Select Audit only to monitor and record (audit) incidents.
■ Select Safe copy to keep a copy of the file in the cloud archive that is
accessible only to administrators.
■ Select Quarantine to save the file in a quarantine folder defined in the CASB
■ Select Quarantine with note to quarantine the file and leave a message in
place of the original file.
■ Select Unshare internal to remove sharing permissions for any internal
■ Select Unshare external to remove sharing permissions for any external
■ Select Unshare all to remove all sharing permissions from the file.
5. Click OK to save the changes.
There is a benefit to using the same template for each
action plan. The system gathers notifications for individual
users according to templates and combines them into a
single notification. Therefore, if an incident contains 10
different rules, each with a different action plan but the
same template, the user receives a single notification with
the details of all the breaches.
In a uuencoded attachment, additional content is placed
between the attachments, including the attachment name.
As a result, if a violation is found in a uuencoded
attachment, the attachment is treated as email body and
blocked, rather than dropped.
Custom actions can also be created in the Email Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager, specifically
for email DLP policies. (Go to the Policy Management >
Actions page, then click Add.)
Custom actions offer more control over what happens to
email that leaks sensitive data. For example, Bcc the
original unfiltered message, delay message delivery until a
certain date, and so on.
Any custom Forcepoint Email Security actions are
displayed here, in addition to the default actions.
2. Select Audit incident to have Forcepoint DLP to log incidents in the incident
database. By default, audit is selected irrespective of the action.
If you turn off this option, incidents are not logged, so you
will not know when a policy is breached.
When Audit incident is enabled, several additional actions are available. Select
any of these actions to apply.
3. If you select Send email notifications:
■ Select the message or messages to send.
■ Click a link to view or modify standard messages.
■ Click New to create a custom message.
See Notifications, page 257, and Adding a new message, page 257, for details.
There is a benefit to using the same template for each
action plan. The system gathers notifications for individual
users according to templates and combines them into a
single notification. Therefore, if an incident contains 10
different rules, each with a different action plan but the
same template, the user receives a single notification with
the details of all the breaches.
The actions available for use in an action plan depend on the channel being
Possible actions include:
Action Description
Permit Allow data to be maneuvered based on your selection —for example,
allow it to be printed or posted to a website.
Block Deny or block data from being printed, posted, or emailed, depending
on your selection.
Quarantine Quarantine email messages containing sensitive data. Network email
can be encrypted before it’s released. Select Encrypt on release to
enable this feature.
Note:When a mobile email message is released from quarantine, it is
sent to the mobile device the next time the device is connected
to the network.
Drop attachments ● Drops email attachments that are in breach of policy.
■ Applies to messages detected by the Forcepoint Email Security
■ Applies to rules that monitor data in “each part separately.”
● Quarantines email messages that:
■ Have a body breach, but not an attachment breach.
■ Have breaches in both the message body and attachment.
■ Are detected by agents other than Forcepoint Email Security,
such as the protector.
■ Are detected when rules are monitoring data in “the transaction
as a whole.”
■ Fail to drop attachments when indicated.
Note:If a violation is found in a uuencoded attachment, the
attachment is treated as email body and blocked rather than
dropped. This is because additional content is placed between
the attachments, including the attachment name. (UNIX-to-
UNIX encoding [uuencoding] is a utility that most email
applications use for encoding and decoding files.)
Select Encrypt on release if you want quarantined messages to be
encrypted before they’re released. If an attachment has been dropped,
this option reattaches it and encrypts both the body and attachment
before releasing the message.
To release an incident, an administrator selects Remediate > Release
on the incident details toolbar.
Action Description
Encrypt Encrypt the affected email message.
With Forcepoint DLP agents and Forcepoint Email Security, this
option applies to all email directions.
For cloud infrastructure deployments such as Microsoft Azure, this
option applies only to outbound email. (Inbound and Internal email is
permitted, and an alert is sent to the Forcepoint Email Security
Encrypt with Removable media only. Encrypts sensitive data for users who will be
profile key on authorized, endpoint machines. Passwords are set by
administrators and deployed via profiles. Decryption is automatic if
the files are accessed on the endpoints.
Encrypt with user Windows removable media only. Encrypts sensitive data for users
password who will be decrypting files from other machines (those without the
endpoint agent installed). Passwords are set by endpoint users. Files
are decrypted using a special utility.
Note that if the user has not yet configured a password when the first
breach is detected, the system prompts the user for a password and
then blocks the operation. The encryption action is not performed
until subsequent transactions.
This option is not supported on Mac or Linux endpoints. Removable
media transactions are permitted on Mac and Linux when this option
is selected.
Confirm Display a confirmation message, such as the following when a
security threat is detected:
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint has detected that you’re
trying to copy sensitive data to a removable
drive, which appears to be in violation of
corporate policy. Do you want to continue?
Users can continue if they enter a business reason for the operation, or
they can cancel. If they cancel or wait too long, the default action is
To configure the default action, go to the Settings > General >
Endpoint page and select Block or Permit on the General tab.
Run remediation Run a script that performs specific actions when an incident is
script detected.
Remediation scripts can be run when network discovery, endpoint
discovery, or DLP incidents are detected.
See Remediation scripts, page 253.
Add classification Add classification tags to files that trigger a discovery incident,
tag following the guidelines established on the Settings > General >
Services > Classification Tagging page.
Endpoint discovery only.
Requires a supported, third-party classification tagging system.
Remediation scripts
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Adding a new remediation script, page 255
● Incident XML interface for use in remediation scripts, page 254
Remediation scripts extend the functionality of discovery and data loss prevention.
A remediation script is an executable run by a policy engine or endpoint agent
whenever an incident is triggered.
In this schema:
Element Description
analysisDetails Root element.
transactionID The internal transaction ID (unique ID that the system
generates for every analyzed transaction).
action The action taken (for example, permit or deny).
actionDetails The action taken per destination.
violations The detected violations, including the policy name and content.
name Descriptive policy name
detectedValues The matched sensitive content and its location (for example,
email body or file attachment).
To avoid degrading system performance, it is highly
recommended you consult with Forcepoint Technical
Support before adding a remediation script.
Use the Policy Management > Resources > Remediation Scripts > Remediation
Script Details page to define a new endpoint, incident management, or policy script.
● To access this page, click New on the Resources > Remediation Scripts page, then
select the type of script.
● For a description of each type of script, refer to Remediation scripts, page 253.
To add a remediation script:
1. Enter a Name for this remediation script.
2. Enter a Description for this script.
3. The page includes a tab for each operating system supported for the selected script
type. There may be up to 3 tabs: Windows, Linux, and Mac.
Define a script for each available operating system. When a breach is discovered
on an endpoint, the system knows which version to run.
Field Description
Executable file Browse to the executable file you want to run when certain
incidents are detected. To change your selection, right-click
Browse and select a new file.
Note:If you are using a remediation script that copies files
to a \quarantine folder, be sure to exclude this folder
from discovery scans.
Endpoint scripts must be smaller than 5 MB.
Arguments (optional) Optionally, enter any arguments you want to include with
the command. If the arguments are enclosed in quotation
marks, separate arguments by a space. For example:
“-e” “-o”
Additional Files If the script requires additional files, such as a resource file
or other scripts that it calls, click Additional Files then
browse to a zip file containing the additional file(s) to run.
Note: Additional files are placed in the same folder as the
script, and they are automatically downloaded by the
4. Click OK. A progress bar shows the progress of each file as it uploads. You can
cancel the process at any time. When the upload is complete, the new external
command appears in the details pane.
When editing an existing script, you’ll see Update buttons instead of Browse buttons.
To edit a script:
1. Click the script name to edit.
2. By Current executable file, click Update. You are alerted that the executable file
will be removed from the management server.
3. Click OK to continue.
4. Browse to the new executable file.
5. If necessary, update the additional files in the same way.
6. Click OK.
For more information about writing a remediation script, Creating Remediation
Scripts. This document describes:
● What interpreted languages you can use for the script
● The XML structure of discovery and DLP incidents
● How to supply remediation scripts with credentials in various operating systems
● Code samples
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Adding a new message, page 257
● Mail servers, page 345
Use the Main > Policy Management > Resources > Notifications page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define whom to notify when a
breach is discovered.
Forcepoint DLP offers built-in notification templates—Default notification, Email
policy violation, Web policy violation, and Mobile policy violation—that you can edit
as required.
Click a message name to see its contents and define its recipients. You can edit the
predefined notifications, or create a new one.
The system gathers notifications for individual users according to templates and
combines them into a single notification. So if an incident contains 10 different rules,
each with a different action plan but the same template, the user receives a single
notification with the details of all the breaches.
On the other hand, if there is only one breach and the action plan includes 2 different
notification templates, the user would receive 2 separate notifications, assuming he’s a
member of both recipient lists.
Use the Resources > Notifications > Notification Details page to define notification
To access this page, click New in the toolbar at the top of the content pane on the
Notifications page.
1. Enter a Name for this notification template, such as “Breach notification”.
2. Enter a Description for the template.
Note that changes to the mail server properties affect all features that use the
outgoing mail server, including alerts.
4. Enter a Subject for the notification. This appears in the email Subject: line. The
maximum length is 4000 characters.
Click the right arrow to select variables to include in the subject, such as “This is
to notify you that your message was %Action% because it breached corporate
5. Define one or more Recipients for the notification.
■ Click Edit to select to select business units or directory entries.
■ Select Additional email addresses, then click the right arrow to select a
dynamic recipient that varies according to the incident. For example, you can
choose to send the notification to the policy owners, administrators, source, or
source’s manager. Select the variable that applies, such as %Policy Owners%.
Separate multiple addresses with commas.
■ For mobile incidents, do not send notifications to senders or senders’
managers. The incident was a result of someone synchronizing email to a
mobile device; the message may have been permitted otherwise.
■ Notifications can be sent only to people in your domain. If a recipient is out of
your organization, the notification is not sent, no matter what is configured in
a rule or action plan.
To include links in notifications or to allow recipients to
release messages, you must configure the incoming mail
server to use to receive these requests. To do so, click Mail
Server Settings on the toolbar. See Mail servers, page
345, for more information.
4. Select Attach policy-breach content to include the content that violated policy as
an attachment to the message.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
The following example shows what recipients see at the bottom of their notification
message. Here, they can perform workflow actions on the incident and release the
quarantined content.
Each link opens a window used to compose a message to the system’s notification
server. This is how the workflow operation is communicated to the management
For example, if a recipient clicks the link to change the status of an incident to High,
an email message opens like this:
A default message is drafted, but the sender can add comments to display on the
History tab of the incidents report.
● Do not delete the Comments section, even if there are no added comments.
● If there are custom comments, do not modify the To: field or the encryption codes
at the bottom of the message.
Without the encryption codes, workflow is not modified.
Click Send to notify the system of your request.
Successful changes are shown on the incident’s History tab.This includes the name of
the administrator who performed the action, any comments that were added, and the
action taken.
If there is an error processing the workflow request, an error message is sent or the
error is saved in the syslog. Syslog errors are logged if the system experiences an
internal error.
Related topics:
● Configuring discovery incidents, page 271
● Viewing discovery status, page 270
● Viewing discovery results, page 271
● Updating discovery, page 271
● Copying or moving discovered files, page 272
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating Custom DLP Policies, page 143
● Managing rules, page 162
● Managing exceptions, page 163
Create new policies from the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies >
Manage Discovery Policies page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint
Security Manager.
1. Click Add in the toolbar at the top of the content pane, then select either
Predefined Policy or Custom Policy.
2. A wizard appears. The options in the wizard are different, based on the policy type
that you selected.
Predefined policies
In the wizard for predefined policies:
1. Click Next and select the geographical regions to cover.
2. Click Next and select the industries to cover.
3. The Finish screen appears, summarizing your selections. Click Finish. The
Forcepoint DLP policy database is updated and a confirmation message appears.
The policies you selected appear in a list.
4. Highlight a policy to read details about it. You can view all relevant policies or
only those that are commonly used. (For more information about these regulatory
compliance policies, refer to Predefined Policies.)
Custom policies
In the wizard for custom policies:
1. On the General tab, enter a unique Policy name and a Description of the policy.
2. Mark Enabled to activate the policy.
3. By default, no Policy owners are included in the policy. To define policy owners,
click Edit, then:
a. Select the type of accounts to Display (Administrators, by default).
b. Select one or more accounts from the list on the left, then click the right arrow
to move them to the Selected list. Accounts in this list are considered policy
owners, and are notified in the event of a policy breach.
c. Click OK.
4. Indicate whether to Use the policy name for the rule name (default) or Use a
custom name for the rule.
If you select the custom name option, enter a custom Rule name and, optionally, a
5. Click Next.
6. Use the Condition tab, specify whether this rule monitors specific data or all
activities, and whether the data is monitored in all parts of the transaction as a
whole or each part of the transaction separately.
7. Click Add to add one of the following content classifiers or attributes to the
condition you are creating:
■ Patterns & phrases: Follow the Select a Content Classifier wizard and
choose one from the list of existing classifiers or build your own. Toggle
between the General and Properties tabs to complete the information and click
OK. See Patterns & Phrases, page 177, for details.
■ File Properties: Select file properties to add to this policy. Click OK. See
File properties, page 184, for details.
■ Fingerprint: Select the fingerprint classifier to use for this policy. Click OK.
See Fingerprint, page 160, for details.
Select a Content Classifier and click Remove to not include it in the condition you
are defining.
8. Select an answer for the question: When do you want to trigger the rule?
■ All conditions are matched
■ At least one condition is matched
■ Custom
After selecting custom, use the options on the right to complete the condition
9. Click Next to define the Severity & Action for incidents that match this rule and
to specify the action plan to be taken. Click Advanced to further specify the
severity according to the number of matched conditions.
10. Click Next to complete the wizard.
11. Click Finish to create the new rule and add it to the policy.
The process of adding rules and exceptions to discovery policies is the same as for
DLP policies. See Managing rules, page 162, and Managing exceptions, page 163, for
Related topics:
● Performing file system discovery, page 265
● Performing SharePoint discovery, page 265
● Performing database discovery, page 268
● Performing Exchange discovery, page 268
● Performing Outlook PST discovery, page 269
● Performing Domino discovery, page 266
● Performing endpoint discovery, page 270
After creating a discovery policy, schedule the scan on the Main > Policy
Management > Discovery Tasks page in the Data Security module of the Security
Manager. You can schedule network discovery tasks or endpoint discovery tasks.
For more information, see Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275.
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● File System tasks, page 281
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● SharePoint tasks, page 285
3. Under Network Discovery Tasks, select Add network task > File Discovery >
SharePoint Task on the toolbar.
4. Complete the fields on the page, then click Next to start the SharePoint discovery
task wizard. See SharePoint tasks, page 285.
5. After completing all of the steps in the wizard, to deploy the changes, click Yes
when prompted.
Discovery will take place at the scheduled time and day. To start discovery
immediately, click Start. A message indicates when the scan finishes.
To view and respond to discovery results, go to the Main > Reporting > Discovery
page. See Viewing the incident list, page 60.
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● Domino tasks, page 305
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● Database tasks, page 294
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● Exchange tasks, page 298
2. Create a discovery policy. (See Creating a discovery policy, page 262 for
3. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies page.
4. Under Network Discovery Tasks, select Add network task > Email Discovery >
Exchange Task from the drop-down list.
5. Complete the fields on the screen and click Next to proceed through a wizard. See
Exchange tasks, page 298.
6. After completing all of the steps in the wizard, to deploy the changes, click Yes
when prompted.
Discovery will take place at the scheduled time and day. To start discovery
immediately, click Start. A message indicates when the scan finishes.
To view and respond to discovery results, go to the Main > Reporting > Discovery
page. See Viewing the incident list, page 60.
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● Outlook PST tasks, page 302
PST files are Microsoft Outlook files that contain all the mail users get as well as all
their contacts, calendar meetings, tasks, etc. PST files can contain data for more than 1
To perform discovery on email on Outlook PST data files:
1. Create a discovery policy (see Creating a discovery policy, page 262 for
2. In the Data Security module of the Security Manager, go to the Main > Policy
Management > Discovery Policies page.
3. Under Network Discovery Tasks, select Add network task > Email Discovery >
Outlook PST Task from the drop-down list.
4. Complete the fields on the screen and click Next to proceed through a wizard. See
Outlook PST tasks, page 302.
5. After completing all of the steps in the wizard, to deploy the changes, click Yes
when prompted.
Discovery will take place at the scheduled time and day. To start discovery
immediately, click Start. A message indicates when the scan finishes.
To view and respond to discovery results, go to the Main > Reporting > Discovery
page. See Viewing the incident list, page 60.
Related topics:
● Scheduling Discovery Tasks, page 275
● Creating a discovery policy, page 262
● Scheduling endpoint discovery tasks, page 314
Use the Main > Reporting > Discovery page in the Data Security module of the
Security Manager to view and respond to discovery results.
● The report catalog lists reports into the discovery incident database.
● The incident list lists all discovery incidents and their details.
See The report catalog, page 36, and Viewing the incident list, page 60, for
information on reading these screens.
High-level discovery information also appears on the Dashboard (Main > Status >
Dashboard). This includes a summary of discovery incidents, showing the top 5 hosts
and top 5 policies per incident. The Dashboard also lists the date and time the last
discovery incident was received.
Updating discovery
Configure the number of discovery incidents to display in the Data Security module of
the Security Manager:
1. Go to the Settings > General > Reporting page.
2. Select the Discovery tab.
3. Complete the fields as described in Setting preferences for discovery reports, page
When Forcepoint DLP discovers sensitive content, it can copy or move sensitive
content (files) using the following remediation scripts:
● CopyFiles - Copies files that are in breach of corporate policy to another
● MoveFiles - Moves (not copies) files that are in breach of corporate policy to
another directory for quarantine. In the original location, the file is replaced with a
text message: “This file was detected to contain content that is a breach of
corporate policy and thus has been quarantined. For more information please
contact your system administrator.”
Both the CopyFiles and the MoveFiles scripts can be configured to ignore files that
have not been accessed in X number of days.
Note the following:
● These remediation scripts are provided for network file system discovery,
discovery on endpoint systems, and SharePoint only.
The scripts cannot be used for Exchange, Outlook PST, or database discoveries,
and they cannot be used for local versions of SharePoint.
● The scripts can be used for endpoint or policy remediation, but not for
remediation instigated during incident management.
● Support for endpoint discovery is limited. The scripts assume that the endpoint
can always access the quarantine folder. If the quarantine folder is outside the
network, the operations will not work.
These scripts provide examples of what can be done with remediation scripts.
Administrators can create additional scripts to perform an action on discovered
incidents, such as encryption or DRM integration.
See Preparing and running the remediation scripts, page 272, for instructions on
using these scripts.
■ Location = r'\\InfosecServer1\Quarantine'
■ Location = r'c:\secure\quarantine'.
Using a network location is usually recommended but might not be possible if you
are performing endpoint discovery on endpoints that are not always connected to
the corporate network. When performing endpoint discovery and choosing a local
quarantine, be sure to exclude that folder from all the discovery tasks to avoid
triggering incidents on the quarantine.
Notice that the remediation script does not perform any deletions from the
quarantine location, so it is up to you to perform routine cleanup operations on
this location.
3. Save and close the CopyFiles script.
4. In the same directory, open the script in a text editor.
5. Use the Location field to define the destination of the moved files. Refer to step 2
for requirements in this field.
■ The DaysKeepActiveFiles parameter defines the number of days to keep files.
■ QuarantineMsg is a stubbed file created by the MoveFiles script.
6. Save and close the MoveFiles script.
7. In the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager, go to the
Main > Policy Management > Resources Remediation Scripts page.
8. Select New > Endpoint Script or Policy Script.
9. Enter a name and description for one of the discovery scripts.
10. Browse to the appropriate script: or
It is not necessary to complete the fields on the Linux tab of the Add Policy
Remediation Script window.
11. Enter a user name and password for an administrator that has all of the following:
a. Read permissions to the archive folder
b. Access to all directories in the network
c. Read/write privileges to all files scanned in the discovery.
CopyFiles needs read permissions to all scanned files, and read/write permission
to the archive (quarantine) folder. MoveFiles also needs write permissions to all
scanned files.
12. Click OK.
4. Click OK.
If remediation scripts will access shares that are under a
Active Directory domain, the Forcepoint DLP server must
also be part of the domain, as well.
Related topics:
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● Configuring cloud discovery scans, page 312
● Adding or editing a cloud discovery scan, page 313
● Scheduling endpoint discovery tasks, page 314
● File System tasks, page 281
● SharePoint tasks, page 285
● Domino tasks, page 305
● Box tasks, page 289
● Database tasks, page 294
● Exchange tasks, page 298
● Outlook PST tasks, page 302
Use the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to create or manage discovery policies
and tasks.
● Use Create and Manage Policies to add both predefined policies and policies
with custom policy owners, conditions, severity settings, and action plans.
● Use Network Discovery Tasks to set up discovery on network file systems,
shared (SharePoint) directories, Domino servers, databases, Outlook PST data
files, and Exchange servers.
● Use Cloud Discovery Scans to set up discovery on your cloud applications. The
feature is available with the Cloud Application license.
● Use Endpoint Discovery Tasks to set up discovery on endpoint hosts.
Tasks can be sorted, grouped, and filtered column name. Click the down arrow by any
column name and choose an option:
Field Description
Sort Ascending Select this option to sort the table by the active column in ascending
alphabetical order.
Sort Descending Select this option to sort the table by the active column in descending
alphabetical order.
Filter by (column) Select this option to filter the data in the table by the type of
information in the active column, such as by description or task name.
Clear filter Select this option to clear the filter and display all tasks.
Using the Reset Scan button can significantly affect file
processing time. Use this action only when significant
changes are made to policies or when testing policies with
a small data set. Avoid using this button after deployments
when possible.
If the crawler is unresponsive for any reason, delete the
task manually, as prompted (see Manually deleting
discovery tasks, page 278).
In addition, network discovery tasks have scan controls and other options. These are
similar to the fingerprinting scan controls.
Stop Stops a discovery scan. When restarted, task starts from the
Pause Pauses a discovery scan. When restarted, task starts from the
last point it was paused.
Download Downloads a detailed report on discovery scanning activities
in CSV format.
Details pane
Network tasks also offer a Details pane to show statistics about the scan and scheduler.
Expand or collapse this pane to show more or fewer details.
Statistic Description
Last run time The time and date of the last scan.
Next run time The next scheduled scan time.
Last scheduled time The last time a scan was scheduled.
Status The status of the scan. If the scan completed with errors, click
the link to learn more details.
Schedule Whether the schedule is enabled or disabled.
Scan frequency How often the scan is run.
Task Statistics
Statistic Description
Scanned items/tables/files The total number of analyzed items, tables, or files.
Scanned size The total size of analyzed items in MB. (Does not apply to
database scans.)
Scanned mailboxes/ Total number of analyzed mailboxes, records, computers, or
records/computers/shares shares (depending on the type of scan).
If the crawler is unresponsive for any reason when a discovery task is deleted from the
management server, the crawler is not alerted that the task is deleted. When the
crawler becomes responsive, it continues to run the discovery scan as scheduled and
consume unnecessary resources.
To avoid these repercussions, manually delete the task from its associated crawler.
The Forcepoint Security Manager warns you in this situation, and asks if you want to
continue. To delete the task:
1. Use either of the methods below to identify the ID of the job to delete:
■ Go to the Main > Logs > System Log page in the Data Security module of
the Security Manager and search for the entry stating the task was deleted. For
The task Discovery_Name ID 8e76b07c-e8e5-43b7-b991-
9fc2e8da8793 was deleted from the Forcepoint Security
Manager, but not from the crawler, Crawler_Name
■ Log on to the crawler machine associated with the discovery task, then:
a. Go to the %DSS_HOME%/DiscoveryJobs folder.
b. To search for the relevant task and ID, open each job, one at a time, and
examine the first line of its definition.xml file.
For example, the first line of one file might show:
<job type="discovery" id="3178b4f9-96fe-4554-ad1d-
eaa29fa23374" name="ora3" altID="168476">
This means that task “ora3” has ID 3178b4f9-96fe-4554-ad1d-
2. To delete the job, log on to the crawler machine and go the %DSS_HOME%/
packages/Services folder.
3. Run the following command:
Python WorkSchedulerWebServiceClient.pyc -o deleteJob -j
Here, jobID is the ID number identified in Step 1.
Related topics:
● File System tasks, page 281
● SharePoint tasks, page 285
● Domino tasks, page 305
● Box tasks, page 289
● Database tasks, page 294
● Exchange tasks, page 298
● Outlook PST tasks, page 302
Use the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies > Network Discovery
Tasks page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager to configure
discovery on your network machines. The page displays all of the network discovery
tasks that have been established to date.
Network discovery is performed on:
● A hostname, if it is supplied
● An FQDN, if there is no hostname
● An IP address, if there is no hostname or FQDN
The crawler uses the first of these that it finds.
To add a new network task, click New, then select the type of task to create from the
menu. The types include:
● File Discovery
■ File System tasks
■ SharePoint tasks
■ Domino tasks
■ Box tasks
● Database Discovery
■ Database tasks
● Email Discovery
■ Exchange tasks
■ Outlook PST tasks
A wizard appears.
As a best practice, run discovery tasks only on directories
that are protected by an antivirus application and found to
be clean. Running discovery tasks on files not known to be
clean can lead to unexpected results, such as a suspension
or termination of the discovery tasks by the antivirus
process. Running discovery tasks on files that were never
scanned by an antivirus application can lead to a
propagation of malware and viruses.
Select New > File Discovery > File System Task on the Discovery Policies >
Network Discovery Tasks page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security
Manager to launch the wizard for creating file system discovery tasks.
The wizard has 8 pages in total. It opens to the General page:
1. Enter a Name for this discovery task.
2. Enter a Description for the discovery task.
3. Select the Crawler to use to perform the scan. Typically, this is the crawler that is
located in closest proximity to the network server.
4. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - Networks.
Use the Networks page of the file system discovery task wizard to define where to run
the discovery task.
1. By default, discovery runs on no computers or networks. Click Edit to select the
computers and networks to scan.
If you choose network objects larger than 65536 potential
addresses (larger than a class C subnet), you are warned
and prompted to confirm.
2. To use a port other than the default Windows port, click Advanced, then enter one
or more port numbers (use commas to separate multiple values).
Use this option, for example, to run a discovery task on a Linux/UNIX NFS server
or a Novell file server.
3. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - Scanned
Use the Scanned Folders page of the file system discovery task wizard to select
folders for scanning.
Network discovery has a limit of 255 characters for the
path and file name. Files contained in paths that have more
than 255 characters are not scanned.
These credentials aren’t verified until the scan starts. Be
careful to enter a valid user name and password.
4. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.
Use the Scheduler page of the file system discovery task wizard to enable and
configure task scheduling.
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
Clear the check box to gain manual control over the task. When the scheduler is
disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often you want to run the scan process: Once, Daily,
Weekly, or Continuously.
Continuously means that the crawler starts again after every completed scan. (You
can set a wait interval between scans.)
■ For Daily or Weekly scans, specify the Hours to perform the scan (for
example, daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak
business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue if
it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once
a day, even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ If Once or Continuously is selected, optionally mark But not before to run
the scan as soon as possible, but not before a designated time or date. After
marking the check box, select a date from the drop-down box and a time from
the spinner.
■ If Continuously is selected, select the number of minutes to Wait...between
consecutive scans. (Each scan starts from the beginning.)
3. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the file system discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - File
Use the File Filtering page of the file system discovery task wizard to use file type,
file age, file size, or a combination of properties to determine which files are scanned.
1. To filter based on file type or file name, mark Filter by Type, then list the types of
files to be scanned, separated by semi-colons.
■ Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
*.pdf”, or “*temp*.*”
■ To scan all files, set Include file types to *.
■ Click File Types to select the file types to include by extension. Add or edit
file types, as needed.
2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
3. To filter based on file modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio
buttons to select a time period:
■ Select Within to search only for files modified within a certain period, then
indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
■ Select More than to search only for files modified more than a certain
number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
■ Select From...To to search for files modified between 2 dates, then specify
the dates.
4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner.
5. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the file system discovery task wizard to configure
bandwidth limits, full scan options, and access timestamp behavior.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This option does not control the network bandwidth per file. Large files might
still consume the available network bandwidth for short periods of time.
The option does, however, prevent strain on your file servers, network
adapters, and on the Forcepoint DLP system.
To preserve access time, you must give Forcepoint DLP
read-write privileges for all hosts where discovery is being
4. Click Next, then continue with File System Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the file system discovery wizard displays a summary of the new
file system discovery task.
SharePoint tasks
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Forcepoint DLP can perform discovery on sites running the following versions of
Microsoft SharePoint:
● Microsoft SharePoint 2007
Use the Site Root page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard to identify the site to
1. Under Site root hostname:
■ For Local SharePoint sites, enter the hostname of the site root, such as http://
gumby:1234/site_name. (Note that a site is different than a folder in
SharePoint. Forcepoint DLP supports only site-level URLs for this field.)
It is possible to use an IP address instead of a hostname, but the SharePoint
administrator must add the IP address to an alternate access map.
■ For Online SharePoint sites, enter the URL of the site root—for example:
The system clock of the Forcepoint DLP server running this task must be
synchronized with the Internet time server within 5 minutes for connection to
2. Enter the User name and Password for an account with access to this site. This
must be a user with administrative rights. Read permissions are not sufficient.
3. Optionally, enter the Domain for the administrator account.
4. Click Next, then continue with SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - Scanned
Use the Scanned Documents page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard to
determine where discovery runs.
1. By default, discovery runs on no SharePoint sites. Click Edit to select the
SharePoint sites to scan.
2. Click Next, then continue with SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.
Use the Scheduler page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard to determine when
discovery runs.
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
Clear the check box to gain manual control over the task. When the scheduler is
disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often you want to run the scan process: Once, Daily,
Weekly, or Continuously.
Continuously means that the crawler starts again after every completed scan. (You
can set a wait interval between scans.)
■ For Daily or Weekly scans, specify the Hours to perform the scan (for
example, daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak
business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue if
it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once
a day, even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ If Once or Continuously is selected, optionally mark But not before to run
the scan as soon as possible, but not before a designated time or date. After
marking the check box, select a date from the drop-down box and a time from
the spinner.
■ If Continuously is selected, select the number of minutes to Wait...between
consecutive scans. (Each scan starts from the beginning.)
3. Click Next, then continue with SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - File Filtering.
Use the File Filtering page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard to use file type,
file age, file size, or a combination of properties to determine which files are scanned.
Only the latest version of a document is scanned, not the
entire document history. In addition, only files are
scanned, not other information containers such as tasks.
1. To filter based on file type or file name, mark Filter by Type, then list the types of
files to be scanned, separated by semi-colons.
■ Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
*.pdf”, or “*temp*.*”
■ To scan all files, set Include file types to *.
■ Click File Types to select the file types to include by extension. Add or edit
file types, as needed.
2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
3. To filter based on file modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio
buttons to select a time period:
■ Select Within to search only for files modified within a certain period, then
indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
■ Select More than to search only for files modified more than a certain
number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
■ Select From...To to search for files modified between 2 dates, then specify
the dates.
4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner.
5. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard to configure
bandwidth limits and full scan options.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This reduces strain on the SharePoint server, network adapters, and
Forcepoint DLP.
2. Under Full scan schedule, select one of the following to indicate when to perform
full discovery scans:
■ Select Only on policy update to perform full discovery only when a
discovery policy changes.
■ Select On policy update or fingerprinting version update to perform full
discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version changes.
■ Select Always to perform full discovery at the scheduled time, no matter what
has changed. (Forcepoint does not recommend choosing “always,” because
this slows the discovery process and taxes the system and SharePoint servers.)
3. Click Next, then continue with SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the SharePoint discovery task wizard displays a summary of the
new SharePoint discovery task.
Box tasks
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Forcepoint DLP can perform discovery on data stored in the Box cloud storage
The wizard for creating Box discovery tasks has 8 pages. It opens to the General
1. Enter a Name for this discovery task.
2. Enter a Description for the discovery task.
3. Select the Crawler to use to perform the scan. Crawlers that do not support Box
discovery (such as older versions) are disabled.
4. Click Next, then continue with Box Discovery Task Wizard - Permissions.
Use the Permissions page of the Box discovery task wizard to grant Forcepoint DLP
access to the organization’s Box account. This requires logging on to Box.
1. If you are using Internet Explorer to configure this task, complete the following
steps. This is not required for other browsers.
a. Select Settings > Internet Options.
b. On the Privacy tab, click Sites.
c. Enter the web address, then click Allow.
d. Click OK.
2. In the Box discovery task wizard, click Grant Access.
You’re redirected to the Box website.
3. Log onto the Box account associated with your organization. Enter the email
address (user name) and password of an account administrator, then click
A Grant Access page appears in the Box interface.
4. Click Grant Access to Box to give Forcepoint DLP permission to connect with
the organization’s Box storage. With access, the system can read and write to all
files and folders and manage the enterprise.
Box issues a security token to the management server and displays connection
5. On connection, you are returned to the Forcepoint Security Manager to resume
task configuration. Click Next to continue.
If Box fails to connect, the wizard will not continue to the next page. Try again, or
try to log onto Box with different credentials.
Box security tokens are valid for 6o days. Tasks that run
with expired tokens complete with errors. In the Details
pane for the task, the link for Scan Status explains:
“Tokens are expired. Please re-enter credentials for the
If this happens, edit each Box task that uses the token and
re-grant access.
6. Click Next, then continue with Box Discovery Task Wizard - Scanned Accounts.
Use the Scanned Accounts page of the Box discovery task wizard to determine what
to scan.
1. Select one of the following:
■ Select All accounts to scan documents and folders in all user accounts in the
Box enterprise.
■ Select Selected accounts to specify accounts to scan, then click Edit to select
the user accounts or folders to scan.
2. Click Next, then continue with Box Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.
Use the Scheduler page of the Box discovery task wizard to determine when
discovery runs.
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
Clear the check box to gain manual control over the task. When the scheduler is
disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often you want to run the scan process: Once, Daily,
Weekly, or Continuously.
Continuously means that the crawler starts again after every completed scan. (You
can set a wait interval between scans.)
■ For Daily or Weekly scans, specify the Hours to perform the scan (for
example, daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak
business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue if
it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once
a day, even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ If Once or Continuously is selected, optionally mark But not before to run
the scan as soon as possible, but not before a designated time or date. After
marking the check box, select a date from the drop-down box and a time from
the spinner.
■ If Continuously is selected, select the number of minutes to Wait...between
consecutive scans. (Each scan starts from the beginning.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Box Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the Box discovery task wizard to determine which policies to
apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with Box Discovery Task Wizard - File Filtering.
Use the File Filtering page of the Box discovery task wizard to use file type, file age,
file size, or a combination of properties to determine which files are scanned.
Only the latest version of a document is scanned, not the
entire document history. In addition, only files are
scanned, not other information containers such as tasks.
1. To filter based on file type or file name, mark Filter by Type, then list the types
of files to be scanned, separated by semi-colons.
■ Optionally use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
*.pdf”, or “*temp*.*”
■ To scan all files, set Include file types to *.
■ Click File Types to select the file types to include by extension. Add or edit
file types, as needed.
2. Use the Except field to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted here as well.
3. To filter based on file modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio
buttons to select a time period:
■ Select Within to search only for files modified within a certain period, then
indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
■ Select More than to search only for files modified more than a certain
number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
■ Select From...To to search for files modified between 2 dates, then specify
the dates.
4. To filter based on file size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a file size from the spinner.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a file size from the spinner.
5. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the Box discovery task wizard to configure bandwidth
limits and full scan options.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This reduces strain on network adapters and Forcepoint DLP.
2. Under Full scan schedule, select one of the following to indicate when to perform
full discovery scans:
■ Select Only on policy update to perform full discovery only when a
discovery policy changes.
■ Select On policy update or fingerprinting version update to perform full
discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version changes.
■ Select Always to perform full discovery at the scheduled time, no matter what
has changed. (Forcepoint does not recommend choosing “always,” because
this slows the discovery process.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Box Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the Box discovery wizard displays a summary of the new Box
discovery task.
Database tasks
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
In order to perform discovery on a database, the Forcepoint DLP server must be able
to connect to the data source over a supported interface. Forcepoint has certified
support for the following ODBC-compliant databases:
● Oracle 10g (ODBC driver
● Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-
and 64-bit)
● Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016
Use the General page of the database discovery task wizard to give the task a name
and select a crawler.
1. Enter a Name for this discovery task.
2. Enter a Description for the discovery task.
3. Select the Crawler to use to perform the scan. Typically, this is the crawler in
closest proximity to the database server.
4. Click Next, then continue with Database Discovery Task Wizard - Data Source
Use the Data Source Name page of the database discovery task wizard to define how
Forcepoint DLP connects to the database.
1. Select the Data source name for the database that you want to scan.
■ If the database does not yet have a DSN, create one, or ask the database
administrator to do so. See Creating a Data Source Name (DSN) in Windows,
page 207.
■ For a list of supported databases and field types, see Connecting to data
sources, page 206.
■ Click refresh to refresh the list.
The DSN must be defined with the same user account as the crawler selected on
the previous page of the wizard.
2. Under Database Credentials, do one of the following:
■ Select Use data source credentials to use the Forcepoint DLP service account
to access the database. (This is the local administrator account defined during
Forcepoint DLP installation.)
Some databases allow NT authentication to verify the login ID, so be sure the
crawler’s credential has permission to access the database.
Microsoft SQL Server allows you to use NT authentication or SQL Server
authentication. For SQL Sever authentication, select Use the following
credentials instead.
■ Select Use the following credentials to enter credentials defined in the
database itself, such as the sa account. (Do not enter the network credentials.)
a. Enter the User name an account with “read” privileges to the database.
b. Enter the Password for this account.
c. Optionally, enter the Domain for account. If your database is using
Windows authentication, include the domain name.
3. Click Next, then continue with Database Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.
Use the Scheduler page of the database discovery task wizard to determine when the
discovery task runs.
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
Clear the check box to gain manual control over the task. When the scheduler is
disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often you want to run the scan process: Once, Daily,
Weekly, or Continuously.
Continuously means that the crawler starts again after every completed scan. (You
can set a wait interval between scans.)
■ For Daily or Weekly scans, specify the Hours to perform the scan (for
example, daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak
business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue if
it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once
a day, even when multiple time slots are selected.
Use the Policies page of the database discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with Database Discovery Task Wizard - Table Filtering.
Use the Table Filtering page of the database discovery wizard to determine which
tables to scan.
1. Use Include tables to enter the user names, schemas, or table names to scan,
separated by semicolons.
■ The discovery filtering mechanism uses a specific full path search pattern.
The search pattern is matched as follows: [Catalog.Schema.Table]
○ Use an asterisk (*) before the Database entry type, i.e. *.TB_123, only if
the ending of the full path ends with.TB_123. For instance:
○ Use an asterisk (*) before and after the Database entry type, i.e. *.Sys.*,
for entries that may have entries before and after it in the full path. For
instance: MyDB.Sys.TB_123.
In order for tables to be detected within the full path, use the structure
described above.
■ Database discovery analyzes data in 5000-record chunks. Each chunk is
treated independently, and all policy thresholds are validated against a single
chunk. No aggregation of analysis results is accumulated over the entire table.
Therefore, if a policy keyword has a threshold of 10 and this keyword is
detected 3 times in each of 5 chunks, no breach is triggered. Column names
are included in each chunk that is analyzed. Only column names containing
fewer than 40 characters are supported.
2. Use Except to enter the user names, schemas, or table names not to scan.
3. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the database discovery task wizard to configure bandwidth
limits and full scan options.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This reduces strain on database servers, network adapters, and Forcepoint
2. Under Discovery sample, select one of the following options to indicate whether
Forcepoint DLP should scan all records of each table, or just a segment.
■ To scan a specific number of records, select Segment scan to. The specified
number of records from the table (chosen randomly) will be scanned, and not
the entire table.
■ Otherwise, select Scan all records of each table. This can affect
3. Click Next, then continue with Database Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the database discovery task wizard displays a summary of the new
database discovery task.
Exchange tasks
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
The wizard for creating Exchange discovery tasks has 8 pages. It opens to the General
1. Enter a Name for this discovery task.
2. Enter a Description for this discovery task.
3. Select the Crawler to perform the scan. Typically, this is the crawler in closest
proximity to the Exchange server.
4. Under Data Storage, indicate where your data is located:
■ Select Local to perform discovery on a local or network Exchange server.
■ Select Online to perform discovery on data residing in the cloud via
Exchange Online for Office 365.
Use the Exchange Servers (online) page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to
provide connection information.
Before you begin, define a service account for Exchange discovery scanning. Grant
the account one of the following roles. This is necessary so that Data Security can
discover messages and display results.
■ Organization Management
■ View Only Organization Management
See Scanning Microsoft Office 365 documents with Forcepoint Data Security
Solutions for more information.
1. Enter the Email address and Password used for logging on to the Exchange
Online account.
2. Click Test Connection to test the connection to the Exchange server. If the
connection fails, verify the credentials entered in Step 1.
3. Click Next to continue with Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Mailboxes.
Use the Exchange Servers (local) page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to
provide connection information.
Before you begin, define a service account for Exchange discovery scanning. Grant
the account one of the following roles. This is necessary so that Data Security can
discover messages and display results.
■ Exchange Full Administrator
■ Exchange Administrator
■ Exchange View Only Administrator
See Working with Exchange servers for more information.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select Auto-discovered to perform discovery on the Exchange servers that
were automatically detected by the Forcepoint DLP system. Click See list to
view the auto-discovered servers.
■ Select Custom to explicitly specify Exchange servers to scan.
Use this option if Forcepoint DLP did not find one or more servers when it
tried to calculate which Exchange servers host each mailbox and public
Enter the hostname or IP address of each additional server and click Add.
2. Enter the User name and Password for an administrator account with access to
the Exchange servers.
3. Optionally, enter the Domain for the administrator account.
4. Select Connect using secure HTTP to have Forcepoint DLP to connect to the
Exchange server using HTTPS and SSL.
Not all Exchange servers are set up for HTTPS. By default, Exchange 2003 is
configured for HTTP and Exchange 2007 and 2013 are configured for HTTPS.
Check the settings on your Exchange server before selecting this option.
5. Click Test Connection to test the connection to the Exchange server. If the test
fails, verify the connection credentials. A public folder mailbox and a public
folder on the Exchange server are required for the test connection to pass.
6. Click Next to continue with Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Mailboxes.
Use the Mailboxes page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to select which
mailboxes to scan.
1. Under Mailboxes, click Edit to select the mailboxes to scan.
The crawler scans email messages, notes, calendar items,
and contacts found in the mailboxes and folders you define
Use the Scheduler page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to determine when the
discovery task runs.
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
Clear the check box to gain manual control over the task. When the scheduler is
disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often you want to run the scan process: Once, Daily,
Weekly, or Continuously.
Continuously means that the crawler starts again after every completed scan. (You
can set a wait interval between scans.)
■ For Daily or Weekly scans, specify the Hours to perform the scan (for
example, daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak
business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue if
it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than once
a day, even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ If Once or Continuously is selected, optionally mark But not before to run
the scan as soon as possible, but not before a designated time or date. After
marking the check box, select a date from the drop-down box and a time from
the spinner.
■ If Continuously is selected, select the number of minutes to Wait...between
consecutive scans. (Each scan starts from the beginning.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Filtering.
Use the Filtering page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to determine which
items to scan.
1. To filter based on mailbox or folder name, mark Filter by Mailbox or Folder
name, then indicate what names to include and exclude. Wildcards are allowed.
2. To filter by the subject line in items like email, calendar items, notes, contacts,
and so on, mark Filter by Subject, then indicate what subjects to include and
3. To filter based on item modification date, mark Filter by Age, then use the radio
buttons to select a time period:
■ Select Within to search only for items modified within a certain period, then
indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
■ Select More than to search only for items modified more than a certain
number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
■ Select From...To to search for items modified between 2 dates, then specify
the dates.
4. To filter based on item size, mark Filter by Size, then select one or both of the
following options:
■ Mark Scan only items larger than, then select a size from the spinner.
■ Mark Scan only items smaller than, then select a size from the spinner.
5. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the Exchange discovery task wizard to configure
bandwidth limits and full scan options.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This reduces strain on Exchange servers, network adapters, and Forcepoint
2. Under Full Scan, select one of the following options to indicate when to perform
full discovery scans:
■ Select Only on Discovery Policy update to perform full discovery only when
a discovery policy changes.
■ Select On Discovery policy update or fingerprinting version updates to
perform full discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version
■ Select Always to perform full discovery on the scheduled time no matter what
has changed. (We don’t recommend choosing “always,” because this slows
the discovery process and taxes the system and file servers.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish pages of the Exchange discovery task wizard displays a summary of the
new discovery task.
The wizard for creating discovery tasks for Outlook PST files has 7 pages. It opens to
the General page.
1. Enter a Name for this discovery task.
2. Enter a Description for this discovery task.
3. Select the Crawler to use to perform the scan. Typically, this is the crawler that is
in closest proximity to the PST file server.
4. Click Next, then continue with Outlook Discovery Task Wizard - Scanned Folder.
Use the Scanned Folder page of the Outlook discovery task wizard to define the
folder to scan, and provide access credentials.
1. Under Network Credentials, enter the User name and Password for an account
with access to the network location of the Outlook folder.
2. Optionally, enter the Domain for the access account.
3. Under Outlook Folder, enter the Folder name (UNC path) of the server
containing the PST files you want to scan, then browse to the desired PST folder.
For example: \\\Server\PSTFiles.
If the PST files are saved in different subdirectories under the same folder, specify
the root folder here.
4. Mark Scan subdirectories if the PST files are saved in different subdirectories
under the same root folder. This prompts Forcepoint DLP to scan the
subdirectories, as well as the root.
While Forcepoint DLP can scan PST files that are
encrypted, it cannot scan files larger than 1 GB.
5. Click Next, then continue with Outlook Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.
Use the Scheduler page of the Outlook discovery task wizard to determine when the
scan runs.
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
To retain manual control over the scan, do not select this option. When the
scheduler is disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often you want to run the scan process: once, daily,
weekly, or continuously.
■ If you choose Daily or Weekly, specify the hours in which you want to run
the scan, for example, daily at 2 a.m. For best practice, run discovery scans at
night, after peak business hours.
■ Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
3. Click Next, then continue with Outlook Task Discovery Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the Outlook discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with Outlook Discovery Task Wizard - Filtering.
Use the Filtering page of the Outlook discovery task wizard to filter what information
in Microsoft Outlook PST files is scanned by Forcepoint DLP.
PST files contain all the email users get as well as all their contacts, calendar
meetings, tasks, and so on. PST files can contain data for more than one user, so they
can contain several mailboxes with several different folders—for example: Inbox,
Outbox, and Personal.
On this page, optionally configure Forcepoint DLP to filter by:
● Mailbox or folder (for example, scan only user1\inbox, user2\outbox)
● Email subjects (for example, include all email with the subject “Project Name” or
exclude email messages with the subject “Personal”).
● Time period in which the email messages were sent or received (for example,
within the last 2 months)
● Size of the email message (for example, larger than 300 KB).
This page configures which folders and mailboxes Forcepoint DLP scans within the
PST file, while the Scanned Folder page specifies where to look for the PST file or
1. Mark Filter by Mailbox or Folder name to have Forcepoint DLP scan by
mailbox or folder name, then indicate what names to include and exclude.
Wildcards are allowed.
■ List the mailboxes or folders to Include in the scan, separated by semi-colons.
To set Forcepoint DLP to scan all mailboxes or folders, set Include to *.
■ List the mailboxes or folders to Exclude from the scan, separated by semi-
2. Mark Filter by Subject to scan by subject lines (in, for example, email, calendar
items, notes, contacts, and so on), then indicate what subjects to include and
3. Mark Filter by Age to scan by item age, then:
■ Select Within to search only for items modified within a certain period, then
indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
■ Select More than to search only for items that were modified more than a
certain number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
■ Select From... To - to search for items modified between 2 dates, and specify
the dates.
4. Mark Filter by Size to scan by item size, then select one or both of the following:
■ Select Scan only files larger than to scan only item larger than a certain size,
then use the spinner to specify the size.
■ Select Scan only files smaller than to scan only item smaller than a certain
size, then use the spinner to specify the size.
Only the latest version of the item is scanned.
5. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the Outlook discovery task wizard to configure bandwidth
limits and full scan options.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This reduces strain on PST file servers, network adapters, and Forcepoint
2. Under Full scan schedule, select one of the following options to indicate when to
perform full discovery scans:
■ Select Only on policy update to perform full discovery only when a
discovery policy changes.
■ Select On policy update or fingerprinting classifier update to perform full
discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version changes.
■ Select Always to perform full discovery on the scheduled time no matter what
has changed. (We don’t recommend choosing “always,” because this slows
the discovery process and taxes the system and file servers.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Outlook Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the Outlook discovery wizard displays a summary of the new
Outlook discovery task.
Domino tasks
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
With Forcepoint DLP, you can perform discovery on documents stored in an IBM
Domino Data Management System.
Domino environments normally consist of one or more servers working together with
data stored in Notes Storage Format (NSF) files. There are usually many NSFs on any
given Domino server.
A discovery task treats a document (body and attachments) as one unit. This way, a
breach is reported even if the sensitive content is scattered in different parts of the
document that individually wouldn’t cause an incident.
Although NSF repositories contain documents and email messages, Forcepoint DLP
performs discovery only on documents.
To use this feature, you must first:
● Install IBM Notes before installing Forcepoint DLP.
Notes must be on the same machine as the crawler.
● Provide your Notes user ID file and password when
prompted by the Forcepoint DLP installer. This
information is used to authenticate access to the
Domino server for fingerprinting and discovery.
● Log onto Notes, one time only, and supply a user name
and password. This user must have administrator
privileges for the Domino environment. (Read
permissions are not sufficient.)
● Connect to the Domino server from the Notes client.
The wizard for creating file system discovery tasks has 8 pages. It opens to the
General page (see Domino Discovery Task Wizard - General).
Use the General page of the Domino discovery task wizard to give the task a unique
name and a description, and to select the crawler to use to perform the scan.
1. Enter a Name for this discovery task.
2. Enter a Description for the discovery task.
3. Select the Crawler to use to perform the scan. Typically, this is the crawler that is
located in closest proximity to the Domino server.
4. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Server.
Use the Server page of the Domino task wizard to select the Domino server to scan,
and to provide connection details.
1. Enter the hostname of the Domino server to scan—for example, gumby. Do not
include the HTTP prefix or leading slashes.
2. Enter the User name of the Domino account used when Forcepoint DLP was
installed on the Notes machine.
If this user has insufficient privileges for certain folders or
NSF files on this server, those items will not be scanned.
To connect with different user credentials, run the
Forcepoint DLP installer on the Notes machine, select the
Modify option, and upload a different user ID file.
1. Click Next. The crawler tries to connect to the Domino server using credentials
for the user indicated.
When the connection is successful, continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard
- Scanned Documents.
Use the Scanned Documents page of the Domino discovery task wizard to determine
which documents are scanned during the discovery process.
1. Use Document names are stored in the following field(s) to enter the name of
the field or fields that hold document names. If there are multiple field names,
separate them with commas. For example: subject, docname, filename.
By default, the “Subject” field is scanned.
2. Under Documents and folders to scan, identify the documents and folders
included in and excluded from the scan. By default, nothing is included. Click
Edit to modify the list.
Note that only the latest version of the documents is scanned, not the entire
document history.
■ Document libraries are represented by folder icons. Click the folder icon with
an arrow to display the library one level up in the document management
hierarchy. Alternatively, click the breadcrumbs above the list to navigate to
another level.
■ Domino documents are represented by file icons. Click a document to show
its attachments.
■ Notes Storage Format (NSF) files are represented by an NSF icon. These can
include one or many documents. Drill down an NSF by clicking it, or move it
to the Include list to scan the entire NSF.
■ Attachments are represented by icons of a file with a paper clip.
You can also specify the Notes views to scan.
3. Under Fields to scan, indicate whether to scan the document body, attachments, or
all fields except a selected list.
■ Use Scan document body to enter the name of the field or fields that hold
documents’ body text. By default, it is “Body.” If there are multiple field
names, separate them with commas. For example: body, content, main.
■ When Scan all other fields is selected, all fields except body, subject, and
attachment are scanned.
4. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Scheduler.
Use the Scheduler page of the Domino discovery task wizard to specify when the
scan is run:
1. Mark Enabled to enable the scheduler for the current task.
To keep manual control of the task, clear the check box. When the scheduler is
disabled, start and stop tasks using the scan controls on the toolbar.
2. Under Run scan, select how often to run the scan process: once, daily, weekly, or
continuously. Continuously means that the crawler restarts after every scan,
operating continuously.
■ If you choose Daily or Weekly, specify when to run the scan (for example,
daily at 2 a.m.). As a best practice after peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more
than once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
■ If you select Once or Continuously, optionally select But not before to run
the scan as soon as possible, but not before a designated time or date. Then
select a date from the drop-down box and a time from the spinner.
■ If you select Continuously, use the Wait...minutes between consecutive
scans to select the number of minutes to pause between scans. (Each scan
starts from the beginning.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the Domino discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Document
Use the Document Filtering tab of the Domino discovery task wizard to determine
which documents are scanned.
1. Select Filter by Document Name to prompt the crawler to look for specific
document names.
■ List the exact document names for which to search, separated by semi-colons.
You can use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “top_secret*”.
The crawler searches for file names and their complete paths.
■ Under Except, list the exact document names to exclude from the scan,
separated by semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted.
2. To only scan documents modified within a specified period, mark Filter by Age,
then select the option that best describes the time period (within 24 months, by
The age of a document is the latest date of its body and all attachments.
3. Mark Filter by Size to use size as a determining factor in what to scan, then select
one or more of the following:
■ Select Scan only files larger than, then select a minimum size from the
spinner. By default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
■ Select Scan only items smaller than, then select a maximum size. By
default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
Network discovery has a limit of 255 characters for the
path and file name. Files contained in paths that have more
than 255 characters are not scanned.
4. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Attachment
Use the Attachment Filtering page of the Domino discovery task wizard to
determine which attachments are scanned.
1. Under Filter by Type, specify which types of attached files to include in the scan
or exclude from scanning.
■ Select Include file types to look for specific attachments, then list the types of
files to be fingerprinted, separated by semi-colons.
The “*” and “?” wildcards are supported. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
■ Select Except to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by
semi-colons. Wildcards are permitted.
2. Use the Filter by Size to determine whether or not attachment files are scanned
based on their size.
■ Mark Scan only files larger than, then select a minimum file size from the
spinner. By default, all files larger than 1 KB are scanned.
■ Mark Scan only files smaller than, then select a maximum file size from the
spinner. By default, all files smaller than 100,000 KB are scanned.
Network discovery has a limit of 255 characters for the
path and file name. Files contained in paths that have more
than 255 characters are not scanned.
3. Click Next, then continue with Emailing discovery task status reports, page 311.
Use the Advanced page of the Domino discovery task wizard to configure bandwidth
limits and full scan options.
1. Select an option for controlling bandwidth used for the discovery process:
■ Select No limit to avoid limiting the bandwidth used for discovery.
■ Select An average of to limit the bandwidth used for discovery, then select
the average (1-9999 Mbps) to set as the limit.
This reduces strain on Domino servers, network adapters, and Forcepoint
2. Under Full scan schedule, select one of the following options to indicate when to
perform full discovery scans:
■ Select Only on policy update to perform full discovery only when a
discovery policy changes.
■ Select On policy update or fingerprinting classifier update to perform full
discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version changes.
■ Select Always to perform full discovery on the scheduled time no matter what
has changed. (We don’t recommend choosing “always,” because this slows
the discovery process and taxes the system and file servers.)
3. Click Next, then continue with Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the Domino discovery task wizard displays a summary of the new
Domino discovery task.
Use the Email Report page of the discovery task wizard to have a status report on the
scanned files sent to an administrator or group alias via email when the discovery task
is completed.
1. Select Email discovery report to enable the email option.
2. Enter a Sender name for the report. This is the name that appears in the “From”
field of the email message.
3. Enter a Sender email address.
4. Verify the IP address and port of the outgoing mail server.
These settings are configured on the Settings > General > Mail Servers page,
under Outgoing Mail Server.
5. Enter a Subject for the email message. Click the arrow next to the Subject field to
include supported variables (like %Task Name%) in the email subject.
6. Edit the Message body. Default text is provided.
Click the arrow next to the Message body field to include supported variables
(like %Task End Time%) in the email message body.
7. In the Recipients field, click Edit to select one or more recipients for the emailed
Use the selection window to identify Administrators, Directory entries, or Custom
users as message recipients, then click OK.
8. To manually enter the email addresses of additional recipients, select Additional
email addresses, then use the field provided to enter addresses in a comma-
separated list.
9. Click Next, then continue to the Advanced page of the task wizard:
■ File System Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 284
■ SharePoint Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 289
■ Box Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 293
■ Database Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 297
■ Exchange Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 301
■ Outlook Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 305
■ Domino Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 310
■ Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced, page 317
Use the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies > Cloud Discovery
Scans page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager to discover and
remediate sensitive data at rest stored in authorized cloud applications.
Initially, the Cloud Discovery Scans page does not list any scans.
To create a new scan, click New in the toolbar at the top of the content page. A Cloud
Discovery Scan Properties page opens. See Adding or editing a cloud discovery scan,
page 313, for information on how to add a new scan or to edit the existing scan.
If you receive an error message, go to the Settings > General > Services > CASB
Service page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager to verify one of the
● CASB service is connected. See Configuring the CASB service, page 353.
● Cloud applications are defined. See the Forcepoint CASB Administration Guide,
available on the Forcepoint CASB management portal.
● At least one discovery policy is defined and enabled. See Creating a discovery
policy, page 262.
After a new scan is created and saved, it appears in the list of cloud discovery scans.
The Cloud Discovery Scans list displays the following properties:
● Scan Name - A name that you entered when the scan was created.
● Description - A description that you entered when the scan was created or
● Cloud Application - The cloud application with which this scan is associated.
Each cloud application can be assigned to only one scan. A Cloud Application
name can be edited by a CASB administrator.
A cloud application in Forcepoint DLP is referred to as
asset in Forcepoint CASB.
If a cloud application that is used in a scan was deleted in the CASB portal, the
application name and type are N/A and the scan status becomes Inactive.
● Type - A cloud application name (e.g., Office 365). The type cannot be changed.
The “Office 365” type may include several Office 365 cloud applications, each
with its own name and configuration.
● Enabled - Indicates whether the scan is enabled or disabled. Enable or disable the
scan from the Cloud Discovery Scan Properties page.
● Scan Status - The status of the scan in Forcepoint DLP:
■ Active - Indicates that the scan is running
You need to deploy all changes you made in the system
before you can run a scan, even if the changes are not
related to a selected scan.
Clicking Reset Scan forces a discovery scan cache reset.
All files at rest are queued and processed for scanning with
the latest policy configuration, including any files that
were previously scanned.
Using the Reset Scan button can significantly affect file
processing time. Use this action only when significant
changes are made to policies or when testing policies
with a small data set. Avoid using this button after
deployments when possible.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies > Cloud Discovery
Scans > Cloud Discovery Scan Properties page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to create or edit a cloud discovery scan.
To access the Cloud Discovery Scan Properties page, do one of the following:
● Click New in the toolbar at the top of the content pane on the Cloud Discovery
Scans page to add a new scan.
● Click an existing scan name in the table on the Cloud Discovery Scans page to
update an existing scan.
A Cloud Discovery Scan Properties page appears.
To create or edit a scan:
1. Enter or update a Scan name and Description for the scan.
2. Mark Enable scan to enable the cloud discovery scan.
3. Choose a cloud application from the drop-down list for the new scan.
The Cloud Application field lists all unassigned cloud applications created from
the CASB Service page (e.g., Dropbox-Test Instance).
Only applications that support data at rest are shown in the drop-down list. Data
at rest is enabled for all supported assets in the CASB portal. To disable Data at
rest, go to the CASB portal and modify the relevant asset. Each cloud application
can be assigned to only one scan.
Note that you cannot change the Cloud application name when you edit the scan.
A cloud application in Forcepoint DLP is referred to as
asset in Forcepoint CASB.
4. Use the Discovery Policies section to determine which policies to apply during
the scan.
Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
5. To save the changes and return to the Cloud Discovery Scans page, click OK.
6. To deploy all the configured changes, click Deploy.
Use the Main > Policy Management > Discovery Policies > Endpoint Discovery
Tasks page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager to configure
discovery on endpoint machines. The page displays all existing endpoint discovery
To create a new endpoint task, click New. A wizard appears.
The wizard for creating endpoint discovery tasks has 7 pages. It opens to the General
On this page:
1. Enter a Name for this endpoint discovery task.
2. Mark Enabled to enable the endpoint discovery task.
3. Enter a Description for the task.
4. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Endpoints.
Use the Scheduler page of the endpoint discovery task wizard to determine how often
the discovery task is run.
1. Use the Run scan option to select how often you want to run the scan process:
daily or weekly.
2. Specify the hours in which you want to run the scan (for example, daily at 2 a.m.).
As a best practice, run discovery scans after peak business hours.
Select more than one time period to indicate when the scan should continue
running if it is unable to complete during the first slot. Scans are not run more than
once a day even when multiple time slots are selected.
3. Select Scan only while computer is idle to perform the discovery scan only on
idle computers. This is desirable, because endpoint scanning consumes resources
and can slow performance.
For Windows endpoints, idle time is derived from the operating system. For Linux
endpoints, the idle time is 10 minutes.
4. Select Pause scanning while computer is running on batteries to avoid running
discovery if the endpoint machine switches to battery mode.
5. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Policies.
Use the Policies page of the endpoint discovery task wizard to determine which
policies to apply during the scan.
1. Do one of the following:
■ Select All discovery policies to prompt Forcepoint DLP to search for data
that matches the rules in all deployed policies.
■ Select Selected policies to apply only certain policies in this scan, then select
the policies to apply.
2. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - File Filtering.
Use the File Filtering page of the endpoint discovery task wizard to specify which
files to include in the scan.
1. Mark Filter by Type to filter the files to scan by file type.
2. Use Include file types to list the types of files to be scanned, separated by semi-
colons. You can use the “*” or “?” wildcards. For example, “*.doc; *.xls; *.ppt;
■ Click File Types to select the file types to include by extension. You can add
or edit file types in the resulting box if necessary.
■ To set Forcepoint DLP to scan all files, set this option to *.
3. Use Except to list the file types to exclude from the scan, separated by semi-
colons. Wildcards are permitted.
4. Mark Filter by Age to filter the files to scan by file age.
5. Under Scan only files that were modified:
■ Select Within to search only for files that were modified within a certain
period, then indicate the period (in months) using the spinner.
■ Select More than to search only for files that were modified more than a
certain number of months ago, then specify the number using the spinner.
■ Select From...To to search for files modified between 2 dates, and specify the
6. Mark Filter by Size to filter the files to scan by file size, then select one or both of
the following:
■ Select Scan only files larger than to set a minimum file size, then use the
spinner to specify the size.
■ Select Scan only files smaller than to set a maximum file size, then use the
spinner to specify the size.
7. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Advanced.
Use the Advanced page of the endpoint discovery task wizard to set a schedule for
running full scans, and to specify whether or not the discovery process alters file
1. Under Full Scan Schedule, select one of the following options to indicate when to
perform full discovery scans:
■ Select Only on policy update to perform discovery only when a discovery
policy changes.
■ Select On policy update or fingerprinting classifier update to perform
discovery when a discovery policy or a fingerprinting version changes.
■ Select Always to perform discovery on the scheduled time no matter what has
2. Under File Access Timestamp, select Preserve original access time to avoid
having file access timestamps updated when files are scanned by Forcepoint DLP.
hen this option is selected, the operating system controls the “Last Accessed”
timestamp of scanned files.
To preserve access time, Forcepoint DLP must have read-
write privileges for all hosts where discovery is being
3. Click Next, then continue with Endpoint Discovery Task Wizard - Finish.
The Finish page of the endpoint discovery task wizard displays a summary of the new
endpoint discovery task.
Forcepoint DLP traffic and events are recorded in a number of logs that can be viewed
from the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager. Use the logs to
assess system performance, track events, and audit administrator actions in the
Security Manager.
To access the logs, go to Main > Logs, then select an entry in the menu:
● The Forcepoint DLP traffic log, page 320
● The Forcepoint DLP system log, page 323
● The Forcepoint DLP audit log, page 324
Field Description
Sort Ascending Select this option to sort the table by the active column in ascending
alphabetical order.
Sort Descending Select this option to sort the table by the active column in descending
alphabetical order.
Filter by (column) Select this option to filter the data in the table by the type of
information in the active column, such as by description or task name.
Clear filter Select this option to clear the filter and display all tasks.
To view the current filters in use, click the information (“i”) icon next to Column
Filtering Activated.
When a filter is applied to a column, a funnel icon appears next to the column
To clear the filter from a column, click the down arrow by any column name and
select Clear filter. The toolbar at the top of the content pane also offers a Filter button
that can be used to clear a single filter or all filters.
If there are too many items to fit on the screen, use the Next, Previous, First, and Last
buttons to browse the list.
Use the Main > Logs > Traffic Log page in the Data Security module of the Security
Manager to see details of the traffic monitored over specific periods, as well as the
action taken.
For the endpoint channel, the log displays only traffic that breaches policy.
The list includes:
● Event ID
● Event Time
● Channel
● Action Taken
To customize the information shown in each column, click Table Properties ( ),
just above the right edge of the table. See Changing table properties, page 321, for
more information.
The Updated to field shows when the traffic log was last updated. To see the latest
data, click Update Now in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
If one or more modules fails to provide updated traffic information, an Errors
detected link appears above the traffic list. Click this link to open the Traffic Log
Details screen and see the status of all modules, as well as reasons for the update
Column Description
Action Taken The online action that was performed (allow or block).
Analysis Canceled Displays whether analysis was canceled.
Analysis Failed Displays whether analysis failure occurred.
Analyzed By Displays the name of the policy engine that analyzed the event.
Channel Channel on which the event was intercepted, for example SMTP,
Classifier Time Time spent analyzing all classifiers, in milliseconds. Includes the
time spent processing dictionaries, scripts, key phrases, patterns, and
Database Time in milliseconds that the transaction spent in the policy engine
Fingerprint waiting for structured fingerprint analysis.
Database Time in milliseconds spent on searching for structured fingerprint
Fingerprint Search data in this transaction’s content.
Destination The destination of the event, for example an IP address or an email
Details Header details from the event. For example, if the breach is in an
email message, this column contains the message subject. If the
breach was detected in an FTP transfer, this column lists the file
Detected By Displays the protector or agent that caught the event.
Dictionary Latency Time in milliseconds that the event spent in the policy engine waiting
for dictionary analysis.
Dictionary Search Time in milliseconds spent on searching for dictionary phrases in this
Time event’s content.
Event ID Unique traffic log event number.
Event Time Date and time the event was detected.
Extraction Time Time spent extracting text from the event, in milliseconds.
File Fingerprint Time in milliseconds that the event spent in the policy engine waiting
Latency for unstructured fingerprint analysis.
File Fingerprint Time in milliseconds spent on searching for unstructured fingerprint
Search Time data in this event’s content.
Host Name Time in milliseconds spent on performing external resolution from IP
Resolution Time to hostname on this event’s source or destination.
Incident Displays a check mark if the event was determined to be an incident
(a policy violation).
Column Description
Incident Creation Time spent creating an incident when a breach is detected, in
Time milliseconds. If no incident was created, this field is “0”.
Key Phrase Time in milliseconds that the event spent in the policy engine waiting
Latency for key phrase analysis.
Key Phrase Search Time in milliseconds spent on searching for key phrases in this
Time event’s content.
Latency Time the event spent in the policy engine waiting for analysis, in
milliseconds—in other words, Processing Time + Incident Creation
Time + Queue Time.
Regular Time in milliseconds that the event spent in the policy engine waiting
Expression for regular expression analysis.
Regular Time in milliseconds spent on all regular expression calculations
Expression performed on this event’s content.
Processing Time
Resolution Time Time spent resolving user names for all sources and destinations in
the event, in milliseconds.
Script Search Time Time in milliseconds spent on all script classifications performed on
this event’s content.
Search Time Time it took to search the event for breaches, in milliseconds—in
other words, Classifier Time + Extraction Time + Resolution Time.
Size The size of the event content, for example a file or an email message.
Source The source from which the event originated. This could be an email
address or IP address or other source.
Text Extraction Time in milliseconds that the event spent in the policy engine waiting
Latency for text extraction.
Timeout Displays whether analysis was stopped due to a timeout restriction.
Total Queue Time Total amount of idle time, in milliseconds, that the event spent in
internal queues.
URL Time in milliseconds spent on categorizing the destination URL of
Categorization this event.
User Name Time in milliseconds spent on performing external resolution from IP
Resolution Time to user name on this event’s source.
User Resolution Time in milliseconds that the event spent in the policy engine waiting
Latency for user name resolution.
Use the Main > Logs > System Log page in the Data Security module of the Security
Manager to see system actions sent from different Forcepoint components, such as
Forcepoint DLP servers, protectors, gateways, and policy engines. Examine the
details of each action, including the date and time it occurred and the component that
reported the action.
By default, the displayed actions are sorted by date and time. If a filter is used, the
number of displayed actions is shown at the top of the list.
System log records are kept for 60 days.
Column Description
Type Defines whether the action is an error, or is reported for informational
Status Displays either New or Confirmed. Once you view a new action, you
can mark it as confirmed to show you’ve reviewed it.
To mark a new action as confirmed, select the action and click Mark
as Confirmed. To revert a confirmed action to new, select the event
and click Mark as New.
Message This column may contain variables that are filled by the system, for
example a full folder path or a component name. If there are multiple
identical messages in a short time interval, a combined message is
displayed. The Forcepoint Security Manager formats the messages so
that the total number is displayed in brackets at the end of the message,
for example “New component registered: XXX (2 messages in 5
Date & Time Date and time the action occurred.
Local Date & Time Date and time on the component where the action occurred.
Topic ● System- Displays system messages reported by system
● Configuration - Displays messages reported by the system after a
configuration action is executed (usually by an administrator)
Reporter Displays the system module’s name, for example Forcepoint DLP
Server - USA.
Component Displays the internal component name, for example Policy Engine or
Endpoint Server.
Use the Main > Logs > Audit Log page in the Data Security module of the Security
Manager to review actions performed by administrators in the system. For example,
the audit log can show when administrators:
● Export incidents to a PDF or CSV file
● Email incidents to a manager or other recipient
● Make changes to a user account, such as user name or password
● View incident details such as trigger values and forensics
(Configure auditing for viewing incident details on the Settings >
Authorization > Administrators page. Select Audit incident detail views.)
The audit log can be used to investigate unauthorized or irregular changes to the
system that might jeopardize employee privacy or breach an IT security compliance
By default, the displayed actions are sorted by date and time. If a filter is used, the
number of displayed actions is shown at the top of the list.
Column Description
Action ID ID number of the action. You can quickly jump to an Audit Log action
by entering the ID number in the Find Action ID field and clicking
Date & Time Date and time the action occurred.
Administrator Name and user name of the administrator that initiated the action in the
Forcepoint Security Manager.
Access Role Role of the administrator.
Column Description
Topic You can filter the Audit Log by topic types.
● Administration - Displays actions performed by administrators
during the designated period, such as adding a new access role or
configuring user directories. Also displays actions made on
administrators, such as adding a new administrator or changing an
administrator’s permissions.
● Log on/Log out - Displays log on and log out actions so you know
which administrators where active during the designated period.
● Status - Displays actions performed on status reports and logs,
such as deleting an entry or creating an audit record.
● Policy management - Displays actions performed on policies,
such as updating predefined policies, editing quick policies, or
creating a new policy.
● Reporting - Displays actions performed on reports during the
designated period, such as editing or creating a new report.
● Incident management - Displays actions performed on incidents,
such as deleting incidents.
● Archiving - Displays actions performed on incident archives, such
as deleting or restoring an archive.
● System modules - Displays actions performed on system
modules, such as editing a configuration or adding a module.
Action Performed Description of the action performed by the administrator—for
example, “exported DLP incident to PDF file”.
Details Additional information about the action. For example, for an action
such as adding a policy, rule, or exception, this shows the policy, rule,
or exception name. For actions such as previewing or exporting a
report, it includes the report name.
Modified Item Identifies the object that was changed, added, or deleted. For actions
performed on incidents (e.g., viewing incident details), it includes the
incident ID. For report generation, it includes a task number. Click the
link to view additional details.
Configure Forcepoint DLP systems settings on the Settings > General pages in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
● Set preferences for reports (see Setting reporting preferences, page 328).
● Back up and restore the Forcepoint DLP (see Backing up the system, page 332).
● Define parameters for exporting incidents to a file (see Exporting incidents to a
file, page 335).*
● Configure endpoint hosts (see Configuring endpoint settings, page 337).*
● Configure mobile email devices (included with Forcepoint Email Security). See
Mobile device settings, page 342.
● Configure remediation (see Remediation, page 343).*
● Configure incoming and outgoing mail servers (see Mail servers, page 346).
● Set up alerting (see Alerts, page 347).
● Configure archive storage (see Archive storage, page 348).
● Configure Linking service, Microsoft RMS, the CASB service, File Labeling, and
Risk-Adaptive Protection (see Services, page 350).
● Configure high-risk resources for incident risk ranking (see Analytics, page 358).
● Configure user directory settings (see User directory settings, page 359).
● Archive incident partitions (see Archiving incident partitions, page 366).
● Update predefined policies and classifiers (see Updating predefined policies and
classifiers, page 370).
● Enter subscription settings (Entering subscription settings, page 374).
*These options are not included in the Forcepoint Web Security or Forcepoint Email
Security DLP Module.
Related topics:
● Viewing Incidents and Reports, page 35
● Setting general reporting preferences, page 329
● Setting preferences for data loss prevention reports, page 330
● Setting preferences for discovery reports, page 331
● Setting preferences for mobile incident reports, page 331
Use the Settings > General > Reporting page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to configure preferences for Forcepoint DLP reports.
For example:
● For data loss prevention incidents, define attachment size and forensics settings.
● For discovery incidents, set database thresholds.
● Define general settings, like filtering and printing, that apply to all types of
To set preferences for incidents and reports, complete the fields on each tab of the
Reporting page. See:
● Setting general reporting preferences, page 329
● Setting preferences for data loss prevention reports, page 330
● Setting preferences for Incident Risk Ranking reports, page 330
● Setting preferences for discovery reports, page 331
● Setting preferences for mobile incident reports, page 331
Use the General tab of the Settings > General > Reporting page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager to define general settings for security incidents and
1. Under Attachments, select a Maximum number of attachments per message
(1-40) to set the highest number of reports that can be appended to an email
notification message (40, by default).
2. Set the Maximum size of attachments (1-20 MB) included with an email
notification message (5 MB, by default).
3. Mark Zip incident and discovery reports to have reports compressed in a zip
archive to reduce the size of the notification message.
4. Under Printing and Exporting Incidents, set the maximum Number of incidents
(50-500) to include when the Print Preview or Export to PDF option is selected
(400, by default).
If a list of Forcepoint DLP incidents or reports is very long, this allows it to be
broken into manageable groups.
■ When the total number of items to export is larger than the number set here,
administrators can select from a range of pages. For example, if the number of
incidents to include is set to 200, and there are 700 incidents, administrators
are asked whether to export 1-200, 201-400, 401-600, or 601-700 incidents.
■ To export all incidents, enter an email address to which to send a PDF file.
5. Select one of the following options to determine whether a custom logo is
displayed in reports:
■ Mark No custom logo to display only the Forcepoint DLP logo on the first
page of the report.
■ To add a custom logo to the top of the first page in the report, mark Add the
following logo, then browse to the image file containing the logo. The image
must be smaller than 5 MB. Supported file types include .png, .gif, .bmp, and
As a best practice, upload an image that is 200x50 pixels. The system reduces
larger images to this size, so the resolution may be affected.
The custom logo appears on the top right of the report, while the Forcepoint
DLP logo appears on the top left.
6. Select one of the following options to determine whether to add a disclaimer to the
bottom few the report:
■ Select No disclaimer (default) to show no disclaimer at the bottom of the
■ To include a disclaimer, select Add the following disclaimer, then enter the
disclaimer text. The disclaimer can be 2 lines; each line can be 150 characters.
Disclaimers appear on every page in the report.
7. Under Forensics, select Secure forensics with plain text to have forensics data
appear in the report in plain text, rather than potentially malicious HTML.
8. Select Delete forensics for closed incidents to have forensics data deleted when
an incident’s status is changed to “Closed.” This reduces the size of your forensics
Forensics data is not deleted for incidents closed before this option is selected.
9. Click OK to save the changes.
Use the Data Loss Prevention tab of the Settings > General > Reporting page in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define settings for
reviewing data loss prevention incidents:
1. Select the Arrange the following fields... option to specify optional fields to
display on reporting pages.
Type field names, separated by commas, in the order you want to view them. For
to, subject, body
2. To include non-formatted data on the reporting page, mark View non-formatted
data. Examples include: to, subject, subj, body, msgbody, plainmsg, cc, bcc, from,
3. Click OK to save the changes.
Use the Incident Risk Ranking tab of the Settings > General > Reporting page in the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define settings for
Incident Risk Ranking reports:
1. Under Risk Threshold, select a range of risk levels to display by default on the
Dashboard and in the Incident Risk Ranking report.
For example, to see only the most severe risks, select 8.0-10. Cases assigned a risk
score in this range will be shown. To show all risk cases, select 0-10. This is the
2. Under Work Week, indicate whether the organization’s normal work week is
Monday - Friday (default) or Sunday - Thursday.
This shows on the Incident Risk Ranking report date filter.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
Use the Discovery tab of the Settings > General > Reporting page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define settings for discovery incidents:
1. Use the Maximum discovery incidents field to enter the maximum number of
incidents stored in the discovery database.
■ Enter a number between 10000 and 2000000 (no commas).
■ Assign, view, and monitor these incidents on the Discover Incidents page.
2. Forcepoint DLP has a safety mechanism in place that protects the incident
database from being overpopulated.When the same host, database, or mailbox
generates many incidents for the same policy, the system quits storing incident
details for each incident, and instead stores only general incident information.
Use the Endpoint discovery incidents and Network discovery incidents fields
to indicate how many incidents you want to trigger the change (100000, by
default). Do not include commas in the number you enter.
3. Click OK to save the changes.
Use the Mobile tab of the Settings > General > Reporting page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to define settings for mobile incidents:
1. Use the Keep mobile incidents... field to set the number of days to keep incidents
pertaining to mobile devices.
■ Set a number of days from 1-999.
■ The default is 90 days.
Incidents older than this number are deleted from the incident database and no
longer available for reporting.
2. Click OK to save the changes.
Related topics:
● Scheduling backups, page 333
● Monitoring backups, page 333
● Backup folder contents, page 334
● Restoring the system, page 334
Use the Settings > General > Backup page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to configure Forcepoint DLP system backups.
Be sure to back up your Forcepoint DLP system periodically to safeguard your
policies, forensics, configuration data, fingerprints, encryption keys, and more. (See
Backup folder contents, page 334, for a complete list of the data that is saved.)
To configure backup settings:
1. Enter a Path for storing the backup files.
■ If you enter a local path, it is local to the management server.
■ Each backup process creates a new sub-folder inside that root folder. The
name of each sub-folder is the timestamp when it was created.
2. If the Forcepoint DLP administrator account doesn’t have write privileges for the
specified path, provide credentials for an account that does have the appropriate
Field Description
Domain Enter the domain for the account.
User name Enter the user name for an administrator account with
access to this path.
Password Enter the account password. It must:
● Be at least 8 characters
● Contain upper case characters
● Contain lower case characters
● Contain numbers
● Contain non-alphanumeric characters
Confirm password Type the password a second time.
■ When the maximum is reached, the system overwrites the oldest folder with
the new data.
4. Indicate whether or not to Include forensics (from the incident database) in the
The incident database can be quite large, and backing it up requires additional disk
5. Click OK to save the settings.
To run the backup task, use Windows Task Scheduler as described in Scheduling
backups, page 333.
If a backup fails, refer to the CPSBackup.log file in the Forcepoint DLP installation
The backup process consists of large transactions and you
cannot stop a transaction in the middle. You must wait
until the process is complete.
Scheduling backups
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Monitoring backups
Every backup operation writes start and completion entries in the system log screen
(Main > Logs > System Log) in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security
In addition, every backup operation writes an entry in the Windows Event Log. Third-
party tools such as Microsoft’s SCOM and the open-source Zenoss can be used to
monitor the backup process and create alerts and reports.
The backup folder contains a log file, which describes the circumstances of the backup
process, and several subfolders—each is a backup of a different component in the
Subfolder Contents
PreciseID_DB The fingerprint repository
MngDB The Forcepoint DLP reporting database (containing policies,
incidents and configuration)
Forensics_repository Encrypted forensic incidents information
Crawlers Information on the discovery and fingerprinting crawlers
Certs Certificate files used for communication between the
Forcepoint Security Manager and Forcepoint DLP network
and endpoint agents.
Use the Forcepoint DLP “Modify” wizard on the management server to initiate the
restore operation.
Do not restore the backup on a machine that already exists
in the backup topology—unless it is the management
server itself. For example, if machine A is a master, and
machine B is secondary to machine A, do not restore the
backup of machine A into machine B.
If the backup system contains many policies, it may take a
while to load the policies and deploy them.
Use the Settings > General > Incident Export page in the Data Security module of
the Forcepoint Security Manager to configure how incidents are exported to a log file
for analysis.
1. To enable incident export, select Export incidents to a file.
2. Enter a Path to define the storage location for the incident report (C:/Program
Files (x86)/Websense/Data Security/incidents-export, by default).
3. Enter a File name for the export file.
Field Description
Incident ID External incident ID.
Insert date The incident insert date.
Source hostname The incident source hostname.
Source IP The incident source IP.
Source full name The incident source full name.
Source email The incident source email.
Source DN The distinguished name (DN) of the incident source. A DN
is the name that uniquely identifies the entry in the directory.
It is made up of attribute=value pairs, separated by commas.
Destinations list A list of the incidents destinations, in the format of
Channel name The channel name.
Max action taken A readable action taken (e.g.: Blocked, Audited).
Urgency Incident’s urgency, sometimes called sensitivity (e.g.:
Policy category A policy category for the current line (an incident can
generate multiple lines).
Filenames The filename or filenames related to the current incident
policy, up to 1024 characters. In the format of
Filenames trimmed True if the actual value for the filenames filed is greater than
1024 characters.
Please notice that in few cases you do not get the actual file
name. For example, for some SMTP incidents you might see
the filename as MESSAGE-BODY.
Field Description
Breached contents The breach content of the incident for the current policy, up
to 1024 characters, in the format of
Breached content trimmed True if the actual size of the previous filed is more than 1024
Related topics:
● Configuring Endpoint Deployment, page 425
● Endpoint Devices, page 239
● Endpoint Applications, page 239
● Endpoint Application Groups, page 241
Use the tabs of the Settings > General > Endpoint page in the Data Security module
of the Forcepoint Security Manager to configure parameters for endpoint software,
such as how often to test connectivity and check for updates.
The page opens with the General tab displayed. Configure the options on the General
tab as follows:
1. Under Connectivity, use the Test connectivity every field to specify how often, in
minutes (between 1 and 60), endpoint clients test connectivity (5 minutes, by
2. Use the Check for updates every drop-down list to select how often (between 30
seconds and 24 hours) endpoint clients check for configuration updates (1 hour,
by default).
3. Use the An endpoint is disconnected... field to determine after how long
(between 1 and 60 hours) an endpoint client is determined to be disconnected (48
hours, by default).
4. Under Administration, set which Action (Permit or Block) is taken when users do
not respond to a request for confirmation after attempting to perform an operation
that breached policy (Block, by default).
5. If you do not want endpoint users to be able to un-install the endpoint client
software or disable blocking or anti-tampering, select Enable endpoint
administrator password, then enter and confirm the password. It must meet all
of the following conditions:
■ Be at least 8 characters
■ Contain upper case characters
■ Contain lower case characters
■ Contain numbers
■ Contain non-alphanumeric characters
A password is not required to administer endpoint clients.
6. Click Save.
For the next step in configuring endpoint settings, continue with Endpoint settings: the
Email Domains tab, page 338.
Use the Email Domains tab of the Settings > General > Endpoint page to configure
email monitoring.
This includes defining which directions may be monitored for endpoint email (for
instance, only outbound). The direction or directions that are actually enforced are
determined by the settings on the Destination page of a custom rule.
In the rule, if you choose a direction that is not allowable per the Email Domains
setting, endpoint email traffic is not analyzed.
To configure email monitoring:
1. Under Internal email domains, use the Domain field to enter each internal domain
used by the organization. These are domains from which users in the organization
can send email.
■ Click Add to add each domain to the internal email domains list.
■ To delete an existing domain from the list, select the domain and click
Do not leave the domain list blank. When there are no
entries in the list, endpoint email is not analyzed.
Use the Detection tab of the Settings > General > Endpoint page:
Optical Media
Under Optical Media, specify whether or not to Permit third-party CD/DVD
burning on Windows.
■ The system monitors non-native Windows CD/DVD burner applications,
blocking or permitting operations without performing content classification.
■ Non-native CD/DVD blocking applies to CD, DVD, and Blue-ray read-write
devices on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows
Server 2012 endpoints.
Use the Disk Space tab of the Settings > General > Endpoint page to configure the
maximum storage size for logs, incidents, and other data.
Near the top of the tab, the amount of space reserved for system file storage is
displayed. This number cannot be changed.
1. Set the Maximum log file size (16-100 MB) to limit the size of the endpoint
client’s log file (16-100 MB; default is 16MB).
2. Specify the Incident storage size (10-2000 MB) to allocate for disconnected
endpoints (100 MB, by default).
3. Specify the File fingerprint storage size (1-1000 MB) to allocate for storage of
directory and SharePoint fingerprints (50 MB, by default).
4. Specify the Database fingerprint storage size (1-1000 MB) to allocate for
storage of database fingerprints (250 MB, by default).
5. Specify the Contained file storage size to allocate for storage of contained files
(500 MB, by default).
Contained files are those that are held in temporary storage on an endpoint. Files
are contained when policies prevent sensitive information from being written
from an endpoint to a removable device—such as a USB flash drive, CD/DVD, or
external hard disk—and an end user tries to copy a file to a forbidden device. See
the Endpoint Solutions End User’s Guide for more information.
6. Review the Total allocated disk space summary to see how much total storage
space is being allocated for Forcepoint DLP functions on each endpoint machine,
and make adjustments to the various disk space settings as needed.
7. Click Save.
For the final step in configuring endpoint settings, continue with Endpoint settings:
the Advanced tab, page 341.
Use the Advanced tab of the Settings > General > Endpoint page to configure
applications or folders to decouple from Forcepoint DLP Endpoint drivers. These are
typically applications that experience compatibility problems with the endpoint
1. Under Excluded Applications, use the Application/Folder field to enter the name
of an application of folder to exclude.
■ For Windows endpoints, enter an executable filename in the form
winword.exe (for Microsoft Word), or a folder name in the form \office15\
(for the entire Microsoft Office 2013 suite).
Do not include the drive letter.
■ For macOS endpoints, enter a case-sensitive application name like TextEdit
or a case-sensitive full path such as:
Mac endpoints do not support relative folders.
■ Filenames can include spaces. For example: Office application.exe.
■ File and folder names must be in ASCII characters.
■ Do not use wildcards.
2. Select the operating system on which the application runs.
3. Click Add to add the application to the Excluded Applications list.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each application that you want to exclude.
5. Click Save.
Up to 30 applications and folders can be entered.
File access is monitored for the listed applications, but there is no monitoring or
enforcement for other operations, like copy/cut/paste and printing.
After the updated profile is deployed to an endpoint machine, the machine must be
rebooted for this setting to take effect.
Related topics:
● Configuring the mobile agent, page 411
● Configuring the Mobile DLP Policy, page 133
● Viewing endpoint status, page 29
The mobile agent makes it possible to configure what type of email content to sync to
users’ mobile devices when they connect to the network. If content breaches the
mobile policy, it is blocked or audited as configured.
Use the Settings > General > Mobile page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to define how Forcepoint DLP manages the mobile
devices covered by policy.
1. Use the Keep released messages for field to specify, in days (3-30) how long to
store released messages (14 days, by default).
When the mobile agent accepts a release operation for a specific message, it stores
it for 2 main purposes:
■ To wait for the user’s device to sync, which triggers the actual release
sequence in Exchange.
■ To avoid any subsequent analysis for the same message by the same user
syncing to a second device.
This number affects the size of your incident database. A large number requires
more storage space than a small one.
2. Use the Update status every field to determine how often in minutes (1-60)
device status is sent to the management server. The default is 5 minutes.
■ Status includes the device owner and type, date of the last synchronization,
date of incident detection, and more.
■ Status from all registered devices is sent to the management server in a single
batch operation.
3. Under Analyze the following components, indicate which Exchange server
components you want the mobile agent to analyze:
■ Select Email messages to analyze all parts of an email message (Subject,
Body, To, From, Attachments, etc.).
■ Select Calendar events to analyze calendar items, including Subject,
Location, Attendees, and Description.
■ Select Tasks to analyze content in To-Do lists.
By default, all message types are analyzed.
4. Under Trusted Devices, define any devices that should not be monitored. These
devices are not analyzed by Forcepoint DLP.
Related topics:
● Remediation, page 243
Use the Settings > General > Remediation page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to define the location of the syslog server and mail
release gateway used for remediation.
1. Under Syslog Settings, enter the IP address or hostname of the syslog server,
and the logging Port.
2. To set the origin of syslog messages, select Use syslog facility for these
messages, then use the drop-down menu to select the type of message to appear in
the syslog:
■ User-level Messages (#1) logs generic user-level messages, such as
“username/password expired”.
■ Security/Authorization Messages (#4) logs authentication- and
authorization-related commands, such as “authentication failed for admin
■ Security/Authorization Messages (#10) logs non-system authorization
messages inside a protected file (for information of a sensitive nature, such as
■ Local use 0-7 (#16-23) specifies unreserved facilities available for any local
use. Processes and daemons that have not been explicitly assigned a facility
can use any of the “local use” facilities. Configuration is done in the
syslog.conf file.
To send incident data to the syslog, select Audit Incident > Send Syslog
Message in the action plan for the policy.
3. Click Test Connection to send the syslog server a verification test message.
4. Under Release Quarantined Emails, specify which gateway to use when releasing
a quarantined email message.
■ The default is Use the gateway that detected the incident. This gateway
could be Forcepoint Email Security or the protector MTA, depending on your
■ To define a specific gateway, select Use the following gateway, then enter the
gateway IP address or hostname and Port.
5. If only recipients of a message should be able to release it from quarantine, select
Validate user before releasing message.
The system then ensures that the person attempting to release a message is a
recipient of the message, and therefore authorized. Unauthorized users receive an
email notification that they are not allowed release the message.
6. Click OK to save your changes.
Syslog messages can be sent to an SIEM tool if desired. They are compatible with
both ArcSight Common Event Format (CEF) and Audit Quality SIEM format.
The ArcSight CEF message includes the following information for each incident:
CEF:0|Forcepoint|Forcepoint DLP|8.3|{id}|DLP
Syslog|{severity}| act={action} duser={destinations}
fname={attachments} msg={details} suser={source}
● Signature ID = event ID
● act = action taken
● analyzedBy= sensor that detected traffic
● cat = policy categories
● suser = incident source
● duser = incident destinations
● loginName= login name or sAMAccount name
● msg = incident details
● fname = attachments
● sourcelp= source IP where data loss is occurring
● sourceServiceName = channel
The ArcSight Audit Quality SIEM message adds additional information for each
severityType=MEDIUM sourceHost=MNG_ENDPOINT_1
productVersion=8.3 maxMatches=6 timeStamp=2015-03-11
16:33:48.333 destinationHosts=ACCOUNTS.GOOGLE.COM,
● severityType = incident severity (low, medium, high)
● sourceHost = hostname or IP address of incident source
● productVersion = version number of Forcepoint DLP product (e.g., 8.3)
● maxMatches = maximum number of violations triggered by any given rule in the
● timeStamp = date and time of incident (e.g., 2015-04-30 16:33:48.333)
● destinationHosts = hostnames, IP addresses, or URLs of incident destinations
● apVersion = Forcepoint version number
● riskScore = risk score assigned to the case
● caseDescription = case description
● caseDateAndTime = date and time case was created
● caseClassification = case classification: suspected data theft or uncategorized/
● caseSummary = case summary
● numberOfIncidents = number of incidents in the case. Cases can contain several
incidents, so this number varies from the number of eventIDs.
● eventIDs = IDs for up to 20 incidents in the case or 1024 characters. If there are
more incidents in the case, it is indicated by an ellipses.
Mail servers
6. Click Test Connection to test the incoming mail server settings. The system tries
to connect to the server and returns a success or failure message. This can take
several minutes.
7. Under Outgoing Mail Server, enter the IP address or hostname and Port for
your outgoing mail server.
■ This is the email server address that waits and listens for outgoing
notifications and alerts.
■ If you change the outgoing mail server here, the mail server for scheduled
tasks, notifications and alerts is affected.
8. Click Test Connection to test the outgoing mail server settings. When prompted,
enter an email address where the system can send a test message. If you receive
the message, then it was able to connect to the outgoing mail server successfully.
This can take several minutes.
9. Click OK to save your changes.
Use the Settings > General > Alerts page in the Data Security module of the Security
Manager to define which conditions trigger alerts and whether the alerts should be
sent to the syslog or emailed to an administrator. For emailed alerts, define the sender,
recipients, subject, and mail server.
When you navigate to the Alerts page, the General tab is displayed first.
1. Use the check boxes to select when you want to trigger alerts, such as when your
subscription is about to expire. You can send email alerts when:
■ Your subscription is about to expire
■ Policy updates fail during upgrade
■ The number of discovery incidents reaches its limit
■ Disk space for the incident archive reaches its limit
■ Disk space for the forensics repository reaches its limit
■ Incidents have been deleted from the incident repository
2. Click OK to save your changes.
To finish configuring alerts, continue with Setting up email properties, page 347.
Use the Email Properties tab of the Settings > General > Alerts page to define
properties for alerts that are sent by email:
1. Enter the Sender name for alert notifications sent to administrators.
2. Enter the Sender email address for the account from which notifications are sent.
3. Review the Outgoing mail server IP address or hostname and Port.
■ This is the email server address that waits and listens for outgoing
notifications and alerts
■ Change the outgoing mail server on the Settings > General > Mail Servers
page, or by clicking Mail Server Settings in the toolbar at the top of the
content pane. The outgoing mail server settings affect scheduled tasks,
notifications, and email workflow.
4. Enter the Subject line for scheduled alert notifications.
5. To update the email alert Recipients, click Edit.
A Directory Entries window opens with searchable and selectable recipients.
After making selections, click OK to save your changes.
To add one or more further recipients, select Additional email addresses, then
enter the addresses of the recipients. Use commas to separate multiple email
6. Click OK to save your changes.
Archive storage
Related topics:
● Forcepoint DLP databases, page 3
● If you select Store archive remotely, define a location for the archive files as
Field Description
Use existing storage Use the drop-down menu to select a previously configured
location storage location. Click Delete to remove unneeded
Name new storage Select this option to define a new storage location. Enter a
location name for the new location.
IP address or hostname Enter an IP address or hostname for the machine on which
the storage will be located.
Domain Enter the domain name for the account used to access the
User name Enter the user name for the account.
Password Enter the password for the account.
Archive folder Type a folder name for the new archive. For example:
Do not include preceding or trailing backslashes. The
folder is relative to the IP address or hostname provided.
Test Connection Click Test Connection to make sure the Forcepoint DLP
server can access the storage location. This ensures the
path is valid (hostname and folder) and also checks the
access credentials.
Description Optionally, enter a description for the archive location.
Maximum archive disk Select a limit on the storage drive for disk space used by
space the archive. Find guidelines for estimating the required
disk space below.
Use the Settings > General > Services page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to configure the following local and external services
that interact with Forcepoint DLP:
● When Forcepoint DLP integrates with Forcepoint Web Security, Linking Service
provides IP address to user name resolution for HTTP incidents. This allows
Forcepoint DLP to display user names in incident reports, rather than IP
See Configuring Linking Service, page 351.
● Forcepoint DLP can decrypt and analyze Microsoft Office files that were
encrypted by Azure RMS or Active Directory RMS.
See Configuring Microsoft RMS, page 352.
● With a Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications subscription, the CASB service can
be used to apply DLP policies to files uploaded to or shared within a variety of
cloud applications.
See Configuring the CASB service, page 353.
● Organizations that use a supported, third-party classification system to label files
used in the network can enable Forcepoint DLP to integrate with the existing
See Configuring File Labeling, page 354.
● Integration of the Forcepoint DLP with UEBA technology allows users to provide
dynamic, risk-level-based actions per triggered policy rules through the Risk-
Adaptive Protection feature.
See Configuring Risk-Adaptive Protection, page 357.
Use the Linking Service tab of the Settings > General > Services page to make sure
the connection between Forcepoint DLP and Linking Service is intact, and to
configure how to use URL categories and user names from Forcepoint Web Security
in Forcepoint DLP.
In addition to providing IP address to user name resolution for HTTP incidents,
Linking Service allows Forcepoint DLP to import Forcepoint Web Security
predefined and custom URL categories. These categories can then be added as
resources in DLP policies so that you can map URLs to categories and view them in
incident reports.
1. Note the IP address and port of the Linking Service machine. This is added
automatically during installation.
2. Make sure that Enabled is selected.
3. Click Test Connection to test the linking connection. A confirmation message is
If connection fails, enter the IP address or hostname of the Linking Service
machine, and the connection Port (56992, by default), then test the connection
Dynamic user name resolution and category mapping are enabled by default when you
install Forcepoint DLP. If you are experiencing significant latency during content
analysis, edit the service Properties to limit the use of Linking Service to the most
important functions. Only change these settings if the connection between your data
and web solutions is poor.
1. Under Incident Reports, mark Show user names in incident reports to have user
names to display in incident reports rather than IP addresses. This may make it
easier to determine who is moving sensitive data.
2. Mark Show URL categories in incident reports to display URL categories
rather than URLs in reports. For example, instead of, reports
might display News and Media.
3. Under Content Analysis, mark Resolve user names when analyzing content to
have the system resolve IP addresses to user names when it is analyzing
Use this option if there are rules that include or exclude user names as a source.
For example, block John Doe from posting the document MyDoc.doc to the Web.
If there is a match, the rule is triggered.
4. Mark Map URL categories when analyzing content to have the system to map
URLs to categories when it is analyzing transactions.
Use this option if there are rules that include or exclude URL categories as a
destination. For example, block John Doe from posting the document MyDoc.doc
to News and Media sites.
5. Click OK to save your settings.
Use the Microsoft RMS tab of the Settings > General > Services page to configure
Forcepoint DLP to decrypt and analyze Microsoft Office files that were encrypted by
Azure RMS or Active Directory (AD) RMS on Windows endpoints. This includes
files found on Windows endpoints (discovery) or sent via any endpoint channel.
Office files that are protected by Microsoft RMS include Word, Excel, PowerPoint
and other Office documents created in Office 2007 or later, such as those ending in
docx and pptx.
The system uses logged-in user credentials to access the Microsoft RMS server.
Because the system runs under the security context of the logged-in user, it uses the
same permission as the user and, therefore, can read everything the user can read. For
example, when a user creates a document, the user has permission to read the
document and so does the system. When the user has read permissions to the
document, explicitly or as part of an Active Directory group or RMS template, so does
the system. In case of errors, the transaction is permitted without analysis and the error
is recorded in a log file.
By default, this setting is disabled.
To enable RMS decryption, select Enable RMS decryption, then click OK.
The RMS file detection feature has the following prerequisites:
1. The endpoint machine must be in your organization’s domain.
2. Azure Active Directory/Office 365 single sign-on (SSO) must be configured and
working. Users must be able to RMS-protect a document without a login request.
3. Either Rights Management Service Client 2.1 or Microsoft Rights Management
Sharing application must be installed on the endpoint machine.
4. For Azure AD/Office 365 SSO, Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant must
be installed on the endpoint machine.
5. Microsoft RMS predefined templates must have Copy and Extract Content
6. Make sure that the following Forcepoint DLP predefined policies are not
configured to block breaches, because they block the RMS client communication
to the RMS server:
■ Encrypted Files - Unknown Format (Script)
■ Encrypted Files - Unknown Format (Wide)
By default, these policies are set to monitor. If they are enabled, false positive
incidents for RMS communication appear in the Security Manager.
To view RMS-related incidents in the Data Security module of the Security Manager,
navigate to the Main > Reporting > DLP > Incidents - Last 3 days page. The
Forensics tab shows when the detected breach was an RMS-protected file.
To determine whether RMS decryption and analysis is active or inactive, check the
Main > Status > Endpoint Status page.
Use the CASB Service tab of the Settings > General > Services page to connect,
disconnect, and configure the CASB service.
With a Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications subscription, the CASB service:
● Provides content inspection for files used in cloud collaboration applications,
including downloaded, uploaded, shared, and stored files
● Applies DLP policies to sensitive data
The first step in using the CASB service is to connect Forcepoint DLP to the
Forcepoint CASB service. To enable the connection:
1. Click Connect.
The CASB Service Connection dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter the following information from the Forcepoint CASB fulfillment letter:
a. The Access key ID
b. The Access key secret for the account
c. The Service URL
3. Click Connect.
The connection process is initiated. This may take some time to complete.
Once Forcepoint DLP has connected successfully to the CASB service, it is
automatically enabled and the CASB Service tab is updated.
Next, enable DLP policy enforcement for specified cloud applications:
1. Click Add under the Cloud Applications list.
2. In the Add Cloud Application window, select an application.
The CASB portal opens in a new tab to allow configuration of the selected
■ Pop-up blockers may prevent this tab from opening. If this occurs, disable the
pop-up blocker and try again.
■ It may take a while for the tab to open. Wait for the tab to load, then complete
the steps below. Do not close the tab while it is still loading.
3. Enter a descriptive Application name and Service description to help
administrators manage the service, or maintain the default name and description
as provided.
4. Under Connection, enter the Key and Secret to enable a connection to the selected
cloud application, then click Configure Connection.
The CASB service uses the connection to retrieve activity logs, scan files at rest,
and retrieve user lists. It does not store the user credentials.
5. Under Service Type, in the API Based CASB section, specify whether or not to
Enable activity import and allow the CASB service to access and import user
activity logs for the selected cloud application.
6. In the Data at Rest section, mark the Enable data at rest discovery check box to
activate the data at rest discovery scan for this cloud application.
Enter the folder path you want scanned.
Click Excluded Subfolders to specify any subfolders you want excluded from the
7. In the Mitigation Settings section, configure an Archive folder within the selected
cloud service for files moved or copied in response to a DLP incident. A Drive
email entry field is available for applications that need to know a user’s identity
for copying files to the archive folder.
8. Under Quarantine Notes, optionally configure messages that can replace
quarantined files and explain to users that files have been moved.
Click Test Connection to verify that the message file can be copied to the cloud
9. To save the changes and return to the CASB Service tab, click OK.
■ The new application is added to the cloud applications list, which shows the
application’s name, type, description, and status.
■ The Edit link opens the properties in a new CASB window, which can be used
to update configuration for the application.
Note that the new application is added to the cloud applications list even if
configuration is canceled before this step is completed. Use the Edit link to
finish configuration if necessary.
10. If needed, click Return to the Security Manager.
Functionality can be used to exit the CASB portal at any point and continue
working in the Security Manager.
Repeat the steps above as many times as needed to enable the CASB service for each
cloud application to which DLP policies will be applied.
Version 8.6 supports two file labeling systems: Boldon
James Classifier and Microsoft Information Protection.
Click the desired labeling system name to open the labeling system property page.
● If you select Boldon James Classifier, see Configuring Boldon James classifier,
page 355.
● If you select Microsoft Information Protection, see Configuring Microsoft
Information Protection, page 356.
Use the Boldon James Classifier Properties page to enable and configure file
labeling using the Boldon James Classifier system. This feature allows Forcepoint
DLP to add labels to files and modify labels based on discovery policies and to import
labels for detection (for more information about creating file labeling classifiers for
detection, see File Labeling, page 183).
To open the Boldon James Classifier Properties page, go to Settings > General >
Services > File Labeling tab and click on the Boldon James Classifier link. The
Boldon James Classifier Properties page opens.
To enable and use this feature, a supported labeling system
must already be in use on the network.
■ When the file has a lower priority label (upgrade the classification)
■ When the file has a higher priority label (downgrade the classification)
■ When the file has a tag whose priority cannot be compared to the new label
■ When the file is not already labeled
In cases where a file does not meet a selected condition, its labeling remains
unchanged. This may mean that the file remains unlabeled, or that the original
label or labels added by the third-party system remain in place.
In incident reports, the incident details provide information about whether labels
were found on a file, and whether labels were changed.
9. Click OK to save the changes.
The audit log (Main > Logs > Audit Log) is updated when the administrator imports
classification labels and when the file labeling system or the guidelines are enabled or
disabled. Click the Guidelines updates link for more information on updates.
After the Apply file labels check box has been marked, administrators can configure
the specific labels to use on the Discovery tab of each action plan. See Action Plans,
page 244.
Before you import Microsoft Information Protection labels
for the first time, you must obtain permission for the
Forcepoint application to import the labels.
Log in to the Microsoft Office 365 Admin Consent page,
authenticate using your Microsoft Office 365 admin
credentials, and accept the permissions statement.
To import labels:
1. Enter your Microsoft Office 365 admin credentials and click Import Labels.
We recommend that you enter credentials for an administrator who has visibility
to all Microsoft Information Protection labels used in the organization.
User credentials are not stored on Forcepoint servers. However, you should ensure
that your web browser does not store this information.
2. Click OK to start the import process.
If “admin consent” has not already been established, this step generates an error
message and the import does not occur. Complete the Microsoft admin consent
process and try again.
3. After a successful import, the Last Import Details section is updated with the
imported labels and a message. The message lists date, time and number of
imported labels.
Risk-Adaptive Protection
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Risk-Adaptive Protection is a feature that is built upon existing Forcepoint UEBA and
Forcepoint DLP technologies.
Risk-Adaptive Protection combines the power of the Forcepoint DLP and Forcepoint
UEBA technologies by ingesting DLP event and incident data into the UEBA
platform, which performs modeling and analytics to determine a user profile risk.
Then, based on the user risk level, actions are executed when Forcepoint DLP polices
are triggered.
To enable the feature:
1. Deploy a Forcepoint UEBA instance. See Forcepoint UEBA Administration and
Troubleshooting Manual.
2. Enable Risk-Adaptive Protection in Forcepoint DLP. See Configuring Risk-
Adaptive Protection, page 357.
3. Configure relevant policies and rules so that actions are risk-level dependent. See
Custom Policy Wizard - Severity and Action, page 149.
4. Enable/Disable Risk-Adaptive Protection for specific users/groups. Use the
RAPUserManager.exe. See the Dynamic Data Protection Getting Started Guide
for more information.
5. Users could be either custom or based on a user directory.
Users are assigned risk level 1 as a default risk level value.
6. Sync the modified list of Risk-Adaptive Protection users in the Forcepoint UEBA
system. See Forcepoint UEBA Administration and Troubleshooting Manual.
7. Check DLP incidents. See Managing incident reports, page 75.
8. Investigate users. See Forcepoint UEBA Administration and Troubleshooting
To use Risk-Adaptive Protection, go to the Settings > General > Services page.
Select the Risk-Adaptive Protection tab.
To enable the feature:
1. Mark the Enable Risk-Adaptive Protection check box.
If you already defined Forcepoint DLP rules to determine
actions by user’s risk level, disabling this option (by
clearing the Enable Risk-Adaptive Protection check box)
disconnects Forcepoint UEBA from Forcepoint DLP and
actions are determined only by DLP matches.
Use the Settings > General > Analytics page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager to configure high-risk business units for incident risk
ranking. (Create business units containing high-risk resources on the Main > Policy
Management > Resources > Business Units page.)
The settings on the Analytics page affect how the analytics engine calculates risk
scores for the Incident Risk Ranking report. They can only be edited by administrators
with permission to configure analytics.
1. Select Use high-risk resources for risk scoring to enable use of the business
2. Click Add to add one or more resource groups to use when formulating risk
scores for Incident Risk Ranking reports. See Adding a high-risk resource, page
Note that only user resources can be added as high-risk resources. Other resources
types, like computers and networks, are not added.
To remove a resource, select its check box, then click Remove.
3. Click OK.
When you add a business unit to the high-risk resource
group, only the user resources in the business unit are
added. Other resource types, like domains, computers, and
networks, are not used.
Field Description
Filter by If there is a large number of business units listed, use the filter to
narrow down the list.
Type Select the type of resources in the business unit (high-risk source or
privileged account).
You can add only one business unit of each type: that is, one high-risk
source and one privileged account.
Level Select the risk level for this business unit.
The High-risk source options are:
● Risk
● High risk
● Very high risk
The Privileged account options are:
● Privileged
● High privileged
● Most highly privileged
Use the Settings > General > User Directories page in the Data Security module of
the Forcepoint Security Manager to define the user directory to use for Forcepoint
DLP end users and other policy resources (such as devices and networks).
(The LDAP directory or directories used for adding and authenticating Forcepoint
administrators with network accounts is defined on the Security Manager Global
Settings > User Directories page.)
Configure Forcepoint DLP to connect to supported directories (such as Microsoft
Active Directory or IBM Domino) to ensure that the most current end user and
resource information is available.
On the Settings > General > User Directories > Add/Edit directory server page in
the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager:
1. Mark the Enabled check box to import user information from this directory
2. Enter or update the Name for the user directory server.
3. Select the Type of directory from the drop-down menu: Active Directory,
Domino, or Comma Separated Value (CSV) file.
■ If you select Active Directory or Domino, see Using Active Directory or
Domino, page 361.
■ If you select Comma Separated Value (CSV) file, see Using a CSV file, page
CSV files must use a specific format. Refer to Importing
user entries from a CSV file, page 363, for details.
If you change user directory settings at a later date,
existing accounts become invalid unless you are pointing
to an exact mirror of the user directory server. If the new
server is not a mirror, you may not be able to distinguish
between new and existing users.
The order of your user directory servers is important, because users are imported from
directories in the listed order. If a user exists in more than one directory, the first
record in the directories takes precedence.
Define the ranking your user directory servers on the Settings > General > User
Directories > Rearrange User Directory Servers page in the Forcepoint Security
1. In the User Directory Servers list, click individual server names and use the up/
down arrows to promote or demote the servers to the desired order.
2. Click OK to save your changes.
Importing users
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Use the Settings > General > User Directories page in the Forcepoint Security
Manager to import user data. Either import user data immediately from a directory or
schedule the import. Only users with email addresses are imported.
To define when to import user directory information, do one of the following:
● Click Import Now in the toolbar at the top of the page to immediately import user
information in the server list order. (It can take some time to perform this action.
A confirmation screen appears.)
Use this option to import user directory data from CSV files. Imports from CSV
cannot be scheduled.
● Click the Import... link on the left, above the table, to determine how often (daily
or weekly) and at what time the import occurs. In the dialog box that opens:
1. Select Enabled to enable the scheduler.
If this box is not selected, the user directory remains static until you manually
update it via the Import Now button.
2. Indicate whether to update user directory information Daily or Weekly.
3. Specify a time of day for the import. If you have selected a weekly import,
also select a day of the week.
Many administrators choose to synchronize the directories during off-
business hours.
4. Click OK.
During the import process, custom resources that you add
(groups, users, computers) may not be activated even after
they have been deployed. Wait until the system log shows
that the Resource Repository synchronization has
succeeded to begin working on custom resources.
User directories information can be imported via CSV files. To do this, generate a set
of files in a specific structure, as follows:
1. Create 3 text files named computers.csv, users.csv, and groups.csv. See CSV file
formatting for details on the format.
2. Click New in the toolbar at the top of the Settings > General > User Directories
3. Select CSV File in the Type field.
4. Enter the path of the CSV files.
5. Enter a user name and a password with access to this directory.
6. Click OK.
7. Each time you want to import user, group, or computer data from the CSV files,
go to the Settings > General > User Directories page and click Import Now in
the toolbar at the top of the page.
● When a field contains a list, separate the list elements using a semicolon (;) and
enclose the entire field in double quotes, unless the list contains 1 element or
For example:
08b3b46b-3631-46cb-adc7-176c2871e94c,Marketing - EMEA,
Marketing department,7c9d4db6-1737-4b80-9e6e-42f415300a05
40632a33-db39-4f93-bd80-093e0b3230ca,Marketing - APAC,
Marketing department,7c9d4db6-1737-4b80-9e6e-42f415300a05
7c9d4db6-1737-4b80-9e6e-42f415300a05,Marketing all,All
Marketing departments
User records can also have additional attributes in the form of name value pairs. Some
of these attributes have predefined names (see below). A file containing an additional
attribute should be defined as a regular expression of the following format:
Any name can be used for custom attributes. The attributes are stored as an associated
array on the user object, and are used only for display. Examples include:
● wbsn_proxy_address - secondary (alternative) email address
● wbsn_nt_domain\wbsn_login_name - the user login name (principal name on
Windows-based systems)
● wbsn_full_name - the user’s display name
● wbsn_department - department
● wbsn_telephone_number - the user’s telephone number
● wbsn_title - the user’s title
● wbsn_mailbox_store - the server on which the user’s Exchange mailbox is stored
The table below illustrates some attributes:
For example:
6278ab76-2ce2-4f16-8e49-aa5104da7d0b, jdoe-mgr,
[email protected],CEO,7c9d4db6-1737-4b80-9e6e-
ff255105-4e43-4e9a-b2bd-e366872cd212, jdoe,
[email protected], administrator, 6278ab76-2ce2-4f16-8e49-
For example:
379a287f-0a5c-40ff-85fd-fae3da462d03,gumby,, print server,"7c9d4db6-1737-4b80-9e6e-
Related topics:
● Archiving a partition
● Restoring a partition
● Deleting a partition, page 369
● Viewing Incidents and Reports, page 35
Column Description
ID An internal identification number for the partition, beginning with the
year. Click incident partitions to select them for archiving.
Status The current status:
● Online-Active marks the partition into which local incidents are
dynamically stored.
● Online indicates a former (now full) Online-Active partition. This
partition is no longer active, but it has not been archived or deleted.
● Archive marks partitions that have been archived in an offline
● Deleted marks partitions that have been permanently deleted.
● Restored marks partitions that were restored to Online status after
having been archived.
From The date of the first event logged in the archive.
To The date of the last event logged in the archive.
# of Incidents The number of incidents currently collected in the archive.
Location The location of the archive, whether local or at an external IP address.
Path The complete path to the external storage.
Comments Optional, administrator-added comments about the archive.
Show deleted When selected, deleted partitions are displayed in the Archiving list.
Use the buttons in the toolbar at the top of the content pane to archive, restore, or
delete selected partitions.
Button Description
Archive Send a selected archive to offline storage. See Archiving a partition, page
Restore Restore a selected archived partition. See Restoring a partition, page 369.
Delete Permanently delete a selected partition. See Deleting a partition, page 369.
Settings Open a settings paged used to define the archive size and storage location.
See Archive storage, page 348.
The choice of whether to use a local or remote Microsoft SQL Server database is
made during installation, when Forcepoint DLP components are installed on the
management server machine.
If a remote database is selected, administrators have the option to enable Forcepoint
DLP archiving. (Archiving is automatically enabled when a local database is used.)
When incidents are archived, they are initially stored in a temporary folder. For a
remote SQL Server database, this folder is defined during Forcepoint DLP
installation. Both the database and the management server must have access to the
temporary folder.
If the temporary folder is not defined during Forcepoint DLP installation, it is not
possible to archive incidents. Attempts to manually archive partitions cause the
Forcepoint Security Manager to display a warning that archive settings have not been
fully configured, so archiving won’t work. Automatic archiving fails and sends a
message to syslog.
If you receive an archiving warning or error message, modify your installation as
follows to enable archiving:
1. Launch the Forcepoint Security Installer on the management server.
2. Next to Forcepoint DLP, select Modify.
3. Click Next until you reach the Temporary File Location page.
4. Select Enable incident archiving and backup.
5. Enter the local or network path to the temporary folder to use during incident
■ The folder must already exist.
■ Both SQL Server and the management server must be able to access the
temporary folder.
6. Enter the UNC path that the management server should use to access the
temporary folder.
7. Provide network credentials with read/write permissions to the temporary folder.
8. Complete the installation wizard.
9. Open the Data Security module of the Security Manager and click Deploy.
Note that you only configure the temporary archive folder in the installer. To
configure the final location of the archive, use the Settings > General > Archive
Storage page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager.
Archiving a partition
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Incident partitions fill automatically, but you can only keep either 4 partitions (SQL
Server Express) or 8 partitions (Microsoft SQL Server Standard or Enterprise) online.
To save older partitions, archive them offline. The maximum local offline storage
allowed is 12 partitions (approximately 3 years of records). To archive a partition:
1. Go to the Settings > General > Archive Partitions page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
2. Select one or more incident partitions.
3. Click Archive in the toolbar.
4. Review the list of partitions to be archived, adding comments, if needed.
For an explanation of the information shown for each partition, see Archiving
incident partitions, page 366.
5. Click OK to continue.
The number of partition archives you can create depends on the size of the partition
Restoring a partition
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Archived partitions can be restored to online status. This may be helpful, for example,
to allow comparison between older and newer incident patterns. Up to 4 partitions
(approximately 1 year of records) can be restored.
To restore incident partitions from their archives:
1. Go to the Settings > General > Archive Partitions page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
2. Use the check boxes to select one or more partitions.
3. Click Restore in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
A “Selected archive partitions were successfully restored” confirmation message
is displayed.
4. Click OK.
The Status line for the restored partitions indicates that they are now online.
Before restoring an archive, the repository checks to see
how much disk space is consumed by the restore
operation. If restoration exceeds 95 percent of the allowed
disk space, it cannot be performed.
After restoring a partition, delete the archived records from
the archive folder.
Deleting a partition
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
To delete partitions:
1. Go to the Settings > General > Archive Partitions page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
2. Select the partitions of interest.
3. Click Delete in the toolbar. A summary of the partitions to be deleted appears. If
one of the partitions is active, a warning message appears: Warning: deleting a
partition is irreversible.
4. Click OK to continue.
If you delete the Active partition, all of its incidents are removed, but the Active
partition itself cannot be deleted. The Status line for the deleted partitions indicates
their deletion.
Archive threshold
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Warning messages are displayed both when disk space is approaching the allocated
threshold and when that threshold is exceeded. If you get the preliminary warning,
archive the oldest records until at least 15% of allowed disk space is free. As a
safeguard, the system automatically creates a “private” archive when disk space is
exceeded. Should it be necessary, please contact Forcepoint Technical Support to
retrieve the archive.
Related topics:
● Predefined policies and classifiers
● Supported file formats
● Viewing your update history, page 371
● Installing policy updates, page 372
● Restoring policies to a previous version, page 373
For your convenience, Forcepoint DLP includes many predefined policies, content
classifiers, and file types. Forcepoint research teams stay abreast of regulations across
many industries and keep the policies and classifiers up-to-date.
When these elements are updated between product release cycles, administrators can
update them via the Settings > General > Policy Updates page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
See the related topics list above for a complete list of the policies, classifiers, and file
types provided at the time of this product’s release.
Related topics:
● Installing policy updates, page 372
● Restoring policies to a previous version, page 373
Use the Settings > General > Policy Updates page in the Data Security module of
the Forcepoint Security Manager to view a policy update history (including when
updates were performed, what they contained, and more).
This page lists any updates, along with the original policy version and new version.
Column Description
Date The date the update occurred.
Administrator The administrator who performed the update.
Type The type of policy that was updated. Standard Policies are those
predefined by Forcepoint and available to all customers. Custom policies
are those that have been built just for a specific organization.
From Version The version of policies, classifiers, and file types installed prior to the
To Version The version of policies, classifiers, and file types installed during the
Details A link to a PDF file containing the details of the update. The PDF contains
general information, release notes (details about what changed), a
snapshot of your policies and classifiers before they were updated, and a
list of the components that were updated.
Click the link to view the details.
File name The name of the update file used to perform the update.
Use the buttons in the toolbar at the top of the content pane to install updates or restore
policies to a previous version:
Button Description
Install Updates Install the latest policy updates, content classifiers, and file types on
your system. A wizard is launched. (See Installing policy updates,
page 372, for instructions on using the wizard.)
Restore Restore your policies, content classifiers, and file types to the selected
version. (See Restoring policies to a previous version, page 373, for
Related topics:
● Viewing your update history, page 371
● Restoring policies to a previous version, page 373
Related topics:
● Viewing your update history, page 371
● Installing policy updates, page 372
Occasionally, you may find that the latest policies do not suit your needs. For
example, a content classifier that was deleted by the update was used in one or more of
your policies. You’d like time to modify your policies before installing the latest
If necessary, you can restore your policies, classifiers, and file types to their previous
When you restore predefined components to a previous
version, all current policies, classifiers, and other elements
are overridden.
When you restore a policy that was customized by
Forcepoint, all changes you have made to other policies
since you installed the custom policy are reverted, and all
action plans created since that time are deleted.
Restore policies to a previous version on the Settings > General > Policy Updates
page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager:
1. In the table, select the From Version to which you want to revert.
2. Click Restore in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
3. Click OK to confirm the selection.
The system restores policies and classifiers to the selected version and date.
Progress indicators show whether components were restored successfully.
4. Click Close. The summary screen shows the date the policies were restored, the
version you moved from, and the version you moved to. See Viewing your update
history, page 371, for a description of this page.
Note that you cannot restore policies from an older product version. For example, if
you are running Forcepoint DLP v8.4 or later, you cannot revert to policies from
Related topics:
● Subscription alerts, page 376
Forcepoint DLP license types (IP Protection and Compliance) cannot be mixed within
the same Forcepoint DLP Deployment. All product licenses must be IP Protection or
Compliance types. The only exception is for the DLP modules within Forcepoint
Email Security and Forcepoint Web Security. In Forcepoint DLP v8.5.1 and later,
these modules unlock the full IP Protection feature set.
New licensing options available in version 8.6 support the following Forcepoint DLP
● Forcepoint DLP Cloud Applications (license has start and termination dates)
● Perpetual Forcepoint DLP Suite subscription combined with Forcepoint DLP
Cloud Applications (license has start and termination dates for cloud applications)
The Settings > General > Subscription page of the Forcepoint Security Manager
shows the terms of your subscription. See Entering a subscription key, page 18.
You can upgrade from a DLP Compliance product license type to an IP Protection
license type, which will make available the additional IP Protection features by
purchasing the relevant “IP Protection Upgrade” licenses. Please contact your
Forcepoint reseller or Forcepoint sales account team to discuss an upgrade.
The subscription dates apply only to the modules in
the section and not to the CASB license. CASB dates
are determined by the CASB license.
When you purchase an upgrade or change subscription type, update the Forcepoint
DLP subscription file. If you do not, an error message displays when you try to use
Forcepoint DLP.
To update your Forcepoint DLP subscription:
1. In the Security Manager, go to the Settings > General > Subscription page.
Your current subscription terms are displayed.
2. Click Update in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
3. Browse to the new subscription file, then click OK.
You are automatically logged out of the Forcepoint DLP application and must log
in again.
Subscription alerts
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
The health alert summary on the Forcepoint DLP Dashboard shows an alert when the
subscription is about to expire. These alerts start 30 days before expiration; the
message in the summary section states that the subscription is about to expire in X
In addition, system administrators receive an email message stating that the license is
about to expire 30 days before the expiration, and then once a week until it expires.
Popup messages stating that the license is about to expire are also displayed to all
administrators that have access to the settings when they log on.
Once a subscription expires, traffic is no longer analyzed.
This means that policy violations are not monitored or
Use the Settings > Authorization menu to configure authorization options for the
Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager. Authorization options are
used to:
● View and edit administrator permissions.
■ Administrators are the people who manage the Forcepoint DLP system.
■ Administrator accounts must first be defined under Global Settings >
General > Administrators before they appear in the Data Security module of
the Security Manager.
See Defining administrators, page 377.
● Set up roles, such as the Super Administrator, Basic, and Auditor, to define groups
of administrators with similar permissions. Each role has its own set of
See Working with roles, page 382.
● Configure personal settings for your own administrator account.
See Customizing your own administrator account settings, page 387.
Defining administrators
Related topics:
● Viewing administrators, page 379
● Editing administrators, page 380
● Working with roles, page 382
● Adding a new role, page 384
Administrator accounts for all Forcepoint Security Manager modules are added and
deleted on the Global Settings > General > Administrators page (accessed via the
Global Settings button in the Security Manager toolbar). When creating an
administrator account, define whether it has access to the Data Security module.
Once the account has been defined, use the Data Security module of Security Manager
to configure its Forcepoint DLP-specific permissions.
There are 3 types of Forcepoint DLP administrators:
● Local administrator accounts are defined via Global Settings and granted
Forcepoint DLP permissions. The administrator’s role is assigned in the Data
Security module of the Security Manager.
● Network administrator accounts are defined in an LDAP user-directory, added via
Global Settings, and granted Forcepoint DLP permissions. The administrator’s
role is defined in the Data Security module of the Security Manager.
● Network group administrator accounts belong to a user directory group added via
Global Settings and granted Forcepoint DLP permissions. Each member of this
group can log on to the Security Manager and work with the Data Security
module. The group’s role is assigned in the Data Security module of the Security
Group members can belong to more than one group. When such users log on to
the system, they are automatically assigned a custom role with the combined
permissions from all their groups. The role name that appears in the Security
Manager toolbar for these users is “Multiple Combined.”
Do to their nature, network group administrators do not have all the same
capabilities as local and network administrators.
■ Network group administrators cannot be assigned incidents or release
■ Audit log records reflect the administrator who is currently logged on, not the
administrator’s group.
■ On the Administrators page, local administrators, network administrators, and
user directory groups are listed. Administrators within the network group are
not displayed.
■ Local and network administrators can be policy owners, as can network
groups (provided they have a valid email address). Individuals within the
network group cannot own policies.
■ Local and network administrators can receive notifications, as can network
groups (provided they have a valid email address). Individual within the
network group cannot receive notifications.
■ Report ownership is given to individual administrators and not to directory
groups. This ownership is given according to the administrator who is
currently logged on, so group members can own reports.
■ Data Security module configurations are saved per administrator, rather than
per group.
■ Several reports in the Security Manager show top values per administrator. In
such reports, only individual administrators are displayed, and not groups.
Viewing administrators
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Defining administrators, page 377
● Editing administrators, page 380
● Working with roles, page 382
● Adding a new role, page 384
Use the Settings > Authorization > Administrators page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to view a list of administrators with
access to the Data Security module.
The page lists all the administrators that have been defined, along with their user
names, user information source, roles, and permissions.
1. To view details about all Forcepoint DLP administrators, click the PDF button.
■ Choose Summary to export basic information about the modules, policies,
and business units each administrator can access.
■ Choose Details to export detailed information, including Forcepoint DLP
Save or print the report as needed.
2. Select a user name to view or edit an administrator profile.
■ When administrators are first added to the system, click the account name and
assign it a role.
■ Administrators with Forcepoint DLP access permissions are assigned initially
to the default role, which provides only reporting and Dashboard access.
■ Global Security Administrators are assigned the Super Administrator role in
Forcepoint DLP.
See Editing administrators, page 380, for more information.
Editing administrators
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
Related topics:
● Defining administrators, page 377
● Select Incidents, page 381
● Select Policies, page 381
● Select Business Units, page 382
● Working with roles, page 382
● Adding a new role, page 384
Administrator user names and email addresses are defined under Global Settings, and
cannot be changed in the Data Security module of the Security Manager.
Administrator roles and access permissions, however, are configured in the Data
Security module.
To edit administrator permissions:
1. Go to the Settings > Authorization > Administrators page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager.
2. Select the user name for the administrator whose profile you want to edit. Note
that changes to administrator profiles are recorded in the audit log.
3. Select a role for this administrator from the drop-down list (see Working with
roles, page 382), or click New to create a new role.
Click View Permissions to view the permission settings for the selected role.
4. Under Incident Management, indicate which incidents this administrator should
be able to manage. By default, the administrator can manage all incidents from all
policies and business units. Click the links to modify these settings. See:
■ Select Incidents
■ Select Policies
■ Select Business Units
5. To add a record to the audit log each time this administrator views incident details
in the Incidents report, select Audit incident detail views.
The audit log (Main > Logs > Audit Log) is updated when the administrator clicks
(and highlights) an incident in the report, and details are displayed in the Preview
pane (triggered values, properties, forensics, and history). The log is also updated
when the administrator double-clicks an incident and opens its details in a new
browser window.
If this administrator is assigned a role with permission to “perform operations on
incidents,” then records are also added to the audit log when the administrator
emails incidents to a manager or other recipient, or when the administrator exports
incidents to a CSV or PDF file.
This option does not add a record when the administrator views the incident
summary information that is displayed when he or she runs a report.
By default, administrators are not audited when they view incident details.
If local administrators are also defined as members of a
user directory group, the permissions you assign here
supersede those of the group.
6. Click OK.
Select Incidents
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
1. When editing an administrator’s profile (see Editing administrators, page 380),
optionally select which incidents this administrator can manage. The
administrator can access the incident reports and remediate the incidents that you
■ Select All incidents to enable the administrator to manage all incidents from
the selected policies and business units.
■ Select Only incidents assigned to this administrator to allow the
administrator to manage only those incidents assigned to him or her.
2. Click OK.
Administrators cannot access incidents unless their role
has Reporting permissions. If this administrator does not
have a role with such permissions, the settings you apply
here have no effect.
Select Policies
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
1. When editing an administrator’s profile (see Editing administrators, page 380),
optionally select which policies the administrator can manage. This affects which
incidents the administrator can manage, as well. The administrator can access all
DLP and discovery incidents for these policies.
■ Select All to enable this administrator to manage all policies. This includes
both current and future policies (and their incidents).
■ Select Selected to identify specific policies the administrator can access. The
Select All option selects all the items listed in the current window, but future
policies are not selected.
2. Click OK.
The administrator must have a role that permits policy
management. If he or she does not, these settings have no
Business Units applies only to data loss prevention
incidents. Administrators can view discovery incidents
from all business units.
■ Select All to enable this administrator to access DLP incidents from all
business units, current and future.
■ Select Selected to identify specific business units the administrator can
access. The Select All option selects all the items listed in the current window,
but future business units are not selected.
2. Click OK to save your changes.
When an administrator account is defined on the Global Settings > General >
Administrators page, it can either be assigned access to specific Security Manager
modules, or be granted Global Security Administrator access to all modules.
In the Data Security module, fine-tune permissions by assigning administrators roles:
specific sets of permissions.
For example, one administrator may be responsible for installing and deploying
system components. Another may configure and fine-tune security policies. A third
may view and respond to incident logs and reports. Each of these administrators may
need access to different system functions, with only the Super Administrator requiring
access to all.
By default, the following roles are defined:
● Super Administrator can access all configuration and management screens in
the Data Security module with read and write privileges. This is different from
Global Security Administrators who have Super Administrator privileges to all
Security Manager modules.
● System Administrator can access the system settings functions, the deployment
options, and the Status screens. This role is designed for IT or infrastructure
administrators responsible for installing and maintaining the system
● Policy Manager can configure policies, as well as qualify and assign incidents.
● Incident Manager can access reports, incident details, and workflow. Manages
incident handling.
● Auditor can review policies, rules, and content classifiers for regulatory
● Default can access only reports and the Dashboard. This role is assigned to new
administrator accounts when they are granted Data Security module access on the
Global Settings > General > Administrators page.
● Multiple Combined has privileges from several roles. This applies only to
network administrators who belong to multiple user directory groups. When such
administrators log on to the Security Manager, the system automatically generates
a custom role that unifies the roles of all their groups. Because they are system-
generated, these combined roles are not listed on the roles screen. Administrators
with this role see this role name in the toolbar when they log on.
Optionally edit access privileges for the default roles or add new roles.
1. Go to the Settings > Authorization > Roles page.
The page lists all the roles that have been defined, along with the permissions set
for the roles and descriptions.
2. Click a name to edit a role, or click New to define a new role.
3. To delete a role, select it, then click Delete.
Changes to roles are recorded in the audit log.
Related topics:
● Viewing administrators, page 379
Related topics:
● Deploy button, page 13
● My cases, page 89
The Security Manager may prompt you to perform certain activities, or ask if you’re
sure you want to perform a task. In most cases, it is possible to dismiss the prompt and
select an option to not show it again.
Use the Settings > Authorization >My Settings page to configure the system to
show previously dismissed prompts.
1. Under Restore Reminders, select Show all reminders to display prompts for
which the “do not show again” option was previously selected.
2. Click OK to save your changes.
Related topics:
● Adding Forcepoint DLP system modules, page 390
● Configuring Forcepoint DLP system modules, page 391
● Removing Forcepoint DLP modules, page 422
● Balancing the load, page 423
Use the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security module
of the Forcepoint Security Manager to configure all the components in the Forcepoint
DLP network and distribute the load between them evenly.
The nodes that appear in the System Modules tree depend on the options selected
during installation.
● In Forcepoint Web Security deployments, nodes include the management server,
Web Content Gateway, and supplemental Forcepoint DLP servers, if any.
● In Forcepoint Email Security deployments, nodes include the management server,
Forcepoint Email Security, and supplemental Forcepoint DLP servers, if any.
● In a full Forcepoint DLP deployment, nodes may include:
■ The management server and any supplemental Forcepoint DLP servers
■ The protector
■ Web Content Gateway
■ Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway
■ Standalone agents
Forcepoint DLP servers and management servers include several components, such as
the fingerprint repository, crawler, and policy engine.
As shown in the on-screen legend, icons are shown in gray when a component is
disabled, and are marked with a red exclamation point when the component has not
yet been registered. If changes have been made to a module, but the changes have not
yet been deployed, the icon appears with a pencil next to it.
If there is more than one Forcepoint DLP server, a Load Balancing button appears on
the toolbar. Use the button to balance the load between policy engines to optimize
performance. See Balancing the load, page 423.
To add a new module to an existing Forcepoint DLP deployment, run the Forcepoint
Security Installer on a supported machine. (See the Forcepoint DLP Installation
Guide for instructions.)
The installation wizard prompts for the FQDN or IP address of the management server
and the credentials for a Forcepoint DLP administrator with system modules
permissions. This information allows the module to register with the management
server automatically.
● To accept the default configuration, log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager
after the installation is complete, then click Deploy in the Data Security module.
● To create a custom configuration, log on to the Forcepoint Security Manager and
navigate to the Data > Settings > Deployment > System Modules pages, then
click the module to edit. Follow the instructions in theConfiguring Forcepoint
DLP system modules, page 391.
This requires system modules permissions. (See Adding a new role, page 384, for
information on permissions.)
When 2 standalone agents are installed on the same machine, the system registers each
one independently, and they appear in the System Modules tree as 2 separate nodes.
Related topics:
● Adding Forcepoint DLP system modules, page 390
Although configuration settings may be customized at any time, the default module
configuration may be sufficient:
● Typically, in Forcepoint Web Security deployments, no additional configuration is
● In full Forcepoint DLP deployments, in most cases, the only module that must be
configured after installation is the protector. This is covered in Configuring the
protector, page 21.
To configure a Forcepoint DLP system module:
1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
2. Click a module.
3. Complete the fields as shown in the appropriate section below. Note that not all
modules are available for all deployments.
■ Configuring the Forcepoint DLP management server
■ Configuring a supplemental Forcepoint DLP server
■ Configuring the fingerprint repository
■ Configuring the endpoint server
■ Configuring the crawler
■ Configuring the forensics repository
■ Configuring the policy engine
■ Configuring the OCR server
■ Configuring the protector
■ Configuring ICAP
■ Configuring the Web Content Gateway module
When you install Forcepoint DLP, the Forcepoint DLP management server is installed
on the Windows server that hosts all Forcepoint management components.
The Forcepoint DLP management server is the heart of the system. It provides the
core data loss technology, analyzing traffic on your network and applying policies to
incidents. All other modules register and synchronize with the management server.
● If the management server FQDN must change, run the Modify action on the
installer, then re-register all agents.
● The management server cannot be deleted, but its name and description can be
To edit the Forcepoint DLP management server module ( ), click its entry on the
System Modules page.
The following information is displayed, but cannot be changed:
● The Type of module.
● The FQDN (fully qualified domain name) given to the module when it was
● The module Version.
To update the module, optionally edit the following fields:
1. Enter a new Name for the management server if desired (up to 128 characters).
2. Enter a new Description for the management server (up to 4000 characters).
3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the System Modules page.
The management server includes many other components: a primary fingerprint
repository, endpoint server, crawler, forensics repository, and policy engine. To
configure any of these components, expand the management server node on the
System Modules screen and click a component.
For configuration instructions for these components, see:
● Configuring the fingerprint repository
● Configuring the endpoint server
● Configuring the crawler
Related topics:
● Adding an endpoint profile, page 427
● Configuring endpoint settings, page 337
The endpoint server is the server component of Forcepoint DLP Endpoint. Endpoint
servers receive incidents from, and send configuration settings to, endpoint clients.
To configure the endpoint server, select it on the System Modules page and complete
the fields as follows:
1. Select or clear the Enabled option to enable or disable the module.
2. Optionally enter a new, descriptive Name for the module (up to 128 characters).
3. Optionally enter a helpful Description of the module (up to 4000 characters).
4. Enter the FQDN of the module. This is required when the module is deployed
outside of the company network.
5. Click OK to save your changes and return to the System Modules page.
The page also displays the module type and hostname, which cannot be changed.
Related topics:
● File fingerprinting, page 188
● Database fingerprinting, page 205
● Scheduling network discovery tasks, page 280
● Scheduling endpoint discovery tasks, page 314
The crawler is the agent that performs fingerprint and discovery scans. There can be
multiple crawlers in a Forcepoint DLP deployment.
To configure a crawler, select it on the System Modules screen and complete the fields
as follows:
1. Enter the Name of the module (up to 128 characters).
2. Enter a Description of the module (up to 4000 characters).
3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the System Modules page.
The page also displays the module type and FQDN, which cannot be changed.
Related topics:
● Forcepoint DLP databases, page 3
● Setting preferences for data loss prevention reports, page 330
The policy engine is responsible for parsing data and using analytics to compare it to
the rules in Forcepoint DLP policies. There can be multiple policy engines in a
deployment to manage high transaction volumes.
To balance the load between policy engines, click Load
Balancing in the System Modules toolbar. Refer to
Balancing the load, page 423, for more information.
Related topics:
● Adding or editing an OCR server, page 399
● Monitoring system health, page 26
The OCR server enables the system to analyze image files being sent through network
channels, such as email attachments and web posts. The server determines whether the
images are textual, and if so, extracts and analyzes the text for sensitive content. There
is no special policy attribute to configure for optical character recognition (OCR). If
sensitive text is found, the image is blocked or permitted according to the active
The server can also be used to locate sensitive text in images during network
This feature does not support either handwriting or images containing text that is
skewed more than 10 degrees.
To use OCR, install a supplemental Forcepoint DLP server; the OCR server is
automatically included in supplemental Forcepoint DLP server installations.
To enable OCR analysis in your network:
1. Navigate to the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page in the Data
Security module of the Security Manager and edit the policy engine on each
server or agent that will receive traffic that you want analyzed.
2. In each Edit window, select Enable OCR by and indicate which OCR server
(supplemental Forcepoint DLP server) to use to extract text from images.
When OCR is enabled, images of the following types are sent to that OCR server for
text extraction:
● JPEG_2000_JP2_File - JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax (ISO/IEC 15444-1)
(.jp2, .j2k , .pgx)
● JBIG2 - JBIG2 File Format(.jB2, .jbig2)
● MacPaint - MacPaint
● PC_Paintbrush - Paintbrush Graphics (PCX)
● BMP - Windows Bitmap
● JPEG_File_Interchange - JPEG Interchange Format
● PNG - Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
● GIF_87a - Graphics Interchange Format (GIF87a)
● GIF_89 - Graphics Interchange Format (GIF89a)
● Scanned documents PDF - documents containing only scanned text
All other PDF documents, including hybrid files containing both searchable text
and scanned text, are sent to the default Forcepoint DLP extractor, not the OCR
server. Should the system fail to extract text from a PDF, it is forwarded to the
OCR server.
To specify a PDF type that should always be routed to the
OCR server, edit the extractor.config.xml file as
described in this knowledge base article.
Images embedded in Microsoft Office documents are sent to the OCR server for text
The OCR server can analyze images that meet the following criteria:
● 32,000 x 32,000 pixels or less
● 300 DPI resolution for images with large text (10 point font and larger)
● 400-600 DPI for images with small text (9 point font or smaller)
Use the System Modules page to configure the languages to analyze and to fine-tune
the module’s accuracy profile to optimize performance.
View OCR server status on the Main > Status > System Health page.
■ False positives (unintended matches) are more likely to occur when multiple
languages are selected. For this reason, exercise caution when selecting the
languages to enforce.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the System Modules page.
The page also displays the module type, name, and FQDN, which cannot be changed.
Related topics:
● Edit Protector: General tab, page 403
● Edit Protector: Networking tab, page 403
● Edit Protector: Local Networks tab, page 404
● Edit Protector: Services tab, page 405
The protector can also be configured via its command-line
interface (CLI). See the Deployment & Installation Center
for details.
To configure the protector’s interfaces, click the name of the interface, then see
Interface configuration in SPAN/Mirror Port mode.
7. Select Enable VLAN support if the monitored traffic contains VLAN tagging.
If you are using HTTP in monitoring mode, make the following selections:
1. Set Default Gateway to the outbound gateway.
2. Edit the network interface br0 as follows:
a. Set the Link Speed to one of the following: 10Mb/s, 100 Mb/s, 1000Mb/s, or
b. Set the Duplex Mode to one of the following: Half, Full, or Auto.
The name of the bridge is shown, but cannot be edited.
Specify the traffic the protector will monitor on the Local Networks tab. Select either:
● Include all networks connected to the protector network.
If you choose All Networks, traffic is monitored in all
directions, regardless of whether a specific direction
(inbound or outbound) is configured elsewhere. This may
drastically increase the load on the system and the system
may collect unnecessary traffic.
Configuring ICAP
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.6.x
The protector supports Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP), and can be
integration points for third-party solutions that support ICAP, such as some web
To configure an ICAP server for the protector, select the ICAP server on the System
Modules screen. The Edit ICAP window is displayed.
There are 3 tabs in the Edit ICAP window:
● Edit ICAP: General tab
● Edit ICAP: HTTP tab
● Edit ICAP: FTP tab
Use the General tab of the Edit ICAP page to configure the module name, description,
and basic behavior.
1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable this module.
2. Enter the module Name.
3. Enter a Description of the module.
4. Enter the Ports used by this ICAP server. These are the ports over which the
system should monitor ICAP transactions. Separate multiple values with commas
(for example, 1333,1334).
5. Under Allow connection to this ICAP Server from the following IP addresses,
select whether this ICAP server should allow connections from All IP addresses
or Selected IP addresses.
For the selected IP addresses option, enter an IP address to allow, then click Add.
Repeat this process to allow additional IP addresses.
The page also displays the module type, which cannot be changed.
Use the HTTP tab of the Edit ICAP page to review how HTTP traffic is handled:
1. Review the module’s deployment Mode.
Monitoring mode monitors HTTP traffic, but does not block it.
2. Under When an unspecified error occurs, review the action to take when an
unspecified error occurs during data analysis and traffic cannot be analyzed.
Permit traffic allows HTTP traffic to continue unprotected.
3. Select the Minimum transaction size to monitor, in bytes.
Use the FTP tab of the Edit ICAP page to review how FTP traffic is handled:
1. Review the module’s deployment Mode.
Monitoring mode monitors FTP traffic, but does not block it.
2. Under When an unspecified error occurs, review the action to take when an
unspecified error occurs during data analysis and traffic cannot be analyzed.
Permit traffic allows FTP traffic to continue unprotected.
3. Select the Minimum transaction size to monitor, in bytes.
There are two Web Content Gateway module options available for Forcepoint DLP.
● The one included with Forcepoint DLP Network provides DLP over the web
channel including encrypted SSL content. This core Forcepoint DLP component
permits the use of custom policies, fingerprinting, and more.
● The one included in Forcepoint Web Security provides SSL decryption, URL
categorization, content security, web policy enforcement, and more. In this
deployment mode, the gateway is limited to the web DLP quick policies.
When either Web Content Gateway option registers with the management server, the
Web Content Gateway module appears on the Settings > Deployment > System
Modules page.
To configure the Web Content Gateway module, select it on the System Modules
page. The Edit Content Gateway page opens with the General tab selected. See Edit
Content Gateway: General tab.
Note that Web Content Gateway modules include a policy engine and secondary
fingerprint repository. To configure these components for a Web Content Gateway
module, expand the module on the System Modules screen and click the component.
● Configuring the fingerprint repository
● Configuring the policy engine
Use the General tab of the Edit Content Gateway page to update the module
Description (up to 4000 characters), as needed.
The tab also displays the following information, which cannot be changed:
● The module Type
● The module Name
● The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) of the machine on which the module
was installed
● The module Version
Continue with Edit Content Gateway: HTTP/HTTPS tab, page 408.
Use the HTTP/HTTPS tab of the Edit Content Gateway page to configure HTTP and
HTTPS monitoring and blocking behavior for the module.
1. Select the deployment Mode for the module:
■ Select Monitoring to monitor HTTP and HTTPS traffic but not block it.
■ Select Blocking to deny HTTP and HTTPS actions that breach policy.
2. Select the action to take When an unspecified error occurs during data analysis
and traffic cannot be analyzed:
■ Select Permit traffic to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic routed through the
Content Gateway to continue unprotected.
■ Select Block traffic to stop all HTTP and HTTPS traffic through the gateway
until the problem is resolved.
3. Set the Minimum transaction size for the system to monitor, in bytes.
4. Select Display default violation message to show a default message in the user’s
browser whenever a URL violation is detected.
Click the link to view the message.
5. Use the Redirect to URL field to specify the URL to which to redirect users when
they try to access a website that violates policy.
Continue with Edit Content Gateway: FTP tab, page 408.
Use the FTP tab of the Edit Content Gateway page to configure FTP monitoring and
blocking behavior for the module.
To complete the registration, be sure to click Deploy in the
Data Security module of the Security Manager.
When registration is successful, you can see an Email Security module on the
Settings > Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security module of the
Security Manager. Select the module to configure its description.
The configuration page also shows the following information, which cannot be
● The module Type
● The module Name
● The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) of the machine on which the module
was installed
● The module Version
Email Security modules include a policy engine and secondary fingerprint repository.
To configure these components, expand the Email Security module on the System
Modules page and click the component. See:
● Configuring the fingerprint repository
Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway is a virtual appliance for the Microsoft Azure cloud
infrastructure that allows an organization to protect data being sent through Exchange
Online email. Like other modules, it includes a policy engine and fingerprint
For information on installing and deploying Forcepoint DLP Email Gateway, refer to
Installing Forcepoint Email Security in Microsoft Azure.
To configure the module, click the module node on the Settings > Deployment >
System Modules page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security
The only field that can be updated is the module description.
The configuration page also shows the following information, which cannot be
● The module Type
● The module Name
● The module Deployment location (Cloud)
● The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) of the machine on which the module
was installed
● The module Version
The integration agent allows third-party products to send data to Forcepoint DLP for
analysis. It is embedded in third-party installers and communicates with Forcepoint
DLP via a C-based API. (The Integration agent does not support discovery
To change the module name and description, select the module node on the Settings >
Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint
Security Manager.
The configuration page also shows the following information, which cannot be
● The module Type
● The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) of the machine on which the module
was installed
● The module Version
Related topics:
● Configuring the Mobile DLP Policy, page 133
● Viewing mobile device status, page 32
● Mobile device settings, page 342
The mobile agent is a Linux-based appliance used to secure the type of email content
synchronized to users’ mobile devices when they connect to the network. This
includes content in email messages, calendar events, and tasks.
● Within the network, the appliance connects to both the management server and a
Microsoft Exchange server to provide this function.
● Outside the DMZ, the appliance connects to any Microsoft ActiveSync-
compatible mobile device over 3G and wireless networks—devices such as i-
pads, Android mobile phones, and i-phones.
Like the protector, the mobile appliance has an on-board policy engine and fingerprint
repository to optimize content analysis.
No software has to be installed on users’ mobile devices.
To configure the mobile agent, select its node on the Settings > Deployment > System
Modules page in the Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager. The
configuration page opens to the Edit Mobile Agent: General tab.
Note that mobile agent include a policy engine and secondary fingerprint repository.
To configure these components on the mobile agent, expand the module on the System
Modules screen and click the component of interest. See the following for instructions
on configuring these other components:
● Configuring the fingerprint repository
● Configuring the policy engine
Use the General tab to enable the mobile agent and optionally update its description:
1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable this module.
2. Enter a Description of the module.
The configuration page also shows the following information, which cannot be
● The module Type
● The module Name
● The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) of the machine on which the module
was installed
● The module Version
Continue with Edit Mobile Agent: Connection tab, page 412.
Use the Connection tab to determine how the mobile agent connects to Microsoft
Exchange and users’ devices.
1. Under Exchange Connection, select Use secure connection (SSL) to use SSL to
provide communication security when connecting the mobile agent to Microsoft
2. Enter the Hostname or IP address of the Microsoft Exchange server. The mobile
appliance connects to this server to access email resources. The appliance acts as a
reverse proxy to the Exchange server, making mobile devices unaware of the
3. Enter the Port for connecting to the Exchange server:
■ If Use secure connection (SSL) is selected, use port 443.
■ If an unsecured connection is being used, use port 80.
4. Optionally enter the Domain used to identify users in the organization.
5. Under Mobile Devices Connection, select Use secure connection (SSL) to use
SSL to provide communication security when connecting the mobile agent to
users’ mobile devices.
6. Enter the IP address of the network interface card (NIC) that mobile devices
should use to connect to this agent.
This is a NIC on the mobile appliance or machine hosting the mobile agent. It is
the IP address that the mobile agent will listen on. The list reflects all of the NICs
found on the mobile appliance.
Select All IP addresses to allow the agent to listen and accept connections from
all available network interface IPs.
To modify the IP addresses available on the mobile agent
machine, re-install and re-register the mobile agent. If you
enter a user name in the installation wizard, the system
resolves it to the correct IP address.
Use the Analysis tab to select a deployment mode and configure analysis behavior.
1. Select the deployment Mode for the module:
■ Select Monitoring to monitor traffic through the mobile agent but not block it
■ Select Blocking to block actions that breach policy. (Note, to prevent
disruption, traffic is permitted when there is an unspecified system error.)
2. In Blocking mode, select Notify users of breach to notify users when an email
message, task, appointment, or other item was blocked by the agent.
Enter the text to include in the email subject line and body, or click the right
arrows and select from variables such as %From%, %Attachments%, and
Before users can be notified of breaches, an outgoing mail
server and sender details must be configured on the Email
Properties tab of the Settings > General > Alerts page.
An analytics engine is used to calculate incident risk, rank it with similar activity, and
assign it a risk score. To use this feature, you must first install the analytics engine on
a 64-bit Linux machine. (See the Forcepoint DLP Installation Guide for instructions.)
To configure the agent, select its node on the Settings > Deployment > System
Modules page in the Data Security module of the Security Manager.
Optionally update the module Name and Description.
The configuration page also shows the following information, which cannot be
● The module Type
● The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) of the machine on which the module
was installed
● The module Version
Related topics:
● Configuring the policy engine, page 397
● Protector: Configuring SMTP, page 415
● Protector: Configuring HTTP, page 418
● Protector: Configuring FTP, page 420
● Protector: Configuring plain text, page 421
● Protector: Configuring plain text, page 421
There are several services that the protector can monitor. To configure the services:
1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
2. Select the protector.
3. On the Protector Details page, select the Services tab.
4. Click the service you want to configure:
■ SMTP (see Protector: Configuring SMTP, page 415)
■ HTTP (see Protector: Configuring HTTP, page 418)
■ FTP (see Protector: Configuring FTP, page 420)
■ Plain text (see Protector: Configuring plain text, page 421)
Selecting SMTP on the Protector Details page opens the Protector Service Details
window, which may include up to 5 tabs, depending on the protector mode
(monitoring or MTA).
The Details window opens to the General tab, which displays the service type at the
top of the pane.
1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the SMTP service.
2. Enter or update the service Name and Description.
3. Enter the Ports to monitor, separated with commas (for example, 25, 1333).
4. Select Intelligent protocol discovery to have the system match data from
unknown ports to this SMTP service. If enabled, the protector tries to parse the
transaction regardless of the port number. (Note that this has an effect on protector
5. Select a protector Mode:
If you are using HTTP in active bridge mode or
monitoring mode, be sure to set the Direction mode as
Outbound only.
Use the SMTP filter tab to configure SMTP monitoring by domain, direction, and
source email address.
1. Under Direction, select Enable filter to enable the SMTP filter.
2. Under Internal email domains, enter the name of an internal domain to monitor,
then click Add.
Do this for each internal email domain that you want to monitor.
3. Under Direction:
If you do not select a direction, only rules governing
outbound traffic are applied.
4. Under Source’s Email Address, select Enable filter to enable the source’s email
address filter. This tells the system to watch for messages sent from specific email
address and not analyze those messages.
Enter the email address to not analyze then click Add. Repeat this process for
each email address you want to skip.
5. Do one of the following:
■ If you selected monitoring mode on the General tab, click OK to save your
changes and return to the Protector Details page.
■ If you selected MTA mode, continue with Protector SMTP service: Mail
Transfer Agent (MTA) tab, page 417.
Use the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) tab to configure MTA settings for the protector.
1. Under Operation Mode, select one of the following:
■ Select Monitoring to monitor SMTP traffic only.
■ Select Blocking to block SMTP traffic that breaches policy.
2. Select the option to take when an unspecified error occurs:
■ Select Permit traffic to allow all SMTP traffic to go through if an unspecified
error occurs during data analysis, and traffic cannot be analyzed.
■ Select Block traffic to block all SMTP traffic in the event of an unknown
3. Under SMTP Settings, specify an SMTP HELO name (do not include spaces).
This setting configures the name the protector uses to communicate with the next
hop. This is the string that the MTA uses to identify itself when it connects with
other servers.
4. Select Set next hop MTA (also known as the Smart Host) to provide the IP
address or hostname and port of the mail server or gateway to which the protector
should forward traffic after analysis.
5. Set the Maximum message size for email (33 MB, by default).
6. Specify the Network address and Subnet mask for each network that has
permission to send email via the protector’s SMTP service, then click Add.
This is necessary to prevent the protector from being used as a mail relay.
7. Under Email Settings, select Add the following footer..., then enter footer text to
append to all email messages processed by the protector.
8. Select Send notifications... to send notifications when there is a problem with
email, then enter the email addresses to which the notifications should be sent.
Continue with Protector SMTP service: Encryption & Bypass tab, page 418.
Use the Encryption & Bypass tab to configure how the protector handles encrypted
messages and messages flagged for bypass.
1. Select Enable redirection gateway to have encrypted or flagged email bypass
content analysis, then enter the IP address and port number of the redirection
gateway to which those messages should be sent.
2. Under Encryption, select Verify that at least one of the following conditions is
met to have the protector verify that a condition before sending email to the
redirection gateway, then:
■ Select ‘Subject’ contains Encryption Flag to prompt the protector to look
for a specific string, or flag, in the Subject field of the message, then enter the
In the event that a policy specifies that certain content should be encrypted,
this flag is automatically added to the Subject field.
■ Select X-header Field Name to prompt the protector to look for a specific x-
header field, then enter the field string.
If a user clicks Encrypt in Outlook or similar applications, an x-header is
added to the message.
3. Under Bypass, select Verify that at least one of the following conditions is met
to prompt the protector to verify condition before sending email to the redirection
gateway, then:
■ Select ‘Subject’ contains Bypass Flag to prompt the protector to look for a
specific string, or flag, in the Subject field of the message, then enter the
■ Select X-header Field Name to prompt the protector to look for a specific x-
header field, then enter the field string.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Protector Details page.
To configure the protector’s HTTP service, click HTTP on the Services tab of the
Protector Details page. The Protector Service Details window opens to the General
tab, which displays the service type at the top of the pane.
1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the HTTP service.
Use the HTTP Filter tab to specify domains that should be excluded from analysis.
1. Select Exclude destination domains to exclude certain domains from analysis.
2. Enter each domain to exclude, then click Add.
To remove a domain from the exclusion list, select the domain and click Remove.
3. Do one of the following:
■ If you have configured all of the tabs available in the Protector Service Details
window, click OK to save your changes and return to the Protector Details
■ If the Advanced tab is displayed, continue with Protector HTTP service:
Advanced tab, page 420.
Selecting FTP on the Protector Details page opens the Protector Service Details
window. The window opens to the General tab, which displays the service type at the
top of the pane.
1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the FTP service.
2. Enter or update the service Name and Description.
3. Enter the Ports ports to monitor, separated with commas (for example, 20,2121).
4. Select Intelligent protocol discovery to have the system match data from
unknown ports to this FTP service. If enabled, the protector tries to parse the
transaction regardless of the port number. (Note that this has an effect on protector
Continue with Protector FTP service: Traffic Filter tab, page 421.
Selecting Plain text on the Protector Details page opens the Protector Service Details
window. The window opens to the General tab, which displays the service type at the
top of the pane.
1. Select or clear Enabled to enable or disable the plain text service.
2. Enter or update the service Name and Description.
3. Enter the Ports to monitor, separated with commas (for example, 22, 5222).
Continue with Protector plain text service: Traffic Filter tab, page 421.
Enter the network IP address and subnet mask to not analyze then click Add.
Repeat this process for each network address you want to skip.
4. If the Protector Service Details window includes the Advanced tab, continue with
Protector plain text service: Advanced tab, page 422.
Otherwise, click OK to save your changes and return to the Protector Details
Use the Advanced tab to configure characteristics of the data being processed.
1. Select Stop processing connection if... to stop processing the connection if the
binary data that is detected reaches a certain size threshold, then select the Binary
character threshold.
The threshold is the maximum size, in characters, of binary data to process. If the
data detected exceeds this threshold, the connection is no longer processed.
2. Select a Text delimiter from the drop-down list: tab, space, semicolon, or other.
If you select other, enter the character in the box provided.
3. Use the Buffer interval field to select the maximum amount of time to wait
before forwarding content to the Forcepoint DLP server, in milliseconds.
4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Protector Details page.
To remove a Forcepoint DLP module permanently, open the module node on the
Settings > Deployment > System Modules page in the Data Security module of the
Forcepoint Security Manager and click Remove. Typically, modules only need to be
removed if their host system has changed both IP address and hostname.
When a module IP address or hostname changes:
● In Forcepoint Web Security deployments, re-register the module in the Content
Gateway manager.
● In Forcepoint Email Security deployments, re-register the module in the Email
Security module in the Security Manager.
● For supplemental Forcepoint DLP servers, run the Forcepoint Security Installer in
Modify mode to provide the new IP address and re-register the server.
See Changing the management server IP address or name for steps.
Do not use the Remove option to take modules out of service temporarily (for
maintenance, for example). Instead, be sure to reroute traffic from those servers before
taking them offline. Since the modules aren’t sending transactions, they can remain
A Forcepoint DLP deployment may include several policy engines. There is one on
each Forcepoint DLP server, one on the protector, and one on the Content Gateway
host (if applicable).
Policy engines are responsible for analyzing the data flowing through the network,
comparing it to policies, and performing the remediation action, if any.
At times, a policy engine can become overloaded. The System Health page in the Data
Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager can provide information about
the impact that traffic is having on performance.
1. Go to the Main > Status > System Health page.
2. Expand the relevant system module and select its policy engine.
3. Review the number of transactions being analyzed and the policy engine latency
see Monitoring system health, page 26).
To distribute the processing load between more evenly:
1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > System Modules page.
2. Click Load Balancing in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
The resulting screen names all the modules, lists all the services being analyzed,
and the policy engine doing the work. Click the plus (+) signs to expand the tree
and view all available information.
3. To change the configuration, placing the load on different policy engines, click
one or more of the services. See Defining load balancing distribution, page 423.
As a best practice, do not distribute the load to the
management server.
You cannot balance the load with the management server.
2. Select Apply these settings to all of this agent’s services to apply these settings
to all of the selected agent’s services without having to configure each manually.
Related topics:
● Rearranging and deploying endpoint profiles, page 440
When Directory Entries are selected, the Available List
changes to show the default user directory location and the
endpoints within it. With Active Directory, the Filter by
field changes to a Find field.
5. To filter the available endpoints, enter text in the Filter by or Find field.
■ Click the Apply filter (funnel) icon to enable the filter.
■ Click the Clear filter (X) icon to remove the current filter.
Wildcards are supported: a question mark (?) to represent a single character, and
an asterisk (*) for multiple characters. If there are too many items to fit on the
screen, browse the list using the Next, Previous, First, and Last buttons.
6. To include a specific endpoint in this profile:
a. In the Selected List, select the Include tab.
Use the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple endpoint hosts.
A maximum of 1500 elements (Include and Exclude) can
be added. Use AD Groups or business units to add more
endpoints to the profile.
Make sure that “custom computer” resources in the profile
have both an FQDN and an IP address defined. Profiles
can only be deployed to computers with a known FQDN.
The Servers tab of the endpoint profile wizard lists the endpoint servers installed in
the system. Each Forcepoint DLP server includes an endpoint server.
Incidents are sent to servers defined as Primary. If multiple servers are defined as
Primary, the system round robins endpoint traffic (clients send and receive data to and
from all available servers in their list). If all primary servers fail, incidents are sent to
servers defined as Secondary. If a server is defined as N/A, it neither receives
incidents nor sends configuration settings to endpoints.
Endpoint profiles cannot be deployed if there are no active
endpoint servers.
Also use the Servers tab to define the connection protocol between the endpoints and
the endpoint servers.
1. For each server, select one of the following from the Priority drop-down list:
■ Primary - All data is sent to this server for logging, policy, and profile
updates. If you have multiple primary servers, endpoints are divided between
the servers.
■ Secondary - If sending data to primary servers fails, data is sent to secondary
servers. If you have multiple secondary servers, endpoints are divided
between the servers.
■ N/A - Analysis is done locally in the endpoint client. Servers with an N/A
status do not receive or send any data.
2. Select a connection type from the drop-down list. The default type is HTTPS.
3. To use a proxy server for the connection, check the box and enter the proxy’s IP
address and port number.
Continue with Endpoint profile: Properties tab, page 429.
Use the Properties tab to enable user notifications, define message templates, and
configure policy override settings.
Under Interactive Mode Options:
● Enable Remote bypass to allow end users that belong to this profile to disable the
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint software on their machines.
This action requires a bypass code from the administrator. (See Bypassing
endpoint clients, page 439, for additional information.)
● Enable Content scan alerts to inform endpoint users when a violation is found
during scanning. When this option is enabled, a popup message appears on the
bottom of users’ screens.
Content scan alerts are not displayed when data is copied
to removable media using a non-desktop environment,
such as an SSH terminal connection.
Related topics:
● Backing up encryption keys, page 434
● Restoring encryption keys, page 434
● Configuring encryption for removable media, page 433
Encrypt with user password allows users to decrypt files
from other machines (without the endpoint agent
installed). See Configuring encryption for removable
media, page 433.
The strength of the encryption lies with the encryption algorithm and key length used
by the algorithm. Forcepoint DLP uses a 256-bit key length open source AES
encryption algorithm and a symmetric-key encryption to offer the safest and easiest
method to encrypt sensitive information. The key is double encrypted and cannot be
used on a USB stick or any external device to decrypt data on unauthorized PCs.
Define an encryption key for each endpoint profile. Forcepoint DLP includes one
default encryption key. Note that each endpoint client might have a different
encryption key, based on its profile.
The default profile contains a default key based on the
password of the administrator that installed the Security
The password should be at least 8 characters in length
(maximum is 15 characters), and it should contain:
● At least one digit
● At least one symbol
● At least one capital letter
● At least one lowercase letter
● The following example shows a strong password:
● 8%w@s1*F
Forcepoint DLP Endpoint provides 2 methods for encrypting sensitive data that is
being copied on removable media devices:
● (Windows and Linux) Encrypt with profile key encrypts data with a password
deployed in the endpoint profile. This is for users who will be on an authorized
machine—one with the endpoint agent installed—when they try to decrypt files.
Select this option when configuring action plans for endpoint removable media.
The action defaults to permitted on Mac endpoints, regardless of your action plan
● (Windows only) Encrypt with user password encrypts data with a password
supplied by endpoint users. This is for users who will be decrypting files from
other machines—those without the endpoint agent installed.
Select this option when configuring action plans for endpoint removable media.
The action defaults to permitted on Linux and Mac endpoints, regardless of your
action plan setting.
Encrypt with profile key is the most secure method of protecting data on USB devices.
● The encryption key is provided when administrators create endpoint profiles for
each user or group of users (see Endpoint profile: Encryption tab, page 431).
● The endpoint client automatically decrypts files for users whose profiles have the
relevant key. Users do not need to supply a password.
● Administrators can back up and restore encryption keys (see Backing up
encryption keys, page 434, and Restoring encryption keys, page 434).
Encrypt with user password allows endpoint users to set the password to use. They can
view the files on their home machines or give the files (and the password) to another
● Although content is encrypted on Windows endpoints, it can be decrypted on any
Windows or Mac machine.
● Users must run a Forcepoint Decryption Utility that is included on the removable
media device with the encrypted files, and they must provide the password to
access the files. See the Forcepoint DLP Endpoint User’s Guide for more
For CD/DVD media, Forcepoint DLP automatically
promotes the “encrypt” action to “block files being
transferred” if the destination is a CD writer.
Related topics:
● Endpoint profile: Encryption tab, page 431
● Restoring encryption keys, page 434
When Forcepoint DLP is installed, it includes one default encryption key for use with
endpoint profiles. Back up this key, and any subsequent keys that you create, to an
external file. In the case of a system crash, this ensures that any files that were
encrypted on endpoints using these keys can still be decrypted.
To back up encryption keys:
1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > Endpoint Profiles page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager.
2. Click the down arrow next to Encryption Keys, then click Backup. A pop-up
window appears.
3. Click Backup in the pop-up window.
4. Browse to the location that will host the backup file.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Close.
The file is saved in a proprietary format, which cannot be edited.
Related topics:
● Endpoint profile: Encryption tab, page 431
● Backing up encryption keys, page 434
When encryption keys are restored from an external file, the keys are added to all
endpoint profiles as disabled keys. For more information on managing keys in
endpoint profiles, see Endpoint profile: Encryption tab, page 431.
To restore encryption keys:
1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > Endpoint Profiles page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager.
2. Click the down arrow next to Encryption Keys, then click Restore.
3. Click Browse and navigate to the backup file location.
4. Click Open.
5. Click OK.
After restoring encryption keys:
1. Generate a new active key for each profile.
2. Enable the restored keys.
For example, profile A has key A1 and profile B has key B1. Then:
1. Back up the keys.
2. Restore the keys.
Both profiles now have 2 disabled keys (A1 and B1).
3. Create a new active key for each profile (for example, A2 and B2).
4. Enable the old (restored) keys for decryption only, to ensure that files that were
encrypted before the restore process can still be decrypted. The result looks like
Profile A:
■ Key A1 - Decrypt only
■ Key B1 - Disabled
■ Key A2 - Active
Profile B:
■ Key A1 - Disabled
■ Key B1 - Decrypt only
■ Key B2 - Active
To generate a new active key:
1. Open each endpoint profile, one at a time.
2. Navigate to the Encryption tab.
3. In the Active Key section, click New.
4. Enter and confirm a password for the key.
5. Click OK.
To enable former keys as decryption only:
1. In the Archived Keys section, select each disabled key, one by one, and click
2. Click OK.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each endpoint profile.
4. Click Deploy.
Endpoint data sent to destination channels like removable media (including USB
drives, CD/DVD, and other external drives), the Web, printers, and software
applications can be monitored and analyzed.
To target a specific device, first add the device to the resources list:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Resources page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager.
2. Click Endpoint Devices, then click New (see Defining Resources, page 229).
To select endpoint destinations for monitoring in a policy:
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager.
2. Click Manage Policies.
3. Do one of the following:
■ Click a policy and select Add > Rule
■ Click a rule and select Edit
4. Go to the Destination section for the rule.
5. Select from the following:
■ Select Endpoint Email to monitor outbound or internal email messages sent
to specified destinations. By default, this option covers all endpoint
destinations. To select destinations, click Edit.
The system analyzes all email messages sent from endpoint users, even if they
send them to external webmail services such as Yahoo.
For endpoint email to be analyzed, one or more internal
email domains must be specified on the Email Domains
tab of the Settings > General > Endpoint page.
If a user’s browser is open, new endpoint policies are not
enforced on those browsers. Users must close and reopen
their browser for new policies to take effect.
The applications that the system supports out of the box are found in the
article Forcepoint DLP Endpoint Applications. Custom applications can also
be defined.
Removable media
It is possible to customize or choose another language for the bypass message that
appears on the client. See Customizing Forcepoint DLP Endpoint client messages for
more details.
Related topics:
● Adding an endpoint profile, page 427
The order of the endpoint profiles in the list affects the order in which they are applied
to any endpoint clients that are assigned to multiple profiles. Only the top-level profile
is applied.
The default profile always appears at the bottom of the
profile list. Its placement cannot be changed.
To rearrange profiles:
1. Go to the Settings > Deployment > Endpoint Profiles page in the Data Security
module of the Security Manager.
2. Click Rearrange Profiles in the toolbar at the top of the content pane.
3. In the Rearrange Endpoint Profiles window, select a profile name and use the up
and down arrow buttons to move the profile up or down the list.
4. Click OK.
The endpoint profiles list is updated to show the profiles in the specified order.
After defining all of the settings for an endpoint profile and ensuring that the profiles
are in the correct order, deploy the profile to the endpoint server and clients. To do
this, click Deploy in the Data Security toolbar, then click Yes to confirm the
For end-user instructions on using the endpoint client software, see the “Endpoint
Solutions End User’s Guide,” available from
Related topics:
● Discovery, page 443
● Endpoint, page 444
● Fingerprinting, page 445
● Incidents, page 447
● Miscellaneous, page 449
● Performance, page 450
● Linking Service, page 451
Networks are complex, and because of the vast disparities in their composition (and
their propensity toward change), there can be occasional glitches in the installation
and maintenance of network-centric software. Forcepoint engineers go to great
pains—including continuing product refinement—to ensure easy software installation
and maintenance, but problems can arise.
The topics in this chapter discuss the conditions, circumstances and resolution of
issues that might occur in the use of Forcepoint DLP products, and includes contact
information for Forcepoint Technical Support.
See the Related Topics box to choose a specific area to investigate.
If discovery is configured to discover sensitive files but the files are not found, the
Forcepoint DLP server may not be on the domain, and may therefore not have rights
to shares on other machines on the domain.
To alleviate this, do one of the following:
● Launch the Forcepoint Security Manager from a machine on the domain, logged
in with an account that has rights to view shares.
Related topics:
● Endpoint Status page does not show user name, page 444
● Endpoint system icon does not display on the client computer, page
● Failed to deploy endpoint configuration, page 445
This section lists problems related to endpoint deployments and their solutions. See
the Related Topics box to choose a specific area of concern.
The Forcepoint DLP Endpoint requires the Terminal Services service to be enabled
and set to Manual to report user names back to the endpoint agent service.
1. On the endpoint machine for the missing user, open Windows Control Panel and
select Administrative Tools > Services.
2. Locate the Terminal Services service. Double-click it.
3. Change the service’s Startup type from Disabled or Automatic to Manual.
4. Click OK.
5. Reboot the computer.
The user name should properly be displayed in the list on the Status > Endpoint Status
page once the endpoint has rebooted.
The Forcepoint DLP Endpoint requires the Terminal Services service to be enabled
and set to Manual to display its icon in the system tray.
1. On the endpoint machine for the missing user, open Windows Control Panel and
select Administrative Tools > Services.
2. Locate the Terminal Services service. Double-click it.
3. Change the service’s Startup type from Disabled or Automatic to Manual.
4. Click OK.
Occasionally, the endpoint server on your Forcepoint DLP Server(s) may fail to
deploy and you may receive this error:
Failed to deploy endpoint configuration. The endpoint
configuration is not valid or the endpoint profile [Default
Profile] does not contain an active or pending encryption
Related topics:
● File has no fingerprint, page 446
● Validation script timeout, page 446
● No connectivity to fingerprint database, page 446
● Other fingerprinting errors, page 447
This section lists problems related to fingerprinting and their solutions. See the
Related Topics box to choose a specific area of concern.
You can monitor the status and view fingerprinting errors in the Forcepoint Security
Error details appear in the Status column when you select either:
This error occurs when a file selected for files and directory fingerprinting is too small
to be fingerprinted. To scan this file, reset the file size limit in the Data Security
module of the Forcepoint Security Manager.
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > Content Classifiers > File
Fingerprinting page.
2. Select the classifier configured for the file, then click Edit.
3. Under Classifier Properties in the wizard’s navigation pane, select File Filtering.
4. Change parameters in the Filter by Size section of the screen.
5. Click OK.
During a database fingerprinting scan, if the crawler finds a script matching the name
of your fingerprinting classifier, <classifier-name>_validation.[bat|exe|py], it runs that
If it does not, it searches for a default script, default_validation.[bat|exe|py], and runs
If neither exists, it does not perform validation.
If you are getting validation script timeout errors, you can disable the script by
renaming it.
See Creating a validation script, page 208 for more information on validation scripts.
2. Open a command prompt and try to ping the affected server from the management
3. Check that credentials were supplied correctly.
Related topics:
● Cannot clear ignored incidents from the Discovery Dashboard,
page 447
● Traffic log shows audited events, but no incident is created, page
● Incident export lacks Discovery incidents, page 448
● NLP policy isn’t being triggered, and events are undetected, page
This section lists problems related to incidents and reporting, and their solutions. See
the Related Topics box to choose a specific area of concern.
3. Use the check boxes in the left-most column to select the incidents to delete.
4. In the toolbar at the top of the page, click Workflow, then select Delete >
Selected Incidents.
This clears the incidents from the dashboard summary.
If there are any off-box components in the Forcepoint DLP installation and the
Forcepoint DLP servers are not on the domain, then all passwords and user names
must match for the service accounts being used for Forcepoint DLP.
For example, if the account Forcepoint with a password of “Pa55word123” is being
used as the service account on the Forcepoint Security Manager, then the service
account in use for any off-box Forcepoint DLP-installed components must also be
Forcepoint with the password of “Pa55word123” as well.
If the user names and passwords do not match, then the off-box components will be
unable to communicate with the shared directories of the management server, which
will prevent incidents from being recorded to the archive folder on the management
This is expected behavior. Incident export exports only data loss prevention and
endpoint incidents.
Some events that are submitted for analysis do not trigger policies. Typically, these are
NLP or complex policies that use compiled Python scripts. Forcepoint may not be in
your system’s pythonpath variable, and NLP uses python. See knowledge-base article
“Some events don’t appear to trigger incidents when they should” for instructions on
modifying the path.
Related topics:
● Failed user directory import, page 449
● Wrong default email address displays, page 449
● Error 400, bad request, page 450
● Invalid Monitoring Policy XML File, page 450
This section lists miscellaneous problems and their solutions. See the Related Topics
box to choose a specific area of concern.
There are a few reasons why the user directory import might fail, such as access
problems or an incorrect file structure in the import file. Take these steps in the
Forcepoint Security Manager:
1. Go to the Settings > General > User Directories page.
2. Select the user directory and double-check its IP address and port settings.
Access problems typically occur when the IP address or port for the user directory
server is incorrect.
3. If the problem is an incorrect CSV file structure, follow the instructions in
Importing user entries from a CSV file, page 362.
The system analyzed an HTTP request and determined you do not have sufficient
system resources for transactions of this size.
This error sometimes appears when you select Settings > Deployment > System
Modules and click the protector. Rather than the edit dialog displaying, you get the
error message instead. This typically happens when the policy XML file sent by the
protector is inconsistent when compared to the server schema.
For a solution, refer to the knowledge-base article “Invalid Monitoring Policy XML
File error when attempting to access protector settings.”
If discovery and fingerprinting scans are slow, and third-party antivirus software is
being used, configure the antivirus software to exclude the following directories from
scanning on all Forcepoint DLP servers and management servers:
● :\Program Files (x86)\Websense\*.*
● :\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\*.*
● :\Inetpub\mailroot\*.*
● :\Inetpub\wwwroot\*.*
● %TEMP%\*.*
● %WINDIR%\Temp\*.*
See the antivirus software documentation for instructions. On non-management
servers, such as Forcepoint DLP Server policy engines, exclude the following
directories from anti-virus scanning:
● :\Program Files\Websense\*.*
● :\Inetpub\mailroot\*.*
● :\Inetpub\wwwroot\*.*
● %TEMP%\*.*
● %WINDIR%\Temp\*.*
This should improve system performance. If antivirus software is not being used,
contact Forcepoint Technical Support (see Technical Support, page 452) for help on
improving performance.
Linking Service
Related topics:
● Linking Service stops responding, page 451
● System alerts that Linking Service is not accessible, page 451
● Buttons in Forcepoint Security Manager tray return error, page
This section lists problems related to linking and the Linking Service and their
solutions. See the Related Topics box to choose a specific area of concern.
In the Forcepoint Data Security module of the Forcepoint Security Manager, take
these steps:
1. Choose Settings > General > Services Linking Service.
2. Make sure the Enabled check box is selected.
3. Click the Refresh icon to retrieve the latest linking service host and port settings.
These settings can change.
4. Click Test Connection to verify that the Linking Service machine can be reached.
When your Forcepoint software subscription includes both Forcepoint Web Security
and Forcepoint DLP modules, the 2 security solutions are integrated. A system alert
appears on the Dashboard in the Forcepoint Security Manager when the Linking
Service is not accessible or has been disabled.
When the Linking Service is working:
● Forcepoint DLP software gains access to user data gathered by Forcepoint Web
Security components.
● Forcepoint DLP software can access Master Database categorization information.
To configure the Linking Service, go to the Settings > General > Services > Linking
Service page in the Forcepoint Data Security module of the Security Manager.
If an error appears when clicking a module tab (Web, Data, Email, or Mobile) in the
Forcepoint Security Manager, the administrator account used to log on may not have
been granted permission to access the selected module.
To be able to access multiple Security Manager modules, an administrator must:
● Be added to the Global Settings > General > Administrators page
● Be given access to each module
The default administrator account, admin, has access to all modules.
Global Security Administrators can configure each administrator’s level of access to
the Security Manager.
Online Help
Click the Help icon in the Security Manager toolbar, then select Explain This Page to
display detailed information about using the product.
Default Microsoft Internet Explorer settings may block
operation of the Help system. If a security alert appears,
click Allow Blocked Content to display Help.
If your organization’s security standards permit, you can
permanently disable the warning message on the
Advanced tab of the Tools > Internet Options interface.
(Check Allow active content to run in files on My
Computer under Security options.)
Technical Support
● Support webinars
● Show-me tutorials
● Product documents
● Answers to frequently asked questions
● Top customer issues
● In-depth technical papers
For additional questions, click the Help icon in the Security Manager toolbar, then
select Support Portal.
Filter incidents?
To filter incidents in a report, edit the report filters or apply column filters.
Fingerprint data?
To fingerprint specific field combinations, first create a fingerprint classifier for the
database table:
1. In the Data Security module of the Security Manager, go to the Main > Policy
Management > Content Classifiers page.
2. Select Database Fingerprinting.
3. Click New in the toolbar at the top of the content pane, then select Database
Table Fingerprinting.
4. Work through the wizard as described in Creating a database fingerprint
classifier, page 214. On the Field Selection page, select Select up to 32 fields
from a table, then select the table name and the field combination to fingerprint.
5. Continue through the wizard, and click Finish when done.
6. Run the fingerprint scan.
Next, add the new fingerprint classifier to a rule. The same classifier can be added
more than once, selecting a different combination of fields and different thresholds to
match against.
1. Go to the Main > Policy Management > DLP Policies > Manage Policies page.
2. Select a rule, then click Edit.
3. Select Condition from the rule properties.
4. Click Add, then select Fingerprint from the drop-down list.
Action plans
Action plans can also be configured to block incidents that contravene policy. In the
Data Security module of the Security Manager, go to the Main > Policy
Management > Resources > Action Plans page to configure action plans.
● Click an action plan in the list to update it. The action for each channel can be
changed, if needed (quarantine for SMTP, block for HTTP via Web Content
● Click New in the toolbar at the top of the page to create a new action plan.
See Action Plans, page 244, for more information.
The process that the Forcepoint DLP system uses to examine data to determine
whether it contains protected content.
Assigned/Unassigned Incident
Incidents can be tracked through the system by administrators. To give a single
administrator the responsibility to handle the incident, you can assign the incident to
that administrator. Incidents that can be handled by any administrator are considered
The instruction to override security policy and send blocked email to the intended
recipient. This can be performed by a security officer or by a content owner.
Authorization Code
The Forcepoint DLP-generated code in a Block email notification. When a reply is
sent to the Block notification, the Authorization Code releases the blocked
Authorized Recipient
A user who is allowed to receive protected content.
The prevention of data containing protected information from being sent to an
unauthorized recipient.
A description of the content being monitored or protected. Classifiers include
characteristics like dictionary terms, file fingerprints, or patterns. The system
compares data to classifiers and triggers an incident when it finds a match.
Content Group
An empty shell to which you later assign directories containing classified information
of a certain type. Each directory within a Content Group can be assigned a security
level that restricts its contents to users with matching or higher security levels.
Content Owner
A Content Owner can define and modify a file’s distribution security policy. Content
Owners can override security policy and authorize the distribution of a blocked
transmission to the intended recipient.
The Crawler is the agent that scans your documents looking for sensitive data. You
can have several in your network if you are managing many documents.
Cumulative Rule
Accumulates matches to violations over time and creates an incident when a threshold
is met (drip DLP). In contrast, a standard rule creates an incident each time its
conditions are matched.
A Forcepoint DLP component that stores the system configuration, settings, and roles
that determine the behavior of the application; it also stores information about traffic
transmitted through the system.
An event is any transaction that traverses the Forcepoint DLP system. Not all events
are stopped by the Forcepoint DLP sniffer and queued for analysis—for that to
happen, something has to look suspicious, meaning that something in the event seems
to match with a Policy rule.
External User
A user who is outside the organization or domain.
File Fingerprinter
A Forcepoint DLP component that scans specified folders and submits files for
fingerprinting to the Forcepoint DLP DMS API.
File Fingerprints
Information that is protected by Forcepoint DLP. The information will be recognized
even after the original file has been deleted from the corporate file server.
File Type
A data format, such as .doc, .pdf, or .xls.
Fingerprint Server
A Forcepoint DLP component that analyzes corporate file directories at predefined
intervals and fingerprints files.
Ignored Incident
Incidents that are set as Ignored Incidents. Often files that are determined not to be
violations or incidents (files or attachments) that are not malicious, can be set to be
ignored. These incidents can then be filtered in or out using the main and quick filters.
Often, it is useful to set an incident as “ignored” when an incident was determined not
to be a violation, (it looks like a violation but is not). Understanding ignored incidents
can assist you in fine-tuning your policies to avoid blocking traffic unnecessarily. By
default, the data presented in the Forcepoint Security Manager does not include
incidents marked as ignored. Refer to “Filtering Incidents” to modify this setting.
An incident is a transaction or set of transactions that violate a policy. Depending on
how you configure a rule, incidents can be created for every policy breach, or for
matches that occur within a defined period.
Assigned/Unassigned Incident: Incidents can be tracked through the system by
administrators. To give a single administrator the responsibility to handle the incident,
assign the incident to a single administrator. Unassigned Incidents are those that have
not been assigned and can therefore be handled by any administrator who has access
to the incident.
Incident Database
The incident database saves basic information about incidents plus additional
information that helps you analyze the data, such as: source, destination, the resolved
source/destination hostname, breach information, analyzed by, detected by, and
assigned to.
The incident database is part of the main Oracle management database.
Information Lifecycle
The changes (over time) to the importance level of information, from its most
sensitive level at creation to its general distribution.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is the protocol standard over TCP/IP that is
used by email clients to look up contact information. Forcepoint DLP uses LDAP to
automatically add users and groups to the Forcepoint DLP database.
Management Server
The management server includes all core Forcepoint DLP technology, including
fingerprinting servers, policy servers, and patented data loss prevention technology.
The protocol that sends email to recipients inside an organization/domain.
Matching Keyword
A predefined text string that must be protected; its presence in a document indicates
that the document contains confidential information.
An email alert sent to the Security Officers and Content Owners, indicating that the
information was addressed to an unauthorized recipient.
See Content Owner.
Permissions define what a user is authorized to perform within the Forcepoint DLP
Policy Category
Forcepoint DLP can be set to include multiple policies. These policies are grouped
together to create policy categories.
The process of identifying a unique set of characteristics for a document’s contents.
Forcepoint DLP uses registering to uniquely identify classified content.
Security profiles that can be applied to several users without having to define security
details for each user.
Provides the logic for a policy. Rules are made up of conditions that govern the
behavior of a policy, determining when, for example, to block or audit an action, or
send a notification.
Security Level
A label, such as Top Secret, that represents a degree of confidentiality. Both users and
classified content are assigned Security Levels. Users with a specific Security Level
can only receive information classified with the same or lower Security Level.
Security Policy
The policy within an organization that defines which classified information can be
distributed to which recipients.
The protocol used for sending email to recipients outside the organization.
System modules
These are the various components of Forcepoint DLP. They are either hardware-based
physical devices, like the protector; software components, like the Forcepoint Security
Manager, or virtual components like channels and services.
The transmission of email messages sent through the electronic mail system or
uploaded to the Internet.
Unmatched Events
Unmatched Events are events that pass through the system transparently because they
raise no suspicion.
The incident’s urgency setting is a measure of how important it is to the corporation
that this incident is handled. The urgency of an incident is automatically decided by
Forcepoint DLP. This calculation takes both the sensitivity of the incident and the
number of matched violations into account.
For example, if content triggers a violation because it includes 400 credit card
numbers, and the credit card policy was set to medium sensitivity, then the urgency is
set to critical due to the large number of violations (400) and the sensitivity (medium).
This setting provides you with a relative measure for how urgent it is for someone to
deal with this incident.
Views are views into the incident database with filters applied. Several built-in views
are provided. The most common are displayed on the main Reporting page. Views are
very much like reports; they’re graphical and contain colorful executive charts.
Forcepoint DLP
Published 2018
Printed in the United States of America
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basis and subject to their individual license agreements. These licenses are available in Anaconda or at . Any binary packages of these third party tools you obtain
via Anaconda are subject to their individual licenses as well as the Anaconda license. Continuum Analytics
(“Continuum”) reserves the right to change which third party tools are provided in Anaconda.
In particular, Anaconda contains re-distributable, run-time, shared-library files from the Intel(TM) Math
Kernel Library (“MKL binaries”). You are specifically authorized to use the MKL binaries with your
installation of Anaconda. You are also authorized to redistribute the MKL binaries with Anaconda or in
the conda package that contains them. If needed, instructions for removing the MKL binaries after
installation of Anaconda are available at
Cryptography Notice
This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have
restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software.
BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country’s laws, regulations and policies
concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted.
See the Wassenaar Arrangement <> for more information.
Continuum has self-classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1,
which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with
asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this distribution makes it eligible for export under the
License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export
Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code.
The following packages are included in this distribution that relate to cryptography:
The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and
Open Source toolkit implementing the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library.
Version 2.7.6
Copyright (c) 2012 Terence Parr and Sam Harwell
ANTLR 4 License
Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license (
Apache HTTPD
Version 2.4.23
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Apache log4cxx
Apache log4cxx v0.10.0, © 2004-2007 Apache Software Foundation, is distributed under the Apache
License, version 2.0 ( and has been modified by Forcepoint.
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Versions 3, 1.5.3
Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 4.2.46-19.el7
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version (
Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Simon Fell
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Version 3.1.3
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) bitstring
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 0.8.0
Copyright (c) bonecp
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright (c) 2016 boost
Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17, 2003
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software
© 2014, has been modified and is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0
Version 1.3.5
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2013 The Legion Of The Bouncy Castle (
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 7.2.1511
Copyright (c) 2007 The CentOS Project
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license (
Version 2.2
Copyright (c) 2000, 2002, 2003. The Apache Software Foundation (
INRIA, France Telecom
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.2.3
New BSD license
Copyright (c) 2014 Continuum Analytics All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary
forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a.
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. c. Neither the name of toolz nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE
Version 1.8.3
Copyright (c) 2000-2010. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.2
Copyright (c) 2001-2009. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 3.2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-2008. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.4
Version 1.7
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2001. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1, 1.2.1
Copyright (c) 1999-2002. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 3.1
Copyright (c) 1997-2007. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 2.0.1
Copyright (c) 2002-2010. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 2.5
Copyright (c) 2001-2010. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.1.1
Copyright (c) 2001-2007. The Apache Software Foundation (
Version 1.5.3
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Versions 20061227 and 2.2
Copyright (c) 2002-2006. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.94
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License
CURL 7.49.1 , © 1996 - 2017 Daniel Stenberg, [email protected], and many contributors, is distributed
under the MIT License (
CURL 7.50.3 , © 1996 - 2017 Daniel Stenberg, [email protected], and many contributors, is distributed
under the MIT License (
Version 0.7.4
New BSD license
Copyright (c) 2014 Erik Welch All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
a. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. c. Neither
the name of cytoolz nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 0.7.3
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Continuum Analytics, Inc. and contributors All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of Continuum Analytics nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 4.0.6
Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Continuum Analytics, Inc. and contributors All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of Continuum Analytics nor the names of any contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 0.4.1
Copyright (c) Christian Heimes , All rights reserved.
AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization
("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using Python 3.5.1 software in source or binary form and its
associated documentation. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF hereby
grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/
or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python 3.5.1 alone or in any
Version 0.2.4
Copyright (c) Dill v0.2.4
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 1.1.2
Copyright (c) Ethan Furman All rights reserved.
New BSD license
Copyright (c) 2013 Matthew Rocklin All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary
forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a.
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. c. Neither the name of toolz nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) February 24, 2005. The Apache Software Foundation (
Gregory R. Warnes
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version (
Version 0.4
AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization
("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using Python 3.5.1 software in source or binary form and its
associated documentation. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF hereby
grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/
or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python 3.5.1 alone or in any
derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright, i.e.,
"Copyright © 2001-2016 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained in Python 3.5.1
alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee. 3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative
work that is based on or incorporates Python 3.5.1 or any part thereof, and wants to make the derivative
work available to others as provided herein, then Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a
brief summary of the changes made to Python 3.5.1. 4. PSF is making Python 3.5.1 available to Licensee
License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material breach of its terms and conditions. 7.
Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency, partnership, or
joint venture between PSF and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF
trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee, or
any third party. 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Python 3.5.1, Licensee agrees to be bound by
the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
Version 2.7.4
Copyright (c) April 15, 2005,
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version (
Version 9.06
Version 3, 19 November 2007
Copyright (c) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License (
Version 9.06
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version. (
Version 2.17-105.el7
Copyright (c) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Bash is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version. (
Version 2.4.13-24.el4/2.10.4-20.el5
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 15
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.0.0
Copyright (c) 2014 Erik Welch. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
a. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
c. Neither the name of cytoolz nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 0.1.8
HOWL is OSI Certified Open Source Software licensed under the BSD license.
Copyright (c) 2004, Bull S. A., All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
•Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
•Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
Versions 2.4.6-17.el7
Copyright (c) 2012. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 4.2.1.-9.1.el7
Copyright (c) 1995-2016 International Business Machines Corporation and others
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s)
and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s)
and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or
otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of
the copyright holder.
Version 1.4.21-16.el7
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Distributed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2 (
Version 5.5.12
Copyright (C) 2017, ITEXT GROUP
Distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License (
Version 8 Update 131
Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Distributed under the terms of the Oracle Java license (
Version 1.3.16
Copyright (c) 1991,1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
JETTISON v1.3.8, (c) 2006 Envoi Solutions LLC, is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0
Version 9
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.0.13
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Jinja 2
Version 2.8
Copyright (c) Jinja2
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 2.1
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Baptiste Lepilleur
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial
portions of the Software.
JSON-FLATTENER v0.4.1, (c) 2015 Wei-Ming Wu, is distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0
Version 1.3.1
Copyright (c) Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this
file except in compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 1.4
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Vladimir R. Bossicard. The Apache Software Foundation (http://
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 3.10.0-327.el7
Copyright (c) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See BeatBox for the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.2
Copyright (c) June 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
[email protected]
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See BeatBox for the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 1.3
Copyright (c) libpgm All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 1.0.3
Copyright (c) libsodium
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is
hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
Version 2.4.2-21.el7_2.x86_64
Copyright (c) GNU
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Version 0.11.2-1.el7
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Except where otherwise noted in the source code (e.g. the files hash.c,list.c and the trio files, which are
covered by a similar licence but with different Copyright notices) all the files are:
Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Daniel Veillard. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 0.2.0
Copyright (c) locket. All rights reserved.
Version 0.10.0-2
Copyright (c) 2004-2007. The Apache Software Foundation (
Apache log4cxx
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.2.14
Copyright (c) 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.2.11
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.23
Copyright (c) MarkeupSaf. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 1.3.0
Copyright (c) 2016 All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 2.4.6-17.el7
Copyright (c) 2012 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 6.1, Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Distributed under the MIT
license (
Version 1.1.9
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 2.4.3
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright (c) Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0; you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
See Bash for the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 3.0. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Version 2.6.2, © 2007, 2008 David M. Cooke <[email protected]> / © 2009, 2010 Francesc
Alted <[email protected]>. Distributed under the MIT License (
Version 1.10.1
Copyright (c) numpy. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 0.2.14
BSD license
Copyright (c) OpenBLAS v0.2.14
All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the
above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the
software was developed by the <organization>. The name of the <organization> may not be used to
endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS
Open CSV
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
V8U131, © 1999, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates, is distributed under the GNU General Public License,
version 2 with Classpath Exception (, including
SSLContextlmpl.txt which was modified in September 2017.
Version 6.6.1p1-22.el7
Copyright (c) February 15, 2006. The Apache Software Foundation (
1) Copyright (c) 1995 Tatu Ylonen <[email protected]>, Espoo, Finland
All rights reserved
As far as I am concerned, the code I have written for this software can be used freely for any purpose. Any
derived versions of this software must be clearly marked as such, and if the derived work is incompatible
with the protocol description in the RFC file, it must be called by a name other than "ssh" or "Secure Shell".
However, I am not implying to give any licenses to any patents or copyrights held by third parties, and the
software includes parts that are not under my direct control. As far as I know, all included source code is
used in accordance with the relevant license agreements and can be used freely for any purpose (the GNU
license being the most restrictive); see below for details.
Note that any information and cryptographic algorithms used in this software are publicly available on the
Internet and at any major bookstore, scientific library, and patent office worldwide. More information can
be found e.g. at "".
The legal status of this program is some combination of all these permissions and restrictions. Use only
at your own responsibility. You will be responsible for any legal consequences yourself; I am not making
any claims whether possessing or using this is legal or not in your country, and I am not taking any
OPENSSL 1.0.2n, (c) 1998-2017 The OpenSSL Project, © 1995-1998 Eric Young ([email protected]),
is distributed under a double license, the OpenSSL License and the original SSLeay License (
ORG.APACHE.CAMEL v2.20.0, (c) 2004-2015 The Apache Software Foundation, is distributed under
the Apache License, version 2.0 (
Versions 1, 1.1.1, 2016
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.2.9
Copyright (c) 2016 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 3.4.3
Copyright (c) 2005-2008 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 2.2
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Versions 1.0.1.GA, 4.0.1.Final, 4.1.6.Final, 4.2.0.Final
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 3.3.3.Final
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 3.2.0
Copyright (c) 2002-2012, SpringSource, a division of VMware, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 3.0.7.
Copyright (c) 2002-2012, SpringSource, a division of VMware, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 2.0.8
Copyright (c) 2000-2002 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.17.0
Copyright (c) pandas. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 1.6.6
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Richard Jones <[email protected]>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 0.3.2
Copyright (c) partd. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 1.3.0
Copyright (c) All rights reserved
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 (
Version 4.5-4.el4_6.6/6.6-2.el5_1.7
Version 4.0.1
Copyright (c) pexpect. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 0.3
Copyright (c) pickleshare
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
POLE Copyright © 2002-2005 Ariya Hidayat< [email protected]>. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2009 Dmitry Fedorov, Center for Bio-Image Informatics. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2010 Michel Boudinot. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 2.10.1-6.el7
Copyright (c) postfix
Distributed under the IBM Public License Version 1.0 (
Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, The PostgreSQL Global Development Group
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose,
Version 1
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 4.3.0
Copyright (c) Giampaolo Rodola
Distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License (
Copyright (c) 2013 Matthew Rocklin All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary
forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a.
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. c. Neither the name of toolz nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Kjetil Jacobsen
Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 3.0.7
Copyright (c) pyodbc
Version 2.7.5-34.el7
PSF license
1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual
or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using Python 2.7.11 software in source or binary
form and its associated documentation. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement,
PSF hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test,
perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python 2.7.11
alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of
copyright, i.e., "Copyright © 2001-2016 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained
in Python 2.7.11 alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee. 3. In the event Licensee prepares
a derivative work that is based on or incorporates Python 2.7.11 or any part thereof, and wants to make the
derivative work available to others as provided herein, then Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such
work a brief summary of the changes made to Python 2.7.11. 4. PSF is making Python 2.7.11 available to
THEREOF. 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material breach of its terms
and conditions. 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency,
partnership, or joint venture between PSF and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant
permission to use PSF trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or
services of Licensee, or any third party. 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Python 2.7.11,
Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
Version 2.4.2
Copyright (c) python-dateutil
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Copyright (c) 2014, Jonathan Slenders All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Version 12.1.0-4.el7
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 12.1.0-4.el7
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 2015.7
Copyright (c) Stuart Bishop
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 3.11
Copyright (c) 2006 Kirill Simonov
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 14.7.-0
Copyright (c) pyzmq All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Version 2.2.1
Copyright (c) 2016. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright (c) scipy All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
setup tools
Version 18.4
PSF license
1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation ("PSF"), and the Individual
or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using Python 2.7.11 software in source or binary
form and its associated documentation. 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement,
VersPSF hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze,
test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python 2.7.11
alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of
copyright, i.e., "Copyright © 2001-2016 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained
in Python 2.7.11 alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee. 3. In the event Licensee prepares
a derivative work that is based on or incorporates Python 2.7.11 or any part thereof, and wants to make the
derivative work available to others as provided herein, then Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such
work a brief summary of the changes made to Python 2.7.11. 4. PSF is making Python 2.7.11 available to
THEREOF. 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material breach of its terms
and conditions. 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of agency,
partnership, or joint venture between PSF and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant
permission to use PSF trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or
services of Licensee, or any third party. 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Python 2.7.11,
Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
Version 3.8.0
Copyright (c) simplejson
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 1.7.2
Copyright (c) 2004-2013
All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT
Version 1.16
Distributed under the Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 (
Version 3.7.17-8.el7
Copyright SQLite v3.8.4.1
Public domain
Version 0.12.22
Copyright (c) 20011 Makina Corpus
Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Pfizer, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2001, Cayce Ullman.
Copyright (c) 2001, Brian Matthews.
Version 4.1.8
Copyright (c) 1999-2012 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Copyright (c) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See chardet for the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 0.6, Copyright (c) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc., is distributed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License, version 3 (
Some third-party software included in Forcepoint DLP is licensed under the following open source
license(s): GNU Lesser General Public License. If you would like a copy of the source code for such third-
party software included in Forcepoint DLP, you may email your request to [email protected].
Version 1.1.2
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 3.136e
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in
Version 2.0.1
Copyright (c) John Kurkowski
New BSD license
Copyright (c) 2013 Matthew Rocklin All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary
forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: a.
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer. b. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
distribution. c. Neither the name of toolz nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE
Version 7.0.68
Copyright 1999-2012 The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.7.4
Copyright (c) 2013 Matthew Rocklin All rights reserved.
Distributed under the new BSD license (
Version 4.1.0
Copyright (c) traitlets. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
Copyright (c) 2001-2006, Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
Allen Short
Andrew Bennetts
Apple Computer, Inc.
Benjamin Bruheim
Bob Ippolito
Canonical Limited
Christopher Armstrong
David Reid
Donovan Preston
Eric Mangold
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
James Knight
Jason A. Mobarak
Jonathan Lange
Jonathan D. Simms
Jp Calderone
Jorgen Hermann
Kevin Turner
Mary Gardiner
Matthew Lefkowitz
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moshe Zadka
Paul Swartz
Pavel Pergamenshchik
Ralph Meijer
Sean Riley
Travis B. Hartwell
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the Software), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
of the Software.
Version 0.7.0
See twistedcore.
Version 2.3.4
Copyright (c) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999 (https://
Version 0.26.0
Copyright (c) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999 (https://
Version 0.4.3
Copyright (c) wstools
All rights reserved under the 3-clause BSD License (
Copyright (c) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License.
See BeatBox for the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0. You may
obtain a copy of the License at
Version 2.6.2
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 0.7.7
Copyright (c) 2016 XlsWriter. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
Version 1.0.b2
Copyright (c) 2001-2002. The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 2.0.1
Copyright (c) The Apache Software Foundation (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License (
Version 1.2.1
XStream is open source software, made available under a BSD license.
Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Joe Walnes
Copyright (c) 2006-2009, 2011 XStream Committers
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided
that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of XStream nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Copyright © 2001, Zolera Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2002-2003, Rich Salz. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s)
and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s)
and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or
otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of
the copyright holder.
(c) 2005 Eric Crahen, is distributed under the MIT License (
Some third-party software included in #Forcepoint DLP is licensed under the following open source
license(s): GNU General Public License with Classpath Exception, Affero General Public License. If you
would like a copy of the source code for such third-party software included in #Forcepoint DLP, you may
email your request to [email protected].