Annotation Template 1

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Appendix M


Objective Means of Description of Annotations

Verification the MOV
1. Applies  Daily Lesson  Facilitate 1. Applied
knowledge of Log/ Lesson learning knowledge of
content within Plan through content across
and across  Teacher’s functional English and
curriculum Guide in lesson plans/ Filipino by
teaching areas. Applied daily lesson communicating
2. Uses a range of Economics logs and with the students
teaching  Powerpoint innovative using these
strategies that Presentation teaching subjects as
enhance learner  Attendance strategies. medium of
achievement in Sheet  Used of instruction;
literacy and  Instructional teacher’s Araling
numeracy skills. Materials guide in Panlipunan by
3. Applies a range planning the giving examples
of teaching lesson, related to this
strategies to provide the subject matter;
develop critical availability of ICT in presenting
and creative the Lesson the lesson.
thinking, as well Plan with 6 2. Used a range of
as other higher- parts. teaching
order thinking  Used of strategies like:
skills. powerpoint - Discussion/
4. Manage presentation Lecture
classroom in presenting - Group Activity
structure to the lesson. - Visual
engage  Used of Presentation
learners, attendance - Question and
individually, in sheet to Answer
groups, in monitor - 4 A’s
meaningful students. 3. Applied a range
exploration,  Used of of teaching
discovery and appropriate strategies that
hands –on Instructional develops the
activities within Materials like critical and
arrange of ICT creative thinking
physical learning integration/ of the students by
environment. utilized formulating oral
5. Manages technology recitations,
learner behavior resources in vocabulary word
constructively by planning, by rearranging
applying positive designing the jumbled
and non- violent and delivery letters and
discipline to of the lesson. matching the
ensure learning definition of the
focused words on the Mix
environments. and Match
6. Uses activity posted
differentiated on the board.
developmentally 4. Managed
appropriate classroom
learning structure to
experiences to engage learners,
address learner’s individually or in
gender, needs, groups by
strengths, monitoring their
interest and attendance and
experiences. preparing
7. Plans, manages instructional
& implements materials for the
developmentally lesson to provide
sequenced a meaningful
teaching & exploration of the
learning process students.
to meet 5. Managed learner
curriculum behavior
requirements & constructively by
varied teaching calling the
context. attention of the
8. Selects, student who are
develops, seated at the
organizes & used back by letting
appropriate them recite and
teaching and participate on
learning the discussion to
resources, ensure a
including ICT to learning- focused
address learning environment.
goals. 6. Used
9. Design, selects, differentiated,
organizes & uses developmentally
diagnostic, appropriate
formative & learning
summative experiences by
assessment integrating the
strategies lesson in line with
consistent with their interest, life
curriculum experiences,
requirements. needs and
strengths and
giving them
equal respect
when it comes to
their gender,
religion, customs
and beliefs.
7. Planned,
managed and
teaching and
learning process
by starting the
lesson through
checking of
attendance of
previous lesson
with PasaDeBola
discussion and
giving formative
8. Selected,
organized and
used appropriate
teaching and
resources by
using powerpoint
presentation in
the discussion,
using visual aids
and providing
answer sheet
during the
9. Designed ,
organized and
used diagnostic
before the lesson
through the Mix
and match
Activity given to
the students and
assessment after
the lesson.

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