Centrifugal Compressor Predicting Performance
Centrifugal Compressor Predicting Performance
Centrifugal Compressor Predicting Performance
When a plant revamp is planned, assessing an existing centrifugal compressor
to meet new performance requirements is essential
Fluor Enterprises
mong various types of
1.20 1.10
compressors commonly Discharge pressure
used in process plants,
where the discharge pressure is
(η/η at design point)
controlled to stay constant, the 0.98
compressor delivers less mass 0.97
flow rate as the suction pres-
sure is reduced. Conversely, the
compressor in the same con- 0.95
3 and 4, which are derived
from the available performance
curves, are used to predict the
head coefficient ψ and the poly-
tropic efficiency η. 0.75
1.10 cussed so far, Case B, where
1.05 MW and suction pressure dif-
1.00 fer from those in the base case
0.95 or Case A, is another example
case for predicting the new per-
formance curves including the
discharge pressure Pd. Figures
0.80 Predicted from φ and Ψ
Vendor data 7, 8, and 9 respectively show
Coeff. with X the predicted heads, efficien-
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
cies, and discharge pressures
Actual inlet flow rate (Q) for Case B with a MW equal to
Design flow rate 115% of that in the base case
and suction pressure at 92.3%
Figure 7 Polytropic head ratio vs Q ratio – Case B of the same base case. Solid
blue lines in these figures show
in the base case. For this Case a system controlled at a con- data provided by the compres-
A, Figures 5 and 6 show respec- stant discharge pressure, how- sor vendor and the dots are the
tively the new heads (H) and ever, a higher Ts results in a values predicted using flow
efficiency (η) taken directly lower Q to increase H for reach- and head coefficients.
from Figures 3 and 4. The solid ing the controlled discharge As Figure 7 shows, the pre-
line in Figure 5 or 6 represents pressure. Similar to suction dicted polytropic head data
data provided by the compres- pressure variation, the flow and (red dots) in the inlet volumet-
sor vendor for this Case A, and head coefficient correlation can ric flow rate range close to the
the dots show the predicted be used to generate the new design or rated flow rate agrees
data which agree with the ven- performance curves at new suc- reasonably well (less than 1.5%
dor data. tion temperatures. difference) with the vendor
The suction temperature data. However, at higher flow
(Ts) relates to the gas density. Gas properties rates, or close to the stone wall
Q increases somewhat as the The inlet volumetric flow rate point, the correlation method
suction temperature becomes Q in Equation 5 for calculating underpredicts the vendor data
higher, and the polytropic head the flow coefficient is the only by about 4.0% maximum.
(H) decreases at higher Qs. For parameter affected by gas con- The polytropic exponent n
the gas temperature will also Actual inlet flow rate (Q)
Design flow rate
increase more at lower poly-
tropic efficiencies, and the aver-
age kideal could vary with the Figure 8 Polytropic efficiency vs Q ratio – Case B
flow rate Q. However, using a
fixed value of average kideal for
all flow rates in the operating 1.10