Asme Sec V A-15-2006
Asme Sec V A-15-2006
Asme Sec V A-15-2006
SE-2261, Standard Practice for Examination of Welds in accordance with a written procedure that shall, as a
minimum, contain the requirements listed in Table
Using the Alternating Current Field Measurement Tech-
T-1522. The written procedure shall establish a single
value, or range of values, for each requirement.
T-1522.2 Procedure Qualification. When procedure
qualification is specified, a change of a requirement in
Table T-1522 identified as an essential variable shall
The ACFMT method may be applied to detect cracks require requalification of the written procedure by demon-
and other linear discontinuities on or near the surfaces stration. A change of a requirement identified as an nones-
of welds in metallic materials. The sensitivity is greatest sential variable does not require requalification of the
for surface discontinuities and rapidly diminishes with written procedure. All changes of essential or nonessen-
increasing depth below the surface. In principle, this tech- tial variables from those specificed within the written
nique involves the induction of an AC magnetic field in procedure shall require revision of, or an addendum to,
the material surface by a magnetic yoke contained in a the written procedure.
hand held probe, which in turn causes a uniform alternat-
ing current to flow in the material. The depth of the
penetration of this current varies with material type and
T-1531 Instrument
field frequency. Surface, or near surface, discontinuities
interrupt or disturb the flow of the current creating ACFMT instrument and software shall be capable of
changes in the resulting surface magnetic fields which operating over a range of frequencies of from 1 to 50
are detected by sensor coils in the probe. kHz. The display shall contain individual time or
distance-based plots of the x compound of the magnetic
field Bx, parallel to the probe travel, z component of
T-1521 Supplemental Requirements the magnetic field Bz, perpendicular to the examination
surface, and a combined Bx and Bz plot (i.e., butterfly
ACFMT examinations of some types of welds (e.g.,
dissimilar, austenitic and duplex, etc.) may not be possible
or may result in a larger flaw (i.e, depth) detection thresh-
old than carbon and low alloy steel ferritic-type weld T-1532 Probes
examinations because of the wide variations in magnetic The nominal frequency shall be 5 kHz unless variables,
permeability between the weld, heat affected zone, and such as materials, surface condition, or coatings require
plate material. It is necessary in these cases to modify the use of other frequencies.
TABLE T-1522
Requirement Essential Nonessential
(As Applicable) Variable Variable
2 in.*
1 in.*
(50 mm)
#3 (25 mm)
typ. 6 in.*
(150 mm)
1/ in.*
(13 mm)
*Minimum Dimensions
(a) The tolerance on notch depth shall be ± 0.01 in. (± 0.2 mm).
(b) The tolerance on notch #1 length shall be ± 0.04 in. (± 1 mm).
(c) The tolerance on notches #2 and #3 length shall be ± 0.01 in. (± 0.2 mm).
(d) Notch shape shall be elliptical.
(e) Notch #3 only required when block contains a weld.
T-1563 Peformance Confirmation shall be carried out to identify the location and extent of
T-1563.1 System Changes. When any part of the the discontinuity and whether it is linear or nonlinear.
examination system is changed, a verification check shall Determination of discontinuity size (length and depth) is
be made on the calibration block to verify that the settings not required unless specified by the referencing Code
satisfy the requirements of T-1562.2. Section.
T-1563.2 Periodic Checks. A verification check shall
be made at the finish of each examination or series of T-1580 EVALUATION
similar examinations, and when examination personnel
All indications shall be evaluated in terms of the accept-
are changed. The response from notch #1 shall not have
ance standards of the referencing Code Section.
changed by more than 10% in either the Bx or Bz response.
When the sensitivity has changed by more than 10%, all
data since the last valid verification check shall be marked T-1590 DOCUMENTATION
void or deleted and the area covered by the voided data
T-1591 Recording Indication
shall be reexamined.
T-1591.1 Nonrejectable Indications. Nonrejectable
indications shall be recorded as specified by the referenc-
T-1570 EXAMINATION ing Code Section.
T-1571 General Examination Requirements T-1591.2 Rejectable Indications. Rejectable indica-
T-1571.1 Rate of Probe Movement. The maximum tions shall be recorded. As a minimum, the extent and
instrument scan speed and probe scanning rate shall be location shall be recorded.
as determined in T-1562.4.
T-1571.2 Probe Contact. The probe shall be kept in T-1592 Examination Record
contact with the examination surface during scanning. For each examination, the following information shall
T-1571.3 Direction of Field. At least two separate be recorded:
examinations shall be performed on each area, unless (a) procedure identification and revision;
otherwise specified by the referencing Code Section. Dur- (b) ACFMT instrument identification (including man-
ing the second examination, the probe shall be positioned ufacturers’ serial number);
perpendicular to that used during the first examination. (c) software identification and revision;
(d) probe identification (including manufacturers’
serial number and frequency);
T-1572 Examination Coverage
(e) probe file identification and revision;
The weld to be scanned shall be examined by placing (f) calibration block identification;
the probe at the toe of the weld with the nose of the (g) identification and location of weld or surface
probe parallel to the longitudinal direction of the weld. examined;
The probe shall then be moved parallel to and along the (h) map or record of rejectable indications detected or
weld toe. A second longitudinal scan shall be performed areas cleared;
along the opposite toe of the weld. These two scans (i) areas of restricted access or inaccessible welds;
shall then be repeated per T-1571.3. Unless demonstrated (j) examination personnel identity and, when required
otherwise, if the width of the weld is wider than 3⁄4 in. by the referencing Code Section, qualification level; and
(19 mm), an additional set of scans shall be performed (k) date of examination.
along the centerline of the weld.
T-1593 Report
T-1573 Overlap
A report of the examination shall be made. The report
The overlap between successive probe incremental shall include those records indicated in T-1591 and
scans shall be 1 in. (25 mm) minimum. T-1592. The report shall be filed and maintained in accor-
dance with the referencing Code Section.
T-1574 Interpretation
T-1594 Performance Demonstration
The interpretation shall identify if an indication is false,
nonrelevant, or relevant. False and nonrelevant indica- Performance demonstration, when required by the ref-
tions shall be proven false or nonrelevant. Interpretation erencing Code Section, shall be documented.