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BCA 2ND year, KLE S Nijalingappa College

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of
Rajajinagar, Bangalore
interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the

ability to transfer data over a network without

Abstract- This paper explains about the emerging requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer

technology in the field of electronic circuits and interaction.

automation i.e. IOT (Internet of Things). It refers to the

connections of several sensors forming a network

where the sensors communicate with each other

directly or through other network like internet and

perform its operation accordingly. This technology is

growing bigger and bigger day by day. There are about

8.4 billion IoT devices at present and it is estimated to

cross 20.4 billion by 2020.There are certain devices

which acts as hub for these IOT devices such as Google

home mini, Amazon echo etc. Many companies are

The objectives of IoT devices are
presently working on this field to bring a new

innovation in the near future. • Connect with devices on network.

• Interact with devices by transmitting and

Keywords- Sensors, circuit, Bluetooth, Arduino, Smart receiving data across devices on network.

home, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Image • Collect and record these data from the IoT
processing and recognition, Natural Language system.
Interface (NLP).
• Analyze data so that the required data can be

mined using data mining techniques.

• These data can be further studied by an

Artificially Intelligent system so that the

services of these IoT systems can be improved



Picture of Omega IoT microcontroller
A Smart home is a home equipped with lighting, 2. There are smart bulbs and lightings like
heating, and electronic devices that can work Mansaa smart shine , Syska smart bulbs etc
automatically or be controlled remotely by smartphone which can be controlled through an app from
or computer. In simple words, A Smart Home refers to our smart phones .These bulbs provide other
a house where IoT devices are used to carry out all the options like voice mode (where the bulbs can
operations automatically or manually in a smart way. be controlled by speech recognition) ,

For example, Bluetooth mode (where the operation can be

controlled through Bluetooth by connecting

1. The Omega2 IoT computer is one of Onion’s Linux-
the bulb to our smart phone) , Wi-fi( where the
based Wi-Fi development boards designed to enable makers
bulbs are connected to our wi-fi router) and
of all skill levels to build connected hardware

applications. At the core of the Omega2 is the MT7688 other networks . These can also be controlled

SoC, which features a 580MHz MIPS CPU, supports 2.4 through 3rd party hubs like Amazon echo dot,

GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi as well as 10M/100M wired Google Home devices etc which uses NLP

Ethernet network connectivity, and operates at 3.3V. (Natural Language Processing).

Picture of Google Home mini ( on the left )

and Amazon Echo Dot ( on the right )

biometric systems. In the retail industry, these

3. Face recognition locking system are now being sensors are used to monitor customers visiting

developed. These locking systems replace the the store through IoT network. In offices and

normal key-locks in the near future. These corporate buildings, they are used to monitor

smart locks will be equipped with powerful employees and various activities through IoT

cameras for detecting faces and unlocking if networks.

the face matches with the faces that are stored

in the database of the smart locks.

These smart locks use a face detection

algorithm that runs in the backend as soon as

some person starts looking at the camera

which can be implemented using raspberry pi

Picture of a Thermal Image sensor
module with python opencv.

There are only 4 applications of IoT systems are shown

above but there are many other applications of IoT and

it is growing enormously day by day.


Picture of Raspberry pi 3 Model Advantages of IoT:

• No human intervention required (In most of the
4. Using its internet of things (IoT) thermal
• Simple circuits and easy design.
imaging sensor, Optimet has developed a • Less cost.

thermal Wi-Fi camera that the company says is • Long life.

• Less power consumption.
35% less than the lowest cost comparable
• Reduces human work which saves time.
thermal image sensor. These sensors are found
Disadvantages of IoT:
in digital cameras, medical imaging systems,
• A single error in one sensor can cause the entire
night-vision equipment, thermal imaging
IoT system to crash or malfunction.
devices, radars, sonars, media house and • High voltage may damage the sensors.
• Make humans lazy as everything can be

managed and maintained automatically or

through smart phones sitting at a single place

far away from the sensors.

• Hackers and fraudsters may hack into our IoT

system and change codes which may lead to

weaken the security of our IoT system.

• A very high technical knowledge of both

computer science and electronics is required to

design IoT systems.

IoT helps humans in many ways but the main thing
is that the IoT systems should be developed in a
way such that it should not be vulnerable to any
attacks.More over we should make use of
technology in a proper way to make our work
easier and faster but we should not be fully
dependent on them.

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