Grade 10 Agri - Crops, 4TH Quarter PDF
Grade 10 Agri - Crops, 4TH Quarter PDF
Grade 10 Agri - Crops, 4TH Quarter PDF
Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Perform pre-harvest operations;
LO2. Perform harvesting activity;
LO3. Perform postharvest operation;
LO5. Maintain farm record.
This unit deals with the different farm tools and equipment used in horticultural and nursery production. This
gives emphasis on their correct operation and maintenance as well as safety precautions in using them.
This unit also covers the knowledge and skills required to produce rice including the preparation of land and
planting materials. This also includes the development of core competencies particularly the carrying out harvest
and post harvest maintaining operations
2. Methods Modular/ Read and discuss Perform Activity #1: Process and Agri-Crop
of harves- lecture- the topic Method of Conduct on farm provide Production NC II
ting Discussio/ Harvesting on visitation and perform feedback on the LM
pages 157- 160 harvesting and conducted 4 hrs
threshing using basic activity
ed learning tools and equipments
in harvesting on page
3. Handling Modular/ Read and discuss Perform Activity: Process and Agri-Crop
of harvest lecture- the topic Cleaning, provide Production NC II
Conduct of debate or
Discussio/ Drying, Storing and feedbacks on LM
simple classroom
Blended Milling of Rice on the conducted
symposium on how
learning pages 161- 166 activities 4 hrs
to minimize harvest
and post harvest
losses in rice and
other important
4. Occupa- Modular/ Read and discuss Perform Activity: Process and Agri-Crop
tional lecture- the topics on provide Production NC II
Conduct of
Health Discussion Precautionary feedback on the LM
classroom forum on
and Safety / blended Health and Safety conducted
how to improve
practices learning practices during activity
safety practices in
during harvest and post agricultural
harvesting harvest activities on production harvest
and post pages 166-168 Invite expert 4 hrs
and post harvest
harvest from the
activities Department of
Agriculture to
provide inputs
about improving
safety practices
in agricultural
during the forum
Summative Test
LO5. Perform farm record
5. Maintain Modular/ Read and discuss Perform Pre Test on Process and Agri-Crop
farm lecture- Lesson XI Record page 173-174 provide Production NC II
records Discussion Keeping on pages feedback on the LM
173- 178 conducted
Perform Activity # 1: activity 6 hrs
Conduct of on- farm
interview with a
farmer re: Farm
recordkeeping, p 179
Activity #2: Practice Perform
farm record keeping Summative
on page 179 Assessment
20 hrs
Written Test
Demonstration with oral questioning