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December 2,2019

Epifania B. Dungca Ed.D.

Principal IV
Tarlac National High School
San Roque Tarlac City


The Department of Education (DepEd) is strengthening its National Drug Education

Program (NDEP) to protect students from the adverse effects of dangerous drugs.

The NDEP is a comprehensive educational program, which provides a holistic approach

in preventing and eliminating the menace of drugs in the country. The NDEP also enables all
sectors to work collaboratively—with the school system as the core—thereby unifying all sectoral
endeavors. It has five (5) components: a) curriculum and instruction; b) co- curricular and
ancillary services; c) teacher/staff development; d) parent education and community outreach;
and e) research, evaluation and monitoring. It is implemented in schools to create awareness on
the ill effects of abusing drugs and to develop among students’ positive behavior and life skills to
resist drugs.

As the school submits its full support to the mission of the Department of Education of
promoting a child-friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment and to strengthen
the National Drug Education Program the Tarlac National High School NDEP In-charge in
coordination with Schools Facilities, School Guidance Office and School-Health Services
Program in-charge, write to ask your approval for the “Safe and Drug-Free School Program”
that will comprise of the following:

 Visible NDEP and Anti-Bullying corners in each classroom. Through this, we

can assure awareness of the learners about the aim of our school of protecting them
from the adverse effect of dangerous drugs and decrease number of bullying cases.

 Posters of Drug Abuse Prevention, Anti-Bullying, Mental Health Awareness,

Disaster Preparedness and School Health Services around the campus. The
Program will also cover different areas that could contribute to the holistic
development of every learner.(See attached page for sample posters)

 Considering the 10 tested medicinal plants as part of lawn development in the

campus. We cannot bear the benefits of the different recognized medicinal plants
by the World Health Organization and the increase awareness of the learners of
this benefits would also be a factor in their personal development.

 Drug Prevention, Anti-Bullying and Health Practices Poster Making. Under the
Health component of their MAPEH subject. Students from every level will be ask
to submit their posters as part of their requirement in the subject which will be
screened by their subject teachers. Chosen works will be displayed in their
classrooms NDEP and Anti-Bullying Corners.
The success of the above mentioned program will be determined by unified efforts of
everyone from this institution, as we aim of our students to develop holistically and become life-
long learners.

Truly yours,

Joe Francis Nino D. Pagatpatan


Purificacion G. Facun
School Health Services

Mauricio G. Facun
School Facilities

Emmanuel Adonis Ferrer

School Guidance Counselor


Agnes T. Canlas


Epifania B. Dungca Ed.D

TNHS Principal IV
The Tarlac National High School embraces the aim the Department of Education in protecting the
right of every Filipino to quality, equitable culture-based and complete basic education as well
promoting a child-friendly, gender sensitive, safe and motivating environment among our learners
and pursuant to the DepEd order 12 s. 2009 Strengthening the National Drug Education
Program(NDEP) in schools , DO 55,s.2013 Implementing Rules and Regulations(IRR) of
Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as Anti-child Bullying Act of 2013 and DepEd Order
43,s.2011 Strengthening the school Health and nutrition Programs for the Achievement of the
Education for All(EFA) and Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs).The School NDEP
Coordinator in cooperation with the School Guidance Office, School Health Services and School
Facilities in-charge proposed the “Safe and Drug-Free School Program” that will address the
school needs in the above mentioned matters.
The Project aims to achieve the following;

a. Ensure full awareness of the learners, teachers and staff of the National Drug Education
Program which is a comprehensive educational program, which provides a holistic
approach in preventing and eliminating the menace of drugs in the country.( DepEd order
12 s. 2009 Strengthening the National Drug Education Program(NDEP) in schools)
b. Decrease the emerging cases of bullying among the learners as well as teachers and staff
of Tarlac National High School pursuant to DO 55,s.2013 Implementing Rules and
Regulations(IRR) of Republic Act No. 10627 otherwise known as Anti-child Bullying Act
of 2013
c. Promoting School Health Services Program through Mental health Awareness and the
benefits of the 10 medicinal plants.
d. Preventive measures of disaster preparedness in the campus.


Visible NDEP and Anti- Building heads, December 2019 Assure awareness of
Bullying corners in Advisers and Subject the learners about the
each classroom Teachers aim of our school of
protecting them from
the adverse effect of
dangerous drugs and
decrease number of
bullying cases.

Posters of Drug NDEP Coordinator, December 2019 Decrease the

Abuse Prevention, Guidance office, emerging cases of
Anti-Bullying, Mental School Health bullying and increase
Health Awareness, program in-charge awareness of mental
Disaster School Facilities In- health, drug
Preparedness and charge prevention, and
School Health disaster preparedness
in the campus.
Services around the

Considering the 10 Building Heads, January 2020 Benefits of the

tested medicinal Advisers and different recognized
plants as part of lawn MAPEH Teachers. medicinal plants by
development in the the World Health
campus. Organization and the
increase awareness of
the learners of this
benefits would also be
a factor in their

Drug Prevention, MAPEH Teachers January 2020 Students from every

Anti-Bullying and level will be ask to
Health Practices submit their posters as
Poster Making part of their
requirement in the
subject which will be
screened by their
subject teachers.
Chosen works will be
displayed in their
classrooms NDEP
and Anti-Bullying

Joe Francis Nino D. Pagatpatan

Purificacion G. Facun
School Health Services

Mauricio G. Facun
School Facilities

Emmanuel Adonis Ferrer

School Guidance Counselor


Agnes T. Canlas


Epifania B. Dungca Ed.D

TNHS Principal IV
“Safe and Drug-Free
School Program”

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