Environmental Impact Assessment of Demographic

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prepared for

Dr. Gaida’a Abo Rumman

israa university

prepared by

Yazeed Abdein


List of Terms and Figures………………………………………………………………………………. I

Chapter 1
introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1-3
objectives…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
review of related Literature……………………………………………………………………… 4-5

Chapter 2
what is (EIA) ?……………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Definitions ……………………………………………………………………………………………..... 6
core values………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
information to writing EIA…………………………………………………………………………. 7
steps and processes …………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Demographic growth: is the increase in the number of individuals in a population.

water security : the ability to access sufficient quantities of clean water to maintain adequate
standards of food and goods production, proper sanitation, and sustainable health care.

water poverty index: not getting an enough quantity and appropriate quality of water

Sustainable: the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

water stress index: the relationship between total water use and water availability
water consumption: the percent of water that never come back to its original source.

demographic explosion: huge increase in population number compared with natural resource

EIA: is the assessment of the environmental consequences (positive and negative) of a plan,
policy, program.

Core values: the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization

Figure number Figure title

1 the population increasing over the years in

the city of Amman
2 increasing of population and demographic
growth rate in Jordan governorate
3 the development of the population and
growth rate in Jordan country


Demographic growth (population growth) is effect on many issues and variables

such as: environment ,natural resources, energy needs, infrastructure, food
supplies and others which effect on the amount of water that supposed to
consumption and providing for agricultural, civil and industrial demands.
Demographic growth leads into increasing of demands(request) on water
human consumption, wastewater and drinking water ,thus increasing demand
of water for all economic activity such as the demand of pure water needs into
increase the energy required for desalination operation, thus, the need of water
effect on the economy of the country.

poverty and water (demand) are closely linked in many countries. Access to
water resource and services are a key to achieving water security for poor
people and save them from water poverty index.
effective water management for countries are essential for sustainable. Thus,
demographic growth for any country leads to increase in the water poverty
index, water stress index and water consumption in country.

If we take an example of the population increasing in Jordan-Amman:

- number of population of Amman city in 2008 was : 2,645,900 million,

in 2017 increased to : 4,226,700 million people.

this chart illustrate the population increasing over the years in the city of
Amman in period ( 2008-2017):


this table explain increasing of population and demographic growth rate in
Jordan governorate (2008-2017) (according to general statistics authority):


however, if we looked in overall to the development of the population and

growth rate in Jordan country at period (2008-2016) we will notice as follows:


*department of statistics


- To study the Environmental Impact Assessment Of Demographic Changes on

Water Resources In Amman.

- view the Increasing of population and growth rate for the kingdom of Jordan.


for importance of water and multiplicity of water issues in order to supply and
demand aspects, there are many studies and reports mentioned that issues:

1 – Nora Al-kuwari study 2008:

one of the objectives of this study is to showing the relationship between

demographic increase and rate of water consumption in civil sector.

- study mentioned the importance of the water conservation and demographic

growth in countries that lead to water consumption.

- also mentioned the factors that lead to water consumption in Qatar country
such as : - demographic growth - climate - the ways that water consumption

- study expectation occurs decrease in water quantity in Qatar country in 2015,

there will be deficiency estimated 54,7 m3 , this deficiency will double in 2020,
the main reason of this deficiency is demographic increase.

2- D.r Fahad Al- Rukaibi study 2010:

This study showing the water resources in gulf countries and issues that faced.
The study talked about the real challenge which is the decrease between the
demand and supply of water. Study also talked about demand of water that
depends on demographic growth ,also mentioned the supply of water that
depends on ground water, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and water

3- Liz krel and roger de soza report 2002:

Discussed the challenges that faced the demand of water in the demographic
explosion , the report mentioned the effect of population growth, agricultural,
and home use in the water demand. The report also developed strategies to
collection the rainwater and wastewater.



Environment is everything that is around us It includes physical, chemical and

other natural forces. The reason for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
because any effect on any item in environment is back to the human, if we take
example on soil pollution, the plant in this soil will pollution too, that human
will eat it , that will effect on the human health. EIA applies to the assessment
of the negative environmental impacts. There is no project doesn’t make a (EIA)
for it, the most important project must make an (EIA) for it, is the wastewater
treatment planet.


-The study that predict the effect of project or activity on the environmental.

- A tool for making decision, that compares various alternatives for a project to
identify the one which represent the best combination of economic and
environmental costs and benefits.

- provides information for decision making on activities affecting the


Core values
There are 3 core values must every (EIA) contains on it:
1- Integrity: the EIA process should be fair and objective
2- utility: should provide balance and credible information for decision making
3- sustainability: environmental guarantees ensure that does not occur a
future environmental impact neither in short term nor in long term.

What is the requirements information to writing EIA?

1- Description of the project:

- physical characteristic, land use, the processes in project, material used.
- expected residues and emission ( water, air, soil pollution, noise, vibration.etc)

2- Alternatives:
- outline of the main alternatives
- main reasons for choice that alternative

3- Impacts on:
- population, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climate, material assist, architectural
and archeological legacy.

4 -Expectation effects from:

- existence of the project, use of natural resources, emission of pollution.

5- Description of measures:
- to prevent or reduce the effect on the environment.

Environmental impact assessment steps:
1- Description of the project.
2- Description of the environment.
3- Identification of environmental impacts.
4- Evaluation of environmental impacts.
5- Management and control of impacts.
6- Presentation of the study.
7- Public participation.
8- Judgment by authorities.

What are the phases and processes for EIA?

 Screening : identify if the project need to EIA or not

 Scooping: identify key issues

 Assessing: direct, indirect, secondary, cumulative, short, long term,

permanent, temporary, positive and negative.

 Mitigation: reduce the undesirable impacts.

 Monitoring: environmental compliance in local regulation of mitigation.

 Reporting: preparation of reporting.

 Reviewing: reviewing before approval.

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