Post Mortem Care
Post Mortem Care
Post Mortem Care
Definition: It is a physical care as to prepare the dead body of a patient for family
viewing and transferring the body to the mortuary. A registered nurse
(RN) or a licensed practical nurse (LPN) is responsible for ensuring that
all aspects of post mortem care are completed. It is important to make the
body appear natural and comfortable. Post mortem care should be carried
out according to the policy of the hospital.
1. To clean and prepare the patient’s body before it is transported to the morgue
2. To prepare the patient’s body for family viewing
Bathing supplies
Face towels (2)
Shroud or morgue bag
3 Identification tag
Protective pads, if necessary (Diaper)
Cotton Balls
Rolls of gauze and abdominal pads, if necessary to secure limbs together.
Paper bags or plastic bags for personal belongings
Guerney or specialized morgue cart.
Criteria Rationale
1. Wash hands. Put on mask and wear Washing hands, putting on mask/s and
gloves by following standard wearing gloves and taking standard
precautions if contact with blood or precautions prevent the spread of
body fluids cannot be voided. infections.
( Carter 2012)
2. Identify the cadaver. Ensures that the procedure is done to the
right patient
3. Explain the procedure to the In order for the significant others to know
patient’s relatives. what procedure is to be performed and
help them understand how they can help.
4. Provide privacy by pulling the Closing the door and curtain protects the
curtains or enclosing the cubicle by person’s right to privacy despite of being
the divider dead. (Carter,2012)
5. Remove jewelries or any personal For legal purposes, so you will not be
items of the patient, placed it on a charge of theft
plastic bag and give them to the
significant others.
6. Maintain proper alignment of the This is done to prevent pooling of fluids in
body. Raise the head of the bed the head or face.
7. If possible, put on dentures, if any. This is done to maintain original shape of
the face and mouth. (Smith,2011)
8. Remove any external objects This eliminates unnecessary equipment
causing pressure or injury to the and maintain skin integrity of the body.
skin (Timby,2012)
9. Following hospital policy, remove,
cut, and secure any tubes, drains or
monitoring lines
10. Following hospital policy, secure or
replace dressings.
11. Cleanse the body as needed. A This ensures delivery of a hygienic body.
partial bath may be required to
remove secretions, wound drainage,
stains, etc.
12. Close the eyes. If necessary, use This ensures that it will close when the
paper tape or gauze pads. You may body is prepared. (Timby,2012)
do this after the family has visited
the deceased.
Nursing Considerations:
1. All deceased are treated with respect while being provided end-of-life care.
2. Family members are allowed to participate activities to complete end-of-life care
3. Religious practices, cultural rituals, and any other request are taken into
consideration and implemented as much as possible during this period.
Rate the student's performance by checking the appropriate box using the following criteria:
5 - Excellent (Carries out procedures efficiently, systematically and independently/Personality trait is observed at all times)
4 - Very Satisfactory (Carries out procedures efficiently and systematically but requires minimal guidance and
supervision/Personality trait is observed at all times)
3 - Satisfactory (Carries out the procedures efficiently and systematically but requires moderate guidance and
supervision/Personality trait is observed at all times)
2 - Fair (Carries out the procedures efficiently and systematically but requires close guidance and supervision/Personality
trait is observed at all times)
1 - Poor (Carries out the procedures inefficiently, unsystematically even under close guidance and supervision/Personality
trait is observed at all times)
0 - Not done
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 0
1. Verify that patient has been pronounced dead by
2. Identify cadaver, and collect his/ her belongings for
1. Prepare the necessary materials/equipment
1.1 bathing materials
1.2 shroud or morgue bag
1.3 3 identification tags
1.4 protective pads
1.5 roll of gauze and abdominal pads; if necessary to
secure limbs together
1.6 paper bags or plastic bags to secure personal
1.7 gourney or specialized morgue bag
1.8 cotton balls
1.9 paper tape
2. If there are any other patients or visitors in the room,
carefully explain the situation and ask them to
temporarily leave the room if possible.
3. Follow the hospital policy procedure regarding
notification of various departments and personnel
1. Wash hands. Put on mask and wear gloves by following
standard precautions if contact with blood or body fluids
cannot be voided.
2. Identify the cadaver.
3. Explain the procedure to the patient’s relatives.
4. Provide privacy by pulling the curtains or enclosing the
Total Score:
*Total points shall be transmuted using the table for 100 pts. Passing cut-off point is 65.
Interpretation: __________________________
Evaluator: Conforme: