How Bezier Curve Works
How Bezier Curve Works
How Bezier Curve Works
Before we get our hands dirty, a brief history of the Bezier Curve. There are 3 people
the Bezier curve 50 years later with the advent of Computer Graphics.
2) Paul De Casteljau
He was a French physicist and mathematician. In 1959, while working at Citroën, he
developed an algorithm for evaluating calculations on a certain family of curves, which
would later be formalized and popularized by engineer Pierre Bézier, and the curves
method and forward differencing, are faster for calculating single points but are less
robust. De Casteljau's algorithm is still very fast for subdividing a De Casteljau curve or
Bézier curve into two curve segments at an arbitrary parametric location. A numerically
3) Pierre Bezier
He was a French engineer and one of the founders of the fields of solid, geometric and
on the curve earlier than Pierre Bezier, Casteljau could not publish
A Bezier Curve is a parametric curve. It’s used in general computer graphics, animation,
fonts/typography. The bezier curve can be used to represent and transform complex
curvilinear shapes.
A Bezier Curve has a start point, an end point, and maybe one or more control points
depending on the type of Bezier Curve it is. The types of bezier curves are as follows:-
control point.
This curve is a bit more complex as this is where we can start to see the difference
So in the example, P0 is the starting point and p3 is the ending point while the two
control points are P1 and P2. While the example on the left can be considered a traditional
curve the example on the right showcases the what can be achieved using the Bezier curve
First, let’s take a look at some predefined Formulae that are widely used
In this instance, let’s assume all the points are considered P0 to Pn and the curve’s
coordinates are set by the parameter from the segment [0,1] with 0 as the starting of the
P = (1 − t)P1 + tP2
All of the above formulae can be derived from De Casteljau's algorithm. We can cook
up a different formula if the number of control points differ, but if we use a formula that
was derived for a specific number of control points, we will not be able to use a random
We will have to use De Casteljau’s algorithm to create bezier curves with a degree of
give a single variable as input and get back multiple variables as outputs.
f(x) = sin(x)
f(t) = {x=sin(t)
So as you can see in the Parametric function when we change the value of “t” the value
of both the “x” and “y” variables change. With the input variable “t” we are able to acquire
the values of both “x” and “y” variables which we will need to plot the curve.This specific
In certain cases, the Parametric functions will be able to other complex shapes by
themselves as a single function. A Bezier Curve can also be one of the shapes.
De Casteljau's algorithm:
B(t) = (1 − t)n−it i Pi
Ci (1 − t)n−it i Pi
B(t) =
Alright, this the all you need to know to draw a Bezier curve of any degree. Trust me, no
more math.
This is the parametric function. The value of “t” ranges from 0 to 1.
When “t” value is 0 - we will get the “x” & “y” coordinates of the curve when it is at 0%,
When “t” value is 1 - we will get the “x” & “y” coordinates of the curve when it is at 100%,
So to get the “x” & “y” coordinates of the whole curve we should just keep incrementing
the “t” value by 0.01 starting from 0 up until 1. This way we will get the “x” & “y” coordinates
In the next example, we will see points in the curve when the “t” value gradually
In the next example, we will see points in the curve when the “t” value gradually
increases from 0 to 1 in incrementing 0.01 in each iteration. We can get the coordinates
The red dots show the points in the Bezier Curve when the “t” value
is 0, 0.01, 0.02, ….., 1. If you notice closely, the each circle is still visible. If we reduce the
In the next example, we will see points in the curve when the “t” value gradually
bigger the curve and more smoother you want the curve to be…. Reduce the
n n
Ci (or)
This is what is known as a binomial coefficient. The “C” in nCi is from Permutations and
Combinations. It should be read as “n” Choose “i”. This is pretty interesting actually, look
into it if you have nothing else to do. There is a simple formula for this.
n n!
Ci =
i! (n − i)!
This is known as the summation as you probably already know. Here “i” is the lower limit
and “n” is the upper limit. Now in the equation following the summation, we will have to
recursively increase the value of “i” till it reaches the value of the variable “n” and add it to
Ci (1 − t)n−it i Pi
So in this equation “n” resembles the number of control points. So we increment the
value of “i” and substitute it into the equation until “i” is equal to “n”.
For example let’s assume we have to calculate B(t) for a cubic bezier, we will have to go
Loop 1 - (1 − t)3P0
Loop 4 - t 3P3
formula for a different value of “n”, you can use the above method.
In this, if we have “t” = 0, then B(0) = P0 as the start of the curve is P0
If “t” = 1, then B(1) = Pn in the case of cubic bezier B(1) = P3 as that is the end of the
So to compute the coordinates for the middle of the curve we can make “t” = 0.5 and so
Check out this Github Repo for the complete Html file
Now we are going to look into the underlying logic and try to understand it so that you
function factorial(x) {
return x * factorial(x-1);
function combination(n,i){
return (factorial(n)/(factorial(i)*factorial(n-i)));
n n!
Ci =
i! (n − i)!
The first function is to calculate the factorial alone and the second function uses the
factorial function to actually calculate the binomial coefficient using the general formula.
var controlPoints =[];
function bezierCurve(t) {
var xCoordinate=0;
var yCoordinate =0;
var n=controlPoints.length-1;
xCoordinate = xCoordinate +
(combination(n,i)* Math.pow((1-t),(n-i))*Math.pow(t,i)*controlPoints[i].x);
yCoordinate = yCoordinate +
(combination(n,i)* Math.pow((1-t),(n-i))*Math.pow(t,i)*controlPoints[i].y);
This is the code that calculates the Bezier Curve. As we need both “x” and “y”
coordinates plot parts of the graph we add calculate the “x” coordinate separately and the
Ci (1 − t)n−it i(Pi . x)
B(t) . x =
Ci (1 − t)n−it i(Pi . y)
B(t) . y =
In the code
yCoordinate = yCoordinate +
(combination(n,i)* Math.pow((1-t),(n-i))*Math.pow(t,i)*controlPoints[i].y);
1) combination(n,i) = nCi
2) Math.pow((1-t),(n-i)) = (1 − t)n−i
3) Math.pow(t,i) = t i
4) controlPoints[i].y = Pi . y
5) controlPoints[i].x = Pi . x
6) In each iteration till “i” reaches “n”, the equation’s solution is added to the previous
iteration’s solution (yCoordinate = yCoordinate + [equation]) =
for (t=0;t<=1;t=t+0.001) {
ctx.fillRect(drawxCoordinate, drawyCoordinate,5,5);
}} );
So, finally we are at B(t) where we increase the value of “t” gradually from 0 to 1 to form
the whole curve. We increment the value by 0.001 so the curve will look very smooth. We
can use the line to and make the curve by connecting a bunch of lines….. I would
personally recommend you to use the lines instead of rectangles. For experimental
purposes I have been using squares and also because squares render faster in the canvas
compared to circles.
Well technically it could be a better idea to draw a line between the points rather than
drawing a square for each point … but I am using squares cause I think that it is a bit more
You can try out the code in the GitHub repo to get a clearer understanding of its
implementation. You can also play around with the random Bezier Curve generator in the
same repo.
Let me know if you find any bugs and please feel free to ask me if you have any other
related issues.
Here are some other places online you can learn more about Bezier Curves :ézier
If this makes sense to you now….. I guess you are good to go.