Semi-Detailed LP Essay
Semi-Detailed LP Essay
Semi-Detailed LP Essay
A Semi-Detailed
Lesson Plan for
Grade 8
(Essay: The Filipino is worth dying
for by Benigno S. Aquino, Jr.)
Prepared by:
Cayudithan, Elssel F.
Depol, Lady-Ann A.
Manite, Hanna Yelena C.
Submitted to:
After the students give their answers, the teacher will relate these answers to the
topic that will be discussed.
Questions: “Based on your answers a while ago, what do you think is our topic for
The teacher provides clues for the students to come up with the correct answer.
C. Lesson Proper
Unlocking of Difficulties: Crossword Puzzle
The teacher will post a crossword puzzle on the board and will have the students
find the given unfamiliar words.
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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan Grade 8 (Essay)
The teacher will provide example sentences of the unfamiliar words, and ask
students to identify its meaning.
The teacher will have a quick review about the elements of essay that has been
discussed from the previous lesson.
A. Idea
- “The Filipino is Worth Dying for”
B. Motive
- To convince Marcos to give back the freedom of Filipinos.
C. Structure
a. First part
- Ninoy reflected who the Filipino is.
b. Second part
- Ninoy argued that the Filipino is ready for democracy. He even
cited the era of Spanish conquistador and the barangay.
c. Third part
- Ninoy identified himself as Filipino and that he is seeking for
freedom. He also persuaded Marcos to give back their freedom.
D. Evidence
- Ninoy argued that the Filipino is worth dying for because he, the
Filipino, is the nation's greatest untapped resource and also
because the Filipino:
~is not a coward
~values life
~tends to give his leader the ~maximum benefit of the doubt
~is a good leader because he is also a good follower
~loves freedom
~puts the highest premium on human life and human dignity
~would try to adapt till his patience runs out
~prepared for democracy
~values freedom, but because he values human life more, he
would not easily take up arms and would rather wait until his
patience runs out
E. Explanation
Ninoy wrote this essay and delivered it as a speech before
the Asia Society in New York on August 4, 1980. This was after
almost 8 years since his imprisonment due to Marcos'
proclamation of Martial Law. In this speech, he recalled his
experiences and the insights while he is in prison, and most
importantly his reflection that the Filipino is worth dying for. This
sp eech served as an open letter to Marcos back then.
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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan Grade 8 (Essay)
F. Coherence
Transition devices used:
Words such as "and", "like", "again", "but", and "rather"
G. Implication
- If Marcos would not grant the Filipino democracy, Ninoy
would be ready to die for that freedom and that revolution
would start because as Ninoy had stated, the Filipino, “would
wait until his patience runs out”.
D. Application
Mock- Author Interview (The teacher will ask a student to act
as Benigno Aquino, Jr. and the remaining students will act as
audiences and others as interviewers.
E. Generalization
a. Summary of concept
The teacher will clarify students’ confusion. After that, they will be asked to
give the points to remember. The teacher will ask students about their
knowledge and opinion about the topic.
b. Valuing
The teacher will ask her students the importance of the essay and why did
Benigno S. Aquino Jr. write the essay
1. “What is the importance of this essay?
2. “What do you think is the reason why he wrote it?”
3. “Why do we need to understand these things?”
4. “Is this useful in our daily lives? If yes, give some real-life situation. If not,
F. Evaluation
Kahoot! (The students will be grouped into 4 groups. Each group should
collaborate to come up with a correct answer.
1. It is the reason for writing and is suggested at the start of the essay.
b. evidence b. idea c. motive d. implication
2. It forms the shape of the ideas, the sequence of sub-topics and sections
through which the ideas are unfolded.
a. evidence b. structure c. motive d. implication
3. It should be true but arguable.
a. evidence b. explanation c. motive d. idea
4. It identifies the facts or details that one uses to support and prove the main
idea and sub ideas.
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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan Grade 8 (Essay)
G. Assignment
• The students will write a reflection paper about “The Filipino is worth
dying for” by Benigno S. Aquino, Jr.
• (Next Meeting) Show your appreciation of the essay through your
preferred activity (e.g poster, slogan, poem, song)
• Bring art materials (if needed)
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