How To Think About Tokenomics
How To Think About Tokenomics
How To Think About Tokenomics
I want to start out with the Kyle Samani “velocity paper” which I think
is a good start but not the nal answer on this. But start reading that
before diving into the thought process below 1/8
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5/9/2018 How to think about Tokenomics – WorkCoin – Medium
fees for small coin redeemtions (the stick) or rewards for accumulation
(the carrot). Both work. 3/8
5/9/2018 How to think about Tokenomics – WorkCoin – Medium
In general R is a very crude measure of token value — but does not take
into account TT or TH.
The 1.6 Billion market cap of STEEM was whittled down to a low of 17
million on March 16, 2017. 4/8
5/9/2018 How to think about Tokenomics – WorkCoin – Medium
However, this ignores hold times. If the average hold time is actually 6
months, then 50% of all tokens are being held in the ecosystem. In such
an equilibrium, any new growth translates into a surge in prices.
This is really the explanation for STEEMs recent revival. It’s growing
like crazy. STEEM is still not Reddit, but it’s growth is amazing. 5/8
5/9/2018 How to think about Tokenomics – WorkCoin – Medium
It’s really hard to model token prices. But there are clearly things to
look for 6/8