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Central Excise & Customs

The Central Board for Excise and Customs (CBEC) is implementing this MMP with a view to
facilitate trade and industry by streamlining and simplifying customs and excise processes,
and to create a climate for voluntary compliance. Goods and services tax is now a single tax to
promote trade and industry, replacing multiple levies from the manufacturer to supplier to customer,
according to the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC).
The project aims to network 30 LAKH users in 245 cities using wide area network, and equip
taxpayers with up-to-date information relating to Customs, Central Excise, Service Tax Laws,
etc. over the internet.
Some of the services proposed to be covered in this MMP are:
 Simplification of registration, returns, revenue reconciliation and exports procedures
 e-Registration for excise and service tax
 e-Filing of returns and refunds
 Integration of e-filing with system driven, risk-based scrutiny
 Export facilitation through linkages between Excise and Customs
 Improved dispute resolution mechanism
 Monitoring of arrears and their recovery
 Central Excise Revenue reconciliation

Income Tax (IT)

The Income Tax Department of India is implementing a plan for setting up a comprehensive
service that enables citizens to transact all businesses with the Department on an anywhere,
anytime basis.
Some of the services proposed to be covered under the Income Tax MMP are:
 Allocation of Permanent Account Number (PAN)
 Tax accounting
 Taxpayer grievance redressal
 Taxpayer correspondence
 Tax compliance
 Online submission of returns
 Processing of tax return
 Processing of tax-deducted-at-source (TDS) retur

· 31.12 Cr e-transactions have occurred till Oct 2018

This MMP has been conceived with a view improve services for customers in the General
Insurance sector.
The MMP aims to:
 Facilitate customer service through education, information, speedy processing of claims and
online issuance of policies on web
 Provide automated grievance reporting and redressal facility to customers
 Create and enlarge business opportunities
 Create holistic database of insurance users
 Integrate insurance database(s) with other government database(s) to analyze social security
aspects and facilitate service delivery
The project is proposed to be implemented through the four PSU Insurance companies.
The Passport Seva Project was launched by the Ministry of External Affairs with the objective
of delivering Passport Services to the citizens in a comfortable environment with wider
accessibility and reliability. The project envisages setting up of 77 Passport Seva Kendras
(PSKs) across the country, a Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre, Call centre operating
18x7 in 17 languages, and a centralized nationwide computerized system for issuance of
passports. The entire operation will function in a “less paper” environment with an attempt
being made to deliver passports within 3 working days to categories not requiring police

There are 6.92 crore valid passports in the database of Pasport Seva Project of which 1.4 crore are
Aadhar seeded.

Under this MMP, a Pensioner's Portal (link is external)has been
set up with the following components:
 Non-interactive component to provide updated information on pension issues
 Interactive component to monitor grievance redressal at three interlinked levels, as follows:
o Central-level in Department of Pensions &Pensioners' Welfare (nodal point)
o Central Ministries/ Department-level
o Pensioners' Associations-level (field level)
Pensioners registering grievances on the portal get unique access codes, which helps them
monitor progress of their cases. The designated nodal officer at the level of Department of
Pension & Pensioners' Welfare and at the level of Central Ministry/ Department can also
monitor the progress of such registered cases

Aims at significantly improving the operational efficiency of the Government by transitioning to a "Less
Paper Office".
The objectives of the MMP are:
 To improve efficiency, consistency and effectiveness of government responses
 To reduce turnaround time and to meet the demands of the citizens charter
 To provide for effective resource management to improve the quality of administration
 To reduce processing delays
 To establish transparency and accountability

Total 275 implementations have been undertaken. Out of targeted 88 Central Min/Dept, e-Office has
been implemented in 68 Min/Dept and the implementation is under progress in 6 Min/Depts.

· Ministry of Panchayati Raj has move to 100% e-Office Platform. Ministry of Rural Development is on
80% e-Office platform and MSME is on 50% e-Office Platform· As on Oct 2018, 7950940 e-files have
been created with 261107 active users and 50 services being delivered.

There have been several initiatives by State and Central Governments to meet the various challenges
facing the agriculture sector in the country. The Agriculture MMP has been included in NeGP in an effort
to consolidate the various learnings from the past, integrate all the diverse and disparate efforts
currently underway, and upscale them to cover the entire country.
The MMP is to be operationalised by Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC), and aims to
provide services, such as:
 Information to farmers on seeds, fertilizers, pesticides
 Information to farmers on Govt. Schemes
 Information to farmers on Soil recommendations
 Information on crop management
 Information on weather and marketing of agriculture produce

Commercial Taxes
There has been a strong demand for streamlining VAT administration through citizen-centric, service-
oriented processes, and establishing a certain degree of standardization with respect to Commercial Tax
(CT) administration. Since the CT departments mainly interface with businesses and often account for
60−70 per cent of the total revenue of the States and Union Territories (UTs), their functioning can
directly affect the attractiveness of a State or UT as a business destination. It is against this backdrop
that the Commercial Taxes MMP was conceived. The initiative is spearheaded by the Department of
Revenue (DoR), Ministry of Finance, with strategic consultancy provided by the National Institute for
Smart Government (NISG) and Ernst & Young (E &Y).
Under this MMP, various recommendations have been made to facilitate simplification of administrative
procedures and reduction of processing timelines. Some of the key recommendations are noted below:
 Electronic filing of returns
 Electronic clearance of refunds
 Electronic payment of tax
 Online dealer ledger
 Online issuance of CST statutory forms through Tax Information Exchange System (TINXSYS)
 Facility to dealer to obtain various online information service

Employment Exchange
Ministry of Labour&Employment is in the process of conceptualising this MMP. It is expected that the
MMP will help match the requirements of employers against employee database. It is also expected that
the MMP will have mechanisms to provide valuable guidance and career counseling to the unemployed,
and facilitate online registration of vacancies by employers.

Land Records
Maintenance of land records and the availability of easily accessible land information is one of the most
important issues facing governance today. "Land Records" itself is a generic expression and can include
records such as, the register of lands, Records of Rights (RoRs), tenancy and crop inspection register,
mutation register, disputed cases register, etc. It can also include geological information regarding the
shape, size, soil-type of the land; and economic information related to irrigation and crops
The Land Records MMP, being implemented by Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), seeks to
accomplish the following across States:
 Completion of all data entry related to digitization of land records
 Provision of legal sanctity to computerized Records-of-Rights (RoRs)
 Stopping further issue of manual RORs
 Setting up computer centers at Tehsils
 Enabling Web access
The main objectives of the MMP are:
 To facilitate easy maintenance and updates in land databases
 To provide for comprehensive scrutiny to make land records tamper-proof (in an effort to reduce the
menace of litigation and social conflicts associated with land disputes)
 To provide the required support for implementation of development programmes for which data about
distribution of land holdings is vital
 To facilitate detailed planning for infrastructural as well as environment development
 To facilitate preparation of an annual set of records in the mechanised process, thereby producing
accurate documents for recording details such as collection of land revenue, cropping pattern, etc.
 To facilitate a variety of standard and ad-hoc queries on land data
 To provide database for agricultural census
Core Services offered under the Land Records MMP are:
 Issue of copies of RoRs
 Crop, irrigation and soil details
 Filing and tracking of status of mutation cases
 Availability and submission of forms

Districts are the de facto front-end of government where most Government-to-Consumer or G2C
interaction takes place. The eDistrict project was conceptualized to improve this experience and enhance
the efficiencies of the various Departments at the district-level to enable seamless service delivery to the
Front-ends under the scheme, in the form of citizen facilitation centers, are envisoned to be built at
District, Tehsil, Sub-division and Block levels. Village-level front-ends would be established through
Common Services Centres (CSCs) for delivery of services.
Indicative services planned to be delivered through this MMP include:
 Certificates: Creation and distribution of certificates for income, domicile, caste, Birth, Death etc.
 Licences: Arms Licenses etc.
 Public Distribution System (PDS): Issue of Ration Card, etc.
 Social Welfare Schemes: Disbursement of old-age pensions, family pensions, widow pensions, etc.
 Complaints: Related to unfair prices, absentee teachers, non-availability of doctor, etc.
 RTI: Online filing and receipt of information relating to the Right to Information Act
 Linking with other e government projects: Registration, Land Records, and Driving Licences, etc.
 Information Dissemination: About government schemes, entitlements, etc.
 Assessment of taxes: Property tax, and other government taxes.
 Utility Payment: Payments relating to electricity, water bills property taxes etc.

The Panchayat represents the first-level of Government interaction for over 60 per cent of the Indian
populace, and provides a large number of basic services for millions of citizens living in rural locations
across the Nation. It is against this backdrop that the Panchayat MMP has been included in NeGP. The
MMP aims to address and overcome the typical challenges faced in the villages, such as lack of reliable
communication infrastructure, delay in delivery of services to citizens, low revenue mobilization for
implementing schemes at the Gram Panchayat level, and lack of monitoring mechanisms for schemes.
The MMP envisages implementation of various modules across the services and management functions
within Gram Panchayat, such as the following:
 Issue of trade licences and NoC
 House-related services
 Issue of certificates of Birth and Death, Income and Solvency
 Dissemination of internal process of Panchayat agenda, voting, and resolution
 Copy of proceedings of Gram Sabha and Action Taken Report (ATR)
 Receipt of funds / progress report
 Dissemination of BPL data


The eBiz initiative, being piloted by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, seeks to provide
comprehensive Government-to-Business (G2B) services to business entities with transparency, speed,
and certainty. It aims at reducing the points of contact between business entities and Government
agencies, standardizing "requirement information", establishing single-window services, and reducing
the burden of compliance, thereby benefitting stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, industries and
businesses, industry associations, regulatory agencies, industrial promotional agencies, banks and
financial institutions, and taxation authorities.

The Indian judiciary comprises of nearly 15,000 courts situated in approximately 2,500 court complexes
throughout the country. Under the e-Courts MMP, it is proposed to implement ICT in Indian judiciary in 3
phases over a period of 5 years. The MMP aims to develop, deliver, install, and implement automated
decision-making and decision-support systems in 700 courts across Delhi, Bombay, Kolkata and
Chennai; 900 courts across 29 State/ Union Territory capitals; and 13,000 district and subordinate
courts across the Nation.
The objectives of the project are:
 To help judicial administration in streamlining their day-to-day activities
 To assist judicial administration in reducing the pendency of cases
 To provide transparency of information to the litigants
 To provide judges with easy access to legal and judicial databases

This MMP aims at making government procurement simplified, transparent, and result-oriented. It is
being implemented through the Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D), a central
purchasing organisation under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, which has core competency in
procurement of goods and services.
The objectives of the MMP are:
 To establish a one stop-shop for all services related to government procurement
 To reduce cycle time and cost of procurement
 To enhance transparency in government procurement
 To enhance efficiency of procurement
 To bring about procurement reform across the government
The e-Procurement MMP will cover all aspects of procurement from indent of tender to tender
preparation, bidding, bid evaluation and award of contract. In light of the CVC mandate that all
Departments publish their tenders on the internet, the MMP will deploy extensive security features for
encryption and decryption of bids, and digital signatures.


The National Portal of India is a Mission Mode Project under the National E-Governance Plan being
implemented by NIC. The objective behind the Portal is to provide a single window access to the
information and services of the Indian Government at all levels from Central Government to State
Government to District Administration and Panchayat for the Citizens, Business and Overseas Indians.
An attempt has also been made through this Portal to provide comprehensive, accurate, and reliable and
one stop source of information about India and its various facets. The information in the Portal has been
well classified into distinct modules, which are also interlinked at relevant places to provide the visitor
with a holistic view.
First version of the Portal was launched by the Hon'ble Union Minister for Communications & IT, Thiru
Dayanidhi Maran in a public function on 10th November 2005
Currently the Portal is functional in Eng, Hindi and 5 Regional languages i.e. Gujarati, Assamees, Tamil,
Oriya & Bengali.

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