Presented By-
Dr. Saksham Narainia
2 Year Postgraduate Student
• Ever thought of the world without the color? Color can turn everything,
even the unsightly, into a visual pleasure.
• Properly used, color creates atmosphere, defines space and proportion,
establishes order and exudes emotion.
• To perceive all these one has to have the so-called color sense; i.e., the
ability to make the right color choice.
• The first step to achieving clinical success in cosmetic dentistry will be to
correctly identify the tooth color we need to imitate and material that most
closely matches and to communicate this information to the laboratory if
the restoration is to be fabricated out there.
• The color of the tooth is determined by the combined effects of intrinsic and
extrinsic colorations
• Intrinsic tooth color is associated with the light scattering and absorption
properties of the enamel and dentine
• Extrinsic color is associated with the absorption of materials
(e.g., tea, red wine, chlorhexidine, iron salts) onto the surface
of enamel and in particular the pellicle coating and which
ultimately cause extrinsic stain.
• The light source plays a major role in the chromatic procedures.
• The same object when viewed from different sources may have different
colors for each of the sources
• Therefore, it becomes extremely necessary for the dentist and the
laboratory team use proper lighting.
• Light is a form of electromagnetic energy, distinct from radio
waves or microwaves by the wavelength.
• Although the human eye is constantly exposed to all
wavelengths of the electromagnetic field, only a small range
between 380 nm and 700 nm, called the visible spectrum, is
able to stimulate photosensitive retinal cells, triggering the
process of color perception
• Sunlight, also called natural light or white light, contains all the
colors of the visible spectrum as evidenced by Isaac Newton
(1730), when dissociated a beam of white light into seven
colors by a prism interception.
• This luminous quality plays a key role in the science of colors
and for this reason should be considered the first choice in
chromatic procedures.
• The time of the day, month and weather conditions affect the
color of sunlight.
• If the light source changes, then the light reflected from an
object changes too; in that case, a different color is perceived.
• The absence of ideal conditions has led to the use of artificial
lighting for color matching.
• According to the international commission of illuminating
(CIE, Commission Internationale de L’eclairage) there are
several light sources and each one has its color temperature
characteristic described in Kelvin degrees (K)
• However, illuminants with a temperature of 2856 K (standard
A) and with a temperature of 6500 K (standard D), are the most
commonly found in supermarkets and specialized stores, and
can be considered basic sources.
• The illuminants "standard A" presents yellow chromatic trend
that resembles a candle flame and for this reason are called
• Because the sum of the wavelengths of the light spectrum
represents its color temperature, they exhibit low spectral
amplitude and should not be used alone in chromatic
• However, the illuminant ―standard D‖ presents a bluish
chromatic trend, higher spectral amplitude and ultraviolet (UV)
wavelength included, being called fluorescent. Indeed, the light
spectrum emitted by them closely resembles natural daylight
and, therefore, should be considered the first option when you
can’t use it
• Color-corrected fluorescent lights are also available, which
render the color more accurately.
• Full-spectrum light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are now replacing
incandescent bulbs.
• Color is a physical property of the light that is modified by the object
and the total appearance of the material depends on the object’s
capacity to modify the color of the incident light.
• The nature of the restorative material under view, determines how that
material will appear.
• Color appears because the material absorbs the radiating visible light,
with the exception of the wavelength reflected to the viewer’s eyes.
• Light interacts with an object through : reflection ,absorption
,refraction or transmission.
• These phenomena determine the opacity, translucency or transparency
of an object
• Opaque materials do not transmit, but reflect and absorb various
wavelengths of visible light.
• Translucent object scatter, transmit and absorb portions of
wavelengths of visible light
• Transparent materials absorb no light and transmit 100% of light that
passes through them.
• Light reflected from rough surface scatters in many directions because it
is reflected at many angles by the un even surface.
• This leads to an appearance that ranges from mirror like for a perfectly
smooth surface (specular reflectance) to flat,dull appearance(diffuse
reflectance) as chalk.
• Visible light enters the eye through the transparent area of the cornea and is
focused by the crystalline lens on the retina.
• The retina is composed of two types of specialized photosensitive cells and
is the receptor system for vision.
• These specialized receptor cells are called rods and cones and they contain
photosensitive pigments
• Light from an object that is incident on the eye is focused in the retina
(cone shaped cells which are sensitive to red, blue and green )and converted
to nerve impulses that are transmitted to the brain.
• Constant stimulation by a single color may result in color fatigue and
decrease in eye’s response.
• Not all observers have normal colour vision; there are several
types of colour vision impairment which affect some 8% of the
population, mostly males.
• Tests are available to determine the nature of the colour
• Although we can visually distinguish many different colours, it
is impossible to define verbally, each of the 3–5 million unique
colours that we can perceive.
• A quantitative method of describing colours is therefore
• This is colorimetry, or how we can measure, or specify
numerically, the sensation of colour perceived by an observer
when viewing an object under a particular illuminant.
• In turn, this requires a means of measuring instrumentally, the
colour of an object.
• Albert Henry Munsell, while teaching color composition and artistic
anatomy, felt a need to describe the colors of his sketches in definite terms
to his students.
• This led to the development of the Munsell Color System in the
early 1900s, which remains a widely used visual color order system based
on three dimensions of color.
• These three dimensions were defined as hue, value, and chroma.
• It is possible to vary each of these qualities without disturbing the other.
• The ability to understand each of these dimensions and separate them
from one another is fundamental to an understanding of color as it relates to
dental ceramics
• Hue : The dominant color of an object. (red, green, blue).
• Value (gray scale) : value increases towards the high end (lighter) and
decreases towards the low end (darker).
• Chroma: degree of saturation of a particular hue.
• Hue is the quality that distinguishes one family of color from another.
• It is specified as the dominant range of wavelengths in the visible spectrum
that yields the perceived color, even though the exact wavelength of the
perceived color may not be present.
• There are ten hue families in the Munsell
Color Order System and they are designated by the
following upper-case letters:
• R for red
• YR for yellow-red
• Y for yellow
• GY for green-yellow
• G for green
• BG for blue-green
• B for blue
• PB for purple-blue
• P for purple
• RP for red-purple
• Value is defined as the relative lightness or darkness of a color or the
brightness of the object.
• The brightness of any object is a direct consequence of the amount of light
energy the object reflects or transmits.
• Munsell described the value as a white-to-black gray scale.
• Bright objects have lower amounts of gray and low-value objects have
larger amounts of gray and will appear darker
• In other words, this is a colorless distinction.
• The possible range of values used in describing the lightness or darkness of
a surface in the Munsell Color System extends from zero to ten.
• Black is zero and white is ten with a range of grays between.
• To compare the color match between a restoration and tooth, value is
generally considered the most challenging of the three dimensions of color.
• One reason is that value differences are readily detected, even by an
untrained eye, and restorations with improper value are frequently
described by patients as being too dark or too white.
• In addition, value differences are more easily detected both close-up and at
a distance, whereas differences in hue and chroma become less noticeable
as the viewing distance increases.
• Chroma is defined as the saturation, intensity or strength of hue.
• Envision placing red food dye into a glass of water.
• Each time more of the same color dye is added, the intensity increases,
but it is the same red color (hue).
• As more dye is added, the mixture also appears darker, so the increase
in chroma has a corresponding change in value. As chroma is
increased, the value is decreased; chroma and value are inversely
• The chroma scale starts from zero or achromatic, with increasing
numeric values indicating stronger colors.
• In terms of chroma, color is defined by Munsell as weak,
moderate, and strong.
• A strong chroma would be in the range of seven to ten.
• There are standards for very strong chromas above ten.
• Different chromas of a particular color are arranged from those of
least purity or intensity on the left to those of greatest purity on the
• Pigment colors are inherent hues of an object.
• Because these colors are perceived through either transmission or reflection
of light, they are same as the subtractive color used in color reproduction
for reflective and transmissive media.
• In dentistry it is necessary to understand pigment colors as they are inherent
in restorative materials (e.g., ceramic, composites and acrylic resins).
• Primary colors: Red, yellow, blue
• The primary coloring pigments are very similar to the subtractive
primaries, but they are referred to as red, yellow, and blue, rather than
magenta, yellow, and cyan, respectively.
• Like the subtractive primaries, these are the colors that are perceived
when one of the RGB wavelengths is absorbed: Red is perceived when
green is absorbed; yellow is perceived when blue is absorbed; and blue is
perceived when red is absorbed.
• Secondary colors: Orange, green, violet
• The secondary coloring pigments are formed by combining two of the
primary colors: Red and yellow create orange; yellow and blue create
green; and blue and red create violet
• Complementary colors
• Complementary colors are so named because they ―go well‖
together; these are the colors often seen paired in advertising.
• Complementary colors are those that, when additively mixed in
suitable proportions, will generate an achromatic stimulus (dull
gray) that absorbs and reflects/transmits all wavelengths in
equal amounts.
• Complementary coloring pigment pairs are blue/orange,
red/green, and yellow/violet.
• The additive principle of complementary colors may be used to alter
the value of restorations.
• For example, if the value of a restoration needs to be lowered, the
complementary color can be added to that restoration to make the shade
more gray and hence lower in value (eg, shade A3 contains an orange
hue; therefore, adding blue stain will create a lower value).
• Color determination in dentistry can be divided into two categories:
• Visual
• Instrumental
• The VITAPAN Classical shade guide introduced in 1956, has been, and
still is widely used for shade matching in dentistry, however it is not the
most appropriate tool for measuring color changes due to use of whitening
• Criticism of the empirical design of these shade guides, the logic of its
structure, and the color distribution let to the development of the 3D-
• HUE:
• A red-brown
• B red-yellow
• C gray
• D red-gray
• 1234
• 1 lightest
• 4 darkest
• The Linearguide shade guide has the same 29 tabs as the
Toothguide but its organizational structure is different and shade
matching is thereby reduced to two steps.
1. Value selection: A dark-gray holder containing only six middle tabs (0M2
to 5M2) is used. The small number of tabs with large color differences
and the linear tab arrangement simplify group selection.
2. Chroma and hue selection: In a fi nal selection, a light-gray holder with
the group corresponding to the initial value selection in step 1 is used for
the fi nal selection of chroma and hue.
5. Shade tabs should be held and aligned so that light reflects off the
shade tab in a similar manner. It is important to determine the
shade when the teeth are most hydrated—teeth dry out during the
preparation and impression-making procedures.
6. ―Macro-mini-micro‖ shade-matching method:
7. We typically start with a macro phase (triage) by utilizing the
entire shade guide and selecting and setting aside the potentially
appropriate shade tabs or groups for further comparison, while
eliminating the tabs representing unsatisfactory matches.
8. In the mini phase, the tabs selected in the macro phase are narrowed
down, and the best matches for gingival, body, and incisal areas are
9. The micro phase is related to fine-tuning and analysis of differences in
value, chroma, and hue among natural teeth and the tabs selected in the
mini phase. The fi ndings are communicated together with information
on other details related to color, translucency, surface texture, and any
other relevant aspect.
13. Horizontally to the natural teeth : The smallest distance between the
middle third of the shade tab and the natural tooth
14. When positioning tabs next to the tooth whose color being
matched, one option is to incline the shade tab at an angle of
approximately 120 degrees to the tooth and observe from the
direction of its bisecting line.
15. A variety of shade tabs are used to analyze the opposing dentition’s
value in the gingival, body, and incisal areas. Value is analyzed first,
followed by chroma, then hue.
16. Final shade selection should be verifi ed using different lights,
observation angles, and distances; during different appointments;
and/or by different clinicians.
17. Once an ideal match has been selected, a very bright shade tab and a
very dark shade tab are photographed next to the teeth to be matched.
The full smile is also photographed.
18. The clinician communicates with the technician and verifies the
restoration upon receipt. This verification should be performed under
several lighting conditions (eg, color corrected light and natural
daylight) to ensure the accuracy of the match.
• Spot measurement (SM) devices measure a small area on the tooth surface,
while complete-tooth measurement (CTM) devices measure the entire tooth
• For SM, devices, the size or diameter of the optical device aperture
(generally about 3 mm2) will determine how much of the tooth surface
and subsequent shade is measured. Examples of such SM technologies
are the Shofu ShadeEye-NCC chroma meter system and the Vita
EasyShade system.
• CTM systems measure the entire tooth surface and provide a
topographical map of the tooth in one image. Measurement of the
complete surface gives the operator more consistent and reproducible
information about the tooth structure.
• A spectrophotometer measures and records the amount of visible radiant
energy reflected or transmitted by an object one wavelength at a time for
each value, chroma and hue present in the entire visible spectrum.
• There are two basic optical light settings used in reflectance
spectrophotometer instruments: Illumination at 0 degrees and
observation at 45° (0/45) or illumination at 45° and observation at 0°
(45/0). Because of the limited access afforded by the oral cavity, only
the 45/0 option is suitable for clinical use