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City Model Rubric - 2019-2020

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City Model 0

1 2 3 4 5

Rubric No Points
quality. Fulfills
quality. Fulfills
Average quality.
Fulfills at least 85%
Very Good
Above average
quality. Fulfills 95%
Excellent quality.
Fulfills 100% of
at least 20% of at least 50% of of requirements. of requirements. requirements.
requirements. requirements. Additional distinctive

I. City Design 0 1 2 3 4 5
(20 Points) Appendix:
City Model
1. City representation No evi- Zoning unclear. At least one One or two Two or more All three zones;
• Includes all zones: dence of Little variety of zone; small zones, some zones and excellent variety
residential, commercial, zoning. No structures. variety of variety of some variety of recognizable
industrial variety of structures. structures. of structures. structures.
• Clearly recognizable structures. Could be more
elements, identifiable comprehensive.
structures, zones

2. City infrastructure and No Shows very Few infra- Some infra- Several Several
services infrastruc- little infra- structure structure and infrastructure comprehensive
• Includes essential ture or structure and or service services. Not and services. infrastructure
infrastructure (water, services. services. components. all essential to Not all essential and services
roadways, power, city operation. to city operation. essential to city
utilities, etc.) operation.
• Includes variety of
essential city services
(public safety, health,
education, etc.)

3. Interconnectivity No Little Some inter- Adequate Very good Excellent

within city intercon- interconnec- connectivity, intercon- interconnectivity interconnectiv-
• Interconnectivity of nectivity. tivity. but some awk- nectivity and and illustration ity of zones and
zones and infrastructure ward design. transportation of transportation illustration of
• Transportation modes: Few transpor- modes. modes. transportation
pedestrian, public, tation modes modes.
goods and services shown.

4. Model demonstrates No Little illustra- Some Fairly clear Clear illustra- Clear and
theme: Clean Water: illustration tion of problem illustration of illustration of tion of solutions thorough
Tap Into Tomorrow of problem or solutions. problem and solutions for for the problem illustration
• Essay topic/theme or solu- attempt at theme topic. presented by and solutions
incorporated into model tions. solutions. theme. for problem
• Shows solutions for presented by
challenge theme.

II. Build It: Quality & 0 1 2 3 4 5

Scale (15 Points)

5. Quality workmanship Poor Mediocre Fair to good Good quality. Very good Excellent
and age quality. quality. quality. Age quality. Age quality. Age
appropriateness appropriate. appropriate. appropriate.
• Age appropriate for
6th, 7th, 8th grades
• Quality construction
• Reasonably durable


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City Model 0 1 2 3 4 5

Rubric No Points
quality. Fulfills
quality. Fulfills
Average quality.
Fulfills at least 85%
Very Good
Above average
quality. Fulfills 95%
Excellent quality.
Fulfills 100% of
at least 20% of at least 50% of of requirements. of requirements. requirements.
requirements. requirements. Additional distinctive

II. Build It: Quality 0 1 2 3 4 5

Appendix: & Scale (15 Points)
City Model (Continued)

6. Appearance No aes- Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent and

• Use of color, graphics, thetics. aesthetics. aesthetics. aesthetics that aesthetics that realistic
shapes, etc. enhance the enhance the aesthetics that
• Realistic elements model. model. enhance the
(flora, fauna, landscapes) model.

7. Model scale: Scale not Inconsistent Fair scale Good scale Very good scale Excellent scale
____________ used. scale for choice. choice; city choice; city choice; city
• Appropriate scale majority of Some scale elements easy elements easy to elements very
chosen to create model. inconsisten- to identify. identify. easy to identify.
a good city model cies. Scale(s) Consistent Consistent ap-
• Two scales may be used consistently application of plication of
as long as they are applied. scale(s). scale(s).
clearly defined, easily
determined by sight, and
indicated on the team’s
Model Identification
index card
• Applied horizontally and

III. Build It: Materials 0 1 2 3 4 5

and Moving Parts
(15 Points)

8. Innovative construction No Few recycled Recycled Recycled Recycled Recycled mate-

materials, techniques creativity materials. Very materials. materials. materials. rials. Exception-
• Variety of materials, or innova- few creative Little creativity, Some variety Good variety ally varied and
imaginative or unusual tion. materials or variety. Little of innovative of innovative innovative. Most
materials materials attempt to materials. materials. creatively modi-
• Creative modification used without modify. Some Many creative fied and applied.
and application of modifications. creatively modifications
recycled materials modified and applications.
• Building materials recycled
are primarily recyclable materials.

9. Moving part innovation No moving One mov- One moving At least one At least one More than one
and quality part. ing part. Fair part. Good moving part. moving part. moving part.
• At least one moving part quality. One quality. Little Good quality. Very good Excellent
• Quality workmanship, time move- innovation. Lit- Repeatable quality. quality.
durability ment. Minimum tle engineering movement. Repeatable Repeatable
• Repeatability of engineering or or modification Somewhat movement. movement.
movement modification to to a purchased innovative. Innovative. Highly innova-
• Innovative execution a purchased moving part. tive.
and creative moving part.

City Model 0 1 2 3 4 5

Rubric No Points
quality. Fulfills
quality. Fulfills
Average quality.
Fulfills at least 85%
Very Good
Above average
quality. Fulfills 95%
Excellent quality.
Fulfills 100% of
at least 20% of at least 50% of of requirements. of requirements. requirements.
requirements. requirements. Additional distinctive

III. Build It (Continued) 0 1 2 3 4 5

10. Moving part No moving Moving part Moving part At least one At least one More than one Deliverables
City Model
• At least one moving part part. cosmetic; not not relevant to moving part moving part moving part
• Related to design or relevant to city city function. somewhat intrinsic to city essential to city
function of city function. related to city function. function.

IV. Judge Assessment 0 1 2 3 4 5

of Model (20 Points)

11. City Design No Little planning. Some Planned design. Well-planned Clear and
• Well planned. Considers planning. Very little planning is Incorporates design. Incor- thorough plan-
livability concepts: consideration obvious. A some livability porates several ning and design.
– Neighborhoods, green of livability few livability concepts. livability ele- Highly livable.
spaces, mixed zones concepts. elements ments.
– Interconnectivity included.
– Sustainable
– Accessibility

12. Innovative systems No Underdeveloped Fair design of Creative and Creative and Very creative
• Creative design systems. design of city city services moderately clearly devel- and thoroughly
of city services and services and and systems. developed oped design of developed
systems (transportation, systems. Not Could be design of city services design of
waste management, technologically more creative. city services and systems. city services
recreation, etc) plausible. Technology and systems. Technology is and systems.
• Technologically is somewhat Technology plausible. Technology is
plausible plausible. is somewhat plausible.

13. Application of No One or two Few futuristic Some futuristic Several futur- Highly futuristic
futuristic, advanced futuristic futuristic examples. examples, most istic examples, and based on
technologies examples. examples. At least one of which are many of which sound
• Includes futuristic Artistic, but not technological- technologically are techno- technological
technologies, technologically ly or scientifi- and logically and and scientific
components, or scientifically cally sound. scientifically scientifically principles.
infrastructure sound. sound. sound.
• Plausible extrapolations
of scientific

14. Model effectiveness No effec- Fair Good repre- Good visual Very good vi- Extremely ef-
• Functions as stand- tive repre- representation sentation of a representation sual represen- fective visual
alone representation of sentation. of a city. But for city, however of a city, but tation of a city. representation
city design many elements, the function purpose/ A few elements of a future city.
• Function and purpose of one asks “What and purpose function of not obvious. Function and
model elements and is this and why is of many of the some elements purpose of ele-
relationship to each it here?” elements is not evident. ments easy to
other is evident on not evident. understand.
visual examination


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