NOV 2018 EXAMPLE-AND-ACTIVITY-of-Analyzing-Data
NOV 2018 EXAMPLE-AND-ACTIVITY-of-Analyzing-Data
NOV 2018 EXAMPLE-AND-ACTIVITY-of-Analyzing-Data
Qualitative Research
Module 2
CONTENT: Analysing the Meaning of the Data and Drawing Conclusion
This is an extract from a longer interview looking at the way nurses organize their care in
hospital wards. In particular, the interviewer is interested in a key worker approach called
named nursing. The interviewee is playing the role of a patient for the purposes of the
interview. You might want to print the transcript so you can read it more easily. You will also
be able to identify sections of the script that relate to ideas or concepts, and you can apply
labels or codes to describe them. Once you have done that see if there are any categories
emerging that you can use to organize the coded sections of text. It is important to
remember that there is no ‘right’ answer, but you should be able to back up your analysis
with examples from the text.
Example frameworks for thematic content analysis include Burnard, Miles & Huberman and
MacIntyre, although there are others
Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to do this - say 20 to 30 minutes or so, and then
click on the suggested interpretation and compare notes. You will probably find that you are
saying the same thing but you may have used different labels or codes, or different ways to
organize the material.
The Transcript
D: Who helps you manage your diabetes care while you are in hospital?
S: The nurses on the ward. Usually there is a diabetic nurse who came to see me at the
beginning of the week. But that was for a fairly short period of time. Generally, the nurses
and the students will supervise me.
D: Right. Do you do your own finger prick blood test yourself or do the nurses do it for you?
S: No, I do that myself.
D: And do you use your usual equipment that you have used at home?
S: No, they provide me with the equipment here, so I am using the hospital equipment at the
D: Right, is the same sort of materials that you use or is it different?
S: They are about the same really, not that different.
D: So can you just talk me through a usual day since you have had, if there is a usual day,
since you have had the operation? About how you manage your diabetes then and who
helps you?
S: Before coming into hospital I was quite well informed about my diabetes, once I was
diagnosed. I did meet with the specialist nurse in the community, and had some very good
advice on that. So, I know enough about my condition and I seem to manage it quite well I
think. So, I think the nurses on the ward appear to know that. And leave me very much to
myself to manage my condition. But they are there if I need to ask any questions or have any
queries. So that hasn’t been too much of a problem I think. I think the nurses feel, I think
they feel, I am confident in managing my diabetes.
D: Has anybody sat down and talked to you about managing your diabetes while in hospital?
S: No, apart from when the diabetic nurse came down to see me at the beginning of the
week. We spoke briefly about my condition and about my diet and so on. So, uh, she was
the only person really.
D: So, I am thinking again about the point where you are get ready to go home. What sort of
things do you think you are going to need to get you to the point where you can go home?
S: I think I need to be quite confident in standing up and moving about. I’ll be very concerned
if I went home and I couldn’t stand up, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t go to the toilet. That would
really be very difficult for me. Particularly as I live in a flat, second floor flat in the city centre.
And I am quite distant from the shops as well. So that sort of thing would worry me I think.
So I would want, I would really like to know that I would be confident of managing these
things when I go out. I know it is going to be difficult initially, when I am aware of that. But
they are the sort of things that worries me at this moment in time.
D: Who would you talk to about those worries on this particular ward?
S: I think I would speak to the physiotherapist. She seems to aware of some of the problems
that I am facing. I would be facing. I think I can also speak to the nurses on the ward if there
is an issue. So when I meet the named nurse, when she comes in to see me or I can ask
sister, when she comes in to see me. These are the some of issues I will discuss with them.
D: When do you think you might do that then?
S: I’ll like to do it as soon as possible really. Just in case there are any problems initially that
needs addressing before I am discharged. So I am hoping that over the next couple of days
if they’re not, if they haven’t come to see me, I will ask one of the students to inform the
sister that I would like to speak to her.
D: Right, so you’ll use the students as a connector to the person you want to speak to?
S: Yes because they are there all the time. And they are very friendly, I can talk to them.
D: Do you think there might be any problems with that or would you imagine it will all be
straight forward?
S: I don’t think it will be straight forward. So, I am anticipating some problems. But as long as
I know the support is there if I have difficulties, if I have problems, there is someone I can
contact. That would not be too bad. The problem would be for me if I am discharged and I
find difficulty in getting access to people and to help and to advice.
Activity 1
On the following pages you will find responses from 5 teachers who were asked
the question, “What major factors lead you into teaching?
Your task is to read over the responses and determine the factors that seem to
predominate. What reasons are included in these responses? You may need to look at
closely related wordings from several responses and generate a category name that is not
mentioned explicitly. In the process you are defining categories. The list of categories that
you generate should be both mutually exclusive and exhaustive.
After you generate your set of categories, list the categories in a column
down the left side of a sheet of paper. Then write the respondent number(s)
so that you show how each response should be categorized. Sometimes
respondents will mention more than one factor. You will need to decide how
to handle that.
Next, count the number of responses in each category and calculate the
In class you will share your results in a small group so you might prepare
4-5 copies for other group members. Questions for the group include:
4. How did group members handle responses that stated more than one
factor for entering teaching.