Is 13875 1 1993
Is 13875 1 1993
Is 13875 1 1993
Indian Standard
tinBIS 1993
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Electronic Measuring Euuipment Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electronics and
Telecommunication -Div’lsion Council.
The object of this standard is to specify uniform terms and definitions, conditions for testing; and
technical data for use in data sheets.
This series of standards on digital measuring instruments for measurement and control consists of three
parts as given below:
Part 1 General Specifications concerning terms, tests and data sheets
Part 2 Terms, tests and data sheet details of instruments for measuring analog quantities
Part 3 Terms, tests and data sheet details of instruments for measuring digital quantities
This standard shall put both users and manufacturers of measuring instruments in a position to compare
measuring instruments with each other.
This standard is based without any techniccal change on IEC Dot 66 ( Set ) 49 ‘Measurement and
control, digital measuring instruments: Part 1 General specifications concerning terms, tests and data
sheet details’ circulated by International Electrotechnical Commission ( IEC ).
In reporting the results of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value,
observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with TS 2 : 1960 <Rules for
rounding OK numerical values ( revised )‘.
IS 13875 ( Part 1 ) : 1993
Indian Standard
1.1 This standard ( Part 1 ) applies to digital A three-terminal input circuit, where the nomi-
electronic measuring instruments ( hereinafter nal values of impedances between the common
called measuring instruments) used for measure- terminal and each of the other two terminal5
ment of physical quantities, which indicate the vary.
2.1 The .Lndian Standards listed in Annex A arc An input circuit provided with a screen, said
necessary adjuncts to this standard. screen being isolated liom all other terminals,
frame and mains.
IS 13875( Part 1 ) : 1993
Minimum period of time nceJed from a step 3.2.4 irtflzcence Quantity Vahes
change of the measured quantity in order to Rauge of operation
display or supply the results of nteasurcment
within given limits of accuracy. Range of values for an influence quantity which
represents part of rated operating conditions. Itrterface Rated operating conditions
Interface with other measuring instruments The suu1 of all ranges of operation for influence
(’ evaluation, registration ). quantities needed for determination of operating Data format errors.
Form in which information is supplied, using a Rated conditions of use
specified code. The sum of all effective ranges for performance
3.2 Terms Relating to Specification of Measur- characteristics and rated ranges of use for
ing Instrument Parameters ( Characteristics ) Influence quantities, which are relevant with
regard to the behaviour of the measuring
3.2.1 Performance Ci~aractcrizatioli instrument and within which operating errol
indications apply.
One of the quantities assigned to the measuring
Instrument in order to define the perlbrmancc of Rated range of IIX
the measuring instrument by values;, tolerances,
The range of values of an influence quantity
ranges, etc. which is determined by the rated conditions of
NOTE - Performance characlcristics are the mcasu- USC.
red quantities supplied to or delivered by the
measuring instrument as well as other quantities 3.2.5 Terms Relating :o Performance Data
used for describing the measuring function. Performance
3.2.2 lr$uence Quantity
The degree to which the function for which
Any quantity, in general assigned to the equipment is intended is fulfilled.
environment of the measuring instrument, which 3.2.J.2 Error
may affect the performance of said measuring
instrument. a) Absolzrt~ error - An error algebraically
expressed in the unit of the measured or
3.2.3 Perfortnancc C/iaracteri.~li[~I ‘nlws supplied quantity:
X2.3.1 Rated vahu i) In the case of measuring instrument>
an error is the indicated value of th:
11le value of a quantity which CCIU be mcasurcd. measured quantity minu\ its tru:
suppl~cd. observed or set. and which the n~nnu- value.
IS 33875 ( Part 1) : 1993
NOTE - The true value of a quantity is the NOTE - Terms such as ‘three-and-a-half-digits‘
idcal value that can be measured by a should hc avoided.
measuring process in which no crl-or occurs.
In practice, as this true value cannot be Size ofdigits
determined by measurement, a conven-
tionally true value, as closely as ncccssal-y The size of the digits which make up the
IS 13875 ( Part 1) : 1993
Table 1 Influence Quantity Reference Conditions and Permissible Tolerances for Test Purposes
( Clause 4.1.1 )
I As far as no other pcrmi~\iblc ~olcrancs are given by the mnnuf;~ctul-cl-.
2 40 A/m is approximately the nwxinwni vniuc of the magnetic licld or ?hs earth.
B 1 kV/m is the avcragc \~aluc tri the electric field of the cnrth.
IS 13875 ( Part 1 ) : 1993
percent, then he shall allow the error tu Differences as given in 4.2.1 shall not exceed
lie between the limits f ( e - I( ) such maximum permissible total limits of error.
4.3 Influence Error Test
Testing of influence errors shall bc carried out
as follows, unless otherwise specified in the
Tests which are not expressly specified as routine following sub-clause.
lests are type test.
4.3.1 The value indicated shall be determined
Recommended routine tests in accordance with
Part 2 and Part 3 of this standard. under reference condition (B,, ). Whcrc a
reference range exists for the influence quantity
Further tests shall be carried out when measur- under test, the test shall be carried out at that
ing instruments have to comp!y with special end of the reference range which foll~~.~\s the
s3fely requirements [ for example flame proof rated range of use under test.
enclosures ( see ZS 616 : 1981 ) 1. 4.3.2 The respective influence quantity shall be
4.2 Intrinsic Error Test altered within the rated range of use, all other
influence quantities remaining under reference
4.2.1 Test Method conditions. The indication shall be determined
The measured quantity shall be set at 90 percent
of the final value of the measurement range 4.3.3 The difference between BA and II,, is the
( B,: in digits ) in each measurement range, the influence error. Said difference shall not bc
measuring instrument being under reference higher than the influence error stipulated by the
conditions. The value indicated on the measur- manufacturer, converted into digits iI\ accord-
ing instrument shall then be read out ( Bx in ance with 4.2.2.
digits ) and the differcncc Bx - B,, be
determined. 4.3.4 Tests shall be carried out in all effective
ranges and at least 90 percent of the full sc:~lc
The measured quantity shall be reduced at value.
constant intervals at test points n within the
range of measurement down to the lower 4.3.5 The input quantity is kept const:!nl in all
measurement range limit ( B,<rt in digits ), The measurements.
values indicated shall be read out ( B,n in
digits ) am! the difference Bnn - &tl 4.4 Influence Error Resulting from Chanps in
determined. Ambient Temperature
For deviating te\t methods, see Parts 2 and 3 of This test shall be carried out in accordance
this standard. with4.3. With respect to 4.3.3 the followi;lg
shall be taken into account:
Should the manufacturer stipulate 3 ten>-
perature coefficient instead of an inilucnce
error which is kept constant for the tem-
perature within the rated range of use, then
Calculation, in digits, of the limits of err0r a5 the respective permissible difference shall
given by the manufacturer for all test points: be determined, In dlgits, for IIK rclcv:~;l~
1) maximur?? permissible limits of error in temperature interval.
percent of measured value 4.5 .Influence Error Resulting from Changes in
nominal Relative Air Humidity
____-~ value ( dig ) percent value =
100 ---- * 4.5.1 Test Method
permissible digits
The measuring instrument shall bc operatcti
under reference conditions and the indicated
value shall be determined at an input quantit),
of 90 percent of the effective range nI:tximum
value ( B, in digits ) in all ranges.
4.8 Influence Error Resulting from the SUPPb - direction of vibration : in the direction
Voltage of the three vertically arranged axes
- amplitude : & 0.15 mm.
4.8.1 The measuring instrument shall be con-
nected to an adjustable supply voltage source - frequency range to be scanned :
instead of to a battery or mains supply. preferably: 10 Hz... 55Hz... 10 Hz.
4.8.2 The indication shall be determined under NOTE - In the cnse of an rlmpliwdc of
jI 0.15 mm the maximum result will he 2 6.
reference conditions at 90 percent of the full
scale value ( Bll in digits ). -_ scanning speed: approx. 1 octaveimia
4.8.3 The upper and lower limits of the rated - number of scanning cycles : 2 in each
range of use of the supply voltage shall be set direction of the axes ( 6 in ail )
and the indication shall he read out when 2) Determine intrinsic error as under (a)
therma; equilibrium is attained ( B,, and/or ( JAi in digits ) and check measuring
B,, ). Following this the difference between instrument for mechanical damage.
B,, Br md B,, .- B, shall be dctcrmined in
4.10 lnfiuence Errors Resulting from Otllcr
digiis. The greater difference is the supply Physical Quantities ( For example air presskkrc,
voltage influence error. For determination of
the &maximum permissible :upp y \Wllage rrrdiation, etc. )
influcr:cr error, in digils, according t11 the I?ctermination in ;Lccor(lance with nianufiic-
manul’:icturer’s data, SW 4.2.1. I::*‘cr’s cl:tt;i.
IS 13875 ( Part 1 ) : 1993
5 DATA SHEET DETAILS FOR A DIGITAL the manufacturer as a guideline when drawing
MEASURING INSTRUMENT up the data sheet, and shall assist the user ir
comparing measuring instruments from variouc.
5.0 The data given in Table 2 shall be used by manufacturers.
5’7 Type of effcclivc range selectit> x X X with automatic, remote control
S.‘.-l Switchover point\ X X In the cast of auto-ranging start-
ing from the top and from tls~
5.3 Indication
5.3.1 Display
5.3. I. I Type of display and size X X see
5.3. I .2 Range of display X x see Rcsoltttion see
5.3.3 Data oulpttt see 3.1.8 Data format
, Output coding ( output cods 1 see 3.1.8. I
_. Jnflucncc q~rantitici : Reference values SEC‘I’ablc I ; iilbt
in special parts rated rangcc o;
use in accordance will.
IS 9176 : 1979. DcLiatic)n\ frori,
thcsc rcqt~ircmcnIs shall I-&-
IS 13875 ( Part 1 ) : 1993
*Where llucc\z:lry.
IS 13875 ( Part 1 ) : 1993
Table 2 ( concluded )
5.17 Weight :.
5.13 Accessory
( Clause 2.1 )
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Br~eau Q/” Ztuliurl
Stmtlurtls Act, lY86 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by RIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained
from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau o/Indian Standah Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of
goods and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additiona’
Comments on this Indian Standard may be oent to BIS giving the following reference;
Manak Bhavan. 9 Uahadur Shah Zaftir Matg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Marlaksanstha
~l‘clcphoncs : 331 01 31, 331 13 75 ( Common to all olfi~cs )