Amimul Ahsan - Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer-Intech (2011) PDF
Amimul Ahsan - Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer-Intech (2011) PDF
Amimul Ahsan - Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer-Intech (2011) PDF
Edited by Amimul Ahsan
Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Edited by Amimul Ahsan
Published by InTech
Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors
and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted
for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher
assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out
of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book.
Preface IX
The convection and conduction heat transfer, thermal conductivity, and phase
transformations are significant issues in a design of wide range of industrial
processes and devices. This book includes 18 advanced and revised contributions,
and it covers mainly (1) heat convection, (2) heat conduction, and (3) heat transfer
analysis. The first section introduces mixed convection studies on inclined channels,
double diffusive coupling, and on lid driven trapezoidal cavity, forced natural
convection through a roof, convection on non-isothermal jet oscillations, unsteady
pulsed flow, and hydromagnetic flow with thermal radiation. The second section
covers heat conduction in capillary porous bodies and in structures made of
functionally graded materials, integral transforms for heat conduction problems,
non-linear radiative-conductive heat transfer, thermal conductivity of gas diffusion
layers and multi-component natural systems, thermal behavior of the ink, primer
and paint, heating in biothermal systems, and RBF finite difference approach in heat
conduction. The third section includes heat transfer analysis of reinforced concrete
beam, modeling of heat transfer and phase transformations, boundary conditions-
surface heat flux and temperature, simulation of phase change materials, and finite
element methods of factorial design. The advanced idea and information described
here will be fruitful for the readers to find a sustainable solution in an industrialized
All praise be to Almighty Allah, the Creator and the Sustainer of the world, the Most
Beneficent, Most Benevolent, Most Merciful, and Master of the Day of Judgment. He is
Omnipresent and Omnipotent. He is the King of all kings of the world. In His hand is
all good. Certainly, over all things Allah hast power.
The editor would like to express appreciation to all who have helped to prepare this
book. The editor expresses his gratefulness to Ms. Ivana Lorkovic, Publishing Process
Manager, InTech Open Access Publisher for its continued cooperation. In addition, the
editor appreciatively remembers the assistance of all authors and reviewers of this
X Preface
Gratitude is expressed to Mrs. Ahsan, Ibrahim Bin Ahsan, Mother, Father, Mother-in-
Law, Father-in-Law, and Brothers and Sisters for their endless inspirations, mental
supports and also necessary help whenever any difficulty.
Heat Convection
1. Introduction
In the last two decades, heat transfer study on discrete heat sources has become a subject of
increased interest due to advances in the electronics industry. Increased power dissipation is
the most significant feature of new generation electronic devices and more significant heat
flux densities are obtained as a result of miniaturization. Consequently, the assumption of
cooling of electronic devices has increased interest in the analysis of fluid flow and heat
transfer in discrete heating situations. Previous works have studied the natural, mixed, and
forced convection in inclined channels due to their practical applications such as electronic
systems, high performance heat exchangers, chemical process equipments, combustion
chambers, environmental control systems and so on.
An interesting study was reported on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics
associated with cooling an in-line array of discrete protruding heated blocks in a channel by
using a single laminar slot air jet (Arquis et al., 2007). Numerical experiments were carried
out for different values of jet Reynolds number, channel height, slot width, spacing between
blocks, block height, and block thermal conductivity. The effects of variation of these
parameters were detailed to illustrate important fundamental and practical results that are
relevant to the thermal management of electronic packages. In general, the effective cooling
of blocks was observed to increase with the increase of Reynolds number and the decrease
of channel height. Circulation cells that may appear on the top surface of the downstream
blocks were shown to decrease the value of Nusselt number for these blocks. The values of
surface averaged Nusselt number attained their maximum at the block just underneath the
impinging air jet, decreased for the downstream blocks, and approximately reached a
constant value after the third block.
A numerical study (Madhusudhana & Narasimham, 2007) was carried out on conjugate
mixed convection arising from protruding heat generating ribs attached to substrates
forming a series of vertical parallel plate channels. A channel with periodic boundary
conditions in the transverse direction was considered for analysis where identical
disposition and heat generation of the ribs on each board were assumed. The governing
equations were discretised using a control volume approach on a staggered mesh and a
pressure correction method was employed for the pressure–velocity coupling. The solid
regions were considered as fluid regions with infinite viscosity; and the thermal coupling
between the solid and fluid regions was taken into account by the harmonic thermal
4 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
conductivity method. Parametric studies were performed by varying the heat generation
based on Grashof number in the range 104–107 and the fan velocity was based on Reynolds
number in the range 0–1500, with air as the working fluid. In pure natural convection, the
induced mass flow rate varied at 0.44 power of Grashof number. The heat transferred to the
working fluid via substrate heat conduction was found to account for 41–47% of the heat
removal from the ribs.
The optimum position of a discrete heater was determined by maximizing the conductance
and the heat transfer and volume flow rate with the discrete heater at its optimum position
in open cavities by using the finite difference-control volume numerical method and
considering air (Muftuoglu & Bilgen, 2007). The relevant governing parameters were: the
Rayleigh numbers from 106 to 1012, the cavity aspect ratio from 0.5 to 2, the wall thickness
from 0.05 to 0.15, the heater size from 0.15 to 0.6, and the conductivity ratio from 1 to 50.
They found that the global conductance was an increasing function of the Rayleigh number
and the conductivity ratio, and a decreasing function of the wall thickness. The best thermal
performance was achieved by positioning the discrete heater eccentrically and slightly closer
to the bottom. The Nusselt number and the volume flow rate in and out the open cavity
were an increasing function of the Rayleigh number and the wall thickness, and a
decreasing function of the conductivity ratio. The Nusselt number was a decreasing function
of the cavity aspect ratio and the volume flow rate was an increasing function of it.
Another work conducted a numerical investigation of conjugate convection with surface
radiation from horizontal channels with protruding heat sources (Premachandran & Balaji,
2006). The air flow was assumed to be steady, laminar, incompressible, and hydrodynamically
and thermally developed. The geometric parameters such as spacing between the channel
walls, size of the protruding heat sources, thickness of the substrate and the spacing
between the heat sources were fixed. One of the most relevant conclusions was that while
carrying out a thermal analysis of a stack of circuit boards with electronic chips (discrete
heat sources), the consideration of radiation heat transfer was absolutely essential to
accurately predict the non-dimensional maximum temperature.
The mixed convection heat transfer in a top-and-bottom-heated rectangular channel with
discrete heat sources using air was experimentally investigated (Dogan et al., 2005). The
lower and upper surfaces of the channel were equipped with 8x4 flush-mounted heat
sources subjected to uniform heat flux. The lateral and remaining lower and upper walls
were insulated. The experimental study was carried out for an aspect ratio equal to 6,
Reynolds numbers varying from 955 to 2220 and modified Grashof numbers Gr*=1.7x107 to
6.7x107. The surface temperature and Nusselt number distributions on the discrete heat
sources were obtained. Results showed that the surface temperatures increased with
increasing Grashof number. The row-averaged Nusselt numbers decreased with the row
number and then, they showed an increase towards the exit as a result of heat transfer
enhancement due to the invigoration of buoyancy forces that affected the secondary flow.
A work investigated melting from heat sources that are flush-mounted on discretely heated
rectangular vertical enclosures (Binet & Lacroix, 2000). It finds its application in design and
operation of thermal energy storage units and the cooling of electronic equipment. The
results showed that there were benefits of discrete heating when it comes to optimizing the
melting process. The aspect ratio was an important factor that may have led to controlled
temperatures on the heat modules. For aspect ratios over 4, controlled temperatures and
long melting time were obtained. On the other hand, for aspect ratios up to 4, the source
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 5
span influence was important, whenever it was less than 0.45, and eventually, the melting
times were shorter and the temperatures on the sources remained equal and moderate
throughout the melting process.
The turbulent convection heat transfer was experimentally investigated in an array of
discrete heat sources inside a rectangular channel filled with air (Baskaya et al., 2005). The
lower surface of the channel was equipped with 8x4 flush-mounted heat sources subjected
to uniform heat flux. The sidewalls and the upper wall were insulated. The experimental
parametric study was made for a constant aspect ratio, different Reynolds numbers, and
modified Grashof numbers. Results showed that surface temperatures increased with
increasing Grashof number and decreased with increasing Reynolds number. However, the
increase in the buoyancy forces affected the secondary flow and the onset of instability, and,
hence, the temperatures levelled off and even dropped as a result of heat transfer
enhancement. This outcome could also be observed from the variation of the row-averaged
Nusselt number showing an increase towards the exit.
A constructal theory was applied to the fundamental problem of how to arrange discrete
heat sources on a wall cooled by forced convection (Silva et al., 2004). They aimed to
maximize the conductance between the discrete heated wall and the fluid, that is, to
minimize the temperature of the hot spot on the wall, when the heat generation rate was
specified. The global objective was achieved by the generation of flow configuration, in this
case, the distribution of discrete heat sources. Two different analytical approaches were
used: (i) large number of small heat sources, and (ii) small number of heat sources with
finite length, which were mounted on a flat wall. Both analyses showed that the heat sources
should have been placed non-uniformly on the wall, with the smallest distance between
them near the tip of the boundary layer. When the Reynolds number was high enough, then,
the heat sources should have been mounted flushed against each other, near the entrance of
the channel. The analytical results were validated by a numerical study of discrete heat
sources that were non-uniformly distributed inside a channel formed by parallel plates.
In the present chapter, a heat transfer study in an inclined rectangular channel with heat
sources is conducted. The heat source vertical and horizontal positions are also considered.
Emphasis is given to the heat transfer distributions on the heat modules, showing their
correlation with velocities due to their importance when thermal control in electronic
equipments is aimed.
2. Problem description
Figure (1) depicts three heat source lay-outs that will be studied. A mixed convection study
is performed in a channel with height H, length L, and inclination γ. At the inlet, a constant
velocity and temperature profiles, Uo and To, respectively, are imposed. The open boundary
conditions (OBC) are arranged in a way that they are calculated, that is, the pressure terms
are retrieved in the calculation (Heinrich & Pepper, 1999). Therefore, nothing is directly
applied at the open boundary. For more information on this, the reader should refer to
(Heinrich & Pepper, 1999). The reference and cooling temperatures To and Tc, respectively,
are the same and equal to zero. Initially, the internal fluid domain has velocities and
temperatures equal to zero. All surfaces present the no-slip condition. The regime is non-
steady, two-dimensional, and laminar. Next, all three situations are described.
One heat source: One heat source with heat flux q’ of finite length B is placed at x1 on the
lower surface. Heat transfer will be analyzed according to the variation of the Reynolds
6 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
number (Re), the Grashof number (Gr), and the inclination angle (γ). B = H, and L = 15H.
Two heat sources: Two constant-flux heat sources, q’1and q’2 of finite length B are placed at x1
and x2 on the lower surface. The distance between the heaters is d. Throughout this case, the
geometry has x1 = 5H, x2 = 7H, 8H, and 9H, and hence characterizing d = 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. Heat transfer will be analyzed according to the variation of Re, Gr, and d. The
inclination angle is zero, that is, the channel is in the horizontal position. B = H, and
L = 15H. Three heat sources: It is an inclined rectangular channel with height H and length L.
Three constant heat sources q’1, q’2, and q’3 of length B are placed on the bottom wall at x1,
x2, and x3, respectively. The remaining lower wall is isolated. The upper wall in contact with
the fluid is constantly cooled at a uniform temperature Tc. At the inlet, constant velocity and
temperature profiles, Uo and To, are applied as boundary conditions. Throughout this case,
the geometry has x1 = 6.75H, x2 = 14.50H, x3 = 22.25H, B = H = 1, and L = 30H.
x y u v p t'
X= ; Y= ; U= ; V= ; P= ; t= ; θ = (T - To ) /( q ' B / DT )
B B Uo Uo ρ0U o 2 ( B / Uo ) ' (1)
Re 2 Uo2 ν β gΔTB3 U ρ B
Fr = = ; Pr = ; Gr = T 2 ; Re = o 0 ;
Gr βT gΔTB DT ν μ
where Fr, Pr, Gr, Re, U o , and μ are, respectively, the Froude number, the Prandtl number,
the Grashof number, the Reynolds number, the average velocity, and the dynamic viscosity,
the dimensionless governing equations can be cast into the following form:
∂U ∂V
+ =0 ; (2)
∂X ∂Y
∂U ∂U ∂U ∂P 1 ⎛ ∂ 2U ∂ 2U ⎞ θ ;
+U +V =- + ⎜ + ⎟ + sin ( γ ) (3)
∂t ∂X ∂Y ∂X Re ⎜⎝ ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ⎟⎠ Fr
∂V ∂V ∂V ∂P 1 ⎛ ∂ 2V ∂ 2V ⎞ θ
+U +V =- + ⎜ + ⎟ + cos ( γ ) ; (4)
∂t ∂X ∂Y ∂Y Re ⎜⎝ ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ⎟⎠ Fr
∂θ ∂θ ∂θ 1 ⎛ ∂ 2θ ∂ 2θ ⎞
+U +V = ⎜ + ⎟; (5)
∂t ∂X ∂Y Re Pr ⎜⎝ ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ⎟⎠
Tc = constant OBC
Adiabatic Wall
Constant Heat Source (q’)
Uo = constant
To = constant
Uo = constant Exit
To = constant q'1 q'2 H OBC
X1 d B x
Tc = constant OBC
Adiabatic Wall
y X
Uo = constant
To = constant
Fig. 1. Geometries and boundary conditions: cases with one, two, and three heat sources
8 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Applying the Petrov-Galerkin formulation and the Penalty technique to Eqs. (2) to (5), the
weak forms of the conservation equations may be written as follows:
⎡ ∂U 1 ⎛ ∂N i ∂U ∂N i ∂U ⎞ ⎤ ∂N i ⎛ ∂U ∂V ⎞
∫Ω N i ⎢⎣ ∂t + ⎜ +
Re ⎝ ∂X ∂X ∂Y ∂Y ⎠ ⎥⎦
⎟ dΩ + ∫ λ ⎜ +
∂X ⎝ ∂X ∂Y ⎠
⎟ dΩ =
Ω (6)
⎡ ⎛ ∂U ∂U ⎞ θ ⎤
∫Ω ⎢( N i + Pi 1 ) ⎜ U ∂X + V ∂Y ⎟ + N i sin ( γ ) Fr ⎥ dΩ − ∫Γ0 N i p nx dΓ
⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
⎡ ∂V 1 ⎛ ∂N ∂V ∂N ∂V ⎞ ⎤ ∂N ⎛ ∂U ∂V ⎞
∫Ω N i ⎢⎣ ∂t + Re ⎜⎝ ∂Xi ∂X + ∂Yi ∂Y ⎟⎠⎥⎦ dΩ + ∫ λ ∂Yi ⎜⎝ ∂X + ∂Y ⎟⎠ dΩ =
Ω (7)
⎡ ⎛ ∂V ∂V ⎞ θ ⎤
∫Ω ⎢( N i + Pi 1 ) ⎜ U ∂X + V ∂Y ⎟ + N i cos ( γ ) Fr ⎥dΩ − ∫Γ0 N i p ny dΓ
⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦
⎡ ∂θ 1 ⎛ ∂N ∂θ ∂N ∂θ ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ∂θ ∂θ ⎞
∫Ω ⎢⎣N i ∂t + Re Pr ⎜⎝ ∂Xi ∂X + ∂Yi ∂Y ⎟⎠⎥⎦ dΩ = ∫Ω ( N i + Pi 2 ) ⎜⎝ U ∂X +V ∂Y ⎟⎠ dΩ + ∫Γ 1
N i q dΓ (8)
where the dependent variables are approximated through the finite element method by:
Φ ( X , Y , t ) = ∑ N j ( X , Y )Φ j ( t ) ; p ( X , Y , t ) = ∑ M k ( X , Y )pk ( t ) (9)
j k
Ni and Nj are linear shape functions for the quantity Φ , that is, for U, V, and θ . Mk are the
pressure piecewise element shape functions. The Petrov-Galerkin perturbations Pij , which
are only applied to the convective terms, are defined as:
⎛ ∂N i ∂N i ⎞ α jh γj 2 Vh
Pij = k j ⎜ U +V ⎟ ; kj = ; α j = coth − ; γ j = ; j = 1, 2 (10)
⎝ ∂X ∂Y ⎠ V 2 γj εj
where γ is the element Péclet number, V is the absolute value of the velocity vector that
represents the fluid average velocity within the element, h is the element average size,
ε 1 = 1 / Re, ε 2 = 1 / Pe , and λ is the Penalty parameter equal to 109. Fig. (2) shows the
general linear quadrilateral element with V and h .
4 V
1 b
Fig. 2. General bilinear quadrilateral element with vectors a and b and element velocity V
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 9
( h1 + h2 ) (11)
1 1
a1 = ( x2 + x3 − x1 − x4 ) ; a2 = ( y 2 + y3 − y1 − y 4 ) ;
2 2
1 1
b1 = ( x3 + x4 − x1 − x2 ) ; b2 = ( y3 + y 4 − y1 − y2 )
2 2
Vectors a and b are the vectors that are limited by the middle points of opposite sides and h1
and h2 are the projections of these vectors on the flow direction. The most important
characteristic of the Petrov-Galerkin method is that it does not add any transversal diffusion
to the flow, that is, an orthogonal diffusion to the flow direction. αj is the so-called artificial
diffusion or the equilibrium diffusion added to the convective terms. In fact, it is the
optimum diffusion found between the diffusions provided by the traditional Galerkin
method and the upwind one, which are respectively, under-diffused and over-diffused
methods. This helps one solve some numerical oscillations which arise from the ‘battle’
between elliptic and hyperbolic problems. λ is a problem-independent value, given that the
governing parameters do not change drastically (Bercovier & Engelman, 1979; Carey &
Krishnan, 1982). This parameter must have a high value in order to have a ‘quasi-
incompressible’ problem. Indeed, the Penalty theory comes from the Stokes viscosity law.
Recalling the pressure formula:
⎛ 2 ⎞
p = ps −⎜ μ + μ ⎟ ∇. V (14)
⎝ 3 ⎠
where ps is the static or thermodynamic component of pressure, p is the average pressure,
μ is the second viscosity coefficient, and μ is the first viscosity.
Stokes hypothesized that p = ps , hence, μ = − μ . It was shown to be true for some gases;
⎛ 2 ⎞
however experiments revealed that with liquids, λ = ⎜ μ + μ ⎟ is a positive quantity that is
⎝ 3 ⎠
much larger than μ . λ represents the fluid bulk viscosity. If the fluid is perfectly
incompressible, λ tends to be infinite. The basic idea of the Penalty formulation is to
express the pressure by
P = p − ps = − λ∇.V ; (15)
where λ is a very large number, and P is a modified pressure, which can be seen in Eqs. (3)
and (4). For linear interpolation of velocities, the pressure inside the element can be
expressed by:
10 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
λ ⎛ ∂U ∂V ⎞
Pe = −
A e ∫ ⎜⎝ ∂X + ∂Y ⎟⎠ de (16)
[ μK 1 + λK 2 ]d = F (17)
where F is the force matrix generated by the boundary conditions, d is the velocity vector
only. Now, let one suppose that K 2 is not singular and λ is increased more and more in an
attempt to reach incompressibility. Because μ and K 1 are constant as λ is increased, they
can be neglected and the solution to Eq. (17) would be:
d = K 2−1 F (18)
Being that K 2 and F are also constant, it can be noted that d → 0 as λ → ∞ . This is called
‘locking’ and is strictly related to the incompatibility between the pressure and velocity
spaces. Hence, the only solution to this space is the velocity vector V = 0 . It must be
guaranteed that the Penalty matrix K 2 be singular. This is accomplished by using the
selective reduced integration of the Penalty term and the least square quadrature with a
degree of precision lower than the necessary to guarantee an optimum convergence rate of
matrix K 1 . Therefore, Fig. (3) shows a pair of elements used here in order to avoid locking.
Velocity Velocity in
η Temperature η Penalty terms
4 3 4 3
ξ ξ
1 2 1 2
Fig. 3. Real (a) and parent (b) elements for full and reduced integration, respectively
The time integration is accomplished by the Euler backward semi-implicit method.
Moreover, the convective and viscous terms are, respectively, calculated explicitly and
implicitly. Finally, the average Nusselt number along a surface S of a heat source can be
written as follows:
1 ⎡1⎤
S ∫S ⎢⎣θ ⎥⎦
Nu = ds (19)
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 11
5. Results
5.1 Case with one heat source
Figure (4) shows the isotherm distributions considering the ranges for the Reynolds number,
the Grashof number, and the inclination angle, respectively, as 1 ≤ Re ≤ 10, 103 ≤ Gr ≤ 105,
and 0° ≤ γ ≤ 90°. By observing the isotherms from Fig. (4), the orientation of the channel has
a more significant effect on the temperature distribution for lower Re, that is, Re = 1, 5, and
10. This effect is even stronger when Gr increases. Later on this chapter, this effect on the
Nusselt number will be seen again. On the other hand, for higher Reynolds, over 50 or so
(not shown in Fig. (4)), the inclination angle has a weaker effect on the temperature
Figure (5) shows the effect of the source module on the velocity distributions for the
horizontal cases (γ = 0°) with Re = 1, 5, and 10, considering Gr = 105. It can be noted that in
the natural convection regime, the thermal plume is approximately symmetric about the
centerline of the module (Fig. 4). In the thermal plume region, there are two opposite
recirculating cells that are almost symmetric. Moreover, as the entrance velocity increases
12 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
3 3 3
Re=1.0; Gr=10 Re=5.0; Gr=10 Re=10.0; Gr=10
30° 30° 30°
0° 0° 0°
4 4 4
Re=1.0; Gr=10 Re=5.0; Gr=10 Re=10.0; Gr=10
30° 30° 30°
0° 0° 0°
5 5 5
Re=1.0; Gr=10 Re=5.0; Gr=10 Re=10.0; Gr=10
0° 0° 0°
Fig. 4. Isotherms: Gr = 103, 104, 105; Re = 1, 5 , 10; and γ = 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°
the plume shifts and stretches towards downstream. This effect features how the natural
convection starts to vanish, giving place to the mixed convection. If Re increases more, for
instance, Re ≥ 100 (not shown in Fig. (5)), the forced global fluid movement dominates the
flow pattern and the heat transfer process. One can note in the temperature distribution
along the module in Fig. (6), for Gr = 105, and Re = 1, 5, 10, the transition from the natural
convection to the mixed convection. As Re is higher, the maximum temperature on the
module decreases. This is due to the fact that when higher velocities are present, the cell
recirculation gets further from the module allowing a stronger contact of the cold fluid with
the heat module.
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 13
Fig. 5. Velocity distributions for Gr = 105, γ = 0°, and Re = (a) 1, (b) 5, and (c) 10
Gr =105
γ = 0°
0,10 Re = 1
Re = 5
Re =10
5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0
Fig. 6. Module temperature distributions for Gr = 105, γ = 0° and Re = 1, 5, and 10
Figure (7) depicts the velocities vectors for Gr = 105 and Re = 1, 5, and 10, for γ = 45°. As Re
increases, the clockwise recirculating cell tends to vanish, whereas the anticlockwise ones
tend to dominate to an extent that reversed flow exists at the exit. The presence of the
reversal flow does not necessarily imply an increase of the Nusselt number on the module. It
is interesting to observe the formation of secondary recirculating cells in Fig. (7c), and as a
14 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
result of this formation, the corresponding isothermal lines are distorted, as shown in Fig.
(4). In Fig. (7b), the reversal flow is weak. Comparing Fig. (7) with Fig. (5), there is a small
difference in the velocity vectors, hence showing the small effect of the orientation of the
channel in these two cases.
Gr =105
0,30 γ = 45°
Re = 1
0,10 Re =5
Re =10
5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0
Fig. 8. Module temperature distributions or Gr = 105, γ = 45° and Re = 1, 5, and 10
In Figure (8), the temperature distributions along the module are shown for the cases from
Fig. (7a-c). In a general way, the maximum temperature on the module decreases for the
three cases. It must be remembered that the ideal work conditions in equipments with
electronic circuit boards are those in which the module presents the lowest values for the
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 15
maximum temperature. Therefore, having these conditions in mind, the increase of the
inclination angle provides lower values for the maximum temperature.
Figure (9) presents the velocity distributions for Gr = 105, Re = 1, 5, and 10, but now with the
channel on the vertical position, γ = 90°. It can be noted that for all the values of Re, there is
a reversal flow at the outlet that is stronger than the reversed flow for γ = 45°. For each of
these three cases in Fig. (9), there is a secondary recirculating cell. There is not a significant
difference in the temperature on the module for the Reynolds values Re = 1, 5, and 10;
Gr = 105, and γ = 90°(Fig. 10)).
and mixed convection, the most suitable situation in the cooling of an electronic module,
that is, the lowest Nu, is found when the channel orientation is in the range 45°<γ<90°
(considering the convention adopted in the present work), in a general way (Choi and
Ortega, 1993). Analyzing Fig. (13), there is still a more favorable inclination within the range
proposed by previous literature (Choi & Ortega, 1993), which is around 60° and 75°. The
case for γ = 0° should be avoided. A particular case which provides a drastic increase in Nu,
within the limits considered in this case, is Gr = 103 and Re = 1 in the range 60° ≤ γ ≤ 75°.
This can also be noted in Fig. (5), in the isotherms distributions.
Gr =105
γ = 90°
0,10 Re =1
Re =5
Re =10
5,0 5,2 5,4 5,6 5,8 6,0
Fig. 10. Module temperature distributions for Gr = 105, γ = 90° and Re = 1, 5, and 10
Gr = 103 γ = 0°
6 γ = 15°
γ = 30°
γ = 45°
5 γ = 60°
γ = 75°
γ = 90°
1 10 100
Gr = 104 γ = 0°
8 γ = 15°
γ = 30°
γ = 45°
γ = 60°
γ = 75°
6 γ = 90°
1 10 100
18 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Gr = 105
11 γ = 0°
γ = 15°
10 γ = 30°
γ = 45°
γ = 60°
γ = 75°
γ = 90°
1 10 100
Fig. 11. Average Nusselt number vs Re: 0 ≤ γ ≤ 90°, (a) Gr=103, (b) Gr= 04, and (c) Gr=105
fluid pressure coming from backwards. Therefore, it comes to a point that this pressure is
strong enough to force that flow barrier downstream. At this moment, the main flow starts
to develop and all the process repeats all over again. Consequently, time oscillations in Nu
on Heater 2 will appear. This will be seen afterwards.
Figure (14) shows the isotherm distributions for Reynolds numbers Re = 1, 10, 50, 100, and
1000, distances between the heat sources d = 1, 2, and 3 and Grashof number Gr = 105. The
isotherms are spaced by Δθ = 0.02. It can be noted when natural convection is concerned,
that is, Re = 1, the heat sources in the cases where d = 1 and 2 influence each other whereas
for the case where d = 3, it does not happen. For all cases where Re = 1, there are plumes
localized in the vicinity of the heaters. For Re = 1 and d = 1, the two plumes are partially
glued, making it clear that this distance does make the module temperature fields impact
each other. Although this is also true when d = 2, the plumes are further spaced from each
other. For Re = 1 and d = 3, the plumes are almost independent. It will be seen that this
behavior in Heater 1 and Re = 1 affects smoothly the Nusselt number Nu when Gr = 105.
Moreover, for Gr = 103 and 104, the space between the modules does not interfere on heat
transfer. On the other hand, when Heater 2 is taken into consideration, the heat source
spacing invigorates Nu for Gr = 103, 104, and 105. A perfect symmetry is not present here as
long as the flow has a certain forced velocity, Re = 1, in the forced stream. For all Reynolds
numbers and Gr = 105, the solutions converge. However, for Re = 10, a periodic flow
oscillation in time is brought about for all heat source distances. The temperature
distributions (not shown here) where Re = 10 and d = 1, 2, and 3 are plotted in the time shots
t = 15, 30, and 50, respectively. It can be perceived in these cases, higher temperature
distribution on the second module. This temperature rise tends to weaken as the Reynolds
number is increased. The temperature invigoration in the region around Heater 2 is due to
the fact that the thermal wake from Heater 1 intensifies the buoyant flow in the localized
region in the vicinity of Heater 2. It can be noted that by keeping Re constant, the distance d
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 19
plays a considerable role on the second module heating. For instance, what has just been
said happens in the case where Re = 1000 and d = 1, 2, and 3.
4 Re=50
Gr =103
0 20 40 60 80
γ (degree)
8 Re=1
Gr = 10
0 20 40 60 80
γ (degree)
20 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
11 Re = 1
Re = 5
Re = 10
10 Re = 50
Re =100
Re = 200
Re = 500
Gr = 10
0 20 40 60 80
Fig. 12. Average Nusselt vs γ: 1 ≤ Re ≤ 500 and (a) Gr = 103, (b) Gr = 104, and (c) Gr = 105
Re = 10
0.020 0.0
0.1 0 1
4 1 0.1 2 1 1
Re = 1 0.0
0.0 6140
0 .1
0 .0
0 0.0
0 .0 6
0. 0. .0 0
0 .0
0.16 0 02
0 .1
.121 14
0 .0
0 0.
0 .1
0 1 2
0 .0
0.071 0.1180.0
Re = 10
0.1 42 .1 6 6
0 .1 4
0.0 04
0.1283 79
0.0 24
0. 02 4
Re = 50 0.057
0.077 38
d=1 1 9 0.038
.41972 64 3
915 0.0
0.2 10
0.0 0.13 00.0.1
0. 1
Re = 100 0.016
d=1 6 8 65 1361
0. 12 9
010.04 0.00.1
0. 0.1
0 .0
Re = 1000
d=1 0.015
0.0070.036 0.073
0.044 0.058
0.029 0.029 0.058
0.065 0.036
0.044 0.029 0.022
0.02 0.08
.06 0.04 8
Re = 1 4 0 0 2 0.0
0.0 0.
0 .0
0.0 4
4 0.02
0.0 6
40 .1 2
4 0.1
0.0 8
0 .10 .1
0 .01.0 8
40.06 2 0 00.1 8 18
.0 8
0.0 0. 0.200.1
0 .0
0.0 0.1 .24 .1 86 .1
2 2
0.024 47 71 0.09
0 .1
7 0.0 24
Re = 10 0.04 0.00.0 4
0.141 0 0 .
1 0.047
615 8 4 07
0.0 94
0.0 0.
24 71 4 1 12
.0 91 1
0 .0 2
0 .0
0 .0
Re = 50 0.040
0.020 0.060
d=2 0.060 0.080
0 .1
0 .0
Re = 100 0.017
0.0 0.100 0.150 0.201 7
Re = 1000
d=2 8
91 0.0
0.0840.06 0.042
0.042 0.021
Re = 1
3 6
0 .0
0 .0
4 0.10
0.0 21
.1 00.08 4
0 .1 0 .1
21 0.0
0.04 2
0 806 3
1 0.0
6. 128465
0.06.08548 9
0 .0.
0 0 89
0.2 10 47 0.1 64
Re = 10
0.0 45
0. 0.022
0 .0 2
9 0.067
0 .0
34 0.112
0 .0 8
0.1 0.17
0 ..0 6 7
0 .1 5
4 52
0.1570.201 0.24
00.0.0 2
62 4
Re = 50 0.020
57 0
0.118 0.277
0.1 16 .25
5 0.079
Re = 100 0.016
Re = 1000
d=3 0.015
0.03 8
08 0.030
Fig. 14. Isotherms for Re = 1, 10, 100, 1000, γ = 0° , and Gr = 105, Δθ = 0.02
22 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
14 12
G r= 10 3 -H eater1 G r= 10 3 - H eater 2
d=1 d=1
d=2 2 d=2
2 d=3 d=3
0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
14 12
G r= 1 0 4 - H e a te r 1 G r= 1 0 - H e a te r 2
d=1 d= 1
d=2 2 d= 2
d=3 d= 3
0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
14 12
5 5
G r = 1 0 - H e a te r 1 G r = 1 0 - H e a te r 2
d=1 d=1
d=2 2 d=2
d=3 d=3
0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Re Re
Fig. 15. Nu for Re = 1, 10, 102, 103, d = 1, 2, 3, Gr = 105, 104, and 105 on Heater 1 and 2
Figure (15) depicts the effect of the Reynolds number on heat transfer for Gr = 103, 104, and
105, Re = 1, 10, 100, and 1000, and finally, d = 1, 2, 3, in the pair of heat sources. This picture
shows some points already discussed previously such as the module distance effect which is
almost negligible on Heater 1 and moderate on Heater 2. It can be clearly seen the balance
between forced and natural convections. In a general way, the distance d = 3 is the one
which offers better work conditions since the temperatures are lower.
Figure (16) presents the temperature distributions θ on Heater 1 and 2 for Re = 100 and 1000
and d = 1, 2, and 3. The distance between the modules does not affect the temperature on
Heater 1 whereas this effect can be distinctively seen on Heater 2. It is interesting noticing in
Heater 2, that for Re = 100 and 1000, distances d = 2 and 3 do not present significant
changes, but d = 1. Then, there is an optimum distance in which two heat sources can be
placed apart to have lower temperatures and this is the case of d = 3 here, although d = 2
does not present a meaningful change in temperature either. This, in a certain way, can lead
us to a better layout of the heat sources in an array. Of course, the presence of more heat
sources and the geometry of the channel must be taken into account. Anyway, this behavior
is food for thought for future studies.
Finally, the time distribution of the Nusselt number along Heater 1 and 2 for Gr = 105,
Re = 10, 100, and 1000, d = 1, 2, and 3, is shown in Fig. (17). In all cases, as expected, the first
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 23
0,25 0,24
Re = 100, Gr = 105
Re = 100, Gr = 105 0,22
0,20 0,20
0,16 d=2
d=1 0,14
0,10 d=2
d=3 0,12
0,00 0,06
Heater 1 Heater 2
0,25 0,25
Re = 1000, Gr = 105 Re = 1000, Gr = 105
0,20 0,20
0,15 d=1 0,15 d=2
d=2 d=3
d=3 θ
0,10 0,10
0,05 0,05
0,00 0,00
Heater 1 Heater 2
Fig. 16. Temperature on modules 1 and 2 for d = 1, 2, 3; Re = 100, 1000, and Gr = 105
module is submitted to higher heat transfer since it is constantly been bombarded with cold
fluid from the forced convection. On the other hand, it can be seen again that a flow wake
from the first source reaches the second one and this is responsible for the bifurcation of the
Nusselt number curves. Here, one can note the time spent by the hot fluid coming from the
first source and traveling to the second one. For example, for Re = 100 and d = 1, 2, and 3,
the time shots are, respectively, around t = 1.4, 3.0, and 4.0. However, the converged values
for these last cases are almost the same. As seen earlier, periodic oscillations appear for
Re = 10.
30 30
Re = 10, d = 1 Re = 100, d = 1
25 25 Heater 1
Heater 1
Heater 2
Heater 2
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Re = 1000, d = 1 Heater 1
25 Heater 2
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
30 30
Re = 10, d = 2 Re = 100, d = 2
Heater 1
25 Heater 1
Heater 2 25
Heater 2
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
t t
Re = 1000, d = 2 Heater 1
25 Heater 2
5 10 t 15 20
30 30
Re = 100, d = 3
Re = 10, d = 3 25
Heater 1
25 Heater 1
Heater 2
Heater 2
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
5 10 15 20
5 10 15 20 t
Re = 1000, d = 3
Heater 1
Heater 2
5 10 15 20
Fig. 17. Average Nusselt number vs Time: Gr = 105, Re = 10, 102, 103, d =1, 2 , 3, Heater 1, 2
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 25
0.0 8
Re = 1
0 0.0
γ = 00
Re = 10
γ = 00
0 .1
Re = 50 0.02
γ = 00
0 .0 0 .0
0 .0 4 4 4
0.5 Re = 100
γ = 00
0 .0 0 .0
0 .0 4 0 .0 4
0.5 Re = 1 0.04
γ = 450 0.02
0 .0
Re = 10
0 .0
0.02 2 2
γ = 450
0.10 0.10
0.5 Re = 50 0.04
γ = 450 0 .0 0 .0
0.0 4
0 .0
0 .0
6 0 .1 0.08
γ = 450 0 .0 0.04
0.06 0.04 0 .0 80.06
6 0.08
Re = 1 0.04
γ = 900 0 .0
0 .1 0
0.0 2
0.5 Re = 10 0.04
0 .0
γ = 900
0 .0
6 0.
0.06 08
0 .0 0.0 8 0 .1
0.5 Re = 50 0.02
γ = 900
0 .0 0.0 4 0.06 0.08
0 .0
6 8 0.10
0.5 Re = 100
γ = 900
0.02 0.04
0.04 0.06 0.06
Fig. 18. Isotherms for Gr = 105, Re = 1, 10, 50, 100 and γ = 0°, 45°, 90°
26 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
It is worth observing that, the fluid heated in the first heater reaches the second one, and
then the third one. Thus, this process of increasing temperature provides undesirable
situations when cooling is aimed.
Re = 10, γ = 0°
Re = 100, γ = 0°
Re = 10, γ = 45°
Re = 100, γ = 45°
Re = 10, γ = 90°
Re = 100, γ = 90°
Fig. 19. Velocity vectors for Gr = 105, Re = 10 and 100, and γ = 0°, 45°and 90°
Figure (19) depicts the velocity vectors for Re = 10 and 100 and Gr = 105 for γ = 0°, 45°, and
90°. It can be noted that for Re = 10 and γ = 0°, 45°, and 90°, recirculations are generated by
the fluid heated on the sources. For Re = 10 and γ = 0°, three independent recirculations
appear. The distance among the heat sources enables the reorganization of the velocity
profile until the fluid reaches the next source and then the recirculation process starts all
over again. Now, concerning the cases where Re = 10 and γ = 45° and 90°, there are two
kinds of recirculations, that is, a primary recirculation along all channel that encompasses
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 27
another two secondary recirculations localized just after the sources. Moreover, for these
later cases, a reversal fluid flow is present at the outlet. As Re is increased by keeping γ
constant, these recirculations get weaker until they disappear for high Re. Clearly, one can
note the effect of the inclination on the velocity vectors when Re = 10. The strongest
inclination influence takes place when it is between 0° and 45°.
Figure (20) presents the average Nusselt number distributions on the heat sources, NUH1,
NUH2, and NUH3 for Reynolds numbers Re = 1, 10, 50, 100, and 1000, Grashof numbers
Gr = 103, 104, and 105, and inclination angles γ = 0°, 45°, and 90°. In general, the average
Nusselt number for each source increases as the Reynolds number is increased. By
analyzing each graphic separately, it can be observed that NUH1 tends to become more
distant from NUH2 and NUH3 as Reynolds number is increased, starting from an initial
value for Re = 1 which is almost equal to NUH2 and NUH3. This agreement at the beginning
means that the heaters are not affecting one another. Here, it can be better perceived that
behavior found in Fig. (13), where a heater is affected by an upstream one. That is the
reason why NUH1 shows higher values. The only case in which the heaters show different
values for Re = 1 is when Gr = 105 and γ = 90°. Overall, the strongest average Nusselt
number variation is between 0° and 45°. Practically in all cases, NUH1, NUH2 ,and NUH3
increase in this angle range, 0° and 45°, while for Gr = 105 and Re = 1000, NUH2 and NUH3
decrease. When electronic circuits are concerned, the ideal case is the one which has the
highest Nusselt number. Thus, angles 45° and 90° are the most suitable ones with not so
16 16 16
3 3
Gr=10 , γ = 0° 14
Gr=10 , γ = 45° 14
Gr=10 , γ = 90°
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
100 101 10 2 10 3 100 10 1 10 2 10 3 100 101 102 103
Re Re Re
16 16 16
4 4 4
Gr=10 , γ = 0° 14
Gr=10 , γ = 45° 14
Gr=10 , γ = 90°
12 12 NUH2 12
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103 100 101 102 103
Re Re Re
16 16 16
5 5
Gr=10 , γ = 0° 5
Gr=10 , γ = 45° Gr=10 , γ = 90°
14 14 14
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
100 101
10 2
10 3
100 10 1
10 2
10 3
100 101 102 103
Re Re Re
Fig. 20. Average Nusselt number vs Reynolds number for Gr = 103, 104, 105, γ = 0°, 45°, 90°
28 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
much difference between them. An exception would be the case where Gr = 105, Re = 1000,
and γ = 0°.
Figure (21) presents the local dimensionless temperature distributions on the three heat
sources for Re = 10, 100, 1000, Gr = 105, γ = 0°, 45°, and 90°. Again, the cases where Re = 10
and 100 show the lowest temperatures when γ = 90°. On the other hand, this does not
happen when Re = 1000, where the horizontal position shows the lowest temperatures along
the modules. All cases in which γ = 0°, the second and third sources have equal
temperatures. However, the first module shows lower temperatures. As mentioned before,
this characterizes the fluid being heated by a previous heat source, thus, not contributing to
the cooling of an upstream one.
Figure (22) presents the average Nusselt number variation on H1, H2, and H3 against the
dimensionless time t considering Re = 10, 100, Gr = 103, 104, 105 and γ = 90°. In the
beginning, all three Nusselt numbers on H1, H2, and H3 have the same behavior and value.
These numbers tend to converge to different values as time goes on. However, before they
do so, they bifurcate at a certain point. This denotes the moment when a heated fluid wake
from a previous source reaches a downstream one.
0,20 0,20
0,15 0,15
Source1 Source1 Source1
Source2 0,10 Source2 0,10 Source2
0,05 Source3 Source3 Source3
Fig. 21. Module temperatures for Re = 10, 100, 1000; Gr = 105, γ = 0°, 45°, 90°
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 29
10 10
8 8
, H1
R e = 10, G r = 103 , γ = 90° H2
6 6
4 4 H1
R e = 1 0 0 , G r = 1 0 3, γ = 9 0 ° H2
2 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
t t
10 10
8 H1 8
R e = 10, G r = 10 , γ = 90° H2
6 6
4 4 R e = 100, G r = 10 , γ = 90° H2
2 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
t t
10 10
R e = 1 0 , G r = 1 0 5, γ = 90° H2
8 H3 8
6 6
R e = 100, G r = 10 , γ = 90° H2
4 4 H3
2 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t t
Fig. 22. Module average Nusselt number in time: Re = 10 e 100 , Gr = 103, 104, 105, γ = 90°
6. Conclusions
1. The mixed convection was studied in a simple channel considering the effect of the
inclination angle and some physical parameters. The ranges performed were as follows:
1 ≤ Re ≤ 500, 103 ≤ Gr ≤ 105, and 0° ≤ γ ≤ 90°. The set of governing equations were
discretized and solved using the Galerkin finite element method (FEM) with the Penalty
formulation in the pressure terms and the Petrov-Galerkin perturbations in the
convective terms in all throughout the chapter. 5980 four-noded elements were used to
discretize the spatial domain. Comparisons were performed to validate the
computational code. It was observed from the results of the present problem that the
effect of the inclination angle on the velocity and temperature distributions plays an
important role on the heat transfer for low Re and high Gr. For high Re, the effect of the
orientation was negligible. One must understand that when the words ‘low’ and ‘high’
were mentioned here, it meant low and high compared to the limits considered in this
work. In general, it was also discovered that an inclination angle around 60° and 75°
provided a slight most desirable work conditions when cooling is aimed. It was said
that this optimal orientation would be 90° (Choi and Ortega, 1993), despite no
significant changes were found after γ = 45° (according to the convection adopted here).
30 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Some cases presented the reversed flow for low Re and high Gr. The reversal flow did
not noticeably influence the heat transfer coefficient on the module, although it did
change the velocity and temperature fields.
In general, the results encourage the use of inclined boards in cabinets. However, some
other aspects should be addressed such as the geometrical arrangement of the boards.
2. A mixed convection study in a rectangular channel with two heat sources on the bottom
wall was conducted. The upper wall was kept at a constant cold temperature and the
remaining part of the lower one was adiabatic. The heat transfer was studied by
ranging some physical and geometrical parameters as follows: Re = 1 to 1000; the
distances between the modules d = 1, 2, and 3; and Gr = 103, 104, and 105. For Re = 1 and
distances d = 1 and 2, the buoyant forces generated plumes that interfered in each other.
For higher Reynolds numbers, the heat transfer in Heater 2 was invigorated by a hot
wake brought about by Heater 1. In cases where Re = 10 and Gr = 105, the flow
oscillations appeared and they strongly affected the flow distributions. For Re = 100 and
1000, the temperature distributions in Heater 1 were not affected by the distances
between the modules whereas on Heater 2, they were distinct. An important conclusion
is that there was an optimum distance in which two sources could be placed apart from
each other, that is, d = 3, although d = 2 did not present a significant change in
temperature either. Further investigations are encouraged taking into consideration
more heaters and different arrays.
3. In this work, mixed convection heat transfer study in an inclined rectangular channel
with three heat sources on the lower wall was carried out using the same. Effects on the
Nusselt number along the heat sources as well as the velocity vectors in the domain
were verified by varying the following parameters: γ = 0°, 45°, 90°, Re = 1, 10, 50, 100,
1000, Gr = 103, 104, 105. In general, the inclination angle had a stronger influence on the
flow and heat transfer since lower forced velocities were present, especially when the
channel was between 0° and 45°. It could be noted that in some cases some heat sources
were reached by a hot wake coming from a previous module, thus, increasing their
temperatures. Primary and secondary recirculations and reversal flow were present in
some situations such as Re = 10, γ = 45° and 90°. In problems where heat transfer
analysis on electronic circuits is aimed, cases with the lowest temperatures, and hence,
the highest Nusselt numbers, are the most suitable ones. Therefore, the channel
inclination angles 45° and 90° were the best ones with little difference between them.
An exception was the case with Gr = 105 and Re = 1000, where γ = 0° was the ideal
The authors found an interesting behaviour in all three cases with one, two or three heat
sources: There is a moment in all three cases studied when oscillations in time near the heat
sources appear, featuring their initial strength and then reaching its maximum and,
eventually, ending up going weaker until the flow does not present these time oscillations
anymore. This is a very interesting physical moment that a certain dimensionless number
may be created or applied in order to feature this behaviour at its maximum or its
appearance length in time. However, this will be left for future works from the same authors
or from new authors.
7. Acknowledgment
The authors thank the following Brazilian support entities: CAPES, CNPq, and FAPEMIG.
A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources 31
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1. Introduction
Buoyancy-induced fluid motions in cavities have been discussed widely because of the
applications in nature and engineering. A large body of literature exists on the forms of
internal and external forcing, various geometry shapes and temporal conditions (steady or
unsteady) of the resulting flows. Especially for the classic cases of rectangular, cylindrical or
other regular geometries, many authors have investigated imposed temperature or boundary
heat fluxes. Reviews of these research can be found in Ostrach (1988) and Hyun (1994).
The rectangular cavity is not an adequate model for many geophysical situations where a
variable (or sloping) geometry has a significant effect on the system. However, the convective
flows in triangular shaped enclosures have received less attention than those in rectangular
geometries, even though the topic has been of interest for more than two decades
Heat transfer through an attic space into or out of buildings is an important issue for attic
shaped houses in both hot and cold climates. The heat transfer through attics is mainly
governed by a natural convection process, and affected by a number of factors including
the geometry, the interior structure and the insulation etc. One of the important objectives
for design and construction of houses is to provide thermal comfort for occupants. In the
present energy-conscious society, it is also a requirement for houses to be energy efficient,
i.e. the energy consumption for heating or air-conditioning of houses must be minimized. A
small number of publications are devoted to laminar natural convection in two dimensional
isosceles triangular cavities in the vast literature on convection heat transfer.
The temperature and flow patterns, local wall heat fluxes and mean heat flux were measured
experimentally by Flack (1980; 1979) in isosceles triangular cavities with three different aspect
ratios. The cavities, filled with air, were heated/cooled from the base and cooled/heated from
the sloping walls covering a wide range of Rayleigh numbers. For the case of heated bottom
surface it was found that the flow remained laminar for the low Rayleigh numbers. However,
as the Rayleigh number increased, the flow eventually became turbulent. The author also
reported the critical Rayleigh numbers of the transition from laminar to turbulent regimes.
Kent (2009a) has also investigated the natural convection in an attic space for two different
boundary conditions similar to Flack (1980; 1979). The author observed that for top heating
and bottom cooling case the flow is dominated by pure conduction and remains stable for
higher Rayleigh numbers considered. However, the flow becomes unstable for sufficiently
large Rayleigh number for the second case (top cooling and bottom heating).
2 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
A comparison study is performed by Ridouane et al. (2005) where the authors compare their
numerical results produced for two different boundary conditions, (a) cold base and hot
inclined walls (b) hot base and cold inclined walls with the experimental results obtained by
Flack (1980; 1979). A good agreement has been obtained between the numerical predictions
and the experimental measurements of Nusselt number. A numerical study of above
mentioned two boundary conditions has also performed by Ridouane et al. (2006). However,
the authors cut a significant portion of bottom tips and applied adiabatic boundary condition
there. It is revealed from the analysis that the presence of insulated sidewalls, even of
very small height, provides a huge gain of energy and helps keep the attic at the desired
temperature with a minimum energy.
The attic problem under the night-time conditions was again investigated experimentally
by Poulikakos & Bejan (1983a). In their study, the authors modelled the enclosure as a
right-angled triangle with an adiabatic vertical wall, which corresponded to the half of the
full attic domain. A fundamental study of the fluid dynamics inside an attic-shaped triangular
enclosure subject to the night-time conditions was performed by Poulikakos & Bejan (1983b)
with an assumption that the flow was symmetric about the centre plane. Del Campo et al.
(1988) examined the entire isosceles triangular cavities for seven possible combinations of hot
wall, cold wall and insulated wall using the finite element method based on a stream function
or vorticity formulation. A two dimensional right triangular cavity filled with air and water
with various aspect ratios and Rayleigh numbers are also examined by Salmun (1995a).
The stability of the reported single-cell steady state solution was re-examined by Salmun
(1995b) who applied the same procedures developed by Farrow & Patterson (1993) for
analysing the stability of a basic flow solution in a wedge-shaped geometry. Later
Asan & Namli (2001) carried out an investigation to examine the details of the transition from
a single cell to multi cellular structures. Haese & Teubner (2002) investigated the phenomenon
for a large-scale triangular enclosure for night-time or winter day conditions with the effect of
Holtzmann et al. (2000) modelled the buoyant airflow in isosceles triangular cavities with a
heated bottom base and symmetrically cooled top sides for the aspect ratios of 0.2, 0.5, and
1.0 with various Rayleigh numbers. They conducted flow visualization studies with smoke
injected into the cavity. The main objective of their research was to validate the existence of the
numerical prediction of the symmetry-breaking bifurcation of the heated air currents that arise
with gradual increments in Rayleigh number. Ridouane & Campo (2006) has also investigated
the numerical prediction of the symmetry-breaking bifurcation. The author reported that as
Ra is gradually increased, the symmetric plume breaks down and fades away. Thereafter, a
subcritical pitchfork bifurcation is created giving rise to an asymmetric plume occurring at
a critical Rayleigh number, Ra = 1.42 × 105 . The steady state laminar natural convection in
right triangular and quarter circular enclosures is investigated by Kent et al. (2007) for the case
of winter-day temperature condition. A number of aspect ratios and Rayleigh numbers have
been chosen to analyse the flow field and the heat transfer.
Unlike night-time conditions, the attic space problem under day-time (heating from above)
conditions has received very limited attention. This may due to the fact that the flow structure
in the attics subject to the daytime condition is relatively simple. The flow visualization
experiments of Flack (1979) showed that the daytime flow remained stable and laminar for all
the tested Rayleigh numbers (up to about 5 × 106 ). Akinsete & Coleman (1982) numerically
simulated the attic space with hot upper sloping wall and cooled base. Their aim was to
Periodically Forced
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obtain previously unavailable heat transfer data relevant to air conditioning calculations. This
study considered only half of the domain. For the purpose of air conditioning calculations,
Asan & Namli (2000) and Kent (2009b) have also reported numerical results for steady,
laminar two-dimensional natural convection in a pitched roof of triangular cross-section
under the summer day (day-time) boundary conditions.
Mid night
Recently, the transient flow development inside the attic space has been analysed by using
scaling analysis with numerical verification by (Saha, 2011a;b; Saha et al., 2010a;c; Saha,
2008). The authors considered different types of thermal conditions, such as, sudden
heating/cooling and ramp heating/cooling. In real situations, however, the attic space of
buildings is subject to alternative heating and cooling over a diurnal cycle as it can be seen in
Fig. 1. A very few studies for diurnal heating and cooling effect on the attic space are reported
in the literature (Saha et al., 2010b; 2007). The authors discussed a general flow structure and
heat transfer due to the effect of periodic thermal forcing. A detailed explanation of choosing
the period for the model attic is required as the 24-hour period for the field situation is not
applicable here.
In this study, numerical simulations of natural convection in an attic space subject to diurnal
temperature condition on the sloping wall have been carried out. An explanation of choosing
the period of periodic thermal effect has been given with help of the scaling analysis which is
available in the literature. Moreover, the effects of the aspect ratio and Rayleigh number on
the fluid flow and heat transfer have been discussed in details as well as the formation of a
pitchfork bifurcation of the flow at the symmetric line of the enclosure.
T T0 TA sin2S t / P T T0 TA sin2S t / P
u v 0 u v 0
E T = T0 , u = v = 0
Fig. 2. A schematic of the geometry and boundary conditions of the enclosure
Under the Boussinesq approximations the governing continuity, momentum and energy
equations take the following forms.
∂u ∂v
+ =0 (1)
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂ u ∂2 u
+u +v =− +ν + (2)
∂t ∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂x2 ∂y2
∂v ∂v ∂v 1 ∂p ∂ v ∂2 v
+u +v =− +ν + + gβ ( T − T0 ) (3)
∂t ∂x ∂y ρ ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂ T ∂2 T
+u +v =κ + (4)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y2
where u and v are the velocity components along x − and y−directions, t is the time, p is
the pressure, ν, ρ, β and κ are kinematic viscosity, density of the fluid, coefficient of thermal
expansion and thermal diffusivity respectively, g is the acceleration due to gravity and T is
the fluid temperature.
The boundary conditions for the present numerical simulations are also shown in Fig. 2. Here,
the temperature of the bottom wall of the cavity is fixed at T = T0 . A periodic temperature
boundary condition is applied to the two inclined walls. The Rayleigh number for the periodic
boundary condition has been defined based on the maximum temperature difference between
the inclined surface and the bottom over a cycle as
2gβTA h3
Ra =
Three aspect ratios 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0, four Rayleigh numbers, 1.5 × 106 , 7.2 × 105 , 1.5 × 104 , and
1.5 × 103 , and a fixed Prandtl number 0.72 are considered in the present investigation. Based
on the experimental observations of Flack (1979), which reported the critical Rayleigh number
for the flow to become turbulent, we have chosen the maximum Rayleigh number, Ra =
1.5 × 106 so that the flow stays in the laminar regime. It is understood that in real situations
the Rayleigh number may be much higher than this and an appropriate turbulence model
should be applied. This is beyond the scope of this study. In order to avoid the singularities
at the tips in the numerical simulation, the tips are cut off by 5% and at the cutting points
(refer to Fig. 2) rigid non-slip and adiabatic vertical walls are assumed. We anticipate that this
modification of the geometry will not alter the overall flow development significantly.
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However, if the cavity is filled with cold fluid before the ramp is finished then the filling up
time is given in Saha et al. (2010a) as
h8/7 t3/7
tfq ∼ , (10)
κ4/7 Ra1/7 A2/7 (1 + A2 )1/7
Table 1 presents the scaling values of the steady and quasi-steady times for sudden and
ramp heating/cooling boundary conditions respectively for different A and Ra. The highest
Rayleigh number considered here for three different aspect ratio is Ra = 1.5 × 106 . It is noticed
that the steady state times for the boundary layer for this Rayleigh number of A = 0.2, 0.5
and 1.0 are 8.1s, 2.54s and 2.26s respectively. However, for the lowest Rayleigh number,
Ra = 7.2 × 103 the steady state time for A = 0.5 is 35.76s. On the other hand, the quasi-steady
time for the ramp temperature boundary condition depends on the length of the ramp. If
we assume the ramp time to be 1000s then the quasi-steady times for these aspect ratios are
40.51s, 18.62s and 17.23s respectively and for the lowest Rayleigh number, Ra = 7.2 × 103
6 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Table 1. Steady state and quasi-steady times for sudden and ramp boundary conditions
respectively for different A and Ra.
the quasi-steady time for the aspect ratio A = 0.5 is 108.53s which is much shorter than the
ramp time (1000s). If the ramp time is 200s the quasi-steady time of A = 0.5 for the lowest
Rayleigh number considered here is 63.47s. Still the quasi-steady time is about half of the
ramp time. Therefore, what happened between the quasi-steady time and the ramp time is,
once the quasi-steady state time tsr is reached, the boundary layer stops growing according
to κ1/2 t1/2 which is only valid for conductive boundary layers. The thermal boundary layer
is in a quasi-steady mode with convection balancing conduction. Further increase of the heat
input simply accelerates the flow to maintain the proper thermal balance. The thickness and
the velocity scales during this quasi-steady mode is (see Saha et al., 2010c)
h(1 + A2 )1/4 tp
δT ∼ . (11)
Ra1/4 A1/2 t
and 1/2
1/2 κ t
u ∼ Ra . (12)
h tp
respectively. When the hot fluid travels through the boundary layer and reaches the top tip of
the cavity then it has no choice but to move downward along the symmetry line of the cavity.
In this way the cavity is filled up with hot fluid with a horizontal stratification of the thermal
field. However, during the cooling phase, the boundary layer is not stable for the Rayleigh
numbers considered here. In that case initially a cold boundary layer develops adjacent to
the inclined wall which is potentially unstable to the Rayleigh Bénard instability, which may
manifest in a form of sinking plumes. These plumes mix up the cold fluid with the hot fluid
inside the cavity until the end of the cooling phase.
Moreover, Table 2 shows the scaling values of the filling-up times for sudden and ramp
heating/cooling boundary conditions for different A and Ra. It is seen that the heating-up
or cooling-down times for the sudden heating/cooling boundary condition for A = 0.5 and
Ra = 1.5 × 106 is 42.39s and for Ra = 7.2 × 103 and the same aspect ratio is 159.01s. For aspect
ratios 0.2 and 1.0 the filling-up times are 83.24s and 31.61s respectively when Ra = 1.5 × 106 .
The filling-up times for ramp heating/cooling boundary conditions for A = 0.5 are 145.07s
and 308.77s when Ra = 1.5 × 106 and 7.2 × 103 respectively and t p = 1000s. For two other
aspect ratios, A = 0.2 and 1.0, the filling-up times are 213.32s and 122.67s respectively for
Ra = 1 × 106 . However, the filling-up time for ramp boundary conditions depends on the
length of the ramp time. If the ramp time is 200s then the filling-up time for the lowest
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Rayleigh number considered here is 154.90s for A = 0.5. These times are very short when
compared to the thermal forcing period of 24 hours in field situations. Therefore, the period
of the thermal cycle may be considered as 400s or more based on the above discussions for the
following numerical simulations. However, for a better understanding of the flow at in the
quasi-steady mode, we have chosen a thermal forcing period of 2000s for all the simulations.
corresponding streamline contours at the same time show two circulating cells, and the
temperature contours indicate stratification in the upper and lower section of the enclosure
with two cold regions in the centre.
As the upper surface temperature increases further, a distinct temperature stratification is
established throughout the enclosure by the time t = 2.05P (see Fig. 3). The streamlines at
this stage indicate that the centers of the two circulating cells have shifted closer to the inclined
surfaces, indicating a strong conduction effect near those boundaries. This phenomenon
has been reported previously in Akinsete & Coleman (1982) and Asan & Namli (2000) for the
daytime condition with constant heating at the upper surface or constant cooling at the bottom
At t = 2.25P, the temperature on the inclined surfaces peaks. Subsequently, the temperature
drops, representing a decreasing heating effect. Since the interior flow is stably stratified
prior to t = 2.25P, the decrease of the temperature at the inclined surface results in a cooling
event, appearing first at the top corner and expanding downwards as the surface temperature
drops further. At t = 2.45P, two additional circulating cells have formed in the upper
region of the enclosure, and the newly formed cells push the existing cells downwards. The
corresponding temperature contours show two distinct regions, an expanding upper region
responding to the cooling effect, and a shrinking lower region with stratification responding
to the decreasing heating effect. By the time t = 2.50P, the daytime heating ceases; the lower
stratified flow region has disappeared completely and the flow in the enclosure is dominated
by the cooling effect. At this time, the top and the bottom surfaces again have the same
temperature, but the interior temperature is higher than that on the boundaries.
As the upper inclined surface temperature drops below the bottom surface temperature
(t = 2.70P, Fig. 3), the cold-air layer under the inclined surfaces becomes unstable. At
the same time, the hot-air layer above the bottom surface also becomes unstable. As a
consequence, sinking cold-air plumes and rising hot-air plumes are visible in the isotherm
contours and a cellular flow pattern is formed in the corresponding stream function contours.
It is also noticeable that the flow is symmetric about the geometric symmetry plane at this
time. However, as time increases the flow becomes asymmetric about the symmetric line (see
isotherms at t = 2.95P). The large cell from the right hand side of the centreline, which is still
growing, pushes the cell on the left of it towards the left tip. At the same time this large cell
also changes its position and attempts to cross the centreline of the cavity and a small cell next
to it moves into its position and grows.
At t = 2.975P, the large cell in the stream lines has crossed the centerline and the cell on
the right of it grows and becomes as large as it is after a short time (for brevity figures not
included). The flow is also asymmetric at this time. However, it returns to a symmetric flow
at the time t = 3.00P which is the same as that at t = 2.00P, and similar temperature and flow
structures to those at the beginning of the forcing cycle are formed. The above described flow
development is repeated in the next cycle.
The horizontal velocity profiles (velocity parallel to the bottom surface) and the corresponding
temperature profiles evaluated along the line DE shown in Fig. 2 at different time instances of
the third thermal forcing cycle are depicted in Fig. 4. At the beginning of the cycle (t = 2.00P)
the velocity is the highest near the roof of the attic (see Fig. 4a), which is the surface driving the
flow. At the same time, the body of fluid residing outside the top wall layer moves fast toward
the bottom tips to fill up the gap. As time progresses the vertical velocity increases and the
horizontal temperature decreases (see t = 2.05P). A three layer structure in the velocity field
Periodically Forced Natural Convection Through the Roof of an Attic-Shaped Building 41
Fig. 3. A series of snapshots of stream function and temperature contours of the third cycle at
different times for A = 0.5 and Ra = 1.5 × 106 . Left: streamlines; right: isotherms.
10 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Fig. 4. Horizontal velocity profile (left) and temperature profile (right) along DE for A = 0.5
with Ra = 1.5 × 106 .
is found at t = 2.45P. At this time the top portion of the cavity is locally cooled and the bottom
portion is still hot (see Fig. 3). After that time the flow completely reverses at t = 2.50P. It is
noted that at this time the horizontal velocity is lower than that at the beginning of the cycle
despite that the temperatures on the sloping boundary and the ceiling are the same at both
times (see Fig. 4b). This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the cycle the flow is mainly
dominated by convection as a result of the cooling effect in the second half of the previous
thermal cycle. However, the flow is dominated by conduction at t = 2.50P as a result of the
heating effect in the first half of the current thermal cycle.
As mentioned above, at the beginning of the cycle (t = 2.00P) the temperatures on the
horizontal and inclined surfaces are the same as shown in Fig. 4(b). However the temperature
near the mid point of the profile line is lower than that at the surfaces by approximately
0.5K, which is consistent with the previous discussion of the flow field. Subsequently the
temperature of the top surface increases (t = 2.05P) while the bottom surface temperature
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Building 43
remains the same. It is noteworthy that the top surface reaches its peak temperature at
t = 2.25P (for brevity the profile is not included). After this time the top surface temperature
starts to decrease which can be seen at time t = 2.40P. By comparing the temperature profiles
at t = 2.05P and t = 2.45P shown in Fig. 4(b), it is clear that the temperatures at both
the top and bottom surfaces are the same for these two time instances. However, different
temperature structures are seen in the interior region. The same phenomenon has been found
at the times t = 2.50P and t = 2.00P.
In Fig. 4(c), the velocity profiles at the same location during the night-time cooling phase are
displayed. In this phase the flow structure is more complicated. At t = 2.55P the velocity near
the bottom surface is slightly higher than that near the top. Again a three layer structure of the
velocity field appeared which is seen at t = 2.65P, 2.75P and 2.85P. The maximum velocity
near the ceiling occurs at t = 2.75P when the cooling is at its maximum. After that it decreases
and the flow reverses completely at t = 3.0P. The corresponding temperature profiles for the
night-time condition are shown in Fig. 4(d). It is seen that the temperature lines are not as
smooth as those observed for the daytime condition. At t = 2.55P, the temperature near the
bottom surface decreases first and then increases slowly with the height and again decreases
near the inclined surface. This behaviour near the bottom surface is due to the presence of a
rising plume. Similar behaviour has been seen for t = 2.75P and 2.85P. However, at t = 2.65P
it decreases slowly after rapidly decreasing near the bottom surface. At t = 3.00P again the
bottom and top surface temperatures are the same with a lower temperature in the interior
heff h
Nu = (13)
where the heat transfer coefficient heff is defined by
heff = (14)
Here q is the convective heat flux through a boundary. Since the bottom surface temperature
is fixed at 295K and the sloping wall surface temperature cycles between 290K and 300K
(refer to Figure 1), a zero temperature difference between the surfaces occurs twice in a cycle.
Therefore, the amplitude of the temperature fluctuation (TA ) is chosen for calculating the
heat transfer coefficient instead of a changing temperature difference, which would give an
undefined value of the heat transfer coefficient at particular times.
Fig. 5 shows the calculated average Nusselt number on the inclined and bottom surfaces of
the cavity. The time histories of the calculated Nusselt number on the inclined surfaces exhibit
certain significant features. Firstly, it shows a periodic behaviour in response to the periodic
thermal forcing. Secondly within each cycle of the flow response, there is a time period
with weak heat transfer and a period with intensive heat transfer. The weak heat transfer
corresponds to the daytime condition when the flow is mainly dominated by conduction
and the strong heat transfer corresponds to the night-time condition. At night, the boundary
layers adjacent to the inclined walls and the bottom are unstable. Therefore, sinking and rising
plumes are formed in the inclined and horizontal boundary layers. These plumes dominate
12 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Fig. 5. Average Nusselt number on the top and bottom surfaces of the cavity for three full
cycles where Ra = 1.5 × 106 and A = 0.5
the heat transfer through the sloping walls of the cavity. Finally the calculated maximum
Nusselt number on sloping surfaces is 8.72, occurring during the night-time period, whereas
the maximum value during the day time is only 3.48, for the selected Rayleigh number and
aspect ratio. The corresponding Nusselt number calculated on the bottom surface shows
similar behavior as that of top surfaces. Note that the Nusselt number calculated using (13)
is based on the total heat flux across the surfaces. Since the surface area of the top surface is
larger (0.595m2 ) than the bottom surface (0.532m2 ), therefore the total surface heat flux on the
top surfaces will be lower than that of the bottom surface. However, the integral of the heat
transfer rate for a cycle on both surfaces has been calculated and it is found that both are the
Fig. 6. A series of snapshots of stream function and temperature contours of the third cycle at
different times for A = 1.0 and Ra = 1.5 × 106 . Left: streamlines; right: isotherms.
It has been revealed that the flow remains symmetric about the geometrical centreline
throughout the cycle for aspect ratio A = 0.2, whereas, it is asymmetric during the cooling
phase for the other two aspect ratios for Ra = 1.5 × 106 . It is also anticipated that the
asymmetric solution is one of two possible mirror images of the solutions. Another noticeable
variation with different aspect ratios is the formation of a circulation cell near the top of the
enclosure. It is seen for A = 1.0 that there is an extra vortex (Fig. 6 at t = 2.95P) on the top
of the cavity, which is completely absent for A = 0.5 and A = 0.2. The flow and temperature
fields for the smallest aspect ratio A = 0.2 are more complex, with several circulation cells on
either side of the central line and many plumes alternately rising and falling throughout the
domain, as seen in Fig. 7. These cells and plumes are the result of flow instability described
Fig. 8 illustrates the horizontal velocity and temperature profiles for aspect ratio A = 1.0
along the line DE as shown in Fig. 2 for Ra = 1.50 × 106 . Since the flow is stable and stratified
during the day (the heating phase), the structures of the velocity and temperature profiles are
qualitatively the same as those for other aspect ratios.
14 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Fig. 7. A series of snapshots of stream function and temperature contours of the third cycle at
different times for A = 0.2 and Ra = 1.5 × 106 . Left: streamlines; right: isotherms.
Fig. 8. Horizontal velocity profile (left) and temperature profile (right) along DE for A = 1.0
with Ra = 1.50 × 106 .
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At the night-time the velocity and temperature profiles for A = 1.0 are more complicated than
that for A = 0.5. As seen in Fig. 8, at time t = 2.55P when the upper surface temperature
is lower than the bottom surface, the velocity near the bottom surface is slightly higher than
that near the inclined surfaces. After that the velocity increases near both the surfaces until
t = 2.75P. Since a plume-type instability dominates the flow during the cooling phase and
the flow has an asymmetric behaviour for a certain period of time, the horizontal velocity is
in the same direction near both surfaces and is in an opposite direction in the middle (see
t = 2.8875P). As the flow transits into the next thermal cycle, it becomes very weak. The
corresponding temperature contours are plotted in Fig. 8(b). It is seen that the temperature
profiles near the bottom surface show a wave shaped for almost the whole cooling phase due
to the rising plumes (see Fig. 3). At the time t = 2.8875P, when three layers of the velocity
structure is seen, the corresponding temperature profile also shows a wave structure.
Fig. 9. Comparison of the average Nusselt number of three aspect ratios for Ra = 1.5 × 106
Fig. 9 shows the calculated average Nusselt number on the inclined surfaces of the cavity
for three different aspect ratios. The time histories of the calculated Nusselt number exhibit
certain common features. Within each cycle of the flow response, there is a time period with
weak heat transfer and a period with intensive heat transfer for each aspect ratio. The weak
heat transfer corresponds to the day time condition when the heat transfer is dominated
by conduction and the strong heat transfer corresponds to the night-time condition when
convection dominates the flows and the instabilities occur in the form of rising and sinking
plumes. During the day time the heat transfer rate is almost the same for all three aspect
ratios. However, at the night time the heat transfer rate for A = 1.0 is much smaller than that
for the other two aspect ratios, and there is a fluctuation of the Nusselt number for a certain
period of time. This fluctuation is absent in the other two aspect ratios. This may be due to
the fact that less convective cells are present in the streamlines for A = 1.0 than those for the
other two aspect ratios. Moreover, the movement of the dominating cell for A = 1.0 is faster
than those for other two. In addition to this, an extra cell appears on the top of the cavity for
the aspect ratio A = 1.0. It is also noticed that there is not much difference in heat transfer for
16 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
the aspect ratios A = 0.5 and 0.2. The highest average Nusselt numbers for A = 1.0, 0.5 and
0.2 are 6.55, 8.72 and 8.76 respectively.
5.4 Effects of Rayleigh number on the flow response and heat transfer
Fig.10 shows snapshots of stream function and temperature contours for the aspect ratio 0.5
with three different Rayleigh numbers, Ra = 1.5 × 106 , 7.2 × 104 and 7.2 × 103 . The contours
for Ra = 7.2 × 104 are qualitatively the same as for Ra = 1.5 × 106 . It is found that in the
heating phase (i.e. when the upper wall temperature is higher than the temperature of the
bottom) the flow structures are qualitatively similar for all Rayleigh numbers. However, in
the cooling phase the flow behaviour is strongly dependent on the Rayleigh numbers. Stream
function and temperature contours are presented at two different times, t = 2.70P and 2.95P
for each Rayleigh number in Fig. 10. In the isotherms, rising and sinking plumes are visible for
Ra = 1.5 × 106 and 7.2 × 104 at both times. A cellular flow pattern is seen in the corresponding
stream function contours for Ra = 1.5 × 106 . However, only two convective cells are present
for Ra = 7.2 × 104 . If the Rayleigh number is decreased further (Ra = 7.2 × 103 ), the flow
becomes weaker. Only two cells are seen in the stream function contours and the temperature
field is horizontally stratified (see the corresponding isotherms). At t = 2.95P, the flow seems
to be asymmetric along the centre line for Ra = 1.5 × 106 . However, for the lower Rayleigh
numbers the asymmetric behaviour is not visible.
Fig.11 shows the comparison of the Nusselt number among four Rayleigh numbers for a fixed
aspect ratio 0.5. It is seen clearly that during the heating phase the heat transfer rate is weaker,
whereas it is much stronger in the cooling phase. With the increase of the Rayleigh number,
the Nusselt number increases throughout the thermal cycle, but the rate of increase is much
higher in the cooling phase compared to that in the heating phase. The maximum Nusselt
number in the cooling phase for Ra = 1.5 × 106 is about 2.5 times of the maximum Nusselt
number during the heating phase. It is noticeable that for the lowest Rayleigh number Ra =
1.5 × 103 , the heat transfer rate during the heating and cooling phases are almost the same.
The maximum Nusselt number for the four different Rayleigh numbers, Ra = 1.5 × 106 , 7.2 ×
105 , 7.2 × 104 and 7.2 × 103 for the aspect ratio 0.5 are 8.65, 7.34, 4.26 and 3.11 respectively.
Fig. 10. Snapshots of stream function contours (left) and isotherms (right) of the third cycle at
different times and different Rayleigh numbers with fixed A = 0.5.
18 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Fig. 11. Comparison of the average Nusselt number of four Rayleigh numbers for A = 0.5
Fig. 12. The maximum horizontal velocity along the symmetry line for (a) A = 1.0 and (b)
A = 0.5 with Ra = 1.5 × 106 .
The same results have been found when the average Nusselt numbers obtained for both
inclined surfaces are compared for the aspect ratios 1.0 and 0.5, which are shown in Fig.13
(a) and (b) respectively. It is seen that at about t = 0.70P, the calculated Nusselt numbers at
the left and right inclined surfaces start to diverge, but later they meet again before the end of
each cycle.
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Fig. 13. Comparison of the average Nusselt number on two inclined surfaces of the enclosure
for (a) A = 1.0 and (b) A = 0.5 with Ra = 1.5 × 106
6. Conclusions
Natural convection in an attic-shaped building with the effect of periodic thermal forcing
has been carried out in this study based on numerical simulations. An attempt has also been
taken to predict the period of the model attic using scaling analysis. Three aspect ratios of A =
1.0, 0.5 and 0.2 with four Rayleigh numbers of Ra = 1.5 × 106 , 7.2 × 105 , 7.2 × 104 and 7.2 ×
103 for each aspect ratio have been considered here. Many important features are revealed
from the present numerical simulations. It is found that the flow response to the temperature
variation on the external surface is fast, and thus the start-up effect is almost negligible. The
occurrence of sinking cold-air plumes and rising hot-air plumes in the isotherm contours and
the formation of cellular flow patterns in the stream function contours confirm the presence of
the Rayleigh-Bénard type instability. It is also observed that the flow undergoes a transition
20 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
between symmetry and asymmetry about the geometric symmetry plane over a diurnal cycle
for the aspect ratios of A = 1.0 and 0.5 with the Rayleigh numbers 1.5 × 106 and 7.2 × 105 . For
all other cases the flow remains symmetric. A three-layer velocity structure has been found
along the line at DE as shown in Fig. 2 in both the daytime heating phase (due to local cooling
effect in the upper sections of the inclined walls) and night-time cooling phase when the flow
becomes asymmetric. Furthermore, the flow response in the daytime heating phase is weak,
whereas the flow response in the night-time cooling phase, which is dominated by convection,
is intensive. At lower Rayleigh numbers the flow becomes weaker for all aspect ratios, and no
asymmetric flow behaviour has been noticed.
7. Nomenclature
A slope of the attic
g acceleration due to gravity
h height of the attic
heff heat transfer coefficient
K Kelvin
k thermal conductivity
l half horizontal length of the attic
Nu Nusselt number
p pressure
P period of the cycle
Pr Prandtl number
q convective heat flux
Ra Rayleigh number
t time
T temperature of the fluid
T0 temperature of the ambient fluid
TA the amplitude
u, v velocity components along the x- and y- axes respectively
x, y cartesian coordinates
Greek letters
β Volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
ν Kinematic viscosity
ρ Density of the fluid
κ thermal diffusivity
ΔT temperature difference between the surface and the ambient
8. References
Akinsete, V. A. & Coleman, T. A. (2000). Heat transfer by steady laminar free convection in
triangular enclosures. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 25, 991–998.
Asan, H. & Namli, L. (2002). Numerical simulation of buoyant flow in a roof of triangular
cross-section under winter day boundary conditions. Energy Buildings, Vol. 33,
Periodically Forced
Periodically Forced Natural Natural
Convection ThroughConvection Through
the Roof of an Attic-Shaped the Roof of an Attic-Shaped Building
Building 53
Asan, H. & Namli, L. (2000). Laminar natural convection in a pitched roof of triangular
cross-section: Summer day boundary conditions. Energy Buildings, Vol. 33, 69–73.
Del Campo, E. M., Sen, M. & Ramos, E. (1988) Analysis of laminar natural convection in a
triangular enclosure. Numer. Heat Transfer., Vol. 13, 353–372.
Farrow, D. E. & Patterson, J. C. (1993). On the response of a reservoir sidearm to diurnal
heating and cooling. J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 246, 143–161.
Flack, R. D. (1980) The experimental measurement of natural convection heat transfer in
triangular enclosures heated or cooled from below, Trans. ASME: J. Heat Transfer, Vol.
102, 770–772.
Flack, R. D. (1979) Velocity measurements in two natural convection air flows using a laser
velocimeter. Trans. ASME: J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 101, 256–260.
Haese, P. M. & Teubner, M. D. (2002). Heat exchange in an attic space. Int. J. Heat Mass
Transfer, Vol. 45, 4925–4936.
Holtzmann, G. A., Hill, R. W. & Ball, K. S. (2006). Laminar natural convection in
isosceles triangular enclosures heated from below and symmetrically cooled from
above. Trans. ASME: J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 122, 485–491.
Hyun, J. M. (1994). Unsteady buoyant convection in an enclosure. Adv. Heat Transfe, Vol. 24,
Kent, E. F. (2009a) Numerical analysis of laminar natural convection in isosceles triangular
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Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 223, 1157–1169.
Kent, E. F. (2009b). Numerical analysis of laminar natural convection in isosceles triangular
enclosures for cold base and hot inclined walls. Mechanics Research Communications,
Vol. 36, 497–508.
Kent, E. F., Asmaz, E. & Ozerbay, S. (2007). Unsteady natural convection in a water-filled
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Leonard, B. P. & Mokhtari, S. (1990). ULTRA-SHARP Nonoscillatory Convection Schemes
for High-Speed Steady Multidimensional Flow. NASA Lewis Research Centre, NASA
TM 1-2568 (ICOMP-90-12).
Ostrach, S. (1988). Natural convection in enclosures. Trans. ASME: J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 110,
Poulikakos, D. & Bejan, A. (1983a) Natural convection experiments in a triangular enclosure.
Trans. ASME: J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 105, 652–655.
Poulikakos, D. & Bejan, A. (1983b) The fluid dynamics of an attic space. J. Fluid Mech., Vol.
131, 251–269.
Ridouane, E. H., Campo, A. & Hasnaoui, M. (2006) Benefits derivable from connecting the
bottom and top walls of attic enclosures with insulated vertical side walls. Numer.
Heat Trans. Part A-Applications, Vol. 49, 175–193.
Ridouane, E. H. & Campo, A. (2006). Formation of a pitchfork bifurcation in thermal
convection flow inside an isosceles triangular cavity. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 18, 074102.
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Therm. Sci., Vol. 44, 944–952.
Saha, S. C. (2011a). Unsteady natural convection in a triangular enclosure under isothermal
heating. Energy Buildings, Vol. 43, 701–709.
22 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Saha, S. C. (2011b). Scaling of free convection heat transfer in a triangular cavity for Pr > 1.
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Saha, S. C., Patterson, J. C. & Lei, C. (2010a). Natural convection in attics subject
to instantaneous and ramp cooling boundary conditions. Energy Buildings, Vol. 42,
Saha, S. C., Patterson, J. C. & Lei, C. (2010b).Natural convection and heat transfer in attics
subject to periodic thermal forcing. Int. J. Therm. Sci., Vol. 49, 1899–1910.
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Salmun H. (1995a). Convection patterns in a triangular domain. Intl. J. Heat Mass Transfer.,
Vol. 18, 351–362.
Salmun H. (1995b). The stability of a single-cell steady-state solution in a triangular enclosure.
Intl. J. Heat Mass Transfer., Vol. 18, 363–369.
1. Introduction
Convection is the heat transfer mechanism affected by the flow of fluids. The amount of
energy and matter are conveyed by the fluid can be predicted through the convective heat
transfer. The convective heat transfer splits into two branches; the natural convection and
the forced convection. Forced convection regards the heat transport by induced fluid motion
which is forced to happen. This induced flow needs consistent mechanical power. But
natural convection differs from the forced convection through the fluid flow driving force
which happens naturally. The flows are driven by the buoyancy effect due to the presence of
density gradient and gravitational field. As the temperature distribution in the natural
convection depends on the intensity of the fluid currents which is dependent on the
temperature potential itself, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of natural convection
heat transfer is very difficult. Numerical investigation instead of theoretical analysis is more
needed in this field.
Two types of natural convection heat transfer phenomena can be observed in the nature.
One is that external free convection that is caused by the heat transfer interaction between a
single wall and a very large fluid reservoir adjacent to the wall. Another is that internal free
convection which befalls within an enclosure. Mathematically, the tendency of a particular
g β∇TL3
system towards natural convection relies on the Grashof number, ( Gr = ), which is a
ratio of buoyancy force and viscous force. The parameter β is the rate of change of density
with respect to the change in temperature (T), and ν is viscosity. Thus, the Grashof number
can be thought of as the ratio of the upwards buoyancy of the heated fluid to the internal
friction slowing it down. In very sticky, viscous fluids, the fluid movement is restricted,
along with natural convection. In the extreme case of infinite viscosity, the fluid could not
move and all heat transfer would be through conductive heat transfer.
56 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
h convective heat transfer coefficient (W/m2 K)
q" Heat Flux (W/m2)
CP specific heat at constant pressure (J/kg K)
g gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
k thermal conductivity of the fluid (W/m K)
Nu Nusselt number, hW/k
Pr Prandtl number, ν/α
Gr Grashof number, gβΔTW3/ν2
Re Reynolds number, U0W/ν
Ri Richardson number, Gr/Re2
A Aspect Ratio, H/W
R length of the inclined sidewalls (m)
T temperature of the fluid, (°C)
u velocity component at x-direction (m/s)
U dimensionless velocity component at X-direction
v velocity component at y-direction (m/s)
V dimensionless velocity component at Y-direction
W length of the cavity, (m)
x distance along the x-coordinate
X distance along the non-dimensional x-coordinate
Y distance along the non-dimensional y-coordinate
Greak symbols
α thermal diffusivity of the fluid (m2/s)
β volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion (K-1)
γ inclination angle of the sidewalls of the cavity
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 57
first is due to shear flow caused by the movement of one of the walls of the cavity while the
second is due to buoyancy flow produced by thermal non homogeneity of the cavity
boundaries. Understanding these mechanisms is of great significance from technical and
engineering standpoints.
1.2 Application
Air-cooling is one of the preferred methods for the cooling of computer systems and other
electronic equipments, due to its simplicity and low cost. It is very important that such
cooling systems should be designed in the most efficient way and the power requirement
for the cooling should be minimized. The electronic components are treated as heat sources
embedded on flat surfaces. A small fan blows air at low speeds over the heat sources. This
gives rise to a situation where the forced convection due to shear driven flow and the
natural convection due to buoyancy driven flow are of comparable magnitude and the
resulting heat transfer process is categorized as mixed convection. Mixed convection flow
and heat transfer also occur frequently in other engineering and natural situations. One
important configuration is a lid-driven (or shear- driven) flow in a differentially
heated/cooled cavity, which has applications in crystal growth, flow and heat transfer in
solar ponds [5], dynamics of lakes [6], thermal-hydraulics of nuclear reactors [7], industrial
processes such as food processing, and float glass production [8]. The interaction of the
shear driven flow due to the lid motion and natural convective flow due to the buoyancy
effect is quite complex and warrants comprehensive analysis to understand the physics of
the resulting flow and heat transfer process.
a. To study the variation of average heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number with the
variation of Richardson number at different aspect ratios of the rectangular enclosure
and compare it with the established literature.
b. To find out the optimum configuration by changing the inclination angle of the side
walls of the trapezoidal cavity by analyzing the maximum heat transfer.
c. To study the variation of average heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number with the
variation of Richardson number of the optimum trapezoidal cavity.
d. To study the variation of average heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number at different
aspect ratios of the optimum trapezoidal cavity.
e. To study the variation of average heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number with the
variation of Richardson number at different aspect ratios of the optimum trapezoidal
enclosure by changing the rotation angle for both aiding and opposing flow conditions..
f. To analyze the flow pattern inside the trapezoidal enclosures in terms of Streamlines
and isotherms.
2. Literature review
There have been many investigations in the past on mixed convective flow in lid-driven
cavities. Many different configurations and combinations of thermal boundary conditions
have been considered and analyzed by various investigators. Torrance et al. [9] investigated
mixed convection in driven cavities as early as in 1972. Papaniclaou and Jaluria [10-13]
carried out a series of numerical studies to investigate the combined forced and natural
convective cooling of heat dissipating electronic components, located in rectangular
enclosures, and cooled by an external through flow of air. The results indicate that flow
patterns generally consists of high of low velocity re-circulating cells because of buoyancy
forces induced by the heat source. Koseff and Street [14] studied experimentally as well as
numerically the recirculation flow patterns for a wide range of Reynolds (Re) and Grashof
(Gr) numbers. Their results showed that the three dimensional features, such as corner
eddies near the end walls, and Taylor- Gortler like longitudinal vortices, have significant
effects on the flow patterns for low Reynolds numbers. Khanafer and Chamakha [15]
examined numerically mixed convection flow in a lid-driven enclosure filled with a fluid-
saturated porous medium and reported on the effects of the Darcy and Richardson numbers
on the flow and heat transfer characteristics.
G. A. Holtzman et. al [16] have studied laminar natural convection in isosceles triangular
enclosures heated from below and symmetrically cooled from above. This problem is
examined over aspect ratios ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 and Grashoff numbers from 103 to 105.
Its is found that a pitchfork bifurcation occurs at a critical Grashoff number for each of the
aspect ratios considered, above which the symmetric solutions are unstable to finite
perturbations and asymmetric solutions are instead obtained. Results are presented
detailing the occurance of the pitchfork bifurcation in each of the aspect ratios considered,
and the resulting flow patterns are described. A flow visualization study is used to validate
the numerical observations. Difference in local values of the Nusselt number between
asymmetric and symmetric solutions are found to be more than 500 percent due to the
shifting of the buoyancy- driven cells. The phenomenon of natural convection in trapezoidal
enclosures where upper and lower walls are not parallel, in particular a triangular
geometry, is examined by H. Asan, L. Namli [17] over a parameter domain in which the
aspect ratio of the enclosure ranges from 0.1 to 1.0, the Rayleigh number varies between 102
60 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
to 105 and Prandtl number correspond to air and water. It is found that the numerical
experiments verify the flow features that are known from theoretical asymptotic analysis of
this problem (valid for shallow spaces) only over a certain range of the parametric domain.
Moallemi and Jang [18] numerically studied mixed convective flow in a bottom heated
square driven cavity and investigated the effect of Prandtl number on the flow and heat
transfer process. They found that the effects of buoyancy are more pronounced for higher
values of Prandtl number. They also derived a correlation for the average Nusselt number in
terms of the Prandtl number, Reynolds number, and Richardson number. Mohammad and
Viskanta [19] performed numerical investigation and flow visualization study on two and
three-dimensional laminar mixed convection flow in a bottom heated shallow driven cavity
filled with water having a Prandtl number of 5.84. They concluded that the lid motion
destroys all types of convective cells due to heating from below for finite size cavities. They
also implicated that the two-dimensional heat transfer results compare favorably with those
based on a three-dimensional model for Gr/Re< 1. Later, Mohammad and Viskanta [20]
experimentally and numerically studied mixed convection in shallow rectangular bottom
heated cavities filled with liquid Gallium having a low Prandtl number of 0.022. They found
that the heat transfer rate is rather insensitive to the lid velocity and an extremely thin shear
layer exists along the major portion of the moving lid. The flow structure consists of an
elongated secondary circulation that occupies a third of the cavity.
Mansour and Viskanta [21] studied mixed convective flow in a tall vertical cavity where
one of the vertical sidewalls, maintained at a colder temperature than the other, was moving
up or downward thus assisting or opposing the buoyancy. They observed that when shear
assisted the buoyancy a shear cell developed adjacent to the moving wall while the
buoyancy cell filled the rest of the cavity. When shear opposed buoyancy, the heat transfer
rate reduced below that for purely natural convection. Iwatsu et al. [22] and Iwatsu and
Hyun [23] conducted two-dimensional and three-dimensional numerical simulation of
mixed convection in square cavities heated from the top moving wall. Mohammad and
Viskanta [24] conducted three-dimensional numerical simulation of mixed convection in a
shallow driven cavity filled with a stably stratified fluid heated from the top moving wall
and cooled from below for a range of Rayleigh number and Richardson number.
Prasad and Koseff [25] reported experimental results for mixed convection in deep lid-
driven cavities heated from below. In a series of experiments which were performed on a
cavity filled with water, the heat flux was measured at different locations over the hot cavity
floor for a range of Re and Gr. Their results indicated that the overall (i.e. area-averaged)
heat transfer rate was a very weak function of Gr for the range of Re examined (2200 < Re <
12000). The data were correlated by Nusselt number vs Reynolds number, as well as Stanton
number vs Reynolds number relations.
They observed that the heat transfer is rather insensitive to the Richardson number. Hsu and
Wang [26] investigated the mixed convective heat transfer where the heat source was
embedded on a board mounted vertically on the bottom wall at the middle in an enclosure.
The cooling air flow enters and exits the enclosure through the openings near the top of the
vertical sidewalls. The results show that both the thermal field and the average Nusselt
number depend strongly on the governing parameters, position of the heat source, as well
as the property of the heat-source-embedded board.
Aydin and Yang [27] numerically studied mixed convection heat transfer in a two-
dimensional square cavity having an aspect ratio of 1. In their configuration the isothermal
sidewalls of the cavity were moving downwards with uniform velocity while the top wall
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 61
was adiabatic. A symmetrical isothermal heat source was placed at the otherwise adiabatic
bottom wall. They investigated the effects of Richardson number and the length of the heat
source on the fluid flow and heat transfer. Shankar et al. [28] presented analytical solution
for mixed convection in cavities with very slow lid motion. The convection process has been
shown to be governed by an inhomogeneous biharmonic equation for the stream function.
Oztop and Dagtekin [29] performed numerical analysis of mixed convection in a square
cavity with moving and differentially heated sidewalls. Sharif [30] investigates heat transfer
in two-dimensional shallow rectangular driven cavity of aspect ratio 10 and Prandtl number
6.0 with hot moving lid on top and cooled from bottom. They investigated the effect of
Richardson number and inclination angle. G. Guo and M. A. R. Sharif [31] studied mixed
convection in rectangular cavities at various aspect ratios with moving isothermal sidewalls
and constant heat source on the bottom wall. They plotted the streamlines and isotherms for
different values of Richardson number and also studied the variation of the average Nu and
maximum surface temperature at the heat source with Richardson number with different
heat source length. They simulated streamlines and isotherms for asymmetric placements of
the heat source and also the effects of asymmetry of the heating elements on the average Nu
and the maximum source length temperature.
3. Physical model
The physical model considered here is shown in figure 1 and 2, along with the important
geometric parameters. It consists of a trapezoidal cavity filled with air, whose bottom wall
and top wall are subjected to hot TH and cold TC temperatures respectively while the side
walls are kept adiabatic. Two cases of thermal boundary conditions for the top moving wall
have been considered here. The first case is (figure 1) when the moving cold wall is moving
in the positive x direction (opposing flow condition). In that case the shear flow caused by
moving top wall opposes the buoyancy driven flow caused by the thermal non-homogeneity
of the cavity boundaries. The second case is (figure 2) when the moving cold wall is moving
in the negative x direction (aiding flow condition). In that case the shear flow assists the
buoyancy flow. The cavity height is H, width of the bottom hot wall is W, is inclined at
angle Ф with the horizontal reference axis. γ is the inclination angle of the sidewalls of the
cavity. The flow and heat transfer phenomena in the cavity are investigated for a series of
Richardson numbers (Ri), aspect ratio (A=H/W), rotation angle of the cavity Ф.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the physical system considering opposing flow condition
62 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the physical system considering aiding flow condition
∂U ∂V
+ =0 (1)
∂X ∂Y
∂U ∂U ∂P 1 ⎛⎜ ∂ 2U ∂ 2U ⎞⎟
U +V =− + + (2)
∂X ∂Y ∂X Re ⎜⎝ ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ⎟⎠
∂V ∂V ∂P 1 ⎛⎜ ∂ 2V ∂ 2V ⎞ Gr
U +V =− + + θ (3)
∂X ∂Y ∂Y Re ⎜⎝ ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ⎟ Re 2
∂θ ∂θ 1 ⎛⎜ ∂ 2θ ∂ 2θ ⎞⎟
U +V = + (4)
∂X ∂Y Re Pr ⎜⎝ ∂X 2 ∂Y 2 ⎟⎠
∂θ ∂X = 0
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Number of Nodes
Fig. 3. Grid sensitivity test for trapezoidal cavity at Ri=1.0, Re=400 and A=1
The convergence criterion was defined by the required scaled residuals to decrease 10⎯5 for
all equations except the energy equations, for which the criterion is 10⎯8.
The computational procedure is validated against the numerical results of Iwatsu et el.[22]
for a top heated moving lid and bottom cooled square cavity filled with air (Pr=0.71). A
60×60 mesh is used and computations are done for six different Re and Gr combinations.
Comparisons of the average Nusselt number at the hot lid are shown in Table 1. The general
64 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
agreement between the present computation and that of Iwatsu et al. [22] is seen to be very
well with a maximum discrepancy of about 3.9%.
6 G. Guo at Ri=10
Fig. 4. Variation of the average Nusselt number with different aspect ratio at Ri=10, Re=100
and ε =0.6
Figure 4, reveals that the Average Nusselt numbers in the present study have excellent
agreement with those obtained by Guo and Sharif [31] having a maximum discrepancy of
about 2.3% Therefore, it can be concluded that the numerical code used in this analysis can
solve the present problem with reasonable agreement.
Ri = 0.1
Ri = 1
Ri = 5
Ri = 10
Fig. 5. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=1.0 and γ=30°
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 67
Ri = 0.1
Ri = 5
Ri = 10
Fig. 6. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=1.0 and γ=45°
68 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Ri = 0.1
Ri = 1
Ri = 5
Ri = 10
Fig. 7. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=1.0 and γ=60°
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 69
5 γ=30º
4 γ=45º
0 2
Ri 4 6 8 10
Nu av
γ = 30º
γ = 45º
3 γ = 60º
0 2 4 Ri 6 8 10
Ri = 0.1
Ri = 1
Ri = 5
Ri = 10
Fig. 10. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=0.5 and Ф=30°, opposing flow
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 71
Ri = 0.1
Ri = 1
Ri = 5
Ri = 10
Fig. 11. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=1 and Ф=30°, opposing flow
72 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Ri = 1
Ri = 1
Ri = 1
Ri = 1
Fig. 12. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=1.5 and Ф=30°, opposing flow
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 73
Ri = 0.1
Ri = 1
Ri = 5
Ri = 10
Fig. 13. Contours of streamlines and isotherms at Re=400, A=1 and Ф=45°, aiding flow
74 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
In the case of aiding flow, condition when the forced convection aids the natural convection
a different scenario has been observed [e.g. figure 13]. In all the cases, a single circulation of
the size of the cavity has been observed. Unlike the opposing flow condition, in that case the
natural convection aids the shear driven flow from the smaller value of Ri number, resulting
a much stronger convective current. As the Ri number increases, the convection flow fields
become more and more stronger resulting better and better heat transfer. The isotherms
changes significantly as the Richardson number increases and gives the minimum value at
higher Ri number.
As the aspect ratio, A increases the convective flow fields become more and more stronger.
As cavity volume increases with aspect ratio and more volume of cooling air is involved in
cooling the heat source leading to better cooling effect. The effect of aspect ratio at different
rotational angle has also been studied. In all the cases, it can be observed that Nuav increases
with increasing aspect ratio for all rotational angles, leading to better heat transfer.
Fig. 14-18 shows a comparative analysis of aiding and opposing flow conditions. There it
can be seen that, the aiding flow condition always dominates the opposing flow condition in
terms of Nuav , which indicates better heat transfer at all rotational angle. The aiding flow
condition provides stronger convective currents, which has been visible in the study, as the
natural convection aids the shear driven flow. As a result the maximum value of the
isotherms is lower in case of aiding flow condition, indicating lower temperature. But in
opposing condition the natural convection opposes the shear driven flow, providing weak
convective currents.
10 Re=400, A=0.5
8 Φ=30º
7 Φ=45º
6 Φ=60º
Nu av
5 Φ=30º
4 Φ=45º
3 (Aid)
2 (Aid)
0 2 4 Ri 6 8 10
Re=400, A=1
11 (Op)
10 Φ=45º
9 (Op)
8 Φ=60º
6 (Aid)
5 Φ=45º
4 (Aid)
3 Φ=60º
0 2 4 Ri 6 8 10
Re=400, A=1.5
10 Φ=30º
8 (Op)
7 Φ=60º
Nu av
5 (Aid)
4 Φ=45º
0 Ri 5 10
Re=400, A=2
Φ=30º (Op)
Φ=45º (Op)
Φ=60º (Op)
Φ=30º (Aid)
6 Φ=45º (Aid)
4 Φ=60º (Aid)
0 Ri 5 10
Re=600, A=1
12 (Op)
9 Φ=60º
Nu av
7 (Aid)
6 Φ=45º
4 Φ=60º
Ri 5 10
The Nuav is also sensitive to rotational angle, figure 14-18. At Re=400 it can be seen that,
Nusselt number decreases as the rotational angle, Φ increases. Nuav increases marginally at
Φ=30º from Φ=45º but at Φ=60º, Nuav drops significantly for all the aspect ratios, figure 14-
17.The flow fields also changes accordingly. At Re=600, the maximum heat transfer has been
obtained at Φ=45º, in terms of average Nusselt number, figure 18. Nuav increases marginally
at Φ=45º from Φ=30º but drops significantly at Φ=60º, indicating poor heat transfer at Φ=60º.
aspect ratio and more volume of cooling air is involved in cooling the heat source leading to
better cooling effect.
Nu av
4 A=1.5
2 A=0.5
0 2 4 Ri 6 8 10
4 A=0.5
0 2 4 Ri 6 8 10
Fig. 20. Variation of Nuav with Ri at Re=600 and Ф=0º
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 79
4 Ri=0.5
2 Ri=5
0.5 1 1.5 2
Aspect Ratio, A
6 Ri=0.1
4 Ri=0.5
2 Ri=5
0.5 1 1.5 2
Aspect Ratio, A
Ri. As a result, the maximum temperature decreases monotonously which can be recognized
from the isothermal plots. As the aspect ratio increases from 0.5 to 1 the Nuav increases for a
particular Ri.
At higher Reynolds number i.e. Re=600, with increasing aspect ratio some secondary eddy
at the bottom surface of the cavity has been observed. This is of frictional losses and
stagnation pressure. As the Ri increases, natural convection dominates more and the bottom
secondary eddies blends into the main primary flow. For A>1.5 the variation is almost flat
indicating that the aspect ratio does not play a dominant role on the heat transfer process at
that range.
5. Conclusion
Two dimensional steady, mixed convection heat transfer in a two-dimensional trapezoidal
cavity with constant heat flux from heated bottom wall while the isothermal moving top
wall in the horizontal direction has been studied numerically for a range of Richardson
number, Aspect ratio, the inclination angle of the side walls and the rotational angle of the
cavity. A number of conclusions can be drawn form the investigations:
• The optimum configuration of the trapezoidal enclosure has been obtained at γ=45º, as
at this configuration the Nuav was maximum at all Richardson number.
• As the Richardson number increases the Nuav increases accordingly at all Aspect ratios,
because at higher Richardson number natural convection dominates the forced
• As Aspect Ratio increases from 0.5 to 2.0, the heat transfer rate increases. This is due to
the fact that the cavity volume increases with aspect ratio and more volume of cooling
air is involved in cooling the heat source leading to better cooling effect.
• The direction of the motion of the lid also affects the heat transfer phenomena. Aiding
flow condition always gives better heat transfer rate than opposing flow condition.
Because at aiding flow condition, the shear driven flow aids the natural convective
flow, resulting a much stronger convective current that leads to better heat transfer.
• The Nuav is also sensitive to rotational angle Ф. At Re=400 it can be seen that, Nusselt
number decreases as the rotational angle, Φ increases. Nuav increases marginally at
Φ=30 from Φ=45º but at Φ=60º, Nuav drops significantly for all the aspect ratios.
6. Further recommandations
The following recommendation can be put forward for the further work on this present
Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity 81
7. References
[1] H. Benard, “Fouration de centers de gyration a L’arriere d’cen obstacle en movement”,
Compt. Rend, vol. 147, pp. 416-418, 1900.
[2] L. Rayleigh, “On convection currents in a horizontal layer of fluid when the higher
temperature is on the underside”, Philos. Mag., vol. 6, no. 32, pp. 529-546, 1916.
[3] H. Jeffreys, “Some cases of instabilities in fluid motion”, Proc. R. Soc. Ser.A, vol. 118, pp.
195-208, 1928.
[4] F.P. Incropera, Convection heat transfer in electronic equipment cooling, J.Heat Transfer
110 (1988) 1097–1111.
[5] C. K. Cha and Y. Jaluria, Recirculating mixed convection flow for energy extraction, Int. j.
Heat Mass Transfer 27.1801-1810 11984).
[6] J. Imberger’and P. F. Hamblin, Dynamics of lakes, reservoirs, and cooling ponds, A. Rev.
FIuid Mech. 14, 153-187 (1982).
[7] F. J. K. Ideriah, Prediction of turbulent cavity flow driven by buoyancy and shear, J.
Mech. Engng Sci. 22, 287-295 (1980).
[8] L. A. B. Pilkington, Review lecture: The float glass process, Proc. R. Sot. Lond., IA 314, 1-
25 (1969).
[9] K. Torrance, R. Davis, K. Eike, P. Gill, D. Gutman, A. Hsui, S. Lyons, H. Zien, Cavity
flows driven by buoyancy and shear, J. Fluid Mech. 51 (1972) 221–231.
[10] E. Papanicolaou, Y. Jaluria, Mixed convection from and isolated heat source in a
rectangular enclosure, Numer. Heat Transfer, Part A 18 (1990) 427-461
[11] E. Papanicolaou, Y. Jaluria, Transition to a periodic regime in mixed convection in a
square cavity, J. Fluid Mech. 239 (1992) 489-509
[12] E. Papanicolaou, Y. Jaluria, Mixed convection from a localized heat source in a cavity
with conducting walls: A numerical study, Numer. Heat Transfer, Part A 23 (1993)
[13] E. Papanicolaou, Y. Jaluria, Mixed convection from simulated electronic components at
varying relative positions in a cavity J. Heat Transfer, 116 (1994) 960-970
[14] J. R. Kosef and R. L. Street, The Lid-Driven Cavity Flow: A Synthesis of Quantitative
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[15] K. Khanafer and A. J. Chamkha, Mixed convection flow in a lid-driven enclosure filled
with a fluid saturated porous medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 36 (1993) 1601-
82 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1. Introduction
In many industrial engineering and other technological processes, it is crucial to characterise
heat and mass transfer, for example to avoid thermo mechanical damages.
Particularly, in the inlet region of internal pulsed flows, unsteady dynamic and thermal
effects can present large amplitudes. These effects are mainly located in the wall region. This
suggests the existence of intense unsteady stresses at the wall (shear, friction or thermal
stresses). Our studies (André et al., 1987; Batina, 1995; Creff et al., 1985) show that there
could exist an 'adequacy' of different parameters such as Reynolds or Prandtl numbers,
leading to large amplitudes for the unsteady velocity and temperature in the entry zone if
compared to those encountered downstream in the fully developed region. Consequently,
in order to obtain convective heat transfer enhancement, most of the studies are linked to:
- Firstly, the search for optimal geometries (undulated or grooved channels, tube with
periodic sections, etc.) : among those geometrical studies, one can quote the
investigations of Blancher, 1991; Ghaddar et al., 1986, for the wavy or grooved plane
geometries, in order to highlight the influence of the forced or natural disturbances on
heat transfer.
- Secondly, the search for particular flow conditions (transient regime, pulsed flow, etc.):
for example those linked to the periodicity of the pressure gradient (Batina, 1995; Batina
et al. 2009; Chakravarty & Sannigrahi, 1999; Hemida et al., 2002), or those which impose
a periodic velocity condition (Lee et al., 1999; Young Kim et al., 1998) or those which
carry on time periodic deformable walls.
The main objective of this study is to analyse the special case of convective heat transfer of
an unsteady pulsed, laminar, incompressible flow in axisymmetric tubes with periodic
sections. The flow is supposed to be developing dynamically and thermally from the duct
inlet. The wall is heated at constant and uniform temperature.
One of the originality of this study is the choice of Chebyshev polynomials basis in both
axial and radial directions for spectral methods, the use of spectral collocation method and
the introduction of a shift operator to satisfy non homogeneous boundary conditions for
spectral Galerkin formulation. A comparison of results obtained by the two spectral
methods is given. A Crank - Nicolson scheme permits the resolution in time.
84 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1.1 Nomenclature
It is important to note that we have only one unknown function, i.e.: ψ . The vorticity
function ω is linked to ψ by the relation:
⎛ ∂ 2ψ ∂ 2ψ 1 ∂ψ ⎞
ωˆ = rω = − ⎜⎜ 2
+ − ⎟⎟ = −Δψ (2)
⎝ ∂r ∂z2 r ∂r ⎠
Velocity components are given by:
1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ
u= and v = − (3)
r ∂r r ∂z
The energy equation is:
⎛ ∂T ∂T ∂T ⎞ ⎛⎜ ∂ 2 T ∂ 2 T 1 ∂T ⎞⎟
⎜ +u +v ⎟=a + 2 + (4)
⎝ ∂t ∂z ∂r ⎠ ⎜⎝ ∂r 2 ∂z r ∂r ⎟⎠
3. Boundary conditions
The present problem is unsteady. This unsteadiness is generated at the initial instant t=0,
and is sustained during all the time by a source of upstream pulsations. For both steady and
unsteady flow, the following boundary conditions are available for any time t ≥ 0 :
• Entry: for the thermal problem, the inlet fluid temperature is equal to the upstream
ambient temperature: T = T∞ .
• Exit: the flow velocity is normal to the exit section and verifies the classical condition:
v = 0 and ∂T = ∂u = 0 . (5)
∂z ∂z
• Axis: the flow preserves at each time an axial symmetry:
∂u ∂T
=v = =0. (6)
∂r ∂r
• Wall: no slip condition is imposed and the wall is heated at constant temperature:
86 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
u = v = 0 ; T = TW . (7)
⎛ ⎛r⎞ ⎞
u ( z = 0, r ) = 2u0 ⎜ 1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ (8)
⎜ ⎝ R ⎠ ⎟⎠
- Unsteady flow (t>0)
• Entry: the source of imposes a periodic pressure gradient modulation. Then the velocity
axial component and the stream function ψ have a Fourier series expansion in time:
⎛ NF ⎞
f (z = 0, r , t ) = f 0 (z = 0, r ) ⎜ 1 + ∑ τ n .sin ( nΩ t ) ⎟ (9)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ n=1 ⎠
where f represents u or ψ . At this section, to avoid reverse flow, we impose: τ < 1 .
r z t ωˆ ψ u v
r= ; z = ; t= ; ω = ; ψ = ; u = ; v = (10)
R R t0 ω0 ψ0 u0 uo
L u
t0 = ; ω0 = 0 ; ψ 0 =u0 R 2 (11)
u0 R
Re = Ru0 ν (12)
In order to obtain a computational square domain permitting the use of two dimensional
Chebyshev polynomials, we proceed to a space variables transformation. This one is
inspired by Sobey, 1980, and modified by Blancher, 1991. It has been adapted to the
axisymmetric geometry used in this study. Afterwards, we note by H ( z ) the duct periodic
radius. Then we define:
ρ= ; x= z − 1 (13)
h (x) λ
L 1
λ= ; h ( x ) = H ⎣⎡( x + 1 ) .L ⎦⎤ (14)
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 87
⎪⎧ e⎡ ⎛ z ⎞ ⎤ ⎪⎫ e
H ( z ) = R ⎨1 + ⎢1 − cos ⎜ π .nO ⎟ ⎥ ⎬ ⇔ h ( x ) = 1 + ⎡⎣1 − cos (π .nO ( x + 1 ) ) ⎤⎦ (15)
⎩⎪ 2 ⎣ ⎝ L ⎠ ⎦ ⎭⎪ 2
⎪⎧ ∂ ψ ∂ 2ψ ⎡ λ 2 ⎤ ∂ψ ⎪⎫
∂ 2ψ
Δ fψ = ⎨h 2 2 − 2 ρ h′h
∂x∂ρ ∂ρ
+ ⎣⎡ λ 2 + ρ 2 h′2 ⎦⎤ 2 + ⎢ ρ 2 h′2 − hh′′ − ⎥ )
ρ ⎦⎥ ∂ρ ⎭⎪
⎬ (17)
⎩⎪ ∂x ⎢⎣
⎧ω = λ 2 h 2ω
⎪ ⎡ ∂ 2ω ∂ 2ω ∂ω ⎤
⎪ ⎢ Ag ( x , ρ ) 2 + Bg ( x , ρ ) 2 + C g ( x , ρ ) ⎥ (18)
⎨ ⎢ ∂x ∂ρ ∂ρ ⎥
⎪ g ω = −
⎢ 2 2 ⎥
⎪ ⎢ +Dg ( x , ρ ) ∂ ω + Eg ( x , ρ ) ∂ ω + Fg ( x , ρ ) ω ⎥
⎪ ⎣⎢ ∂x∂ρ ∂x ⎦⎥
⎧ λ2
2 2 2
⎪⎪ Ag ( x , ρ ) = h ; Bg ( x , ρ ) = λ + ρ h′ ; C g ( x , ρ ) = ρ 6 h′ − hh′′ −
2 2
; ) (19)
⎪⎩Dg ( x , ρ ) = −2 ρ hh′ ; Eg ( x , ρ ) = −4 hh′ (
; Fg ( x , ρ ) = 2 3h′2 − hh′′ )
λ 2 = Re λ
Re = Re (20)
⎪⎧ ∂ ψ ∂ 2ψ ⎡ λ 2 ⎤ ∂ψ ⎪⎫
∂ 2ψ
Δ fψ = ⎨h 2 2 − 2 ρ h′h
∂x∂ρ ∂ρ
+ ⎣⎡ λ 2 + ρ 2 h′2 ⎦⎤ 2 + ⎢ ρ 2 h′2 − hh′′ − ⎥ )
ρ ⎥⎦ ∂ρ ⎭⎪
⎬ (21)
⎩⎪ ∂x ⎢⎣
⎧ω = −Δ fψ
⎨ 1 ⎛ ∂ψ ∂ω ∂ψ ∂ω ⎞ 2 ⎛ ∂ψ h′ ∂ψ ⎞ 1 (22)
⎪ ⎜ − ⎟+ 2 ⎜ − 2ρ ⎟ ω = Δ gω
⎩ ⎝ ∂ρ ∂x ∂x ∂ρ ⎠ ρ ⎝ ∂x h ∂ r ⎠ Re
T − T∞
θ = (23)
TW − T∞
∂θ ∂θ 1
h 2 u + h ( v λ − urh
′) = Δ f θ (26)
∂x ∂r Re Pr
Nx Nr
f (x , r , t ) = ∑ ∑ f kl (t )Pl ( r ) Qk ( x ) (27)
k =0 l =0
where N x and N r are the development orders according to the axis x and r respectively.
The basis functions Pl ( r ) and Qk ( x ) are generally trigonometric or polynomial functions
(Chebyshev, Legendre, etc.) according to different boundary conditions situations. The time
dependant coefficients f kl ( t ) are the unknowns of the problem. For our problem, the
function f represents ω , ψ or θ . For a steady problem, the coefficients f kl ( t ) are time
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 89
It is necessary to study the influence of the physical parameters such as the Reynolds
number to remain in 2D hypothesis. From a numerical point of view we will show the
influence of the polynomials degrees particularly for the thermal problem.
ψ (x , r ) = ψ 0 ( x , r ) + ϕ0 (r ) (29)
90 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1 ∂ψ 0 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ϕ 1 1 1 ∂ϕ0
(α (ω ) + αΦ ) + r ∂r 0 ( β (ω ) + βΦ ) + r ∂r0 β (ω ) − Re
γ (ω ) = γ Φ − β Φ (30)
r 2 ∂x Re r ∂r
∂ω ∂Φ ∂ω h′ ∂Φ h′
α (ω ) = 2ω − r ;αΦ = 2Φ − r ; β (ω ) = − 4 ω ; βΦ = −4 Φ;
∂r ∂r ∂x h ∂x h (31)
γ (ω ) = Δ gω ; γ Φ = Δ gΦ ;
Φ ( x , r ) = −Δ f ϕ0 (r ) . (32)
Nx Nr
ψ 0 ( x, r ) = ∑ ∑ψ kl P2l ( r ) Qk ( x ) (33)
k =0 l =0
Because of the symmetry property on the whole axisymmetric domain of the problem,
P2 l ( r ) will be an even function. To construct the basis P2 l ( r ) , we choose a linear
combination of Chebyshev polynomials such as (Gelfgat, 2004; Shen, 1994, 1995, 1997):
P2 l ( r ) = T2 l ( r ) + ∑ α liT2( l + i ) (r ) (34)
i =1
∂P2 l ∂ψ
= 0 at r = ±1 ( because = 0 at r = ±1 ) (35)
∂r ∂r
l+1 l+1
P2 l ( r ) = T2 l ( r ) − T ( r ) − T2( l + 2 ) ( r ) + T (r ) (38)
l + 2 2 ( l + 1) l + 2 2( l + 3)
A similar analysis is available for the choice of Qk ( x ) basis functions:
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 91
Qk ( x ) = Tk ( x ) + ∑ β kiT( k + i ) ( x ) (39)
i =1
where m = 3 here (see bellow). The velocity boundary conditions imply that the stream
function must satisfy the corresponding homogeneous boundary conditions as:
Finally we obtain:
Qk ( x ) = Tk ( x ) −
( k + 3 )2 ( k + 1) T x − k 2 T x + ( k + 3 )2 ( k + 1) T x
k +1 ( ) k+2 ( ) k+3 ( )
( k + 2 )2 ( k + 2 ) ( k + 2 )2 ( k + 2 )2 ( k + 2 )
Let us define the Chebyshev scalar product as:
1 1
(ψ ,φ ) = ∫∫ ψ ( x , r )φ ( x , r )( . )dxdr (44)
Δ 2
1−x 1 − r2
where Δ is the square: Δ = [ −1,1] × [ −1,1] .
Taking as test function:
φ ( x , r ) = Qk ( x ) P2 l ( r ) , for 0 ≤ k ≤ N x , 0 ≤ l ≤ N r (45)
the Galerkin spectral method consist to make scalar products between the non linear
equation (30) and each test function Qi ( x ) P2 j ( r ) , by writing:
⎛ 1 ∂ψ 0 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ϕ 1 ⎞
⎜ 2 (α (ω ) + αΦ ) + r ∂r 0 ( β (ω ) + βΦ ) + r ∂r0 β (ω ) − Re
γ (ω ) , Qi ( x ) P2 j ( r ) ⎟ =
⎝ r ∂x ⎠
⎛ 1 1 ∂ϕ0 ⎞
= ⎜ γΦ − βΦ , Qi ( x ) P2 j ( r ) ⎟
⎝ Re r ∂r ⎠
Finally, we obtain a system of N xr = ( N x + 1 )( N r + 1 ) non linear equations with N xr
unknowns, solved by Newton algorithm.
ψ ( x , r , t ) = ψ ( x , r , t ) + ϕ ( r ) A ( t ) (47)
and using the equations (46), we define the operator in which the unknown coefficients
depend now on time:
⎛ 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ψ 1 ∂ϕ 1 ⎞ 1 1 ∂ϕ
Lψ (x, r , t) = − ⎜ 2 (α (ω ) + αΦ ) + r ∂r ( β (ω ) + βΦ ) + r ∂r β (ω ) − Re
γ ( ω ) ⎟ + γΦ − βΦ (48)
⎝ r ∂x ⎠ Re r ∂r
92 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Then the previous problem (16) can take the following form:
h2 = Lψ ( x , r , t ) where ω = ω + ωΦ (49)
⎧ 2 ω n+1 − ω n ∂ω ( x , r , t )
⎪h + h2 Φ = ε Lψ n+1 ( x , r , t ) + ( 1 − ε ) Lψ n ( x , r , t )
⎨ Δt ∂t (50)
⎪ω n = −Δ ψ n , ∀n
⎩ f
where the initial condition is given by the solution of the steady problem.
The unknowns ψ kl ( t ) are obtained by solving with Newton algorithm, at each time step, the
non linear system obtained with scalar products between relation (50) and test
functions Qi ( x ) P2 j ( r ) , as in equation (46).
θ( x , r , t ) = θ ( x , r , t ) + θ R (r ) (51)
Mx Mr
θ (x , r , t ) = ∑ ∑θ kl ( t ) qk ( x ) p2 l ( r ) (52)
k =0 l =0
where p2l ( r ) and q k ( x ) are built from Chebyshev polynomials as in heading 5. According
to temperature boundary conditions (heading 3), we obtain, at last:
4( k + 1) ( k + 1)2 + k 2
q k ( x ) = Tk ( x ) + 2
T (x) −
2 k+1
Tk + 2 ( x ), if 0 ≤ k ≤ M x (53)
( k + 1) + ( k + 2) ( k + 1)2 + ( k + 2)2
p2 l ( r ) = T2 l (r ) − T2( l + 1) ( r ), if 0 ≤ l ≤ Mr (54)
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 93
1 ∂ψ ∂θ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ ∂θ 1 1 ∂ψ ∂θ R 1
. − . + 2(1 − r 2 ) − Δ fθ = . + Δ f θR (55)
r ∂r ∂x r ∂x ∂r ∂x Re Pr r ∂x ∂r Re Pr
This problem is discretized by Galerkin spectral method explained above. The linear system
obtained is solved by a Gauss type classical method.
∂θ 1 ⎛ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ 1 ∂ϕ ∂θ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎛ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ R 1 ⎞
=− 2⎜ . − . + − Δ fθ ⎟ + 2 ⎜ . + Δ f θR ⎟
∂t h ⎝ r ∂r ∂x r ∂x ∂r r ∂r ∂x Re Pr ⎠ h ⎝ r ∂x ∂r Re Pr ⎠ (56)
θ ( x , r ,0) = θ 0 ( x , r )
where θ0 ( x , r ) is the steady thermal problem solution. The equation (56) is numerically
integrated in time by using the second order Crank-Nicolson scheme ( ε = ) which is
formulated as follows:
θ n+1 − θ n
= ε Lθ n+1 ( x , r , t ) + ( 1 − ε ) Lθ n ( x , r , t ) (57)
1 ⎛ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ 1 ∂ϕ ∂θ 1 ⎞
Lθ ( x , r , t ) = − ⎜ . − . + A(t ) − Δ fθ ⎟
h 2 ⎝ r ∂r ∂x r ∂x ∂r r ∂r ∂x Re Pr ⎠ (58)
1 ⎛ 1 ∂ψ ∂θ R 1 ⎞
+ 2⎜ . + Δ f θR ⎟
h ⎝ r ∂x ∂r Re Pr ⎠
( )
By projecting (57) in the Galerkin basis qi ( x )p2 j (r ) , one obtains at each time step a system
of linear equations solved by the classical Gauss method.
One can notice that the use of Chebyshev polynomials in both axial and radial directions is
not obvious, and contribute to emphasize this numerical method.
Nx Nr
ψ (x , r ) = ∑ ∑ψ kl P2 l ( r ) Qk ( x ) (59)
k =0 l =0
We can apply the same approach used in Galerkin method to determine trial functions
P2l ( r ) and Qk ( x ) . All conditions given by (35-42) are available, except the second condition
(36) for P2l ( r ) and the second condition (41) for Qk ( x ) . Then, with the method given by
(34), we obtain:
P2 l ( r ) = T2 l ( r ) +
( l + 2 )2 − l 2 T ( l + 1)2 + l 2 T
2 2 ( l + 1) ( ) 2(l + 2) ( r )
r − (60)
( l + 2 ) + ( l + 1)
( l + 2 )2 + ( l + 1 )2
Qk ( x ) = Tk ( x ) − Tk + 2 ( x ) (61)
( k + 2 )2
The vorticity function can be written as follows:
Nx Nr
ω=∑ ∑ Akl ( x , r )ψ kl (62)
k =0 l =0
Then, substituting ψ and ω by their expressions (59), (62) in the steady dynamic equation
(22), we obtain the following discretized dynamic equation:
1 ⎡⎛ x ⎞ ⎛ Nx ⎞
N Nr Nr
⎢⎜ ∑ ∑ Pl′( r ) Qk ( x )ψ kl ⎟⎟ .⎜⎜ ∑ ∑ Aklx ( x , r )ψ kl ⎟⎟
r ⎣⎢⎜⎝ k = 0 l =0 ⎠ ⎝ k =0 l =0 ⎠
⎛ Nx Nr ⎞⎛ Nx Nr ⎞⎤
−⎜∑ ∑ Pl ( r ) Q′k ( x )ψ kl ⎟⎟ .⎜⎜ ∑ ∑ Aklr ( x , r )ψ kl ⎟⎟⎥⎥
⎝ k =0 l =0 ⎠ ⎝ k =0 l =0 ⎠⎦
2 ⎡⎛ Nx Nr ⎞ h′ ⎛
Nx Nr ⎞⎤ ⎛ Nx Nr ⎞ (64)
+ ⎢⎜ ∑ ∑ Pl ( r ) Q′k ( x )ψ kl ⎟⎟ − r h ⎜⎜ ∑ ∑ Pl′( r ) Qk ( x )ψ kl ⎟⎟⎥⎥ ⎜⎜ ∑ ∑ Akl ( x , r )ψ kl ⎟⎟
r2 ⎢⎣⎜⎝ k = 0 l =0 ⎠ ⎝ k =0 l =0 ⎠⎦ ⎝ k =0 l =0 ⎠
⎡ A ( x, r ) ( x , r ) + Bg ( x , r ) ( x , r ) + C g ( x , r ) ( x , r ) ⎤
Aklxx Aklrr Aklr
Nr ⎢ g ⎥
1 Nx
= ∑ ∑⎢ ⎥ψ kl
Re k = 0 l =0 ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ +Dg ( x , r ) Akl ( x , r ) + Eg ( x , r ) Akl ( x , r ) + Fg ( x , r ) Akl ( x , r ) ⎦⎥
xr rr
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 95
∂Akl ( x , r ) ∂ 2 Akl ( x , r )
Aαkl ( x , r ) = kl ( x , r ) =
and Aαβ (65)
∂α ∂α∂β
where α or β represents the space variable x or r . The relation (65) is a function of local
point ( x , r ) ∈ Δ , where Δ is the square [ −1,1] × [ −1,1] .
The collocation method consists to write the above equation on specific points
( )0 ≤ j ≤ N
x = xi , r = rj 0 ≤ j ≤ N r of Δ , called collocation points. We chose the collocation points of
Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto [5], defined by:
with 0 ≤ i ≤ N x and 0 ≤ j ≤ N r .
We recall that homogeneous boundary conditions are imposed on trial functions P2l(r) and
Qk(x). The non homogeneous boundary conditions, like Poiseuille profile at the duct entry or
flow-rate condition at the wall, are directly imposed in the matrix system .
The nonlinear system obtained is solved by the Newton algorithm.
pl ( r ) = Tl ( r ) and q k ( x ) = Tk ( x ) (67)
hT ( x , t ) = (68)
where ΔTref is a typical difference temperature reference. That one depends on the wall
boundary conditions hypotheses. The main difficulty with convective unsteady heat transfer
lies in the temperature reference choice. After several tests, we have chosen:
ΔTref ( x , t ) = TW − Tm ( x , t ) (69)
The instantaneous convective heat transfer in unsteady flows can formally be defined by the
local Nusselt number Nu(x , t ) , given by the relation:
RhT ( x , t )
Nu ( x , t ) = (71)
With the variables transform (heading 4), the Nusselt number can be written as follows:
⎛ ∂θ ( x , t ) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
1 ⎝ ∂r ⎠W
Nu ( x , t ) = λ 2 + h′2 (72)
hλ 1 − θm ( x , t )
9. Numerical results
9.1 Definition of geometrical, physical and numerical parameters
All results have been computed with Galerkin spectral method, except those used to make
the comparison between Galerkin and collocation method (headings 6 and 7). The source of
pulsations is located at the inlet section.The studied fluid is air, under normal conditions of
temperature and pressure. The fluid flow is submitted to a pure sinusoidal pulsation. The
previous studies [1, 2] showed that the numerical results are in the more stable mode if the
ratio R L is small, compared to the unit. Consequently, the basic geometry parameters are:
h (x) = 1 + ⎡1 − cos (π .nO ( x + 1 ) ) ⎤ (73)
2⎣ ⎦
Total Length = 2L
H(z) E
0 5 10 AXIS 15 20
Fig. 1. Geometry of the study domain showing the projection of the Chebyshev -Gauss-
Lobatto mesh grid on the physical geometry (Nx=30 , Nr=5)
Error Error
0.006 Legend
Mr = 9
Mr = 8
1.5E-04 Mr = 7
0.004 Legend Nx = 11 Mr = 5
Nx = 12
Nx = 13
Nx = 14 1.0E-04
Nx = 25
0.002 Nx = 26
Nx = 27 5.0E-05
Nx = 28
Nx = 29
Nx = 30
0 44 46 48 50 52 54 56
4 5 6 7 8 9
Nr Mx
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. a) Maximum truncature error in the Chebyshev basis development of the stream
function ψ (steady flow, Re = 30). b) Maximum truncature error in the Chebyshev basis
development of the temperature function θ (steady flow, Re=30, Pr = 0.73)
first geometrical period, with a center shifted upstream and close to the wall. Then, when
Re increases, a less bulky vortex appears in the two other geometrical periods. The center of
each vortex moves towards the downstream while moving away from the wall more and
more gradually. These results perfectly agree with those previously shown by Blancher,
1991; Batina et al., 2004, 2009.
Re = 5 Re = 10
Re = 30 Re = 50
6 e=3
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 4. Heat transfer comparison (steady case): parametric study according to the reduced
amplitude e of the geometry
by period is equal to 24. The Reynolds number is fixed to 30 corresponding to a total filling
of the furrows. The corresponding steady regime is taken as initial condition for the
unsteady mode (instant t=0).
To understand better the fluid dynamic behaviour in pulsed regime, figure 5 shows the
detail of the streamlines for one period T. We note that the vortices quickly disappear
during the first instants, from t=0 to t=2T/8. This interval of time corresponds to the phase
of the flow acceleration, with a maximum reached for t=2T/8. After that, a phase of
deceleration appears, with a passage to zero for t=T/2. The size of the vortex is maximal for
t=6T/8. This stage corresponds to the maximum of the flow deceleration ( Ωt = 3π / 2 ). In the
central zone, the flow moves in positive direction, and close to the wall, the flow moves in
opposite direction. After this, the fluid moves more closer to the wall. For the acceleration
phase which follows, the flow tends to take its initial aspect again. However, with t=T, we
approximately find the form of the flow for t=0.
t=0 t = 2T/8
t = 4T/8 t = 6T/8
t = 15T/16 t=T
Fig. 5. Time history streamlines during one period, Ω=0.3, Re=30, Pr=0.73, τ = 0.7
Point 8
Point 5
Point 2 Point 3 Point 10
Point 1 Point 7 Point 9
Point 4
Point 6
Fig. 6. Localization of control points for the description of the time-history phenomena
In order to have a global vision of the dynamic and thermal unsteady phenomena, we
carried out a spectral analysis with the FFT method, for the velocity and temperature fields,
on three temporal periods (t >10). The figures 7.a and 7.b show that the most significant
100 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
dynamic fluctuations are located at each constriction of the tube for axial velocities and
downstream the constriction for radial velocities.
0.082 0.165 0.247 0.329 0.412 0.494 0.576 0.659 0.741 0.824 0.906 0.988 1.071 1.153 1.235
0.018 0.035 0.053 0.071 0.088 0.106 0.124 0.141 0.159 0.177 0.194 0.212 0.230 0.247 0.265
0.004 0.011 0.019 0.026 0.034 0.042 0.049 0.057 0.064 0.072 0.080 0.087 0.095 0.102 0.110
Fig. 7. Amplitudes fluctuations of the axial velocity (a), the radial velocity (b) and the
temperature (c). Re=30, Pr=0.73, τ = 0.7
One can thus expect a substantial modification of the thermal convective heat transfer in
these privileged areas, due to the thermal boundary modifications corresponding to the
entry section duct, and in the minimum sections as shown in figure 7.c.
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 101
Nu ( x ) = Nu ( x , t ) = ∫ 0ω Nu ( x , t ) dt (75)
To evaluate the contribution of the pulsation on the heat transfer, we compare Nu ( x ) with
the Nusselt number Nu0 (x) obtained in steady flow. We confirm in figure 9, a very
significant increase of the heat transfer located at the constriction, and conversely a high
reduction at maximum radius areas (zones of dead fluid).
1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 8. Evolution of Nusselt number (FFT method) versus the pulsation frequency on the
control point 4 (Re=30; Pr=0.73; τ=0.7)
6 Steady case
5 Ω = 10
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 9. Heat transfer comparison in steady and unsteady flow(Ω=10, Ω=5, τ = 0.7 )
102 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
u, ψ , θ
u, ψ ,θ
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Dimensionless time Dimensionless time
(a) (b)
0.8 1.6
0.6 1.2
u, ψ , θ
u,ψ , θ
0 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Dimensionless time Dimensionless time
(c) (d)
Fig. 10. Comparison between Galerkin and collocation methods during 3 periods, for control
points: (a): point 1; (b): point 7; (c): point 8; (d): point 9. (Ω=0.3, Re=30, Pr=0.73, τ = 0.7 )
In steady flow, the longitudinal evolution of heat transfer characterized by the Nusselt
number shows a slight difference between the two models, located particularly in the
vicinity of geometry furrows and constrictions (figure 11.a.). However, this difference does
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 103
not exceed two or three percent. In terms of unsteady heat transfer, comparison between the
two methods shows that the average Nusselt number Nu ( x ) given by equation (75)
presents slight differences similar to those observed in steady state regime (figure 11.b.).
30 30
Legend: 25
Galerkin Galerkin
Collocation Collocation
20 20
Nu 0
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
z/R z/R
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. Heat transfer comparison between Galerkin and collocation methods. (a): steady
case; (b): unsteady case (Ω=0.3, Re=30, Pr=0.73, τ = 0.7 )
10. Conclusions
In this paper, numerical studies have been carried out on pulsating flows through
axisymmetric sinusoidal ducts. Thus, the study emphasizes on the heat transfer
modifications in this particular flows with rates modulation close to the unit. The results
obtained have shown that the flow is influenced by many parameters including Reynolds
numbers, rate modulation and amplitude of geometry. We observe that the results are
encouraging and offer good perspectives in pulsed internal flows cases. From numerical
point of view, the results obtained confirm the previous general conclusions in axisymmetric
geometries (André et al., 1987, 1981; Batina et al., 1989, 1991, 2009), i.e.:
• For the steady regime: all classical results are obtained with high precision.
• For the unsteady regime, dynamic and thermal fields show an important heat transfer
enhancement in the entry zone. A dynamic and thermal shock occur nearly this area.
Mechanical tube behaviour can be modified in this region and the shear stress occurring
during the pulsation can induce some damage if the tube is connected to a big tank.
This phenomenon is of great interest in industrial structures. Nevertheless, convective
heat transfer decrease when the fluid moves forward in the tube.
The numerical solution was performed using Galerkin and collocation spectral methods
whose main features were recalled. The numerical results obtained show that:
• Steady and unsteady regimes do not depend on the spectral method used;
• The unsteady dynamic and thermal phenomena are periodic in time, with a frequency
equal to the frequency of pulsations.
However, the collocation method is simpler to use and its computer calculations are faster.
Out of these general conclusions, this study focusing on sinusoidal geometries induce
especially zones of dead fluid that locally have a negative influence on heat transfer,
particularly for the steady flow. The spatial periodicity of the steady flow in this type of
geometry is acquired only at the end of the second, even third geometrical period. The
transient phenomena are therefore relatively short in time. Thus, the dynamic and thermal
flow behaviours become periodic.
Compared to models based on classical methods such as asymptotic developments, finite
differences, finite volumes, finite elements, etc, our numerical method leads to the following
• The accuracy of the present model is high.
• The present computational code is easier to build compared to finite elements one, for
• If we consider the CPU time, the present model needs few minutes to compute the
numerical equations. This result traduces the efficiency of our model which is easier
and more adapted to solve this particular problem. Nevertheless, compared to some
industrial codes, our model have some disadvantages, such as:
- the non linear coupled unsteady terms in Navier Stokes and Energy equations are
not taken into account in the present model
- this problem require smoother geometries
- the order of polynomials developments increases strongly the computing time
- when the modulation flow-rate approaches or exceeds the unity, we must choose
carefully some data to assume the algorithms convergence. For example, when
τ > 100% , convergence conditions impose small time steps, and the CPU time on
classical computers can make our code prohibitive.
Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube 105
Actually, our model is extended to non linear coupled problems of unsteady Navier Stokes
and Energy equations, and the results are very encouraging. Moreover, our model treats
successfully the problem of heat and mass transfer in natural convection.
In a final analysis, our numerical method based on a suitable spectral method is of a good
accuracy. One of its originality is the choice of Chebyshev polynomials basis in both axial
and radial directions, and the use of a shift operator technique allow the introduction of non
homogeneous boundary conditions in Galerkin formulation. The automatic construction of
these polynomials basis is of a great interest. These particular mathematical and numerical
tools have permitted the resolution of this non obvious problem which consists on pulsated
unsteady flows associated to simultaneous developments dynamic and thermal fields.
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1. Introduction
Natural convection is a phenomenon where fluid motion is generated by density changes
due to the temperature or concentration variations in a gravity field. The computational
modelling of systems with natural convection (Bejan, 2004) has become a highly popular
research subject due to its pronounced influence in better understanding of nature as well as
in the development of the advanced technologies. Melting of the polar ice caps, the global
oceans dynamics, various weather systems, water transport, soil erosion and denudation,
magma transport and manufacturing of nano-materials, improving casting processes,
energetic studies, exploitation of natural resources, welding, casting and advanced
solidifications are two typical contemporary example groups where natural convection
plays an important role. This chapter deals with the numerical approach towards solution of
this type of problems by a meshless technique.
The main part of the solution procedure is focused on the general transport equation
treatment and the pressure velocity coupling strategy. The transport phenomena are solved
by a local meshless method and explicit time stepping. The local variant of Radial Basis
Function Collocation Method (LRBFCM) has been previously developed for diffusion
problems (Šarler and Vertnik, 2006), convection-diffusion solid-liquid phase change
problems (Vertnik and Šarler, 2006) and subsequently successfully applied in industrial
process of direct chill casting (Vertnik, et al., 2006).
The fluid flow, which is generally a global problem, is treated by the proposed local iterative
method. Instead of solving the pressure Poisson equation or/and pressure correction
Poisson equation (Divo and Kassab, 2007) a more simplified local pressure-velocity coupling
(LPVC) (Kosec and Šarler, 2008a) algorithm is proposed where the pressure-correction is
predicted from the local mass continuity violation similar to the SOLA algorithm (Hong,
The presented solution procedure represents a variant of already developed global
approach (Šarler, et al., 2004a, Šarler, 2005). In this chapter, such a local solution procedure is
tested with the standard free fluid flow benchmark test (de Vahl Davis natural convection
test (de Vahl Davis, 1983)). The test is especially convenient for benchmarking purposes as
there are several numerical solutions published in the literature (Divo and Kassab, 2007,
Hortmann, et al., 1990, Manzari, 1999, Prax, et al., 1996, Sadat and Couturier, 2000, Šarler,
2005, Wan, et al., 2001).
108 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
In addition to the basic test, the proposed local solution procedure is tested on the tall
cavity, natural convection in the porous media and melting of a pure material (Gobin - Le
Quéré test) driven by a natural convection tests. Numerous analyses and comparisons with
the published data are performed in order to assess the characteristics of the proposed
numerical approach in details. The comprehensive verification procedure shows excellent
agreements with the previously published data, based on different numerical methods.
2. Governing equations
2.1 De Vahl Davis test
The de Vahl Davis natural convection benchmark problem is described by three coupled
partial differential equations (PDEs). The PDEs are mass, momentum and energy
conservation equations where all material properties are considered to be constant. The
Boussinesq approximation is used for density hypothesis and the phenomena is thus
described by the following system of equations
∇⋅v = 0, (1)
ρ + ρ∇ ⋅ ( vv) = −∇P + ∇ ⋅ ( μ∇v ) + b , (2)
cp ρ + c p ρ∇ ⋅ (Tv) = ∇ ⋅ ( λ∇T ) , (3)
b = ρ [ 1 − βT (T − Tref )] g , (4)
( )
where t , v vx , vy , ρ , P , μ , b, λ , βT , Tref and g stand for time, velocity, density, pressure,
viscosity, body force, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion coefficient, reference
temperature and gravitational acceleration, respectively. The south and the north sides of
the domain are thermally insulated while the east and the west sides are set to different
temperatures. Due to the consideration of the viscous fluid within enclosure, the no-slip and
impermeable velocity boundary conditions are used (Figure 1). The boundary conditions are
formulated as follows
v ( p Γ , t ) = 0 , (5)
T ( p x = 0, t ) = 1 , (6)
T ( p x = 1, t ) = 0 , (7)
∂ ∂
∂p y
T p y = 0, t = )
∂p y
T p y = 1, t = 0 ,) (8)
v ( p Ω , t = 0 ) = 0 , (9)
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 109
T ( p Ω , t = 0 ) = 0.5 , (10)
where Ω and Γ stand for interior and boundary nodes indexes, respectively.
North wall dn
West wall
East wall
South wall dT
Fig. 1. The natural convection benchmark test schematics
The introduced dimensionless quantities (embellishment ~) are defined as
px py
p x = p y = , (11)
vx Ω W ρ c p vy Ω H ρ c p
v x = v y = , (12)
λ λ
T − TC
T = , (13)
t = t, (14)
ρ c pΩ 2H
where Ω W and Ω H stand for domain width and height, respectively. The problem is
characterized by three dimensionless numbers; the thermal Rayleigh number ( RaT ) , the
Prandtl number ( Pr ) and the domain aspect ratio ( A R ) defined as
g βT (TH − TC ) Ω H 3 ρ 2c p
RaT = , (15)
μc p
Pr = , (16)
AR = , (17)
110 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
where the ratio between the Prandtl and the Rayleigh number is known as the Grashof
Gr= . (18)
The de Vahl Davis benchmark is limited to the natural convection of the air in a rectangular
cavity with aspect ratio A R = 1 and Pr = 0.71. In this work additional tests are done for
lower Prandtl number and higher aspect ratio in order to test the method in regimes similar
to those in the early stages of phase change simulations of metal like materials where the
oscillatory “steady-state” develops.
∂v μ
ρ + ρ∇ ⋅ ( vv) = −∇P − v + b , (19)
∂t K
where K stands for permeability. The main difference in the momentum equation is in its
order. The Navier-Stokes equation is of the second order while the Darcy equation is of the
first order and therefore different boundary conditions for the velocity apply. Instead of the
no-slip boundary condition for velocity, the slip and impermeable velocity boundary
conditions are used. This is formulated as
v ( pΓ , t ) ⋅ n = 0 . (20)
Instead of the thermal Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers, the filtration Rayleigh number
defines ( RaT ) the problem
g K βT (TH − TC ) Ω H ρ 2c p
RaF = . (21)
ρ + ρ∇ ⋅ ( hv) = ∇ ⋅ ( λ∇T ) , (22)
h(T ) = c pT + f L L , (23)
⎧ T ≥ TF + δ TL ; 1
⎪ T − TF
f L (T ) = ⎨TF + δ TL > T > TF ; . (24)
⎪ δ TL
⎪⎩ T ≤ TF ; 0
The phase change of the pure material occurs exactly at the melting temperature which
produces discontinues in the enthalpy field due to the latent heat release. The constitutive
relation (24) incorporates a smoothing interval near the phase change in order to avoid
numerical instabilities.
v ( p Γ , t ) = 0 , (25)
T ( p x = 0, t ) = 1 , (26)
T ( p x = 1, t ) = TF = 0 , (27)
∂ ∂
∂p y
( )
T p y = 0, t =
∂p y
( )
T p y = 1, t = 0 , (28)
T ( p Ω , t = 0 ) = 0 . (30)
Velocity in the solid state is forced to zero by multiplying it with the liquid fraction. This
approach introduces additional smoothing in the artificial “mushy” zone. This smoothing
produces an error of the same magnitude as smoothing of the enthalpy jump at the phase
change temperature. The problem is schematically presented in Figure 2.
Additional dimensionless number to characterize the ratio between the sensible and latent
heat, the Stefan number, is introduced
c p (TH − TC )
Ste= . (31)
3. Solution procedure
There exist several meshless methods such as the Element free Galerkin method, the
Meshless Petrov-Galerkin method, the point interpolation method, the point assembly
method, the finite point method, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, the
reproducing kernel particle method, the Kansa method (Atluri and Shen, 2002a, Atluri and
Shen, 2002b, Atluri, 2004, Chen, 2002, Gu, 2005, Kansa, 1990a, Kansa, 1990b, Liu, 2003), etc.
However, this chapter is focused on one of the simplest classes of meshless methods in
development today, the Radial Basis Function (Buhmann, 2000) Collocation Methods
(RBFCM) (Šarler, 2007). The meshless RBFCM was used for the solution of flow in Darcy
porous media for the first time in (Šarler, et al., 2004a). A substantial breakthrough in the
development of the RBFCM was its local formulation, LRBFCM. Lee at al. (Lee, 2003)
demonstrated that the local formulation does not substantially degrade the accuracy with
respect to the global one. On the other hand, it is much less sensitive to the choice of the RBF
shape and node distribution. The local RBFCM has been previously developed for diffusion
problems (Šarler and Vertnik, 2006), convection-diffusion solid-liquid phase change
problems (Vertnik and Šarler, 2006) and subsequently successfully applied in industrial
process of direct chill casting (Vertnik, et al., 2006).
In this chapter a completely local numerical approach is used. The LRBFCM spatial
discretization, combined with local pressure-correction and explicit time discretization,
enables the consideration of each node separately from other parts of computational
domain. Such an approach has already been successfully applied to several thermo-fluid
problems (Kosec and Šarler, 2008a, Kosec and Šarler, 2008b, Kosec and Šarler, 2008c, Kosec
and Šarler, 2008d, Kosec and Šarler, 2009) and it shows several advantages like ease of
implementation, straightforward parallelization, simple consideration of complex physical
models and CPU effectiveness.
An Euler explicit time stepping scheme is used for time discretization and the spatial
discretization is performed by the local meshfree method. The general idea behind the local
meshless numerical approach is the use of a local influence domain for the approximation of
an arbitrary field in order to evaluate the differential operators needed to solve the partial
differential equations. The principle is represented in Figure 3.
Each node uses its own support domain for spatial differential operations; the domain is
therefore discretized with overlapping support domains. The approximation function is
introduced as
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 113
N Basis
θ ( p) = ∑ α n Ψ n ( p) , (32)
where θ , N Basis , α n and Ψ n stand for the interpolation function, the number of basis
functions, the approximation coefficients and the basis functions, respectively. The basis
could be selected arbitrarily, however in this chapter only Hardy’s Multiquadrics (MQs)
Ψn ( p) = ( p − p ) ⋅ ( p − p ) /σ
n n 2
C +1 , (33)
with σC standing for the free shape parameter of the basis function, are used. By taking into
account all support domain nodes and equation (32), the approximation system is obtained.
In this chapter the simplest possible case is considered, where the number of support
domain nodes is exactly the same as the number of basis functions. In such a case the
approximation simplifies to collocation. With the constructed collocation function an
arbitrary spatial differential operator (L) can be computed
N Basis
Lθ ( p ) = ∑ α n LΨ n ( p ) . (34)
In this work only five node support domains are used and therefore a basis of five MQs is
used as well.
With the defined time and spatial discretization schemes, the general transport equation
under the model assumptions can be written as
θ1 − θ0
= D∇ 2 θ 0 − ∇ θ0 ⋅ ( ρ v0 ) + S0 , (37)
where θ 0,1 , D, Δt and S0 stand for the field value at current and next time step, general
diffusion coefficient, time step and for source term, respectively.
To couple the mass and momentum conservation equations a special treatment is required.
The intermediate velocity ( v̂ ) is computed by
vˆ = v0 +
( −∇P0 + ∇ ⋅ ( μ∇v0 ) + b0 − ∇ ⋅ ( ρ v0 v0 )) . (38)
The equation (38) did not take in account the mass continuity. The pressure and the velocity
corrections are added
vˆ m + 1 = vˆ m + v Pˆ m + 1 = Pˆ m + P , (39)
where m , v and P stand for pressure velocity iteration index, velocity correction and
pressure correction, respectively. By combining the momentum and mass continuity
equations the pressure correction Poisson equation emerges
∇ ⋅ vˆ m = ∇2 P . (40)
Instead of solving the global Poisson equation problem, the pressure correction is directly
related to the divergence of the intermediate velocity
P = A 2 ∇ ⋅ vˆ m , (41)
where A stands for characteristic length. The proposed assumption enables direct solving of
the pressure velocity coupling iteration and thus is very fast, since there is only one step
needed in each node to evaluate the new iteration pressure and the velocity correction. With
the computed pressure correction the pressure and the velocity can be corrected as
vˆ m + 1 = vˆ m − ζ ∇P and Pˆ m + 1 = Pˆ m + ζ P , (42)
where ζ stands for relaxation parameter. The iteration is performed until the criterion
∇· vˆ < εV is met in all computational nodes.
4. Results
The results of the benchmark tests are assessed in terms of streamfunction ( Ψ ) , cavity
Nusselt number ( Nu ) and mid-plane velocity components.
ψ (p ) = ∫ v x ( p ) dp y , (43)
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 115
∂T ( p )
Nu(p ) = − + v x (p )T (p ) . (44)
∂p x
The Nusselt number is computed locally on five nodded influence domains, while the
streamfunction is computed on one dimensional influence domains each representing an x
row, where all the nodes in the row are used as an influence domain. The streamfunction is
set to zero in south west corner of the domain ψ ( 0,0 ) = 0 .
The de Vahl Davis test represents the first benchmark test in the series and therefore some
additional assessments regarding the numerical performance as well as the computational
effectiveness are done. One of the tests is focused on the global mass continuity
conservation, which indicates the pressure-velocity coupling algorithm effectiveness. The
global mass leakage is analysed by implementing
1 ND
ρ avg (t + Δt ) = ρ avg (t ) + Δt ρ ∑ ∇ ⋅ vn ; ρ avg (t = 0) = ρ ,
ND n=1 (45)
Δρ = ρ − ρ ( N t Δt )
where ρ avg , N D and Δρ stand for average density, number domain nodes and density
The pressure-velocity coupling relaxation parameter ζ is set to the same value as the
dimensionless time-step in all cases. The reference values in the Boussinesq approximation
are set to the initial values.
difference between the two can be understood as a numerical error of the solution
procedure. A simple relative error measure is introduced as
( ) (
Nu avg p x = 1, p y − Nu avg p x = 0, p y ) , (46)
Nu max ( p )
where Nuavg and Nu max stand for average and maximum Nusselt number. The Nusselt
number as a function of time is presented in Figure 5. The hot-cold side errors ( E ) are
plotted in Figure 6 and the mid-plane velocities are presented in Figure 7.
Fig. 4. Temperature and streamline contour plots for de Vahl Davis benchmark test
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 117
Fig. 5. The Nusselt number as a function of time. The red plot stands for the domain average
and the blue for the cold side average Nusselt number
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 119
Fig. 8. The early stage time development and “steady-state“ oscillations of a tall cavity
natural convection - streamline and temperature contour plots
A comparison with the already published data is done on the analysis of the hot side
( )
Nusselt number time development Nu avg p x = 0, p y . To confirm the agreement of the
results, the hot side Nusselt number frequency domains are compared, where the early
stages of signal development are omitted. From Figure 9 one can see that the agreement
with reference results is excellent. In Figure 9 the frequency domains for different node
distributions are compared, as well. The Nu freq stands for Nusselt number transformation
to the frequency domain and f stands for dimensionless frequency.
The presented case is highly sensitive; even the smallest changes in the case setup affect the
results dramatically, for example, changing the aspect ratio for less than 1 % results in
completely different flow structure. Instead of two there are three major oscillating vortices.
On the other hand, the presented results are computed with the completely different
numerical approach in comparison with the reference solutions (meshless spatial
122 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
discretization against FVM and Spectral method, explicit against implicit time discretization
scheme and LPVC against SIMPLE pressure-velocity coupling) and still the comparison
shows a high level of agreement. The presented comparison infers on a high level of
confidence in the present novel meshless method and the local solution approach.
Fig. 9. The hot side average Nusselt number time development comparison
Fig. 10. The hot side average Nusselt number in the frequency domain
streamfunction contours are presented in Figure 11 for tall cavity, Figure 12 for low cavity
and Figure 13 for square cavity with streamline steps 2, 5, 15 and 40 for RaF = 50, RaF = 102,
RaF = 103 and RaF = 104, respectively. Additional comparison of the results with reference
Finite Volume Method (FVM) solution, previously used in (Šarler, et al., 2000) for mid-plane
velocities, hot side Nusselt number, mid-plane and top temperature profiles is done for case
with AR = 1 and filtration Rayleigh number RaF = 100 (Figure 14). The comparison shows
good agreement with the generally accepted solution.
Fig. 11. Temperature and streamline contour plots for the test with A R = 1 / 2
Fig. 12. Temperature and streamline contour plots for the test with, A R = 2
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 125
Fig. 13. Temperature and streamline contour plots for the test with A R = 1
126 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Fig. 14. A comparison of cross-sections quantities. The mid-plane velocities, the mid-plane
and top temperatures and hot side Nusselt number, respectively
Fig. 15. Temperature and streamline contour plots for pure melting benchmark test
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 127
4.4 Melting
All computations are performed on the 10197 uniformly distributed nodes with the pressure-
velocity relaxation parameter set to the same numerical value as the time-step. The organic-
like (high Prandtl Number) and metal-like (low Prandtl number) materials are subjected to
the melting simulation in order to assess the method. The benchmark cases definitions
together with the global mass continuity check and time-steps are presented in Table 4. The
reference values in the Boussinesq approximation are set to the initial values. A comparison
of the results or demonstration for all four cases is done at specific dimensionless time tC ,
stated in Table 4, unless stated otherwise. The streamfunction and temperature contour
plots are shown in Figure 15 with streamline steps: 0.1, 0.5 and 4.0 for Cases 1,2 and 3,4,
respectively. The phase change front comparison is demonstrated in Figure 17.
The average liquid fraction ( f L avg ) time development for all four cases are presented in
( )
Figure 16 and the hot side average Nusselt number Nu avg ( p x = 0, p y ) in Figure 18.
Additional node distribution convergence analysis is done for the Case 1 at time t = 10 . The
results are presented for phase change front and mid-plane temperature profile in Figure 19.
For mid-plane velocity profiles the results are shown in Figure 20. In Figure 21 the average
( ) ( )
cavity temperature T avg and liquid fractions f L avg as a function of the number of
computational nodes shown. The results confirm convergent behaviour in all analyses.
Fig. 18. The hot side average Nusselt number as a function of time
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 129
Fig. 19. The phase change front position (left) and mid-plane temperature (right) profile for
Case 1 as a function of different discretizations at t = 10
Fig. 20. The mid-plane velocities profiles for Case 1 as a function of different discretizations
at t = 10
Fig. 21. The cavity average temperature (left) and cavity average liquid fraction (right) as a
function of domain nodes count
130 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
5. Conclusions
In this chapter it is shown that the proposed numerical method as well as the proposed
solution procedure performs well for the natural convection problems at different flow
constitutive relations and regimes.
A detailed analysis of the de Vahl Davis test has been performed in order to assess the
method in details. The mass leakage test and the cold-hot side Nusselt number comparison
both confirmed that the method is accurate when such type of problems are considered.
Furthermore, a comparison with already published data shows good agreement as well. The
test involving a tall cavity, where the method is compared to the two completely different
approaches, gives excellent agreement in case of the oscillatory flow regimes. The time
average hot side Nusselt number development shows good quantitative comparison with
the benchmark data. To complete the tests, the natural convection in a Darcy momentum
regime is performed. Again, good agreement with the published data is achieved.
The final test is the phase change driven by a natural convection. The present results show
good agreement with other approaches in terms of interphase boundary dynamics and
complicated flow structures despite the simplest LRBFCM implementation. The Nusselt
number oscillations in the Case 2 were already reported by Mencinger (Mencinger, 2003).
The oscillations are a result of an unstable flow regime in the low Prandtl fluid, similar as in
the tall cavity natural convection case, where the periodic solutions occur. The potential
instabilities can occur in the natural convection in liquid metals, due to their low Prandtl
number (Založnik, et al., 2005, Založnik and Šarler, 2006). Complex flow patterns and fast
transients can occur already in laminar regimes at relatively low Rayleigh numbers. With
another words; lowering the Prandtl number increases the nonlinearity of the natural
convection. Generally, the main sources of instabilities for all presented cases stems from
nonlinearities due to the complex liquid flow pattern and enthalpy behaviour at the phase
change interphase. The enthalpy jump problem is partly resolved by introducing numerical
smoothing of the phase change, at least enough to get stable results, but at the price of
physical model accuracy. A detailed discussion on the parameter range with appearance of
the flow physics based oscillations can be found in the work (Hannoun, et al., 2003). However,
the results are in good agreement with the already known solutions (Gobin and Le Quéré,
2000). There is a bit higher deviance in the Case 4, still the deviations of other authors for
that case is very high and it is difficult to conclude which solution is more credible.
6. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Slovenian Research Agency for support
in the framework of the projects Young Researcher Programme 1000-06-310232 (G. K.) and
project P2-0379 (B. Š.).
7. References
Atluri, S. N. & Shen, S. (2002a), The Meshless Method, Tech Science Press, Encino.
Atluri, S. N. & Shen, S. (2002b), The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method: a
simple & less-costly alternative to the finite element and boundary element
methods, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 3, pp. 11-52.
Atluri, S. N. (2004), The Meshless Method (MLPG) for Domain and BIE Discretization, Tech
Science Press, Forsyth.
Bejan, A. (2004), Convection Heat Transfer John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method 131
Liu, G.R. (2003), Mesh Free Methods, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Manzari, M. T. (1999), An explicit finite element algorithm for convection heat transfer problems,
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 9, pp. 860-877.
Mencinger, J. (2003), Numerical simulation of melting in two-dimensional cavity using
adaptive grid, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 198, pp. 243-264.
Ni, J. & Beckermann, C. (1991), Natural convection in a vertical enclosure filled with
anisotropic porous media, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 113, pp. 1033-1037.
Nobile, E. (1996), Simulation of time-dependent flow in cavities with the additive-correction
multigrid method, part II: Apllications, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, Vol. 30, pp.
Prasad, V. & Kulacky, F. A. (1984), Convective heat transfer in a rectangular porous cavity.
Effect of aspect ratio on flow structure and heat transfer, ASME Journal of Heat
Transfer, Vol. 106, pp. 158-65.
Prax, C.; Sadat, H. & Salagnac, P. (1996), Diffuse approximation method for solving natural
convection in porous Media, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 22, pp. 215-223.
Raghavan, R. & Ozkan, E. A. (1994), Method for computing unsteady flows in porous media, John
Wiley and Sond inc., Essex.
Sadat, H. & Couturier, S. (2000), Performance and accuracy of a meshless method for
laminar natural convection, Numerical Heat Transfer, Vol. B37, pp. 455-467.
Šarler, B.; Gobin, D.; Goyeau, B.; Perko, J. & Power, H. (2000), Natural convection in porous
media - dual reciprocity boundary element method solution of the Darcy model,
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 33, pp. 279-312.
Šarler, B.; Perko, J. & Chen, C. S. (2004a), Radial basis function collocation method solution
of natural convection in porous Media, International Journal of Numerical Methods for
Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 14, pp. 187-212.
Šarler, B.; Perko, J.; Gobin, D.; Goyeau, B. & Power, H. (2004b), Dual reciprocity boundary
element method solution of natural convection in Darcy-Brinkman porous media,
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 28, pp. 23-41.
Šarler, B. (2005), A radial basis function collocation approach in computational fluid
dynamics, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 185-193.
Šarler, B. & Vertnik, R. (2006), Meshfree explicit local radial basis function collocation
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Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 16, pp. 617-640.
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Založnik, M. & Šarler, B. (2006), "Thermosolutal flow in metals and implications for DC
casting", Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes XI.
1. Introduction
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows, which is the simplest plasma model, has been the
subject of a great number of empirical and theoretical investigations in many industrial
fields. Especially the MHD flows associating with heat transfer have received considerable
attention so far, as their applications reside in many industrial fields such as electric
propulsion for space exploration, crystal growth in liquids, cooling of nuclear reactors,
electronic packages, micro electronic devices, etc.
The most common type of body force, which acts on fluid, is attributed to gravity so that the
body force vector can be deduced from the gravitational acceleration. On the other hand,
when an electrically conducting fluid is subjected to a magnetic field, the fluid motion
induces an electric current such that the fluid velocity is reduced on account of interaction
between the electric current and the fluid motion. Therefore, in case of free convection of an
electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic field, there should be two body
forces, i.e., a buoyancy force and a Lorentz force. They interact with each other, and in turn
influence the transport phenomena of heat and mass.
Among various studies for MHD free flows, rather small amount of studies have been
accomplished for the confined enclosures. Seki et al. (1979) studied the laminar natural
convection of mercury subjected to a magnetic field parallel to gravity in a rectangular
enclosure. Numerical results were obtained and compared to their experiment in the
consideration of a partially heated vertical wall by a uniform heat generator. Rudraiah et al.
(1995) performed a numerical simulation about natural convection in a two-dimensional
cavity filled with an electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic field aligned
to gravity. They selected the Grashof and Hartmann numbers as controlling parameters to
examine the effect of a magnetic field on free convection and associated heat transfer. The
three-dimensional free convective flow in a cubical enclosure in the presence of a transverse
magnetic field was analysed by Kolsi et al. (2007) numerically.
For the free convection in an inclined enclosure under a magnetic field, the following
representative works have been conducted. Bian et al. (1996) have studied the effect of a
transverse magnetic field on buoyancy-driven convection in an inclined rectangular porous
cavity, saturated with an electrically conducting fluid. Recently Wang et al. (2007)
investigated numerically the natural convection in an inclined enclosure filled with porous
media when a strong magnetic field was applied. They modelled the cubic enclosure, such
that the direction of an applied magnetic field is varied in accordance with the inclination
134 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
angle. Differentially heated two side walls were kept to be vertical regardless of an
inclination angle in their analysis.
Investigations considering the variation in the orientation of an external magnetic field
applied were carried out too. The effect of direction of an external magnetic field on a low
Prandtl number fluid in a cubical enclosure was numerically examined by Ozoe & Okada
(1989). Hua & Walker (1995) examined the three-dimensional liquid metal MHD flow in
rectangular ducts with thin conducting walls and an inclined transverse magnetic field
against the principal axes. On the other hand, Bessaih et al. (1999) studied the buoyancy-
induced flow of gallium in cavities simulating the apparatus for crystal growth. The
combined effect on the flow structure of wall electrical conductivity and magnetic field
orientation were numerically investigated in their work. Sivasankaran & Ho (2008)
conducted the numerical analysis for natural convection of water near its density maximum
in the presence of a magnetic field in a cavity with temperature dependent properties. They
observed the effect of the direction of an external magnetic field on the flow field and
accompanying heat transfer when varying it from 0 to π/2 radians.
Moreover many researchers have taken an interest in the effect of thermal radiation on the
hydromagnetic flow and heat transfer problems, by reason of its great importance in diverse
industrial fields. Radiation effect can be quite significant at high operating temperature.
Many processes in engineering areas occur at high temperatures and the knowledge of
radiation heat transfer becomes very important for the design of pertinent equipments. The
effects of thermal radiation on hydromagnetic boundary layer flows were studied by
Chamkha (2000), Seddeek (2002), Ghaly (2002) and Raptis et al. (2004). However they
converted the complex radiation problem to the simpler conduction one accounting for the
radiation conductivity by introducing the similarity transformation as a sort of the one-
dimensional analysis. This analytical approach is not suitable for the assessment of the
radiant heat exchange between surfaces of an enclosure operating under the high
temperature environment, as the multi-dimensional analysis should be required in this case.
Mahmud & Fraser (2002) examined analytically radiation effects on mixed convection
through a vertical channel in the presence of a transverse magnetic field, but the underlying
drawbacks are similar to those for studies aforementioned.
The aim of present chapter is to investigate in detail the effect of a magnetic field as well as
thermal radiation on free convection associating with heat transfer in an enclosure filled
with an electrically conducting fluid. Basically the full two-dimensional analysis is
performed rather than the boundary layer type of analysis, even when considering the
thermal radiation. It is motivated by a desire to find any effects of the controlling parameters
on the thermally driven hydromagnetic flows found in many engineering applications. In
this context this chapter can be classified into three subjects. In the first place the changes in
the buoyant flow patterns and temperature distributions due to the tilting of the enclosure
are examined, neglecting thermal radiation. Secondly the flow and thermal field variation is
investigated in terms of the orientation of an external magnetic field. Finally the effect of
combined radiation and a magnetic field on the convective flow and heat transfer
characteristics of an electrically conducting fluid is analysed and discussed in detail.
2. Analysis model
For many electrically conducting fluids used in laboratories, the electrical conductivity is
usually small. Subsequently the magnetic Reynolds number should be very small. Therefore
it is reasonable to assume that the induced magnetic field by the motion of the electrically
Hydromagnetic Flow with Thermal Radiation 135
conducting fluid is negligible compared to the external magnetic field applied. Based on this
assumption the electromagnetic retarding force and the buoyancy force terms are appeared
in the relevant momentum equations, respectively, such that the governing equations are
not amenable to the boundary layer type of analysis. In this simulation the SIMPLER
algorithm (Patankar, 1980) is involved to estimate the flow field, which is numerically stable
and being widely used. The resultant solution of the governing equations is to be proposed
in association with the finite-volume method (Chai et al., 1994), which is compatible with
assessing the radiant heat exchange between enclosure walls. The effect of controlling
parameters pertaining to fluid flow, heat transfer characteristics and radiation involvement
is evaluated numerically.
C C+
λ TH
H C+
0 HR
adi g
aba γ
∂u ∂v
+ =0 (1)
∂x ∂y
∂ ∂ 1 ∂p σ B o2
( u2 ) + ( u v )=− + ν ∇ 2 u − g β ( T − To ) cos γ + ( − u sin 2 λ + v cos λ sin λ )
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ρ
∂ ∂ 1 ∂p σ B o2
( u v )+ ( v2 ) = − + ν ∇ 2 v + g β ( T − To ) sin γ + ( u cos λ sin λ − v cos 2 λ )
∂x ∂y ρ ∂y ρ
∂ ∂
( u T )+ ( v T ) = α ∇2 T (4)
∂x ∂y
In the above equations, u and v are the velocity component in the x and y directions. The
density, pressure and temperature are denoted by ρ, p and T, respectively. The relevant
fluid properties are kinematic viscosity ν, thermal diffusivity α, electrical conductivity σ and
volumetric expansion coefficient β. The governing equations are nondimensionalised using
the following variables:
x * = x /L , y * = y /L , u * = u / uo , v * = v / uo (5)
p T − To
p*= , T *= (6)
ρ o u o2 TH − TC
g β ΔT L3 σ
Pr = ν / α , Ra = , Gr = Ra / Pr , Ha = B o L (7)
να μ
TH − TC k /L qR
δ= , Pl = , qR * = (8)
To 4 σ To3
σ To4
∂u * ∂v* (9)
+ =0
∂x* ∂y *
Hydromagnetic Flow with Thermal Radiation 137
∂ ∂ ∂p *
(u *2 ) + ( u * v *) = − + Pr ∇ * 2 u * −Gr Pr 2 T * cos γ + Pr Ha 2 ( − u * sin 2 λ + v * cos λ sin λ ) (10)
∂x* ∂y* ∂x*
∂ ∂ ∂p *
( u * v *) + (v *2 ) = − + Pr ∇ * 2 v * + Gr Pr 2 T * sin γ + Pr Ha 2 ( u * cos λ sin λ − v * cos 2 λ ) (11)
∂x* ∂y* ∂y*
∂ ∂
( u * T * )+ ( v * T * ) = ∇ *2 T * (12)
∂x* ∂y*
u* = v* = 0, T* = -0.5 at x* = 0 (13)
u* = v* = 0, T* = 0.5 at x* = 1 (14)
Non-slip conditions of the velocities are assigned on the ceiling and floor. The thermal
boundary condition at adiabatic ceiling and floor is found from the following energy
balancing equation, in which the net radiation into the wall surface is balanced by
conductive heat loss from the wall:
∂T * q Rw *
− + =0 (15)
∂y* w
4 Pl δ
1 A ⎡ ∂T * ⎤
Nu w = ⎢− ⎥ dy
A ⎣ ∂ x * ⎦w
1 1 A
Nuw = sign ( n̂ w ) ⋅ q Rw dy *
4 Pl δ A 0
Nu w = Nu w + Nu w (18)
From the above equations, A means the aspect ratio, i.e., A = H/L. The conductive
radiative average Nusselt numbers at the walls are represented by Nuw and Nuw ,
respectively. Their sum, Nu w is the total average Nusselt number, which denotes the total
amount of heat transfer at the wall. Since the steady state is assumed in this study, the total
average Nusselt numbers at both hot and cold walls are same.
138 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
3. Numerical analysis
A numerical analysis of thermo-fluid dynamics characteristics is conducted by adopting the
SIMPLER algorithm developed by Patankar (1980). While the convection term is discretised
using the QUICK finite-difference scheme (Thakur & Shyy, 1993), the central difference
method is chosen for the diffusion term. In order to compute the radiative heat fluxes on
enclosure walls, the finite-volume method (FVM) for radiation heat transfer is implemented
here as proposed by Chai et al. (1994). After some preliminary calculations for checking
convergence and accuracy, the spatial domain is discretised into 51 × 51 non-uniform
control volumes in the x and y directions. In the case of radiation, 48 control angles are
employed to estimate the radiative wall heat fluxes accordingly.
Computations are proceeded by the following procedures. To begin with, the radiative wall
heat fluxes are determined by FVM. The velocity field is estimated from the momentum
equation. After the updated temperature is estimated from the energy equation based on the
interior point temperature at the previous iteration, the wall conductive heat fluxes are
estimated. Then, these values of the wall conductive heat flux and the radiative wall heat
flux are used to update the non-prescribed wall surface temperatures by solving the energy
balance equation (15). In computation, to reduce the error in the wall conductive heat flux,
the grid system should be clustered near the walls. Since the calculation of radiative heat
fluxes is not necessarily required at every iteration to produce a reliable steady-state result,
the radiative heat flux is updated at every tenth iteration. However, the wall surface
temperature is recalculated and changed at each iteration with an estimated wall conductive
heat flux.
Finally, the convergence criteria for main variables are checked if the steady state is reached.
Computations are terminated when the difference in total average Nusselt numbers for the
hot and cold walls is within less than 10-3 tolerance to meet the overall energy balance in the
Nu H − Nu C ≤ 10 −3 (19)
Fig. 2. Isotherm and streamline contours for Gr = 106 and Ha = 0: (a) γ = π/6, (b) γ = π/4, (c) γ
= π/3, (d) γ = 5π/12 and (e) γ = π/2 radians
140 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Fig. 3. Isotherm and streamline contours for Gr = 106 and Ha = 50: (a) γ = π/6, (b) γ = π/4, (c)
γ = π/3, (d) γ = 5π/12 and (e) γ = π/2 radians
Hydromagnetic Flow with Thermal Radiation 141
Isotherm and streamline plots will be reported for different values of controlling
parameters. The contour lines of isotherm plots correspond to equally-spaced values of the
dimensionless temperature T*, i.e., ΔT* = 0.1, in the range between -0.5 and +0.5. On the
other hand the dimensionless stream function is obtained from the velocity field solution by
integrating the integral Ψ * = u * dy * along constant x* lines, setting Ψ* = 0 at x* = y* = 0.
The contour lines of the streamline plots are correspondent to equally-spaced values of the
dimensionless stream function, unless otherwise specified.
retardation induced by direct interaction between the magnetic field and the velocity
component perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. As for streamlines, the
orientation of a magnetic field affects the elongation of streamlines. A uni-cellular inner core
is formed along with a transverse magnetic field. Following the change in λ, the inner core
gets a multi-cellular structure accompanying the elongation of streamlines at the central
region. In terms of the thermal field, the tilting of isotherms is most severe with a vertical
magnetic field.
The changes in flow and thermal fields together with λ are illustrated in Fig. 5, in the case of
a strong magnetic field, i.e., Ha = 100. The tendency in the variation of flow and thermal
fields influenced by λ, seems to be similar to that for the prior case. A multi-cellular core
structure, however, start to appear at the later stage comparing with the case of Ha = 50; in
contrast a uni-cellular core structure is recovered at the earlier stage. It is inferred that
stronger magnetic field plays a role to suppress the transition of the inner core structure as λ
varies 0 to π/2 radians. Inclination of isotherms is obvious than Fig. 4. With a vertically
permeated magnetic field, the inclination of isotherms is most conspicuous.
T* =
Ψ* =
the lower left part of the enclosure moves upward. On the contrary the convective roll
which was at the upper right region moves downward as to increase in the strength of a
magnetic field applied. In the case of the thermal field, severe temperature gradients caused
by the surface radiation are maintained at adiabatic top and bottom walls. In mid-region the
tilting of isotherms coincides with steeper temperature gradient observed by in-between
distance of isotherms getting narrower. These tendencies are preserved until Ha reaches 100,
as illustrated in Fig. 6 (d). Besides such typical influence of a magnetic field as the tilting of
isotherms and streamlines, appears to be emphasised with the suppression of convection in
an enclosure.
5. Conclusions
Free convection in a two-dimensional enclosure filled with an electrically conducting fluid
in the presence of an external magnetic field was investigated numerically. The effects of the
controlling parameters on the thermally driven hydromagnetic flows have been scrutinised.
In the first place the changes in the buoyant flow patterns and temperature distributions due
to the tilting of the enclosure were examined neglecting thermal radiation. In general terms,
the effect of the tilting angle on the flow patterns and associated heat transfer was found to
be considerable. The variation of flow strength was affected by the orientation of the cavity
with imposition of the magnetic field because the effective electromagnetic retarding force
in each flow direction was subjected closely to the inclination angle. The flow structure and
the temperature field were enormously affected by the strength of the magnetic field,
regardless of the tilting angle.
Secondly the flow and thermal field variation was investigated in terms of the orientation of
an external magnetic field. The flow intensity and structure varied in accordance with the
change of the direction of an external magnetic field. The flow retardation appeared by
direct interaction between the magnetic field and the velocity component perpendicular to
the direction of the magnetic field. In terms of the thermal field, the tilting of isotherms was
Finally the effects of combined radiation and a magnetic field on the convective flow and
heat transfer characteristics of an electrically conducting fluid were investigated. It was
concluded that the radiation was the dominant mode of heat transfer and surpassed
convective heat transfer so that it played an important role in developing the hydromagnetic
free convective flow in a differentially heated enclosure.
As a consequence, all the numerical analyses so far have been subjected to the rectangular
enclosure. Hence the future studies are supposed to be related to the general geometries
containing an electrically conducting fluid with the permeation of an external magnetic field
as well as the participation in radiation.
6. Acknowledgment
This work is partly supported by KETEP (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation
and Planning) under the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea (2008-E-AP-HM-P-19-
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146 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
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Part 2
Heat Conduction
1. Introduction
Capillarity is a well known phenomenon in physics and engineering. Porous materials such
as soil, sand, rocks, mineral building elements (cement stone or concrete, gypsum stone or
plasterboards, bricks, mortar, etc.), biological products (wood, grains, fruit, etc.) have
microscopic capillaries and pores which cause a mixture of transfer mechanisms to occur
simultaneously when subjected to heating or cooling.
In the most general case each capillary porous material is a peculiar system characterized by
the extremely close contact of three intermixed phases: gas (air), liquid (water) and solid.
Water may appear in them as physically bounded water and capillary water (Chudinov,
1968, Twardowski, Richinski & Traple, 2006). Both the bounded water and the capillary
water can be found in liquid or hard aggregate condition.
Physically bounded water co-operates with the surface of a solid phase of the materials and
has different properties than the free water. The maximum amount of bounded water in
porous materials corresponds to the maximal hygroscopicity, i.e. moisture absorbed by the
material at the 100% relative vapour pressure. The maximum hygroscopicity of the
biological capillary porous bodies is known as fibre saturation point. Capillary water fills
the capillary tube vessels, small pores or sharp, narrow indentions of bigger pores. It is not
bound physically and is called free water. Free water is not in the same thermodynamic
state as liquid water: energy is required to overcome the capillary forces, which arise
between the free water and the solid phase of the materials.
For the optimization of the heating and/or cooling processes in the capillary porous bodies,
it is required that the distribution of the temperature and moisture fields in the bodies and
the consumed energy for their heating at every moment of the process are known. The
intensity of heating or cooling and the consumption of energy depend on the dimensions
and the initial temperature and moisture content of the bodies, on the texture and micro-
structural features of the porous materials, on their anisotropy and on the content and
aggregate condition of the water in them, on the law of change and the values of the
temperature and humidity of the heating or cooling medium, etc. (Deliiski, 2004, 2009).
The correct and effective control of the heating and cooling processes is possible only when
its physics and the weight of the influence of each of the mentioned above as well as of
many other specific factors for the concrete capillary porous body are well understood. The
summary of the influence of a few dozen factors on the heating or cooling processes of the
150 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
capillary porous bodies is a difficult task and its solution is possible only with the assistance
of adequate for these processes mathematical models.
There are many publications dedicated to the modelling and computation of distribution of
the temperature and moisture content in the subjected to drying capillary porous bodies at
different initial and boundary conditions. Drying is fundamentally a problem of simulta-
neous heat and mass transfer under transient conditions. Luikov (1968) and later Whitaker
(1977) defined a coupled system of non-linear partial differential equations for heat and
mass transfer in porous bodies. Practically all drying models of capillary porous bodies are
based on these equations and include a description of the specific initial and boundary
conditions, as well as of thermo- and mass physical characteristics of the subjected to drying
bodies (Ben Nasrallah & Perre, 1988, Doe, Oliver & Booker, 1994, Ferguson & Lewis, 1991,
Kulasiri & Woodhead 2005, Murugesan et al., 2001, Zhang, Yang & Liu 1999, etc.).
As a rule the non-defective drying is a very long continuous process, which depending on
the dimensions of the bodies and their initial moisture content can last many hours, days or
even months. However there are a lot of cases in the practice where the capillary porous
bodies are subjected to a relatively short heating and/or cooling, as a result of which a
significant change in their temperature and a relatively small change in their moisture
content occurs. A typical example for this is the change in temperature in building elements
under the influence of the changing surrounding temperature during the day and night or
during fire.
Widely used during the production of veneer, plywood or furniture parts technological
processes of thermal treatment of wood materials (logs, lumber, etc.) with the aim of
plasticizing or ennoblement of the wood are characterized by a controlled change in the
temperature in the volume of the processed bodies, without it being accompanied by
significant changes in their moisture content. In these as well as in other analogous cases of
heating and/or cooling of capillary porous bodies the calculation of the non-stationary
change in the temperature field in the bodies can be carried out with the assistance of
models, which do not take into account the change in moisture content in the bodies. The
number of such published models is very limited, especially in comparison to the existing
large variety of drying models.
Axenenko (1995) presents and uses a 1D model for the computation of the temperature
change in the exposed to fire gypsum plasterboards. According to the author, after
obtaining the temperature fields inside the plasterboard, changes in the material properties
and temperature deformations can be calculated and used as initial data for the study of the
structural behaviour of the entire plasterboard assembly.
Considerate contribution to the calculation of the non-stationary distribution of the
temperature in frozen and non-frozen logs and to the duration of their heating has been
made by H. P. Steinhagen. For this purpose, he, alone, (Steinhagen, 1986, 1991) or with co-
authoring (Steinhagen, Lee & Loehnertz, 1987), (Steinhagen & Lee, 1988) has created and
solved a 1-dimensional, and later a 2-dimensional (Khattabi & Steinhagen, 1992, 1993)
mathematical model, whose application is limited only for u ≥ 0,3 The development
of these models is dominated by the usage of the method of enthalpy, which is rather more
complicated than its competing temperature method.
The models contain two systems of equations, one of which is used for the calculation of the
change in temperature at the axis of the log, and the other – for the calculation of the
temperature distribution in the remaining points of its volume. The heat energy, which is
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 151
needed for the melting of the ice, which has been formed from the freezing of the
hygroscopically bounded water in the wood, although the specific heat capacity of that ice is
comparable by value to the capacity of the frozen wood itself (Chudinov, 1966), has not been
taken into account. These models assume that the fibre saturation point is identical for all
wood species and that the melting of the ice, formed by the free water in the wood, occurs at
0ºC. However, it is known that there are significant differences between the fibre saturation
point of the separate wood species and that the dependent on this point quantity of ice,
formed from the free water in the wood, thaws at a temperature in the range between -2°C
and -1°C (Chudinov, 1968).
This paper presents the creation and numerical solutions of the 3D, 2D, and 1D
mathematical models for the transient non-linear heat conduction in anisotropic frozen and
non-frozen prismatic and cylindrical capillary porous bodies, where the physics of the
processes of heating and cooling of bodies is taken into account to a maximum degree and
the indicated complications and incompleteness in existing analogous models have been
overcome. The solutions include the non-stationary temperature distribution in the volume
of the bodies for each u ≥ 0 at every moment of their heating and cooling at
prescribed surface temperature, equal to the temperature of the processing medium or
during the time of convective thermal processing.
2. Nomenclature
а = temperature conductivity (m2.s-1)
b = width (m)
c = specific heat capacity (
d = thickness (m)
D = diameter (m)
L = length (m)
q = internal source of heat, W.m-3.s-1
R = radius (m)
r = radial coordinate: 0 ≤ r ≤ R (m)
T = temperature (К)
t = temperature (°C): t = T – 271,15
u = moisture content ( = %/100)
x = coordinate on the thickness: 0 ≤ x ≤ d/2 (m)
y = coordinate on the width: 0 ≤ y ≤ b/2 (m)
z = longitudinal coordinate: 0 ≤ z ≤ L/2 (m)
α = heat transfer coefficient between the body and the processing medium
β = coefficients in the equations for determining of λ
γ = coefficients in the equations for determining of λ
λ = thermal conductivity (W.m-1.K-1)
ρ = density (kg.m-3)
τ = time (s)
φ = angular coordinate (rad)
Δr = distance between mesh points in space coordinates for the cylinders (m)
Δx = distance between mesh points in space coordinates for the prisms (m)
Δτ = interval between time levels (s)
152 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
a = anatomical direction
b = basic (for density, based on dry mass divided to green volume)
bw = bound water
c = center (of the body)
cr = cross sectional to the fibers
d = dimension
e = effective (for specific heat capacity)
fsp = fiber saturation point
fw = free water
i = nodal point in radial direction for the cylinders: 1, 2, 3, …, (R/Δr)+1
or in the direction along the thickness for the prisms: 1, 2, 3, …, [d/(2Δx)]+1
j = nodal point in the direction along the prisms’ width: 1, 2, 3, …, [b/(2Δx)]+1
k = nodal point in longitudinal direction: 1, 2, 3, …, [L/(2Δr)]+1 for the cylinders
or 1, 2, 3, …, [L/(2Δx)]+1 for the prisms
m = medium
nfw = non-frozen water
0 = initial (at 0°C for λ)
p = parallel to the fibers
p/cr = parallel to the cross sectional
p/r = parallel to the radial
r = radial direction (radial to the fibers)
t = tangential direction (tangential to the fibers)
w = wood
x = direction along the thickness
y = direction along the width
z = longitudinal direction
n = time level 0, 1, 2, …
20 = 20°С
cρ = −div(λgradT ) ± q . (1)
This form holds for each coordinate system and for each processing medium – both for
immobile and mobile.
In the most general case с, ρ and λ of the capillary porous bodies depend on Т and u, i.e. in
equation (1) the functional dependencies participate с(Т,u), ρ(Т,u) and λ(Т,u).
As it was described in the introduction, the water contained in these bodies can be found in
liquid or hard aggregate condition. It is known that the specific heat capacity of the liquid
(non-frozen) water at 0°С is equal to 4237, and the specific heat capacity of ice is
2261, i.e. almost two times smaller (Chudinov, 1966, 1984). Because of this, the
frozen water in capillary porous bodies causes smaller values of c in comparison to the case,
when the water in them is completely liquid.
The ice in capillary porous bodies can be formed from the freezing of higroscopically
bounded water or of the free water in them. It is widely accepted that the phase transition
of water into ice and vice versa to be expressed with the help of the so-called “latent heat” in
the ice of the frozen body. When solving problems, connected to transient heat conduction
in frozen bodies, it makes sense to include the latent heat in the so-called effective specific
heat capacity ce (Chudinov, 1966), which is equal to the sum of the own specific heat
capacity of the body с and the specific heat capacity of the ice, formed in them from the
freezing of the hygroscopically bounded water and of the free water, i.e.
ce = c + c bw + c fw . (2)
When solving the problems, it must be taken into consideration that the formation and
thawing of both types of ice in these bodies takes place at different temperature ranges.
Because of this for each of the diapasons in equation (2) the sum of с with c bw and/or c fw
(shown below as an example) participates. When modeling processes of transient heat
conduction in anisotropic capillary porous bodies it is also necessary to take into
consideration that the thermal conductivity of these bodies λ apart from Т and u depends
additionally on the direction of the influencing heat flux towards the anatomic directions of
the body – radial, tangential and longitudinal to the fibers.
∂T ( x , y , z ,τ ) ∂ ⎡ ∂T ( x , y , z ,τ ) ⎤
ce (T , u ) ρ (T , u) = ⎢λx (T , u ) ⎥+
∂τ ∂x ⎣ ∂x ⎦ . (3)
∂ ⎡ ∂T ( x , y , z ,τ ) ⎤ ∂ ⎡ ∂T ( x , y , z ,τ ) ⎤
+ ⎢λy (T , u ) ⎥ + ⎢λz (T , u ) ⎥
∂y ⎣ ∂y ⎦ ∂z ⎣ ∂z ⎦
After the differentiation of the right side of equation (3) on the spatial coordinates x, y, and z,
excluding the arguments in the brackets for shortening of the record, the following
mathematical model of the process of non-stationary heating or cooling (further calling
thermal processing) of the capillary porous bodies with prismatic form is obtained:
154 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
∂T ∂ 2T ∂λ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
ce ρ = λr 2 + r ⎜ ⎟ +
∂τ ∂x ∂T ⎝ ∂x ⎠
2 (4)
∂ 2T ∂λp ⎛ ∂T ⎞
∂ 2T ∂λ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
+ λt 2 + t ⎜ ⎟ + λp 2 + ⎜ ⎟
∂y ∂T ⎝ ∂y ⎠ ∂z ∂T ⎝ ∂z ⎠
T ( x , y , z ,0 ) = T0 (5)
∂T (0, y , z ,τ ) α (0, y , z ,τ )
=− r [T (0, y , z,τ ) − Tm (τ )] , (7)
∂x λr (0, y , z ,τ )
∂T ( x ,0, z ,τ ) α ( x ,0, z ,τ )
=− t [T (x ,0, z ,τ ) − Tm (τ )] , (8)
∂y λt ( x ,0, z ,τ )
∂T ( x , y ,0,τ ) α p ( x , y ,0,τ )
=− [T (x , y ,0,τ ) − Tm (τ )] . (9)
∂z λp ( x , y ,0,τ )
The system of equations (4) ÷ (9) presents a 3D mathematical model, which describes the
change in temperature in the volume of capillary porous bodies with prismatic form during
the time of their thermal processing at corresponding initial and boundary conditions.
When the length of the subjected to thermal processing body exceeds its thickness by at least
( 2 ÷ 2, 5 ) p times, then the heat transfer through the frontal sides of the body can be
λr + λt
neglected, because it does not influence the change in temperature in the cross-section,
which is equally distant from the frontal sides. In these cases for the calculation of the
change in T in this section (i.e. only along the coordinates x and y) the following 2D model
can be used:
2 2
∂T ∂ 2T ∂λ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂ 2T ∂λt ⎛ ∂T ⎞
ce ρ = λr 2 + r ⎜ ⎟ + λt 2 + ⎜ ⎟ (10)
∂τ ∂x ∂T ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂y ∂T ⎝ ∂y ⎠
T ( x , y ,0 ) = T0 (11)
T ( 0, y ,τ ) = T ( x ,0,τ ) = Tm (τ ) , (12)
∂T (0, y ,τ ) α (0, y ,τ )
=− r [T (0, y ,τ ) − Tm (τ )] , (13)
∂x λr (0, y ,τ )
∂T ( x ,0,τ ) α ( x ,0,τ )
=− t [T (x ,0,τ ) − Tm (τ )] . (14)
∂y λt ( x ,0,τ )
When the thickness of the body is smaller than its width by at least 2 ÷ 3 times, and than its
length by at least ( 2 ÷ 2, 5 ) times, then the non-stationary change in T, for example along
the radial direction x of the body, coinciding with its thickness in the section, equally distant
from the frontal sides, can be calculated using the following 1D model:
∂T ∂ 2T ∂λ ⎛ ∂T ⎞
ce ρ = λr 2 + r ⎜ ⎟ (15)
∂τ ∂x ∂T ⎝ ∂x ⎠
with an initial condition
T ( x ,0 ) = T0 (16)
T ( 0,τ ) = Tm (τ ) , (17)
∂T (0,τ ) α (0,τ )
=− r [T (0,τ ) − Tm (τ )] . (18)
∂x λr (0,τ )
∂T ( r , z ,τ ) ⎡ ∂ 2T ( r , z ,τ ) 1 ∂ 2T ( r , z ,τ ) 1 ∂T ( r , z ,τ ) ⎤
ce (T , u ) ρ (T , u ) = λr (T , u ) ⎢ + 2 + ⎥+
∂τ ⎣⎢ ∂r 2 r ∂φ 2 r ∂r ⎦⎥ . (19)
∂λ (T , u ) ⎧⎪ ⎡ ∂T ( r , z ,τ ) ⎤ 1 ⎡ ∂T ( r , z ,τ ) ⎤ ⎫⎪ ∂ 2T ( r , z ,τ ) ∂λp (T , u ) ⎡ ∂T ( r , z ,τ ) ⎤
2 2 2
+ r ⎨⎢ ⎥ + ⎢ ⎥ ⎬ p+ λ ( T , u ) + ⎢ ⎥
∂T ∂r r2 ⎣ ∂φ ∂z 2 ∂T ∂z
⎩⎪ ⎣ ⎦ ⎦ ⎭⎪ ⎣ ⎦
156 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
∂T ⎛ ∂ 2T 1 ∂T ⎞ ∂λr ⎛ ∂T ⎞2
ce ρ = λr ⎜⎜ 2 + ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟ +
∂τ ⎝ ∂r r ∂r ⎟⎠ ∂T ⎝ ∂r ⎠
∂ 2T ∂λp ⎛ ∂T ⎞
+λp 2 + ⎜ ⎟
∂z ∂T ⎝ ∂z ⎠
T ( r , z ,0 ) = T0 (21)
T ( 0, z ,τ ) = T ( r ,0,τ ) = Tm (τ ) , (22)
∂T (0, z ,τ ) α (0, z ,τ )
=− r [T (0, z ,τ ) − Tm (τ )] , (23)
∂r λr (0, z ,τ )
∂T (r ,0,τ ) α p (r ,0,τ )
=− [T (r ,0,τ ) − Tm (τ )] . (24)
∂z λp (r ,0,τ )
When the length of the body exceeds its diameter by at least ( 2 ÷ 2, 5 ) times, then the
heat transfer through the frontal sides of the body can be neglected, because it does not
influence the change in temperature of its cross section, which is equally distant from the
frontal sides. In such cases, for the calculation of the change in T only along the coordinate r
of this section, the following 1D model can be used:
∂T ⎛ ∂ 2T 1 ∂T ⎞ ∂λr ⎛ ∂T ⎞2
ce ρ = λr ⎜⎜ 2 + ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟ (25)
∂τ ⎝ ∂r r ∂r ⎟⎠ ∂T ⎝ ∂r ⎠
T ( r ,0 ) = T0 (26)
and with boundary conditions, which are identical to the ones in equations (17) and (18), but
with derivative of T along r instead of along x in (18).
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 157
Fig. 1. A volume element of the body with a built on it calculation mesh for the solution of
equation (4) using the explicit form of the finite-difference method
158 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
As a result of the described procedures, the process for the solution of the non-linear
differential equation with partial derivatives (4) is transformed to the solution of the
equivalent to it system of linear finite-difference equations, requiring the carrying out of
numerous one-type, but not complicated algebraic operations. In the built in the body 3D
rectangular mesh, the heat transfer is taken into consideration only along its gradient lines.
For each cross point of three mesh lines, called a knot, a finite-difference equation is derived,
using which the temperature of this knot is calculated.
Finite-difference equations are obtained by substituting derivatives in the differential
equation (4), with their approximate expressions, which are differences between the values
of the function in selected knots of the calculation mesh. The temperature in knot 0 with
coordinates ( xi , y j , zk , τ n ) on Fig. 1 is designated as T0 = Ti ,nj ,k , and the temperature in
neighboring knots accordingly as T1 = Tin+ 1, j , k (knot 1), T2 = Tin− 1, j , k (knot 2), T3 = Tin, j + 1, k
(knot 3), T4 = Tin, j − 1, k (knot 4), T5 = Tin, j , k + 1 (knot 5), and T6 = Tin, j , k − 1 (knot 6). For the
calculation of temperature T0 in each following moment of time (n + 1)Δτ the values of the
temperatures from T1 to T6 in the preceding moment nΔτ need to be known.
6.1 Discrete analogues of models for transient heat conduction in prismatic bodies
The transformation of the non-linear differential equation with partial derivatives (4) in its
discrete analogue with the help of the explicit form of the finite-difference method is carried
out using the shown on Fig. 2 coordinate system for the positioning of the knots of the
calculation mesh, in which the distribution of the temperature in a subjected to thermal
processing capillary porous body with prismatic form is computed.
Fig. 2. Positioning of the knots in the calculation mesh on 1/8 of the volume of a subjected to
thermal processing prismatic capillary porous body
For the carrying out of the differentiation of λ along Т in equation (4), it is necessary to have
the function λ (T ) in the separate anatomical directions of the capillary porous body. For
the purpose of determination of subsequent transformations of the models, we accept that
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 159
the functions λr (T ) , λt (T ) and λp (T ) are linear both for containing ice, as well as for not
containing ice bodies and are described with an equation of the kind:
Then after carrying out the differentiation of λ along Т in equation (4) and substituting in it
with finite differences of the first derivative along the time and the first and second
derivatives along the spatial coordinates, the following system of equations is obtained:
⎪ Δx ⎣ ⎣ ⎦ ⎦ ⎪
γΔτ ⎪⎪ λ0t ⎡ ⎡ 2⎤ ⎪ . (29)
c e ρ ⎪ Δy ⎣
( n
n n n n
) (
⎨+ 2 ⎢ ⎣1 + β Ti , j , k − 273,15 ⎤⎦ Ti , j + 1, k + Ti , j − 1, k − 2Ti , j , k + β Ti , j , k − Ti , j − 1, k ⎥ + ⎬
⎦ ⎪
⎪ λ ⎪
( )( ) (
⎪+ 0p ⎡ ⎡1 + β Tin, j , k − 273,15 ⎤ Tin, j , k + 1 + Tin, j , k − 1 − 2Tin, j , k + β Tin, j , k − Tin, j , k − 1 ⎤ ⎪ )
⎩⎪ Δz ⎣⎢ ⎣ ⎦ ⎦⎥ ⎪⎭
The initial condition (5) in the 3D mathematical model is presented using the following
finite differences equation:
Ti 0, j ,k = T0 . (30)
The boundary conditions (6) ÷ (9) get the following easy for programming form:
• for thermal processing of the prisms at their prescribed surface temperature:
where the coefficient K p/cr = depends on the type of the capillary porous material.
For the unification of the calculations it makes sense to use one such step of the calculation
mesh along the spatial coordinates ∆x = ∆y = ∆z (refer to Fig. 2). Taking into consideration
this condition, and also of equations (35) and (36), the system of equations (29) becomes
λ0crγΔτ ⎪ ⎣ i, j ( )(
⎧ ⎡1 + β T n − 273,15 ⎤ T n + T n + T n + T n − 4T n + ⎫
⎦ i + 1, j i − 1, j i , j +1 i , j −1 i, j
⎪ )
Tin, j+ 1 = Tin, j + ⎨ ⎬ (38)
( ) ( ) ⎤
2 2 2
c e ρΔx ⎪+ β T − Tn n n n
+ Ti , j − Ti , j − 1 ⎥ ⎪
⎩ ⎣ ⎢ i, j i − 1, j
⎦ ⎭
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 161
Ti 0,j = T0 (39)
Tin + 1 = Tin +
λ0crγΔτ ⎡
ce ρΔx 2 ⎣ { ( )( ) (
1 + β Tin − 273,15 ⎤ Tin+ 1 + Tin− 1 − 2Tin + β Tin − Tin− 1
⎦ )}
Ti 0 = T0 (44)
T2n + G1Tmn + 1 α cr Δx
T1n + 1 = where G1 = . (46)
1 + G1 λ0crγ [1 + β T1n − 273,15 ]( )
Using the system of equations (37) and (30) ÷ (36) of the 3D case, (38) ÷ (42) of the 2D case
and (43) ÷ (46) of the 1D case, the integration of the differential equation (4) and of its
reduced along the spatial coordinates analogues, is transformed to a consequent
determination of the values of T in the knots of the calculation mesh, built in the subjected to
thermal processing prismatic material, where during the computations the distribution of T
is used in the preceding moment, distanced from the current by Δτ .
The value of the step Δτ is determined by the requirement for stability of the solution of the
corresponding system of equations. It must not exceed the smaller of the two values
obtained from the equations
in which Tmin and Tmax are correspondingly the smallest and biggest of all values of the
temperatures, encountered in the initial and boundary conditions of the heat transfer when
solving the mathematical model, and Kd is a coefficient, reflecting the dimensioning of the
heat flux when calculating the step Δτ : for a 3D heat flux Kd = 6K p/cr ; for a 2D heat flux
Kd = 4 and for a 1D heat flux Kd = 2 .
6.2 Discrete analogues of models for transient heat conduction in cylindrical bodies
For the obtaining of a discrete analogues of equations (20) ÷ (24) the explicit form of the
finite-difference method has been used in a way comparable to the reviewed above case of
2D thermal processing of prismatic bodies. The transformation of the non-linear differential
equation with partial derivatives (20) in its discrete analogue is carried out using the shown
on Fig. 3 coordinate system for the positioning of the knots from the calculation mesh, in
which the distribution of temperature in the longitudinal section of subjected to thermal
processing cylindrical body is calculated. The calculation mesh for the solution of the 2D
model with the help of the finite-differences method is built on ¼ of the longitudinal section
of the cylindrical body due to the circumstance that this ¼ is mirror symmetrical towards
the remaining ¾ of the same section.
Fig. 3. Positioning of the knots of the calculation mesh on ¼ of the longitudinal section of a
subjected to thermal processing cylindrical body
Taking into consideration equations (2) and (27) and using the coefficient K p/r = , after
applying the explicit form of the finite-differences method to equations (20) ÷ (24), they are
transformed into the following system of equations:
⎧ ⎫
⎪ ⎡⎣1 + β Ti , k − 273,15 ⎤⎦
) ⎪
⎪ ⎡T n + T n + K
λ γΔτ ⎪ ⎢ i − 1, k i + 1, k
( n
p/r Ti , k − 1 + Ti , k + 1 −
⎤ ⎪
⎥ ⎪
Tin, k+ 1 = Tin, k + 0r 2 ⎨ ⎢ ⎥ +⎬ (48)
c e ρΔr ⎪ ⎢ 2 + 2K ) n
p/r Ti , k +
( )
Ti − 1, k − Ti , k ⎥ ⎪
⎦ ⎪
⎪ ⎡ n 2⎤ ⎪
( ) ( )
n n n
⎪ β Ti − 1, k − Ti , k + Kp/r Ti , k − 1 − Ti , k ⎥ ⎪
⎩ ⎣⎢ ⎦ ⎭
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 163
Ti0,k = T0 (49)
λ γΔτ ⎪⎪ ⎣
i (
⎧ ⎡1 + β T n − 273,15 ⎤
⎦ ) ⎫
Tin + 1 = Tin + 0r 2 ⎨ 2⎬ (53)
ce ρΔr ⎪ T + T − 2T + 1
⎢ i −1
⎪⎩ ⎣
(T n
i −1 − Tin ) ⎤
( n n
⎥ + β Ti − 1 − Ti ⎪⎪
with an initial condition presented through equation (44) and boundary conditions,
presented through equations (45) and (46), where in (46) instead of α cr and λ0cr , α r and
λ0r are used. The value of the Δτ , which guarantees the obtaining of robust solutions for
the presented models, is determined by the condition for stability, described by equation
(47). When solving the 2D model Kd = 4K p/r , and when solving the 1D model Kd = 2 in
Specific heat capacity c , .K
u = 0,1
u = 0,2
3000 u = 0,3
2750 u = 0,4
2500 u = 0,6
u = 0,8
u = 1,0
u = 1,2 kg/kg
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Тemperature t , C
Fig. 4. Change in the specific heat capacity of the wood c depending on t and u
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 165
The following equations for c(T , u , ufsp ) have been derived, which are valid for all wood
species for the intervals 0 ≤ u ≤ 1,2 and 223 ≤ Т ≤ 373 К (Deliiski 1990, 2003b, 2004):
• When Т > 271,15 К, or when Т ≤ 271,15 К and simultaneously with this u ≤ unfw :
0,00075 (T − 271,15 )
K c = 1,06 + 0,04u + , (57)
where the content of non-frozen water in the wood unfw is equals to
( )
unfw = 0,12 + ufsp − 0,12 exp ⎣⎡0,0567 (T − 271,15 ) ⎦⎤ . (58)
The calculated according to equation (58) change in unfw depending on t at ufsp = 0, 2 kg. kg-1,
ufsp = 0, 3 kg. kg-1 and ufsp = 0, 4 kg. kg-1 is shown on Fig. 5.
Non-frozen water u nfw,
0,3 Ufsp=0,2
0,2 Ufsp=0,3
-50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Temperature t , C
Fig. 5. Change in the content of non-frozen water in the wood unfw depending on t and ufsp
Taking into consideration the latent heat in the phase transition (crystallization) of the
water, equal to 3, 34.10 5 (Chudinov, 1966) the following equation has been obtained
for the calculation of c fw (Deliiski, 2003b, 2004, 2009, Dzurenda & Deliiski, 2010):
u − ufsp
c fw = 3, 34.10 5 @ 271,15 < T ≤ 272,15 & u > ufsp . (59)
166 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
The change in the calculated according to equation (59) values for c fw depending on u
and ufsp of the wood is shown on Fig. 6. It can be seen that the decrease in ufsp at a given u
causes a proportional increase of the capacity c fw due to the increase in the numerator in
equation (59). The increase of u causes an increase of c fw , which is caused by the increase of
the quantity of ice in the more humid wood, which was formed from the free water.
Specific heat capacity c fw , .K-1
Ufsp = 0,2
Ufsp = 0,4 kg/kg
0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,2
u < 0,2
Specific heat capacity c bw , .K
2500 u = 0,2
2000 u = 0,3
u = 0,4
u = 0,6
1000 u = 0,8
500 u = 1,0
u = 1,2 kg/kg
-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Temperature t , C
Fig. 7. Change in c bw of beech wood depending on T and u at ufsp = 0, 31
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 167
For the calculation of c bw the following equation (Deliiski 2003b, 2009) has been obtained:
The change in the calculated according to equation (60) values for c bw depending on T and
u is shown on Fig. 7 for the comparatively more often subjected to thermal processing beech
wood with ufsp = 0, 31
When Т and u are outside of the indicated in equations (59) and (60) ranges, the values of
c fw and c bw have been assumed to be equal to zero during the solution of the models.
Thermal conductivity λ cr, W.m .K
u = 0,1
0,7 u = 0,2
0,6 u = 0,3
0,5 u = 0,4
0,4 u = 0,6
u = 0,8
u = 1,0
u = 1,2 kg/kg
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature t , C
Fig. 8. Change in the thermal conductivity cross sectional to the fibers λcr of birch wood
with ρ b = 515 kg.m-3 and ufsp = 0, 30 depending on t and u
168 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
In the description of λcr , as well as in that of ce , ufsp has been introduced as an independent
variable for different wood species, instead of the ordinarily used averaged value of
ufsp = 0, 30 for all wood species. The following equations for the calculation of the
coefficients of λ in equation (27) for the ranges 0 ≤ u ≤ 1, 2 and 223 ≤ T ≤ 373 К have
been derived (Deliiski, 1994, 2003b, Dzurenda & Deliiski, 2010):
λ0 = Kaν ⎡0,165 + ( 1,39 + 3,8u ) 3,3.10 −7 ρb2 + 1,015.10 −3 ρ b ⎤ ,
⎣ )⎦ (61)
The equations, which have been suggested by Chudinov (1966, 1968) and shown in (Deliiski,
1977) can be used for the determining of the values of the coefficient K a in equation (61),
which takes into account the influence on λ0 of the heat flux towards the separate anatomic
directions of the wood, i.e. for the determining of λr , λt and λp . The coefficients γ and β in
equation (27) are calculated by the following equations:
• When Т > 271,15 К or when Т ≤ 271,15 К and simultaneously with this u < unfw :
γ = 1,0 , (64)
⎛ 579 ⎞
β = (2,05 + 4u )⎜ − 0,124 ⎟.10 −3 @ u ≤ ufsp + 0,1, (65)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ρy ⎠
⎛ 579 ⎞
β = 3,65⎜ − 0,124 ⎟.10 −3 @ u > ufsp + 0,1 (66)
⎜ ρy ⎟
⎝ ⎠
• When Т ≤ 271,15 К and simultaneously with this u ≥ ufsp or when T ≤ Tnfw and
simultaneously with this 0,125 ≤ u < ufsp :
γ = 1 + 0,34[1,15 u − u fsp ] , ) (67)
⎛ 579 ⎞
β = 0,002(u − ufsp ) − 0,0038⎜⎜ − 0,124 ⎟⎟ , (68)
⎝ b ⎠
unfw − 0,12
ufsp − 0,12
Tnfw = 271,15 + . (69)
For the calculation of λ in the cases, when T ≤ Tnfw and simultaneously with this
0,125 ≤ u < ufsp , the value of λnfw is initially determined by substituting T = Tnfw in
equation (27) as well as the values of γ from equation (64) and of β from equation (65). After
this, with the usage of the coefficient β from equation (68), the values of λ are calculated
with the following equation:
Equation (70), together with equation (27), make the calculation of λ applicable for all
temperatures larger than –50°С (i.e. T = 223,15 К), because only at T = 223,15 К and the
minimum possible for the wood species ufsp = 0, 2, the value of unfw is unfw = 0,125 (Fig. 5).
1+ u @ u ≤ ufsp , (71)
ρ = ρb
1 − 9,3.10 −4 ρ b u fsp − u )
ρ = ρ b (1 + u ) @ u > ufsp , (72)
ufsp = ufsp − 0,001(T − 293,15) . (73)
The values for ufsp are given in the specialized literature (Siau, 1984, Videlov, 2003, etc.).
ROb = 200
ROb = 300
Wood density ρ, kg.m
ROb = 400
800 ROb = 500
ROb = 600
ROb = 700
FORTRAN (Dorn & McCracken, 1972), which has been input in the developed by Microsoft
calculation environment of VISUAL FORTRAN PROFESSIONAL (Deliiski 2003b).
The software package can be used for the calculation and colour visualization (either as
animation of the whole process or as 3D, 2D, 1D graphs of each desired moment of the
process) of the non-stationary distribution of the temperature fields in the materials
containing or not containing ice during their thermal processing. The computation of the
change in the temperature field in the volume of materials containing ice in the beginning of
their thermal processing is interconnected for the periods of the melting of the ice and after
that, taking into account the flexible spatial boundary of the melting ice.
The computation of the temperature fields is done interconnectedly and for the processes of
heating and consequent cooling of the materials, i.e. the calculation of the non-stationary
change in temperatures in the volume of the materials during the time of their cooling
begins from the already reached during the time of calculations distribution of temperature
in the end of the heating. Based on the calculations it can be determined when the moment
of reaching in the entire volume of the heated wood has occurred for the necessary optimal
temperatures needed for bending of the parts or for cutting the veneer, as well as the stage
of the ennoblement of the wood desired by the clients.
80 tm 80
70 70
d/4, b/4, L/8 d/4, b/4, L/8
Temperature t , C
Tem perature t , C
Fig. 10. 3D heating at tm = 800 C of frozen (left) and non-frozen (right) beech prisms with
dimensions 0,4 x 0,4 x 0,8 m, ρ b = 560, u = 0,6 and ufsp = 0, 31
With the help of the 2D model the change in temperature in 5 characteristic points of cross
section of non-frozen oak prisms with t0 = 00 C and frozen oak prisms with t0 = −100 C has
been calculated during the time of their thermal processing with prescribed surface
temperature tm = 600 C and during the time of the consequent cooling with surface
convection at tm = 200 C .
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 171
The prisms have the following characteristics: d = 0,25 m, b = 0,40 m, L > 1,0 m, ρ b = 670
20, u = 0,6 and ufsp = 0, 29 The heating of the prisms continues until the
reaching of the minimally required for cutting of veneer temperature in their centre, equal to
tc = 500 C .
During the time of cooling of the heated prisms a redistribution and equalization of t in their
cross section takes place, which is especially appropriate for the obtaining of quality veneer.
The change in tm and t is shown on Fig. 11 in 5 characteristic points from the cross section of
the prisms with coordinates, which are given in the legend of the graphs.
tm 60
Temperature t, C
Temperature t, C
d=0, b=0
40 d=0, b=0
30 d/8, b/8 d/8, b/8
20 d/4, b/4 d/4, b/4
10 20
d/2, b/4 d/2, b/4
0 10
d/2, b/2 d/2, b/2
-10 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 4 8 12 16 20
Time τ, h Time τ, h
Fig. 11. 2D heating at tm = 600 C and consequent cooling at tm = 200 C of frozen (left) and
non-frozen (right) oak prisms with cross section 0,25 x 0,40 m, ρ b = 670 and u = 0,6
80 tm
80 tm
70 70
Temperature t , C
Temperature t , C
Fig. 12. 2D heating at tm = 800 C of frozen (left) and non-frozen (right) beech logs with
R=0,2 m, L=0,8 m, ρ b = 560, u = 0,6 and ufsp = 0,31
172 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
The change in t in the longitudinal section of non-frozen beech logs with t0 = 00 C and in
frozen beech logs with t0 = −100 C has been also calculated with the given above parameters
during the time of a 3-stage high temperature thermal processing in autoclave and during
the time of the consequent cooling with surface convection at tm = 200 C (Fig. 13).
140 140
120 120
100 R=0, L=0
Temperature t , С
R=0, L=0
Temperature t , C
R/2, L/4 80 R/2, L/4
R/2, L/2 60 R/2, L/2
40 R, L/4
20 R, L/4
0 20
R, L/2
R, L/2
-20 0
0 4 8 12 16 0 4 8 12
Time τ, h Time τ, h
Fig. 13. 2D high temperature heating in autoclave and consequent cooling of frozen (left)
and non-frozen (right) beech logs with R=0,2 m, L=0,8 m, ρ b = 560 and u = 0,6
Using 3D graphs and 2D diagrams a part of the results is shown on Fig. 14 from the
simulation studies on the heat transfer in the radial and longitudinal direction of the frozen
beech logs with t0 = -2°C, whose temperature field is shown on the left side on Fig. 12. The
non-stationary temperature distribution during specific time intervals of the thermal
processing is clearly observed from the 3D graphs (left columns on Fig. 14). The 2D
diagrams which show in more detail the results from the simulations can be used rather for
qualitative than quantitative analysis of the thermal processing of the materials (right
columns on Fig. 14).
On the left parts of Fig. 10, Fig. 11, Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 the characteristic non-linear parts can
be seen well, which show a slowing down in the change in t in the range from -2°С to -
1°С, in which the melting of the ice takes place, which was formed in the wood from the
freezing of the free water in it. This signifies the good quality and quantity adequacy of the
mathematical models towards the real process of heating of ice-containing wood materials.
The calculated with the help of the models results correspond with high accuracy to wide
experimental data for the non-stationary change in t in the volume of the containing and not
containing ice wood logs, which have been derived in the publications by (Schteinhagen,
1986, 1991) and (Khattabi & Steinhagen, 1992, 1993).
The results presented on the figures show that the procedures for calculation of non-
stationary change in t in prepared software package, realizing the solution of the
mathematical models according to the finite-differences method, functions well for the cases
of heating and cooling both for frozen and non-frozen materials at various initial and
boundary conditions of the heat transfer during the thermal processing of the materials.
The good adequacy and precision of the models towards the results from numerous own
and foreign experimental studies allows for the carrying out of various calculations with the
models, which are connected to the non-stationary distribution of t in prismatic and
cylindrical materials from various wood species and also to the heat energy consumption by
the wood at random encountered in the practice conditions for thermal processing.
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 173
Fig. 14. 3D graphs and 2D contour plots for the temperature distribution with time in ¼
of longitudinal section of beech log with R = 0,2 m, L = 0,8 m, u = 0,6 kg⋅kg−1 and t0 = -2°C
174 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
9. Conclusion
This paper describes the creation and solution of non-linear mathematical models for the
transient heat conduction in anisotropic frozen and non-frozen capillary porous bodies with
prismatic and cylindrical shape and at any u ≥ 0 The mechanism of the heat
distribution in the entire volume of the bodies is described only by one partial differential
equation of heat conduction. For the first time the own specific heat capacity of the bodies
and the specific heat capacity of the ice, formed in them from the freezing of the
hygroscopically bounded water and of the free water are taken into account in the models.
The models take into account the physics of the described processes and allow the 3D, 2D
and 1D calculation of the temperature distribution in the volume of subjected to heating
and/or cooling anisotropic or isotropic bodies in the cases, when the change in their
moisture content during the thermal processing is relatively small. For the solution of the
models an explicit form of the finite-difference method is used, which allows for the
exclusion of any simplifications in the models.
For the usage of the models it is required to have the knowledge and mathematical
description of several properties of the subjected to thermal processing frozen and non-
frozen capillary porous materials. In this paper the approaches for mathematical description
of thermo-physical characteristics of materials from different wood species, which are
typical representatives of anisotropic capillary porous bodies, widely subjected to thermal
treatment in the practice are shown as examples.
For the numerical solution of the models a software package has been prepared in
FORTRAN, which has been input in the developed by Microsoft calculation environment of
Visual Fortran Professional. The software allows for the computations to be done for heating
and cooling of the bodies at prescribed surface temperature, equal to the temperature of the
processing medium or during the time of convective thermal processing. The computation
of the change in the temperature field in the volume of materials containing ice in the
beginning of their thermal processing is interconnected for the periods of the melting of the
ice and after that, taking into account the flexible boundary of the melting ice. The
computation of the temperature fields is done interconnectedly and for the processes of
heating and consequent cooling of the materials, i.e. the calculation of the change in
temperatures in the volume of the materials during the time of their cooling begins from the
already reached during the time of calculations distribution of temperature in the end of the
heating. It is shown how based on the calculations it can be determined when the moment
of reaching in the entire volume of the heated and after that cooling body has occurred for
the necessary optimal temperatures needed, for example, for bending of wood parts or for
cutting the veneer from plasticised wooden prisms or logs.
The models can be used for the calculation and colour visualization (either as animation of
the whole process or as 3D, 2D, 1D graphs of each desired moment of the process) of the
distribution of the temperature fields in the bodies during their thermal processing. The
development of the models and algorithms and software for their solution is consistent with
the possibility for their usage in automatic systems with a model based (Deliiski 2003a,
2003b, 2009) or model predicting control of different processes for thermal treatment.
10. Acknowledgement
This work was supported by the Scientific Research Sector of the University of Forestry,
Sofia, Bulgaria.
Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies 175
11. References
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of Wood, Dissertation for Dr.Sc., SibLTI, Krasnoyarsk, USSR (in Russian)
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Moscow, USSR (in Russian)
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wärmung durch Wärmeleitung. Teil I.: Mathematisches Modell für die Erwärmung
des Holzes durch Wärmeleitung. Holz Roh- Werkstoff, Volume 35, № 4, pp. 141−145
Deliiski, N. (1979). Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Heating of Cylindrical Wood
Materials by Thermal Conductivity. Scientific Works of the Higher Forest-technical
Institute in Sofia, Volume XXV- MTD, 1979, pp. 21-26 (in Bulgarian)
Deliiski, N. (1990). Mathematische Beschreibung der spezifischen Wärmekapazität des
aufgetauten und gefrorenen Holzes, Proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium
on Fundamental Research of Wood. Warsaw, Poland, pp. 229-233
Deliiski, N. (1994). Mathematical Description of the Thermal Conductivity Coefficient of
Non-frozen and Frozen Wood. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Wood
Structure and Properties ’94, Zvolen, Slovakia, pp. 127-134
Deliiski, N. (2003a). Microprocessor System for Automatic Control of Logs’ Steaming
Process. Drvna Industria, Volume 53, № 4, pp. 191-198.
Deliiski, N. (2003b). Modelling and Technologies for Steaming Wood Materials in Autoclaves.
Dissertation for Dr.Sc., University of Forestry, Sofia (in Bulgarian)
Deliiski, N. (2004). Modelling and Automatic Control of Heat Energy Consumption Requi-
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Deliiski, N. (2009). Computation of the 2-dimensional Transient Temperature Distribution
and Heat Energy Consumption of Frozen and Non-frozen Logs. Wood Research,
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Dorn, W. S., McCracken, D. D. (1972). Numerical Methods with FORTRAN IV: Case Studies,
John Willej & Sons, Inc., New York
Dzurenda, L., Deliiski, N. (2010). Thermal Processes in the Technologies for Wood Processing, TU
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176 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1. Introduction
Radiative transfer considers problems that involve the physical phenomenon of energy
transfer by radiation in media. These phenomena occur in a variety of realms (Ahmad
& Deering, 1992; Tsai & Ozişik, 1989; Wilson & Sen, 1986; Yi et al., 1996) including optics
(Liu et al., 2006), astrophysics (Pinte et al., 2009), atmospheric science (Thomas & Stamnes,
2002), remote sensing (Shabanov et al., 2007) and engineering applications like heat transport
by radiation (Brewster, 1992) for instance or radiative transfer laser applications (Kim &
Guo, 2004). Furthermore, applications to other media such as biological tissue, powders,
paints among others may be found in the literature (see ref. (Yang & Kruse, 2004) and
references therein). Although radiation in its basic form is understood as a photon flux
that requires a stochastic approach taking into account local microscopic interactions of a
photon ensemble with some target particles like atoms, molecules, or effective micro-particles
such as impurities, this scenario may be conveniently modelled by a radiation field, i.e.
a radiation intensity, in a continuous medium where a microscopic structure is hidden in
effective model parameters, to be specified later. The propagation of radiation through a
homogeneous or heterogeneous medium suffers changes by several isotropic or non-isotropic
processes like absorption, emission and scattering, respectively, that enter the mathematical
approach in form of a non-linear radiative transfer equation. The non-linearity of the equation
originates from a local thermal description using the Stefan-Boltzmann law that is related to
heat transport by radiation which in turn is related to the radiation intensity and renders the
radiative transfer problem a radiative-conductive one (Ozisik, 1973; Pomraning, 2005). Here,
local thermal description means, that the domain where a temperature is attributed to, is
sufficiently large in order to allow for the definition of a temperature, i.e. a local radiative
The principal quantity of interest is the intensity I, that describes the radiation energy flow
through an infinitesimal oriented area dΣ̂ = n̂dΣ with outward normal vector n̂ into the solid
angle dΩ̂ = Ω̂dΩ, where Ω̂ represents the direction of the flow considered, with angle θ of
the normal vector and the flow direction n̂ · Ω̂ = cos θ = μ. In the present case we focus
on the non-linearity of the radiative-conductive transfer problem and therefore introduce
the simplification of an integrated spectral intensity over all wavelengths or equivalently all
frequencies that contribute to the radiation flow and further ignore possible effects due to
polarization. Also possible effects that need in the formalism properties such as coherence
2 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
and diffraction are not taken into account. In general the Radiative-Conductive Transfer
Equation is difficult to solve without introducing some approximations, like linearisation or
a reduction to a diffusion like equation, that facilitate the construction of a solution but at
the cost of predictive power in comparison to experimental findings, or more sophisticated
approaches. The present approach is not different in the sense that approximations shall be
introduced, nevertheless the non-linearity that represents the crucial ingredient in the problem
is solved without resorting to linearisation or perturbation like procedures and to the best of
our knowledge is the first approach of its kind. The solution of the modified or approximate
problem can be given in closed analytical form, that permits to calculate numerical results
in principle to any desired precision. Moreover, the influence of the non-linearity can be
analysed in an analytical fashion directly from the formal solution. Solutions found in the
literature are typically linearised and of numerical nature (see for instance (Asllanaj et al., 2001;
2002; Attia, 2000; Krishnapraka et al., 2001; Menguc & Viskanta, 1983; Muresan et al., 2004;
Siewert & Thomas, 1991; Spuckler & Siegel, 1996) and references therein). To the best of our
knowledge no analytical approach for heterogeneous media and considering the non-linearity
exists so far, that are certainly closer to realistic scenarios in natural or technological sciences.
A possible reason for considering a simplified problem (homogeneous and linearised) is that
such a procedure turns the determination of a solution viable. It is worth mentioning that
a general solution from an analytical approach for this type of problems exists only in the
discrete ordinate approximation and for homogeneous media as reported in reference (Segatto
et al., 2010).
Various of the initially mentioned applications allow to segment the medium in plane parallel
sheets, where the radiation field is invariant under translation in directions parallel to that
sheet. In other words the only spatial coordinate of interest is the one perpendicular to the
sheet that indicates the penetration depth of the radiation in the medium. Frequently, it is
justified to assume the medium to have an isotropic structure which reduces the angular
degrees of freedom of the radiation intensity to the azimuthal angle θ or equivalently to
its cosine μ. Further simplifications may be applied which are coherent with measurement
procedures. One the one hand measurements are conducted in finite time intervals where the
problem may be considered (quasi-)stationary, which implies that explicit time dependence
may be neglected in the transfer equation. On the other hand, detectors have a finite
dimension (extension) with a specific acceptance angle for measuring radiation and thus set
some angular resolution for experimental data. Such an uncertainty justifies to segment the
continuous angle into a set of discrete angles (or their cosines), which renders the original
equation with angular degrees of freedom a set of equations known as the S N approximation
to be introduced in detail in section 3.
Our chapter is organised as follows: in the next section we motivate the radiative-conductive
transfer problem. Sections 3 and 4 are dedicated to the hierarchical construction procedure
of analytical solutions for the heterogeneous radiative-conductive transfer problem from its
reduction to the homogeneous case, using two distinct philosophies. In section 4.3 we apply
the method to specific cases and present results. Last, we close the chapter with some remarks
and conclusions.
coefficient κ and the geometrical projection on the direction perpendicular to that plane, say
along the z-axis, so that dτ = −κρdz. Further the temperature is measured in multiples of a
reference temperature T (τ ) = Θ(τ ) Tr , typically taken at τ = 0.
Based on the photon number balance and in the spirit of a Boltzmann type equation one
arrives at the radiative transfer equation in a volume that shall be chosen in a way so that no
boundaries that separate media with different physical properties cross the control volume.
To this end, five photon number changing contributions shall be taken into account which
may be condensed into the four terms that follow. The first term describes the net rate of
streaming of photons through the bounding surface of an infinitesimal control volume, the
second term combines absorption and out-scattering from μ to all possible directions μ in
the control volume. The third term contemplates in-scattering from all directions μ into the
direction μ, and last not least a black-body like emission term according to the temperature
dependence of Stefan-Boltzmann’s law for the control volume.
dI (τ, μ) 1 ω (τ ) 1 1 − ω (τ ) 4
+ I (τ, μ) = P(μ ) I (τ, μ ) dμ + Θ (τ ) (1)
dτ μ 2μ −1 μ
Here, ω is the single scattering albedo and P(μ) signifies the differential scattering coefficient
or also called the phase function, that accounts for the rate at which photons are scattered into
an angle dμ and with inclination μwith respect to the normal vector of the sheet. Note, that
the phase function is normalized 12 P(μ) dμ = 1.
Upon simplifying the phase function in plane geometry one may expand the angular
dependence in Legendre Polynomials Pn (μ),
P(μ, μ ) = ∑ β n Pn (μ − μ) ,
with β n the expansion coefficients that follow from orthogonality. Further one may employ
the addition formula for Legendre polynomials using azimuthal symmetry (hence the zero
(n − m)! m
P (μ − μ) = P (μ) P (μ ) + 2 ∑ P (μ) Pnm (μ ) cos(m(φ − φ )) dφ ,
(n + m)! n 0
m =1
and write the integral on the right hand side of side of equation (1) as
1 ∞ 1
P(μ, μ ) I (τ, μ ) dμ = ∑ β P (μ) P (μ ) I (τ, μ ) dμ ,
−1 =0 −1
where the summation index refers to the degree of anisotropy. For practical applications only
a limited number of terms indexed with have to be taken into account in order to characterise
qualitatively and quantitatively the anisotropic contributions to the problem. Also higher
terms oscillate more significantly and thus suppress the integral’s significance in the solution.
The degree of anisotropy may be indicated truncating the sum by an upper limit L. The
integro-differential equation (1) together with the afore mentioned manipulations may be cast
into an approximation known as the S N equation upon reducing the continuous angle cosine
to a discrete set of N angles. This procedure opens a pathway to apply standard vector algebra
techniques to obtain a solution from the equation system, discussed in detail in section 3.
4 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
In order to define boundary conditions we have to specify in more details the scenario
in consideration. In the further we analyse non-linear radiative-conductive transfer in
a grey plane-parallel participating medium with opaque walls, where specular (mirror
like) as well as diffuse reflections occur besides thermal photon emission according to the
Stefan-Boltzmann law (see (Elghazaly, 2009) and references therein). If one thinks the medium
being subdivided into sheets of thickness Δτ with sufficiently small depth so that for each
sheet a homogeneous medium applies, than for each face or interface the condition for the top
boundary (at τ = τi ) is
I (τ, μ) =
(τ )Θ4 (τ ) + ρs (τ ) I (τ, −μ) + 2ρd (τ ) I (τ, −μ )μ dμ , (2)
with ρs and ρd the specular and diffuse reflections at the boundary, which are related to the
+ ρs + ρd = 1. For the limiting bottom boundary (τ = τi + Δτ) μ and μ
change their sign in the argument of I (τ, μ() ) in equation (2). Suppose we have NS sheets
and NS + 1 boundaries, one might think that for a first order differential equation (1) in τ the
supply of NS + 1 boundary conditions results in an ill-posed problem with no solutions at all.
However, we still have to set up an equation that uniquely defines the non-linearity in terms
of the radiation intensity.
The relation may be established in two steps, first recognizing that the dimensionless radiative
flux is expressed in terms of the intensity by
qr∗ = 2π I (τ, μ)μ dμ , (3)
and the energy equation for the temperature that connects the radiative flux to a temperature
gradient is
d2 1 d ∗ 1 d
Θ ( τ ) = q ( τ ) = 2π I ( τ, μ ) μ dμ . (4)
dτ 2 4πNc dτ r 4πNc dτ −1
kβ ext
Nc = , (5)
4σn2 Tr3
with k the thermal conductivity, β ext the extinction coefficient, σ the Stefan-Boltzmann
constant and n the refractive index. Note that the radiative flux results from the integration
of the intensity over angular variables, so that the thermal conductivity is considered here
isotropic. Equation (4) is subject to prescribed temperatures at the top- and bottommost
Θ (0) = Θ T and Θ(τ0 ) = Θ B . (6)
dIn (τ ) 1 ω (τ ) L N
1 − ω (τ ) 4
In (τ ) = ∑
2μn =0
β P (μn ) ∑ wk P (μk ) Ik (τ ) +
Θ (τ ) , (7)
k =1
dΘ(τ ) dΘ(τ )
1 N
2Nc k∑
− = wk ( Ik (τ ) − Ik (0)) μk , (8)
dτ dτ
τ =0 =1
for n = 1, . . . , N and are subject to the following boundary conditions.
In (0) =
(0)Θ (0) + ρ (0) IN −n+1 (0) + 2ρ (0)
s d
∑ w k I N − k +1 (0) μ k
k =1
IN −n+1 (τ0 ) =
(τ0 )Θ4 (τ0 ) + ρs (τ0 ) In (τ0 ) + 2ρd (τ0 ) ∑ wk Ik (τ0 )μk (9)
k =1
Note, that the integrals over the angular variables are replaced by a Gaussian quadrature
scheme with weight factors wk , where k refers to one of the discrete directions μk .
ω (τ ) L
f nk = θ H ( N − n + 1/2)θ H ( N − k + 1/2)
2μn = ∑ β P (μn )wk P (μk )
+(1 − δk,N +1 )δn,N +1 . (12)
6 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Note, that the increment 1/2 in the Heaviside functional was introduced merely to make the
argument positive definite in the range of interest which otherwise could lead to conflicts with
possible definitions for θ H ( x ) at x = 0.
The boundary conditions are combined accordingly, except for the limiting temperatures
(equation (6)) that are kept separately for simplicity because they would add only an
additional diagonal block leading to a reducible representation and thus this does not bring
any advantage.
BD I − B M I = Γ (13)
Equation (13) has a block form where one block represents forward angle contributions μ > 0
and the other one backward terms μ < 0 originating from the top and bottom boundary,
respectively. Here, BD is the N × N unit matrix, and
0 ρs C N/2 + 2ρd G−
BM = N/2 (14)
ρs C N/2 + 2ρd G+
N/2 0
with C N/2 an N/2 × N/2 matrix which results from column reversion in the unit matrix, i.e.
after mapping column position k to position N/2 − k + 1. The remaining matrices that control
the diffuse forward and backward reflection (G±
N/2 ), respectively have the elements
N/2 = θ H ( N/2 − n + 1/2)θ H (k − N/2 − 1/2)μ N −k+1 w N −k+1
N/2 = θ H (n − N/2 − n − 1/2)θ H ( N/2 − k + 1/2)μk wk . (15)
In these expressions the Heaviside functions restrict the non-zero elements to the off-diagonal
blocks with row indices n ∈ {1, . . . , N/2} and column indices k ∈ { N/2 + 1, . . . , N } and with
row indices n ∈ { N/2 + 1, . . . , N } and column indices k ∈ {1, . . . , N/2}, respectively. The
vector representation for the intensity is
Γ n =
( τ ) Θ4 ( τ ) ∀n
ΘT 0
ω1 , ρ1s , ρ1s ,
Θ1 τ1
ω2 , ρ2s , ρ2s ,
Θ2 τ2
Θ i −1 τi−1
ωi , ρis , ρis ,
Θi τi
Θ NS −1 τNS −1
ω NS , ρsNS , ρsNS ,
ΘB τ0
heterogeneous medium in form of a multi-layer slab (see figure 1). For each of the layers
the problem reduces to a homogeneous problem but with the same number of boundary
conditions as the original problem. The procedure that determines the solution for each slab
is presented in detail in section 4. In order to solve the unknown boundary values of the
intensities and the temperatures at the interfaces between the slabs, matching these quantities
using the bottom boundary values of the upper slab and the top boundary values of the lower
slab eliminates these incognitos.
In the second approach we introduce a new procedure to work the heterogeneity. To begin
with, we take the averaged value for the albedo coefficient ω (τ ),
ω̄ = ω (τ ) dτ (16)
τ0 0
and rewrite the problem as a homogeneous problem plus an inhomogeneous correction. Note
that L M as well as Ψ depend on the local albedo coefficient ω (τ ). Since the terms containing
the coefficient are linear in ω permits to separate an average factor ω̄ and the difference ω (τ ) −
Φ − L M (ω̄ )Φ = Ψ(ω̄ ) + L M (ω (τ ) − ω̄ )Φ + Ψ(ω (τ ) − ω̄ ) (17)
Now, following the idea of the Decomposition method proposed originally by Adomian
(Adomian, 1988), to solve non-linear problems without linearisation, we handle equation
(17), constructing the following recursive system of equations. Here, Ψ = ∑∞ m=0 Ψm is a
formal decomposition and the non-linearity is written in terms of the so-called Adomian
polynomials Θ4 (τ ) = ∑∞ m=0 Âm ( τ ). The first equation of the recursive system is the same
as in a homogeneous slab, and the influence of the heterogeneity is governed by the source
term. The homogeneous problem is explicitly solved in section 4 so that we concentrate here
8 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
on the inhomogeneity.
Φ − L M (ω̄ )Φ0 = Ψ0 (ω̄ )
dτ 0
Φ − L M (ω̄ )Φi = Ψi (ω̄ ) + L M (ω (τ ) − ω̄ )Φi−1 + Ψi−1 (ω (τ ) − ω̄ ) for i≤1
dτ i
with Ψi−1 (ω (τ ) − ω̄ ) = (ω̄ − ω (τ )) Am (τ )(μ1−1 , . . . , μ1− N , 0) T (18)
Note, that the N + 1-th component of Ψ0 (ω̄ ) contains the inhomogeneous term of the
temperature equation.
dΘ 1 N
2Nc k∑
(Ψ0 (ω̄ )) N +1 = Ψ N +1 = (0) − wk Ik (0)μk (19)
dτ =1
4. The solution for the homogeneous radiative conductive heat transfer problem
In this section we consider the non-linear radiative-conductive transfer problem in a grey
plane-parallel participating medium with combined specular and diffuse reflection (Siewert
& Thomas, 1991) and its solution in an analytical form using a composite method by
Laplace transform and the decomposition method (Adomian, 1988). Before the advent of the
decomposition method analytical solutions were restricted to a few special problems like the
Bernoulli and Ricatti equations, to mention only two. The basic idea of the decomposition
technique understands the following steps: The non-linear problem is interpreted as an
operator equation (as already introduced in section 3) and split into a sum of linear and
non-linear terms. Next, one expands the solution (in the present discussion the intensity I)
and the non-linear term (here the quartic dimensionless temperature term Θ4 ), respectively, as
a series I (τ ) = ∑∞ ∞
m=1 Um and Θ = ∑m=1 Âm , where Âm are to be determined self consistently
1973), the index N signifies here the number of the discrete directions of the angular space.
More specifically, we circumvent limitations that arose in the discussion of the same problem
in ref. (Vargas & Vilhena, 1999). Furthermore, differently than some iterative schemes found
in the literature (Abulwafa, 1999; Ozisik, 1973; Siewert & Thomas, 1991), we construct an
analytical solution sequence which in the limit of the truncation parameter M → ∞ converges
to the exact solution of the equation that characterises the S N problem.
For any arbitrary truncation and using Laplace transform (LT) the original S N problem may be
cast into LTS N form, which allows for matrix orthogonalisation and thus opens the advantage
of handling S N problems with N as large as for instance ∼ 1500; for further details see
references. (Segatto et al., 1999) and (Goncalves et al., 2000). Once the Âm polynomials are
known up to M the LTS N provides the sum up to M of the expanded solution.
The hybrid LTS N Adomian approach is not new, see references. (Vargas & Vilhena, 1999)
and (Brancher et al., 1999), but in the present discussion we present a procedure based on
the same reasoning but in a novel and optimised form. This progress is partially due to the
more effective handling of the boundary conditions. In a previous attempt (Vargas et al.,
2003) the boundary conditions entered in every step of recursion which posed limitations on
the solutions so that it was only possible to resolve angles with N = 30 and truncate the
expansion after the first term. As the following discussion will show, the present approach
henceforth denoted the DM LTS N approach circumvents these shortcomings (here DM LTS N
stands for Decomposition Laplace Transform S N approach).
d 1 ω̄ L N
1 − ω̄ 4
In (τ ) +
In (τ ) = ∑
2μn =0
β P (μn ) ∑ P (μk ) Ik (τ ) +
Θ (τ ) (20)
k =1
for n = 1, . . . , N and subject to the boundary conditions with constant emissivity and
In (0) =
1 Θ41 + ρ1s IN −n+1 (0) + 2ρ1d ∑ w k μ k I N − k +1 (0) , (21)
k =1
IN −n+1 (τ0 ) =
2 Θ42 + ρ2s In (τ0 ) + 2ρ2d ∑ wk μk Ik (τ0 ) . (22)
k =1
Note, that β are the expansion coefficients explicitly given in case study 4.3.1.
The equation for the temperature (8) may be solved by integrating twice from the boundary
τ = 0 to any τ ∈ [0, τ0 ].
τ0 τ
τ 1 τ 1
Θ ( τ ) = Θ1 + ( Θ2 − Θ1 ) − qr∗ (τ )dτ + qr∗ (τ )dτ (23)
τ0 4πNc τ0 0 4πNc 0
Recalling, that equation (8) relates the intensity to the temperature, equation (23) shows the
connection between the temperature and the radiative flux that permits to cast the problem
into a form that depends only on the directional intensity I.
10 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
In order to apply the decomposition method to the problem (20) and (23), we expand the
non-linear source term into a series of Adomian polynomials Adomian (1988), which are
determined in the next section.
Θ4 ( τ ) = ∑ Âm (τ ) (24)
m =0
Upon inserting this ansatz in equation (20) yields a first order matrix differential equation:
I(τ ) − AI(τ ) = ∑ Âm (τ )M. (25)
dτ m =0
Here I(τ ) = (I+ (τ ), I− (τ )) T is the intensity radiation vector, where the sub-vectors I+ (τ )
and I− (τ ) are the intensity radiation for the positive (0 < μ < 1) and negative (−1 < μ < 0)
directions, respectively, and of order N/2 each. Further, M is a vector of order N with entries:
1 1
M = (1 − ω ) ,..., (26)
μ1 μN
1 ω L
Aij = −
δij + ∑ β P (μi ) P (μ j ) ,
2μi =
where δij is the Kronecker symbol. The radiation intensity can formally be written as a series:
I(τ ) = ∑ Um (τ ) (28)
m =0
One possibility of solving the equation system (29) starts with the initialisation
U (τ ) − AU0 (τ ) = 0 (30)
dτ 0
Um (τ ) − AUm (τ ) = Âm−1 (τ )M , m = 1, 2, ..., ∞ (31)
which is then solved by the Laplace transform procedure (i.e. the LTS N method) for any
arbitrary but finite m ≤ M. Here, M is a truncation of the series which has to be chosen such
that the remaining dropped terms are only a small correction to the approximate solution.
Details of the method may be found in references. (Segatto et al., 1999) and (Goncalves et al.,
2000). In the further we make use of the results of the Laplace transformed equations (30)
and (31) and write Um in form of a Laplace inversion. The Adomian polynomials are given
explicitly in equation (36).
So far the LTS N solution to the first problem of the recursive system has the form:
where D and X are respectively the matrices of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions resulting from
the spectral decomposition of the matrix A. The components of the diagonal matrix E(Dτ )
are: ⎧
⎨ edii τ if dii < 0
E(Dτ ) = (33)
⎩ edii (τ −τ0 ) if dii > 0
Note, that the matrix expression D, E and eigenvectors X are from the solution of the Laplace
transformed problem equations (30) and (31). In equation (33) dii are entries of the eigenvalue
matrix D. Further the general solution for the remaining problems are given by
for m = 1, . . . , M and (∗) denotes the convolution operator. The constant vectors V(m) are
determined from the application of the inhomogeneous boundary conditions
U0 (0) = I (0)
for m=0
U0 (τ0 ) = I(τ0 )
U m (0) = 0
for m = 1, . . . , M
Um (τ0 ) = 0
on the left hand side of equation (34). The effectiveness of this recursive scheme is due to the
fact that the boundary condition for the problem (20) is already absorbed in the first recursion
instruction whereas the remaining problems satisfy homogeneous boundary conditions only.
To complete the construction of the analytical solution of problem (20) by the decomposition
method, we present in the next section, a convergent scheme to generate the Adomian
polynomials Âm for m ∈ {1, . . . , M}, for any generic M.
where one of the possible identifications of the Âm is to group together terms with Ti in the
right hand side of the equation (35) in a way, such that the index i of Ti ranges from 0 to
m. This can be seen explicitly in equation (36) where Â0 depends on T0 only, Â1 on T0 , T1 ,
or generically, Âm = Âm ( T0 , . . . , Tm ). Note, that the significance of the Tm becomes clear
further down in equation (39) and is used here merely as a term of a functional expansion. The
12 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
resulting scheme for the Adomain polynomials reads then, which for later use we indicate in
factorized form:
In shorthand notation the recursive scheme for the Adomian polynomials may be written as
Âm = Tm Sm Rm (37)
The recursive procedure according to equation (36) starts with S0 = T0 and R0 = T02 . From
equation (23), we construct then the recursive formulation for the temperature.
T0 (τ ) = Θ1 + (Θ2 − Θ1 ) (39)
τ τ
1 τ 0 1
Tm+1 (τ ) = − W, Um (τ )dτ + W, Um (τ )dτ
2Nc τ0 0 2Nc 0
4.3.1 Case 1
In this case we determine the numerical values for M and N in order to get results with a
considerable accuracy. The numerical values of the parameters used in cases 1 to 2 are given
in table 1. The coefficient β is defined considering a binomial scattering law which also
permits a comparison with the results of (Siewert & Thomas, 1991).
2 + 1 L+1−
β = β −1 0≤≤L and β0 = 1
2 − 1 L+1+
Non-Linear Radiative-Conductive Heat Transfer
in a Heterogeneous
Non-Linear Gray
Radiative-Conductive Heat Plane-Parallel
Transfer Participating
in a Heterogeneous Gray Medium
Plane-Parallel Participating Medium 189
2 ρ1s ρ2s ρ1d ρ2d Θ1 Θ2 ω τ0 Nc L
0.6 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.0 0.5 0.95 1.0 0.05 299
Table 1. Parameters of case 1.
M Θ(τ ) Qc (τ ) Qr ( τ ) Q(τ )
0 0.8177177955027018 0.5016457699309158 1.5158278540320405 2.0174736239629563
1 0.7698084721160902 0.4588373285860757 1.5859093685802235 2.0447466971662993
5 0.7775834780564881 0.4652872714487863 1.5788014097534921 2.0440886812022785
10 0.7775905224102305 0.4652925878442414 1.5787962534790447 2.0440888413232861
20 0.7775905213060152 0.4652925870115464 1.5787962542859926 2.0440888412975391
50 0.7775905213060152 0.4652925870115464 1.5787962542859926 2.0440888412975391
100 0.7775905213060152 0.4652925870115464 1.5787962542859926 2.0440888412975391
200 0.7775905213060152 0.4652925870115464 1.5787962542859926 2.0440888412975391
Table 2. The DM LTS300 results for M ranging from 0 to 200, assuming τ/τ0 = 0.5.
The numerical results for Θ, Qr (τ ), Qc (τ ) and Q(τ ) are shown in table 2,3 and 4. The stability
and convergence of the method was tested for τ/τ0 = 0.5, varying M from 0 to 200, and using
for N the values 300, 350 and 400, respectively. The displayed precision with 16 digits was
adopted to show the smooth convergence with increasing M in the three cases for N.
M Θ(τ ) Qc (τ ) Qr ( τ ) Q(τ )
0 0.8177176602853717 0.5016457476711904 1.5158274669152312 2.0174732145864214
1 0.7698083890454525 0.4588373328783077 1.5859091448625833 2.0447464777408908
5 0.7775833829280683 0.4652872682514292 1.5788011774222819 2.0440884456737112
10 0.7775904272568637 0.4652925846297308 1.5787960211505467 2.0440886057802774
20 0.7775904261526551 0.4652925837970406 1.5787960219574921 2.0440886057545327
50 0.7775904261526551 0.4652925837970406 1.5787960219574921 2.0440886057545327
100 0.7775904261526551 0.4652925837970406 1.5787960219574921 2.0440886057545327
150 0.7775904261526551 0.4652925837970406 1.5787960219574921 2.0440886057545327
200 0.7775904261526551 0.4652925837970406 1.5787960219574921 2.0440886057545327
Table 3. The DM LTS350 results for M ranging from 0 to 200, assuming τ/τ0 = 0.5.
M Θ(τ ) Qc (τ ) Qr ( τ ) Q(τ )
0 0.8177175726732399 0.5016457333417628 1.5158272165190925 2.0174729498608555
1 0.7698083350919457 0.4588373357092782 1.5859090000727045 2.0447463357819826
5 0.7775833211907642 0.4652872662455577 1.5788010270489736 2.0440882932945312
10 0.7775903655034493 0.4652925826127813 1.5787958707789687 2.0440884533917498
20 0.7775903643992450 0.4652925817800941 1.5787958715859125 2.0440884533660064
50 0.7775903643992450 0.4652925817800941 1.5787958715859125 2.0440884533660064
150 0.7775903643992450 0.4652925817800941 1.5787958715859125 2.0440884533660064
200 0.7775903643992450 0.4652925817800941 1.5787958715859125 2.0440884533660064
Table 4. The DM LTS400 results for M ranging from 0 to 200, assuming τ/τ0 = 0.5.
14 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
1 2.5
0.8 2
0.6 1.5
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
τ τ
τ0 τ0
Fig. 2. Numerical results for D10 LTS350 that exactly reproduce the results of reference
(Siewert & Thomas, 1991) within the adopted precision. The temperature profile Θ (left), the
conductive Qc , radiative Qr and total heat flux Q (right) against the relative optical depth ττ0 .
Comparing the corresponding lines in tables 2 to 4 for different N one observes that an
analytical expression with M = 10 and N = 300 is already close to the solution with M
as large as 200 or ideally in the limit M → ∞. However, in the subsequent problems we set
M = 10 and N = 350 in order to reproduce within the adopted precision the numerical results
of ref. (Siewert & Thomas, 1991) where the PN method was applied to the same problem.
4.3.2 Case 2
The numerical evaluation in case 1 may now be refined varying the optical depth which was
maintained fixed previously. To this end we determine Θ(τ ), Qc (τ ), Qr (τ ) and Q(τ ) for τ/τ0
ranging from 0 to 1. The numerical results are shown in figure 2 which coincide with the
findings in reference (Siewert & Thomas, 1991) beyond a six digit precision. In their work
Siewert and Thomas left open the question of convergence of their applied method, which
by virtue of numerical coincidence with the present approach may be positively answered.
Although not presented here with mathematical rigour, convergence of the decomposition
method is formally guaranteed (see references (Adomian, 1988; Cherruault, 1989; Pazos &
Vilhena, 1999a;b)) by the manifest exact solution in the limit M → ∞.
4.3.3 Case 3
A third comparison is elaborated making contact to a work by (Abulwafa, 1999), considering
a conductive radiative problem in a slab assuming isotropy (L = 0) and with thickness τ0 ,
which also serves as a unit length. The parameter set is with either ω = 0.9 or ω = 0.5, with
1 =
2 = Θ1 = 1 and ρ1d = ρ2d = ρ1s = ρ2s = 0. In this article the author uses a variational
technique to solve the radiative problem, while an iterative method is implemented to include
the non-linearity effect of the temperature distribution of the medium from the conductive
energy equation. Figure 3 shows the numerical findings of D10 LTS350 in comparison to results
from (Abulwafa, 1999) for two conduction-radiation parameters Nc = 0.5 and Nc = 0.1,
The comparison of the DM LTS N results with the ones of reference (Abulwafa, 1999) shows
a fairly good agreement between the methods. It seems that a decrease in Nc opens slightly
the difference between the two solutions, whereas increase in ω closes the difference between
the solutions. Moreover, the larger Nc the closer one gets to a linear temperature profile. The
difference is probably due to the fact that the approach in reference (Abulwafa, 1999) makes
Non-Linear Radiative-Conductive Heat Transfer
in a Heterogeneous
Non-Linear Gray
Radiative-Conductive Heat Plane-Parallel
Transfer Participating
in a Heterogeneous Gray Medium
Plane-Parallel Participating Medium 191
1 2.5
0.8 2
0.6 1.5
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
τ τ
τ0 τ0
1 2.5
0.8 2
0.6 1.5
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
τ τ
τ0 τ0
1 2.5
0.8 2
0.6 1.5
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
τ τ
τ0 τ0
1 2.5
0.8 2
0.6 1.5
0.4 1
0.2 0.5
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
τ τ
τ0 τ0
Fig. 3. Numerical comparisons of the DM LTS N (solid line) and Abulwafa’s results (dotted
line) for the parameter combinations (ω, Nc ) = {(0.5, 0.1), (0.5, 0.5), (0.9, 0.1), (0.9, 0.5)} from
top to bottom. The temperature profile Θ (left) and the conductive Qc , radiative Qr and total
heat flux Q (right) against the relative optical depth ττ0 . The total heat fluxes are the constant
curves, the conductive (radiative) heat fluxes show predominantly convex (concave)
behaviour in the considered range (see also figure 2).
16 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
use of a trial function. In general in such type of approaches convergence depends crucially
on how close the trial function is to the true solution. The comparison of cases 2 and 3 and
the quantitative agreement with two different approaches shows the quality of the present
method, especially because of the fact that it reproduces the exact analytical solution in the
limit M → ∞ and thus allows to implement computationally a genuine convergence criterion.
Some further information concerning the computational issue, the three cases were calculated
on a Notebook computer with 64-bit Athlon 3200+ processor (1Ghz, 512kb Cache) and 1GB
RAM. All calculations terminated with less than a minute execution time (some examples
returned the result within seconds) and used typically between 10 and 20 iterations.
5. Conclusion
In the present work we discussed and compared an analytical approach to the non-linear
S N radiative-conductive transfer problem in plane-parallel geometry and a heterogeneous
medium using a composite method by the Laplace transform and the Adomian
decomposition (Adomian, 1988). We showed by two options how the heterogeneous problem
may be cast into a set of homogeneous problems, so that the general solution may be obtained
by a hierarchical algorithm. The Laplace technique opens pathways to resort to classical
methods for linear problems, whereas the decomposition procedure allows to disentangle
the non-linear contribution of the problem, that permits to solve the equations by a recursion
scheme. It is worth mentioning two limiting cases, i.e. with single scattering albedo either
ω = 0 or ω = 1. The latter case turns Adomian obsolete, because the non-linear term vanishes,
whereas ω = 0 diagonalizes the equation system and thus turns Laplace obsolete, since the
solution may be obtained directly by integration.
The decomposition method as originally introduced is designed for general non-linear
problems, but several ways are possible to construct a solution (Cardona et al., 2009; Segatto et
al., 2008). The present study may be considered a guideline on how to distribute the influence
of the boundary conditions and the non-linearity in order to solve the given problem. The
boundary condition is absorbed in the part of the solution that belongs to the inversion of the
differential operator without the non-linear contribution and the non-linear part simplifies to
a problem for homogeneous boundary conditions only. Since existence and uniqueness of the
solution for radiative-conductive transfer problems was discussed in references (Kelley, 1996;
Thompson et al., 2004; 2008) the only critical issue of the recursive scheme is convergence.
According to (Adomian, 1988; Cherruault, 1989; Pazos & Vilhena, 1999a;b) the resulting
scheme is manifest exact and converges in the limit M → ∞ to the exact analytical solution.
A genuine control of errors opens thus the possibility of model validation in comparison
to experimental findings. In numerical approaches it is not straight forward to distinguish
between model and numerical uncertainties, especially when non-linearities are present in the
problem. Moreover, in general error analysis in numerical procedures is based on a heuristic
basis, whereas the present approach permits a mathematical proof of convergence. This may
not be that crucial for homogeneous problems, or those that permit linear approximations,
but in the case of a heterogeneous problem in form of a multi-slab medium the question of
convergence certainly plays a major role, especially because of the matching of solutions at
the slab interfaces.
We are completely aware of the fact that the present procedure is limited by the convergence
relation between the optical depth and the convergence radius of the Adomian approximation.
Non-Linear Radiative-Conductive Heat Transfer
in a Heterogeneous
Non-Linear Gray
Radiative-Conductive Heat Plane-Parallel
Transfer Participating
in a Heterogeneous Gray Medium
Plane-Parallel Participating Medium 193
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Optimization of the Effective
Thermal Conductivity of a Composite
Hubert Jopek and Tomasz Strek
Poznan University of Technology, Institute Of Applied Mechanics
1. Introduction
Composite materials by definition are a combination of two or more materials. Although the
idea of combining two or more components to produce materials with controlled properties
has been known and used from time immemorial, modern composites were developed only
several decades ago and have found by now intensive application in different fields of
engineering (Vasiliev&Morozov, 2001).
These materials are used in various design to improve the characteristic of various
construction and reduce their weight. The properties of these materials and the problems of
obtaining structural elements based upon them have been studied by researchers and
engineers all over the world. The fields of composite applications are diversified (Freger et
al., 2004). They include structural elements of flying vehicles, their casinos, wings, fuselages,
tails and nose cones, jet engine stators, panels form various purposes, main rotors of
helicopters, heat – proofing components, construction elements such as panels, racks,
shields, banking elements, etc.
Any property of a composite which is made of two (or more) materials has the value which
is the resultant of a few factors. Obviously, the most important are the values of a certain
property of each constituent material. However, one of the factor that also influences the
resultant value of a property of a composite as a whole is its geometrical structure. Such
resultant properties are commonly called effective properties of a composite. Temperature is
the most important of all environmental factors affecting the behaviour of composite
materials, mainly because composites are rather sensitive to temperature and have relatively
low effective thermal conductivity. For instance, advanced composites for engineering
applications are characterized with low density providing high specific strength and
stiffness, low thermal conductivity resulting in high heat insulation, and negative thermal
expansion coefficient allowing us to construct hybrid composite elements that do not change
their dimensions under heating (Vasiliev & Morozov, 2001).
Because experimental evaluation of effective properties (e.g. thermal conductivity) of
composites is expensive and time consuming, computational methods have been found to
provide efficient alternatives for predicting the best parameters of composites, especially
those having complex geometries. To achieve a reliable prediction, one needs to work on
two aspects: a good description of the structural details of fibrous materials, and an efficient
numerical method for the solution of energy equations through the fibrous structures (Wang
et al. 2009). The need to determine the thermal conductivity of fibres for design purposes
has been the motivation of work (Al-Sulaiman et al., 2006). Authors developed four
198 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
∑ (1)
and inverse mixture rule
∑ , (2)
where λeff is the effective thermal conductivity, λi, Vi - thermal conductivity and volume
fraction of i-th composite constituents (e.g. resin, fibre, void).
The composite thermal conductivity in the filler direction is estimated by the rule of
mixtures. The rule of mixtures is the weighted average of filler and matrix thermal
conductivities. This model is typically used to predict the thermal conductivity of a
unidirectional composite with continuous fibres. In the direction perpendicular to the fillers
(through plane direction), the series model (inverse mixing rule) is used to estimate
composite thermal conductivity of a unidirectional continuous fibre composite.
Another model similar to the two standard-mixing rule models is the geometric model (Ott,
∑ (3)
Numerous existing relationships are obtained as special cases of above equations. Filler
shapes ranging from platelet, particulate, and short-fibre, to continuous fibre are
consolidated within the relationship given by McCullough (McCullough, 1985).
The effective thermal conductivity for a composite solid depends, however, on the geometry
assumed for the problem. In general, to calculate the effective thermal conductivity of
fibrous materials, we have to solve the energy transport equations for the temperature and
heat flux fields. For a steady pure thermal conduction with no phase change, no convection
and no contact thermal resistance, the equations to be solved are a series of Poisson
equations subject to temperature and heat flux continuity constraints at the phase interfaces.
200 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
After the temperature field is solved, the effective thermal conductivity, λeff, can be
, (4)
where q is the steady heat flux through the cross-section area dA between the temperature
difference ΔT on a distance L. Heat flow through the unit area of the surface with normal n
is linked with the temperature gradient in the n-direction by Fourier's law as
T 0. (6)
Boundary condition applied to the cell are defined as follows:
0 x 0 x 1, (7)
Optimization of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Composite 201
TC 290K y 0, (8)
TH 300K y 1, (9)
TM TF ∂F, (10)
λM λF ∂F. (11)
Symbols used at the Fig 1. denote as follows: TC- cooling temperature at the top of the cell,
TH- heating temperature at the bottom of the cell, λ – thermal conductivity, indices M and F
refer to the matrix and fibres.
Hence, one can see that the composite is heated from the bottom and cooled from the above.
Symmetry condition is applied on the sides of the cell, which means that the heat flux on
these boundaries equals zero. Thermal continuity and heat flux continuity conditions are
applied on the boundary of each fibre.
3. Numerical procedures
Numerical calculations were performed by hybrid method which consisted of two
procedures: finite element method used for solving differential equation and genetic
algorithm for optimization. Both procedures were implemented in COMSOL Script.
0, (12)
in the domain Ω.
1 All figures in this paper presenting the elementary composite cell use the same sizes and the same
temperature scale as figures Fig 2A and Fig 2B, so the scales are omitted on the next figures. Isolines are
presented in reversed grayscale.
202 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Horizontal alignment, λeff=1,37 (b)Vertical alignment λeff=1,68 (c) Relation between
effective thermal conductivity λeff and the angle β of rotation of four fibres aligned. The
conductivity of matrix λM=2, fibres conductivity λF=0.1. Fibres radius R=0.1
In the considered problem one can take under consideration three types of heat transfer
boundary conditions:
, (13)
on boundary Г1,
on boundary Г2 and
, ∑ · , (16)
where , is the interpolation function associated with nodal temperature , [N] is the
row matrix of interpolation functions, and {T} is the column matrix (vector) of nodal
Applying Galerkin’s finite element method (Zienkiewicz&Taylor, 2000), the residual
equations corresponding to steady heat transfer equation are
, 0. (17)
204 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
. (21)
The equation (24) we can rewrite for the whole considered domain which gives us the
following matrix equation
where K is the conductance matrix, a is the solution for nodes of elements, and f is the
forcing functions described in column vector.
The conductance matrix
and the forcing functions
, Ω
, (28)
, , (29)
, Ω
, (30)
Optimization of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Composite 205
, , (31)
, (32)
Equations 25-32 represent the general formulation of a finite element for two-dimensional
heat conduction problem. In particular these equations are valid for an arbitrary element
having M nodes and, therefore, any order of interpolation functions. Moreover, this
formulation is valid for each composite constituent.
f x f x ,x D, (33)
where: x denotes the best solution, f is an objective function, x represents any feasible
solution and D is a search space. Chromosomes ranked with higher fitness value are more
likely to survive and create offspring and the one with the highest value is taken as the best
solution to the problem when the algorithm finishes its last step. The concept of GA is
presented at fig 4.
Algorithm starts with initial population that is chosen randomly or prescribed by a user. As
GA is an iterative procedure, subsequent steps are repeated until termination condition is
satisfied. The iterative process in which new generations of chromosomes are created
involves such procedures as selection, mutation and cross-over. Selection is the procedure
used in order to choose the best chromosomes from each population to create the new
generation. Mutation and cross-over are used to modify the chromosomes, and so to find
new solutions. GA is usually used in complex problems i.e. high dimensional, multi-
objective with multi connected search space etc. Hence, it is common practice that users
search for one or several alternative suboptimal solutions that satisfy their requirements,
rather than exact solution to the problem. In this paper GA optimizes geometrical
arrangement of fibres in a composite materials as it influences effective thermal conductance
of this composite. It has been developed many improvements to the original concept of GA
introduced by Holland (Holland, 1975) such as floating point chromosomes, multiple point
crossover and mutation, etc. However, binary encoding is still the most common method of
encoding chromosomes and thus this method is used in our calculations.
3.2.1 Encoding
We consider an elementary cell of a composite that is 2-D domain and there are N fibres
inside the cell, the position of each fibre is defined by its coordinates, which means we need
206 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
b a 10 2 1. (34)
Consequently, we can calculate the number of bits required to encode a chromosome:
∑ N
H h (35)
In our calculation we assume three significant digits precision which means we need 2 bits
to encode each variable.
P x ∑S
Modification of the roulette wheel selection that we introduced is caused by the fact that we
needed to perform constrained optimization. The constrains are the result of the fact that
fibres cannot overlap with each other. There are some possible options to handle this
problem, one of which would to use penalty function. During calculations, however, it
turned out that this approach is less effective than the other one based on elitist selection.
We decided that in case of chromosome representing arrangement of overlapping fibres
such chromosome should be replaced with the best one.
4. Numerical results
All optimization problems considered in this chapter are governed by Eq. 6 for each
constituent of the composite with appropriate boundary conditions (7-11). In our
calculations we assumed the same sizes of the unit cell i.e. 1x1cm ( Fig1.). Temperatures on
the lower and upper boundaries were: TC=290K (upper), TH=300K (lower) respectively. We
analysed several cases in which the number of fibres Nf and fibres radii R were changed,
also thermal conductivity of the matrix λM and fibres λF were also changed. Finite element
calculation were made using second order triangular Lagrange elements. The stationary
problem of heat transfer was solved using direct UMFPACK linear system solver. The mesh
structure depends on the number and positions of fibres and so the number of mesh
elements was not larger than 5000.
We performed three types of optimization in terms of effective thermal conductivity:
minimization, maximization and determination of arrangement which gives desired value
of effective thermal conductivity. In the latter case we defined the objective function as the
minimization of the deviation from the expected value. The results of optimization are
presented at Figs 7-9.
208 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
thermal conductivity at Figs. 8C, 8D. One can notice that the arrangement of fibres is also
close to horizontal in case of minimization and close to vertical in case of maximization,
although fibres are not localised next to each other and initialization of the second row in
case of six fibres can be observed. In general, however, we may not assume that fibres are
always aligned in rows in case of minimum and maximum values of effective thermal
conductivity. The situation changes when the thermal conductivity of fibres is not the same
in each fibre. The result for such situation was presented in the next section.
NF R λF λM Opt. λeff
Fig 8A 5 0.1 0.1 2.0 Min 1,0
Fig 8B 5 0.1 0.1 2.0 Max 1,61
Fig 8C 5 0.1 0.1 2.0 1.5 1.5
Fig 8D 6 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.15 0.15
Fig 8E 6 0.1 2.0 0.1 Min 0.13
Fig 8F 6 0.1 2.0 0.1 Max 0.19
Table 2. The values assigned for calculations and the resultant λeff for five and six fibres
4.3 Optimization of four and five fibres arrangement with different radii and thermal
conductivity of fibres
Apart from the simplest case in which the composite consisted of identical fibres we also
analysed the case in which fibres differ from each other. We used two sizes of fibres with
different values of thermal conductivities. All parameters used in calculations were presented
in Table 3. The symbol NR denotes the number of fibres having the same dimension and
NF NR R λF λM Opt. λeff
2 0.12 0.1
Fig 9A 4 2.0 Min 1.68
2 0.15 10
2 0.12 0.1
Fig 9B 4 2.0 Max 2.39
2 0.15 10
2 0.12 0.1
Fig 9C 4 2.0 2.0 2,0
2 0.15 10
4 0.075 0.1
Fig 9D 5 0.1 1.85 1.85
1 0.15 10
4 0.075 0.1
Fig 9E 5 0.1 Min 1.65
1 0.15 10
4 0.075 20.1
Fig 9F 5 0.1 Max 2.08
1 0.15 10
Table 3. The values assigned for calculations and the resultant λeff for four and five fibres of
different radii and thermal conductivities
We performed the optimization of the arrangement of four and five fibres in a composite
cell. The minimization results were presented at Figs 9A, 9E while maximization at Figs 9B,
9F. The arrangements obtained for the assumed values of effective thermal conductivity for
four and five fibres were presented at Figs 9C,9D respectively. It is remarkable, that in these
212 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Fig. 9. Resultant arrangements for fibres of different sizes and thermal conductivities
Optimization of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Composite 213
cases the optimal arrangement of fibres is no longer that predictable. Fibres are not aligned
in a row, although there was enough space. However, fibres still tend to be close to each
other but spatial configuration is changed.
5. Conclusion
This study has examined the effect of multi fibres filler in composite on thermal
conductivity. Three types of optimization were performed in terms of effective thermal
conductivity: minimization, maximization and determination of arrangement which gives
expected value of effective thermal conductivity. Hybrid method combining optimization
with genetic algorithm and differential equation solver by finite element method were used
to find optimal arrangement of fibres position in composite matrix was used in this work.
Proposed algorithm was implemented in Comsol Multiphysics environment.
It was proved that the geometrical structure of the composite (matrix and filler
arrangement) may have a great impact on the resultant effective conductivity of the
composite. In many research works it is assumed that fibres are arranged in various
geometrical arrays or they are distributed randomly in the cross-section.
Through this study, some areas were found that need to be investigated further. Composite
constituents can be anisotropic, and with temperature dependent thermal conductivity of
constituents (e.g. resin, fibre, void).
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214 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1. Introduction
While fuel cells in general are expected to play a major role in the future energy supply,
proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells are considered especially interesting for
automotive applications due to their relatively low operating temperature which allows for
fast start-up and flexibility in power output. Other promising applications of PEM fuel cells
are back-up power units, small portable power supplies, micro combined heat and power
installations, but also large scale stationary PEM fuel cell plants.
H2 O 2 H2O
Fig. 1. Sketch of a PEM fuel cell (not to scale). A PEM fuel cell contains two gas diffusion
layers, one on the anode and one on the cathode side
Fig. 1 illustrates the principle of a PEM fuel cell. At the anode (left hand side) protons are
produced from hydrogen and have to move through the proton-conducting (but not
electron-conducting) membrane to the cathode side (right hand side). Electrons will be
transported via the electrical load outside the fuel cell to the cathode side where water is
produced as 'waste'.
216 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
The two gas diffusion layers (GDL) have multiple functions in a PEM fuel cell: provide gas
access to the catalyst layers, allow removal of product water on the cathode side while also
keeping the membrane and electrode layers humidified when gas conditions are sub-
saturated, mechanically stabilize the membrane-electrode assembly while compensating for
thickness variations of the membrane, and providing electrical and thermal conductivity.
A GDL has typically a thickness of 200 to 400 μm and consists of carbon fiber papers or
carbon fiber felts which are impregnated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) to achieve a
partial hydrophobization of the surfaces (Mathias et al., 2003). Carbon binder can be added
for a mechanical joining of neighbouring fibers. Furthermore, a microporous layer (MPL,
typical pore sizes around 100 nm) consisting of a mixture of carbon black and PTFE is often
applied with a thickness of a few 10 µm on the side facing the catalyst layer for a further
optimization of the water management (Paganin et al., 1996; Giorgi et al., 1998; Mathias et
al., 2003).
An operating PEM fuel cell is not isothermal, mainly because heat is generated within the
membrane electrode assembly and at the same time this assembly can be considered
‘insulated’ by the gas diffusion layers (Burheim et al., 2011) leading to temperature
gradients within the fuel cell. A detailed knowledge of the temperature distribution and
therefore of thermal conductivity of the GDLs is essential for a proper understanding and
the optimization of not only heat transfer in the PEM fuel cell, but also for water
management and optimization of cell performance and durability. A direct measurement of
thermal conductivity is possible and has been performed mainly for the through–plane
direction (see Table 2). Nevertheless, the direct measurement is for several reasons non-
trivial: due to the anisotropy of the GDLs, the thermal conductivity is expected to be
anisotropic as well. Furthermore, the through-plane thermal conductivity as well as the
contact resistance change with a compression of the GDL (Burheim et al., 2010; Sadeghi et
al., 2011a). Recently, the measurement of in-plane thermal conductivities has been reported
(Sadeghi et al., 2011b; Teertstra et al., 2011).
Alternatively, the anisotropic thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers can be calculated
based on the 3D microstructure of the GDL and the knowledge of thermal conductivity of
the different materials which are present in the GDL. This approach is presented in the
following using X-ray computed tomography structure data of gas diffusion layers as well
as randomly computer-generated 3D structures based on structural models of gas diffusion
dimensional X-ray images taken around a single axis of rotation (see Fig. 2). The 3D image
of the object consists of voxels with a certain gray value. Each voxel is then assigned to one
material that is present in the object e.g. by considering its gray value. This assignment is
denoted as ‘segmentation’.
2D detector
X-ray Sample
Step by step
Fig. 2. Principle of X-ray computed tomography (CT). A carbon cloth is shown as sample
X-ray computed tomography (Ostadi et al., 2008; Pfrang et al., 2010) as well as synchrotron
based tomography (Becker et al., 2008; Becker et al., 2009) have been used for imaging of gas
diffusion layers at resolutions below 1 µm.
Also membranes and membrane electrode assemblies (Garzon et al., 2007; Pfrang et al.,
2011) have been imaged by X-ray computed tomography and even functioning fuel cells
have been imaged by synchrotron-based methods and soft X-ray radiography e.g. for
imaging of liquid water in the GDL (Sinha et al., 2006; Bazylak, 2009; Sasabe et al., 2010;
Tsushima & Hirai, 2011).
parameters such as fiber diameter and length, fiber volume fraction were specified as well
as the size of the grid as specified by the number of voxels in x, y and z-direction, nx, ny and
The degree of orientation anisotropy was characterized by the anisotropy parameter β.
Using spherical coordinates, β characterizes the directional distribution of fibers. The
density of the directional distribution is given by Equation (1), (Schladitz et al., 2006):
1 β sin θ
P (θ ,φ ) = (1)
( ( )
4π 1 + β 2 − 1 cos2 θ )
with the inclination θ ∈ ⎣⎡0, π ) and the azimuth ϕ ∈ ⎣⎡ 0, 2π ) . The density is thus independent
of φ, i.e. the density exhibits rotational symmetry with respect to the z-axis. The case β = 1
describes the isotropic system. For β →∞, the cylinders tend to be more and more parallel to
the xy-plane. For β → 0 the cylinders tend to be more and more parallel to the z-axis.
For the randomly generated structures presented here, the selected structure size was 200 x
200 x 271 voxels with a voxel length of 0.7 µm. The fiber volume fraction was 21 % and an
anisotropy factor ß of 1000 was chosen. The fibers had a diameter of 10 voxels and were
assumed to have infinite length. For further details of the random generation of 3D
structures, see also (Veyret & Tsotridis, 2010).
Additionally, model structures consisting of layers of equidistant parallel fibers were
generated for the examination of the influence of PTFE distribution on thermal conductivity.
For each model structure (see e.g. Fig. 6, before and after the addition of PTFE), the distance
between adjacent fiber layers was fixed, but model structures were generated for 6 different
layer distances. As the filling factor of the carbon fibers was kept constant at 22 %, the lateral
distance between parallel fibers within a layer was adjusted accordingly.
The addition of PTFE to the fiber structures – the randomly generated structures as well as
the model structures – was implemented by using the ‘add binder’-function in GeoDict,
where pores are filled starting from the smallest pores and then continuing to bigger pores
until the desired binder volume fraction is reached. The algorithm used here to determine
the size of a pore does not distinguish between through pores, closed pores and blind pores
and is in this sense purely geometrical. A pore radius is determined by fitting spheres into
the pore volume, i.e a point belongs to a pore of radius larger than r, if it is inside any sphere
of radius r, which can be fitted into the pore space (Fraunhofer ITWM, 2011).
Whereas in the randomly generated 3D structures the distribution of PTFE and carbon is
well known, these two materials could not be distinguished in the CT data. As a rough
approximation, all solid voxels in the CT datasets were assumed to have a thermal
conductivity that was calculated as the weighted average of the thermal conductivities of
the carbon fibers and the thermal conductivity of PTFE, even though these two materials do
not intermix. The remaining, non-solid voxels were assumed to be filled with air.
kh is the thermal conductivity of the heterogeneous material; the second subscript denotes
the model used for its estimation (e.g. p for parallel). f is the filling factor i.e. the volume
fraction of the solid phase, ks is the thermal conductivity of the solid phase and kair the
thermal conductivity of air. The volume fraction of air is 1-f.
In the series model (see equation (3)), the thermal resistances are considered to be in series
with respect to the heat flux and kh,s gives the lower bound of effective thermal conductivity.
k h, s = (3)
f / k s + (1 − f) / k air
The effective medium theory (EMT) model (see equation (4)) assumes a random, mutual
dispersion of two components (Carson et al., 2005).
( 3 f − 1) ks + ( 2 − 3 f ) kair + ⎡⎣( 3 f − 1) ks + ( 2 − 3 f ) kair ⎤⎦ + 8kair ks ⎟⎞
k h, EMT = (4)
4 ⎜⎝ ⎠
Equation (5) shows the result of the co-continuous model (Wang et al., 2008) where both
phases are assumed to be continuous.
k h, C-C =
kh , s
( 1 + 8 k h , p / k h .s − 1 ) (5)
220 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Even though this model is independent of parallel and series model, the result kh, C-C can be
expressed as function of kh. p and kh, s, which are the thermal conductivities calculated for the
parallel and series model (see equations (2) and (3)).
Whereas all four models mentioned so far are symmetric with respect to exchange of the
two phases, the Maxwell-Euken model (Eucken, 1940) is not, as one phase is assumed to be
dispersed in a second, continuous phase. The heterogeneous conductivity calculated
following the Maxwell-Euken model kh, M-E is given in (6) where the index ‘cont’ refers to the
continuous phase and the index ‘dis’ to the dispersed phase.
kcont f cont + kdis f dis
2 kcont + kdis (6)
k h, M-E =
3 kcont
fcont + fdis
2 kcont + kdis
Obviously, each of the models assumes a certain geometry which does not reflect exactly the
microstructure of a GDL. Gas diffusion layers typically exhibit anisotropy of the
microstructure as carbon fibers are preferentially oriented in–plane. Furthermore, carbon
fibers are expected to exhibit an anisotropic thermal conductivity as e.g. pyrolytic graphite
(Wen & Huang, 2008) – the degree of anisotropy depending on the type of fiber – due to
their anisotropic, partly graphite-like structure. Both, the anisotropy in microstructure and
the anisotropy of thermal conductivity in carbon fibers is not into account in any of the
presented models.
(gas phase dispersed)
kh /ks
0.4 Toray carbon paper
Series through-plane
0.1 (solid phase dispersed)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Nevertheless, the models can be applied to gas diffusion layers and Fig. 3 shows normalized
thermal conductivity estimated using the models mentioned above assuming a ratio of
thermal conductivities ks/kair of 120 Wm-1K-1 / 0.026 Wm-1K-1 which is an estimate for gas
diffusion layers consisting of carbon fibers in air. As an example of a GDL, the in-plane and
through-plane thermal conductivities of Toray carbon paper without the addition of PTFE
as given by the manufacturer (Toray Industries, 2005b) are included assuming a ks of 120
Overall, the presented models allow estimating the order of magnitude of the thermal
conductivity of gas diffusion layers, but – also due to the anisotropic microstructure of a
typical GDL – a more precise a-priori estimation seems impossible.
orders of magnitude (Blanco et al., 2002) depending e.g. on the heat treatment of the fibers.
This may explain the apparent discrepancy between the results for structural models of
carbon paper by (Becker et al., 2008) and (Veyret & Tsotridis, 2010) where thermal
conductivity values of 17 W/ m K and 130 W/ m K were used, respectively.
3D structure 3D structure
Cross-section Cross-section
MPL 100 µm
When considering all data from Table 2, the range of thermal conductivity values for the
through-plane direction is 0.13-2.8 W / m K, as compared to a range of 1.75-21 W / m K for
the in-plane direction. As carbon fibers have a higher thermal conductivity than PTFE or air,
this can be explained by the preferred orientation of the carbon fibers in-plane, i.e. heat can
be transported mainly along the fibers in-plane, whereas for through-plane heat transfer
from fiber to fiber is required to a larger extent.
In a PEM fuel cell, the GDL is subject to compression and consequently in most
experimental setups used for the determination of thermal conductivity the GDL is
investigated under compression. As a general trend, an increase of thermal conductivity and
a reduction of thermal resistance were found with increasing compression. More recently,
also the effect of load cycling – i.e. cycles of increasing compression up to a maximum value
and releasing compression to 0 – was investigated and steady-state (in the investigated case
reached after 5 cycles) properties were determined (Sadeghi et al., 2010).
Further, it was found that residual water in the GDL leads to a significant increase of
through-plane thermal conductivity (Burheim et al., 2010; Burheim et al., 2011). The
influence of PTFE distribution on thermal conductivity is discussed in section 3.3.
In the following paragraphs, our data on thermal conductivity will be compared with
literature data. For the computation for E-Tek EC-CC1-060T, only one measurement on a
similar sample – but without PTFE – is available and gives a clearly lower thermal
conductivity. One explanation could be that the addition of PTFE leads to an increase of
thermal conductivity, but this is not in accordance with the trend of a decrease of thermal
conductivity observed for other samples. Because PTFE cannot be discriminated from
carbon fibers in the CT dataset, it seems reasonable to assume that the thermal contact
between fibers is overestimated in our computation (as an arithmetic average of thermal
conductivity between carbon and PTFE was used in the computation for all solid voxels)
which results in an overestimation of thermal conductivity.
For Sigracet 35 BC, the MPL was not considered in the computation of thermal conductivity,
i.e. it was replaced by air. This obviously leads to an overall underestimation of thermal
conductivity as observed.
One way forward would be the clear identification of MPL material (maybe applying
advanced segmentation techniques or using improved CT imaging techniques) and its
inclusion into the computation.
When comparing our results computed from the CT data of EC-TP1-060T and the randomly
generated model (based on EC-TP1-060T), through-plane thermal conductivities agree well -
1.7 vs. 1.65 W / m K – whereas in-plane thermal conductivities are significantly larger for
the randomly generated model. The in-plane heat flux is expected to flow mainly along the
fibers. Therefore the different thermal conductivities assumed for solid voxels – 120 W / m
K for the carbon fibers in the randomly generated model vs. 93 W / m K as weighted
average between carbon and PTFE for the CT dataset – could explain this difference.
Nevertheless, the computed thermal conductivities lie well within the range of values
available in the literature for Toray carbon paper based materials for through-plane as well
as in-plane direction.
Assuming that the structure of the GDL remains unchanged, one would expect that the
addition of material that has a higher thermal conductivity than air – like PTFE – should
increase the overall thermal conductivity.
C fiber
C fiber
2 µm 500 nm
Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of the cross section of carbon cloth EC-CC1-060T: the
top image gives an overview of the whole thickness of the cross section, the bottom two
images show carbon fibers with PTFE in between
However, since the thermal conductivity of PTFE is orders of magnitude smaller than that of
carbon, PTFE potentially can insulate carbon fibers from each other, i.e. the contact region
between carbon fibers can have a big impact on the thermal conductivity of the GDL. This is
especially relevant for carbon papers where the carbon fibers are oriented preferably in-
plane, which means that through-plane heat transfer requires heat transfer from fiber to
fiber. Fig. 5 shows scanning electron micrographs of the cross section of carbon cloth EC-
CC1-060T. In the selected region, PTFE separates two neighbouring carbon fibers. For a
further illustration of this possible insulation effect, thermal conductivity of model
structures of layers of parallel fibers with a filling factor of 22 % were randomly generated
using GeoDict (see Fig. 6). Model structures with different distances between the fiber layers
were investigated and thermal conductivity of each of these structures was evaluated
without PTFE and after the addition of 30 wt. % of PTFE. These model structures are surely
not a realistic description of any GDL, but they will be used to examine different possible
geometries of the contact region between fibers. As these fibers are oriented exactly in-plane,
the model structures represent an extreme case with respect to through-plane conductivity
in the sense that heat transfer along the fibers cannot contribute significantly.
The computed thermal conductivities of these model structures are summarized in Fig. 7.
For the case of touching fibers (distance 0 µm), there is only a small increase in thermal
conductivity due to the addition of PTFE around the contact region between fibers.
Computation of Thermal Conductivity of Gas Diffusion Layers of PEM Fuel Cells 227
Fig. 6. Detail of model structures of layers of equidistant parallel fibers. The filling factor of
the carbon fibers is 22 %. Without PTFE (left) and with 30 wt. % of PTFE shown in gray
Through plane thermal conductivity / W K-1m-1
2.0 No PTFE
Air (0.026 W/Km)
PTFE (0.25 W/Km)
0 1 2 3 4
Distance between fiber layers / µm
For the model structures with PTFE, the conductivity drops to values below the thermal
conductivity of PTFE, which is in the same order of magnitude as thermal conductivities
measured for realistic gas diffusion layers (compare Table 2).
It has to be mentioned that in the model structures the contact area between touching fibers
(distance 0 µm) was defined by the voxel size of the model structures. It is clear that this
contact area will have a huge impact on heat flux through the contact. In this context, the
presence of carbon binder – which is used for the mechanical stabilization of the GDL – can
play an important role.
Overall, it is obvious from the results presented in Fig. 7 that the contact region between
fibers is important for the thermal conductivity of a GDL. When looking back to the models
estimating thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materials (section 2.1) and considering the
contact area between fibers consisting of PTFE and carbon, both extreme cases – parallel
heat flux through carbon and PTFE and heat flux in series through the two components –
seem to be potentially realistic for the description of a specific single contact between two
fibers in a gas diffusion layer. The macroscopic thermal conductivity of a GDL will depend
strongly on the statistical distribution of the different contact geometries.
Considering the drop of thermal conductivity with the increase of PTFE loading observed
experimentally, it might be speculated that PTFE can be introduced between fibers thereby
reducing the direct contact area between fibers which would explain the observed drop in
thermal conductivity. Of course compression as well as mechanical cycling potentially can
lead to a modification of contacts between fibers, i.e. the statistical distribution of contact
geometries and thereby thermal conductivity could change. Reversible as well as
irreversible modifications of contact geometries – and consequently thermal conductivity
could occur under mechanical loading.
Also the observation that the presence of residual liquid water leads to an increase of
through-plane thermal conductivity (Burheim et al., 2011) can possibly be explained; the
water – with a thermal conductivity of 0.6 W/ m K (Taine & Petit, 1989) – could either
improve heat flux at already existing contacts between fibers or even provide new heat flux
paths that were ‘insulated’ by air before the addition of water.
4. Conclusion
Three commercially available gas diffusion layers of PEM fuel cells were investigated by 3D
X-ray computed tomography (CT). The 3D structure of carbon fiber based gas diffusion
layers was clearly resolved, but carbon fibers and PTFE could not be discriminated. Further,
3D fiber structures were randomly generated using GeoDict and model structures of layers
of equidistant parallel fibers were generated. Binder material – this could be PTFE only or
carbon and PTFE – was added to these fiber structures.
The application of analytical models for the estimation of thermal conductivity of
heterogeneous materials was discussed. Based on the measured and generated 3D
structures, the macroscopic, anisotropic effective thermal conductivities of the gas diffusion
layers were computed. The average in-plane thermal conductivity for all structures is by
about a factor 4 to 12 larger than the average through-plane thermal conductivity. These
results were compared with the available literature data on thermal conductivity of gas
diffusion layers and a good agreement was found.
Finally, it was shown that – due to the big difference between the thermal conductivities of
PTFE and carbon – the impact of the contact area between carbon fibers and the spatial
Computation of Thermal Conductivity of Gas Diffusion Layers of PEM Fuel Cells 229
distribution of PTFE in the contact region between carbon fibers on the macroscopic thermal
conductivity is considerable. Therefore an improved characterisation of the contact region
between carbon fibers could be a worthwhile objective for future similar studies. This
includes also the discrimination of PTFE and carbon in CT datasets.
Overall, it was shown that the computation of thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers
based on 3D structure can lead to an improved understanding of the thermal properties of a
GDL. Both approaches presented here have advantages: CT measurements guarantee a
realistic 3D structure, while the random generation of 3D structures allows the precise
definition of the distribution of all components which can be especially relevant for virtual
GDL design.
5. Acknowledgment
This work has been carried out within the multiannual programme of the European
Commission’s Joint Research Centre, as part of the FCPOINT activities. The authors thank
Marc Steen (Institute for Energy, European Commission) for critical reading of the
manuscript, Gaby Janssen (Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, ECN) for the
provision of gas diffusion layers and GE sensing and inspection technologies/phoenix X-ray
(Wunstorf, Germany) for X-ray computed tomography data.
6. References
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membrane fuel cells. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Vol. 37, No. 2, pp.
204-220, ISSN 0360-1285
232 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1. Introduction
Frozen soils consist of soil solids, ice, unfrozen water, and gas (vapour). The solid particles
vary in size and composition and may be composed of one or more minerals or of organic
material. Based on particle size, soils are classified into soil types which vary between the
many classification systems in use throughout the world. The classification which is most
generally used in Russia is that of V.V. Okhotin (Sergeev, 1971), with the basic soil types
being sand, sand-silt, silt-clay, and clay which are further subdivided into a large number of
subtypes. Soils that have been subject to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing generally
have higher silt contents.
The bound water is structurally and energetically heterogeneous. Water bonding to the
mineral particles is provided predominantly by the active centres on the surface and the
exchange cations. The most important active centres for water adsorption in the crystalline
lattice of clay minerals are hydroxyl groups and coordinately unsaturated atoms of oxygen,
silicon, aluminium and other elements.
In quantitative terms, it is an undeniable fact that the pore water freezes over a range of
negative temperatures rather than at a single temperature, depending on soil moisture
content and solute concentration. This is due to distortion of the bound water structure by
the active centres on the particle surfaces and dissolved ions, resulting in a kinetic barrier
which makes water crystallization difficult.
The phase composition of water (or solution) changes with temperature following the
dynamic equilibrium state principle established by Tsytovich (1945) and experimentally
confirmed by Nersesova (1953). This principle states that the amount of unfrozen water for a
given soil type (non-saline) is a function of the temperature below 0°C and is virtually
independent of the total soil moisture content. It is quantitatively described by the equation
(Ivanov, 1962):
⎡ 1 ⎤
Wuw = W0 + A' ⎢ 2
− 1⎥ , (1)
⎣⎢ 1 + a' Δt + b' Δt ⎥⎦
234 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
number is constant and equal to 6; the relation between the thermal conductivity and
porosity is realized by changing the particle shape at various size ratios of the ellipsoids of
revolution. At a/R ≥ 1, a contact spot appears automatically in the model, which represents
rigid bonding between the particles that provides hard, monolithic rock structure (Gavriliev,
Fig. 1. Particle shapes in the soil thermal conductivity model at different semi-axes ratios of
ellipsoids δ = a/R: 1 – faceted (δ > 1); 2 – spherical (δ = 1); 3 – worn (δ < 1); 4 – cruciate (δ < 1)
All calculations are made in terms of the parameter δ = a/R, which is a unique function of
the porosity m2 (dry density γs):
where λmod is the resulting thermal conductivity of the model and ϕsc is the correction for
heat transfer across the contact spot, W/(m•K):
⎡ ⎛ 1.3 ⎞ ⎤
λ mod = λ ad ⎢1 + ⎜ − 1 ⎟ sin π m 2 ⎥ , (3)
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎣⎢ ⎝ 1 + 0.5 ϑ − 0.26 ϑ ⎠ ⎦⎥
where ϑ = λ 2 λ 1 ;0 ≤ ϑ ≤ 1; λad is the thermal conductivity of the system where the
elementary cell is divided by adiabatic planes; the subscripts “1” and “2” refer to the particle
and the fill (air, water and ice), respectively.
The thermal conductivity of the model, λad, is given by the following equations:
at δ ≤ 1
λ ad πδ π ⎡ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
=1− − δ2 H + δ arcsin δ X + ⎢( 1 − δ ) ⎜⎜ 1 − ln ⎟⎟ −
λ2 2 δK 1 ⎣⎢ ⎝ δK 1 1 − δK 1 ⎠
, (4)
⎛1 δ K1 ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ 4 arcsin δ / X − πδ ⎤
− 1−δ 4
) ⎜ +
X δ
ln 1 −
⎟ ⎥ × ⎢1 −
2 π (1 − δ)
⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎦⎥
236 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
at δ ≥ 1
λ ad π π ⎛ 2 1 ⎞ ⎛ 1 δ K1 δ ⎞
= 1 − − δ2 H + ⎜δ − 2 ⎟ × ⎜ ln 1 − + ⎟+
λ2 4 2 K1 ⎝ δ ⎠ ⎝ K1 X X⎠
, (5)
δ K1 ⎛ π⎞
+ ⎜ δ arcsin 1 / X − ⎟
X − δ K1 ⎝ 4⎠
π ⎛ 1 ⎞ λ2
where δ = a/R; X = 1 + δ2 ; H= ⎜ ln 1 − K 1 + 1 ⎟ ; K1 = 1 − .
2K 1 ⎝ K 1 ⎠ λ1
The correction factor ϕsc is given by
⎡ ⎤
⎢ 2 ⎥
πλ δ 2
r ϑ ⎛ r2 ⎞ ϑ 1 − K1
ϕsc = 1 ⎢ c2 2 + ⎜1 − 1 − c ⎟+ ln ⎥, (6)
2 ⎢ 2R δ K1 ⎜ R 2 δ2 ⎟ K 12 r2
⎢ ⎝ ⎠ 1 − K 1 1 − 2c 2 ⎥
⎣⎢ R δ ⎦⎥
where rc is the radius of the contact spot between the particles.
It is assumed in Eq. (6) that the spot contact between particles is formed of the same material
as the particle by its flattening at high pressure or by its squeezing (solution and
crystallization) due to selective growth of cement in sandstones (quartz cement grows on
quartz particles and feldspar on feldspar particles). In a general case however, the contact
spot may consist of a foreign material resulting, for example, from precipitation of salts from
solution at the particle contacts. In this case, the correction factor ϕsc is given by
⎡ 1 − K 1 1 − rc2 a 1 − K 2 1 − rc2 a 2
π a ⎢ λ3 λ
ϕsc = ln − 22 ln +
2R 2 ⎢
⎣ 1
( 1 − K1 ) K2 (1 − K2 )
, (7)
⎛ λ2 λ3 ⎞
+⎜ −
⎝ K2 K1 ⎠
( 2
⎟ 1 − 1 − rc a ⎥
2 ⎤
where K2 = 1 - λ3/λ1; λ1, λ2 and λ3 are the thermal conductivities of the solid, medium and
contact spot (contact cement), respectively.
The relative size of the contact spot is expressed in terms of the system’s porosity as:
rc π
= 1.69 1 − 3 . (8)
R 6 (1 − m2 )
The soil porosity m2 or the volume fraction of the mineral particle m1 is a unique function of
the parameter δ and is given by the following equations:
at δ ≤ 1
πδ2 ⎡ 1 − δ2 1 − δ ⎛ 1 + δ 1 ⎞⎤
m1 = ⎢1 − + ⎜ − 2 + 3⎟ ⎥ , (9)
6 ⎣⎢ δ X ⎝ δ X ⎠ ⎦⎥
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 237
at δ ≥ 1
m1 =
πδ2 ⎛
⎜⎜ 1 − ⎟+
δ2 − 1 ⎞ δ 1 + 2 δ
) ⎛⎜ 1 + 1 ⎞ ⎛
⎟⎟ × ⎜ 4 δ arc sin
1 ⎞
− π⎟ . (10)
6 ⎝ δ X ⎟⎠ 16 X 2 ⎜X
⎝ 2+δ ⎠ ⎝ 2 δ X ⎠
The increase in the volume fraction of the solids due to the contact spot is expressed by
π ⎡ r2 ⎛ r2 ⎞ ⎛ r2 ⎞⎤
m sc = ⎢ c − 2 ⎜ δ2 − c ⎟ ⎜ 1 − 1 − c ⎟⎥ . (11)
4 ⎢R 2 ⎜ R ⎟⎠ ⎝⎜
R 2 δ2 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
The dry density of the soil is
γ d = ( m 1 + m sc ) ρs , (12)
m 2 = 1 − m s = 1 − m 1 − m sc = 1 − γ s ρs . (13)
The model assumes that the material consists of mineral particles of the same composition.
However, naturally occurring soils always contain particles of various compositions and
they can be treated in modelling as multi-component heterogeneous systems with a
statistical particle distribution.
In computations based on the universal model, the average thermal conductivity of soil
solid particles may be used, which is approximately estimated in terms of the thermal
conductivity and volume fraction of constituent minerals according to the equation
(Gavriliev, 1989):
⎡ ⎤
⎢ n ⎥
λ 1 = 0.5 ⎢⎢ ∑ λ jm j + n ⎥ ,
⎥ (14)
⎢ j=1 ∑ ⎥
⎢⎣ j=1 λ j ⎥⎦
where λj and mj are the thermal conductivity and volume fraction of the j-th mineral of the
soil, respectively. This equation can also be used for calculating the thermal conductivity of
rocks characterized by the plane contacts between mineral aggregates.
2.2 Snow
In snowpack, the structural changes of ice crystals occur continuously throughout the winter.
The thermodynamic processes in snowpack result in a multi-branch openwork structure of
238 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
contacting ice crystals with shapes that continuously change throughout the period of snow
Thermal conductivity (λ), W/(m•K)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Porosity (m2)
Thermal conductivity (λ), W/(m•K)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Porosity (m2)
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 239
Thermal conductivity (λ), W/(m•K)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Porosity (m2)
Fig. 2. Nomograms for calculating the thermal conductivity of soils and rocks in dry (a),
saturated unfrozen (b) and frozen (c) states in terms of total porosity m2 and solids thermal
conductivity λ1 (W/(m•K)): 1 – 0.5; 2 – 1.0; 3 – 1.5; 4 – 2.0; 5 – 2.5; 6 – 3.0; 7 – 3.5; 8 – 4.0;
9 – 4.5; 10 – 5.0; 11 – 6.0; 12 – 7.0
These changes in snow structure through the whole cycle from deposition to glacier formation
can be fairly well represented by the same model shown in Fig. 1 (Gavrilyev, 1996a). But the
calculations should take into account the heat convection by vapour diffusion due to a
temperature gradient in the snow. This can be done by substituting in Eqs. (3) - (6) the effective
thermal conductivity of air in snow for its thermal conductivity (λa) which is given by
LD s e0 ⎛ L ⎞ ⎡ L ( T − T0 ) ⎤
λ ae = λ a + 2 ⎜
− 1 ⎟ × exp ⎢ ⎥ , (15)
R vT ⎝ vR T ⎠ ⎣ R v T0 T ⎦
where e0 = 6.1⋅102 Pa is the saturation vapour pressure at 0°С (T0 = 273 K); Rv = 4.6⋅102
J/(kg•K) is the gas constant of water vapour; T is the absolute temperature, K; L is the latent
heat of ice sublimation; Ds is the diffusion coefficient of water vapour in snow; and λa is the
thermal conductivity of calm air.
The thermal conductivity of air in relation to temperature may be calculated by an equation
given by Vargaftik (1963):
λ a = λ a0 ⎜ ⎟ , (16)
⎝ T0 ⎠
240 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
rc ⎛a⎞
= 0.25 ⎜ ⎟ , (17)
R ⎝R⎠
at a/R ≥ 1
rc ⎡ ⎛a ⎞⎤
= 1.25 − exp ⎢ −0.6 ⎜ − 1 ⎟ ⎥ . (18)
R ⎣ ⎝R ⎠⎦
Fig. 3 presents a nomogram which can be used to find the thermal conductivity of snow
from its temperature and porosity. This nomogram has been developed based on the
above theoretical model which takes into account the heat transfer by thermal diffusion of
water vapour. In the computations, the diffusion coefficient of water vapour in snow, Ds,
is taken to be 0.66 cm2/s, which is the average of the experimental values reported in the
literature ranging from 0.40 cm2/s (Sulakvelidze & Okudzhava, 1959) to 0.90 cm2/s
(Pavlov, 1962).
Thermal conductivity (λ), W/(m•K)
1 3
0.8 5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
λ = λ 2 ⎢1 +
( λ1 − λ 2 ) m 1 ⎤
⎥ ,
⎢⎣ λ 2 + 0.33 ( 1 − m 1 ) ( λ 1 − λ 2 ) ⎥⎦
where (as before) the subscripts “1” and “2” refer to the inclusions (particles) and the
medium, respectively. For the cubical particle shape, Eq. (19) is formally valid across the
range of inclusion contents: 0 ≤ m1 ≤ 1.
The advantage of Eq. (19) is its simplicity. In some cases, Eq. (19) is applicable to permafrost
problems, for example, for estimating the thermal conductivity of soils with a cryostructure
or of soils containing gravel- or cobble-size inclusions. However, at large differences
between the λ1 and λ2 values, such as in air-dry soils, the degree of roundness of gravel and
cobble inclusions may affect the accuracy of calculations.
For a more general formulation of the problem, an ellipsoidal particle shape may be
considered in Eq. (19), since with the change in the ratio of semi-axes the particles transform
into other figures, such as a sphere, plate, or cylinder. Eq. (19) may be presented in the
following generalized form (Gavriliev, 1986):
λ = λ 2 ⎢1 +
( λ1 − λ 2 ) m 1 ⎤
⎥ , (20)
⎣⎢ λ 2 + K f ( 1 − m 1) ( 1
λ − λ 2) ⎦
K f = abcC(0), (21)
where a, b, and c are the semi-axes of the ellipsoids (a > b > c); and C(0) is the integral of the
form (Ovchinnikov, 1971)
E(ψ, p) is the elliptic integral of the second kind, ψ = arcsin 1 − c2 a2 – is the amplitude
and p = (1 − b 2
a2 ) (1 − c 2
a2 ) – is the modulus of the integral.
The elliptic integral E(ψ, p) is tabulated, and the shape factor of inclusions can be readily
found from the ratio of the particle dimensions a, b, and c. For practical purposes,
calculations can be limited to the more simple case of ellipsoids of revolution. Then, the
integral C(0) is expressed in terms of elementary functions (Carslaw & Jaeger, 1959). Let us
consider two examples.
242 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1. The particles have a shape of an oblate ellipsoid of revolution (a = b > c). Then, along
the semi-axes we have
1⎛ c ⎞ (23)
K fc = ⎜ 1 − arcsin β ⎟ ,
β⎝ aβ ⎠
c ⎛ c c⎞ (24)
K fa = K fb = ⎜⎜ arcsin β − ⎟ ,
2aβ ⎝ β a ⎟⎠
where β = 1 − c 2 a 2 .
2. The inclusions have a shape of a prolate ellipsoid of revolution (b = c < a)
1 ⎛ c2 1+ β ⎞
K fc = K fb = ⎜⎜ 1 − 2 ln ⎟, (25)
2β ⎝ 2a β 1 − β ⎟⎠
c2 ⎛ 1 1+ β ⎞
K fa = ⎜ ln ⎟. (26)
a 2β ⎝⎜ 2 β 1 − β ⎠⎟
Fig. 4 shows graphically the shape factors Kf for oblate and prolate ellipsoids of revolution
calculated with Eqs. (23) - (26) in relation to the ratio of the ellipse’s semi-minor (c) and
semi-major (a) axes at different directions. In the case of a layered cryostructure (c/a = 0),
we have Kf = 1 (curve 1) for the ice-soil layers oriented across the flow, and Kf = 0 (curve 1′)
for the orientation along the flow. In the case of cylindrical inclusions (c/a = 0), it follows
that perpendicular to the heat flow Kf = 1/2 (curve 2′) and parallel to the flow Kf = 0 (curve 2).
Shape factor (Kf)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Parameter c/a
Fig. 4. Shape factor Kf of soil particles in the form of oblate (1 and 1’) and prolate (2 and 2’)
ellipsoids of revolution versus parameter с/а for different directions: 1 and 2 – along the
axis of revolution; 1’ and 2’ – perpendicular to the axis of revolution
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 243
As an example, we will consider frozen soils with cryostructures in more detail below.
Soils with a layered cryostructure exhibit the highest anisotropy of thermophysical
properties. In thermal terms, it makes sense to identify the following categories of layered
cryostructure: vertical layered, cross layered, and horizontal layered. These cryostructural
categories are equivalent to the three main directions of the heat-flow vector relative to the
orientation of ice layers: perpendicular, parallel, and intermediate (Fig. 5 a-c).
Soils with a reticulate cryostructure are also anisotropic. The degree of anisotropy depends
on the geometry of a reticulate ice network and the direction of the heat-flow vector (Fig. 5 d).
Let us consider the cryostructure as an ice matrix with soil inclusions in the form of
ellipsoids. We assume in the general case that the soil inclusions are non-uniform in
composition. Then, for the effective thermal conductivity of frozen soil, λ⊥,||,+, we can use the
equation derived earlier by the author (Gavrilyev, 1996b) for very coarse soils with particles
of different mineralogical compositions
⎛ 1 ⎞
λ ⊥ ,||, + = λi ⎜ 1 + ⎟ , (27)
⎜ B − Kf ⎟
⎝ ⎠
λ j − λi m j )
; (28)
j =1 λ − λ / K + λ
j i f ) i
Kf is the shape factor of soil inclusions or layers; λi is the thermal conductivity of the ice
matrix; λj and mj are the thermal conductivity and the volumetric content of the j-th soil
The volume fraction of ice, mi, is
mi = 1 − ∑ m j . (29)
It is assumed in Eqs. (27) - (29) that the soil inclusions have a massive structure and are fully
saturated (see Section 3 for permafrost soils with a massive cryostructure).
When the ice lenses occur in the soil at angle α to the direction of heat flow, the thermal
conductivity of the frozen soil mass is given by
where λ⊥ and λ|| are the thermal conductivities of the soil with a layered cryostructure,
defined by Eq. (27) at corresponding Kf values, for the ice-soil layers perpendicular and
parallel to heat flow direction.
The change of rectangular soil inclusions for ellipsoidal ones does not detract from the
accuracy of calculations, as it is known from the theoretical predictions of thermal
parameters that in the case of inclusions dispersed in a medium, the shape of inclusions has
no significant effect on the final calculation results. In case of the uniform composition of
frozen soil inclusions, Eq. (27) simplifies to Eq. (20).
Computations of the thermal conductivity of frozen soils with layered and reticulate
cryostructures were performed for the ice layers parallel, perpendicular and at 45° angle to
the heat flow vector, and for spherical or cubical (c/a = 1 and Kf = 0.33) soil inclusions in the
reticulate cryostructure. The thermal conductivity of the soil containing a cryostructure
depends on the size (volume fraction) and orientation of the ice and soil layers relative heat
flow direction, as well as the thermal conductivity of these layers.
In the cryostructures, the intermediate layers or inclusions are made of a macroscopically
isotropic (massive structure) frozen mass of mineral or organic soils which can vary in
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 245
thermal conductivity from 0.5 to 5.0 W/(m•K). It is assumed that the soils comprising the
intermediate layers and inclusions are perennially frozen; their thermal properties in
relation to natural moisture content have been fairly well studied (Gavriliev, 1989, 1998;
Gavriliev & Eliseev, 1970). It is known, for example, that the thermal conductivity of peat in
its naturally frozen state is independent of moisture content and is approximately equal to
1.27 W/(m•K). The thermal conductivity of perennially frozen soils in relation to natural
moisture content will be discussed in the next section.
Thermal conductivity (λ┴), W/(m•K)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Thermal conductivity (λ║), W/(m•K)
4 8
2 4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
246 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
3 6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 6. Thermal conductivities λ⊥ (a), λ|| (b) and λ+ (c) of frozen soils with a cryostructure as a
function of volume fraction of ice layers (mi) for various thermal conductivities of intermediate
layers or inclusions comprised of frozen organic and mineral soils (λfl, W/(m•K)). λfl values:
1-0.5; 2-1.0; 3-1.5; 4-2.0; 5-2.5; 6-3.0; 7-3.5; 8-4.0; 9-4.5; 10-5.0
Based on the calculated thermal conductivity values for the frozen soils with layered and
reticulate cryostructures as a function of the volume fraction of ice layers mi at different
thermal conductivities of intermediate layers λfl (here the subscript “fl” refers to frozen soil),
nomograms were developed shown in Fig. 6. For the layered cryostructure, the volume
fraction of ice layers mi is equal to their relative thickness li.
At the same values of mi and λfl, the thermal conductivity of frozen soils is highest for a
layered cryostructure with the soil and ice layers parallel to heat flow and lowest for that
with the heat flow direction normal to the ice and soil layers. The soils containing reticulate
and layered cryostructures with the ice and soil layers at 45о to heat flow direction have
intermediate thermal conductivity values.
2.4(1 + W)
γf = , (31)
2.7W + 0.9
where W is the gravimetric moisture content of the frozen soil expressed as a fraction.
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 247
It is sufficient for analysis of the thermal behaviour of permafrost to only consider one of
these parameters. Natural moisture content is preferably chosen, since it is easily measured
even in the field.
The total moisture content of frozen soils, especially fine-grained soils, varies over a wide
range due to moisture migration. For frozen alluvial deposits in Yakutia, for example, the
typical values range from 0.07 to 0.30 for sands and from 0.20 to 0.60 for sand-silts and silt-
clays (Votyakov, 1975). Correspondingly, the thermal conductivity of soils may exhibit
considerable variation.
Fig. 7 shows the experimental results for thermal conductivity, λ, of frozen Yakutian alluvial
soils in the wide range of saturation moisture contents Wsat. It should be noted that full
saturation was assumed in the experiments as a model of the natural state of permafrost
soils. As is seen, the dependence of λ on Wsat differs between course- and fine-grained soils.
With increasing Wsat, the thermal conductivity of the frozen sand at the point of full
saturation decreases, while that of the silt-clay increases tending to the thermal conductivity
of ice. The sand-silts are intermediate between these two soil types.
The observed differences in λ (Wsat) can be explained by the differences in the unfrozen
water content and in the mineralogical composition of the soils. In the fine soils, the
unfrozen water content is quite high (about 0.1) at the measurement temperatures (about -
10°C). At low moisture contents, silt-clay can thus be considered as an unfrozen soil. The
effect of ice inclusions on overall heat conduction increases with increasing water content,
resulting in higher soil thermal conductivity. At high moisture contents, the thermal
conductivity of the silt-clay tends to that of ice. In the sands, the unfrozen water content is
low and the mineral particles are in direct contact with ice. As the mineral particles have a
higher thermal conductivity than ice, the thermal conductivity of the sand decreases with
increasing water (ice) content. The same is true for the unfrozen soils. The effect of the
unfrozen water film coating the mineral particles is less in the sand-silt compared to the silt-
clay. The thermal conductivity of the “mineral particle + unfrozen water” system is likely to
have the same values as for ice. The frozen saturated sand-silt has therefore a nearly
constant thermal conductivity over the entire range of saturation moisture contents. The
mineralogical composition has also an effect, resulting in an increase in the thermal
conductivity of solids from finer to coarser soils.
The above features of permafrost thermal conductivity can be estimated based on the
analytical theory of thermal conductivity of composite materials. The possible structural
models of soil follow from the mechanism of water binding by mineral particles. Soil
particles possess excess surface energy which depends on their size and mineral
composition. When water enters the ground, it interacts with the mineral particles under the
influence of molecular forces and surrounds them in concentric layers until the excess of
surface energy is removed. The particles interact through the bound water layer, forming a
stable system with dispersed particles. The remaining part of the soil pores is filled with free
water. As the soil temperature decreases, primarily near 0°C, the free water begins to freeze.
Then more of the bound water freezes with a further decrease in temperature. The strongly
bound water remains unfrozen down to about -20°C. When frozen, the system of dispersed
particles is cemented by ice, becoming even more stable. Hence, the thermal conductivity of
fine-grained permafrost soils at different subzero temperatures can be estimated considering
a three-component shell system (mineral particle + unfrozen water + ice) as shown in Fig. 8.
Mineral particles in this scheme are assumed to be spherical in shape.
248 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Fig. 7. Thermal conductivity vs. saturation moisture content for alluvial sediments in frozen
state: 1 - sand; 2 – sand-silt; 3 – silt-clay; 4 - experimental curves; 5 – predicted curves
Fig. 8. Three-component shell medium: 1 – soil mineral particle; 2 – unfrozen water; 3 – ice
The effective conductivity λ of such a shell system can be predicted using the Maxwell
method based on the solution of Laplace’s equation for a medium with a constant
temperature gradient at a distance from the spherical particle with a shell. The equation has
the form (Belskaya, 1981)
⎡ ε ( λ uw − λ s )( 2 λ uw + λ i ) ⎤
σ ⎢ λ uw − λ i − ⎥
λ − λi ⎣ 2 λ uw + λ s ⎦,
= (32)
λ − 2λi 2ε ( λ uw − λ s )( λ i − λ uw )
2λ i + λ uw +
2 λ uw + λ s
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 249
4 πR 3s 4 πR 3 uw + s
where ε = / is the volume fraction of the mineral soil solids in the two-
3 3
component system consisting of mineral solids and unfrozen water; σ is the volume fraction
of the mineral solids and unfrozen water in the soil; the subscripts “s”, “i” and “uw” refer to
the mineral solids, ice and unfrozen water, respectively.
Parameters ε and υ in Eq. (32) can be expressed in terms of the volume fractions of soil
solids ms and unfrozen water muw
ε= and σ = m s + m uw
m s + m uw
Considering the relation of ms and muw to the saturation moisture content Wsat and unfrozen
water content muw
ρs ρW
ms = and m uw = s uw ,
1 + Wsatρs 1 + Wsatρs
( ρs is the solids density), we finally obtain the following expression for the thermal
conductivity λ of a saturated frozen soil (Gavriliev, 1989):
N + 2М
λ = λi , (33)
N= ( 1 + Wsat ρs ) ⎢ 2 λ i + λ uw +
2 ( λ − λs ) ( λ i − λ uw ) ⎤ ,
⋅ uw (34)
⎣ 1 + Wuwρs 2 λ uw + λ s ⎦
M= ( 1 + Wuwρs ) ( λ uw − λ i ) −
( λ uw − λ s ) ( 2λ uw + λ i ) . (35)
2 λ uw + λ s
In Eqs. (33) - (35), all limiting conditions are satisfied. At Wsat→∞, λ=λi. If Wsat=0 and Wuw=0,
then λ=λs. When Wuw=0, the well-known Maxwell-Odolevsky equation for a two-
component medium is obtained, which can be expressed in terms of moisture content as
λ = λi
( 1 + Wsatρs ) ( 2λi + λ s ) + 2 ( λ s − λ i ) . (36)
( 1 + Wsatρs ) ( 2λ i + λ s ) − ( λ s − λ i )
Eq. (36) is also applicable to unfrozen soils, if the thermal conductivity of water λw is used
instead of λi.
The presence of entrapped air reduces the thermal conductivity of frozen soils, and this can
be expressed as:
2λ ( 1 + Wρs )
λ= , (37)
2 + ρs ( 3Wsat − W )
where W is the actual moisture content of the soil which should vary in the range
250 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
⎛ 0.4 ⎞ 0.4
W≥ ⎜ 1 − ⎟ Wsat − , (38)
⎝ ρ moi ⎠ ρs
where ρmoi is the parameter dependent on the soil condition which has a value of 1 above
0°C and 0.92 below 0°C.
The relation (38) may be particularly useful for estimating the thermal conductivity of the
thawed soils where any excess water escapes on thawing (if the thawing layer is not
underlain by frozen soil) and only part of the moisture is retained due to surface tension.
For actual computations, the values for thermal conductivity of soil constituents should be
specified in Eqs. (34) and (35). For pure ice at t = 0°C λ = 2.25 W/(m•K). The thermal
conductivity of unfrozen water can be taken approximately equal to that of free, i.e., λ = 0.58
W/(m•K), since all anomalies in the properties of bound water are related to its strongly
adsorbed portion which is insignificant in amount. The thermal conductivity of mineral soil
solids depends on the mineral composition of particles and may be approximately estimated
by Eq. (14).
The distribution of minerals in soils is influenced by sedimentary conditions which vary
widely in nature. The amount of minerals in a soil can be estimated approximately based on
the relationship between particle mineralogy and size distribution. The three particle sizes
used for soil classification are clay (< 0.002 mm), silt (0.002-0.05 mm), and sand (0.05-2.0
mm). In practice, it is assumed that the content of clay minerals, such as kaolinite, is equal to
the amount of clay-sized particles and 50% of silt-sized particles (Kokshenov, 1957). The
remainder of the soil consists predominantly of quartz and feldspar, and their relative
proportions vary widely depending on the soil origin. If no appropriate data are available,
the ratio of quartz to feldspar may be taken as 0.6:0.4 (Kokshenov, 1957).
In computations, the following values for λj may be used [W/(m•K)]: 6-7 for quartz, 1.9 for
feldspars, and 1.2 for kaolinite.
The distribution of particle sizes in a soil strongly depends on sedimentation conditions. If
no granulometric data are available, the values given in Table 1 may be used for
approximate estimations.
Particle size
Soil type
Clay Silt Sand
Sand 0.02 0.10 0.88
Sand-silt 0.06 0.30 0.64
Silt-clay 0.20 0.37 0.43
Table 1. Relative proportions of particles sizes in soils
Comparison of the predicted and experimental data (see Fig. 7) shows that Eqs. (33) - (35)
provide satisfactory results. The following values were used in the computations: for λs
[W/(m•K)]:3.50 for sand, 2.70 for sand-silt, 2.30 for silt-clay; for Wuw:0 for sand, 0.03 for
sand-silt and 0.10 for silt-clay.
microorganisms), climate, and human activity. The presence of organic matter has a strong
effect on the soil thermal properties.
Humic substances of the soil are specific high-molecular compounds. They play a significant
role in creating the soil structure (Tsyganov, 1958). The organic substances exist in the form
of very fine particles smaller than 0.2 μ referred to as colloids. Colloids have a very large
specific surface area that provides strong bonding of water in soil and the presence of large
amounts of unfrozen water at temperatures below freezing. Colloidal particles occur as sols
and gels. Sols are smaller particles which can aggregate into gels by coagulation. When
bound with water, organic particles form colloidal micelles having a core of an electrically
neutral mineral particle surrounded by ionic layers of adsorbed molecules of colloid
aggregate matter (hydrates: SiO2, Al2O3, MnO2, etc.) and electrolyte (water). At temperatures
below 0°C, the diffuse layer of water freezes, while the bound water remains unfrozen.
At the present stage of research, the problem of organic content effect on the thermal
conductivity of soils can only be approached using analytical methods, since there are
virtually no experimental data available.
Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the saturated frozen organic soil: 1 – mineral particle;
2 – colloid aggregate; 3 – unfrozen water; 4 - ice
Let us consider the saturated soils. Based on the above consideration, the saturated soil
containing organic matter can be represented as a four-component shell system within a
cubic cell (Fig. 9) consisting of a mineral particle (1), organic matter (humus) (2), unfrozen
water (3), and ice (4). The thermal conductivity of this system (frozen organic soil) calculated
with the successive use of Maxwell’s method is described by the equation (Gavrilyev, 2001)
⎡ 3Z ( 1 − m i ) ⎤
λ f = λ 4 ⎢1 + ⎥ , (39)
⎣ 3 λ i + Zm i ⎦
2 λ uw m uw D + λ org Q ⎣⎡ 3 ( 1 − m i ) − 2 m uw ⎦⎤
Z = λ uw − λi , (40)
λ uw D ⎡⎣ 3 ( 1 − m i ) − m uw ⎤⎦ + λ org m uw Q
D = λ sm org + λ org 3m s + m org , ) (41)
252 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Q = 2 λ org m org + λ s 3m s + m org , ) (42)
λ and m are the thermal conductivity and volume fractions of the components, respectively.
In the saturated unfrozen organic soil, the ice content mi is zero, and from Eq. (39) we obtain
the following equation for the thermal conductivity λ t
2 λ uw m uw D + λ org Q ( 3 − 2 m uw )
λ t = λ uw . (43)
λ uw D ( 3 − m uw ) + λ org m uw Q
The volume fractions of the components of the organic soil in the saturated state, ms, morg,
muw and mi, can be found using the following equations:
1 (44)
ms = 0
1 + Wsat ρs
n org ρsm s
m org = , (45)
ρorg 1 − n org )
m uw = Wuw γ d , (46)
m s + m org + m uw + m i = 1, (49)
where norg = Porg/(Ps+Porg) is the relative weight of organic matter; Рs and Рorg are the
weights of the soil mineral particles and organic matter in the dry state; ρ is the unit weight
of the components; Wsat is the saturation moisture content of the soil containing no organic
matter (fraction).
The saturation moisture content of the organic soil Wsat is related to that of the soil
containing no organics Wsat by the relationship:
n org ρuw
Wsat = Wsat (
1 − n org − ) ρorg
. (50)
γd = , (51)
1 + Wsatρ′s
where ρ's = ρsm s + ρorg m org ) ( ms + morg ) is the unit weight of the organic soil.
In computations of the thermal conductivity of organic soils using Eqs. (39) - (43), the
following λ values (W/(m•K)) can be taken for components: λorg=0.26 (Farouki 1986),
λuw=0.58 and λi=2.25. The value of λs is a function of the soil type of the C horizon and can
be estimated from the mineral composition of the particles by Eq. (14).
Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity
of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 253
The λj values of minerals are available in reference books (Birch, 1942; Clark, 1966;
Kobranova, 1962; Missenard, 1965; Smyslov et al., 1979). The unit weight of organic matter
(ρorg) by analogy with peat (Gavriliev & Eliseev, 1970) can be taken as 1.48⋅103 kg/m3.
Fig. 10 shows the relationship between the thermal conductivity of a silt-clay [λs=2.50
W/(m•K)] and the saturation moisture content at different organic contents. It is seen that
reduction in the soil thermal conductivity due to the presence of organic matter is strongest
at low humus contents (norg < 0.1).
Fig. 10. Thermal conductivity of saturated silt-clay in frozen (solid lines) and thawed
(dashed lines) states vs saturation moisture content Wsat at different organic contents norg
(unit fraction): 1 - 0; 2 – 0.1; 3 – 0.2; 4 – 0.3
We note in conclusion that Eq. (39) can lead to Eq. (33) for permafrost with no second
component (morg=0).
6. Summary
Frozen soils are complex multi-component and multi-phase systems consisting of mineral
and organic particles, ice, unfrozen water, and gas (vapour). The specific conditions of
sedimentation and subsequent diagenesis in permafrost environments result in sediments of
permafrost-type with a very complex composition, structure and statistical particle
A deep understanding of the thermal properties of frozen soils can only be gained through
an integral combination of experimental and analytical methods. Experimental methods
have limitations in quantitative terms. Having obtained some basic information with
experimental techniques, further in-depth study can be made using analytical methods. The
development of theoretical approach is needed to understand heat transfer processes and to
analyze experimental data on thermal properties of soils and rocks from a common point of
254 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Considering the history of sediment formation over a geologic time, a universal model with
changing particle shapes is proposed which describes the processes of rock formation from
sediments, snow compaction and glacierization with account for diagenetic and post-
diagenetic structural modifications, as well the processes of rock weathering and soil
Based on the Maxwell’s model with dispersed particles in the main medium, methods of
estimating the thermal conductivity are given for:
1. Soils containing coarse inclusions and frozen soils of layered or reticulate cryostructure
with account for variation in composition (a two-component system: coarse inclusions +
fine fill, layers of frozen soil and ice for a case of layered cryostructure, and soil
inclusions in the ice matrix for a case of reticulate cryostructure);
2. Permafrost with a massive cryostructure (a three-component spherical shell system:
mineral particle + unfrozen water + ice);
3. Organic soils (a four-component spherical shell system: mineral particle + humus +
unfrozen water + ice).
7. References
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of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas 255
Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics of Frozen Ground, pp. 101-111, Moscow, Russia,
June 3-5, 1996
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256 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
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1. Introduction
Heat therapy is a traditional healing method. The first written reference to hyperthermia
occurred in an Egyptian papyrus scroll 5000 years ago (Hall & Cox, 2003). In this chapter,
we planned to introduce promising medical treatments which applied thermal energy in
living tissues to raise tissue temperatures to therapeutic temperatures. The treatments, based
on duration of time, were classified into low-temperature level in the range of 41~45°C
(hyperthermia or thermal therapy) and much higher temperatures (thermal ablation
treatments) than previous one.
Heating in the biothermal systems involves two primary heat transport modes: thermal
conduction and convection. Extreme complicating living vasculatures and organs make
heating the target volume and raising temperature to therapeutic temperature at the target
volume difficult and, thus, a challenging task.
In this chapter, we will introduce thermal models which were used to describe biothermal
systems. One of well-known models, Pennes bio-heat transfer equation (PBHTE) was
initially introduced in 1949. Up until now, it still is used widely by research groups around
the globe, to deal with temperature or heat that associated with human or living creatures.
As well as other models which also described the impact of thermally significant blood
vessel (or vascular system) and blood perfusion during treatments will also be introduced in
this chapter.
The heating methods that deposited the thermal energy in transport medium (i.e. solid
tumor, tissues and liquid so forth) will also be addressed. For example, high-intensity
focused ultrasound (HIFU) is one of popular non-invasive method which could deposit heat
into deep seated tissue region.
Lastly, we addressed promising future in combining other treating modalities (such as drug
treatment) with hyperthermia. It has shown significant results for medical treatments in
curing patients with cancers.
2. Heat transport
Thermal transport modes in bio-thermal systems involve three typical modes: conduction,
convection and radiation. Limitation and restrictions of therapeutic temperatures on heating
(or freezing) subjects are first, to remove tumorous tissues and at the same time without
damaging the normal tissues. Table 1 shows significance of thermal transport modes in
258 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
3. Mathematical modelings
To accurately describe physical phenomena in living tissues, we have to rely upon
mathematical models (or bio-heat transfer formulation). There are many significant models
appeared in history during the development of heating in tissues. Those models help us in
analyzing temperature management in treatment planning with accuracy. We introduced
them here:
∇i k∇T + q p + qm − Wcb (T − Ta ) = ρ c p (1)
where T(°>°C) is the local tissue temperature; Ta (°C) is the arterial temperature; cb
(J/kg/°C) is the blood specific heat; cp (J/kg/°C) is the tissue specific heat; W(kg/m3/s) is
the local tissue blood perfusion rate; k(w/m/°C) is the tissue thermal conductivity;
ρ(kg/m3) is the tissue density; qp(w/m3) is the energy deposition rate; and qm (w/m3) is the
metabolism, which is usually very small compared to the external power deposition term qp
(Roemer et al, 1988). The term Wcb(T-Ta), which accounts for the effects of blood perfusion,
can be the dominant form of energy removal when considering heating process. It assumes
that the blood enters the control volume at some arterial temperature Ta, and then comes to
equilibrium at the tissue temperature. Thus, the blood leaves the control volume it carries
away the energy, and hence acts as an energy sink in hyperthermia treatment.
Although Pennes’ equation is an approximation equation and it does not have a physically
consistent theoretical basis, it is surprisingly that this simple mathematical formulation
predicted temperature fields well in many application situations. The reasons why PBHTE
has been widely used in hyperthermia modeling field are two important factors: one is its
mathematical simplicity and the other is its ability to predict the temperature field
reasonably in applied fields.
Heating in Biothermal Systems 259
Nevertheless, the equation does have some limitations. It does not, nor was it ever intended
to, handle several physical effects. The most significant problem is that it does not consider
the effect of the directionality of blood flow, and hence does not describe any convective
heat transfer mechanism.
∇i( k + k p )∇T + q p + qm − Wcb (T − Ta ) − ρ bcb ui∇T = ρ c p (2)
Comparing this equation with Pennes’ equation, two extra terms have been added. The term
− ρ bcb ui∇T is the convective heat transfer term, which accounts for the thermal interactions
between blood vessels and tissues. The term ∇i k p∇T accounts for the enhanced tissue
conductive heat transfer due to blood perfusion term in tissues, where kp is called the
perfusion conductivity, and is a function of blood perfusion rate. The blood perfusion term
− Wcb (T − Ta ) shown in CH model, accounts for the effects of the large number of capillary
structures whose individual dimensions are small relative to the macroscopic phenomenon
under their study. Relatively CH model has a more solid physical basis than Pennes model.
However, it requires knowledge of the details of the vascular anatomy and flow pattern to
solve it, and that was an extreme complicating task.
where θ is the local temperature, ρ c is the volume average tissue density and specific heat
product, a is the local blood vessel radius, σ is a shape factor for the thermal conduction
resistance between adjacent counter-current vessels, n is the number density of blood
vessels of size a, kb is the blood thermal conductivity, Pe is the local Peclet number
(=2 ρ b cnau/kb), us is average blood flow velocity in the vessels and li is the direction cosine
of the ith pair of countercurrent vessels. ( kij )eff is the effective conductivity tenor element,
which is given by,
π 2 na 2 kb2 2
( kij )eff = k(δ ij + Pe li l j ) (4)
4σ k 2
260 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
where δij is the kronecker delta function, and k is the tissue thermal conductivity. Clearly,
this equation represents one of the most significant contributions to the bio-heat transfer
formulation. But, in practical situations, this equation needs detailed knowledge of the sizes,
orientations, and blood flow velocities in the countercurrent vessels to solve it and that
presents a formidable task. Furthermore, there are several issues related to the WJ model.
First, thoroughly comparison for both predicted temperatures and macroscopic experiments
are required. Secondly, the formulation was developed for superficial normal tissues in
which the counter-current heat transfer occurs. In tumors, the vascular anatomy is different
from the superficial normal tissues, and therefore a new model should be derived for
tumors. Some (Wissler, 1987) has questioned the two basic assumptions of WJ model: first,
that the arithmetic mean of the arteriole and venule blood temperature can be approximated
by the mean tissue temperature; and second, that there is negligible heat transfer between
the thermally significant arteriole-venule pairs and surrounding tissue.
Mi c b = Qap − hi Ai (Tb − Tw ) (5)
Here, Mi is the mass flow rate of blood in artery i, cb is the specific heat of blood, Tb(xi) is
the average blood temperature at position xi, xi indicates the direction along the vessel I
(either x, y or z depending on the vessel level). Qap is the applied power deposition xi, hi is
the heat transfer coefficient between the blood and the tissue, Ai is the perimeter of blood
vessel i, and Tw(xi) is the temperature of the tissue at the vessel wall. For the smallest,
terminal arterial vessels a decreasing blood flow rate is present giving the energy balance
dTb dMi
Mi cb = Qap − hi Ai (Tb − Tw ) − cbTb (6)
dxi dxi
Heating in Biothermal Systems 261
The blood leaving these terminal arterial vessels at any cross-section is assumed to perfuse
the tissue at a constant rate. The detailed description is shown in Huang (Huang et al, 1996).
As to venous thermal model, for all of veins except the smallest terminal veins, the above
equation (5) holds. For the smallest veins, the Tb replaced by the venous return temperature,
Tvr(xi). In the presented study this temperature is taken to be average temperature of four
tissue nodes adjacent to the terminal vein in the plane perpendicular to that vein,
1 4
Tvr = ∑ Ti , adj
4 i =1
For tissue matrix thermal equations, they can be explained most succinctly by considering
the Pennes Bio-Heat Transfer Equation as the most general formulation,
Here, k is the thermal conductivity of the tissue matrix, T(x,y,z) is the tissue temperature,
W is the “perfusion” value and Ta is the arterial blood temperature at some reference
3.5 Others
A few studies (Leeuwen et al, 2000; Devashish and Roemer, 2006; Baish, 1994) have modeled
the effect of collections of a large number of parallel vessels or of networks of vessels on the
resulting temperature distributions. Those were developed in attempt to describe the impact
of blood vessels and to properly predict heat transfer processes in bio-thermal systems in a
more accurate way.
4. Numerical modelings
As mentioned above the mathematical models for actual thermal problems of interest in
hyperthermia or thermal ablation are too complicated to be conveniently solved with exact
formulas. The majority of unsolved problems in medical fields is governed by non-linear
partial differential equations. In most cases, one thereby reduces the problems to rather
simplified models which can be exactly analyzed, for example, analytical solution of the 3D
Pennes equation presented by Liu (Liu, 2001; Liu and Deng, 2002) using multidimensional
Green function, and 1D transient Pennes equation by Shih et. al. (Shih et al, 2007) using the
Laplace transform. But occasionally such an approach does not suffice. Consequently,
specialists have recently devoted increasing attention to numerical, as opposed to analytical,
techniques. Nowadays one of the major challenges for thermal ablation and hyperthermia
simulation is the incorporation of the very detailed information coming from biophysical
models into the numerical simulations. Thanks to advanced imaging techniques, accurate
tumor static models including detailed description of all vascular matrix objects are
currently available. Unfortunately, most of the discretization methods commonly used in
computer simulation, mainly based on structured grids, are not capable to represent the
detailed geometry of such treatment regions or other complicated entities such as
microvascular matrix, horizontal wells, and uniformity, etc. The complexity of
multidimensional heat transfer problems in hyperthermia suggests the application of
numerical techniques. Several numerical methods have been used in engineering and
262 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
science fields; finite difference method, finite element method, finite volume approach, etc.
(Morton and Mayers, 2005; Derziger, Peric, 2001; Thomas, 1995; Minkowycz et al, 1988;
Anderson et al, 1984).
DT ⎛ ∂T ⎞ (9)
ρc = ρc ⎜ + V • ∇T ⎟ = ∇ • k∇T − wbcb (T − Ta ) + Q
Dt ⎝ ∂t ⎠
The partial differential equations for thermal ablation or hyperthermia are discretized at the
grid point by using the finite difference approximation using Pennes equation.
ρc = k∇ 2T − wbc b (T − Ta ) + Q (10)
The Pennes equation is solved with the finite difference formulation when the exact
geometry is not particularly important or when the fundamental behavior of a bio-thermal
system is analyzed, in particular with heterogeneous and at times anisotropic thermal
properties. Define an Nx x Ny x Nz lattice in the (x, y, z) plane that spans our region of
interest in 3D with dimension of Lx x Ly x Lz as shown in Figure 2. Let Nx, Ny and Nz be the
numbers of equally spaced grid points in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively, and {xijk :=
(i∆x, j∆y, k∆z)} the grid points in the computational domain, where ∆x = Lx/Nx, ∆y = Ly/Ny,
and ∆z = Lz/Nz.
(i,j-1,k) (i-1,j,k)
(i+1,j,k) (i,j,k)
Z nz
Y nx
X ny
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the grid system using a finite difference scheme
In a typical numerical treatment, the dependent variables are described by their values at
discrete points (a lattice) of the independent variables (e.g. space and/or time), and the
partial differential equation is reduced to a large set of difference equations. It would be
useful to revise our description of difference equations. Let Γ be the elliptic operator and Π
a finite difference approximation of Γ with pth order accuracy, i.e.,
Heating in Biothermal Systems 263
ΓT = k∇ 2T − wbcbT (11)
ΠT ≈ ΓT + O( h p )
where h = max{∆x, ∆y, ∆z}. Then the semi-discrete equation corresponding to Equation (11)
reads ρ c = ΠT + Q + wbcbTa . To integrate in time, one can use the two-level implicit time-
stepping scheme:
T n+ 1 − T n ⎛1 1 ⎞
ρc = Π ⎜ T n + 1 + T n ⎟ + Q n + wbcbTa (12)
Δt ⎝2 2 ⎠
where ∆t is the time step size and Tn is the discrete solution vector at time tn = n∆t. This
numerical scheme is known as the Crank–Nicolson scheme (Crank and Nicolson, 1947). It
( )
yields a truncation error at the nth time-level: Error = O Δt 2 + h p . In the matrix form we
can represent (2) as:
⎛ Δt ⎞ n + 1 ⎛ Δt ⎞ n Δt n
⎜I − Π ⎟T = ⎜I + Π ⎟T + (Q + wbcbTa ) (13)
⎝ 2 ρ c ⎠ ⎝ 2 ρc ⎠ ρc
⎛ Δt ⎞ ⎡⎛ Δt ⎞ n Δt n ⎤
T n+1 = ⎜ I − Π ⎟ ⎢⎜ I + Π ⎟T + (Q + wbcbTa )⎥ (14)
⎝ 2 ρ c ⎠ ⎣⎝ 2 ρc ⎠ ρc ⎦
Obviously other standard techniques for numerical discretization in time have also been
used. For instance the unconditionally stable Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) finite
difference method (Peaceman and Rachford, 1955) was successfully used in the solution of
the bio-heat equation in (Qi and Wissler, 1992; Yuan et al, 1995).
⎡ ∂T ⎤
∫ ω ⎢⎣ ρc ∂t − ∇ • k∇T + wbcb (T − Ta ) − Q ⎥ dΛ e = 0
A large but finite number of known functions are proposed as the representation of the
temperature. The (shape) functions are constructed from simple interpolation functions
within each element into which the domain is divided. The value of the function
everywhere inside the element is determined by values at the nodes of that element. The
temperature can be expressed by,
264 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
T ( ) ( x , y , z , t ) = ∑ N i ( x , y , z ) Ti ( t )
i =1
Or in a matrix form, T ( ) ( x , y , z , t ) = ⎣⎡ N ( x , y , z ) ⎦⎤ {T ( t )}
3D element
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the mesh element system using a finite element scheme
In Eq. (16), i , is an element local node number, Nr is the total number of element nodes and
N(x,y,z) is the shape function associated with node i. Applying integration by parts into Eq.
(15) one can obtain
⎡ ∂T ⎤ ^
∫ ω ⎢⎣ ρc ∂t + wbcb (T − Ta ) − Q ⎥ dΛ e + ∫ ω k∇T • ∇N i dΛ e − ∫ ω( k∇T • n)N i dΓ e = 0
Λe Λe Γe
Here, Γ e is the surface element. Using the Galerkin method, the weight function, ω, is
chosen to be the same as the interpolation function for T. Evaluation of each element and then
assembling into the global system of linear equations for each node in the domain yields
[ M ] ⎨T ⎬ + [K ]{T} + [ W ]{T} = {R} + {P} ,
⎩ ⎭
or [ M ] ⎧⎨T ⎫⎬ + [ A]{T } = {B}
⎩ ⎭
Mij = ∫ ωρ cN i N j dΛ e , K ij = ∫ ω k(∇N i • ∇N j )dΛ e , Wij = ∫ ω Wbcb N i N j dΛ e ,
Λe Λe Λe
Nr ^
Pi = ∫ ω k( ∇ ∑
j =1
Tj N j • n)N i dΓ e , Ri = ∫ ωQi N i dΛ e , Aij = Kij + Wij , Bi = Ri + Pi
Γe Λe
This set of equations cane be solved with any kind on numerical integration in time to
obtain the approximate temperature distribution in the domain. For instance one can use the
Crank-Nicolson algorithm,
Heating in Biothermal Systems 265
⎛1 1
⎜ [ A] + [ M ] ⎟ T
⎝2 Δt ⎠
⎞ n+1 ⎛ 1
} 1 ⎞
= ⎜ [ A] + [ M ] ⎟ T n +
⎝2 Δt ⎠
{ } ({
Bn + 1 + Bn } { }) (18)
where the superscript n+1 denotes the current time step and the superscript n, the previous
time step.
3D volume
Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the grid cell system using a finite volume scheme
Then the governing equation is applied over each control volume in the mesh. So the
volume integrals of Pennes equation can be evaluated over the control volume surrounding
node i as
⎡ ∂T ⎤
∫ ⎢⎣ ρc ∂t − ∇ • k∇T + wbcb (T − Ta ) − Q ⎥ dΩ = 0
266 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
∫ q jn j dΓ ≅ ∑ Gij q j + ∑ H ij q j (21)
Γi all edges all edges
where Gij denotes the coefficients that must be applied to the edge value of the flux q j in
the xj direction to obtain the contribution made by the edge to node i and H ij represents the
boundary edges coefficients that relate to the boundary edge flux q j when the edge lies on
the boundary, where H ij =0 on all edges except on the domain boundaries. The
approximation of q j on edge is evaluated by different schemes based on the temperatures
between nodes. For example,
Tj − Ti
qj =
where dij is the distance between the center of the cells i and j.
The semi-discrete form of the transient bioheat heat transfer equation represents a coupled
system of first order differential equations, which can be rewritten in a compact matrix
notation as
P ∂T + RT = S (22)
with an initial condition. In equation (22), P represents the heat capacity matrix which is a
diagonal matrix. R is the conductivity matrix including the contributions from the surface
integral and perfusion terms. The vector S is formed by the independent terms, which arises
from the thermal loads and boundary conditions. T is the vector of the nodal unknowns.
Equation (22) can be further discretized in time to produce a system of algebraic equations.
With the objective of validating the finite volume formulation described, one can use the
simplest two-level explicit time step and rewrite equation (22) as the following expression
PT − T n + RT n = S n (23)
where Δt = tn + 1 − tn is the length of the time interval and the superscripts represent the time
levels. Such scheme is just first order accurate in time and the Δt must be chosen according
to a stability condition (Lyra, 1994). Other alternatives, such as the generalized trapezoidal
Heating in Biothermal Systems 267
method (Lyra, 1994; Zienkiewicz & Morgan, 1983), multi-stage Runge-Kutta scheme (Lyra,
1994) can be implemented if higher-order time accuracy is required.
4.4 Others
Other classes of methods have also been applied to the partial differential equations, such as
boundary element method (Wrobel and Aliabadi, 2002), spectral method (Canuto et al,
2006), multigrid method (Briggs et al, 2000) ect.
5. Heating methods
Heating in bio-thermal systems that have many forms, they can be appeared in different
power deposition calculations in PBHTE. They can be classified into three types which are
invasive, minimal invasive and non-invasive methods. We introduced most clinical methods
5.1 Hyperthermia
Hyperthermia is a heat treatment, and traditionally refers to raise tissue temperatures to
therapeutic temperatures in the range of 41~45°C (significantly higher than the usual body-
temperature) by external means. In history, the first known, more than 5000 years old,
written medical report from the ancient Egypt mentions hyperthermia (Smith, 2002). Also,
an ancient tradition in China, “Palm Healing”, has used the healing properties of far infrared
rays for 3000 years. As our bodies radiate far infrared energy through the skin at 3 to 50
microns, with a peak around 9.4 microns, these natural healers emit energy and heat radiating
from their hands to heal. It could be applied in several various treatments: cure of common
cold (Tyrrell et al, 1989), help in the rheumatic diseases (Robinson et al, 2002; Brosseau et al,
2003) or application in cosmetics (Narins & Narins, 2003) and for numerous other indicators.
and which ablation technique to use, depends on several factors. In practice, the decision of
whether to use thermal ablation depends on the training and preference of the physician in
charge and the equipment resources available at his/her medical center. Moreover, physical
characteristics of the treatment zone using ablation are also needed to concern, including the
zone shape, uniformity, and its location. Up to now clinical results have been indicated that
the different techniques of thermal ablation have roughly equivalent effectiveness for
treating various tumors.
Radiofrequency Ablation
Freq=460~500 kHz
Needle electrode
Microwave Ablation
Freq ~2450MHz, Bipolar
antenna needle
Laser Ablation
Nd-YAG Laserν=1064nm
Optical fibe
Heating in Biothermal Systems 269
Argon (gas) or N2 (liquid)
Fig. 4. Schematics of different thermal ablation techniques. (a) RF ablation (b) Microwave
ablation (c) Laser ablation (d) Cryoablation (e) HIFU ablation
Patients referred for thermal ablation are initially evaluated in a clinic setting where the
patient’s history and pertinent imaging information are reviewed. Meanwhile, the
applicability of ablation and the risks and benefits of the procedure are also discussed. Prior
to ablation, the evaluation is very similar to a surgical evaluation that any possible risks of
bleeding or serious cardiopulmonary issues are considered. Side effects from thermal
ablation are also discussed, including postablation syndrome—for example, a short term
fever, discomfort, and anorexia.
5.2.4 Others
Another interesting method to kill tumor cells is cryo-ablation, as shown in Figure 1.d. In
contrast with other methods, cryo-ablation use lower temperature to ablate tumors. The
procedure can be performed either by a laparoscopic or percutaneous approach under MRI,
US or CT guidance. Cryoablation involves a number of freeze-thaw-freeze cycles with argon
and helium gas (McTaggart and Dupuy, 2007). Gases are used to remove heat and induce
thawing. It is used to treat lesions of the prostate, kidney, liver, lung, bone, and breast
(Hayek et al, 2008; Orlacchio et al, 2005). As the tissue freezes, osmolarity increases and
causes an imbalance of solutes between the intracellular and extracellular environments.
Cellular death initially occurs through cellular dehydration and protein denaturization.
chemotherapy or other therapies with hyperthermia is that the available armamenterium for
tumor heating has been substantially improved. The potential to control power distributions
in clinic has been significantly improved lately by the development of advanced imaging
techniques (particularly, online magnetic resonance tomography), planning systems and
other modeling tools.
6.1 Radiotherapy
The efficacy of standard radiotherapy for patients with different tumor sites, for example,
cervical, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary tumors, might become poor because the local-
control rates after locoregional treatment are disappointingly low. To compensate this defect
the combinations of radiotherapy with other therapies have been used. It has been known
that hyperthermia probably is the strongest radiosensitizer known, with an enhancement
factor of up to 5 (Kampinga and Dikomey, 2001). Although the exact mechanism why heat
can cause cells more sensitive to radiation is not known, clinical results reveal that heat
primarily interferes with the cells’ ability to deal with radiation-induced DNA damage
(Kampinga and Dikomey, 2001; Roti, 2004).
Clinical studies have shown that the combination of radiotherapy with hyperthermia
increases cytotoxic effects and higher locoregional control rates. In the Netherlands 358
patients with tumors of the bladder, cervix, or rectum were treated with radiotherapy alone
(n=176) or radiotherapy plus hyperthermia (n=182) from 1990 to 1996. Results showed the
complete-response rates were 39% after radiotherapy and 55% after radiotherapy plus
hyperthermia (Van der Zee et al, 2000). Radiotherapy plus hyperthermia was superior to
radiotherapy alone and improved tumor response and survival.
Moreover, other clinical results of the combination of radiotherapy with hyperthermia are
summarized in some recent studies (Wust et al, 2002; Van der Zee, 2002). The
supplementary values of this combined therapy are from 41% to 61% in 3-year local control
rate and from 27% to 51% in 3-year overall survival in cervix cancer, from 24% to 69% in 5-
year local control rate in lymph nodes of head-and-neck tumors, and from 24% to 42% in 3-
year overall survival in esophageal cancer. The differences reported for the other
radiosensitizing agents (Horsman et al, 2006), insofar as there are clinical results, are in the
range of 10% to 20%. Significant improvements in clinical outcomes by additional treatment
with hyperthermia were also shown for cancer of the breast, brain, rectum, bladder, and
lung, and for melanoma.
Whether the combination of radiation and heat is given in a simultaneous or sequential
schedule, the thermal enhancement will be dependent on the heating time and temperature
of both tumors and normal tissues (Horsman and Overgaard, 2002 & 2007).
Besides, hyperthermia has a direct cell-killing effect, specifically in insufficiently perfused
parts of the tumor. Several randomized clinical trials have shown that the beneficial effect of
hyperthermia, when added to radiotherapy, can be substantial, even while the temperature
of 43°C that was thought to be necessary was not achieved in the whole tumor volume.
The improvements in clinical outcomes, despite the inadequacy to heat the whole tumor
volume to temperatures of 43°C, can be explained by the more recent findings that
hyperthermia has more effects than just that of direct cell kill and radiosensitization. Several
additional effects that become apparent at different temperatures between 39° and 45°C
have been described: vascular damage resulting in secondary cell death; improvement f
perfusion and oxygenation, which results in a better effect of radiation; and stimulation of
272 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
the immune system (Dewhirst et al, 2007). All these effects may contribute o the desired
eventual effect, which (certainly when combined with RT) is he achievement of local control.
Several phase III trials comparing radiotherapy alone or with hyperthermia have shown a
beneficial effect of hyperthermia (with existing standard equipment) in terms of local
control (eg, recurrent breast cancer and malignant melanoma) and survival (eg, head and
neck lymph-node metastases, glioblastoma, cervical carcinoma). Therefore, further
development of existing technology and elucidation of molecular mechanisms are justified.
6.2 Chemotherapy
The combination of hyperthermia and chemotherapy has demonstrated several advantages
over chemotherapy alone. The architecture of the vasculature in solid tumors is often
insufficient due to the rapid growth of tumor tissue compared to normal tissue and/or
chaotic, resulting in regions with hypoxia and low pH levels, which is not found in normal
tissue. When using a mild hyperthermia (temperatures < 42 C), heat results in vasodilatation
which improves the oxygenation of tissue (Iwata et al, 1996). Results reveal that the changes
in tumor oxygenation are temperature dependent. This relationship could possibly influence
treatment outcome of thermo-chemotherapy when the activity of chemotherapeutic agents
is known to be oxygen dependent. This improvement of the blood supply can increase the
cell metabolism which allows a greater effect of the chemotherapeutic agent on the tumor
cells. Besides, heat also improves the cellular permeability which leads to the increase of the
drug uptake by the tumor cells and intracellular spaces, the reaction of chemotherapy with
DNA, and the prevention of DNA repair (Herman et al, 1988).
Moreover, the pathologic studies have shown that the enhanced drug cytotoxicity by
heating induces both apoptosis and necrosis above a certain threshold temperature
(Harmon et al, 1990; Yonezawa et al, 1996). In addition, several studies have also shown that
some of the advantages of combining chemotherapy with hyperthermia are not only
treating the primary cancers, but also reducing the risk of treatment-induced secondary
cancers ( Kampinga and Dikomey, 2001; Hurt et al, 2004; Hunt et al, 2007). These factors
make cells more sensitive to heat especially in low perfused tissues. Therefore, in addition to
direct cytotoxicity, hyperthermia leads in vivo to a selective destruction of tumor cells in
hypoxic and, consequently, acidic environment within parts of malignant tumors (Vaupel et
al, 1989; Vaupel, 2004).
More recent in vivo studies have demonstrated that the thermal enhancement of
cytotoxicity of many chemotherapeutic agents is maximized with heat (Hahn, 1979;
Marmor, 1979; Engelhardt, 1987; Dahl, 1988; Bull, 1984; Hildebrandt et al, 2002; Urano et al,
1999). The positive results of thermo-chemotherapy are observed that the rate at which cells
are killed by the drug increases with temperatures. Besides, the efficacy of thermo-
chemotherapy also depends on the treatment planning. In general, promising results
indicate that patients need to take chemotherapeutic agents immediately before
hyperthermia. However, some of agents like the antimetabolite gemcitabine, are taken prior
to hyperthermia at least 24 h to achieve a synergistic effect in vitro and in vivo (Haveman et
al, 1995; Van Bree et al, 1999).
Although the working mechanism of thermo-chemotherapy is not fully understood, with
the promising results of clinical trials and the thermal enhancement of drug cytotoxicity
from pathologic studies, hyperthermia combined with chemotherapy has demonstrated as
one of effective modalities in the present cancer treatment.
Heating in Biothermal Systems 273
6.4 Others
Hyperthermia-regulated gene therapy
Major factors determining the effectiveness of gene therapy are the method of gene delivery
and the details of the therapeutic gene expression in the targeted tissue. Some researchers
have reported that heat can not only enhance the immunogenicity of tumor cells (Kubista et
al, 2002), but also regulate the heat-sensitive promoters in the region of interest (Ito et al,
2003; Ito et al, 2006; Ito et al, 2004; Todryk et al, 2003). Heat shock proteins (HSPs) as
sensitive promoters are recognized as significant participants in immune reactions (Kubista
et al, 2002). Animal studies showed that the hyperthermia-regulated gene therapy using
274 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
hsp70 obtained strong prevention of tumor growth, complete regression of tumors, and the
induction of systemic antitumor immunity in the cured mice (Ito et al, 2006; Ito et al, 2004;
Todryk et al, 2003).
These studies suggest that the combination gene therapy with hyperthermia using hsp70
have great potential in cancer treatment. Nevertheless, results also suggested that
inappropriate immune reactivity to hsp70 might lead to pro-inflammatory responses and
the development of autoimmune disease. Moreover, endotoxin contamination has been
reported to be responsible for the human hsp70 preparation (Gao & Tsan, 2003; Bausinger et
al, 2002) and uncontrolled promoter activation by other than heat stressors for the HSP70B
promoter system was found (Siddiqui et al, 2008). To have a safe and controllable gene
therapy the unintentional activation of heat-responsive promoters should be avoided.
Although some effects of heat shock proteins on the immunogenicity of tumor cells have
been studied, more work is still needed before the hyperthermia-regulated gene therapy
using hsp70 can applied into clinical cancer treatments.
Recently, a combination of gene therapy with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), high-
intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) and a temperature-sensitive promoter is being
evaluated in the cancer field (Moonen, 2007; Silcox et al, 2005; Plathow et al, 2005; Frenkel,
2006; Rome et al, 2005; Walther & Stein, 2009). With the help of advanced imaging
techniques one can noninvasively monitor the temperature field induced by a high-intensity
focused ultrasound system and simultaneously regulate the gene expression in the
treatment region. Results indicated that although the application of MRI-guided HIFU in
gene therapy is promising, further technical requirements of the heating and monitoring
systems for precise control are still needed.
In recent molecular and biological investigations there have been novel applications such as
gene therapy or immunotherapy (vaccination) with temperature acting as an enhancer, to
trigger or to switch mechanisms on and off. However, for every particular temperature-
dependent interaction exploited for clinical purposes, sophisticated control of temperature,
spatially as well as temporally, in deep body regions will further improve the potential.
7. Conclusion
Thermal transport in bio-thermal systems signifies that temperature management in living
systems can help us in curing and treatment of ill conditions. In analytic perspective, efforts
on mathematical and numerical modelings have showed great progrssing in calculating
temperature distributions. Advance in computer technology is one of critical contributing
factors. In clinical perspective, many thermal energy related experiments and tests that are
adjuvant to other tumor treatment modalities have identified effectiveness in treatments. In
this regard, the well knowledge of heat transfer process revealed significant in optimal
controling temperature in bio-thermal systems. Thus it shows us another great research and
career opportunities in this field.
8. Acknowledgment
Authors would like to express special thanks to Professor Win-li Lin for his valuable
suggestions and discussion. The authors would like to thank the National Science Council of
Taiwan for partially supporting this research under no. NSC 99-2221-E-168 -026 and NSC
100-2221-E-032 -013.
Heating in Biothermal Systems 275
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Heating in Biothermal Systems 279
1. Introduction
Radial Basis Functions have traditionally been used to provide a continuous interpolation of
scattered data sets. However, this interpolation also allows for the reconstruction of partial
derivatives throughout the solution field, which can then be used to drive the solution of a
partial differential equation. Since the interpolation takes place on a scattered dataset with
no local connectivity, the solution is essentially meshless. RBF-based methods have been
successfully used to solve a wide variety of PDEs in this fashion.
Such full-domain RBF methods are highly flexible and can exhibit spectral convergence rates
Madych & Nelson (1990). However, in their traditional implementation the fully-populated
matrix systems which are produced lead to computational complexities of at least order-N 2
with datasets of size N. In addition, they suffer from increasingly poor numerical conditioning
as the size of the dataset grows, and also with increasingly flat interpolating functions. This
is a consequence of ill-conditioning in the determination of RBF weighting coefficients (as
demonstrated in Driscoll & Fornberg (2002)), and is described by Robert Schaback Schaback
(1995) as the uncertainty relation; better conditioning is associated with worse accuracy,
and worse conditioning is associated with improved accuracy. Many techniques have been
developed to reduce the effect of the uncertainty relation in the traditional RBF formulation,
such as RBF-specific preconditioners Baxter (2002); Beatson et al. (1999); Brown (2005); Ling &
Kansa (2005), or adaptive selection of data centres Ling et al. (2006); Ling & Schaback (2004).
However, at present the only reliable methods of controlling numerical ill-conditioning and
computational cost as problem size increases are domain decomposition Hernandez Rosales
& Power (2007); Wong et al. (1999); Zhang (2007); Zhou et al. (2003), or the use of locally
supported basis functions Fasshauer (1999); Schaback (1997); Wendland (1995); Wu (1995).
In this work the domain decomposition principle is applied, forming a large number of
heavily overlapping systems that cover the solution domain. A small RBF collocation system
is formed around each global data centre, with each collocation system used to approximate
the governing PDE at its centrepoint, in terms of the solution value at surrounding collocation
points. This leads to a sparse global linear system which may be solved using a variety
2 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Book 2
of standard solvers. In this way, the proposed formulation emulates a finite difference
method, with the RBF collocation systems replacing the polynomial interpolation functions
used in traditional finite difference methods. However, unlike such polynomial functions RBF
collocation is well suited to scattered data, and the method may be applied to both structured
and unstructured datasets without modification.
The method is applied here to solve the nonlinear heat conduction equation. In order
to reduce the nonlinearity in the governing equation the Kirchhoff integral transformation
is applied, and the transformed equation is solved using a Picard iterative process. The
application of the Kirchhoff transform necessitates that the thermal property functions be
transformed to Kirchhoff space also. If the thermal properties are a known and integrable
function of temperature then the transformation may be performed analytically. Otherwise,
an integration-interpolation procedure can be performed using 1D radial basis functions, as
described in Stevens & Power (2010).
In recent years a number of local RBF collocation techniques have been proposed, and
applied a wide variety of problems (for example; Divo & Kassab (2007); Lee et al. (2003);
Sarler & Vertnik (2006); Wright & Fornberg (2006)). A more comprehensive review of
such methods is given in Stevens et al. (2009). Unlike most local RBF collocation methods
that are used in the literature, the technique described here utilises the Hermitian RBF
collocation formulation (see section 2 for more details), and allows both the PDE-boundary
and PDE-governing operators to be included within in the local collocation systems. This
inclusion of the governing PDE within the basis functions is shown in Stevens et al. (2009)
to significantly improve the accuracy and stability of solutions obtained for linear transport
problems. Additionally, the incorporation of information about the convective velocity field
into the basis functions was shown to have a stabilising effect, similar to traditional upwinding
methods but without the requirement to alter the stencil configuration based on the local
convective field.
The standard approach to the solution of linear and nonlinear heat conduction problems is
the use of finite difference and finite volume methods with simple polynomial interpolants
Bejan (1993); Holman (2002); Kreith & Bohn (2000). Due to the dominance of diffusion in
most cases, central differencing techniques are commonly used to compute the heat fluxes.
However, limiter methods (such as the unconditionally stable TVD schemes) may be used for
nonlinear heat conduction problems where the effective convection term, which results from
the non-zero variation of thermal conductivity with temperature, can be expected to approach
the magnitude of the diffusive term (see, for example, Shen & Han (2002)). Full-domain
RBF methods have also been examined for use with nonlinear heat conduction problems (see
Chantasiriwan (2007)), however such methods are restricted to small dataset sizes, due to the
computational cost and numerical conditioning experienced by full-domain RBF techniques
on large datasets.
The present work demonstrates how local RBF collocation may be used as an alternative
to traditional finite difference and finite volume methods, for nonlinear heat conduction
problems. The described method retains freedom from a volumetric mesh, while allowing
solution over unstructured datasets. A central stencil configuration is used in each case,
and the solution is stabilised via the inclusion of the governing and boundary PDEs within
the local collocation systems (“implicit upwinding”), rather than by adjusting the stencil
configuration based on the local solution field (“traditional upwinding”). The method is
validated using a transient numerical example with a known analytical solution (see section
A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach
to Solve RBF
A generalised Nonlinear Heat
Finite Difference Conduction
Approach Problems
to Solve Nonlinear on Problems
Heat Conduction Unstructured Datasets
on Unstructured Datasets 2833
4), and the ability of the formulation to handle strongly nonlinear problems is demonstrated
in the solution of a food freezing problem (see section 5).
L [u ] = S ( x ) on Ω
B [u ] = g ( x ) on ∂Ω (2)
where the operators L [] and B [] are linear partial differential operators on the domain
Ω and on the boundary ∂Ω, describing the governing equation and boundary conditions
respectively. Data points ξ j are distributed over the boundary and inside the domain, and
the solution is constructed from basis functions centred around the ξ j . At data points lying on
∂Ω the boundary operator is applied to the RBF, in order to form the basis function, while the
PDE governing operator is applied at those points inside the domain:
u (x) = ∑ λ j Bξ Ψ x − ξ j + ∑ λ j L ξ Ψ x − ξ j + ∑ λ j+ N Pm−1 (x) (3)
j =1 j = NB +1 j =1
The RBF formula (3) is then collocated at each of the data points ξ j applying the PDE boundary
equation, B [u ] = g, at points on the domain boundary, and the PDE governing equation,
L [u ] = f , at points within the domain. This leads to a symmetric collocation system, as
represented by equation (4), which can be solved to obtain the RBF weighting coefficients λi .
⎡ ⎤
Bx Bξ Ψij Bx L ξ Ψij Bx Pm i
⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥ gi
⎢ L B Ψ L x L ξ Ψij L x Pm i ⎥ ⎣ ⎦
⎢ x ξ ij −1 ⎥ λ i = S i (4)
⎣ T T ⎦
j j 0
Bξ Pm−1 L ξ Pm−1 0
4 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Book 2
The basic Hermitian RBF collocation method, as outlined above, is highly accurate and offers
excellent convergence rates. However due to the presence of a fully-populated collocation
matrix (4) solving even moderately-sized problems becomes computationally expensive. The
poor numerical conditioning of this system also places limits upon the size of the dataset that
can be solved. To address these issues of computational cost and numerical conditioning, the
Hermitian method is applied here in “finite difference mode”. In this way a large number of
small and highly overlapping collocation systems are formed, leading to a numerical method
that is of order-N computational complexity, while maintaining many of the flexibilities
present in the global Hermitian RBF collocation method.
The Hermitian RBF method in finite difference mode takes a scattered dataset of internal
(“solution”) and boundary centres, and forms a local stencil around each non-boundary node
(see Figure 1). Additionally, within each stencil a number of PDE centres are distributed.
At the boundary centres the boundary operator is enforced within the Hermitian collocation
system, at the solution centres the unknown solution value is collocated, and at the PDE
centres the PDE governing operator is enforced. In this way a series of small symmetric
collocation systems are formed, which can be solved independently to interpolate the solution
over the domain in a piecewise fashion.
A series of local RBF collocation systems
A (k ) α ( k ) = d ( k ) (5)
are constructed for the interpolation coefficients α(k) , where
⎡ ⎤
Ψij Bξ Ψij L ξ Ψij Pm−1 ⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ui
⎢B Ψ ⎥ ⎢ gi ⎥
k )= ⎢ x ij Bx Bξ Ψij Bx L ξ Ψij Bx [ Pm −1 ] ⎥
A (
⎢ ( k) ⎢
⎥ and d = ⎣ ⎥ (6)
⎢L Ψ Ψ Ψ [ ] ⎥ Si ⎦
⎣ x ij L B
x ξ ij L L
x ξ ij L x m −1 ⎦
PmT −1 Bξ [ Pm−1 ] T L ξ [ Pm−1 ] T 0
Here the u i are the unknown values of the solution field u, at the solution centres contained
within the local system k. The shape parameter, c, in the multiquadric RBF (1) is kept constant
within the local system, but may be allowed to vary from system to system. By defining the
shape parameter in terms of the local system support domain size, R, a dimensionless shape
parameter may be described (7) which is consistent over varying stencil sizes.
c∗ = (7)
The value of u within the bounds of the local system may be reconstructed as follows
u (k ) ( x ) = H ( x ) ( k ) α ( k ) (8)
A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach
to Solve RBF
A generalised Nonlinear Heat
Finite Difference Conduction
Approach Problems
to Solve Nonlinear on Problems
Heat Conduction Unstructured Datasets
on Unstructured Datasets 2855
Similarly, the PDE governing operator, L, can be applied to the reconstruction vector H (k) in
order to reconstruct its value at any location within the valid domain:
L u (k ) ( x ) = L H ( x ) ( k ) α ( k )
= L x Ψ x − ξ j , L x Bξ Ψ x − ξ j , L x L ξ Ψ x − ξ j , L x [ Pm−1] α(k) (11)
As before, by expressing the vector α( k) in terms of the data vector d(k) , the value of the PDE
governing operator can be given by
L u (k ) ( x ) = L H ( k ) ( x ) α ( k )
(k ) (k )
= L H (x) A d(k ) (12)
(k )
= WL ( x ) d ( k )
(k )
where WL is a stencil weights vector for the differential operator L at local system k. By
reconstructing the PDE operator at the system centrepoint, a relation can be obtained linking
the values of u i within the local system
S ( xcentre ) = L u (k) ( xcentre )
(k )
= WL ( xcentre ) d( k) (13)
Applying the above reconstruction to each local system k, a series of N simultaneous equations
are produced for u i , i = 1, . . . , N, where N is the global number of solution centres. In the
resulting global linear system the corresponding boundary conditions of the problem have
already been imposed, at the local interpolation, in those stencils containing boundary points.
The resulting linear system is sparse, with the number of non-zero entries in each row equal
to the number of solution centres in the corresponding collocation system. Therefore, if the
local system size is kept constant, the method may be scaled efficiently to very large datasets.
The method of solution for time dependent problems requires the creation of a modified
PDE-operator via a finite difference approximation of the time derivative. The procedure is
illustrated here using a Θ-weighted Crank-Nicolson approach, but is easily extensible to any
number of finite difference time advancement schemes.
6 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Book 2
∂u ( x, t)
= L [ u ( x, t)] + S2 ( x, t) in Ω
∂t (14)
u ( x, 0) = f ( x ) in Ω
B [ u ( x, t)] = g ( x, t) on Γ
u n − u n −1
= ΘL [ u n ] + (1 − Θ) L u n−1 + S2 ( x, tn ) (15)
From this approximation, a modified PDE operator is obtained
L [u n ] = L̂ u n−1 + S2 ( x, tn ) (16)
L = 1 − ΘΔt L
L = 1 + (1 − Θ ) Δt L (17)
The time stepping algorithm implies that the original initial boundary value problem
reduces at each time step to the solution of a boundary value problem defined by the
non-homogeneous partial differential equation (16), with the non-homogeneous term given in
terms of the solution of the problem at the previous time step. As such the solution procedure
at each time step is performed in the same way as for the steady problem,
using the modified
operator, L, and the corresponding non-homogeneous term, L̂ u n−1 + S2 ( x, tn ).
After solution of the global linear system, and using the current collocation systems and
updated data-vectors, a reconstruction of L̂ [ u n ] at the solution and PDE centres must be made,
ready for the next time step. This is done via the creation of further reconstruction arrays
L̂ [u n ( xi )] = L̂ H (k) ( xi ) α(k)
(k )
= WL̂ ( xi ) d(k) (18)
3. Solution procedure
The nonlinear heat conduction equation is solved, with an arbitrary body source:
∂T ∂ ∂T
ρ (T) Cp (T) = k (T) + s ( xi , t) (19)
∂t ∂xi ∂xi
A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach
to Solve RBF
A generalised Nonlinear Heat
Finite Difference Conduction
Approach Problems
to Solve Nonlinear on Problems
Heat Conduction Unstructured Datasets
on Unstructured Datasets 2877
T is the temperature
ρ is the material density
Cp is the specific heat capacity
k is the thermal conductivity
For convenience, the density and specific heat capacity terms may be combined into the
volumetric heat capacity; cv ( T ) = ρ ( T ) C p ( T ).
The Kirchhoff integral transformation is applied, in order to reduce the degree of nonlinearity
in the governing equation (19). The Kirchhoff transformation is taken as:
ψ (T) = k (χ) dχ (20)
By applying the Kirchhoff transformation to the temperature field, equation (19) can be
rewritten as:
∂ψ k ( ψ ) ∂2 ψ
= + s ( xi , t) (21)
∂t cv (ψ ) ∂x2i
The transformation of the nonlinear diffusion term into Kirchhoff space reduces the equation
from a strongly nonlinear to a weakly nonlinear form, by removing the multiplication of first
derivatives in the diffusive term:
1 ∂ ∂T 1 ∂2 T dk ∂T 2
k (T) = k 2 + Strongly nonlinear
cv ( T ) ∂xi ∂xi cv ( T ) ∂xi dT ∂xi
1 ∂2 ψ
= Weakly nonlinear
cv ( T ) ∂x2i
q s ( x, t) = − n i k ( T )
= −ni (23)
In this case the transformation to Kirchhoff space removes the nonlinearity in the boundary
condition; a nonlinear heat-flux condition in temperature-space is reduced to a linear
Neumann condition in Kirchhoff-space (see equation (23)).
The solution to the nonlinear equation (21) requires a process of nonlinear iterations. The
solution procedure performs Picard iterations on the Kirchhoff transform variable and
functions thereof, in order to iteratively approach the solution at each timestep. An
approximation is taken to the Kirchhoff transform variable ψ, written henceforth as ψ.
8 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Book 2
Provide initial
T - data ( n = 0 )
Transform to ψ = ψ T
( ) n = n +1
and set ψ~ = ψ t = t + Δt n
Obtain k and c~v at
required locations
Has ψ~ converged to
No within ε NL ?
Set ψ = ψ~
Reconstruct Lψ [ ]
at solution
and PDE centres
This equation can be solved directly, using the procedure outlined in section 2. Convergence
is examined by comparing the maximum change in ψ over the nonlinear iteration against a
user specified convergence parameter NL . Once convergence has been reached, the L̂ ψ
quantity (see equation (16)) can be reconstructed ready for the next time step. This procedure
is summarised in Figure 2. The procedure for steady problems is similar, except for the
absence of the time-advancement loop and the L̂ ψ n reconstruction.
k (T) = T
cv ( T ) = 1 (25)
− λt −2λt
s ( x, t) = −3 − (6 + λr ) e − 3e
A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach
to Solve RBF
A generalised Nonlinear Heat
Finite Difference Conduction
Approach Problems
to Solve Nonlinear on Problems
Heat Conduction Unstructured Datasets
on Unstructured Datasets 2899
with α and λ as arbitrary scalar parameters, the governing equation (19) becomes
∂T ∂ ∂T
= T − 3 − (6 + λr ) e−λt − 3e−2λt (26)
∂t ∂xi ∂xi
At the origin, the value of the thermal conductivity becomes zero, and as such the solution
becomes singular at this location.
The computational domain is considered to be a cuboid, represented by x ∈ [ xmin , xmax ],
y ∈ [ ymin , ymax ], z ∈ [zmin , zmax ]. The analytical solution field (27) is applied at the xmax ,
ymax and zmax boundaries as a Dirichlet boundary condition. The gradient of the analytical
temperature field is imposed at the xmin , ymin and zmin boundaries, i.e.
∂T n x
ni = i i 1 + αe−λt (28)
∂xi r
where n i represents the surface normal at the boundary. At the locations where the Neumann
boundaries converge, each of the converging temperature gradient conditions is imposed
simultaneously, taking advantage of the double collocation property of the RBF Hermitian
method (see LaRocca & Power (2007)). The initial condition is obtained by applying the
analytical solution (27) over the interior of the solution domain, at t = 0.
Two separate domains are examined. The first domain takes xmin = ymin = zmin = 0, and
xmax = ymax = zmax = 2. As such, the singularity at the origin is included within each of
the three Neumann boundaries of the problem. However, the normal temperature gradient
at each of these three Neumann surfaces is considered to be zero at the origin, where the
singularity lies. This can be considered valid, since the temperature gradient is analytically
zero over each of these three surfaces in the limit r → 0. The second domain takes xmin =
ymin = zmin = 1, and xmax = ymax = zmax = 3, leading to a non singular solution throughout
the domain, and a non-zero temperature gradient over each of the Neumann boundaries. The
two domains described above will be henceforth referred to as the singular and the translated
domains respectively.
The solution domain is discretised using (11 × 11 × 11) uniformly distributed solution and
boundary centres. Local systems are formed by connecting each of the solution centres to
the solution or boundary centre within a single Cartesian index of itself, leading to a stencil
of 27 solution or boundary centres. PDE centres are placed at every Cartesian half-index,
leading to 8 PDE centres within each local stencil. A dimensionless shape parameter of value
c∗ = 5 is used throughout. The value of the parameters α and λ are both taken to be 0.5. For
the transient case, local systems are reformed after every timestep. For the steady case local
systems are reformed after every nonlinear iteration. In both cases, the convergence parameter
is taken to be NL = 10−6 in the L ∞ norm. For the transient case a timestep of size Δt = 0.01
is used, with a variety of time advancement schemes.
Figure 3 shows the variation of the L2 solution error with time, for the singular case, using
three different time advancement schemes. In each case the profile of the error appears similar.
The error rises rapidly from the initial condition, reaching its maximum value at around t =
0.6. From here the error decreases towards a minimum value at around t = 5, before rising
again towards a steady value. The second-order Θ = 0.5 time advancement scheme offers the
10 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Book 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
θ = 1.0
θ = 0.65
θ = 0.5
L2 Error Norm
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
θ = 1.0
θ = 0.65
θ = 0.5
L2 Error Norm
best accuracy overall, with the first-order Θ = 1 scheme providing the least accurate solution
for most runtimes. The Θ = 0.65 mixed scheme offers accuracy intermediate to the other two
Figure 4 shows the equivalent error variations for the translated case. Here the accuracy
is significantly improved for each of the time advancement schemes, in comparison to the
singular case. This is most likely a consequence of the singularity not being present within the
solution domain; with the singular case the maximum error is always found at the solution
centre closest to the singularity, whereas with the translated case the maximum error location
may change as the solution progresses. Once again, the Θ = 0.5 case provides the most
accurate solution and the Θ = 1 scheme the least accurate. The error profile appears similar
to the singular case, with the main difference being that the peak error is achieved at a much
earlier runtime (around t = 0.2). In both the singular and translated cases, the solution is
replicated to a high degree of accuracy throughout the time advancement procedure.
When the steady solution is obtained directly, using the steady solution procedure, the L2
error at the solution centres is 1.49 × 10−3 for the singular case, and 3.44 × 10−4 for the
translated case. Therefore it appears that approaching the steady solution using any of the
transient solution schemes offers a higher degree of accuracy than can be achieved by using
the steady solution procedure, when a consistent shape parameter value is used. This is likely
a consequence of providing an accurate initial condition to the transient solver. The steady
solver begins with an initial guess of T ( x ) = 0.
1 60
-15 -5 5 15
Temperature (Celcius) -15 -5 5 15
Temperature (Celcius)
2 / s)
Thermal diffusivity (m
-15 -5 5 15
Temperature (Celcius)
(c) Variation of α
Fig. 5. Typical variation of thermal properties with temperature (food freezing case)
where the top surface meets the bottom surface. Over these nodes, both boundary conditions
are enforced simultaneously, taking advantage of the double collocation property of the local
Hermite collocation method.
The local system size varies slightly, however the modal number of boundary and solution
centres present in each local system is 14. Additionally, PDE centres are added to each local
system. A tetrahedralisation is performed on each local system, using the boundary and
solution centres as nodes, with PDE centres placed at the centre of each resulting tetrahedron.
The modal number of PDE centres present in each local system is 24. It is important to note
that the tetrahedralisation is performed only to provide suitable staggered locations for the
PDE centres, and plays no part in the actual solution procedure, which is entirely meshless.
Since the tetrahedralisation is local, it may be performed very cheaply. It is also possible to
collocate the PDE centres with the solution and boundary centres, however previous research
(see Stevens et al. (2009)) indicates that a staggered placement leads to the most accurate
results in the majority of cases.
The simulation is performed using a second-order Crank-Nicholson implicit time
advancement scheme, and a timestep of size 50 seconds. The nonlinear convergence
parameter is set to NL = 10−5 . The shape parameter is taken as c∗ = 1.0; significantly
lower than in the validation example of section 4. It is typical among RBF methods that cases
involving irregular datasets and rapid variations in governing properties will tend to favour
A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach
to Solve RBF
A generalised Nonlinear Heat
Finite Difference Conduction
Approach Problems
to Solve Nonlinear on Problems
Heat Conduction Unstructured Datasets
on Unstructured Datasets 293
Temperature (C)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Time (seconds)
lower shape parameters. In this case, a shape parameter of c∗ ≥ 2 can lead to instability in
some configurations of the thermal properties shown in Figure 5.
By adjusting eight parameters defining the thermal property functions, it is possible to
achieve a good representation of the experimental data. Figure (7) represents the predicted
temperature profile at the centre of the base of the hemisphere, compared with the
experimental data. The agreement between computational and experimental results is
excellent, until around t = 18000. At this point, the experimental results show a relatively
14 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer Book 2
gradual drop in temperature between Tmax = −1.5o C and Ts = −4.5o C, occurring between
t = 18000 and t = 18500. In contrast, the numerical results predict a near-instantaneous
drop in temperature, from Tmax down to well below Ts , at a slightly later time. This “sudden
dropoff” behaviour was replicated across a wide range of thermal parameters, and could
represent a limitation in the piecewise-linear approximation to the thermal properties.
The local Hermitian method was able to produce stable results using a wide range of thermal
parameters, and convergence at each timestep was typically relatively fast. The size and
intensity of the spike in the function for c p (see Figure 5(b)) is the feature that has most
impact upon numerical stability. By increasing the height of the spike sufficiently, it is possible
to find configurations where the method is unstable at any shape parameter. This is not
unexpected, as an increasingly sharp spike will represent increasingly strong nonlinearities
in the governing equation (19), within the phase transition zone. Tests were performed
using stencil configurations without PDE centres, i.e. without the “implicit upwinding”
feature. However, it was not found to be possible to obtain a stable solution for spikes
of intensity close to that which was required to match the experimental results. That
inclusion of PDE centres provides a stabilising effect has previously been demonstrated for
convection-diffusion problems Stevens et al. (2009), and the stabilising effect appears to be
present here also.
6. Discussion
The use of local radial basis function methods in finite difference mode (HRBF-FD) appears
to be a viable option for the simulation of nonlinear heat conduction processes, particularly
when irregular datasets are required. Traditional polynomial-based finite difference methods
are difficult to implement on irregular datasets, and RBF collocation allows a natural
generalisation of the principle to irregular data. The inclusion of arbitrary boundary operators
within the local collocation systems allows the flexibility to enforce a wide variety of boundary
conditions, and the double-collocation property of the Hermitian RBF formulation allows
multiple boundary operators to be enforced at a single location where required (such as on
converging boundaries).
The inclusion of the governing PDE operator within the local collocation systems is optional,
but when present introduces an “implicit upwinding” effect, which stabilises the solution and
improves accuracy, at the expense of larger local systems and hence higher computational
cost (discussed further in Stevens et al. (2009)). The stabilisation effect is similar to that of
stencil-based upwinding, but operates on a centrally defined stencil. Therefore, the HRBF-FD
method may be of benefit to problems which may otherwise require upwinding schemes, in
particular with unstructured datasets, where the selection of appropriate upwinding stencils
may be particularly challenging.
The application of the Kirchhoff transformation greatly simplifies the PDE governing equation
and linearises heat-flux boundary conditions, at the cost of requiring thermal property
functions to be transformed to Kirchhoff space. Using this Kirchhoff formulation the
HRBF-FD method is able to solve a benchmark heat transfer problem to a high degree of
accuracy, using both steady and transient solution procedures. Additionally, the method was
able to produce stable results for a phase change model involving the freezing of food, in
the presence of strongly varying thermal properties. By tuning the thermal properties it was
possible to replicate the experimental data to a good degree of accuracy, potentially allowing
the calibrated thermal properties to be used in further numerical simulations.
A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach
to Solve RBF
A generalised Nonlinear Heat
Finite Difference Conduction
Approach Problems
to Solve Nonlinear on Problems
Heat Conduction Unstructured Datasets
on Unstructured Datasets 295
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Zhou, X., Hon, Y. & Li, J. (2003). Overlapping domain decomposition method by radial basis
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Part 3
1. Introduction
Corrosion of steel reinforcement has been identified as a key factor of deterioration and
structural deficiency (Masoudi et al., 2011) in reinforced concrete (RC) structural members.
The corrosion state of current RC bridges and high-rise buildings has been a source of
concern to designers and engineers. In addition, such structures have been invulnerable to
harsh environmental exposures, with little or no maintenance. Furthermore, such structures
are experiencing larger amount of loads than their original capacities due to the increase
number of users over the years (Bisby, 2003). Several different solutions were proposed to
retrofit deteriorated structural members (Masoudi et al., 2011; Hawelih et al., 2011; Al-
Tamimi et al., 2011) by replacing cracked concrete, using epoxy injected supplements, and
FRP externally bonded systems.
The use of embedded FRP bar reinforcement seems to be a promising solution (Masoudi et
al., 2011; Bisby, 2003; Abbasi & Hogg, 2005; Abbasi & Hogg, 2006; Qu et al., 2009; Aiello &
Ombres, 2002) to strengthen structural RC members in flexure and shear. Compared to the
conventional reinforcing steel bars, the FRP bars seem to have a high strength to weight
ratio, moderate modulus of elasticity and resistance to chemical and electrical corrosion.
Although FRP materials were shown to have a brittle failure, due to their natural
composition, still if designed properly they can show considerable amount of ductility
(Rasheed et al, 2010; De Lorenzis & Teng, 2007). One of the draw backs of using FRP
embedded bars is their low glass temperature and tendency to change state; from solid to
liquid at elevated temperatures. Hence, the performance of FRP reinforced structural
members under elevated temperatures draws many doubts and concerns and warrants
further investigation. Few experimental tests have been conducted in the previous years on
the fire performance of RC beams reinforced with FRP bars due to the high costs of such
tests, tremendous amount of preparation, and shortage of specialized facilities (Franssen et
al., 2009).
Sadek et al. (Sadek et al., 2006) conducted a full scale experimental program on the fire
resistance of RC beams reinforced with steel and Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)
bars. The test matrix composed of different reinforcing rebars used along with different
concrete compressive strengths. The testing took place in a special testing facility and the
beams were loaded statically at 60% of their ultimate load capacity during the course of the
fire test. The tests followed the ASTM E119 (ASTM E119, 2002) standard and fire curve.
300 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Because of forming of flexure and shear cracks, fire was able to penetrate through the cross-
section of the tested beams. The beams with low and normal strength concrete achieved a 30
and 45min fire endurance, respectively. On the other hand, the steel reinforced concrete
beam achieved 90min fire endurance. The short fire endurance observed was mainly due to
the small concrete cover used to protect the flexural reinforcements.
Abbasi and Hogg (Abbasi & Hogg, 2006) conducted two full scale fire tests on RC beams
reinforced with GFRP bars as the main reinforcement having a concrete cover of 75mm. The
beams were fully loaded up to 40kN and subjected to the ISO 834 (ISO, 1975) fire standard
curve. Eurocode 2 (Eurocode, 1992) and ACI-440 (ACI, 2008) procedures were used to
design the beams. The beam reinforced with the steel stirrups achieved a 128min fire
endurance while the beam reinforced with GFRP stirrups achieved a 94min fire endurance.
Both RC beams limited the mid-span deflection to less than L/20; the deflection limit used
in the load bearing capacity of BS 476: Part 20. In addition, the RC beams showed that they
can pass the building regulations for fire safety by withstanding the fire test more than 90
Hawileh et al. (Hawileh et al., 2009, 2011) developed FE models that predicted the
performance of RC beams strengthened with insulated carbon CFRP plates subjected to
bottom and top fire loading. The models predicted with reasonable accuracy the experimental
results of Williams et al. (Williams et al., 2008). It was concluded the developed models can
serve as a valid alternative tool to expensive experimental testing especially in design oriented
parametric studies, to capture the response of such beams when subjected to thermal
Different building codes recommend conducting further experimental and analytical
research studies to investigate the thermal effect on RC members strengthened or reinforced
with FRP sheets, plates or bars. Such studies would lead to a reduction on the tough
restrictions and requirements set by the current codes of practice on the use of FRP materials
in building and other types of structures. In addition, such studies would draw a better
understanding on the behavior of FRP materials under fire actions that would enhance the
available documentation and literature that in turn would encourage designers and engineers
to use FRP bars more frequently to reinforce RC structural members.
This chapter aims to develop a 3D nonlinear FE model that can accurately predict the
temperature distribution at any location with RC beams reinforced with GFRP bars when
exposed to the standard fire curve, ISO 834. The model is validated by comparing the
predicted average temperature in the GFRP bars with the measured experimental data
obtained by Abbasi and Hogg (Abbasi & Hogg, 2006). The developed FE model incorporates
the different thermal nonlinear temperature dependant material properties associated with
each material including density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity. Transient thermal
analysis was carried out using the available FE code, ANSYS (ANSYS, 2007). The results of
the developed FE model showed a good matching with the experimental results at all stages
of fire loading. Several other observations and conclusion were drawn based on the results
of the developed model.
and atoms. On the other hand, convection transfers the heat from the source to the RC beam
via cycles of heating and cooling of the surrounding fluids. Radiation is the transfer of heat
by electromagnetic waves. The basic one dimensional steady state governing equations for
conduction, convection and radiation are presented in Eq. 1-3, respectively.
q′′k = k dT dx (1)
q′′k is the heat flux due to conduction
q′′h is the heat flux due to convection
q′′r is the heat flux due to radiation
ρ is the density
c is the specific heat
k is the conductivity
h is the convective heat transfer coefficient in (W/m2K), typical vale is 25W/m2K
∆T is the temperature difference between the solid surface and fluid in (°C or K)
Φ is a configuration or view factor depends on the area (A) of the emitting surface and
distance (r) to the receiving surface. (Φ = A/πr2)
εt is the emissivity factor, ranged from 0-1.0
σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant taken as (5.67×10-8 W/m2K4)
Te is the absolute temperature of the emitting surface (K)
Furthermore, the three dimensional transient governing heat transfer equation as a function
of time is given by Eq. 4. Equation 4 is derived from the Law of Conservation of Energy
which states that the total inflow of heat in a unit time across a certain body must be equal
to the total outflow per unit time for the same body. It should be noted that Eq. 4 can be
solved giving both initial and boundary conditions on a division or all the boundary of the
body in question (domain). The initial conditions define the temperature distribution over
the domain at the initiation of the heat transfer (i.e. at t = 0). The initial and boundary
conditions can be given by Eqs. 5 and 6, respectively:
∂T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T
ρc = k 2 +k 2 +k 2 +S (4)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
T ( x , y , z ,0 ) = T0 ( x , y , z ,0 ) (5)
( )
= hc TS − T f + hr TS − T f ( ) (6)
S is the internally generated heat on unit volume per unit time; T is the temperature gradient
t is time; u is the direction of heat; hc is the heat transfer coefficient of solid surface
TS is the temperature of solid surface; Tf is the temperature of fluid; hr is the radiation heat
transfer coefficient given by Eq. 7
302 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
( )(
hr = σε S TS2 + T f2 TS + T f ) (7)
ε S is the emissivity of the surface in question
σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.669 × 10–8 W/m2K4 (0.1714× 10–8 BTU/hr ft2 R4)
3. Experimental program
The experimental program of Abbasi and Hogg (Abbasi & Hogg, 2006) is used as a benchmark
in this study to validate the accuracy of the developed model. The experimental program
(Abbasi & Hogg, 2006) consisted of three RC beams reinforced with GFRP bars. The RC
beams were casted using marine siliceous gravel coarse aggregates. Figure 1 shows the
cross-section detailing of the tested RC beams. The beams had a height and width of 400 mm
and 350 mm, respectively and effective depth of 325 mm. The concrete cover from the beam’s
soffit to the GFRP flexural reinforcement was 75 mm. The total length of the beam specimens
was 4400 mm having an exposed span length of 4250 mm. The beams were reinforced with
nine Φ12.7 mm (Area= 1303.6mm2) GFRP bars, seven were placed in two layers at the
tension side and two serving as compression reinforcement. In addition, Φ9 mm stirrups
were used as shear reinforcements spaced at 160mm center to center. The concrete
compressive strength was 42MPa. The first beam specimen was tested under monotonic
loading at ambient temperature conditions to serve as a control beam. The other two beams
were tested under sustained static and transient fire loading defined according to ISO 834.
b = 350mm
concrete 50mm
The fire testing was conducted at the building research establishment (Abbasi & Hogg,
2006). The internal dimensions of the furnace were 4000mm wide, 4000mm long and
2000mm deep. Each side of the furnace contained 10 burners lined in parallel to each other.
The top side of the furnace is closed with either the test specimen, or lined with steel cover
slabs. On the other hand, the furnace is lined with 1400 grade insulating brick to comply
with British Standard and ISO 834 requirements.
GFRP rebars
4 N
5 P I K,L
Prism Option
2 K,L
Z Tetrahedral Option
Pyramid Option
(a) SOLID70
(b) LINK33
Fig. 3. 3-D Thermal elements (ANSYS, 2007)
Fig. 7. Comparison between measured and predicted average temperature in the GFRP bars
bars. In this study, a critical temperature of 462°C in the GFRP is defined as the failure
criteria. Thus, the time to failure (fire endurance) of the RC beam specimen is defined when
the temperature in the GFRP bars reached 462°C during fire exposure. The same criteria is
used in the experimental program of Abbasi and Hogg (Abbasi & Hogg, 2006).
Bar 3. This could be related to the small bar spacing Bar 2 and Bar 4 that would increase of
temperature in the closely spaced GFRP bars. Furthermore, upon comparing the increase of
temperature in Bars 3 and 4, Bar 3 seems to experience higher temperatures because it is
closer to the exposed faces than that of Bar 4. Figure 12 shows the temperature distribution
along the GFRP bars after 130min of fire exposure. Figure 12 also shows that the edge GFRP
bar (Bar 2) experienced the highest increase of temperature during fire exposure.
Barr 1
Barr 3
Bar 2
Baar 4
Fig. 12. Temperature distribution along the GFRP bars after 130min of fire exposure
7. Future research
• Experimental studies on the temperature-dependent thermal properties of GFRP bars
are warranted.
Heat Transfer Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars 313
• Extend the current analysis into a 3D nonlinear thermal-stress analysis that can capture
the response of RC beams reinforced with GFRP reinforcement.
• Conduct several parametric studies on the developed model to investigate the
temperature distribution under different applied fire exposure curves.
• Investigate the temperature distribution when the beams get exposed to different fire
local exposures.
8. References
Abbasi, A. & Hogg, PJ. (2005). Temperature and environmental effects on glass fibre rebar:
modulus, strength and interfacial bond strength with concrete. Composites: part B,
Vol.36, No.5, (2005), pp. 394-404
Abbasi, A. & Hogg, PJ. (2005). Prediction of the Failure Time of Glass Fiber Reinforced
Plastic Reinforced Concrete Beams under Fire Conditions. Journal of Composites for
Construction, Vol.9, No.5, (2005), pp. 450-457
Abbasi, A. & Hogg, PJ. (2006). Fire testing of concrete beams with fibre reinforced plastic
rebar. Composites: part A, Vol.37, (2006), pp. 1142–1150
ACI Committee, Guide for the design and construction of concrete reinforced with FRP bars.
Reported by ACI Committee 440; January 5, 2001.
Aiello, M. & Ombres, L. (2002). Structural Performances of Concrete Beams with Hybrid
(Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Steel) Reinforcements. Journal of Composites for
Construction, Vol.13, No.5, (2002), pp. 133-140
Al-Tamimi, A., Hawileh, R., Abdalla, J. & Rasheed, H. (2011). Effects of Ratio of CFRP Plate
Length to Shear Span and End Anchorage on Flexural Behavior of SCC R/C Beams.
Journal of Composites for Construction. Accepted.
ANSYS – Release Version 11. A Finite Element Computer Software and User Manual for
Nonlinear Structural Analysis, ANSYS 2007; Inc. Canonsburg, PA.
ASTM E119. Standard test methods for fire tests of building construction and materials.
West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM international; 2002. 22 pp
Bisby L. Fire behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer reinforced or confined concrete. Ph.D.
thesis. Kingston (Canada): Department of Civil Engineering, Queen's University;
2003. 371 pp.
Building Regulations 2000. (2000). Fire Safety, Amendments 2002 to Approved Document B
(Fire safety) published by TSO (The Stationary Office).
De Lorenzis L. & Teng JG. (2007). Near-surface mounted FRP reinforcement: an emerging
technique for strengthening structures. J Compos, Part B, Vol.38, (2007), pp. 119–143.
Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures, ENV EC2 Part 1.2; 1992.
Franssen, J., Kodur, V. & Zaharia, R. (2009). Designing Steel Structures for Fire Safety. Taylor &
Francis Group, London, UK.
Hawileh, R. Naser, M. Zaidan, W. & Rasheed, H. (2009). Modeling of insulated CFRP-
strengthened reinforced concrete T-beam exposed to fire. Eng Struct, Vol.31, No.12,
(2009), pp. 3072-79.
Hawileh, R., Tamimi, A., Abdalla, J.A. & Wehbi, M. (2011). Retrofitting Pre-cracked RC
Beams Using CFRP and Epoxy Injections. In Proceeding of the Eight International
Conference On Composite Science and Technology (ICCST/8).
314 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
Hawileh, R., Naser, M. & Rasheed, H. (2011). Thermal-Stress Finite Element Analysis of
CFRP Strengthened Concrete Beam Exposed to Top Surface Fire. Mechanics of
Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.18, No.3, (2011). Loading
ISO-834, Fire resistance tests, Elements of building construction. International Standards
Organisation, Geneva; 1975.
Kodur, V. &Ahmed, A. (2010). A Numerical Model for Tracing the Response of FRP-
Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams Exposed to Fire. Journal of Composites for
Construction, Vol.14, No.6, 2010, pp. 730-742
Masoudi, R., Masoudi, A., Ouezdou, B. & Daoud, A. (2011). Long-term bond performance of
GFRP bars in concrete under temperature ranging from 20°C to 80°C. Construction
and Building Materials, Vol.25, No.2, (2011), pp. 486-493
Rasheed, H.A., Harrison, R.R., Peterman, R.J. & Alkhrdaji, T. (2010). Ductile Strengthening
Using Externally Bonded and Near Surface Mounted Composite Systems. Composite
Structures, Vol.92, No.10, (2009), pp. 2379-2390
Sadek, A., El-Hawary, M. & El-Deeb, A. (2006). Fire Resistance Testing of Concrete Beams
Reinforced by GFRP Rebars. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.15, No.2,
(2006), pp. 190-200
Qu, W., Zhang, X., & Huang, H. (2009). Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced
with Hybrid (GFRP and Steel) Bars. Journal of Composites for Construction, Vol.6,
No.2, (2009), pp. 350-359.
Williams, B., Kodur, V.K.R., Green, M.F. & Bisby, L. (2008). Fire Endurance of Fiber-
Reinforced Polymer Strengthened Concrete T-Beams. ACI Struct. J., Vol.105, No.1,
(2008), pp. 60–67.
1. Introduction
Over the last thirty years a new generation of manufacturing processes have been developed
whereby fabrication takes place by the sequential addition of material at specific locations
on a layer-by-layer basis to produce near-net-shape three-dimensional parts. These processes
are generically known as solid freeform fabrication or rapid manufacturing, and their most
prominent features are fast delivery times, material wastage reduction and the ability to
produce parts directly from a CAD file in a single fabrication step without the need for hard
tooling. These characteristics lead to lower costs and faster production cycles than those of
hard-tooling based methods, and have made solid freeform fabrication an attractive choice
for the production of customised one-of-a-kind parts, prototyping and short-run production.
For the manufacture of metallic components these techniques involve the use of a localised
energy source, typically a laser beam, to consolidate layers of metallic materials supplied in
the form a pre-placed powder bed, blown powder stream or wire feeding. By scanning the
interaction zone of the energy source and the material over a substrate and according to a
previously defined trajectory, a track of resolidified material is produced and the overlapping
of tracks enables the manufacture of near-net-shape components, as shown schematically in
Figure 1.
One important feature of rapid manufacturing techniques is that, as a result of layer
overlap during part buildup, the deposited material undergoes consecutive thermal cycles
with a duration and amplitude which depend on the processing parameters and on the
shape and dimensions of the part being manufactured. These thermal cycles induce phase
transformations in the material leading to a progressive modification of its microstructure
and properties. Since the thermal history varies from point to point in the part, the material
will in general present complex distributions of microstructure and properties. To optimise
the manufacturing process to obtain parts fulfilling specific requirements, the influence of
the processing conditions and build-up strategy on the final microstructure and properties
of the material must be assessed. The complexity of the thermal cycles taking place during
the manufacture of components and the impossibility of directly monitoring the thermal and
microstructural evolution of the material during the fabrication process make empirical or
experimental build-up strategy optimisation impractical. However, the optimisation of the
process can be carried out efficiently using a computational approach based on a model
2 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
Fig. 1. Rapid manufacturing using a laser beam to consolidate blown powder particles into a
final part
that simulates the microstructure formation mechanisms in the material, in particular the
phase transformations caused by the heat and mass transfer phenomena that take place
during fabrication. Such a model should use as input the processing parameters and the
part shape and dimensions to predict the final microstructure and properties distributions
in the manufactured part. This type of approach provides a cheap and rapid way of
optimising the manufacturing process and obtaining parts fulfilling unique and specific
properties requirements. Several researchers such as L. Costa (Costa et al., 2005), S. M. Kelly
(Kelly & Kampe, 2004b), Toyserkani et al. (Toyserkani et al., 2004), have successfully used
computational approaches to analyse the influence of the processing parameters on several
aspects of the process, such as the heat transfer mechanisms, the microstructure formation
processes or the evolution of the properties of the material, among others (Crespo et al., 2006;
Labudovich et al., 2003; Vasinonta et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2008).
In addition to microstructural transformations, the consecutive thermal cycles imposed
on the material are also responsible for the accumulation of internal stresses in parts
produced by rapid manufacturing techniques. During the fabrication process, the thermal
cycles experienced by the material will give rise to thermal expansion and contraction.
Since the deposited material is cyclically subjected to steep temperature variations, the
thermal expansion gradients ocurring in the material give rise to the development of
internal stresses in the workpiece. These stresses can be high enough to cause yield
in some regions or lead to complex residual stresses patterns in the final parts. The
study of the development of residual stresses during rapid manufacturing processes has
been the subject of several investigations aimed at acquiring a thorough insight into
this phenomenon and at establishing processing parameters sets and build-up strategies
Modelling of Heat Transfer
and Phase
Modelling Transformations
of Heat Transfer in the
and Phase Transformations Rapid
in the Manufacturing
Rapid Manufacturing of Titanium Components
of Titanium Components 3173
conducive to mechanically sound components (Crespo et al., 2008; Deus & Mazumder, 2006;
Ghosh & Choi, 2005; Kahlen & Kar, 2001; Labudovich et al., 2003). Although the study of
residual stresses formation during manufacture is out of the scope of the present work, the
model presented in this chapter has been extended to study these phenomena and a detailed
description of the methodology can be found in the work of A. Crespo (Crespo, 2010).
This chapter reports the development of a finite element thermo-kinetic model that couples
heat transfer calculations with phase transformation kinetics theory to investigate the
influence of the build-up strategy and processing parameters on the distributions of
microstructure and properties of titanium parts manufactured by rapid manufacturing
processes. The model was validated by comparing its predictions for the phase constitution,
Young’s modulus and hardness distributions with experimental results measured on parts
fabricated by a laser based rapid manufacturing technique, and used to construct processing
maps relating the deposition parameters to the microstructure and properties of the parts.
Additionally, the influence of the energy source used to process the material has to be taken
into consideration. The best way to model the interaction between the heat source and the
material depends on the particular characteristics of the energy source being used such as
its power, power density, shape and the way it is absorbed or transferred into the material.
Probably the most common way of processing metallic materials for rapid manufacturing
purposes is to utilise a laser beam. Assuming, for example, a gaussian distribution of the laser
beam power , the energy input into the material can be described by:
2.P 2.r2
q laser = α exp[− 2 ], (3)
2 rl
where P is the laser beam power, α the absorptivity of the material to the radiation being used,
rl the spot radius of the laser beam and r the distance to its centre, respectively. Energy losses
to the environment by convection and radiation are described by:
where Γ represents the surface (or boundary) of the solid region Ω and n is the unitary vector
normal to the surface Γ.
Calculating the solution to a problem using the finite element method is accomplished by
using several mathematical tools and can be summarised by the following sequence of steps
(Desai & Abel, 1972; Reddy, 2006; Zienkiewicz & Taylor, 2000):
1. the physical domain of the problem being solved is partitioned into a collection of simple
geometrical sub-domains called finite elements;
2. in each element, the solution is approximated by a linear combination of adequately
chosen interpolation functions and time dependant temperature values at the nodes of
the elements: T (r, t) ≈ ∑nj=1 Tj (t)ψ j (r ), with the governing equations of the problem being
used to establish algebraic relations between the unknown nodal temperatures Tj (t);
3. the algebraic equations developed for the different elements are assembled by requiring
the continuity of T (r, t) and the balance of certain relevant physical quantities at the
interface between neighbouring elements. This produces a system of equations which
can be solved to find the coefficients Tj (t) and produce an approximate solution to the
The approximate solution differs from the exact solution due to the approximations made
in each of the three steps described above: in the first step errors are introduced because
a continuous physical domain is represented by a finite element mesh that does not match
it exactly; in the second step errors arise from approximating the exact solution over each
element by a finite sum of functions; the solution of the system of assembled equations in
the third step usually requires numerical integration, which is another source of error. The
overall error in the computed solution can be minimised, for example, by refining the mesh to
ensure a more accurate representation of the physical domain (first step), by using a better
approximation to the local solution during the development of the algebraic equations in
each element (second step) and by defining stricter convergence criteria in the numerical
integration (third step). However, error reduction is achieved at the expense of computation
time and usually a compromise has to be accepted between the accuracy of the solution and
the time to compute it .
In the finite element method the equations governing heat transfer in the elements are
expressed in terms of a variational formulation, typically the weak form of the heat conduction
equation. Although the weak form of the heat conduction equation will not be derived here,
it produces the following set of equations for each element (Reddy, 2006):
n dTje (r, t)
∑ Mij dt + Kij Te (r, t) − Qei − qei = 0,
e e e
i = 1, ..., n, (7)
j =1
where the superscript e is an identification label for each element in the mesh and n is the
order of the interpolation functions used to approximate the solution. Mije , Kije , Qei and q ei are
defined by:
Mije = ρCψi ψ j dV, Kije = k∇ψi .∇ψ j dV
e e
Qei = ψi Q(r, t)dV, q ei = ψi q laser − h ( T − T∞ ) − σs T 4 − T∞
Ωe Γ
where the dependencies of T on r and t have been omitted for simplicity. Q(r, t) represents
the heat flux across the common surfaces of neighbouring elements and the equations of the
6 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
different elements are assembled together by requiring the balance of this flux from each
element to its neighbours and the continuity of the temperature field T (r, t). This system
of equations is commonly written in matrix form as:
Me Ṫe + K̂ T = Fe , (9)
Me = Mije
K̂ = Kije − Iij ψi − h − σs T 3 dS (10)
Fe = Qei + ψi q laser + hT∞ + σs T∞
MṪ + K̂T = F,
T ( 0 ) = T0 .
This can be converted to a system of algebraic equations by dividing the time domain into
steps and using finite differences to approximate the time derivatives. Equation 13 can be
solved by considering a weighted average of the time derivatives at two consecutive time
steps (ts and ts +1 ) and developing an iterative procedure to find the solution at each step
(Reddy & Gartling, 1994):
Different choices of α lead to well known approximation schemes that are commonly found
in the literature:
α = 0, forward difference, or Euler, scheme
α = 1/2, Crank-Nicholson scheme
α = 2/3, Galerkin scheme
α = 1, backward difference scheme.
Modelling of Heat Transfer
and Phase
Modelling Transformations
of Heat Transfer in the
and Phase Transformations Rapid
in the Manufacturing
Rapid Manufacturing of Titanium Components
of Titanium Components 3217
In general Equation 15 leads to an implicit scheme that requires iterative solutions to be found
within each time step. The forward difference method is the only one of the above which is an
explicit method and is the easiest to implement. It results in a simple iterative solution where
T(ts +1 ) is readily obtained from the solution at the previous step T(ts ), and is given by:
Starting from T(0) = T0 , the solution at subsequent steps can be calculated from Equation
16. Equation 16 is a general expression that relates the temperatures at various points of a
geometry by requiring the balance of heat fluxes across the boundaries between neighbouring
elements and the continuity of the temperature field, governed by the weak form of the
heat conduction equation. The temperature evolution during additive manufacture for a
component of arbitrary geometry can be found by implementing Equation 16 as a computer
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. (a) Finite element mesh of substrate and tracks. (b) Step-wise approach to simulate the
addition of material. New elements are activated at liquidus temperature. Adapted from
Crespo and Vilar (Crespo & Vilar, 2010)
One commonly applied strategy to reduce the number of elements is to use a fine mesh only
in regions which have complex geometries or where thermal gradients are expected to be high
(in the vicinity of interaction zone between the energy source and the material), while using
a coarser mesh away from these zones (Figure 2.a). The level of refinement shown in Figure
8 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
2.a is necessary if certain aspects of the fabrication process such as the formation of hot-spots
or the solidification rate must be predicted, which require the precise shape of the melt pool
and of the incorporated material to be taken into account (Bontha et al., 2006; Crespo et al.,
2006). When the purpose of the simulation does not demand such a rigorous description
of the track shape, simpler meshes may be used by assuming that the shapes of the melt
pool and of the tracks can be approximated by simpler geometries. This has the advantage
of reducing considerably the number of elements in the mesh, and as a consequence the
number of calculations and the computational time necessary to resolve the problem. Several
authors have developed finite element models which use simple cubic elements to simulate
the addition of material and have demonstrated the validity of this approach (Costa et al.,
2005; Deus & Mazumder, 2006), which is also used in the present work. If the deposition if
assumed to take place in the mid-plane of the substrate, there is a symmetry plane in respect of
which heat flow is symmetrical and one needs only consider half the geometry of the problem,
as illustrated in Figure 2.b, further reducing the computational time needed to achieve the
solution for the heat transfer problem.
In the model proposed in this chapter, Equation 16 is solved iteratively for each element in
the step by step approach described in the previous section. Addition of material is taken
into account by activating at each new time step elements with a volume corresponding to
the volume of material incorporated into the part during the duration of that step (Figure
2.b), based on a methodology first presented by Costa et al. (Costa et al., 2005). Taking into
consideration the results of Neto and Vilar (Neto & Vilar, 2002), who showed that in blown
powder laser cladding the powder flying through the laser beam often reaches the liquidus
temperature before impinging into the part, the newly active elements are assumed to be at
the liquidus temperature.
a mixture of α and β phases for temperatures between room temperature and 980 ◦ C, which
is called the β-transus temperature (Polmear, 1989). The proportion of β phase in equilibrium
depends on the temperature, varying from approximately 0.08 at room temperature to 1.00 at
the β-transus, and is given by (R. Castro, 1966):
eq 0.925 − 0.925.e[0.0085(980− T )], T ≤ 980◦ C/s
f α (T) =
0, T > 980◦ C/s (17)
eq eq
f β ( T ) = 1 − f α ( T ),
where k1 and n1 are the reaction rate constant and Avrami exponent at the temperature T1 .
The additivity principle requires that t1 be the initial time for the new transformation step.
Therefore, for the time interval [ t1 , t2 [, one gets:
f eq
f α (t2 ) = 1 − exp − k1 (t1 + t2 − t1 )n1 . f α ( T1 ). (21)
where ts is given by:
f ns ln [1 − f α (ts )/ f α ( Ts )]
ts = − . (23)
The application of the additivity rule to the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation is illustrated in
Figure 4.
f α ( T ) = 1 − exp [− γ ( Ms − T )] . (24)
12 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
The values of γ, Ms and M f used in the present work (0.015 ◦ C−1 , 650 ◦ C and 400 ◦ C
respectively) were calculated on the basis of the results of Elmer et al. (Elmer et al., 2004).
If the material cools below M f its microstructure is fully martensitic.
4. Results
4.1 Experimental confirmation
The model was first validated by comparing the calculation results with the experimental
distributions of microstructure and properties found in Ti-6Al-4V walls produced by laser
powder deposition (LPD), a rapid manufacturing technique that uses a focused laser beam
to melt a stream of metallic powder and deposit the molten material continuously at precise
locations (Laeng et al., 2000; R.Vilar, 1999; 2001).
Fig. 5. View of the substrate and the wall with a detail of the wall mesh.
The calculated phase distribution is shown in Figures 6.b and 7. The highest volume fractions
of α and β phases (0.03 and 0.07 respectively) occur close to the substrate, and decrease as
the distance from the substrate increases, reaching zero in the uppermost layers of the part.
Conversely, the volume fraction of martensite is lowest near the substrate (approximately
0.9) and has a maximum at the top of the wall, where the structure is fully martensitic.
The cooling rates experienced by the material during the deposition process are always
higher than 410 ◦ C/s (Figure 8.a), and, as a consequence, after solidification the material
undergoes a martensitic transformation during cooling to room temperature. Figure 8.a
14 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. (a) Laser beam power used to deposit each layer. (b) Phase constitution as a function
of the distance from the fusion line.
shows that the cooling rate progressively decreases as the number of layers increases and
asymptotically approaches a value below the martensite critical cooling rate (410 ◦ C/s).
Therefore, the deposition of additional layers would likely lead to the suppression of the
martensitic transformation in the top layers of the part.
The thermal cycles originated by layer overlap heat up the previously deposited material to
temperatures in the tempering range (T > 400◦ C), causing the progressive decomposition of
the martensite into α and β (Figure 8.b).
The idle time between the deposition of consecutive layers used (6 s) is too short to allow the
part to cool down to room temperature before the deposition of a new layer. As a result the
temperature of the workpiece increases progressively as the deposition advances, eventually
stabilising at approximately 270 ◦ C after the deposition of the 15th layer, as depicted in the
plot of Figure 9.a.
This facilitates tempering because, as heat accumulates in the part, the material residence
time in the tempering temperatures range increases from less than 1 s in the first cycles to
approximately 4 s from the 15th cycle onwards (Figure 9.b).
The cumulative effect of the consecutive thermal cycles is sufficient for significant tempering
to take place, particularly in the layers deposited at the beginning of the buildup process.
For example, the material in the first layer is subjected to 74 thermal cycles subsequent to
Modelling of Heat Transfer
and Phase
Modelling Transformations
of Heat Transfer in the
and Phase Transformations Rapid
in the Manufacturing
Rapid Manufacturing of Titanium Components
of Titanium Components 329
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. (a) Cooling rates experienced by the material deposited in the different layers. (b)
Temperature evolution of the material deposited in the first layer for the first 120 s of the
fabrication process. Tempering of the martensite takes place at temperatures higher than 400
◦ C.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) Temperature evolution of the interface between the wall and the substrate after the
deposition of each layer. (b) Time above 400 ◦ C during the deposition of each layer,
measured at the interface between the wall and the substrate.
its deposition, which amounts to approximately 250 s in the tempering range, leading to a
decomposition of approximately 10% of the previously formed martensite. The evolution of
the phase constitution of the material is presented in Figure 9.a and the Young’s modulus and
hardness variations along the wall height are presented in Figure 10.b
(a) (b)
Fig. 10. (a) Evolution of the phase constitution of the material in the first layer. (b)
Distribution of properties along the wall height.
the intensity of the infra-red radiation emitted in the range 1.0-1.7 μm is monitored by a GaAs
In doped photodiode. The acquired information is processed by a control function which acts
to adjust the laser power in order to maintain constant melt pool dimensions during buildup,
allowing for a high stability and dimensional accuracy in the manufacture of the parts. The
deposition was conducted using a Ti-6Al-4V powder with a particle size in the range 25-75
μm fed through a capillary at a mass flow rate of 0.14 g/min.
(a) (b)
Fig. 11. (a) Optical micrograph taken approximately 250 μm from the wall apex. (b) Optical
micrograph taken approximately 500 μm from the fusion line. Adapted from C. Meacock
(Meacock, 2009)
An optical micrograph of the cross section of the manufactured sample reveals an acicular
morphology in the upper region of the wall (Figure 11.a). This is observed in the last 15
layers and is consistent with the hexagonal α -martensite microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V, which
typically presents a morphology consisting of long orthogonally oriented plates. Close to the
bottom of the wall, the material presents a different microstructure (Figure 11.b), consisting
of martensite needles interspersed with regions of α + β. To quantify the volume fraction of
the different phases, X-ray diffraction was conducted on the deposited material. The volume
fraction of β phase was calculated from the X-ray diffractograms by the direct comparison
method, with the error being the standard deviation of the averaged intensities method
(Meacock, 2009). The volume fraction of β phase decreases with increasing distance to the
substrate from 0.06 at 0.5 mm to 0.04 at 2.5 mm (Figure 12.a). The β phase results primarily
Modelling of Heat Transfer
and Phase
Modelling Transformations
of Heat Transfer in the
and Phase Transformations Rapid
in the Manufacturing
Rapid Manufacturing of Titanium Components
of Titanium Components 331
from the tempering of martensite, which is a slow process when compared to the typical
time scales involved in laser processes. However, the deposition of the 75 layers takes
approximately 450 s, which is long enough for tempering to occur and a noticeable volume
fraction of β phase is observed in the deposited material.
The Young’s modulus and hardness of the material were measured by depth sensing
indentation testing carried out on the longitudinal section of the wall at 1 mm intervals
starting at a distance of 0.5 mm from the fusion line, and the results are presented in Figures
12.b and 12.c, respectively. The Young’s modulus is seen to increase slightly with increasing
distance from the fusion line, from 110 GPa at 0.5 mm to 114 GPa at 2.5 mm. Likewise, the
hardness increases with increasing distance from the fusion line, from 330 HV at a distance of
0.5 mm to 365 HV at 2.5 mm. The values of β volume fraction, Young’s modulus and hardness
calculated by the model are compared to the experimental values and plotted as a function of
the distance from the fusion line in Figure 12.
Fig. 12. Comparison between the values obtained using the model and the experimental
measurements for: (a) volume fraction of β phase, (b) Young’s modulus and (c) Vicker’s
The variation of the volume fraction of β along the height of the wall is small but compares
well with the values predicted by the model. The calculated Young’s modulus and
hardness show an overall good correlation with the experimental values and are within the
experimental error limits, although the Young’s modulus varies only slightly in the material.
direction of the substrate and on its mid plane so that a symmetry plane exists and only half
of the geometry needs to be considered for calculation purposes. A laser beam with a power P
= 1000 W focused to a spot dbeam = 1.5 mm in diameter (at e−2 of the maximum intensity) was
used so that a melt pool of approximately 1 mm in diameter is created in the laser / material
interaction zone, matching the track width. An average absorptivity of 15 % was used in the
calculations, assuming the utilisation of a CO2 laser (Hu & Baker, 1999).
(a) (b)
Fig. 14. (a) Young’s modulus (GPA) and (b) Vickers hardness (HV) distributions in a part
produced using a scanning speed of 20 mm/s.
Fig. 15. Temperature variation during build-up for the 2nd and 6th layers of deposited
material. The total time above 400 ◦ C, where tempering takes place, is approximately 1s for
each of the 5 layers deposited subsequently, which is not sufficient for significant tempering
to occur.
to be conducted away from the interaction zone and reducing the temperature gradient in the
wall, as shown in Figure 17. As a consequence of heat conduction to the substrate being the
main mechanism of heat extraction from the interaction zone, a lower temperature gradient
in the build direction slows down the heat flow, causing a reduction of the cooling rate which
is approximately given by:
∂T k ∂2 T
= , (27)
∂t c p ρ ∂x2
where xx is the build-up (vertical) direction. Figure 18.a shows the variation of the cooling
rate experienced during the deposition of the 10th layer of material, with the scanning
speed for two different values of the idle time. For low scanning speeds, the material
in the last layers cools from above the β-transus at rates lower than 410 ◦ C/s and the
martensitic transformation is replaced by the diffusional β → α transformation, leading to
a microstructure composed of 0.92 α + 0.08 β in this region (Figure 18.b). As a result, the final
part presents a non-uniform distribution of hardness, 350 HV in the bottom layers and 305 HV
20 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
(a) (b)
Fig. 16. (a) Average temperature in the part immediately before the deposition of each layer
for different values of idle time, vscan = 20 mm/s and an initial substrate temperature of 20 ◦ ,
and (b) cooling rates experienced by the material in each of the layers deposited (plotted in
logarithmic scale).
in the upper region (Figure 19.b). The Young’s modulus is practically uniformly distributed
(Figure 19.a), 113 GPa in the lower region (practically only α ) and 114 GPa in the upper layers
(0.92 α + 0.08 β), because α and α have similar Young’s modulus and the proportion of β in
the alloy is very low. From the plot of Figure 18.a it is apparent that scanning speeds equal
to 12 mm/s or higher result in cooling rates above 410 ◦ C/s and lead to β transforming by
a martensitic mechanism, originating an α structure. Scanning speeds lower than 12 mm/s
lead to lower cooling rates and to parts with two microstructurally distinct regions, a bottom
region composed of α , and a top region composed of 0.92 α and 0.08 β, resulting from the
diffusion controlled β → α transformation.
a b
Fig. 17. Temperature (◦ C) distribution at the end of the last deposition step using scanning
speeds of (a) 5mm/s and (b) 20 mm/s. 20 mm/s. Adapted from Crespo and Vilar
(Crespo & Vilar, 2010)
a b
Fig. 18. (a) Cooling rate experienced by the material deposited in the last layer as a function
of the scanning speed for Δt = 2 s and Δt = 10 s; (b) volume fraction of martensite in the
microstructure of a part fabricated using a scanning speed of 5 mm/s.
a b
Fig. 19. (a) Young’s modulus (GPA) and (b) Vickers hardness (HV) distributions in a part
fabricated using a scanning speed of 5 mm/s.
transformation before the deposition of the next layer. For example, if the substrate is
pre-heated to 500 ◦ C, the β → α transformation is stopped at about 75% of its extent,
and at this temperature vanadium diffuses into the β phase (less than 20 s are necessary
to achieve a concentration of 10 wt.%), stabilising and retaining this phase upon cooling
to room temperature and leading to a material with roughly 0.75 of α and 0.25 of β (Fan,
1993; Katzarov et al., 2002; Malinov, Markovsky, Sha & Guo, 2001);
2. Secondly, increasing the temperature of the substrate acts to reduce the temperature
gradient throughout the material. This leads to lower cooling rates which facilitate the
decomposition of β into α by a diffusional process.
The joint influence of the scanning speed, idle time and substrate temperature on the final
microstructure and properties of the parts is best analysed in terms of processing maps that
relate this information. One of the most relevant applications of the model is the construction
22 Convection and ConductionWill-be-set-by-IN-TECH
Heat Transfer
of such processing maps to allow the prediction of the microstructure of the material and
its properties given any set of processing parameters. The maps in Figure 20.a and 20.b
(Crespo & Vilar, 2010) show the dependence of the cooling rate on the scanning speed and
on the idle time for substrate temperatures of 20 and 500 ◦ C, respectively, and allow finding
the processing windows leading to specific microstructures.
(a) (b)
Fig. 20. (a) Contour plot of the cooling rate as a function of v and Δt for Tsub = 20◦ C. The
cooling rate is mostly dependent on the scanning speed, as evidenced by the constant cooling
rate lines being almost vertical. (b) Contour plot showing the dependence of the cooling rate
on the scanning speed and the idle time using a substrate pre-heated to 500 ◦ C. Adapted
from Crespo and Vilar (Crespo & Vilar, 2010).
For example, when the deposition takes place on a substrate pre-heated at 500 ◦ C, a scanning
speed of 20 mm/s results in a martensitic transformation if an idle time of 5 s is used, while for
16 mm/s, idle times longer than 15 s are necessary to achieve the martensite critical cooling
rate. More generally, any set of parameters to the right of the bold line (∂T/∂t = 410◦ C/s)
shown in the plot of Figure 20.b leads to a martensitic transformation in the material. For
these sets of parameters, after the deposition of the last layer, the material is at 500 ◦ C and
its microstructure consists approximately of 0.75 α + 0.25 β, with a vestigial proportion
of α formed during tempering. During cooling to room temperature, the β phase remains
stable and is retained due to the enrichment in vanadium and the final part has a uniform
microstructure containing 0.75 α + 0.25 β (Fan, 1993). This material presents a uniform
hardness of 300 HV and a Young’s modulus of 106 GPa, which is the minimum that can be
obtained for the Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The distributions of Young’s modulus and Vickers hardness
are shown in Figure 21.a and b, respectively.
These results are in agreement with results published by other authors. In particular the
diffusional transformation of β phase in Ti-6Al-4V components produced by laser assisted
deposition at low scanning speeds was verified by Kelly et al. (v=0.625 - 2.5 mm/s)
(Kelly & Kampe, 2004a) and Qian et al. (v=6.7 - 10.0 mm/s) (Qian et al., 2005), whereas the
occurrence of a martensitic transformation at higher speeds was confirmed by Groh (d. Groh,
Modelling of Heat Transfer
and Phase
Modelling Transformations
of Heat Transfer in the
and Phase Transformations Rapid
in the Manufacturing
Rapid Manufacturing of Titanium Components
of Titanium Components 337
a b
Fig. 21. (a) Young’s modulus (GPA) and (b) Vickers hardness (HV) distributions in a part
fabricated using a scanning speed of 15 mm/s on a substrate at 500 ◦ C. Adapted from Crespo
and Vilar (Crespo & Vilar, 2010).
6. Conclusion
A thermo-kinetic finite element model coupling heat transfer calculations and phase
transformation kinetics theory which predicts the microstructure and properties distributions
in titanium parts produced by rapid manufacturing was developed. The results of the
model were compared to experimental measurements of the phase constitution and properties
performed on samples produced by a laser based technique using identical parameters to the
ones utilised in the model and showed a good agreement. The model was also applied to the
development of processing maps relating the deposition parameters to the microstructure and
properties of the parts. From the results achieved it was concluded that:
1. Computational methods are an efficient way to study heat transfer and the associated
metallurgical phenomena which occur during manufacture of components;
2. This type of approach provides a cheap and rapid way to construct processing maps for
the optimisation of fabrication processes;
3. Pre-heating the substrate allows controlling the final distribution of microstructure and
properties in Ti-6Al-4V parts produced by rapid manufacturing;
4. By changing the processing parameters during the build-up process it possible to control
the properties in Ti-6Al-4V produced by rapid manufacturing processes
7. Acknowledgements
The author thankfully acknowledges the valuable help and contributions from Dr. C. Meacock
and Prof. R. Vilar.
8. References
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1. Introduction
In order to understand a heat transfer phenomenon, it is sometimes very important to know
the change in heat flux and temperature with time or the distribution of the heat flux and
temperature on the surface of a heating block. Furthermore, with the development of
computational thermal-fluid dynamics, experimental data that are of the CFD level, both
spatially and temporally, are needed to validate the simulation results. However, it is difficult
to measure the surface heat flux and surface temperature if no sensors are allowed setting
on the surface, which may be a disturbance to the phenomenon itself occurring on the surface.
This chapter introduces a technique for the measurement of surface temperature and surface
heat flux.
then it needs two (rows of) inner-temperature readings to close the heat conduction equation
and to obtain the heat fluxes and temperatures on the two boundaries. However, if the
heating block has only a single unknown boundary, theoretically, then it needs only a single
(line of) inner-temperature reading to close the heat conduction equation. Noting that the
recent introduction of new concepts such as moving window (for two rows of measuring
data to close two unknown boundary conditions) (Woodfield, 2006a) and superposition of
successive corrections in approximating the temperature readings (for one row of measuring
data to close one unknown boundary condition) (Woodfield, 2006b) has made the use of the
IHCP practical.
Z Unknown Z
T2-1 , T2-2 , … T2-n
Unknown 0 Unknown X
(a) One-dimensional (b) Two-dimensional
Fig. 1. A Heating block with two unknown boundaries
To solve the IHCP accurately, there is a demand for the measured inner temperature data.
That is, the data should have sensed the effect of the boundary under study. This
necessitates the use of highly sensitive temperature sensors located in close proximity to the
surface. This is very important in tracing a fast-changing transient phenomenon. In a high-
frequency process such as boiling, the high-frequency effects are strongly damped within
the heating block because of the thermal inertia of the heating block. Thus, the temperature
sensors must be located as close as possible to the surface of interest. If a sinusoidal heat flux
boundary q0(ωt) is imposed on one surface of a one-dimensional solid with initial
temperature T0 and the other surface is kept adiabatic, as shown in Fig. 2, the exact solution
for the temperature within the solid is given by Eq. (1) (Carslaw, 2003), where λ and α are
the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, respectively. Equation (1) clearly shows
that the effect of the oscillation diminishes quickly with an increase in the depth into the
heating block, which is more pronounced for high frequencies. This sets an upper limit to
the frequency of the fluctuations that can be detected by a sensor placed within the heating
block. In other words, if a temperature sensor is placed at a distance from the surface, it may
be impossible to detect the effects from a high-frequency mode. Further, using the readings
taken at that point as the input data of the IHCP will result in the inaccurate prediction of
Measurement of Boundary Conditions - Surface Heat Flux and Surface Temperature 343
the boundary conditions. As an example, a comparison of the surface heat fluxes between
the predictions obtained from the Woodfield's analytical approach and the exact values at
different frequencies is shown in Fig. 3 (Woodfield, 2006a). In the calculation, copper is used
for the heating block and the exact solution calculated from Eq. (1) with h1 = 2 mm is used
as the input data. h1 = 2 mm represents the depth at which the temperature sensor is placed.
As shown in the figure, the agreement between the sine waves of the actual and predicted
heat fluxes is remarkably good at low frequencies of 1 and 3 Hz; however, the accuracy
decreases as the frequency increases. This means that when the sensor is placed at a depth of
2 mm beneath the surface, it cannot sense the effect of the surface heat flux with a frequency
higher than 5 Hz. Therefore, a new technique through which the temperature sensors can be
placed very close to the surface of interest is necessary.
q0 a − h1 ⎛ ω π ⎞ 2 q0 aω ∞ cos(uh1 ) − au2 t
πλ ∫0 ω 2 + a2 u 4
T − T0 = e 2a sin ⎜⎜ ωt − h1 − ⎟+ e du (1)
λ ω ⎝ 2 a 4 ⎟⎠
Boundary1: qw = q0 sin(ω t)
Temperature sensor
Boundary 2: adiabatic
Fig. 2. A One-dimensional block with the sinusoidal heat flux boundary imposed on one
a constantan wire as its negative pole, but shares a common positive pole made of copper.
The temperature sensors are thus of the T-type. The common positive pole can be formed by
using a film-formation technique - such as sputtering - after the constantan wires are set into
the copper block. The thickness of the sputtering film can be controlled accurately within
several micrometers. This means that the temperature junctions can be formed at a depth of
several microns beneath the surface of interest.
Common pole , Cu
1 2 …… N-1 N
block (Cu)
Copper wire
Constantan wire
-V4 +
-V2 +
Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of the special micron-sized T-type thermocouples that share a
single positive pole
Measurement of Boundary Conditions - Surface Heat Flux and Surface Temperature 345
qw = sin( 40πt) 20s-1
qw [MW/m ]
qw = sin( 100πt) 50s-1
0.0 0.1 0.2 Time, t [s] 0.3
Fig. 5. Effect of inner-temperature measuring position on the accuracy of the IHCP predictions
(temperature measured at a depth of 3.1 μm beneath the surface is used as the input of IHCP)
Note that as shown in Fig. 1, the standard IHCP requires the sensors to be placed at two
different depths. However, in the case where only one boundary is unknown (with the
adiabatic or semi-infinite assumption valid on the other boundary), only one row of sensors
is required in order to obtain the boundary conditions about the surface of interest. This is
highly desirable since the overall cost incurred when allocating the sensors is reduced. As
recommended by Woodfield, if the Fourier number < 0.1 , where H is the thickness of
the heating block, then for practical use, the block can be treated as being semi-infinite.
Further, note that the thin copper film, which acts as the common pole of the temperature
sensors, is to be coated with a protection film to prevent it from oxidation. Selection of the
type of protection film is very important for the realization of durable temperature sensors.
346 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
3. Measurement example
The above mentioned measurement technique was successfully used in the measurement of
the surface heat flux and surface temperature during a boiling process. The experimental
apparatus used is shown in Fig. 6. It includes a boiling vessel and a heating block. The
heating block is made of copper and is peripherally insulated. The heating block is
composed of two parts, upper and lower. The image of the upper part is shown in Fig. 7, in
which 10 special micro temperature sensors are placed radially at a pitch of 0.5 mm and at a
depth of 3.1 μm from the boiling surface. The upper and lower parts of the heating block are
joined together by using a high-temperature adhesive. A cartridge heater is inserted into the
lower heating block.
Immersion heater
Boiling vessel
High- speed
Boiling surface
Cartridge heater
+ -
Fig. 6. Experimental apparatus
Tw qw
Boiling surface
R = 5 mm
T1 , T 2, … T 10
3.1 μm
Heating block
The data collected by two micron-sized thermocouples that share a common positive pole
are shown in Fig. 8. In the figure, T4 and T10 are the temperatures measured at the same
depth but at different radial positions. The figure shows that the thermocouples are effective
in measuring the temperatures. The data taken at T4, which is just below a bubble, were
used as the input data for solving a semi-infinite one-dimensional IHCP in order to obtain
the surface heat flux and surface temperature, the results of which are shown in Fig. 9. The
peak of the heat flux corresponds to the formation of a large, deformed bubble.
P = 0.1 MPa
inner temperatures, T [ C]
103 T4
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time, [s]
Fig. 8. Temperatures measured during the boiling processes by the micron-sized
thermocouples sharing a common positive pole
Surface temperature,
Tw [ C]
Surface heat flux,
qw [MW/m ]
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time, t[s]
Fig. 9. Measured surface heat flux and surface temperature during the boiling process
348 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
4. Conclusions
In this chapter, a technique for the measurement of surface temperature and surface heat
flux was introduced. This technique involves two steps: (1) measurement of the inner block
temperatures near the surface using special micro temperature sensors; and (2) solving an
IHCP to obtain the surface heat flux and surface temperature by using the measured inner
block temperature data as input. For the inner block temperature measurement, special T-
type temperature sensors with a common positive pole were introduced. By using the film
formation technique of sputtering, the temperature junctions can be placed at a depth of
several micrometers beneath the surface of interest.
The developed system was used to determine the change in the surface heat flux and surface
temperature during a boiling process. The results from the experiments showed that the
special T-type micro temperature sensors can effectively trace the temperature change
during a boiling process. By using the measured inner temperatures, one-dimensional IHCP
was solved to obtain the surface heat flux and surface temperature. The increase in the
surface heat flux with the formation of big bubbles was calculated successfully.
5. References
Buchholz M., Luttich T., Auracher H., Marquardt W., (2004). Experimental investigation of local
process in pool boiling along the entire boiling curve, Int. J. Heat Fluid, Vol. 25, 243 -261
Burggraf, O.R., (1964). An exact solution of the inverse problem in heat conduction theory
and applications, ASME J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 86, 373-382
Carslaw H.S., Jaeger J.C., Conduction of Heat in Solids, Oxford University Press, 2003.
Enomoto Y. & Furuhama S., (1984). Research on thin film thermocouple for transient surface
temperature measurement in internal combustion engine, Transactions of Japan
Society of Mechanical Engineering, series B, Vol.50, No.453, 1353-1362, (In Japanese).
Imber M., (1974). Temperature extrapolation mechanism for two-dimensional heat flow,
AIAA J. Vol.12, No.8, 1089-1093
Liu W. & Takase K. (2009). Measurement of surface heat flux and surface temperature in
Nucleate Pool Boiling Using Micro-Thermocouples, Proceedings of the 17th
International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE17-75880
Monde M., Arima H. & Mitsutake Y., (2003a) Estimation of surface temperature and heat
flux using inverse solution for one-dimensional heat conduction, ASME J. Heat
Transfer, Vol .125, 213-223.
Monde M., Arima H., Liu W., Mitsutake Y. & Hammad J.A., (2003b). An analytical solution
for two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problems using Laplace transform,
Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 46, 2135-2148
Shoji M. (1978). Study of inverse problem of heat conduction, Transactions of Japan Society of
Mechanical Engineering, series B, Vol. 44, No.381, 1633-1643 (in Japanese).
Sparrow E.M., Haji-Sheikh A. & Lundgren T.S., (1964). The inverse problem in transient heat
conduction, ASME J. Appl. Mech., Vol. 31, 369-375
Woodfield P.L., Monde M. & Mitsutake Y., (2006a). Implementation of an analytical inverse
heat conduction technique to practical problems, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 49,
Woodfield P.L., Monde M., Mitsutake Y., (2006b). Improved analytical solution for inverse
heat conduction problems on thermally thick and semi-infinite solids, Int. J. Heat
Mass Transfer, Vol. 49, 2864-2876.
1. Introduction
There exists a domain of models that is principially classified into the linear and non-linear
fields of modelling. In the field of non-linear modelling, significant progress has been made
since the 1960s thanks to the widespread and regularly available computer technology. This
dynamic development influenced a large number of problems including the description of
physical behaviour of non-trivial tasks. Non-linear models are solved in the material,
spatial, and time domains. However, certain non-linear model domains are not sufficiently
developed or regularly used for analysis of the more simple tasks. This group includes task
models using non-linear discontinuous characteristics of materials, which can be
exemplified by the change of state of a material during heating or cooling. In this section, we
would like to use several descriptive examples to expose the problem of thermal tasks
solution utilizing applied materials with a phase change (PCM) (Gille, T.; at al. 2007, Volle,
F. at al. 2010, Shi, L.P.; at al. 2006). These are mostly coupled tasks (Fiala,P. December 1998).
Within the specification of different aspects of the solution process, emphasis will be placed
on the final accuracy of the results of numerical analyses, and therefore (rather than focusing
on a complete description of the model) the text will accentuate problematic spots within the
solution of such tasks.
The PCM characteristics are demonstrated on the task of designing a low-temperature
accumulator, an efficient cooler of electronic components, and a separator of impurities in
an industrial oil emulsion.
society are limited. Moreover, such classification applies also to the possibilities of utilizing
the energy of water and wind.
A large number of countries have committed themselves to the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions and the related increase of renewable sources of energy (Ministery of industry
and trade of Czech Republic, Stat energetic conception 2004, Ministery of industry and trade
of Czech Republic 2000) share in total energy consumption. However, the effort to comply
with these commitments may be realized in absurd ways such as an uncontrolled surge in
the number of constructed solar photovoltaic systems, which is further aggravated by the
related problem of their integration into the energy production system of a country, Fig. 1.
being consistently developed (Juodkazis, Saulius; at al. November 2004, Zhen Ren at al.
Januar 2010, Liu, Y.-T.; at al. 2008 ).
Some of the proposed approaches are based on classical solutions. These include the
accumulation of energy utilizing the potential energy of mass in a gravitational field (water),
the kinetic energy of mass (flywheels), the non-linearities in the state of a mass phase – the
compression of gases. Another group of accumulators is based on the solution utilizing the
energy of an electromagnetic field. In this case, the most common is the application of
electric accumulators or microbiological systems [mikrobiolog akumulator]. Yet another one
of the fields to be quoted comprises energy accumulation using the properties of chemical
bonds of non-trivial chemical systems (the production of synthetic fuels), electrochemical
bonds, and the utilization of photochemical energy (the accumulation of low-potential heat
in solar-powered systems).
The process of designing chemical accumulator forms utilizes the physical effects of non-
linear behaviour of materials at phase changes. (Behunek,I. April 2004, Behunek I & Fiala P.
Jun 2007).
2. Heat accumulation
Principles are known (Baylin, F. 1979) for the utilization of characteristics of chemical-
physical effects, and in this context there exist four basic methods of thermal energy
accumulation. The first method consists in the utilization of specific thermal capacity of
substances (sensible heat), the second one is built on the application of change in the state of
substances (latent heat) , the third one lies in the thermochemical reaction, and the fourth
one applies the sorption and desorption of gas / water vapour.
Generally, the thermochemical reactions method provides a higher density of accumulated
energy than the sensible heat or phase change options (Mar, R.W. & Bramletta, T.T. 1980).
An endothermic reaction product contains energy in the form of a chemical bond that is
released retroactively during an exothermic reaction. The energy release occurs through the
action of a catalyst, which is a suitable characteristic for long-term accumulation. Other
advantages of thermochemical accumulation include the possibility of transporting the
products over long distances, the possibility of product storage at both low (with a low rate
of loss) and very high temperatures (Goldstein, M. 1961), the low cost, and the fact that
products of the reaction can be used as the medium in thermodynamic cycles (The
Australian National University 2004). Currently, research (Mar, R.W. 1978, Mar, R.W. 1980)
is conducted in this field. In order to accumulate energy, we can utilize heat balance at
sorption/desorption of moisture in the working substance. The difference with respect to
other types of heat accumulation consists in the fact that sorption does not directly depend
on the temperature,. but rather on relative humidity of the surrounding air. Therefore, the
described method of accumulation may be realized at a constant temperature, which is an
aspect utilizable in discharging the accumulator. In the progress of charging, relative
humidity of air is decreased to the required level through heating the air to achieve a higher
temperature (Close, D.J. & Dunkle, R.V. 1977, Verdonschet, J.K.M. 1981).
The weight and specific heat capacity of these materials indicate the accumulable quantity of
heat. This quantity is given by the calorimetric equation
Q = ∫ V ρ cdT (1)
where T1 is the temperature at the beginning and T2 the temperature at the end of charging.
hot gravel
cool gravel
2.4 Utilizing the change of state in substances for the accumulation of heat
A prospective method of heat accumulation consists in utilizing the change of state of a
substance used in a heat reservoir. Such reservoir charges (fillings) are described by
the abbreviation PCM (Phase Change Material). According to Ehrenfest (Mechlova, E.,
Kostal, K. 1999), the changes of state are among the first type of phase changes, where the
change of internal energy and substance volume occurs through a jump. If specific melting
heat or solidification of the given substance is utilized, the calorimetry equation assumes the
Tm Te
Q = ρV Δhm + ∫ V ρcdT + ∫ V ρcdT (2)
T0 Tm
where ρ is the density, V the volume, c the specific heat, Δhm the enthalpy, Q the heat, and
Tm , Te the temperature according to Figure 3. If heat is supplied to the material, there occurs
the transformation from the liquid into the solid state. Phase transition appears when crystal
lattice is disrupted, namely when the amplitude of the crystal lattice particles oscillation is
comparable with relative distance between the particles. At this moment, the oscillation
energy rises above the value of the crystal binding energy, the bond is broken and the
crystal transforms into the liquid phase. However, if heat is removed from the substance,
there occurs the solidification (crystallization) of material. During crystallization, the orderly
motion of molecules gradually assumes the character of thermal oscillations around certain
middle positions, namely crystal lattice is formed. In pure crystalline substances, melting
and solidification proceed at a constant temperature Tm, which does not vary during the
phase transition. In amorphous substances, the phase transition temperature is not constant
and the state change occurs within a certain range of temperatures, Figure 4. In simplified
terms for a macroscopic description of the numerical model, the phase change of a material
is understood as a state in which the material changes its physical characteristics on the
basis of variations (external) of its thermodanymic system. This state is often accompanied
by a nonlinear effect, Figure 3. The effect involves energy Q supplied to the thermodynamic
system of the material, temperature T, latent energy ΔQ necessary to change the
externalmacroscopic state of the material, initial state temperature T0, phase change
temperature Tm , and temperature Te limiting the low-temperature mode.
T (K)
phase- 2
phase- 1
Q (J)
Fig. 3. The PCM macroscopic characteristics
354 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
T (K)
50 Na2CO3.10H2O
40 gravel
30 parafin
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 q (kWh m-3)
Fig. 4. The course of accumulator charging with PCMs and classical materials
inlet of air
1. layer
enclosures with PCM
2. layer
heat insulation
3. layer
4. layer
5. layer
ducts with flaps
6. layer
7. layer
outlet of air
(ventilators) 8. layer
X ( Y )n ⋅ mH2 O ←⎯⎯→ X ( Y )n ⋅ pH 2 O + ( m − p ) H 2 O
b. Organic substances (GARG, H.P. et al. 1985, VENER, C. 1997) offer advantages such as a
high value of specific melting heat, chemical stability, elimination of supercooling, and
no corrosivity. The disadvantages consist in the inferior thermal conductivity, relatively
significant variations of volume during the change of state, flammability). Examples of
organic PCMs include paraffin, wax, polyethylene glycol, high-density polyethylene,
stearic acid (C17H35COOH), and palmitic acid (C15H31COOH).
c. Other substances include compounds, combinations of amorphous and crystalline
substances, kombinace amorfních a krystalických látek, clathrates, and other items.
The advantage of low-potential heat accumulation in PCM application consists in the
variability. A comparison of PCM and classical materials together with a listing of several
PCMs (] LANE, G.A. 1983, FAVIER, A. 1999) is provided in Table 1. The elementary
reference quantity is the density of accumulated energy. We assume the initial charging
temperature as T0 20 °C and the final termperature as Te 50 °C. The course of accumulator
loading with various types of filling (charge) is shown in Figure 4; a realization example of a
PCM-based accumulator is provided in Figure 5.
356 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
40 40
34 30
26 15
20 5
0:00 0:21 0:43 1:04 1:26 1:48 2:09 0:00 0:36 1:12 1:48 2:24 3:00 3:36 4:12
čas [hodiny] čas [hodiny]
40 34
34 32
26 29
20 27
0:00 0:28 0:57 1:26 1:55 2:24 2:52 0:00 0:07 0:14 0:21 0:28 0:36 0:43 0:50
čas [hodiny] čas [minuty]
owing to weak nucleation. Crystallization was initiated thanks to a solid particle of the PCM
added to the measured sample. Otherwise, the crystallization would not have occurred. The
group of materials for the encasing of hexahydrate may include plastics, mild steel or
copper; aluminium or stainless steel are not suitable.
In some cases, temperature fluctuation above Tm may occur during solidification (Figure 7).
The explanation was found in the binary diagram.
Figure 4 indicates the binary phase diagram of calcium chloride and water. The hexahydrate
contains 50,66 wt% CaCl2, and the tetrahydrate 60,63 wt%. The melting point of the
hexahydrate is 29,6 °C, with that of the tetrahydrate being 45,3 °C. The hexahydrate-α
tetrahydrate peritectic point is at 49,62 wt% CaCl2-50,38 wt% H2O, and 29,45 °C. In addition
to the stable form, there are two monotropic polymorphs of the tetrahydrate salt, β and γ.
The latter two are rarely encountered when dealing with the hexahydrate composition;
however, the α tetrahydrate is stable from its liquidus temperature, 32,78 °C, down to the
peritectic point, 29,45 °C, thus showing a span of 3,33 °C. When liquid CaCl6.6H2O is cooled
at the equilibrium, CaCl2.4H2O can begin to crystallize at 32,78 °C. When the peritectic is
reached at 29,45 °C, the tetrahydrate hydrates further to form hexahydrate, and the material
freezes. The maximum amount of tetrahydrate which can be formed is 9,45 wt%, calculated
by the lever rule. This process is reversed when solid CaCl6.6H2O is heated at the
equilibrium. At 29,45 °C the peritectic reaction occurs, forming 9,45% of CaCl2.4H2O and the
liquid of the peritectic composition. With increasing temperature, the tetrahydrate melts,
disappearing completely at 32,78 °C. Under actual freezing and melting conditions, the
equilibrium processes described above may occur only partially or not at all. Supercooling
of the tetrahydrate may lead to initial crystallization of the hexahydrate at 29,6 °C (or lower
if this phase also supercools). It is possible to conduct modification by additives. From a
number of potential candidates, Ba(OH)2, BaCO3 and Sr(OH)2 were chosen as they seemed
to be feasible. When we used Ba(OH)2 and Sr(OH)2 at 1% part by weight, there was no
supercooling. We were able to increase the stability of the equilibrium condition by adding
KCl (2 wt%) and NaCl, Figure 8. NaCl is a weak soluble in CaCl2.6H2O, therefore the part by
weight is only about 0,5%. The related disadvantage is that the melting point decreases by
ca. 3 °C at 26-27 °C.
40 40
38 38
36 36
34 34
32 32
30 30
28 28
26 26
24 24
22 22
20 20
0:00 0:15 0:31 0:47 1:03 1:19 1:35 1:50 2:06 2:22 0:00 0:11 0:23 0:34 0:46 0:57 1:09 1:20 1:32 1:43
čas [hodiny] čas [hodiny]
PVC pipe 0
CaCl2 .6H2 O
div ν = 0 (4)
For a steady state of flow there holds the continuity equation
div ρν = 0 (5)
We assume a turbulent flow
curl ν = 2 w (6)
where ω is the angular velocity of fluid. If we use the Stokes theorem, the Helmholtz
theorem for the moving particle and the continuity equation, we can formulate from the
equilibrium of forces the Navier-Stokes equation for the fluid element
∂v 1
+ ( gradv ) ⋅ v T = A − grad p + υ ⋅ Δv (7)
∂t ρ
where A is the external acceleration, υ the vector of kinematic viscosity, and (grad v) has the
dimension of tensor. In equation (7) we substitute pressure losses
⎛ f ⎞ ⎛ f ⎞
grad p = − ⎜ K x ρ vx v + ρ vx v + C x μ vx ⎟ u x − ⎜ K y ρ v y v + ρ vy v + C y μ v y ⎟ u y
⎝ Dh ⎠ ⎝ Dh ⎠
⎛ f ⎞
− ⎜ K z ρ vz v + ρ vz v + C z μ vz ⎟ u z
⎝ Dh ⎠
where K are the suppressed pressure losses, f the resistance coefficient, Dh the hydraulic
diameter of ribs, C the air permeability of system, μ the dynamic viscosity, and ux,y,z the unit
vector of the Cartesian coordinate system. The resistance coefficient is obtained from the
Boussinesq theorem
f = aRe − b (9)
360 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
where Re is Reynolds number and a, b are coefficients from [40]. The model of short
deformation field is formulated from the condition of steady-state stability, which is
∫ f dΩ + ∫ t dΓ = 0
where f are the specific forces in domain Ω, and t the pressures, tensions and shear stresses
on the interface area Γ. By means of the transformation into local coordinates, we obtain the
differential form for the static equilibrium
where div2 stands for the div operator of tensor quantity and Tv is the tensor of internal
⎡X x Xy Xz⎤
⎢ ⎥
Tv = ⎢ Yx Yy Yz ⎥ (12)
⎢Zx Zy Z z ⎥⎦
where X, Y, Z are the stress components which act on elements of the area. It is possible to
add a form of specific force from (4)-(7) to the condition of static equilibrium. The form of
specific force is obtained by means of an external acceleration A, on the condition that
pressure losses and shear stresses τ are given as
⎛ ∂v
⎞ s
where F1 are the discrete forces and div2 is the divergence operator of tensor. The model
which covers the forces, viscosity, and pressure losses is
⎛∂v ⎞ s
ρ⎜ + ⋅( grad v ) ⋅ vT ⎟ − ρ A − ∑ Fl + grad p − μ ⋅ Δ v = 0 (14)
⎝ ∂t ⎠ l =1
We can prepare the discretization of equation (7) by means of the approximation of velocity
v and acceleration a (Behunek I, Fiala P. Jun 2007). On the interface there are defined
boundary and initial conditions. Initial and boundary conditions can be written; the initial
temperature of the air is 50 °C, the initial velocity of the air is 0,4 m.s-1, the outlet pressure is
101,3 kPa + 10 Pa, and the initial temperature of the air inside the accumulator, PVC and
CaCl2.6H2O is 20 °C. There are the distribution of velocity values indicated in figures 11, 12,
and other results for the distribution of turbulent kinetic energy, dissipation, temperature
and pressure follow on Figures 13. Calculation of the thermal model (finite element methode
(FEM), finite volume methode (FVM), Ansys User’s Manual) was realized under the same
conditions as the previous turbulence model.
Figure 13 shows the time dependence of temperature in CaCl2.6H2O in the pipe marked
with a black cross (Figure 11). We can compare the result of the numerical simulation with
the measurement. Differences between the simulation and the measurement are caused by
the inaccuracy of the model with respect to reality.
Properties and Numerical Modeling-Simulation of Phase Changes Material 361
Fig. 14. Example of a processor cooler with a phase change material)
362 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
We used tabular values of pure CaCl2.6H2O; howerer, the pipes contain modified hexahydrate
with 1,2% of BaCO3.
3. Cooling system
The PCM may be used for active or passive electronic cooling applications with high power
at the package level (see Figure 14).
3.1 Analytical description and solution of heat transfer and phase change
We analyze the problem of heat transfer in a 1D body during the melting and freezing
process with an external heat flux or heat convection, which is given by boundary
conditions. The solution of this problem is known for the solidification of metals. We tried to
apply this theory to the melting of crystalline salts. The 1D body could be a semifinite plane,
cylinder or sphere. As the solid and the liquid part of PCM have different temperatures,
there occurs heat transfer on the interface. According to Fig. 16, the origin of x is the axis of
pipe, centre of sphere, or the origin of plate. Liquid starts to solidify if the surface is cooled
by the flowing fluid (Tw < Tm). The equation describing the solid state is
∂Ts as ∂ ⎛ n ∂Ts ⎞
= n ⎜x ⎟ (15)
∂t x ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠
where for the plate n = 0, cylinder n = 1 and sphere n = 2; as is the thermal diffusion
coefficient in the solid state. For x = x0 we can assume the following boundary conditions:
constant temperature
T = Tw (16)
λs = −q w (17)
or for convective cooling
λs = = −k (T − Tb ) (18)
where qw is the specific heat flux and λs is the thermal conductivity coefficient. Initial
condition (t = 0) for (24) is
Ts (0) = T0 . (19)
For the interface between the solid and the liquid we obtain
ds ∂T
ρ s Δhm = λs s + α (Tm − T0 ). (20)
dt ∂x
The analytical solution is exact but we consider several simplifying assumptions. The most
important of these is that we can solve the solidification of PCM only in a one-dimensional
Properties and Numerical Modeling-Simulation of Phase Changes Material 363
Ts (x,t)
s (x,t)
Fig. 15. Heat transfer on the interface between the solid and the liquid parts
s (x,t) ds
x ∞
The evolved latent heat during the interface motion (the thickness of volume element ds,
area 1 m2, time 1 s) is
dQΔhm = Δhm ρ l 1 (22)
Position of the interface is a function of time
s = s(t ) = 2ε as t , (23)
This dependence is called the parabolic law of solidification, where ε is the root of equation
describing the freezing. The boundary and initial condition for the phase change is
⎛ ∂Ts ⎞ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ds
λs ⎜ ⎟ = λl ⎜ l ⎟ + Δhm ρ l (24)
⎝ ∂x ⎠ x = s ⎝ ∂x ⎠ x = s dt
x = 0 ∧ t ≥ 0 ⇒ T p = Ts ( x = 0) = 0 °C (26)
If we solve the Fourier relations of heat conduction under the above-given conditions for the
solid and the liquid, we get the equations below which allow for the calculation of
temperatures in the solid, liquid PCMs as well as the location of interface. The results are
shown in Figure 17, (Behunek I & Fiala P. Jun 2007).
CaCl2 ∙6H2
Na2 HPO4 ∙12H2
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
time (s)
Fig. 17. Position between the solid and the liquid PCM
Properties and Numerical Modeling-Simulation of Phase Changes Material 365
Гair n
ГCu y x
Fig. 18. Geometric model of a Cu-cooler with PCM elements
366 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
air fan
T 0,air
0 °C
a ir ,air =
, v0
flo w 0 .1
PCM enclosure
T0,PCM = 20 °C
copper cooler
T0,Cu = 50 °C
Fig. 19. Geometric model of a Cu-cooler with the mesh of elements
Fig. 20. The distribution of air velocity module
Properties and Numerical Modeling-Simulation of Phase Changes Material 367
temperature [°C]
0:00 0:19 0:38 0:57 1:17 1:36 1:55 2:15 2:34 2:53 3:13 3:32 3:51
time [hours]
measuring simulation
Fig. 23. The basic scheme of the reactor
T (K)
Vapour phase
Liquid phase
t (s)
Fig. 24. The phase-change characteristics of water
described separators may utilize classical properties of H2O and oil (the mechanical – fluid
separation); alternatively, the access of heating or, for example, microwave heating may be
applied. In order to use this variant, however, we need to know the process of the material
phase change- H2O to vapour (steam), and the related diversion of the vapour from the
separator. Here, the numerical model proved to be superior to all experiments as it enabled
us to examine the details of behaviour and states within individual operating modes of the
separator. By means of this method, it is possible to model various states of the emulsion as
well as fault conditions in the apparatus; thus, we may identify critical sections of the
separator design and perform sensitivity analysis of the system. The reactor exploiting
active porous substances was designed to enable oil preparation. The reactor is fed with an
industrially produced mixture of oil and water; the desired reaction proceeds in the ceramic
porous material. To achieve the desired reaction condition, it is necessary to heat the
material and, simultaneously, remove the products of the reaction. After the reaction of
water, further heating is undesirable with respect to side reactions. Considering the above
mentioned requirements, microwave heating was chosen. The microwave heating effect is
selective for the reaction of water. The designed reactor operates at the frequency of
f = 2.4 GHz, with the magnetron output power of P=800W. This allows selective heating in
the active porous material of the chamber. The basic scheme of the reactor is shown in
Figure 23.
∂B ∂D
∇ ×E = - , ∇ × H = σ E+ + J s , ∇ ⋅ D = ρ ,∇ ⋅ B = 0 in region Ω. (27)
∂t ∂t
where E and H are the electrical field intensity vector and the magnetic field intensity vector,
D a B are the electrical field density vector and the magnetic flux density vector, J is the
current density vector of the sources, ρ is the electric charge density, σ is the electric
conductivity of the material, and Ω is the definition area of the model. The model is given in
manual (Ansys User’s Manual). The set of equations (27) is independent of time and gives E.
For the transient vector E we can write
{ }
E = Re Ee jωt . (28)
The results were obtained by the solution of the non-linear thermal model with phase
change of the medium. The phase change occurs via the phase conversion of water to steam.
Figure 28 shows the phase-change time characteristic of water. The thermal model is based
on the first thermodynamic law
⎛ ∂T ⎞
q + ρ c v⋅ divT − div ( k gradT ) = ρ c ⎜ ⎟ , (29)
⎝ ∂t ⎠
where q is the specific heat, ρ is the specific weight, c is the specific heat capacity, T is the
temperature, t is the time, k is the thermal conductivity coefficient, v is the medium flow
velocity. If we consider the Snell’s principle, the model can be simplified as
370 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
⎛ ∂T ⎞
q − div ( k gradT ) = ρ c ⎜ ⎟ (30)
⎝ ∂t ⎠
The solution was obtained by the help of the ANSYS solver. The iteration algorithm
(FEM/FVM) was realized using the APDL language as the main program. The simplified
description of the algorithm is shown in Figure 25.
t=0; 300 K
HF 120, solution
if +
q =0
e Δq=30MJ/m3
ΔTe > 60D
if + Qe
Δq e (T ) ≥ 30 MJ / m3 qei = t(s)
Output: T,Q,…,PRe, Pdiel
heat. The non-linear thermal model including the phase change solves the temperature
distribution. The analysis was performed for the time interval t∈<0,300> s and the results
were experimentally verified. The simulated results were found to correspond to measured
values. A middle electrode was used in the model. The purpose of the middle electrode was
to ensure the homogenous distribution of electromagnetic power and, subsequently, to
increase the reaction efficiency.
Presure spring
Electric conductive
Fig. 27. The distribution of the electric field intensity vector module E
Thesic geometrical model of a separator is shown in Figure. 26; in Figures 26 and 27 we can
see the distribution of the electric field vector modules with intensities E as well as the heat
generated through the Joule loss in material Wjh,. Figure 29 shows heating Θ [°C]. In Figure
26, for the given instant of time, the distribution of elements is shown in which phase
372 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
change occurred, namely exsiccation and separation of the water from the oil. t=10.8 s, with
the magnetron output of P=800W and frequency f=2.4GHz. Figure 31 shows the distribution
of temperature rise in the process of exsiccation; here, the indicated aspects include the heat
generated through the Joule loss in the material and through dielectric heating for the
instant of time t=3.6 s. The distribution of temperature was, for the individual instants,
compared with the laboratory measurement.
Fig. 28. The distribution module of the Joule heat module Wjh
Exsiccated elements
Real (Joule)
Fig. 31. The emulsion exsiccation process depending on time; emulsion heating generated by
the dielectric and Joule losses; the distribution of temperature rise in the PCM model
374 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
6. Acknowledgement
The research described in the paper was financially supported by the FRVS grant, research
plan No MSM 0021630516, No MSM 0021630513.
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376 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
1. Introduction
Throughout the manufacturing industry, casting process simulation has been widely
accepted as an important tool in product design and process development to improve yield
and casting quality. Casting simulation requires high-quality information concerning
thermo-physical and physical properties during solidification. Some properties have been
measured for specific alloys, but the number of alloys for which information is available is
limited. Furthermore, the information may be incomplete in the sense that not all properties
have been measured and sometimes, disparate information from a variety of sources is used
to build up the database for one specific alloy. To overcome the lack of data and achieve a
better understanding of how changes in composition within a specification range of an alloy
may affect solidification properties, it is highly desirable to develop experimental techniques
or computer models for calculation of the thermo-physical and physical properties of multi-
component alloys for the process of reliable solidification (Guo et al., 2005).
The computer simulation of cooling patterns in castings has done much to broaden our
understanding of casting and mold system design. The structural integrity of shaped
castings is closely related to the time–temperature history during solidification, and the use
of casting simulation could do much to increase this knowledge in the foundry industry.
(Ferreira et al., 2005).
The ability of heat to flow across the casting and through the interface from the casting to
the mold directly affects the evolution of solidification and plays a notable role in
determining the freezing conditions within the casting, mainly in foundry systems of high
thermal diffusivity such as chill castings. Gravity or pressure die castings, continuous
casting and squeeze castings are some of the processes where the product’s soundness is
more directly affected by heat transfer at the metal/mold interface (Ferreira et al., 2005).
According to the authors Atwood and Lee (Atwood & Lee, 2003), the mechanical properties
of metal products depend upon the phenomena occurring during production. Defects
formed during each stage of production can persist or modify the behavior of the metal
during subsequent processing steps. Therefore, ensuring that an appropriate microstructure
is formed at each stage with minimal defects has always been a focus in the study of metal
production. In aluminum alloy shape castings, the final microstructure is directly dependent
upon the as-cast microstructure since the only post-casting processing is normally a heat
treatment. One microstructural feature that can affect the final properties of aluminum alloy
378 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
shape castings is microporosity, formed due to the combined effects of volumetric shrinkage
upon solidification. Developing a model to predict the formation of microporosity in
solidifying metal castings is one way of helping. Porosity in castings is a defect that results
from the interaction of a number of processes: volume change, nucleation and growth of the
solid phase, diffusion of dissolved species, and the interaction of interphase surfacial.
Although some of these individual processes may be treated analytically, combining the
processes into a predictive tool requires the numerical calculation power that has only
become available over the last few decades due to the development of digital computers
The use of multivariate experimental design techniques is becoming increasingly
widespread in analytical chemistry. Multivariate experimental design techniques, which
permit the simultaneous optimization of several control variables, are faster to implement
and more cost-effective than traditional univariate (one at a time) approaches (Khajeh, 2009).
One of the most popular multivariate design techniques is two level full/fractional factorial,
in which every factor is experimentally studied at only two levels. Due to their simplicity
and relatively low cost, full factorial design techniques are very useful for preliminary
studies or in the initial steps of an optimization, while fractional factorial designs are almost
mandatory when the problem involves a large number of factors (Khajeh, 2009). On the
other hand, since only two levels are used, the models that may be fit to these designs are
somewhat restricted. If a more sophisticated model is needed, as for the location of an
optimum set of experimental conditions, then one must resort to augment response surface
designs, which employ more than two factor levels. Among these, Box–Behnken is a second-
order multivariate design technique based on three-level incomplete factorial designs that
received widespread application for evaluation of critical experimental conditions, that is,
maximum or minimum of response functions (Khajeh, 2009).
Experimental design is a systematic, rigorous approach to engineering problem solving that
applies principles and techniques at the data collection stage so as to ensure the generation
of valid, precise, and accurate engineering conclusions (Xiao & Vien, 2004). It is a very
economic way of extracting the maximum amount of complex information and saving a
significant experimental time and the material used for analyses and personal costs as well
(Kincl et al., 2005). Different experimental designs are used for different objectives. For
example, randomized block designs can be used to compare data sets, full or fractional
factorial design can be used for screening relevant factors (Xiao & Vien, 2004).
The design of mixture experiments configures a special case in response to surface
methodologies using mathematical and statistical techniques, with important applications
not only in new products design and development, but also in the improvement of the
design of existing products. In short, the methodology consists firstly to select the
appropriate mixtures from which the response surface might be calculated; having the
response surface, a prediction of the property value can be obtained for any design, from the
changes in the proportions of its components (Aslan, 2007). The other important issue is for
engineering experimenters who wish to find the concentration conditions under which a
certain process attains the optimal results. That is, they want to determine the levels of the
operational factors at which the response reaches its optimum. The optimum could be either
a maximum or a minimum of a function of the design parameters (Aslan, 2007). Factorial
design is a useful tool in order to characterize multivariable processes. It gives the
possibility to analyze the important influent factors of the process, and to identify any
possible interactions among them.
Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial
Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold 379
( )= + + (1)
where ρ is density [kgm-3]; c is specific heat [J kg-1 K-1]; k is thermal conductivity [Wm-1K-1];
∂T/∂t is cooling rate [K s-1], T is temperature [K], t is time [s], x and y are space coordinates
[m] and represents the term associated to the latent heat release due to the phase change.
In this equation, it was assumed that the thermal conductivity, density, and specific heat
vary with temperature. In the current system, no external heat source was applied and the
only heat generation was due to the latent heat of solidification, L (J/kg) or ΔH (J/kg). is
proportional to the changing rate of the solidified fraction, fs, as follow (Ferreira et al, 2005;
Santos et al, 2005; Shi & Guo, 2004).
=∆ = = (2)
Therefore, Eq. (2) is actually dependent on two factors: temperature and solid fraction. The
solid fraction can be a function of a number of solidification variables. But in many systems,
especially when undercooling is small, the solid fraction may be assumed as being
dependent on temperature only. Different forms have been proposed to the relationship
between the solid fraction and the temperature. One of the simple forms is a linear
relationship (Shi & Guo, 2004; Pericleous et al., 2006):
= ( )/( ) (3)
where and are, respectively, the liquid and solid temperature (K). Another relation is
the widely used Scheil relationship, which assumes uniform solute concentration in the
liquid but no diffusion in the solid (Shi & Guo, 2004):
=1 (4)
Considering c´, as pseudo specific heat, as = and combining Eqs. (1) and (2), one
obtains (Shi & Guo, 2004 ; Radovic & Lalovic, 2005):
( )
= ( ) (6)
= ( ) (7)
Here h is the heat transfer coefficient for air convection and To is the external temperature.
= + + + + (9)
where x1, x2,…,xk are the input factors which influence the response y; βo, βii (i=1, 2,…,m), βij
(i=1, 2,…,m; j=1,2,…,m) are unknown parameters and ε is a random error. The β coefficients,
which should be determined in the second-order model, are obtained by the least square
Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial
Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold 381
The model based on Eq. (9), if m=3 (three variables) this equation is of the following form:
= + + + + + + + +
+ + (10)
where y is the predicted response, βo model constant; x1, x2 and x3 independent variables; β1,
β2 and β3 are linear coefficients; β12, β13 and β23 are cross product coefficients and β11, β22 and
β33 are the quadratic coefficients (Kwak, 2005).
In general Eq. (9) can be written in matrix form (Aslan, 2007).
Y = bX + ε (11)
where Y is defined to be a matrix of measured values, X to be a matrix of independent
variables. The matrixes b and ε consist of coefficients and errors, respectively. The solution
of Eq. (11) can be obtained by the matrix approach (Kwak, 2005; Gunaraj & Murugan, 1999).
b = (X‘X)-1X‘Y (12)
where X’ is the transpose of the matrix X and (X’X)-1 is the inverse of the matrix X’X.
The objective of this work was to study the solidification process of the alloy Cu-5 wt %Zn
during 1.5 h of cooling. It was optimized through the factorial design in three levels, where
the considered parameters were: temperature of the mold, the convection in the external
mold and the generation of heat during the phase change. The temperature of the mold was
initially fixed in 298, 343 and 423 K, as well as the loss of heat by convection on the external
mold was fixed in 5, 70 and 150 W/m2.K. For the generation of heat, three models of the
solid fraction were considered: the linear relationship, Scheil´s equation and the equation
proposed by Radovic and Lalovic (Radovic & Lalovic, 2005). As result, the transfer of heat,
thermal gradient, flow of heat in the system and the cooling curves in different points of the
system were simulated. Also, a mathematical model of optimization was proposed and
finally an analysis by the factorial design of the considered parameters was made.
(a) (b)
g. 1. The cast partt and mold in (a) three dimensiona
al and (b) bi dimeensional
g. 2. (a) Enthalpy and phase diagraam of Cu-5 wt %Z
Zn alloy and (b) p
phase diagram off Cu-
wt%Zn alloy (Therrmo-calc software, 2010)
funnctions. Independents variables (factors)
( and theiir coded/actual llevels considered d were
thee mold temperatu ure (x1), the conveection phenomen non (x2) and the mmathematical mod del (x3)
of the latent heat release, (Z) rep presents the resu ult of the temperature after 1.55 h of
sollidification. The factorial
f design iss shown in Tablee 1. For this desig
gn type a nomencclature
waas adopted, wherre for the inferio or state of the variable
v it was deenoted by (-1), for
f the
inttermediate state by
b (0) and for the superior state byy (+1).
Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial
Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold 383
x1 x2 x3 Z - Temperature after
Mold Convection Mathematic 1.5 h of solidification
Temperature phenomenon (hf) model (K)
-1 298 K 5 W/m2K A
0 343 K 70 W/m2K B
+1 423 K 150 W/m2K C
1 -1 -1 -1 806.799
2 -1 -1 0 775.945
3 -1 -1 +1 862.902
4 -1 0 -1 800.301
5 -1 0 0 769.408
6 -1 0 +1 855.752
7 -1 +1 -1 798.197
8 -1 +1 0 767.562
9 -1 +1 +1 854.967
10 0 -1 -1 840.174
11 0 -1 0 809.199
12 0 -1 +1 897.176
13 0 0 -1 833.699
14 0 0 0 802.835
15 0 0 +1 890.279
16 0 +1 -1 832.200
17 0 +1 0 801.430
18 0 +1 +1 890.110
19 +1 -1 -1 899.860
20 +1 -1 0 868.171
21 +1 -1 +1 958.587
22 +1 0 -1 893.996
23 +1 0 0 862.277
24 +1 0 +1 953.026
25 +1 +1 -1 893.136
26 +1 +1 0 861.015
27 +1 +1 +1 952.674
The initial and boundary conditions were applied to geometry of Figure 1 according to
Table 1. The boundary condition was the convection phenomenon and this phenomenon
was applied to the outside walls of the sand mold, as shown in Table 1. The convection
transfer coefficient at the mold wall was considered constant in this work, due to lack of
experimental data. The effects of the refractory paint and of the gassaging process were not
taken into consideration either. The final step consisted in solving the problem of heat
transfer of the mold/cast metal system using equation (6), in applied boundary condition
and in controlling the convergence condition. Heat transfer is analyzed in 2-D form, as well
as the heat flux, the thermal gradient, and in addition, the thermal history for some points in
the cast metal and in the mold is discussed.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Temperature distribution in (a) sand mold system, (b) cast metal (line 9 of Table 1)
The condition mentioned on line 9 of Table 1 was chosen to present heat transfer results,
where the temperature field is shown in Figure 3(a) in all the system mold and in the cast
metal (Figure 3(b)). This last case can be visualized in more detail in part (b), where an
almost uniform temperature is observed. In the geometric structure of the mold there is a
core constituted of sand that is represented by a white circle in Figure 3(b), which can be
verified also in Figure 1(a). In Figure 4 the results of the thermal gradient and the thermal
flux are shown, where the thermal gradient goes from the cold zone to the hot zone. On the
other hand, the thermal flux goes from the hot zone to the cold zone. Also the convergence
of the solution was studied; this point is discussed in more detail by Houzeaux and Codina
(Houzeaux & Codina, 2004).
Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial
Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold 385
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) Thermal gradient (K/m) in vector form and (b) Heat flux (W/m2) in vector form
(line 9 of Table 1)
In order to simulate the cooling curves, two points were considered, as shown in Figure 5:
one located in the core (point 2) and the other in the metal (point 1). The three forms of
latent heat release were applied into the mathematical model and the resulting thermal
profiles were compared.
2 1
(a) (b)
g. 6. Thermal proffiles for the moldd/metal system co oncerning conditiion 7, 8 and 9 of Table
1. (a)
( Inside of the cast
c – point 1, (b)IInside of the mold
d – point 2
A three level Box--Behnken desig (Aslan,
( 2007; Patterakis et al., 20002; Montgomery,, 1999;
Yeetilmezsoy et al., 2009) was used to determine thee responses of th he three variabless x1, x2
and x3, based in Taable 1. The resullt of this analysiss is shown in th he Pareto’s diagraam of
gure 7. In this fig
gure the estimated d valor of the ressult Z is presenteed with the signifficance
vel (p) of 95%, shoowing the variab bles with and with hout significant innfluences. The no
adopted for this an nalysis was, “L” means
m linear, “Q”” means quadratiic. For example, “(1)”
“ is
thee main effect of the first factor and “2L by 3Q Q” means the lin near interaction of the
parameter 2 (conveection phenomen non) with the qua adratic effect of p
parameter 3 (latennt heat
rellease form).
In Figure 7, two sig gnificant influencces were found: x1 (mold temperaature) with linearr effect
and x3 (mathematiical model) with h linear and qua adratic effects. T
The other effect of the
inddependent variab bles and interacttions are negligib ble in this figuree. To clarify morre this
analysis, other typee of standard graaph was accompllished, and it is shown in Figure 8. 8 This
nite Element Method ds to Optimize by Factorial
esign the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy
A in a Sand Mold
d 387
= 46.4582 + 26
6.1532x + 0.427
73x + 0.7476x (15)
= 3.9348 + 0.4273
0 + 5.0972
2 + 0.1988 (16)
= 28.3638 + 0.7
7476 + 0.1988 + 118.4464 (17)
g. 8. Curve of stan
ndardized effectss of the factorial design
he critical point in
n the surface ressponse are found
d by solving these equation system
ms for
thee condition of = 0, = 0 and
d = 0. This criterion of soluttion was based on
o the
reccommendations of o the authors Maartendal et al. (M Martendal el al., 2007) and the calcculated
values for the criticcal point are: x1=-1.7850
= K, x2= 0.9306 W/m2.K, x3=-0.2298 mathem matical
mo odel.
Annalyzing this resuult, we know thatt the variables x1, x2 and x3 must taake values -1 or 0 or +1,
acccording to the crriteria adopted in n factorial designn. Because the caalculated values should
approach to these values
v adopted, but
b it can be obserrved that some so olutions of x1, x2 and x3
aree a bit different of these values adopted, this is possible by sim mplifying consideered in
equuation (13). Thenn according to th hese consideration ns, the approxim mations must be in n such
forrm, where x1 =-11.7850 ≈-1 (mold temperature, in environment), x2 = 0.9306 ≈ + 1 (latent
heat release, 150 W/ /m2.K) and x3 =-00.2298 ≈ 0 (matheematic model, Sch heil relationship)..
Thhe values of x1 =-11, x2 = + 1 and x3 = 0 in Table 1 corresponds to the line 8, that meaans Z -
mperature after 1.5h
1 of solidificatiion that is 767.562
2 K, justly this vaalue correspondss to the
miinimum temperatture of factorial design.
d This soluttion proved the v validity of the mo odeling
forr the optimizationn process of the casting
c by factoriial design, despitte that this prove of the
mo odeling representts a proof trivial.. Also this result is to agree with the result obtain ned by
nite elements, see Figure 6.
Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial
Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold 389
Fig. 9. Response surface plots showing the effect of the (a) x2 and x3 factors, x1 was held at
zero level, (b) x1 e x3 factors, x2 was held at zero level and (c) x1 and x2 factors, x3 was held at
zero level
390 Convection and Conduction Heat Transfer
While a quantitative analysis of equation (14) was made, will soon be made a qualitative
analysis of equation (13) by means of graphic representation of this equation and this
discussion will be confronted with factorial design of the solidification process parameters
(Table 1) and Figure 8. Figure 9 presents the response surface plots (Aslan, 2007; Paterakis et
al., 2002), obtained from equation (13), that describe the influence of the factors on the
overall desirability, Figure 9(a) shows the 3D response surface relationship between
convection phenomenon (x2) and latent heat release form (x3) at zero level of mold
temperature (x1). Note that, for a given value of x2, as the x3 increases and the Z decreases
until a minimum value for the interval of x3 between -0.8 and 0.2. After this minimum point,
Z changes its behavior and start to increase as the x3 increases reaching the highest value of
897.176, as can be seen in Table 1. For a given value of x3, it can be observed that Z profile is
almost constant in relation to x2 increase. Another way to visualize Z variation is to project Z
on the x2 and x3 plane, in terms of color band. The region limited by the white points on this
curve represents the Z confidence interval. For other levels of x1, the surface graph behavior
has the same characteristic as previously mentioned.
Figure 9(b) shows the effect of mold temperature (x1) and latent heat release form (x3) at zero
level of convection phenomenon (x2). In this case, x1 e x3 generated a complex surface of
paraboloid type. According to the surface projection Z on the x1 and x3 plane, for a given x3
value, it can be observed that the variation of Z is linear in relation to x1 and this fact can be
confirmed by the point x1(L) mentioned at the graph of Figure 8. On the other hand, the
same cannot be affirmed in relation to x3, if the same analysis is done.
For a given value of x1, the variation of Z is parabolic in relation to x3 and this fact can be
observed by the points x3(L) and x3(Q) mentioned at the graph of Figure 8. Note that, for a
given value of x1, as the x3 increases and the Z increases reaching the highest value of
953.026, as can be seen in Table 1.
Figure 9(c) shows the effect of mold temperature (x1) and convection phenomenon (x2) at
zero level of latent heat release (x3). Note that, as the x1 factor increases, the Z increases. But,
for a given value of x1, it is observed that for every x2 value, Z is almost constant. As a result,
the surface geometry is not a complex one, if we compare to the surface geometry of Figure
In this type of analysis, one can realize that the parameters x1 and x3 had variations more
accentuated than the parameter x2. This behavior is also verified in Figures 7 and 8. Note
that, for a given value of x1, as the x2 increases and the Z increases reaching the highest
value of 868.171, as can be seen in Table 1.
Three level Box-Behnken design referred to Table 1 showed as results Pareto's diagram of
Figure 7 and curve of standardized effect of the factorial design of Figure 8. According to
these results was estimated a mathematic model for Z (represents the result of the
temperature after 1.5 h of solidification) based in equation (9) and through the process of
maximizing and minimizing of this model was found the optimal values of x1, x2 and x3. It
was also shown the graphical interpretation of equation (13) so qualitatively and this
interpretation this related to factorial design of the solidification process parameters (Table
1). Consequently it was shown that three level Box-Behnken is a very powerful tool to
optimize and predict results in quantitative and qualitative way. This tool can be used in
research, optimization and prediction of industrial processes, saving manpower, material
and time in order to improve cost and quality of the product.
Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial
Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold 391
This work has done the numerical simulation by finite element method to the copper alloy
solidification in sand mold and also this simulation was accompanied with the process of
optimization of solidification parameters. This type of study accompanied with the cellular
automata or cellular automaton can help minimize the defects generated during
solidification. One microstructural feature that can affect the final properties of copper alloy
shape castings is microporosity, formed due to the combined effects of volumetric shrinkage
upon solidification. Porosity in castings is a defect that results from the interaction of a
number of processes: volume change, nucleation and growth of the solid phase, diffusion of
dissolved species, and the interaction of interphase surfaces. Although some of these
individual processes may be treated analytically, combining the processes into a predictive
tool requires the numerical calculation power that has only become available over the last
few decades due to the development of digital computers.
4. Conclusion
In this study, a three-level Box-Behnken factorial design in qualitative form and combining
with a response surface methodology was employed for modeling and optimizing three
operations parameters of the casting process. According to this study, it was observed when
the parameters of the solidification process are in the following state, such as, mold
temperature in the environment, convection phenomenon in its fullest expression and the
latent heat release to the model Sheil shows a minimum temperature after 1.5 h of
solidification. Also this result was verified by finite element method. The factorial design
method is a useful tool to determine what factors are crucial in the solidification process and
thus, a special care needs to be taken during the project elaboration of the casting. Also this
optimization tool can be used in other research areas, optimizing and predicting industrial
processes, saving manpower, material and time in order to improve cost and quality of the
5. Acknowledgment
The authors acknowledge financial support provided by CNPq (The Brazilian Research
Council) and Araucária Foundation (AF).
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