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of the Islamic Creed


Prepared and translated by

Department of Foreigners’ Awareness at Az-Zulfy
‫إعداد وترجمت‬
‫المكتب التعاوني للدعىة واإلرشاد وتىعيت الجالياث بالزلفي‬

‫بالتعاون مع‬
‫أصىل العقًدة‬
‫أعده وترمجه لالجنلًزية‪:‬‬
‫المكتب التعاوني للدعوة واإلرشاد وتوعية الجاليات بالزلفي‬
‫الطبعة األوىل‪7441 / 4 :‬‬

‫ح شعبت تىعيت الجالياث بالزلفي‪ 7341 ،‬هـ‬

‫فهرست مكتبت الملك فهد الىطنيت أثناء النشر‬

‫شعبت تىعيت الجالياث بالزلفي‬

‫أصىل العقيدة ‪ /‬انجليزي‪ / .‬شعبت تىعيت الجالياث بالزلفي‪-.‬‬
‫الزلفي ‪ 7341 ،‬هـ‬
‫‪..‬ص ؛ ‪ ..‬سم‬

‫ردمك‪3 :‬ـ‪69‬ـ‪3174‬ـ‪614‬ـ‪913‬‬

‫أ‪.‬العنىان‬ ‫‪ -7‬العقيدة اإلسالميت‬

‫‪7341 / 0133‬‬ ‫ديىي ‪031‬‬

‫رقم اإليداع‪7341 / 0133 :‬‬

‫ردمك‪3 :‬ـ‪69‬ـ‪3174‬ـ‪614‬ـ‪913‬‬

‫‪All rights reserved except for those intending to publish and‬‬

‫‪distribute the book free of charge.‬‬
Islamic Creed 3

Tawheed and its kinds

Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) is to single out

Allah the Almighty alone by that which
exclusively belongs to Him, and in all types of
acts of worship due to Him. It is the greatest
obligation Allah has imposed as He said,

]1:‫[اإلخالص‬  ٌ‫ ُق ْل ُه َو اهللُ َأ َحد‬

“Say: He is Allah, the One!” [Al-Ikhlas: 1]
The Almighty said,

]89 :‫[الذاريات‬ ِ ُ‫اإلك َس إِ ََّّل لِ َق ْع ُبد‬

 ‫ون‬ ِْ ‫ت‬
ِ ْ ‫اْل َّن َو‬ ُ ‫ َو َما َخ َؾ ْؼ‬.

“And I did not create the jinn and humankind

except to worship Me.” [Adh-Dhariyat: 56]

]69 :‫[ الـساء‬  ‫ُْشكُوا بِ ِه َص ْق ًئا‬

ِ ْ ‫اظ ُبدُ وا اهللَ َوَّل ت‬
ْ ‫ َو‬.

“Worship Allah and associate nothing with

Him.” [An-Nisa: 36]
4 Islamic Creed

Tawheed is of three kinds: Tawheed Ar-

Ruboobiyyah, Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah and
Tawheed Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat.

First: Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah

It is to single out Allah the Almighty alone for
the act of creating, managing and directing this
universe and for being the Sustainer and
Bestower of life and death. To Him belongs the
sovereignty of the heavens and earth. He – the
Most High – said,

ِ ‫الس ََم ِء َو ْاْلَ ْر‬

‫ض َّل إِ َل َه إِ ََّّل ُه َو‬ ِ ِ ِ
َّ ‫ َه ْل م ْن َخال ٍق غَ ْ ُر اهلل َي ْرزُ ُقؽ ُْم م َن‬
] 6:‫[فاضر‬ َ ‫َف َلكـَّى ت ُْم َفؽ‬
 ‫ُون‬

“Is there any creator other than Allah who

provides for you from the sky and the earth?
There is no deity worthy of worship save Him.
So how are you deluded?” [Fatir: 3]
Allah the Most Perfect also said,

] 1 :‫[ ادؾك‬  ‫َش ٍء َق ِد ٌير‬ ِِ ِ

ْ َ ‫ َت َب َار َك ا َّلذي بِ َقده ا ُد ْؾ ُك َو ُه َو َظ َذ ك ُِّل‬
Islamic Creed 5

“Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the

Sovereignty, and He is Able to do all things.”
[Al-Mulk: 1].

Allah's Sovereignty is an all-encompassing one,

which includes everything in the universe, and
He conducts it as He wishes.
Concerning the affirmation that to Allah alone
belongs the act of managing and directing, Allah
the Almighty, indeed, exclusively and solely
controls the affairs of the creation as He said,
]87: ‫[اْلظراف‬ َ ‫اخل ْؾ ُق َو ْاْلَ ْم ُر َت َب َار َك اهللُ َر ُّب ا ْل َعا َد‬
‫ي‬ َ ‫ َأَّل َل ُه‬.

“Verily, His is the creation and the

command.” [Al-A'raaf: 54]
This is a comprehensive management of all of

Only very few stubborn human beings have

denied this kind of tawheed. Although they deny
it in appearence, they inwardly acknowledge it.
Allah the Most High has said,

]17 : ‫[الـؿل‬  ‫ َو َج َحدُ وا ِ َِبا َو ْاش َت ْق َؼـَت َْفا َأ ْك ُػ ُس ُف ْم ُط ْؾ ًَم َو ُظ ُؾوا‬

6 Islamic Creed

“And they denied them, though their souls

acknowledged them, for spite and arrogance.”
[An-Naml: 14]

However, ordinary oral acknowledgement of this

kind of tawheed will not profit one, because it
was of no benefit to the polytheists when they
merely acknowledged it. Allah said regarding
ِ ‫ و َلئِن ش َل ْلت َُفم من َخ َؾ َق السَمو‬
َّ ‫ات َو ْاْلَ ْر َض َو َش َّخ َر‬
‫الش ْؿ َس‬ َ َ َّ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ
]91:‫[العـؽبوت‬ َ ‫َوا ْل َؼ َؿ َر َل َق ُؼو ُل َّن اهللُ َف َلكَّى ُي ْم َفؽ‬
 ‫ُون‬

“And if you were to ask them: Who created

the heavens and the earth, and subjected the
sun and the moon? They would say: Allah.
How then are they turned away?” [Al-
'Ankabut: 61]
Islamic Creed 7

Secondly: Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah

This is to single out Allah, the Glorified and

Exalted, in all kinds of worship by not
associating anyone with Him in worship. This is
the most important kind of Tawheed. It is the
kind of Tawheed for which Allah has created the
creatures as He said,

]89 :‫[الذاريات‬ ِ ُ‫اإلك َس إِ ََّّل لِ َق ْع ُبد‬

 ‫ون‬ ِْ ‫ت‬
ِ ْ ‫اْل َّن َو‬ ُ ‫ َو َما َخ َؾ ْؼ‬

“I created the jinn and humankind only that

they might worship Me.” [Adh-Dhariyaat: 56]

This is the Tawheed with which Allah has sent

the messengers and revealed the Divine Books,
as He said,

‫ُوحي إِ َل ْق ِه َأ َّك ُه َّل إِ َل َه إِ ََّّل َأكَا‬

ِ ‫ول إِ ََّّل ك‬
ٍ ‫ َوما َأرش ْؾـَا ِم ْن َق ْبؾِ َك ِم ْن رش‬
ُ َ َ ْ َ
ِ ُ‫اظ ُبد‬
.]58:‫ [اَّلكبقاء‬ ‫ون‬ ْ ‫َف‬

“And We sent no messenger before you but

We revealed to him, (saying): There is no
deity worthy of worship save Me (Allah), so
worship Me.” [Al-Anbiyaa: 25]
8 Islamic Creed

This is the kind of Tawheed denied by the

polytheists when the messengers invited them to
it. Allah the Almighty said,

َ ‫ َقا ُلوا َأ ِج ْئ َتـَا لِ َـ ْع ُبدَ اهللَ َو ْحدَ ُه َوك ََذ َر َما ك‬
 ‫َان َي ْع ُبدُ آ َباؤُ كَا‬

“They said: Have you come unto us that we

should worship Allah alone, and forsake what
our fathers worshipped?” [Al-A'raaf: 70]

Hence, it is not right to direct any kind of

worship to objects besides Allah, neither to an
angel nor a prophet nor a pious person, nor any
object from the creation. This is because worship
is not deserved by anyone but by Allah, the
Glorified and Exalted.
Islamic Creed 9

Thirdly: Tawheed Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat

This is to believe in whatever Name or Attribute

Allah has ascribed to Himself or whatever Name
or Attribute the Messenger of Allah (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has
ascribed to Allah. It is to affirm whatever
(Names and Attributes) Allah has affirmed for
Himself without distorting or denying them nor
their meanings, nor believing them to be similar
to the creation‟s, and without questioning “how”
they are (seeking thereby to understand the
reality of these Attributes, and how they are
attributed to Allah). It is incumbent to believe
that whatever Allah has named and described
Himself with of Names and Attributes are real
and actual. However, we do not delve into them,
asking “how” they are, and we do not believe
them to be similar to the names and attributes of
the creation in any way.

This is the category of tawheed regarding which

various groups of this nation went astray, those
who pray towards the same direction as we do
and ascribe themselves to Islam.
10 Islamic Creed

As an example of the beautiful Names of Allah,

Allah the Most Perfect named Himself (Al-Hayy,
Al-Qayyum) the Living, the Eternal. Thus, we
must believe that Al-Hayy – the Living, is one of
the Names of Allah. We must also believe in
whatever Attribute arises as an implication of
this Name, which is a full life that is not
preceded by inexistence and is never subject to
suffering cessation of existence.

Moreover, Allah addressed Himself as As-

Samee', the All-Hearing. So we must believe in
As-Samee' as one of the Names of Allah the
Most High and that hearing is one of His
Attributes and that He hears.

Some examples of Attributes mentioned by the

Almighty are in Allah‟s statement,

‫ت َأ ْي ِدهيِ ْم َو ُل ِعـُوا بِ ََم َقا ُلوا َب ْل‬ ِ ‫ و َقا َل‬

ْ ‫ت ا ْل َق ُفو ُد َيدُ اهلل َم ْغ ُؾو َل ٌة غُ َّؾ‬ َ
]97:‫ [ادائدة‬ ‫اء‬ ُ ‫ف َي َش‬ َ ‫َان ُيـ ِْػ ُق َك ْق‬ ِ ‫َيدَ ا ُه َم ْب ُسو َضت‬

“And the Jews say, "The Hand of Allah is

chained." Chained are their hands, and
cursed are they for what they say. Rather,
Islamic Creed 11

both His Hands are spread out wide; He

spends however He wills.” [Al-Ma'edah: 64]

Here, Allah affirmed for Himself two Hands

which have been described as "spread out wide"
to indicate that He bestows in bounty. Therefore,
we must believe that Allah possesses two Hands
that are spread out wide with bounty and
blessings. However, we should not imagine in
our heart or say with our tongue how those two
hands look like, nor compare them to those of the
creatures, because Allah the Most Exalted and
Dignified has said,

]11:‫[الشورى‬  ‫قع ا ْل َب ِص ُر‬ ِ ‫ َلقس ك َِؿ ْثؾِ ِه ََشء وهو‬

ُ ‫السؿ‬
َّ َ ُ َ ٌ ْ َ ْ

“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is

the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing". [Ash-Shura: 11]

Thus, with respect to this kind of Tawheed, we

ought to attribute and acknowledge for Allah
whatever Name and Attribute He has confirmed
for Himself or has been attributed to Him by His
Messenger (may the blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) and to renounce whatever name or
12 Islamic Creed

attribute He has renounced or that has been

renounced by His Messenger (may the blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him), without
distorting or denying them or their meanings, nor
believing them to be similar to the creation‟s,
and without questioning their nature.
Islamic Creed 13

Meaning of the Statement of

Tawheed (La ilaaha illa Allah)

"La ilaaha illa Allah" is the basis of the religion.

It occupies the greatest position in Islam, being
the first pillar of Islam and the highest branch of
the branches of faith. Acceptance of deeds relies
on declaring this statement, knowing its meaning
and acting in accordance to its implications.

Its actual meaning, which must not be

equivocated, is "There is no deity worthy of
worship but Allah". This suggests that Allah
alone should be worshipped and that people have
to desist from worshipping anything besides

It is an error to say that this statement means,

"There is no creator but Allah" or "None has the
power to originate but Allah" or "None exists but
Allah". This statement has two basic elements:
1- Renunciation, when we say "La ilaaha"
(There is no deity) we have negated and
renounced the divinity of all things.
14 Islamic Creed

2- Confirmation, when we say "illa Allah"

(except Allah) we confirm and acknowledge the
divinity of Allah alone without any partner.

Hence, none should be worshipped except Allah

and no kind of worship should be directed to
others besides Allah. Anyone who declares this
statement, realizing its meaning and acting upon
its implication regarding the renunciation of
polytheism and confirmation of monotheism
with firm belief in it and acting upon what it
embodies, is truly a Muslim. Whoever acts upon
it without belief is a hypocrite, and anyone who
acts upon the opposite of its implication
(polytheism) is a polytheist and a disbeliever
even if he proclaims it by his tongue.
Islamic Creed 15

Excellence of the statement of

Tawheed (La ilaaha illa Allah)

This statement has numerous virtues and

benefits, which include the following:
1- It is a reason for not being left to abide in
Hellfire forever in respect of the one that
deserves to enter it among the People of
Tawheed (Monotheists). It is narrated in a
Prophetic tradition (Hadith) that the Messenger
of Allah (May the blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) said, “He will come out of Hellfire
anyone who says: 'La ilaaha illa Allah' and has
in his heart good equal to the weight of a barley
grain. Then will come out of Hellfire everyone
who says: 'La ilaaha illa Allah' and has in his
heart good equal to the weight of a wheat grain.
Then will come out of Hellfire everyone who
says: 'La ilaaha illa Allah' and has in his heart
good equal to the weight of a mustard seed (or
the smallest ant).” [Agreed upon: 44, 193]

2- It is the underlying reason for the creation of

the jinn and mankind. Allah the Most High said,
16 Islamic Creed

]89 :‫[الذاريات‬ ِ ُ‫اإلك َس إِ ََّّل لِ َق ْع ُبد‬

 ‫ون‬ ِْ ‫ت‬
ِ ْ ‫اْل َّن َو‬ ُ ‫ َو َما َخ َؾ ْؼ‬

“I created the jinn and humankind only that

they might worship Me.” [Adh-Dhariyat: 56]
The Arabic word in the verse “ya'budoon”
means “yuwahhidoon”, meaning, “to unify Me
in worship”.
3- It is for its sake that the messengers were
sent and the Divine Books were revealed. Allah,
the Most High, said,

‫ُوحي إِ َل ْق ِه َأ َّك ُه َّل إِ َل َه إِ ََّّل َأكَا‬

ِ ‫ول إِ ََّّل ك‬ ٍ ‫ َوما َأرش ْؾـَا ِم ْن َق ْبؾِ َك ِم ْن رش‬
ُ َ َ ْ َ
ِ ُ‫اظ ُبد‬
]58:‫ [اَّلكبقاء‬ ‫ون‬ ْ ‫َف‬

“And We sent no messenger before you but

We revealed to him, (saying): There is no
deity worthy of worship except Me (Allah), so
worship Me.” [Al-Anbiyaa: 25]

4- It is the key to the propagation of the

messengers (peace be upon them) as it is the first
and foremost of their calls. Each messenger has
said to his folk:
Islamic Creed 17

]8<:‫[اْلظراف‬  ‫هلل َما َلؽ ُْم ِم ْن إِ َل ٍه غَ ْ ُر ُه‬ ْ ‫ َيا َق ْو ِم‬... 

َ ‫اظ ُبدُ وا ا‬

“O my people worship Allah; you have no

deity worthy of worship beisdes Him.” [Al-
A'raaf: 59]

Preconditions of the statement of

Tawheed (La ilaaha illa Allah)

The statement “La ilaaha illa Allah” involves

seven conditions and requirements and cannot be
valid except when they are all met and the slave
of Allah abides by them without contradicting
any of them. They include:
1- Knowledge, which is the realization of its
meaning in terms of renunciation and
confirmation and the actions that it necessitates.
Therefore, when the slave of Allah realizes that
Allah the Most Exalted is the only deity worthy
of worship and that worshipping others besides
Him is void, he has actually comprehended its
meaning. Allah the Most High said,

]1< :‫[حمؿد‬  ُ‫اظ َؾ ْم َأ َّك ُه َّل إِ َل َه إِ ََّّل اهلل‬

ْ ‫ َف‬
18 Islamic Creed

“So know that there is no deity worthy of

worship except Allah.” [Muhammad: 19]

It is narrated on the authority of 'Uthman (may

Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of
Allah (May the blessing and peace of Allah be
upon him) said, “He who died knowing (fully
well) that there is no deity worthy of worship
except Allah will enter Paradise.” [Sahih
Muslim: 26]

2- Certainty: It is to proclaim the words of

testimony (Ash-Shahadah) with certainty in a
manner that one's heart is well assured without
giving room to the whisper of doubts, which the
Jinn and human devils cast into his heart. Rather,
he proclaims it believing in its indication with
profound conviction. Allah the Most High said,

.‫ين َآمـُوا بِاهلل َو َر ُشولِ ِه ُث َّم ََل ْ َي ْرتَا ُبوا‬ ِ َ ‫ إِكََّم ا ُد ْم ِمـ‬
َ ‫ُون ا َّلذ‬ َ
]18 :‫[احلجرات‬

“The (true) believers are those only who

believe in Allah and His Messenger and
afterward doubt not.” [Al-Hujuraat: 15]
Islamic Creed 19

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (May Allah be

pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (May
the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
said, ((I bear testimony to the fact that there is
no god worthy of worship but Allah, and I am
His Messenger. The slave of Allah who would
meet Allah without harboring any doubt about
these (two fundamentals) will enter Paradise.”
[Sahih Muslim: 27]

3- Acceptance, which is to accept by one‟s

heart and tongue every necessitation of this
statement. Therefore, he accepts the Prophet‟s
Sunnah to be true and believes in anything that
comes from the Messenger of Allah (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). He
must accept all that wholeheartedly and should
not reject anything from it. Allah the Almighty

َ ‫ول بِ ََم ُأك ِْز َل إِ َل ْق ِه ِم ْن َر ِّب ِه َوا ُد ْم ِمـ‬

‫ُون ك ٌُّل َآم َن بِاهلل‬ ُ ‫الر ُش‬ َّ ‫ َآم َن‬
‫ي َأ َح ٍد ِم ْن ُر ُشؾِ ِه َو َقا ُلوا َش ِؿ ْعـَا‬ َ ْ ‫َو َمالئِؽَتِ ِه َو ُك ُتبِ ِه َو ُر ُشؾِ ِه َّل ُك َػ ِّر ُق َب‬
ِ َ ‫َو َأ َض ْعـَا غُ ْػ َراك‬
] 5;8 :‫ [البؼرة‬ ‫ر‬ ُ ‫َك َر َّبـَا َوإِ َل ْق َك ا َدص‬
20 Islamic Creed

“The Messenger believed in that which has

been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so
do) the believers. Each one believed in Allah,
and His angels, and His scriptures, and His
messengers - We make no distinction between
any of His messengers - and they say: We
hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Your
forgiveness, our Lord. To You is the [final]
destination.” [Al-Baqarah: 285]

Rejection includes those who oppose or reject

some Islamic legal provisions or quantified
punishment, just like those who refuse to
acknowledge the Islamic legal punishment for
stealing or committing adultery, fornication, or
the multiplicity of wives (polygamy) or the laws
of inheritance, and other agreed upon Islamic
laws. Allah the Most High said,

َ ‫َان لِ ُـؿ ْم ِم ٍن َوَّل ُم ْم ِمـ ٍَة إِ َذا َق ََض اهللُ َو َر ُشو ُل ُه َأ ْم ًرا َأ ْن َيؽ‬
‫ُون‬ َ ‫ َو َما ك‬
.] 69:‫ [اْلحزاب‬ ‫اخل َ َر ُة ِم ْن َأ ْم ِر ِه ْم‬ ِ ْ ‫لـَ ُفم‬

“It is not for a believing man or a believing

woman, when Allah and His Messenger have
decreed a matter, that they should [thereafter]
Islamic Creed 21

have any choice about their affair. And

whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger
has certainly strayed into clear error.” [Al-
Ahzaab: 36].

4- Surrender, which is submission by

adhering to the indications of this statement "La
ilaaha illa Allah ". The disparity between
surrender and acceptance is that the latter is
verbal display of the authenticity of its meaning,
whereas surrender is adherence through actions.
When someone realizes the meaning of "La
ilaaha illa Allah", accepts, and believes in it, but
he does not surrender nor comply or submit, but
rather acts as he pleases, he has not actually
attained the requirement and condition of
surrender. Allah said,

]87:‫[الزمر‬  ‫ َو َأكِق ُبوا إِ ََل َر ِّبؽ ُْم َو َأ ْشؾِ ُؿوا َل ُه‬.

“And return [in repentance] to your Lord

and submit to Him.” [Az-Zumar: 54]
22 Islamic Creed

‫وك فِ َقَم َص َج َر َب ْقـ َُف ْم ُث َّم َّل‬

َ ‫ُيؽ ُِّؿ‬
َ ُ ‫ُون َحتَّى‬ َ ‫ َفال َو َر ِّب َك َّل ُي ْم ِمـ‬.
ِ َ ‫ََيِدُ وا ِِف َأ ْك ُػ ِس ِف ْم َح َر ًجا ِِم َّا َق َض ْق‬
]98:‫ [الـساء‬ ‫َسؾقَم‬
ً ْ ‫ت َو ُي َس ِّؾ ُؿوا ت‬

“But no, by your Lord, they will not [truly]

believe until they make you, [O Muhammad],
judge concerning that over which they dispute
among themselves and then find within
themselves no discomfort from what you have
judged and submit in [full, willing]
submission.” [An-Nisa: 65]

5- Truthfulness, by being honest in his belief

and straightforward in his faith. Allah the Most
High said,

َ ِ‫ادق‬
‫ي‬ ِ ‫ يا َأهيا ا َّل ِذين آمـُوا ا َّت ُؼوا اهللَ وكُوكُوا مع الص‬
]11<:‫[التوبة‬ َّ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُّ َ

“O you, who have believed, fear Allah and be

with the truthful.” [At-Tawbah: 119]

The Messenger of Allah (May the blessings and

peace of Allah be upon him) said, “He who
testifies that there is no deity worthy of worship
Islamic Creed 23

but Allah, being truthful in that, will enter the

Paradise.” [Narrated by Ahmad and verified
authentic by Al-Albani].

So if he proclaims the testimony by his tongue

but belies its indication by his heart, this will not
save him. Rather he would join the hypocrites.

Among the things that negate truthfulness is the

act of belying or denying part of what the
Messenger of Allah has brought, because Allah
the Most Perfect and Exalted, has ordered us to
obey him and accept as true whatever he comes
with. He, the Most Perfect, even linked that with
His obedience, when He said,

ِ ِ
]87:‫[ الـور‬  ‫ول‬ َّ ‫ ُق ْل َأضق ُعوا اهللَ َو َأضق ُعوا‬
َ ‫الر ُش‬

“Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.”

[An-Noor: 54]

6- Sincerity, which is for one to purify his

deed based on virtuous intention from all
impurities of polytheism. He can only achieve
this when all his sayings and actions are intended
24 Islamic Creed

to seek the noble countenance of Allah and His

pleasure, free from all impurities of showing off
and hypocrisy, free from any intent to get some
personal benefit or apparent or inconspicuous
desire; when he is motivated to act out of the
love he has for someone, or a school of thought
or faction to which he surrenders without
guidance from Allah. He should seek the
countenance of Allah and the hereafter with his
propagation of Islam. He must not turn with his
heart to any creature seeking to get some reward
or praise from him. In this respect, Allah the
Most Perfect, said,

] 6 :‫[الزمر‬  ‫اخلالِ ُص‬ ُ ِّ‫ َأَّل هلل الد‬

َ ‫ين‬
“Surely, for Allah is the pure religion.” [Az-
Zumar: 3]

]8 :‫[البقـة‬  ‫ين‬ َ ‫ُمؾِ ِص‬

َ ِّ‫ي َل ُه الد‬ َ ‫ َو َما ُأ ِم ُروا إِ ََّّل لِ َق ْع ُبدُ وا ا‬
ْ ُ ‫هلل‬

“And they were not commanded except to

worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in
religion.” [Al-Bayyinah: 5]
Islamic Creed 25

In the two most authentic collections of

Prophetic traditions (Hadith), on the authority of
'Itban, the Messenger of Allah (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said,
“Indeed, Allah has prohibited from the Hellfire
anyone who proclaims La ilaaha illa Allah,
seeking the countenance of Allah.” [Agreed
upon: 425, 33]

7- Love: that is to love this great statement and

its indication and implication. So one should love
Allah and His Messenger (may the blessings and
peace of Allah be upon him) and give precedence
to their love over every other kind of love. He
should also fulfill the prerequisites and
necessitations of love, by loving Allah in a
manner involving glorification, veneration, fear,
and hope. He loves whatever Allah loves
including places such as Makkah, Madinah, and
mosques in general, and times such as the month
of Ramadan, the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah and the
like, and persons such as the prophets,
messengers, angels, truthful persons, martyrs,
pious people, and actions and deeds like prayer
(Salah), alms-giving (Zakah), Fasting (Siyam),
Pilgrimage (Hajj), and sayings like Ad-dhikr
26 Islamic Creed

(remembrance of Allah) and recitation of the

holy Qur'an.
It is also part of the love of Allah to give
precedence to the things Allah loves over one's
lusts and desires. He should also detest whatever
Allah detests. He should dislike disbelief,
debauchery and disobedience as Allah said,

َ ‫ين َآمـُوا َم ْن َي ْرتَدَّ ِمـْؽ ُْم َظ ْن ِديـ ِ ِه َف َس ْو‬

‫ف َي ْل ِِت اهللُ بِ َؼ ْو ٍم‬ ِ
َ ‫ َيا َأ ُّ َهيا ا َّلذ‬
‫ون ِِف‬ َ ُ‫اهد‬ ِ ‫ي َأ ِظزَّ ٍة ظ َذ ا ْلؽَافِ ِرين َُي‬ َ ِ ‫ُُيِ ُّب ُف ْم َو ُُيِ ُّبو َك ُه َأ ِذ َّل ٍة َظ َذ ا ُد ْم ِمـ‬
َ َ َ
]87:‫ [ادائدة‬ ‫م‬ ٍ ِ‫ون َل ْو َم َة َّلئ‬
َ ‫َيا ُف‬ َ َ ‫قل اهلل َوَّل‬ ِ ِ‫َشب‬

“O you who have believed, whoever of you

should revert from his religion - Allah will
bring forth [in place of them] a people He will
love and who will love Him [who are] humble
toward the believers, powerful against the
disbelievers; they strive in the cause of Allah
and do not fear the blame of a critic.” [Al-
Ma'edah: 54]
Islamic Creed 27

Meaning of the statement

"Anna Muhammad Rasul Allah"

This statement implies an inward and outward

acknowledgement that the Prophet (may the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is a
slave and messenger of Allah sent to all
mankind, acting upon this acknowledgement by
obeying him in whatever he has commanded,
believing to be true whatever he has informed,
refraining from whatever he has prohibited, and
not worshipping Allah except in the the way that
He has legislated.

The testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger

of Allah has two basic elements. They are that he
is Allah's slave (the first element) and messenger
(the second element). These twin elements
negate excessiveness and negligence regarding
his rights, (may the blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him). He is indeed the slave and
messenger of Allah. He is the most perfect of
creation with respect to these twin noble
28 Islamic Creed

The word “slave” here means the "owned

worshipper", implying that the Prophet is a
mortal human being, who has been created from
that which humans were created, and whatever
that is applicable to them is also applicable to
him. Allah the Most High said,

] 117 :‫[الؽفف‬ ... ‫ْش ِم ْث ُؾؽ ُْم‬ َ

ٌ َ ‫ ُق ْل إِك َََّم أكَا َب‬
“Say, "I am only a man like you.” [Al-Kahf:

Moreover, Allah the Most Perfect said,

[  ‫َي َع ْل َل ُه ِظ َو َجا‬ ِ ِِ ِ
َ ‫احل ْؿدُ هلل ا َّلذي َأ ْكزَ َل َظ َذ َظ ْبده ا ْلؽت‬
ْ َ ْ ‫َاب َو ََل‬ َ 
]1 :‫الؽفف‬

“[All] praise is [due] to Allah, who has sent

down upon His slave the Book and has not
made therein any deviance.” [Al-Kahf: 1]

The word “messenger” means one who has been

sent with revelation to the entire humanity to
preach and invite to the path of Allah, giving
glad tidings and warning as well.
Islamic Creed 29

Hence, when one acknowledges these two

attributes for the Messenger of Allah, he has in
fact negated the excessiveness and negligence of
his respect. This is because many who claim they
belong to his Ummah have committed
excessiveness in his respect to the extent that
they raised him above the level of being a slave
of Allah to the level of divinity besides Allah.
Therefore, they seek help from him besides Allah
and request from him that which only Allah has
the power to grant with respect to meeting their
needs and relieving their distress. On the other
hand, some others renounced his message or
committed excesses or undervaluation in
following him and recognizing his due right, by
giving precedence to the sayings of other human
beings over his (may the blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him), treating his Sunnah with
estrangement, turning away from it, and adopting
opinions contrary to what he has brought.
30 Islamic Creed

Faith (Eeman) and its

Basic Articles

Eeman is a declaration based on action and

belief, which increases by acts of obedience and
diminishes by sins and acts of disobedience. It is
the declaration of the heart and tongue and an
action of the heart, tongue and limbs.

The declaration of the heart is to believe and

accept as true what Allah has revealed. The
declaration of the tongue is its proclamation and
acknowledgement, while the declaration of the
heart is its surrender, sincere devotion,
submission, love and the desire to do acts of
righteousness. Action of the limbs implies acting
upon the commandments and refraining from the

The Glorious Qur'an and the Sunnah have clearly

indicated that faith has fundamentals, which are:
belief in Allah, His angels, His Books, His
messengers, the Last Day, and predestination; be
it good or bad. This is as indicated in the verse
that says,
Islamic Creed 31

َ ‫ول بِ ََم ُأك ِْز َل إِ َل ْق ِه ِم ْن َر ِّب ِه َوا ُد ْم ِمـ‬

َِّ‫ُون ك ٌُّل َآم َن بِاهلل‬ ُ ‫الر ُش‬ َّ ‫ َآم َن‬.
‫ي َأ َح ٍد ِم ْن ُر ُشؾِ ِه َو َقا ُلوا َش ِؿ ْعـَا‬ َ ْ ‫َو َمالئِؽَتِ ِه َو ُك ُتبِ ِه َو ُر ُشؾِ ِه َّل ُك َػ ِّر ُق َب‬
ِ َ ‫َو َأ َض ْعـَا غُ ْػ َراك‬
ُ َ ‫َك َر َّبـَا َوإِ َل ْق َك ا‬
] 5;8 :‫ [البؼرة‬ ‫دصر‬

“The Messenger has believed in what was

revealed to him from his Lord and [so have]
the believers. All of them have believed in
Allah, His angels, His Books, and His
messengers, [saying], „We make no distinction
between any of His messengers.‟ And they say,
„We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your
forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final]
destination.‟" [Al-Baqarah: 285].

The hadith of Amir ul-Mu'mineen, Umar bin Al-

Khattab, in Sahih Muslim states that "Jibreel,
peace be upon him, asked the Messenger of Allah
concerning eeman (faith) and he replied,
“Eeman is to believe in Allah, His angels, His
books, His messengers, the Last Day and to
believe in predestination be it good or bad."
[Sahih Muslim: 8]
These six are the basic elements of the true and
sound creed which have been revealed in the
32 Islamic Creed

Glorious Book of Allah and with which His

Messenger was sent to preach (may the blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him). They are called
the Articles of Faith.

The First Article of Faith: Belief in Allah

It is to believe in Allah's Oneness with respect to
His Divinity, Lordship and His Names and
Attributes. Belief in Allah, the Most Perfect and
High, involves the following:
1. To believe that He is the true deity that
deserves worship, because He is the Creator of
His slaves, the One who is kind to them, the One
who sustains them, knows their secret and public
affairs, and the only One who is capable of
granting reward to the obedient among them and
punishing the disobedient.

Thus, we must unify Allah the Most Perfect in all

acts of worship in a manner of submission,
desiring His reward and fearing His punishment,
with absolute love for Him and humility to His
Magnificence. Most of the Qur'an was revealed
to reinforce this great fundamental principle.
Examples of this are His sayings:
Islamic Creed 33

]6-5:‫[الزمر‬  ‫اخلالِ ُص‬ ُ ِّ‫ َأَّل هللِ الد‬.‫ين‬

َ ‫ين‬ ِ ْ ُ َ‫ َفاظب ِد اهلل‬
َ ِّ‫ُمؾ ًصا َل ُه الد‬ ُْ

“So worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in

religion. Surely, the religion (i.e. worship and
obedience) is for Allah alone.” [Az-Zumar: 2-3]

]56:‫[اَّلرساء‬  ‫ َو َق ََض َر ُّب َك َأ ََّّل َت ْع ُبدُ وا إِ ََّّل إِ َّيا ُه‬

“And your Lord has decreed that you should

not worship except Him.” [Al-Israa: 23]

]17ٍ:‫[غافر‬ َ ‫ين َو َل ْو ك َِر َه ا ْلؽَافِ ُر‬

.‫ون‬ َ ِّ‫ي َل ُه الد‬
ِ ِ ْ ُ َ‫ َفادظوا اهلل‬
َ ‫ُمؾص‬ ُْ

“So invoke Allah, [being] sincere to Him in

religion, even if the disbelievers dislike it.”
[Ghafir: 14]

There are various kinds of worship, which

include invocation, fear, hope, reliance, desire,
veneration, reverence, fear, returning to Allah in
repentance, seeking assistance, seeking refuge,
appealing for help, making a sacrifice or
slaughtering, vowing, and other kinds of worship
which are not allowed to be directed to other
than Allah because such an act is disbelief,
34 Islamic Creed

polytheism (kufr) and associating partners and

rivals to Allah (shirk).

The evidence to prove that invocation or

supplication is an act of worship is Allah's
ِ ِ ‫وِن َأ ْشت‬
ِ ‫ َو َق َال َر ُّبؽ ُُم ا ْد ُظ‬
‫ون َظ ْن‬
َ ‫ْز‬ َ ‫ب َلؽ ُْم إِ َّن ا َّلذ‬
ُ ِ ‫ين َي ْس َتؽ‬ ْ ‫َج‬
ِ َ ‫ِظ َبا َد ِِت َش َقدْ ُخ ُؾ‬
]97:‫ [غافر‬ ‫ين‬ َ ‫ون َج َفـ ََّم َداخ ِر‬

“And your Lord says, „Invoke Me; I will

respond to you.‟ Indeed, those who disdain
My worship will enter Hell [rendered]
contemptible.” [Ghafir: 60]

In the hadith, An-Nu'man bin Basheer (may

Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the
Prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) said, “Supplication is worship.”
[Transmitted by At-Tirmidhi: 2969]

The evidence to prove that fear is an act of

worship is Allah's saying,
ِِ ِ ‫وه ْم َو َخا ُف‬
َ ‫ون إِن كُـتُم ُّم ْممـ‬
]571:‫ [آل عمران‬ ‫ي‬ ُ ‫ال ََتَا ُف‬
َ ‫ َف‬
Islamic Creed 35

“So fear them not, but fear Me, if you are

[indeed] believers.” [Aal 'Imraan: 175]

The evidence to prove that hope is an act of

worship is Allah's saying,

‫ْش ْك بِ ِع َبا َد ِة‬ ِ ‫ال ص‬

ِ ْ ‫احل ًا َو ََّل ُي‬ ِ ِ
َ ً ‫َان َي ْر ُجو ل َؼاء َر ِّبه َف ْؾ َق ْع َؿ ْل َظ َؿ‬
َ ‫ َف َؿن ك‬
]117:‫ [الؽفف‬ ‫حدً ا‬ َ ‫َر ِّبه َأ‬
“So whoever hopes for the meeting with his
Lord - let him do righteous deeds and not
associate anyone in the worship of his Lord.”
[Al-Kahf: 110]

The evidence to prove that reliance is an act of

worship is Allah's saying,

]56 :‫[ادائدة‬ َ ِ ‫ َو َظ َذ اهللِ َفت ََوكَّؾو ْا إِن كُـتُم ُّم ْم ِمـ‬


“And upon Allah rely, if you are believers.”

[Al-Ma'edah: 23]

]6:‫[الطالق‬  ‫ َو َمن َيت ََوك َّْل َظ َذ اهللِ َف ُف َو َح ْس ُب ُه‬.

“And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is
sufficient for him.” [At-Talaq: 3]
36 Islamic Creed

The evidence to prove that intense hope, fear,

and humility are acts of worship is Allah's
ِ ‫اخلــر‬ ِ َ ‫ار ُظـ‬
ِ ‫ إِ َّّنُـ ْم َكــاكُوا ُي َسـ‬
‫ات َو َيدْ ُظــو َكـَـا َرغَ ًبا َو َر َه ًبا‬ َ ْ َ ‫ون ِف‬
]<7:‫ [اْلكبقاء‬ ‫ي‬ َ ‫اص ِع‬
ِ ‫وكَاكُوا لـَا َخ‬
“Indeed, they used to hasten to good deeds
and supplicate Us in hope and fear, and they
were to Us humbly submissive.” [Al-Anbiyaa:

The evidence to prove that returning to Allah in

repentance is an act of worship is Allah's saying,

]87:‫[الزمر‬  ‫ َو َأكِ ْق ُبوا إِ ََل َر ِّبؽ ُْم َو َأ ْشؾِ ُؿوا َل ُه‬

“And return [in repentance] to your Lord
and submit to Him.” [Az-Zumar: 54]

The evidence to prove that seeking assistance is

an act of worship is Allah's saying,

]8:‫[الػاحتة‬ ُ ‫اك َك ْع ُبدُ َوإِ َّي ْا َك ك َْست َِع‬

‫ي‬ َ ‫ إِ َّي‬
“It is You we worship and You we ask for
help.” [Al-Fatihah: 5]
Islamic Creed 37

Moreover, the Prophet (May the blessings and

peace of Allah be upon him) said, “When you
wish to seek assistance, seek assistance from
Allah.” [Transmitted by At-Tirmidhi: 2516]
The evidence to prove that seeking refuge is an
act of worship is Allah's saying,

]1:‫[الـاس‬ ِ ‫ ُق ْل َأ ُظو ُذ بِ َر ِّب الـ‬

 ‫َّاس‬
“Say, „I seek refuge in the Lord of
mankind‟”. [An-Nas: 1]

The evidence to prove that appealing for help is

an act of worship is Allah's saying,

]<:‫[اْلكػال‬  ‫اب َلؽ ُْم‬ َ ‫ إِ ْذ ت َْست َِغق ُث‬

ْ ‫ون َر َّبؽ ُْم َف‬
َ ‫اشت ََج‬
“[Remember] when you asked help of your
Lord, and He answered you.” [Al-Anfal: 9]

The evidence to prove that making sacrifice

(slaughtering) is an act of worship is Allah's

‫يك‬ َ ِ ‫اي َو َِم َِاِت هللِ َر ِّب ا ْل َعا َد‬

ِ َ َ‫ي َّل‬
َ ‫َش‬ َ ‫حم َق‬ ْ َ ‫الِت َوك ُُسؽِي َو‬ ِ ‫ ُق ْل إِ َّن َص‬

]196:‫ [اْلكعام‬ ‫ي‬ َ ‫َل ُه َوبِ َذلِ َك ُأ ِم ْر ُت َو َأ َك ْا َأ َّو ُل ا ُد ْسؾِ ِؿ‬

38 Islamic Creed

“Say, „Indeed, my prayer, my rites of

sacrifice, my living and my dying are for
Allah, Lord of the worlds. No partner has He.
And this I have been commanded and I am
the first [among you] of the Muslims‟”. [Al-
An'aam: 162-163]

Evidence from the Sunnah includes the saying of

the Prophet (May the blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him), “May the curse of Allah be
upon whoever slaughters for others beside
Allah.” [Transmitted by Muslim: 1978]

The evidence that vowing is an act of worship is

Allah's saying,

]::‫[اإلكسان‬  ‫َش ُه ُم ْستَطِ ًرا‬

ُّ َ ‫َان‬ َ َ ‫ون بِالـ َّْذ ِر َو‬
َ ‫َيا ُف‬
َ ‫ون َي ْو ًما ك‬ َ ‫ ُيو ُف‬

“They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows and

fear a Day whose evil will be widespread.”
[Al-Insaan: 7]

Even acts of normal customs and habits – when

they are meant to gain strength in order to
exercise the obedience of Allah – such as sleep,
Islamic Creed 39

eating, drinking, and seeking a livelihood,

marriage, etc., when accompanied by a true and
righteous intention, become an act of worship for
which a Muslim is rewarded.

2. Belief in Allah also involves believing in

everything Allah has decreed obligatory upon
His slaves, including the five pillars of Islam
which are: to testify that there is no deity worthy
of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is
the Messenger of Allah, establish the obligatory
prayers (salah), pay the poor dues (zakah),
fasting the month of Ramadan, making
pilgrimage (Hajj) to the Sacred House of Allah
for whoever possesses the means to do that, and
all the obligations brought by the immaculate

3. Belief in Allah also involves believing that

Allah is the Creator of the world, Coordinator of
its affairs, and the only One Who manages and
disposes its affairs with His knowledge and
power, as He wishes. In addition, He is the
Master of this world and the other world and
Lord of all the worlds in entirety. There is no
other Creator worthy of worship besides Him,
40 Islamic Creed

and there is no Lord worthy of worship besides

Him. He sent the messengers and revealed the
holy Books to reform His slaves and invite them
to what entails their success and prosperity in
this life and in the future. He has no partner in all
these affairs as He declared,

]95 :‫[الزمر‬ ٌ ِ‫َش ٍء َوك‬

 ‫قل‬ ٍ َ ‫ اهللُ َخالِ ُق ك ُِّل‬
ْ َ ‫َشء َو ُه َو َظ َذ ك ُِّل‬
“Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is,
over all things, Disposer of all affairs.” [Az-
Zumar: 62]

4. Belief in Allah also involves the belief in

His beautiful Names and lofty Attributes that
have been stated in His Glorious Book and
confirmed by His trustworthy Messenger (may
the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him),
without distorting or denying them or their
meanings, nor believing them to be similar to the
creation‟s, and without questioning “how” they
are. It also means to believe in their great
meanings and implications because they are the
Attributes of Allah the Almighty, by which He
must be described and qualified in a befitting
Islamic Creed 41

manner that does not involve likening Him to

any of His creation in any of His Attributes, as
Allah the Most High said,

]11:‫[الشورى‬  ‫قع ا ْل َب ِص ُر‬ ِ ‫ َلقس ك َِؿ ْثؾِ ِه ََشء وهو‬

ُ ‫السؿ‬
َّ َ ُ َ ٌ ْ َ ْ

“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is

the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.” [As-Shura: 11]
42 Islamic Creed

The Second Article of Faith: Belief in

the Angels

This involves belief in the angels and in what has

been revealed regarding them.

We believe that Allah has angels that He created

and fashioned to obey Him. They have different
tasks: some are assigned to bear the throne; some
are keepers of Paradise and Hell, while others are
assigned the task of preserving the deeds of
Allah's slaves.

We believe in the angels which names Allah and

His Messenger have informed us of, like Jibreel,
Mikaa‟eel, Malik the keeper of Hell and Israfeel,
who is designated to blow the trumpet on the
Day of Judgement.
Allah created the angels from light as „Aishah
(may Allah be pleased with her) confirmed that
the Prophet (May the blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) said, “The angels were
created from light, the Jinns were created from
a smokeless flame of fire, and Adam was
created from that which has been described for
you.” [Transmitted by Muslim: 2996]
Islamic Creed 43

The Third Article of Faith: Belief in

the Books

It is mandatory to believe that Allah, the Most

Perfect has revealed books to His prophets and
messengers to explain and clarify His right upon
His slaves and propagate that.

We believe in the books that Allah mentioned,

such as the Torah, the Gospel (Injeel), the Psalms
of David (Az-Zabur) and the Glorious Qur'an,
which is the final Book that confirms these
previous books and serves as a criterion over
them. It is the Book that everyone must follow
and arbitrate in their affairs, in addition to the
authentic Sunnah of Allah's Messenger (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). This
is because Allah has sent Muhammad (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) as a
messenger to Jinn and Mankind. Allah said,

 ‫ون‬ ُ َ ‫َاب َأ ْكزَ ْلـَا ُه ُم َب َار ٌك َفا َّتبِ ُعو ُه َوا َّت ُؼوا َل َع َّؾؽ ُْم ت ُْر‬
َ ‫َح‬ ٌ ‫ َو َه َذا كت‬

“And this [Qur'an] is a Book We have

revealed [which is] blessed, so follow it and
44 Islamic Creed

fear Allah that you may receive mercy.” [Al-

An'aam: 155]. The Most Perfect also said,
ٍ َ ‫ و َكزَّ ْلـَا ظ َؾق َك ا ْلؽِتَاب تِبقاك ًا لِؽ ُِّل‬
َ ْ ‫َح ًة َو ُب‬
‫ْشى‬ َ ْ ‫دى َو َر‬
ً ‫َشء َو ُه‬
ْ َْ َ ْ َ َ
َ ‫لِ ْؾ ُؿ ْسؾِ ِؿ‬
];<:‫ [الـحل‬ ‫ي‬

“And We have sent down to you the Book as

a clarification for all things and as guidance
and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.”
[An-Nahl: 89]
Islamic Creed 45

The Fourth Article of Faith: Belief in

the Messengers

It is an obligation to believe in the messengers.

We believe that Allah, the Most Perfect, has sent
some of His slaves as messengers to give glad
tidings and warnings, and to invite to the truth, as
He said,

‫اجتَـ ِ ُبوا‬ ٍ
ْ ‫ َو َل َؼدْ َب َع ْثـَا ِِف ك ُِّل ُأ َّمة َر ُشوَّلً َأ ِن‬
ْ ‫اظ ُبدُ وا اهللَ َو‬
]69:‫[الـحل‬  ... ‫اغُوت‬
َ ‫ال َّط‬
“And We certainly sent to every nation a
messenger, [saying], „Worship Allah and
avoid Taghut1‟”. [An-Nahl: 36]

Whosoever responds to their call will be

successful and safe, and whosoever disobeys
them will return with disappointment and regret.

We believe that the message of all messengers is

one, which is the invitation to the unification of
Allah, or Islamic Monotheism, and to exclusively

(1(Taghut is an object that is worshipped besides Allah and

that object is pleased with being worshipped.
46 Islamic Creed

devote worship to Allah. However, they only

differed in legislations and legal provisions.

We also believe that Allah has preferred some of

them to others, and that the best of them is our
Prophet Muhammad (May the blessings and
peace of Allah be upon him), as He the Most
Perfect said,

]11:‫[االرساء‬ ‫ض‬ َ ‫ َو َل َؼدْ َف َّض ْؾـَا َب ْع َض الـَّبِ ِّق‬

ٍ ‫ي َظ َذ َب ْع‬

“And indeed, We have prefered some of the

Prophets above others.”[Al-Israa: 55]

َ ‫َان ُحم ََّؿدٌ َأ َبا َأ َح ٍد ِم ْن ِر َجالِؽ ُْم َو َلؽِ ْن َر ُش‬

‫ول اهلل َو َخات ََم‬ َ ‫ َما ك‬
]77:‫[اْلحزاب‬ َ ‫ال َّـبِ ِّق‬

“Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of

your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah
and last of the prophets.” [Al-Ahzaab: 40]
We also specifically believe in any prophet or
messenger that Allah and His Messenger (May
the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)
have mentioned and confirmed, such as Nuh,
Hud, Salih, Ibrahim and others.
Islamic Creed 47

The Fifth Article of Faith: Belief in

the Last Day

This includes believing in any information

mentioned by Allah and His Messenger (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him),
including the events that occur after death such
as the trials, punishment and bliss of the grave
and the horrors and hardships that will occur on
the Day of Judgment; the siraat (bridge), the
scale, accountability, recompense and
retribution; the receiving of the books of deeds
among the people – some shall receive theirs
with their right hands and others with their left
hands from behind their backs. This belief also
includes belief in the frequently visited fountain
of our Prophet Muhammad (May the blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him) and that every
prophet will have a fountain, as mentioned in the
Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (May the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). It
also includes the belief in Paradise and Hell and
that the believers will see their Lord, the Most
Perfect; that He will speak to them and other
events stated in the Holy Qur'an and authentic
48 Islamic Creed

Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (May the

blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

It is therefore mandatory to believe in all of that

and to accept the information concerning them as
conveyed and clarified by Allah and His
Messenger (May the blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him).
Islamic Creed 49

The Sixth Article of Faith: Belief in

Fate and Destiny

This involves belief in four things:

Firstly: That Allah, the Most Glorified, has

knowledge of the past and future events, and that
He has knowledge of the conditions of His
slaves, their sustenance, how long they will live,
their deeds and other affairs without anything
being hidden or kept from His knowledge, the
Most Glorified. Allah says in the Qur'an:

 ‫قم‬ِ ٍ َ ‫ إِ َّن اهللَ بِؽ ُِّل‬

]118:‫[التوبة‬ ٌ ‫َشء َظؾ‬
“Indeed Allah is Knowledgable of all things.”
[At-Tawbah: 115]

Secondly: That Allah, the Most Glorified, has

written down whatever He has decreed and
destined as He said,
ٍ ِ‫ َوك َُّل ََش ٍء َأ ْح َص ْقـَا ُه ِِف إِ َما ٍم ُمب‬
“And all things We have kept in a clear
Register.” [Ya Seen: 12]
50 Islamic Creed

Thirdly: To believe in the pre-ordained freewill

that must be executed and enforced. Hence,
whatever Allah wills happens, and whatever He
doesn't will does not occur, just as He said,
]77:‫[آل ظؿران‬ ُ ‫ك ََذل َك اهللُ َي ْػ َع ُل َما َي َش‬.
 ‫اء‬
“That is how Allah does what He wills.” [Aal
Imran: 40]

Fourthly:That Allah creates this destiny before it

takes place. This is according to what He the
Most Glorified has said,

]69:‫[الصافات‬ َ ‫ َواهللُ َخ َؾ َؼؽ ُْم َو َما َت ْع َؿ ُؾ‬.


“And Allah has created you and what you

do” [As-Saaffaat: 96]
Islamic Creed 51

Shirk and its Types

Shirk is when a slave ascribes some rival or peer

to Allah in His lordship, or His worship, or in
His Names and Attributes. It is of two kinds:
major and minor.

Firstly: Major Shirk: It is the act of directing

some kinds of worship to other than Allah. A
perpetrator of such will be made to abide in the
Hell forever if he dies on this act without
repentance. Major shirk destroys all good deeds.
Allah the Most High said,

];; :‫[اْلكعام‬  ‫ون‬ َ ْ ‫ َو َل ْو َأ‬

َ ‫َشكُوا َحلبِ َط َظـ ُْف ْم َما كَاكُوا َي ْع َؿ ُؾ‬

“This is the Guidance of Allah with which He

guides whomsoever He wills of His slaves. But
if they had joined in worship others with
Allah, all that they used to do would have
been of no benefit to them.” [Al-An'aam: 88]

Allah does not forgive major shirk except with

sincere repentance as He said,
52 Islamic Creed

ِ ِ َ ‫ إِ َّن اهللَ َّل يغ ِْػر َأ ْن ي ْْش َك بِ ِه ويغ ِْػر ما د‬

ُ ‫ون َذل َك َد ْن َي َش‬
‫اء َو َم ْن‬ ُ َ ُ ََ َ ُ ُ َ
ِ ِ
ً َ ‫سى إِ ْث ًَم‬
]7;:‫ [الـساء‬ ‫ظظقَم‬
َ َ ‫ْش ْك بِاهلل َف َؼد ا ْف‬
ِ ْ ‫ُي‬

“Indeed, Allah forgives not that a partner

should be ascribed unto Him. He forgives less
than that to whom He wills. Whosoever
ascribes partners to Allah, he has indeed
invented a tremendous sin.” [An-Nisaa: 48]

There are many kinds of major shirk including

invoking others besides Allah, making vows to
others besides Allah, making sacrifices to other
objects besides Allah, and so forth. It is also
major shirk for one to take objects as rivals to
Allah, loving them with a love like that which is
due to Allah alone. Allah the Most High said,
ِ ِ ‫َّخ ُذ ِم ْن ُد‬
ِ ‫َّاس من يت‬ ِ
 ‫ب اهلل‬ َ ‫ون اهلل َأ ْكدَ ا ًدا ُُي ُّب‬
ِّ ‫وّنُ ْم ك َُح‬ َ ْ َ ِ ‫ َوم َن الـ‬

“And of mankind are some who take (for

worship) others besides Allah as rivals (to
Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But
those who believe love Allah more (than
anything else).” [Al-Baqarah: 165].
Islamic Creed 53

Secondly: Minor Shirk: It is whatever that

has been confirmed by texts from the Holy
Qur'an and Sunnah as acts of Shirk but do not
attain the level of major shirk. This type of shirk
does not expel one from Islam but reduces his
tawheed. It includes acts like showing-off, to say,
“what Allah wills and you will”, “had it not been
for Allah and you”, to take an oath in the name
of objects besides Allah without having the
belief that the object can harm or benefit, etc.
This is based on the saying of the Prophet (May
the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him),
“What I fear for you most is minor shirk.” He
was asked about it and he replied, “Showing-off
(in acts of worship)”. [Transmitted by Ahmad
and its chain is authentic].
The Prophet again said, “He who swears by
objects other than Allah has committed shirk”.
[Transmitted by Abu Dawud: 2829].
Some actions and deeds that are considered part
of this kind of shirk include tying talismans and
amulets, and wearing rings and threads to avert
diseases and prevent calamities. However, if one
believes that these objects can, by themselves,
bring benefit or harm, then he has committed
major shirk.
54 Islamic Creed

The Overall Belief of

the Saved Sect

Indeed, the creed of the saved sect, which is the

belief of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah, is that a
true believer testifies that Allah is the only Lord
and Deity worthy of worship and the only One
Who possesses complete perfection. The believer
worships Him alone, being sincere to Him in
religion. He must also realize that Allah alone is
the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the
Fashioner, the Giver of livelihood, the Granter,
the Depriver and Coordinator of all affairs.

Moreover, He is the only true Deity that deserves

to be worshipped. He is the First that is not
preceded by anything, the Last that is not
succeeded by anything, the Outward or the
Manifest (At-Thahir), above Whom there is
nothing and the All-Encompassing (Al-Batin)
underneath Whom there is nothing closer.

He must believe that Allah is the Most High, the

Self Exalted in every sense and consideration,
Islamic Creed 55

Exalted in Esteem, Exalted in Dignity and

Exalted in Overpowering1.

He is the Most Wise, Who possesses the Great

Wisdom in His Legislation and Predestination.
He never creates anything in vain, and He has
never legislated laws except for the benefit of
mankind and the prevention of vices.

He is the Ever-Merciful, the Pardoner, the All-

Forgiving, who accepts repentance from His
slaves, forgives sins, wipes away major sins for
those who turn to Him in repentance, seek
forgiveness and return to Him remorsefully.

He is the Appreciative Who appreciates a little

deed, grants reward for it abundantly and
increases the grateful ones of His bounties.

(1( Exalted in Esteem means that Allah the Most High is

above His slaves, over His throne. Exalted in Dignity
means that Allah has great dignity and honour in which no
one among His creatures equals Him and He is never
affected by any defect. Exalted in Overpowering means
that no one can overpower Allah, the Most Glorified and
that He overpowers all creatures. None of them can
supersede or escape His power and overpowering.
56 Islamic Creed

A true believer describes Allah by that which He

has described Himself, or by that which He has
been described by His Messenger (may the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) of
self-attributes and action-attributes, such as
perfect life, hearing, seeing, perfect ability,
greatness, pride, glory, majesty, beauty,
perfection and absolute praise.

He believes in the information conveyed by the

Glory Qur'an and in what has been transmitted in
the Sunnah via uninterrupted and unquestionable
chains of transmission: that the believers will see
their Lord, the Most High, in Paradise with their
own eyes, and that the bliss of seeing Him and
gaining His Pleasure is the greatest bliss and
pleasure in Paradise.

Moreover, he believes that whoever dies without

faith and tawheed will be cast to burn in Hell,
forever. However, perpetrators of major sins
among the believers will not be left to dwell in
Hell forever, even though they may enter it if
they die without repentance, if Allah wills. No
one who has in his heart faith (eeman) equal to
the weight of the grain of a mustard seed will
Islamic Creed 57

remain in Hell forever. Eventually he will be

brought out of it.

In addition, faith includes the beliefs, sayings

and actions of the hearts, actions of the limbs,
and statements of the tongue. Whosoever
performs them perfectly is the true believer who
deserves recompense and will be set free from
punishment. However, whosoever diminishes
something from them will have his faith
diminished in the same proportion. Therefore,
faith (eeman) increases by good deeds and acts
of obedience, and diminishes by evil deeds and
acts of disobedience.

He must also testify that Muhammad (May the

blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is the
slave and Messenger of Allah. Allah sent him
with guidance and the religion of truth to
manifest it over all religions; he is more worthy
for the believers than themselves, he is the Seal
of all Prophets, who was sent to the jinn and
mankind as a warner and harbinger of glad
tidings, and the one who invites to Allah, by His
permission, and he is an illuminating lamp. Allah
sent him with the reformation of religion and
58 Islamic Creed

rectification of this earthly life for the creation,

to worship Allah alone without any partner, and
to seek His sustenance in that.

He must realize that the Noble Prophet (May the

blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is the
most knowledgeable of Allah's creation, the most
truthful, the most sincere, and the most eloquent.

Therefore, he glorifies and loves him and gives

precedence to his love over the love he may have
for any of the creatures of Allah, by following
him in the fundamental and secondary elements
of religion, and preferring his sayings and
guidance to the sayings and guidance of any
other person.

He should believe that Allah has given the

Messenger the virtues, characteristics and
attributes of perfection (applicable to human
beings) that He has not granted anyone else. He
is the most prestigious of Allah's creation, the
greatest in integrity, and the best of them in
every virtue. There is no good that he has left
without guiding us to it, nor is there any evil
except that has he not warned us from.
Islamic Creed 59

He also believes in every book Allah has

revealed, and every messenger Allah has sent;
those he has knowledge of and those he has no
knowledge of. He makes no distinction between
any of His messengers with respect to believing
in them and that their message is one.

He must believe in predestination as a whole,

and that all the good and bad actions and deeds
of the slaves of Allah have been encompassed by
His knowledge, written down by the Pen,
conducted by His freewill, and are related to His
wisdom. He has created in His slaves ability and
freewill through which their words and actions
occur in accordance to their freewill. He has not
compelled them to do anything outside of their
will. Rather, He has granted them choice to do
whatever they will, but He singled out the
believers by endearing the faith to them and
beautifying it in their hearts, making disbelief,
lewdness and rebellion hateful to them, out of
His Justice and Wisdom.

It is also part of the fundamental principles of

Islam for the believer to give religious counsel
and advice for the sake of Allah and His
60 Islamic Creed

Messenger, His Book and to the Muslim leaders

and the common people. He should enjoin
righteousness and forbid vices according to the
laws of the Shari'ah. He must pay attention to
kindness to parents, maintaining the ties of
kinship, kindness to neighbors, relatives, and any
one who has a right upon him, and to be good
and kind to the creation in general. He should
preach excellent and meritorious morals and
forbid wicked and corroded morals.

He should believe that the most perfect of

believers among them in faith and certainty are
the best of them in deeds and morals, the most
truthful in words, the most guided to every good
and virtue, and the most detached from every

He must realize that Jihad in the path of Allah

remains effective until the Day of Judgment and
that it is the pinnacle of Islam. It involves both
Jihad with knowledge and argument and Jihad
with a weapon. It is an obligatory exercise for
every Muslim to defend this religion with
everything possible according to his ability.
Jihad can only be carried out under the command
Islamic Creed 61

of a Muslim ruler (Imam), righteous or not, if its

conditions and basic requirements are fulfilled
and its justifications are available.

It is also part of the religious fundamentals to

encourage and show concern to unite the
Muslims, strive to bring them closer to one
another and soften their hearts, and warn against
dispersion, antagonism and hatred, and to utilize
every means to achieve this. Likewise, it is
prohibited to harm Allah's creation in their
blood, wealth, honour and all their rights and it is
obligatory to enjoin justice and fairness in all
dealings with Muslims and non-Muslims.

He should also believe that the best of nations is

the nation of Prophet Muhammad (may the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and
the best of them are the Companions of Allah's
Messenger (may the blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) particularly the rightly guided
Caliphs and the ten who have been given the
glad tidings of the Paradise, the Warriors of
Badr, the Companions of Ar-Ridwan (where they
gave their oath of allegiance to the Messenger),
and the first to lead the way of the Muhajiroon
62 Islamic Creed

and the Ansar. Hence, he loves the companions

of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them)
and does that for the sake of Allah, spreads their
virtues and keeps silent regarding their mistakes.

He should, for the sake of Allah, respect the

learned and well-guided scholars and rulers. He
should implore Allah to grant them refuge from
doubt, polytheism, schism, discord, hypocrisy
and ill morals, and to make them steadfast on
their religion until death.

These are the basic fundamentals that

followers of the saved and surviving sect
believe in and preach.
Islamic Creed 63

Table of Contents
Topic Page
Tawheed and Its Kinds 3
Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah 4
Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah 7
Tawheed Al-Asmaa Was-Sifaat 9
Meaning of the Statement of Tawheed 13
(La ilaaha illa Allah)
Excellence of the Statement of 15
Tawheed (La ilaaha illa Allah)
Preconditions of the Statement of 17
Tawheed (La ilaaha illa Allah)
Meaning of the Statement "Anna 27
Muhammad Rasulullaah"
Faith (Eeman) and its Basic Articles 30
The First Article of Faith: Belief in Allah 32
The Second Article of Faith: Belief in 42
the Angels
The Third Article of Faith: Belief in the 43
The Fourth Article of Faith: Belief in the 45
The Fifth Article of Faith: Belief in the 47
Last Day
The Sixth Article of Faith: Belief in Fate 49
and Destiny
Shirk (Polytheism) and its kinds 51
The Overall Belief of the Saved Sect 54

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