Physics SBA 4

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Title: Archimedes Principle

Aim: To compare the actual weight of an object to its weight when immersed in water.

Apparatus and materials:

 Displacement can
 Beaker
 Electronic scale
 Spring balance
 Water
 Mass


1.Fill the displacement can with water up to the spout.

2.Place the displacement can under a tripod stand.
3.Measure the weight of an empty beaker and place it to receive water displaced.
4.Attach the spring balance to the mass and record its weight.
5.Lower the mass into the displacement can with water and rest the spring balance on the tripod stand.
6.Record the mass after immersed in water.
7.Measure and record the mass of the beaker.


Weight of empty Weight of beaker Weight of Weight of mass Weight of mass after
beaker and displaced displaced before immersion immersion
water water only



 State Archimedes Principle

 Explain the relation of the weight of a block before and after it is immersed in water.
 Explain the relation between the weight of water displaced when an object is partially or fully displaced in
water and the upthrust force
 Discuss the observations made in the experiment and the difference between weight before and after immersion.
 Sources of errors/ Limitations/ Precautions

Possible sources of errors

 Parallax error in reading spring balance and meniscus

 Systemic error in scale reading or spring
 Possible errors in the graduation of the beaker

 Water displaced might not be of significant weight


State whether the object obey Archimedes Principle.

SBA # 3 Skill Assessed: ORR

Title: Archimedes’ Principle

Criteria Total Marks

marks obtained
Each step in the method written in correct tense 2
 All steps written in correct tense (2 marks)
 One step not written in correct tense (1 mark)
 Two or more steps not written in correct tense (0 marks)
Observations recorded in table 3
 Table drawn and labelled accurately (2mark)
- Table drawn and one column not headed correctly (1 mark)
- Table drawn and more than 1 column not labelled accurately (0
- No table drawn (0 mark)
 Units mentioned in the heading (1 mark)

 Diagram drawn, adequately labelled. (3 marks) 3

- Diagram drawn, diagram labelled, 3 or more labelling of contents
inclusive of beakers, tripod stand, mass (3 marks)
- Diagram drawn and labelled, no labelling of contents (2 marks)
- Diagram drawn, not labelled, no labelling of contents (1 mark)
- Diagram not draw (0 mark)
 Discussion and Conclusion reported in past tense 1
(-1 mark for more than 1 mistake)
 Use of proper scientific terminology in Discussion and Conclusion 1
(-1 mark for more than 1 mistake)
Total 10
SBA # 3 Skill Assessed: AI

Title: Archimedes Law

Criteria Total Marks

marks obtained
 Identification of at least 2 sources of errors and 2 limitation 4
- Two sources of errors and 2 source of limitation noted (4mark)
- Less than two sources of error noted and 1 source of limitation
noted (2 marks)
- No sources of errors or limitation noted ( 0 marks)

Discussion: 4
 States Archimedes Principle (1 mark)
 Explain relationship between upthrust and weight of water
displaced by the object (2 marks)
 Relation of observations to Archimedes Principle (1 mark)

 Conclusion 2
- State whether or not object obeyed Archimedes (2mark)

Total 10

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