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Level 6

Prompt: Sometimes during a moment of silence you do not hear everything.

Lest we forget
1 A cold November day

2 A bloody crown was raised

3 A symbol that we won

4 A symbol that war was done

5 A symbol for those who died

6 A symbol for those who survived

7 A moment of silence is all we ask

8 To reflect and remember those who are dead

9 Brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice

10 To make our country the way it is


1. Why is the moment of silence asked by the persona?

2. What is the main purpose in writing the poem?
3. Do you think Filipinos have forgotten about the people who died for our country?
4. How would you show your appreciation of our heroes?
Level 8

Prompt: Are you afraid of Spiders?

The Earthworm and the Spider

Deep in the forest by the creek, there was an earthworm. He was travelling through the
woods to see his family. He saw them in the distance, but there was a large spider web in his way.
Everyone had always warned him to stay away from spiders. But, the earthworm went a little
closer to the web to make sure the spider was not there. He did not see the spider, so the
earthworm kept going.

He was about to go through the web, but a voice behind him said,” Hello, I'm
Sydney."It was the spider. The earthworm exclaimed, "Please don't eat me! I'm too young to die!
I'll leave you alone forever if you let me go!" The spider replied, "I don't want to eat you, and I
want you to be friends.” The earthworm said, "Everybody has told me that spiders eat you if you
get too close."The spider answered, "I'm not like other spiders. I just didn't want you to mess up
my web." The earthworm admitted, "I was very wrong about you." The earthworm then went
past the spider web to see his family. He was also not afraid of spiders anymore.


1. Who are the characters of the story?

2. Where do you think the earthworm came from?
3. Do you think it is ethical to judge someone based on opinions of other people? Why or why
4. Have you ever judged someone based on others’ opinion?
Level 7
Prompt: Have you ever tried to ride a horse?

Jumping Show
When I was at my first jumping show, I was on my horse, Katie. Her fur smelled
like a patch of roses, since I washed her the day before. I already walked the course
and memorized it. After a few jumps, Katie got spooked and awkwardly jumped
over a pole sending me into a position on her neck holding on tightly. Thankfully,
Katie and I were okay. In the end, we got fourth place for our first jumping show.

1. Why did Katie smell like a patch of roses?
2. What figurative language is used in this sentence “Her fur smelled like a
patch of roses.”?
3. Do you think everyone will feel afraid if rider had completely fallen off the
horse? Why or why not?
4. Would you ride a horse? Why? Or why not?
Level 11
Prompt: What gadget do you own?

Takeover of Technology
1 The Future of Technology and AI.
2 It will be both Good and Bad.

3 Comprised of the knowledge of the world,

4 Just waiting like a fist to be uncurled.
5 Artificial intelligence will soon control,
6 The entire world as a whole.
7 It will do our dishes without conditions,
8 And sell us food without petitions.
9 Gone are teachers, doctors, and technicians,
10 Automation in their place and no more politicians.
11 The future will be what’s now fiction,
12 Existent will be robots with human-like diction.

13 The future looks bright,

14 Yet not all is good despite.

15 Alive is social media and the internet,

16 Which is some’s biggest threat.
17 For few, it controls their brain,
18 And leaves those with no gain.

19 Perhaps one day humans will be able to fly,

20 And not have to worry about having to die.
21 And by then we’ll be in the deeps of space,
22 Zooming past universes as if it’s a race.

23 And we’ll look back into the past.

24 And realize at last.
25 How Influential Technology and AI has been.

1. According to the poem, what will take over the world?
2. What does line 4 mean?
3. Do you think Technology is harmful? Why? Or why not?
4. How has Technology and AI influenced our daily life?
Level 12

Prompt: How do you deal with sadness and disappointments?

1 In a world full of dreams.
2 Dreams broken has me.
3 Some days I wish I could die.
4 Saying otherwise would be a lie.
5 I’m never happy but I laugh.
6 Its ok I’m fine.
7 Some days I feel I cross the line.
8 But in the end does it really matter.
9 My depression feeding off my laughter.
10 Slowly getting fatter and fatter.

1. What is feeding off his or her laughter?

2. What is the tone of the poem?
3. Do you believe that depression is a real sickness? Why?
4. How would you take care of a depressed person?
Level 1

Prompt: Are you proud of yourself? Why?


I am a big boy.

I try hard and always do my best

I am proud of myself.


1. What kind of boy is he?

2. Why do you think he is proud of himself?
3. Do you agree that being proud is good? Why?
4. Do you give your best? How?
Level 3

Prompt: Why does everyone love to decorate Christmas tree?

Jenny and Blake are so excited,

because they get to decorate the
tree today! Jenny puts the star
on top of the tree. Blake puts the
lights on the tree. Together, they
wrap popcorn around the tree.
Under the tree are many presents!

1. Why are Jenny and Blake so excited?
2. Why do Jenny and Blake decorate a tree?
3. Do you think the children enjoy decorating? Why?
4. Have you ever tried to decorate a tree, how?
Level 2

Prompt: How do you show your love for your dog?

Jack is seven year old boy who loves adventure. He likes to climb trees and find
interesting bugs and leaves in his backyard. He also likes to play with his dog,
Daisy. Daisy is a two-year-old yellow lab mix. Jack and Daisy are best friends.

1. What kind of dog is Daisy?
2. Why do you think Jack loves adventure?
3. Do you think dog is a man’s best friend? Why? Or why not?
4. Do you have a dog at home? How did you treat your dog?
Level 4

Prompt: Do you love hiking? Why or why not?

Volcano Goes Boom!

Five girls hiked up a tall, snowy mountain. When they were halfway up, the ground shook
and cracked. Boom! The girls ran back down the trail. They ran until they were far away. They
looked back up at the peak. Hot red lava shot up into the sky.


1. What happened when the girls were high in the mountain?

2. Why do you think the ground shook and cracked?
3. Do you believe the girls knew the mountain was a volcano when they went for hike?
4. If you were one of the girls what important preparation would you have done?
Level 5

Prompt: Do you agree that “Health is wealth”?

Healthy Family Meals

The Shinawatra family is trying to eat healthy meals, but it is difficult. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Shinawatra work all day, and they are tired when they get home. They also have two young
sons who need a lot of attention. Their oldest son is seven years old and the youngest son is
nine months old.
It is difficult for the Shinawatras to plan healthy family meals when they have such a
busy schedule. Lately, the family has been eating fast food that Mr. Shinawatra picks up on the
way home from work. This is a bad habit, and the Shinawatras are worried that their children
will develop poor eating habits. They want to start eating healthy homemade meals.


1. Why is it difficult for the family to plan meals?

2. What do you think will happen to the family with fast food meals? Explain.
3. Do you think the children would be raised right in relation to their eating habit? Why or
why not?
4. How do you plan a healthy meal?
Level 9

Prompt: Your speed doesn’t matter, forward is forward.

The Turtle
The Turtle emerged from the sand hole, taking in a whiff of salty air. Its instinct directed
him towards the ocean; it was almost as if he needed the water. Staring down at the
waterline, the turtle felt an overwhelming journey ahead of him. One turtle step at a time, he
inched his way towards his destination. The world seemed to disappear around him; all that
existed was it and the water. Making a couple of minutes seem like hours, the turtle finally
reached his destination, his journey has just begun.


1. Where did turtle emerge from?

2. Why was the turtle in the sand hole?
3. Do you think the mother turtle left the eggs on purpose? Why or why not?
4. How will you react if you see a struggling animal?
Level 13

Prompt: Have you ever felt empty? What did you do to make it go away?

Emptiness grows
1 Emptiness grows,
2 and unlike the supposed living,
3 there is no relief,
4 with time

5 the flock flies above,

6 looking toward horizons,
7 while there beneath the stone,
8 the bear lies

9 nuts and berries,

10 are absent the hands,
11 the smell of roast turkey,
12 fills the air
13 under the stone,
14 the night falls,
15 as the emptiness grows,
16 in silence


1. What keeps growing?

2. What does the 14th line “the night falls” mean?
3. Do you believe that the year symbolizes a hungry man? Why or why not?
4. Can society help the homeless? How?
Level 14

Prompt: Have you ever been attacked? How did you deal with it?

The Hail Storm

The sun rises their ears of stone

as darkness falls do not hear
hurrying out
into the hail storm the wheels again
and steps are taken
from the moment the wheels nightmares continue
to the halls of stone during the day
the jackals bite
the hyenas laugh through the glass
the crowd jeers
into the cave and comforting hands
the walls of respite are somewhere else
but only for a moment
then to the storm into the night
a place of escape
the sentinels’ eyes dreading the moment
are turned away of the sun’s return


1. Which animals bite, and laugh?

2. What does the title mean?
3. Victims of bullying are depressed? Do you believe in this?
4. How do you help the victims of bullying?
Level 10

Prompt: Have you ever punished? How did it affect you?

A penny taken.

“Into the cage!”

“Into the cage!”

A dollar in the pocket.

“No, it’s not the same.”

“It’s not the same.”


1. What were taken in the poem?

2. Why is it entitled “Judgement”?
3. Do you agree with the last line? Why or why not?
4. How do you think should our government treat the rich criminals? Why?



Philippine Informal
Reading Inventory

Mechelle B. Celeste


Mrs. Carmelita T. Arradaza


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