Pressure Drop and Vacuum One Lesson

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Pressure Drop & Vacuum in One Lesson

What is pressure drop? Pressure drop is the To standardize our pressure drop specifications,
amount of line pressure that is permanently lost Alicat’s instrument data sheets always denotes
as gas passes through an instrument in the gas the maximum pressure drop at the instrument’s
line. This pressure loss is due to the frictional full-scale flow when venting to atmosphere
resistance of the components the gas touches. under standard conditions. Said another way,
Every instrument and fitting in a line induces our pressure drop specification identifies the
some pressure drop; even the pipe walls minimum amount of inlet pressure to run the
generate some friction, which causes a small instrument at full-scale flows while venting to
amount of pressure drop. atmosphere.

Pressure drop is determined by calculating the

Why pressure drop matters
difference between the pressure of the gas
when it enters the instrument and the pressure For any gas process to work, the available
of the gas when it leaves the instrument. The system pressure must be greater than the total
easiest way to make this measurement is to pressure drop of the components in the system
plum the inlet and outlet of the device to a at the expected operating flow rates and
differential pressure gauge, like one of our P- temperatures. If too little pressure is provided
PSID Series gauges. When making these at the inlet of the entire system, there will not
measurements, it is important to consider the be enough gas pressure to pass through all the
following relationships: components of the process at full-scale flows.
Likewise, if multiple gases are being used in the
• Under laminar flow conditions, pressure
same process, pressure drop will be the highest
drop is proportional to volumetric flow
for the most viscous gas.
rate. At double the flow rate, there is
double the pressure drop. This principle is a primary driver for Alicat’s
• Under turbulent flow conditions, many valve customizations. The wider the valve
pressure drop increases as the square orifice, the lower the pressure drop of the valve
of the volumetric flow rate. At double when it is wide open. However, greatest control
the flow rate, there is four times the precision is achieved when we use the largest
pressure drop. portion of the valve’s operating range. So our
• Pressure drop decreases as common goal when building a flow or pressure controller
mode pressure increases. is to select the smallest valve that will allow full-
• Pressure drop increases as gas viscosity scale flows of all gases being used in the
increases. Since increasing the system.
temperature of the gas increases its
viscosity, pressure drop also increases When customers have little available inlet
as gas temperature increases. pressure, or perhaps a very large amount of
back pressure, sometimes our standard line of
mass flow instruments exhibit too much

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pressure drop to reach full-scale flows. In these ∆P= 8ηLQ/(πr^4)
cases, we recommend our Whisper Series of
mass flow meters and controllers. By making Where:
the flow body design more open and by ΔP = pressure drop
changing the spacing and configuration of our L = length of pipe
laminar flow elements, we are able to achieve η = viscosity of the fluid
much lower pressure drops, usually by a factor Q = volumetric flow rate
of ten. The Whisper Series also employs a much r = radius of pipe
more sensitive pressure sensor package to take π = mathematical constant Pi
full advantage of the lower pressure readings.
Since Alicat mass flow meters measure the
pressure drop internally, L and r are constant
Why Pressure Drop Matters in for each flow device. Assuming the gas viscosity
Subatmospheric Applications (η) remains the same, the pressure drop
increases proportionally to the volumetric flow
Michael Hodges-Owen
Pressure drop is an important physical and
ΔP ∝ Qη
financial consideration when working with
subatmospheric and vacuum applications. Previously, we explained that decreasing your
Pressure drop is the loss of line pressure caused static line pressure increases the volume of gas
by frictional resistance in the flow path. flowing through your system and therefore your
Everything causes some degree of frictional volumetric flow rate. With this thought in mind,
resistance on the fluid flowing, such as a valve, the relationship above shows that increasing
fittings and tubing, and this results in the loss of volumetric flow (as a result of our decrease in
pressure. By determining how much pressure
static pressure) also increases pressure drop.
drop each part causes, you can calculate how
much pressure you need to run your process. For the sake of simplifying this concept, I am
The lower the total pressure drop of the going to pretend temperature remains constant
system, the less gas is needed to run it, which or does not exist in the following example. Say I
saves you money. fill up a balloon that has been blown up to
perfectly fit through a tube. I then make a road
How Pressure Drop Works trip up into the mountains with the same
Static pressure affects the amount of pressure balloon and tube, and attempt to fit the balloon
drop across an Alicat mass flow meter, and this through the tube. Since I am at higher
is important to consider when choosing a device elevation, there is less pressure compressing
for use in sub-atmospheric pressures. Alicat the molecules in the balloon, resulting in the
devices calculate flow rates by measuring the balloon increasing in size and volume. I can still
differential pressure across a laminar flow stack. fit the balloon through the tube, but I have to
Since the flow is laminar, we can use the Hagen- apply more force since it now takes up more
Poiseuille equation to calculate the pressure volume and generates more resistance against
drop caused by an Alicat device. The equation is the tube walls. Pressure drop increases as static
notated as follows: pressure decreases.

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Sizing Flow Meters for Mass Flow Meters with Low
Subatmospheric Applications Pressure Drop
Understanding this relationship between static Now, this works if you have enough pressure in
pressure and pressure drop will help you select your subatmospheric system to lose a whole psi
the appropriate mass flow device for your through the flow meter. If we look at the
subatmospheric application. The product available pressure at ½ atm, the pressure drop
specification sheets on our website provide the across the oversized M-1SLPM-D meter restricts
pressure drops for Alicat mass flow meters and 1 psid, or around 14% of your available
controllers at atmospheric pressures. Let’s say pressure. It gets even tighter working at ¼ atm,
we need to find a mass flow meter that can where the oversized M-2SLPM-D meter again
measure a maximum of 500 sccm at half an induces 1 psid of pressure drop, which is now
atmosphere (½ atm) of pressure (about 7.4 27% of your available pressure. This is not
psia). In a previous post, we saw that 500 sccm optimal, especially when you are limited in your
becomes 1000 ccm at ½ atm. Since our devices available pressure.
by default are sized for the mass flow rate and
not the volumetric flow rate, you will need to Ah-ha! Alicat has a solution: Our “Whisper”
increase the size of the device to accommodate series of low pressure drop mass flow meters
are perfect for this type of scenario, since their
the increased volume of the gas.
pressure drops are very low compared to our
The solution is to choose a 1000-sccm device standard M-series meters. An oversized MW-
(Alicat part number M-1SLPM-D) instead of a 1SLPM-D Whisper meter has a pressure drop of
500-sccm device (M-500SCCM-D), and then only 0.07 psid at ½ atm and 500 sccm, which is
requesting a custom range of 500 sccm for the now just 1% of your available pressure. Both
mass flow and 1000 ccm for the volumetric the standard mass flow meter and the Whisper
flow. Both of these instruments have full-scale meter will perform with the same accuracy
pressure drops of 1 psid at 1 atm. At ½ atm, the under these conditions, but using a low
M-500SCCM-D mass flow meter’s pressure drop pressure drop Whisper will give you a lot more
would theoretically double to 2 psid at full breathing room in terms of pressure loss as you
scale, since the volume of the gas has doubled. design your subatmospheric system
However, using the larger M-1SLPM-D meter
at ½ atm results in the full-scale pressure drop
of 1 psid. Essentially, we are doubling the tube
size to fit a balloon that has doubled in size. At
¼ atm, you would need the M-2SLPM-D meter
with a range of 500 SCCM for mass flow and
2000 for volumetric flow, since the volumetric
flow is now 4 times the mass flow.

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