IDPL, Balanagar
Career Objective:To secure a position where I can efficiently contribute my skills and abilities to the
growth of the organization and build my professional career.
Academic Chronicle:
Technical Skills:
Languages: C,C++,Java,Python
Certificate Courses:
Outcome: learnt to design Python Applications, indexing and slicing to access data in
Python Programs.
Industry visits:
Outcome: learnt about the work culture and their future developments
1:Dictionary Application
Outcome:An applicatin which extracts the meaning,example of the given word from
oxforddictionary website
2:Currency Converter
Training program/workshops:
Interested in hacking
Undergoing training on Android Appilication development
Presented a paper on ‘DNA Digital Data Storage’ at convergence 2018.
Member at CSI
Member in CONVERGENCE team .
Declaration: I hereby declare that all the information stated above is true to best of my
knowledge and belief.
Meghana Palsa