1st Qtr. Reviewer

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 The process of creating a sequence of instructions that will enable the computer to do
 The process of testing, debugging, troubleshooting and maintaining the source instructions of
computer programs. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE
 An artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a machine,
particularly a computer.
 It can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine, to express algorithms
precisely, or as a made of human communication.
o Example: COBOL, JAVA, C++, BASIC, and FORTRAN.
 Program Life Cycle
1. Identifying the Problem - It involves determining the requirement of the program.
2. Planning the Solution - It includes flowcharting and pseudocoding to come up with the
solution to the problem.
3. Coding the Program - It refers to the use of specific programming language to code the
program that follows a set of rules called syntax.
4. Testing the Program - It is important to test the program after coding to check from any
syntax error or to see if it meets the requirement of the program. It involves three phases:
o Desk checking – in this phase the programmer just mentally traces or checks the logic of
the program to make sure that it is error free.
o Translation – the programming language uses translator to ensure that the program did
not violate any language rules.
o Debugging – this means detecting, locating, and correcting bugs

5. Documentation - The programmer makes a detailed description on how the program was


 A graphical representation for the definition, analysis and solution of a problem in which
symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow and equipment. Two types of flowchart
1. System flowchart
- It visually describes the operations performed on data through all parts of the data system. 2.
Program flowchart
- It concerns with the individual steps necessary to implement a particular procedure or to
solve a particular problem using the computer.
The importance of flowcharting:
Communication - It is better way of communicating the logic of the system to all the people
involved in the process.
Effective analysis - With the help of flowchart, problems can be analyzed in a more effective
Proper documentation - It serves as a good program documentation, which is needed for
various purposes.
Efficient coding - It serves as a guide or blueprint during the system analysis and program
development analysis. Proper debugging - It helps in debugging process.
Efficient programming maintenance - The maintenance of the operating program becomes
easy with the help of flowchart.

PSEUDOCODE It consists of short, English phrase used to explain specific tasks within a
program’s algorithm. Common Flowcharting Symbols
Symbol Description
Oval Terminal Symbol
Used principally to indicate the start end of the instruction executed in a program.

Input/ Output Symbol

This symbol is used whenever information is to be entered or derived from the computer.

Processing Symbol
This symbol is used when data is to be manipulated or processed, as in an arithmetic operation
or a data transfer operation.
Diamond Decision Symbol
This symbol is used to present the operation required for decision making and to determine the
relationship between two data items.
circle,pentagon Page Connectors
It is used to connect remote portions of a flowchart with one another.
hexagon Preparation Symbol
This symbol is used to represent instructions to alter or modify a program’s course of execution.
Arrow lines

Flow Lines
It represents the connecting path between flowchart symbols and to show direction of process
or data flow.

Example: Flowcharting and Pseudocoding Given: The base (B) and the height (H) of a triangle
Requirement: 1. Compute the area (A) of a triangle as the product of its height and base. 2.
Print the base, the height, and area of the triangle.

1. Start the process 2. Read the base and height

3. Compute the area as the product of base and height
4. Print the base, height and area 5. Stop the process

Use of Decision Symbol Decision symbol or the diamond symbol requires logical test that
could be determine by using conditional statements or characters which are listed in the table
below. Mathematical Notation Flowchart Notation Meaning
= = Equal
≠ ≠ Unequal
< < Less than
> > Greater than
≤ <= Less than or equal to
≥ ≥ More than or equal to

Read B, H
A= B * H
Print B, H, A
EXAMPLE 2: Flowcharting and Pseudocoding using decision symbol Given: Password
Requirement: 1. Ask the user to enter the password. 2. Display “Access Granted” if the
password is equal to “Computer”, on the false side display “Access Denied”.

1. Start the process 2. Enter the password 3. Decide if the password is equal to “Computer” or
not. 4. If the password is equal to “Computer” display “Access Granted” otherwise “Access
5. Stop the process

Yes No

Enter Password
Access Granted
Is Password = Computer
Access D

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