1) The document outlines the development plans for SDO-Jaen South Annex functional division for FY 2019.
2) It identifies the unit's strengths and development needs according to their objectives and key results areas.
3) Action plans with timelines and resource requirements are recommended to address the identified needs, including projects to teach teachers exemplary skills, create a safe classroom environment, enhance literacy and numeracy, and encourage self-managed learning.
1) The document outlines the development plans for SDO-Jaen South Annex functional division for FY 2019.
2) It identifies the unit's strengths and development needs according to their objectives and key results areas.
3) Action plans with timelines and resource requirements are recommended to address the identified needs, including projects to teach teachers exemplary skills, create a safe classroom environment, enhance literacy and numeracy, and encourage self-managed learning.
1) The document outlines the development plans for SDO-Jaen South Annex functional division for FY 2019.
2) It identifies the unit's strengths and development needs according to their objectives and key results areas.
3) Action plans with timelines and resource requirements are recommended to address the identified needs, including projects to teach teachers exemplary skills, create a safe classroom environment, enhance literacy and numeracy, and encourage self-managed learning.
1) The document outlines the development plans for SDO-Jaen South Annex functional division for FY 2019.
2) It identifies the unit's strengths and development needs according to their objectives and key results areas.
3) Action plans with timelines and resource requirements are recommended to address the identified needs, including projects to teach teachers exemplary skills, create a safe classroom environment, enhance literacy and numeracy, and encourage self-managed learning.
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FY 2019
Functional Division NUEVA ECIJA
Division Chief JESSIE R. FERRER , CESO V Unit Section SDO-JAEN SOUTH ANNEX Unit /Section Head NOEMI C. SAGCAL,Ph. D. Strength Development Needs Action Plan Timeline Resources (Recommended Need Developmental Intervention ) A. Functional Competencies Objective 1, KRA 2 Objective 1.3, KRA 1 “Project: TEACH Managed To apply a range of Teachers Supervisor , classroom teaching strategies to Exemplifying School Head , structure to develop critical and Attitude, Master Teachers engage learners, creative thinking, as Competencies and individually or in well as other higher- Habits groups, in order thinking skills Conducting Informal and meaningful particularly in asking formal observations in exploration, questions in different systematic manner based discovery and level on the particular needs Year Round hands-on activities of teachers within a range of Organize SLACs on Higher physical learning Order Thinking Skills environments. (HOTS) Mentoring and coaching with assistance from Master Teachers in school. Demonstration Teaching Objective 3, KRA 3 Objective 2, KRA 2 Selected, To manage classroom Project BE SAFE School Head , developed, structure to engage Better Master Teachers organized and learners, individually or Equipment in a Teacher – used appropriate in groups, in meaningful School with Researcher teaching and exploration, discovery Appropriate and Year Round learning and hands-on activities Friendly resources, within a range of Environment including ICT, to physical learning address learning environments goals. particularly in Conduct SLACs on performing classroom structuring differentiated activities Conduct school research on the most appropriate classroom structure appropriate for the set of learners
Objective 3, KRA 4 Objective 3,KRA 3 Conduct SLACs on
Communicated To select, developed, classroom structuring on Supervisor , promptly and organized and used appropriate teaching and School Head , clearly the appropriate teaching learning resources, Year Round Master Teacher learners’ needs, and learning resources, including ICT, to address , Speaker progress and including ICT, to learning goals achievement to address learning goals SDO JAEN SOUTH ANNEX key stakeholders, particularly in teaching Encourage teachers to including MAPEH lessons attend training that parents/guardians. would enhance/assure teachers competencies in computer education Objective 1, KRA 4 Objective 1, KRA 4To Self-managed Learning Supervisor , Designed, selected, design, select, organize by School Head , organized and used and use diagnostic, Searching through Master Teacher diagnostic, formative and internet , Teachers formative and summative assessment summative Year Round strategies consistent Organize SLACs with assessment strategies consistent with curriculum topic on Measurement with curriculum requirements with and Evaluations requirements. Table of Specification
Attend seminars and in-
Objective 2 KRA 4 Objective 1, KRA 3 service training. Monitored and To plan, manage and Use feedback, mentoring evaluated learner implement and coaching to enrich progress and developmentally teaching practices. achievement using sequences teaching and Year Round learner attainment learning processess to data. meet curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts. Objective 3, KRA 1 Objective 2, KRA 3 Project LEARN DepEd Funded Used a range of To participate in Learners’ Seminars teaching strategies collegial discussion that Enhancement of MOOE that enhance use teacher and learner Abilities in Local Funds learner feedback to enrich Reading and achievement in teaching practice. Numeracy literacy and numeracy skills. Attend seminars and in- service training. Use feedback, mentoring and coaching to enrich Year Round teaching practices.
B. Core Behavioral Competencies
Teamwork Innovation-particularly Sharing feedbacks Regular Professional and on the use of Coaching and mentoring coaching and School Head Ethics indigenous methods. Attending seminars sharing Co-teachers Service Think out of the box. Surf the internet Inset on Local Fund Orientation Sharing feedbacks January 2020 Self-Management to March 2020 SDO JAEN SOUTH ANNEX Results Focus-Manage Sharing feedbacks Regular time and resources to Coaching and mentoring coaching and School Head achieve optimal results. Attending seminars sharing Co-teachers Surf the internet Inset on Local Fund Sharing feedbacks January 2020 to March 2020