Febrile Seizures A. Gupta 2016 Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016 22 (1) 51-59
Febrile Seizures A. Gupta 2016 Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016 22 (1) 51-59
Febrile Seizures A. Gupta 2016 Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2016 22 (1) 51-59
Febrile Seizures
Address correspondence to
Dr Ajay Gupta, Cleveland
Clinic Lerner College of
Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
Ajay Gupta, MD Foundation, 9500 Euclid
Avenue, Cleveland OH 44195,
[email protected].
Relationship Disclosure:
ABSTRACT Dr Gupta has served on the
Purpose of Review: This article provides an update on the current understanding advisory board of Lundbeck
and has received research
and management of febrile seizures. Febrile seizures are one of the most common support from the Tuberous
age-related epileptic convulsions that lead to outpatient consultations, emergency Sclerosis Alliance for the Natural
department visits, and hospital or intensive care admissions. History Database Study.
Unlabeled Use of
Recent Findings: The Consequences of Prolonged Febrile Seizures in Childhood Products/Investigational
(FEBSTAT) study, an ongoing multicenter prospective longitudinal study, is providing Use Disclosure:
valuable insights into the subset of patients who develop febrile status epilepticus, the Dr Gupta discusses the
unlabeled/investigational use
most life-threatening type of febrile seizures with potential long-term consequences. of benzodiazepines for the
Mutations in voltage-gated ion channels and neurotransmitter receptor genes have treatment of febrile seizures.
been shown to result in familial occurrence of febrile seizures and epilepsy. Acute * 2016 American Academy
abortive treatment of febrile seizures using a commercially available rectal delivery kit of Neurology.
has gained widespread use by nonmedical caregivers as a first-line treatment at home.
Summary: Most febrile seizures are self-limiting episodes with low risk of injury,
death, and long-term neurologic consequences. Most fevers and infections that cause
febrile seizures are relatively benign and do not require extensive testing or procedures.
Long-term management requires thorough assessment and risk stratification to devise
a customized plan for each child, paying attention to the caregiver situation at home
and day care. Most important treatment efforts are directed at caregiver education
and, when appropriate, on effective use of abortive seizure treatment at home.
h The peak age for the to 8 years. A national cohort study (GEFS+). GEFS+ is reported to be caused
occurrence of febrile reported that 90% of children had their by mutations in the subunit genes
seizures is 18 to first febrile seizure before the age of (SCN1A, SCN2A, and SCN1B) that com-
24 months, and the 3 years, with the peak age being 18 to pose the neuronal voltage-gated sodium
majority of children with 24 months.4,7 Only 6% of febrile sei- channel. The GEFS+ phenotype has
febrile seizures continue zures occur before 6 months of age also been reported due to mutations
to have normal growth and 4% after 3 years of age, indicating in the GABA-A receptor subunit gene
and development. that the age of onset is a critical consid- (GABRG2).11 These conditions may re-
h Mutations in eration in further evaluation of children sult in a clinical presentation of febrile
voltage-gated sodium with febrile seizures. The majority of seizures, febrile seizures that persist
channel subunits and children with febrile seizures have nor- beyond early childhood, and even fe-
GABA receptor gene mal growth and development. Febrile brile seizures with coexisting epilepsy
subunits explain family seizures show no clear sex predilection. (afebrile spontaneous seizures) of vari-
history of febrile Most febrile seizures occur at or around able severity and seizure types. Dravet
seizures and epilepsy
the onset of fever. The fever of febrile syndrome is the most severe form of
in some patients.
seizures is commonly due to self-limiting voltage-gated sodium channelYrelated
viral infections affecting ear, nose, and epileptic encephalopathy, with febrile
throat or respiratory or gastrointestinal seizures, febrile status epilepticus, the
systems, and the risk of CNS infection is development of intractable generalized
low.3,8 However, recent studies further epilepsy, and severe cognitive impair-
specify viral strains in children who ment. Vast intrafamilial and interfamilial
have prolonged febrile seizures or fe- variation exists in the clinical course of
brile status epilepticus. In the Conse- genetic epilepsies, and genotype-
quences of Prolonged Febrile Seizures phenotype characterization is complex
in Childhood (FEBSTAT) study, febrile and poorly understood. It is important
status epilepticus was associated with to keep in mind that the majority of
the presence of human herpesvirus children with febrile seizures do not
(HHV) 6B DNA and RNA in serum (but have a family history of them, and ge-
not HHV-6A or HHV-7), suggesting acute netic testing is not routinely warranted.
HHV-6B viremia. Overall, HHV infec- Other pathophysiologic triggering
tions were found in 30% of all patients factors, such as rate of rise of fever, peak
with febrile status epilepticus in the body temperature during the illness, vac-
FEBSTAT study, suggesting an HHV-6B cinations (mainly diphtheria-pertussis-
infection as a specific trigger of febrile tetanus and measles-mumps-rubella),
status epilepticus.9 Despite this new find- low birth weight and in utero growth
ing, routine use of viral studies cannot retardation, respiratory alkalosis, and
be recommended in febrile seizures at systemic release of proinflammatory cy-
this time as they do not have direct tokines have been reported. These trig-
clinical or prognostic implications. gers remain a matter of much debate
Genetics seem to play a major role in and are not helpful in directing clinical
febrile seizures. As many as 25% to 40% management.12Y17
of children with febrile seizures have a Febrile infectionYrelated epilepsy syn-
family history of febrile seizures.10 Re- drome (FIRES) is controversial but touted
cently, a robust relationship has been as a distinct entity and reported in the
demonstrated between familial febrile literature. FIRES is a catastrophic epi-
seizures and genetically determined leptic encephalopathy that is clinically
epilepsies. The most established is the characterized by recurrent febrile sei-
clinically defined syndrome of genetic zures and febrile status epilepticus in
epilepsy with febrile seizures plus the acute phase during infancy, followed
52 www.ContinuumJournal.com February 2016
Case 3-1
A 22-month-old boy was referred for an office consultation after a
recent emergency department visit. His mother witnessed whole-body
convulsions that lasted for 2 minutes during a fever of 38.9-C (102-F).
The child had a runny nose for 2 days before he had the fever, which
was later determined to be due to an ear infection. By the time the
child was transported to the emergency department, he had fully
recovered. With temperature control, he became cheerful again and
had good oral intake in the emergency department. His examination
raised no concerns. The child’s history had no red flags, and he had
normal growth and development. He was fully immunized.
Comment. This child had a simple febrile seizure. His history is typical
for a febrile seizure that is most likely predicted to have a benign course.
No further tests are warranted. The mother should be educated and
counseled about this condition.
h Brain imaging, EEG, sodium channel blockers such as infection rather than a consequence of
and blood testing are fosphenytoin may be relatively contrain- febrile seizures or febrile status epilepti-
indicated only dicated because of the potential for cus. A 2012 study showed that even in
infrequently in selected worsening of seizures. febrile status epilepticus, CSF pleocy-
children with febrile Gradually reducing high fever with tosis is rarely a result of febrile status
seizures, and their antipyretics and gentle measures is gen- epilepticus.22 The American Academy
widespread use should erally recommended. It is not known if of Pediatrics established guidelines for
be discouraged. such measures impact the duration of lumbar CSF testing in children presenting
febrile seizures or the chance of recur- with febrile seizures (Table 3-1).3
rence of another febrile seizure. Neuroimaging, brain CT or MRI, is
Finding and treating the cause of generally not indicated unless clinical
the fever presenting with febrile sei- suspicion of an acute neurologic condi-
zures is key. CNS infection and acute tion or a history of focal hemiconvulsions
metabolic/toxic derangement are the suggesting a structural substrate exists.3,23
two most important causes that must EEG is of limited use during febrile
be ruled out. A good history and physical seizures or in the postacute state. Up
examination as well as rapid and full to one-third of patients with febrile
postictal recovery in febrile seizures may seizures, whether simple or complex,
establish the often self-limiting nature may show transient EEG abnormalities
of febrile illness without the need for during the postacute state; however,
further tests. Monitoring of vital signs EEG alone seldom dictates manage-
and close observation of neurologic status ment of febrile seizures.24,25 EEG may
following the febrile seizure are essential be justifiable in a subset of patients, as
in all children, and other laboratory tests, shown by the FEBSTAT study, an ongo-
including lumbar puncture (for CSF anal- ing multicenter prospective longitudinal
ysis), should be selectively considered study on consequences of prolonged
depending on each clinical scenario. febrile seizures.26 In this study, EEGs
Until proven otherwise, any finding of were performed within 72 hours of fe-
CSF pleocytosis, even without remark- brile status epilepticus. Focal slowing or
able changes in glucose and protein, attenuation on the EEG was highly as-
should be considered as an evidence of sociated with acute hippocampal injury
TABLE 3-1 Key Action Statements on the Indications of Lumbar Puncture a(Cerebrospinal Fluid
Examination) in a Child Who Presents With Seizure and Fever
Case 3-2
A 7-month-old infant was referred for consultation 2 weeks after she was
discharged from a hospital. She was admitted for a prolonged convulsive
seizure. Her parents were unaware of the fever or illness until after the
convulsion. The seizure apparently lasted 35 minutes and only stopped
after administration of IV lorazepam in the emergency department. Later,
a fever of 37.8-C (100-F) was noted, and a viral upper respiratory infection
was diagnosed. Blood biochemistry was normal. On further questioning,
the parents reported she had a history of previous febrile seizures at the
age of 3 months and 5 months that were 15 to 20 minutes in duration but
stopped before arriving at the emergency department. The infant was fully
immunized. Concerns regarding hypotonia and delayed motor milestones
were previously noted and confirmed at this office visit. On examination,
truncal ataxia and a few body jerks suggestive of myoclonia were noted.
Comment. This child had complex febrile seizures. In fact, the last episode
was febrile status epilepticus, the most severe form of febrile seizure. She
had many red flags, including early age of onset, the duration of seizures,
low fever or lack of documented fever at the onset of seizures, delayed
development, and abnormal neurologic examination. Her clinical scenario is
consistent with a possibility of an epileptic encephalopathy, such as Dravet
syndrome or other genetic epilepsy. Counseling may be difficult in such
situations when the family is expecting a benign diagnosis of febrile seizures.
Further diagnostic workup, such as EEG and genetic testing, is warranted
to confirm the diagnosis. This child is likely a candidate for initiation of
appropriate long-term anticonvulsant treatment. Also, she is at risk for future
prolonged convulsions, and it is prudent to devise a rescue plan, including
a prompt call to emergency medical services. Longitudinal follow-up is
critical in this child.
seizures that manifests with the second in these patients. There has been a long-
hit of fever/illness followed by enduring standing observation of the association
epilepsy. In a prospective FEBSTAT MRI of febrile status epilepticus, hippocam-
study of children presenting with acute pal sclerosis, and mesial temporal lobe
febrile status epilepticus, acute hip- epilepsy37; however, the cause-and-
pocampal injury due to febrile status effect relationship is yet to be confirmed
epilepticus was commonly seen. It was and may perhaps be more complex than
found that children with febrile status previously hypothesized.
epilepticus (defined as a seizure dura- While confirming the risk factors dis-
tion longer than 30 minutes) and acute cussed above, a 2013 study also identi-
hippocampal injury commonly had con- fied two other risk factors in multivariate
genital hippocampal malformations/ analyses: the occurrence of four or more
malrotations that could contribute to febrile seizures in a child and late age
the development of febrile status of febrile seizure onset (older than
epilepticus.34 Long-term follow-up of 3 years).38 This finding may need be
the febrile status epilepticus cohort is replicated in other larger studies. How-
ongoing to understand the possible ever, as discussed earlier, it makes sense
development of hippocampal sclero- as less than 5% of children with febrile
sis and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy seizures will have more than four seizures
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