9 - Andrew O' Connor
9 - Andrew O' Connor
9 - Andrew O' Connor
Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows.
You are the Charge Nurse at the North West Rehabilitation Hospital overseeing Mr.
Patient Details
Name: Mr Andrew O’Connor
Age: 74 years
Religion: Catholic
Date: 2 December 2009
Date: 22 March 2010
L CVA right side hemiplegia
Diagnosis: (stroke) (paralysis)
Social/Family History:
Retired baker
71 yr old wife, Mary, has angina
2 married children, do not live nearby
Lives in 3-bedroomed family home in Lake Park
Prior to stroke recreational activities included fishing & golf
Writing task:
You are the Charge Nurse on the hospital ward where Mr O’Connor has resided during his
hospital stay. Using the information given in the case notes, write a letter of referral to the District
Nurse at the District Nursing Centre, Lake Park, who will be attending to Mr O’Connor after his
In your answer:
• Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
• Do not use note form
• Use letter format
The body of the letter should be approximately 180 - 200 word