Hsslive XII Physics Lab Questions 2019
Hsslive XII Physics Lab Questions 2019
Hsslive XII Physics Lab Questions 2019
Score Distribution
1. Formula and principle
2. Setting of Apparatus 2
3. Performance and recording of obsen,ations
1. Calculation and results in S I units
5. \'iva r-oce
fotal for one experlment
Total fbr two experiment
6. Record book
18 x 2:36
Find the volume of the given cylinder / rectangular brock using vernier calipers
(take 5 sets of readings)
Physics - 1/4
5. A screrv gauge and a meter scale are supplied. Determine the diameter of the wire
and hence find its volume.
5. Determine the thickness of glass plate and find its volume' You are supplied with
screw gauge and graPh Paper. '
7. Determine the volume of the given lead shot using screw gauge.
8. Using spherometer find the thickness of the glass plate and hence find its volume
with the use of graPh Paper
g. Find the radius of cun'ature of the spherical surface (concare' conve\') usine
l0.Using common balance determine the mass of the given bodl' b.v sensibility
a minimum
1 1. Using principle of moments determine the mass of the given body, with
of 5 readings.
12. Find the mass of meter scale using principle of moments, take at least 5
14. Find the relative density of given body using parallelogram law apparatus'
2O.Draw M-T2 graph for a helical spring with four readings. Determine spring
constant from the graPh.
Physics - 2/4
2' 81'dra$ing culrent - r'olta-ee graph, find the resistance of given rvire b1. Ohm,s
lau,. Also t'ind the conductance.
4. Veriff the law of combination of resistance in series lparallel using Ohm,s law.
5. Determine the resistivity / conductivity of the given wire
using Meter bridge. Screw
gauge is provided.
8, Study the variation in the internal resistance of primary cell with external
resistances using potentiometer.
9 ' Using potentiometer find the emf of Daniel cell (given the emf
of Leclanche cell :
Physics - 3/4
1 1. Find the focal length of convex lens by u-v method. Verifr the result using distant
object method. Also find the power of the lens.
12. Find the focal length of convex lens by u-v graph. Take six sets-of readings. Also
find. its power.
l3.Find the focal length of the given convex lens by drawing llu-llv graph. Take six
sets ofreadings.
l4.Find the focal length of the given concave lens by keeping it in contact with a
15. Find the focal length of the given concave mirror by drau'ing u-v graph.
16. Find the focal length of the given concave mirror by drawing llu-Uv graph. Take six
sets ofreadings.
17.Find the focal length of the given concave mirror using u-v method. Verify the
result by normal reflection method.
18. Find the focal length of the convex mirror using a convex lens.
20. Determine the focal length of liquid lens and hence find out the refractive index of
the liquid used.
21. Plot a graph sholving the variation of angle of deviation "d" 'ir ith angle of incidence
"i" for a given prism. From the graph find the angle of minimum deviation.
Z2.Draw the path of the ray of light through a prism for hve different angles of
incidence and find the refractive index of the material of the prism. (Angle of the
prism : ............)
23.Draw the forward characteristics of a p-n junction diode and determine its static and
dynamic resistances.
24.Draw the reverse characteristic curve of a zener diode and determine its reverse
break down voltage.
28. You are given a transistor, two voltage sources, voltmeters, ammeters and rheostats.
' Connect the transistor in, common emitter mode and draw the input/ output
characteristic curves.
Physics - 4/4