Metacognitive Reading Report 4

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Metacognitive Reading Report 4

Name: TARCENA, Charmane Lizette S. Date: January 13, 2020

The Contemporary World

The Global Citizenship and Basic Principles of Sustainable Development

1. Difficult Concepts
i. The interrelationship between three different disciplinary areas: Economic
perspective, ecological perspective, and social perspective
ii. Difference between straight-line progression from the modern mass-
consumption society.
iii. Difference among Liberal Citizenship Theory, Republican Citizenship Theory,
Communautarist Citizenship Theory, and Neo-republican Citizenship Theory
iv. The importance in understanding the formal and moral dimension of Global

2. Insights

i. Before reading the article “Basic Principles of Sustainable Development” I

thought that Sustainable living and development is not yet being prioritize in
every country worldwide

However, after reading the article, I know realized how each economic state
have given their efforts to satisfy the environment needs and how to improve
the place where we’re living. Different programs have been introduced that
are related to Global Warming. Advancement in technology related to
recycling, waste disposal, and reusing have been the focus on researches.
People from different sectors, especially the rich sectors and the government,
have given priority to the environmental sustainability of one’s country. This
sensitivity has made a huge impact on the environment than before when we
are not yet that sensitive towards our way of living.

ii. Before reading the article, I thought that our sensitivity towards sustainable
living and advancement in technology and research could have a boost
impact on helping our environment.

However, after reading the article, I know realized how these advancement
and mindset could also destroy the environment. Certain examples were
introduced in the article like utilizing nuclear power as alternative to fossil fuel,
but the unsolved problems with nuclear waste management have circulated.
Another is genetic engineering to increase the crops production, however
there might be implications to people that will eat these crops when the
genetic engineering becomes out of hand.

iii. Before reading the article, I thought that Global Citizenship was introduced to
encouraged citizens to wary of global issues for the sake of capitalism and

However, after reading the article I now realized the main purpose of being a
Global Citizen. Being a Global Citizen helps you manifest the kind of behavior
that does justice to the principles of mutual dependency in the world, the
equality of human beings and the shared responsibility for solving global issues.
It gave us awareness about our responsibility not just a citizen for our country
but as a citizen living in planet Earth. Due to this movement we were able to
raise awareness and sensitivity towards Climate Change. We were able to save
the environment. Laws were created and people understood its importance.
That is one great thing that being a Global Citizen have done for our planet
iv. Before reading the article, I thought that to become a Global Citizen, one must
be associate or become a member of world organization or world movements.

However, after reading the article I now realized that being a Global Citizen
means being aware and conscious with whatever is happening to my
community, my surroundings, to the environment, and to the world. Through
my knowledge, as a global citizen, I shall consider these when I make decisions
in life that is for the betterment of the world. I know understand through my
own initiative and simple tasks, I’ve become a responsible Global Citizen.

3. Questions

i. The idea of Sustainable development was introduced at latter years,

people have paid attention to the environmental needs when everyone
has its impacts like Global Warming, what possible changes could be seen
if people have become sensitive with sustainable living before
ii. How can economic, environmental, and social system be balanced in
modern societies? It there a way to balance these three different
disciplinary areas or there will always be an area where it dominates the
other areas?
iii. How the world would be without introducing the idea of Global Citizenship?
iv. Can people live in this era without being a Global Citizen? What are the
disadvantages for people who refuses to become a Global Citizen and the
possible impact on their own country?

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