Architectural Concept Ideas
Architectural Concept Ideas
Architectural Concept Ideas
To develop an architectural concept we must first gather a set of information before we can
start any sort of design process. We can categorise these initial findings into three distinct
• Site
• Building Requirements
• Building Type
Before we can start to design a scheme we must carry out a thorough site analysis in order to
understand the location and surrounding context of where our project is situated. Every
building must be designed to reflect and complement the site it is on and the area that
surrounds it. I am not suggesting that it must blend into the site, but it must be aware of the
We can use our site analysis findings to develop architectural concepts and ideas. We list
some of these ideas below. Read on.
Building Requirements:
The next stage of the process is to understand the requirements of our building. This is where
we must communicate with the client to understand their needs and what the demands of the
building will be. You cannot design a building if you don’t know what it will be used for, or who
will use it. You can read our article on Developing the Design Brief here.
Once we have developed a solid understanding of the requirements of our building, we can
use this data to help inform our architectural concept development. We list some ideas for this
Building Type:
This relates to the type of building that we are designing. It is a hospital, a museum, a home?
This is where we collect information to better understand the type of building we are
designing, look at precedent studies and gain a thorough and informed understanding of the
project. What problems are we trying to solve for the client and the building users? What kind
of structure is suited to this building type?
During your concept development stage, it is a good idea to keep sketching. Explore your ideas
through concept sketches, concept models, and anything else that will help you be more 2 of 7
creative and expand your thinking. Don’t come up with your first single idea and stick with it. Try
out many other ideas before settling on one, even if you go back to the first! Keep
Does the site have views that should be maximised? Can the design make a play on those
views and reveal them as the user moves through the building. Will some aspects of the
building require a view, while others should be more shielded? If there are no views, can inward
views be created instead?
What is the light like on the site? Is it open and bright or overshadowed and dark? Could the
light be something that is developed and interwoven into the design?
What is the site like in terms of levels and layout. Is there a strong topography that should be
developed into the design. Does the topography dictate areas of the site that can and can’t be
built on? Are some parts of the site more exposed than others? Will this have an impact on the
orientation of the building? Is the site steep or flat?
If your site is in a historical area or perhaps has listed buildings nearby, this may be something
you would like to consider and develop. Having a strong concept that is based around the past
influences of your site can create interesting journeys not only through your design but the final
project itself. Certainly worth considering.
Natural features
Some sites will have natural features such as trees, rivers, rocky landscapes, vegetation, cliffs,
valleys, and much more. Think about how these natural features can inform your design or
even become a part of it.
Existing Structures
Are there existing structures on the site or around the site that might influence your design
decisions? What are the existing structures used for? Consider how the current use of the site
and its area might be developed into your concept. 3 of 7
How important is the orientation of your building? Obviously we always think of our sun path
and aim to orientate the building as best we can according to the sun path. However, is there
anything else that might dictate a certain orientation to the building? If we are looking at a large
site, is there a natural flow of visitors to the site? Is there a natural axis to the site? Or do we
want to change that axis? Considering how the proposed building is positioned on the site
creates an interesting concept.
Cultural context
Does the context of the surrounding society have an influence on our design? What are the
cultural aspects of the locality? Will this information form part of your concept as you move
your design forward?
How does the weather affect our site? Is the site exposed to the elements and need to be
protected? How much shelter needs to be provided? Do we want to turn the building away
from strong prevailing winds? What if the winds come from the same direction that has the
best view? How can we develop a concept that serves all the solutions we look to create?
Function First
Is our priority to nail the function of the building over the form? Is our key goal and concept to
deliver on the requirements of the building before considering the overall form? How important
is the form vs the function of the building?
What is the building going to be used for? How much space is required? Will the building
always have one use or will it change over time? Can our concept reflect the end user of the
Who is going to use the building? How often? A home is very specific to and personal to a small
group of people who are using the building on a daily basis. A museum is used by many people
who may only visit for a couple of hours, once. These different building users may be key to
how you develop your design and in turn your architectural concept. 4 of 7
This is more based around specifics of requirements. For example, if you are designing a new
home for a client, they may be very specific in how many rooms they would like and what size
those rooms need to be. It is your task to consider how those spaces will interact, connect, and
feel. In a museum design, there may be specific requirements for displaying exhibits, how can
you fulfil this criteria?
How will the building user move through the building? Will you create a journey in your design
to pull the visitor through the building? How will you make the experiences differ as the user
passes through the different spaces? How will you connect the spaces? How will the visitors
flow? A home will have a very different journey to a hospital, or a museum or school - how can
you draw from these differences?
Precedent Study
When we are working on a design project we can draw from precedent studies to inform our
designs. A precedent can communicate a meaning to your design, and be used as an idea or
guide. The precedent study can be a starting point for your own concept or seed idea.
(See Precedent Study article)
Perhaps we want to approach our design looking at the materials of the structure as a part of
our early concept? Does this building type naturally lend itself to a type of material? What
might you be trying to achieve by using a particular material? Local materials, comfort,
familiarity? Consider how material choice will affect the aesthetics of your design and the
experience for the building user.
Structural strategy
Does this building type have a particular structure that it is most suited to? Will this inform your
concept? Perhaps it is a grid form, cantilever, natural organic shapes? Solid structures like
concrete and masonry, or lightweight like glass?
Building form
How are you imagining the building form in 3D? Does the mass of the building reflect the
purpose? How will your proposed form impact the building users, the feeling of space? How
important is the form when developing your concept?
Traditional or different
Do you want your design to be traditional in the sense of the building type, or do you want it to
break the mould and be different from what we normally expect of that type of building? If we
want to be different and controversial, why? What is driving your decisions? 5 of 7
Building Type
Are you designing a hospital - consider the practical use for the staff but also the feel for the
patients…How can you achieve a feeling of safety and comfort for patients while making sure
the spaces are practical and useful for the staff.
Are you designing a school - consider what the building is for the students, teachers and
parents… a place of learning, safety, community, development - how do all these elements
weave into your concept?
Consider your design philosophy. This is a set of values you use to inform your design. The
values could be of the designer, or perhaps a reflection of the design brief, or the context of
the site - or indeed a combination of all three.
artistic vs scientific
rational vs irrational
personal vs private
visual vs non visual
wants vs needs
individual vs society
In terms of design, how to these values work with the design problems you face on this
particular project?
ordered vs random
structured vs unstructured
objective vs subjective
one answer vs multiple solutions
creative vs conservative
specific vs general
man vs nature
complexity vs simplicity
design for now vs design for the future
pattered process vs random process
Do you need more help developing your concepts? We have put together a selection of our
favourite books for concept development and design process. This list is a must for any
architecture student to really start to develop their design thinking and understanding of
architectural concepts and the design process. 7 of 7