Hass Forward Planning Document

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

Students will have access to individual iPads as the Forward Planning Document is designed around the use of this device. ICT tools including Word Clouds, YouTube, QR
Codes, MindMeister, Padlet, Notes, Explain Everything, Kahoot and PicCollage will be used.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

1 ACDSEH104 Identify current knowledge, A formative Lesson Introduction: iPad

gaps, misconceptions, assessment using 1. Introduce the concept of rights and freedoms and
The background perspectives and possible Word Clouds to provide an overview of the lesson for students to
to the struggle perspective of others by using check prior follow.
of Aboriginal Word Clouds and classroom understanding and
2. Prompt student thinking and questioning by having a
and Torres discussions. knowledge of
Strait Islander Aboriginal and short discussion about current themes in society and
People’s for Analyse and evaluate accounts Torres Strait the importance to reflect on the past.
rights and of the Stolen Generation, The Islander People’s 3. Questions include; What are rights and freedoms?
freedoms before Day of Mourning, 1962 Right to rights and Why is it important to study this concept? Are there
1965. Vote and Invasion Day using freedoms. any movements happening in society today? What
social, political and economic comes to mind when thinking about Aboriginal and
factors within MindMeister.
Torres Strait Islander People’s rights and freedoms?

1. Using the ICT tool Word Clouds, students enter
Word Clouds
specific words that refer to their prior knowledge of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights and
2. Students work individually to create a word cloud
and then share with the rest of the classroom.
3. Students word clouds will be uploaded to a Padlet link:
classroom padlet. I will share the padlet link with the
class for each student to upload. j
4. With padlet, students will be able to look at word
clouds created by their peers.
5. Students will then be placed into groups of no more
than four to begin the next task using QR codes.
6. Four QR codes will be positioned around the YouTube Videos:
classroom that will direct students to a specific video
in relation to the Stolen Generation, The Day of y5NA (Stolen
Mourning, 1962 Right to Vote and Invasion Day. Generation)
7. Four QR codes will be placed in different areas of https://www.youtube.c
the classroom and a member of each group must use om/watch?v=MrTFdU
their iPad to scan a different QR code. a3S9w (Invasion Day)
8. Students will watch one video, take notes and share
with the rest of the group. czPg (1962 Right to
9. With this information, students will be asked to Vote)
create a mind map with the headings social, political https://www.youtube.c
and economic factors using MindMeister. om/watch?v=yj3-
10. Using these headings, students are required to add pMnyUOI (1938 Day
important facts, dates, and notes that are linked to of Mourning)
these themes to demonstrate their understanding.
11. This will be uploaded to the classroom padlet. https://mm.tt/1404634
1. A class discussion to prompt student reflection and
further inquiry with questions such as; How is this
relevant in the world today? What was happening
around the world during this period? What themes
were significant within the topics? What was the
effect on society at the time?
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

3 ACDSEH134 Identify the importance of A formative Introduction: iPad

Charles Perkins and the 1965 assessment using 1. Introduce Charles Perkins and the Freedom Rides by Kahoot
Methods used Freedom Rides. Kahoot to assess prompting discussion with the assistance of Kahoot.
by civil rights student’s 2. Students will work in pairs (simply using 1,2) to
activists to Identify the need for the Student knowledge on the
attempt to answer questions in Kahoot.
achieve change Action for Aborigines Freedom Rides of
for Aboriginal Organisation. 1965. 3. Students were asked after the previous lesson to
and Torres research Charles Perkins and become familiar with
Strait Islander Evaluate the change that As well as a the Freedom Rides of 1965. Therefore, Kahoot is
Peoples. occurred in the aftermath and summative used to prompt discussion and inquiry.
how important Charles Perkins assessment 4. Questions such as why is change important? Recall
was as a figure of change. evaluating on experiences of discrimination. How does it make
you feel? What was happening in the world during
awareness and
understanding of the 60’s? What was happening in Australia during
the need for the 60’s?
change before and
after 1965 Body:
through notes and 1. Following Kahoot, with the same pairs, students are
Canva. to conduct an inquiry using the Australian Institute of Australian Institute of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander website. Aboriginal and Torres
2. Students are to feel they are at a real-life exhibition Strait Islander website:
as they scroll through the online exhibition of the ’65 https://aiatsis.gov.au/e
Freedom Ride’.
3. Students are to answer questions that were used in
the Kahoot as well as further extending their answers
by identifying the key themes and attributes of the
activist organisation.
4. This is completed on the notes app on the iPad whilst
using split screen. (Allowing students to multi-task
5. Questions will be based on the 5w’s. Who? What?
When? Where? And most importantly Why? Why
was there a need for change? And How is it relevant
6. Students will upload their notes in the classroom to
Padlet link:
7. Following this, students will be required to use their https://padlet.com/amy
iPad again to create a poster/image using PicCollage. castro101/q7137ngit86
8. Students will recall on their notes and information j
from the website to create a poster that shows their
understanding of the movement and the way it PicCollage
achieved change.
9. Students can choose to create a poster/image for the
purpose of education, awareness, or a protest but
must highlight similar themes used in the Student
Action for Aborigines Organisation.
10. This is to be uploaded on the classroom padlet.

1. Review of the aims, tactics and purpose of the
Student Action for Aborigines Organisation.
2. A small preview of the next lesson which will
introduce the concept of reconciliation between
Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
LESSO Australian OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES and other
N Curriculum (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

5 ACDSEH106 Describing the aims, tactics and A formative Introduction: iPad

outcomes of the reconciliation assessment using 1. Introduce the concept of reconciliation and the
The significance movement in relation to Kevin post-it notes, framework for the lesson.
of reconciliation Rudd’s Sorry Speech. classroom 2. Students will be asked a series of questions to prompt
for the civil discussions and
discussion in relation to Kevin Rudd’s Sorry Speech.
rights of Identify the importance of Kevin explain
Aboriginal and Rudd’s Sorry Speech and the everything to 3. Questions include; What does an apology mean to
Torres Strait impact the event had on the assess prior you? Recall a time you have apologised to someone.
Islander Aboriginal and Torres Strait knowledge and What was the situation that occurred? How did you
Peoples. Islander community by creating understanding of feel before and after the apology? How do you think
a video reflecting on students’ the national the other party involved felt? Post-it Notes
individual lives and experiences. apology. 4. The answers are to be written down on post it notes
and placed on the board for an exercise to end the

1. To begin the next section of the lesson, students are YouTube:
required to watch a video of Kevin Rudd’s Sorry https://www.youtube.c
Speech. om/watch?v=RThkO3
2. Then in pairs, students are to re-watch the video XBThs
using split screen and notes to identify key themes,
words and phrases in the speech. Notes
3. With this information, students are to create a visual
Explain Everything
representation of their family and friends using the
ICT tool Explain Everything. With this app, students
can create a video including figures, themes and
images of the importance of family and community.
4. It is important to ask students to reflect on the
answers they gave on the post-it notes to help them
in creating the video.
5. Ask students to reflect on their prior knowledge of
reconciliation and how important it was for Kevin
Rudd to give a national apology.
6. In Explain Everything, students are required to
provide an audio recording of their thoughts about
reconciliation and the impact the speech had on the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
7. By creating a video, students are showing an
understanding of the aims and outcomes of Kevin
Rudd’s Sorry Speech and its importance regarding
1. To end the lesson, students are required to watch a
video of the crowd’s response and the passing of the Padlet:
bill. https://padlet.com/amy
2. On a separate post-it note, students are to write 3 castro101/q7137ngit86
words that describe how they felt while watching it. j
3. An image will be taken of the board with all post-it
notes and uploaded to the classroom padlet site.

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