06 636
06 636
06 636
Eaton August 1997
This Manual provides service information for Eaton Heavy Series 2 Variable Displacement Pumps, Models 33, 39, 46, 54 and
64. Step by step instructions for complete disassembly, inspection and reassembly of the pump are given. The following
recommendations should be followed to insure successful repairs.
• Most repairs require the removal of the pump from the vehicle.
• Cleanliness is extremely important.
• Clean the port areas thoroughly before disconnect the hydraulic lines.
• Plug the pump ports and cover the open hydraulic lines immediately after they’re disconnected.
• Drain the oil and clean the exterior of the pump before making repairs.
• Wash all metal parts in clean solvent.
• Use compressed air to dry the parts. Dot not wipe them dry with paper towels or cloth: lint in a hydraulic system
will cause damage.
• The compressed air should be filtered and moisture free.
• Always use new seals when reassembling hydraulic pumps.
• Lubricate the new rubber seals with a petroleum jelly like Vaseline before installation.
• Torque all bolts over gasketed joints, then repeat the torquing sequence to make-up for gasket compression.
After all repairs are complete it is essential to verify the accuracy of pump repairs on an authorized test stand.
4 End Cover
1 Control
5 Rotating Assembly
& Shaft
6 Servo Piston
55 41
Because critical calibrations have
56 been made at the factory the Servo
Assembly should not be disassembled.
46 45
Exploded View Drawing – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Control Valve
(Refer to pages 17-23 for Valve Options)
2 62
27 116
28 118
66 117
66 32
ID Tag
31 87 119
Refer to
67 86 Optional
85 Page 4
86 for details
Optional 85 49
Plug Optional
Magnetic Speed Sensor
C Items
Parts List – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Item Part No. Qty. Description
1 C ♦ 1 Main Housing (see parts list on page 11)
2 C ♦ 1 Drive Shaft Sub-Assembly (see parts list on page 12)
3 A ♦ 1 End Cover (see parts list on page 16)
4 A 103090-325 8 Hex Bolt HD 3/8-16 Gr8 (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
103091-325 8 Hex Bolt HD 7/16-16 Gr8 (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
5 A ◊ 1 End Cover Gasket (54,4 -63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
5 A ◊ 1 End Cover Gasket (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
6 C ♦ 1 Control Valve (see Control Valves on pages 17 through 24)
7 C ♦ 1 Control Valve Gasket (see Control Valves on pages 17 through 24)
12 B ♦ 1 Rotating Kit Assembly (see Assembly Parts List on page 13)
13 A ♦ 1 Propel Valve Plate (see Assembly Parts List on page 12)
14 B ♦ 1 Bearing Plate (see Assembly Parts List on page 12)
15 A ◊ 1 Eccentric Ring (see Charge Pump Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Gerotor Assembly (see Charge Pump Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Valve Plate, High Torque Charge Pump (see Charge Pump List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Charge Pump Cover (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 4 Sealing Washer (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 4 Cap Screw 5/16-18 Soc HD 1-1/2" (see Charge Pump Parts List on page 14-15)
◊ 4 Cap Screw 5/16-18 Soc HD 1-3/4"(see Charge Pump Parts List on page 14-15)
◊ 4 Cap Screw 5/16-18 Soc HD 2" (see Charge Pump Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Charge Pump Drive Shaft (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Key (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
◊ 1 Key (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Retaining Ring (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
◊ 1 Retaining Ring (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 O-Ring (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
◊ 1 O-Ring (see Charge Pump Kit Assembly Parts List on page 14-15)
15 A ◊ 1 Charge Shaft Bushing (pressed inside Charge Pump Cover)
◊ 1 Charge Shaft Bushing (pressed inside Charge Pump Cover)
15 A ◊ 1 Valve Plate, High Torque Charge Pump
28 C 108300 2 Ring Seal (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev) (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
26 B ♦ 1 Servo Piston Sub-Assembly (see Sub-Assembly Parts List on page 11)
27 C ◊ 2 O-Ring (see kit 990710-000 page 27)
28 C 108300 2 Ring Seal (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev) (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
108915 2 Ring Seal (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev) (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
29 C 108145 1 Servo Piston Cover (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
108372 1 Servo Piston Cover (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
30 C 109331 1 Servo Piston Cover (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
108371 1 Servo Piston Cover (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
31 C 95862-088 8 Hex Bolt HD 5/16-18 Gr 5 (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
95912-088 8 Screw, Cap Soc HD 5/16-18 Gr 8 (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
32 C ◊ 2 O-Ring (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,3 cm3/rev) (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
40 C 103232 1 Bearing Cup (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
103807 1 Bearing Cup (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
Legend ♦ Refer to specific item assembly parts list.
◊ Parts included in Kit. (Refer to specific Parts Kit list.)
Parts List – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Item Part No. Qty. Description
41 A ◊ A/R Bearing Shim (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev) (see Shim kit 990715-000 page 26)
◊ A/R Bearing Shim (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev) (see Shim kit 990388-000 page 26)
42A43A 108295-000 1 Bearing Cup/ Bearing Cone S/A (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
42A43A 990386-000 1 Bearing Cup/ Bearing Cone S/A (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
44 B ♦ 2 Swash Bearing (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev) (see assembly parts list on page 11)
♦ 2 Swash Bearing (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev) (see assembly parts list on page 11)
45 B 108331 2 Race Pin
46 B 108823 2 Clocking Link (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
108973 2 Clocking Link (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
47 B 108152 1 Slide Block (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
108349 1 Slide Block (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
48 C ◊ 1 Low Pressure Relief Valve Plug (see LPRV Kit 9900713-000 page 26)
49 C ◊ 1 O-Ring (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
53 B 108214 2 Hold Down Spring
54 B 16048-480 2 Hold Down Washer
55 A 107582 2 Hollow Dowel (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
108369 2 Hollow Dowel (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
56 A/B 98202 3 Dowel
57 A ◊ 4 Static Face Seal (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
59 A ◊ 2 O-Ring (located between end cover and housing see page 27)
60 A ◊ 2 Back-up Ring (located between end cover and housing see page 27)
61 C 25083-01 1 O-Ring Plug
62 C 107887 1 O-Ring Plug Soc HD
63 A 25706-006 2 O-Ring Plug
64 A 25090-010 1 O-Ring Plug
65 A 25090-004 3 O-Ring Plug
66 A/C 25083-004 12 O-Ring Plug (not all positions shown in views)
67 A/C 25083-002 3 O-Ring Plug (used with IPOR if option is installed)
68 96559 1 Shipping Strap (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev) (not shown in view)
69 101822 1 Shipping Strap (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev) (not shown in view)
76 A 108840-xxx 2 Relief Valve, POR (Optional)
xxx = last 3 digits indicate pressure setting i.e. -300 = 3000 psi
78 A 109183-xxx 1 Relief Valve and or Check Valve (B Port)
xxx =last 3 digits indicate pressure setting i.e. -450 = 4500 psi
79 A 109183-xxx 1 Relief Valve and or Check Valve (A Port)
xxx = last 3 digits indicate pressure setting i.e. -650 = 6500 psi
80 ♦ 1 Control Valve Orfice
81 ♦ 1 Control Valve Orfice
82 ♦ 1 Control Valve Supply Orfic,
83 95653-012 2 Soc Pipe Plug .125-27 NPTF (inside charge pump inlet port)
84 95653-006 2 Soc Pipe Plug .062-27 NPTF(inside charge pump inlet port)
85 C ◊ 1 Magnetic Speed Sensor (see Speed Sensor Kit page 21)
108307 1 Plug (Optional)
86 C 16160-125 1 Retaining Ring (Optional)
Legend ♦ Refer to specific item assembly parts list. A/R – As Required
◊ Parts included in Kit. (Refer to specific Parts Kit list.)
Parts List – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Item Part No. Qty. Description
87 C ◊ 1 O-Ring (see gasket kit 990710-000 page 27)
95 A ◊ 1 Charge Pump Adaptor Kits see page 14-15)
116 C ◊ 1 Drive Shaft Seal (see Shaft Seal Kit page 26)
117 C ◊ 1 Ring, Retaining (see Shaft Seal Kit page 26)
118 C ◊ 1 Spacer (see Shaft Seal Kit page 26)
119 C 95653-012 1 Soc Pipe Plug .125-27 NPTF (Optional) Used only with remote or pressure side
Item 26 B
Servo Piston Sub-Assembly Hole indicates with Pressure Override
Item 44 B
Swash Bearing Sub-Assembly
Servo Piston Sub-Assembly
Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number
3 3 3
Item Qty Description 54,4 cm /rev 63,7 cm /rev 75,4 cm /rev 89,2 cm /rev 105,5 cm3/rev
* Two Swash Bearings are needed when replacing we recommend that both Bearing Assemblies be replaced.
Parts List – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Item 13 A
Propel Valve Plate or
V-Groove Plate
CW Propel Valve Plate CW V-Groove Plate
Plate, Propel Valve or Plate, V-Groove Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number
Model 33, 39 Model 46 Model 54 Model 64
Item Qty Description 54,4 - 63,7 cm3/rev 75,4 cm3/rev 89,2 cm3/rev 105,5 cm3/rev
13 A 1 Propel Valve Plate - CCW 107224 107784 103848 103976
13 A 1 Propel Valve Plate - CW 106458 106459 104297 103950
13 A 1 V-Groove Plate - CCW 106988 107808 104857 107143
13 A 1 V-Groove Plate - CW 106456 106457 104964 104006
CCW – Counter Clockwise CW – Clockwise
Item 14 B
Bearing Plate
Bearing Plate Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number
Model 33, 39 Model 46 Model 54 Model 64
Item Qty Description 54,4 - 63,7 cm3/rev 75,4 cm3/rev 89,2 cm3/rev 105,5 cm3/rev
14 B 1 Bearing Plate 103241 104198 103852 103814
Item 2 C
Drive Shaft Sub-Assembly
All Drive Shafts listed are used with High Torque Charge Pumps
Item Part No. Qty. Description
2C 108029* 1 Drive Shaft S/A 23 Tooth 16/32 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103227 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-188 Retaining Ring.
109738* 1 Drive Shaft S/A 23 Tooth 16/32 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103227 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-188 Retaining Ring -
3/8 - 24 UNF -2B .75 deep threaded hole in shaft end.
108625* 1 Drive Shaft S/A 14 Tooth 12/24 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103227 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-188 Retaining Ring.
108646* 1 Drive Shaft S/A 21 Tooth 16/32 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103227 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-188 Retaining Ring.
108382** 1 Drive Shaft S/A 23 Tooth 16/32 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103808 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-200 Retaining Ring. Models 54,64.
109140** 1 Drive Shaft S/A 14 Tooth 8/16 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103808 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-200 Retaining Ring. Models 54,64.
10133** 1 Drive Shaft S/A 13 Tooth 8/16 Input Pitch Spline – 27 Tooth 24/48 Pitch Spline Output
includes 103808 Pressed Bearing Cone and 103222-200 Retaining Ring. Models 54,64.
* – Models 33, 39 and 46 (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,4 cm3/rev)
12 ** – Models 54 and 64 (89,2 - 105,5 cm3/rev)
Parts List – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Standard Slipper Wide Land Slipper
Item 12 B (from page 6)
Rotating/Swash Plate Assembly
Note: The Bearing Plate is item 14 on page 6
and is listed on Pages 8 and 12.
The Hold Down Springs and Hold Down
Washers are listed on Pages 6 and 9
15-1 15-6
15-2 15-9
Item 15 A
Charge Pump Kit Assemblies
Adaptor Flange Charge Sealing Charge
Adaptor Charge Retaining Eccentric
Charge Pump Kit Bolts O-Ring Pad Adaptor Cover Bolts Washers Cover Shaft Key Gerotor S/A Valve Plate
Kit Number Displacement O-Ring Cover S/A Ring Ring
Description (4 ea) Cust. 15-C (4 ea) (4 ea) O-Ring 15-5 15-6 15-9 15-10
15-D 15-3 15-7 15-8
15-A 15-B 15-1 15-2 15-4
990665-000 No Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-150 103223-000 108026-000 8761-157 109302-001 101305-000 109312-000 107882-001 107881-001 108362-000
990677-000 No Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-150 103223-000 108026-000 8761-157 109302-001 101305-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990680-000 A Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID 103090-125 8761-042 108075-000 8761-159 95912-150 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109303-001 101305-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990668-000 A Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID N/A 8761-042 N/A 8761-159 95912-150 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109303-001 101305-000 109312-000 107882-001 107881-001 N/A
990671-000 B Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID N/A 8761-045 N/A N/A 95912-150 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109304-001 101305-000 109312-000 107882-001 107881-001 N/A
990683-000 B Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID 103090-125 8761-045 108076-000 8761-159 95912-150 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109304-001 101305-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990686-000 BB Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID 103090-125 8761-045 108076-000 8761-159 95912-150 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109305-001 101305-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990674-000 BB Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-150 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109305-001 101305-000 109312-000 107882-001 107881-001 N/A
990666-000 No Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-175 103223-000 108026-000 8761-157 109302-003 101311-000 109312-000 107882-003 107881-003 108362-000
990678-000 No Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-175 103223-000 108026-000 8761-157 109302-003 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990681-000 A Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID 103090-125 8761-042 108075-000 8761-159 95912-175 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109303-003 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990669-000 A Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID N/A 8761-042 N/A 8761-159 95912-175 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109303-002 101311-000 109312-000 107882-003 107881-003 N/A
990672-000 B Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID N/A 8761-045 N/A 8761-159 95912-175 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109304-002 101311-000 109312-000 107882-003 107881-003 N/A
990684-000 B Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID 103090-125 8761-045 108706-000 8761-159 95912-175 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109304-002 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990687-000 BB Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID 103090-125 8761-045 108706-000 8761-159 95912-175 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109305-002 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990675-000 BB Pad – High Torque 21cc/1.28CID N/A 8761-045 N/A 8761-159 95912-175 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109305-002 101311-000 109312-000 107882-003 107881-003 N/A
990667-000 No Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-200 103223-000 108026-000 8761-157 109302-004 101311-000 109312-000 107882-004 107881-004 108362-000
990679-000 No Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID N/A N/A N/A N/A 95912-200 103223-000 108026-000 8761-157 109302-004 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990682-000 A Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID 103090-125 8761-042 108075-000 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109303-002 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990670-000 A Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID N/A 8761-042 N/A 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109303-002 101311-000 109312-000 107882-004 107881-004 N/A
990673-000 B Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID N/A 8761-045 N/A 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109304-002 101311-000 109312-000 107882-004 107881-004 N/A
990685-000 B Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID 103090-125 8761-045 108076-000 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109304-002 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990676-000 BB Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID 103090-125 8761-045 108076-000 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109305-002 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990688-000 BB Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID 103090-125 8761-045 108076-000 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109305-002 101311-000 109312-000 N/A N/A N/A
990673-000 No Pad – High Torque 28cc/1.70CID N/A 8761-045 N/A 8761-159 95912-200 N/A 108027-000 8761-157 109302-002 101311-000 109312-000 107882-004 107881-004 N/A
990742–000 C Pad - High Torque 14cc/.85CID 104511-150 (6 ea.) 8761–158 108081-000 8761–159 ◊ ◊ 108027-000 8761-157 109306-001 101311-000 109312-000 ◊ ◊ ◊
990743–000 C Pad - High Torque
104511-150 (6 ea.) 8761–158 108081-000 8761–159 ◊ ◊ 108027-000 8761-157 109306-002 101311-000 101312-000 ◊ ◊ ◊
◊ = When replacing use the existing Bolts, Eccentric Ring , Gerotor S/A and Valve Plate.
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
Item 6 C
Control Valves
990704-000 – Manual Control Valve (Kit)
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
990706-000 – Manual Control Valve with N/C Neutral Lockout
& Potentiometer (Kit)
990764-000 – Neutral Lockout
Switch Mating Connector Kit*
Connector (1) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1201 5792
Terminal (2) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9040
Cable Seal (2) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1201 5323
Recomended wire size: 18 - 20 AWG
Recomended cable diameter: 2.03 - 2.85 mm
* Alternate reference source: Pioneer Standard Electronics 1-800-257-6613
16040-208 2 Screw SF Head Mach 8-32 UN Terminal (3) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9040
Cable Seal (3) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9679
95897-008 2 Washer
Recomended wire size: 18 - 20 AWG
107762-000 1 Potentiometer Gasket
Recomended cable diameter: 1.6 - 2.15 mm
* Alternate reference source: Pioneer Standard Electronics 1-800-257-6613
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
990705-000 – Manual Control Valve with N/C Neutral Lockout (Kit)
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
990707-000 – Manual Control Valve with Potentiometer (Kit)
990763-000 – Potentiometer
Mating Connector Kit*
Connector (1) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1201 0717
Terminal (3) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9040
Cable Seal (3) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9679
Recomended wire size: 18 - 20 AWG
Recomended cable diameter: 1.6 - 2.15 mm
* Alternate reference source: Pioneer Standard Electronics 1-800-257-6613
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
Solenoid Control Valve Assemblies & Mating Connector (Kits)
includes below: Cable Seal (4) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1204 8086
Secondary Lock (1) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1204 7948
6A 109453 1 Coil, 24Vdc S/A
Recomended wire size: 18 - 20 AWG
6B 108724 2 Proportional Solenoid Cartridge Recomended cable diameter: 2.03 - 2.78 mm
6 990693–000 1 SA Control Valve with Potentiometer Mating Connector Kit
Potentiometer 12Vdc (Kit) Connector (1) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1201 0717
SA Control Valve with Terminal (3) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9040
109124–000 1 Potentiometer 12Vdc Cable Seal (3) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1208 9679
includes below; Recomended wire size: 18 - 20 AWG
◊ 107851–000 1 Potentiometer
◊ 95897–008 2 Washer
8761–010 1 O–Ring
EP Control 24 Vdc
990703–000 110307–024 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-100 101673-175 16045-203
EP Control 12Vdc
990702–000 110307–012 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-100 101673-175 16045-203
EP Control 24Vdc
990701–000 110307–024 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-505 101673-175 16045-203
±5 Vdc
EP Control 12Vdc
990700–000 110307–012 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-505 101673-175 16045-203
±5 Vdc
EP Control 24Vdc
990699–000 110307–024 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-420 101673-175 16045-203
EP Control 12Vdc
990698–000 110307–012 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-420 101673-175 16045-203
EP Control 24Vdc
990697–000 110307–024 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-015 101673-175 16045-203
1-5 Vdc
EP Control 12Vdc
990696–000 110307–012 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110224-015 101673-175 16045-203
1-5 Vdc
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
EP Control Solenoid Actuated Valve Assemblies (Kits)
Coil 24Vdc P/N 110306-024 (1) * Alternate reference source: Pioneer Standard Electronics 1-800-257-6613
Screw, Cap
Control Gasket Soc HD Control Link Solenoid
Valve S/A* Control 5/16-18 GR8 S/A Tube S/A Coil 12 Vdc Coil 24 Vdc
Kit Number Kit Description Qty 1 Qty 1 Qty 5 Qty 1 Qty 2 Qty 1 Qty 1
EP Control Solenoid
990695–000 110307–024 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110561 N/A 110306–024
Actuated 24 Vdc
EP Control Solenoid
990694–000 110307–012 110003–000 95912–200 109280–000 110561 110306–012 N/A
Actuated 12 Vdc
Above parts are included in the Kit but may be purchased separately.
* Includes Solenoid Tube S/A and Coil
Parts List – Series 2 Control Valve Assemblies
(MUX) Multiplex Displacement Control 990768-000 – MUX Mating
Connector Kit*
MUX Mating Connector
Connector** (1) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1203 4163
Terminal.(8) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1210 3881
Cable Seal Plug (6) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1203 4413
Recomended wire size: 16 - 18 AWG
Recomended cable diameter: 2.03 - 2.40 mm
* Alternate reference source: Pioneer Standard Electronics 1-800-257-6613
** Includes Cable Seal
Note: 3 Way Connector and 4 Way connector interface with SA Control Valve with Potentiometer
Item 85
990745-000 Speed Sensor Kit 990766-000 – Speed Sensor Mating
Part No. Qty. Description Connector Kit*
107852-000 1 Magnetic Speed Sensor Connector*** (1) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1216 2193
16160-125 1 Retaining Ring Terminal (2) – Cross Reference Delphi/Packard P/N 1212 4075
8761-016 1 O-Ring Recomended wire size: 16 - 18 AWG
108307-000 1 Plug Recomended cable diameter: 2.0 - 2.40 mm
* Alternate reference source: Pioneer Standard Electronics 1-800-257-6613
*** Includes Cable Seal
Parts List – Series 2 Kits
Low Pressure Relief Valve Kit
Item Part No. Qty. Description Approximate
48 C 9900713-000 1 LPRV Plug S/A PSI .020 Shim
Includes Below:
300 – 320 = 5 Shims
48-1 109077-00 1 LPRV Plug
48-2 8785-012 1 O-Ring 320 – 340 = 6 Shims
48-3 108870-002 1 LPRV Spring
340 – 348 = 7 Shims
48-4 108869-000 1 LPRV Poppet
48-5 16048-253* 10 Shim (.020) 435 = 12 Shims
LPRV = Low Pressure Relief Valve * See table for the Required Shims to Acheive PSI setting
990709-000 990753-000
Shaft Seal Kit – Models 33, 39, 46 Shaft Seal Kit – Models 54, 64
54,4 – 63,7 – 75,4 cm3/rev 89,2 – 105,4 cm3/rev
Item Part No. Qty. Description Item Part No. Qty. Description
116 C 108395-000 1 Drive Shaft Seal 116 C 110192-000 1 Drive Shaft Seal
117 C 101680-250 1 Retaining Ring 117 C 101680-250 1 Retaining Ring
118 C 107836-000 1 Spacer 118 C 107836-000 1 Spacer
990715-000 990388-000
Shim Kit, End Cover Bearing Shim Kit, End Cover Bearing
Models 33, 39, 46 / 54,4 – 63,7 – 75,4 cm3/rev Models 54, 64 / 89,2 – 105,4 cm3/rev
Item Part No. Qty. Description Item Part No. Qty. Description
41 A 107744-003 1 Bearing Shim 41 A 103798-003 1 Bearing Shim
41 A 107744-005 1 Bearing Shim 41 A 103798-005 1 Bearing Shim
41 A 107744-010 1 Bearing Shim 41 A 103798-010 1 Bearing Shim
41 A 107744-015 1 Bearing Shim 41 A 103798-015 1 Bearing Shim
41 A 107744-020 1 Bearing Shim 41 A 103798-020 1 Bearing Shim
41 A 107744-030 1 Bearing Shim 41 A 103798-030 1 Bearing Shim
990723-000 990724-000
Hold Down Kit – Models 33, 39, 46 Hold Down Kit – Models 54, 64
54,4 – 63,7 – 75,4 cm3/rev 89,2 – 105,4 cm3/rev
Item Part No. Qty. Description Item Part No. Qty. Description
12-6 95912-100 4 Cap Screw 5/16-18 12-6 95912-125 4 Cap Screw 5/16-18
12-7 108377-000 4 Washer 12-7 108377-000 4 Washer
12-8 107858-000 4 Hold Down Strap 12-8 108340-000 4 Hold Down Strap
12-9 103237-001 4 Spacer 12-9 103237-002 4 Spacer
Parts List – Series 2 Kits
Repair Gasket Kit
Item Part No. Qty. Description
5 A 108480-000 1 End Cover Gasket
(54,4 - 63,7 - 75,3)
5 A 108974-000 1 End Cover Gasket
(89,2 - 105,5)
15-2 A 103223-000 4 Sealing Washer
15-4 A 8761-156 1 O-Ring (charge Cover)
15-4 A 8761-157 1 O-Ring (charge Cover)
27 C 8761-144 2 O-Ring (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,3)
27 C 8761-157 2 O-Ring (89,2 - 105,5)
28 C 108300-000 2 Ring Seal (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,3)
28 C 108915-000 2 Ring Seal (89,2 - 105,5)
32 C 8761-139 2 O-Ring (54,4 - 63,7 - 75,3)
32 C 8761-145 2 O-Ring (89,2 - 105,5)
26 B 16254-8 1 Thread Seal
49 C 8785-012 2 O-Ring
57 A 110457-000 4 Static Face Seal
59 A 8761-017 2 O-Ring
60 A 108562-000 2 Back-up Ring
87 C 8761-016 1 O-Ring (speed sensor)
91 107762-000 1 Gasket, (potentiometer)
93 8761-010 1 O-Ring (potentiometer)
15-B 8761-042 2 O-Ring A-Pad (cust)
15-B 8761-045 2 O-Ring B-Pad (cust)
15-B 8761-158 1 O-Ring C-Pad (cust)
15-C 8761-157 1 O-Ring Pad (charge cover)
15-C 8761-158 1 O-Ring Pad (charge cover)
7C 110003-000 1 EP Control Gasket
7C 108992-000 1 MAN Control Gasket
7C 108879-000 1 SOL Control Gasket
8785-008 1 O-Ring
104713-000 1 Dust Seal
8785-004 19 O-Ring
8785-016 2 O-Ring
8785-002 1 O-Ring
8785-010 1 O-Ring
8785-006 2 O-Ring
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
The following repair information may be used in the inspection, Next remove the control valve
conversion and repair of the Eaton Series 2 Variable Displace- assembly gasket and discard.
ment Pump. The Pump Shown in this section incorporates the (see Figure 4)
manual displacement control, high pressure relief valves, inter-
nal pressure override valves and the high trorque auxiliary pump
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Next using a 9/16 hex key Shown here are all the parts used
or allen wrench remove in the internal pressure override.
the two high pressure re- Valve plug, shims spring end and
lief valves or check valve valve poppet. (See Figure 14)
assemblies. (see Figure 9)
Figure 9 Figure 14
Figure 18
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Using a 1/4 bit socket or With the gerotor outer ring re-
Figure 19
hex key, remove the charge moved from the eccentric ring,
pump cover retaining cap remove the eccentric ring. The
screws. (see Figure 19) position of this eccentric ring
in the end cover is one of the
items used to determine
charge pump input rotation.
Figure 25 Before removing you may want
to note its position for reas-
Figure 20
With the cap screws re- sembly. (see Figure 25)
moved, remove the charge
pump cover by using a Next, remove the charge pump
large pair of adjustable pli- valve plate. The position of this
ers. Remove by gently valve plate is also used to de-
rocking the cover back- termine charge pump input ro-
and-forth as you pull up- tation. Before removing you
ward. (see Figure 20) may also want to note its po-
sition. (see Figure 26)
Next, remove the charge Figure 26
pump covers sealing O-
ring from the pump end
cover. (see Figure 21) Using the proper size socket or
end wrench, remove the end
cover retaining cap screws.
Figure 21 Caution should be used when
removing the retaining cap
screws as the end cover has
Remove the charge pump
an internal preload. If the end
coupling and gerotor star.
Figure 27 cover does not rise when the
(see Figure 22)
cap screws are loosened, you
may have to tap the end cover to break the gasket seal.
With the retaining cap screws removed, carefully remove the pump
Figure 22
end cover. When removing, Caution must be used not to drop any
internal parts such as the valve plate, bearing cup, etc. which may or
may not stick to the end cover. Caution must be used when handling
The gerotor star is a slip fit
all close tolerance parts. (see Figure 27)
on the coupling and is
driven by a small key, cau- Carefully turn the end cover
tion must be used not to over and remove the valve
lose this key. To remove plate and dowel pin. (see Fig-
the star, simply slide it ure 28)
from the coupling. It is not
Figure 23 necessary to remove the
retaining ring from the
coupling as it is used for location purposes only. (see Figure Figure 28
Figure 24 Figure 29
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Next, remove the rear bear- Figure 34 Figure 34 Next, remove the bearing plate
ing shims from the end and two dowel pins from the
cover. Make sure not to cylinder barrel. NOTE: If a
misplace these shims, as small screwdriver or similar
they are used to adjust the tool is used to pry the bearing
main pump shaft bearing plate from the cylinder barrel,
Figure 30 end play or preload. (see extreme caution must be used
Figure 30) not to scratch or damage the
cylinder barrel’s or bearing
plates lapped surfaces. (see
Figure 34)
Do not remove the two In-
ternal Pressure Override Shown here are both the valve
passage plugs located in and bi-metal bearing plates.
the end cover as shown The bearing plates are inter-
here. However, if the unit changeable with the same se-
you are working on has the ries plates used on the series
Internal Pressure Override one transmissions. The valve
Figure 31 option and you are going plates are also interchangeable
to change the pump input Figure 35 with the same series plates
rotation, these two plugs must be removed and installed into used on the series one tandem
the other two passage ports. (see Figure 31) pumps. The bearing plates are bidirectional and the valve plates are
unidirectional. (see Figure 35)
Remove the two hollow
dowels from the pump Next , remove the hold-down
housing. (see Figure 32) Figure 36
springs. (see Figure 36)
Figure 32
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Shown here is a simple Reposition the swashplate and
wooden box that may be rotating group back on the sup-
used to support the rotat- port base. Next, using a 1/4 in.
Figure 44 allen wrench or bit socket, re-
ing group during disas-
sembly and reassembly. move the screws, spacers and
Cut two radius that match strap from only one side of the
the radius machined on swashplate. At this time also
Figure 39 loosen the other side. This will
the back side of the
swashplate into the top of make it easier to retain the as-
the box. (see Figure 39) sembly during handling. (see
Figure 44)
Figure 40 With the swashplate and
rotating group supported, Reposition the swashplate and
remove the slide block rotating group on a clean flat sur-
from the swashplate. (see face. Carefully remove the
Figure 40) swashplate from the rotating
group. Again using a 1/4 in. allen
wrench or bit socket remove the
Figure 45 screws, spacers and strap from
the other side of the swashplate.
(see Figure 45)
Next, remove the rear
Figure 41
bearing by using the bear- Shown here are all the parts used
ing puller that was previ- for the fixed hold down, retain-
ously installed. (see Fig- ing cap screws, washers, straps,
ure 41) spacers and thrustplate. (see
Figure 46)
Figure 46
Figure 42
With the rear bearing re-
moved, carefully slide the After separating the cylinder bar-
swashplate and rotating rel assembly from the swash-
group up and over the plate, remove the piston assem-
pump shaft assembly. blies and piston retainer and
(see Figure 42) place them on a clean protective
surface for inspection and clean-
ing. (see Figure 47)
Figure 47
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Next, remove the two Next, using a 3/4 in. end wrench,
Figure 49
swashplate bearings and remove the servo adjustment
clocking links. (see Fig- screw lock nut and special bev-
ure 49) eled washer from the adjustable
side servo piston cover. (see Fig-
ure 55)
Figure 55
After removing the two With the lock nut and washer re-
Figure 50
swashplate bearings and moved, use a 1/2 in. end wrench
clocking links, remove the or socket and remove the retain
two bearing races from cap screws from the servo pis-
the pump housing. (see ton cover. Remove the servo pis-
Figure 50) ton cover from the pump hous-
ing. (see Figure 56)
Figure 56
Figure 57
With all the internal parts
and assemblies removed Using an O-ring pick or similar
Figure 52
from the pump housing it tool, remove the seals from the
will now be easier to re- underside of both servo covers.
move the shaft seal. To (see Figure 58)
remove the seal, us a
large screwdriver or simi-
lar tool and drive the seal
from the housing. (see Figure 58
Figure 52)
Any further disassembly of the
To remove or replace the servo piston is neither necessary
Figure 53
front bearing race. You nor recommended. The servo
will either have to press or piston adjustment is a very
pull the bearing race from critical adjustment and should
the pump housing. (see not be tampered with. (see
Figure 53) Figure 59)
Figure 59
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Install the servo piston cover
Complete Reassembly on the servo piston adjustment
screw. Install about half way
Before reassembly, clean all parts and assemblies. Inspect and down the adjustment screw.
replace damaged parts and assemblies. When reworking parts, Next, install a new threaded
do not use course grit paper, files or grinders on finished sur- seal and special washer. Install
faces. Replace all gaskets and seals. the threaded seal first and then
Lubricate all seals with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) for retention Figure 65 the special washer. The bev-
during reassembly. Freely lubricate all bearings and finished sur- eled side of the special washer
faces with clean hydraulic fluid. must face the sealing washer.
(see Figure 65)
The front bearing cup is a
slip fit in the pump hous- Install the lock nut on the servo
ing. When replacement is piston adjustment screw. Do
necessary, simply slip it in not tighten this lock nut at this
the pump housing. (see time. Final servo piston adjust-
Figure 61) ment will take place later on
during reassembly. (see Figure
Figure 61 66)
Figure 66
Shown here are the seals
used to seal the servo pis-
ton to the pump hosing. Lubricate and install the servo
Two each, O-rings and piston assembly into the pump
back up rings. (see Figure housing. Install into the op-
62) posite side of the pump hous-
ing the speed sensor port is
Figure 62 located . The flat side of the
servo piston must also be per-
Figure 63 Lubricate and install the Figure 67 pendicular to, and facing, the
two new seals and back- center of the pump housing.
up rings into the servo pis- Install the four servo cover retaining cap screws. Torque cap screws
ton bore located in the to 16 ft. lbs. [21,7 Nm] to 17 ft. lbs. [23 Nm]. (see Figure 67)
pump housing. Install the
black sealing ring first and
then the blue back-up ring. Figure 68 Using a square, make sure the
Caution must be used not flat side of the servo piston is
to twist or kink these seals perpendicular to the pump
during installation. (see housing face. (see Figure 68)
Figure 63)
Figure 69
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Lubricate and install the Figure 73 Lubricate and reassemble the
Figure 70 two bearing races into the rotating group. (see Figure 73)
pump housing. Install the
races on their locating
pins with the grooved side
of the races towards the
center of the pump hous-
ing. (see Figure 70)
Thrust Plate
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Figure 78 Lubricate and install the Figure 83VERY CAREFULLY pick up the
input shaft into the rotat- entire assembly and install it
ing group and swashplate into the pump housing. Install
assembly. (see Figure 78) by aligning the two notches lo-
cated in the swashplate with the
two clocking links and the
swashplate side with the notch
in the servo piston. IMPOR-
TANT: The swashplate assem-
bly must be firmly seated on the swashplate bearings. (see Figure
Figure 79 Lubricate and install the
rear bearing on the shaft
and bearing assembly. Install the lower clocking link re-
Support the shaft assem- taining plug. Torque plugs to
bly in a slightly raised po- 125 ft. lbs. [169,5 Nm]. (see
sition. Next use a hydrau- Figure 84)
lic press to press the rear
bearing cone on the shaft.
The bearing cone must be
firmly seated against the machined shoulder of the pump shaft. Figure 84
NOTE: The bearing cone may also be heated for installation.
(see Figure 79) Remove the bearing puller and
Figure 85
two rubber bands from the
In preparation of install- swashplate assembly. (see Fig-
Figure 80
ing the swashplate and ure 85)
rotating group into the
pump housing it helps to
retain the two hold down
arms. To do this, install
two heavy rubber bands
across both arms. (see In preparation of zeroing in the
Figure 80) Figure 86
swashplate, first place a paral-
lel bars across the face of the
Lubricate and install the pump housing. Make sure
slide block on the these bars are resting firmly on
swashplate. Before in- the housing face. Next using a
stalling, apply a small depth micrometer, measure the
amount of petroleum jelly distance from the parallel bar to
to the back side of the the face of the swashplate.
slide. This will help to re- Make note of this dimension.
Figure 81 tain the slide block in po- (see Figure 86)
sition during assembly
into the pump housing. With the first dimension noted,
(see Figure 81) Figure 87
move the depth micrometer to
the opposite side of the swash-
Figure 82
To help in the assembly of plate and measure the distance
the swashplate and rotat- from the parallel bars to the face
ing group into the pump of the swashplate. Again make
housing, reinstall the note of this dimension. With the
bearing puller on the rear two dimensions noted, turn the
bearing. The bearing face of the depth micrometer so
puller can now be used as that the zero position is right in between the two noted dimensions.
a handle to assemble the swashplate, rotating group and shaft (see Figure 87)
assembly into the pump housing. (see Figure 82)
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Figure 88 The next step in zeroing in Figure 93 Aligning the pump end cover
the swashplate is to use a with the hold down arm assem-
3/8 in. end wrench to turn bly alignment tool (2) dowels,
the servo piston adjust- install the end cover. (see Fig-
ment screw clockwise or ure 93)
counterclockwise to bring
the swashplate to the zero
position. NOTE Earlier
units used a screwdriver
slot to adjust the neutral position. (see Figure 88) After installation remove the four
dowel pins and carefully remove
The final step is to hold the alignment tool (2) using cau-
Figure 89 the servo adjustment tion as not to disturb the hous-
screw in the stationary ing gasket. (see Figure 94)
position. Use 3/4 in. end
wrench to tighten the
Figure 94
servo adjustment screw
lock nut, using caution not
to disturb the neutral or Figure 95
If you do not have the special
zero swashplate position. alignment tool (2), the swash
Torque the lock nut to 45 ft. lbs. [61 Nm]. (see Figure 89) plated hold-down ears and
springs still must be aligned
with the recesses machined into
Figure 90 After removing the depth the face of the end cover before
micrometer and parallel it can set squarely on the pump
bar, install the two hollow housing. This can be done by
dowel pins in the pump slightly elevating the end cover
housing and the two hold- and using a machinist ruler or similar tool to align the ears and springs
down springs and wash- with the recess. This must be done on both sides of the end cover.
ers on the swashplate (see Figure 95)
hold-down arms. (see
Figure 90)
Figure 96 Install four of the end cover re-
taining cap screws. Tighten cap
Figure 91 Next install the two hold screws. (see Figure 96)
down arm assembly
alignment tool and dow-
els. NOTE: This is a very
handy assembly tool,
please see the special tool
section located in the back
of this manual for the di-
mensions required to Figure 97 Reposition and support the
make this special tool. pump assembly on its end cover.
(see Figure 91) Use a hammer to gently tap the
Lubricate and install the input shaft inward. (see Figure
Figure 92 97)
rear bearing shims and
cup into the pump end
cover. To check the shaft
end play, the pump end
cover must be installed
without either the valve
or bearing plates. This
will help to remove the
cylinder barrel spring tension against the input shaft. (see Fig-
ure 92)
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Figure 98 Install a magnetic base in- Figure 103 Again, use the two hold down
dicator on the mounting arm assembly alignment tool
flange with the indicators and dowels on the pump hous-
gage probe on the input ing. The next step is to install
shaft. Next, using slip the charge pump assembly into
joint pliers, grip the input the pump end cover before in-
shaft as low as possible stalling the end cover on the
and pry upward to deter- pump housing. (see Figure 103)
mine shaft end play. The
indicator must read between .002 to .007 inch. To adjust shaft
The position of the charge pump
end play, either add or delete the shims located under the bear-
valve plate in the pump housing
ing cup located in the end cover. (see Figure 98)
determines charge pump input
rotation. Please not that one side
Figure 99 With the input shaft end of the kidney slots in the valve
play determined, remove plate is wider that the other. (see
the magnetic base indica- Figure 104)
tor. Reposition the pump Figure 104
assembly and remove the
end cover. Next lubricate
and install the pump hous- For pumps with clockwise input
ing sealing and back-up rotation, the wide side of the kid-
rings. (see Figure 99) ney slot must be on the (A) side
of the pump end cover. Please
note the (A) and (B) Stamped on
On units incorporating the the end cover, right next to the
pressure override option, high pressure ports. For coun-
special tapered sealing Figure 105 terclockwise input rotation, the
and back-up ring are used. wide side of the kidney slot must
Correct installation is with be on the (B) side of the pump
the sealing rings tapper end cover. (see Figure 105)
facing upward and with
Figure 100 the back-up rings tapper
facing downward. (see Like the valve plate, the eccen-
Figure 100) tric ring also determines charge
pump input rotation. Please note
that one side of the eccentric ring
Figure 101 Next lubricate and install is wider that the other. The wide
the pump housing sealing side of the eccentric ring also
and back-up rings. (see has a identification “dot ”. (see
Figure 101) Figure 106 Figure 106)
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Figure 108 Lightly coat the charge Figure 113 Install the dowel pin in the end
pump drive key with pe- cover. Lightly coat the end cover
troleum jelly to help hold side of the valve plate with pe-
it in position during as- troleum Jelly (Vaseline) for re-
sembly. First install the tention during assembly. Install
drive key in its recess lo- the valve plate over the bearing
cated in the charge pump cup and aligning with the dowel
coupling. Next install the pin. (see Figure 113)
gerotor star on the charge
pump coupling by aligning with the previously installed drive
key Next install the charge pump coupling assembly and Figure 114 Aligning the pump end cover
gerotors outer ring into the pump end cover. (see Figure 108) with the hold down arm assem-
bly alignment tool (2) dowels,
install the end cover. (see Figure
Figure 109 Next lightly coat the 114)
charge pump sealing ring
with petroleum jelly and
install it into the pump end
cover. (See Figure 109)
Figure 115 You may have to rotate the
charge pump coupling slightly to
align the splines before the end
cover will set squarely on the
Before installing the pump housing. Again, if the
charge pump cover as- charge pump coupling does not
sembly, please note that have a through shaft, the pump
there is a small and large input shaft may have to be ro-
recess cast into the cover tated slightly to align the splines.
assembly. The large re- (see Figure 115)
cess side of the charge
Figure 110 pump cover must face to-
ward the charge pump in- Figure 116
With the charge pump coupling,
let. (see Figure 110) pump shaft splines aligned,
along with the swashplate hold
down ears and springs aligned
Figure 111
Aligning the large recess with the recess machined into
in the cover assembly with the face of the end cover, remove
the charge pump inlet, in- the four dowel pins and carefully
stall the charge pump remove the alignment tool (2)
cover over the coupling using caution as not to disturb
and into the pump end the housing gasket and sealing rings. (see Figure 116)
cover. Install the four re-
taining cap screws. (see
Figure 111) Figure 117 With the hold-down springs
aligned, install the end cover re-
taining cap screws. Torque cap
Using a “T” handle to ro- screw as follows:
tate the charge pump as- Model 39 to 46 • 35 ft. lbs. [47,4
sembly, torque the retain- Nm] to 40 ft. lbs. [54 Nm] Model
ing cap screws to 20 ft. 54 to 64 • 60 ft. lbs. [81,3 Nm]
lbs. [27, Nm] to 24 ft. lbs. to 65 ft. lbs. [88,1 Nm]
[32,5 Nm] Note: If the (see Figure 117)
charge pump assembly
Figure 112 does not have a through
shaft, the charge pump
assembly must be rotated from the other side. (see Figure 112)
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Lubricate and install the Next, install the high pressure
seal ring on the auxiliary valves or check valve assem-
pump mounting flange. blies. Torque to 120 ft. lbs.
(see Figure 118) [162,7 Nm] to 130 ft. lbs. [176,2
Nm] (see Figure 23)
Figure 119
Aligning the retaining cap
screw holes, install the Install the charge pressure re-
auxiliary pump mounting lief valve poppet or optional re-
flange on the pump end lief valve cartridge into the
cover. Install the retain- pump housing. (see Figure 124)
ing cap screws. Torque
cap screws to 20 ft. lbs.
[27,1 Nm] to 24 ft. lbs.
[32,5 Nm]. (see Figure Figure 124
Next install the valve plug,
Using a small deep wall shims, and valve spring. NOTE:
socket or similar tool, lu- Because of heavy valve spring
bricate and install the in- tension, you must both push
ternal pressure override and turn to start the charge
valve poppet into the pressure plug. (see Figure 125)
pump housing. NOTE: It
works best to install the Figure 125
Figure 122
Repair Information – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Lubricate and install the Next, install the spacer
control feedback assem- washer on top of the seal.
bly on the swashplate as- When severe wear in the
sembly. (see Figure 128) seal area of the pump shaft
is noted, you may want to
add an additional spacer
Figure 128 washer to relocate the seal
Figure 133 to a different location. A
maximum of two spacer
may be used. (see Figure
Next, aligning with the re-
Figure 129 taining cap screws holes,
install the control valve
gasket on the pump hous- Using internal retaining ring
Figure 134
ing. (see Figure 129) pliers, install the retaining
ring into the pump housing
( see Figure 134)
Figure 136
Figure 129
Troubleshooting – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
This section provides the information necessary to troubleshoot a typical hydrostatic system using an Eaton
Series 2 hydrostatic pump. Using this section will help you to diagnose any minor problems that may occur.
Maintaining cleanliness while you work will prevent contamination of the hydrostatic system and insure con-
tinuous and satisfactory transmission life.
Troubleshooting – Series 2 Displacement Variable Pump
Manual Control
Valve and Test Port Locations
Check Valve or
Optional Port A
High Pressure
Relief Valve
System Pressure
Test Port For
Port A
Charge Pressure
Test Port
System Pressure
Test Port For
Port B
Check Valve or
Optional Port B
Charge Pressure High Pressure
Relief Valve Relief Valve
(Not Shown)
Charge Pump
Troubleshooting – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
0 5000 5000
5 300
4000 6000 4000 6000
10 10 200 400
3000 7000 3000 7000
Inlet Vaccum
1-5/16 - 12 UN 2B
-16 SAE O-Ring Port
Customer Must
Supply Tee Fitting
( Not Shown )
Troubleshooting – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Pressure Readings
The pressures given in this manual are gauge pressures or delta pressures.
A pressure gauge reads zero when connected to atmospheric pressure.
Any reading above or below this zero point is referred to as gauge pressure (PSI).
Delta pressure is the difference of two gauge pressures in a hydraulic circuit.
For example:
Charge pressure reading of 340 PSI [ 23,4 bar ]
Minus Case pressure reading of 20 PSI [ 1,5 bar ]
Equals Differential pressure of 360 D PSI [ 23,4 bar ]
Typical hydrostatic circuits usually include inlet pressure, case pressure, low
or charge pressure and system or high pressure. These pressures will vary
per each individual application and operating conditions.
Nominal Operating Pressures
(At Normal Operating Temperature)
Inlet Vacuum: Should not exceed 10 in. Hg. [ 254 mm Hg ]
(inches of mercury) for an extended period of time
Troubleshooting – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
Repair Repair
or or Re-Adjust
Replace Replace
Defective Defective
Repair Repair
or or
Replace Replace
Troubleshooting – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
System Operating Hot
Check Oil Inspect Inspect Heat Check
Level in Ok Heat Ok Exchanger By-Pass Ok Charge
7 Reservoir 8 Exchanger 9 Valve (if Used) Pressure
Inspect Inspect Inspect Charge Inspect Charge
Charge Ok Inlet Ok Relief Valve Relief Valve
Pump 15 Filter 11 (At Pump) 13 (At Motor) 14
Defective Defective
Repair Repair
or or
Replace Replace
Inspect Inspect Inspect Charge Inspect Charge
Charge Ok Inlet Ok Relief Valve Relief Valve
Pump 15 Filter 11 (At Pump) 13 (At Motor) 14
Hydraulic Fluid Recommendations
Introduction Fluid Maintenance
The ability of Eaton hydrostatic components to provide Maintaining correct fluid viscosity and cleanliness level is
the desired performance and life expectancy depends essential for all hydrostatic systems. Since Eaton hydro-
largely on the fluid used. The purpose of this document static components are used in a wide variety of applica-
is to provide readers with the knowledge required to tions it is impossible for Eaton to publish a fluid mainte-
select the appropriate fluids for use in systems that nance schedule that would cover every situation. Field
employ Eaton hydrostatic components. testing and monitoring are the only ways to get accurate
measurements of system cleanliness. OEM’s and dis-
One of the most important characteristics to consider
tributors who use Eaton hydrostatic components should
when choosing a fluid to be used in a hydraulic system is
test and establish fluid maintenance schedules for their
viscosity. Viscosity choice is always a compromise; the
products. These maintenance schedules should be
fluid must be thin enough to flow easily but thick enough
designed to meet the viscosity and cleanliness require-
to seal and maintain a lubricating film between bearing
ments laid out in this document.
and sealing surfaces. Viscosity requirements for Eaton’s
Heavy Duty Hydrostatic product line are specified later in Fluid Selection
this document. Premium grade petroleum based hydraulic fluids will
provide the best performance in Eaton hydrostatic
Viscosity and Temperature
components. These fluids typically contain additives that
Fluid temperature affects viscosity. In general, as the
are beneficial to hydrostatic systems. Eaton recommends
fluid warms it gets thinner and its viscosity decreases.
fluids that contain anti-wear agents, rust inhibitors, anti-
The opposite is true when fluid cools. When choosing a
foaming agents, and oxidation inhibitors. Premium grade
fluid, it is important to consider the start-up and operating
petroleum based hydraulic fluids carry an ISO VG rating.
temperatures of the hydrostatic system . Generally, the
fluid is thick when the hydraulic system is started. With SAE grade crankcase oils may be used in systems that
movement, the fluid warms to a point where the cooling employ Eaton hydrostatic components, but it should be
system begins to operate. From then on, the fluid is noted that these oils may not contain all of the recom-
maintained at the temperature for which the hydrostatic mended additives. This means using crankcase oils may
system was designed. In actual applications this se- increase fluid maintenance requirements.
quence varies; hydrostatic systems are used in many
Hydraulic fluids that contain V.I. (viscosity index) improv-
environments from very cold to very hot. Cooling sys-
ers, sometimes called multi-viscosity oils, may be used in
tems also vary from very elaborate to very simple, so
systems that employ Eaton hydrostatic components.
ambient temperature may affect operating temperature.
These V.I. improved fluids are known to “shear-down”
Equipment manufacturers who use Eaton hydrostatic
with use. This means that their actual viscosity drops
components in their products should anticipate tempera-
below the rated value. Fluid maintenance must be
ture in their designs and make the appropriate fluid
increased if V.I. improved fluids are used. Automotive
recommendations to their customers.
automatic transmission fluids contain V.I. improvers.
Synthetic fluids may be used in Eaton hydrostatic compo-
Cleanliness of the fluid in a hydrostatic system is ex-
nents. A reputable fluid supplier can provide information
tremely important. Eaton recommends that the fluid used
on synthetic fluids. Review applications that require the
in its hydrostatic components be maintained at ISO
use of synthetic fluids with your Eaton representative.
Cleanliness Code 18/13 per SAE J1165. This code allows
a maximum of 2500 particles per milliliter greater than 5
µm and a maximum of 80 particles per milliliter greater
than 15 µm. When components with different cleanliness
requirements are used in the same system, the cleanest
standard should be applied. OEM’s and distributors who
use Eaton hydrostatic components in their products
should provide for these requirements in their designs. A
reputable filter supplier can supply filter information.
Hydraulic Fluid Recommendations (Cont.)
Viscosity and Cleanliness Guidelines
Optimum Cleanliness
Product Line Minimum Range Maximum Requirements Comments
Heavy Duty Piston 10cSt 16 - 39 cSt 2158 cSt 18/13
Pumps and Motors [60 SUS] [80 - 180 SUS] [10,000 SUS]
Additional Notes:
• Fluids too thick to flow in cold weather start-ups will cause • If the fluid becomes milky, water contamination may be a
pump cavitation and possible damage. Motor cavitation is problem.
not a problem during cold start-ups. Thick oil can cause
high case pressures which in turn cause shaft seal prob- • Take fluid level reading when the system is cold.
lems. • Contact your Eaton representative if you have specific
• If the natural color of the fluid has become black it is questions about the fluid requirements of Eaton hydrostatic
possible that an overheating problem exists. components.
Additional Notes:
• Viscosity and ISO cleanliness requirements must be converted from mineral oil to vegetable oil should be
maintained as outlined on page 14. repeatedly flushed with vegetable oil to ensure 100%
• Based on limited product testing to date, no reduction in
unit life is expected when operating at the pressure ratings • Specific vegetable oil products may provide normal unit
indicated above. life when operating at pressure ratings higher than those
indicated above.
• Vegetable oil is miscible with mineral oil. However, only the
vegetable oil content is biodegradable. Systems being
Special Tools – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
.040 X 45¡
.060 X 45¡
.250 .307–.001
.785–.005 .519
1.731 –.005
3.731 3.462–.001
.437–.005 R
MAT'L 1.875 4.25 Break all Sharp
HIGH CARBON STEEL .125 Corners and Edges
48-52 Rc
.312 –.002 ' THRU 1.50 .50
.437–.005 R
.125 R
2.560–.005 R .50 R
Series 2 Pump
.38 R
End Cover Tool
1.00 Models 33-46
Hold Down Arm
.063 R +.015 Unit Assembly Guide
.063 -.000
Special Tools – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
.125 Material: 4340 Steel
.094 R. Heat Treat: 45-55 Rc
Model Code – Series 2 Variable Displacement Pump
The following 31-digit coding system has been developed to identify all of the configuration options for the
Series 2 hydrostatic pump. Use this model code to specify a pump with the desired features. All 31-digits of
the code must be present when ordering. You may want to photocopy the matrix below to ensure that each
number is entered in the correct box.
Position 1, 2, 3 Product Series Position 14 and 15 Press Override (POR) Setting Ports A & B
ACL .............. Hydrostatic-Heavy Duty Variable Pump (Series II) NOTE: You must choose pressure override
Position 4, 5, 6 Displacement settings for both ports A and B. The pressure
054 .............. 54 cm3/r [3.3 in3/r] override setting should be 35 bar less than the
064 .............. 64 cm3/r [3.9 in3/r] high pressure relief valve.
075 .............. 75 cm3/r [4.6 in3/r] 0 .................. None
089 .............. 89 cm3/r [5.4 in3/r] A .................. Pressure Transducer (No pressure override valve)
105 .............. 105 cm3/r [6.4 in3/r] B .................. 205 bar [3000 lbf/in2]
Position 7, 8 Input Shaft † C .................. 240 bar [3500 lbf/in2]
14 ................ 14 Tooth 12/24 Pitch Spline D .................. 275 bar [4000 lbf/in2]
21 ................ 21 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline E .................. 310 bar [4500 lbf/in2]
23 ................ 23 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline F .................. 345 bar [5000 lbf/in2]
† Ask your Eaton representative for additional shaft options G .................. 380 bar [5500 lbf/in2]
Position 9 Input Rotation M ................. 395 bar [5725 lbf/in2]
L .................. Counterclockwise (Lefthand) H .................. 415 bar [6000 lbf/in2]
R .................. Clockwise (Righthand)
Position 10 Valve Plate Position 16,17 Special Pump Features
0 .................. V-groove 00 ................ No Special Features
1 .................. Propel 01 ................ Plugged Magnetic Speed Sensor Port
Position 11 Main Ports (Includes Gage Ports) 02 ................ Magnetic Speed Sensor
A .................. 25,4 [1.00] - Code 61 Per SAE J518 03 ................ Adjustable Servo Stop (one direction)
B .................. 25,4 [1.00] - Code 62 Per SAE J518 Position 18,19 Control
C .................. 25,4 [1.00] - Code 61 with M10 X 1 Threaded EB ................ CAN Multiplex Electronic Control
Holes EE ................ Electronic Proportional Control 12 Vdc and
D .................. 25,4 [1.00] - Code 62 with M12 X 1.75 Threaded Electronic Driver with 1 to 5 Vdc Potentiometric
Holes Command Input
EF ................ Electronic Proportional Control 24 Vdc and
Electronic Driver with 1 to 5 Vdc Potentiometric
NOTE: You must choose relief valve settings for
Command Input
both ports A & B
EG ................ Electronic Proportional Control 12 Vdc and
0 None Electronic Driver with 4 to 20 mA Command Input
B .................. 205 bar [3000 lbf/in2] EH ................ Electronic Proportional Control 24 Vdc and
C .................. 240 bar [3500 lbf/in2] Electronic Driver with 4 to 20 mA Command Input
D .................. 275 bar [4000 lbf/in2] EJ ................ Electronic Proportional Control 12 Vdc and
E .................. 310 bar [4500 lbf/in2] Electronic Driver with +/- 5 Vdc Differential
F .................. 345 bar [5000 lbf/in2] Command Input
G .................. 380 bar [5500 lbf/in2] EK ................ Electronic Proportional Control 24 Vdc and
Electronic Driver with +/- 5 Vdc Differential
H .................. 415 bar [6000 lbf/in2]
Command Input
L .................. 430 bar [6250 lbf/in2]
EL ................ Electronic Proportional Control 12 Vdc and Position 25 Auxiliary Mounting
Electronic Driver with +/- 100 mA Command 0 .................. None, High Speed Charge Pump (Models 54 to 75
Input cm3/rev)
EM ............... Electronic Proportional Control 24 Vdc and 1 .................. None, High Torque Charge Pump (Models 54 to 105
Electronic Driver with +/- 100 mA Command cm3/rev)
Input A .................. A-pad, High Speed Charge Pump, Dual 2 Bolt
HA ............... Hydraulic Remote Control with 5-15 bar control Mount, No Shaft Seal, 9 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline
range (Available For 54-75 cm3/rev Only)
MA ............... Manual Displacement Control B .................. B-pad, High Speed Charge Pump, Dual 2 Bolt
MB ............... Manual Displacement Control (up to 24 Vdc) Mount, No Shaft Seal, 13 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline
Normally Closed Neutral Lockout (Available For 54-75 cm3/rev Only)
MC ............... Manual Displacement Control with Neutral Detent C .................. A-pad, High Torque Charge Pump, Dual 2 Bolt
ML ............... Manual Displacement Control w/Wide Band Mount, No Shaft Seal, 9 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline
Neutral. (Available For All Models)
Position 20* Control Orifice Supply (P) D .................. B-pad, High Torque Charge Pump, Dual 2 Bolt
Position 21* Control Orifice Servo (S 1) Mount, No Shaft Seal, 13 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline
(Available For All Models)
Position 22* Control Orifice Servo (S 2)
E .................. B-B-pad, High Torque Charge Pump, Dual 2 Bolt
0 .................. None
Mount, No Shaft Seal, 15 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline
A .................. 0,53 [.021] Diameter (Available For All Models)
B .................. 0,71 [.028] Diameter F .................. C-pad, High Torque Charge Pump, 4 Bolt Mount, No
C .................. 0,91 [.036] Diameter Shaft Seal, 14 Tooth 12/24 Pitch Spline (Available
D .................. 1,12 [.044] Diameter For All Models)
E .................. 1,22 [.048] Diameter Position 26 Charge Pump Options
F .................. 1,32 [.052] Diameter 0 .................. None
G .................. 1,45 [.057] Diameter A .................. Remote Pressure Side Filter Ports
H .................. 1,65 [.065] Diameter Position 27 Charge Pressure Relief Valve Setting
J .................. 1,85 [.073] Diameter 0 .................. None
K .................. 2,06 [.081] Diameter A .................. 21 bar [304.5 lbf/in2] - Standard
L .................. 2,39 [.094] Diameter B .................. 22,5 bar [326.3 lbf/in2]
M ................. 2,59 [.102] Diameter C .................. 24 bar [348 lbf/in2]
* Eaton recommends you chose an orifice for control orifice D .................. 25,5 bar [369.8 lbf/in2]
supply (P). The servo orifice (S1) and the servo orifice (S2) E .................. 27 bar [391.5 lbf/in2]
are optional, except when specifying a pressure override. F .................. 28,5 bar [413.3 lbf/in2]
Position 23 Control Special Features G .................. 30 bar [435 lbf/in2]
0 .................. No Control Special Features Position 28 Charge Pump Special Features
3 .................. Destroke valve 0 .................. No Charge Pump Special Features
Position 24 Charge Pump Displacement Position 29 Paint and Packaging
0 .................. None 0 .................. Painted Primer Blue (Standard)
1 .................. 13,9 cm3/r [0.85 in3/r] (Pump Disp. 54-89 cm3/rev) Position 30 Identification On Unit
2 .................. 17,4 cm3/r [1.06 in3/r] (Pump Disp. 54-105 cm3/rev 0 .................. Standard
Std for 105)
Position 31 Design Code
3 .................. 21,0 cm3/r [1.28 in3/r] (Pump Disp. 54-105 cm3/rev)
A .................. A
4 .................. 27,9 cm3/r [1.70 in3/r] (Pump Disp. 54-105 cm3/rev)
5 .................. 34,7 cm3/r [2.12 in3/r] (Pump Disp. 89-105 cm3/rev)
Reg. No. 24