ShepherdMeOGod - Lead Sheet
ShepherdMeOGod - Lead Sheet
ShepherdMeOGod - Lead Sheet
mp Fm D¨ A¨ E¨ Cm7 D¨
Shep - herd me, O God, be - yond my wants, be - yond my fears, from
To verses 1, 2, 3 5 To verse 4
Cm7 Fm B¨m/F Fm7 B¨/F Fm E¨/G A¨
4 B¨m7
death in - to life. life
Verses 1, 2 3
Fm B¨m/F Fm7 B¨/F Fm B¨m/F
1. God is my shep - herd, so noth - ing shall I want, I rest in the mead - ows of
2. Gent - ly you raise me and heal my wea - ry soul, you lead me by path - ways of
3. Though I should wan - der the val - ley of death, I fear no e - vil, for
faith - ful - ness and love, I walk by the qui - et wa - ters of peace.
right - eous - ness and truth, my spir - it shall sing the mu - sic of your name.
you re at my side, your rod and your staff, my com - fort and hope.
Verse 4
B¨m E¨ A¨ D¨
4. You have set me a ban - quet of love in the face of ha - tred,
pp B¨m B¨m7/A¨ Gm7-5 C7 D.C.
crown - ing me with love be - yond my pow'r to hold
Verse 5
p Fm B¨m/F Fm7 B¨/F B¨m7 Cm7
5. Sure - ly your kind - ness and mer - cy fol - low me all the days of my
B¨sus4 B¨ B¨m7 Cm7 D¨ E¨ Fm B¨m/F Fm7 B¨/F
poco rit
life; I will dwell in the house of my God for ev - er more.
Final Refrain
Fm D¨ A¨ E¨ Cm7 D¨ B¨m7Cm7 D¨ E¨ Fm B¨m/F F
Shep - herd me, O God, be - yond my wants, be - yond my fears, fromdeath in - to life.