Online Marketing Strategy of Flipkart
Online Marketing Strategy of Flipkart
Online Marketing Strategy of Flipkart
March 2019
Sri Krishna Arts and Science College
Re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade
Affiliated to Bharathiar University
Kuniamuthur, Coimbatore -641008
Place: Coimbatore
Place: Coimbatore
I take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to Prof. P.Rajan M.Ed, M.Sc, MBA,
(Ph.D) professor and Head of the Department Of Business Administration, Sri
Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore for all his support and guidance in
completing the report.
Place: Coimbatore
In this world of digitalization, online marketing is a vogue that is sweeping across the
whole world. The trend of online marketing is growing day by day with the concepts
of internet marketing that is turning into an important platform of online marketing
along with the electronic gadgets like the online billboards, mobile, tablets and smart
phones, gaming consoles, and many such gadgets that help in online marketing.
Flipkart with its innovative online marketing have created a niche market in online
stores competing with the conventional stores showing the power of online marketing.
The study analyses how has brought in an array online marketing
strategies to succeed and make it big in the online marketing sector. The case also
discusses how Flipkart has had a huge success in the online marketing sector as they
brought in new insights into the online marketing field. And a few years from now it
will be eventually seen that the conventional marketing being replaced by online
marketing. Online marketing is going to be top on the agenda of many marketers, and
they might be looking for innovative ways to market online, reduce cost per lead,
increase click-through-rates and conversion rates, and discover what’s hot in online
4.1.1 Gender of the Respondents 16
1.1 Overview of the Study
Online marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of
electronic media. Online marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it
involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze
marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn't —typically in
real time. This study is about the online marketing strategies of Flipkart based on
electronic goods in Coimbatore city. This helps us to learn about how online
marketing help Flipkart to sell the products. this study help to know about online
marketing and the marketing segmentation and how Flipkart promote their products to
the people. This study helps us in how social media help the Flipkart to promote the
products. However, Flipkart has gone aggressive on the offline media as well as Le
Television &, Print. It has come up with series and campaigns on both TV and Print,
by which it has helped in malting its band presence huge now it now got a good brand
Recall. Many of the electronic goods that sold in retail stores are not in discount so
the customer automatically jumps to Flipkart to buy the product because there are
many discounts and offers that reduce the price of the product like exchange offers,
EMI offer, credit card transaction etc..
This study helps to understand the marketing strategy of Flipkart towards consumer
with reference to electronic goods. Majority of customers are professionals who are
busy with their business/job and they find it convenient to purchase anything online
rather than visiting the physical outlet in order to save time & money.While the talk of
the day is internet marketing, the latter is only a subset of online marketing. While
online marketing does involve many of the strategies involved in Internet Marketing,
it extends beyond this by including other channels with which to reach people that do
not require the use of the Internet.
2.2.13 Joel
This study contributes to the emerging B2B digital marketing literature by providing a
realistic overview of the usage, measurement practices, and barriers surrounding
digital marketing in the era of social media. Investigating 145 B2B firms from various
industries reveals that despite the interest in social media, companies continue to
focus on one-directional communications with established digital tools. Furthermore,
the results indicate that the advances in digital measurement tools remain largely
unexploited, and the firms lack the human resources and know-how to make the most
of opportunities provided by the developing digital environment. The implications of
the study suggest that B2B companies should update their capabilities with respect to
digital marketing usage and measurement in order to adapt current practices to fit the
characteristics of today's digital media landscape.
2.2.14 Jongeun Kim
The study entitled Understanding Consumers’ Online Shopping and Purchasing
Behaviors explored the differences between four potential groups of web users, the
current non-web user, the user who only visits web stores with no intention to buy, the
Internet browser who has an intention to purchase online but has never done so, and
the person who has made an online purchase. The research focused on understanding
the differences among the four groups in terms of demographics, current technology
use and access, and current attitudes towards making an online purchase. The research
identified two factors, a consumer factor and a marketing factor, among the four
groups. Differences in demographics and technology use were also noted between the
groups. Based on the findings such as the relationship between time spent online and
online buying and the significant of the consumer factor, suggestions were offered to
retailers interested in selling via internet.
2.2.15 Chen
In his dissertation entitled online consumer behavior: an empirical study based on the
theory of planned behavior extends the theory of planned behavior (TPB) by
including ten important antecedents as external beliefs to online consumer behavior.
The results of data analysis confirm perceived ease of use (PEOU) and trust are
essential antecedents in determining online consumer behavior through behavioral
attitude and perceived behavioral control. The findings also indicate that cost
reduction helps the consumer create a positive attitude toward the purchase. Further,
the findings show the effects of two constructs of flow –concentration and
Telepresence, on consumers’ attitude. Concentration is positively related to attitude
toward the purchase, but Telepresence likely decreases attitude due to the consumers’
possible nervousness or concern about uncertainty in the online environment.
2.2.16 Parikh Darshan
His thesis on “Customer acceptance of internet shopping in India: impact of shopping
orientations, knowledge and security” revealed that demographic indicators such as
age, gender, marital status, and income have been traditionally used in the study of
consumer behavior and market segmentation, shopping orientations have also
emerged as reliable discriminators for classifying different types of shoppers based on
their approach to shopping activities Researchers have tapped into shopper
orientations to study patronage behavior among elderly consumers, catalog shoppers,
out-shoppers, and mall shoppers By extending this shopping behavior construct to
online shopping, our study aimed at contributing to the knowledge and understanding
of consumer response to electronic modes of shopping. It is becoming increasingly
clear that in order to survive and more importantly to succeed, online merchants
should embrace and actively pursue fundamental principles of good retailing that
apply to any medium. Based on the findings from this study, it is expected that the
study of shopping orientations can also help electronic retailers identify and
understand those consumers who prefer to shop online and the reasons why. Further,
shopping orientation could be used to segment customers and formulate different
strategies based on each segment’s relative propensity to adopt and use online
2.2.17 Bashir
In the study Consumer Behavior towards online shopping of electronics revealed that
online shopping is getting popular among the young generation as they feel more
comfortable, time saving and convenient. It was analyzed from the survey that when a
consumer makes a mind to purchase online electronic goods was affected by multiple
82 factors. The main crucial identified factors were time saving, the best price and
convenience. The price factor was popular among the people because online markets
prices were lower as compared to the physical markets. People compare prices in
online stores, review feedbacks and rating about product before making the final
selection of product and decision. Sunita Guru (2013) in the thesis: A study of trust
and perceived risk in Online Shoping.
2.2.17 Sunita Guru
In the thesis: A study of trust and perceived risk in Online Shopping found that online
shopping is predominately male, young, single and educated. Internet usage pattern in
terms of average time spent, place of accessing internet, main tasks accomplished and
types of sites visited using internet between both buyers, and non-buyers were almost
same. The majority of the online buyers ask for product return/money refund in case
of dissatisfaction with the product. It is found that around 42% of the respondents
were not sure whether they want to buy or not in the next 2/3 months. The three most
important factors contributing to trust on online merchants were keep promises and
commitments, will care for my welfare and when in problem will help me. Only
significance difference between benevolence and qualification was found. No
significance difference between income and ability, benevolence and integrity was
2.2.18 Pawan Kumar
Studied Electronic shopping: a paradigm shift in buying behavior among Indian
consumers found that the consumers have perceived online shopping in a positive
manner. This clearly justifies the project growth of online shopping in the country.
However, the frequency of online shopping is relatively less in the country. Online
shopping organizations can use the relevant variables and factors, identified from the
study, to formulate their strategies and plans in the country. Better understandings of
consumer online shopping behavior will help companies in getting more online
consumers and increasing their e-business revenues. At the same time, as realized the
benefits from E-commerce, consumers are more willing to make purchases online.
With the popularity of Internet, the number of Internet users will continue to grow and
more Internet users will become online consumers, even regular online buyers.
2.2.19 N.Saravana Bhavan
In the thesis entitled “A Study on Consumers Attitude towards Online Shopping With
Reference To Coimbatore City” analyzed entire online process of developing,
marketing, selling, delivering, servicing and paying for products and services.
Coimbatore city population is highly tech savvy and the city was dotted with the firms
of 83 many successful entrepreneurs. Hinterland has many industries, estates,
3.1 Research Design
Descriptive research is used for this study. The main objective of using descriptive
research is to describe the state of it exists at present. It mainly involves survey and
facts findings enquire of different kinds
The data that are collected as fresh for the first time and happen to original in
character are called primary data. Primary data collected through questionnaire
The secondary data are collected from social media, electronic goods shop, websites.
3.3.1 Population
A sample size of 100 people/ customers are randomly taken and questionnaires were
given in order get data from them
The sampling method used is the convenience sampling technique has been adopted
for study.
Questionnaire is the heart survey operation this is structured questionnaire, which has
been framed for conducting the survey. The questions were presented with exactly
wordings and in the same order to all the respondents
Percentage analysis
Chi-square test
耀풑풐 耀
Percentage analysis = 풐 풐 풐t 耀풑풐 耀
Chi – square test = ‸㔲 ⸰ 耀吠൭ 橔 h
The above chart shows that the Female with 51 percent followed by Male with 49
percent with reference to Coimbatore city.
The above tables shows that the age group of 18-28,29-38 and 39-49 with 28
percent followed by the age group of respondent above 50 with 9 percent and below
18 with 7 percent with reference to Coimbatore city.
Majority of respondents are the age group of respondent 18-28,29-38 and 39-49
with 28 percent
The above table shows that professionals with 29 percent, self-employed with
25 percent, students with 24 percent, home maker with 22 percent with reference to
Coimbatore city.
The above table shows that married with 62.9 percent and single with 38.1
percent with reference to Coimbatore city.
The above table shows that yes with 89 percent followed by no with 11 percent
with reference to Coimbatore city
The above table shows that Television commercials with 39 percent followed
by online media with 34 percent by print ads with 14 percent and outdoor media with
13 percent with Coimbatore city
The above table shows that At a time with 44 percent followed by Sometimes with
32 percent and Always with 24 percent
Table 4.1.8 Purpose of using internet by ranking each purpose between the scale
of 1 to 5(Where 1 is most important & 5 is least important)
The above table shows that Blogs is the first main factor that influence the
respondents with 36 percent, Media sharing websites is with 35 percent, Online
shopping is with 32 percent and Social Media is with 17 percent with reference to
Coimbatore city.
Chart 4.1.8 Purpose of using internet by ranking each purpose between the scale
of 1 to 5(Where 1 is most important & 5 is least important)
1)Companies should use online activities in their marketing effort is with 55 percent
of agree,47 percent of strongly agree,3 percent of disagree and 0 percent of strongly
2)I don’t prefer the print ads or television commercials much to get brand awareness
is with 70 percent of agree,17 percent of strongly agree,16 percent of disagree and 2
percent of strongly disagree
The above table shows that low cost with 41 percent followed by time saving
with 40 percent and wide range of information with 19 percent with reference to
Coimbatore city
The above table shows that the friends and family with 38 percent followed by
social media with 31 percent and magazine and newspaper with 20 percent and retail
stores with 11 percent with reference with Coimbatore city
The above table shows that very influential and moderately influential with 25
percent followed by extremely influential with 19 percent,slightly influential with 18
percent and not at all influential with 13 percent
The above table shows that the get information from the internet,visit shops to
verify the details and place order either online or buy locally either 37 percent
followed by get information from the internet and discus with others before placing
orders online with 26 percent by get the information from internet but i buy only from
the local dealers / shops with 20 percent and buy product after analyzing the
information provided with 17 percent
Majority of respondent is get information from the internet, visit shops to verify
the details and place order either online or buy locally with 37 percent
The above table shows that once or twice a quarter with 51 percent followed by
once in a month with 29 percent and once or twice a month with 20 percent with
reference to Coimbatore city
The above table shows that the Rs.5000-Rs.20000 with 34 percent followed by
Rs.20000-Rs50000 and less than Rs.5000 with 24 percent and Above Rs.50000 with
18 percent with reference to Coimbatore city
The above table shows that the yes with 88 percent followed by no with 12 percent
with reference to Coimbatore city
The above table shows that the discount with 55 percent followed by promotional
offer with 16 percent,range of products with 15 percent and others with 14 percent
with reference to Coimbatore city
The above table shows that no with 62 percent followed by yes with 38 percent
with reference to Coimbatore
The above table shows that yes with 73 percent followed by no with 27 percent
with reference to Coimbatore city
The above table shows that attractive with 43 percent followed by moderately
attractive with 27 percent,highly attractive with 17 percent and not at all attractive
with 13 percent with reference to Coimbatore city
The table shows that the yes with 80 percent followed by no with 20 percent with
reference to Coimbatore city
4.2.1 To test the relationship between influence of discount sales and influence of
social media
Yes 18 22 25 17 8 90
No 2 4 1 2 5 14
Total 20 26 26 19 13 104
Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-
9.467a 4 .050
2.294 1 .130
Chapter V
Findings & Suggestions
5.1 Findings
Majority of respondents are male with respect to 51 percent.
Majority of respondents are the age group of respondent 18-28,29-38 and 39-49
with 28 percent
Majority of respondent is get information from the internet, visit shops to verify
the details and place order either online or buy locally with 37 percent
5.2 Suggestions
Flipkart has successfully placed itself into the prospects mind making it the India’s
largest online store with huge range of products. But Flipkart still needs to work on
their core competence that is books and stationery items. With the entry of it will be a huge competitive market for Flipkart and hence will have to
position itself better, as we still see that huge percentage of females are still unaware
of Flipkart. Those female who purchase, has a very less frequency which has
remained unchanged. Therefore they need to get aggressive at providing better
services which can be fulfilled by reducing the delivery time, selling second hand
products which will increase consumers’ affordability much more and enhance
penetration into the market. They can even have their retail stores which can give an
access to consumers to feel and analyze the products, which will help them win the
consumers faith. Price will still be a factor as amazon being a huge company will use
its economies of scale to remove their competitors from the market; therefore they
need to be more competitive on that aspect. Be very focused on consumers and build
amazing experiences for the customers.
The study also reveals that main reason for growing importance of online
marketing is the increasing literacy about interne among people. They have identified
that internet is Only advantageous through which they can serve their various
purposes mainly social networking, online shopping & media sharing (photo, music,
video). This efficacy of internet has intensified their tendency of being online.
Today's consumers strongly feel that every company must use this efficacy to
strengthen its marketing efforts. So that they will get motivated to use online
marketing with the intent of getting access to exclusive content about the brand and
getting discount and sharing their feedback about brand with the advertiser. With the
advent of internet technology, consumers' preference towards traditional marketing
tools has decreased. Most popular traditional marketing tools are television & print
media. The major benefits of online marketing are its capability of interaction
between consumers and advertisers followed by availability of wide range of
information & ease of shopping. These benefits make online marketing superior than
traditional marketing. But at the same time consumers are susceptible about the user-
safety side of internet. They feel that online marketing is unsafe as it may lead to
increase in frauds & privacy issue.
Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, Pearson Education,
2006, pg. no. 537
Barnes, N., & Mattson, E., (2008), Social media in the Inc. 500: The first
longitudinal study [Electronic version]. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Center for Marketing Research. Retrieved from:
1.Email id ?
A)Below 18
B) 18-28
D)Home maker
5.Marital Status ?
7.Which source do you refer the most to get awareness of various brands of electronic?
A) Print ads
B) Television commercials
C) Outdoor Media
D) Online Media
A) Always
B) Sometimes
C) At-times
9.Please indicate your purpose of using internet by ranking each purpose between the
scale of 1 to 5(Where 1 is most important & 5 is least important)
A)Social Media
D)Online Shopping
A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Disagree
D) Strongly Disagree
11.I don’t prefer the print ads or television commercials much to get brand awarness
A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) Disagree
D) Strongly Disagree
12.What benefits does the online marketing gives over traditional marketing.
A)Time saving
C)Low cost
B)Retail store
C)Social media
14.What level of influence did social media (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.)
had when you purchased your electronic gadgets?
A)Highly Influential
B)Very Influential
C)Moderately Influential
D)Slightly Influential
15.When you buy products online which of the procedures do you follow
B) Get information from the internet and discuss with others before
placing orders online
C) Get information from the internet, visit shops to verify the details
and place order either online or buy locally
D) Get the information from internet but I buy only from the local dealers / shops
A)Once in a months
A)Promotional Offer
C)Range Of products
A)Highly Attractive
C)Moderately Attractive
Your answer