VMH Anchor
VMH Anchor
VMH Anchor
Person in charge: *
Construction project:
Project number:
Position: Date: 22/12/2019
Anchor plate:
x = 100 mm
y = 100 mm 0.51
lx1 = 50 mm
lx2 = 50 mm
ly1 = 50 mm
ly2 = 50 mm
Edge distances: z
without influence
Thickness of anchor base:
h = 200 mm y x
h 1
ly 1 lx 2
ly 2 lx 1
y x
Injection System VMH + VM-A A4 (70) M12 hef = 70mm
Design according to EOTA Technical Report TR 029 + TR 055
Assessment ETA-17/0716: MKT VMH
The anchorage is verified. Boundary
Tension loads Shear loads Interaction conditions:
[ kN, kNm ]
bN [%] bV [%] bN,V[%]
Static / quasi-static action 76.3 35.3 87.6 OK
The calculation only applies if the notes on the last page are observed.
Anchor loads
Anchor 1
NSd [kN] 11.48
Anchor loads
Anchor 1
VSd [kN] 6.79
Vx,Sd [kN] 0.00
Vy,Sd [kN] 6.79
Installation parameters
Thread M = 12 mm
Diameter of drill hole d0 = 14 mm
Depth of drill hole h0(1) = 70 mm
Effective anchorage depth hef = 70 mm
Installation torque Tinst ≤ 40 Nm
Width across nut SW = 19 mm
Minimum thickness of anchor base hmin = 100 mm
Diameter of clearance hole in the fixture
· pre-installation df ≤ 14 mm
· through fastening *) df ≤ 16 mm
*) filled annular gap
The anchors are without influence of edge distance, if: c ≥ max ( 10 hef ; 60 d )
If the diameter df of the clearance hole does not correspond with the specifications in [1], Table 6.1,
or with the design of slotted holes, follow the notes in [1], chapter 1.1.
A filled annular gap can be made with a filling washer, which shall be used instead of
the supplied wascher. In this case a reduced fixture thickness is to be observed.
A high-strength mortar with compressive strength ≥ 40N/mm² shall be used for filling.
(VMZ, VMH or VMU plus)
The design is based on the assumption that the anchor plate remains flat under the acting
The proof of the capacity of the anchor base component shall be shown according to chapter 7 in [1].