Active Passive
Active Passive
Active Passive
“A Voice is very important factor in English Grammar. A voice may be Active or Passive. We use these
voices unknowingly in our daily life. Every sentence, we speak, includes either of the voice. Mostly, the
active voice is used in oral communication and the passive voice is used in written communication
especially in newspapers, articles, etc.”
Active Voice
Passive Voice
The sentences in which the subject performs the action and the object receives the action are said to be
in Active Voice.
The above sentence reveals clearly that he subject / the doer / an agent performs the action….it is
received by the object/receiver.
In the Active sentences, the importance or priority is given to only the subject. It gives the question ‘who
did the action’ rather than ‘what happened’.
If the importance or priority is given to only the verb of a sentence, then it is said to be in Passive Voice.
In Passive voices, action is given the importance rather than the performer. In short, ‘what happened’ is
more important than ‘who did the action?’ Mostly, the passive voices are used in the newspapers,
invitations cards, articles or any other written communications. We use this Passive Voice when we
don’t know the subject / an agent who performed the actions.
While changing a sentence from Active Voice to Passive Voice, several changes take place.
The object of the verb becomes the subject of the passive voice.
The subject of the verb is written ‘by + subject ‘in the passive voice.
One more important point is that the tense form of the voice never changes i.e., if the tense form of the
active voice is Present perfect tense, it remains same in the Passive voice.
# Sample example of changing of voice.
In the above sentence, ‘Anil’ was the subject who performed the action ‘ate’ and the same action was
received by the object ‘an apple’.
In the Passive sentence, it is clear that both the subject and object interchanged their places and the
verb form was changed from ‘ate’ to ‘was eaten’. The change of verb form depends on the singular or
plural of subject and tense form.
I drink tea.
I drank tea.
Future Perfect Tense Will have eaten Will have been eaten
Nouns Pronouns
I Me
We Us
They Them
She Her
He Him
It It
Exercise #1
Distinguishing between Active or Passive Voice (Indica se queste frasi
sono attive o passive)
4. Nothing happened.
Exercise #2
Change Active sentences to Passive (Present Simple and Past Simple) -
Trasforma queste frasi dalla forma attiva alla forma passiva
Look at the subject and verb to determine if it is an active or passive sentence. Then add the appropriate
verb. Use the Past Simple tense for this exercise.
1. Many people _______________ (buy) tickets for the concert last year. All the tickets
_______________ (sell).
2. The child _______________ (help) by his father. His toys ___ (pick up) and put into a drawer.
Mark if the sentence is in the active or passive voice. (Remember to look for the BE + Past Participle
Exercise #5
Change Active sentences to Passive (Present Simple and Past Simple)
Trasforma queste frasi dalla forma attiva alla forma passiva
1. Someone had broken the window by 3:00 p.m.
Exercise #6
12. The airplane, which _______________ (operate) by Singapore Airlines, _______________ (fly) by
an experienced pilot.