Safety Products Catalog Revc3 2TLC010001C0202

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Safety Products

Safety Products
ABB Jokab Safety
ABB Jokab Safety


Safety products catalog SAFETY CONTROLLERS

ABB Jokab Safety













1–2 Introduction

1–6 Standards and regulations

1– 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Company overview
ABB Jokab Safety has been helping machine builders to create production-friendly and
safe work environments for operators since 1988.

We develop products and solutions for machine safety

We make it simple to build safety systems. Developing products and solutions for machine safety has been our business
idea since the company Jokab Safety, now a part of ABB, was founded in Sweden in 1988.

Many industries around the world have discovered how much easier it has become to build protection and safety systems
with our components and guidance. Our extensive program of products, safety solutions and our long experience in ma-
chine safety makes us a safe partner.

Together we create a safe world!



Company overview

Products and systems

We deliver machine safety solutions for single machines
or entire production lines. Our long experience of helping
customers making solutions for demanding environments
has made us experts in combining production demands with
safety demands for production-friendly solutions.

We market a wide range of safety products, which makes it

easy to build safety systems. We develop these intelligent
products continuously, in cooperation with our customers.

Our experience of safety requirements and standards

Directives and standards are very important to machine
builders and safety component manufacturers. We represent
Sweden in several international committees that develop
standards, for e.g. industrial robots, safety distances and
control system safety features. We work daily with the
practical application of safety requirements in combination
with production requirements. We are happy to share our
knowledge of standards with our customers. You can use
our experience for training and advice.

Markets and industries

Solutions from ABB Jokab Safety can be found in all types of
industries across the globe. But we pride ourselves in having
products and solutions that are especially well suited for
- Robotics
- Food and beverage
- General machinery (OEM)
1– 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Our range of safety products

Quick-Guard fencing system

to prevent unauthorised access

Contactors and electronic

compacts starters
to control power and motors
Inca emergency stop
for compact panel

MKey9 key switch

for safe locking of hatches and doors

Safeball control device

for an ergonomic and
safe two-hand control

Operators and signalling devices

for control and indication

Eden sensor
Mats, rails and bumpers for reliable non-contact monitoring of
to detect the presence doors and hatches
of people

ABB is the only supplier that can deliver complete safety solutions (including
output devices such as contactors and frequency converters) together with
automation solutions such as robotics, motors, drives and PLCs.

Magne magnetic lock
to keep doors and hatches
locked during a process

Pluto programmable safety controller,

Vital safety controller and Sentry safety relays
for flexible monitoring of safety devices

Smile emergency stop button

to safely stop machinery in hazardous

Orion light guards

for a production friendly
safety detection

GKey safety lock

for safe locking of doors

JSHD4 three-position device

for safe and ergonomic
inspection and troubleshooting LineStrong pull wire
emergency stop switch
for easy access of emergency stop
1– 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

European Directives and Standards

Directives and standards are of great importance for manufacturers of machines and safety components. In the Europe-
an Union, the EU Directives gives requirements for the minimum level of health and safety, and these are mandatory for
manufacturers to fulfill. In every member country the Directives are implemented in national legislation.

Machines which have been placed on the market since 2010, must comply with the new Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC. Before that, the old Machinery Directive 98/37/EC was valid.

Although the requirements in the Directives are specific for Europe, they also apply to machines that are imported to Eu-
rope. And the Directives are supported by standards, of which many also are valid internationally.

The objectives of the Machinery Directive, 2006/42/EC, Harmonised standards

are to maintain, increase and equalise the safety level of Harmonised standards give support on how to fulfill the
machines within the members of the European Community. requirements of the Machinery Directive. The relationship
Based on this, the free movement of machines/products between the Machinery Directive and the harmonised stan-
between the countries in this market can be achieved. The dards is illustrated by the diagram below.
Machinery Directive is developed according to “The New Ap-
proach” which is based on the following principles: Within ISO (The International Organization for Standardiza-
–– The directives give the basic health and safety require- tion) work is also going on in order to harmonise the safety
ments, which are mandatory. standards globally in parallel with the European standardi-
–– Detailed solutions and technical specifications are found sation work.
in harmonised standards.
–– Standards are voluntary to apply, but products designed ABB Jokab Safety takes an active part in the working groups
according to the harmonised standards will fulfill the both for the ISO and EN standards.
basic safety requirements in the Machinery Directive.

The Machinery Directive


Examples of
EN ISO 1200 A-standards Giving basic concepts, principles for design,
and general aspects that can be applied to all
EN ISO 13857
EN 349
EN ISO 13849-1
B1-standards B1: Standards on particular safety aspects (e.g.
EN ISO 13855
safety distances, surface temperature, noise)
EN ISO 13850 B2-standards B2: Standards on safeguards (e.g. two-hand
EN ISO 14119 controls, interlocking devices, pressure sensi-
EN 60204-1 tive devices, guards)

Dealing with detailed safety requirements for a

EN ISO 10218-1 C-standards
particular machine or group of machines
EN 692
EN 693


Machinery Directive

The Machinery Directive, for machines and safety compo- Requirements for the use of machinery
nents For a machine to be safe it is not enough that the manufac-
turer has been fulfilling all valid/necessary requirements.
From 2006/42/EC The user of the machine also has requirements to fulfill. For
From 2006/42/EC
1 § This Directive applies to the following products: the use of machinery there is a Directive 2009/104/EC.
1§ This Directive applies to the following products:
a) machinery;
a) machinery;
b) interchangeable equipment; It requires that the work equipment that is provided to
b) interchangeable equipment;
c) safety components; workers must comply with relevant Community directives.
c) safety components;
d) lifting accessories;
d) lifting accessories;
e) chains, ropes and webbing; This means that when repair/changes are made on the
e) chains, ropes and webbing;
f) removable mechanical transmission devices; machine it shall still fulfill the requirements of the Machinery
f) removable mechanical transmission devices;
g) partly completed machinery. Directive. This doesn’t have to mean that a new CE-marking
g) partly completed machinery.
is required (unless the changes are extensive).
The Machinery Directive gives a detailed definition of a
machine, which can be simplified as something that has NOTE!
linked parts that are moving, where the energy source is not This means that the buyer of a machine also has to make
human effort. Two or more machines that are put together sure that a new machine fulfills the requirements in the di-
into a production line is also regarded as one machine. rectives. If the machine does not fulfill the requirements the
buyer is not allowed to use it.
CE-marking and Declaration of conformity
Machines manufactured or placed on the market from “Old” machines
december 29, 2009, shall be CE-marked and fulfil the For machines delivered or manufactured in the EEA before 1
requirements according to the European Machinery Direc- January 1995 the following is valid.
tive 2006/42/EC. This is also valid for old machines (manu- From 2009/104/EC
factured before 1 January 1995) if they are manufactured From 2009/104/EC
(b) work equipment which, if already provided to
in a country outside the EEA and imported to be used in a b) workers
work equipment which, if already
in the undertaking provided to
or establishment by
country in the EEA (European Economic Area). 31 December 1992, complies with the minimumby
workers in the undertaking or establishment
31 Decemberlaid
requirements 1992, complies
down in Annex with thelater
I no minimum
than 4
For machines manufactured and/or released to the market years after thatlaid
requirements date;down in Annex I no later than
between january 1, 1995, and december 28, 2009, the old 4 years after that date;
Machinery Directive (98/37/EC) is valid. c) (c) without
without prejudice
prejudice toto point
point (a)(i),
(a)(i), and
and byby way
way ofof

derogation from point (a)(ii) and point
derogation from point (a)(ii) and point (b), spe- (b), spe-
NOTE! cific
subjecttotothe therequirements
Machines have to be accompanied by a Declaration of Con- ofofpoint 3 of Annex I, which, if already
point 3 of Annex I, which, if already provided
formity (according to 2006/42/EC, Annex II 1.A) that states totoworkers
which directive and standards the machine fulfills. It also byby5 5December
December1998, 1998,complies
complieswith withthe
shows if the product has gone through EC Type Examina- requirements
requirementslaid laiddown
AnnexI, I,no
than4 4
tion. years after that date.
years after that date.

Safety components have to be accompanied with a Declara-

tion of Conformity. Annex l contains minimum requirements for health and
safety. There can also be additional national specific require-
ments for certain machines.

The point in time when the Machinery Directive was imple-
mented in each Member Country varies. Therefore it is
necessary to check with the national authorities in ones own
country, to find out what is considered as “old” and respec-
tively “new” machines.
1– 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Risk assessment
an important tool both when constructing a new machine and when assessing
risks on older machines

"Old" machines "New" machines

Machinery that is placed on the market or put into 1. Machinery that is placed on the market or put into
service before 1995 in the EEA. service from 1995 in the EEA.
2. All machinery that are imported to the EEA irre-
spective of date of origin.

Use of work equipment Possible national Use of work equipment EMC Directive
2009/104/EC legislation on specific 2009/104/EC 2014/30/EU
machines Note!
Not Annex 1 - instead use Low Voltage Directive
applicable directives. 2014/35/EU

The Machinery Directive Possible more

98/37/EC (1995 - 2009) directives
2006/42/EC (from 2010)

CE-marking +
Declaration of

Risk assessment
A well thought-out risk assessment supports manufactur- The standard EN ISO 12100 gives guidance on the informa-
ers/users of machines to develop production friendly safety tion required to allow risk assessment to be carried out.The
solutions. One result of this is that the safety components standard does not point out a specific method to be used. It
will not be a hindrance. This minimizes the risk of the safety is the responsibility of the manufacturer to select a suitable
system being defeated. method.

New machines Machines in use

The following requirement is given by the Machinery Direc- A risk assessment must have been carried out on all ma-
tive chines that are in use; CE-marked as well as not CE-marked.
A risk assessment must also be performed when making
From 2006/42/EC
changes on a machine, to determine if the safety measures
The manufacturer of machinery or his authorised repre­
needs to be adapted.
sentative must ensure that a risk assessment is carried
out in order to determine the health and safety require-
Documentation of risk assessment
ments which apply to the machinery. The machinery must
The risk assessment shall be documented. The risk assess-
then be designed and constructed taking into account
ment should take into consideration the severity of the
the results of the risk assessment.
potential injuries as well as the probability that they occur.

Protection or warning?
How is it possible to choose safety measures that are production friendly and in
every way well balanced? The Machinery Directive gives an order of priority for the
choice of appropriate methods to remove the risks. Here it is further developed in a
five step method.

Prioritize safety measures according to the 5-step-method

1. Eliminate or reduce risks by design and construction
2. Move the work tasks outside the risk area
3. Use guards/safety devices
4. Develop safe working routines/information/education
5. Use warnings as pictograms, light, sound etc.

The further away from the center of the circle, the greater measures.
responsibility for the safety is placed onto the user of the What is possible is dependant on the need for accessibility,
machine. If full protection is not effectively achieved in one the severity of the risk, appropiate safety measures etc.
step, one has to go to the next step and find complementary

Example on prioritizing according to the 5-step-method

Priority Example of hazard and safety measure taken

1. Make machine safe by Hazard: Cuts and wounds from sharp edges and corners on machinery
design and construction Safety measure: Round off sharp edges and corners.

2. Move the work tasks out- Hazard: Crushing of fingers from machine movements during inspection of
side the risk area the production inside the risk area
Safety measure: Installation of a camera.

3. Use guard/safety Hazard: Crushing injuries because of unintended start during loading of work
devices pieces in a mechanical press
Safety measure: Install a light curtain to detect operator and provide safe stop of the

4. Safe working routines/ Hazard: Crushing injuries because the machine can tip during installation and
information normal use.
Safety measure: Make instructions on how the machine is to be installed to avoid the
risks. This can include requirements on the type of fastening, ground,
screw retention etc.

5. Warning Hazard: Burns because of hot surfaces in reach

Safety measure: Warning signs

Combine the 5-step-method with production friendly The likelihood that the safety solution will be well made, well
thinking. This can give you e.g. received and suitable for the application increases if each
–– fast and easy restart of machines after a safety stop risk is handled according to the 5-step-method.
–– enough space to safely program a robot
–– places outside the risk area to observe the production
–– electrically interlocked doors, instead of guards attached
with screws, to be able to take the necessary measures
for removing production disturbances
–– a safety system that is practical for all types of work
tasks, even when removing production disturbances
1– 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Examples of regularly used EN/ISO standards

EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery - General principles for The primary purpose of this standard is to provide designers with an overall frame-
design - Risk assessment and risk reduction work and guidance for decisions during the development of machinery to enable them
to design machines that are safe for their intended use.

EN ISO 13857 Safety of machinery - Safety distances to This standard establishes values for safety distances to prevent danger zones being
reached by the upper and lower limbs. The distances apply when adequate safety can
prevent hazard zones being reached by up-
be achieved by distances alone.
per and lower limbs

EN 349 Safety of machinery – Minimum gaps to The object of this standard is to enable the user (e.g. standard makers, designers of
(ISO 13854) machinery) to avoid hazards from crushing zones. It specifies minimum gaps relative
avoid crushing of parts of the human body
to parts of the human body and is applicable when adequate safety can be achieved
by this method.

EN ISO 13850 Safety of machinery – Emergency stop – This standard specifies design principles for emergency stop equipment for machin-
ery. No account is taken of the nature of the energy source.
Principles for design

EN 574 Safety of machinery – Two-hand control This standard specifies the safety requirements of a two-hand control device and
its logic unit. The standard describes the main characteristics of two-hand control
devices – Functional aspects – Principles for
devices for the achievement of safety and sets out combinations of functional charac-
design teristics for three types.

EN ISO 14120 Safety of machinery – Guards – General re- This standard specifies general requirements for the design and construction of
guards provided primarily to protect persons from mechanical hazards.
quirements for the design and construction
of fixed and movable guards

EN ISO 13849-1 Safety of machinery – Safety-related parts This standard provides safety requirements and guidance on the principles for
the design of safety-related parts of control systems. For these parts it specifies
of control systems – Part 1: General prin-
categories and describes the characteristics of their safety functions. This includes
ciples for design programmable systems for all machinery and for related protective devices. It applies
to all safety-related parts of control systems, regardless of the type of energy used,
e.g. electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical. It does not specify which safety
functions and which categories shall be used in a particular case.

EN ISO 13849-2 Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts This standard specifies the procedures and conditions to be followed for the valida-
tion by analysis and testing of:
of control systems - Part 2: Validation
• the safety functions provided, and
• the category achieved of the safety-related parts of the control system in compli-
ance with EN 954-1 (ISO 13849-1), using the design rationale provided by the designer.

EN 62061 Safety of machinery - Functional safety of The standard defines the safety requirements and guiding principles for the design of
safety-related electrical/electronic/programmable parts of a control system.
safety-related electrical, electronic and pro-
grammable electronic control systems

EN ISO 13855 Safety of machinery - Positioning of This standard provides parameters based on values for hand/arm and approach
speeds and the methodology to determine the minimum distances from specific sens-
safeguards with respect to the approach
ing or actuating devices of protective equipment to a danger zone.
speeds of parts of the human body

EN ISO 14119 Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices This standard specifies principles for the design and selection — independent of the
nature of the energy source — of interlocking devices associated with guards.
associated with guards - Principles for de-
The standard provides measures to minimize defeat of interlocking devices in a
sign and selection reasonably foreseeable manner.

EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment This part of IEC 60204 provides requirements and recommendations relating to the
electrical equipment of machines so as to promote:
of machines - Part 1: General requirements
– safety of persons and property;
– consistency of control response;
– ease of maintenance.


Standards for safety in control systems

Building a protection system that works in practice and provides sufficient safety requires expertise in several areas.
The design of the safety functions in the protection system in order to ensure they provide sufficient reliability is a key
ingredient. As help for this there is, for example, the EN ISO 13849-1 standard. The purpose of this text is to provide
an introduction to the standard and its application in conjunction with our products. Please note that outside of the
European Union there are often other standards that are used in place of EN ISO 13849.

Introducing the standard

The generation change for standards on safety in control To calculate which PL level the system achieves you need to
systems introduced new concepts and calculations for know the following:
machine builders and machine users. The EN 954‑1 standard – The system’s structure (categories B, 1-4)
has been phased out and is replaced by EN ISO 13849‑1 – The Mean Time To dangerous Failure of the component
(PL, Performance Level) and EN 62061 (SIL, Safety Integrity
Level). – The system’s Diagnostic Coverage (DC)

PL or SIL? What should I use? You will also need to:

The standard you should use depends on the choice of tech- – protect the system against simultaneous failure of both
nology, experience and customer requirements. channels (CCF)
– protect the system from systematic errors built into the
Choice of technology design
– PL (Performance Level) is a technology-neutral concept – follow certain rules to ensure software can be developed
that can be used for electrical, mechanical, pneumatic and and validated in the right way
hydraulic safety solutions.
– SIL (Safety Integrity Level) can, however, only be used for The five PL-levels (a-e) correspond to certain ranges of
electrical, electronic or programmable safety solutions. PFHD-values (probability of dangerous failure per hour).
These indicate how likely it is that a dangerous failure could
Experience occur over a period of one hour. In the calculation, it is ben-
EN ISO 13849-1 uses categories from EN 954-1 for defin- eficial to use PFHD-values directly as the PL is a simplifica-
ing the system structure, and therefore the step to the new tion that does not provide equally accurate results.
calculations is not so big if you have previous experience
of the categories. EN 62061 defines the structures slightly What is the easiest way of complying with the standard?
differently. 1. Use pre-calculated components.
As far as it is possible, use components with pre-calculated
Customer requirements PL and PFHD-values. You then minimise the number of calcu-
If you or your end customer comes from an industry that is lations to be performed. All ABB Jokab Safety products have
accustomed to using SIL (e.g. the process industry), require- pre-calculated PFHD-values.
ments can also include safety functions for machine safety
being SIL rated. 2. Use a calculation tool.
With the calculation softwares FSDT or SISTEMA you avoid
We notice that most of our customers prefer PL as it is tech- making calculations by hand. You also get help to structure
nology-neutral and that they can use their previous knowl- your safety solutions and provide the necessary documenta-
edge in the categories. In this text we show some examples tion.
of how to build safety solutions in accordance with EN ISO
13849-1 and calculate the reliability of the safety functions 3. Use Pluto or Vital
to be used for a particular machine. The examples in this Use the Pluto programmable safety controller or Vital safety
text are simplified in order to provide an understanding of controller. Not only is it easier to make calculations and
the principles. The values used in the examples can change. changes in the future, but above all it is easier to ensure a
higher level of safety.
What is PL (Performance Level)?
PL is a measure of the reliability of a safety function. PL is
divided into five levels (a-e). PL e gives the best reliability
and is equivalent to that required at the highest level of risk.
1– 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


Step 1

Determine the system’s scope

(space, usage, time, environment)
Risk analysis

Identify risk sources

(all work operations during the life cycle)
Risk assessment

Estimate the risk

(determine PLr with S, F and P)

Evaluate the risk (is action required?)
Are new risks

Has the risk Yes

been adequately END

Step 2 Is the measure
Reduce the risk dependent on the
(redesign, use protection, information) control system?

Step 3

Identify the safety functions

Determine PLr
Are all safety functions executed?

Design and implement the

solution for the safety function

Calculate PL

Verify that PL ≥ PLr


Validate No
Have other require­ments been met?


PLr low risk
Risk estimation
To calculate the performance level required (PLr).
P1 a
F1 P2
S Severity of injury
S1 slight (normally reversible injury) S1
F2 P1
S2 serious (normally irreversible injury or death)
F Frequency and/or exposure to hazard
F1 seldom to less often and/or exposure time is short c
F2 frequent to continuous and/or exposure time is F1 P2
long d
P  Possibility of avoiding hazard or limiting harm F2 P1

P1 possible under specific conditions

P2 scarcely possible
high risk

Risk assessment and risk minimisation

According to the Machinery Directive, the machine builder
(anyone who builds or modifies a machine) is required to
perform a risk assessment for the machine design and also Step 2 – Reduce the risk
include an assessment of all the work operations that need If you determine that risk reduction is required, you must
to be performed. EN ISO 12100 stipulates the requirements comply with the priority in the Machinery Directive in the
for a risk assessment. It is this that EN ISO 13849-1 is based selection of measures:
on, and a completed risk assessment is a prerequisite for 1. Avoid the risk already at the design stage. (E.g. reduce
being able to work with the standard. power, avoid interference in the danger zone.)
2. Use protection and/or safety devices.
Step 1 – Risk assessment (E.g. fences, light grids or control devices.)
A risk assessment begins with determining the scope of the 3. P
 rovide information about how the machine can be
machine. This includes the space that the machine and its used safely. (E.g. in manuals and on signs.)
operators need for all of its intended applications, and all
operational stages throughout the machine’s life cycle. If risk reduction is performed using safety devices, the
All risk sources must then be identified for all work opera- control system that monitors these needs to be designed as
tions throughout the machine’s life cycle. specified in EN ISO 13849-1.
A risk estimation is made for each risk source, i.e. indication
of the degree of risk. According to EN ISO 13849-1 the risk is
estimated using three factors: injury severity (S), frequency Step 3 - Design and calculate the safety functions
of exposure to the hazard (F) and the possibility you have To begin with you need to identify the safety functions on
of avoiding or limiting the injury (P). For each factor two the machine. (Examples of safety functions are emergency
options are given. Where the boundary between the two op- stop and monitoring of gate.)
tions lies is not specified in the standard, but the following
are common interpretations and our recommendations: For each safety function, a PLr should be established (which
S1 b ruises, abrasions, puncture wounds and minor has often already been made in the risk assessment). The
crushing injuries solution for the safety function is then designed and imple-
S2 skeletal injuries, amputations and death mented. Once the design is complete, you can calculate the
F1 less frequent than once a week PL the safety function achieves. Check that the calculated
F2 once a week or more often PL is at least as high as PLr and then validate the system
P1 s low machine movements, plenty of space, low as per the validation plan. The validation checks that the
power specification of the system is carried out correctly and that
P2 quick machine movements, crowded, high power the design complies with the specification.You will also need
By selecting S, F and P for the risk, you will get the PLr that is to verify that the requirements that are not included in the
necessary for the risk source. calculation of the PL are satisfied, that is, ensure that the
Finally, the risk assessment includes a risk evaluation where software is properly developed and validated, and that you
you determine if the risk needs to be reduced or if sufficient have taken adequate steps to protect the technical solution
safety is ensured. from systematic errors.
1– 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


10 -4
10 -5

b low

3x10 -6
c medium

10 -6
d high

10 -7
10 -8
none none low medium low medium high

Cat. B Cat. 1 Cat. 2 Cat. 2 Cat. 3 Cat. 3 Cat. 4

The relationship between categories, the DCavg, MTTFd for each channel and PL. The table also shows the PFHD-range that corresponds to each PL.

PL calculation in Step 3
When you calculate the PL for a safety function, it is easi- PL and PFHD-values for their components, but for mechani-
est to split it into separate, well defined blocks (also called cal devices (such as key switches or contactors) a PL-value
subsystems). It is often logical to make the breakdown cannot be supplied since it depends on how often the
according to input, logic and output (e.g. switch - safety component will be used. You then need to calculate yourself
relay - contactors), but there may be more or fewer than according to EN ISO 13849-1 or use default values from the
three blocks depending on the connection and the number standard, if provided.
of components used (an expansion relay could for example
create an additional logic block) . To calculate PL or PFHD for a block, you need to know its
category, DC and MTTFd. In addition, you need to protect the
For each block, you calculate a PL or PFHD-value. It is easiest system against systematic errors and ensure that an error
if you obtain these values from the component manufac- does not knock out both channels, and generate and vali-
turer, so you do not have to calculate yourself. The manu- date any software used correctly. The following text gives a
facturer of switches, sensors and logic devices often have brief explanation of what to do.

Safety function (SF)

Input Logic Output


PFH D, Total = PFH D, Input + PFH D, Logic + PFH D, Output


The structure for the component(s) in the block is assessed that if the MTTFd-value is less than 200 years, the component
to determine the category (B, 1-4) it corresponds to. For needs to be replaced after 10% of the MTTFd-value (due to
category 4, for example, individual failures do not result in the T10d-value). That is, a component with MTTFd = 160 years
any loss of the safety function. needs to be replaced after 16 years in order for the condi-
In order to achieve category 4 with contactors, you need to tions for achieving PL to continue to be valid. This is because
have two channels - i.e., two contactors - that can cut the EN ISO 13849-1 is based on a “mission time” of 20 years.
power to the machine individually. The contactors need to be
monitored by connecting opening contacts to a test input Common Cause Failure (CCF)
on, for example a safety relay. For monitoring of this type to In Appendix F of EN ISO 13849-1 there is a table of actions to
work, the contactors need to have positive-guided contacts. be taken to protect against CCF, to ensure a failure does not
knock out both channels.
Diagnostic Coverage (DC)
A simple method to determine DC is explained in Appendix Systematic errors
E in EN ISO 13849-1. It lists various measures and what they Appendix G of EN ISO 13849-1 describes a range of actions
correspond to in terms of DC. For example, DC=99 % (which that need to be taken to protect against incorporating faults
corresponds to DC high) is achieved for a pair of contactors into your design.
by monitoring the contactors with the logic device.
PL for safety functions
Mean Time To dangerous Failure (MTTFd) PL is given in the table on the previous page. If you want to
The MTTFd-value should primarily come from the manufac- use an exact PFHD-value instead, this can be produced using
turer. If the manufacturer cannot provide values, they are a table in Appendix K in EN ISO 13849-1.
given from tables in EN ISO 13849-1 or you have to calculate Once you have produced the PL for each block, you can
MTTFd using the B10d-value, (average number of cycles until generate a total PL for the safety function in Table 11 of
10% of the components have a dangerous failure). To calcu- EN ISO 13849-1. This gives a rough estimate of the PL. If you
late the MTTFd, you also need to know the average number have calculated PFHD for each block instead, you can get a
of cycles per year that the component will execute. total of PFHD for the safety function by adding together all
the values of the blocks. The safety function’s total PFHD
corresponds to a particular PL in Table 3 of EN ISO 13849-1.
Calculation of the average number of cycles is as
follows: B10d Requirements for safety-related software
MTTFd = If you use a safety PLC for implementing safety func-
0,1 x nop tions, this places requirements on how the software is
where developed and validated. To avoid error conditions, the
software should be readable, understandable and be
dop x hop x 3600 possible to test and maintain.
nop =
tcycle A software specification must be prepared to ensure
that you can check the functionality of the program. It is
nop = Number of cycles per year also important to divide the program into modules that
dop = Operation days per year can be tested individually. Paragraph 4.6 and Appen-
hop = Operation hours per day dix J of EN ISO 13849-1 specify requirements for safety
tcycle = Cycle time (seconds) related software.
The following are examples of requirements for soft-
Example: dop= 365 days, hop= 24 hours and tcycle= 1,800 sec- ware from EN ISO 13849-1:
onds (2 times/hour) which gives nop= 17,520 cycles. With a –– A development life cycle must be produced with
B10d=2·106 this gives a MTTFd=1,141 year which corresponds validation measures that indicate how and when the
to MTTFd=high. program should be validated, for example, following
Note that when you calculate MTTFd you have to calculate ac- a change.
cording to the total number of cycles the component will be –– The specification and design must be documented.
working. A typical example of this is the contactors that fre- –– Function tests must be performed.
quently work for several safety functions simultaneously. This –– Validated functional blocks must be used whenever
means that you must add the number of estimated cycles per possible.
year from all the safety functions that use the contactors. –– Data and control flow are to be described using, for
When MTTFd is calculated from a B10d-value, also consider example, a condition diagram or software flow chart.
1– 16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Case study 1 - Safety relay Sentry
Protection layout for a packaging machine with low risks

Key switch MKey5

Monitors that the door is

Safety relay Sentry

Monitors safety compo- Emergency stop button
nents. To stop the machine in
case of danger.

Step 1 – Risk assessment Step 2 – Reduce the risk

Food to be packaged is loaded into the cell manually As protection, an interlocked door is selected with the key
through the rear door. A batch is prepared for the packing switch MKey5. Stopping time is short enough for the dan-
conveyor in the infeed hopper. The cell is reset and restart- gerous movement to have ceased before the operator can
ed. The packaging machine with conveyor belt only oper- access it. The emergency stop is placed within easy reach,
ates when both doors are closed and when the protection on both sides of the cell near the doors.
system has been reset.

In the risk assessment it was established that the machine PLr low risk
is to be operated in three shifts (8 hours per shift) 365 days
a year. The total access to the danger zone is estimated to
be two times per hour (F2), including manual packaging and
P1 a
F1 P2
tending operational disturbances. Unexpected start-ups are
not considered to cause serious injury but rather minor heal- S1
F2 P1
able injuries (S1). The operator is considered not to have the
possibility of avoiding injury as the machine moves quickly
(P2). c
F1 P2
The number of cycles for the safety function = 365 days/ S2
year x (3x8) hours/day x 2 cycles/hour = 17,520 cycles/year d
F2 P1
The assessment for the safety function required for access
to the machine is PLr= c (S1, F2, P2). In addition to this safety P2
function, an emergency stop function is needed. This is also high risk
assessed as PLr=c.
Determination of the PLr necessary for the safety function with interlocked
door for this example.

The assessment needs to be made for each safety function.

S1 S2
E-stop E-stop

Sentry SSR10


* Q1
Sentry SSR10 Q2
* Monitoring of contactors
with K2

B2 B1
Key switch Key switch

How safe is a mechanical switch?

Mechanical switches have a tendency to break if misused.
Step 3 - Calculate the safety functions Manufacturer instructions must be followed, e.g. no
The output subsystem that is composed of double moni- excessive force or dirty environment. For interlocking
tored contactors has been calculated at 2.47x10-8. The safety switches in general EN ISO 14119 must be considered. It
functions are represented by block diagrams. handles e.g. the possibility to defeat a switch and require-
Safety functions 1 and 2 are identical. Therefore, only safety ments on key switches. Connecting key switches in series
function 1 is shown. gives a significant risk of masking errors, as stated in the
Safety functions 3 and 4 are identical. Therefore, only safety technical report ISO/TR 24119, which limits the maximum
function 3 is shown. achievable DC depending on the number of frequently
used doors connected in series.

Safety function 1 Input Logic Output Result

B1 K2 Q1/Q2
PLr=c PL c
MKey5 (PL c) Sentry (PL e) Contactors (PL e)
PFHD, MKey5 + PFHD, Sentry + PFHD, Contactors = 1.14x10-6 + 4.9x10-9 + 2.47x10-8 = 1.17x10-6 PL c

Safety function 3 Input Logic Logic Output Result

S1 K1 K2 Q1/Q2
PLr=c PL e
E-stop (PL e) Sentry (PL e) Sentry (PL e) Contactors (PL e)

PFHD, E-stop + PFHD, Sentry + PFHD, Contactors = 4.3x10-8 + 4.9x10-9 + 4.9x10-9 + 2.47x10-8 = 7.75x10-8 PL e

The reason for not achieving more than PL c with Safety function 1 is that only one key switch is used per door, and a
key switch is mechanically a Category 1 device. For e-stop devices though, a fault exclusion for the mechanical parts
is allowed according to EN ISO 13849-2 if a maximum number of operations is considered. For this solution to reach a
higher PL, EN ISO 14119 and ISO/TR 24119 need to be consulted.
1– 18 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Case study 2 - Safety controller Vital
Protection layout for a robot cell with high risks

Non-contact sensor, Eden

Monitors that the doors and
hatches are closed. Safety controller, Vital
Monitors safety
components in series.

Emergency stop
button, Smile Tina
To stop the machine Emergency stop
in case of danger. button INCA Tina
To stop the machine in
Light curtain, Orion case of danger.
Monitors the passages.

Step 1 – Risk assessment

The workpieces are transported into the robot cell where that is required.
the robot places them in a test cabinet. Approved work- The energy to all hazardous machine functions shall be re-
pieces leave the cell on the conveyor belt, while workpieces moved by all safety functions.
that fail the tests are placed on the table for manual adjust-
ments. The work that needs to be done in the robot cell is to The solution with Vital makes it possible to implement a
correct operational disturbances for the test equipment and robot application with only one safety controller, which does
the conveyor belt (about once an hour), unloading from the not need to be configured or programmed. Vital makes it
manual station (about once an hour), program adjustments possible to connect up to 30 safety functions in a single
(once/week) and cleaning (once/week) (F2). Unexpected DYNlink loop, with PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1.
start-ups of the robot are considered to cause potentially
PLr low risk
serious injury (S2). The operator is considered not to have
the possibility of avoiding injury as the robot moves quickly P1 a
(P2). The risk estimation gives PLr=e (S2, F2, P2) for the F1
safety functions required for access to the machine.
F2 P1
The standard for robot systems/cells (EN ISO 10218-2) speci- P2
fies that safety functions shall comply with at least PL d, un-
less the risk assessment determines otherwise. In this case P1
the risk assessment gives us PLr= e. F1 P2
Step 2 – Reduce the risk F2

As protection, the door and hatch are interlocked with Eden non- P2
contact sensors. To protect against entering the cell the wrong high risk
way, transport of materials in and out is protected with light cur-
Determination of PLr for the safety function with interlocked door.
tains and provided with muting to distinguish between material
and people. The emergency stop function is also a safety function NOTE!
The assessment needs to be made for each safety function.

B2 B5
Eden Eden
Inca Tina


stop input
S2 for robot,
Smile Tina redundant
B4 B3
Orion 2E with OMC1, Orion 2E with OMC1,
MuteR2 and Tina 10B MuteR2 and Tina 10B

Safety function 3 - muting of light guards

If the logic of the muting function is included in the light
Step 3 - Calculate the safety functions guard, the PFHD-value of the light guard should include
The PFHD-value of the robot’s safety stop input is 5.79x10-8 the PFHD-values for the muting components. If the logic
(the value applies to ABB industrial robots with IRC5 control- is external (i.e. safety PLC) the muting sensors should
ler). The safety functions are represented by block diagrams. be added as separate blocks in the safety function.

Safety function 1 Input Logic Output

B1 K1 Q1
PLr=e PL e
Eden (PL e) Vital (PL e) Robot (PL e)

PFHD, Eden + PFHD, Vital + PFHD, Robot = 4.5x10-9 + 2.74x10-8 + 5.79x10-8 = 8.98x10-8 PL e

Safety function 2 Input Logic Output


S2 K1 Q1
PLr=e PL e
Smile Tina (PL e) Vital (PL e) Robot (PL e)

PFHD, Smile Tina+ PFHD, Vital + PFHD, Robot = 4.66x10-9 + 2.74x10-8 + 5.79x10-8 = 9.0x10-8 PL e

Safety function 3 Input Logic Output


B3 Tina 10B K1 Q1
PLr=e PL e
Orion with muting (PL e) (PL e) Vital (PL e) Robot (PL e)

PFHD, Orion + PFHD, Tina 10 + PFHD, Vital + PFHD, Robot = 2.64x10-9 + 4.5x10-9 + 2.74x10-8 + 5.79x10-8 = 9.24x10-8 PL e

These safety functions with Vital meet PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. Note that the above functions are only
selected examples of the safety functions in the robot cell.
1– 20 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Case study 3 - Programmable safety controller Pluto
Protection layout for a production cell with high risks

Programmable safety
controller Pluto
Monitors safety
components. Door 4

Door 3
Door 2

Station 2

Station 1

Door 1

Step 1 – Risk assessment

The workpieces are fed into the cell through a conveyor belt is interrupted, energy to the hazardous functions in station
and positioned by the operator in the pneumatic machining 2 is removed. By opening doors 2 and 3 (also monitored by
tool in station 1. The operator starts station 1 manually. The Eden sensors) the conveyor belt and the pneumatic machin-
operator then places the workpiece on the conveyor belt for ing tool will stop safely. Manual reset must always be done
transfer to station 2. A light curtain prevents the operator after actuation of any safety device.
from entering station 2 unnoticed. The robot in station 2
places the workpiece in the hydraulic press. The workpiece When the protection system requires a number of safety
leaves the cell by transport out onto the conveyor. devices and that multiple machines must be stopped, Pluto
programmable safety controller is the most effective solu-
The work that needs to be done in station 2 is, e.g. to ad- tion. If the protection system also has to work by zones and
dress operational disturbances in the press and the robot in different modes of operation, this is another good reason
a few times a week (F2). Unexpected start-ups of the robot to use Pluto. With Pluto, PL e can be achieved regardless of
are considered to cause serious injury (S2). The operator the number of connected safety devices.
is considered not to have the possibility of avoiding injury
as the robot moves quickly (P2). The risk estimation for the
safety function required for access to station 2 is PLr=e (S2, Robot Conveyor belt
PLr low risk PLr low risk
F2, P2). This estimation would still be the same for the press.
For the safety function for the risks associated with the con- P1 a P1 a
F1 F1
veyor belt, the estimation S1, F2, P1 is made giving PLr= b. P2 P2

F2 P1
b S1
F2 P1
Step 2 – Reduce the risk P2 P2

c c
As protection, interlocked doors are selected with the Eden P1 P1
F1 P2 F1 P2
non-contact sensor. Station 1 with the pneumatic machining S2
d S2
tool is operated by a two-hand device. When the two-hand F2 P1 F2 P1

device is released, the dangerous movement will be stopped P2

e P2
high risk high risk
safely. Station 2 can be in automatic mode, when a light
curtain (Orion) and a non-contact sensor at door 4 (Eden)
protects the entry. If the door is opened or the light curtain PLr= e for the robot and hydraulic press. PLr=b for the conveyor belt.

S2–S4 B1–B3
S1 Emergency stop, Non-contact sen-
Two-hand device, Smile Tina sor
Non-contact sensor
Safeball Eden
Eden/Light curtain Orion
with Tina 10A

Q1 Q2
Machine stop Hydraulic press
input for robot,
redundant Q3
Pneumatic machining

Step 3 - Calculate the safety functions for the robot cell Only safety functions to help remove energy to the industrial
The PFHD-value for the robot’s safety stop input is 5.79x10-8 robot are shown below. This is only a subset of the safety
(the value applies to ABB industrial robots with IRC5 control- functions. When energy is removed to multiple machines in
ler). a cell, the safety functions can be defined in different ways
depending on the risk assessment. The safety functions are
represented by block diagrams.

Safety function 1 Input Logic Output


B1 K1 Q1
PLr=e PL e
Eden (PL e) Pluto, relay outputs (PL e) Robot (PL e)

PFHD, Eden + PFHD, Pluto + PFHD, Robot = 4.5x10-9 + 2x10-9 + 5.79x10-8 = 6.44x10-8 PL e

Safety function 2 Input Logic Output


S2 K1 Q1
PLr=e PL e
Smile Tina (PL e) Pluto, relay outputs (PL e) Robot (PL e)

PFHD, Smile Tina + PFHD, Pluto+ PFHD, Robot = 4.66x10-9 + 2x10-9 + 5.79x10-8= 6.46x10-8 PL e

Safety function 3 Input Logic Output


PLr=e B5 Tina 10A K1 Q1

PL e
Orion (PL e) (PL e) Pluto, relay outputs (PL e) Robot (PL e)

PFHD, Orion + PFHD, Tina 10 + PFHD, Pluto + PFHD, Robot = 2.5x10-9 + 4.5x10-9 + 2x10-9 + 5.79x10-8 = 6.69x10-8 PL e

These safety functions with Pluto meet PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. Note that the above functions are only
selected examples of the safety functions in the robot cell.
1– 22 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

What defines a safety function?

Calculating that you have achieved the PLr that is required is not difficult, especially if you use “pre-calculated” safety
devices and logic units. But which parts should be included in each safety function?
This must be resolved before you start the calculations. To summarise in simple terms you can say that each safety
device should be a part of the safety function for each machine that is affected by the safety device in question. Three
safety devices that all remove the energy to three machines in a cell is therefore equal to nine safety functions. In the
section that follows, we explain the background.

Multiple safety functions for a machine

Multiple safety devices are often used on a machine in order Three safety functions (SF) are defined for the machine
to provide satisfactory and practical protection for the op- and are calculated as:
erators. In the following example, a machine is protected by SF1: PFHD, F1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q1= PFHD, SF1
three safety devices connected to a logic device. The follow- SF2: PFHD, B1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q1= PFHD, SF2
ing figure illustrates this interconnection schematically. SF3: PFHD, S1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q1= PFHD, SF3

Light curtain

B1 K1 Q1
Interlocked switch Logic unit Machine

E-stop button

Multiple safety functions for multiple machines in a cell If the operator enters the cell, he is exposed in this case to
It is quite common for several machines in a single cell/zone the same type of risk from all three machines. The power
to be protected by multiple safety devices. The following to all three machines must be cut e.g. when the operator
figure illustrates the interconnection schematically for enters the cell through the door interlocked by B1.
an example. Each of the machines Q1 – Q3 is shut down
separately and independently by K1.

F1 Q1
Light curtain Machine 1

B1 K1 Q2
Interlocked switch Logic unit Machine 2

S1 Q3
E-stop button Machine 3

Theoretical approach for multiple machines Practical approach for multiple machines
The theoretical approach to calculate the safety function is A more practical approach is to divide the safety func-
as follows: tion into three parts, one for each of the three machines.
B1 B1 K1 Q1
K1 Q1 Q2 Q3
Interlocked Interlocked switch Logic unit Machine 1
Logic unit Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3
B1 K1 Q2
Interlocked switch Logic unit Machine 2
For the full safety function to be performed you require all
the components to be working. Note that if B1 or K1 has a B1 K1 Q3
Interlocked switch Logic unit Machine 3
dangerous malfunction, the entire safety function is dis-
abled. However, if for example machine Q1 has a dangerous
malfunction, and is not shut down, machines Q2 and Q3 will This is an approach that can provide a more accurate way of
still be shut down. One disadvantage in considering the safe- looking at the safety functions, especially where a different
ty function in this way is that you may have trouble achieving PLr is required for the safety functions above. If machine
the PLr required. But if you achieve the PLr required, you can Q1 is a robot and machine Q2 is a conveyor which is de-
use the theoretical approach. signed to have negligible risks, the different PLr required to
protect against risks from Q1 and Q2 will also be different.
Sources: This practical approach is therefore the one recommended. The interpretation is based on information provided by
ty_functions.pdf IFA (Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen
Unfallversicherung). For more information on this and other
issues, see Sources.

Example of safety functions for multiple machines in a cell (Eden) supervised by a safety PLC (Pluto) shall disconnect
For a cell with three machines (one robot, one hydraulic the energy to all three machines in the hazard zone:
press and one pneumatic machining tool) a risk assessment –– Eden B1 (PFHD, B1 = 4.5x10-9)
is made resulting in different PLr for the individual machines. –– Pluto K1 (PFHD, K1 = 2x10-9)
The robot and the hydraulic press requires PLr = e, while the –– Robot Q1 (PFHD, Q1 = 5.79x10-8)
pneumatic machining tool requires PLr = d. –– Hydraulic press Q2 (PFHD, Q2 = 8x10-8)
One of the safety functions is that a non-contact sensor –– Pneumatic machining tool Q3 (PFHD, Q3 = 2x10-7).

Practical approach
If you use the practical approach the safety functions are as follows:
PFHD, B1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q1 = 4.5x10-9 + 2•10-9 + 5.79x10-8 = 6.44x10-8 PL e
Hydraulic press:
PFHD, B1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q2 = 4.5x10-9 + 2•10-9 + 8x10-8 = 8.65x10-8 PL e
Pneumatic machining tool:
PFHD, B1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q3 = 4.5x10-9 + 2x10-9 + 2x10-7 = 2.07x10-7 PL d
This is to be done in a similar way with other safety functions for the cell. For each safety device, you define the machines it
affects, and establish the various safety functions according to this.

Theoretical approach
What would the result be using the theoretical approach? Would the safety function achieve PL e?
All machines:
PFHD, B1 + PFHD, K1 + PFHD, Q1 + PFHD, Q2 + PFHD, Q3
= 4.5x10-9 + 2x10-9 + 5.79x10-8 + 8x10-8 + 2x10-7 = 3.44x10-7 PL d
In this case, the safety function would not achieve a total PL e, which was required for the risks associated with the robot
and hydraulic press.

–– Use the practical approach for multiple machines.
–– Use safety devices/logic units with high reliability (low
PFHD) to make it easy to achieve the PLr required.
–– With Vital or Pluto, it is easier to achieve the PLr re-
Please note that the examples on these pages are simplified in order to ex-
quired. plain the principles. Values of products can also change.
1– 24 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Tools for determining performance level (PL)

Tools to simplify the process of safety function design

FSDT is an ABB software for determining PL and SIL of safety functions and generating
technical documentation. The tool helps simplifying the process of safety function design,
verification and documentation. It supports the compliance of the requirements of both EN
ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061 as well as the European Machinery Directive. Please turn to your
local ABB contact in order to purchase FSDT.

Another commonly used software tool for the calculation of PL according to EN ISO 13849-1
is SISTEMA, developed by IFA (The Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) in Ger-
many. With SISTEMA it is possible to “build” safety functions, verify them and generate the
technical documentation required. The tool is freeware and can be downloaded from the IFA

To simplify the use of FSDT and SISTEMA with our products we have created a library con-
taining all of our safety products.



Applying IEC/EN 62061

If a safety function is designed in accordance with IEC/EN 62061, the level of reliability is expressed as the Safety
Integrity Level, SIL. There are a total of 4 levels, but in the IEC/EN 62061 standard SIL 3 is the highest level. SIL is similar
to PL (performance level) and uses the same PFHD (probability of dangerous failure per hour) to express the reliability of
components and systems.

Safety Integrity Level, SIL Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour (PFHD)
3 ≥10 -8 to <10 -7
2 ≥10 -7 to <10 -6
1 ≥10 -6 to <10 -5

There is a method in IEC/EN 62061 for assigning the Safety Integrity Level.

Severity (Se) Class (Cl)

3-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-15
2 (OM) SIL1 SIL2
1 (OM) SIL1

OM=Other Measures

The severity of injury that can occur is divided into four

Definition of protective safety in accordance with
levels. Class is the addition of the values of frequency (Fr,
IEC/EN 62061
stated as a value between 1 and 5, where 5 represents the
"Function of a machine whose failure can result in an
highest frequency), probability that a dangerous event will
immediate increase of the risk(s)"
occur (Pr, stated as a value between 1 and 5, where 5 repre-
sents the highest proability) and the possibility of avoiding If the SIL requirements are not fulfilled in any of the sub-
or limiting injury (Av, stated as a value of 1, 3 or 5, where 5 elements or by the safety function in its entirety, a re-design
represents the least chance of avoiding or limiting an injury). must be made.

The safety function that is to be designed must at least Finally
fulfill the SIL that has been assigned to it in the risk assess- This is just a brief introduction to the EN ISO 13849-1 and
ment. The safety function consists of a number of sub- IEC/EN 62061 standards. You are welcome to contact us for
elements. Example: a door is interlocked by a non-contact more information and we are happy to guide you in how to
sensor which is in turn monitored by a Pluto safety PLC, with apply the standards to our products.
outputs that break the power to two supervised contac-
tors. The sensor is sub-element 1, Pluto is sub-element 2 and The information given in this document is not intended to
the two supervised contactors are sub-element 3. If in the replace the standards - we strongly encourage you to pur-
assessment it has been established that SIL2 shall be used, chase the standards if you are working with machine safety.
every individual sub-element in the safety function must
fulfill the SIL2 requirements. And the safety function must in
its entirety fulfill the SIL2 requirements.

Safety controllers

2– 2 Introduction and overview

2– 6  Programmable safety controller


2– 18 Safety controller


2– 24 Safety relay


2– 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

The safety controllers from ABB can monitor anything from a single safety
function to complete manufacturing lines.

Pluto Vital Sentry


Type Programmable safety controller Safety controller Safety relay

Description A cost-effective, powerful and A configurable safety controller Powerful and easy-to-install safety
compact programmable safety that can monitor all safety devices relays suitable for all common
controller for all types of safety on smaller machines. types of safety devices.

Application(s) Monitoring of multiple safety de- Monitoring multiple safety devices Monitoring safety devices with one
vices and several safety functions, with all the advantages of the DYN- safety function, as well as expan-
as well as control of machines and/ link system. sion of safety outputs, with or
or processes. Many I/Os and pro- without time delay.
grammable logic.

Compatible All types of conventional safety DYNlink devices All types of conventional safety
safety devices devices and DYNlink devices devices

Advantages - Easy-to-use while still allowing - Monitor up to 30 sensors in series - Easy to install
advanced programming maintaining Cat. 4/PL e - Universal models for all common
- Free software - No programming applications
- Easy system modification - Extensive status information
- Gateway communication with all - Advanced timer functions
main fieldbuses - Multireset of up to 10 safety

Selection orientation

Conventional safety devices
By conventional safety devices, we mean safety devices with one or two channels with
contacts (e.g. key switches and emergency stop buttons), devices with OSSD outputs (e.g.
light guards and Eden OSSD), safety devices with solid state outputs (e.g. safety magnetic
sensors) and pressure sensitive devices (e.g. safety mats, safety edges and bumpers).
A safety controller compatible with conventional safety devices can be used with most
safety devices on the market, independently of the brand.

The DYNlink solution

The DYNlink solution is a unique ABB Jokab Safety feature allowing to connect safety de-
vices in series and still reach category 4/PL e/SIL 3 with only one channel (instead of two
with conventional safety devices). This saves cabling and hardware.
For a small machine, the Vital safety controller can be a very cost effective solution since up
to 30 DYNlink devices can be connected to one Vital and still reach category 4/PL e/SIL 3.
With conventional safety devices this would require one safety relay per safety device.
When Pluto programmable safety controller is used, only one safety input is necessary for
each DYNlink circuit instead of two inputs for a traditional safety device, which means that
less I/Os are necessary.
Tina adapters allow to use conventional safety devices in a DYNlink solution and transform
between DYNlink signals and conventional safety signals, while maintaining the highest level
of safety. This means that most conventional safety devices can be used in a DYNlink solu-
tion when used together with a suitable Tina adapter.

Programmable logic
Quite often, there is a need for logic between the different safety functions. For instance:
IF (“door A” AND “door B” are open) OR (“door C” is open) THEN “Action 1”.
A logic like this can be hardwired without using programmable safety controllers, but the
cabling becomes much more complicated, modifications are time consuming, errors happen
more often and are difficult to find.
With a programmable safety controller, the safety devices are simply connected to the safe
inputs of the controller and the logic is made in the program of the safety controller. The
logic is then easy to modify without changing anything in the cabling. The Pluto Manager
programming software allows to test the logic and see on the screen if there are any prob-
lems, which means much faster troubleshooting.
Pluto also offers many functions that enables it to do much more than supervising safety
functions. It can e.g. control the complete manufacturing process of a smaller machine, thus
saving the cost of a standard (non-safety) PLC.
2– 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview

Some of the more important safety standards to follow when designing safety solutions are:
EN ISO 12100 - Risk assessment
EN ISO 13849 - Performance Level
EN ISO 62061 - SIL
ISO/TR 23849 - Guidance on the use of the PL and SIL standards
EN 60204 - Electrical equipment

2- 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Programmable safety controller

Pluto is a cost effective, powerful and compact pro-

grammable safety controller used in a variety of ap-
plications: in large and small systems, for process
and functional safety, and even on trains.

Pluto can control most types of safety devices on

the market, as well as ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink
safety devices, analog sensors, encoders, con-
tactors, valves and many more. Programming is
done easily in the complimentary software, Pluto

The models with safety bus communication sim-

plify the design of safety systems, thanks to our
All-Master concept. A wide range of gateways al-
lows communication with other networks and also
remote monitoring of a Pluto system. Some models
also offer AS-i safety.

Speed up installation Optimum interface Continuous operation

Great flexibility Programming software free of charge Easy modification

Up to 32 Pluto units can exchange Pluto Manager is an easy to use PC Easy and quick replacement of units
data on the same safety bus, and the based programming software provided without any configuration.
unique All-Master system allows simple free of charge.
scaling, splitting and modification. Flexible monitoring
Easy programming Online monitoring from any Pluto in
Powerful yet compact Ready-made TÜV approved function the system and remote monitoring and
Unexpected features for its size, like blocks for safety functions make it control with an Ethernet gateway.
real programming and speed monitor- easy to reach PL e/SIL3. Ladder logic
ing, enables replacement of more com- and text programming allow the de-
plex PLC systems in some applications. sign of more advanced functions and
the control of complete machines.
More sensors and less cabling
The DYNlink solution allows series Communication with external net-
connection of up to 10 safety works
devices on each input. Pluto gateways provide a two-way
StatusBus and light button feature communication between the Pluto
also reduces cabling to a minimum. safety bus and other field buses.


I/Os Safety bus with All-Master function
Failsafe inputs (I) are used to connect the safety devices to The unique All-Master system allows simple scaling, split-
be monitored. Some of them can be used as analog inputs ting and modification of the safety system.
and counter inputs. The choice is made in the Pluto program
when the I/Os are configured. Depending on the model, the In a traditional safety PLC network, there is one Master and
analog inputs can be low resolution 0-27 V or high resolution additional Slave units. But for Plutos connected to a safety
0-10 V/4-20 mA. The fast counter inputs can handle frequen- bus, all units are Masters and make their own decisions,
cies up to 14 kHz. while still having the possibility to listen to what is hap-
pening to the other Plutos on the safety bus. This enables
Failsafe inputs/non-failsafe outputs (IQ) are terminals that great flexibility when it comes to modification of the safety
can be used as failsafe inputs or communication outputs system. It also enables very simple replacement of a broken
(non-failsafe). The choice is made in the Pluto program when Pluto, since all Plutos have a copy of the application soft-
the I/Os are configured. A specific configuration is “light ware of all other Plutos on the safety bus stored locally. If
button” which means that both the contact and the LED in- the replacement Pluto is given the same ID as the broken
dicator of an illuminated push-button are connected to only Pluto (using IDFIX), the software is downloaded from the
one IQ, thus saving one I/O. safety bus with a simple button on the front of Pluto.

Failsafe outputs (Q) are individually safe and independently Up to 32 Pluto units can be connected to the Pluto safety
programmable outputs. There are both relay and transistor bus. The Pluto S20 and S46 are stand-alone models and can-
outputs. The transistor outputs deliver a negative voltage not be connected to the Pluto safety bus. All other models
(-24 VDC) that facilitates the detection of a short circuit have bus functionality. The Safety bus functionality is neces-
with other voltage potentials and increases safety. The tran- sary in order to use a Pluto gateway.
sistor outputs are primarily intended for electromechanical
components such as contactors and valves. AS-i communication
AS-i reduces cabling and installation time and makes it al-
most impossible to connect incorrectly. Up to 62 devices/31
DYNlink solution safety devices can be connected to a flat communication
The DYNlink circuit is a unique solution that allows up to 10 cable running around the cell. Connectors with piercing
DYNlink devices to be connected in series to a Pluto input technology and self-healing cables are used (also called
while still reaching up to Cat. 4/PL e/SIL3. This saves inputs vampire connectors) and the sensors can easily be moved
and cabling, since to reach the same level with standard with minimum effort. AS-i Safe bus communication makes it
two-channel safety devices, two inputs are necessary and easy to reach PL e/SIL3 and eliminates the risk of short cir-
series connection is not possible. cuit between signals in the same cable, which is not allowed
The DYNlink solution checks the signal 200 times/second for Category 4.
and a fault such as a short circuit will be detected before any The ABB Jokab Safety AS-i products, including the Pluto AS-i
safety device is used. models, are easy to use and Pluto Manager makes it easy to
Examples of DYNlink devices are Eden and Smile Tina. Most address the devices and read their status. Of course, ABB
two-channel safety devices can be connected to the DYNlink Jokab safety AS-i products are also compatible with AS-i
solution using Tina adapters. products from other brands.
Pluto AS-i and Pluto B42 AS-i can either be used as masters
StatusBus functionality of an AS-i bus, slaves of an AS-i master or safety monitors
The StatusBus functionality is available with some DYNlink on an AS-i bus with another AS-i master. Therefore, they can
devices and allows to collect the status of each individual also operate as safe I/O modules for the AS-i bus. Besides
safety device, even when connected in series. A single input controlling all devices connected to the AS-i bus, a number
on Pluto can collect the status of up to 30 safety devices. of non-AS-i devices can be connected to the standard I/Os
The devices are connected using standard cable and M12-5 of Pluto, and there is still the possibility to communicate
connectors. No specific bus cable or extra communication with other Plutos using the Pluto safety bus. In all, this leads
module is necessary. All Pluto models offer the StatusBus to huge possibilities when designing the safety system.

StatusBus logotype
2-8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


Pluto Manager Remote monitoring and control

Pluto Manager is the programming software for Pluto, Remote monitoring allows the connection to a remote Pluto
downloaded free of charge from our website system via the Internet and an Ethernet gateway. Pluto Man- ager is used for the monitoring.
mable-safety-controllers/pluto This function can be used for:
An update function in Pluto Manager helps you to always - Support of local maintenance personnel during trouble-
have the latest version installed as long as you have an Inter- shooting
net connection. Pluto Manager is a user friendly PC software - Regular monitoring of the status of the machine or process
that allows a simple configuration of the Pluto I/Os and - Follow-up of operational data like number of cycles/day or
programming in ladder logic and with TÜV approved func- runtime.
tion blocks.
Pluto Manager also offers remote control of a Pluto system
using the Internet and an Ethernet gateway.
With the remote control function it is possible to:
- Download a program from PC to the remote Pluto
- Configure addressing of AS-i and StatusBus slaves, write
IDFIX code
The security of the remote control function is guaranteed by
use of the K-button on Pluto. A change in a remote Pluto sys-
Examples of what the available function blocks can handle: tem cannot be made without a person at the remote Pluto
- Two-channel safety devices, with or without Reset and confirming the action by pressing the K-button.
- Single channel functions with Reset. Configuration of the gateway itself, e.g. switching remote
- Muting functions control on/off, can only be made via the programming port
- Encoders and counters on the gateway and not via the Ethernet port.
- Communication with Gateways, AS-i and StatusBus

Examples of ladder logic functions provided:

- Boolean instructions, Edge/inverted edge detection, Latch
function, Toggle
- Timers
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
- Remanent memories
- Registers: 16 and 32 bit
- Sequence programming
- Option handling
- Online monitoring

In Pluto Manager there is a unique Option handling function

suitable for series production of machines with different
customer options. All versions of a machine type can have
the same PLC program. To handle the different customer
options, check boxes are used to set memories that activate
the different functions of the code.

Current monitoring
Pluto A20 has a special current monitoring function. The
function is mainly used to check if the connected muting
lamps are working.


Pluto gateways Operator panels
Pluto gateways provide two-way communication between An operator panel can be connected to the programming
the Pluto safety bus, i.e. all the Pluto units connected to it, port of Pluto with a specific cable and communicate with
and other field buses. Several models are available for the Pluto in MODBUS ASCII. We recommend the ABB CP600
most common field buses. series operator panels that offer the appropriate communi-
Ready-made function blocks in Pluto Manager facilitate the cation driver.
communication. A gateway can be located anywhere on the An operator panel can also communicate with Pluto via a
Pluto safety bus. GATE-MT gateway.

Pluto safe encoders

Rotary absolute encoders can be used for safe position
Our safe encoders are intended to be connected to the Pluto
safety bus. They are available in single and multi-turn ver-
sions, with shaft or hollow shaft. Up to 16 absolute encoders
can be connected to a Pluto safety bus. In Pluto Manager,
specific function blocks make it easy to read and evaluate
the values of two encoders forming a PL e/SIL3 solution.
Apart from position, the speed values are available which
means that also zero speed and overspeed can be moni-

Examples of applications are gantry robots, industrial ro-

bots, and also eccentric shaft presses, where the encoders
can replace existing cam mechanisms.
2-10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information


Pluto ordering table

Pluto is available in different models depending on the needs of your application. Optional
features includes bus communication, AS-i bus, high resolution analog inputs,
current monitoring and adaption for harsh environments.

AS-i Safety Failsafe Failsafe Analog Fast coun- StatusBus Non failsafe Width Type Order code
bus outputs a) inputs inputs ter inputs inputs outputs
(max) b) (max) b) (max) b) (max) b) (max) b) mm
No No 4 16 1 c) - 4 8 45 Pluto S20 2TLA020070R4700
6 40 3 c) - 4 16 90 Pluto S46 2TLA020070R1800
Yes - 22 1 c) - 4 8 45 Pluto B22 e) 2TLA020070R4800

2 4 - - 2 2 45 Pluto O2 f) 2TLA020070R8500
4 16 1 c) - 4 8 45 Pluto A20 g) 2TLA020070R4500
Pluto B20 2TLA020070R4600
d) c)
Pluto S20 v2 4 +1 - 4 8 45 Pluto D20 2TLA020070R6400
6 40 3 c) - 4 16 90 Pluto B46 2TLA020070R1700
39 8 d) 4 4 15 90 Pluto D45 2TLA020070R6600
Yes Yes 4 8 4 c) - 4 4 45 Pluto AS-i 2TLA020070R1100
6 36 3 c) - 4 16 90 Pluto B42 AS-i 2TLA020070R1400

Safe inputs
a) Failsafe outputs Dynamic outp 24V, 1.5A 250VAC, 5A
2 failsafe outputs: Non-safe outp
Pluto A20 v2 - 2 independent individually safe potential free relay
CL CH CSh 33 34 13 14 23 24
outputs (Q0 and Q1) with 3 contacts each B

Pluto O2 Q0

Safety Output Module Q1


+24V 0V ID
Inputs, individual failsafe 33 34 13 14 23 24
Inputs, individual failsafe Inputs,Non-safe
outp failsafe
Digital/Analogue Power supply Dynamic outp 24V, 1.5A 250VAC, 5A

Pluto D45 4 failsafe outputs: Safe inputs

- 2 independent individually safe potential free relay outputs (Q0 and Q1)
I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I30 - I31
2 independent individually
I32 I33 I34 I35 I36 safe
I37 transistor outputs
I40 I41 I42 (-24
I43 VDC)
I44 (Q2
I45 and
I46 Q3)
+24V SR41 SR45 SR46 Q0
6 failsafe outputs:
Power 0L
supply Pluto B46,- S46
2 independent individually safe potential free relay
0V outputs (Q0 and Q1) Q1

- 2 independent individually safe potential free relay 1L


ID Identifier IDFIX A B
outputs with common supply (Q4 and Q5) Safety outputs Q4
CH 1) - 2 independent individually safe transistor Q5
Pluto bus outputs (-24 VDC) (Q2 and Q3)
Pluto AS-i
IQ10 IQ11 IQ12 IQ13 IQ14 IQ15 IQ16 IQ17 IQ20 IQ21 IQ22 IQ23 IQ24 IQ25 IQ26 IQ27 Q2


-The number of failsafe inputs available decreases with the number of used non-failsafe outputs, analog inputs, fast
counter inputs and StatusBus inputs.
-The number of analogue inputs available decreases with the number of used fast counter inputs.
Failsafe inputs / Outputs (not failsafe) / Dynamic outputs
-The number of non-failsafe outputs available decreases with the number of StatusBus inputs used.
Check the Pluto hardware manual for more information.
c) 0-27 V analog inputs
d) 0-10 V/4-20 mA (high resolution) analog inputs
e) Expansion model with failsafe inputs and no failsafe outputs.
f) Expansion model with 2 failsafe outputs with 3 contacts each. Also possible to use as stand-alone unit.
g) Model with current monitoring

Ordering information
Pluto accessories


IDFIX identifiers
IDFIX is an identification circuit that is connected to Pluto. It must be used:
• when several Pluto are connected to the Pluto Safety bus (IDFIX-R or IDFIX-RW)
• with Pluto AS-i and Pluto B42 AS-i (IDFIX-DATA)
• to get the possibility to replace a stand-alone Pluto with a new one without the need of a
PC (IDFIX-PROG stores the Pluto program)

Description Type Order code

Pre-programmed unique identification number. IDFIX-R 2TLA020070R2000
Programmable identification number, i.e. the user can choose the identification

number. IDFIX-RW 2TLA020070R2100

Programmable identification number and storage of AS-i safety codes. Must be used IDFIX DATA 2TLA020070R2300
with Pluto AS-i and Pluto B42-AS-i.
Storage of the Pluto program and AS-i safety codes, 2.5 Kbyte. Especially useful for IDFIX-PROG 2k5 2TLA020070R2400
stand-alone Pluto.
Storage of the Pluto program and AS-i safety codes, 10 Kbyte. Especially useful for IDFIX-PROG 10k 2TLA020070R2600
stand-alone Pluto.


Pluto cables and connection accessories

Description Type Order code

Pluto programming and on-line monitoring cable. For a PC serial port, 9-pole D-sub connector. Pluto cable serial 2TLA020070R5600
Pluto programming and on-line monitoring cable. For a PC USB port. Pluto cable USB 2TLA020070R5800
Cable for connecting a HMI-panel to the Pluto programming port. Connector on HMI- Pluto cable HMI 2TLA020070R5700
side: 15-pole D-sub. On Pluto side: 90 degrees angled Modbus contact.
Cable for connecting HMI-panel ABB CP400 to Pluto programming port. Connector on Pluto cable CP400 2TLA020070R6700

HMI-side: 9-pole D-sub.

Cable for connecting HMI-panel ABB CP600 to Pluto programming port. Connector on Pluto cable CP600 2TLA020070R6900
HMI-side: 9-pole D-sub.
IDFIX-DATA Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. Ordered by meter, cut to size. Minimum PCABLE-000 2TLA020070R6800
order length 10 m.
Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. 50-meter ring. PCABLE-050 2TLA020070R6805
Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. 100-meter ring. PCABLE-100 2TLA020070R6810
Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. 500-meter drum. PCABLE-500 2TLA020070R6850

Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. Halogen free. Ordered by meter, cut to PCABLE-000-HF 2TLA020070R8600
size. Minimum order length 10 m.
Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. Halogen free. 50-meter ring. PCABLE-050-HF 2TLA020070R8605
Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. Halogen free. 100-meter ring. PCABLE-100-HF 2TLA020070R8610
Bus cable for Pluto safety bus, 2 x 0.75 mm2. Halogen free. 500-meter drum. PCABLE-500-HF 2TLA020070R8650
Terminal block with capacitor, 12nF, for connection between 0 V of Pluto supply and Pluto capacitor 2TLA020070R3200
earth in order to reduce problems with conducted disturbances.

Other accessories

Description Type Order code

Set of function blocks for mechanical presses. Pluto press block 2TLA020070R4100
Smile reset button for light button function with M12-5 connector. Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Handheld terminal AS-i/StatusBus. Used for e.g. addressing and test. Connection to FIXA 2TLA020072R2000
PC via USB-micro cable
Terminating resistor for Pluto safety bus. Necessary for each stand-alone Pluto and on the R120 Resistor 2TLA020070R2200
FIXA Pluto units at each end of the Pluto safety bus. Should be removed from the other Pluto units.

Pluto spare parts (included when ordering a Pluto)

Description Type Order code

R120 Resistor
Contact block for safety relays and Pluto. 7 poles. Grey. Contact block 7 grey 2TLA081200R1500
2-12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
DYNlink solution

Tina adaptation units to DYNlink
The Tina devices adapt the DYNlink signals from Pluto to safety components with mechanical
contacts, such as E-stops, switches and light beams/curtains with dual outputs. Tina is available
in several versions depending on the type of safety component that is connected to the
DYNlink solution. Also available is connector blocks and a blind plug.

Type of safety Type of connection to Description Type Order code

device the DYNlink loop

Devices with posi- Via the device connection Mounted directly on the device enclosure to Tina 2A 2TLA020054R0100
tively driven force- a M20 cable entry.
guided contacts like
Placed inside the safety device enclosure Tina 2B 2TLA020054R1100
E-stop buttons and
Tina 2A key switches M12-5 male connector Mounted directly on the device enclosure to Tina 3A 2TLA020054R0200
a M20 cable entry.
M12-5 male connector with Two circuits and with supply voltage for the Tina 3Aps 2TLA020054R1400
extra conductor for the safety sensor. Connects to a M20 cable entry.

supply of the safety device

Removable terminal Mounted on a DIN rail in the electrical cabi- Tina 7A 2TLA020054R0700
blocks net. Note that the connected safety device(s)
Tina 2B must be mounted on the same cabinet.
Devices with OSSD M12-5 male connector Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12 Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210
outputs like Orion connectors.
light guards
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibil- Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310

ity to connect a local reset button. Three M12

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility Tina 10C v2 2TLA020054R1610
to power the transmitter. Three M12 connectors.
Tina 3A
Safety mats, edges M12-5 male connector Short-circuit detection and adaptation to Tina 6A 2TLA020054R0600
and bumpers with DYNlink.
short-circuit detection

Connection blocks for serial connection of DYNlink devices (or devices with Tina adapter)

Tina 7A
Description Type Order code
Connection block for the serial connection of up to 4 DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors Tina 4A 2TLA020054R0300
Connection block for the serial connection of up to 8 DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors Tina 8A 2TLA020054R0500

Connection block for the serial connection of two DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors Tina 11A 2TLA020054R1700
Connection block for the serial connection of two DYNlink devices with M12-8 connectors, e.g. Tina 12A 2TLA020054R1800
Tina 10A

Blind plug to complete the serial connection on a connection block
All M12 connectors on Tina 4A or Tina 8A must be connected to a safety device or a Tina 1A. For
example, if only 6 devices are connected to a Tina 8A, two Tina 1A are necessary.
Tina 10B
Description Type Order code
Tina 1A is a blind plug connected to the unused M12 connectors of the connection blocks Tina 4A Tina 1A 2TLA020054R0000

and Tina 8A.

Tina 10C

Tina 6A

Ordering information


Pluto gateways
With the use of a gateway, Pluto can communicate with other control systems and
form a part of a larger network. The gateway models GATE-D2 and C2 can also be
used as an extension of the safety bus cable to extend the Pluto network.

Fieldbus Ethernet Type Order code

CANopen GATE-C2 2TLA020071R8100
DeviceNet GATE-D2 2TLA020071R8200

EtherCAT x GATE-EC 2TLA020071R9100

Ethernet/IP x GATE-EIP 2TLA020071R9000
Modbus TCP x GATE-MT 2TLA020071R9400
SERCOS III x GATE-S3 2TLA020071R9200

For more information, see the gateway manuals:

Pluto gateways 2TLC172009M0210
Pluto Ethernet gateways 2TLC172285M0203

Pluto safe encoders
The safe encoders can be used together with Pluto to safely determine the position of machine movements.

Function Shaft Shaft diameter Type of connection Type Order code


Single-turn Solid 10 Connector male 12 poles RSA 597 connector 2TLA020070R3600
6 1.5 m cable RSA 597 1.5 m cable 2TLA020070R3300
RSA 597
Hollow 12 2 m cable RHA 597 2 m cable 2TLA020070R3400
10 m cable RHA 597 10 m cable 2TLA020070R5900
Multi-turn Solid 6 M12 connector RSA 698 6 mm solid 2TLA020071R7800
10 M12 connector RSA 698 10 mm solid 2TLA020070R3700
Holow 12 M12 connector RHA 698 hollow 2TLA020071R7900

For more information, see the manual:

Pluto safe encoders 2TLC172006M0206

Pluto safe encoders accessories
RSA 698

Description Type Order code

Female 12 pole connector to be used with absolute encoder “RSA 597 connector”. Con- Connector for abso- 2TLA020070R3900
nector to be mounted on the cable. lute encoder
M12 plug with Pluto safety bus termination resistor. To be used when the encoder is at M12-CANend 2TLA020061R0300
one end of the Pluto safety bus.

Operator panels
An operator panel (also called HMI) can be connected to the Pluto programming port (on the Pluto front) with a
special cable and communicate with Pluto using MODBUS ASCII. We recommend the ABB CP600 series that offer
the appropriate communication driver. An operator panel can also communicate with Pluto via a GATE-MT gateway.

Description Type Order code

Operator panel, 4.3” touch screen, 480 x 272 pixels CP604 1SAP504100R0001
For more sizes and version, see:
2-14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information

Cables and connection accessories for AS-i

Description Type Order code

Cable for AS-i, power and data, +30 VDC, yellow, EPDM AS-i cable yellow 2TLA020074R9000

Cable for AS-i, additional power, +24 VDC, black, EPDM AS-i cable black 2TLA020074R9100
M12-5 female connector with vampire connector for AS-i flat cable. AS-i T-connector M12 2TLA020073R0000
As-i flat cable splitter used to make T-connections and to extend cables. AS-i splitter box 2TLA020073R0300
AS-i cable yellow

AS-i accessories

Description Type Order code

Handheld terminal AS-i/StatusBus, used for e.g. addressing and test. Connection to PC via FIXA 2TLA020072R2000
USB-micro cable. Connection to PC via USB-micro cable.
Cable for addressing M12-5 devices like Adam AS-i with Fixa. 1 m cable 5 x 0.34 mm2 + screen M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
with straight M12 female + male connectors. Screen connected to pin3 (0 V) on male connector.


Technical data

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 13849-1:2015, IEC 62061:2015+Corr.1:2015, EN 61496-1:2013(in extracts), EN 574:1996+A1:2008(in extracts), EN 692, EN
60204-1:2006+A1:2009+AC:2010, EN 50178:1997, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4, EN 61000-4-1...6, IEC 61508:2010, IEC 61511-1, EN 50156-1,
EN 50156-2:2015, ISO 13851:2002 (in extracts)
Functional safety data
PFHD Failsafe relay outputs PFHD Failsafe transistor outputs
EN 61508:2010 SIL3 2.00 × 10-9 1.5 × 10-9
EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3 2.00 × 10-9 1.5 × 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e/Cat.4 2.00 × 10 1.5 × 10-9
Electrical data
Electrical insulation Category II in accordance with IEC 61010-1
Operating voltage +24 VDC ± 15%
Failsafe outputs Q Transistor, -24 VDC, 800 mA
Q2, Q3 Pluto O2 Pluto O2
Q0, Q1, (Q4, Q5) Relay outputs Relay outputs Relay outputs (33-34)
AC-12: 250 V / 1.5 A AC-12: 250 V / 5 A AC-12: 24 V / 1.5 A
VAC-15: 250 V /1.5 A AC-15: 250 V / 3 A AC-15: 24 V / 1.5 A
VDC-12: 50 V /1.5 A DC-12: 60 V / 5 A DC-12: 24 V / 1.5 A
DC-13: 24 V / 1.5 A DC-13: 24 V / 3 A DC-13: 24 V / 1.5 A
Installation 35 mm DIN rail
Ambient temperature –10 ˚C to +50 ˚C
Pluto safety bus
Max. number of Pluto units 32
Cable length Up to 600 m
Pluto AS-i bus
Number of slave units 31 safe slaves, 62 non-safe slaves
Bus cable length Up to 500 m

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual:
Pluto hardware manual 2TLC172001M0211

Connection diagrams
For Pluto connection diagrams please see
2-16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings

Single size

45 120

Double size

90 120
All dimensions in mm

2–18 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety controller

Vital is a configurable safety control-

ler that does not require program-
ming. It uses the DYNlink system,
which allows up to 30 safety devices
to be connected in series to the same
circuit, while achieving PL e.

This enables a single Vital to super-

vise all safety functions on many
machines that otherwise would have
required a programmable safety con-
troller or multiple safety relays.

Vital is also commonly used to super-

vise all emergency stops for larger
machine lines.

Speed up your Continuous Safety and

projects operation protection

Easy connection LED diagnostics Easy to reach highest safety level

Reduced installation and engineer- Integrated LED diagnostics reduces The DYNlink solution makes it possible
ing time thanks to simple installa- down time when troubleshooting. to maintain the highest level of safety
tion with serial connection using with up to 30 sensors connected in
M12 connectors. Detachable connection blocks series.
Detachable connection blocks simplify
No programming required replacement. Extensive fault detection
The use of only one safety module The DYNlink solution enables unique
without any programming simpli- Exchange without configuration fault detection features and prevents
fies engineering, commissioning and The configuration is made with jump- 2-channel faults.
replacement. ers in the detachable connection
blocks. In case of exchange, the new
Less components unit automatically gets the correct
Significantly less components needed configuration.
to achieve PL e/SIL 3.

Applications and features

Vital safety controller excels at supervising multiple safety devices on the same machine, since up to 30 safety devices can
be connected in series to the same input while achieving up to PL e.
Typical applications are machines with multiple doors/hatches or emergency stop buttons.

The DYNlink circuit is a unique solution that uses one single channel to achieve up to Cat. 4/PL e. Vital sends out a square
wave signal that is inverted by each safety device. A connection between B1 and S1 sets if Vital should receive a non-inverted
signal, i.e. an even number of devices are connected (no shunt indicates an odd number). Vital checks the returning signal
200 times/second and a fault such as a short circuit will be detected before any safety device is used.

Vital can only be used with DYNlink safety device, such as Eden DYN, and devices with a Tina adapter.
2– 20 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information


DYNlink circuits Maximum DYNlink devices Safe outputs Type Order code

1 30 2 NO Vital 1 2TLA020052R1000

Vital 1 —
Tina adaptation units to DYNlink
The Tina devices adapt the DYNlink signals from Pluto to safety components with mechanical
contacts, such as E-stops, switches and light beams/curtains with dual outputs. Tina is available
in several versions depending on the type of safety component that is connected to the
DYNlink solution. Also available is connector blocks and a blind plug.

Type of safety Type of connection to Description Type Order code


device the DYNlink loop

Devices with posi- Via the device connection Mounted directly on the device enclosure to Tina 2A 2TLA020054R0100
tively driven force- a M20 cable entry.
guided contacts like
Tina 2A Placed inside the safety device enclosure Tina 2B 2TLA020054R1100
E-stop buttons and
key switches M12-5 male connector Mounted directly on the device enclosure to Tina 3A 2TLA020054R0200
a M20 cable entry.

M12-5 male connector with Two circuits and with supply voltage for the Tina 3Aps 2TLA020054R1400
extra conductor for the safety sensor. Connects to a M20 cable entry.
supply of the safety device
Removable terminal Mounted on a DIN rail in the electrical cabi- Tina 7A 2TLA020054R0700
Tina 2B blocks net. Note that the connected safety device(s)
must be mounted on the same cabinet.
Devices with OSSD M12-5 male connector Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12 Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210
outputs like Orion connectors.

light guards
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibil- Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310
ity to connect a local reset button. Three M12
Tina 3A Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility Tina 10C v2 2TLA020054R1610
to power the transmitter. Three M12 connectors.
Safety mats, edges M12-5 male connector Short-circuit detection and adaptation to Tina 6A 2TLA020054R0600
and bumpers with DYNlink.
short-circuit detection

Tina 7A Connection blocks for serial connection of DYNlink devices (or devices with Tina adapter)

Description Type Order code


Connection block for the serial connection of up to 4 DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors Tina 4A 2TLA020054R0300

Connection block for the serial connection of up to 8 DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors Tina 8A 2TLA020054R0500
Tina 10A
Connection block for the serial connection of two DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors Tina 11A 2TLA020054R1700

Connection block for the serial connection of two DYNlink devices with M12-8 connectors, e.g. Tina 12A 2TLA020054R1800


Tina 10B

Blind plug to complete the serial connection on a connection block
All M12 connectors on Tina 4A or Tina 8A must be connected to a safety device or a Tina 1A. For
example, if only 6 devices are connected to a Tina 8A, two Tina 1A are necessary.

Description Type Order code

Tina 1A is a blind plug connected to the unused M12 connectors of the connection blocks Tina 4A Tina 1A 2TLA020054R0000
Tina 6A and Tina 8A.

Technical data

Technical data
Approvals TÜV NORD

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005+A1:2013, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009+Cor.:2010, EN 60664-1:2007,
EN 61000-6-2:2016, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 61496-1:2013

Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3
EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4
PFHD Relay output 2.74 × 10-8
Electrical data
Power supply +24 VDC ± 15%
AC-1 250 VAC / 6 A / 1500 VA
AC-15 240 VAC / 2 A
DC-1 24 VDC / 6 A / 150 W
DC-13 24 VDC / 1 A
Number of sensors
Max. number of Eden DYN or Tina units per input 30
Total max. cable length (depending on the
number of Eden/Tina units) 1000 m

Operating temperature -10 °C to +55 °C

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:

Vital 1: 2TLC172156M0201

Connection diagrams
For Vital connection diagrams please see
2– 22 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings

Vital 1

22.5 120

2– 24 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety relay

The Sentry safety relays are powerful

and easy to use safety relays, suitable
for all common types of safety

The Sentry series contains basic

models for simple applications and
easy output
expansion, as well as highly flexible
models with extremely accurate timer

Sentry safety relays are used in both

simple and more advanced safety
solutions when safety devices need
to be monitored according to the
requirements of functional safety

Continuous Optimized Easy to

operation logistics install

LEDs and display Universal models Detachable terminal blocks

3-color LEDs allow for more status A single safety relay for all common Detachable terminal blocks speed up
messages and simplify troubleshoot- safety applications reduces stock and connection and replacement.
ing. Models with display offer preset saves warehouse space.
configurations and extensive fault Switch for reset selection
information. Multi-voltage Manual or automatic reset easily select-
Multi-voltage models offer more flex- able by switch.
Advanced timer functions ibility and less stock.
Timer functions with an accuracy of Powerful outputs
± 1% minimize unnecessary downtime. Compact size Powerful outputs allow to drive larger
All models are only 22.5 mm wide, even contactors and simplify installation
Multi-reset models with 2 NO + 2 NO outputs. by saving the use of an intermediary
The multi-reset function enables reset contactor.
of up to 10 Sentry safety relays using
just one reset button.


Monitoring of safety devices Expansion of safety outputs
Sentry safety relays make it easy to reach the required level Sentry expansion modules are used to increase the number
of safety when monitoring safety devices like emergency of safety outputs of a safety control module in order to con-
stop buttons, door switches, light guards, etc. trol more machinery.
2– 26 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


Timer functions with an accuracy of ± 1% Configurable models with display

Several timer functions are available: On/Off-delay, time The models with display are configurable and the user can
bypass and time reset. choose between preset configurations and a custom con-
figuration that can be protected by password.
On/Off-delay are used to postpone the activation/deactiva-
tion of the safety outputs with a preset time delay. This is Faster troubleshooting with display
used in e.g. Category 1 stops. The display minimizes troubleshooting by giving extensive
information about internal faults, I/O faults, system faults,
Time bypass activates the safety outputs for a maximum function faults and a log of the last 10 errors.
predefined time when the safety inputs are closed. Inching
is an example of application.

Time reset activates the safety outputs for a maximum pre-

defined time when the safety inputs are opened. Pre-reset is
an example of application.

An accuracy of ± 1% allows a very precise time to be set in

order to increase safety and minimize unnecessary down-
Switch for selection of the reset function
All models can be used in automatic reset and some models
allow to choose manual reset, either by switch or by con-
figuration, which simplifies connection. In order to prevent
mistakes, it is not possible to change reset function during
operation by just flipping the switch.

Powerful outputs
Multi-reset The outputs have a switching capacity of up to 6A DC-13.
The multi-reset function enables reset of up to This allows Sentry to drive larger contactors and saves the
10 Sentry safety relays using just one reset light-button. use of an intermediary contactor.
This simplifies connection, minimizes cabling and unneces-
sary downtime. The multi-reset function is available for all Delayed outputs
+24 VDC Sentry models offering manual reset. Some Sentry models have delayed outputs in order to e.g.
give a machine time to apply breaking force before power is
Light-button function disconnected.
The light-button function is used for the multi-reset func- For models with 2 NO + 2 NO outputs, it is only the second
tion, but can also be used for a standard reset button. pair of NO outputs that is delayed.
The function of the LED in the light-button is the following: For models with 3 NO + 1 NC, all outputs are delayed.
on - at least one input is not accepted
flashing - all inputs are accepted, reset possible Single function or universal models
off - all inputs accepted, reset performed, outputs active Sentry SSR models are single function safety relays de-
signed for a specific application such as 1 and 2 channel
Note: if an input is accepted it means that the door is devices, OSSD devices or two-hand devices.
closed, the light curtain is not interrupted, etc. Sentry USR models are universal safety relays. They are ca-
pable of handling most types of applications and safety de-
vices, i.e. 1 and 2 channel devices, OSSD-devices, two-hand
devices and contact mats/bumpers/edges. This means that
only one type of relay is necessary as a spare, which reduces
stock and saves warehouse space.

Ordering information

Ordering details

Expan- Safety devices Test/ Safety relay Timer Fea- Power
sion Reset outputs function ture supply

Contact mats, bumpers and safety edges c)

Manual reset (all models have auto reset)

Expansion of safety controller outputs

Advanced timer functions 0 – 999 s d)

2 channels with equivalent contacts
2 channels with antivalent contacts

2 NO + 2 delayed/delayable NO
OSSD outputs / PNP outputs

Configuralble with display

85-265 VAC / 120-375 VDC


Two-hand devices

Off-delay 0.5 s
Off-delay 1.5 s
4 NO + 1 NC

3 NO + 1 NC
1 channel

+24 VDC
4 NO
Type Order code

a) b) BSR10 2TLA010040R0000
a) b) BSR11 2TLA010040R0200
a) BSR23 e) 2TLA010041R0600
SSR10 2TLA010050R0000
SSR10M 2TLA010050R0100

SSR20 2TLA010051R0000
SSR20M 2TLA010051R0100
SSR32 2TLA010052R0400
SSR32 SSR42 2TLA010053R0400
TSR10 2TLA010060R0000
TSR20 2TLA010061R0000
TSR20M 2TLA010061R0100
USR10 2TLA010070R0000
USR22 2TLA010070R0400
a) These models can also be used for expansion of Pluto safe transistor outputs (-24 VDC)
b) No monitoring of two-channel fault, i.e. max Category 3 without fault exclusion.
c) The safety relay detects a short-circuit, not a change in resistance.
d) Off-delay, On-delay, Time bypass or Time reset.

e) BSR23 must be monitored by another device in order to reach higher than Category 1/PL c according to EN ISO 13849-1,
for example a safety relay, a safety PLC or an Orion light guard (EDM function).



Description Type Order code

Terminal block for Sentry safety relays. One piece. S30A 2TLA010099R0000
Coding kit for terminal blocks. One kit for one Sentry relay. S30B 2TLA010099R0100


2– 28 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005+A2:2015, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009,
EN 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 61508:2010
Functional safety data BSR10 BSR11, BSR23 SSR10, SSR10M, SSR20, SSR32, SSR42, USR22
SSR20M, TSR10, TSR20,
EN/IEC 61508:2010 SIL3, SIL3, SIL3, SIL3,
PFHD = 3.0 x 10-9 PFHD = 4.1 x 10-9 PFHD = 4.9 x 10-9 PFHD = 9.3 x 10-9
EN/IEC 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, SILCL3, SILCL3, SILCL3,
PFHD = 3.1 x 10-9 PFHD = 4.1 x 10-9 PFHD = 4.9 x 10-9 PFHD = 3.9 x 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PL e, Cat. 4, PL e, Cat. 4, PL e, Cat. 4,
PFHD = 3.1 x 10-9 PFHD = 4.1 x 10-9 PFHD = 4.9 x 10-9 PFHD = 3.9 x 10-9
Note! The relays must be cycled at least once a year.
Electrical data
Operating voltage +24 VDC (19.2-27.6 VDC) PELV / SELV
Mains models: 85-265 VAC (50 / 60 Hz) or 120-375 VDC
Response time at deactivation 20 ms
Maximum switching capacity
DC13, DC1 Up to 6 A (except relays with 2 NO + 2 NO outputs that switch 3 A)
AC15, AC1 Up to 5 A (except relays with 2 NO + 2 NO outputs that switch 3 A)
Mechanical data
Operating temperature BSR10, BSR11, BSR23, SSR10M, SSR20M, TSR20M
-10 °C to 55 °C
SSR10, SSR20, SSR32, SSR42, TSR10, TSR20, USR10, USR22
-10 °C to 65 °C
Humidity range 25% … 90%
Protection class IP20 (enclosure/electrical cabinet must have at least an IP54)
Mounting 35 mm DIN rail (DIN 50022)
Minimum space between relays in the enclosure 0 mm

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual:
Sentry 2TLC010002M0201

Connection diagrams
For Sentry connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawing

Dimension drawing

All dimensions in mm

Optical safety devices

3– 2 Introduction and overview

3– 8 Safety light curtain - Orion1 Base

3– 16 Safety light curtain - Orion1 Extended

3– 24 Safety light grid - Orion2 Base

3– 32 Safety light grid - Orion2 Extended

3– 40 Safety light grid - Orion3 Base

3– 48 Safety light grid - Orion3 Extended

3 – 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide
Light curtains and light grids that cover most types of applications.
Function ­Light curtain, Transmitter + Receiver, Slim profile


Type Orion1 Base Orion1 Extended

Type of detection

Finger Hand Finger Hand

Resolution 14 mm 30 mm 14 mm 30 mm

Protected height 15-180 cm 15-180 cm 30-180 cm 30-180 cm

Applications Manually serviced machines with short safety Manually serviced machines with short safety
distances. distances. With advanced features like muting,
blanking and cascading.

Range 6m 19 m 7m 20 m
Auto/Manual reset
Integrated muting
No dead zone


Orion2 Orion3
Function Light grid, Transmitter + Receiver, Light grid, Active + Passive units, Sturdy profile
Slim profile


Type Orion2 Base Orion2 Orion3 Base Orion3

Extended Extended
Type of detection

Body Body

Resolution 2, 3 or 4 beams

Protected height 50-120 cm

Applications Perimeter guarding Perimeter guarding Perimeter guarding Perimeter guarding with one-sided
over long distances over long distances with one-sided con- connection and muting
with muting nection

Range 50 m 50 m Up to 8 m Up to 8 m
Auto/Manual reset
Integrated muting
No dead zone

3 – 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection orientation

Choose the right resolution for your application

Finger detection Hand detection

Light curtains with 14 mm resolution are intended for finger Light curtains with 30 mm resolution are intended for hand
detection when the light guard needs to be very close to the detection and area protection and is often a good compro-
machine in order to give the operator a good view and easy mise between cost and accessibility to the machine. They
accessibility to the machine. offer a better sensing range than finger detection light

curtains, but require a slightly greater safety distance.

Body detection
Light grids have a resolution adapted for detection of the
whole body and are intended for perimeter guarding where
there is a requirement for high accessibility. They offer a
very good sensing range, but require a much greater safety
distance than light guards for finger and hand detection.

Introduction and overview

Resolution and safety distance

The optical safety device must be installed so that no-one can reach the hazardous area
without first passing through the detection zone of the light guard. The distance from the
hazardous area to the detection zone of the optical safety device must be large enough in
order for the machine to have time to stop before someone can reach the hazardous area.
This distance is called the safety distance, and it shall be calculated using the formula from
EN ISO 13855.

The safety distance is influenced by the distance between each beam in the light guard. The
closer the beams are together, the smaller the safety distance can be, which is why light cur-
tains for finger detection can be placed much closer to the hazardous area than light grids
for body detection.
3 – 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety distance according to EN ISO 13855

The distance ’S’ is the minimum distance between a light curtain and a hazardous
area. This is calculated with the formula from EN ISO 13855 - Safety of machinery
- Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the
human body.

S = (K x T) + C

S = minimum distance in mm
Resolution for finger (≤14 mm) gives C = 0
K = approach speed (of hand or body) in mm/s
T = stopping time of the machine (including reaction time of NB If it is possible to reach the hazard zone by reaching over
safety devices) in seconds the light beam, an adjustment is made to the formula. In
C = additional distance in mm based upon the body´s table 1 in EN ISO 13855 an alternative safety distance addi-
intrusion towards the hazardous area before the safety tion (Cro) is given to the formula S = (K x T) + C. The greatest
device has been actuated. value out of C and Cro is to be used to prevent reaching the
hazard zone by reaching over the light curtain/grid.

Minimum distances for light curtains installed vertically and horizontally

according to EN ISO 13855

S = minimum distance in mm S = minimum distance in mm

H1 = the lower beam may not H = the light curtain detec-
be situated higher than 300 tion zone must be posi-
mm above the ground tioned between 0 and 1000
H2 = the upper beam may mm above the floor
not be situated lower than
900 mm above the ground

For S ≤ 500 mm the minimum distance for vertical The minimum distance for horizontal installation is
installation is calculated with the following formula: calculated with the following formula:

S = (2000 x T) + 8 x (d-14) S = (1600 x T) + (1200 - 0.4 x H)

where d is the light curtain´s resolution in mm. where H is the height of the detection zone above the refer-
ence plane, e.g. the ground
K = 2000 mm/s is used to represent the speed of the hand.
The expression (8 x (d-14)) may never be less than 0. Mini- (1200 – 0,4 x H) may not be less than 850 mm. Depending on
mum distance S may never be less than 100 mm. the resolution, d, that the light curtain has, there is a mini-
mum height where the detection zone may be placed. This is
If the minimum distance according to the formula above calculated with:
gets larger than 500 mm one can instead use: H = 15 x (d – 50).
H cannot be less than 0. With a resolution d =14 or 30 mm
S = (1600 x T) + 8 x (d-14) one can therefore install the light curtain from H = 0 and up.
The higher it is situated, the shorter the minimum distance
K = 1600 mm/s is used to represent the speed of the body. gets. The highest permissible height H of the detection zone
Minimum distance according to this formula is 500 mm. is 1000 mm.

When you use a horizontal light curtain as perimeter protec-

tion, the depth of the light curtain shall be at least 750 mm
to prevent people from inadvertently stepping over it. The
estimated minimum distance is measured from the ma-
chine’s hazardous section to the outermost beam of the
horizontal light curtain (seen from the machine).

Minimum distance for light beams according to EN ISO Minimum distance for single beams according to EN ISO
13855 13855

For light beams the minimum distance is calculated from A single beam as only protection is normally not suitable to
the following: prevent whole body access. Single beams are mostly used in
combination with other safety devices or fixed guards.

S = (1600 x T) + 850 mm The risk assessment should determine if a single beam is a
suitable protection for the hazard in question.
NOTE! The additional distance will in most cases be more
than 850 mm due to the possibility to reach over a light The safety distance is calculated using:
beam. (Cro)

The formula applies to light guards with 2, 3 or 4 beams. It S = (1600 x T) + 1200 mm

is the risk assessment that decides the number of beams
that are to be chosen. The following possibilities must be A height of 750 mm from the reference plane has been found
considered. suitable to prevent inadvertent access to the danger zone.
–– to crawl under the lowest beam;
–– to reach over the top beam;
–– to reach in between two beams;
–– that the body passes in between two beams.

To fulfill the requirements the beams shall be installed at the

following heights:

Number of beams Height over the reference plane,

e.g. ground
4 300, 600, 900, 1200
3 300, 700, 1100
2 400, 900
3 – 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light curtain
Orion1 Base

Orion1 Base is an easy to use light

curtain with compact dimensions
and two resolutions for detection of

fingers and hands.

Light curtains are usually used closed

to the hazardous zone when repeated
access to the machine is necessary,
for example manually serviced

Light curtains can also be used to

limit work zones inside the hazardous
area and be mounted horizontally for
area protection.

Cost effective solution Continuous Easy to install


No more functions than neccessary Visible alignment level Easy to align

Orion1 Base comes with a minimum of Since the alignment level is displayed, Alignment help and a wide angle within
advanced functionalities to save cost. the alignment can be improved before the limits of a Type 4 device facilitate
the occurrence of an unwanted stop. alignment. Rotation brackets also sim-
Minimized cabling plify alignment.
A local reset button can be connected Extensive error indication
directly to the light curtain. In this way Extensive error indication reduces Easy to connect
there is no need for a cable between troubleshooting time. M12 connectors speed up cabling.
the reset button and the electrical
cabinet or for an extra control module. Protection against harsh environ-
External device monitoring Protective tubes and lens shields
Each light curtain can monitor the protect the devices in harsh environ-
actuators without any extra control ments.
module (EDM function).

Applications and features
Orion1 Base


Vertical mounting Horizontal mounting

When using standard vertical mounting the light guard can Horizontal mounting is mainly used for area protection and
be placed close to the hazard zone. This is suitable for appli- limitation of work zones.
cations where repeated access to the machine is necessary,

e.g. manually serviced machines.


Finger detection Hand detection

A 14 mm resolution is intended for finger detection when A 30 mm resolution is intended for hand detection and area
the light guard needs to be very close to the machine in protection and is a good compromise between cost and
order to give the operator a good view and easy accessibility accessibility to the machine. A 30 mm resolution enables a
to the machine. A 14 mm resolution enables a sensing range sensing range of 19 m.
of 6 m.

Local reset EDM

A local reset button is connected directly to the light guard External Device Monitoring is a feature allowing the light
instead of to the safety control module in the electrical guard to supervise the actuators in simpler applications,
cabinet. This saves safety relays/PLC inputs and minimizes eliminating the need for a safety relay or programmable
cabling to the electrical cabinet. Clever accessories makes safety controller.
the connection easier.
3 – 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light curtain
Orion1 Base

Ordering Details

Detection Protected height Type Order code

(Resolution mm) mm (Transmitter + receiver)
Finger 150 Orion1-4-14-015-B 2TLA022300R0000
300 Orion1-4-14-030-B 2TLA022300R0100
450 Orion1-4-14-045-B 2TLA022300R0200
600 Orion1-4-14-060-B 2TLA022300R0300

750 Orion1-4-14-075-B 2TLA022300R0400

900 Orion1-4-14-090-B 2TLA022300R0500
1050 Orion1-4-14-105-B 2TLA022300R0600
1200 Orion1-4-14-120-B 2TLA022300R0700
1350 Orion1-4-14-135-B 2TLA022300R0800
1500 Orion1-4-14-150-B 2TLA022300R0900
1650 Orion1-4-14-165-B 2TLA022300R1000
1800 Orion1-4-14-180-B 2TLA022300R1100
Hand 150 Orion1-4-30-015-B 2TLA022302R0000

300 Orion1-4-30-030-B 2TLA022302R0100

450 Orion1-4-30-045-B 2TLA022302R0200
600 Orion1-4-30-060-B 2TLA022302R0300
Orion1 Base
750 Orion1-4-30-075-B 2TLA022302R0400
900 Orion1-4-30-090-B 2TLA022302R0500
1050 Orion1-4-30-105-B 2TLA022302R0600
1200 Orion1-4-30-120-B 2TLA022302R0700
1350 Orion1-4-30-135-B 2TLA022302R0800
1500 Orion1-4-30-150-B 2TLA022302R0900
1650 Orion1-4-30-165-B 2TLA022302R1000
1800 Orion1-4-30-180-B 2TLA022302R1100

Spare parts (included when ordering Orion)

Description Type Order code

4 standard brackets for Orion1 & Orion2 JSM Orion01 2TLA022310R0000

JSM Orion01

Orion1 Base


Mounting accessories
Description Type Order code
Orion Test Piece 14 mm Orion TP-14 2TLA022310R5200
Orion Laser pointer Orion Test Piece 30 mm Orion TP-30 2TLA022310R5300
Orion Laser pointer Orion Laser 2TLA022310R5000
JSM M5B special T-nut M5 to be used with M5x12 screw for mounting Orion on Quick-Guard T-nut JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400

4 rotation brackets for Orion1 Base JSM Orion03 2TLA022310R0100

Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (4 pieces for lengths shorter than 1200 mm) JSM Orion06 2TLA022310R0400
Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (6 pieces for lengths of 1200 mm or more) JSM Orion07 2TLA022310R0500
Kit for mounting of Orion1 Mirror in Stand JSM Orion11 2TLA022310R0900
JSM Orion03
Orion Plate kit for adjustment of protective stand Orion Stand Plate 2TLA022312R5000
Deviating mirror to be mounted in Orion Stand with one kit JSM Orion11 Orion1 Mirror*
Protective stand Orion Stand*

Protective tube Orion WET*

Lens shield Orion Shield*
Connection accessories
Smile 11 RB
Smile reset button with NO contact Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000
Smile reset button with NO contact for Pluto Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Smile reset button with NO contact for Orion1 Base Smile 11RO1 2TLA022316R3000

Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000
Y-connector for connection of a Smile reset button to Orion M12-3R 2TLA022316R0000
Y-connector for easy connection of a transmitter M12-3D 2TLA020055R0300
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12-5 connectors. Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to connect a local reset button. Three M12-5 Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to power the transmitter. Three M12-5 connectors. Tina 10C v2 2TLA020054R1610
*These accessories are available in different sizes.
Tina 10C For more information see:
Orion1 Mirror 2TLC172058L0201, Orion Stand 2TLC172059L0201, Orion WET 2TLC172061L0201, Orion Shield 2TLC172071L0201

For more information about the connection accessories, please see:

Orion connection accessories 2TLC172101L0201

How to choose correct reset button

Local or global reset Adaption to DYNlink* Safety controle module Type Useful connection accessories
Local reset button con- Yes Vital or Pluto Smile 11RO1 Tina 10B: OSSD to DYNlink + local
nected to the light guard reset button
M12-3A: Serial connection of DYNlink
(Orion in manual reset
mode) No Any safety control module Smile 11RO1 M12-3R: Easy connection of a local
compatible with light guard reset button
Global reset button Yes Vital Smile 11 RA Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink
connected to the control Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply
module to transmitter
Pluto Smile 11 RB Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink
(Orion in automatic reset
Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply
to transmitter
No Any safety control module Smile 11 RA** -
compatible with light guard
* The ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink solution offers the following advantages:
- Serial connection of safety devices while maintaining PLe/cat. 4, up to 25 Tina 10 per Vital and up to 5 Tina 10 per
Pluto input.
- Only one safety input of the Pluto instead of two with the standard OSSD outputs.

** Smile 11 RA has one NO contact, which is the most common for reset buttons. Please check what is requested for the chosen
safety control module.
3 – 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Cables and connectors
Orion1 Base —
Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
2TLC172951F0201 (b) 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800

(a) 0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300

1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100

6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400

M12-C61HE 20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400

Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
(c) 10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000

(d) 10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000

20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
(e) 1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100
M12-8 male + female Female + male 0.2 M12-CTO1BA1 2TLA022315R3000
M12-8 male + female Female + male 0.2 M12-CTO1BM2 2TLA022315R3100
M12-8 female - M12-5 male Female + male 1 M12-CTURAX-O1B3 2TLA022315R3300
Letters (a, b, c, d, e, t1, t2, t3) refer to cables in connection examples, e.g:
2TLC010002T0001 Connection diagram Orion_cables_Tina10_M12-3A_M12-3D
2TLC010003T0001 Connection diagram Orion_cables_Smile11R_Urax_M12-3R
1) M12-CTO1BA (t1) can be used for: - connection of Orion1 Base to Tina 10A/C
- replacement of Focus II in automatic reset with Orion in automatic reset.
The EDM function should be deactivated in all cases.

2) M12-CTO1BM (t2) can be used for: - connection of Orion1 Base to Tina 10B or M12-3R for use of a local reset button,
for example Smile 11ROx
- replacement of Focus II in manual reset with Orion in manual reset.
The EDM function should be deactivated in all cases.

3) M12-CTURAX-01B (t3) is used for: - the connection of Orion1 Base to URAX-D1R.

The light guard is automatically configured in automatic reset and the EDM
function should be deactivated.

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code

M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010

200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050
Cable with 8 conductors
C5 cable 50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050

Connection examples
Orion1 Base

Orion with Tina 10A/C Reset to Orion with Tina 10B

e part
or activ
ceiver or activ
e part
Orion re ceiver
Orion re
(a) set
Smile re

M12 5-pole male

(t ) A/C
Ca1 ble Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC (t2) B
M12 5-pole male
2. In
Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC

3. 0 V 2. In
4. Out 3. 0 V
5. Info 4. Out
5. Info
Without local reset button With local reset button

Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via
Tina 10 A/C. To be used with Vital safety control module Tina 10B. To be used with Vital safety control module or
or Pluto programmable safety controller. Pluto programmable safety controller.

Reset to Orion with M12-3R

e part
or activ
Orion re

(a) set
R Smile re

(t2) M12 5-pole male

1. + 24 VDC
2. OSSD1
3. 0 V
4. OSSD2
5. -

Connection of a local reset button via M12-3R.

Connection diagrams
For Orion1 Base connection diagrams please see
3 – 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Orion1 Base

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005/A1:2013, EN 61496-1:2013, EN 61496-2, EN 61508-1:2010, EN 61508-2:2010, EN 61508-3:2010, EN

Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
Electrical data
Power supply +24 VDC ± 20%
Power consumtion, transmitter 1.5 W max
Power consumption, receiver 4 W max (without load)
Outputs 2 PNP
Short-circuit protection 1.4 A max
Output current 0.5 A max / output
Output voltage – ON Vdd -1 V min
Output voltage – OFF 0.2 V max
Capacitive load 2.2 μF at +24 VDC max
Cable length (for power supply) 50 m max
Connectors M12-4 pole male on transmitter (compatible with M12-5 pole female)
M12-8 pole male on receiver
Optical data
Light emission (λ) Infrared, LED (950 nm)
Resolution 14 or 30 mm
Operating distance 0.2…19 m for 30 mm
0.2…6 m for 14 mm
Ambient light rejection According to IEC-61496-2:2013
Mechanical data
Operating temperature 0…+ 55 °C
Storage temperature - 25…+ 70 °C
Humidity range 15…95% (no condensation)
Protection class IP65 (EN 60529:2000)
Weight 1.3 kg / meter for each single unit
Housing material Painted aluminium (yellow RAL 1003)
Front glass material PMMA
Cap material PC MAKROLON

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, please see product manual for:
Orion1 Base 2TLC172287M0201

Connection diagrams
For Orion1 Base connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings
Orion1 Base

Orion1 Base

M2 n°3






14 50,5 L2


All dimensions in mm


Protected height L1 L2 Type

mm mm mm
150 233.3 153.3 Orion1-4-xx-015-B
300 383.2 303.2 Orion1-4-xx-045-B
450 533.2 453.3 Orion1-4-xx-045-B
600 683.3 603.2 Orion1-4-xx-060-B
750 833.2 753.3 Orion1-4-xx-075-B
900 983.2 903.2 Orion1-4-xx-090-B
1050 1133.2 1053.2 Orion1-4-xx-105-B
1200 1283.2 1203.3 Orion1-4-xx-120-B
1350 1433.2 1353.2 Orion1-4-xx-135-B
1500 1583.3 1503.3 Orion1-4-xx-150-B
1650 1733.3 1653.3 Orion1-4-xx-165-B
1800 1883.3 1803.3 Orion1-4-xx-180-B
xx = Resolution
3 – 16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light curtain
Orion1 Extended

Orion1 Extended is an easy to

use light curtain with compact
dimensions. It has two resolutions for

detection of fingers and hands, and

comes with advanced features like
cascading, muting and blanking.

Light curtains are usually placed

closed to the hazardous zone when
repeated access to the machine is
necessary, for example manually
serviced machines.

Cost effective solution Easy to install Continuous


Integrated muting function Easy to align Reduced downtime

Muting sensors are connected directly Alignment help and a wide angle within Extensive error indication reduces
to the light grid, with no need for a the limits of a Type 4 device facilitate troubleshooting time.
remote muting module. installation.
Interference protection
No dead zones Easy to connect Protection against mutual interfer-
The light beams cover all of the profile Cables with M12 connectors speeds up ence with coding.
length, without the usual dead zones connection.
at the ends requiring extra mechanical

Easy serial connection

Cascading with the standard units:
no separate slave or master units.

Orion1 Extended

Finger detection Hand detection

A 14 mm resolution is intended for finger detection when A 30 mm resolution is intended for hand detection and area
the light guard needs to be very close to the machine in protection and is a good compromise between cost and
order to give the operator a good view and easy accessibility accessibility to the machine. A 30 mm resolution enables a
to the machine. A 14 mm resolution enables a sensing range sensing range of 20 m.
of 7 m.

Blanking No dead zones
The blanking function allows to define a number of beams A special feature of Orion1 Extended is that the light beams
that can be constantly interrupted without stopping the cover all of the profile length, without any dead zones. This
machine. In this way a fixed material or a cable is allowed in enables to place it inside openings, instead of having a larg-
the protected field, but a hand interrupting an extra beam er light guard in front of an opening.
would stop the machine. With floating blanking, the object,
for ex. the cable, can move within the protected field.

Cascading Muting
All Orion1 Extended units can be connected in series (cas- By connecting muting sensors to the light guard, it can
caded) to easily create a suitable light curtain setup with no distinguish material from persons and allow the material to
special units needed. pass through an opening but not persons.

Local reset EDM

A local reset button is connected directly to the light guard External Device Monitoring is a feature allowing the light
instead of to the safety control module in the electrical guard to supervise the actuators in simpler applications,
cabinet. This saves safety relays/programmable inputs and eliminating the need for a safety relay or programmable
minimizes cabling to the electrical cabinet. safety controller.
3 – 18 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Orion1 Extended

Ordering Details

Resolution Protected height Type Order code

mm mm (Transmitter + receiver)
Finger 300 Orion1-4-14-030-E 2TLA022301R0100
450 Orion1-4-14-045-E 2TLA022301R0200
600 Orion1-4-14-060-E 2TLA022301R0300

750 Orion1-4-14-075-E 2TLA022301R0400

900 Orion1-4-14-090-E 2TLA022301R0500
1050 Orion1-4-14-105-E 2TLA022301R0600
1200 Orion1-4-14-120-E 2TLA022301R0700
1350 Orion1-4-14-135-E 2TLA022301R0800

1500 Orion1-4-14-150-E 2TLA022301R0900

1650 Orion1-4-14-165-E 2TLA022301R1000
1800 Orion1-4-14-180-E 2TLA022301R1100
Orion1 Extended
Hand 300 Orion1-4-30-030-E 2TLA022303R0100
450 Orion1-4-30-045-E 2TLA022303R0200
600 Orion1-4-30-060-E 2TLA022303R0300
750 Orion1-4-30-075-E 2TLA022303R0400
900 Orion1-4-30-090-E 2TLA022303R0500
1050 Orion1-4-30-105-E 2TLA022303R0600
1200 Orion1-4-30-120-E 2TLA022303R0700
1350 Orion1-4-30-135-E 2TLA022303R0800
1500 Orion1-4-30-150-E 2TLA022303R0900
1650 Orion1-4-30-165-E 2TLA022303R1000
1800 Orion1-4-30-180-E 2TLA022303R1100

Spare parts (included when ordering Orion)

Description Type Order code


4 standard brackets for Orion1 & Orion2 JSM Orion01 2TLA022310R0000

JSM Orion01

Orion1 Extended


Connection accessories
Description Type Order code
Connection box for two or four muting sensors OMC1 2TLA022316R2000
Retroreflex photoelectric sensor Mute R2 2TLA022044R0500

Adjustable mounting bracket for M18 sensors (e.g. Mute R2). JSM 64 2TLA040007R0200

Reflector diameter 63 mm Reflect 1 2TLA022044R2000
Reflector diameter 82 mm Reflect 2 2TLA022044R3000
Smile reset button with NO contact Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000
Smile reset button with NO contact for Pluto Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Mounting accessories
Orion Test Piece 14 mm Orion TP-14 2TLA022310R5200
Orion Test Piece 30 mm Orion TP-30 2TLA022310R5300

Orion Laser pointer Orion Laser 2TLA022310R5000

JSM M5B special T-nut M5 to be used with M5x12 screw for mounting Orion on Quick-Guard T-nut JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400
Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (4 pieces for lengths shorter than 1200 mm) JSM Orion06 2TLA022310R0400
JSM 64 Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (6 pieces for lengths of 1200 mm or more) JSM Orion07 2TLA022310R0500
Kit for mounting of Orion1 Mirror in Stand JSM Orion11 2TLA022310R0900
Orion Plate kit for adjustment of protective stand Orion Stand Plate 2TLA022312R5000
Deviating mirror to be mounted in Orion Stand with one kit JSM Orion11 Orion1 Mirror*
Protective stand Orion Stand*

*These accessories are available in different sizes.

For more information see:
Orion1 Mirror 2TLC172058L0201
Orion Stand 2TLC172059L0201
Orion Laser pointer

For more information about the connection accessories, please see:

Orion connection accessories 2TLC172101L0201
3 – 20 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Orion1 Extended

Cables with connectors

Muting Neccessary transmit- Suitable cable between Length Special feature Type Order code
to ter/receiver cable transmitter/receiver cable

be used and el-cabinet

Yes Transmitter M12-C02PT2T M12-5 female single ended, 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
to e.g. el-cabinet
(b) 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000

6m Harsh environment, M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000

halogen free
10 m M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400

Receiver M12-C02PT62RM M12-5 male + female, 0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300

to e.g. OMC1
(a) 0.3 M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
M12-C61HE 1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400

20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
M12-12 female single ended, 6m M12-C65 2TLA020056R7200
to e.g. el-cabinet
M12-C2012 10 m M12-C105 2TLA020056R7300
20 m M12-C205 2TLA020056R7500
No Transmitter M12-C02PT2T M12-5 female single ended, 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
to e.g. el-cabinet
(b) 6m Harsh environment, M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8100
halogen free
10 m M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R5400
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Receiver M12-C02PT6RB M12-12 female single ended, 6m M12-C65 2TLA020056R7200
to e.g. el-cabinet
10 m M12-C105 2TLA020056R7300
20 m M12-C205 2TLA020056R7500

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code

M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010

200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

C5 cable —
Special cables for Orion1 Extended

Description Length Type Order code

Transmitter cable for Orion1 Extended. M12-5 male connector. 0.2 m M12-C02PT2T 2TLA022315R0100
Receiver cable for Orion1 Extended when no muting. M12-12 male connector. 0.2 m M12-C02PT6RB 2TLA022315R0200
Receiver cable for Orion1 Extended when muting. M12-5 male connector (for muting 0.2 m M12-C02PT62RM 2TLA022315R0300
sensors) and M12-12 male connector.
Cascade cable for Orion1 Extended 1m PT-C1PT 2TLA022315R1000
Cascade cable for Orion1 Extended 0.5 m PT-C05PT 2TLA022315R1100
M12-C02PT2T Cascade cable for Orion1 Extended 0.05 m PT-C005PT 2TLA022315R1200

Connection example
Orion1 Extended

Connection of the muting sensors with M12-C02PT62RM and OMC1

A1, B1, A2, B2

M12-12 pole B1 B2 1. +24 VDC

male 2. —

3. 0V

A1 A2 4. Muting input
5. —
Orion rec


NB: Cable with M12-5 male + female connectors shall be used between muting sensors
and OMC1 inputs A1, B1, A2, B2.
3 – 22 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Orion1 Extended

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005/A1:2013, EN 61496-1:2013, EN 61496-2, EN 61508-1:2010, EN 61508-2:2010, EN 61508-3:2010, EN

Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 2.64 x1 0-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
Electrical data
Power supply +24 VDC ± 20%
Power consumtion, Transmitter 3 W max
Power consumption, Receiver 5 W max (without load)
Outputs 2 PNP
Short-circuit protection 1.4 A max
Output current 0.5 A max / output
Output voltage – ON Vdd -1 V min
Output voltage – OFF 0.2 V max
Capacitive load 2.2 μF at +24 VDC max
Current for external lamp 20 mA min; 200 mA max
Cable length (for power supply) 50 m max
Connectors M12-4 pole male on transmitter (compatible with M12-5 pole female)
M12-8 pole male on receiver
Optical data
Light emission (λ) Infrared, LED (950 nm)
Resolution 14 or 30 mm
Operating distance 0.2…20 m for 30 mm
0.2…7 m for 14 mm
Ambient light rejection According to IEC-61496-2:2013
Mechanical data
Operating temperature 0…+ 50 °C
Storage temperature - 25…+ 70 °C
Humidity range 15…95% (no condensation)
Protection class IP65 (EN 60529:2000)
Weight 1.35 kg / meter for each single unit
Housing material Painted aluminium (yellow RAL 1003)
Front glass material PMMA
Cap material PBT Valox 508

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Orion1 Extended 2TLC172290M0201

Dimension drawings
Orion1 Extended

Orion1 Extended

All dimensions in mm


L1 L2 Type
mm mm
300 306.3 Orion1-4-xx-030-E
450 456.3 Orion1-4-xx-045-E
600 606.3 Orion1-4-xx-060-E
750 756.3 Orion1-4-xx-075-E
900 906.3 Orion1-4-xx-090-E
1050 1056.3 Orion1-4-xx-105-E
1200 1206.3 Orion1-4-xx-120-E
1350 1356.3 Orion1-4-xx-135-E
1500 1506.3 Orion1-4-xx-150-E
1650 1656.3 Orion1-4-xx-165-E
1800 1806.3 Orion1-4-xx-180-E
xx = Resolution (14 or 30 mm)
3 – 24 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light grid
Orion2 Base

Orion2 Base is a compact light grid for

access protection.

The light grid has 2-4 beams and is

intended for body detection.

With an operating distance of 50 m

between transmitter and receiver the
light grid is suitable for applications
with deviating mirrors.

Cost effective solution Easy to install Continuous


Minimized cabling Alignment help Protection in harsh environments

A local reset button can be connected Alignment help and a wide angle within The housing is IP65 rated, and protec-
directly to the light grid, eliminating the limits of a Type 4 device facilitate tive tubes and lens shields are avail-
the need for cable between the reset installation. able to provide further protection for
button and the electrical cabinet or for the device in harsh environments.
an extra control module. Easy adjustment
Rotation brackets makes alignment
External device monitoring easy.
Each light grid can monitor the actua-
tors without any extra control module Fast connection
(EDM function). M12 connectors speed up cabling.

Applications and features
Orion2 Base


Body detection over long distances

With 2-4 beams and a maximum sensing range of 50 m be-
tween transmitter and receiver, the light grid is intended for
body detection and can be used with deviating mirrors to
form a protective perimeter around a dangerous area.


EDM Local reset

External Device Monitoring is a feature allowing the light A local reset button is connected directly to the light guard
guard to supervise the actuators in simpler applications, instead of to the safety control module in the electrical
eliminating the need for a safety relay or programmable cabinet. This saves safety relays/programmable inputs and
safety controller. minimizes cabling to the electrical cabinet. Clever accesso-
ries make the connection easier.
3 – 26 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Orion2 Base

Ordering details

Detection Protected height Type Order code

mm (Transmitter + receiver)
Body 500 (2 beams) Orion2-4-K2-050-B 2TLA022304R0000
800 (3 beams) Orion2-4-K3-080-B 2TLA022304R0100
900 (4 beams) Orion2-4-K4-090-B 2TLA022304R0200
1200 (4 beams) Orion2-4-K4-120-B 2TLA022304R0300


Orion2 Base

Spare parts (imcluded when ordering Orion)

Description Type Order code

4 standard brackets for Orion1 & Orion2 JSM Orion01 2TLA022310R0000

JSM Orion01

Orion2 Base


Mounting accessories
Description Type Order code

Orion Test Piece 14 mm Orion TP-14 2TLA022310R5200

Orion Test Piece 30 mm Orion TP-30 2TLA022310R5300
Orion Laser pointer Orion Laser 2TLA022310R5000
JSM Orion 04 JSM M5B special T-nut M5 to be used with M5x12 screw for mounting Orion on Quick-Guard T-nut JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400
4 rotation brackets for Orion2 JSM Orion04 2TLA022310R0200

Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (4 pieces for lengths shorter than 1200 mm) JSM Orion06 2TLA022310R0400

Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (6 pieces for lengths of 1200 mm or more) JSM Orion07 2TLA022310R0500
Orion Plate kit for adjustment of protective stand Orion Stand Plate 2TLA022312R5000
Deviating mirror in stand for Orion 2 and 3 Orion Mirror*
M12-3R Protective stand Orion Stand*
Protective tube Orion WET*
Lens shield Orion Shield*
Connection accessories

Smile reset button with NO contact Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000

Smile reset button with NO contact for Pluto Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Smile reset button with NO contact for Orion1 Base Smile 11RO1 2TLA022316R3000
Smile 11 RB
Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000
Y-connector for connection of a Smile reset button to Orion M12-3R 2TLA022316R0000

Y-connector for easy connection of a transmitter M12-3D 2TLA020055R0300

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12-5 connectors. Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to connect a local reset button. Three M12-5 Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310
Tina 10 C connectors.
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to power the transmitter. Three M12-5 connectors. Tina 10C v2 2TLA020054R1610
*These accessories are available in different sizes.
For more information see:
Orion Mirror 2TLC172060L0201, Orion Stand 2TLC172059L0201, Orion WET 2TLC172061L0201, Orion Shield 2TLC172071L0201

For more information about the connection accessories, please see:

Orion connection accessories 2TLC172101L0201

How to choose correct reset button

Local or global reset Adaption to DYNlink* Safety controle module Type Useful connection accessories
Local reset button connected Yes Vital or Pluto Smile 11RO2 Tina 10B: OSSD to DYNlink + local
to the light guard reset button
M12-3A: Serial connection of the
(Orion in manual reset mode) DYNlink
No Any safety control module Smile 11RO2 M12-3R: Easy connection of
compatible with light guard a local reset button
Global reset button Yes Vital Smile 11 RA Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink
connected to the control Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply
module to transmitter

(Orion in automatic reset Pluto Smile 11 RB Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink

mode) Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply
to transmitter
No Any safety control module Smile 11 RA** -
compatible with light guard
* The ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink solution offers the following advantages:
- Serial connection of safety devices while maintaining PLe/cat. 4, up to 25 Tina 10 per Vital and up to 5 Tina 10 per
Pluto input.
- Only one safety input of the Pluto instead of two with the standard OSSD outputs.

** Smile 11RA has one NO contact, which is the most common for reset buttons. Please check what is requested for the chosen
safety control module.
3 – 28 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Orion2 Base

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
(b) 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000

10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100

20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
(a) 0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200

(c) 10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200

M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000
(d) 10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
M12-C334 20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C006341 2TLA020056R6400
(e) 1m M12-C1341 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100
M12-8 female + M12-5 male Female + male 1 M12-CT1322 2TLA020060R0600
Letters (a, b, c, d, e, t3) refer to cables in connection examples, e.g:
2TLC010002T0001 Connection diagram Orion_cables_Tina10_M12-3A_M12-3D
2TLC010003T0001 Connection diagram Orion_cables_Smile11R_Urax_M12-3R

1) Used for the connection to Tina 10, M12-3D and M12-3R. Tina 10 can be connected directly to the light guard without cable,
but will form an angle (i.e. not be aligned) with the light guard, which might be a problem if the light guard is mounted close to
a wall/aluminum profile.

2) M12-CT132 (t3) is used for the connection of Orion2 Base to URAX-D1R.


Separate Cables and connectors

Description Type Order code

M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001

50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005

100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020
C5 cable 500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050
Cable with 8 conductors
50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050

Connection examples
Orion2 Base

Orion with Tina 10A/C Reset to Orion with Tina 10B

e part e part
or activ or activ
ceiver ceiver
Orion re Orion re
(a) set
Smile re

M12 5-pole male

A/C M12 5-pole male
(e) Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC (e) Tina 10

1. + 24 VDC
2. In 2. In
3. 0 V 3. 0 V
4. Out 4. Out
5. Info 5. Info
Without local reset button With local reset button

Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via
Tina 10 A/C. To be used with Vital safety control module Tina 10B. To be used with Vital safety control module or
or Pluto programmable safety controller. Pluto programmable safety controller.

Reset to Orion with M12-3R

e part
or activ
Orion re

(a) set
R Smile re

(e) M12 5-pole male

1. + 24 VDC
2. OSSD1
3. 0 V
4. OSSD2
5. -

Connection of a local reset button via M12-3R.

Connection diagrams
For Orion2 Base connection diagrams please see
3 – 30 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Orion2 Base

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005/A1:2013, EN 61496-1:2013, EN 61496-2, EN 61508-1:2010, EN 61508-2:2010, EN 61508-3:2010, EN
Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9

EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
Electrical data
Power supply +24 VDC ± 20% (SELV/PELV)
Power consumtion, Transmitter 30 mA max. / 0.9 W
Power consumption, Receiver 75 mA max. (without load) / 2.2 W
Cable length (for power supply) 50 m max with 50 nF capacitive load and +24 VDC
Internal capacitance 23 nF (Transmitter) / 120 nF (Receiver)
Outputs 2 PNP
Short-circuit protection Max 1.4 A at 55 °C, min. 1.1 A at -10 °C
Output current 0.5 A max / output
Leakage current < 1 mA
Capacitive load (pure) 65 nF max at 25 °C
Resitive load (pure) 56 Ω min at +24 VDC
Current for external lamp 20 mA min, 250 mA max
Connectors M12-4 pole male on transmitter (compatible with M12-5 pole female)
M12-8 pole male on receiver
Optical data
Light emission (λ) Infrared, LED (880 nm)
Resolution 315 - 515 mm
Operating distance 0.5…50 m
Ambient light rejection According to IEC-61496-2:2013
Mechanical data
Operating temperature 10…+ 55 °C
Storage temperature - 25…+ 70 °C
Humidity range 15…95% (no condensation)
Protection class IP65 (EN 60529:2000)
Weight 1.2 kg max / meter for each single unit
Housing material Painted aluminium (yellow RAL 1003)
Front glass material PMMA
Cap material PC Lexan 943A

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Orion2 Base 2TLC172288M0201

Connection diagrams
For Orion2 Base connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings
Orion2 Base

Orion2 Base

All dimensions in mm


Lr L1 L2 Type
mm mm mm
617 664 538.4 Orion2-4-K2-050-B
917 964 838.4 Orion2-4-K3-080-B
1017 1064 938.4 Orion2-4-K4-090-B
1317 1364 1238.4 Orion2-4-K4-120-B
xx = Resolution
3 – 32 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light grid
Orion2 Extended

Orion2 Extended is a compact light

grid for access protection in muting

The light grid has 2-4 beams and is

intended for body detection.

Cost effective solution Easy to install Continuous


Integrated muting function Alignment help Protection in harsh environments

Muting sensors are connected directly Alignment help and a wide angle within The housing is IP65 rated, and protec-
to the light grid, with no need for a the limits of a Type 4 device facilitate tive tubes and lens shields are avail-
remote muting module. installation. able to provide further protection for
the device in harsh environments.
Minimized cabling Easy adjustment
A local reset button can be connected Rotation brackets makes alignment
directly to the light grid, eliminating easy.
the need for cable between the reset
button and the electrical cabinet. Fast connection
M12 connectors speed up cabling.
External device monitoring (EDM)
Each light grid can monitor the actua-
tors without any extra control module.

Orion2 Extended

Muting Local reset

Orion2 Extended is intended for muting applications. By A local reset button is connected directly to the light guard
connecting muting sensors to the light guard, it can distin- instead of to the safety control module in the electrical
guish material from persons and allow the material to pass cabinet. This saves safety relays/PLC inputs and minimizes
through an opening but not persons. Muting sensors and cabling to the electrical cabinet. Clever accessories makes
a connection box for muting are available to simplify the the connection easier.
muting application.

External Device Monitoring is a feature allowing the light
guard to supervise the actuators in simpler applications,
eliminating the need for a safety relay or programmable
safety controller.
3 – 34 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Orion2 Extended

Ordering details

Resolution (Detection) Protected height Type Order code

mm mm (Transmitter + receiver)
Body 500 (2 beams) Orion2-4-K2-050-E 2TLA022305R0000
800 (3 beams) Orion2-4-K3-080-E 2TLA022305R0100

900 (4 beams) Orion2-4-K4-090-E 2TLA022305R0200

1200 (4 beams) Orion2-4-K4-120-E 2TLA022305R0300

Orion2 Extended

Spare parts (included when ordering Orion)

Description Type Order code

4 standard brackets for Orion1 & Orion2 JSM Orion01 2TLA022310R0000

JSM Orion01

Orion2 Extended

Connection Accessories

Description Type Order code

Connection box for two or four muting sensors OMC1 2TLA022316R2000
Retroreflex photoelectric sensor Mute R2 2TLA022044R0500
Adjustable mounting bracket for M18 sensors (e.g. Mute R2). JSM 64 2TLA040007R0200
Reflector diameter 63 mm Reflect 1 2TLA022044R2000

Reflector diameter 82 mm Reflect 2 2TLA022044R3000
Smile reset button with NO contact Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000

OMC1 Smile reset button with NO contact for Pluto Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Smile reset button with NC contact for Orion2 Base/Extended and Orion3 Extended Smile 11RO2 2TLA022316R3100
Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden M12-RA 2TLA020055R0000
Y-connector for connection of a Smile reset button to Orion M12-3R 2TLA022316R0000

Y-connector for easy connection of a transmitter M12-3D 2TLA020055R0300

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12-5 connectors. Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to connect a local reset button. Three M12-5 connectors. Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310
Mute R2 Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to power the transmitter. Three M12-5 connectors. Tina 10C v2 2TLA020054R1610
Mounting accessories
Orion Test Piece 14 mm Orion TP-14 2TLA022310R5200
Orion Test Piece 30 mm Orion TP-30 2TLA022310R5300
Orion Laser pointer Orion Laser 2TLA022310R5000
JSM M5B special T-nut M5 to be used with M5x12 screw for mounting Orion on Quick-Guard T-nut JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400

4 standard brackets for Orion1 & Orion2 JSM Orion01 2TLA022310R0000

4 rotation brackets for Orion2 JSM Orion04 2TLA022310R0200
Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (4 pieces for lengths shorter than 1200 mm) JSM Orion06 2TLA022310R0400

JSM 64 Kit for mounting of Orion1 & Orion2 in Stand (6 pieces for lengths of 1200 mm or more) JSM Orion07 2TLA022310R0500
Orion Plate kit for adjustment of protective stand Orion Stand Plate 2TLA022312R5000
Deviating mirror in stand for Orion 2 and 3 Orion Mirror*
Protective stand Orion Stand*
Protective tube Orion WET*

Lens shield Orion Shield*

*These accessories are available in different sizes. For more information see:
Orion Mirror 2TLC172060L0201,,Orion Stand 2TLC172059L0201, Orion WET 2TLC172061L0201, Orion Shield 2TLC172071L0201

Reflect 2 For more information about the connection accessories, please see:
Orion connection accessories 2TLC172101L0201

How to choose correct reset button

Local or global reset Adaption to DYNlink* Safety controle module Type Useful connection accessories
Smile 11 RB Local reset button con- Yes Vital or Pluto Smile 11RO2 Tina 10B: OSSD to DYNlink + local
nected to the light guard reset button
M12-3A: Serial connection of DYNlink
(Orion in manual reset
mode) No Any safety control module Smile 11RO2 M12-3R: Easy connection of
compatible with light guard a local reset button

Global reset button Yes Vital Smile 11 RA Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink
connected to the control Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply
module to transmitter

(Orion in automatic reset Pluto Smile 11 RB Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink

Orion Laser pointer Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply
to transmitter
No Any safety control module Smile 11 RA** -
compatible with light guard
* The ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink solution offers the following advantages:
- Serial connection of safety devices while maintaining PLe/cat. 4, up to 25 Tina 10 per Vital and up to 5 Tina 10 per
Pluto input.
- Only one safety input of the Pluto instead of two with the standard OSSD outputs.
** Smile 11 RA has one NO contact, which is the most common for reset buttons. Please check what is requested for the chosen
safety control module.
3 – 36 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Orion2 Extended

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code


M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500

(b) 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000

Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100

20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
(a) 0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300

1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400

Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200

(c) 10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000
M12-C334 (d) 10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C006341 2TLA020056R6400
(e) 1m M12-C1341 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C3341 2TLA020056R5100
M12-8 male + female Female + male 0.2 M12-CT1322 2TLA020060R0600
M12-8 female - M12-5 male Female + male 1 M12-CYMUTE3 2TLA022316R0100
Letters (a, b, c, d, e, t3) refer to cables in connection examples, e.g:
2TLC010002T0001 Connection diagram Orion_cables_Tina10_M12-3A_M12-3D
2TLC010003T0001 Connection diagram Orion_cables_Smile11R_Urax_M12-3R

1) Used for the connection to Tina 10, M12 3D and M12-3R. Tina 10 can be connected directly to the light guard without cable,
but will form an angle (i.e. not be aligned) with the light guard, which might be a problem if the light guard is mounted close to
a wall/aluminum profile.

2) M12-CT132 (t3) is used for the connection of Orion2 Extended to URAX-D1R.

3) M12-CYMUTE is used to simplify the connection of 2 or 4 muting sensors with the help of the OMC1 connection box.

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code

M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010

200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050
Cable with 8 conductors
C5 cable 50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050

Connection examples
Orion2 Extended

Orion with Tina 10A/C Reset to Orion with Tina 10B

e part e part
or activ or activ
ceiver ceiver
Orion re Orion re
(a) set
Smile re

(e) A/C
M12 5-pole male
(e) M12 5-pole male
Cable Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC
Tina 10

1. + 24 VDC
2. In 2. In
3. 0 V 3. 0 V
4. Out 4. Out
5. Info 5. Info
Without local reset button With local reset button

Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via
Tina 10 A/C. To be used with Vital safety control module Tina 10B. To be used with Vital safety control module or
or Pluto programmable safety controller. Pluto programmable safety controller.

Reset to Orion with M12-3R

e part
or activ
Orion re

(a) set
R Smile re

(e) M12 5-pole male

1. + 24 VDC
2. OSSD1
3. 0 V
4. OSSD2
5. -

Connection of a local reset button via M12-3R.

Connection of muting sensors with M12-CYMUTE and OMC1

tive part
iver or ac

M12-8 pole
Orion rece

A1, B1, A2, B2

Connection to:
- Tina 10A/B/C 1. +24 VDC
B1 B2 2. —
- M12-3R
- Electrical 3. 0V
A1 A2 4. Muting input
cabinet 5. —

A1, B1, A2, B2:

Muting sensors

NB: Cable with M12-5 male + female connectors shall be

used between muting sensors and OMC1 inputs A1, B1, A2,

Connection diagrams
For Orion2 Extended connection diagrams please see
3 – 38 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Orion2 Extended

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005/A1:2013, EN 61496-1:2013, EN 61496-2, EN 61508-1:2010, EN 61508-2:2010, EN 61508-3:2010, EN
Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9

EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 2.64 x 10-9
Electrical data
Internal capacitance 23 nF (Transmitter) / 120 nF (Receiver)
Power supply +24 VDC ± 20% (SELV/PELV)
Power consumtion, Transmitter 0.5 W during normal operation
Power consumption, Receiver 2 W during normal operation
Outputs 2 PNP
Short-circuit protection Max 1.4 A at 55 °C, min 1.1 A at -10 °C
Output current 0.5 A max / output
Leakage current < 1 mA
Capacitive load (pure) 65 nF max at 25 °C
Resistive load (pure) 56 Ω min at +24 VDC
Current for external lamp 20 mA min, 250 mA max
Response time 2 and 3 beams: 14 ms; 4 beams: 16 ms
Connectors M12-4 pole male on transmitter (compatible with M12-5 pole female)
M12-8 pole male on receiver
Optical data
Light emission (λ) Infrared (880 nm)
Resolution 315 - 515 mm
Operating distance 0.5…50 m
Ambient light rejection According to IEC-61496-2:2013
Mechanical data
Operating temperature - 10…+ 55 °C
Storage temperature - 25…+ 70 °C
Humidity range 15…95% (no condensation)
Protection class IP65 (EN 60529:2000)
Weight 1.2 kg max / meter for each single unit
Housing material PC Lexan 943A
Lens material PMMA
Cap material PC MAKROLON

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see manual for:
Orion2 Extended 2TLC172291M0201

Connection diagrams
For Orion2 Extended connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings
Orion2 Extended

Orion2 Extended

All dimensions in mm


Lr L1 L2 Type
mm mm mm
617 664 538.4 Orion2-4-K2-050-E
917 964 838.4 Orion2-4-K3-080-E
1017 1064 938.4 Orion2-4-K4-090-E
1317 1364 1238.4 Orion2-4-K4-120-E
3 – 40 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light grid
Orion3 Base

Orion3 Base is a light grid with a

sturdy profile for access protection.

Only one of the parts needs power

supply, since both transmitter and
receiver are in the same active part.
The other part is passive with mirrors
to reflect the beams.

With 2-4 beams and an operating

range of up to 8 m, it is intended for
body detection.

Easy to install Cost effective solution Continuous


Alignment help Minimized cabling Visible alignment level

Alignment help and a wide angle within A local reset button can be connected Since the alignment level is displayed,
the limits of a Type 4 device facilitate directly to the light grid, eliminating the alignment can be improved before
installation. the need for cable between the reset the occurrence of an unwanted stop.
button and the electrical cabinet or for
Easy adjustment an extra control module. Extensive error indication
Rotation brackets makes alignment Extensive error indication reduces
easy. External device monitoring troubleshooting time.
Each light grid can monitor the actua-
Fast connection tors without any extra control module
M12 connectors speed up cabling. (EDM function).

Less cabling
Only the active part needs connecting.

Orion3 Base


Sturdy profile for demanding applications Power on one side

With its thicker and sturdier profile Orion3 is suitable for ap- Both transmitter and receiver is in one active part, and the
plications with tougher requirements. other part is passive containing mirrors. This simplifies
installation and saves cables, making it easier to place in ap-
plications where cables needs to be avoided.

EDM Local reset
External Device Monitoring is a feature allowing the light A local reset button is connected directly to the light guard
guard to supervise the actuators in simpler applications, instead of to the safety control module in the electrical
eliminating the need for a safety relay or programmable cabinet. This saves safety relays/PLC inputs and minimizes
safety controller. cabling to the electrical cabinet. Clever accessories makes
the connection easier.
3 – 42 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Orion3 Base

Ordering details

Detection Protected height Active or passive part Type Order code

Body 500 Active part Orion3-4-K1C-050-B 2TLA022306R0000
(2 beams)
Passive part Orion3-4-M1C-050 2TLA022306R1000
800 Active part Orion3-4-K2C-080-B 2TLA022306R0100

(3 beams)
Passive part Orion3-4-M2C-080 2TLA022306R1100
900 Active part Orion3-4-K2C-090-B 2TLA022306R0200
(4 beams)
Passive part Orion3-4-M2C-090 2TLA022306R1300
1200 Active part Orion3-4-K2C-120-B 2TLA022306R0300
(4 beams)
Passive part Orion3-4-M2C-120 2TLA022306R1400

Orion3 Base

Spare parts (included when ordering Orion)

Description Type Order code


4 standard brackets for Orion3 JSM Orion02 2TLA022310R1000

JSM Orion02

Orion3 Base


Mounting accessories
Description Type Order code

Orion Laser pointer Orion Laser 2TLA022310R5000

JSM M5B special T-nut M5 to be used with M5x12 screw for mounting Orion on Quick-Guard T-nut JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400
4 standard brackets for Orion3 JSM Orion05 2TLA022310R0300
Orion Laser pointer
Kit for mounting of Orion3 in Stand (4 pieces for lengths shorter than 1200 mm) JSM Orion08 2TLA022310R0600

Kit for mounting of Orion3 in Stand (6 pieces for lengths of 1200 mm or more) JSM Orion09 2TLA022310R0700
Orion Plate kit for adjustment of protective stand Orion Stand Plate 2TLA022312R5000

Deviating mirror in stand for Orion 2 and 3 Orion Mirror*

Protective stand Orion Stand*
Connection accessories
Smile 11 RB Smile reset button with NO contact Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000
Smile reset button with NO contact for Pluto Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Smile reset button with NC contact for Orion3 Base Smile 11 RO3 2TLA022316R3200

Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000
Y-connector for connection of a Smile reset button to Orion M12-3R 2TLA022316R0000
Y-connector for easy connection of a transmitter M12-3D 2TLA020055R0300
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12-5 connectors. Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210
Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to connect a local reset button. Three M12-5 Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to power the transmitter. Three M12-5 connectors. Tina 10C v2 2TLA020054R1610
*These accessories are available in different sizes.
For more information see:
Tina 10C
Orion Mirror 2TLC172060L0201
Orion Stand 2TLC172059L0201

For more information about the connection accessories, please see:

Orion connection accessories 2TLC172101L0201

How to choose correct reset button

Local or global reset Adaption to DYNlink* Safety controle module Type Useful connection accessories
Local reset button con- Yes Vital or Pluto Smile 11 RO3 Tina 10B: OSSD to DYNlink solution +
nected to the light guard local reset button
M12-3A: Serial connection of the DYNlink
(Orion in manual reset solution
No Any safety control module Smile 11 RO3 M12-3R: Easy connection of a local reset
compatible with light guard button
Global reset button Yes Vital Smile 11 RA Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink solution
connected to the control Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink solution +
module supply to transmitter/active part

(Orion in automatic reset Pluto Smile 11 RB Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink solution
mode) Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink solution +
supply to transmitter/active part
No Any safety control module Smile 11 RA** -
compatible with light guard
* The ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink solution offers the following advantages:
- Serial connection of safety devices while maintaining PLe/cat. 4, up to 25 Tina 10 per Vital and up to 5 Tina 10 per
Pluto input.
- Only one safety input of the Pluto instead of two with the standard OSSD outputs.

** Smile 11 RA has one NO contact, which is the most common for reset buttons. Please check what is requested for the chosen
safety control module.
3 – 4 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Orion3 Base

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500

(b) 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000

Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100

20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
(a) 0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
(c) 10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200

M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000

(d) 10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
M12-C334 20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100
0,2 m M12-CTO3B 1 2TLA022315R3200
M12-8 female + M12-5 male Female + male 1m M12-CTURAX-O3B 2 2TLA022315R3400
Letters (a, b, c, d, t2, t3) refer to cables in connection examples, e.g:
2TLC010002T0002 Connection diagram Cables Orion3 to Tina10
2TLC010003T0002 Connection diagram Cables Orion3 to electrical cabinet URAX

1) M12-CTO3B (t2) can be used for: - connection of Orion3 Base to Tina 10A/B/C.
- connection of Orion 3 Base to M12-3R.

The EDM function is deactivated in all cases

2) M12-CTURAX-03B (t3) is used for: - connection of Orion3 Base to URAX-D1R.

The light guard is automatically configured in automatic reset and the EDM function is deactivated.

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-C01 M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020
500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors

50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
C5 cable
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050

Connection examples
Orion3 Base

Orion with Tina 10A/C Reset to Orion with Tina 10B

e part e part
or activ or activ
ceiver ceiver
Orion re Orion re
(a) set
Smile re

(t 2) A/C
M12 5-pole male (t 2) B
M12 5-pole male
Cable Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC
Tina 10

1. + 24 VDC
2. In 2. In
3. 0 V 3. 0 V
4. Out 4. Out
5. Info 5. Info
Without local reset button With local reset button

Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via
Tina 10 A/C. To be used with Vital safety control module Tina 10B. To be used with Vital safety control module or
or Pluto programmable safety controller. Pluto programmable safety controller.

Reset to Orion with M12-3R

e part
or activ
Orion re

(a) set
R Smile re

(t 2) M12 5-pole male

1. + 24 VDC
2. OSSD1
3. 0 V
4. OSSD2
5. -

Connection of a local reset button via M12-3R.

Connection diagrams
For Orion3 Base connection diagrams please see
3 – 46 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Orion3 Base

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005/A1:2013, EN 61496-1:2013, EN 61496-2, EN 61508-1:2010, EN 61508-2:2010, EN 61508-3:2010, EN
Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 9.28 x 10-9

EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 9.28 x 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 9.28 x 10-9
Electrical data
Power supply +24 VDC ±20 %
Power consumption, Active unit 6.5 W max (without load)
Cable length (for power supply) 70 m max
Outputs 2 PNP
Short-circuit protection 1.4 A max
Output current 0.5 A max / output
Output voltage – ON Power supply value less 1 V (min)
Output voltage – OFF 0.2 V max
Capacitive load 2.2 μF at +24 VDC max
Cable length (for power supply) 70 m max
Connectors M12-8 pole male on receiver
Optical data
Light emission (λ) Infrared, LED (950 nm)
Resolution 319.75 - 519.75 mm
Operating distance 0.5...8 m except K2C-090: 0.5...6.5 m
Ambient light rejection According to IEC-61496-2:2013
Mechanical data
Operating temperature 0…+ 55 °C
Storage temperature - 25…+ 70 °C
Humidity range 15…95% (no condensation)
Protection class IP65 (EN 60529:2000)
Orion3-4-K1C-050-B 1.3 kg
Orion3-4-K2C-080-B 1.8 kg
Orion3-4-K2C-090-B 2.1 kg
Orion3-4-K2C-120-B 2.6 kg
Orion3-4-M1C-050 (passive) 1.2 kg
Orion3-4-M2C-080 (passive) 1.7 kg
Orion3-4-M2C-090 (passive) 1.9 kg
Orion3-4-M2C-120 (passive) 2.5 kg
Housing material Painted aluminium (yellow RAL 1003)
Cap material PBT Valox 508
Lens material PMMA

More Information
For more information about the connection accessories, see manual for:
Orion3 Base 2TLC172289M0201

Connection diagrams
For Orion3 Base connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings
Orion3 Base

Orion3 Base
10,85 10 52

Ø 42

M4 TCEI inox

40 30
20 15


30 L2


Active part – All dimensions in mm

10 52

Ø 42
M4 TCEI inox

30 L2 30

Passive part – All dimensions in mm


L1 L2 Type
mm mm
606.4 520.5 Orion3-4-K1C-050-B (active part)
906.4 820.5 Orion3-4-K2C-080-B (active part)
1006.4 920.5 Orion3-4-K2C-090-B (active part)
1306.4 1220.5 Orion3-4-K2C-120-B (active part)
580.5 520.5 Orion3-4-M1C-050 (passive part)
880.5 820.5 Orion3-4-M2C-080 (passive part)
980.5 920.5 Orion3-4-M2C-090 (passive part)
1280.5 1220.5 Orion3-4-M2C-090 (passive part))
xx = Resolution
3 – 48 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety light grid
Orion3 Extended

Orion3 Extended is a sturdy light

grid for access protection in muting

Only one of the parts needs power

supply, since both transmitter and
receiver are in the same active part.
The other part is passive and contains
mirrors to reflect the beams.

With 2-4 beams and an operating

range of up to 8 m, it is intended for
body detection.

Cost effective solution Easy to install Continuous


Integrated muting function Alignment help Visible alignment level

Muting sensors are connected directly Alignment help and a wide angle within Since the alignment level is displayed,
to the light grid, with no need for a the limits of a Type 4 device facilitate the alignment can be improved before
remote muting module. installation. the occurrence of an unwanted stop.

Minimized cabling Easy adjustment Extensive error indication

A local reset button can be connected Rotation brackets makes alignment Extensive error indication reduces
directly to the light grid, eliminating easy. troubleshooting time.
the need for cable between the reset
button and the electrical cabinet. Fast connection
M12 connectors speed up cabling.
External device monitoring (EDM)
Each light grid can monitor the actua- Less cabling
tors without any extra control module. Only the active part needs connecting.

Applications and features
Orion3 Extended


Orion2 Extended is intended for muting applications. By
connecting muting sensors to the light guard, it can distin-
guish material from persons and allow the material to pass
through an opening but not persons. Muting sensors and a

connection box for muting are available to simplify the mut-
ing application.

Power on one side Sturdy profile for demanding applications
Both transmitter and receiver are in one active part, and the With its thicker and sturdier profile Orion3 is suitable for ap-
other part is passive and contains mirrors. This simplifies plications with tougher requirements.
installation and saves cables, making it easier to place in ap-
plications where cables need to be avoided.

EDM Local reset

External Device Monitoring is a feature allowing the light A local reset button is connected directly to the light guard
guard to supervise the actuators in simpler applications, instead of to the safety control module in the electrical
eliminating the need for a safety relay or programmable cabinet. This saves safety relays/PLC inputs and minimizes
safety controller. cabling to the electrical cabinet. Clever accessories make the
connection easier.
3 – 50 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Orion3 Extended

Ordering details

Detection Protected height Active or passive part Type Order code

Body 500 (2 beams) Active part Orion3-4-K1C-050-E 2TLA022307R0000
Passive part Orion3-4-M1C-050 2TLA022306R1000
800 (3 beams) Active part Orion3-4-K2C-080-E 2TLA022307R0100

Passive part Orion3-4-M2C-080 2TLA022306R1100

900 (4 beams) Active part Orion3-4-K2C-090-E 2TLA022307R0200
Passive part Orion3-4-M2C-090 2TLA022306R1300
1200 (4 beams) Active part Orion3-4-K2C-120-E 2TLA022307R0300
Passive part Orion3-4-M2C-120 2TLA022306R1400
Please note that active and passive parts are ordered separately and both are necessary for Orion3 Extended to function.

Orion3 Extended

Spare parts (included when ordering Orion

Description Type Order code

4 standard brackets for Orion3 JSM Orion02 2TLA022310R1000

JSM Orion02

Orion3 Extended


Connection accessories
Description Type Order code
Connection box for two or four muting sensors OMC1 2TLA022316R2000
Retroreflex photoelectric sensor Mute R2 2TLA022044R0500
Adjustable mounting bracket for M18 sensors (e.g. Mute R2). JSM 64 2TLA040007R0200

Reflector diameter 63 mm Reflect 1 2TLA022044R2000

Reflector diameter 82 mm Reflect 2 2TLA022044R3000
Smile reset button with NO contact Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000
OMC1 Smile reset button with NO contact for Pluto Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
Smile reset button with NC contact for Orion2 Base/Extended and Orion3 Extended Smile 11R02 2TLA022316R3100
Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000
Y-connector for connection of a Smile reset button to Orion M12-3R 2TLA022316R0000

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink. Two M12-5 connectors. Tina 10A v2 2TLA020054R1210

Adaptation of OSSD to DYNlink with possibility to connect a local reset button. Three M12-5 Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310
Mounting accessories
Mute R2
Orion Laser pointer Orion Laser 2TLA022310R5000
JSM M5B Special T-nut M5 to be used with screw M5x12 screw for mounting Orion on QuickGuard T-nut JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400
4 rotation brackets for Orion3 JSM Orion05 2TLA022310R0300
Kit for mounting of Orion3 in Stand (4 pieces) JSM Orion08 2TLA022310R0600

- For a pair Orion3 - 050 / 080 / 090 (active + passive units)

For a pair Orion3 - 120 (Orion3-4-K2C-120 + Orion3-4-M2C-120) JSM Orion09 2TLA022310R0700
Orion Plate kit for adjustment of protective stand Orion Stand Plate 2TLA022312R5000
Reflect 2 Deviating mirror in stand for Orion 2 and 3 Orion Mirror*
Protective stand Orion Stand*
Protective tube Orion WET*
Lens shield Orion Shield*
*These accessories are available in different sizes.
For more information see:
Orion Mirror 2TLC172060L0201, Orion Stand 2TLC172059L0201, Orion WET 2TLC172061L0201, Orion Shield 2TLC172071L0201

For more information about the connection accessories, please see:

Orion connection accessories 2TLC172101L0201
JSM 64

How to choose correct reset button

Local or global reset Adaption to the Safety controle module Type Suitable connection accessories
DYNlink solution*
Smile 11 RB Local reset button connected ‌Yes Vital or Pluto Smile 11RO2 Tina 10B: OSSD to DYNlink + local reset button
to the light guard M12-3A: serial connection of DYNlink
No Any safety control module Smile 11RO2 M12-3R: Easy connection of a local reset
(Orion in manual reset mode)
compatible with light guard button

Global reset button connected Yes Vital Smile 11 RA Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink
to the control module Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply to
(Orion in automatic reset mode)
Tina 10B Pluto Smile 11 RB Tina 10A: OSSD to DYNlink
Tina 10C: OSSD to DYNlink + supply to
No Any safety control module Smile 11 RA** -
compatible with light guard

* The ABB Jokab safety DYNlink solution offers the following advantages:
- Serial connection of safety devices while maintaining PLe/cat. 4, up to 25 Tina 10 per Vital and up to 5 Tina 10 per Pluto

Orion Laser pointer input.

- Only one safety input of the Pluto instead of two with the standard OSSD outputs.

** Smile 11RA has one NO contact, which is the most common for reset buttons. Please check what is requested for the chosen safety
control module.
3 – 52 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Orion3 Extended

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
(b) 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000

Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000

10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000

M12-C61 Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100

20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
(a) 0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300

16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
(c) 10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200

M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000

(d) 10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C006341 2TLA020056R6400
1m M12-C1341 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C3341 2TLA020056R5100
0.2 M12-CT1322 2TLA020060R0600
M12-8 female + M12-5 male Female + male 1 M12-CYMUTE3 2TLA022316R0100
Letters (a, b, c, d, t2, t3) refer to cables in connection examples, e.g:
2TLC010002T0002 Connection diagram Cables Orion3 to Tina10
2TLC010003T0002 Connection diagram Cables Orion3 to electrical cabinet URAX
1) These cables (t2) are used for the connection to Tina 10, M12 3D and M12-3R. Tina 10 can be connected directly to the light
guard without cable, but will form an angle (i.e. not be aligned) with the light guard, which might be a problem if the light guard
is mounted close to a wall/aluminum profile.
2) M12-CT132 (t3) is used for the connection of Orion3 Extended to URAX-D1R.
3) M12-CYMUTE is used to simplify the connection of 2 or 4 muting sensors with the help of the OMC1 connection box.

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-C01 M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020
500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors

50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
C5 cable 100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050

Connection examples
Orion3 Extended

Orion with Tina 10A/C Reset to Orion with Tina 10B

e part e part
or activ or activ
ceiver ceiver
Orion re Orion re
(a) set
Smile re

(t 2) A/C
M12 5-pole male
(t 2) M12 5-pole male
Cable Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC
Tina 10

1. + 24 VDC
2. In 2. In
3. 0 V 3. 0 V
4. Out 4. Out
5. Info 5. Info
Without local reset button With local reset button

Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via Connection to the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal via
Tina 10 A/C. To be used with Vital safety control module Tina 10B. To be used with Vital safety control module or
or Pluto programmable safety controller. Pluto programmable safety controller.

Reset to Orion with M12-3R

e part
or activ
Orion re

(a) set
R Smile re

(t 2) M12 5-pole male

1. + 24 VDC
2. OSSD1
3. 0 V
4. OSSD2
5. -

Connection of a local reset button via M12-3R.

Connection of muting sensors with M12-CYMUTE and OMC1

tive part
iver or ac

M12-8 pole
Orion rece

A1, B1, A2, B2

Connection to:
- Tina 10A/B/C 1. +24 VDC
B1 B2 2. —
- M12-3R
- Electrical 3. 0V
A1 A2 4. Muting input
cabinet 5. —

A1, B1, A2, B2:

Muting sensors

NB: Cable with M12-5 male + female connectors shall be

used between muting sensors and OMC1 inputs A1, B1, A2,

Connection diagrams
For Orion3 Extended connection diagrams please see
3 – 54 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Orion3 Extended

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005/A1:2013, EN 61496-1:2013, EN 61496-2, EN 61508-1:2010, EN 61508-2:2010, EN 61508-3:2010, EN
Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 8.57 x 10-9

EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 8.57 x 10-9
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 8.57 x 10-9
Electrical data
Power supply +24 VDC ± 20%
Power consumtion, Active unit 2.5 W max (without load)
Cable length (for power supply) 70 m max
Outputs 2 PNP
Short-circuit protection 1.4 A at 55 °C
Output current 0.5 A max / output
Output voltage – ON Power supply value less 1 V (min)
Output voltage – OFF 0.2 V max
Capacitive load 2.2 μF at +24 VDC max
Current for external lamp 20 mA min, 250 mA max
Response time K1C-050: 11 ms, others: 12 ms
Connectors M12-4 pole male on transmitter (compatible with M12-5 pole female)
Optical data
Light emission (λ) Infrared (860 nm)
Resolution 319.75 - 519.75 mm
Operating distance 0.5...8 m except K2C-090: 0.5...6.5 m
Ambient light rejection According to IEC-61496-2:2013
Mechanical data
Operating temperature 0…+ 55 °C
Storage temperature - 25…+ 70 °C
Humidity range 15…95% (no condensation)
Protection class IP65 (EN 60529:2000)
Housing material Painted aluminium
Lens material PMMA
Cap material PBT Valox 508
Orion3-4-K1C-050-E 1.3 kg
Orion3-4-K2C-080-E 1.8 kg
Orion3-4-K2C-090-E 2.1 kg
Orion3-4-K2C-120-E 2.6 kg
Orion3-4-M1C-050 (passive) 1.2 kg
Orion3-4-M2C-080 (passive) 1.7 kg
Orion3-4-M2C-090 (passive) 1.9 kg
Orion3-4-M2C-120 (passive) 2.5 kg

More information
For more information about the connection accessories, see manual for:
Orion3 Extended 2TLC172292M0201

Connection diagrams
For Orion3 Extended connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings
Orion3 Extended

Orion3 Extended
10,85 10 52

M4 TCEI inox

40 30
20 15


30 L2

10 52

Active part - All dimensions in mm

10 Ø42 52
M4 TCEI inox

M4 TCEI inox

30 L2 30


Passive part - All dimensions in mm

30 L2 30

— L1

L1 L2 Type
mm mm
606.4 520.5 Orion3-4-K1C-050-E (active part)
906.4 820.5 Orion3-4-K2C-080-E (active part)
1006.4 920.5 Orion3-4-K2C-090-E (active part)
1306.4 1220.5 Orion3-4-K2C-120-E (active part)
580.5 520.5 Orion3-4-M1C-050 (passive part)
880.5 820.5 Orion3-4-M2C-080 (passive part)
980.5 920.5 Orion3-4-M2C-090 (passive part)
1280.5 1220.5 Orion3-4-M2C-090 (passive part)
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 1

Sensors and locks

4– 2  Introduction and overview

4– 6  Non-contact safety sensor


4– 16 Safety magnetic switch

4– 20 Safety interlock switch


4– 28 Electromagnetic process lock


4– 34 Safety lock


4 – 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

ABB has a full range of switches for monitoring doors and hatches, both with
and without locking function.

Eden Sense MKey


Function Interlock Interlock Interlock and process/safety lock

Type Non-contact switch Magnetic non-contact Mechanical switch

Description The original non-contact sen- Coded magnetic switch in A classic and well-tried solution.
sor with unique fault-detec- stainless steel for harsh
tion capabilities. environments.

Applications Monitoring doors and Monitoring doors and Monitoring doors and hatches.
hatches. Ideal for use in harsh hatches in applications Also available with safe locking.
environments such as food where a stainless steel
and beverage. Also for moni- product is required.
toring of end positions of e.g.
an overhead crane.

Advantage - Flexible mounting - Stainless steel - Holds the door closed

- M12 connectors - IP69K for harsh environ- - Possible to lock
- IP69K for harsh environ- ments
ments - Extreme temperature
- One switch to reach Cat. 4 range
- Unique coding to prevent - Coded sensor
defeat - Non-contact eliminates
- Local reset minimizes wear
- Non-contact eliminates wear
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 3

Magne GKey


Function Interlock and process lock Interlock and safety lock

Type Electromagnetic lock Mechanical safety lock

Description A robust magnetic lock with strong holding A robust safety lock with die cast housing.

Applications Locking doors and hatches to prevent inter- Safe locking of hinged and sliding doors for ma-
ruption of machines with short stopping time chines with a long stopping time.
e.g. robotics applications.

Advantage - Robust design with good sealing - Safe locking

- M12 connectors. - Robust design
- Room to integrate 22 mm pilot devices
- Rear escape release
- High level coding
- Lockout function
- Manual unlocking (auxiliary release)
4 – 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection orientation

The difference between locking and interlocking functions

Interlocking function
An interlocking function indicates if a door is open or closed. When the door is open the
interlocking function also prevents dangerous machine functions, but it does not prevent
the door from being opened.

Interlocking function e.g. Eden

Locking function
A locking function prevents the door from being opened until an unlocking signal has been

Locking function e.g. Magne

When to use interlocking and locking functions

An interlocking function is required if the dangerous machine functions needs to be
stopped when someone enters the dangerous area.

A locking function is required if a user can open a door/hatch and reach the dangerous
machine parts before the dangerous machine functions have ceased. It is also required if
the process needs to be protected from unwanted stops that would occur if a person could
open a door in the middle of a critical stage of the process..

The difference between a process lock and a safety lock

All locks of the ABB Jokab Safety range can be used as process locks but only GKey and the
models of MKey that uses power to unlock can be used as safety locks. Here is why:

A process lock protects the process. One example of an application is a lock on a door giv-
ing access to a machine with short stopping time, e.g. a welding machine. The door should
not be unlocked before the end of the welding cycle. Should the door be unlocked before
the end of the cycle (as a consequence of a fault in the installation like a loss of power or a Process lock e.g. Magne
short-circuit) the door could be opened, which would result in a process stop. It might take
a long time to restart the process, but no person would have had time to come close to the
danger or get injured. Since the lock only protects the process there is no need for a safe
locking signal.

A safety lock protects people. One example of an application is a lock on a door giving ac-
cess to a dangerous machine with a long stopping time, e.g. a circular saw. The door should
never be unlocked before the dangerous movement has stopped, not even as a consequence
of a fault in the installation like a loss of power or a short-circuit. Should the door be un-
Safety lock e.g. GKey
locked before the machine has stopped, a person could open the door and have time to get
close to the dangerous movement and get injured. Since the lock is protecting the person,
the unlocking signal should be safe.
Since a loss of power should not unlock a safety lock, only locks that require power to unlock
(e.g. +24 VDC) can be used as safety locks.
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 5

4 – 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Non-contact safety sensor

Eden is a non-contact safety sensor

used as interlocking device for e.g.
doors and safe position monitoring.

Eden consists of two parts: Adam and

Eva. Adam senses the presence of
Eva without mechanical contact and
therefore without any wear.
The compact size of Eden and its 360°
mounting possibility make it easy to

use in most applications.

Different models of Eden are available

for different types of control modules.
All Eden models make it very easy to
reach PL e, often using fewer compo-
nents than other solutions.

All Eden models have an IP67/IP69K


Continuous operation Affordable range Easy to install

Easier troubleshooting Local reset function Large mounting tolerance

Extensive LED indication and status The integrated reset function reduces A 360° mounting possibility with gen-
information reduce downtime. the number of cables and PLC inputs. erous tolerances facilitates mounting.

Suitable in harsh environments PL e with fewer components Fast connection

IP67/IP69K and a temperature range of Series connection with PL e, local M12 connectors, local reset and acces-
-40 to +70°C offer an excellent resis- reset and DYNlink signal allow to sories speed up installation.
tance in demanding environments. considerably reduce the number of
components needed to reach PL e.
No wear, no mechanical breakage
Non-contact sensing means no me-
chanical wear and the large sensing
tolerance gives a better tolerance to
vibrations, resulting in fewer unwanted
process stops.
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 7



Doors and hatches Position control

Eden monitors whether the hatch is open or closed. The Eden can be used to monitor the position of a machine
dangerous movement is stopped as soon as the hatch is when someone is in the work area. This can be useful when
opened. removing power to the machine causes problems like a long
restart time.
As long as the machine remains in the safe position moni-
tored by Eden, a person can be allowed to enter the hazard-
ous area even though the machine is still powered. If the
machine leaves the safe position while the person is still in
the hazardous area, power is removed from the machine.

4 – 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y



Easy PL e with Eden safety sensor Local reset button

- Eden sensors can be connected in series while maintaining A local reset button with integrated LED can be connected
Cat. 4. directly to Adam Reset instead of to the safety control mod-
- Only one Eden per guard is necessary to reach PL e (in- ule. In this way, each Eden can easily have its own reset but-
stead of two key switches). ton, which saves cable length and safety relays/PLC inputs.
- Eden reaches PL e without any need for periodic checks Adam Reset monitors the reset function and manages the
(see ISO/TR 24119). LED in the reset button in the following way:

on - Adam and Eva are not in contact

flashing - Adam and Eva in contact, waiting for reset
off - Adam and Eva in contact and reset

Info signal and extensive indication facilitate

All Eden models offer extensive LED indication to help trou-
bleshooting and localizing which doors/hatches are opened.
The LED on Adam lights in green or red depending on status:

green - valid Eva within range

red - valid Eva out of range
Low or high level coded sensor flashing red/green - valid Eva within range, but no valid
Eva is available with General code or Unique code. If a new safety signal received (loop broken “upstream”)
Adam is paired with an Eva general code at start up, Adam
will accept all Eva with general code as a valid actuator. Eden The LED on Adam AS-i has slightly different default settings
will then classify as a low level coded sensor. and can be programmed to light in any behaviour.
If a new Adam is paired with an Eva Unique code at startup
(or Eva AS-i), Adam will only accept this specific Eva as a Simple status information with StatusBus
valid actuator. In this case Eden is classified as a high level StatusBus is a simple and cost effective way to collect the
coded sensor. A high level coded sensor should be used status information of safety sensors. The StatusBus func-
when the motivation to defeat a sensor cannot be eliminat- tionality is available with some DYNlink devices and allows to
ed (see EN ISO 14119:2013). collect the status of each individual safety device, even when
connected in series. A single input on Pluto safety PLC can
360° mounting possibility collect the status of up to 30 safety devices. The devices are
Eden offers 360° mounting possibility with generous toler- connected using standard cable and M12-5 connectors. No
ances. specific bus cable or extra communication module is neces-
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 9



Eden DYN Eden AS-i

Eden DYN consists of an Adam DYN and an Eva (general or Eden AS-i consists of an Adam AS-i and an Eva AS-i (Eva AS-i
unique code). has a unique code).
Adam DYN uses the ABB Jokab Safety DYNlink signal that al- Eden AS-i can be used with any AS-i monitor. AS-i is a bus
lows to connect several safety products in series while main- system that offers a very simple connection of up to 31
taining PL e using only one channel. DYNlink signals must be safety devices to one monitor according to PL e and makes it
used with Vital safety controller or Pluto safety PLC. easy to move, remove and add safety devices.
Up to 30 Adam DYN can be connected in series to Vital and When Eden AS-i is used with Pluto programmable safety
up to 10 Adam DYN can be connected in series to one input controller, no other AS-i master or monitor is necessary, and
of Pluto. no specific knowledge of AS-i is required.
All products using the DYNlink signal can easily be connected
in series and mixed in the same loop with a maintained PL e.

Tina adapters allow to use other products in a DYNlink loop,
and a wide range of connection accessories simplifies the

Eden AS-i

Eden DYN

Eden OSSD consists of an Adam OSSD and an Eva (general or
unique code).
Adam OSSD can be used with all safety relays and safety
PLCs compatible with OSSD signals (commonly used for
light guards). Up to 30 Adam OSSD can be connected in se-
ries, and since OSSD devices monitor their own outputs for
short circuits, a Cat. 4/PL e can still be reached.

4 – 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information


Type of safety StatusBus Info signal Local reset Series Connector Type Order code
controller connection male
Pluto x x 1) x M12-5 Adam DYN-Status M12-5 2TLA020051R5200
Pluto or Vital x x M12-5 Adam DYN-Info M12-5 2TLA020051R5100
x x M12-5 Adam DYN-Reset M12-5 2TLA020051R5300
OSSD compatible x M12-5 Adam OSSD-Info M12-5 2TLA020051R5400

(incl. Pluto and

Sentry) x x M12-8 Adam OSSD-Info M12-8 2TLA020051R5700
x M12-5 Adam OSSD-Reset M12-5 2TLA020051R5600

Adam DYN-Info M12-5 x x x M12-8 Adam OSSD-Reset M12-8 2TLA020051R5900

AS-i safety monitor N/A 2) N/A 2) N/A 2) M12-4 Adam AS-i 2TLA020051R6000
(incl. Pluto AS-i and
B42 AS-i)
1) Pin 5 can be used as a standard info signal or StatusBus.
2) AS-i offers the same advantages using another technology.


Compatible Adam Code description Code level Type Order code

Adam DYN and OSSD General code. (Eva is interchangeable) Low level Eva General code 2TLA020046R0800
Unique code. (Prevents defeat/fraud) High level Eva Unique code 2TLA020046R0900

Adam AS-i Unique code. (Prevents defeat/fraud) High level Eva AS-i 2TLA020051R8000

Eva General code Accessories

Description Type Order code

Mounting plate for conventional door/hatch and folding door. Two pieces are needed for JSM D4H 2TLA040033R3600
a complete set.
Mounting plate for folding doors. Used together with one piece of JSM D4H. JSM D4J 2TLA042020R4000
Sliding lock for Eden on conventional doors. (Eden is not included.) JSM D20 2TLA020302R1000

Mounting converting plate from Eden E to Eden OSSD or Eden DYN DA 3A 2TLA020053R0600
Heat shrinking tubes for M12 connectors. Protects M12 connectors in harsh environments M12 Safety seal 2TLA020053R0800
and provides extra protection against tampering.
JSM D20 Eden slide lock
Wrench for tightening of M12 connectors according to specified torque: 0.6 Nm. M12 Torque wrench 2TLA020053R0900
Handheld terminal for addressing, configuration and testing of AS-i devices, StatusBus FIXA 2TLA020072R2000
devices, DYNlink devices and conventional PNP devices.

Spare parts (included with main product on delivery)

Description Type Order code

Distance plate in yellow PBT (4 pcs). DA 1B 2TLA020053R0700
Black distance rings to be mounted in Adam and Eva mounting holes (4 pcs). DA 2B 2TLA020053R0300

Distance plate
Reset buttons for local reset

Description Type Order code

Reset button for Adam with 5 pins Smile 12RF 2TLA030053R2600

Reset button for Adam with 8 pins Smile 12RG 2TLA030053R2700

Smile 12RG Reset button

S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 11

Cables and connectors

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 * Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300

M12-C61HE Angled female connector M12-C1012V2 2TLA020056R6700
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000

10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100
* Compatible with Adam AS-i

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors
50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
C5 cable
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050
4 – 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Connection Accessories

Connection accessories

Description Type Order code

Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden. M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000

Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with the StatusBus function. M12-3S 2TLA020055R0600
Y-connector for series connection of Adam OSSD M12-8 with M12-8 cables M12-3G 2TLA020055R0700
Y-connector for series connection of Adam OSSD M12-8 with M12-5 cables M12-3H 2TLA020055R0800
JSOP-2 Terminator Termination plug M12-5. For Adam OSSD with M12-3H. Connects pin 1 with pin 2 and 4. JSOP-1 Terminator 2TLA020053R7000
Termination plug M12-8. For Adam OSSD with M12-3G. Connects pin 2 with pin 3 and 4. JSOP-2 Terminator 2TLA020053R7100
M12-5 female connector with vampire connector for AS-i flat cable AS-i T-connector M12 2TLA020073R0000
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 13

Technical data

Technical data

Eden DYN Eden OSSD Eden AS-i


2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008,
EN 62061:2005/A2:2015, EN 60204- EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005/A2:2015, EN 62061:2005, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009,
1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6- EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-4:2007
2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 60947-5-3:2013, EN 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005,
EN ISO 14119:2013, EN 61508:2010 EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 60947-5-3:2013,
EN ISO 14119:2013, EN 61508:2010
Functional safety data

  EN/IEC 61508:2010 SIL3, PFHD = 4.5 x 10-9 SIL3, PFHD = 4.5 x 10-9 SIL3, PFHD = 6.0 x 10-10
-9 -9
     EN/IEC 62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL3, PFHD = 4.5 x 10 SILCL3, PFHD = 4.5 x 10 SILCL3, PFHD = 6.0 x 10-10
-9 -9
     EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 4.5 x 10 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 4.5 x 10 PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD = 6.0 x 10-10
Electrical data +24 VDC +24 VDC +30 VDC (AS-i bus)
Tolerance: +14.4...+27.6 VDC Tolerance: +14.4...+27.6 VDC Tolerance: +26.5...+31.6 VDC
Mechanical data
Operating temperature -40 °C...+70 °C (storage/operation) -40°C...+70 °C (storage/operation) -40 °C...+85 °C (storage), -25 °C...+55 °C
Protection class IP67 and IP69K
Humidity range 35 to 85% (no icing, no condensation)
Housing Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT)
Moulding Epoxy
Weight Eva: 70 g, Adam: 80 g
Assured release distance (Sar) 25 mm 25 mm 45 mm
Assured operating distance (Sao) 10 mm 10 mm 7.5 mm
Rated operating distance (Sn) 15 ± 2mm
Recommended distance between 7 mm
Adam and Eva
Min distance between two Eden 100 mm

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Eden DYN 2TLC172271M0201
Eden OSSD 2TLC172272M0201
Eden AS-i 2TLC172230M0201

Connection diagrams
For Eden connection diagrams please see
4 – 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings

Dimension drawings

Adam M12-5 male connector.

(Note that some models have 4 or 8 pins
All dimensions in mm
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 15

4 -16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety magnetic switch

Sense7 is a coded magnetic non-con-

tact switch for interlocking gates
and hatches.

Sense7 has a stainless steel housing

that is designed for harsh environ-
ments and extreme temperatures.

Sense7 offers and interlocking func-

tion reaching PL e/SIL3 with low level

Safety and protection Easy to install Reliable in extreme

High safety level Compact size Stainless steel
Sense7 has two closing and one open- Sense7 is compact in size to make it With a stainless steel 316 body and a
ing solid state contacts. Two of these easy to position and hide on gates IP67/IP69K rating, Sense7 is resistant
needs to be monitored to achieve PL and hatches. to harsh environments with both dirt
e/SIL3. and water.
Large sensing distance
LED indication With a large sensing distance and Hygienic design
An integrated LED shows the status a high tolerance for misalignment Sense7 has no dust collecting cav-
of the sensor. Sense7 is easy to install. ities, and the stainless steel has a
mirror polished finish (Ra4) suitable
for CIP cleaning - food splash zones
acording to EHEDG guidelines.

High temperatures
Sense7 can be used at temperatures
from -25 °C up to 105 °C.
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 -17

Ordering details

Ordering details

Sense7 is always delivered with both switch and actuator.

Description Connector Cable length (m) Contacts Type Order code

Safety magnetic switch M12-8 male 0,25 2NC+1NO Sense7Z M12 2TLA050056R2120
Safety magnetic switch - 2 2NC+1NO Sense7Z 2M 2TLA050056R4120
Safety magnetic switch - 5 2NC+1NO Sense7Z 5M 2TLA050056R5120
Sense7Z 2M Safety magnetic switch - 10 2NC+1NO Sense7Z 10M 2TLA050056R6120

Spare part

Type of handle Type Order code
Actuator to safety magnetic switch Sense7Z, stainless steel. Sense7Z Key SS 2TLA050040R0212

Sense7Z Key SS
4 -18 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data

Technical data


EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 14119:2013, EN ISO 13849-1:2008+AC:2009, EN 60947-5-3:1999+A1:2005, EN

Functional safety data

EN/IEC 61508:2010 Up to SIL3 (depending on system architecture)
PFHD = 2.52 x 10-8
EN/IEC 62061:2005+A1:2013 Up to SILCL3 (depending on system architecture)

PFHD = 2.52 x 10-8

Proof test interval T1 = 47 a
MTTFd = 470 a (8 cycles per hour/24 hours per day/365 days)
B10d = 3 300 000 operations at 100 mA load
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Up to PL e, Cat 4 (depending on system architecture)
PFHD = 2.52 x 10-8
If the product usage differs from these assumptions (different load, operating frequency, etc.) the values must be adjusted accordingly.
Electrical data
Operating voltage +24 VDC ± 10%
Minimum switched current 10 VDC 1 mA
Safety channel output (NC/NO) 24 VDC 0.2 A max. rating
Mechanical data
Material Stainless steel 316
Protection class IP67 and IP69K
Operating temperature -25 °C ... + 105 °C
Cable type PVC 8 core 6 mm
Mounting bolts (tightening torque) 2 x M4 (1.0 Nm)
Assured release distance (Sar) 10 mm
Assured operating distance (Sor) 20 mm
Recommended distance 5 mm

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information,see product manual:
Sense 2TLC172249M0201
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 -19

Dimension drawings

Dimensions - Sense7Z

All dimensions in mm
4 – 20 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety interlock switch

MKey are mechanical safety switch-

es used for monitoring doors and
hatches. The switch is mounted on
the frame and the actuator key on the
moving part of the guard.

All MKey models have a safe interlock-

ing function. Some MKey models can
be locked and depending on the lock-
ing signal they can be used either as

process locks or safety locks (with a

safe unlocking function).

MKey switches are available in differ-

ent material and sizes in order to meet
the requirements of different applica-

Safety and protection Continous operation Easy to install

Highest level of safety Strong holding force Easy mounting with rotating head
PL e/SIL3 can be reached when using A holding force of up to 2000 N pre- The head of the switch can be mount-
two switches on a door. vents unwanted process stops. ed in up to 8 actuating positions to
allow different mounting positions.
Safety lock Robust design
Models that use power to unlock can Models are available with full stainless Flexible keys
be used as safety locks. steel housing with IP69K, suitable for Flexible keys are available to minimize
most applications in food processing mechanical wear and allow a smaller
Emergency escape button and chemical industries. movement radius and use in reduced
Using MKey8ER with an integrated spaces.
emergency escape button, it is always Status information
possible to open the door from inside Auxiliary contacts give status informa-
the dangerous zone. tion.
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 21


Doors and hatches Locking and interlocking

MKey is used to monitor the position of doors and hatches. An interlocking function indicates if a door is open or closed
The models with locking function are usually used for: and prevents movement when the door is open, but it does
– Processes which should not be interrupted, such as not prevent the door from being opened. A locking function
welding. makes sure the door is kept closed.
– Machinery with a long stopping procedure, such as paper
machinery that requires a long braking operation. Process lock with safe interlocking
– Prevention of unauthorized access to a particular area. All MKey models offer a safe interlocking function that will
stop the process if the door/hatch is opened. All lockable
Please note that all safety key switches (including MKey) models of MKey can also be used as a process lock to pre-
normally need two switches per door/hatch in order to vent the process from being interrupted.
reach PL e/SIL3. (See EN ISO 13849 and EN ISO 14119.) An example of an application where a process lock could be
used is a welding robot where the stopping time is short,
but the welding should not be interrupted once it has


Safety lock with safe interlocking and safe unlocking

The MKey models that uses power to unlock can be used
as safety locks. They have a safe unlocking function, which
means that the loss of power for these locks will not result
in the release of the locking element, and the door will re-
main locked even during a power failure.
An example of an application where a safety lock should be
used is a circular saw that would have a long stopping time
after a power failure.
4 – 22 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


Different models Power to lock or power to unlock

MKey5 are simple mechanical interlocks while MKey8 and Two different types of locking function are available:
MKey9 also have locking functions. – Spring lock (power to unlock) models are automatically
– MKey5: plastic body with plastic or stainless steel head, locked when closing the door. An active signal (+24 VDC)
or full stainless steel body and head.Holding force 12 N or must be supplied to unlock the switch, which makes these
40 N. models suitable as safe locks.
– MKey8: robust design in die cast metal or stainless steel – Electro-magnetic lock (power to lock) models are locked
body and head. Holding force of 2000 N. when an active signal (+24 VDC) is supplied, which makes
– MKey9: plastic body with stainless steel head. Holding these models suitable only as process locks.
force of 1800 N.
Rotatable head
Different materials and protection classes Depending on model, the head of MKey can be set in two or
The housing and head of the key switches are available in four directions with two entrance holes each, thus provid-
different material in order to meet the requirements of ing four or eight different mounting positions. The leading

different applications. Metal heads are more resistant to edges of the actuator key are reinforced and beveled in
mechanical wear. The choice between plastic, die cast or order to guide it properly into the hole.
stainless steel depends on the environment and the chemi-
cals used. Models ending with -Z are completely made of
stainless steel 316 and offers an IP69K protection class. They
can be high pressure hosed with detergent at high tempera-
ture and can be used in harsh applications, e.g. the food pro-
cessing and chemical industries. All other models offer IP67.

Emergency escape button

MKey8ER has a manual release button at the rear of the
housing. It is used for emergency exit by a person locked
inside the dangerous zone by mistake. It is a non-latching Constructed for safety
manual escape, and can be used when the risk assessment All MKey switches have double positively operated forced-
requires it. The switch must be mounted so that the release guided contacts controlled by the actuator key. This means
button is reachable from inside the dangerous zone, but not that the contacts that are closed when the actuator key is
reachable from outside. Pressing and holding the button will in the switch will be forced to open, and the ones that are
release the locking mechanism allowing to open the door/ opened will be forced to close, when the actuator key is re-
guard. moved. It also means that it is not possible to have, e.g. NO
and NC contacts opened at the same time due to a fault like
Manual release button one welded contact.
The actuator key is designed to prevent tampering with the
safety switch using a tool, a magnet or any similar object.
The lockable models also have forced-guided contacts con-
trolled by the locking mechanism.
MKey8 and MKey9 have auxiliary contacts giving status
information (not MKey5, MKey8M or MKey9M).
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 23

Ordering information

MKey ordering information

Locking Material Material Holding Special feature Type Order code

function housing head force
— Plastic Plastic 12 N MKey5 2TLA050003R0100
40 N MKey5+ 2TLA050003R0101

Stainless steel 12 N MKey5 SSH 2TLA050003R0110

40 N MKey5+ SSH 2TLA050003R0111
MKey5 Stainless steel Stainless steel 12 N IP69K MKey5Z 2TLA050003R0120
40 N IP69K MKey5+Z 2TLA050003R0121
Process lock Plastic Stainless steel 1800 N MKey9M 24VDC 2TLA050009R0112
(power to lock)
Die cast Die cast 2000 N MKey8M 24VDC 2TLA050013R0132
Safety lock Plastic Stainless steel 1800 N MKey9 24VDC 2TLA050007R0112

(power to unlock)
No key supplied MKey9 24VDC, No Key 2TLA050007R0012
Die cast Die cast 2000 N MKey8 24VDC 2TLA050011R0132
With escape release button MKey8ER 24VDC 2TLA050015R0132

MKey5 SSH Stainless steel Stainless steel 2000 N IP69K MKey8Z 24VDC 2TLA050011R0122




4 – 24 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


Actuator keys

All MKey safety switches are supplied with the appropriate standard key, except MKey9 24VDC, No key. Choose
standard key or flat key depending on suitable mounting direction, e.g. standard door or sliding door. Flexible keys
are suitable for doors/hatches with a smaller opening radius (i.e. 100-175 mm).

MKey Key 2
Type of key Compatible Key housing Description Type Order code
MKey models

Standard key MKey5 None Standard key for MKey safety switches MKey Key 1 2TLA050040R0201
MKey5+ with plastic head. Stainless steel key.
MKey5 SSH None Standard key for MKey safety switches MKey Key 2 2TLA050040R0202
MKey Key 3 MKey5+ SSH with metal head. Stainless steel key.
All MKey8
All MKey9
Flat key All Plastic shroud Flat key for MKey safety switches. Stain- MKey Key 3 2TLA050040R0220

less steel key with plastic shroud.

Flexible key All MKey5 Plastic Flexible key for MKey5 safety switches. MKey Key 4 2TLA050040R0221
Stainless steel key with plastic housing.
All Die cast Flexible key for MKey safety switches. MKey Key 5 2TLA050040R0203
MKey Key 4
Stainless steel key with black die cast
metal housing.
All Stainless steel Flexible key for MKey safety switches. Stain- MKey Key 6 2TLA050040R0204
less steel key with stainless steel housing.

Other accessories

MKey Key 6 Description Type Order code

Bit for manual unlocking of MKey8Z. Stainless steel. MKey8Z Manual release 2TLA050040R0400
Maintenance lockout actuator key. Compatible with all MKey switches. MKey Lockout key 2TLA050040R0401
Slide Lock for MKey8 and MKey9, left. MKey slide lock left 2TLA050040R0500
Slide Lock for MKey8 and MKey9, right. MKey slide lock right 2TLA050040R0501
Fitting in stainless steel for mounting MKey5 on a Quick-Guard conventional door. JSM D29A 2TLA040033R6000
Fitting in stainless steel for mounting MKey5 on a Guick-Guard sliding door. JSM D29B 2TLA040033R6100
Fitting in stainless steel for mounting Mkey8 and Mkey9 on a Quick-Guard conventional door. JSM D29C 2TLA040033R6200
Fitting in stainless steel for mounting Mkey8 and MKey9 on a Quick-Guard sliding door. JSM D29D 2TLA040033R6300
MKey slide lock left Spacer in stainless steel for flexible keys. Required when using JSM D29A and JSM D29C. JSM D29E 2TLA040033R6400

MKey slide lock right

S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 25

Technical data

Technical data

MKey5 MKey8 MKey9


2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 14119:2013, EN 60204-1:2006:+A1:2009, EN 60947-1:2007:+A1:2011, EN 60947-5-1:2004:+A1:2009
Functional safety data
  B10d 2,500,000 operations at 100 mA load
     EN/IEC 62061 Up to SILCL3 (depending on system architecture) 1)
     EN ISO 13849-1 Up to PL e (depending on system architecture) 1)
Electrical data

Contact block configuration with
guard open and unlocked
For actuator key 2 NO + 1 NC MKey8, Mkey8Z, MKey8ER: 2 NO + 1 NC MKey9: 2 NO + 1 NC 2)
MKey8M: 1 NO + 1 NC 1 NO + 1 NC
For solenoid/locking - MKey8, Mkey8Z, MKey8ER: 2NO + 1NC MKey9: 2 NO + 1 NC 2)
MKey8M: 2 NO MKey9M: 2 NO
Solenoid voltage - +24 VDC ± 10% +24 VDC ± 10%
DC-13 +24 VDC / 3 A
AC-15 230 VAC / 3 A
Mechanical data
Travel for positive opening 6 mm 10 mm 10 mm
Actuator key entry minimum radius 175 mm Standard Key, 100 mm Flexible Key
Material Body: Polyester or stainless steel 316 MKey8, MKey8M, MKey8ER: Body: Glass filled polyester
Head: Polyester or stainless steel 316 Die cast painted red Head: Stainless steel 316
MKey8Z: Stainless steel 316
Conduit entries 3 x M20 x 1.5 3 x M20 x 1.5 1 x M20 x 1.5
Operating temperature -25...+80 °C -25...+40 °C -25...+40 °C
Protection class MKey5, MKey5+, MKey5 SSH, MKey5+ MKey8, MKey8M, MKey8ER: IP67 IP67
SSH: IP67 MKey8Z: IP67, IP69K
MKey5Z, MKey5+Z: IP67, IP69K
1) Please see EN/IEC 62061, EN ISO 13849, EN ISO 14119 and ISO/TR 24119 to see how fault exclusions and serial connection impacts the reliability of the safety related parts
of control systems.
2) For MKey9, the pair of contacts for the actuator key and the pair of contacts for the locking cannot be used independently of each other. See the manual for more

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual:
MKey5 2TLC172244M0201
MKey8 2TLC172245M0201
MKey9 2TLC172246M0201

Connection diagrams
For MKey connection diagrams please see
4 – 26 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings

MKey5 MKey5Z

MKey8 and MKey8M MKey8ER

124 32


Fixing Holes 5 9.50
for M5 Screws END ENTRY

176 21





67 25
MKey9 and MKey9M

All dimensions in mm
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 27

4 – 28 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Electromagnetic process lock

Magne is an electromagnetic process

lock intended for locking doors and

Magne is usually used to prevent

unwanted process interruptions, e.g.
during a welding operation.

Magne models with inte­grated Adam

safety sensor make it easy to achieve

the highest safety level for the inter-

locking function.

Reliable in extreme Easy to install Continuous operation


Sealed aluminium housing M12 connectors LED diagnostics

IP67 sealing makes Magne suitable Quick and easy cabling with M12 con- Integrated LED diagnostics reduce
for humid environments. nectors. down time when troubleshooting.

Robust design Magnets simplify installation Strong holding force

The electromagnetic lock without Electromagnets offer larger mounting A holding force of up to 1500 N pre-
mechanical moving parts is a robust tolerances than mechanical locks. vents unwanted process stops.
design with fewer parts that are sub-
ject to wear.

Hygienic design
Flat surfaces without cavities or
screws sticking out minimize the risk
of accumulating dirt on the surface.
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 29

Applications and features
Protect the process Good sealing
Magne 4 is a process lock, with a safe interlocking function. With a hygienic enclosure in anodized aluminum and
This means that the interlocking function reaches PL e/SIL3 IP67 protection class, Magne is well suited for humid
but the unlocking signal is not a safe signal. A typical appli- environments.
cation is to prevent unintentional/unnecessary interruptions
of a sensitive process when the dangerous movement has a
very short stop time.

Magne 3 is a simple lock without any interlocking function/

safety function.

PL e in a simple and cost effective way
Magne 4 has an integrated Adam sensor. Models are avail- M12 connectors
able with either Adam DYN or Adam OSSD. Eva General Since the Adam sensor is integrated in Magne 4, the amount
code or Eva Unique code is ordered separately. The use of of cables is reduced so that only one cable is necessary for
the Eden safety sensor makes it easy to reach PL e/SIL3 for both the locking of Magne and the interlocking with Eden.
the interlocking function, and enables serial connection of The M12 connectors speed up connection and reduce the
several Magne 4 locks to the Pluto safety PLC using only one risk of connection errors.
input for Eden DYN and two for Eden OSSD. Tina 12A can be
used for the serial connection of two Magne 4 locks in order
to simplify connection, reduce cabling and risk of connec-
tion errors.

Status indication
Most models offer an info signal indicating whether the
Magne is locked or not, which simplifies troubleshooting
and improves user friendliness.

Locking and interlocking

Optional permanent magnet An interlocking function indicates if a door is open or closed
Anchor plates for Magne are ordered separately and are and prevents movement when the door is open. But it does
available with or without permanent magnet. A permanent not prevent the door from being opened. A locking function
magnet holds the door closed when Magne is unlocked, or makes sure the door is kept closed.
if there is a power loss. Without the permanent magnet,
Magne has no magnetic field when unlocked, which avoids
the accumulation of metallic particles on the magnet.
4 – 30 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information

Ordering details
For a complete Magne lock both door part and frame parts are
necessary. Magne 4 also requires a separate Eva sensor.

Safe interlocking with integrated Adam Safety signal Extra function Connector Type Order code
No - - M12-5 male Magne 3X M12-5 2TLA042022R2700
Magne 3
Yes DYNlink - M12-5 male Magne 4X 2TLA042022R3000
DYN M12-5

"Locked" and "Closed" M12-8 male Magne 4 DYN-Info 2TLA042022R3400

information outputs
OSSD "Locked" and "Closed" M12-8 male Magne 4 OSSD-Info 2TLA042022R4600
Magne 4 information outputs


Anchorplate Description Type Order code

Aluminium profile for door handle that completely covers a Magne unit when the door is closed. For JSM D28 2TLA042023R0100
conventional door (5–15 mm door gap)
Mounting kit for Magne. For conventional door (5 -15 mm door gap) * JSM D21B 2TLA042023R0500
Mounting kit for Magne. For sliding door * JSM D23 2TLA042023R0200
Mounting kit for Eva. For conventional door* JSM D24 2TLA042023R0300

Door handle for JSM D21B JSM D27 2TLA042023R1000

Connection block for serial connection of two Magne (M12-8) Tina 12A 2TLA020054R1800
JSM D28 Cellular rubber, 10 mm thick. Spare part for anchor plate. Cellular rubber 2TLA042023R3600
* All mounting kits include the bolts and nuts necessary to mount Magne on ABB Quick-Guard® fencing system


Door part

Description Type Order code

Anchor plate with permanent magnet. Delivered with cellular rubber. Magne Anchor 32B 2TLA042023R0400
Anchor plate without permanent magnet. Delivered with cellular rubber. Magne Anchor 32A 2TLA042023R1300

Eva sensor for Magne 4 models

Compatible Adam Code description Code level Type Order code

Adam DYN and OSSD General code. (Eva is interchangeable) Low level Eva General code 2TLA020046R0800
Unique code. (Prevents defeat/fraud) High level Eva Unique code 2TLA020046R0900


Tina 12A
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 31

Cables and connectors

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
M12-C61 Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300

1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300

Angled female connector M12-C1012V2 2TLA020056R6700
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000

10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors
50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
C5 cable
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050
4 – 32 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data

Technical data

Magne 3 Magne 4

2014/35/EU - Low voltage 2006/42/EC - Machinery
2011/65/EU - RoHS 2014/30/EU - EMC
EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005, 2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011 EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2015,
EN 62061:2005/A2:2015, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009,
EN 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011,
EN 60947-5-3:2013, EN ISO 14119:2013, EN 61508:2010

Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 Interlocking function: SIL3, PFHD = 4.50 x 10-9
EN 62061:2005 Interlocking function: SILCL3, PFHD = 4.50 x 10-9

EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Interlocking function: PL e, Cat. 4, PFHD= 4.50 x 10-9

Electrical data
Operating voltage +24 VDC ± 15%
Holding force
+24 VDC Min 1500 N
0 V, Anchor plate 32A 0N
0 V, Anchor plate 32B 30 N
Mechanical data
Mechanical life >107 switch operations
Operating temperature -20…+50 °C
Humidity range 35 to 85% (with no icing or condensation)
Protection class IP67
610 g 700 g
Anchor plate 32A/B 290 g
Anchor plate Iron with nickel coating
Electromagnet Iron with zinc-nickel coating
Housing Anodized aluminum with parts in polycarbonate
Potting PUR, epoxy

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Magne 2TLC172315M0201
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 – 33

Dimension drawings


11 DEEP 7(2x) 6,6(2x)

20,75 123 18,5 91

21,65 158

Anchor plate 32A

Anchor plate 32B

14 Permanent magnet

100 ±0,20


M8 (2x)
5,50 ±0,10

Permanent magnet

4,10 0

All dimensions in mm
4 -34 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety lock

GKey is a robust safety lock with

a die cast housing for hinged and
sliding doors.

GKey offers an interlocking function

reaching PL e/SIL 3 with high level
coding. Power is needed to unlock
GKey which makes GKey a safety


GKey is fitted with a rear escape

release button and manual unlocking
(auxiliary release).

GKey offers four positions for 22 mm

pilot devices.

Safety and protection Easy to install Reliable in extreme

Escape release Integrated buttons Robust design
The door can always be opened from There are four positions in the key Made of die cast aluminum alloy with
inside the danger zone using the housing that can be used for inte- a robust construction, GKey is ideal
escape release button. grating push buttons, switches or for use in mechanically demanding
pilot lights. environments.
High level coding
A standard mechanical interlock com-
bined with RFID coding offers high
level coding.

Lockout function
GKey can be padlocked off for safe
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 -35

Ordering details

Ordering Details

For a complete safety lock, a switch and a mounting plate with front handle must be ordered separately.
Rear handle, spring catch, pilot devices and blanking plugs for the unused positions are available and
also ordered separately.


All models are fitted with an escape release button and delivered with a high level coded RFID actuator.
Material (body) Positions for pilot devices Manual unlock Type Order code
GKey4 RU Die cast 4 Yes GKey4 RU 2TLA050304R0002

Mounting plate with front handle

The handle can be mounted on hinged doors and sliding doors, on the left or on the right.
Note that door and frame must be aligned when the door is closed.

FHS GKey4 Each order code includes a mounting plate for the switch and a front handle.
Type of handle Material (mounting plates and sliding bolt) Type Order code
Sliding Die cast FHS GKey4 2TLA050310R0032

RHS GKey MKey Accessories - Rear handle and spring loaded catch

The spring loaded catch prevents from closing the door by mistake. When the sliding handle is in open
position, the catch must be pulled in order to be able to push back the handle to closed position.
Type of handle Material Description Type Order code
Sliding Die cast Rear handle RHS GKey MKey 2TLA050040R0510

SCS GKey MKey Spring catch SCS GKey MKey 2TLA050040R0511

Accessories - Pilot devices

Pilot devices and blanking plugs must be ordered separately. Make sure that the total amount is 4, so that all
CE3P-10R-02 holes in GKey4 are covered.
Description Contacts Illuminated Voltage Type Order code
Emergency stop button 2NC No 24 V AC/DC CE3P-10R-02 1SFA619501R1051
Selector switch 2NO No 24 V AC/DC C2SS1-10B-20 1SFA619200R1026
Push button Green 1NO Yes 24 V AC/DC CP1-11G-10 1SFA619100R1112
Push button Yellow 1NO Yes 24 V AC/DC CP1-11Y-10 1SFA619100R1113
Push button Blue 1NO Yes 24 V AC/DC CP1-11L-10 1SFA619100R1114
Push button White/Clear 1NO Yes 24 V AC/DC CP1-11C-10 1SFA619100R1118
Push button Black 1NO No 24 V AC/DC CP2-10B-10 1SFA619101R1016
Blanking plug Black MA1-8130 1SFA611920R8130
Legend plate holder KA1-8120 1SFA616920R8120
CP1-11C-10 (without insert)

More information
For more optional pilot devices, pre-printed legend plate inserts and other accessories, please see the
Compact range of ABB pilot devices:


4 -36 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data

Technical data


2006/42/EC – Machinery
2014/53/EU – RED
2011/65/EU – RoHS2
2015/863 – RoHS3
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 14119:2013, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, IEC 62061:2005+A2:2015, IEC 60947-5-3:2013, IEC 60947-
1:2014, EN 60204-1:2018, EN 301 489-1 V2.1.1, EN 301 489-3 V1.6.1
Functional safety data
EN 62061:2005+A1:2013 SIL3
PFH = 4.77 x 10-10 (corresponds to 4.8% of SIL3),
PFD = 4.18 x 10-5 (corresponds to 4.2% of SIL3)
Proof test interval T1 = 20 a

EN ISO 13849-1:2008 PL e (if both channels are used in conjunction with a SIL3/PL e control device),
Category 4, MTTFd = 1100 a, DC high

Assumptions dop = 365d, hop = 24h

If the product usage differs from these assumptions (different load, operating frequency, etc.) the values must be adjusted accordingly.
Electrical data
Operating voltage +24 VDC ± 10%
Holding force 3000 N
Mechanical data
Connection M20 (x3)
Operating temperature -25 °C ... +40 °C
Protection class IP65.

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information,see product manual:
GKey 2TLC010048M0201

Connection diagrams
For GKey connection diagrams please see

Electrical connection

Actuator must be in place and RFID coding verified for the safety contacts to close.
S E N S O R S A N D LO C K S 4 -37

Dimension drawings

Dimensions - GKey4 switch and actuator

Dimensions - FHS GKey4 with rear handle and spring loaded catch

All dimensions in mm

Control devices

5– 2 Introduction and overview

5– 4 One- and two-hand devices


5– 10 Three-position device


5 – 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

ABB offers ergonomic control devices that allow operators to safely control
dangerous machinery.

Safeball JSHD4


Type One or two-hand control device Tree-position device

Description Ergonomic and unique machine control Ergonomic hold-to-run device with extra
control buttons

Application Mainly used in pairs as a two-hand Used during e.g. troubleshooting, test
control in applications where it must running and programming, in order
be ensured that the operator has his to allow the operator to be inside the
hands outside the hazardous area, e.g. hazardous area without stopping the
for starting a press cycle. machine, while ensuring limited move-
ment and stop in case of danger.

Advantages - Ergonomic design - Ergonomic shape and operation

- Several grip possibilities - Hand recognition prevents defeat
- Flexible mounting - Easy connection with M12 connectors
- Two opposing buttons minimize the - Several models to suit multiple applica-
possibility to defeat tions
- Extra buttons for e.g. machine control

Introduction and overview
Selection orientation

Different types of control devices

When to use a two‑hand or one‑hand control device
A two‑hand control device is often used for machines with
manual loading or unloading. The operator uses the two-
hand control device to safely start a machine cycle. A two-
hand control must be used with a safety control device that
supervises that both buttons are pressed simultaneously,
i.e. both hands are on the control and therefore outside the
dangerous zone, in order to start the dangerous movement.
An one‑hand control device can be used in applications
when the operator cannot reach the hazardous area with
his/her free hand, or on less dangerous machines.

When to use a three-position device

A three-position device (or hold-to-run device) is used to
allow a limited movement of the machine when the opera-
tor needs to be in the dangerous area without stopping the
dangerous machine, for example during troubleshooting,

test running or programming.

The operator pushes the larger black button to a middle

position in order to allow a movement. In case of danger, the
operator will either release the button or squeeze it to its
bottom position and the machine will stop.

The safety distance of two-hand control devices should be
calculated using EN ISO 13855.

When constructing a two-hand station for a machine, the

standard EN 574 about functional aspects and principles for
design needs to be followed.
5 – 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

One- and two-hand devices

Safeball™ is an ergonomic control device

used for safe start and stop of machine
cycles. Usually two Safeball™ are used to-
gether to form a two-hand control.

Safeball™ consists of a spherical ball con-

taining two embedded push button switch-
es, one on each side of the ball. Both buttons
must be pressed in order to start and oper-
ate the machine. The risk of unintentional ac-
tivation is thereby minimized and the device
is simple and ergonomic to use.

When two Safeball™ are used in a two-hand

device application, the operator must press
all four push buttons simultaneously in order
to operate the machine. If one or more of the

buttons are released, a stop signal is given

to the machine.

Optimum interface Safety and protection

Ergonomic design Unique design

The design of Safeball™ allows for The unique design of SafeballTM com-
comfort of use for all hand sizes and bines the highest level of safety with
a great variety in gripping positions. the best ergonomics.
And there is no need for shrouding top
covers to prevent defeat, as there is for Highest safety level
two-hand devices with standard push SafeballTM provides the operator with
buttons. a dual switching function and short-
circuit supervision in each hand.
Flexible mounting
With the JSM C5 mounting bracket,
Safeball™ can be orientated in the
most ergonomic position for the op-

Applications and features


One‑hand control device Two‑hand control device

One Safeball™ can be used as an ergonomic “hold to run” A two‑hand control device is often used for machines with
button, i.e. the movement is allowed as long as both push manual loading or unloading. The operator uses the two-
buttons on Safeball™ are pressed, usually when the opera- hand
tor cannot reach the hazardous area with his/her free hand, control device to safely start a machine cycle. A two-hand
or on less dangerous machines. SafeballTM is a very practical control must be used with a safety control device that
one‑hand control device since it is very easy to locate and makes sure that both buttons are pressed simultaneously,
activate. i.e. both hands are on the control and therefore outside the
dangerous zone, in order to start the dangerous movement.
Using two SafeballTM, it is easy to realize a custom two-hand


Mounting methods JSTD25

Safeball™ can be mounted in many different ways. It can The JSTD25 control stations are pre-built two-hand devices
be mounted on a table, on the machine, on a support or utilizing the good ergonomics of Safeball™. They can be
wherever suitable for ergonomic reasons. Safeball™ can be used as fixed devices that are easy to install, or as mobile
mounted in a fixed position or on a tilting and/or rotating devices. All models are equipped with shields to protect the
support when used with a JSM C5. This flexibility in mount- buttons from accidental operation, and also protect from
ing enhances ergonomics and minimizes work-related mus- damage if the device is dropped on the floor when used as
culoskeletal disorders. mobile device. All versions meet EN 574 and EN ISO 13849-1.

When two Safeball™ are used as a two-hand device, no

shrouding top cover is necessary to prevent defeat, as it is
for two-hand devices with push buttons, since it is very dif-
ficult to push all 4 push buttons of the two Safeball™ with
e.g. a hand and an elbow.

Highest level of safety

When used as a two-hand control device, a safety control-
ler for two-hand devices must be used, like an appropriate
Sentry safety relay or a Pluto programmable safety control-
ler. The safety controller monitors that all four push buttons
(i.e. on each side of both Safeball™) are pressed within 0.5
second, in order to detect e.g. a short circuit or fraud, like
a rubber band around one device. Safeball™ is certified to
comply with type III C according to EN 574+A1:2008.
5 – 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information

Safeball™ JSTD1

Types of switches Cable length Type Order code

1 NO + 1 NC 2m JSTD1-A 2TLA020007R3000
0.2 m JSTD1-B 2TLA020007R3100
10 m JSTD1-C 2TLA020007R3200

2 NO 0.2 m JSTD1-E 2TLA020007R3400



Two-hand control devices JSTD25

Extra feature Connector male Type Order code

JSTD25F None M12-5 JSTD25F 2TLA020007R6000
M12-8 JSTD25H 2TLA020007R6300
Pre-mounted Smile 10 EK emergency stop button M12-8 JSTD25K 2TLA020007R6900



Description Type Order code

Mounting bracket for JSTD1 with orientation possibility (ball joint) JSM C5 2TLA020007R0900
Suspension shelf for JSTD25F/H/K JSM C7 2TLA020007R1200

Protection coat for Safeball Safeball coat 2TLA020007R1900



Cables and connectors

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000

Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000

10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300

M12-C61HE Angled female connector M12-C1012V2 2TLA020056R6700

16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000
10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000

20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
M12-C334 1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000

M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-C01 M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors
50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
C5 cable 100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050
5 – 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN 574+A1:2008
Functional safety data
EN/IEC 61508:2010 Up to SIL3, depending on system architecture
EN/IEC 62061:2005+A1:2013 Up to SILCL3, depending on system architecture
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Up to Cat. 4, PL e, depending on system
Mechanical data
Operating force Approx. 2N
Life, mechanical > 1 x 106 operations at max 1 Hz
Connection cable
JSTD1-A PVC-cable, 4 x 0.75 mm2, L = 2 m
JSTD1-B, JSTD1-E Wires, 4 x 0.75 mm2, L = approx. 0.2 m
JSTD1-C PVC-cable, 4 x 0.75 mm2, L = 10 m
Protection class IP67. Not intended for use under water
Ambient temperature -25 °C to +50 °C (operating)
Material JSTD1 Polypropylene
Weight JSTD1

With 2 m cable 0.2 kg

With 10 m cable 0.7 kg
With 4 x 0.2 m wires 0.1 kg

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Safeball 2TLC172182M0201

Connection diagrams
For Safeball connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings



All dimensions in mm
5 – 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Three-position device

JSHD4 is a three-position device used

to allow a limited movement of the
machine when the operator is in the
dangerous area, for example during
troubleshooting, test running and

The operator pushes the larger black

button to a middle position in order to
allow a movement. In case of danger,
the operator will either release the
button or squeeze it to its bottom
position and the machine will stop.

JSHD4 is available with different

types of connectors for an optimal
adaptation to the application. Some

models offer additional top and

front button to control a non-safe
signal, for ex. move forward and/or

Safety and protection Optimum interface Continuous operation

Cheat-safe hand recognition Ergonomic shape and operation Safely inspect a running machine
All JSHD4 models comply with PL e/ JSHD4 is ergonomic, both in respect JSHD4 allows the operators to safely
Cat 4. Some models offer an “anti- of its shape, fitting to the hand, and inspect the manufacturing process
tamper” function: an extra signal the way the buttons are operated. without completely stopping the ma-
indicate if the JSHD4 is held in the JSHD4 is easy to operate using just chine.
middle position by a human hand. A the fingers (even with gloves), and the
machine movement will be authorized middle position provides a safe resting
only in presence of this signal and not position.
if the device is held in run position by
any other (fraudulent) mean.

Applications and features


Safe troubleshooting, programming and testing

If the operator has to enter a risk area for troubleshooting JSHD4 three-position control device can be used for trou-
or test running, it is extremely important that he/she is able bleshooting, programming and test running in situations
to stop the machinery without having to rely on someone where no other protection is available or feasible. JSHD4
else pushing a stop button. In addition, no-one else should allows the operator to safely inspect the process without
be able to start the machinery after it has been stopped completely stopping the machine. The big black button has
by the operator. An operator who is under pressure must 3 distinct positions: released, pressed gently and pressed
also be able to give a stop signal, whether in panic he/she hard. The middle position allows the machine to run with
pushes harder on the button or just releases it. limited speed or range, but when released or pressed hard
the machine stops.


Hand recognition for protection against tampering Additional top and front buttons for non-safe signals
An optional “anti-tamper” function sends an extra signal to The two additional buttons can be used for e.g. start/stop,
indicate if the JSHD4 is held by a human hand or not. By us- up/down or forward/ back. Internally the device is dupli-
ing this, the safety level is increased, and the risk of manipu- cated. The three-position function itself is built up of two
lation or bypass of the safety function is reduced. It is no completely independent three-position buttons which feels
longer possible to expose the operator to danger by trying as one button for the user.
to lock the three-position control device in run mode.

Ergonomic design
JSHD4 is ergonomic, both in respect of its shape, fitting to
the hand and the way the buttons are operated. It is easy
to operate the device by using just the fingers (even with
gloves), and the middle position provides a secure resting
5 – 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information

Choose top part, bottom part and anti-tamper

Top part Bottom part Anti-

Buttons and LEDs Feature ID Connection tamper Type Order code
JSHD4-1 Use your own cable AA Cable gland and 5 screw JSHD4-1-AA 2TLA019995R0000
Top No LEDs Cost effective and quick connection AC M12-5 male JSHD4-1-AC 2TLA019995R0100
part No buttons
Holder for Eva (used with JSM54) AL Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-1-AL 2TLA019995R4700
JSHD4-2 Cost effective and robust AB Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-2-AB 2TLA019995R0200

LEDs JSHD4-2-AB-A 2TLA019995R0300

Bottom Front button
Top button Cost effective and quick connection AD M12-8 male JSHD4-2-AD 2TLA019995R0400
JSHD4-2-AD-A 2TLA019995R0500
Use your own cable, simplified AH Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-2-AH 2TLA019995R0800
connection connections
JSHD4-2-AH-A 2TLA019995R0900
Use your own cable, full pin AJ Cable gland and 16 screw JSHD4-2-AJ 2TLA019995R1000
connection connections
JSHD4-2-AJ-A 2TLA019995R1100
Replacement of old units* AK Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-2-AK 2TLA019995R4800
Holder for Eva (used with JSM54) AL Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-2-AL 2TLA019995R4900

JSHD4-2-AL-A 2TLA019995R5000
JSHD4-3 Cost effective and robust AB Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-3-AB 2TLA019995R1200
LEDs JSHD4-3-AB-A 2TLA019995R1300
AA, AH, AJ - Cable gland No buttons

Cost effective and quick connection AD M12-8 male JSHD4-3-AD 2TLA019995R1400

JSHD4-3-AD-A 2TLA019995R1500
E-stop AE M12-8 male JSHD4-3-AE 2TLA019995R1600

Use your own cable, simplified AH Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-3-AH 2TLA019995R2000
connection connections
JSHD4-3-AH-A 2TLA019995R2100
Use your own cable, full pin AJ Cable gland and 16 screw JSHD4-3-AJ 2TLA019995R2200
AB, AK - Cannon connection connection connections
JSHD4-3-AJ-A 2TLA019995R2300
Replacement of old units* AK Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-3-AK 2TLA019995R5100
Holder for Eva (used with JSM54) AL Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-3-AL 2TLA019995R5200
JSHD4-3-AL-A 2TLA019995R5300

JSHD4-4 Cost effective and robust AB Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-4-AB 2TLA019995R2400
LEDs JSHD4-4-AB-A 2TLA019995R2500
Front button
AC, AD - M12 connection Cost effective and quick connection AD M12-8 male JSHD4-4-AD 2TLA019995R2600
JSHD4-4-AD-A 2TLA019995R2700
Use your own cable, simplified AH Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-4-AH 2TLA019995R3000
connection connections

JSHD4-4-AH-A 2TLA019995R3100
Use your own cable, full pin AJ Cable gland and 16 screw JSHD4-4-AJ 2TLA019995R3200
connection connections
JSHD4-4-AJ-A 2TLA019995R3300
AE - M12 with E-stop Replacement of old units* AK Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-4-AK 2TLA019995R5400
Holder for Eva (used with JSM54) AL Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-4-AL 2TLA019995R5500
JSHD4-4-AL-A 2TLA019995R5600
JSHD4-5 Cost effective and robust AB Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-5-AB 2TLA019995R3400
LEDs JSHD4-5-AB-A 2TLA019995R3500

Top button
Cost effective and quick connection AD M12-8 male JSHD4-5-AD 2TLA019995R3600
JSHD4-5-AD-A 2TLA019995R3700
Use your own cable, simplified AH Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-5-AH 2TLA019995R4000
AL - Cable gland and holder connection connections
for Eva (used with JSM54) JSHD4-5-AH-A 2TLA019995R4100
Use your own cable, full pin AJ Cable gland and 16 screw JSHD4-5-AJ 2TLA019995R4200
connection connections
JSHD4-5-AJ-A 2TLA019995R4300
Replacement of old units* AK Cannon 12 male pins JSHD4-5-AK 2TLA019995R5700
Holder for Eva (used with JSM54) AL Cable gland and 10 screw JSHD4-5-AL 2TLA019995R5800
JSHD4-5-AL-A 2TLA019995R5900
* See document 2TLC010007L0201 for information about replacement

Cables and connectors

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

2TLC172951F0201 M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500

6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
M12-C61 Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
M12-C61HE 16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000

10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000

20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
M12-C334 1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100
Cannon Female 5m HK5 2TLA020003R4700
10 m HK10 2TLA020003R4800
20 m HK20 2TLA020003R4900
2m Spiral cable HK20S4 2TLA020003R5100

HK20S4 3.2 m Spiral cable HK32S4 2TLA020003R5200

4m Spiral cable HK40S4 2TLA020003R3500
6m Spiral cable HK60S4 2TLA020003R3600
8m Spiral cable HK80S4 2TLA020003R5300
5 – 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Cables and connectors

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-C01 M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
12-pole female cannon connector for JSHD4 JSHK0 2TLA020003R0300
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010

200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

C5 cable Cable with 8 conductors

50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050


JSM 55 Accessories

Description Type Order code

Brackets and bottom plates
JSM 55 Wall bracket for three position device JSM 55 2TLA040005R0500
JSM 5B Wall bracket for 2 pcs MKey5 interlock switches JSM 5B 2TLA040005R0700
JSM 50H JSM 54A Wall bracket for Adam. Used with AL bottom part that has a holder for Eva JSM 54A 2TLA020205R2800
JSM 50G Bracket for key switches JSM 50G 2TLA020205R6300
JSM 50H Bracket for Eden sensor JSM 50H 2TLA020205R6400
JSM 55 wall bracket and JSM 50H JSHD4 protection coat JSHD4 Coat 2TLA020200R4600
bracket for Eden



JSM 50G bracket for key switches

and JSM 5B wall bracket for 2 pcs


JSM 54A wall bracket for Adam

(and AL bottom part that has a
holder for Eva)

JSHD4 protection coat

5 – 16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Electrical wiring diagrams
Examples with JSHD4-1 and JSHD4-2 models

JSHD4-1-AA, cable gland and 5 screw connections on JSHD4-1


JSHD4-2-AB-A, Cannon 12 pins

JSHD4-2-AK, Cannon 12 pins

JSHD4-2-AD-A, M12-8

Electrical wiring diagrams
Examples with JSHD4-2 models

JSHD4-2-AB-A, Cannon 12 pins

JSHD4-2-AH-A, cable gland and 10 screw connection

JSHD4-2-AL-A, cable gland and 10 screw connection

JSHD4-2-AJ-A, cable gland and 16 screw connection

5 – 18 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data and dimension drawings

Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machines
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100-1:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN ISO 13849-2:2012, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-3:2007
Functional safety data
EN ISO 13849-1:2016 Up to PL e (depending on number of operations per year)
B10d: 2 000 000 to middle position, 968 000 to bottom position
Electrical data
Current allowed, three-position button Per channel: Maximum +30 VDC, 20 mA, (Minimum +10 VDC, 8 mA)
Current allowed, extra button Maximum 500 mA
Operation force Approx. 15 N for three-position buttons (ON)
Approx. 45 N for three-position buttons (OFF)
Approx. 2.5 N for top/front push button
Mechanical data
Operating temperature - 10 …+50 °C
Protection class IP65
Mechanical life 1 000 000 cycles to middle position
Weight Approx. 0.2 kg without cable

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
JSHD4 2TLC172072M0201

Dimension drawings






All dimensions in mm JSHD4-2-AL


E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 1

Emergency stops
and pilot devices

6– 2 Introduction and overview

6– 6 Emergency stop buttons

Smile, INCA, EStrong and Compact

6– 16 Safety stop buttons

Smile, INCA, and Compact

6– 24 Pull wire emergency stop switch


6– 34 Push-button box

Smile 41

6– 40 Reset button


6– 46 Pilot devices

Modular and Compact range
6 – 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

ABB offers a full range of buttons and pull wires for emergency stop functions,
as well as pilot devices for e.g. reset functions.

Emergency stop buttons Safety stop buttons Reset buttons

Name Smile, Inca, EStrong, Compact Smile, Inca, Compact Smile

Description Emergency stop buttons for external Safety stop buttons for external Small and easy to install reset
mounting and panel mounting in mounting and panel mounting button
different sizes and material

Applications Safely stop dangerous machine Safely stop a limited part of a Pushbutton for resetting safety
functions dangerous machine devices

Advantages Models with: Models with: - Compact size

- Compact size - Compact size - Quick installation
- Robust enclosure for harsh - Robust enclosure for harsh - M12 connector
environments environments - LED indication
- Quick installation with M12 connectors - Quick installation with M12
- LED indication connectors
- LED indication
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 3

Pull wire emergency stop switches Push button boxes Pilot devices
Name LineStrong Smile 41 Modular range, compact range

Description Emergency stop switches in robust Gathers up to four push but- Push buttons, selector switch-
enclosures for pull wires of various tons, including emergency stop, es, pilot lights, joysticks and
lengths. in a single compact device signal towers in a compact and
robust design

Applications Emergency stop line to safely stop Emergency stop and pushbuttons For control and indication of ma-
conveyor belts and long transporta- in one device chines and processes
tion lines.

Advantages - Up to 200 m wire with one switch - Compact size - Compact size
- Reliable mechanical connection - Quick installation - Up to IP69K
- Robust construction - M12 connector - Long life-time thanks to
- LED indication self-cleaning contacts
- Highly adaptable with several - Quick snap-on design for
button colors simple installation without
6 – 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection orientation

Why an emergency stop is necessary

If a machine breaks down or if someone is in danger, anyone should be able to stop the ma-
chine, regardless of their knowledge of the specific application.

When a safety stop could be used

A safety stop (also called machine stop) should be used to safely stop a part of the machine,
e.g. as a stop for an individual hazardous motion. It should not be used as an emergency
stop and stop the complete machine. Likewise, an emergency stop with red push button
must not be used as a safety stop.

In order to separate the safety stop function from the emergency stop function, the safety
stop buttons should be colored black.

When a pull wire emergency stop could be used

A pull wire emergency stop is easier to install than a system of several emergency stop
buttons along a carriage path which makes it ideal for installations over long distances.
LineStrong can handle wires up to 200 m on one single switch and the emergency command
can be initiated from any point along the installed wire length.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 5

Introduction and overview

Important standards to follow when implementing emergency stop functions are e.g. EN ISO 13850 and EN ISO 60204-1.

Stop categories
The following stop categories are defined in the standards:

Stop Category 0 stopping by immediate removal of power to the machine actuators

Stop Category 1 a controlled stop with power available to the machine actuators to achieve the stop and then removal of
power when the stop is achieved
Stop Category 2 a controlled stop with power left available to the actuators

Note that these categories should not be confused with the categories used to describe the architecture when calculating PL
in EN ISO 13849. The risk assessment should determine which stop category to use, but stop category 2 is normally considered not
to be suitable for emergency stops.

Text and symbols

Neither the emergency stop nor its background should be labelled with text or symbols. It has previously been common with
white arrows indicating the direction of unlatching, but this is not allowed anymore.

Location and signs

The risk assessment should determine the locations of the emergency stop buttons, but they should in general be placed at
operator stations, at locations where man/machine interaction is required and at entry/exit points. Signs to mark the location
of emergency stops are not required, but if used they should be green with white markings.

6 – 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Emergency stop buttons
Smile, INCA, EStrong and Compact

Emergency stop buttons are used to

safely stop dangerous machine func-

ABB offers a wide range of emergency

stop buttons for external mounting or
panel mounting, with plastic or metal
housing and for different types of

Easy to install Optimum interface Continuous operation

Compact size Highly adaptable LED diagnostics

Models with a compact and appealing Several models to choose between Models with integrated LED diagnos-
housing saves space and makes it easy depending on position, installation tics reduce downtime when trouble-
to place. and function. shooting.

Quick installation Reliable in extreme conditions

Quick and easy installation of models Robust models and models in stainless
with features such as centered mount- steel for use in demanding environ-
ing holes, removable terminal blocks ments.
and M12 connectors.

Serial connection
Tina models save cable length and in-
stallation time with serial connection.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 7

Models and application
Emergency stop buttons

Models for external mounting Models for panel mounting

Smile INCA
Smile is a small and easy to install emergency stop button. INCA is an emergency stop button for panel mounting,
Its size allows mounting in reduced spaces, and its cen- designed for installation in 22.5 mm holes. Its removable
tered mounting holes makes it especially easy to mount on terminal block facilitates connection and exchange.
aluminum extrusions (e.g. Quick-Guard fencing system). INCA has an integrated LED in the button that shows the
Smile is available with M12 connectors or cable. status and simplifies error tracking.
Smile has an integrated LED in the button that shows the The standard model of INCA has 2 contacts and can be used
status and simplifies error tracking. with safety controllers from all brands. INCA Tina models
The standard models of Smile have 2 contacts and can be belongs to the ABB DYNlink solution, with the advantages of
used with safety controllers from all brands. Smile Tina serial connection using only one channel and still reaching
models belong to the ABB DYNlink solution, with the ad- Cat. 4/PL e.
vantages of serial connection using only one channel and
still reaching Cat. 4/PL e.

Smile Reverse
Smile Reverse is identical to the regular Smile emergency
stop button besides from being reversed in order to be
mounted on the back side of a panel. Smile Reverse has an
Compact IP65 housing that makes it suitable in panels where mois-
Compact emergency stop buttons offer a robust enclosure ture and dust may occur.
with a high IP rating that fulfill the demands in severe and Smile Reverse has an integrated LED in the button that
humid environments, such as food and beverage industry. shows the status and simplifies error tracking.
Compact can be fitted with a Tina adapter for use in a DYN- The standard model of Smile Reverse has 2 contacts and can
link solution (Tina 2A, Tina 2B or Tina 3A). be used with safety controllers from all brands. The Smile
Reverse Tina model belongs to the ABB DYNlink solution,

with the advantages of serial connection using only one
channel and still reaching Cat. 4/PL e.

EStrong is an emergency stop button designed to provide
a robust unit in exposed and severe environments. The unit
has a stainless steel enclosure with IP69K rating that with- Application
stands high pressure and high temperature wash-down. It is
therefore ideally suited for industries with special demands, Emergency stop buttons are used to safely stop a danger-
such as food processing or chemical industry. ous machine function in order to prevent an accident, or
minimize the consequences of an accident. An emergency
stop should be a complement to other safety devices, and
not a replacement for them.
6 – 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Emergency stop buttons

Communication features

Emergency stop buttons with Tina in their name belong to StatusBus
the DYNlink solution, which enables serial connection using StatusBus is a simple and cost effective way to collect the
only one channel and still reaching Cat. 4/PL e. DYNlink status information of emergency stops and safety sen-
devices must be used with Vital safety controller or Pluto sors. The StatusBus functionality is available with some
programmable safety controller. Up to 30 DYNlink devices DYNlink devices and allows to collect the status of each
can be connected in series to Vital and up to 10 can be con- individual safety device, even when connected in series. A
nected to each input on Pluto. Pluto programmable safety controller must be used to read
the StatusBus information, and a single input on Pluto can
collect the status of up to 30 safety devices. The devices are
connected using standard cable and M12-5 connectors. No
specific bus cable or extra communication module is

Smile is available in a model compatible with the AS-i safety
bus. Smile AS-i can be used with any AS-i monitor. AS-i is a
bus system that offers a very simple connection of up to 31

safety devices to one monitor according to PL e and makes

it easy to move, remove and add safety devices. When Smile
AS-i is used with Pluto programmable safety controller, no
other AS-i master or monitor is necessary, and no specific
knowledge of AS-i is required.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 9

Ordering information
Emergency stop buttons

External mounting

Description Type of safety signal Connection type Feature Type Order code

Compact size DYNlink 1 m cable from bottom Status LED Smile 10 EA Tina 2TLA030050R0400
Plastic housing
IP65 1 x M12-5 male Status LED Smile 11 EA Tina 2TLA030050R0000
Smile 10 EA Tina 1 x M12-5 male Status LED, Smile 11 EC Tina 2TLA030050R0900
2 x M12-5 male Status LED Smile 12 EA Tina 2TLA030050R0200
AS-i 1 x M12-4 male Status LED Smile 11 EA AS-i 2TLA030052R0000
2 NC 1 m cable from bottom Status LED Smile 10 EA 2TLA030051R0400

1 m leads from bottom - Smile 10 EK 2TLA030051R0600

1 x M12-5 male Status LED Smile 11 EA 2TLA030051R0000
2 x M12-5 male Status LED Smile 12 EA 2TLA030051R0200
Smile 11 EC Tina
Plastic housing 2 NC* 2 x M20 conduits - CEPY1-1002 (Compact) 1SFA619821R1002
IP66, IP67 and IP69K
With shroud CEPY1-2002 (Compact) 1SFA619821R2002
Metal housing 2 NO + 2 NC 3 x M20 conduits Status LED EStrongZ LED 2TLA050220R0222
IP67 and IP69K
- EStrongZ 2TLA050220R0020

* Can be adapted to DYNlink with Tina

Smile 12 EA

ABB Compact emergency stop

EStrongZ and EStrongZ LED

Panel mounting

IP rating Depth Connection type Type of safety signal Feature Type Order code

IP65 26 mm 1 x M12-5 male DYNlink Status LED Smile 11 EAR Tina 2TLA030050R0100

2 NC Status LED Smile 11 EAR 2TLA030051R0100

Button IP65, 53 mm Removable termi- DYNlink Status LED INCA 1 Tina 2TLA030054R0000
connector IP20 nal block
Status LED, INCA 1 EC Tina 2TLA030054R1400
Smile 11 EAR
2 NC Status LED INCA 1 2TLA030054R0100

6 – 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Emergency stop buttons

Connection accessories

Description Type Order code

Connection accessories
M12 Y-connector for serial connection of device with StatusBus functionality. M12-3S 2TLA020055R0600
M12 Y-connector for serial connection of devices without StatusBus functionality. M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000

Connection block for the serial connection of up to 4 DYNlink devices with 12-5 connectors. Tina 4A 2TLA020054R0300
Connection block for the serial connection of up to 8 DYNlink devices with 12-5 connectors. Tina 8A 2TLA020054R0500
M12-3S Adaptation unit for DYNlink solution with M20 fitting. For e.g. Compact. Tina 2A* 2TLA020054R0100
Adaptation unit for DYNlink solution, internal assembly. For e.g. Compact. Tina 2B* 2TLA020054R1100
Adaptation unit for DYNlink solution with M20 fitting and M12 connector. For e.g. con- Tina 3A* 2TLA020054R0200

necting Compact to Pluto/Vital.

Termination for Smile 12 JST2 2TLA030051R1300
Tina 8A Emergency stop sign, yellow, no text, for INCA (22.5mm) E-Sign 22.5 2TLA030054R0900
Emergency stop sign, yellow, no text, for Smile (32.5mm) E-Sign 32.5 2TLA030054R1000
Yellow surround for Inca Surround for Inca 2TLA030054R0400
Yellow shroud for Compact CA1-8053 1SFA619920R8053

Stainless steel cable gland, for EStrong Gland M20x1.5 2TLA050040R0002

Stainless steel conduit plug, for EStrong Conduit Plug M20x1.5 2TLA050040R0004
LED Green/Red 230 VAC, for EStrong LED 230 2TLA050211R0003
E-sign 22.5 * For more information about Tina adapter units, please see Pluto and Vital chapters.

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code


M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500

6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000

10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100

6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
Angled female connector M12-C1012V2 2TLA020056R6700
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 11

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code

M12-C01 Connectors
M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001

50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005

100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020
C5 cable
500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

6 – 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Emergency stop buttons

Technical data
Smile, INCA

Smile Tina, INCA Tina TÜV NORD




Smile, INCA
2006/42/EC – Machinery
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008/AC:2009, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2008, EN ISO 13850:2008

Smile Tina, INCA Tina

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, IEC 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-
4:2007, EN 60947-5-5:2005, EN ISO 13850:2006

Smile AS-i
2006/42/EC - Machinery
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008/AC:2009,EN ISO 13849-2:2012, EN 60204-1:2007+A1, EN ISO 13850:2008, IEC 60947-5-5:2005

2006/42/EG – Machinery
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13850:2015, EN 60204-1:2006:+A1:2009+AC:2010, EN 60947-5-5:1997:+A1:2017, EN 60947-5-1:2004:+A1:2009


2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
EN 60947-1:2007/A1:2011/A2:2014, EN 60947-5-1:2004/A1:2009, EN 60947-5-5:1997/A1:2005/A11:2013, EN ISO 13850:2008

Functional safety data

EN 61508:2010 Up to SIL3, depending on system architecture
EN 62061:2005 Up to SILCL3, depending on system architecture
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Up to Cat. 4, PL e, depending on system architecture
Smile, INCA B10d = 100 000
Smile Tina, INCA Tina PFHD = 4.66 x 10-9
Smile AS-i PFHD = 1.69 x 10-9
EStrong B10d = 1 500 000
Compact B10d = 250 000
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 13

Technical data
Emergency stop buttons

Technical data
Electrical data
Operating voltage
Smile, INCA 17-27 VDC ± 10%
Smile Tina, INCA Tina +24 VDC +15% -25%
Smile AS-i +30 VDC from the AS-i bus. Tolerances 26.5 - 31.6 VDC
EStrong 230 VAC / +24 VDC (the LED is +24 VDC originally, but can be replaced with a 230 VAC accessory)
Compact 230 VAC / +24 VDC
Mechanical data
Mechanical life >50 000 operations
Operating temperature
Smile, INCA -10…+55 °C
EStrong -25…+80 °C
Compact -25…+70 °C
Protection class
Smile, INCA IP65
EStrong IP67, IP69K
Compact IP66, IP67, IP69K
Smile 65 g
INCA 45 g
EStrong 820 g
Compact 108 g, 124 g (with shroud)
Smile Polyamide PA66, Macromelt, polybutylenterephthalate PBT, Polypropene PP, UL 94 V0
INCA Polyamide PA66, Macromelt, polybutylenterephthalate PBT, Polypropene PP, UL 94 V0
EStrong Stainless steel 316 housing
Compact Polycarbonate

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Smile 2TLC172097M0201
INCA 2TLC172163M0201
EStrong 2TLC172247M0201
Compact 1SFC151005C0201

Connection diagrams
For connection diagrams of emergency stop buttons please see
6 – 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings
Emergency stop buttons

Smile INCA

Type L1 L2
mm mm
INCA 1 EC Tina 75.5 49.5 ± 0.5
INCA 1 80 54 ± 0.5
INCA 1 Tina 80 54 ± 0.5

EStrong Compact (housing only)


All dimensions in mm
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 15

6 – 16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety stop buttons
Smile, INCA and Compact

Safety stop buttons are used to safely

stop a certain part of a dangerous

ABB offers safety stop buttons to suit

different needs of connection and
communication. Models are available
for e.g. external mounting or panel
mounting, in compact size or robust
design, adapted for the DYNlink solu-
tion or with 2 NC contacts.

Easy to install Optimum interface Continuous operation

Compact size Highly adaptable LED diagnostics

Models with a compact and appealing Several models to choose between Models with integrated LED diagnos-
housing saves space and makes it easy depending on position, installation tics reduce downtime when trouble-
to place. and function. shooting.

Quick installation Reliable in extreme conditions

Quick and easy installation of models Robust models for use in demanding
with features such as centered mount- environments.
ing holes, removable terminal blocks
and M12 connectors.

Serial connection
Tina models save cable length and in-
stallation time with serial connection.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 17

Applications and features
Safety stop buttons


A safety stop (also called machine stop) can be used to safely

stop a part of the machine, e.g. as a stop for an individual
hazardous machine function. It may not be used as an emer-
gency stop and stop the complete machine or production line.
Likewise, an emergency stop with red push button should not
be used as a safety stop. In order to separate the safety stop
function from the emergency stop function, the safety stop
buttons should be colored black.


Safety stop buttons with Tina in their name belong to the DYN-
link solution, which enables serial connection using only one
channel and still reaching Cat. 4/PL e. DYNlink devices must be
used with Vital safety controller or Pluto programmable safety
controller. Up to 30 DYNlink devices can be connected in series
to Vital and up to 10 can be connected to each input on Pluto.

6 – 18 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety stop buttons

Safety stop buttons for external mounting

Smile Compact
Smile is a small and easy to install safety stop button. Its The Compact safety stop button offers a robust enclosure
size allows mounting in reduced spaces, and its centered with a high IP rating that fulfills the demands in severe and
mounting holes makes it especially easy to mount on alu- humid environments, such as food and beverage industry.
minum extrusions (e.g. Quick-Guard fencing system). Compact can be fitted with a Tina adapter for use in a DYN-
link solution (Tina 2A, Tina 2B or Tina 3A).
Smile has an integrated LED in the button that shows the
status and simplifies error tracking. Compact safety stop is identical to Compact emergency
stop apart from the color of the button.
The standard model of Smile has 2 contacts and can be
used with safety controllers from all brands. The Smile
Tina model belongs to the ABB DYNlink solution, with the
advantages of serial connection using only one channel and
still reaching Cat. 4/PL e.

Smile safety stops are identical to the corresponding Smile

emergency stops apart from the color of the button.

Safety stops for panel mounting

INCA is a safety stop button for panel mounting, designed
for installation in 22.5 mm holes. Its removable terminal
block facilitates connection and exchange.

INCA has an integrated LED in the button that shows the

status and simplifies error tracking.

The standard model of INCA has 2 contacts and can be used

with safety controllers from all brands. INCA Tina belongs to
the ABB DYNlink solution, with the advantages of serial con-
nection using only one channel and still reaching Cat. 4/PL e.

INCA safety stop is identical to INCA emergency stop apart

from the color of the button.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 19

Ordering information
Safety stop buttons

Safety stop buttons

Mounting Type of safety signal Connection type Feature Type Order code

External DYNlink 1 m cable from bottom Status LED Smile 11 SA Tina 2TLA030050R0500
2 NC 1 x M12-5 Status LED Smile 11 SA 2TLA030051R0900
2 NC* 2 x M20 conduits - CEP1-1002 (Compact) 1SFA619811R1002
Smile 11 SA Tina With shroud CEP1-2002 (Compact) 1SFA619811R2002
Panel DYNlink 5 pole terminal block Status LED INCA 1S Tina 2TLA030054R0200
2 NC 5 pole terminal block Status LED INCA 1S 2TLA030054R0300
* Can be adapted to DYNlink with Tina




Description Type Order code


M12 Y-connector for serial connection of devices without StatusBus functionality. M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000
Connection block for the serial connection of up to 4 DYNlink devices with 12-5 connectors. Tina 4A 2TLA020054R0300
Connection block for the serial connection of up to 8 DYNlink devices with 12-5 connectors. Tina 8A 2TLA020054R0500
Tina 8A Grey shroud for Compact CA1-8054 1SFA619920R8054
Adaptation unit for DYNlink solution with M20 fitting. For e.g. Compact. Tina 2A * 2TLA020054R0100
Adaptation unit for DYNlink solution, internal assembly. For e.g. Compact. Tina 2B * 2TLA020054R1100
Adaptation unit for DYNlink solution with M20 fitting and M12 connector. For e.g. connect- Tina 3A * 2TLA020054R0200
ing Compact to Pluto/Vital.
* For more information about Tina adapter units, please see Pluto and Vital chapters.
6 – 20 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Cable and connectors
Safety stop buttons

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500

6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
M12-C61HE Angled female connector M12-C1012V2 2TLA020056R6700
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000

M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100

Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020
500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

C5 cable
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 21

Technical data
Safety stop buttons

Technical data

Smile, INCA

Smile Tina, INCA Tina TÜV NORD


Smile, INCA
2006/42/EC – Machinery
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008/AC:2009, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2008, EN ISO 13850:2008
Smile Tina, INCA Tina
2006/42/EC - Machinery
2004/108/EC - EMC
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008, EN 62061:2005, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, IEC 60664-1:2007,
EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 60947-5-5:2005, EN ISO 13850:2006
2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
EN 60947-1:2007/A1:2011/A2:2014, EN 60947-5-1:2004/A1:2009, EN 60947-5-5:1997/A1:2005/A11:2013, EN ISO 13850:2008
Functional safety data
EN 61508:2010 Up to SIL3, depending on system architecture
EN 62061:2005 Up to SILCL3, depending on system architecture
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Up to Cat. 4, PL e, depending on system architecture
Smile, INCA B10d = 100 000
Smile Tina, INCA Tina PFHD = 4.66 x 10-9
Compact B10d = 50 000
Electrical data
Operating voltage

Smile, INCA 17-27 VDC ± 10%
Smile Tina, INCA Tina +24 VDC +15% -25%
Compact 230 VAC / +24 VDC
Mechanical data
Mechanical life >50 000 operations
Operating temperature
Smile, INCA -10…+55 °C
Compact -25…+70 °C
Protection class
Smile, INCA IP65
Compact IP66, IP67, IP69K
Smile 65 g
INCA 45 g
Compact 108 g, 124 g (with shroud)
Smile Polyamide PA66, Macromelt, polybutylenterephthalate PBT, Polypropene PP, UL 94 V0
INCA Polyamide PA66, Macromelt, polybutylenterephthalate PBT, Polypropene PP, UL 94 V0
Compact Polycarbonate

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Smile 2TLC172097M0201
INCA 2TLC172163M0201
Compact 1SFC151005C0201
6 – 22 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings
Safety stop buttons

Smile INCA

Compact (housing only)


All dimensions in mm
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 23

6 – 24 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Pull wire emergency stop switch

LineStrong is a pull wire emergency

stop switch, used for easy reach of
the emergency stop function along
machines and sections of conveyors.

A pull wire emergency stop switch

allows to initiate the emergency stop
command from any point along the in-
stalled wire length by pulling the wire.
It replaces a series of emergency stop
buttons and is easier to install.

LineStrong is also available in differ-

ent models for different lengths of
wires, with different housing material
as well as an explosion proof version.

Easy to install Safety and protection Continuous operation

Quick installation Easily accessible Reliable in extreme conditions

A pull wire emergency stop switch is Easy reach of the emergency stop Robust construction makes LineStrong
easier to install than a system of sev- function along machines, conveyors ideal for use in demanding environ-
eral emergency stop buttons along a and processes. ments.
carriage path.
High level of safety LED diagnostics
Highly adaptable The positive forced disconnect con- Integrated LED diagnostics ensures
Several models to choose between tacts provide a high level of safety status can be seen easily from a dis-
gives a variety of mounting possibili- and are double switching, i.e. triggers tance.
ties and features. emergency stop in both directions of
the wire.
Long wire length
Can handle wires up to 200 m on a
single switch.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 25


Instead of multiple emergency stops As protective device in low risk applications

A pull wire emergency stop switch is often placed along LineStrong can be used as protection, for example along
conveyor belts or carriage paths where access to the stop conveyors with low risks where the wire can be installed
function must be possible along the whole line. It is often at waist height in front of the conveyor, which provides an
easier to install a pull wire emergency stop switch than to emergency stop if someone walks or falls towards the con-
place multiple emergency stop buttons if the distance is veyor, hence pulling the wire.

LineStrong can handle wires up to 200 m on one single

switch and since the emergency stop command can be
initiated from any point along the wire, this gives better ac-
cess to the emergency stop function than using emergency
stop buttons.

One, two or several switches

The maximum length of the wire attached to LineStrong de-
pends on if there is a LineStrong unit attached to both ends
of the wire or if one end is attached to a wall/fixed object. In
the image below LineStrong2 is used as an example.

Up to 80 m

Two units

Up to 60 m

One unit
6 – 26 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y


Positive forced disconnected contacts Wire breakage monitoring

The contacts in LineStrong are positive force disconnected, The contacts are double switching which means that the
which ensures that the contacts will not be held in a normal- emergency stop command is given both when someone
ly closed position due to a failure of the spring mechanism pulls the wire and if the wire should break.
or the welding/sticking of the contacts.
Indication of wire tension
Reset button All models are equipped with an indicator of the tension of
All models of LineStrong have an integrated reset button the wire which simplifies installation and adjustment.
that needs to be pressed in order to reset the emergency
stop if the emergency stop function has been triggered.

Emergency stop button

Most LineStrong models have an integrated emergency stop
button on the housing of the switch. Since the first half me-
ter of the wire is not intended to pull in order to trigger the
emergency stop function, the integrated emergency stop
button provides quick and simple access to the emergency
stop function if you are standing right in front of LineStrong.
The emergency stop button of LineStrong 2 can be moved to
either side of LineStrong to enable best access depending
on position and height of LineStrong.

Integrated LED
LineStrong2 and LineStrong3 have an integrated 2-color LED
that shows if the emergency stop function has been trig-
gered or not. The LED is also available as spare part.

LineStrong is available with a housing in yellow die cast
aluminum alloy or with a housing in stainless steel 316 which
is recommended for severe applications in e.g. the food pro-
cessing and the chemical industries.

Left hand, right hand or both sides

LineStrong1 and LineStrong2 can be mounted in any direc-
tion. Linestrong3 is available in different models depending
on installation. L (left hand) should be used if the placement
of the grab wire switch is to the left in the installation. R
(right hand) should be used if the grab wire switch is to the
right in the installation. D (double wire) has wire entries
from both sides of the grab wire switch.

Up to 125 m Up to 125 m

Left Double Double Right

E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 27

Easier installation with tensioner/gripper
The tensioner/gripper accessory significantly reduces the 1
installation time. Traditional grab wire systems normally
need turnbuckle and clamps, which are difficult to tension
and adjust, and normally require frequent re-tensioning.
The tensioner gripper integrates an eyehook, a tensioner 2
thimble and a wire strength gripper in one assembly which
enables rapid connection to the switch eyebolts and fast
and accurate tensioning of the wire.
Thanks to the switch tension indicator, it is easy to ad-
just the system accurately and quickly. The double clamp
mechanism prevents wire slippage and significantly reduces 1. Tension to mid position as indicated by the green arrows in the
machine downtime which can occur which traditional turn- viwing window of each switch
2. The tensioner thimble allows immediate accurate and final ten-
buckle systems.
sioning of the wire, whilst viewing the tension marker through the
viewing window on the switch.
For systems longer than 50 m, the tensioner/gripper is nec- 3. Quick Link termination.
essary on both sides.

Quick-link termination
The quick link termination is available as an accessory in the wire pull kit, for easy connection to the safety spring or the
switch eyebolt for systems up to 50 m.

Mounting accessories
The wire pull kits contains the suitable accessories for the included wire length.
- When using one switch, the wire must be anchored at the other end using a safety spring.
- The first eyeball support must be placed no more than 500 mm from the switch eyebolt or safety spring.
- The part of the wire from the wire end to the first eyebolt support shall not be used as part of the active protection cover-

- Wire support eyebolts must be fitted at 2.5 - 3 meters intervals along the complete wire length.
- The tensioner/gripper is used to adjust the correct tension
Inactive zone Inactive zone
Zone of protection
(500mm) (500mm)


Tensioner / Gripper Pull Quick link Safety spring

Corner pulley
A corner pulley can be used to navigate inside or outside corners without causing damage to the wire. They are in stainless
steel and can be rigidly mounted.
When using a safety spring, a maximum of one corner pulley may be used, to ensure that the complete length of the wire is
visible from either the switch or the spring anchorage.


Inside Outside
corners corners Machine
corners Machine

Machine Corner pulley

Examples of using the corner pulley

6 – 28 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information


IP rating Material E-stop Contacts Max. wire Feature Type Order code
but- length (m)
ton 1 unit 2 units

IP67 Yellow No 2 NO + 2 NC 30 50 - LineStrong1 2TLA050200R0030

die cast
alumi- Yes 2 NO + 2 NC 60 80 - LineStrong2 2TLA050202R0332
num 2 NO + 4 NC 100 125 Left hand LineStrong3L 2TLA050206R0332
LineStrong1 Right hand LineStrong3R 2TLA050208R0332
200 325 Both sides LineStrong3D 2TLA050204R0332
IP67, IP69K Stainless Yes 2 NO + 2 NC 80 100 - LineStrong2Z 2TLA050202R0322
steel 316

2 NO + 4 NC 100 125 Left hand LineStrong3LZ 2TLA050206R0322

Right hand LineStrong3RZ 2TLA050208R0322
200 325 Both sides LineStrong3DZ 2TLA050204R0322




E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 29


Mounting Accessories

2TLC172577F0201 Description Material Length Type Order code

Wire pull kit including wire, Galvanized 10 m wire 10 m wire kit, gal 2TLA050210R0130
eyebolts, tensioner/gripper,
quick-link and Allen key in right 20 m wire 20 m wire kit, gal 2TLA050210R0330
Wire pull kit quantity for the included wire 80 m wire 80 m wire kit, gal 2TLA050210R0630
100 m wire 100 m wire kit, gal 2TLA050210R0730

Stainless steel 50 m wire 50 m wire kit, SS 2TLA050210R0520

100 m wire 100 m wire kit, SS 2TLA050210R0720
Wire tensioner/gripper Galvanized Wire tensioner, gal 2TLA050210R4030
Wire tensioner Stainless steel Wire tensioner, SS 2TLA050210R4020
Corner pulley Galvanized Corner pulley, gal 2TLA050210R6030
Stainless steel Corner pulley, SS 2TLA050210R6020
Eyebolt M8 x 1.25 (8 pcs) Galvanized Eyebolt M8x1.25, gal 2TLA050210R8030

Stainless steel Eyebolt M8x1.25, SS 2TLA050210R8020

Safety spring, 220mm Stainless steel Spring 220 mm, SS 2TLA050211R0004

Corner pulley


Other accessories

Description Type Order code

Screwdriver, anti-tamper, Torx T20 Screwdriver T20 2TLA050211R0006
Gland M20 x 1.5 Gland M20x1.5 2TLA050040R0002

Conduit plug M20 x 1.5 Cond.Plug M20x1.5 2TLA050040R0004

Safety spring —
Spare parts

Description Type Order code
LineStrong LED Green/Red +24 VDC LineStrong LED 24 2TLA050211R0001

LineStrong Screwdriver LineStrong LED Green/Red 230 VAC LineStrong LED 230 2TLA050211R0003
LineStrong2 and LineStrong3 Emergency stop button. LineStrong E-Stop 2TLA050211R0005


Conduit plug

LineStrong LED 230

LineStrong LED 230

6 – 30 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y



Description Type Order code


M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors
50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
C5 cable 100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 31

Technical data

Technical data


LineStrong 2006/42/EC - Machinery
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13850:2008, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60947-1:2007+A1:2011, EN 60947-5-1:2004+A1:2009,
EN 60947-5-5:1997+A1:2005
Functional safety data
EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Up to Cat. 4, PL e, depending on system architecture.
EN/IEC 62061:2005 Up to SILCL3, depending on system architecture.
IEC 61508 Up to SIL3, depending on system architecture.
B10d 1 500 000
Electrical data
Utilization category 240 VAC / 3 A
+24 VDC / 2.5 A
Mechanical data
Operating temperature -25…+80 °C
Protection class
LineStrong1, LineStrong2, IP67
LineStrong2Z, LineStrong3Z IP66, IP67, IP69K
LineStrong1 675 g
LineStrong2 880 g
LineStrong2Z 1635 g
LineStrong3L/R 1100 g
LineStrong3LZ/RZ 2000 g

LineStrong3D 1320 g
LineStrong3DZ 2200 g
LineStrong1, LineStrong2, Die cast painted yellow
LineStrong2Z, LineStrong3LZ/RZ/ Stainless steel 316
Wire type PVC sheath steel wire 4.0 mm outside diameter
Conduit entries
LineStrong1/2 3 x M20 x 1.5
LineStrong3 4 x M20 x 1.5

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
LineStrong 2TLC172248M0201
6 – 32 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Dimension drawings




All dimensions in mm
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 33

6 – 34 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Push-button box
Smile 41

Smile 41 is a push-button box that

gathers push buttons, an emergency
stop button and a safe key selector in
a single compact device with only one
M12 connector for all functions.

Smile 41 push-button box is available

in models for use with Pluto program-
mable safety controller and models
for all types of AS-i safety monitors.

A kit of colored filters is supplied and

the color of each button can be cho-
sen after delivery and changed later.

Easy to install Space saving Optimum interface

Easy to attach to profiles Compact housing LED indication

The centered mounting holes makes A compact and appealing housing All push-buttons and emergency stop
Smile 41 easy to attach to e.g. alumi- saves space and makes it easy to place. buttons are illuminated. The light-
num extrusions profiles like Quick- ing of the push-buttons can easily be
Guard. managed by the Pluto programmable
safety controller, allowing a greater
Quick installation adaptation to the needs.
The four buttons are connected with
only one M12 connector which speeds Several button colors
up the connection. A maximum of 8 The color of each button can be chosen
wires need to be connected for the after delivery and changed later.
complete push-button box with LEDs.
The AS-i models also offer the flexibil-
ity of vampire connectors with piercing
technology and self-healing cables.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 35

Applications and features
Smile 41

Smile 41 is a convenient way to gather several buttons at
the same place while reducing cabling and installation. For
example, an emergency stop button, a push button used to
request the unlocking of the door, a push button used as
reset button, and a push button used as start button.


With Pluto programmable safety controller without AS-i With AS-i safety monitor e.g. Pluto AS-i and Pluto B42 AS-i
function All AS-i models of Smile 41 can be used with any AS-i safety
The Smile 41 models without AS-i function have been devel- monitor. The AS-i system significantly reduces the necessary

oped for use with Pluto programmable safety controller and cable lengths and the M12 connector speeds up the connec-
allow to get all the advantages of the Pluto “light-button tion. The vampire connectors with piercing technology and
function”: only one I/O (IQ) is necessary for both a push-but- self-healing cables facilitate changes.
ton and its LEDs and the lighting of the reset buttons can be
handled by Pluto without any extra programming. Both the safe key selector and the emergency stop button
satisfy the highest level of safety. Moreover, the use of AS-i
The emergency stop button satisfies the highest level of Safety makes it easy to reach the highest level of safety
safety, and although only one cable is used for the signals of while eliminating most risks of connection mistakes.
the four buttons, a possible short-circuit can be detected by
Pluto and the highest level of safety can be reached. The push buttons and the emergency stop button are
equipped with an easily programmed LED for a perfect
Kit of colored filters adaptation to the needs of the application, a better user
A kit of colored filters is supplied with all models and the friendliness and easier troubleshooting.
color of each push button can be chosen after delivery and
changed later.
Centered mounting holes
Centered mounting holes facilitate the mounting of Smile 41
on aluminum profiles like Quick-Guard.
6 – 36 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Smile 41

Smile 41 push button box
All Smile 41 push-button boxes are delivered with a kit of filters

Smile 41 WWWWP Safety controller Emergency Other buttons Connector Type Order code
stop button
Pluto programmable safety 0 4 push-buttons M12-8 male Smile 41 WWWWP 2TLA030057R0000
controller 1 3 push-buttons M12-8 male Smile 41 EWWWP 2TLA030057R0100

AS-i monitor* 0 4 push-buttons M12-5 male Smile 41 WWWWN ASi 2TLA030056R0000

3 push-buttons M12-5 male Smile 41 EWWWA ASi 2TLA030056R0100
Smile 41 EWWWP 1 1 safe key selector
M12-5 male Smile 41 EKWWA ASi 2TLA030056R0200
2 push-buttons

* E.g. Pluto AS-i and Pluto B42 AS-i


Smile 41 WWWWN AS-i

Spare parts

Description Type Order code

Kit of colored filters Colored filters 2TLA030059R2600
Smile 41 EWWWA AS-i

Smile 41 EKWWA AS-i

E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 37

Cables and connectors
Smile 41

Cable with connectors

Connector Female/male Length Special feature Type Order code

M12-5 Female 3m M12-C31 2TLA020056R0500
6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C61HE 2TLA020056R8000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
Harsh environment, halogen free M12-C101HE 2TLA020056R8100
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 0.3 m M12-C0312 2TLA020056R5800
0.06 m M12-C00612 2TLA020056R6300
1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000

3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
M12-C61HE Angled female connector M12-C1012V2 2TLA020056R6700
16 m M12-C1612 2TLA020056R5400
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200

10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000
M12-C334 10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 0.06 m M12-C00634 2TLA020056R6400
1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100

Separate cables and connectors

Description Type Order code

M12-5 pole female, straight M12-C01 2TLA020055R1000
M12-5 pole male, straight M12-C02 2TLA020055R1100
M12-8 pole female, straight M12-C03 2TLA020055R1600
M12-8 pole male, straight M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Cable with 5 conductors
10 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 10 m 2TLA020057R0001
50 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R0005
100 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R0010
200 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R0020

500 m cable with 5 x 0.34 shielded conductors C5 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R0050

Cable with 8 conductors
50 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 50 m 2TLA020057R1005
C5 cable
100 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 100 m 2TLA020057R1010
200 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 200 m 2TLA020057R1020
500 m cable with 8 x 0.34 shielded conductors C8 cable 500 m 2TLA020057R1050

Cables and connection accessories for AS-i

Description Type Order code


Cable for AS-i, power and data, +30 VDC, yellow, EPDM AS-i cable yellow 2TLA020074R9000
Cable for AS-i, additional power, +24 VDC, black, EPDM AS-i cable black 2TLA020074R9100
M12-5 female connector with vampire connector for AS-i flat cable. AS-i T-connector M12 2TLA020073R0000
AS-i cable yellow As-i flat cable splitter used to make T-connections and to extend cables. AS-i splitter box 2TLA020073R0300
6 – 38 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Smile 41

Technical data
Smile 41 Smile 41 AS-i
2006/42/EC - Machinery 2006/42/EC – Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC 2014/30/EU – EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS 2011/65/EU – RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2008/AC:2009, EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005/A2:2015,
EN 62061:2005+A2:2015, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, IEC 60664-1:2007, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, IEC 60664-1:2007, EN 61000-6-2:2005,
EN 61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2011, EN ISO 13850:2015 EN 61000-6-4:2011, EN ISO 13850:2015, EN 60947-5-5:2005, EN

Functional safety data

     IEC 61508:2010 Up to SIL3, depending on system architecture SIL3, PFHD = 2.87 x 10-10
     EN/IEC 62061:2005 Up to SILCL3, depending on system architecture SILCL3, PFHD = 2.87 x 10-10
     EN ISO 13849-1:2008 Up to Cat. 4/PL e, depending on system architecture Cat. 4/PL e, PFHD = 2.87 x 10-10
     B10d 65 000
Electrical data
     Operating voltage +24 VDC ± 15% +30 VDC (AS-i bus)
Mechanical data
Mechanical life
Emergency stop button > 50 000 operations
Illuminated push button 1 000 000 operations
Key selector - 30 000
Operating temperature -25… +50 °C
Protection class IP65
Weight 190 g

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Smile 41 2TLC172280M0201
Smile 41 AS-i 2TLC172255M0201
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 39

Dimension drawings
Smile 41

Smile 41

Smile 41 AS-i

All dimensions in mm
6 – 40 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Reset button

Smile reset buttons have compact

housings with M12 connectors for
easy connection.
The reset button contains an
integrated white LED, and all buttons
are delivered with a kit of colored
filters to snap on the top of the
button. In this way the color of the
button can be chosen after delivery
and is also possible to changed later.

The different models also allow a

choice of:
- local reset connected directly to the
sensor, or
- global reset connected to the safety
control module.

Easy to install Space saving Optimum interface

Easy to attach to profiles Compact housing Several button colors

The centered mounting holes make A compact and appealing housing All reset buttons are illuminated with
Smile easy to attach to e.g. aluminum saves space and makes it easy to place. a white LED and the color of each but-
extrusions profiles. ton can be chosen after delivery and
changed later using colored snap-on
Speed up installationn filters.
The housing requires no assembly and
the M12 connectors speed up installa-
tion and reduce the risk of connection

Local reset
Local reset allows to have the reset
button close to the safety device while
reducing cabling.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 41

Ordering information
Smile reset buttons

Ordering details

Type of contact Intended use Connectors Type Order code

1 NO Most reset applications M12-5 male Smile 11 RA 2TLA030053R0000

1 NO Pluto Safety PLC light button function* M12-5 male Smile 11 RB 2TLA030053R0100
1 NO Local reset of Orion1 Base M12-5 male Smile 11RO1 2TLA022316R3000
1 NC Local reset of Orion2 Base and Extended, and Orion3 Extended M12-5 male Smile 11RO2 2TLA022316R3100

Smile 11 RO1 1 NC Local reset of Orion3 Base M12-5 male Smile 11RO3 2TLA022316R3200
1 NO Local reset of Eden DYN-Reset M12-5 and Eden OSSD-Reset M12-5 M12-5 male + female Smile 12 RF 2TLA030053R2600
1 NO Local reset of Eden OSSD-Reset M12-8 M12-8 male + female Smile 12 RG 2TLA030053R2700
* See Pluto hardware manual for more information about the light button function


Description Type Order code


Y-connector for series connection of DYNlink devices with M12-5 connectors, e.g. Eden. M12-3A 2TLA020055R0000
Y-connector for series connection of Adam OSSD M12-8 with M12-5 cables M12-3H 2TLA020055R0800
Y-connector for series connection of Adam OSSD M12-8 with M12-8 cables M12-3G 2TLA020055R0700
M12-3x Y-connector for connection of Smile reset button to Orion. M12-3R 2TLA022316R0000
Adaptation unit of OSSD outputs to DYNlink signals for use with Vital control module or Pluto Safety PLC. Tina 10B v2 2TLA020054R1310
Tina 10B has an extra M12 connector for connection of a reset button.

Tina 10B


Spare parts

Description Type Order code

Kit of colored filters (yellow, green, white, blue, red) Colored filters 2TLA030059R2600

Colored filters
6 – 42 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Smile reset buttons

Smile 12 RF to M12-3A

El-cabinet to M12-3A

M12-3A to el-cabinet
Eden Reset M12-5 to

M12-3A to M12 3A

Smile 12 RF
Cables for Smile 12 RF (with Eden DYN/OSSD Reset M12-5)

Description Female/male Length Type Order code

M12-5 Female 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200

Smile 12 RG to M12-3G

El-cabinet to M12-3H
El-cabinet to M12-3G

M12-3H to el-cabinet
M12-3G to el-cabinet
Eden Reset M12-8 to

M12-3H to M12-3H
M12-3G to M12-3G

Smile 12 RG
Cables for Smile 12 RG (with Eden DYN/OSSD Reset M12-8)

or M12-3H
Connector Female/male Length Type Order code
M12-5 Female 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400

Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200

10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
M12-8 Female 6m M12-C63 2TLA020056R3000
10 m M12-C103 2TLA020056R4000
20 m M12-C203 2TLA020056R4100
Female + male 1m M12-C134 2TLA020056R5000
3m M12-C334 2TLA020056R5100
Male By meter M12-C04 2TLA020055R1700
Smile 11 ROx to Tina 10B
Smile 11 Rx to el-cabinet

Smile 11 ROx to M12-3R

Smile11 Rx to another

Tina 10B to el-cabinet

El-cabinet to M12-3A

M12-3A to el-cabinet
M12-3R to el-cabinet

Tina 10B to M12-3A

M12-3A to M12 3A

Cables for Smile 11 RX and ROx

Connector Female/male Length Type Order code

M12-5 Female 6m M12-C61 2TLA020056R0000
10 m M12-C101 2TLA020056R1000
20 m M12-C201 2TLA020056R1400
Female + male 1m M12-C112 2TLA020056R2000
3m M12-C312 2TLA020056R2100
6m M12-C612 2TLA020056R2200
10 m M12-C1012 2TLA020056R2300
20 m M12-C2012 2TLA020056R2400
Male 6m M12-C62 2TLA020056R0200
10 m M12-C102 2TLA020056R1200
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 43

Connection examples
Smile reset buttons

Local reset to Orion with Tina 10A/C Local reset to Orion with Tina 10B

part e part
r active or activ
eiver o ceiver
Orion re
c Orion re
(a) set
Smile re
(a) set
R Smile re
M12 5-pole male
Tina 10 1. + 24 VDC
2. In
M12 5-pole male 3. 0 V
1. + 24 VDC 4. Out
2. OSSD1 5. Info
3. 0 V
4. OSSD2
5. -

Connection of Smile 11 ROx to Orion through M12-3R. For Connection of Smile 11 ROx to Orion through Tina 10B.
connection to any control module compatible with OSSD For connection to Vital control module or Pluto Safety PLC.

Local reset to Eden Global vs local reset

A global reset is connected directly to the control cabinet
with separate cables. The safety controller in the control
cabinet supervises the reset and decides the function and

A local reset is connected directly to the safety device, and

requires no communication with the control cabinet. The
safety device supervises the reset and decides the actions. A
local reset simplifies installation and minimizes cabling.

Serial connection of Eden with local Smile reset buttons:
- Adam OSSD-Reset M12-8 with Smile 12 RG and M12-3G or
- Adam DYN-Reset with Smile 12 RF and M12-3A
6 – 4 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Technical data
Smile reset buttons


Power supply
LED operating voltage +24 VDC (maximum +33 VDC)
LED current consumption 20 mA at +24 VDC, 30 mA at +33 VDC
Push button operating voltage Min: +5 V, max: +35 V
Push button current Min: 1 mA, max: 100 mA
Push button rated power Max: 250 mW
Mechanical data
Color - Enclosure Yellow
Color - Push button White
Material - Housing Polyprobylene PP
Material - Contact Au
Weight Approx. 60 g
Protection class IP65
Mechanical life 1 000 000 operations at 10 mA / +24 VDC
Switching reliability 10 x 10 at 5 mA / +24 VDC
Environmental data
Ambient temperature -25...+55 °C
Humidity range 35 to 85% (with no icing or condensation)

More information
Fore more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Smile reset buttons 2TLC172097M0201
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 45

Dimension drawings
Smile reset buttons

Smile 11 R Smile 12 R

All dimensions in mm

6 – 46 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Pilot devices
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matically cleans contacts ensures high range, certified to comply with all ma-
reliability for all products. jor international standards.
E M E R G E N C Y S TO P S A N D P I LOT D E V I C E S 6 – 47

Pilot devices

Modular range Compact range

Pushbuttons Double pushbuttons Emergency Pilot lights Pushbuttons Emergency stop

Illuminated Illuminated Illuminated
stop pushbuttons and non-illuminated
and non-illuminated and non-illuminated
Illuminated Non-illuminated
and non-illuminated

Selector switches Key-operated Mushroom Joysticks Pilot lights Selector switches

Illuminated Non-illuminated
and non-illuminated
selector switches pushbuttons
and non-illuminated

Toggle switches Potentiometers Heavy duty Reset pushbuttons Heavy duty Buzzers

pushbuttons pushbuttons

Accessories for modular range

Signal towers Enclosures Legend

and signal beacons and stations plates

For ordering information and technical data,

please see web:

Pressure sensitive

7– 2 Introduction and overview

7– 4 Safety edges

7– 8 Safety bumpers

7– 12 Safety mats

7-2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

ABB has different types of pressure sensitive devices to cover the needs in
various applications.

Safety edges Safety bumpers Safety mats


Type Pressure sensitive safety edge Pressure sensitive safety bumper Pressure sensitive safety mat

Overtravel 15-22.7 mm 60-240 mm -

Application(s) Sliding doors, gates, roller Larger sliding doors/hangar Personal protection within the
doors and moving platforms. doors and dangerous area.
automated guided vehicles.

Advantages - Preassembled - Preassembled - Very durable

- Easy to install - Easy to install - Easy to install
- Compact - Custom measurements

- Up to 25 m long


Pressure sensitive edges and bumpers

Edges and bumpers have an overtravel distance, which is the distance from the compression point where they react until
they are maximum compressed. The overtravel distance should be stated in the product information for edges and bum-
pers. Make sure to select an edge or bumper with a larger overtravel than the stopping distance of the moving part it should
be placed on. A minimum safety factor of 1.2 should be used, i.e. the overtravel distance should be 120% of the stopping

Pressures sensitive mats

Mats should only be used as perimeter detection devices if the risk assessment indicates it is a suitable protective device.
This could e.g. be in environments with lots of debris and particles from the process that would disturb a light curtain. The
width of a safety mat used as perimeter detection should be at least 75 cm to prevent unintentional stepping over.
The minimum safety distance from the outer edge of the safety mat to the dangerous area is calculated using the formula
from EN ISO 13855:

S = (K x T) + C
S = minimum distance in mm
K = approach speed (of hand or body) in mm/s
T = stopping time of the machine (including reaction time of safe-
ty devices) in seconds
C = additional distance in mm based upon the body´s intrusion
towards the hazardous area before the safety device has been

For safety mats the following should be used:

S = 1600 x T + (1200 – 0.4 H)

Where H is the height of the safety mat above the floor (which is usually

7- 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety edges
Safety edges are pressure sensitive
devices that are used on leading edges
of doors or moving machine parts to
prevent crushing injuries.

The contact edges from ABB are avail-

able in two sizes and custom lengths.
They are supplied together with an
aluminum profile for simple mounting

Easy to Continuous
install operation
Preassembled Material
Ordered in custom lengths, preassem- The contact edges are made in TPE
bled - no gluing required, supplied with that has a good resistance to ozone,
matching aluminum support profile. weather and especially against chemi-
Serial connection
The twin cable connection makes it
easy to connect several safety edges in

Applications and features
Safety edges
Sliding doors Moving machine parts
Safety edges are placed on the leading edge of sliding Safety edges can also be placed on moving machine parts,
doors, gates and roller doors. When the door hits a person such as the edges of horizontally moving tables and the
or an object, the safety edge sends a signal to the safety underside of a scissor lift table.
controller to stop the motion. The soft parts of the edge
should be big enough to allow compression until the motion
has ceased.

Safety controllers Internal contacts
The safety edge must be connected to a suitable two- Inside the safety edge there is a cast-in contact strip that
input-channel safety controller that provides all necessary consists of two conductive alternating surfaces on the
monitoring of the contact edges activation and detection of inside and a highly-effective insulating shell. There are two
cable faults. Suitable ABB controllers are Sentry USR safety conductive wires in the contact surfaces that allow for low
relays, Pluto programmable safety controllers or Vital safety ohm measurements even when the contact edge has an
controllers. When using Vital, a Tina 6 must also be used for extended length. When pressure is applied the two contact
short circuit detection. surfaces are short circuited, resulting in a stopping signal.
The cast-in contact strip is protected against damage by the
surrounding chamber. The cast end plugs ensure a perma-
nent contact from the conductive surfaces in the contact

7- 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Safety edges
Ordering details
When ordering a safety edge there are two parts that need to be ordered. One order code
for production cost and cables, and one order code for the length of the safety edge.
Length should be specified in meters.

One piece of 45 mm high safety edge (plus 14 mm high aluminum rail), 0.73 m long with a 5 meter cable in each end =
- 0.73 m of 2TLA076025R4510
- 1 pcs of 2TLA076010R0500

Safety edge TT

Overtravela) Description Material Type Order code



15 30 mm high safety edge with 25-14 aluminum rail. TPE Safety edge TT 25-30 TPE 2TLA076025R3010
Length in m needs to be specified on order.
Safety edge TT 35-30 TPE 22.7 45 mm high safety edge with 25-14 aluminum rail. TPE Safety edge TT 25-45 TPE 2TLA076025R4510
Length in m needs to be specified on order.
a) At 100 mm/s to 400 N

Production cost and cables

Length of cables Description Type Order code


2.5 Production cost with a 2,5 m cable in each end. Safety edge production cost 2TLA076010R0100
2,5m cable
Safety edge TT 25-45 TPE 5 Production cost with a 5 m cable in each end. Safety edge production cost 2TLA076010R0500
5,0m cable
10 Production cost with a 10 m cable in each end. Safety edge production cost 2TLA076010R1000
10,0m cable

Technical data
Safety edges
Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13856-2:2013, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005+A2:2015, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60664-1:2007, EN
61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 61508:2010

Functional safety data

62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL2
EN ISO 13849-1:2015 PL d/Cat 4
(According to EN ISO 13849-2:2012, Table D.8, a fault exclusion for that the contacts in a pressure sensitive device will not close, can be
made. This fault exclusion is limited up to PL d.)
Electrical data
Electrical capacity 24 V, 10 mA
Mechanical data
Switching cycles 10 000
Protection class IP65
Operating temperature -10 °C to 50 °C
TT 25-45 0.34 kg/m
TT 25-30 0.44 kg/m
Rubber TPE
Supportive profile Aluminium
Max Delivery length 25 m
Inactive end region 30 mm
Connection cables LIY11Y 2 x 0.34 mm
Cable material PUR flat black

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Safety Edges 2TLC010046M0201.

Connection diagrams
For safety edge connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings

All dimensions in mm
7– 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety bumper

Safety bumpers are pressure sensi-

tive devices used to prevent crushing
injuries. They are mounted on lead-
ing edges of large doors or moving
machinery such as automated guided

The bumpers are available in four

different sizes, and the internal foam
construction allows for long deforma-
tion zones to provide optimum pro-
tection for individuals and material.

Easy to install Continuous operation

Preassembled Material
Ordered in custom lengths and preas- The outer material of the safety bum-
sembled to a carrier profile. pers is an artificial leather that pro-
vides excellent resistance against most
Serial connection liquids, oils and chemicals.
The twin cable connection makes it
easy to connect several safety bum-
pers in series.

Applications and features
Safety bumper


Large sliding doors Moving vehicles

Safety bumpers are placed on the leading edge of large Safety bumpers can also be placed on moving vehicles, such
sliding doors, gates and vertical roller doors. When the door as AGVs (automated guided vehicles) or high reach fork lifts
hits a person or an object, the safety bumper sends a signal to detect when a person or an object is hit.
to the safety controller to stop the motion. The soft parts
of the bumper should be big enough to allow compression
until the motion has ceased.


Safety controllers Internal contact strip

The safety bumper must be connected to a suitable two- Inside the safety bumper there is a cast-in contact strip
input-channel safety controller that provides all necessary that consists of two conductive alternating surfaces on the
monitoring of the activation of the safety bumpers and inside and a highly-effective insulating shell. When pressure
detection of cable faults. Suitable ABB controllers are Sentry is applied the large foam cushion presses the two contact
USR safety relays and Pluto programmable safety control- surfaces against each other so that they are short circuited,
lers. which the safety controller will detect.

7– 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Safety bumper

Ordering details
When ordering a safety bumper there are two parts that need to be ordered. One order
code for production cost and cables, and one order code for the type of bumper and length.
Length should be specified in meters. Minimum length is 0.15 m and maximum length is 3 m.

Bumpers are delivered with two 0,2 m cables with M8 connectors attached. Two 5 m cables
with M8 connectors are also included.

One piece of 150x300 mm safety bumper (including aluminum rail), 2.1 m long =
- 2.1 m of 2TLA076200R0700
- 1 pcs of 2TLA076200R0000

Safety bumper ASB

Overtravela) Description Material Type Order code

60 60x100 mm bumper. Length in m needs to be speci- Imitation Bumper ASB 60-100 black/ 2TLA076200R0500
fied on order. leather yellow
120 100x200 mm bumper. Length in m needs to be speci- Imitation Bumper ASB 100-200 black/ 2TLA076200R0600
fied on order. leather yellow
180 150x300 mm bumper. Length in m needs to be speci- Imitation Bumper ASB 150-300 black/ 2TLA076200R0700
fied on order. leather yellow
240 200x400 mm bumper. Length in m needs to be Imitation Bumper ASB 200-400 black/ 2TLA076200R0800
specified on order. leather yellow
a) 60% of bumper height at 10 mm/s

Production cost and cables

Description Type Order code

Bumpers production cost, including aluminum rail and cables Bumper production cost 2TLA076200R0000

Technical data
Safety bumpers
Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13856-3:2013, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005+A2:2015, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60664-1:2007, EN
61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 61508:2010
Functional safety data
62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL2
EN ISO 13849-1:2015 PL d/Cat 4
(According to EN ISO 13849-2:2012, Table D.8, a fault exclusion for that the contacts in a pressure sensitive device will not close, can be
made. This fault exclusion is limited up to PL d.)
Electrical data
Electrical capacity 24 V, 10 mA
Mechanical data
Actuating force < 150 N by test specimen Ø80 mm
(according to EN ISO 13856-3)
< 400 N by test specimen 45x400 mm
(according to EN ISO 13856-3)
Inactive edge region 0 mm
Switching cycles > 10 000
Protection class IP54
Temperature range 0 °C to + 50 °C
Connection cable Pluggable 2 x 0.34 mm² (PUR black) with M8 connector 0.12m
Material Artificial leather
Chemical resistance Good chemical resistance, except for Ethyl acetate and Acetone.
Dimensioning of bumper height
Actuating distance 15% of bumper height
Overtravel distance 60% of bumper height
Maximum compression 75% of bumper height

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Safety Bumpers 2TLC010045M0201.

Connection diagrams

For safety bumpers connection diagrams please see

Dimension drawings

All dimensions in mm
7– 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Safety mats

Safety mats are pressure sensitive

devices placed on the floor to detect
if someone is standing on them.
They are mostly used inside hazard
zones around e.g. presses, robots
and production lines to prevent the
machine from running when someone
is in the hazard zone.

Easy to install Continuous operation

Preassembled Material
Ordered in standard or custom sizes The surface material of the safety mat
with molded ramp and preassembled is a slip-free rubber with excellent re-
with two cables (M8 male and female sistance against oil, water and grease.

Serial connection
The twin cable connection makes it
easy to connect several safety mats in
series. Extension cables exist to fur-
ther simplify connection.

Applications and features
Safety mats


Personal protection within hazard zones Perimeter guard

Safety mats are mostly used inside hazard zones around e.g. Safety mats can also be used as a perimeter guard e.g. to
presses, robots and production lines to prevent the machine replace a light curtain in applications where there is a lot
from running when someone is in the hazard zone. of debris or particles in the air that would trigger the light


Safety controllers Ramp rail

The safety mat must be connected to a suitable two-input- At the edges of the safety mat there is a molded ramp rail.
channel safety controller that provides all necessary moni- The ramp rail is 35 mm wide and is not included in the mea-
toring of the activation of the safety map and detection of surement of the ramp (i.e. the actual dimensions of a 1000 x
cable faults. Suitable ABB controllers are Sentry USR safety 1000 mm safety mat is 1070 x 1070 mm). The purpose of the
relays, Pluto programmable safety controllers or Vital safety ramp rail is to minimize the tripping risk and for fastening of
controllers. When using Vital, a Tina 6 must also be used for the safety mat, since screws can be drilled through the ramp
short circuit detection. rail. The ramp rail can be cut off using a knife if the safety
mat is to be placed close to a wall or next to another safety
Mat construction mat.
The safety mat is made of a sandwich construction. When
stepped upon, two internal conducting plates connect and
result in a short circuit that the safety controller detects.

7– 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Safety mats

Ordering details
When ordering a safety mat you can either select one of the standard sizes or a custom
size. For standard sizes only one order code is necessary. For custom sizes two parts need
to be ordered. One order code for base price, and one order code for the size in m2.
Width x length also needs to be specified in text on the order in mm. Maximum dimensions
are 2350 x 1350 mm and minimum dimensions 100 x 100 mm.

One piece of 450 x 1150 mm safety mat =
- 1 pcs of 2TLA076301R0200
- 0.5175 m2 of 2TLA076301R0600
- Dimensions 450 x 1150 mm


Safety mat ASK – standard sizes

Size Description Connectors Type Order code

750x1000 750x1000 safety mat with molded ramp rail 1x M8 male Safety mat ASK T4 2TLA076310R1000
and two 5 m cables 1x M8 female 750x1000mm
1000x1000 1000x1000 safety mat with molded ramp rail 1x M8 male Safety mat ASK T4 2TLA076310R1100
and two 5 m cables 1x M8 female 1000x1000mm
1000x1500 1000x1500 safety mat with molded ramp rail 1x M8 male Safety mat ASK T4 2TLA076310R1200
and two 5 m cables 1x M8 female 1000x1500mm

Safety mat ASK – custom sizes

Description Connectors Type Order code

Base price for custom made safety mat with - Safety mat ASK CM T4, base 2TLA076301R0200
molded ramp rail price
Order code for size (m2) and two 5 m cables. 1x M8 male Safety mat ASK CM T4 2TLA076301R0600
Specify dimensions (width x length in mm) in text. 1x M8 female


Description Length Connectors Type Order code


Extension cable 2.5 1x M8 male Safety mat extension cable 2TLA076900R3200


1x M8 female 2.5 m
Extension cable 5.0 1x M8 male Safety mat extension cable 2TLA076900R3300
1x M8 female 5.0 m

Technical data
Safety mats
Technical data

2006/42/EC - Machinery
2014/30/EU - EMC
2011/65/EU - RoHS
EN ISO 12100:2010, EN ISO 13856-1:2013, EN ISO 13849-1:2015, EN 62061:2005+A2:2015, EN 60204-1:2006+A1:2009, EN 60664-1:2007, EN
61000-6-2:2005, EN 61000-6-4:2007, EN 61508:2010

Functional safety data

62061:2005+A1:2013 SILCL2
EN ISO 13849-1:2015 PL d/Cat 4
B10D: 2 000 000
(According to EN ISO 13849-2:2012, Table D.8, a fault exclusion for that the contacts in a pressure sensitive device will not close, can be
made. This fault exclusion is limited up to PL d.)
Electrical data
Electrical capacity 24 V, 100 mA
Response time
Including Sentry < 20 ms
Including Pluto (single Pluto) < 30 ms
Including Pluto incl. Pluto bus Normal condition: < 40 ms
At fault condition: < 70 ms
With function block “BigMat” Add 30 ms
Mechanical data
Max. area Entire safety mat = 2350 x 1350 mm, 10 m2,
(divided safety mat) Rec. relation max 3:1, Min 100 x 100 mm
Height 14 mm
Weight 26 Kg/m2
Material Black polyurethane
Protection class IP65
Ambient air temperature 0° C to + 60° C
Cable 2 x 5 m; 2 x 0.34 mm2
PU sheathed
Mechanical life >1.0 x 106 Load shifting

More information
For more information, e.g. the complete technical information, see product manual for:
Safety Mats 2TLC010047M0201.

Connection diagrams
For safety mats connection diagrams please see
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 1

Contactors and motor

8– 2 Introduction and overview

8– 4 Safety contactors

8– 8 Electronic compact starters

8 – 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

ABB offers a wide range of output devices for safely removing power to
dangerous machinery. Apart from contactors and electronic compact starters,
we also have frequency converters with safe torque off (STO) and industrial
robots with safety stop inputs.


Type Safety contactor Electronic compact starters

Description A simple and reliable unit for monitoring and A compact and space saving alternative to con-
controlling circuits. tactors, using a combination of semiconductor
technology and electromechanical relays. Moni-
toring and control of circuits with numerous
additional features.
Applications Removing control power to dangerous ma- Removing control power to dangerous ma-
chinery up to 45 kW. chinery up to 3 kW/400 V, as well as direct and
reversed start of motors.

Advantage - Easy to use - Space saving up to 90% with only 22.5 mm in

- Fast switching control cabinets
- High switching capacity - Extended equipment life time and decreased
maintenance cost

- Reduced wiring time

- Safety variants comply with SIL3, PL e and are
ATEX certified
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 3

8 – 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

AFS contactors with front-mounted
auxiliary contact blocks
Dedicated for safety applications

ABB’s complete range of safety

components make protection systems
easier to build.

Designed for machine safety

applications, AFS contactors come
with fixed front auxiliary contact
blocks, making them ideal for
monitoring and controlling circuits.

Mechanically linked and mirror

contacts help make your system safer.

Safety Continuous Speed up

and protection operation your projects

Safety in all things Secure uptime Simplify design

ABB’s AFS contactors can be easily in- The AFS contactor secures system up- Perfect design makes integration eas-
tegrated in machine manufacturer’s time. It allows direct control by safety ier. ABB’s distinctive yellow auxiliary
systems complying with main safety relays or relay outputs of safety PLCs to contact block makes identifying the
standards EN ISO 13849 and EN 62061 ensure the safety performance custom- right product quicker.
guaranteeing the safe use of your ma- ers require. A low energy auxiliary con- By reducing the contactor coil’s power
chinery and equipment. tact guarantees system status feed- consumption, panels can also be made
The AFS contactor range is an integral back. smaller and transformers more com-
part of ABB’s comprehensive range of pact.
safety products. In addition, all the safety data for the
contactors are readily available using
safety design tools.
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 5

AFS contactors with front-mounted auxiliary contact blocks
Dedicated for safety applications

Contactors status guaranteed Easy safety chain identification

ABB’s permanently fixed front-mounted auxiliary contact The yellow housing of ABB’s AFS contactors makes identify-
blocks guarantee the correct contactor status at all times. ing the safety product in your panel quicker. During routine
Mechanically linked and mirror contacts get clearly marked maintenance work, ABB’s intuitive design saves valuable time.
symbols on the front and provide the performance required
in feedback circuits. This prevents any unexpected state
changes of auxiliary contact if main contacts become welded
or stuck and ensures an accurate depiction of the safety sys-
tem status displayed at all times.

Prevent unexpected operations Simplify calculation of your installation safety level

Front-mounted contact blocks are permanently fixed to All safety values are available in safety design tool such as
protect devices against accidental misuse and operation. A Sistema and FSDT, dedicated software for determining the
factory-fitted transparent cover shields the contactor status Performance Level (PL) and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of
indicator, providing additional protection. safety functions and generating technical documentations.

8 – 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

AFS contactors with front-mounted auxiliary contact blocks
Dedicated for safety applications

Control by safety PLCs or safety relays Fast response for increased safety
ABB’s AFS contactors can be controlled directly by relay out- With fast opening times as low as 35 ms, AFS09...AFS38 re-
puts of safety PLCs and safety relays. The low energy auxilia- spond quickly when a dangerous failure is detected. Safety
ry contacts feature a minimum switching capacity 12 V, 3 mA. is enhanced and the safety distances of installations can be
They guarantee system status feedback, making the system significantly shorter.
safe and reliable.

Pluto safety PLC relay outputs

Sentry safety relay

Panel size reduction Built-in surge suppression

By reducing coil energy consumption by up to 60%, panels Unlike conventional contactors, ABB's AFS contactors have
can be built smaller and transformers can be downsized. built‑in surge suppression, preventing surges from ever
With reduced power dissipation in the cabinet, installations reaching the control circuit. With no need for the usual exter-
also need fewer fans. Using AFS contactors saves money and nal surge suppressor add-ons, ABB’s solution means one less
precious space. device to install and one less complication to manage.
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 7

AFS contactors with front-mounted auxiliary contact blocks
Dedicated for safety applications

Ordering details

IEC UL/CSA Rated control circuit Auxiliary Type Order code

Rated operational 3-phase General use voltage contacts
Uc min. ... Uc max. fitted
power Current motor rating rating
400 V θ ≤ 40 °C 480 V 600 V AC
AC-3 AC-1
kW A hp A V 50/60 Hz V DC
4 25 5 25 24...60 20...60 (2) 2 2 AFS09-30-22-11 1SBL137082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS09-30-22-13 1SBL137082R1322
5.5 28 7.5 28 24...60 20...60 (2) 2 2 AFS12-30-22-11 1SBL157082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS12-30-22-13 1SBL157082R1322
7.5 30 10 30 24...60 20...60 (2) 2 2 AFS16-30-22-11 1SBL177082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS16-30-22-13 1SBL177082R1322
11 45 15 45 24...60 20...60 (2) 2 2 AFS26-30-22-11 1SBL237082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS26-30-22-13 1SBL237082R1322
15 50 20 50 24...60 20...60 (2) 2 2 AFS30-30-22-11 1SBL277082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS30-30-22-13 1SBL277082R1322
18.5 50 20 50 24...60 20...60 (2) 2 2 AFS38-30-22-11 1SBL297082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS38-30-22-13 1SBL297082R1322
18.5 70 30 60 24…60 20…60 (2) 2 2 AFS40-30-22-11 1SBL347082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS40-30-22-13 1SBL347082R1322
22 100 40 80 24…60 20…60 (2) 2 2 AFS52-30-22-11 1SBL367082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS52-30-22-13 1SBL367082R1322
30 105 50 90 24…60 20…60 (2) 2 2 AFS65-30-22-11 1SBL387082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS65-30-22-13 1SBL387082R1322
37 125 60 105 24…60 20…60 (2) 2 2 AFS80-30-22-11 1SBL397082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS80-30-22-13 1SBL397082R1322
45 130 60 115 24…60 20…60 (2) 2 2 AFS96-30-22-11 1SBL407082R1122
100…250 100..250 2 2 AFS96-30-22-13 1SBL407082R1322
(1) B10D for AFS30...AFS96: please consult us.
(2) AFS..-30-..-11 not suitable for direct control by transistor outputs of safety PLCs and safety relays.

Products safety data for machine manufacturers

following harmonized EN standards:
–– EN ISO 13849
–– EN 62061

AFS09...AFS26 contactors technical data (1)

B10D electrical 1.3 millions of cycles
B10D mechanical 20 millions of cycles

8 – 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Electronic compact starters: HF range
A compact solution with great functionality

ABB's electronic compact starter, up

to 3 kW / 400 V, is a 22.5 mm wide
product. Even though it's compact it has,
direct-on-line, reversed starting, motor
overload protection, and emergency stop
all included. It is well suited for paper
machines, conveyors or machine tools.

Saving space Safety and protection Easy to install


Up to 90% less space required Integrated safety function Up to 75% reduced time in wiring
Decrease your cabinet size. ABB's Protect your personnel with emergency Wiring time upon installation is re-
electronic compact starter is 22.5 stop version complying with SIL3, PL e duced to a minimum as motor protec-
mm wide while still containing motor safety standards. tion, reversing function and emergen-
starting functionalities and embedding cy stop are already part of the product.
motor protection and safety. Extend equipment life time and
decrease maintenance cost as our Only one component to install reduces
starters service life is 10 times higher the risk of wiring errors.
than electromechanical solutions.
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 9

Electronic compact starters
All-in-one: four functions in one starter

Direct-on-line Reversing capability

ABB's direct-on-line starter comes with a function that runs With contactor and overload relay functionalities integrated
the motor in a forward direction. An integrated electronic in one device, the electronic compact starter enables the mo-
overload relay also helps protect the motor. tor to run direct-on-line and reversed. An electronic overload
relay is integrated and protects the motor.

Direct-on-line and reversing function in only one product

Emergency stop Overload protection

ABB´s safety range supports safety applications complying ABB offers three variants with wide setting ranges, using
to SIL3 and PL e safety levels. It is also possible to combine an electronic relay to protect the motor from overload. Pro-
units with modular safety relays such as ABB's new SSR10. tection against phase asymmetry and phase failure is also

8 – 10 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Electronic compact starters
Features and benefits

Space-saving Less wiring

Using an HF electronic compact starter saves space – espe- The control circuit is connected on the upper side of the
cially when group-mounting units. With a width of just 22.5 device with the main circuit on the underside. The all-in-one
mm and high function density, the unit fits any control cabi- functionality reduces wiring, saving time and money – and
net. Smaller footprints for more compact systems are also reducing faults.

22.5 mm

Reset function Longer working life

After the overload function has tripped, the electronic com- ABB’s hybrid technology improves durability and reduces
pact starter can be reset automatically, manually or remotely. power losses. Semiconductors switch on and off the unit
The LEDs on the device are visualizing that an error has oc- and the relays remain active while the motor is running. With
curred. Additionally, a feedback relay will be activated. a lifespan of 30 million cycles now achievable, maintenance
costs are reduced.
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 11

HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9 electronic compact starters
Direct-on-line starter

The HF-DOL-range is used for the direct-on-line start of motors and the switching of non-
resistive loads. With contactor and overload relay functionalities integrated into one device,
the results are faster wiring times and fewer faults. The range covers 0.6 A, 2.4 A and up to
9 A - for motors up to 3 kW – 500 V AC. The integrated electronic overload protection has a
wide setting range that enables just three models to cover all requirements.
The control supply voltage is 24 V DC. For the control and main connection points ABB

offers screw connections. ABB also offers a HF-DOLE safety range with emergency stop
function. This offers Safety Integrity Level 3, in accordance with functional safety standard
IEC 61508-1 and Performance Level 'e' in accordance with ISO 13849-1. The safety range is

Ordering details

Rated Rated Rated op- Setting Full load Type Order code Weight
operational operational erational range amps (1 pce)
current power current motor
AC-53a AC-53a AC-51 use
A kW A A A kg
Direct-on-line starter with overload protection

0.6 0.18 (400V)0.6 0.075 … 0.6 0.6 HF0.6-DOL-24VDC 1SAT112000R1011 0.205

2.4 0.75 (400V) 2.4 0.18 … 2.4 2.4 HF2.4-DOL-24VDC 1SAT122000R1011 0.218
6.5 3.00 9.0 1.5 … 9.0 6.5 HF9-DOL-24VDC 1SAT142000R1011 0.206

HF0.6-DOLE-24VDC Direct-on-line starter with overload protection and emergency stop

0.6 0.18 (400V) 0.6 0.075 … 0.6 0.6 HF0.6-DOLE-24VDC 1SAT113000R1011 0.205
2.4 0.75 (400V) 2.4 0.18 … 2.4 2.4 HF2.4-DOLE-24VDC 1SAT123000R1011 0.218
6.5 3.00 9.0 1.5 … 9.0 6.5 HF9-DOLE-24VDC 1SAT143000R1011 0.206

Main dimensions mm, inches


HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9

8 – 12 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9 electronic compact starters
Reversing starter

The HF-ROL-range is used for forward and reverse running motors, as well as for switching
non resistive loads. With contactor and overload relay functionalities integrated into one
device, the results are faster wiring times and fewer faults. The range covers 0.6 A, 2.4 A and
up to 9 A - for motors up to 3 kW – 500  V AC. The integrated electronic overload protection
has a wide setting range that enables just three models to cover all requirements.
The control supply voltage is 24 V DC. For the control and main connection points ABB

offers screw connections. ABB also offers a HF-ROLE safety range with emergency stop
function. This offers Safety Integrity Level 3, in accordance with functional safety standard
IEC 61508-1 and Performance Level 'e' in accordance with ISO 13849-1. The safety range is

Ordering details

Rated Rated Rated Setting Full load Type Order code Weight
operational operational operational range amps (1 pce)
current power current motor use
AC-53a AC-53a AC-51
A kW A A A kg
Reversing starter
6.5 3.00 9.0 - 6.5 HF9-R-24VDC 1SAT144000R1011 0.174

Reversing starter with overload protection
0.6 0.18 (400V) 0.6 0.075 … 0.6 0.6 HF0.6-ROL-24VDC 1SAT115000R1011 0.217
2.4 0.75 (400V) 2.4 0.18 … 2.4 2.4 HF2.4-ROL-24VDC 1SAT125000R1011 0.219
HF0.6-ROLE-24VDC 6.5 3.00 9.0 1.5 … 9.0 6.5 HF9-ROL-24VDC 1SAT145000R1011 0.218
Reversing starter with overload protection and emergency stop
0.6 0.18 (400V) 0.6 0.075 … 0.6 0.6 HF0.6-ROLE-24VDC 1SAT116000R1011 0.218
2.4 0.75 (400V) 2.4 0.18 … 2.4 2.4 HF2.4-ROLE-24VDC 1SAT126000R1011 0.270
6.5 3.00 (400V) 9.0 1.5 … 9.0 6.5 HF9-ROLE-24VDC 1SAT146000R1011 0.289


Main dimensions mm, inches


HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9

C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 13

HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9 electronic compact starters
Technical data

Main circuit – Utilization characteristics according to IEC/EN

Standards IEC/EN 60947-1, IEC/EN 60947-4-2 IEC/EN 60947-1, IEC/EN 60947-4-2, IEC/EN 60947-1, IEC/EN 60947-4-2
IEC/EN 61508, IS0 13849
Rated operational voltage Ue 500 V AC
Operational voltage Minimum 42 V AC,
Maximum 550 V AC
Setting range see ordering details
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Trip class 10A
Number of poles 3
Number of protected poles 3
Mechanical durability 10000 cycles
Electrical durability 30 Mio. cycles
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 6 kV
Rated insulation voltage Ui 500 V
Rated operational current Ie AC-51 see ordering details
Rated operational current Ie AC-53a see ordering details
Rated uninterrupted current IU see ordering details, Rated operational current Ie
Overvoltage category III
Delay time Off, minimum, switched off with pushbutton 1s 1s -
Off, maximum, switched off with pushbutton 3s 3s -
Off, typical, switched off via control input voltage 30 ms 30 ms 30 ms
Off, maximum, switched off via control input - HF2.4, HF0.6: 40 ms -
voltage HF9: 80 ms
Off, typical, switched off via supply voltage 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms
Off, maximum, switched off via supply voltage - 500 ms -
Switch off time By phase failure 1.8 s 1.8 s -
By phase asymmetry at 33% 120 s 120 s -
By phase asymmetry at 67% 1.8 s 1.8 s -
Overspeed tripping Operating threshold HF9-DOL/ROL/DOLE/ROLE: >45 A
Response time HF9-DOL/ROL/DOLE/ROLE: 2 s
Power loss Minimum 1.1 W
Maximum HF0.6: 1.5 W
HF2.4: 3.3 W
HF09: 14.6 W
Switching frequency ≤ 2 Hz; 120 starts/min; 7200 starts/h
Overvoltage category III

8 – 14 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9 electronic compact starters
Technical data

Main circuit – Utilization characteristics according to UL/CSA

Type HF
Standards UL 60947-1; UL 60947-4-2
Rated operational voltage 500 V AC
Operational voltage Minimum 42 V AC
Maximum 550 V AC
Ampere Rating UL/CSA see ordering details, Full load amps motor use
Horse power rating Nominal switching performance full load HF0.6: 0.4 hp
(power factor = 0.4) HF2.4: 1.2 hp
HF9: 3.0 hp
Nominal switching performance full load HF0.6: 0.6 hp
(power factor = 0.8) HF2.4: 2.2 hp
HF9: 6.1 hp
Full loads Amps (FLA) see ordering details
Short-circuit current rating (SCCR) (500 V AC, 30 A Class J or CC) 100 kA

General technical data

Type HF
Utilization category AC51, AC53a
Pollution degree 2
Phase loss sensitive Yes
Ambient air temperature Operation -25 ... + 70 °C
Operation compensated -40 ... + 80 °C
Mounting position Position 1, load side bottom
Mounting in DIN Rail TH35-15 (35 x 15 mm Mounting Rail) acc. to IEC 60715,
TH35-7.5 (35 x 7.5 mm Mounting Rail) acc. to IEC 60715
Degree of protection Housing IP20
Main circuit terminals IP20

Control circuit
Type HF
Rated control circuit voltage UC 24 V DC
Input voltage UIN Switching Threshold at Signal <0> -3 ... 9.6 V
Switching Threshold at Signal <1> 19.2 ... 30 V
Input current IC 3 mA

Supply circuit
Type HF
Rated control supply voltage US 24 V DC

Control supply voltage 19.2 ... 30 V DC

Rated control supply current IS 0.04 A
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 15

HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9 electronic compact starters
Technical data

Safety related data

Standards IEC/EN 60947-1, IEC/EN 60947-4-2, IEC/EN 61508, IS0 13849
Safe shut down for ambient temperature 40°C … 60°C
Safety integrity level acc. to IEC 61508-1 SIL 3
Performance level Up to e
Mean time to failure (MTTF) acc. to IEC60050-191-12-07 DOLE: 43 years
ROLE: 39.3 years
Mean time to dangerous failure, motor protection 447 years
Mean time to dangerous failure, safe shutdown DOLE: 518 years
ROLE: 517 years
Failure in time Safe, detectabled λsd DOLE: 543 FIT
Safe, undetectable λsu DOLE: 852 FIT
Dangerous, detectable λdd 218 FIT
Dangerous, undetectable λdu DOLE: 2.4 FIT
ROLE: 2.67 FIT
Safe failure fraction (SFF) DOLE: 99.85%
ROLE: 99.86%
Diagnostic coverage (DC) DOLE: 98.91%
ROLE: 98.79%
Probability of dangerous failure per hour (PFH) DOLE: 2.4
ROLE: 2.67
Motor overload protection for ambient temperature 40°C … 60°C
Safety integrity level acc. to IEC 61508-1 SIL 3
Performance level Up to e
Mean time to failure (MTTF) acc. to IEC60050-191-12-07 DOLE: 43 years
ROLE: 39.3 years
Mean time to dangerous failure, safe shutdown DOLE: 518 years
ROLE: 517 years
Failure in time Safe, detectabled DOLE: 517 FIT
Safe, undetectable DOLE: 809 FIT
Dangerous, detectable 239 FIT
Dangerous, undetectable 17 FIT
Safe failure fraction (SFF) DOLE: 98.92%
ROLE: 99.03%
Diagnostic coverage DOLE: 98.91w
ROLE: 98.79%

8 – 16 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

HF0.6, HF2.4, HF9 electronic compact starters
Technical data

Connecting characteristics

Main circuit
Type HF
Connecting capacity
Rigid 1 x 2 ... 2.5 mm²
Flexible 1 x 2 ... 2.5 mm²
Flexible with ferrule 1 x 2 ... 2.5 mm²
Connecting capacity acc. to UL/CSA
Rigid 1 x 24 ... 14 AWG
Flexible 1 x 24 ... 14 AWG
Flexible with ferrule 1 x 24 ... 14 AWG
Stripping length 8 mm
Tightening torque 0.5 ... 0.6 N·m
Tightening torque UL/CSA 5 ... 7 in·lb
Terminal type Screw terminals
Recommended screw driver M3

Control circuit
Type HF
Connecting capacity
Rigid 1 x 2 ... 2.5 mm²
Flexible 1 x 2 ... 2.5 mm²
Flexible with ferrule 1 x 2 ... 2.5 mm²
Connecting capacity acc. to UL/CSA
Rigid 1 x 24 ... 14 AWG
Flexible 1 x 24 ... 14 AWG
Flexible with ferrule 1 x 24 ... 14 AWG
Stripping length 8 mm
Tightening torque 0.5 ... 0.6 N·m
Tightening torque UL/CSA 5 ... 7 in·lb
Terminal type Screw terminals
Recommended screw driver M3
C O N TA C TO R S A N D M OTO R S TA R T E R S 8 – 17



9– 2 Introduction and overview

9– 4 Fencing system


9 – 2 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Introduction and overview
Selection guide

Quick-Guard is an ABB fencing solution with endless possibilities.

Quick-Guard Standard Quick-Guard Express


Type Aluminum fencing system Aluminum fencing system

Description Custom made fence with endless Fence with few components and quick
possibilities installation

Application Fence designed and delivered according Fence sections with mesh and possibility
to drawing with mesh, solid or noise to modify on site
reduction panels

Advantage - Custom design for each machine - Fast installation

- Highly adaptable - Minimum number of components
- Mounting brackets for Jokab Safety - Cost effective
sensors - Can be cut and modified on site
- Possible to adjust angles ± 45 degrees
- Mounting brackets for Jokab Safety

Introduction and overview

The standard EN ISO 13857 gives guidance on the safety distances for fencing
systems and other fixed protective structures.
The safety distance between a fence and the hazard zone depends on the height of the fence and the height of the hazard
zone. Minimum distances can be found in tables in the standard and ranges from 0 to 1500 mm.

Minimum safety distances can also be determined by the size of openings in fences and between a fence and e.g. a wall.
Here are some important points from the standard:

- A fence with a mesh using 40x40 mm openings gives a safety distance of 200 mm. If the fence needs to be placed closer to
the hazard zone, solid panels need to be used.
- If a slot-shaped opening is more than 20 mm wide, the safety distance is 850 mm.
- Slot openings that are more than 180 mm are not permitted since some persons can slip through.

9 – 4 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Fencing system

Quick-Guard is a very flexible fencing

system used for machine enclosure
or preventing access to a hazardous

It consists of a minimum of differ-

ent components, such as aluminum
profiles, patented assembly parts,
net-locks, mesh, solid or noise reduc-
tion panels.

Thanks to our patented screw-lock

system, we can supply all brackets
pre-mounted with fixing screws and
nuts. No holes need to be drilled in the
profiles and all cuts are made straight.
This makes assembly and modifica-
tion very easy.

Easy to install Speed up your projects

Aluminum profiles Highly adaptable to various needs

Lightweight aluminum profiles allow Numerous materials and components
ergonomic assembly. give endless possibilities.

Patented screw-lock system Complete safety system

Pre-mounted brackets with fixing Quick-Guard has fittings and mount-
screws and nuts simplifies assembly ing brackets for all sensors, locks and
and modification. switches from Jokab Safety.

Simple modification

It is easy to modify an existing fence

design since the aluminum profiles are
easy to saw into different lengths.

Applications and features


Quick-Guard fencing system is designed to be used in different types of applications and can be customized to suit specific
needs. Quick-Guard can be supplied to be designed by you on site (Quick-Guard Express) or designed and cut according to
drawing (Quick-Guard standard). These two fencing system can also be combined to achieve a complete system.

Simple fencing for on site adaption Advanced enclosure with endless possibilities
Quick-Guard Express is installed quickly and cost effectively. When ordering a Quick-Guard standard fencing system, you
You order sections consisting of a few components which give us a simple sketch or AutoCAD® file of how you want
make it easy for you to install the fencing system by yourself the fencing system to look. We put this information into our
on site. A manual mesh clipping tool, for easy cutting of the AutoCAD-based software SafeCAD and design the fence in
mesh, can be ordered if needed. 3D. Cutting, component lists and quotations are generated
automatically from SafeCAD.


Patented assembly function

Our patented guide and locking method makes it simple to
assemble and dismantle the fencing system. The nut has
several advantages, it can easily be located into the profile Door opening
1. Magne
and automatically positions itself when the screw is turned Place the

90 degrees clockwise. When in this position the bracket be- magnetic lock
with or without
ing fixed can be adjusted as required and locked by turning built‑in safety
sensor Eden in
the screw further clockwise. To remove the bracket the fix- any position on
the profile
ing screw is turned counterclockwise until the nut is in line
with the profile slot.

All of our sensors, light grids, emergency stops and control

devices are easy to mount, adjust and dismount in the 2. Process lock
Fine adjust the
profile’s T‑slot thanks to our special nuts. Because we don’t process lock in
the direction
have to drill in the profile, there are no marks if you want to of the T‑slot

move a sensor or rebuild. 3. Eden

Tighten the screws to fix
the Eden sensor

SafeCAD is a plug-in program for AutoCAD that enables you
to quickly and easily customize safety solutions with our
fencing system Quick-Guard. A simple sketch of the guard-

ing system is used as the program input. The positions of 4. Safety lock
doors and hatches, choice of mesh, polycarbonate, alumi- You can easily move a
safety lock later.
num/steel sheet or noise reduction panels are typed in. The
program automatically generates 3D drawings along with
component and cutting lists. These drawings are also used
Door opening
as the basis for assembly/installation. (outwards)
9 – 6 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Ordering information
Quick-Guard Express

Express sections

Description Material Profile Width (CC) Type Order code

mm mm
Express sections height 2000
Section with one profile Mesh 44 x 44 1100 JSM E11-N20X4 2TLA040101R0200
44 x 88 1100 JSM E11-N20X8 2TLA040101R0300
1500 JSM E15-N20X8 2TLA040101R0900
Section with two profiles Mesh 44 x 88 1500 JSM E15-N20H8 2TLA040101R0800

Section without profiles (incl. Mesh - 1100 JSM E11-N20Z 2TLA040101R0400

netlocks and edge protection)
- 1500 JSM E15-N20Z 2TLA040101R1000
Door section (incl. Floorbrackets Mesh 44 x 44 / 44 x 88 1100 JSM E11-N20G 2TLA040101R0500

and netlocks)

Sliding door section (incl. Mesh 44 x 44 / 44 x 88 1100 JSM E11-N20S 2TLA040101R0600

Suspension wheels, guiding
components, floor brackets and Mesh 44 x 44 / 44 x 88 1500 JSM E15-N20S 2TLA040101R1100
JSM E11-N20G

Express sections height 2200

Section with one profile Mesh 44 x 44 1100 JSM E11-N20X4 2TLA040102R0200
44 x 88 1100 JSM E11-N20X8 2TLA040102R0300
1500 JSM E15-N22X8 2TLA040102R0800
Section without profiles (incl. Mesh - 1100 JSM E11-N22Z 2TLA040102R0400
netlocks and edge protection)
- 1500 JSM E15-N22Z 2TLA040102R0900
Door section (incl. Floorbrackets Mesh 44 x 44 / 44 x 88 1100 JSM E11-N22G 2TLA040102R0500
and netlocks)

Sliding door section (incl. Mesh 44 x 44 / 44 x 88 1100 JSM E11-N22S 2TLA040102R0600

Suspension wheels, guiding
components, floor brackets and Mesh 44 x 44 / 44 x 88 1500 JSM E15-N22S 2TLA040102R1000

JSM E15-N20Z

JSM E15-N22X8

Ordering information
Quick-Guard Express


Description Height Profile Type Order code

mm mm
Section profile incl. two floor brackets and one support 2000 44 x 44 JSM E11-20Y4 2TLA040103R2000
44 x 88 JSM E11-20Y8 2TLA040103R2100
2200 44 x 44 JSM E11-22Y4 2TLA040103R4000
44 x 88 JSM E11-22Y8 2TLA040103R4100
Emergency exit opener for conventional doors with Panic Exit Device 2TLA040033R7000
600-1270 mm openings. Suitable for both right-and left- P-1165
hand doors.
Lever handle for Panic Exit Device. Three keys are included. Lever Handle for 2TLA040033R7100
Panic Exit Device
Mounting kit for Panic Exit Device. Brackets in stainless Mounting kit for 2TLA040033R7200
steel, delivered pre-assembled. Panic Exit Device
Cable duct 44 × 25 mm with holes c-c = 500 mm JSM A25A 2TLA040037R1300
diameter = 5. Natural anodized aluminum. Length 2000 mm.
Cable duct 88 × 68 mm without holes. Natural anodized JSM A88 2TLA040037R3300
aluminum. Length 2000 mm.
JSM E11-20Y4 Cable duct 44 × 60 mm with holes c-c = 500 mm diameter JSM A60A 2TLA040037R1500
= 5. Natural anodized aluminum. Length 2000 mm.

Door closer incl. mounting components, for conventional JSM D3 2TLA040033R0200

Door closer incl. mounting components, for sliding door. JSM D19 2TLA042020R5600
Ball latch for conventional door/hatch. JSM D11B 2TLA040033R4100
Ball latch for sliding door. JSM D11C 2TLA040033R4200
Door bolt with spring for catch above the door (included). JSM D10A 2TLA040033R2100
Brackets in zinc‑plated steel, rod in stainless steel. Total
height 1130 mm.
Door bolt with spring for hole in floor. Brackets in zinc- JSM D10B 2TLA040033R3800
plated steel, rod in stainless steel. Total height 995 mm.

Cam lock including fitting. Brackets in aluminum and lock JSM D15 2TLA040033R3900
unit in black polyamide. Keys are excluded.
Key to fit JSM D15 in black zinc. JSM D16 2TLA040033R4400
Bracket for padlock hasp, zinc plated steel. Two pieces JSM D17 2TLA042020R2200
needed for one complete unit.
Special nut, M4 galvanized. JSM M4B 2TLA040035R0700
Special nut, M5 galvanized. JSM M5B 2TLA040035R0400
Special nut, M6 galvanized. JSM M6B 2TLA040035R0500
Special nut, M8 galvanized. JSM M8B 2TLA040035R0600

More information
For components and ordering information for Quick-Guard standard please see the
JSM D11B tems/quick-guard

9 – 8 S A F E T Y P R O D U C T S C ATA L O G A B B J O K A B S A F E T Y

Main components
Quick-Guard Standard

Quick-Guard Standard is a fencing system with endless possibilities. At its core are a few simple components that can
be combined in an infinite number of ways in order to create a perfect solution for each machine.

Aluminum posts of different sizes

16.5x44 44x44 44x88 88x88

All dimensions in mm

Fixings with pre-assembled screws and nuts

L-bracket T-bracket Angle fitting Floor fitting

Infill material for different purposes

Mesh Polycarbonate X-reinforced steel Noise reduction

A large selection of hatches and doors

The examples above are just a small selection of the available


components. For a complete listing of all Quick-Guard

components, please see the Product list 2TLC010019D0201

Quick-Guard Standard

Quick-Guard Standard is a fencing system with endless possibilities. Contact us with a detailed CAD-drawing of your
machine or a simple sketch of your imagined fence solution, and our experienced fence designers will help you realize the
perfect fencing solution adapted to your machine and requirements.

Below are some examples of custom made fence solutions using Quick-Guard Standard.

More information

For components and ordering information for Quick-Guard standard please see the website
We reserve the right to make technical
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document without prior notice. With
regard to purchase orders, the agreed
particulars shall prevail. ABB does not
accept any responsibility whatsoever for
potential errors or possible lack of
information in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document and

in the subject matter and illustrations
contained therein. Any reproduction,
disclosure to third parties or utilization of
its contents – in whole or in parts – is
forbidden without prior written consent
of ABB.
kab Safety
rlabergsvägen 11
Jokab Safety
-434 39Varlabergsvägen
Kungsbacka 11
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21-32 50 00
39 Kungsbacka
Tel. +46 (0) 21-32 50 00


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