Form C3 KEI Single Work Permit Key Employee Initiative Change in Emplo...
Form C3 KEI Single Work Permit Key Employee Initiative Change in Emplo...
Form C3 KEI Single Work Permit Key Employee Initiative Change in Emplo...
Address in Malta:
Post Code:
Telephone: Mobile:
I, hereby, declare that the information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that no details
that could be of direct importance during the application’s consideration have been omitted. I also declare that I shall notify Identity
Malta Agency of any change of address.
Applicant’s Signature
Employer/Company Name:
Employer’s Address
Post Code:
Telephone: Mobile:
Responsible Official:
Designation of Responsible
Job Title
I hereby confirm that I am endorsing the application for a single permit of the applicant, bearing Maltese identification number
A or Passport No. .
I am also committing myself to provide Identity Malta Agency with any relevant information on changes and events related to the
applicant’s employment contract.
I also declare, that the employment conditions related to this employment are in line with The Employment and Industrial Relations
Act and other applicable laws.
I, hereby, declare that the applicant, whose details are shown above, is residing in the address shown in PART I of the application
form, which is owned or managed by the undersigned. I also declare that I will notify Identity Malta Agency should the applicant
cease to continue residing at this address.
Name of landlord
ID.card no.
Mobile No.
Address of Landlord
Email address
Landlord’s Signature
ÿ I declare that I wish to proceed with applying for an electronic identity account.
ÿ I declare that I do not wish to proceed with applying for an electronic identity account.
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Third-country nationals who plan to change their employment must inform Identity Malta Agency.
ÿ 1. CEA Form C 3 KEI – Application for a Residence Permit (NON-EU) on the Basis of Employment filled in
BLOCK LETTERS. The employer & the applicant need to sign & date Sections 3 & 4. The Privacy Policy should be
read and signed
ÿ 2. A copy of the applicant’s passport bio-page & a copy of the valid residence card;
ÿ 3. Covering letter by the employer, explaining in detail why this position is necessary;
ÿ 4. Original employment contract signed by both the applicant & the new employer, showing a minimum
annual gross salary of €30,000;
ÿ 5. Curriculum Vitae of the applicant, according to template provided, signed by the applicant;
ÿ 7. Qualifications of the applicant relating to the job that needs to be provided, together with recognition from
the Malta Qualifications Recognitions and Information Centre (MQRIC). Where recognitions has not yet been
obtained, a copy of the receipt from MQRIC needs to be attached with the application; OR
If the applicant is not suitability qualified in the post being applied for, at least three years of experience
relating to the job are required. Reference letters must show the start and end dates and details of the work
carried out. The letters should contain clear contact details of the referee including a valid email address,
postal address and contract number:
ÿ 8. Lease of property agreement that clearly refers to the applicant. The termination date should be
specified in the lease agreement.
Once the documents are vetted & the single permit application is approved, Identity Malta Agency will send the applicant an
official approval letter & within 30 days of the dated letter, applicants would need to submit Jobsplus Termination of Employment
acknowledgement letter and the Health Screening. Annex 2 attached refers for guidance as regards documentation to be sub-
mitted in this respect to [email protected].
Note: If the employee is changing employer and keeping the same type of job within the 6 months of work permit approval, there
is no need to reapply for health screening. If the employee is changing employer and keeping the same job 6 months after work
permit is issued, the applicants needs to reapply for health screening.
Vetted by:
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Single Permit
The single permit authorizes holders to legally reside & work in Malta for a definite period, which may be renewed. The single
permit’s validity depends on the conditions laid when the permit was originally issued, including the specific employment un-
dertaken. Consequently, the permit will no longer be valid should the applicant change employer or employment.
In accordance with Subsidiary Legislation 217.17, third-country nationals may submit an application whilst either still-
abroad or legally staying in Maltese territory.
Applicants may proceed with their application for a renewal of the permit 90 days prior to the date of its expiry. It is to be
emphasised that renewal of applications may only be submitted whilst their current permit is still valid .
Change in Address
Residence Card holders who have changed their residential address must register their new address within one (1) week
& present the following documents:
i. Changes to application form;
ii. Copy of the existing Residence Card;
iii. Copy of the new property’s purchase or rental agreement; &
Applicants would need to pay an application fee of €27.50.
The single permit’s validity depends on the conditions laid when the permit was originally issued, including the specific
employment undertaken. Consequently, the permit will no longer be valid should the applicant change employment.
In the eventuality of a job termination, the employer must submit a Termination Form to Jobsplus within four (4) days of
the termination date (as per Legal Notice 426/12) & inform Identity Malta Agency on [email protected]
Failure to comply with the above, conditions may render the holder of the permit in violation of the provisions of the
Immigration Act (Cap. 217).
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By submitting this Change in Employer Form and the attachment(s) required (altogether the “Form”), you are providing Iden-
tity Malta Agency (“IMA”) with your personal data (the “Data”) and thus you become a “data subject”.
The aim of this policy is to comply with our transparency and fairness obligations under GDPR and to inform you about who will
be processing your Data, for what purpose, for how long it will be kept, with whom it will be shared and about your rights as a
data subject under GDPR.
You may submit personal data of individuals other than yourself with this Form (i.e. recommenders, witnesses, etc.). In the said
cases, informing these individuals proves impossible and would involve a disproportionate effort. Nonetheless, IMA will still take
appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of these individuals.
5. Your Rights
You can contact the Data Protection Officer in order to exercise your right to access, rectify and, as the case may be, erase the
Data, in compliance with applicable laws.
You also have the right to object to the processing of Data at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation.
If you feel that Identity Malta has infringed your data protection rights, you may submit a complaint to the supervisoryauthority
of the Member State of your habitual residence or place of work, or, alternatively, to the supervisory authority of the Member
State where the alleged infringement has taken place.
I hereby declare that I have read and understood all the contents of this form, that is, Parts I - VII, the Checklist, Notes to
Applicants and Employers and Privacy Policy.